

Vitamix PRO750料理机中文说明书

Vitamix PRO750料理机中文说明书

控制面板1.ON/OFF SWITCH (开关按钮/电源开关):开关按钮在机器侧面右边最后端(在控制面板与开关指示灯之下)。



晚上或不再使用料理机时请将开关按钮关闭(按至OFF)2.ON/OFF Light(开关指示灯):开关指示灯在控制面板之下。


如果您使用预设程序(预设程序包括:SMOOTHIES 冰沙;FROZEN DESSERTS 冷冻甜品, HOT SOUPS 热汤)时,当料理机即将完成您的预设指令时,开关指示灯会闪烁。

3.Start/Stop Switch (开始/停止按钮):向下按压开始/停止开关,料理机便会按照您所选用的转速(1-9 转速)或者预设程序运转(SMOOTHIES,FROZEN DESSERTS,HOT SOUPS)。

4.Variable Speed/ Programming Dial 变速转盘/预设程序转盘:控制面板中央的变速/预设程序转盘具有两个功能:当按钮旋转至左边区域时,并按压START/STOP 开始/停止按钮,料理机会执行预设程序。



Pulse Switch 脉冲键:脉冲键是为了让料理机执行短暂性的操作与运转(比如您选用了预设程序打冰沙,但料理机停止运转时,您又想让它打的更细腻些,这时便可按下脉冲键,让机器继续运作一会)当变速/预设程序转盘中间的按钮转向右边区域的时候,在您持续按住脉冲键的期间,料理机会按照按钮指向的转速运转。


重要提示:在机器按照预设程序键运转期间,如果您要让机器停止运作,请使用Start/Stop Switch 开始/停止按钮,而不是开关按钮。


请不要对高速快锅进行改适・尤其针对一些安全装直.除了进行使用说明书上的保养操作外.请不要进行多 余的改造’井且不要在控制阀上滴油A
当您使用本产品超过400次或者2年左右.需要定期更换遭受磨损的雪部件.比如硅胶圈或者其他橡胶部分「 需要更换零部件时.请使用菲仕乐的正品•:当肉眼即可看到一些詹损时(晋如出现裂口.变色.变形)或者 不匹配.请立即更换 否则.它会影响到锅的工作性能和安全性
3•这3个颜色的是出气指示阀的,黄色的出现表示可以lE常升床,绿色的是己经 达到最佳状态了,可以关小火了,红色的耍是出现了,表示锅子里边床力过大, 一足耍立马转小火,耍不容易损坏配件之类的,并且火太大,有可能方向阀和压 力阀的地方会冒气出来,这个是正常现象,主耍是为了平衡里边压力的。
4.这个是档位调节的,1档的是108。, 2档的是118。的
Fissler.Perfect every time.
一般做肉类的话 是15到20分钟左右的
烹饪带皮的肉类或其他食物时.皮在膨胀的时候.请不要对其开孔 以免被烫伤,
每次使用本产品之前.请确保所有的阀门和安全装直未破堵塞和损坏.并且他们能正常运作.这是确保高速 快锅使用时安全的唯一途径.您可以在第五章中找到相关信息。

6 Serie Forno da Incasso 60 x 60 cm 产品说明书

6 Serie Forno da Incasso 60 x 60 cm 产品说明书

Serie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBS578BS0Accessori integrati1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltata,2 x Leccarda profonda slim sizeAccessori opzionaliHEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ333001 Coperchio per leccarda extra profonda, HEZ530000 2 leccarde slim 455x188x39 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA), HEZ533000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x81 mm (LxPxA), HEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ629070 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi, HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale, HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro 455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l.Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.• 30 programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Autopulizia pirolitica: pulizia del forno senza sforzo• Controllo digitale LCD bianco: semplice da utilizzare grazieall'accesso diretto alle funzioni addizionali, suggerimenti di temperatura ed indicazioni di temperatura.• Comode manopole a scomparsa push-pull: per una pulizia piùsemplice del panello frontale.• 2 leccarde profonde slim size: ottimizzate per cucinare diversi tipologie e quantità di cibiDati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: .......................................................Pirolisi+Idrolisi Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......675 x 690 x 660 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ...................................................acciaio inox Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................38.2 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: .....Scongelamento, Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, Cottura a bassa temperatura, riscaldamento inferiore, grill ventilato, scaldavivandeMateriale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: .........................................elettronica Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005057399)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.99 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3600 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................60; 50 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: .......1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltata, 2 x Leccarda profonda slim sizeSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBS578BS0Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.- HBS578BS0- Forno pirolitico Classe A InoxCaratteristiche principali- 10 programmi di cottura: MultiCottura HotAir 3D, Riscaldamento superiore e inferiore, Grill ventilato, Grill a superficie grande, Funzione pizza, Riscaldamento inferiore, Cottura a bassa temperatura, Scongelamento, Mantenere in caldo- Display digitale LCD bianco- Volume cavità: 71 l- Regolazione della temperatura da 30 °C a 275 °C- Programmi automatici: 30- Autopulizia pirolitica- Cleaning AssistanceAltre caratteristiche- Temperatura porta max. 30 °C- Riscaldamento rapido- Illuminazione interna alogena, Illuminazione disinseribile- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Settaggio temperatura tramite manopola, Comode manopole a scomparsa push-pullSistema di controllo- Sistema di cottura assistita: Programmi automaticiAccessori- Accessori: 1 leccarda universale profonda smaltata, 1 griglia combinata, Leccarda profonda slim sizeEtichetta energetica- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.6 kW- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.99 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, Acciaio HBS578BS0。



Saeco royal 机型简单操作说明1.插上电源,打开主开关(在机器左侧下方)。














干球 温度
冷冻水 流量
热水 流量
新风 量
新风温 新风温 新风 干球 湿球 温度 (夏季) (夏季) (冬季)
加湿 量
长宽高 LWH
M3/H M3/H
KW 全热 (KW)

℃ 水流量 L/S L/S

℃ Kg/h mm mm mm
22 AHU-27F28F-02 K-22-06 30000 28640 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.59 2.56 5240 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 23 AHU-29F30F-01 K-22-07 30000 28660 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.62 2.56 5490 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 24 AHU-29F30F-02 K-22-08 30000 28640 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.59 2.56 5240 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 25 AHU-31F32F-01 K-35-01 30000 28660 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.62 2.56 5490 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 26 AHU-31F32F-02 K-35-02 30000 28640 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.59 2.56 5240 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 27 AHU-33F34F-01 K-35-03 30000 28660 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.62 2.56 5490 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 28 AHU-33F34F-02 K-35-04 30000 28640 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.59 2.56 5240 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 29 AHU-36F37F-01 K-35-05 30000 29350 710 18.5 224 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.69 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 30 AHU-36F37F-02 K-35-06 30000 30360 710 18.5 234 8 13 29.5 39 13 11.19 2.56 5470 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 31 AHU-38F39F-01 K-35-07 30000 29350 710 18.5 224 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.69 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 32 AHU-38F39F-02 K-35-08 30000 30330 710 18.5 233 8 13 29.5 39 13 11.15 2.56 5470 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 33 AHU-40F41F-01 K-35-09 30000 29350 710 18.5 224 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.69 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 34 AHU-40F41F-02 K-35-10 30000 30120 710 18.5 231 8 13 29.5 39 13 11.04 2.56 5400 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 35 AHU-42F43F-01 K-35-11 30000 29350 710 18.5 224 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.69 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 36 AHU-42F43F-02 K-35-12 30000 29870 710 18.5 228 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.90 2.56 5310 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 37 AHU-44F45F-01 K-51-01 30000 29350 710 18.5 224 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.69 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 38 AHU-44F45F-02 K-51-02 30000 29580 710 18.5 227 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.82 2.56 5320 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 39 AHU-46F47F-01 K-51-03 30000 29250 710 18.5 223 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.65 2.56 5260 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 40 AHU-46F47F-02 K-51-04 30000 29770 710 18.5 228 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.88 2.56 5340 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 41 AHU-48F49F-01 K-51-05 30000 29020 710 18.5 222 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.62 2.56 5350 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600 42 AHU-48F49F-02 K-51-06 30000 29190 710 18.5 223 8 13 29.5 39 13 10.64 2.56 5240 29 26 -9 32 4840 2970 1600

