
智能交通系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Traffic Assignment Forecast Model Research in ITS IntroductionThe intelligent transportation system (ITS) develops rapidly along with the city sustainable development, the digital city construction and the development of transportation. One of the main functions of the ITS is to improve transportation environment and alleviate the transportation jam, the most effective method to gain the aim is to forecast the traffic volume of the local network and the important nodes exactly with GIS function of path analysis and correlation mathematic methods, and this will lead a better planning of the traffic network. Traffic assignment forecast is an important phase of traffic volume forecast. It will assign the forecasted traffic to every way in the traffic sector. If the traffic volume of certain road is too big, which would bring on traffic jam, planners must consider the adoption of new roads or improving existing roads to alleviate the traffic congestion situation. This study attempts to present an improved traffic assignment forecast model, MPCC, based on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of classic traffic assignment forecast models, and test the validity of the improved model in practice.1 Analysis of classic models1.1 Shortcut traffic assignmentShortcut traffic assignment is a static traffic assignment method. In this method, the traffic load impact in the vehicles’ travel is not considered, and the traffic impedance (travel time) is a constant. The traffic volume of every origination-destination couple will be assigned to the shortcut between the origination and destination, while the traffic volume of other roads in this sector is null. This assignment method has the advantage of simple calculation; however, uneven distribution of the traffic volume is its obvious shortcoming. Using this assignment method, the assignment traffic volume will be concentrated on the shortcut, which isobviously not realistic. However, shortcut traffic assignment is the basis of all theother traffic assignment methods.1.2 Multi-ways probability assignmentIn reality, travelers always want to choose the shortcut to the destination, whichis called the shortcut factor; however, as the complexity of the traffic network, thepath chosen may not necessarily be the shortcut, which is called the random factor.Although every traveler hopes to follow the shortcut, there are some whose choice isnot the shortcut in fact. The shorter the path is, the greater the probability of beingchosen is; the longer the path is, the smaller the probability of being chosen is.Therefore, the multi-ways probability assignment model is guided by the LOGIT model:∑---=n j ii i F F p 1)exp()exp(θθ (1)Where i p is the probability of the path section i; i F is the travel time of thepath section i; θ is the transport decision parameter, which is calculated by the followprinciple: firstly, calculate the i p with different θ (from 0 to 1), then find the θwhich makes i p the most proximate to the actual i p .The shortcut factor and the random factor is considered in multi-ways probabilityassignment, therefore, the assignment result is more reasonable, but the relationshipbetween traffic impedance and traffic load and road capacity is not considered in thismethod, which leads to the assignment result is imprecise in more crowded trafficnetwork. We attempt to improve the accuracy through integrating the several elements above in one model-MPCC.2 Multi-ways probability and capacity constraint model2.1 Rational path aggregateIn order to make the improved model more reasonable in the application, theconcept of rational path aggregate has been proposed. The rational path aggregate,which is the foundation of MPCC model, constrains the calculation scope. Rationalpath aggregate refers to the aggregate of paths between starts and ends of the trafficsector, defined by inner nodes ascertained by the following rules: the distancebetween the next inner node and the start can not be shorter than the distance betweenthe current one and the start; at the same time, the distance between the next innernode and the end can not be longer than the distance between the current one and theend. The multi-ways probability assignment model will be only used in the rationalpath aggregate to assign the forecast traffic volume, and this will greatly enhance theapplicability of this model.2.2 Model assumption1) Traffic impedance is not a constant. It is decided by the vehicle characteristicand the current traffic situation.2) The traffic impedance which travelers estimate is random and imprecise.3) Every traveler chooses the path from respective rational path aggregate.Based on the assumptions above, we can use the MPCC model to assign thetraffic volume in the sector of origination-destination couples.2.3 Calculation of path traffic impedanceActually, travelers have different understanding to path traffic impedance, butgenerally, the travel cost, which is mainly made up of forecast travel time, travellength and forecast travel outlay, is considered the traffic impedance. Eq. (2) displaysthis relationship. a a a a F L T C γβα++= (2)Where a C is the traffic impedance of the path section a; a T is the forecast traveltime of the path section a; a L is the travel length of the path section a; a F is theforecast travel outlay of the path section a; α, β, γ are the weight value of that threeelements which impact the traffic impedance. For a certain path section, there aredifferent α, β and γ value for different vehicles. We can get the weighted average of α,β and γ of each path section from the statistic percent of each type of vehicle in thepath section.2.4 Chosen probability in MPCCActually, travelers always want to follow the best path (broad sense shortcut), butbecause of the impact of random factor, travelers just can choose the path which is ofthe smallest traffic impedance they estimate by themselves. It is the key point ofMPCC. According to the random utility theory of economics, if traffic impedance is considered as the negativeutility, the chosen probability rs p of origination-destinationpoints couple (r, s) should follow LOGIT model:∑---=n j jrs rs bC bC p 1)exp()exp( (3) where rs p is the chosen probability of the pathsection (r, s);rs C is the traffic impedance of the path sect-ion (r, s); j C is the trafficimpedance of each path section in the forecast traffic sector; b reflects the travelers’cognition to the traffic impedance of paths in the traffic sector, which has reverseratio to its deviation. If b → ∞ , the deviation of understanding extent of trafficimpedance approaches to 0. In this case, all the travelers will follow the path whichis of the smallest traffic impedance, which equals to the assignment results withShortcut Traffic Assignment. Contrarily, if b → 0, travelers ’ understanding error approaches infinity. In this case, the paths travelers choose are scattered. There is anobjection that b is of dimension in Eq.(3). Because the deviation of b should beknown before, it is difficult to determine the value of b. Therefore, Eq.