
实义动词即表示具有一定意义的动作的词。 比如:skate,swim,listen,clean等。 实义动词有及物动词与不及物动词之分。
1.及物动词 及物动词本身的表意不完整,需要接宾语来使表意完整,有三种形式: ✓ 及物动词+宾语 He reads English every day. ✓ 及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 I always keep my desk clean. ✓ 及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 My friend lends me a book.
(5)过去分词 现在分词使用在句子的完成时态中,或语法规定的其他情况,表达动作已经 完成的状态 • I have done my homework. • When I arrived, the movie had finished.
【拓展】英语动词还有一些变化形式。 ★ 动词不定式(to do)I like to play basketball after dinner. ★ 动名词形式(doing)Drawing is an art.
如:The sun rises.
很多不及物动词也可以用作及物动词,还有的不及物动词后面带上某个介词就变成 可带宾语的及物动词。 如:We are reading. (read为不及物动词)
We read English every day. (read为及物动词) He is waiting at the bus stop. (wait为不及物动词)
如果用could提问,回答 时,用can,不能用could
can’t:“不可能”; may not:“可能不”。 注意:may not不缩写。

1. 感官动词
__s_o_u__n_d_,__t_a_s_t_e_ l_o_o_k__,_f_e_e_l_,_s_m__e_ll
态,不带to :
2. 两个发生等 原to, 如:
ha_p_p_e_n_,_t_a_k_e__p_la_c_e_, _s_b_b__e_m__a_d__e_t_o__do
一般现在时被动语态:a_m_/__is_/__a_r_e_+__过___去___分__词_____ 一般过去时被动语态: _w__a_s_/_w__e_r_e_+__过___去___分__词____ 一般将来时被动语态: _w__il_l_b_e_+__过___去___分__词________
s_el_l_/_w__a_s_h_/_w__r_it_e_ _s_th_____ 常考:
_____w__e_l_l ______ m__a_k_e__, _s_e_e_,_h_e_a__r
1. - I think Linda is an excellent student.
- I agree with you. He ____ by teachers and his classmates.
A. often praises
B. is often praised
C. was praising
态,不带to :

Active voice
Passive voice
1.People love Disney land.
2.Many children like Mickey mouse.
3.The Americans speak English.
4.People eat rice.
1.Disney land is loved by people
by _m__a_n_y__ p_e_o_p_l_e____.
2.The workers plant trees in the garden. Trees _a_r_e__ _p_l_a_n_te_d_ in the
garden _b_y__ the workers.
3.Lots of foreigners enjoy Beijing Opera. Beijing Opera_is__e_n_jo_y_e_d__b_y_lo_t_s_o_f_f_o_re_i_g_n_ers.
2.Mickey mouse is liked by many children.
3.English is spoken by the Americans
4.Rice is eaten by people.
1. Much rubbish pollutes the river.
The river is polluted by much rubbish.
2. how to change active voice into
passive voice
Some people water the flowers.
The flowers are watered by some

Use of "to be" verbs
Passive voice senses typically use forms of the verb "to be" (am, is, are, was, were, were, were, were) followed by the past particle of the main verb
Misuse of active voice installed of passive voice
Neglecting verb tense and voice consistency
Mixing tensions within a sense
Maintain consistency in verb tensions throughout a sense or paragraph For example, do not mix present tense with past tense in the same sense
Passive voice is used to shift the focus from the doorstep of the action to the action itself or to the recipient of the action It can also be used when the doorstep is unknown or unimportant
The Application of Passive Voice in Special Sentence Patterns
Common types of errors and correction methods
Passive voice senses typically use forms of the verb "to be" (am, is, are, was, were, were, were, were) followed by the past particle of the main verb
Misuse of active voice installed of passive voice
Neglecting verb tense and voice consistency
Mixing tensions within a sense
Maintain consistency in verb tensions throughout a sense or paragraph For example, do not mix present tense with past tense in the same sense
Passive voice is used to shift the focus from the doorstep of the action to the action itself or to the recipient of the action It can also be used when the doorstep is unknown or unimportant
The Application of Passive Voice in Special Sentence Patterns
Common types of errors and correction methods

