公众对GAD的识别存在不足,接受适宜治疗的患者不到全部患者的三分之一;由于先前儿童期过度焦虑(Overanxious Disorder of Childhood)的存在,以及成人及儿童GAD的潜在差异,这种识别不足的状况在儿童中尤为复杂。
SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINEAbstractObjective: To provide guidelines for the health care provider on the prevention, diagnosis, and clinical management of postmenopausal osteoporosis.Outcomes: Strategies for identifying and evaluating high-risk individuals, the use of bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover markers in assessing diagnosis and response tomanagement, and recommendations regarding nutrition, physical activity, and the selection of pharmacologic therapy to prevent and manage osteoporosis.Evidence: Published literature was retrieved through searches of PubMed and The Cochrane Library on August 30 and September 18, 2012, respectively. The strategy included the use ofappropriate controlled vocabulary (e.g., oteoporosis, bone density, menopause) and key words (e.g., bone health, bone loss, BMD). Results were restricted to systematic reviews, practice guidelines, randomized and controlled clinical trials, and observational studies published in English or French. The search was limited to the publication years 2009 and following, and updates were incorporated into the guideline to March 2013. Grey (unpublished) literature was identified through searching the websites of health technology assessment and health technology assessment-related agencies, clinical practice guideline collections, clinical trial registries, and national and international medical specialty societies.Values: The quality of the evidence was rated using the criteriadescribed by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Table 1).Sponsors: The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.RECOMMENDATIONS For Postmenopausal Women1. Health care providers should be aware that the goals ofosteoporosis management include assess m ent of fracture risk and prevention of fracture. (I-A) 2. Health care providers should understand that a stable orincreasing bone mineral density reflects a response to therapy in the absence of low-trauma fracture or height loss due to vertebral-compression fracture. A pro g ressive decrease in bone mineral density, with the magnitude of bone loss being greater than the precision error of the density assessment, indicates a lack of response to current ther a py. Management should be reviewed and modified appropriately. (I-A)No. 312, September 2014 (Replaces No. 222, January 2009)Osteoporosis in MenopauseThis clinical practice guideline has been prepared by the Menopause and Osteoporosis Working Group, reviewed by the Clinical Practice Gynaecology and Family Physician Advisory Committees, and approved by the Executive and Council of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.PRINCIPAL AUTHORS Aliya Khan, MD, Hamilton ON Michel Fortier, MD, Quebec QC MENOPAUSE AND OSTEOPOROSIS WORKING GROUPMichel Fortier, MD (Co-Chair), Quebec QC Robert Reid, MD (Co-Chair), Kingston ON Beth L. Abramson, MD, Toronto ON Jennifer Blake, MD, Toronto ON Sophie Desindes, MD, Sherbrooke QC Sylvie Dodin, MD, Quebec QC Lisa Graves, MD, Toronto ON Bing Guthrie, MD, Yellowknife NT Shawna Johnston, MD, Kingston ON Aliya Khan, MD, Hamilton ON Timothy Rowe, MB BS, Vancouver BC Namrita Sodhi, MD, Toronto ON Penny Wilks, ND, Dundas ON Wendy Wolfman, MD, Toronto ONDisclosure statements have been received from all contributors.The literature searches and bibliographic support for this guideline were undertaken by Becky Skidmore, MedicalResearch Analyst, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.Key Words : Osteoporosis, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, bone mineral density, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, bone turnover markers, vertebral fractures, fragility fractures, antiresorptive, hormone therapy, selective estrogen-receptor modulator, bisphosphonates, calcitonin, anabolic, bone forming agentJ Obstet Gynaecol Can 2014;36(9 eSuppl C):S1–S15SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE3. Health care providers should identify the absolute fracture riskby integrating the key risk factors for fracture; namely, age,bone mineral density, prior fracture, and glucocorticoid use.These risk factors allow estimation of fracture risk using the tool of the Canadian Association of Radiologists and Osteoporosis Canada. (I-A)4. The Fracture Risk Assessment tool of the World HealthOrganization (FRAX) has now been validated in a Canadianpopulation and may also be used and incorporates additionalrisk factors; namely, low body mass index, parental history offracture, smoking status, alcohol intake, and the presence ofsecondary causes of osteoporosis. (I-A)5. Health care providers should be aware that a fragility fracturemarkedly increases the risk of a future fracture and confirms the diagnosis of osteo p orosis irrespective of the results of the bone density assessment, (I-A) and that the presence of a low-trauma fracture of a vertebra or hip or more than 1 fragility fractureconfirms a high fracture risk regardless of the bone mineraldensity. (I-A)6. Treatment should be initiated according to the results of the10-year absolute fracture risk assessment. (I-A)Calcium and Vitamin D7. Adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation is keyto ensuring prevention of progressive bone loss. Forpostmenopausal women a total daily intake of 1200 mg ofelemental calcium from dietary and supplemental sourcesand daily supplementation with 800 to 2000 IU of vitamin Dare