9L / Le lyejj AAeeq e j6 | jnq ”A J」S—乙丄” uie6e e;e| eje nA—euis • Q sseiup •ll!l • a sv -veueuedxe ej je6 HIM nA ” 」op| je6 nA A J」M J ^UQ —■6uiqjAjeAe je ueej6 < I — £/ fe • Q e fe •「/ •日/・/ Pejn|i ej ui pepue e6euje Jieq; s ”ain ㈣se/v\ eq pueqsnq e se 】nq ” ssens e se/v\ eq uesseuisnq e s\/ •乙pe>lieM peq • Q pe>||eM seq • pe>lieM g s”|e/v\ y7!川qe创!屮人呃p [山」j o代| wq II < 1! ”dejj e ;ui eq sezi|eej eq ei; eq; Ag • \- i 邀兩阴里圣耋消」nnq MSi|6u3 j印s印V£*un P刼坏9L /乙peqsiund 6uieq eje/v\ f 6uuedsiqM eje Qpeqsiund 6uieq eje f pejedsiqM • peqsiundeje/v\ f pejedsiqM peq g 6uiqsiund eje fpejedsiqM eAeq p ■pue sse| ui」0屮qee j Aeqi—2!# < s」列號2屮j ete6 0屮样6uipuets stuepnjs MJ eq; eje Aq — g)! A|u • CB!se •』ueAe • g q6nqj ueAe pBuiqjes」j Buy^\pun」6Ae|d 」n u ejeq; pue ejeq p科 | 」eqeej 」n • j_teej • Q e6eue •」eMsue • g e;iAui y• “ nA ”uei|丄” Aes esjn j— pueuj uBiejj A 4 juesejd e je6 | ueq/v\ iq j j Mq」epu/v\ | — g u/v\p tn • a)nn - dn jn • g Ae/v\e 川 p je;di|ei| Aq aio屮pj pues j peq jueujeA6 eq; pue ” MUS eq; Aq se/v\ eeje e|q/v\ eqi • gAq PPM • a)nnd -ui u科印• g ui ;q6nw p.精品文档.9yur daughter Iks t thin fr her height.—yes.She is t ________ abut fd.There is n way faking her fat.A. speial B . partiular.unusual D . espeial10. y friend Bb ust bught an apartent in a suburbf Beiing last week , whih is uh saller than urs but isthree ties _______ expensive.A. very B . s.t D . as11. —Ty, d the dishes.—u, it ' s a girl ' s b」wuld rather __________ the flr.A. t sweep B . sweep.sweeping D . swept12 . ith the eletriity ___________ beause f the radrepairs , the whle building was pletely dark.A . ut upB . ut ff.ut ut D . ut dwn13 . All that this yung an dreas f is t ake _____________ and live _______ .A . a big frtune ; an easy lifeB . a big ney ; an easy life9k/fr2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创3 / 1613」劭||e 6uiAup ueeq peq eH M9U^i l」e se ” —g—Aeqj 川日<i se^suq ejjeq Aep eq;川p|s eq p|n/v\ 心!o屮ui dqs AjeAe ui e|eej eq; ;eq; pessen6 eAeq p|n/v\ qdeep e|ded09 eui| e ui 6uijieM : iq pepuei ;i ejeq/v\ pue—屮叫eq;样eiAjes eA3 se^suq s < ;q6iu;」eye ^seej (甲華禺来壬)e|eej 6iq e—seepi—乙—siq j eu」eq;ue jsn“s < 1! ejeijM ”eq si A|iej e屮j jsej ot|丄” puiM 6U!U」p| j e;iq |ejuqe eq; jsuie6e 」os| siqpe||nd」oiuo z| |」e “ j|nej UM A s < 打”(黑迪盪二骂秦出耳重并脱由0L02)卓雪纽马-nPR ° a Buinei •PI® 1 •9 IPH 7•川p|s ueeq peq eq; lie 代屮A|u ejjj bupjq o屮} peujnq en 9L6uiqeej f ] • Q M B9J1 5 Aq - 6uiqeej fAq • g peqeej f Aq p6'AN u pjjeq e gg ^g$ pjej e <」eeA jse| euis ;uejed 乙£uesu eAeq seud |ie)!l Asee f Aeu 6iq Qeji| Asee f eunpj 6iq -2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创5 / 169L / S“ •屮叫A代(目融丟腸务)seueuini dn [nd [ pesud |” •屮EM siq 代peue|6 |je —8L—I …“ 2 BuiAeei ejje siq peqqej6 」eq; 6unA eq; jnq 'Ae/we pe>jeq |je ” pejeepQ“ .s」ni| ㈣川恥< q < —j_[—Apeej qjeq leuij e eAeq II 月M””」e^un eqt ue e屮possaie —卯—”iq puiqeq—和—esp euAjeAe 屮!M(胡陽)peuej6 |je” “seieet eiJU^ei eqi s < 代屮” ^peunuue”」创eq; “< s”|j A J」S” 9ui| UI jsjyMU ue/v\ eq; <」oiuneq;;」os|—£ [—pue」p eq; episui j6 |je ' —乙[—s6eq Aeejs 6uiAjje dqs eq; pe^ixe e|ded 6ui|is pue ” ]se\ ye pje/vtij peA A|M|S eui| eq; ueq/v\_y y—Aeqj '」eqje6ijeijl-0L—9 屮]pejey pue je>je UM siq y |je ' —6—s <jue e A|u」eyvpuiM 6ui;iq o屮ui—g —” j ” eqs ejjeq 6u| j^USBM j| jejs6unA 6uueAiqs 」oi| 」o八j je>je 」oi|—j_—iq j jujj ui UBM eq; peqjeM eq ” sje>jees!Aqs^e|eej j eui| 6ui>|eus eqjj pue eqj je—g —sejnui gp ui」eeejs eq; #—g—se/v\ (母一)屮eq qsejj e ” peAUje eq ueqII!川ue ui 川ejuAej p| ue ” dqs ;se| eu peu; |je ” se|eej eq 6uuq j—p—£11!11」jeqj sej 9L / 9皿」a SAVZee|d siq Buipuij • Qee|d siq 6up|e丄•pe」siq 6up|e丄• gAe/v\ siq Buipuij v 9 onp• Q us • pejedejd • g Apeej-y g peiedx^ Qpo[ue • peuuetea * 日POPQGP P PEU •GPin •P!P • a ejeM v £ u • QPjdnjs •peq • a lueinuq v •乙iuesee|d •Q Addeq •• g sniujeq v [eq siq ]— u/vuq s < |je qjiM 6u|e— se|eej juej6ejj uezp 」nj pejeAipp Aeqj ” eA3 sejsuq u uu—o乙—je puy ■JIBM 6u| eq;」j ui pemes |JI6 emn」oi| pue eqs ssejppe」nA e eAi6 ^sn ” suneq siq (锂聊)epjjeA O|!S J9H “ •样JnAe 屮创nA p ue |—6 L_s < }\川日” “ jeqj p ] nA >jse j < up|n|” pe/vu」nj Mjq s < |je“ esnq」nA 1 eq; 6uuq pue se|eej j」op」」nA je6 || < | ”9L / L\ puetui • a \ ue|d v 8L 」eye •Q ui •4 • a ejpqv ZL sepiseg • Q ueqi • 川日• a S V 9 dnpejieM - Q dn p科| - dn ppq - g dn peuirv 9JepuM N• a gnp N *AeM N• a 9|q」d N V •琳A BM siq pei|ui • Q A BM siq • A BM siq pejj • g Ae/v\siq pejepinqspAlieuij • a Anseq -Alinpdn • a Apteiperv 即peeejs •Q P^nqs • pete|njej6u - g pejeeq v“ inpeqs • Q ssepdq • injjedsej - g|npjej6 v • OL u!屮训e • Qui;e;iseq • ui;eiejdde • g undnsse yQ p科i|s • ci ”i|s • ezjj • g peABM'v• g 0A9J • Q upueqe •9L / 8q/v\ usjed eq; pje/v\j snjeue6 ej eeq pe^ii 6uieq eje q/v\ aided 屮Mqs seipnjs osoi|丄”jssepd A6|qAsd |eis e ” uejeeg UBA柏ep/v\ “ ”」e^ii eq; 4 s6ui|eej eAijisd ;uis6uuq (射制)A JII jeqj u/v\qs eAeq ejjeq seipnjs,,;q6iu eqjj pue eq; Aq je>|d Aeqj e6ueq qn /v\q euue;ep ue seA|eseqj j sjejsn puiej sjejieM qn Mq ueAgieH s < ||iq eq;; ” sjepj bupj印e|iqMseA|eseqjA J」e Aeqj Mq j ' spjMj eiq s < 」ejieM eqj」j s」冋juejeyipj seues e j suijeej |ei6|qAsd Aq pejeye eq ue 6uiddi; ;eq; u/v\qs eAeq seipnjs ” peejsui eiAjes tnqe jsn 屮si ” punj eAeq sisi6|qAsd ” 6uiddii 川11!屮nA se e|dis se eq ;u Ae 」eMsue eqi / Aq dij jej 6iq e eAee| j epiep nA euy sieiAjes eq; pue sniipp si pj eqi'jeuuip 1 ai < nA d!丄} qn MH(黑迪国学彌同章戢由OLOS)搦琵戦固.n;q6u • Q人冋e」ne • Anexe • g tsn y OS tseq ei|t - a 胃别0屮- [so屮• 日胃眈|0屮\/ 6L HMBn • a 1 QAeq -9L / 6“ ejeqj 6uieq jsn 4 si di; e j eepi eq; j pedAue je6」o八ou p nA ” ejeq;; < ueje/v\ Aeqj j| nA eAjes1 ejeq; 6uieq」j」ejieM eq;; 6uiq;es pue dn nA ^id j ejeq; 6uieq 4」eAupqe eq; j ejjxe emn e eAi6 j eAeq nA” sAes ueejg “"Buiddi;) ;uid e s|e s < 1巳1|丄”00L$ 」j ||iq e ueq; di; e6ejuejed」e66iq u uie6」科」M eq;epe 002$ 4 ll!Q e pue 00 L$ podd] s||iq ueqM (强爭尋)neeje|d 1」eedde se6etuejed di; ” 冋u| dn jue/v\ s||iq < sje^sn se pedd」p seeje eejq; eseq; ui se6etuejed di; punj Aeqj ” sjsi|Ajs Jieq ” SJ eAupqe ” sjejieM 4 ye| sdi; 000' L 。
Unit 3 Careers and skillsStudent's BookReadingA Understanding the textA1Para.1:Why do we have to work?Para.2:Our goals can be attained and personal dreams can be achieved through the work.Para.3:Work can also develop our skills thus providing room for personal growth.Para.4:Work can also contribute to the health of society.Para.5:Hard work is essential for our individual well-being as well as for the benefit of our society as a whole.A21.Earning a living and other important reasons.2.His passion for flying.3.We should keep up and develop new skills.4.We can take pride in the knowledge that hard work is essential for our individual well-being as well as for the benefit of our society as a whole.B Building your languageB1(1)anticipated (2)labour (3)comfort zones(4)superior(5)attain(6)prejudice (7)are fond of (8)passionGrammar and usageA Exploring the rulesWorking out the rules(1)Noun (2) thatB Applying the rulesB11.I want to know that how other people decide on a career.2.Her doubt is whether she has enough time to complete so many tasks.3.It is the careers adviser suggestion that people should think carefully before choosinga job.4.It remains to be seen where my uncle will open his new restaurant.B2(1)that (2)that (3)whether (4)That (5)thatIntegrated skillsBExtended readingWorkbookExploring languageA1.occupation2.qualification3.attain4.consultant5.receipts6.anticipate7.loan8.PrejudiceB1.follow up2.weigh up3.put under pressure4.To keep up with5.are fond ofying out7.have prejudice against8.to look aroundC1.what2.where3.that4.that5.where6.how7.what8.which9.when 10.whetherD(1)tendency(2)satisfaction(3)directing (4)where(5)are blown (6)viewing(7)However (8)theBuilding skillsA Reading and speakingA11.Be superior.2.How to work with a group of strangers and how to look after themselves.。