(3) is improvedas follows:∑---=n j OD j OD rsrs C bC C bC p 1)exp()exp(,∑-=n j j OD C n C 11(4) Where OD C is the average of the traffic impedance of all the as-signed paths; bwhich is of no dimension, just has relationship to the rational path aggregate, ratherthan the traffic impedance. According to actual observation, the range of b which is anexperience value is generally between 3.00 to 4.00. For the more crowded cityinternal roads, b is normally between 3.00 and Flow of MPCCMPCC model combines the idea of multi-ways probability assignment anditerative capacity constraint traffic assignment.Firstly, we can get the geometric information of the road network and OD trafficvolume from related data. Then we determine the rational path aggregate with themethod which is explained in Section 2.1.Secondly, we can calculate the traffic impedance of each path section with Eq.(2),Fig.1 Flowchart of MPCC which is expatiated in Section 2.3.Thirdly, on the foundation of the traffic impedance of each path section, we cancalculate the respective forecast traffic volume of every path section with improvedLOGIT model (Eq.(4)) in Section 2.4, which is the key point of MPCC.Fourthly, through the calculation processabove, we can get the chosen probability andforecast traffic volume of each path section, but itis not the end. We must recalculate the trafficimpedance again in the new traffic volumesituation. As is shown in Fig.1, because of theconsideration of the relationship between trafficimpedance and traffic load, the traffic impedanceand forecast assignment traffic volume of everypath will be continually amended. Using therelationship model between average speed andtraffic volume, we can calculate the travel timeand the traffic impedance of certain path sect-ionunder different traffic volume situation. For theroads with different technical levels, therelationship models between average speeds totraffic volume are as follows: 1) Highway: 1082.049.179AN V = (5) 2) Level 1 Roads: 11433.084.155AN V = (6) 3) Level 2 Roads: V = (7) 4) Level 3 Roads: V = (8) 5) Level 4 Roads: 0988.05.70A N V =(9) Where V is the average speed of the path section; A N is the traffic volume of thepath section.At the end, we can repeat assigning traffic volume of path sections with themethod in previous step, which is the idea of iterative capacity constraint assignment,until the traffic volume of every path section is stable.译文智能交通交通量分配预测模型介绍随着城市的可持续化发展、数字化城市的建设以及交通运输业的发展,智能交通系统(ITS)的发展越来越快。

4.4 模拟车辆终端运行效果
5 模拟手机客户端系统设计与实现
5.1 模拟手机客户端界面模块
模拟手机客户端一共有四个功能板块,分别为“登录界面(login interface)”、“线路选择(Line selection)”、“站点选择(Site selection)”、“状态选择(State selection)”,与模拟车辆终端 所不同的是,用户在选择完线路和站点后,即可跳转到地图,地图 上显示线路信息及车辆位置,系统将计算出最近的公交到达用户所 选站点的预估时间,并且显示车辆终端及手机客户端所发布的道路 交通状况,用户即可按照预估时间及实时更新的车辆位置,确定自 己出门乘坐公交的时间。而在手机客户端的状态选择中,也有四个 模块,分别为“重度拥堵(State1)”、“中度拥堵(State2)”、“轻 度拥堵(State3)”、“道路顺畅(State4)”,与模拟车辆终端相同,
2.2 系统功能
系统设计的期望功能为为使用者提供查询车辆的位置、站台信 息、发车时刻以及道路交通状况。系统的主要运行方式是:手机客 户端和模拟车辆终端向后台服务器发出的请求,后台服务器实时更 改数据库中的数据,并根据手机客户端上的请求向手机客户端反馈 信息。
3 模拟后台服务器设计
模拟后台服务器为该城市公交实时查询系统的核心,它存储着 所有信息,并担任信息更新的工作,模拟车辆终端和模拟手机客户 端的信息都将存储在这一数据库中,由它实现信息的交互与更新。 因此,模拟后台服务器的设计至关重要。模拟后台服务器的主界面 为系统后台界面,管理员登录账号后,通过点击“添加路线”、“删 除路线”、“更改路线”等,即可使用相应功能,添加或修改删除 公交线路。模拟后台服务器是一个电脑上的一个 Java 应用程序, 后面维护着一个大的总数据库,而这一数据库下是每一条公交线路 的数据,可以称之为小数据库,数据库中的数据将根据车辆终端及 手机客户端所反应的信息不断进行更新,从而实现系统的城市实时 公交查询功能。在应用投入使用前期,城市实时公交查询系统的管 理员要尽可能完善地导入城市公交地线路信息,为用户提供全面准 确地服务。

HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计(论文)设计论文题目:基于Android平台的实时公交查询系统学生姓名:唐鹏学生学号:20112601608专业班级:软件工程11级6班学院名称:信息科学与工程学院指导老师:王涛学院院长:李仁发2015 年 5 月30基于Android平台的实时公交查询系统摘要目前公交已经成为了城市必不可缺交通工具,丰富交错的公交车线路网络让人们的出行,上下班获得了巨大的方便和实惠。
关键词:Java;手机公交查询;Android;SQLiteReal-time Public Transportation Query SystemBased on Android platformAbstractCurrently the bus has become indispensable urban transport, rich staggered bus line network to let people travel, commuting was a great convenience and benefits. However, since the bus lines are complex, but more a lack of sources of information, making it difficult to easily obtain accurate public information, so some people will have to travel a certain impact. With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has been integrated into millions of homes, as they bring a lot of convenience.In today's era of 4G smart phones will become the travelers navigate, good information inquiry terminal. This paper will examine the needs of real-time status of city bus routes and passengers, is designed to help travelers anywhere quickly choose the right car lines. The way to achieve through the Android platform design the appropriate solutions to make the system to run on Android mobile client. The basic idea of real-time analysis of the flow of information is on the road to uniquely identify, time, location of property for statistical analysis to identify everyone on the roads every day flow pattern within a specific time, in order to infer the arrival time of the bus, and displayed in the phone app as a passenger waiting basis, in order to achieve "real time." To accomplish this the development of applications to C / S as a development mode, we need to develop a client user interface, data acquisition and analysis process, and based on B / S structure of the back office systems.Keywords: Java; Mobile and querying traffic; Android; SQLite.目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 研究内容 (1)1.3 工作内容 (2)第二章需求分析与概要设计 (2)2.1 需求分析 (2)2.1.1 总体需求分析 (2)2.1.2 系统数据库需求分析 (2)2.1.3 服务器端需求分析 (2)2.1.4 客户端需求分析 (3)2.1.5 开发环境及工具需求分析 (4)2.2 概要设计 (5)2.2.1 开发流程 (5)2.2.2 系统数据流图 (5)第三章模式设计 (7)3.1 C/S模式简介 (7)3.2 B/S模式简介 (7)3.3 B/S-C/S模式 (8)3.3.1 B/S-C/S模式定义 (8)3.3.2 B/S-C/S模式特点 (9)第四章数据库设计 (11)4.1 数据库结构 (11)4.2 服务器数据库设计 (11)4.2.1 Oracle简介 (11)4.2.2 数据库设计 (12)4.3 客户端数据库设计 (14)4.3.1 SQLite简介 (14)4.3.2 数据库设计 (15)第五章服务器端详细设计 (18)5.1 后台管理模式 (18)5.2 查询简析 (19)5.2.1 线路查询 (20)5.2.2 站点查询 (20)5.2.3 用户轨迹 (21)5.2.4 用户管理 (21)5.3 数据库同步 (22)5.3.1 Servlet (22)5.3.2 DAO (22)第六章客户端详细设计 (23)6.1 简述 (23)6.2 什么是Android (23)6.3 Android系统架构简介 (24)6.3.1 应用程序(APPLICATIONS) (24)6.3.2 应用程序框架(APPLICA TION FRAMEWORK) (24)6.3.3 Android 运行时(RUNTIME) (25)6.3.4 系统库(LIBRARIES) (25)6.3.5 Linux (25)6.4 实现客户端数据库 (26)6.4.1 SQL语言 (26)6.4.2 创建数据库 (26)6.4.3 客户端数据库操作 (27)6.5 客户端功能模块实现 (28)6.5.1 用户登录注册 (28)6.5.2 换乘、线路、站点查询(离线模式) (28)6.5.3 换乘查询(在线模式) (30)6.5.4 数据下载 (31)6.5.5 选择城市 (32)第七章结论 (34)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)第一章绪论1.1 课题背景随着我国社会经济、科技的高速发展,城市规模的扩大,人们上班、上学、出游等活动量也随之增长,导致部分城市严重拥堵,比如上海、北京、深圳这样的大城市,公交线路系统庞大,车辆众多,交通拥堵不断加剧,给出行带来诸多不便。

三、系统架构与技术选型1. 系统架构:本系统采用客户端-服务器架构,其中客户端基于Android平台开发,服务器端负责数据的存储、处理与传输。
2. 技术选型:(1)前端:采用Android Studio开发环境,使用Java或Kotlin语言进行开发,利用Android SDK提供的一系列API进行界面设计与交互。
(2)后端:采用Spring Boot框架进行服务器端开发,使用MySQL或MongoDB等数据库存储数据。
四、系统功能与特点1. 功能:(1)实时公交查询:用户可查询公交线路、车辆到站时间等信息。
2. 特点:(1)实时性:系统可实时更新公交信息,确保用户获取最新数据。

二、系统需求分析1. 用户需求:用户需要能够快速查询公交线路、站点信息,实时查看公交车到站时间,以及进行路线规划等。
2. 功能需求:系统应具备实时更新公交数据、提供准确的到站时间预测、支持离线地图和在线地图、具备多语言支持等功能。
3. 性能需求:系统应具有高可用性、高稳定性、响应速度快等特点。
三、系统设计1. 平台选择:Android平台因其开放性、兼容性和广泛的用户基础成为首选。
2. 技术架构:采用MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构,实现业务逻辑与界面展示的分离,便于后期维护和扩展。
3. 数据库设计:采用SQLite数据库,存储公交线路、站点、实时数据等信息。
4. 界面设计:界面简洁明了,操作便捷,支持多语言切换。
四、系统功能实现1. 公交线路和站点查询:用户可输入线路号或站点名,系统返回相关线路和站点的详细信息。
2. 实时到站时间预测:系统根据实时公交数据,为用户提供公交车到站时间预测。
3. 离线地图与在线地图:支持离线地图下载,方便用户在无网络环境下使用;同时提供在线地图功能,方便用户查看实时交通状况。
4. 路线规划:系统支持多种出行方式的路线规划,包括公交、步行、骑行等。
5. 用户交互功能:支持用户评论、反馈、报修等功能,提高用户体验。
五、系统测试与优化1. 测试:对系统进行功能测试、性能测试和兼容性测试,确保系统稳定可靠。
2. 优化:针对测试中发现的问题进行优化,提高系统的性能和用户体验。
六、安全性与隐私保护1. 数据安全:对用户数据和公交数据进行加密存储和传输,确保数据安全。