recommended. Calcium and vitamin D supplementationalone is insufficient to prevent fracture in those withosteoporosis; however, it is an important adjunct topharmacologic intervention with antiresorptive and anabolictherapy. (I-B)Hormone Therapy8. Hormone therapy should be prescribed for symptomaticpostmenopausal women as the most effective option formenopausal symptom relief. (I-A) It represents a reasonablechoice for the prevention of bone loss and fracture in this patient population. (I-A)9. Physicians may recommend low- and ultralow-dosage estrogentherapy to symptomatic women for relief of menopausalsymptoms (I-A) but should inform their patients that, despitethe fact that such therapy has demonstrated a beneficial effectin osteoporosis preven t ion, (I-A) no data are yet available onreduction of fracture risk.Bisphosphonates10. Alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid are valuablefirst-line agents of choice in the treatment of postmenopausalosteoporosis and should be considered to decrease the risk ofvertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures. (I-A)11. Etidronate is a weak antiresorptive agent and is notrecommended as a first-line agent of choice for the treatmentof osteoporosis. (I-D)RANKL Inhibitor12. Denosumab is an effective antiresorptive agent, shown toreduce the risk of vertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures, (I-A) and should be considered as a first-line agent of choice in thetreatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women at a highfracture risk. (I-A)Table 1. Key to evidence statements and grading of recommendations, using the ranking of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health CareQuality of evidence assessment*Classification of recommendations†I: Evidence obtained from at least one properly randomizedcontrolled trialA. There is good evidence to recommend the clinical preventive actionII-1: Evidence from well-designed controlled trials withoutrandomizationB. There is fair evidence to recommend the clinical preventive actionII-2: Evidence from well-designed cohort (prospective or retrospective) or case–control studies, preferably from more than one centre or research group C. The existing evidence is conflicting and does not allow to make arecommendation for or against use of the clinical preventive action;however, other factors may influence decision-makingII-3: Evidence obtained from comparisons between times or places with or without the intervention. Dramatic results inuncontrolled experiments (such as the results of treatment with penicillin in the 1940s) could also be included in this category D. There is fair evidence to recommend against the clinical preventive actionE. There is good evidence to recommend against the clinical preventiveactionIII: Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert committees L. There is insufficient evidence (in quantity or quality) to makea recommendation; however, other factors may influencedecision-making*The quality of evidence reported in these guidelines has been adapted from The Evaluation of Evidence criteria described in the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.89†Recommendations included in these guidelines have been adapted from the Classification of Recommendations criteria described in the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.89ABBREVIATIONSAFF atypical femoral fractureBMD bone mineral densityET estrogen therapyFIT Fracture Intervention TrialHR hazard ratioHT hormone therapyONJ osteonecrosis of the jawRANKL receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligandRCT randomized controlled trialSERM selective estrogen-receptor modulatorWHI Women’s Health InitiativeOsteoporosis in MenopauseSelective Estrogen-Receptor Modulators13. Treatment with raloxifene may be considered to decrease the riskof vertebral fractures, bearing in mind that this agent has not been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of non-vertebral or hipfractures. (I-A)Parathyroid Hormone14. Treatment with teriparatide should be considered to decrease therisk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in postmenopausalwomen with severe osteoporosis (I-A) and should also beconsidered in postmenopausal women experiencing bone loss ora new fracture despite antiresorptive therapy. (I-A) INTRODUCTIONO steoporosis is defined as an impairment in bone strength due to an abnormal quantity and/or quality of bone. Quantity is evaluated by measuring BMD. Quality is affected by many factors, including the degree of mineral i zation, the rate of bone remodelling, the connectivity of the bony trabeculae, the quality of the collagen fibres, and the health of the bone cells. The 3 types of bone cells are osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes. The osteocytes function as “mechanostats”, sensing the degree of microdamage and triggering remodelling in areas of stress and strain, thus allowing continual renewal, repair, and replacement of bone. This process of remodelling maintains bone strength.Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake is necessary to attain and maintain normal bone quantity and quality and thus achieve optimal bone strength. Early assessment of skeletal health and then initiation of appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplementation and an exercise program are essential in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Individuals at increased risk for fracture should also be offered pharmacologic therapy in order to reduce the fracture risk. Absolute frac t ure risk is identified by integrating age and BMD with other key risk factors for fracture including prior fracture history and use of glucocorticoid therapy. The decision to treat is based on the risk of fracture, and the quantification of absolute fracture risk enables targeting of treatment to those at greatest risk.RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENTBone strength is determined by both bone quantity and bone quality. Bone densitometry provides information on BMD, which is a reflection of bone quantity. Bone quality is determined by a number of factors, including the rate of remodelling, bone mineralization, function of the bone cells, and quality of the collagen fibres. It is necessary to identify risk factors for fracture that may be present and the risk of falls. The timed “get up and go” test is valuable in assessing gait stability and is a reflection of fall risk. Risk factors for osteoporosis have been identi fi ed (Table 2),1 and the presence of risk factors in a postmenopausal woman justifies bone densitometry.2In 2005 Osteoporosis Canada recommended identifying absolute fracture risk by integrating the key risk factors for fracture; namely, age, BMD, prior fracture, and glucocorticoid use.3 The 10year risk of fragility fractures is thus determined (Figure)1and defined as high if it is greater than 20%, moderate if it is 10% to 20%, and low if it is less than 10%.4 The additional effect of a preexisting fragility fracture or glucocorticoid use moves the patient 1 risk category higher. These guidelines were based on Swedish data and have been recalibrated using Canadian hip fracture data. The version developed by the Canadian Association of Radiologists and Osteoporosis Canada4 has now been validated in 2 Canadian cohorts and has close to 90% agreement with the FRAX5 score (the FRAX tool can be downloaded from the Osteoporosis Canada website, http://www.osteoporosis.ca). The presence of a vertebral or hip fracture or more than 1 fragility fracture increases the fracture risk to high. Fracture risk is evaluated on the basis of femoral neck BMD and age and is modified by the presence of prior fragility fracture or the use of glucocorticoid therapy (7.5 mg for 3 months or longer); these modifiers increase the fracture risk to the next risk category.1 A BMD Tscore of −2.5 or less at either the lumbar spine or the femoral neck denotes at least a moderate risk of fracture.1 Height should be measured annually, and a decrease in measured height of more than 2 cm should be further evaluated by radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine with exclusion of vertebral fractures.6A more comprehensive calculation of the 10year absolute fracture risk, now available from the World Health Organization, incorporates additional risk factors: parental history of hip fracture, current tobacco smoking, rheumatoid arthritis or other secondary causes of bone loss, and alcohol intake of 3 or more units daily.5It is recommended that absolute fracture risk be calculated using the tool of either the Canadian Association of Radiologists and Osteoporosis Canada or FRAX and the decision to treat be based on the absolute fracture risk. Younger individuals at a low risk of fracture are appropriately managed with lifestyle changes and strategies designed to prevent bone loss.Osteoporosis is diagnosed in a postmenopausal woman on the basis of a BMD Tscore of less than −2.5 at theSOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINElumbar spine, hip (femoral neck or total hip), or radius (distal third). Clinically it is diagnosed in a postmenopausal woman in the presence of a lowtrauma fracture. In a premenopausal woman osteoporosis is diagnosed only in the presence of fragility fractures; BMD alone cannot be used for diagnosis.7In premenopausal women a normal BMD is defined as being within 2 standard deviations of the agematched reference mean. Comparison with the agematched reference range is represented by the Z score, and in premenopausal women Z scores should be used instead of T scores. Low bone density is defined as a BMD Z score 2 or more standard deviations below the mean agematched reference value.7Pharmacologic therapy is considered in postmenopausal women after exclusion of secondary causes of low bone density. If the 10year absolute fracture risk is greater than 20% (high), then drug therapy is advised. In those with a moderate risk (10% to 20%), management decisions are indi v idualized. Those with a low fracture risk (< 10%) can be treated conservatively after exclusion of secondary causes of bone loss with prevention strategies based on ensuring adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation. It is also important to emphasize regular exercise and reduced con s umption of alcohol (fewer than 2 drinks/d) and coffee (fewer than 4 cups/d). Smoking cessation should also be strongly advised.Failure of therapy is confirmed by the development of a lowtrauma fracture or significant bone loss despite pharmacologic therapy for 2 years. In these individuals it is necessary to ensure that there are no secondary causes of bone loss. It is also important to ensure adequate adherence to therapy.8ADVANCES IN PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPYIn addition to adequate calcium, vitamin D, and exercise, options for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis include antiresorptive and anabolic agents.9 Antiresorptive (anticatabolic) agents inhibit osteoclast activity and