Garland 商业烹饪机 产品说明书

Garland 商业烹饪机 产品说明书

Part # 3104500 Rev. 01 (01/29/08)Page 1Users are cautioned that maintenance and repairs must be performed by a Garland authorized service agent using genuine Garland replacement parts. Garland will have no obligation with respect to any product that has been improperly installed, adjusted, operated or not maintained in accordance with national and local codes or installation instructions provided with the product, or any product that has its serial number defaced, obliterated or removed, or which has been modified or repaired using unauthorized parts or by unauthorized service agents.For a list of authorized service agents, please refer to the Garland web site at . The information contained herein, (including design and parts specifications), may be superseded and is subject to change without notice.GARLAND COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIES 185 East South Street Freeland, Pennsylvania 18224Phone: (570) 636-1000Fax: (570) 636-3903GARLAND COMMERCIAL RANGES, LTD.1177 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1X4CANADA Phone: 905-624-0260Fax: 905-624-5669Enodis UK LTD.Swallowfi eld Way, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1DQ ENGLAND Telephone: 081-561-0433Fax: 081-848-0041Part # 3104500 Rev 01 (01/29/08)© 2005 Garland Commercial Industries, Inc.FOR YOUR SAFETY:DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS OR LIQUIDS IN THE VICINITY OF THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLIANCE WARNING:IMPROPER INSTALLATION, ADJUSTMENT, ALTERATION, SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, INJURY, OR DEATH. READ THE INSTALLATION, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY BEFORE INSTALLING ORSERVICING THIS EQUIPMENTINSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUALGARLAND EFW400 FONDANT WARMERPLEASE READ ALL SECTIONS OF THIS MANUAL AND RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN CERTIFIED AS COMMERCIAL COOKING EQUIPMENT AND MUST BE INSTALLED BY PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL AS SPECIFIED.INSTALLATION AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTION MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT CODES:IN CANADA - THE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE PART 1 AND / OR LOCAL CODES.IN USA – THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ANSI / NFPA – CURRENT EDITION.ENSURE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONFORMS WITH ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SHOWN ON THE RATING PLATE.GENERAL INFORMATIONUnpackingCarefully remove unit from carton. Remove all packing materials, any protective material covering the stainless steel should be removed immediately after the unit is installed. Serial Plate LocationElectrical rating is shown on the serial plate and is readily visible on the rear of the unit next to the power supply cord inlet.NOTE: Ensure electrical supply conforms with electrical characteristics shown on the rating plate.Safety• A qualified person must make the installation in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction andlocal codes.• This unit must only be operated by a qualified person. DO NOT operate without reading this manual.• DO NOT operate this appliance unless all service and access panels are in place and fastened properly.• DO NOT attempt to repair or replace any part of this appliance unless all main power supplies have beendisconnected.• DO NOT clean this appliance unless the power supply is disconnected.• DO NOT immerse appliance in water. WARNINGTo avoid serious personal injury:• USE EXTREME CAUTION in setting up, operating and cleaning these appliances to avoid coming in contactwith hot surfaces. Suitable protective clothing should be worn or proper utensils to prevent the risk of burns.• NOTE all warning labels and markings on this appliance, which call attention to further dangers and necessaryprecautions.Wall ClearancesBack: 0Sides: 0National Code RequirementsThe installation and connection should comply with current codes: In Canada - The Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 and / or local codes. In USA – The National Electrical Code ANSI / NFPA – current edition.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThis appliance has been designed to have water in the tank for even heating. Before first use it is recommended that the inside of the tank be cleaned with a detergent soaked cloth, to remove fabricating and protective oils. Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean cloth.1. Fill the tank with water so that the level is between theminimum and maximum embossed lines on the inside wall of the tank.2. Insert pan with a maximum depth not exceeding 4”(102mm)3. Plug appliance into electrical outlet.4. Turn on appliance with green switch. The appliance willheat the bath of water and maintain it at 130°F to 140°F (54° C to 60°C).Part # 3104500 Rev. 01 (01/29/08)Page 2NOTE: Periodic checks should be made during the operatingduration to ensure that the water level does not get belowthe lower embossed line. Should it do so, top up with freshwater.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS continued MAINTENANCE AND CLEANINGDaily MaintenanceEmpty the water from the tank and clean any lime deposit with a non-metallic scouring pad. Clean with a cloth soaked in a mild detergent and hot water. Rinse with a sponge dipped in clean hot water dry with a clean cloth. CleaningStainless steel should be cleaned using a mild detergent, a soft cloth and hot water. If it is necessary, use a non-metallic scouring pad to remove stubborn grime. Always rub in the direction of the grain in the metal to prevent scratching. Wash a small area at a time and rinse the washed area with a clean sponge dipped into a disinfectant and wipe dry with a soft clean cloth.Use only stainless steel, wood, or plastic tools to scrape off heavy deposits. Do not use ordinary steel scrapers or knives, as particles of iron may become embedded and rust. NEVER USE STEEL WOOL.Preventative MaintenanceTo ensure long life, efficient and safe operation or your equipment, it is recommended that a maintenance and servicing program be performed at regular intervals, the frequency of which will vary, depending on the installation conditions and amount of usage.Competent persons in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction must carry out all servicing and repairs.It is essential that the instructions in this manual be strictly followed for the safe and economical operation of this equipment. If it is known or suspected that a fault exists on an appliance, then that appliance must not be used until the fault has been rectified by a competent person.Part # 3104500 Rev. 01 (01/29/08)Page 3。