step ____ by ______. step They got to the top of the mountain ______
Unit2 单元语法聚焦
语 法 点 击
感叹句是表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦、愤怒等情感的句子, 通常由what或how引导。常见结构: What a/an+形容词+可数名词的单数(+主语+谓语)! What+形容词+可数名词的复数(+主语+谓语)! What+形容词+不可数名词(+主语+谓语)! How+形容词或副词(+主语+谓语)! How+主语+谓语!
[解析] 句意为“你能告诉我下周是否会举行会议吗?” if, whether引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,先排除C;再结合 next week可知时态是将来时,排除A;D项中宾语从句的引导 词是where,也可以排除。故答案为B。
B ( )8.[2013·鄂州] —Could you tell me ________ in your hometown in winter? —Sure. A.whether does it often snow B.whether it often snows C.if it often snow D.if does it snow
—________ writing emails, of course. A.With B.By C.At D.From
( B )3.Tom is sitting ________ the window. A.for B.by C.in D.on
( D )4.Nancy took my dictionary ________ mistake.
宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,在复合句中作主句的 宾语。在本单元,我们将重点讲解宾语从句的引导词和语序。 1.宾语从句的引导词 选择宾语从句的引导词是有规律可循的,一般来讲,可分为 三个类型:
人教版九年级初中英语语法复习课件---名词 (共25张PPT)

( B ) 6. This is not my cap, but my _______. A. brothers C. brothers’ B. brother’s D. brother
( B )7.They write most of their_______ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters
He spends much time in playing computer games every day.
迈克在家几乎不做家务。 Mike does little housework at home.
1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数 昨天我种了两棵苹果树。 I planted two apple trees yesterday. 2.man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数 的一致
Choose the best answers.
(1)—How many ____ do you want? A —A kilo, please. A. bananas B. meat C. bread D. milk (2)—Taking a walk in the evening is a good ____. C —So it is, it keep us healthy. A. rule B. hobby C. habit D. favor (3)These people are from _______. D They are _______. A. Germany; Germen B. German; Germany C. Germany; Germanies D. Germany; Germans (4)Would you pass me ______? B I want to write a letter. A. a paper B. a piece of paper C. two paper D. two piece of paper