reduce bone turnover.9,10 The various agents have different mechanisms of action. Bisphosphonates reduce the rate of bone turnover, providing a longer time for bone to mineralize. Bisphosphonate therapy is thus associated with modest increases in BMD. Estrogen acts through the estrogen receptors on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, suppressing receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL)induced osteoclast differentiation and thereby decreasing bone remodeling.11 Raloxifene, a SERM, can bind to estrogen receptors, with tissuespecific agonist or antagonist effects. Raloxifene decreases bone remodelling in addition to its extraskeletal effects. Osteoclastic bone resorption is also inhibited by calcitonin acting on calcitonin receptors. Denosumab is a monoclonal antibodyTable 2. Risk factors for osteoporosis: indications for measuring BMDOlder adults (age ≥ 50 years)Younger adults (age < 50 years)Age ≥ 65 years (both women and men) Fragility fractureClinical risk factors for fracture(menopausal women and men age 50 to 64 years)Prolonged use of glucocorticoids* Fragility fracture after age 40 years Use of other high-risk medications†Prolonged use of glucocorticoids*Hypogonadism or premature menopause(age < 45 years)Use of other high-risk medications Malabsorption syndromeParental hip fracture Primary hyperparathyroidismVertebral fracture or osteopenia identified on radiography Other disorders strongly associated with rapid bone loss and/or fractureCurrent smokingHigh alcohol intakeLow body weight (< 60 kg) or major weight loss(> 10% of body weight at age 25 years)Rheumatoid arthritisOther disorders strongly associated withosteoporosis*At least 3 months’ cumulative therapy in the previous year at a prednisone-equivalent dose ≥ 7.5 mg daily.†For example, aromatase inhibitors or androgen deprivation therapy.Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Medical Association from Papaioannou A et al.1Osteoporosis in Menopauseto RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB) and binds to RANKL, lowering values to premenopausal levels. This results in a decrease in the formation, function, and survival of osteoclasts.Antiresorptive agents are effective in reducing frac t ure risk by approximately 30% to 68% in postmenopausal women. However, fractures may still occur, and anabolic therapy can complement antiresorptive therapy in the prevention of further fractures. Anabolic therapy can result in new bone formation, with increases in cortical thickness and trabecular connectivity, leading to major improvements in the quality and quantity of bone. Anabolic therapy can increase the production of new bone matrix by enhancing osteoblast function. Teriparatide (recombinant human parathyroid hormone, amino acid sequence 1 through 34) decreases the release of sclerostin from osteocytes. Sclerostin is a protein that decreases bone formation by inhibiting the Wnt signalling pathway in the osteoblast. With a decrease in this inhibitor of bone formation, there is an increase in new bone formation. Teriparatide, 20 μg daily, has been shown to reduce the risks of vertebral and nonvertebral fragility fractures by approximately 65% and 53%, respectively, over 18 months in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.12 Teriparatide is the only anabolic agent available in Canada.CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION The effectiveness of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in preventing hip fractures was evaluated in the WHI.13 The trial involved 36 282 postmenopausal women who daily received either 1000 mg of elemental cal c ium as calcium carbonate and 400 IU of vitamin D, or a placebo, for an average of7 years. Patients were allowed to take additional daily supplements of up to 1000 mg of cal c ium and 600 IU of vitamin D; approximately 38% of subjects took more than 1200 mg of elemental calcium daily. Personal use of bisphosphonates, calcitonin, SERMs, and ET was also permitted. The calcium and vita m in D study arm overlapped with the HT arm; thus, approximately 51% of women were receiving estrogen.Treatment compliance was poor: by the end of the study, only 59% of the women were taking 80% or more of their supplements. As compared with those taking placebo, the women taking 1000 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D daily showed a 1.06% increase in hip BMD (P < 0.01). In the treatmentcompliant group, the HR for hip fracture was 0.71 (95% CI 0.52 to 0.97), representing a statistically significant 29% reduction in hip fracture risk among the women taking 80% or more of their calcium and vitamin D supplements. Estrogen use was associated with a 42% Assessment of basal 10-year risk of fracture with the 2010 tool of the Canadian Association of Radiologist and Osteoporosis Canada.Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Medical Association from Papaioannou A et al.1The T-score for the femoral neck should be derived from the National Health and Nutrition Education Survey III reference database for white women. Fragility fracture after age 40 or recent prolonged use of systemic glucocorticoids increases the basal risk by one category (ie, from low to moderate or moderate to high). This model reflects the theoretical risk for a hypothetical patient who is treatment-naive; it cannot be used to determine risk reduction associated with therapy. Individuals with fragility fracture of a vertebra or hip and those with more than one fragility fracture are at high risk of an additional fracture.WomenLow risk (< 10%)High risk (> 20%)Moderate riskAge (year)T–score,femoralneck0.0–1.0–2.0–3.0–4.050 55 60 65 70 75 80 85MenLow risk (< 10%)High risk (> 20%)Moderate riskAge (year)T–score,femoralneck0.0–1.0–2.0–3.0–4.050 55 60 65 70 75 80 85SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINEreduction in hip fracture risk. A small but significant 17% increase in the risk of renal stones was noted in the treatment group as compared with the placebo group: the HR was 1.17 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.34). Inadequate blood levels of vitamin D were also noted in the WHI study and may have contributed to the findings. In the nested case–control study, the mean serum 25hydroxy vitamin D level at baseline was 46.0 nmol/L in the women who had sustained hip fractures as compared with 48.4 nmol/L in their control subjects (P = 0.17). Vitamin D supplementation of more than 600 IU daily may have reduced the fracture risk, as has been demonstrated in other clinical trials.Calcium supplements have been linked to a possible increase in the risk of cardiovascular events.14 A recent 5year RCT of 1200 mg of elemental calcium carbonate daily versus placebo in 1460 postmenopausal women did not demonstrate any difference in rates of death or hospitalization due to coronary events.15 In the EPIC study of 23 980 people between the ages of 35 and 64 years followed for 11 years with questionnaires, those with a calciumenriched diet had a lower risk of myocardial infarction (HR 0.69; 95% CI 0.5 to 0.94), whereas those using a calcium supplement had a higher risk (HR 1.86; 95% CI 1.17 to 2.96).16Data from the WHI among those not using personal calcium or vitamin D supplements at baseline did not show an adverse effect of such supplementation on the risk of myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, total heart disease, stroke, or overall cardiovascular disease.17 These RCT data are the best evidence currently available and do not support an increased risk of coronary events with calcium and vitamin D supplementation.It is recommended that the daily calcium requirement of 1200 mg be met ideally from dietary sources; if this is not possible, then supplements may be safely used. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the supplements of choice.Ensuring adequate vitamin D supplementation is a key component of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Although it might not be sufficient as the sole means of therapy for osteoporosis, routine supplementation with calcium (1000 mg/d) and vitamin D 3 (800 to 2000 IU/d) is still recommended as a mandatory adjunct to the main pharmacologic agents (antiresorptive and anabolic drugs). Vitamin D in doses of 800 IU daily has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of falls by 49% over a 12week period of therapy.18 Vitamin D supplementation at a dose of 10 000 IU once weekly has been suggested for women unable to take daily supplements in areas wheresuch a preparation is available. Doses of 100 000 IU ofvitamin D 3 given orally every 4 months have been shownto be effective in reducing the risk of osteoporotic fractures.19Vitamin D levels depend on a number of factors, including dietary intake, sun exposure, skin pigmentation, body mass index, and smoking status.20 Extraskeletal benefits are currently being evaluated and may include a reduction in the risk of certain malignant diseases as well as autoimmune disorders.HORMONE THERAPYEstrogen has significant antiresorptive effects. Spe c ifically, it enhances the osteoblastic production of osteoprotegerin, which has antiosteoclastic properties because of its ability to bind to RANKL and subsequently to block the RANKL/RANK interaction required for osteoclast recruitment and activation.21,22 Estrogen also decreases RANKL expression from the osteoblast. In the WHI, a pri m ary prevention trial, the estrogenonly arm demonstrated a 30% to 39% reductionin fracture rates.23 This trial theref ore confirmed the antifracture effects of ET suggested by previous clinical trials.24,25The combined estrogen/progestogen arm of the WHI had similar results: an increase in total hip BMD, together with a 34% reduction in hip and vertebral fractures and a 24% reduction in total osteoporotic fractures.26 In earlypostmenopausal women, the combined therapy resulted in increases in BMD of 2% to 3% at the hip and spine over 2 years of therapy.24 A decline in the markers of bone turnover in response to HT was also seen in earlypostmenopausal women.25HT (with estrogen alone or combined with a progestogen) is still considered the most effective therapy for the medical management of meno p ausal symptoms. Bone protection with HT at a usual dosage is considered an added benefit. Recent studies designed to test various dosages of estrogen for bone pro t ection have shown a linear dose response of the skeleton from the lowest to the highest dosages tested.24,27,28 These RCTs have shown that lowdosage ET can prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis, and ultralowdosage ET has beneficial skeletal effects. However, no fracture trial has yet been carried out with low and ultralowdosage HT. A low dose is 0.3 mg of conjugated estrogen or its equivalent (e.g., 0.5 mg of micronized estradiol); half this amount is considered ultralow.29SERM THERAPYSERMs have demonstrated tissuespecific estrogenagonistic or estrogenantagonistic effects.30 In the Multiple。
[流程图]2014 RA临床实践指南:成人急性高钾血症的治疗
□ Peaked T waa
Acute ECG changes present (tick if present)?