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册UNIT4 Section Ⅲ 练习含答案
SectionⅢUsing Language,Assessing Your Progress&Video Time课后·训练提升一、单词拼写.John stood out among the c and was chosen as chairman of the committee..It makes you read the next e to find out what’s going to happen in the novel..His sole m was to make her happy..She got into the car and started the m and set off for home.is one of the major sources of the Chinese culture..A fishing boat sank because of the r sea waves.skilfully guided the ship over the dangerous part of the sea..He made a c to pay the rent on time.1.万一她有个三长两短怎么办?anything should happen to her?2.这种化学变化能放出热和光。
by this chemical change.3.要是没有水,植物就无法生长。
water,no plant could grow.’t for4.作为保持健康的方式,没有什么比得上游泳。
swimming as a means of keeping fit.5.我必须做点什么去报答他的帮助。
.ALike many American people,I have a “bucket list”.It’s something along the lines of the “top-10-things-to-see-or-do-before-you-die” lists published on travel web sites.“Set foot on all seven continents” has always been on my list.This past February,after nearly six months of planning,I was fortunate to be able to knock off two—the most amazing being Antarctica,the other South America.I chose an optimal time to go—summer in the southern hemisphere(半球)—and found a tour company online that was able to accommodate my needs.It is a costly adventure,especially when travelling solo,but the company put together a package for me that was perfect.The company not only got me to the continent,but allowed me the opportunity to set foot on it.Many tour companies will put you on a ship that sails through the area,weaving between islands and giving views of the shore.But to actually set foot on the continent is a rare and impressive treat.One of the tour leaders on our boat estimated that the total number of people who have actually set foot on this land—tourists,scientists and explorers—would only fill a very large football stadium.This is because tourism to Antarctica didn’t really exist until roughly 15 years ago and has only recently taken off in popularity.There are also rules and restrictions for visiting set up by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators.Take nothing away,and leave nothing behind.My plan was simple.Arrive in Ushuaia,Argentina,and get on the M/V Orlova,an ice-strengthened Russian ship,to spend 10 days exploring Antarctica.We saw paradise in a frozen form.No traffic noise,no pollution,no road rage—just clear skies,fresh air and undisturbed beauty for miles.Months later,I still wish I could be there sitting with the penguins,taking it all in,smile firmly frozen in place.1.When the author started his travel,what season was it in America?A.Spring.B.Summer.D.Winter.“I chose an optimal time to go—summer in the southern hemisphere...”可知,作者是在美国是冬季的时候出发的。
2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四练习:unit 3 section 3 Word版含答案
Unit 3 A taste of English humourSection ⅢLearning about Language & Using Language Ⅰ.单项填空1.What she said____________me that I was wrong,so I changed my plan.A.advised B.impressedC.encouraged D.convinced解析:句意为:她说的话使我相信我错了,因此我改变了计划。
convince sb.that...使某人相信。
答案: D2.Having a good____________of humor is very important for a gentleman to attract others.A.understanding B.senseC.feeling D.attitude解析: a sense of humor幽默感,固定搭配。
答案: B3.With exports____________a big role in its economic growth,it is difficult for Japan to recover from the current economic depression.A.to play B.playedC.playing D.play解析:考查非谓语动词。
答案: C4.—What did Jane say to Sarah in the meeting?—She spoke in a____________,so I didn’t hear.A.mess B.whisperC.word D.surprise解析:根据so I didn’t hear可知应选whisper。
必修四Unit3 Words and expressions随堂练习及答案
必修四Unit3 Words and expressions随堂练习I.单词拼写1.They were ___________ (惊诧的) at the news that they would have to give up the chance. 2.I would like to ___________ (款待) my friends to dinner tomorrow evening.3.The plan to expand the company overseas was a complete ___________ (失败).4.To our astonishment,he didn’t work harder to ___________ (克服) his shortcomings. 5.The news that Tom was admitted into a key university spread quickly ___________ (遍及) the small village.6. Mark Twain is known to us because his articles are full of ____________(幽默).7. Though he earns little, he is ____________ (满足的) with his job.8. ____________(幸运地), I passed my driving test yesterday.9. As a famous ____________(表演者),he is always popular with his fans.10. He became inspired when he thought about helping ____________(普通的) people.11. The scenery in the film ___________(导演) by Steven Spielberg is beyond expression.12. As is known to us all, Yuan Longping is an _________(杰出的) Chinese scientist in agriculture.13. Scientists are _______(确信的) of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.14. ____________(时刻) are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids.15. Since life is stage, we are actually all actors and ______________(女演员).16. Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he ______________(主演).17. Travelers on a ____________(预算) might prefer to backpack.18. _____________(手势)language is a communication method of human being.19. ___________(咀嚼)your food well before you swallow it.20. She is not a professional. She draws for her own _______________(乐趣).II. 英汉互译1._________________直到现在2.___________________ 能胜任做某事3.____________________对……满足4.____________________愿意做……5.____________________ 对……感到惊讶6.____________________ 对做某事感到惊讶7. ____________________ 厌倦做某事8.____________________ 用某物款待某人9. ____________________ 没做成某事10.___________________ 被……压制/控制/征服11.挑出_________________ 12.切断,断绝_______________________ 13.在...中担任主演__________________ 14.情况更差_________________15.寻找(介短)________________ 61.说服某人做某事__________________ 17.指示某人做某事________________ 18.对...满足________________III. 选词填空1.Last month I went to visit my old friend and found his living conditions were ___________, than mine.2.His wife __________________ the large sum of money he had spent.3.He _________ the children _________ various jokes while his wife was busy in the kitchen. 4.Our teacher __________________ the summary I made about this story.5.___________,the organization has received private donations of about 1,000,000 yuan from the country.IV. 单句语法填空1.Mr Pan has been loved by the public for his _________(humour) performances for years. 2.People around the world still enjoy listening to the music of one of America’s greatest _________(perform) of popular and jazz music.3.He found it ____________ (astonish) that his money in the drawer was gone.4.____________(fortunate),I didn’t have my credit card with me or I’d certainly have bought it. 5.The lady is crazy about green and never ___________(bore) with anything to do with the color. 6.____________ the old saying goes,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”7. Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of ____________ (entertain).V. 语法填空Mr Clark works in a middle school. He likes reading and often borrows some books 1. the library. He listens to the radio every morning and reads newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well.Mr Clark has a nineyearold son,Mike,2. also likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clark always thinks he’s too young 3. (understand) them and chooses the easiest ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with it.One day Mike read something about lights and was 4. (interest) in it. He asked his father a few questions,and without any 5. (difficult) his father answered them all. Then his father said 6. (proud),“Fathers always know 7. (much) than sons!” The boy thought for a while and said,“I don’t think 8. .” His father asked,“Oh?Why?” Mike didn’t answer,and asked instead,“Who 9. (invent) lights in the 19th century?”“Thomas Edison,” answered Mr Clark. “Why didn’t his father invent them,then?” 10. (look) at his son,Mr Clark didn’t know what to say!六.完成句子1.汤姆说服她改变了主意。