The lady_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_g_i_ve_n__a_c_a_r_d_b_y__h_im__. ______ A card__is_u_s_u_a_l_ly_g_i_v_e_n_t_o_t_h_e_l_a_d_y_b_y__h_im__. ___
2. Mum made Alice a birthday cake. A birthday cake__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_f_o_r_A__li_c_e_b_y__h_e_r_m__u_m__.
No. 2 带双宾语的动词
give, send, show, pass, sell, offer
---v. + sb. sth. = v.+sth. to sb.
make, sing, buy…
---v. +sb. sth. = v. +sth. for sb.
1. He usually gives the lady a card as a present.
be done
1.一般现在时 am /is /are + done 2. 一般过去时 were / was + done 3. 一般将来时 will /be going to+ be done 4. 现在完成时 has / have + been done 5. 情态动词 can /could / must / should / may /need
+ be的内容有些~。 【变工】动老解放区和世纪年代初期曾经施行过的农业劳动互助的简单形式,是农民相互调剂劳动力的 方法,有人工换人工、牛工换牛工、人工换牛工等。 【变故】名意外发生的事情;灾难:不料他家竟然发生了~。 【变卦】∥动已定的事忽然改变(多含贬 义):昨天说得好好的,今天; 语文加盟品牌 语文加盟品牌 ;怎么~了|别人一说,他就变了卦。 【变化】动事物在形态上或本质上产 生新的状况:化学~|~多端|形势~得很快。 【变幻】动不规则地改变:风云~|~莫测。 【变幻莫测】变化多端,难以揣测。 【变换】动事物的一种 形式或内容换成另一种:~位置|~手法。 【变价】动①把实物按照时价折合(出卖):~出售。②改变价格:~处理。 【变节】∥动改变自己的节操,在 敌人面前屈服:~分子|~自首。 【变局】名变动的局势;非常的局面:采取紧急措施以应付~。 【变口】动北方曲艺表演中称运用各地方言为变口。 【变脸】∥动①翻脸:他一~,六亲不认|两个人为了一点儿小事变了脸。②戏曲表演特技,表演时以快速的动作改变角色的脸色或面容。多用来表现人物 的极度恐惧、愤怒等。 【变量】名数值可以变化的量,如一天内的气温就是变量。 【变乱】①名战争或暴力行动所造成的混乱。②〈书〉动变更并使紊 乱:~祖制|~成法。 【变卖】动出卖财产什物,换取现款:~家产。 【变盘】动指证券市场的整体行情走势发生变化。 【变频】动指改变交流电频 率:~空调。 【变迁】动情况或阶段的变化转移:陵谷~|人事~|时代~。 【变色】动①改变颜色:~镜|这种墨水不易~◇风云~(比喻时局变化)。 ②改变脸色(多指发怒):勃然~。 【变色镜】名镜片能随光线强弱而变色的眼镜。 【变色龙】名①脊椎动物,躯干稍扁,皮粗糙,四肢稍长,运动极慢。 舌长,可舔食虫类。表皮下有多种色素块,能随时变成不同的保护色。②比喻在政治上善于变化和伪装的人。 【变生肘腋】比喻事变发生在极近的地方。 【变声】动男女在青春期嗓音变粗变低。通常男子比女子显著。 【变数】名①表示变量的数,如+=ɑ,=中,、都是变数。②可变的因素:事情在没有办 成之前,还会有新的~。 【变速器】名改变机床、汽车等机器运转速度或牵引力的装置,通常用的齿轮变速器由若干直径大小不同的齿轮组成,装在发动机 的主动轴和从动轴之间。 【变速运动】物体在单位时间内通过的距离不等的运动。 【变态】①动某些动物在个体发育过程中形态发生变化,如蚕变蛹,蛹变 蛾;蝌蚪变蛙等。②
2. Mum made Alice a birthday cake. A birthday cake__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_f_o_r_A__li_c_e_b_y__h_e_r_m__u_m__.
No. 2 带双宾语的动词
give, send, show, pass, sell, offer
---v. + sb. sth. = v.+sth. to sb.
make, sing, buy…
---v. +sb. sth. = v. +sth. for sb.
1. He usually gives the lady a card as a present.
be done
1.一般现在时 am /is /are + done 2. 一般过去时 were / was + done 3. 一般将来时 will /be going to+ be done 4. 现在完成时 has / have + been done 5. 情态动词 can /could / must / should / may /need
+ be的内容有些~。 【变工】动老解放区和世纪年代初期曾经施行过的农业劳动互助的简单形式,是农民相互调剂劳动力的 方法,有人工换人工、牛工换牛工、人工换牛工等。 【变故】名意外发生的事情;灾难:不料他家竟然发生了~。 【变卦】∥动已定的事忽然改变(多含贬 义):昨天说得好好的,今天; 语文加盟品牌 语文加盟品牌 ;怎么~了|别人一说,他就变了卦。 【变化】动事物在形态上或本质上产 生新的状况:化学~|~多端|形势~得很快。 【变幻】动不规则地改变:风云~|~莫测。 【变幻莫测】变化多端,难以揣测。 【变换】动事物的一种 形式或内容换成另一种:~位置|~手法。 【变价】动①把实物按照时价折合(出卖):~出售。②改变价格:~处理。 【变节】∥动改变自己的节操,在 敌人面前屈服:~分子|~自首。 【变局】名变动的局势;非常的局面:采取紧急措施以应付~。 【变口】动北方曲艺表演中称运用各地方言为变口。 【变脸】∥动①翻脸:他一~,六亲不认|两个人为了一点儿小事变了脸。②戏曲表演特技,表演时以快速的动作改变角色的脸色或面容。多用来表现人物 的极度恐惧、愤怒等。 【变量】名数值可以变化的量,如一天内的气温就是变量。 【变乱】①名战争或暴力行动所造成的混乱。②〈书〉动变更并使紊 乱:~祖制|~成法。 【变卖】动出卖财产什物,换取现款:~家产。 【变盘】动指证券市场的整体行情走势发生变化。 【变频】动指改变交流电频 率:~空调。 【变迁】动情况或阶段的变化转移:陵谷~|人事~|时代~。 【变色】动①改变颜色:~镜|这种墨水不易~◇风云~(比喻时局变化)。 ②改变脸色(多指发怒):勃然~。 【变色镜】名镜片能随光线强弱而变色的眼镜。 【变色龙】名①脊椎动物,躯干稍扁,皮粗糙,四肢稍长,运动极慢。 舌长,可舔食虫类。表皮下有多种色素块,能随时变成不同的保护色。②比喻在政治上善于变化和伪装的人。 【变生肘腋】比喻事变发生在极近的地方。 【变声】动男女在青春期嗓音变粗变低。通常男子比女子显著。 【变数】名①表示变量的数,如+=ɑ,=中,、都是变数。②可变的因素:事情在没有办 成之前,还会有新的~。 【变速器】名改变机床、汽车等机器运转速度或牵引力的装置,通常用的齿轮变速器由若干直径大小不同的齿轮组成,装在发动机 的主动轴和从动轴之间。 【变速运动】物体在单位时间内通过的距离不等的运动。 【变态】①动某些动物在个体发育过程中形态发生变化,如蚕变蛹,蛹变 蛾;蝌蚪变蛙等。②