□ Absent or flattened P waves □ Sine wave □ VT
Protect the Heart
Next 30-60 min
Glucose (25 g) over 15 min 50 ml 50% Glucose OR 125 ml 20% Glucose, WITH Soluble Insulin – 10 units Salbutamol Give 10 mg if history of IHD Avoid if tachyarrhythmia present Blood Monitoring: Baseline Glucose __.__ 15 min Glucose __.__ 30 min Glucose __.__ 60 min Glucose __.__ K+ ___.__ K+ ___.__
K+ ___.__ K+ ___.__ K+ ___.__ K+ ___.__
K+: potassium; Na+: sodium; Creat: creatinine; IV: intravenous; min: minutes; PR: per rectum; EWS: early warning score; IHD: Ischaemic Heart Disease; NSAIDS: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Publication date: 1.03.14 Review date: 1.03.16
临床实践指南的应用Moving from clinical practice guideline to action董碧蓉学习目的●了解临床实践指南中证据和推荐强度的分级●熟悉如何提出临床问题,如何根据临床问题检索临床实践指南●掌握评价临床实践指南质量的方法,以及如何运用临床实践指南解决具体临床问题定义临床指南(c1inical guidelines),临床实践指南(clinical practice guidelines,CPG):●“系统开发的多组临床指导意见(诊断治疗建议),以此来帮助医生和病人针对特定的临床问题做出恰当的处理,并选择、确定适宜的卫生保健服务”。
好的临床指南应具有:●真实性(Validity)●可靠性(Reliability)●可重复性(Reproducibility)●实用性(Applicability)●灵活性(Flexibility)●表述清楚,简单明了(Clarity)●多学科参与(Multidisciplinary process)怎样解决临床问题?How to solve a Clinical problem?EBCP过程:4A●Ask clinical questions●Acquire the best evidence●Appraise the evidence●Apply evidence to patient care临床实践指南的循证应用步骤●提出需要解决的临床问题●获取证据●评价CPG的质量●指南是否回答了需要解决的问题?●应用证据●后效评价临床病例患者男性,65岁,哮喘病史40多年,近3天出现急性加重的呼吸困难,伴喘息和咳嗽。
NCCN Guidelines Version 1.2014 Panel Members Cervical Cancer
* Wui-Jin Koh, MD/Co-Chair § Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance * Benjamin E. Greer, MD/Co-Chair W Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance * Nadeem R. Abu-Rustum, MD W Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Sachin M. Apte, MD, MS W Moffitt Cancer Center Susana M. Campos, MD, MPH, MS † Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center Kathleen R. Cho, MD ¹ University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center David Cohn, MD W The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute Marta Ann Crispens, MD W Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Nefertiti DuPont, MD, MPH W Roswell Park Cancer Institute NCCN Lauren Gallagher, RPh, PhD Miranda Hughes, PhD Nicole McMillian, MS NCCN Guidelines Panel Disclosures Patricia J. Eifel, MD § The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Christine M. Fisher, MD, MPH § University of Colorado Cancer Center David K. Gaffney, MD, PhD § Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah Ernest Han, MD, PhD W City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center Warner K. Huh, MD W University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center John R. Lurain, III, MD W Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University Lainie Martin, MD † Fox Chase Cancer Center David Mutch, MD W Siteman Cancer Center at BarnesJewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine
循证医学第一章1.循证医学(Evidence-Based Medicine, EBM)是指所有医疗卫生的决策都应当依据当前最佳的、可获得的研究证据。