皇家烧烤 Royal Gourmet 三合一煤气 煤炭烧烤机 ZH3003S15 用户指南说明书

皇家烧烤 Royal Gourmet 三合一煤气 煤炭烧烤机 ZH3003S15 用户指南说明书

hotline***************************Durable Stainless Steel 3-Burner Gas/Charcoal Combo GrillModel: ZH3003S151920-2122-2326Preparation 67-14151617-18Trouble Shooting Guide Warranty and Customer Service Grilling Recipes24-25LP Gas and Cylinder Information Cylinder SpecificationsLP Cylinder Leak Testatserioushotline. or hot.AT ALL TIMES .2135891513186741412101116172124232225192627202829343133323012141553B6Aback support4A25back support12the shelvesthe rear shelves shelves6A rear AF722andC.rightshelf822andC.leftshelf94A and 4Cfront support10A211cart front beamand to back support1413the124AHwith 2 bolts (I) and 2 nuts (F)with 2 bolts (A).131415161015,i 16Install tank base upper (17) to the bottom shelfAthermal baffles 18 to Assemble8Cand middle brace171819201119Alid handle (20) to lid with 4 bolts (A)419firebox cartHalf screw 4 bolts (A) to shown positions of both sides of firebox.Assemble the side table (L) (21)to the fireboxby hanging it to the half screwed bolts, fasten it with 4 bolts (A). Then secure the half screwed bolts.Assemble the side table (R) (22)to the firebox by hanging it to the half screwed bolts, fasten it with 4 bolts (A). Then secure the half screwed bolts.2112A23248A23252428262728Assemble the grease cup brace (30) to the grease tray (29) with 4 bolts (D) and 4 nuts (G).1330underneath the fireboxes.(31) and grease tray (29)Attach the grease cup (32) underneath the grease tray .33f2s the middle bottle opener fireboxess3414Your new gas grill operates on LP (Liquid Petroleum )Gas.It is odorless,colorless,and non-toxic when produced. You can smell LP gas as it has been given an odor similar to rotten cabbage for your safety.Never leave the grill unattended or move the grill when in use.It will provide you with many years of enjoyment but a minimal amount of maintenance needed.when the burners go out in cookingwhenair ventreconstructiveDo not obstruct the flow of air for combustion and ventilation .1516metricscleaning productsProduction of bubbles indicates a gas leak.17erat all times. regulatorregulator1819grill2021EmergenciesPossible cause Prevention/ SolutionTroubleshooting: Problem Possible cause Prevention/ SolutionGas leaking from cracked/cut/burned hoseGrease fire or continuousexcessive flames above cooking surfaceToo much grease buildup in burner areaTurn off LP Tank. Leave lid open to allow flames to die down. After cooling, clean food particles and excess grease from inside firebox area, grease cup/pan/tray, and other surfacesBurner will not light using ignitorBurner will not light using ignitorGas issues1. Trying to light wrong burner2. Burner not engaged with control valve3. Obstruction in burner4. No gas flow5. Vapor lock at coupling nut to LP tank6. Coupling nut and LP tank valve not fully connected.Electrical issues:1. Electrode cracked or broken;” sparks at crack.”2. Electrode tip not in proper position3. Wire and/or electrode covered with cooking residue.4. Wires are loose or disconnected5. Wires are shorting (sparking) between igitor and electrode.6. Push button sticks at bottom sparking between ignitor and electrode1. Replace electrode.2. Tip of electrode should be pointingtoward port hole in burner. The distance should be 1/8” to 3/16”. Adjust if necessary.3. Clean wire and or electrode with rubbing alcohol and clean swab.4. Reconnect wires or replace electrode/ wire assembly.5. Replace ignitor wire6. Replace ignitor7. Inspect wire insulation and proper connection. Replace wires if insulation is broken.1. See instructions on control panel and section in the Use and Care.2. Make sure valve are positioned inside of burner tubes.3. Ensure burner tubes are not obstructed with spider webs or other matted, see cleaning section of use and care4. Make sure LP tank is not empty. If LP tank is not empty, refer to “sudden drop in gas flow.5. Turn off knobs and disconnect coupling nut from LP tank. Reconnect and retry.6. Turn the coupling nut approximately one-half to three-quartersDamaged hoseTurn off gas at LP tank, if hoes is cut or cracked, replace hose.See LP tank lead test and connection regulator to the LP Gas leaking from LP tank Mechanical failure due to resting or mishandlingTurn off LP tank valveFailure or tank valve from mishandling or mechanical failureTurn off LP tank valve. Return LP tank to gas supplierImproper installation, untight connection , failure of rubber sealTurn off LP tank valve, remove regulator from cylinder and visually inspect rubber seal for damage, see LP tank test and connection regulator to the LP tank Turn off control knobs and LP tank valve. After fire is out and grill is cold, remove burner and inspect for spider nests or rust. see natural hazard and cleaning the burner assembly pages.Fire in burner tube section of burner due to partial blockageGas leaking from LP tank valveGas leaking between LP tank and regulator connectionFire coming through control panel 22Troubleshooting: ProblemBurner will not match light Sudden drop in gas flow or low flameFlames blow outPersistent grease fire Flashback…(fire in burner tube(s)Flare-upUnable to fill LP tankOne burner does not light from other burner(s)See ”gas issues;” on previous page.2. Improper method of match-lighting1. Grease buildup.2. Excessive fat in meat.3. Excessive cooking temperatureHigh or gusting winds. Low on LP gas.Excess flow valve tripped.Grease trapped by food buildup aroundburner system.Burner and burner tubes are blocked1. Grease buildup.2. Excessive fat in meat.3. Excessive cooking temperatureSome dealers have older fill nozzles withworn threads.Grease buildup or food particles in end ofcarryover tubeTurn knobs to OFF. Turn gas off at LP tank.Leave lid in position and let fire burn out.After grill cools, remove and clean all partsTurn knobs to OFF. clean burnerand/or burner tubes. See burner cleaningsection of use and care manual1. Clean burners and inside of grill/firebox2. Trim fat from meat before grilling.3. Adjust (lower) temperatureTurn worn nozzles don’t have enough“bite” to engage the valve. Try a secondLP dealer.Clean carry-over tube with wire brushTurn front of grill to face wind or increaseflame height.Refill LP tank.Refer to “sudden drop in gas flow” above.1. See “Pilot Gas Control Ignition” sectionof use and care.1. Clean burners and inside of grill/ firebox2. Trim fat from meat before grilling. Possible cause Prevention/ SolutionIf your problem is not resolved from the information above, please Contact your local gas dealer.a) Turn the burner on for 15 to 20 minutes. Ensure appliance is cold before continuing.b) Grids should be cleaned periodically by soaking and washing in soapy water.c) The interior surfaces of the grill housing cover should also be washed with hot, soapy water. Use a wire brush, steel wool or a scouring pad to remove stubborn spots.d) Periodically check the burner to see that it is free from insects and spiders which may clog the gas system, deflecting gas flow. Ensure to clean venturi pipes on burner very carefully, make sure that there are no obstructions. We recommend that you use a pipe cleaner to clean the venturi pipe area.e) Any modifications of this appliance may be dangerous and are not permitted.Safety RemindersStand your gas grill on a safe level surface, away from inflammable items such as wooden fences or overhanging tree branches.Never use your gas grill indoors!Once lit do not move your gas grill or leave it unattended.Keep children and pets at a safe distance from the gas grill.Keep a fire extinguisher handy.The gas grill will become hot when in use, so handle lids etc. with the help of gloves.Ensure that the appliance has completely cooled down before storing.Notes:23Direct Heat24STEAK (& ALL MEATS):• Cook food on the charcoal side of the unit, directly above coals/heat.• To grill meats, raise fire grate to high position (hot) and sear for one minute on each side withthe lid o pen to seal in flavor and juices. Then lower fire grate to medium position with lid closed and cook• Control heat with dual dampers and adjustable fire grate.Tip: Place grilled meat back in the marinade for and juicie r.CAUTION: Boil extra marinade first to kill bacteria MARINATED FLANK STEAK:• Mix marinade ingredients in nonmetal dish. • Let steak stand in marinade for no less than 4 hours in refrigerator.• Brown each side for 5 minutes, but center should remain rare.• Cut steak diagonally across the grain into thin slices before serving.• Grill with fire grate in high (hot) position with lid Meat Marinade1/2 cup vegetable or olive oil 1/3 cup soy sauce1/4 cup red wine vinegar 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp dry mustard 1 minced clove garlic 1 small minced onion 1/4 tsp pepper QUAIL OR DOVES:• Cover birds with good seasons and marinate overnight.• Pour remaining dressing and cover with Texas Pete Hot Sauce for 6 hours.• Wrap birds in thick bacon secured by a toothpick. • Place on grill. Keep turning until bacon is black. • Grill for 20 minutes. Sear with lid open and fi re before lowering grate and closing lid.• KABOBS:• Alternating on skewers any combination of meat, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms,zucchini, c ircular slice of scallops, lobster, chicken, • Marinate the meat in refrigerator for several hours. • Grill each side approximately 7 minutes turning occasionally while basting with marinade.Leave a small amount of room between pieces in order • to desired doneness.several minutes before serving – it will become tastier remaining from the raw meat.open or closed.corn-on-the-cob, or pineapple. Meatcould consist of shrimp,sausage, pork, beef, etc.grate in high (hot) position for 1 minute on each side Kabob Marinade:1 cup soy sauce ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup vinegar½ cup pineapple juice 2 tsp salt½ tsp garlic powder• Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to boil.• Allow marinade to cool before marinating your meat in it.• Marinate beef in mixture a minimum of 4 hours.HOT DOGS:• Grill with lid up and cooking grates in high(hot)position for approximately 6 minutes.• Turn every few minutes. HAMBURGERS:See meat marinade on prior pages.You may also marinate by allowing to stand in marinade for 1 or 2 hours at room temperture before cooking or let stand in covered dish in refrigerator up to 24 hours.• Bring to room temperature before cooking.• Mix in chopped onions, green peppers, salt, sear 3/4 inch patties on each side with cooking grates in high position for a few minutes.• Lower fi re grate to medium position and grill with lid down to avoid flare-ups.• Cook each side 3 to 7 minutes according to desired doneness.• Cook ground meat to 150 internally or until juice runs clear (free of blood) for prevention of E-coli. • Burgers can be basted with marinade when turning and/or other ingredients can be mixed in with the ground beef such as chili sauce or powder. SHRIMP (Peeled) & CRAYFISH:• Place on skewers.• Coat with melted butter and garlic salt.• Grill 4 minutes on each side or until pink. Cocktail sauce optional.BAKED POTATOES:• Rub with butter and wrap in foil and cook on grill with lid down for 50 minutes.• Turn after 25 minutes (no need to turn if smoked).• Squeeze to check for doneness.SWEET CORN IN HUSKS:• Trim excess silk from end and soak in cold salted water 1 hour before grilling.• Grill 25 minutes – turning several times.To smoke and place brids in center of grates with fire in both ends of fire box.Grill with lid up and the cooking grates in the lowest position. to cook faster.• 25***************************Corpprior to obtainCombo26。

