高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and Innovation
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: The Postmodern Craving for
Creativity 3. Text B: Design Thinking
Lead-in Discussion
1)What’s the difference between Creativity and Innovation? Read the next two slides for some clues.
Lead-in Discussion
3) What’s the meaning of “think outside the box”?
In a poll, “think outside the box” has been voted Britain’s most despised business jargon. What do you think is the possible reason?
For example, ipad has attracted billions of loyal customers with its cutting-edge, user-centered design. Thanks to its creative prowess, Apple’s ipad is now a 7 billion dollar business around the world.
Part I
Radiator Springs
Radiator Springs was once a popular rest area. However, in the early 1960’s, Interstate 40 built nearby greatly decreased traffic.

Structural Analysis
Para. Para. 1-4
Main Topics
BMW’s mass customization used as a marketing device and an effective means of injecting flexibility into BMW.
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: BMW Drives Germany 3. Text B: How Mass Customization Is
Changing Our World
Case Study
❖MyMuesli, the manufacturer of cereal food, enables the users to customize a food product through online interaction.
Part I Notes
❖Fine art something requiring highly developed techniques and skills
Part II Questions about Part II
❖What’s the main idea of Part II (Para. 5-8)? ❖BMW is in some ways symbolic of German
❖Q1. What is “customization”? Do you like MyMuesli’s customizing its cereal food? Why or why not?
❖However, the company neglected robust processes of mass customization. Whenever a report on customers’ favor was published, the manufacturing capacity was insufficient. For lack of human labor mixing muesli from about 65 different categories of options by hand, the company had to turn down prospective customers by setting a daily order limit.
商务英语综合教程第一册Unit 5 Business Speech

Business Speech
1.Narrow your speech topic
Identify what you want to say, and how you would like to say it. Do this by brainstorming every point you could possibly make.
8. Don't make a speech on a topic that you are not prepared to answer questions on. Your audience will know.
9. Open with a joke only when it is appropriate, and use a tasteful joke
"Ummm..." is an example of an audible pause. When you feel the pause coming on, take a breath instead.
4. Make eye contact with your audience
Glance at the people in the back of the room as well as the front. Hold the glance for no more than five seconds.
making. 4. Use controlled breathing to calm nerves. Inhale, pause, exhale. 5. Right before your speech, clench your fists as tight as you can and
高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. What’s the function of Para. 2?
Para. 2 shows how people engaged in industrial activities perceived creativity, art and culture differently 200 years ago, that is, they were perceived as unproductive and unprofitable recreations.
a. The Apple Newton personal digital assistant promised but failed to recognize handwriting.
b. Unilever and P&G have introduced “power” washing powders to remove stains but which damaged fabrics.
Lead-in Discussion
2. Breakthrough products fail to satisfy customer needs and meet customer expectations.
A recent survey found that of hundreds of new food and beverage products introduced in the last few years in the US, 90% had failed (and were withdrawn from supermarkets within 3 months of launch).

① Theme of the unit ② Can you identify the types of the
following movies?
The theme of this unit is the role of entertainment industry in general and filmmaking in particular.
In a good drama film, the audience are able to experience what other characters are feeling and identify with someone. e.g. Little Women, Becoming Jane Austen.
Essential element: Heroism a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, e.g. life-threatening situations, or an evil villain, with victory achieved at the end after difficult physical efforts and violence. Story and character development are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights, gunplay and car chase.
1. What are the other types of movie? Can you name their characteristics?

new challenges it is now confronted
with and the internal problems it has.
Para. 18- New businesses Google is developing
Functions Advantages
blogging advertising shopping
Lead-in Million Dollar Homepage
• Click the website to get more information about Internet and our life
Lead-in Discussion 1---reference
2. For the second question, students may give their own answers but need to justify them. A good search engine should pay attention to the following factors:
• Size of data base • Freshness of information • Completeness of text • Type of documents offered • Speed and consistency • Effective display of key words Any other factors?
Unit Nine
Internet and Our Life
1. Lead-in 2.Text A: Internet and Our Life 3.Text B: Has the Internet Brought us

Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. What is the main idea of part one (Para. 13)?
In part one, the author talks about the history of development of multinational companies and then introduces their latest movement, which is to expand rapidly, especially in those emerging markets.
• Globalization brings trade cபைடு நூலகம்nflicts.
Cultural Identity
• With different cultures around the world beginning to interact, our cultural identity is changed gradually through globalization.
Outsourcing, while it provides jobs to a population in one country, takes away those jobs from another country, leaving many persons without opportunities.
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: The Empire Strikes Back 3. Text B: Disney Theme Park
A Normal Day
• Maybe your coat could have very well been made with Chinese cotton sewed by Thai hands, shipped across the Pacific on a French freighter crewed by Spaniards to Shanghai harbor. This international exchange is becoming increasingly popular.
高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 4 Information Technology

Part II
Sentence Interpretation
A rebuttal of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s much-quoted aphorism that there are no second acts in American life does not come more decisively than this. (Line 1, Para. 6)
Part I
Words and Expressions
whip up (Line 2, Para 3) deliberately cause and encourage people to feel a certain emotion 煽动, 激起 example:
• …to whip up enthusiasm • He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.
• Are you using a smart phone, such as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy? • What applications do you use most often?
• Do you think the using of smart phone has changed your life style?
Part II
Sentence Interpretation
…, his formative role in popularizing the personal computer, and Apple’s initial pubic offering on Wall Street … made him the tech industry’s first rock star. (Line 4, Para. 6)
高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 unit6 commercial litigationPPT教学课件

Case 3
• Mrs. Merv Grazinski purchased a new 32foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver’s seat to go to the back to make herself a sandwich. The motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner’s manual that she couldn’t leave the driver’s seat while cruise control was set.
Part II
Sentence Interpretation
In the worst situation, a lawyer can be perceived of as a gadfly, a Cassandra that can place a damper on the enthusiasm for a deal. (Line 6, Para. 2 )
Part I
Words and Expressions
• draft (Para. 1) n. a current of air in an enclosed area • example:
Although it is not true that getting wet or being in a draft causes a cold (a person has to come in contact with the virus to catch a cold), certain conditions such as fatigue and overwork, emotional stress, and poor nutrition may lead to increased susceptibility.

高级商务英语系列教材总主编:叶兴国王光林高级综合商务英语1主编:彭青龙(习题答案)外语教学与研究出版社Unit 1 GlobalizationLead-in1. Quiz1) B 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) A2. A Mini CaseSuggested answers:●As Zara continues to expand, it might have to open other distribution centers onother continents. Language, culture, and work relations may vary significantly from the closely-managed operation currently in place in Spain. The company may run into more specific challenges in accommodating customers‘requirements due to a lack of cultural sensitivity. Zara‘s expansion globally may pose the challenge of moving from a more centralized management style to a more global style.●Lorena needs to ensure that she has a truly international team in place withmembers from both multilingual and multicultural background; draw up a plan on how global logistics will support global expansion; start a succession plan and train new logistics managers who could be ready to take on overseas responsibilities; and encourage store managers to include suggestions on cultural specifics which may help in making the final product and brand expansion successful.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T fortrue, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) NG2.Essay Questions1)The modern multinational companies have had passed through three phases. Firstcame the 19th-century ―international model‖, with firms based in their home country and selling goods through overseas sales offices. This was followed by the classic multinational firm in which the parent company created smaller versions of itself in countries around the world. And now it has been replaced by a single integrated global entity in which the firm will move people and jobs anywhere in the world, based on the right cost, the right skills and the right business environment.2)The big attractions from emerging markets are low-cost labor, highly skilledpersonnel, and a chance to cooperate with the government as a potential customer.3)They are lacking the management talents who can practice and support businessoperating models that will allow them to generate profitable growth in more mature markets over the long term.4)The single biggest challenge facing Western multinationals is the lack ofemerging-market experience in their senior ranks. Moreover, multinationals have great trouble retaining the managers they do have in emerging markets.―Well-trained, good, honest people are scarce in emerging markets. Multinationals are better at training these people than emerging-market companies, which prefer to poach them once they are trained.‖II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) cutting-edge 2) commoditized 3) aggressive 4) forge 5) benchmark 6) blueprint 7) expatriates 8) deploy 9) ferocious 10) substantial III.Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) ―In the 97 years of the company‘s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.,‖he says excitedly, noting that ―Latin America now reports to Shanghai.‖2) But the assault on its services business led by a trio of Indian outsourcing upstarts, Tata Consulting Services, Infosys and Wipro, posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.3) In many emerging markets the most attractive potential customer is the government, because of the government‘s urgent needs to improve the infrastructure facilities in a wide range, from the mobile telephone networks to roads, airports and ports, energy and water supply.4) A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.5) American multinationals now have a ―ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board‖, but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Because of the fact that hot labor markets in emerging markets are causing extremely high turnover rates, every big multinational is aiming to win the ―war for talent‖ and taking it as one of the most urgent issues.2) It is believed that as a big multinational company it enjoys advantages in recruiting and retaining talented managers than the local competitors.3) Despite the growth of their revenue which increased on the back of China‘s continued economic growth, they could only create half of the value of their global competitors.4) No longer the ―young bucks or retirement-posing types‖as they used to be,nowadays the expatriate managers appointed by multinationals to work in emerging markets are generally of a much higher quality.5) Compared with those old multinationals, the firms in emerging markets are typically lacking the depth of management talent, though the founders are often impressive.IV.Translation1.Sentence Translation1) 这一雄心勃勃的策略是对来自新兴市场的激烈竞争做出的回应。
高级综合商务英语 彭青龙 Unit Globalization

Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. What is the meaning of “line business” (Para. 1)?
Line business or line of business, is a general term which often refers to a set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer transaction or business need.
Part I Words and Expressions
entity (Line. 13, Para. 2) n. an entity is something that exists separately from
other things and has a clear identity of its own. In business, it refers to a person, partnership, organization, or business that has a legal and separately identifiable existence.
• Globalization brings trade conflicts.
Cultural Identity
• With different cultures around the world beginning to interact, our cultural identity is changed gradually through globalization.
高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 2 Film Industry

Part II
Questions about Part II
Q1. What’s the main idea of Part II (Para. 3Para. 16)?
J.K. Rowling’s fiction not only helped to generate huge financial success for several companies involved but also created a whole industry and transformed the Hollywood.
Rival publishers began to realize that they stand no chance to compete with the firm in the area of children’s books.
Part II
Sentence Interpretation
the project appeared ‘too British for the studios but too big to be a British production.’ (Line 8, Para. 8)
• Fantasy films are films with fantastic themes, usually involving magic, supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic fantasy worlds.
The story of how Harry Potter series was discovered and later became a great success is a Cinderella kind of story – at first things of great value was overlooked, then the chance of discovery came and eventually it received the fame and wealth it deserved.
高级综合商务英语1 Unit 10 career planning 彭青龙

Study the following personality models and then discuss with your partner about your personalities and the types of jobs you each may fit.
A person with a personality not suited to the job will perform far worse than a well-suited person. Put an introvert in a job that requires constant communication, and you might be looking at someone that performs poorly on a day-to-day basis. Other fields, such as creative and design fields, need to be occupied by people with an aptitude for inventiveness. Mismatches can produce poor job performance and ultimately lead to alternative career choices.
Part I
Questions about Part I
Q1. What’s the main idea of Part I (Para. 1-5)?
Alan and Karl hesitated at which run to take for their skiing as there were many of them, with each offering different opportunity and views, indicating the difficult decision Alan needed to make about the next stage of his career.
商务英语综合教程第一册Unit 5

9. Open with a joke only when it is appropriate, and use a tasteful joke
Text Analysis
1. Because you will learn a tremendous amount about investments, you all have the ability to do well. 因为你们会学到大量关于投资 的知识,你们都足够聪明,有这个能力取得成功。
6. Suspend disbelief. During your speech, pretend that you are the expert on your topic.
7. Don't picture people naked to control nerves. You could get a case of the giggles.
intended to solve a problem. (重要的) 法案; 倡议 例:Local initiatives to help young people have been inadequate. 当地对年轻人的扶助法案一直不够完善。 2. N-SING In a fight or contest, if you have the initiative, you are in a better position than your opponents to decide what to do next. 主动 权,首创精神 例: We have the initiative; we intend to keep it. 我们拥有主动权;我们想要保持主动权。