人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册UNIT4 Section Ⅲ 含答案
SectionⅢUsing Language,Assessing Your Progress&Video Time一、单词拼写(咨询) with local residents.(标准) are used for assessing a student’s ability?was larger than the output,so they lost money.(近来).(企盼) it stays that way.(契约) with the(稳定)for the children.(缺陷).planting.making preparations for the conference on educationalunemployment anda new library and resource centre.quantity quality.the plan,but we managed to persuade him.The desire to sleep late can be almost too much to resist at weekends.This Saturday morning,though,there was something important enough to get me up early.Yawning widely,I got out of bed and put on some old jeans and a T-shirt.After combing the house for work gloves,my dad found a pair my mother used for gardening and took them along.We hopped(跳) in the car and headed into Boston.Guided by my directions,Dad managed to get us to our destination:a row of houses.They were in the process of being built,mostly by volunteers like us.After grabbing a huge leather tool belt,I met the people I would be workingwith.Virginia,James and Wilbur were all more than twice my age but treated me like a peer(同龄人).We got to work nailing the frames of walls.By the lunch break I had hit what seemed likeevery tough spot in the whole house,and pried(撬起) countless bent nails.The rest of the day went by quickly as I gained efficiency with my hammer.Soon it was time to pack up.As I was leaving,a woman came into the house.She saw the progress we’d made upstairs and started looking around the rooms.Then I realised who the woman was—her family would be living in the house.As she walked through each room,I could see her planning where furniture would go.Even though I had only been there one short day out of weeks of construction.I felt a great sense of accomplishment.When these houses finished,six families would have nice homes.Thanks to Habitat for Humanity for giving me such an opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives.Habitat for Humanity is an international organisation.You are welcome to join and be part of the change you want to see in your community.1.What is the important thing the author mentioned in paragraph 1?A.Sleeping at weekends.B.Building some houses.C.Gardening with his mother.“...Dad managed...a row of houses...being built,mostly by .”可知,作者提到的重要事情是去义务修建房屋。
人教版新课标2018-2019学年 必修四 第三单元Unit 3 Working the land 课时练习using Language 含答案详解
Using Language Unit 3Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.She loves the song (particular),because her mother used to sing it.2. Her success as an (act) was in the 1980s, when she acted as an attractive woman in a movie.3.Tears were (slide) down his cheeks when he heard the news that his wife had passed away.4.(detective) are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious.5.To build a road in the(mountain) area was a real challenge.6.We could hear the wind(whisper) and birds singing in the trees.7.My first (react) to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.8.It´s highly (amuse) to watch the trained elephants perform.9.The teacher´s (explain) brought about our misunderstanding of the problem.10.We should always keep in mind that many traffic accidents arise from (drink) driving. Ⅱ.单句填空1. You have your choice of adding a number of sauces and vegetables no extra charge.2.I admire my English teacher.I can remember very few occasions she stopped working because of ill health.3.The house is a mess after a wildly party. Let´s tidy it up.4. She will design a fantastic new kitchen for you—and all your budget.5. Don´t play words. I can´t catch the meaning.6. I was about to go to bed when the phone rang second time.Ⅲ.句型训练1.The wife her husband so that she wouldn´t wake up the child.(whisper, sleep)妻子对丈夫低声地说话,这样她就不会吵醒正在熟睡的孩子了。
Unit 3Section ⅡUsing language.阅读理解ne of the main challenges faced by many countries is how to maintain their identity in the face of globalisation and the growing multilanguagetrend.“One of the main reasons for economic failure in many African countries is the fact that, with a few important exceptions, mothertongue education is not practised in any of the independent African states,” said Neville Alexander, Director of the Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa at the University of Cape Town.n response to the spread of English and the increased multilanguage trend arising from immigration, many countries have introduced language laws in the last decade. ln some, the use of languages other than the national language is banned in public spaces such as advertising posters. One of the first such legal provisions (规定) was the 1994 “Toubon Law” in France, and the idea has been copied in many countries since then. Such efforts to govern language use are often considered futile by language experts, who are well aware of the difficulty in controlling the fashion in speech and know from research that language switching between bilinguals is a natural process.t is especially difficult for native speakers of English to understand the desire to maintain the “purity” of a language by law. Since the time of Shakespeare, English has been continually absorbing foreign words into its own language. English is one of the most mixed and rapidly changing languages in the world, but that has not been a barrier to acquiring superiority and power. Another reason for the failure of many native English speakers to understand the role of the state regulation is that it has never been the AngloSaxon way of doing things. English has never had a statecontrolled authority for the language, similar, for example, to the AcademieFransaise in France.he need to protect national languages is, for most western Europeans, a recent phenomenon—especially the need to ensure that English does not take over too many unnecessary fields. Public communication, education and new ways of communication promoted by technology, may be key fields to defend..Neville Alexander believes that ________..mothertongue education is not practised in all African countries.globalisation has resulted in the economic failure of Africa.globalisation has led to the rise of multilanguage trend.lack of mothertongue education can lead to economic failure.What does the underlined word “futile” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?.Workable. B.Practical..Useless. D.Unnecessary..What can we infer from the last paragraph?.English has taken over fields like public communication and education..Many aspects of national culture are threatened by the spread of English..Most language experts believe it is important to promote a national language..Europeans have long realised the need to protect a national language..What is the best title for the passage?.Fighting Against the Rule of English.Protecting Local Languages and Identity.The Globalisation and MultiIanguage Trend.To Maintain the Purity of Language by Lawf Confucius(孔子) were alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles. He'd need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.hile many people in China remember Confucius on his special day, few people in the United States will give him a passing thought. It's nothing personal. Most Americans don't even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.ut that doesn't mean that Americans don't care about Confucius. In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.n the past two decades, the Chinese study programs have gained enormous popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually include Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for the life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.o the old thinker's ideas are still alive and good.oday China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.s for the old thinker, he will not be forgotten by people in the West, even if his birthday is..The purpose of the first paragraph is mainly to ________..attract readers' interest in the subject.provide some key facts about Confucius.show great respect for the ancient thinker.prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students________..take an active part in Chinese competitions.try to get high scores in Chinese exams.fight for a chance to learn Chinese.show great interest in studying Chinese nowadays.What is the best title for this passage?.Forgotten Wisdom in America.Huge Fans of the Chinese Language.A Great Thinker with a Big Future.Chinese Culture for Westerners.