布沙电器 Lavastoviglie 6 系列 45 cm 白色 SPS6EMW23E 说明书

布沙电器 Lavastoviglie 6 系列 45 cm 白色 SPS6EMW23E 说明书

Serie 6, Lavastoviglie a libero posizionamento, 45 cm, bianco SPS6EMW23EAccessori specialiSMZ5300 Accessorio lavastoviglie da incasso SPZ5100 Cestello porta posateSGZ1010 Prolunga acqua-stop sgs/gi/gv/gu SGZ3003 Cestello per posate d'argento SMZ1051EU :SMZ5000 Set completo spazio 51Migliori prestazioni di asciugatura con la lavastoviglie collegata per un controllo remoto intelligente.• Cassetto Vario Pro: Visibilmente più flessibilità e utilizzo dello spazio• Home Connect: elettrodomestici interconnessi di Bosch per una piùfacile gestione della quotidianità• AquaStop: protezione antiallagamento, con una garanzia a vita al 100%.• EcoSilence Drive: elevato risparmio energetico, silenziosità di funzionamento e vita utile particolarmente lunga.Dati tecniciClasse di efficienza energetica: ........................................................D Consumo energetico del programma Eco per 100 cicli : .........67 kWh Numero massimo di coperti: .. (10)Consumo di acqua del programma eco in litri per ciclo: ..............9.5 l Durata del programma: .............................................................3:30 h Emissioni di rumore aereo: ......................................44 dB(A) re 1 pW Classe di emissioni di rumore aereo: ................................................B Da incasso / a libera installazione: .....................A libera installazione Altezza senza piano di lavoro: ..................................................30 mm Dimensioni (lxp): ................................................845 x 450 x 600 mm Profondità con porta aperta a 90 gradi: ...............................1155 mm piedini regolabili: .....................................................................Sì-tutti Regolazione massima dei piedini: ............................................20 mm Zoccolo regolabile: .........................................................................No Peso netto: ..............................................................................42.3 kg Peso lordo: ..............................................................................43.7 kg Potenza: ..................................................................................2400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................10 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................175.0 cm Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Lunghezza tubo entrata: ..........................................................165 cm Lunghezza tubo uscita: ............................................................205 cm Codice EAN: (4242005206018)Installazione: ........A libera installazione con possibilità di montaggio sottopianoSerie 6, Lavastoviglie a libero posizionamento, 45 cm, biancoSPS6EMW23EMigliori prestazioni di asciugatura con la lavastoviglie collegata per un controllo remoto intelligente.Prestazioni e consumo- Classe di efficienza energetica¹: D- Energia² / Acqua³: 67 kWh / 9.5 litri- Capacità: 10 coperti- Durata del programma⁴: 3:30 (h:min)- Livello sonoro: 44 dB(A) re 1 pW- Livello di rumore programma Silence: 41(A) re 1 pW- Classe di efficienza di rumore: BProgrammi e opzioni- 8 Programmi: Eco 50 °C, Auto 45-65°, Intensive 70 °C, Express 65°, Express 45°, Glass 40 °C, Silence 50 °C- Prelavaggio- 4 Programmi supplementari: Home Connect, Drying Assistant, Intensive Zone, SpeedPerfect+- Home Connect-capibile via WLAN- Programma manutenzione- Silence on demand (tramite App)Tecnologia lavaggio- Scambiatore di calore e EfficientDry- DosageAssist- EcoSilence Drive- Sistema DuoPower: doppio braccetto nel cestello superiore- Automatismo di pulizia- Sistema di filtri autopulenti con ondulazione a 3 livelli- Contenitore interno: Materiale della vasca interna in acciaio inox Sistema Cestelli- Cestelli VarioFlex Pro- VarioCestello Pro- Ruote con scorrimento facile nel cestello inferiore e nel terzo cestello- Cestello inferiore con blocco (rackStopper) per evitare che fuoriesca dalle guide.- Cestello superiore regolabile in altezza con Rackmatic (3 livelli)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello superiore (3x)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello inferiore (4x)- Ripiano per tazze nel cestello superiore- Carrello inferiore con ripiani per tazze- Carrello inferiore con supporto per bicchieri con stelo lungo Indicazione e funzionamento- PiezoTouchControl (nero)- EmotionLight- Iscrizioni di testo in chiaro (inglese)- Indicazione tempo residuo (min.)- Programmatore inizio lavaggio (1-24 h)Sicurezza - AquaStop: una garanzia Bosch per danni causati dall'acqua - durata del dispositivo*- Sicurezza bambini (Tasti)- Tecnologia di protezione del vetro- Aiuto per il riempimento del sale (Imbuto)Dimensioni- Dimensioni del prodotto (HxLxP): 84.5 x 45 x 60 cm¹ In una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A a G² Consumo di energia in kWh per 100 cicli (nel programma Eco 50°C)³ Consumo di acqua in litiri per ciclo (nel programma Eco 50 °C)⁴ Durata del programma Eco 50 °C* Verificare i termini di garanzia al link/ch/it/condizioni-generali-di-garanziaSerie 6, Lavastoviglie a libero posizionamento, 45 cm, bianco SPS6EMW23E。