关键词:Java;手机公交线路查询;B/S-C/S结构;AbstractWith the level of people’s life improving,going out by bus become a necessa ry part of daily life.And the traffic line to destination should be known everytime.The software of Mobile and querying traffic line become more and more important nowadays gradually.Its contains server and client,server and client have its own database,client gets information by synchronizing database from server.It satifies users requirements of getting information from locale database and obtaining information from internet,it also can be used without the help of server.With this Mobile and querying traffic line software,user can update data in time and check There is a management software in server,facilitate administrator to manage server. Mobile and querying traffic line software suits for B/S-C/S structure. Keywords:Java; Mobile and querying traffic line; B/S-C/S structure.目录第一章引言 (1)第二章需求分析与概要设计 (2)2.1需求分析 (2)2.1.1 服务器端需求分析 (2)2.1.2 客户端需求分析 (2)2.1.3 开发环境及工具需求分析 (3)2.2 概要设计 (4)2.2.1 开发流程 (4)2.2.2 系统数据流图 (4)第三章模式设计 (5)3.1 C/S模式简介 (5)3.2 B/S模式简介 (5)3.3 B/S-C/S模式 (6)3.3.1 B/S-C/S模式定义 (6)3.3.2 B/S-C/S模式特点 (7)第四章数据库设计 (8)4.1 数据库结构 (8)4.2 服务器数据库设计: (8)4.3 客户端数据库设计: (10)4.3.1 SQLite简介 (10)4.3.2 数据库设计 (10)第五章服务器端详细设计 (12)5.1 后台管理模式 (12)5.2 查询简析 (18)5.2.1线路查询 (18)5.2.2站点查询 (18)5.3 数据库同步 (19)5.3.1 Servlet (19)5.3.2 DAO (19)5.3.3 XML (19)第六章客户端详细设计 (21)6.1 简述 (21)6.2 什么是Android (21)6.3 Android系统架构简介 (21)6.3.1 应用程序(APPLICATIONS) (22)6.3.2 应用程序框架(APPLICATIONFRAMEWORK) (22)6.3.3 Android 运行时(RUNTIME) (23)6.3.4 系统库(LIBRARIES) (23)6.3.5 Linux (23)6.4 实现客户端数据库 (23)6.4.1 SQL语言 (23)6.4.2 创建数据库 (24)6.4.3 客户端数据库操作 (24)6.5 客户端功能模块实现 (26)6.5.1 线路查询 (26)6.5.2 地图功能 (27)6.5.3 数据更新 (29)6.5.4 意见反馈 (30)第七章结论 (31)参考文献 (32)致谢 (33)附录A 数据库更新语句 (34)附录B 线路和站点查询代码 (35)附录C 票价和发车时间查询代码 (47)第一章引言随着因特网发展的日新月异,人们利用网络实现资源共享以及协同工作越来越成为时代的潮流,使用各种网上的软件方便生活,已经成为了一个不可扭转的趋势。

北京联合大学毕业设计外文原文及译文题目:基于物联网的智能交通控制系统设计专业: 电子信息工程指导教师:杜欣冯艳娜学院:师范学院学号: 2010020305106班级: 师范电子1101B 姓名:任国翠一、外文原文Internet of Things1。
the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as:the IOT。
Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology,real-time acquisition of any monitoring,connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat,electricity,mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things,objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes,identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing,ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet。


智慧公交简单介绍英文作文英文:Smart public transportation, also known as intelligent transportation systems (ITS), is a system that uses advanced technologies to improve the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of public transportation. This includes the use of real-time data collection and analysis, automated fare collection, and intelligent traffic management systems.One example of smart public transportation is the use of smart cards for fare payment. Instead of carrying cash or purchasing individual tickets, passengers can use a smart card to pay for their fares. This not only saves time and reduces the need for paper tickets, but it also allows for easier fare integration between different modes of transportation.Another example is the use of real-time data to improvebus routes and schedules. By collecting data on passenger demand and traffic patterns, transportation authorities can adjust routes and schedules to better meet the needs of passengers and reduce congestion on the roads.Overall, smart public transportation is a promising solution to the challenges faced by traditional public transportation systems. By leveraging advanced technologies, we can create a more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation system that benefits everyone.中文:智慧公交,也称为智能交通系统(ITS),是一种利用先进技术提高公共交通效率、安全性和可持续性的系统。
智慧停车系统翻译英文设计方案 (2)

智慧停车系统翻译英文设计方案Smart Parking System Design Proposal1. IntroductionThe purpose of this design proposal is to outline the key features and functionality of a smart parking system. This system aims to utilize technology to efficiently and effectively manage parking spaces, improve traffic flow, and enhance the overall parking experience for users. The proposed system incorporates various components such as sensors, mobile applications, and data analysis tools to achieve these objectives.2. System ArchitectureThe smart parking system consists of three main components: parking sensors, a central control unit, and a mobile application. The parking sensors are installed at each parking space to detect the presence of a vehicle. These sensors communicate with the central control unit, which processes the data received from the sensors and provides real-time information to the users through the mobile application.3. Parking Space DetectionThe parking sensors are responsible for accurately detecting the presence or absence of vehicles in each parking space. They utilize technologies such as infrared or ultrasonic sensors to detect the presence of a vehicle. These sensors are installed at a suitable height and angle to ensure accurate detection. This information is then relayed to the central control unit for further processing.4. Real-time Parking Availability InformationThe central control unit collects and analyzes the data from the parking sensors to determine the availability of parking spaces. This information is then communicated in real-time to the users through the mobile application. Users can access this information before reaching the parking lot and can easily find available parking spaces, saving time and reducing frustration.5. Navigation and GuidanceThe mobile application provides navigation and guidance features to help users find available parking spaces within the parking lot. Once a user selects a parking space, the application provides turn-by-turn directions to guide them to the designated parkingspace. This feature ensures efficient usage of parking spaces and minimizes the time taken to find a parking spot.6. Reservation SystemTo further enhance the user experience, the smart parking system includes a reservation feature. Users can reserve a parking space in advance through the mobile application. This feature is especially useful in busy areas where parking spaces are limited. Users can reserve a parking space for a specific time slot, ensuring they have a guaranteed spot upon arrival.7. Payment IntegrationThe smart parking system integrates payment options within the mobile application. Users can pay for their parking session using various payment methods such as credit/debit cards or mobile payment platforms. This eliminates the need for physical payment at parking meters and provides a convenient and seamless payment experience for the users.8. Data Analysis and StatisticsThe central control unit collects data from the parking sensors and stores it for further analysis. This data can provide valuable insights into parkingpatterns, occupancy rates, and peak hours. By analyzing this data, parking lot operators can optimize parking space allocation, allocate resources more effectively, and identify areas for improvement. They can also generate reports and statistics to monitor the performance of the parking system over time.9. Security and PrivacyThe smart parking system considers the security and privacy of users' personal information. All data transmission between the sensors, central control unit, and mobile application is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. User information is securely stored and managed in compliance with privacy regulations. Additionally, the system includes surveillance cameras and security measures to ensure the safety of the parking lot and its users.10. ConclusionThe proposed smart parking system aims to revolutionize the traditional parking experience by utilizing technology to provide real-time parking availability information, navigation and guidance, and reservation features. The integration of payment options, data analysis tools, and security measuresenhances the overall efficiency, convenience, and security of the parking system. Implementing this system will greatly improve the parking experience for users and provide valuable insights for parking lot operators.。