七选五aotzu and Confucius were China's most famous philosophers. __1__ “Those who know do not say; those who say do not know,”said Laotzu. Confucius said that the best people say the least, but do the most._2__ It comes from the story that he was born with white hair, already old and wise. Very little is known about Laotzu's life. His writings are titled the “Tao TeChing”.ccording to Taoism, the entire universe flows with a mysterious force called the Tao, which means “The Way”. __3__ When people forget this, opinions of good and evil or true and false happen. Taoists try to remember their oneness. However, this iseasier said than done, said Laotzu. Over time, Taoism changed a bit. Taoism became more popular in AD 440 when it became China's state religion. Many people practice Taoism today.orn in 551 BC, Confucius wandered throughout China as a government employee and a political adviser. __4__ After Confucius died in 479 BC, his students wrote down his teachings and called them Lunyu, or TheAnalects. Many of his clever sayings are still followed today. “It is as hard to be poor without complaining as to be rich without becoming arrogant (傲慢的).” Confucianism says it is important to learn to be a human being. People should act with goodness towards each other to create order and unity. Confucianism guided thinking in China until about a hundred years ago.aoism and Confucianism have differences and similarities. Confucianism tells people how to act toward each other. Taoism tells people how to find meaning in life. They both share ideas about man, society, and the universe. Both Taoism and Confucianism have served as guides. __5__.Good thinking lasts a long time!.Their sayings are still used today..La otzu may not even have existed..He was also a musician, thinker, and teacher..The name Laotzu means “Old Master” or “Old Boy”..They have led China through the peaks and valleys of its long history..Taoists believe that everything might seem separate, but is actually one.课时作业(八).阅读理解语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。
必修4 Unit3课时作业及答案.doc
必修4 Unit3A taste of English humour感受英语的幽默课时作业Ⅰ.单项填空1.By the time he realizes he________into a trap,it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.A.walks B.walkedC.has walked D.had walked2.As a businessman he was a success,but as a husband he was________failure,so their marriage ended in________failure.A./;/ B./;aC.a;a D.a;/3.—I’m green at everything.—Don’t worry.________you get older,you will get more experience.A.As B.TillC.Unless D.Since4.—You are late again,Tom?—Sorry,but I got________a heavy traffic jam.A.caught in B.taken inC.put off D.held by5.The whole area was________by the snow,and the government had to send food there by helicopter.A.cut away B.cut upC.cut off D.cut down6.—I wonder how to________to him when I get a present from my foreign friend Jack.—Of course say “Thank you”.A.invite B.answerC.manage D.react7.Our teacher looked here and there on our playground________ looking for something.A.even though B.even ifC.as if D.only if8.—Why are the two students standing at the gate of the teachers’office?—They________to each other in class and________.A.have whispered;are punishingB.had whispered;were punishedC.whispered;are being punishedD.are whispering;were being punished9.—Your daughter looks too thin for her height.—Yes.She is too________about food.There is no way of making her fat.A.special B.particularC.unusual D.especial10.My friend Bob just bought an apartment in a suburb of Beijing last week,which is much smaller than ours but is three times________expensive.A.very B.soC.too D.as11.—Tommy,do the dishes.—Mum,it’s a girl’s job.I would rather________the floor.A.to sweep B.sweepC.sweeping D.swept12.With the electricity________because of the road repairs,the whole building was completely dark.A.cut up B.cut offC.cut out D.cut down13.All that this young man dreams of is to make________and live________.A.a big fortune;an easy lifeB.a big money;an easy lifeC.big fortune;easy lifeD.big money;easy life14.Oil prices have risen________32 percent since last year,________a record $84.65 a barrel on Nov.9.A.by;reached B.by;reachingC.by;to reach D.to;reaching15.He hurried to the booking office only________that all the tickets had been sold out.A.to tell B.to be toldC.telling D.toldⅡ.完形填空(2010年湖北重点中学第二次联考) “It’s my own fault.” Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind.“The rest of the family is home,where it’s__1__.”Just another one of his__2__ideas—a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight’s Christmas Eve service at the church—and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas?Butthey__3__,as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning.__4__to bring home tamales,Carl tried one last shop,an old favorite out in Canutillo.When he arrived,a fresh batch (一炉) was__5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__at the end of the snaking line of tamale-seekers,he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasn’t long before she,too,__8__in the biting wind.After only a moment’s__9__,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the__10__mother.Together,they__11__when the line slowly moved forward at last,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags.__12__,Carl got inside the door and__13__closer to the counter,the woman now first in line.“Sorry folks,” the clerk announced,“that’s the last of the tamales.”“__14__!” Carl groaned (抱怨) with everyone else__15__behind him.“__16__,”stressed the man at the counter,“we’ll have a final batch ready__17__,oh,about two hours.”Defeated,Carl backed away,but the young mother grabbed his arm.“You’re leaving?”“I__18__,”Carl glanced at his watch.“I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯) at my church.”“I’ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.”Carl’s brow furrowed “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”“But it’s__19__I can do.You lent me your coat.”Her smile overrode (推翻) his objections.“Just give me your address.” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.And at__20__noon on Christmas Eve,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales—along with Carl’s brown jacket—to his home.1.A.harmonious B.warmC.happy D.pleasant2.A.brilliant B.badC.stupid D.common3.A.were B.didC.could D.had4.A.Decided B.DeterminedC.Wanted D.Expected5.A.ready B.preparedC.soon D.due6.A.Finding his way B.Taking his roadC.Taking his place D.Finding his place7.A.move B.rejectC.abandon D.remove8.A.waved B.frozeC.shook D.shocked9.A.assumption B.appreciationC.hesitation D.attention10.A.grateful B.respectfulC.hopeless D.shameful11.A.cheered B.congratulatedC.shouted D.screamed12.A.Immediately B.HopefullyC.Lastly D.Finally13.A.shouldered his way B.forced his wayC.felt his way D.inched his way14.A.No problem B.No wayC.No doubt D.No wonder15.A.lined up B.held upC.looked up D.waited up16.A.So B.ButC.Then D.Besides17.A.before B.forC.in D.after18.A.plan to B.intend toC.have to D.ought to19.A.the least B.the mostC.the last D.the best20.A.just B.exactlyC.accurately D.rightⅢ.