Lead-in Discussion
Study the following personality models and then discuss with your partner about your personalities and the types of jobs you each may fit.
Lead-in Hints
Success isn’t always about matching a job to a personality; it can also result from the personality opening up more opportunities in the work force -- often through effective networking. Extroverts tend to have a much larger network than introverts, affecting the number of external connections they have to the work force. This will place them at a distinct advantage if it means they wind up with more occupational choices.
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Lead-in Innovative Inventions
Selfperfuming business suit
Alarm clock that runs away from you
Lead-in Innovative Inventio
For example, ipad has attracted billions of loyal customers with its cutting-edge, user-centered design. Thanks to its creative prowess, Apple’s ipad is now a 7 billion dollar business around the world.
Lead-in Discussion
2. Breakthrough products fail to satisfy customer needs and meet customer expectations.
A recent survey found that of hundreds of new food and beverage products introduced in the last few years in the US, 90% had failed (and were withdrawn from supermarkets within 3 months of launch).
Part I Questions about Part I
Q2. Why does the author mention Cars at the beginning of the text?
Read the Notes about Pixar and Radiator Springs.
Part I
Part I
Radiator Springs
Radiator Springs was once a popular rest area. However, in the early 1960’s, Interstate 40 built nearby greatly decreased traffic.
Libraries offer lots of diversions, learning and comfort for young minds.
Part I Words and Expressions
paradigm (Para. 4) n. an example serving as pattern or model synonyms: standard, paragon example:
Part I Words and Expressions
diversion (Para. 2) n. something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains synonyms: recreation, entertainment example:
Lead-in Discussion
★ What is innovation?
Lead-in Discussion
2) How can breakthrough products avoid failure?
• Many managers want their organizations to develop breakthrough products and ask their R&D departments to come up with the equivalent of the iPod or iPhone.
There is growing recognition that creativity which used to be considered diversion or decoration has now become a driving force of economy, infusing energy to people and businesses.
Part I Sentence Interpretation
200 years ago, creativity, art and culture were considered diversions for those engaged in industrial activity: unproductive recreations offering no more value than a little R&R. (Line 1, Para. 2 )
• Unfortunately, the reality is that product failure is more common than success. What are the reasons for product failure?
Lead-in Discussion
1. Breakthrough products sometimes fail because they do not function correctly.
Lead-in Discussion
★ What is creativity?
“...to raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle...”
----- Albert Einstein
Lead-in Million Dollar Homepage
• Click the website to open the Million Dollar Homepage.
• liondollarh /
• Do you like this business idea of Alex Tew? Why or why not?
Part I Questions about Part I
• In the movie, Radiator Springs springing to life celebrates American car culture.
• In the article, Radiator Springs symbolizes those irresistible brands which are thriving thanks to an insatiable appetite for creativity and a questing spirit for change.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. What’s the function of Para. 2?
Para. 2 shows how people engaged in industrial activities perceived creativity, art and culture differently 200 years ago, that is, they were perceived as unproductive and unprofitable recreations.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q4. In Para. 3, the author says “Today there is growing recognition that creativity…more than just decorative.” Do you think so? Can you illustrate your idea with some examples?
Unit Five
Creativity and Innovation
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: The Postmodern Craving for
Creativity 3. Text B: Design Thinking
Lead-in Discussion
1)What’s the difference between Creativity and Innovation? Read the next two slides for some clues.
Gross national happiness index is a new concept in economic thinking aimed at replacing the western paradigm of economic productivity and well-being.
200 years ago, creativity, art and culture offered simply a little Rest and Recreation (R&R) rather than create much industrial value. Renoir or Rodin, the names of popular French artists, are deliberately chosen to rhyme with R&R to achieve a sonorous effect.
Disney’s Pixar has a magical way of not only touching the hearts of children, but also the hearts of adults through its animated movie Cars.
Structural Analysis
Main Topics
Para. 1-4 The evolution of people’s perception about creativity in industrial and commercial sectors.