三、系统功能1. 实时查询:用户可以通过输入起点和终点,查询最优公交线路,并实时显示车辆到站时间。
2. 路线规划:系统根据用户输入的起点和终点,自动规划最优公交线路,并提供多种出行方案供用户选择。
3. 站点导航:系统支持定位功能,用户可查看附近站点和线路,方便快速找到乘车地点。
4. 消息推送:系统支持实时推送公交到站、线路调整等消息,让用户随时掌握公交动态。
5. 用户交互:系统支持用户评论、反馈等功能,以便开发团队及时了解用户需求,优化系统功能。
四、技术实现1. 开发环境:基于Android Studio开发环境进行开发,采用Java或Kotlin编程语言。
2. 数据源:系统整合了各大公交公司的数据资源,通过API 接口实现数据实时更新和同步。
3. 界面设计:系统采用简洁、直观的界面设计,使用户操作更加便捷。
4. 模块化设计:系统采用模块化设计,方便后期维护和升级。
五、优势特点1. 实时性:基于大数据技术,实时更新公交数据资源,确保信息的准确性和实时性。
2. 便捷性:用户可通过手机随时随地查询公交信息,无需前往公交站牌或咨询工作人员。

智能城市交通系统外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)A Multiagent System for Optimizing Urban TrafficJohn France and Ali A. GhorbaniFaculty of Computer ScienceUniversity of New BrunswickFredericton, NB, E3B 5A3, CanadaAbstractFor the purposes of managing an urban traffic system, a hierarchical multiagent system that consists of several locally operating agents each representing an intersection of a traffic system is proposed. Local Traffic Agents (LTAs) are concerned with the optimal performance of their assigned intersection; however, the resulting traffic light patterns may result in the failure of the system when examined at a global level. Therefore, supervision is required and achieved with the use of a Coordinator Traffic Agent (CTA).A CTA provides a means by which the optimal local light pattern can be compared against the global concerns. The pattern can then be slightly modified to accommodate the global environment, while maintaining the local concerns of the intersection.Functionality of the proposed system is examined using two traffic scenarios: traffic accident and morning rush hour. For both scenarios, the proposed multiagent system efficiently managed the gradual congestion of the traffic.1 IntroductionThe 20th century witnessed the worldwide adoption of the automobile as a primary mode of transportation. Coupled with an expanding population, present-day traffic networks are unable to efficiently handle the daily movements of traffic through urban areas. Improvements to road networks are often confined by the boundaries of existing structures. Therefore, the primary focus should be to improve traffic flow without changing the layout or structure of the existing roadways. Any solution to traffic problem must handle three basic criteria, including: dynamically changing traffic patterns, occurrence of unpredictable events, and a non-finite based traffic environment [2]. Multiagent systems provide possible solutions to this problem, while meeting all necessary criteria. Agents are expected to work within a real-time, non-terminating environment. As well, agents can handle dynamically occurring events and may posses several processes to recognize and handle a variety of traffic patterns [3, 5].Although several approaches to developing a multiagent traffic system have been studied, each stresses the importance of finding a balance between the desires of the local optimum against a maintained average at the global level [4]. Unfortunately, systems developed to only examine and optimize local events do not guarantee a global balance[6]. However, local agents are fully capable of determining their own local optimum. Therefore, a more powerful approach involves the creation of a hierarchical structure in which a higher-level agent monitors the local agents, and is able to modify the local optimum to better suit the global concerns [7].The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 examines the problems of urban traffic. The design of a hierarchical multiagent model is given in Section 3. The experimental results are presented in Section 4. Finally, the conclusions of the present study are summarized in Section 5.2 Urban Traffic CongestionImprovements to urban traffic congestion must focus on reducing internal bottlenecks to the network, rather than replacing the network itself. Of primary concern is the optimization of the traffic lights, which regulate the movement of traffic through the various intersections within the environment. At present, traffic lights may possess sensors to provide basic information relating to their immediate environment. This includes road and clock sensors, measuring the presence and density of traffic and providing the time of day to the traffic light.A solution to the urban traffic problem using agents is to simply replace all decision-making objects within the system by a corresponding agent. Even the most basic system will consist of several agents, leading to the creation of a multiagent environment. In this case, the traffic environment is broken down into its fundamental components, with one agent for each of the traffic lights within the system. To maintain organization and cooperation between the Local Traffic Agents (LTA), a Coordinator Traffic Agent (CTA) exists to monitor global concerns and maintain order.3 Hierarchical Multiagent Model for Urban TrafficTo achieve a balance between the local and global aspects of an urban traffic system, a multiagent system based on a hierarchical architecture is proposed. LTAs and CTAs make up the fundamental levels of the hierarchy, in which the LTAs meet the needs of the specific intersection, and the CTAs determine if the chosen patterns of a LTA are suited to meet any global concerns. A solitary Global Traffic Agent (GTA) may exist for networks of sufficient size, and an Information Traffic Agent (ITA) provides a central location for the storage of all shared information within the system. For each agent, the variables necessary to organize and maintain the hierarchy are listed.The development of this system, in which several LTAs work under the guidance of a single CTA, represents the backbone to a hierarchical structure of agents within the system. The CTA provides the bonds between itself and the LTAs of the system, requiring that the CTA store a list of the neighboring intersections for each of the LTAs. However, the computational capabilities of a single CTA are limited, and a road network of sufficient size may require the use of multiple CTAs to handle all of the LTAs within the system. In this circumstance, the network will be subdivided into regions controlled by a single CTA, with a top-level Global Traffic Agent (GTA) linking the CTAs together. The GTA is an optional agent, existing only if the network is sufficiently large that it is required.A LTA interacts at a global level by sending a message containing the calculated optimal local light pattern to its supervising CTA. The CTA will find the appropriate neighboring intersections, and then determine what the global optimum for the handled LTA will be. To calculate the global optimum, the CTA will require all information relating to each of the neighboring intersection. The CTA will request the information from the ITA by providing a list of the intersections the CTA is concerned with. Once this information is retrieved, a CTA calculates the global optimum and determines if a variance exists between the local and global traffic light patterns. If a significant difference is found, a balance between the local and global optimums must be negotiated, and then returned to the LTA.4 ImplementationThe proposed urban traffic multiagent system has been implemented using the JACK Development Environment, utilizing JACK Intelligent Agents TM.JACK uses the Belief Desire Intention (BDI) model. Under this framework,“the agent pursues its given goals (desires), adopting appropriate plans (intentions) according to its current set of data (beliefs) about the state of the world.”