DE DIETRICH DTI 853 烹饪平板说明书

DE DIETRICH DTI 853 烹饪平板说明书

MARQUE: DE DIETRICH REFERENCE : DTI 853 X CODIC: 2771411FR GUIDE D’INSTALLATION ET D’UTILISATION EN GUIDE TO INSTALLATION AND USEES MANUAL DE INSTALACIÓN Y UTILIZACIÓN PT MANUAL DE INSTALAÇÃO E DE UTILIZAÇÃO DE EINBAU- UND BETRIEBSANLEITUNG Table de cuissonCooking hobPlaca de cocciónPlaca de cozinhaKochfeld2Chère Cliente, Cher Client,Vous venez d'acquérir une table DE DIETRICH et nous vous en remer-cions.Afin de vous offrir un produit d'excellence, nos équipes de recherche ont conçu pour vous cette nouvelle génération d'appareils, qui par leur qua-lité, leur esthétique, leurs fonctions et leurs évolutions technologiques en font des produits d'exception, révélateurs de notre savoir-faire.Vous trouverez également dans la gamme des produits DE DIETRICH, un vaste choix de fours, de fours à micro-ondes, de hottes aspirantes, de lave-vaisselle, et de réfrigérateurs intégrables, que vous pourrez coordon-ner à votre nouvelle table DE DIETRICH.Bien entendu, dans un souci permanent de satisfaire le mieux possible vos exigences vis à vis de nos produits, notre service consommateurs est àvotre disposition sur notre siteDE DIETRICHLes nouveaux objets de valeurDans le souci d’une amélioration constante de nos produits, nous nous réservons le droit d’apporter à leurs caractéristiques techniques, fonctionnelles ou esthétiques toutes modifi-cations liées à l’évolution technique.ImportantA v a n t d ’i n s t a l l e r e t d ’u t i l i s e r v o t r e a p p a r e i l , v e u i l l e z l i r e a t t e n t i v e m e n t c e g u i d e d ’i n s t a l l a -t io n e t d ’u t i l i s a t i o n q u i v o u s p e r m e t t r a d e v o u s f a m i l i a r i s e r t r ès r a p i d e m e n t a v e c s o n f o n c t i o n -n e m e n t .021*******35Ces tables doivent être branchées sur le réseau par l’intermédiaire d’une prise de cou-rant conforme à la publication CEI 60083 ou d’un dispositif à coupure omnipolaire conforme aux règles d’installations en vigueur.A la mise sous tension de votre table, ou après une coupure de courant prolongée, un codage lumineux apparaît sur le clavier de commande. Attendez 30 secondes environ que ces informations disparaissent pour utili-ser votre table (Cet affichage est normal et il est réservé le cas échéant à votre service après vente. En aucun cas l’utilisateur de la table ne doit en tenir compte).BRANCHEMENT DTI853X••Branchement 220-240V~Votre table doit être branchée sur le réseau par l’intermédiaire d’une prise de courant conforme à la publication CEI 60083 ou d’un dispositif à coupure omnipolaire conforme aux règles d’ins-tallation en vigueur.A la mise sous tension de votre table, ou après une coupure de courant prolongée, un codage lumineux s’affiche. Ces informations disparaitront après 30 secondes.Pour le modèle D T I853X E672 • Principe de l’inductionLe principe de l'induction repose sur un phé-nomène magnétique.Lorsque vous posez votre récipient sur une zone de cuisson et que vous mettez en mar-che, les circuits électroniques de votre table de cuisson produisent des courants " induits”dans le fond du récipient qui élèvent instanta-nément sa température. Cette chaleur est alors transmise aux aliments.Nous avons conçu cette table de cuisson pour une utilisation par des particuliers dans un lieu d’habitation.Cette table de cuisson destinée exclusivement à la cuisson des boissons et denrées alimentaires ne contient aucun composant à base d’amiante.• Les récipientsLa plupart des récipients sont compatibles avec l'induction.Pour vérifier si votre récipient convient,posez-le sur une zone de cuisson (16 ou 23cm) en puissance 4.- Si l’afficheur reste fixe, votre récipient est compatible.- S’il clignote, votre récipient n’est pas utilisa-ble avec l’induction.Vous pouvez aussi vous servir d’un aimant.S’il « accroche » le fond du récipient, il est compatible avec l’induction.Seuls le verre, la terre, l'aluminium sans fond spécial, le cuivre et certains inox non magné-tiques ne fonctionnent pas avec la cuisson induction. Nous vous suggérons de choisir des récipients à fond épais et plat.Lors de vos achats de récipients, assurez-vous que ce logo est présent sur l’emballage,il vous assure la compatibilité avec l’induc-tion.A - InducteurB - Circuit électroniqueC - Courants induits•Choix d’une zone de cuisson82•T o u c h e s d e s él e c t i o nCes touches servent à sélectionner, mettre en marche ou arrêter les zones de cuisson.Quand une zone est sélectionnée, le (ou les)voyant correspondant s’allume, vous pouvez régler ses paramètres. A fonction M E M OB fonction Ppower trackerC zones C ONTINUUM complètesD zone C ONTINUUM avant et arrière •T o u c h e s d e r ég l a g eCes touches permettent de régler les paramè-tres de puissance, minuterie, programma-tion.... pour chacune des zones sélection-nées.E réglage de puissanceF présélection de puissanceG réglage de la minuterieH elapsed timeI verrouillage - déverrouillage - Clean lockEn l’absence d’un récipient sur la zone sélec-tionnée, vos réglages s’effaceront automati-quement au bout de quelques instants.i m e n s i o n s H o r s t o u t (L x l ) - éc o u p e E n c a s t r e m e n t (L ’ x l ’)sélectionnéela puissance la minuterie P o u r u n e z o n e s él e c t i o n n ée2•Minuteur indépendantCette fonction permet de chronométrer unévènement sans réaliser une cuisson.- Sélectionnez une zone non utilisée.- Réglez le temps avec les touches II . Un “t t ” cli-gnote dans l’afficheur.- A la fin de votre réglage, le “tt ” devient fixe et le décompte commence.N o t a :Vous pouvez arrêter un décompte en cours par appui long sur la touche de sélection du foyer.•Elapsed timeCette fonction permet d’afficher le temps écoulé depuis la dernière modification de puissance sur un foyer choisi.Pour utiliser cette fonction, faites un appui sur la touche H. Le temps écoulé clignote dans l’afficheur minuterie du foyer sélectionné.Si vous voulez que votre cuisson se termine dans un temps défini, appuyez sur la touche H puis, dans les 5 secondes, appuyez sur « + »de la minuterie pour incrémenter le temps de cuisson que vous voulez obtenir. L ’affichage du temps devient fixe pendant 3 secondes puis l’affichage du temps restant apparait. Un bip est émis pour confirmer votre choix.Cette fonction existe avec ou sans la fonction minuterie.Remarque : Si un temps est affiché sur la minuterie, il n’est pas possible de changer ce temps dans les 5 secondes après appui sur H.Passé ces 5 secondes, il vous sera possible de modifier votre temps de cuisson.•Cuisson différéeCette fonction permet de différer une cuisson (uniquement disponible sur le foyer arrière droit S TART CONTROL ).Pour programmer une cuisson différée en 6étapes :1 - Sélectionnez la zone de cuisson dédiée àcette fonction.2 - Appuyez simultanément sur les touches G “++” et “––” pour régler l’heure courante sur votre table. Tant que les chiffres clignotent,vous pouvez régler l’heure avec les tou-ches GG , puis attendez quelques instants. Si l’heure affichée est correcte, attendez quel-ques instants. L ’afficheur devient fixe et un bip confirme le réglage.3 - Réglez l’heure de fin de cuisson par appuisur les touches GG Attendez quelques ins-tants. Un bip confirme votre réglage.4 - Réglez la durée de la cuisson par appui surles touches EE Attendez quelques instants.Un bip confirme votre réglage.5 - Réglez la puissance de cuisson par appuisur les touches EE , 4 est proposée par défaut (maximum 6). Attendez quelques instants. Un bip confirme votre réglage et S C s’affiche sur votre table.6 - Au bout de quelques instants, SS C s’éteint et un point clignotant apparaît pour indi-quer la présence d’une cuisson différée en cours.Si vous utilisez un ou plusieurs foyers, lepoint clignotant devient SS C .2 •Sécurité enfantCette fonction permet de verrouiller votre table en position éteinte ou en cours de cuis-son.Pour verrouiller :- Faîtes un appui long sur la touche II . Un bip est émis et le voyant s’allume. Le voyant s’éteindra automatiquement après quelques instants.Pour déverrouiller :- Faîtes un appui long sur la touche I I . Un dou-ble bip est émis et le voyant s’éteint.N o t a :- En mode verrouillage, toute action fera appa-raître un symbole de verrou dans les affi-cheurs. Vous devez déverrouiller votre table avant de l’utiliser.- Si vous activez le verrouillage en cours de cuisson, l’arrêt des foyers sera prioritaire sur le verrou.•Clean lockCette fonction permet le verrouillage tempo-raire de votre table pendant un nettoyage.Pour activer Clean lock :- Votre table doit être éteinte.- Faîtes un appui court sur la touche II . Un bip est émis et le voyant clignote.- Après un temps prédéfini, le verrou sera automatiquement annulé. Un double bip est émis et le voyant s’éteint.•Réglage des présélections de puis-sanceCette fonction permet de modifier les niveaux de puissance définis dans les présélections (excepté pour le boost).- Votre table doit être éteinte.- Sélectionnez la présélection FF à modifier par un appui long sur celle-ci.- Réglez la nouvelle puissance par appui sur latouche EE .- Un bip valide votre action après quelques instants.N o t a :Les puissances doivent être entre :- 1 et 5 pour la première touche.- 6 et 10 pour la seconde.- 11 et 15 pour la troisième.•Power trackerCette fonction permet le déplacement d’une casserole d’un foyer vers un autre en gardant les réglages initiaux (puissance et temps).1 - Faîtes un appui court sur la touche BB , un bip court est émis puis déplacement de la casserole sur le nouveau foyer.2 - Faîtes un appui court sur la touche BB , le retour des informations s’affiche sur le nouveau foyer. Le foyer d’origine s’éteint lorsque les réglages sont affichés sur le foyer de destination.- Si absence de casserole avant appui sur latouche BB , un bip long est émis -> annulation de la fonction.- Si appui sur la touche BB et déplacement de plus d’une casserole -> annulation de la fonction puis affichage NO .Si vous déplacez une casserole à partir d’une zone de cuisson complète vers une autre zone de cuisson complète -> annulation de la fonction puis affichage NO .Si la fonction ”Power tracker” active plus d’un foyer destinataire, la fonction est annulée puis affichage NO .34。