阅读理解(2010年福建四地六校联考)How Much to TipYou’re out to dinner.The food is delicious and the service is fine.You decide to leave a big fat tip.Why?The answer may not be as simple as you think.Tipping,psychologists have found,is not just about service.Instead,studies have shown that tipping can be affected by psychological reactions to a series of different factors from the waiter’s choice of words,to how they carry themselves while taking orders,to the bill’s total.Even how much waiters remind customers of themselves can determine how much change they pocket by the end of the night.“Studies before have shown that mimicry (模仿) brings into positive feelings for the mimicker,”wrote Rick van Baaren,a social psychology professor.“These studies show that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimicks them.”So Rick van Baaren divided 59 waiters into two groups.He requested that half serve with a phrase such as,“Coming up!”Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers.Rick van Baaren then compared their take-home pay.The results were clear—it pays to mimic your customer.The copycat (模仿者) waiters earned almost double the amount of tips to the other group.Leonard Green and Joel Myerson,psychologists at Washington University in St.Louis,found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by his bill.After research on the 1,000 tips left for waiters,cabdrivers,hair stylists,they found tip percentages in these three areas dropped as customers’ bills went up.In fact,tip percentages appear to plateau (稳定期) when bills topped $100 and a bill for $200 made the worker gain no bigger percentage tip than a bill for $100.“That’s also a point of tipping,” Green says.“You have to give a little extra to the cabdriver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you.If they weren’t there,you’d never get any service.So part of the idea of a tip is for just being there.”1.Apart from service,how many other factors affecting the customers’tipping are mentioned in the passage?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.2.These studies show that________.A.tipping can be affected by physical reactions to many different waitersB.people who are being mimicked usually tip less to the person who mimics themC.the mimic waiters can get almost twice as much money as those who don’t mimick othersD.mimicry makes the mimicker feel bad3.According to the passage,which of the following will be likely to show the right change of the tip percentages?4.We know from the passage that the writer seems to________.A.object to Mr Green’s idea about tippingB.think part of Mr Green’s explanation is reasonableC.give his generous tip to waiters very oftenD.support the opinions of Mr Green and Rick van Baaren about tipping课时作业(十八)Ⅰ.单项填空1.C句意为:到他认识到已经中计的时候,再做任何事情也就不济于事了。
高中英语(人教版必修四)习题 Unit 3 Period One含答案
How to Develop Your Sense of HumourHaving a good sense of humour can do many positive things to aperson.It can make them more attractive and more likeable.People whohave a good sense of humour have the natural ability to start and lead agood conversation.A good sense of humour is not difficult to acquire.Everybody candevelop their sense of humour to a level admired by a lot of people.Here are good tips on how to improve yours.1.Associate yourself with people who are fun and humorous.If you can’t seem to be amusing naturally all by your own,be with people who are.2.Laugh at yourself.Who else will be a good subject of something funny but you?If you can laugh at yourself and the rather embarrassing(尴尬的) things that you did,that means you have enough confidence in yourself.And you are not afraid to make mistakes at all.3.Read funny books and remember those good clean jokes.Select the ones that you can easily Insert (插入) on any type of conversation.Collecting good jokes would give you something to use when the need to break the ice arises.4.Apply humour in your everyday life.Humour can really lighten things up.Humour can be applied in your workplace,in a relationship,and in anywhere else.Humour has the ability to transform attitudes from gloomy(悲观的) to lively and enthusiastic.Humour eventually leads to a happy position.Humour adds more to an already healthy relationship.Add humour to your life.It does not only make you the fountain of happiness of your group.It could also improve your aura(人气) to become a better person yourself.Improve your sense of humour now and see how many people will begin to like you better each day.根据上文完成下列各题1.Do people with a good sense of humour often start and lead a good conversation?Yes,they do.2.Does it mean that a person has no confidence in himself if he can laugh at himself?No.On the contrary,he has enough confidence in himself.3.Do you think the above tips can help to improve people’s humour?If not,please give your advice.The answers may vary.Period One Warming Up & ReadingⅠ.单词1.n.幽默humour喜剧comedy表演者performer小胡子moustache失败(者)failure皮革leather2.v.使惊诧astonish款待entertain嚼碎chew克服overcome使信服convince指示;指挥;导演direct使满足content3.adj.令人惊讶的astonishing 平常的ordinary突出的outstanding令人信服的convincing幸运的fortunate厌烦的bored无家的homeless4.ad v.到处;始终throughout 不幸地unfortunatelyⅡ.短语1.主演star in2.穷的;缺少的badly off3.挑出;辨别出pick out4.对……满足feel/be content with5.切断;隔绝cut off6.直到现在up to now1.He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they could feel more content with their lives.在感到沮丧的时候,他可以使他们开怀大笑,于是人们就对自己的生活感到比较满足。
Unit 3 A taste of English humour单独成册:对应学生用书第291页[基础巩固篇]一、默写版块Ⅰ.重点单词请快速写出下列单词对应的汉语意思1.charming adj.迷人的;有魅力的2.wornout adj.磨破的;穿旧的3.teens n.十几岁4.chew vt.& vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)5.costume n.服装;戏装6.budget n.预算;开支7.rhythm n.节奏8.whisper n.耳语;低语vt.& vi.低语;小声说9.mountainous adj.多山的;山一般的10.gesture n.姿态;手势vi.做手势11.detective n.侦探12.outstanding adj.突出的;杰出的;显著的13.vast adj.巨大的;辽阔的14.optimism n.乐观;乐观主义15.comedy n.喜剧请快速写出下列英语单词16.content adj.满足的;满意的n.满足;内容vt.使满足17.ordinary adj.平常的;普通的18.failure n.失败(者);失败的人或事19.overcome vt.& vi.战胜;克服20.worn adj.用旧的;坏的;破烂的21.occasion n.时刻;场合22.slide vt.& vi.(使)滑动;(使)滑行n.滑;滑动;幻灯片23.homeless adj.无家的;无家可归的24.drunk adj.醉的25.react vi.作出反应;回应请快速写出下列英语单词及拓展单词26.humour n.幽默;滑稽humourous adj.幽默的;滑稽的27.astonish vt.使惊诧astonishing adj.令人感到惊讶的astonishment n.惊诧;震惊astonished adj.惊诧的28.fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunate adj.不幸的unfortunately adv.不幸地fortune n.运气;财富29.entertain vt.& vi.使欢乐;款待entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的entertainment n.娱乐30.convince vt.使信服convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.坚信不疑的31.direct vt.& vi.导演;指示;指挥adj.直的;直接的;直率的direction n.指导;方向director n.导演directly adv.直接地;径直地conj.一……就……32.particular adj.特殊的;特别的n.细节;细目particularly adv.特殊地;特别地33.amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快amusing adj.好笑的;有趣的amused adj.愉快的amusement n.愉快;快乐34.explanation n.解释;讲解;说明explain vt.解释;说明35.bored adj.厌烦的boring adj.令人厌烦的Ⅱ.高频短语1.up to now 直到现在2.feel/be content with 对……满足3.badly off 穷的;缺少的4.pick out 挑出;辨别出5.cut off 切断;断绝6.convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事7.star in 在……担任主角;主演8.in particular 尤其;特别9.pick up 拿起;偶然获得;收听;好转10.react to 对……作出反应;回应Ⅲ.经典句型1.As Victor Hugo once said,“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”,and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.维克多·雨果曾经说过:“笑容如阳光,能驱走人们脸上的冬天。