[1]. Agents created under the JACK environment are event-driven, and can respond to internal or external events occurring within the systemThe first phase of implementing the multiagent system involves the creation of LTAs. Each ofthese agents are tailored to meet the requirements of its corresponding intersection.For the purposes of this project, the traffic network consists of six intersections. Each intersection consists of two roads crossing over one another. Each approaching road posses two lanes, a left-turning lane, and a straight/rightturning lane.The decision-making capabilities of the LTAs is developed in the second phase. The first round of decisions by a LTA are concerned with finding the local optimum, with no consideration for neighboring intersections. A basic expert system divides the sensor inputs into a corresponding light pattern. The resulting light pattern consists of an eight-element array, which can be broken down into two elements for each of the North, East, South and West directions.Odd elements of the array (zero is the first index) specify the duration of the advanced green state for each of the appropriate directions, while even elements indicate the time of the straight/right-turning lanes. This light pattern is always in the same format, and once calculated, stored by the LTA. The values contained within the array consist of strings, indicating the duration of the traffic light. The values of the strings are as follows:Red: Red light, lanes remain in a stopped state.Short: Green light, most frequently occurring, 30-seconds in duration for straight directions, 15 seconds for leftturning lanes.Medium: Green light, often for above average traffic densities,45-seconds in duration for straight directions, 25 seconds for left-turning lanesShort: Green light, indicating a high traffic density, 60-seconds in duration for straight directions, 35 seconds for left-turning lanes.Once the optimal local traffic light pattern is calculated,the LTA sends a message event to the CTA. The traffic light pattern is passed to the CTA, allowing the CTA to adjust the LTA’s ligh t pattern to better meet any global concerns. Stored within the CTA is a vector of neighbors for each LTA within the system. When a CTA receives a message event from a LTA, the CTA gathers all information relating to the neighbors of the currently handled LTA from the ITA. The CTA will use this information within its own expert system, comparing the local optimum light pattern against the current densities of the neighboring intersections. If a significant difference is found between the local optimum and the essence of the global optimum, the traffic light pattern to be implemented is altered to reduce the difference between the two optimums. The new traffic light pattern is returned to the LTA for implementation within the traffic light.4.1 ExperimentsThis sections presents some of the experiments carried out for two fixed state scenarios. In each experiment, a list of variables is provided to initialize the current state of the environment. Once the state of the environment is established, each LTA goes through the process of changing the state of their traffic light to accommodate the other direction. The resulting traffic light pattern for each intersection is recorded, and the number of vehicles passing through the intersection, N, in the available time indicated by the traffic light pattern is calculated as N = T/(α+ε)where αandεrepresent the ideal amount of time required for a vehicle to pass through a traffic intersection and the latency increase to the ideal length of time due to unexpected events, respectively.An advanced form of this calculation would allow the latency value of _ to increase by a constant factor for each additional segment of the waiting vehicles. This can be demonstrated by using βto represent each of the latency groups, imposing a maximum number of vehicles that exist within each latency group. Let the number of vehicles found in latency group k is calculated as,where tβi denotes the amount of time used by the latency group βi The total number of vehicles that could then pass through the intersection would be calculated as N = β1 +β2 + ···+ βm, where m represent the number of latency groups that can make it through the traffic light.In this simulation we set α= 2 and ε= 1. A limit of three was imposed on the value of β0, while no limit was imposed on β1. These values were chosen for simplicity, and the precision in which the three possible values of T could be divided.To display the traffic density of the network, a grayscale image representing the density values within the environment is used (see Figure 1). Each lane of the traffic network is covered with an appropriate grayscale image.Figure 1. Initial densities prior to accident.Figure 2. Densities after six cycles.4.1.1 Traffic Accident ScenarioThe traffic accident scenario involves the occurrence of a traffic accident in the upper-right intersection of the network(see Figure 1).The occurrence of the accident results in the intersection at the upper-right to force all traffic tostop. This is done by implementing an all red traffic light pattern at the intersection faced with the traffic accident. The traffic light patterns of the adjacent intersections (2 and 6), remove their green states for the east and north directions, respectively. Although traffic can still move in all other available directions, those vehicles planning to head towards the stopped directions are forced to wait at the intersection. This results in a gradual increase to the traffic density at the intersections adjacent to the accident. Figure 2 shows the densities after 6 cycles.As the level of congestion increases at intersections 2 and 6, eventually their density values reach a point that leads to the CTA reducing the length of time that the other intersections (1 and 5) allow traffic to proceed. This results in a decrease to the overall congestion at intersections 2 and 6. Although slowed down, the density values will eventually reach their maximum level, at which time the totally congested event occurs. This forces intersections 1 and 5 to stop allowing traffic to move towards intersections 2 and 6. By the 8th cycle, the traffic accident is cleared up. Figure 3Figure 3. Densities five cycles after the accident is cleared up.shows the traffic densities 5 cycles after the accident is completely cleared up.4.1.2 Morning Rush Hour ScenarioTo initialize the morning rush hour scenario, the traffic densities of the network are set to low values. Over the next several cycles, a constant movement of incoming traffic is