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a red scarf 红领巾

●What do you do with your nose/foot/eyes/beg?

What’s the color of your hair/your scarf/your jacket……?

● What do you like to do? Why? It can make me strong/healthy . It’s good for me. What’s

your name? What’s your friend’s name? ● How old are you? How old is your friend? ● What day is today?It is Monday.

Monday (星期一) Tuesday星期二 Wednesday 星期三Thursday星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日

● What date is it? It’s the 18th/19th of December.今天是几月几号?今天是12月18号.

Janury 1月 February2月 March 3月 April 4月 May 5月 June 6月 July 7月 August 8月 September 9月 October 10月 November 11月 December 12月● Do you like swimming? Yes,I do. It’s very interesting.非常有趣. ● Show me your arm.(eyes/shoulder/shoe/shirt/coat).This is my coat. These are my eyes.

● What classes do you have every day? I have Chinese、

Maths and English. ● Do you like to fly in the sky? Yes,I want t o fly to many places. ● Where are you from? I am from DongY ing.

Is DongYing your hometown? Yes,it is. Talk sth about it. DongYing is a beautiful city.The fish and crab are very delicious . ● What can you do? I can swim.(run/jump /sing/draw)你会做什么?我会游泳. ● What animal do you like? I like birds. Why? It’s very beautiful.I can play with it. ● What color is your shirt,jac ket,shoes…● What food do you like?

I like sweets.Why? It’s very delicious/sweet.

●What do you like to drink? I like to drink orange juice. Why? It’s acid. It’s delicious.

● What animal is this? It’s a tiger.How many legs does it have? It has 4 legs. ● Does a dog ha ve 4 legs? Yes,Does a lion? Yes,Does a bird? No,it has 2 legs. ● Wh at is in your pencil box? A pen ,a rubber,6 pencils and a ruler. ● Ho w many people are there in your family? There are 3 people in my fa mily.

Who are they? They are my father、my mother and me.

Who do you like in your family? I like my mother.Why? She is very kind of me. Like is like,there’s no reason.喜欢就是喜欢,没有理


● Who is your English teacher? Miss Wang. What’s her name? Her name is Wang Wenxuan.

Do you like her? Yes,I do. Why? Because she is very kind of me. What is your English name?Tommy. Who give you your English na me? My mother. Do you like English music? Yes,I do.

Which English music do you like best? Jingle bells. Which star do y ou like? I like every star in the sky.

● How do you go to school? I go to school by car. I walk to school.

● Do you often watch TV? Yes,I often watch TV twice a week.( Yes ,I often watch TV

on the weekend.我经常在周末看电视)

● Do you like to go to school? Yes,it’s very interesting.I can learn many things

from the teacher. I can play with my classmates on the playground at recess. ● What do you do after school? Sometimes I go home and d o my homework. Sometimes

I play with my friends or watch TV or help my mother to do housew ork. ● How are you? I am fine,thank you. How many fingers do yo u have? I have 10 fingers.

Show me your fingers.These are my fingers./eyes ears hands arms le gs. ● Can you write? Yes,I can. Where do you have lunch? I have l