P34.中医药学属于传统医学范畴,在西方国家被称之为补充与替代医学(complementary and alternative medicine, CAM)。
P55.(熟悉了解)循证医学方法在中医药应用的现状 P5:1传统的临床评价多为经验总结,缺乏严格设计的前瞻性对照试验研究,使得好的治疗方法得不到广泛的推广应用。
P7第二章1.描述性研究(descriptive study):是利用已有的或专门调查的资料,按不同地区、时间或人群特征分类,将健康人群或患病人群的分布情况真实地展现出来的一类研究方法。
20世纪90年代中期,循证医学(evidence based medicine,EBM)在发达国 家 得 到 了 高 度 重 视 , 并 在 医 学 领 域 得 到 了 迅 速 发 展 。 循 证 护 理 ( evidence based nursing,EBN)是伴随循证医学的发展而出现的护理概念。
Dicenso A, Bayley L, Haynes RB. Accessing pre-appraised evidence: fine-tuning the 5S model into a 6S model. Evid Based Nurs. 2009 Oct;12(4):99-101
• 历史对照研究/不同期对照研究(Historically controlled study)
• 队列研究(cohort study)
• 病例对照研究(case-control study)
• 非连续的时间序列研究(Interrupted-time-series study)
先检索经过评鉴的证据资源:GL, SR, ES, BPIS, Care Bundle……
1. Cochrane:系统评价SR 2. OVID-JBI:SR、证据总结ES、RP、最佳证据总结BPIS 3. NICE( UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence):指南GL 4. SIGN (Scottish intercollegiate guidelines network):GL 5. RNAQ:50份护理指南 6. 专业协会网站:NCCN,AHA,INS… 7. CBM(中国生物医学文献数据库):SR;必要时检索知网、万方新的文献 8. Medline/Embase/CINAL:SR、GL
加 拿 大 ,糖 尿病 是 终末 期 肾脏 疾病 、非 创伤 性 截 肢 、致 盲的主要原 因 ,糖尿病患 者 因终末期 肾脏 疾 病 而住 院的人次 比一般 人群多 1 2 倍 。鉴于此 ,基 于 患者 肾功能评估和调 整降糖治疗对 实现血糖安全 达 标 并减少 低血糖具有 重要意义 。而依照循证 医学 证 据制定 操作性强 的指导意 见则有 助于在临床实 践 中
糖尿病临床 2 0 1 4 年3 月 第8 卷 第3 期 D i a b e t e s Wo r l d, Ma r 2 0 1 4 , Vo l 8 ,No . 3
l 2 7
2 型 糖 尿 病 管 理 要 赢 在 起 跑 线
新诊断2 型糖尿病 患者 的起始治疗方案与其预后 密切 相关 ,短期胰 岛素强化治疗 对于部分 血糖较高 ( 空腹血糖 >1 1 . 1 mmo l / L ) 的新诊断2 型糖尿病患者有 明显益处 。虽然 临床上仍 需要 更多 的研究 来了解不 同治疗 方案及疗程 间是否有差 异 、影 响患者 缓解率 的因素及如何预 测哪些患 者可能获得缓解 等 问题 , 但 现在 临床上 已经在较广 泛的开 展 ,临床 医生需要
作者单位 :北京协 和医院
能缺陷及胰 岛素抵抗 。针对这两 项病理 生理改变 ,
应用优化 的血糖控 制策略是改善糖 尿病 患者预后 的
关键 ,否 则 ,长期 的高 血糖 状 态 可 引起 眼底 、 肾
脏 、神经系统病变 等微血管并发症 ,及 心血管疾病
糖 尿病 l 临床 2 0 1 4 年3 g 第8 卷 第3 期 Di a b e t e s Wo ld, r Ma r 2 0 1 4 , Vo l 8 ,No. 3
加拿大 安大 略注册护 士协会临床 实践 指南应靖 王晋 芳 赵俊 强 郝 玉芳
[摘 要 ] 临 床 实 践 指 南 与 临床 实 践 之 间 的 差 距 阻 碍 着 最佳 证据 的 有 效 实 施 。加 拿 大 安 大 略 注 册 护 士 协 会 发 布 的 《工 具 书 :如何 实施 最佳 实践 指 南》一 书 ,其 以知 识 转 化模 型为 框 架 ,分 别 从 确 定 问题 、适 应 当地 文 化 背 景 、评 估 知 识 使 用 过 程 中的促 进 和 阻 碍 因素 、选 择 和 调 整 干预 措 施 和 策 略 、监 测 知 识 应 用 情 况 和 评 估 实施 结果 以及 知 识 的持 续 性 应用 等 方 面 ,为 促 进 证 据 的临 床 转 化 提 供 了 系统 的策 略 指 导 。该 文 通 过对 书 中 以 上6个 方 面进 行 解 析 ,进 一 步 介 绍 指 南 的 应 用 方 法 ,以促 进 我 国对 临床 实践 指 南 的高 效 运 用 。 [关 键 词 ] 临 床 护 理 研 究 ;指 南 ;加 拿 大 [Key words] Clinical Nursing Research;Guidebooks;Canada
临 床实 践指 南 对提 高医 务人 员医疗 水平 、规 范 医疗行 为 、提 高服 务质 量 、科学 配 置 医药学 资源 和保 障患者 权 益等 方 面起着 重 要作 用 。近年来 ,随着 临 『禾实践 指 南在 临床 实践 、政策 制订 和 管理 决策 等 方 面的广 泛 应用 与 发展 .临床实 践指 南 与 临床 实践 之 问 的差距 越加 明显 。研 究 表 明 ,将最 佳证 据 运用 到 临床 实 践 ,大 约需 要 10~20年 的时 间 ,而 以研 究 证 据 为依 据的实践 内容在美 国临床上 的使用 率不到50% , 其他 同家 的研 究 [4 均 有 类 似 报 道 ,对 指 南 的 实 践 率 均 小 高 .这些 差距 导 致最 佳证 据不 能 及 时 、合 理有 效 地 应用 于临 床 ,不 仅 浪费 了研 究 资源 .而且 使 患 者不 能享 受 到最 佳 的 医疗 服 务 。因此 ,如何 高 效 、充 分 地将 临 床实 践指 南运 用 到临 床 实践 完成 知识 转 化成 为 嚼 待 解 决 的 问题 。加 拿 大 安 大 略 注 册 护 士 协 会 (Registered Nurses’Association of Ontario,RNAO)于 2012年 发 布 的《T 具 书 :如何 实 施最 佳 实 践 指南 》 其 以 知 识 转 化 模 型 (Knowledge to Action Frame— Work,KTA)为 框架 ’ I,从 理论 、研 究 和 经 验 等方 面进 行 分析 ,详 细 讲解 了如 何将 最 佳实 践 指南应 用 于 临 床 实践 ,为 指 南实施 者 ,包括 护 士和 其他 健康 照 护专 家 ,尤 其对 那些 在 组织 中应 用 最佳 实践 指 南 的 队 , 提 供 _r合 理使 用指 南 的策 略 、1-具 和方 法 ,为 临床 实 践 指南 推 向 临床应 用搭 建 了桥 梁 ,也 为 临床实 践 指