The Adverbial Clause
时间状语从句 条件状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 原因状语从句
I. 时间状语从句 when, while before, after since till / until, not…until as soon as,
1.I was waiting for the bus when I met him.
16. Give Lucy the message as soon as you see her.
1.He will write to me as soon as he __B__ Shanghai tomorrow.
A.will reach B. reaches
C.got to
7. We often finish our homework
before we go to bed.
8. We have been friends since we met at school.
9. Where have you been since I last saw you?
10. It has been 13 days since we left school.
because , since , as , for
1.I do it because I like it.(why)
2. Since you are free , you’d better help me.
3. As it is fine today, we’ll go for a picnic.
3. many , much , few , little
I had so little money that I couldn’t lend it to you.
时间状语从句 条件状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 原因状语从句
I. 时间状语从句 when, while before, after since till / until, not…until as soon as,
1.I was waiting for the bus when I met him.
16. Give Lucy the message as soon as you see her.
1.He will write to me as soon as he __B__ Shanghai tomorrow.
A.will reach B. reaches
C.got to
7. We often finish our homework
before we go to bed.
8. We have been friends since we met at school.
9. Where have you been since I last saw you?
10. It has been 13 days since we left school.
because , since , as , for
1.I do it because I like it.(why)
2. Since you are free , you’d better help me.
3. As it is fine today, we’ll go for a picnic.
3. many , much , few , little
I had so little money that I couldn’t lend it to you.

1. We didn’t the answer until the end of the novel. 2. Taiyuan and Zhengzhou a lot . For example, they are both big cities with a long history. 3. My father has reading English newspapers for a long time. 4. By , you can make it easier for you to review what you have learned. 5. If teachers play some games in class, few students will . 6. Our English teacher often spends much time difficult points us. 7. Before you make your decision, how your parents will feel about it. 8. How well you learn sometimes how you learn. 9. Do you speak any other languages, , French or German? 10. Please the telephone number before you forget it.
Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise3
Exercise1 Exercise2
Exercise3 Exercise1 unit11 Exercise2 Exercise3 unit12
Exercise3 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise3
Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise3
Exercise1 Exercise2
Exercise3 Exercise1 unit11 Exercise2 Exercise3 unit12
Exercise3 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise3

look around 朝四周看
look at 看着……
look up 往上看,仰望
look after 照管,照看,照顾
look for 寻找
look like 看上去像
look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)
look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典
Be动词(be, am , is , are, was, were, been,being)
一感:feel; 三变:become, get, turn 五起来:look, taste, sound,
smell, seem
用法: 其后应该 接形容词, 而不是 副词。
一感:feel; 二听:listen to, hear (listen to 强调动作,hear指听得结果) 三让:make, let, have; 四看:look at, see, watch, notice; 一帮助:help
to 在句中像妖怪, 主动句中它走开(动词原形), 被动句中它回来。
英语词性的分类及用法 重要语法讲解---宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句、 感叹句、反意疑问句 时态分析 重点词汇、短语复习
. 词性分类
名词 noun
代词 pronoun
冠词 article
介词 preposition
虚实 词词
形容词 adjective
get in 进入,收集
人教版广东中考九年级英语专题复习 《语法选择专项学法指导课》 课件(共27张PPT)

cdhaayn, c_we__ht_eo_n_s时Ztuh间duywinasa1S3pyoeratsrs
school. __I_f__ 条sh件e studied there, the accommodation and
meals would all be free. That’s the beginning of her
引导词+主语+谓语 主现从实 主过从过 客观真理
句法3: Object Clause. 宾语从句
(2019广东省中考 43题)
—Have you decided _________ the Expo 2019 Beijing?
—This summer holiday.
A. how are you going to
句法3: Object Clause. 宾语从句 Interview Zhu Ting.
Could you tell me whe__n__y_o__u__jo__in__e_d__C__h_i_n_e__s_e_? Women Volleyball team
I joined Chinese Women Volleyball team in 2013.
but some may become interested in science.
A. whom
B. which
√C. who
D. whose
(2017广东省中考 44题) According to a survey, people ______ are able to speak two
languages can manage two things at the same time more easily.