seen from the unknown directions, and from the suburbs located between intersections 1 and 2. With the addition of traffic from the suburbs, by the end of the second cycle, the east-bound lane of intersection 2 is heavily used.When both east-bound directions for intersections 2 and 5 are fully congested (see Figure 4), traffic heading in those directions will be forced to wait. This will allow the eastbound directions of intersection 2 and 5 to reduce their traffic densities, which will allow traffic to approach these lanes during the next cycle. Until one of the east-bound directions is de-congested, traffic will not be diverted in a north/south direction to travel around the problem.As rush hour passes and the inbound traffic density is reduced, the network is able to clear out the congested intersections. This is done from east to west, as the rush hour traffic is proceeding in an eastward direction.5 ConclusionsThe development of a hierarchical multiagent structure to manage an urban traffic system ispresented in this paper. To test the functionality of the proposed urban traffic multiagent system, two traffic scenarios are considered. For both scenarios (traffic accident and morning rush hour), the multiagent system efficiently managed the gradual congestion of the network. As one roadway becomes more congested, the duration of the traffic lights of neighboring intersections leading towards the congested area are reducedFigure 4. Densities after ten cycles.by the CTA. This redirection proves successful and results in the achievement of a global balance between the roadways of the network. However, when the traffic density continues to build, all roadways heading in a similar direction will eventually become equally congested. The urban traffic multiagent system handles this situation by halting all traffic heading in those directions. This allows the congested roadways to decrease their density values. Although this slows the network down, the congested traffic is handled in a more organized and controlled manner.6 AcknowledgmentsThis work was partially funded through grant RGPIN 227441-00 from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to Dr. Ali Ghorbani.References[1] Jack intelligent agents: User guide. 2002.[2] T. P. M. Baglietto and R. Zoppoli. Distributed-information neural control: The case of dynamic routing intraffic networks.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 3(12), 2001.[3] P. Brumeister, A. Haddadi, and G. Matylis. Application of multiagent systems in traffic and transportation. IEEE Proc.-Soft. Eng., (144), 1997.[4] J. R. Campos and N. R. Jennings. Towards a social level characterization of socially responsible agents. IEEEProc.-Soft.Eng., (144), 1997.[5] K. R. Erol, R. Levy, and J. Wentworth. Application of agent technology to traffic simulation./advance/agent.html, Last access June 2002.[6] C. Ledoux. An urban traffic flow model integrating neural networks. Transportation Research, 5, 1997.[7] D. A. Roozemond. Using intelligent agents for pro-active, real-time urban intersection control. EuropeanJournal of Operational Research, 2001.多智能体系统优化城市交通约翰·法国和阿里 A.Ghorbani计算机科学学院新不伦瑞克大学弗雷德里克顿E3B 5A3 加拿大摘要管理城市交通系统而言,建议由的几个本地经营代理组成,每个代表交叉口的交通系统的分层多智能体系统。


毕业设计开题报告申请课题基于An droid 的公交查询系统的设计与实现学号______________________________班级_____________________________申请者_________________________________联系电话____________________________Email : ________________________指导教师_________________________________ 申请日期______________________计算机科学与技术学院填写说明1. 毕业设计的选题应以专业课的内容为主, 可以针对某些基础理论和学 术问题进行探讨,也可以结合科技生产和社会生活的实际问题进行研究、开 发与设计。
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ctiv pl it y i e n s g , r w it c h h th e ir m d plo -y p e a e rt s y r if e e s ;ponsi…1研究课题名称基于An droid 的公交查询系统的设计与实现起止年月 2013 年1 月25 日〜 2013 年5 月24 日成果 形式软件申请者 姓名性别班级指导教师姓名性别职称课 题 组 成员姓名性别班级在本项目中的分工研 究项 目主 要内 容本课题旨在开发 款基于 An droid 系统的公交查询系统,属于 款离线软件,可对城市的公交路线、公交站点进行查询,也可以对不 能直达的两站点给出换乘路线,最理想的状态下是可以给出最佳的换 乘方案。


The bus stops system automatically1、The bus is automatically stops the background and significanceThe people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big cities have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology, can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically. The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted, automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.2. The system design of each componentThis system is designed hardware circuit design part: use AT89C51 as controller, through ISD4004 pronunciation chip establish speech, forming a variety of information and use the voice messages broadcast speech information and tips amplifier, and using speech, LED digital display for standing count. When the bus arrived at one site, use the keyboard control the system work, through the yukon voice circuits output speech information and tips, stood in several information LED digital tube display. The whole system hardware design including keyboard circuit and reset circuit, display driver circuit, display circuit, memory expansion circuit module. In order to realize the bus stops, namely in speech automatic six-foot-tall; and when voice prompt information and automatic reporting service term, while utilizing of LED dot matrix circuit Chinese displaying. This design is required to exploit the AT89C51 as the master control circuit design of chips, auxiliary circuit requirements including voice circuits, Chinese dot matrix display circuit, the power supply circuit, etc. The CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component. The bus station is automatically stops the car wheel design, to count the pulse Angle, will count value compared with preset value, can determine moments, attain the precise automatically stops the purpose. USES AT89C51 as main control chip, combining to foreign pulse count ISD4004 output voice pronunciation chip. System consists of pulse detection, pulse count, CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component.About AT89C51 chip: A T89C51 it mainly consists of for the following parts: 1 eight central processing unit (CPU), piece you in memory, the pieces (Flash RAM, 4 of 8 bits two-way addressable I/O port, 1 full-duplex UART (general asynchronous receiver transmitter) serial interface, 2 16 timer/counters, multiple priority nested interrupt structure, and a piece inside oscillator and clock circuit. In AT89C51 structure, the most striking characteristics of internal contains Flash memory is, while in other aspects of the structure of the Intel corporation, the and the structure of the 8051 no much difference.Main performance:1. With MCS - 51 compatible2. 4K bytes programmable flashing memory Life expectancy: 1000 times to write/wipe cycle Data retention time: 10 years3. All the static job: 0Hz - 24Hz4. Tertiary program memory lock5. 128 * 8 bits inside6. 