罹患SAD的加拿大人在过去两周内报告至少一个残疾日(disability day)的可能性是其他人的2倍。
很多随机对照研究(RCTs)及meta 分析均提示,CBT针对SAD的疗效优于安慰剂、常规治疗(TAU)或等候名单(wait-list)设置。
DOI: 10.1530/EJE-13-1020
Ñ 2014 European Society of Endocrinology, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Renal Association-European Dialysis
However, the paucity of well-designed, prospective studies in the field has limited the evidence-base to these approaches. Previous guidance has often been based on experience or practice, without a systematic approach to evaluation and lacking a clear, patientcentred focus. Clinicians using previous guidance may have noted a number of problems:
Goce Spasovski, Raymond Vanholder1, Bruno Allolio2, Djillali Annane3, Steve Ball4, Daniel Bichet5, Guy Decaux6, Wiebke Fenske2, Ewout Hoorn7, Carole Ichai8, Michael Joannidis9, Alain Soupart6, Robert Zietse7, Maria Haller10, Sabine van der Veer11, Wim Van Biesen1 and Evi Nagler1 on behalf of the Hyponatraemia Guideline
from clinical trial to practice
1. 成立工作组
– 一般由10至20人组成
– 有多学科多领域能平衡各方利益的专家和代 表组成
• 专业人员——应包括临床指南所涉及的各个领域的 多学科的专家,常包括有专科医生、全科医生、公 共卫生医生、心理医生、康复医师、护理人员、药 剂师等
• Cost-effective – reducing the inappropriate use of resources.
• Representative/multidisciplinary – by involving key groups and their interests.
• Clinically applicable – patient populations affected should be unambiguously defined.
如比较和相关描述及病例分析 V级:病例报告和临床总结及专家意见
- A级推荐意见由I级证据支持,准确而无 偏倚,可直接用于患者
- B级由Ⅱ级证据支持,这些意见可能存 在局限性,也可能在将来有更高质量的 新研究出现时被取代
- C级意见常在Ⅲ~V级证据基础上,基 于观察性研究有局限性,支持强度较弱, 仅对诊断、预后等问题有指导意义
定义:官方政府机构或学术组织形成的医疗文件 目的:提高医疗质量和控制医疗费用的不断上涨 检索:1993年年起在Index Medicus可用“实 践指南”为关键词检索,
1. 危险因素AAS的危险因素包括结缔组织疾病、主动脉瓣疾病、近期接受过主动脉手术、主动脉瘤(包括胸部或腹部主动脉瘤)以及AAS家族史。
2. 高危疼痛特征AAS的高危疼痛特征包括突发性疼痛或雷击样疼痛、剧烈或极严重的疼痛、撕裂样疼痛、迁移性疼痛或放射性疼痛。
3. 体格检查体格检查中,提示高危AAS的特征包括主动脉瓣关闭不全(听诊杂音或床旁超声心动图证实)、脉搏短绌、神经功能缺损、低血压或床旁超声心动图证实心包积液。
若D-二聚体检测阴性(<500 ng/ml),提示AAS的可能性较低,则无需进行其他检查。
【总页数】4页(P157-160)【作者】魏戌;朱立国;李金学;高景华;王尚全;于杰;冯敏山【作者单位】中国中医科学院望京医院科研处,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院脊柱2科,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院科研处,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院脊柱2科,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院骨伤综合科,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院脊柱2科,北京 100102;中国中医科学院望京医院脊柱2科,北京 100102【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.整脊疗法配合颈痛颗粒治疗神经根型颈椎病150例 [J], 石震;闫素敏;戈超;陈锋2.2012加拿大成人2型糖尿病筛查指南解读 [J], 王占辉;刘彦君3.成人峡部裂性腰椎滑脱症:NASS循证医学指南解读 [J], 梁龙;冯敏山;朱立国;于杰;魏戌;尹逊路4.2011年特发性肺纤维化诊断和治疗循证新指南解读 [J], 蔡后荣5.骨关节疼痛性疾患康复干预方法选择的循证临床实践指南(下) 四颈痛康复干预方法选择的循证临床实践指南 [J], 徐军因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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告至少一个残疾日(disability day)的可能性是其他人的2倍。
一项纳入了4项预防复发研究、共760名个体的meta分析结果显示,与安慰剂相比,SSRIs可大幅降低3-6个月内的复发风险,相对危险度(RR)为0.39(95% CI 0.30-
0.49),需治数(NNT)为3.57(95%CI 2.94–4.76)。