Read and remember
1.Tom said that he would enter for the 400-meter race. 2.Professor Li wanted to know why they wouldn’t have
a meeting tomorrow.
肯定句: would+动词原形 否定句: would + not+动词原形 一般疑问句: Would + 主语+动词原形
if they had enough money the next year.
A. will build
B. would build
C. are building D. have built
Choose the best answer
5.We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _B__ office soon.
A. is arriving
B. will arrive
C. would be arrived D. would arrive
2. He told us that he would begin the
dictation when we __C__ ready.
1. A. will be NhomakorabeaB. would be
2. C. were
D. are
Choose the best answer
3. My aunt called us that she __B___ here soon.
A. is coming
B. was coming
C. came

close—be closed, open—be open finish/end—be over, catch a cold— have a cold fall asleep/go to sleep —be asleep (sleep)
come/get back—be back , go/leave-be away become —be, ▲ borrow —keep ▲ buy—have, ▲ begin/start—be on die—be dead, come/arrive—be here/in
寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学 在校生 都选择 去打工 。准备 过一个 充实而 有意义 的寒假 。但是 ,目前 社会上 寒假招 工的陷 阱很多
❖ 6. Ten years have passed since they got
❖ 7. Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.
He has had a Beijing duck.
He hasn't had a Beijing duck.
Has he had a Beijing duck.
What has he had?
考点一:对意义的考查 寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学在校生都选择去打工。准备过一个充实而有意义的寒假。但是,目前社会上寒假招工的陷阱很多 现在完成时态的意义:
.The young trees must_b_e_l_oo_k_e_d a_f_te_rwell.(照顾)
Jim should take good care of the baby. The baby s_h_o_u_ld__be__ta_k_e_n_g_oo_d__ca_re__ofby Jim. The tree h_a_s__be_e_n_g_ro_w__n_(grow) since then.
come/get back—be back , go/leave-be away become —be, ▲ borrow —keep ▲ buy—have, ▲ begin/start—be on die—be dead, come/arrive—be here/in
寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学 在校生 都选择 去打工 。准备 过一个 充实而 有意义 的寒假 。但是 ,目前 社会上 寒假招 工的陷 阱很多
❖ 6. Ten years have passed since they got
❖ 7. Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.
He has had a Beijing duck.
He hasn't had a Beijing duck.
Has he had a Beijing duck.
What has he had?
考点一:对意义的考查 寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学在校生都选择去打工。准备过一个充实而有意义的寒假。但是,目前社会上寒假招工的陷阱很多 现在完成时态的意义:
.The young trees must_b_e_l_oo_k_e_d a_f_te_rwell.(照顾)
Jim should take good care of the baby. The baby s_h_o_u_ld__be__ta_k_e_n_g_oo_d__ca_re__ofby Jim. The tree h_a_s__be_e_n_g_ro_w__n_(grow) since then.
九年级英语 语法专项-状语从句复习课件(共15张PPT)