32 programmable I/O lines7. Two 16 timers, counter8. Five interrupt source9. Programmable serial channels10. Slice clock circuit oscillator and withinThe design of pulse detection circuit:The design of the key is that the rotor turn lap count, considering the vehicles will be running in a complex environment, and the hall componets are resistant to vibrate, afraid of dust, grease, water vapor and salt fog the advantages of the pollution or corrosion, so adopt reliable hall element DN6848 as signal acquisition device, again by photoelectric couplers 4N25 input to microcontroller. Photoelectric coupler current transmission 10% ~ 25%, than for less than 10us response time.About speech output circuit designThis series of chip required by the microprocessor or micro controller series through serial peripheral interfaces and serial interface addressing and control. The recording data is stored method of multistage storage is through ISD patent technology implementation, with sound and audio signals directly in the natural form of solid state memory, thus providing high quality replay the fidelity of speech.ISD4004 voice recording devices for 6.4 kHZ sampling frequency, time and recording a single chip 8 points, 10 points, 12 points, 16 points several, and its use of built-in FLASH memory cost nonvolatile CaXie memory, this fast data, and it is not lost power save data department needs power consumption. The typical stored information can save time up to 100 years, the same storage unit can be repeated be recorded 10 million times.IAD4004 chip audio output pin can drive a five thousand uefa load, when device after power up, change the power output pins for 1.2 v. to this design of chosen amplifier is LM386 is for low voltage application design audio amplifier, the working voltage of 6V, maximum distortion degree of 0.2, power frequency response to 20 ~ 100 KHZAbout LED display output design:This circuit USES 16 * 256 destem to display 16 16 * 16 Chinese characters, using the video memory U14 to deposit the characters bitmap information. Screen points page 32, each page 16 line 8 column LED by constitute the light emitting diode, destem with a four - 16 decoder 74LS154 decode, will address A0 - A3 decode formed by two do signal, 4-16 decoder 74LS154 form a 5-32 decoder, carries on the page decode, will address A4 - A8 decode form page, choose communication, respectively, to choose a 74LS244 general 74LS244 data through this system to a page in a line of eight leds into display information.3. The characteristics of the system and advantageThis system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability. Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic development and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing the traditional voice stops device must have drivercontrol can work means, in the bus stops behind when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.公交车自动报站系统1.公交车自动报站器的背景及意义共汽车为外出的人们提供了方便快捷的服务,而公共汽车的报站直接影响服务的质量。

【Abstract】The intelligent transportation system based on Android proposed in this paper realizes the functions of page design on the mobile terminal, intelligent environment monitoring,License plate acquisition of ETC non-parking system, amount update, vehicle position animation and position broadcast of bus stop reporting system.【关键词】Android;智慧交通;数据;采集;控制【Keywords】Android; intelligent transportation; data; acquisition; control【中图分类号】TP311; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;【文献标志码】A; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 【文章编号】1673-1069(2019)12-0148-021 引言智慧交通是在交通领域中充分运用物联网、云计算、人工智能、自动控制、移动互联网等现代电子信息技术面向交通运输的服务系统。
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The intelligent public transit system based on Android softwaredesignAbstractThe intelligent public transit system software can solve urban bus operation information and interaction between users, allows users to timely learn the operation of the bus dynamic, improve user brought to hand over the recognition, in order to solve urban traffic congestion. To software development principle, the function of the software at the same time introduces the characteristics and research content.In the high-tech and information technology rapid development era, information technology is gradually applied to urban infrastructure operation and management. Since the 90 s, the international popular intelligent bus system,the use of advanced electronic technology of urban public transportation system for comprehensive management. In the 21st century, especially after, with the intelligent mobile phone and the development of the android system, based on the android intelligent bus travel system software also appeared, this paper is to introduce the android based on intelligent bus travel system software design.Although intelligent public transit system software is very practical, the market is also very need。
But The city scale continuous expansion, make the public transportation systems become more numerous and jumbled. The development of the intelligent public transportation system is one of the most efficient approach to resolve the traffic problems in a metropolis, and automatic bus location system is the foundation of the intelligent public transportation system, it can collect the real-time locations of moving bus on the road, so to develop the technology of bus location plays an important role on constructing the intelligent public transportation system.Nowadays, the bus is still the general public travel main transportation, thus bus information service is becoming more and more important. But with the development of city information construction, and information the popularity of intelligent terminal , make full use of modern communication technology and computer network technology make people travel more convenient and fast will become a development trend. In terms of city bus can completely make use of modern means of communication to build a more humane service means, solve the problems faced by bus travel information. By implementing intelligent bus information navigation system can solve urban bus operation information and interaction between users, allows users to timely learn the operation of the bus dynamic, improve user brought to hand over therecognition, in order to solve urban traffic congestion, make more contribution to promoting "green travel".Therefore,based on the analysis of current public transportation system, the paper establishes t he intelligent public transportation information system for improving the level of public transportation service and management, that is to say, it establishes a low cost, high benefit, scientific management and safety yield modern Intelligent Public Transportation System, and presents the architecture of the system and academic and technical methods.It is based on the Android software of intelligent public transit system, needs to be learned knowledge integrated use of, also need to learn some new knowledge - Java, Android, MyEclipse, database knowledge, introduces briefly below.1.The Android development platform is developed by Google and the open handset alliance cooperation an open, free platform for the mobile terminal, it is by the operating system,The middle software, application of three parts. The platform is provided with the perfect program development environment, including simulation, debugging tools, program execution cost storage, performance appraisal, etc. Platform provides two based on the map of the location service API development kit. Through the two maps API development kit in the use of location services related classes, with the device itself of with the positioning of the orientation and other related modules, is a good way to realize the user mobile spatial information service application development.Android, with its integration of unique map service module, as well as to the hardware performance of low requirements, fast access to the 3 