必修4Unit3课时作业及答案A taste of English humour感受英语的幽默课时作业Ⅰ.单项填空1.By the time he realizes he________into a trap,it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.A.walks B.walkedC.has walked D.had walked2.As a businessman he was a success,but as a husband he was________failure,so their marriage ended in________failure.A./;/ B./;aC.a;a D.a;/3.—I’m green at everything.—Don’t worry.________you get older,you will get more experience.A.As B.TillC.Unless D.Since4.—You are late again,Tom?—Sorry,but I got________a heavy traffic jam.A.caught in B.taken inC.put off D.held by5.The whole area was________by the snow,and the government had to send food there by helicopter.A.cut away B.cut upC.cut off D.cut down6.—I wonder how to________to him when I get a present from my foreign friend Jack.—Of course say “Thank you”.A.invite B.answerC.manage D.react7.Our teacher looked here and there on our playground________ looking for something.A.even though B.even ifC.as if D.only if8.—Why are the two students standing at the gate of the teachers’office?—They________to each other in class and________.A.have whispered;are punishingB.had whispered;were punishedC.whispered;are being punishedD.are whispering;were being punished9.—Your daughter looks too thin for her height.—Yes.She is too________about food.There is no way of making her fat.A.special B.particularC.unusual D.especial10.My friend Bob just bought an apartment in a suburb of Beijing last week,which is much smaller than ours but is three times________expensive.A.very B.soC.too D.as11.—Tommy,do the dishes.—Mum,it’s a girl’s job.I would rather________the floor.A.to sweep B.sweepC.sweeping D.swept12.With the electricity________because of the road repairs,the whole building was completely dark.A.cut up B.cut offC.cut out D.cut down13.All that this young man dreams of is to make________and live________.A.a big fortune;an easy lifeB.a big money;an easy lifeC.big fortune;easy lifeD.big money;easy life14.Oil prices have risen________32 percent since last year,________a record $84.65 a barrel on Nov.9.A.by;reached B.by;reachingC.by;to reach D.to;reaching15.He hurried to the booking office only________that all the tickets had been sold out.A.to tell B.to be toldC.telling D.toldⅡ.完形填空(2010年湖北重点中学第二次联考) “It’s my own fault.” Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind.“The rest of the family is home,where it’s__1__.”Just another one of his__2__ideas—a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight’s Christmas Eve service at the church—and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas?Butthey__3__,as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning.__4__to bring home tamales,Carl tried one last shop,an old favorite out in Canutillo.When he arrived,a fresh batch (一炉) was__5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__at the end of the snaking line of tamale-seekers,he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasn’t long before she,too,__8__in the biting wind.After only a moment’s__9__,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the__10__mother.Together,they__11__when the line slowly moved forward at last,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags.__12__,Carl got inside the door and__13__closer to the counter,the woman now first in line.“Sorry folks,” the clerk announced,“that’s the last of the tamales.”“__14__!” Carl groaned (埋怨) with everyone else__15__behind him.“__16__,”stressed the man at the counter,“we’ll have a final batch ready__17__,oh,about two hours.”Defeated,Carl backed away,but the young mother grabbed his arm.“You’re leaving?”“I__18__,”Carl glanced at his watch.“I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯) at my church.”“I’ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.”Carl’s brow furrowed “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”“But it’s__19__I can do.You lent me your coat.”Her smile overrode (推翻) his objections.“Just give me your address.” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.And at__20__noon on Christmas Eve,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales—along with Carl’s brown jacket—to his home.1.A.harmonious B.warmC.happy D.pleasant2.A.brilliant B.badC.stupid D.common3.A.were B.didC.could D.had4.A.Decided B.DeterminedC.Wanted D.Expected5.A.ready B.preparedC.soon D.due6.A.Finding his way B.Taking his roadC.Taking his place D.Finding his place7.A.move B.rejectC.abandon D.remove8.A.waved B.frozeC.shook D.shocked9.A.assumption B.appreciationC.hesitation D.attention10.A.grateful B.respectfulC.hopeless D.shameful11.A.cheered B.congratulatedC.shouted D.screamed12.A.Immediately B.HopefullyC.Lastly D.Finally13.A.shouldered his way B.forced his wayC.felt his way D.inched his way14.A.No problem B.No wayC.No doubt D.No wonder15.A.lined up B.held upC.looked up D.waited up16.A.So B.ButC.Then D.Besides17.A.before B.forC.in D.after18.A.plan to B.intend toC.have to D.ought to19.A.the least B.the mostC.the last D.the best20.A.just B.exactlyC.accurately D.rightⅢ.阅读明白得(2010年福建四地六校联考)How Much to TipYou’re out to dinner.The food is delicious and the service is fine.You decide to leave a big fat tip.Why?The answer may not be as simple as you think.Tipping,psychologists have found,is not just about service.Instead,studies have shown that tipping can be affected by psychological reactions to a series of different factors from the waiter’s choice of words,to how they carry themselves while taking orders,to the bill’s total.Even how much waiters remind customers of themselves can determine how much change they pocket by the end of the night.“Studies before have shown that mimicry (仿照) brings into positive feelings for the mimicker,”wrote Rick van Baaren,a social psychology professor.“These studies show that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimicks them.”So Rick van Baaren divided 59 waiters into two groups.He requested that half serve with a phrase such as,“Coming up!”Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers.Rick van Baaren then compared their take-home pay.The results were clear—it pays to mimic your customer.The copycat (仿照者) waiters earned almost double the amount of tips to the other group.Leonard Green and Joel Myerson,psychologists at Washington University in St.Louis,found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by his bill.After research on the 1,000 tips left for waiters,cabdrivers,hair stylists,they found tip percentages in these three areas dropped as customers’ bills went up.In fact,tip percentages appear to plateau (稳固期) when bills topped $100 and a bill for $200 made the worker gain no bigger percentage tip than a bill for $100.“That’s also a point of tipping,” Green says.“You have to give a little extra to the cabdriver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you.If they weren’t there,you’d never get any service.So part of the idea of a tip is for just being there.”1.Apart from service,how many other factors affecting the customers’tipping are mentioned in the passage?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.2.These studies show that________.A.tipping can be affected by physical reactions to many different waitersB.people who are being mimicked usually tip less to the person who mimics themC.the mimic waiters can get almost twice as much money as those who don’t mimick othersD.mimicry makes the mimicker feel bad3.According to the passage,which of the following will be likely to show the right change of the tip percentages?4.We know from the passage that the writer seems to________.A.object to Mr Green’s idea about tippingB.think part of Mr Green’s explanation is reasonableC.give his generous tip to waiters very oftenD.support the opinions of Mr Green and Rick van Baaren about tipping课时作业(十八)Ⅰ.单项填空1.C句意为:到他认识到差不多中计的时候,再做任何情况也就不济于事了。