VITA shade, VITA made.VITA classical A1–D4®VITA Toothguide 3D-MASTER ®VITA Linearguide 3D-MASTER ®VITA Bleachedguide 3D-MASTER ®VITA Easyshade ® VVITA tooth shade determinationAlways on the cutting edge for the perfect contemporary tooth. Since 1924.Date of issue: 02. 1719562004Dear business partners, customers and industry proffesionals from the world of esthetic dentistry and dental technology,Every technological development we have launched on the market over the course of our nearly 100 years of company history, was and is, the result of our unique experience in this field. Passion for our core competency in tooth shade deter-mination, state-of-the-art expertise and a desire for optimization, are the powerful values driving this experience. Motivated by your trust in our solutions, we use the comprehensive knowledge that we have accumulated to shape the future each day, to set new benchmarks, and where possible, to exceed your expectations in providing tooth shade determination that is second to none.Our focus is on precise tooth shade reproduction. This also includes establishing reliable processes in laboratories and dental practices, improving the workflow, saving time and money, and ultimately, producing esthetic results. As a company that is focused both on research and on solution development, these are the principles that we follow. We do this by providing dentists and dental technicians worldwide with technically outstanding innovations that support the entire life cycle of dental prosthetics. When we talk about customer satisfaction, we are also talking about the satisfaction of our customers' customers. As I said, our goal is to provide solutions. And the best solutions are those that are developed collabora-tively.As an independent, family-run company, we have remained true to our values and are focused on our relationship with our customers. Reliability and partnership are factors that we cultivate, and are cornerstones that are firmly anchored in our tradition and role as a market leader.In the spirit of tradition and innovation, warm regards from Henry Rauter Managing PartnerTo deliver superior performance, experience is required. A forward-looking approach depends on traditional values as well.Introduction of the first uniform shade standard VITAPAN classical A1–D4, later followed by VITA classical A1–D4VITA Easyshade ®1st generationdetermined and reproduced for the first time2007 200820132015VITA Easyshade®VVITA Easyshade® Advance 4.0 VITA Linearguide 3D-MASTER®VITA Easyshade® CompactA company with added value. And with roots and vision.Change equals motion, which equals the future. This is a phrase that describes the dynamic process we`ve taken since our foundation in 1924, and the path we've followed to develop into an internationally renowned specialist in tooth shades. For example, we were the fi rst dental company to describe natural tooth shades in scientifi c fashion and to document them in the form of shade guides that have become the international standard.Firmly grounded in this competency, VITA is a strong and reliable partner for dental practices and laboratories. The fact that internationally, 4 out of 5 tooth shades are now determined using one of our systems, underlines the importance of our solutions in natural, esthetic tooth reproduction. We consider this to be both a motivational factor as well as aresponsibility in terms of quality assurance and with regard to our consistent, innovative commitment at VITA. This dedication provides you with clear benefi ts that offer conside-rable potential for added value:• Fast and reliable tooth shade determination• Precise and complete communication of the correct tooth shade• Two established shade systems for all your needs– from standard dental prosthetics to highly-esthetic restorations OVERVIEW• Highly experienced: For almost 100 years, we have been the leading, worldwide provider of solutions for tooth shade determination• Thinking constructively, thinking ahead: our solutions always focus on the procedural benefi ts for laboratories and dental practices• We put our heart and soul into our business: as an independent, family-run company, we remain true to our values, including our solution-oriented approach, awareness of quality and customer proximity.VITA Bleachedguide 3D-MASTER®Tool for planning and monitoring the tooth whitening processScientific background.From the color space to the tooth shade system.A world of colors. A color for life.Lightness, chroma and hue are the characteristics, and the basis, on which all natural shades can be uniquely defined. The entire color spectrum can be represented as a sphere, which is effectively a globe of colors. It contains an area comprised of natural tooth shades; a small section in the yellow-red range.Colors can be uniquely described in quantitative fashion by specifying numerical values for the three mutually indepen-dent elements of L (lightness), C (chroma) and h (hue). On the basis of this scientific finding, VITA developed solutions for tooth shade determination and communication that provide a crucial foundation for laboratories and dental practices in order to facilitate dental prosthetics that offer precisely the right shade for every patient. For patients, this plays an incredibly important role in their confidence and comfort level. VITA classical A1–D4® and VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER®On the market since 1956, the 16 shades of theVITA classical A1–D4 shade guide provide a worldwide standard, acting as a reference system in tooth shade determination. Their effective reproduction of natural tooth shades was raised to a whole new level with VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER. Based on systematic research of the distribution of natural tooth shades within the color space, the development of VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER provides a solution that facilitates the exact description, communication and reproduction of each patient's tooth shade.1M21M12L2.52R2.53R2.54R2.52L1.52R1.53R1.54R1.52M23M24M25M22M13M14M13L2.54L2.53L1.54L1.52M33M34M35M35M1B1A1D2C1C2C3C4D3D4A2A3A3,5A4B2B3B4VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER ®. Modern efficiency The most important facts and system characteristics:• Shade sample sequence for optimum coverage of the color space of natural teeth in accordance with scientific rules • Reliable tooth shade reproduction, also of intermediate hues • 26 natural shade samples comprehensively cover the natural tooth color space• Longstanding and internationally proven system for the most demanding esthetic needsVITA solutions.The route to the right tooth shade must be a reliable one.Brighter 12Lightness (L) 34Darker 5L M RHue (h)BrighterDarkerMore yellow More redVITA classical A1-D4®. A simple yet effective basis.The most important facts and system characteristics: • Tooth shade determination in just a single step• An internationally established system for more than 50 years• 16 shade samples• Practical shade sample sequence based on hues and empirical findingsSchematic, simplified representationSchematic, simplified representationMore intensivePalerReddish-greygreyReddish-yellowishReddish-brownishLightnessHueHueHueC h r o m a3 More intensive 2.52 Chroma (C)1.51 PalerPerformance based on a reliable system.Establishing and maintaining esthetic and healthy teeth – that is always the focus of individual consultations, examinations and treatments.The tooth shade provides the finishing touch in superior quality for services of this kind, and is the mark of quality that is always visible. Natural reproduction in this respect is a daily challenge. After all, natural tooth shades differ in terms of light-ness, hue and chroma. And depending on the individual interplay of these factors, this has an impact on the entire restoration process. It is good to have a partner like VITA at your side who offers efficient, proven support.Tips on determining tooth shade with a VITA shade guide. By practitioners for practitioners.• Wherever possible, determine the tooth shade using a standardized daylight lamp• Make sure that the surroundings are neutral in terms of color. Lipstick and cosmetics should be removed, and bright clothing covered by a grey cape • Make your selection quickly. In case of doubt, trust your initial decision as the eye already tires after approx. 