g wireless network such as functions, for ordinary users to develop mobile bus query system has brought great convenience, it appears, in order to solve the user mobile spatial information needs to provide a more efficient development platform.2.Java by Sun Microsystems company launched in May 1995 Java object-oriented programming language (hereinafter referred to as the Java language) and the floorboard of the Java platform. By James Gosling and colleagues together to research and development, and in 1995 officially launched. Use a Java implementation of HotJava Web browser (support Java applets) show the charm of Java: cross-platform dynamic Web, Internet computing. Since then, Java is widely accepted and promoted the rapid development of the Web, commonly used browsers have support for Java applets. On the other hand, Java technology is also constantly updated. Oracle acquired SUN (2010), Java is composed of four aspects: the Java programming language, Java class file format, the Java virtual machine and the Java application program interface (Java API). The Java platform by the Java Virtual Machine (Java Virtual Machine, the JVM) and the Java application programming. Interface (Application Programming Interface, or API). Java application programming interface (API) providesa Java application with a standard interface, independent of the operating system can be divided into basic part and extension. On hardware or operating system platform after the installation of a Java platform, Java applications can run.3.SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database Query and program design Language, is used to access data and Query, update, and management of relational database systems.SQL is a senior of procedural programming languages, allows the user to work on high-level data structures. He does not require the user to specify the data storage method, also do not need to users understand the specific way of data storage, so with completely different underlying structure of the database system can use the same SQL language as a data input and management of the interface. It as an action object to record collection, collection of all the SQL statements to accept as input and returns a collection as the output, set this feature allows an SQL statement output as input of another SQL statement, so the SQL statement can be nested, which made him have great flexibility and strong function, in most cases, a large section of the program implementation is needed in other languages function only need one SQL statement can achieve a goal, it also means that can write very complicated statement in the SQL language.4.MyEclipse is an extension of the Eclipse IDE, use of it we can be in the database and JavaEE development, release, and the application server integration aspects greatly improve the work efficiency. It is feature rich JavaEE integrated development environments (ides), including the complete coding, debugging, testing and release function. MyEclipse is a very good used in development of Java, J2EE Eclipse plug-in set, MyEclipse function is very powerful, support is also very extensive, especially for various open source product support is wrong. MyEclipse currently supports Java servlets, AJAX, JSP, JSF and Struts, Spring, Hibernate, EJB3, multiple functions such as JDBC database link. Can say MyEclipse contains almost all mainstream open source product exclusive eclipse development tools.Now, as long as you hand have a intelligent mobile phone, you can easily get when you travel need relevant information, convenient your travel. This software includes the following several specific functionality, here to do a simple introduction.Each users concerned about their surrounding bus information, no matter he is in places they know or in an unfamiliar place. When users open the software, you can through the software interface is displayed on the map view to the home page itself is located near real-time information of all bus. Line the bus is running around for these users, the user can view the specific and operations. When the user clicks on the map interface on a bus sign, will show the bus related detailed information, this information includes: name of the route, to, firstto the last, all the bus stops, etc. Also, since the map mode and text mode is synchronous, users click on the text mode view all the way to the bus information and click on the diagram shows the car the information displayed is the same.For life often come into contact with a few road bus, users can add them into the "attention" to carry out related operations. If the user wants to delete an existing attention line, also can be directly deleted. Is opened for the first time, focus on list is empty, the user may need to pay attention to their being added to the line. Through the "new" to add user line you need. And, of course, in order to facilitate operation, added a lot of places are set up in the software function, the user can specify lines will soon be met each time the query join attention list immediately.If some places not familiar with in city, don't know how to get, you can use the route query functions. First, the user to enter a initial, the system will provide the option, the user to identify one of them. Destination confirmation with provenance. Two position is determined, users click on query, will appear in the list below recommendation, convenient the user to select what you need. Presented in this paper, for system and different recommended route, passengers can click open, take a closer look at every line.For the convenience of the user operation, the system has been set up in many places to remind function. In order to help the user to use time reasonably. Optionally specify lines specified site, which will be set on or remind interface. The default selection is determined by the user to select site. User name needs to be set to remind, the bell, the information such as a few stop early. Hop on and off for remind of distinction, is get on the bus reminds need a period of time, in the range of changing times, will remind users bus has a stop early arrived. To remind the car by judging system positioning, trigger conditions that will remind. After save, the reminder will enter the reminder list. For already set good remind, users click on the remind button, list will show all users previously set reminders. Modify user can open the specified remind preservation, can be specified to have set a good reminder to delete.In addition, through the address book, microblog, QQ space about the way such as to share the software with good friendsThe research content of this software has the following several aspects:1. in-depth understanding of Java, Android SDK;2. familiar with the Android software development pattern, the environment and configuration;3. master database modeling techniques;4. a taxi system software design and development;plete software function and graduation thesis manuscripts demonstration.This is my introduction to intelligent public transit system software, it indeed is a not for travel outside users lack of survey tools, user is in places they know or in an unfamiliar place. When users open the software, you can see their all located near bus real-time information, convenient and quick.基于Android的智能公交出行系统软件设计摘要智能公交出行系统软件可以解决城市公交运行信息与用户之间互动的问题,让用户及时获知公交车的运行动态,提高用户对公交出行的认可度,为解决城市交通拥堵做贡献。