A. after
B. before
C. while 【解析】选C。
D. as soon as
4.—______ the soldiers are very tired,______ they keep on working.
—They are great. We must learn from them.
A. are B. do
C. did
D. can
中的“talk loudly”。
2.—What would some students like to do after finishing their education?
答案:so that
A. when
B. after
D. until
6.Robert runs so fast that we can’t catch up with him.(改为同 义句)
Robert runs _______ _______ for us _______ catch up with.
8.Sally is not as tall as Sonia.(改为同义句)
Sonia is ________ _______ Sally.
答案:taller than
Mary wants to be a doctor because she wants to help
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dollars after we finish the work.
4. How many songs have been recorded (record)
since Jay became famous in 2000?
5. No food can be brought (bring) to the library.
2. Mum made Alice a birthday cake. A birthday cake__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_f_o_r_A__li_c_e_b_y__h_e_r_m__u_m__.
Alice__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_a__b_i_rt_h_d_a_y__c_a_k_e__b_y_h_e__r _m__u_m_._
2. We should speak to the old politely.
The old should be spoken to politely by us.
No.4 用主动语态表示
take place, happen, open, sell well,
1.The Olympic Games take place every
be done
1.一般现在时 am /is /are + done 2. 一般过去时 were / was + done 3. 一般将来时 will /be going to+ be done 4. 现在完成时 has / have + been done 5. 情态动词 can /could / must / should / may /need
+ be done
1. The office is cleaned (clean) by us every day. 2. Yesterday, a new film was shown (show) in Dalian. 3. Tomorrow each of us will be given (give) 10
four years.
2. The books sell well.
3. The shop opens at 9:00 every morning.
Liu Xiang 1___________(bear) in Shanghai on July 13, 1983. He started training when he was very young. At first, he 2____________(encourage) to train as a high jumper. In 1998, his skill at hurdling 3____________(notice) by his coach Sun Haiping. Liu Xiang 4____________(help) by a special programme later. It 5____________(set) up in 2001. Liu’s races 6 ____________(record), and his performance 7____________(compare) with the world’s best sports stars. Since 2002 many gold medals have been won for China by him. Of course he 8 ____________(choose) to represent China at the 29th Olympic Games. He 9 ____________(ask) to appear in advertisements and films and ever to record music, too. But Liu 10 ____________(advise) by his coach how to be a great sportsman because he was trained for gold.
No.1 使动词和感官动词的被动语态
make, see, watch, notice, hear
1.The policeman saw the thief enter the office.
The thief was the
policeman. 2. The manager made the man clean the room.
The man was made to clean the room by the
3. I heard him talk about that matter.
He was heard to talk about that matter by me.
No. 2 带双宾语的动词
give, send, show, pass, sell, offer
---v. + sb. sth. = v.+sth. to sb.
make, sing, buy…
---v. +sb. sth. = v. +sth. for sb.
1. He usually gives the lady a card as a present.
The lady_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_g_i_ve_n__a_c_a_r_d_b_y__h_im__. ______ A card__is_u_s_u_a_l_ly_g_i_v_e_n_t_o_t_h_e_l_a_d_y_b_y__h_im__. ___
No.3 动词与介词搭配的短语 look after, speak to, take care of, listen to…
1. Jack takes care of his little cat carefully.
The little cat is taken care of by Jack carefully.
4. How many songs have been recorded (record)
since Jay became famous in 2000?
5. No food can be brought (bring) to the library.
2. Mum made Alice a birthday cake. A birthday cake__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_f_o_r_A__li_c_e_b_y__h_e_r_m__u_m__.
Alice__w_a_s__m_a_d__e_a__b_i_rt_h_d_a_y__c_a_k_e__b_y_h_e__r _m__u_m_._
2. We should speak to the old politely.
The old should be spoken to politely by us.
No.4 用主动语态表示
take place, happen, open, sell well,
1.The Olympic Games take place every
be done
1.一般现在时 am /is /are + done 2. 一般过去时 were / was + done 3. 一般将来时 will /be going to+ be done 4. 现在完成时 has / have + been done 5. 情态动词 can /could / must / should / may /need
+ be done
1. The office is cleaned (clean) by us every day. 2. Yesterday, a new film was shown (show) in Dalian. 3. Tomorrow each of us will be given (give) 10
four years.
2. The books sell well.
3. The shop opens at 9:00 every morning.
Liu Xiang 1___________(bear) in Shanghai on July 13, 1983. He started training when he was very young. At first, he 2____________(encourage) to train as a high jumper. In 1998, his skill at hurdling 3____________(notice) by his coach Sun Haiping. Liu Xiang 4____________(help) by a special programme later. It 5____________(set) up in 2001. Liu’s races 6 ____________(record), and his performance 7____________(compare) with the world’s best sports stars. Since 2002 many gold medals have been won for China by him. Of course he 8 ____________(choose) to represent China at the 29th Olympic Games. He 9 ____________(ask) to appear in advertisements and films and ever to record music, too. But Liu 10 ____________(advise) by his coach how to be a great sportsman because he was trained for gold.
No.1 使动词和感官动词的被动语态
make, see, watch, notice, hear
1.The policeman saw the thief enter the office.
The thief was the
policeman. 2. The manager made the man clean the room.
The man was made to clean the room by the
3. I heard him talk about that matter.
He was heard to talk about that matter by me.
No. 2 带双宾语的动词
give, send, show, pass, sell, offer
---v. + sb. sth. = v.+sth. to sb.
make, sing, buy…
---v. +sb. sth. = v. +sth. for sb.
1. He usually gives the lady a card as a present.
The lady_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_g_i_ve_n__a_c_a_r_d_b_y__h_im__. ______ A card__is_u_s_u_a_l_ly_g_i_v_e_n_t_o_t_h_e_l_a_d_y_b_y__h_im__. ___
No.3 动词与介词搭配的短语 look after, speak to, take care of, listen to…
1. Jack takes care of his little cat carefully.
The little cat is taken care of by Jack carefully.