5 - 7 seconds• Disinfect the shade guide every time after performing shade determinationVITA shade guides.Beautiful teeth visible at a glance – a million times over."VITA tooth shade systems enable reliable, clinically-proven tooth shade determination "Dr. Karl Martin Lehmann, Associate professorUniversity Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and Dr. Lehmann's dental practice in BonnVITA Linearguide 3D-MASTER• Tooth shade determination in two steps• Trusted tooth shade determination thanks to classic, linear handling• 26 natural and systematically arranged tooth shades; in addition, three shades for• Clear organization of the shade samples in terms of lightness, chroma and hue• Easy use that is self-explanatory• Possibility of creating intermediate shades by mixingVITA Bleachedguide 3D-MASTER• Instrument for determining the level of lightness for the tooth whitening process• 29 levels of lightness based on VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER• Realistic depiction of tooth whitening, as well as simple communication with theVITA Toothguide 3D-MASTER• Tooth shade determination in three steps• 26 natural and systematically arranged tooth shades; in addition, three shades for• Clear organization of the shade samples in terms of lightness, chroma and hue• Possibility of creating intermediate shades by mixingVITA classical A1–D4® shade guide with VITA Bleached Shades• Tooth shade determination in a single step• 16 natural, empirically induced tooth shades• In addition, three shades for tooth whitening using VITA Bleached Shades• Simple shade selection thanks to quick comparison of shade samples with thenatural tooth• Possibility of sorting in accordance with visually perceived levels of lightness VITA classical A1–D4®The basic solution with a bonus.VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER®Linearguide, Bleachedguide and Toothguide. Efficient shade determination.VITA Easyshade V is a digital shade measurement device for determining the shade of natural dentition, whitened teeth and ceramic restorations precisely, quickly and independently of the ambient environment. VITA Easyshade V supports dentists and dental technicians with everything from tooth shade deter-mination and communication, to reproduction and checking the shade of the fi nished ceramic dental restoration, improving process reliability.VITA Easyshade V offers dental practices and laboratories effi cient and reliable support with:• o ptimum selection of suitable composites for direct restorations, CAD/CAM and veneering materials and prosthetic teeth • p rofessional planning and documentation of whitening treatments • m anufacturing of layered ceramic restoration thanks to display of shade gradients and deviations • q uality testing of layers ceramic restorations with regard to a target tooth shade • s mooth communication between practice and laboratory thanks to professional communication toolsVITA Easyshade ®VPerfect shade determination, maximum reliability.PRODUCT DETAILS:•Spectrophotometer with a measuring range of 400 - 700 nm•Basic shade measurement, average measurement and tooth area measurement •Measurement results in the worldwide established standard shade systems VITA classical A1 -D4, VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER and VITABLOCS shades as well as indication of tooth bleaching shades in accordance with the American Dental Association standard•Display of lab and LCh values•Bluetooth interface for wireless communication withthe VITA Assist PC software and VITA mobileAssist app•Ergonomic, seamless design for maximum hygiene•Intuitive operating concept and brilliant color touch display•Inductive loading station with durable AA batteries incl. self-discharge protection"Tooth shade determination is a keyfactor in the success of prosthetics; inthis respect, correct shade determinationis crucially important for the dentist, thelaboratory and the patient. In terms ofcost, accuracy and clinical processreliability, this is best achieved usingVITA Easyshade Advance 4.0"Prof. Dr. Alexander Hassel,University of Heidelberg andthe "Augustaanlage" dental practice andclinic in MannheimVITA Assist. Professional tooth shade communication and documentation for the practice and laboratory• P C software with VDDS interface • W ireless transmission of the VITA Easyshade data • C ombination of the tooth shadeinformation with digital patient photos • P rofessional graphics processing of patient photos for optimum documen-tation • I ntegration option of digital X-ray images, detail photos and contour images• Versatile comment functionsThanks to the convenient smartphone app VITA mobileAssist, transferring tooth shade information between the practice and the laboratory just got easier. The data of the VITA Easyshade V, as well as of VITA EasyshadeAdvance 4.0, is wirelessly transmitted to the app in a few seconds, via an internal Bluetooth interface, and can be combined with a patient photo and sent using email. In this way, you can perform tooth shade communication using mobile technology at any time and can transfer all relevant informa-tion conveniently with your smartphone or tablet.VITA mobileAssist. Mobile communication of tooth shades couldn't be simpler.VITA systems. Perfect solutions during processing* N ote "Optional process steps/firing": The feldspar and hybrid ceramic materials can be seated directly after milling and polishing. The following process steps mentioned above are optional for feldspar ceramic. The same steps are required for the hybrid ceramic, but with the hybrid ceramic, firing must not be carried out. When using zirconia, sinter firing is carried out prior to characterization/individualization.Shade determination• For digital shade determination, useVITA Easyshade Advance V , and for visual shadedetermination the VITA Linearguide 3D-MASTER orVITA classical A1–D4, for example.CAD/CAM Fabrication • For CAD/CAM fabrication, VITA offers you highly esthetic feldspar ceramic, high-strength glass ceramic, innovative hybrid ceramic materials and zirconia– simply select the best material solution for your individualrequirements.Shademodifi cation*• For feldspar, glass ceramics and zirconia, use VITA AKZENT Plus stains and the VITA VM 9 or VITA VM 11 veneeringceramics. Use VITA ENAMIC Stains for the hybrid ceramic andVITA VM LC flow for individualization.Firing*• Glaze, stains and/or dentine and crystallization firing are best carried out with the VITA VACUMAT 6000 M premiumfurnace.• It is recommended to use the VITA ZYRCOMAT 6000 MS forsinter firing.• Note: When using hybrid ceramic, firing must not be carriedout.Polishing • In the case of VITA feldspar ceramics, use polishing systemssuitable for silicate ceramics (e. g. VITA Karat diamondpolishing set ).• For VITA glass and hybrid ceramics, ideally, VITA SUPRINITY /VITA ENAMIC polishing sets should be used.Bonding • When bonding VITA feldspar, glass and hybrid ceramics, youcan use VITA DUO CEMENT or an alternative bonding systemrecommended by VITA.VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co.KG Spitalgasse 3 · D-79713 Bad Säckingen · GermanyTel. +49(0)7761/562-0 · Fax +49(0)7761/562-299 Hotline: Tel. +49(0)7761/562-222 · Fax +49(0)7761/562-446 ·************************/vita.zahnfabrik 1 0 1 1 4 E –0 2 1 7 ( X . ) S –V e r s i o n ( 0 5 )With the unique VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER®, all natural tooth shades can be systematically determined and perfectly reproduced.Please note: Our products must be used in accordance with the instructions for use. We accept no liability for any damage resulting from incorrect handling or usage. The user is furthermore obliged to check the product before use with regard to its suitabi-lity for the intended area of application. We cannot accept any liability if the product is used in conjunction with materials and equipment from other manufacturers that are not compatible or not authorized for use with our product. Furthermore, our liability for the accuracy of this information is independent of the legal basis and, in as far as legally permissible, shall always be limited to the value as invoiced of the goods supplied, excluding value-added tax. In particular, as far as legally permissible, we do not assume any liability for loss of earnings, indirect damages, ensuing damages or for third-party claims against the purchaser. Claims for damages based on fault liability (culpa in contrahendo, breach of contract, unlawful acts, etc.) can only be made in the case of intent or gross negligence. The VITA Modulbox is not necessarily a component of the product.Date of issue of this information: 02.17After the publication of these information for use any previous versions become obsolete. The current version can be found at VITA Easyshade® V bears the CE mark in accordance with the EC directives 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC and 2011/65/EC.。