新教材高中英语新人教版选择性必修第四册:UNIT 3 Period One基础练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.This is a fairy ________(故事) written by a famous woman writer in our country.2.This railway is said to ________(延长) to Guangzhou in the next two years.3.The two sides are still ________(谈判) the cost of the construction.4.The ________(舰队) led by Zheng He set off from South China Sea in 1405.5.They ________(看见) a bright star shining in the sky just at that time.6.After military service he played some minor ________ (联赛) baseball.7. A media circus surrounded the ________ (王室的) couple wherever they went.8.You need to strengthen your ________(联系) with your children.【答案】1.tale 2.extend 3.negotiating4.fleets 5.were beholding6.league 7.royal 8.bondsⅡ.单句语法填空1.Five ________(Europe) are reported to visit our school next week.2.Gradually,they came to ________ is known as The Home of Flowers.3.We’ll have to take measures to promote people’s ________(aware) of environmental protection.4.The tower is said to be built during ________ Ming Dynasty.5.This morning I ________(withdraw) some money from the bank.6.________(do) well in my lessons is the first job I want to do this term.7.We still have to do a lot to ________(strong) the bonds between China and other countries.8.The purpose of this lecture is ________(inspire) the students’ desire to learn their lessons well.9.A ________(negotiate) will be held between the two sides about their border issues.10.________ the command of the general,all the soldiers jumped out of the trench and rushed to the enemy.【答案】1.Europeans 2.what 3.awareness4.the 5.withdrew 6.To do 7.strengthen8.to inspire 9.negotiation 10.UnderⅢ.完成句子1.He’s the best artist I’ve ever seen.He’s ________________________.他是我见过的最棒的艺术家。
人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册UNIT 3 Period 4课时作业含答案
UNIT 3Period Four基础练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.How much space is each ______________(目录) in the filesystem using?2.Mr Li soon defeated his ________(对手) with his sharp words and won the speech competition in the end.3.The captain carefully ________(记录) what had happened on the voyage every day.4.The young man was taken away by the police because he was under suspicion of ____________(谋杀).5.The thief was ________(逮捕) by the police last week for stealing things in the shop.【答案】1.directory2.opponent3.logged4.murder5.arrestedⅡ.短语填空be responsible for,look into,set sail,withdraw from,press conference,in hand,be based on,a wide range of1.Dwight decided __________________ the committee and join up with the opposition.2.Mr Li has ________________ knowledge.That’s why his lessons are often lively and interesting.3.The company held a series of __________________ to announce their new product line.4.The boy did a lot of research online and finally finished his essay ________ adequate evidence.5.She thanked Tom very much for his kindness,and began to prepare ________________ for England.6.In the famous painting Along the Ri v er During the Qingming Festi v al,a takeaway waiter can be seen with food __________.7.The woman ________ the window,but found nobody in the office.8.Everybody must ________ what they do and what they say in their life and work.【答案】1.to withdraw from2.a wide range of3.press conferences4.based on5.to set sail6.in hand7.looked into8.be responsible forⅢ.完成句子1.Great progress has been made in China and China ________________________________ in many fields in the scientific world.中国近年来取得了巨大的进步,在科技界的许多领域都处于领先地位。
人教版高中英语必修四课时作业:Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section Ⅲ含答案
Unit 3 Section ⅢLearning about Language& Using Language课时作业Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.In a sports team each player has a clear role, and there are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain about their roles.2.Look what a mess you've made of your life.3.He asked about my health whenever he met me.4.There's no reason to be disappointed. As a matter of fact, this could be rather amusing (amuse).5.He must have completed(complete) his work; otherwise, he wouldn't be enjoying himself by the seaside.6.Be particularly (particular) careful when driving at night.7.How did she react to the results?8.They whispered to each other for a long time.Ⅱ.单句改错1.The old man sat in his rocking chair, amused himself by listening to Beijing Opera.amused→amusing 2.He is whispering his neighbour,“Let's go hunting.”his前加to 3.Workers reacted angrily for the news of more job losses at the factory.for→to 4.In one occasion the young man performed by the road.In→On 5.He slides into the classroom while the teacher was writing on the blackboard.slides→slid 6.Your desk is in mess. I have told you many times to put things where they are.in后加a Ⅲ.阅读理解AHumor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying“no”,criticizing, and getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it is the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that a serious dialogue may start a riot. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.Humor is often the best way to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating (升级) into a big deal. Recently a neighbor of mine had a quarrel with his wife as she drove him to the airport. Airborne, he felt miserable, and he knew she did, too. Two hours after she returned home, she received a long-distance phone call.“Person-to-person for Mrs. I. A. Pologize.”intoned the operator.“That's spelled ‘P’ as in ...” In a twinkling (眨眼间), the whole day changed from bad to lovely at both ends of the wire.An English hostess with a quick wit was giving a formal dinner for eight distinguished guests whom she hoped to enlist (赞助) in a major charity drive. Austerity was a fashion in England at the time, and she had asked her children to serve the meal. She knew that anything could happen ... and it did, just as her son, with the studied concentration of a tightrope walker, brought in a large roast turkey; he successfully elbowed the swinging dining-room door, but the back bird dropped onto the dining-room floor.The boy stood rooted, the guests staring at their plates. Moving only her head the hostess looked at her son,“No harm, Daniel”,she said,“just pick him up and take him back to the kitchen” ... she enunciated (发音) clearly so he would think about what she wa s saying ...“and bring in the other one.”A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a laughter.【解题导语】幽默能使我们有效地应对尴尬的局面。
Unit3 Tomorrow’s world(建议用时40分钟)Ⅰ. 单项填空1. (2015·福州模拟)After two days, our food ________ , and we had to return to the camp.A. gave inB. gave awayC. gave outD. gave up【解析】选C。
句意: 两天后我们的食物用完了, 我们不得不返回营地。
give out用光, 耗尽; give in 屈服; give away泄露; give up放弃。
2. Not only food and clothes but also some necessary equipment ________ sent to the disaster-hit area since the powerful earthquake occurred.A. has beenB. have beenC. is beingD. are being【解析】选A。
句意: 自从强有力的地震发生后, 一些必要的设备、食物和衣物被送到了灾区。
这里的谓语和就近的some necessary equipment一致, 所以用单数形式。
not only A but also B 结构中谓语动词单复数和B一致。
时间状语为since+一般过去时从句, 所以谓语动词要用完成时。
【加固训练】Not only ________ the activity ________ public awareness of world hunger, but raised a lot of money for the poor children.A. /; has increasedB. is; increasedC. has; increasedD. /; increased【解析】选C。
句意: 这次活动不仅增强了公众对世界饥饿的认识, 而且为贫穷的孩子募集了很多资金。
必修 4 Unit3A taste of English humour 感受英语的幽默课时作业I •单项填空1.By the time he realizes he _______ i nto a trap ,it'll be too late for him to do anything about it.A .walksB .walkedC.has walked D.had walked2.As a businessman he was a success,but as a husband he was _______________ failure ,so their marriage ended in _______ f ailure.A./;/ B./;aC.a;a D.a;/3.—I' m green at everything.—Don't worry. ________ you get older,you will get more experience.A .As B.TillC.Unless D.Since4.—You are late again,Tom?—Sorry ,but I got _______ a heavy traffic jam.A.caught in B.taken inC.put off D.held by5.The whole area was _______ by the snow,and the government had to send food there by helicopter.A.cut away B.cut upC.cut off D.cut down6.—I wonder how to ______ to him when I get a present from my foreign friend Jack.—Of course say “Thank you”.A .invite B.answerC.manage D.react7.Our teacher looked here and there on our playground _______ l ooking for something.A.even though B.even ifC.as if D.only if8.—Why are the two students standing at the gate of the teachers'office?—They ______ to each other in class and _______ .A .have whispered;are punishingB.had whispered;were punishedC.whispered;are being punishedD.are whispering;were being punished9.—Your daughter looks too thin for her height.—Yes.She is too ______ about food.There is no way of making her fat.A.special B.particularC.unusual D.especial10.My friend Bob just bought an apartment in a suburb of Beijing last week ,which is much smaller than ours but is three times _______ e xpensive.A .very B.soC.too D.as11.—Tommy ,do the dishes.—Mum,it's a girl's job.I would rather __________ the floor.A .to sweep B.sweepC.sweeping D.swept12.With the electricity _______ because of the road repairs ,the whole building was completely dark.A .cut upB .cut offC.cut out D.cut down13.All that this young man dreams of is to make _______ and live _______ .A.a big fortune;an easy lifeB.a big money;an easy lifeC. big fortune ; easy lifeD . big money; easy life14. Oil prices have risen 32 percent since last year, a record $84.65 a barrel on Nov.9A. by; reachedB. by; reachingC. by; to reachD. to; reaching15. He hurried to the booking office only that all the tickets had been sold out.A . to tell B. to be toldC. tellingD. toldn .完形填空(2010年湖北重点中学第二次联考)"It' s my own fault. ” Carl Fen ter pulled his jacket closer aga inst the abno rmal bite of cold morning wind. “ The rest of the family is home , where it' s__1__.”Just another one of his__2__ideas—a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉)feast after tonight' s Christmas Eve service at the church —and look where it Ianded him : waiting in a line 50 people deep.Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas ? Butthey__3__, as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning.__4__to bring home tamales , Carl tried one last shop, an old favorite out in Canutillo.When he arrived,a fresh batch (一炉)was___5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__at the end of the snaking line of tamale-seekers, he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasn ' t long before she,too,__8__in the biting wind.After only a moment' s__9__,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the 10 mother.Together,they__11 when the line slowly moved forward at last ,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags.12 ,Carl got in side the door and__1_3__closer to the coun ter,the woma n now first i n line. “ Sorry folks,” the clerk announ ced," that' s the last of the tamales. ”“ __14- !” Carl groa ned (抱怨)with every one else__15 beh ind him.“ __16一,” stressed the man at the coun ter," we' ll have a final batch ready__17_,oh,about two hours. ”Defeated,Carl backed away,but the young mother grabbed his arm."You' re leaving ?”"I__18_,” Carl glaneed at his watch. " I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯)at my church. ”"I' ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house. ”Carl' s brow furrowed " I couldn ' t ask you to do that. ”"But it' s__19__I can do.You lent me your coat.” Her smile overrode (推翻)his objections. " Just give me your address” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.And at__20_ noon on Christmas Eve ,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales —along with Carl ' s brown jacket —to his home.1.A.harm on ious B. warmC. happy D . pleasa nt2. A.brilliant B . badC. stupid D . com mon3. A.were B . didC. could D . had4. A.Decided B . Determ inedC. Wan tedD.Expected5. A.ready B . preparedC. soon D . due6. A.Finding his way B . Taking his roadC. Taking his place D . Fi nding hisplace7.A.move B . rejectC. abandon D . remove8. A.waved B . frozeC. shookD. shocked9. A.assumption B . appreciati onC. hesitation D . atte nti on10. A.grateful B . respectfulC. hopeless D . shameful11. A.cheered B . con gratulatedC. shouted D . screamed12. A.Immediately B . HopefullyC. Lastly13. A.shouldered his way C. felthis way14. A.No problemC. No doubt15. A.lined upC. looked up16. A.SoC. Then17. A.beforeC. in18. A.plan toC. have to19. A.the leastC. the last20. A.justC. accurately川.阅读理解(2010年福建四地六校联考How Much to TipYou' re out to dinner.The food is delicious and the service is fine.You decide to leave a big fat tip.Why ? The answer may not be as simple as you thi nk.Tipp ing , psychologists have found , is not just about service .In stead , studies have show n that tipp ing can be affected by psychological reactions to a series of different factors from the waiter ' s choice of words , to how they carry themselves while tak ing orders , to the bill ' s total.Eve n how much waiters remi nd customers of themselves can determ ine how much cha nge they pocket by the end of the ni ght.“ Studies before have show n that mimicry (模仿)brings in to positive feeli ngs for the mimicker,” wrote Rick van Baaren, a social psychology professor. “ These studies show that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimicks them. ”So Rick van Baare n divided 59 waiters into two groups.He requested that half serve with a phrase such as ,“ Comi ngup!” Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers.Rick van Baaren then compared their take- home pay.The results were clear —it pays to mimic your customer.The copycat (模仿者)waiters earned almost double the amount of tips to the other group.Leonard Gree n and Joel Myers on , psychologists at Wash ington Uni versity in St.Louis , found the gen erosity of a tipper may be limited by his bill.After research on the 1,000 tips left for waiters , cabdrivers, hair stylists , they found tip percentages in these three areas dropped as customers bills went up.ln fact , tip percentages appear to plateau (稳定期)when bills topped $100 and a bill for $200 made the worker gain no bigger percentage tip than a bill for $100.“ That' s also a point of tipping ,” Green says. “ You have to give a little extra to the cabdriver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you.If they weren ' t there,you' d never get any service.So part of the idea of a tip is for just being there. ”1. Apart from service,how many other factors affecting the customers ' tipping are mentioned in the passage?A . 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.2. These studies show that _______ .A . tipp ing can be affected by physical react ions to many differe nt waitersB . people who are being mimicked usually tip less to the person who mimics themC . the mimic waiters can get almost twice as much money as those who don ' t mimick othersD . mimicry makes the mimicker feel bad3 . According to the passage, which of the following will be likely to show the right change of the tip percentages?4 . We know from the passage that the writer seems to _______ .A . object to Mr Green ' s idea about tippingB . think part of Mr Green ' s expla nati on is reason ableC . give his gen erous tip to waiters very ofte nD.B.D.B.D.B.D.B.D.B.D.Fi nally forcedhis way in chedhis way NowayNo wonderheld up waitedup ButBesides forafter intend toought to themost the bestexactly rightD . support the opinions of Mr Gree n and Rick van Baare n about tipp ingI •单项填空1. C 句意为:到他认识到已经中计的时候,再做任何事情也就不济于事了。
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