APW Wyott 顶部挂载汤碗 SM-50-4、-4D、-7、-7D、-11、-11D 产品说明书

APW Wyott 顶部挂载汤碗 SM-50-4、-4D、-7、-7D、-11、-11D 产品说明书

Phone:+1 (214) 421-7366 Fax: +1 (214) 565-0976 Toll Free:+1 (800) 527-2100 Website: E-mail:*****************INTENDED FOR OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD USERETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCEP/N 79900399 9/06APW WYOTT729 Third Avenue Dallas, TX 75226This equipment has been engineered to provide you with year-round dependable service when used according to the instructions in this manual and standard commercial kitchen practices.RINSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTOP MOUNT SOUP WELLSModels: SM-50-4, -4D, -7, -7D, -11, -11DTABLE OF CONTENTSSafety Precautions2 General Information4 General Troubleshooting4 Installation4 Dimensions & Shipping Weights5 Electrical Specifications5 Option Specifications5 Operation & Cleaning5 Parts List w/Exploded View6 Wiring Diagrams7 Warranty8IMMEDIATELY INSPECT FOR SHIPPING DAMAGEAll containers should be examined for damage before and during unloading. The freight carrier has assumed responsibility for its safe transit and delivery. If equipment is received damaged, either apparent or concealed, a claim must be made with the delivering carrier.A) Apparent damage or loss must be noted on the freight bill at the time of delivery. It must then be signed by the carrier representative (Driver). If this is not done, the carrier may refuse the claim. The carrier can supply the necessary forms.B) Concealed damage or loss if not apparent until after equipment is uncrated, a request for inspection must be made to the carrier within 15 days. The carrier should arrange an inspection. Be certain to hold all contents and packaging material.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read, understands and follows these instructions.APW Wyott takes pride in the design and quality of our products. When used as intended and with proper care and maintenance, you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment. To ensure best results, it is important that you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read, understands and follows these instruction.If you have questions concerning the installation, operation, maintenance or service of this product, write Technical Service Department: APW/Wyott Foodservice Equipment Company, 729 Third Avenue, Dallas, TX 75226 .SAFETY PRECAUTIONSBefore installing and operating this equipment be sure everyone involved in its operation are fully trained and are aware of all precautions. Accidents and problems can result by a failure to follow fundamental rules and precautions.The following words and symbols, found in this manual, alert you to hazards to the operator, service personnel or the equipment. The words are defined as follows:THIS MANUAL SHOULD BE RETAINED FOR FUTURE REFERENCE!!WARNING:For your safety do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. Keep the area free and clear of combustibles. (See ANZI Z83.14B, 1991)GENERAL INFORMATIONGeneral Installation:1. Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use. (See general cleaning instructions.)2. Check rating label for your model designation & electrical rating.3. For best results, use stainless steel countertops.4. All dimensions in parenthesis in centimeters, unless noted.General Operating Instructions:1. All food service equipment should be operated by trained personnel.2. Do not allow your customers to come in contact with any surface labeled "CAUTION HOT."3. Where applicable: Never pour cold water into dry heated units.4. Where applicable, do not cook, warm or hold food directly in liner pans (well pans). Always usesteam table pans/insets, etc.5. Never hold food below 150°F (66°C)Wet set-up and operation procedures:1. Add hot water 120°-140°F (50°-60°C) to well pan:4 Quart Round use 2 cups (½ litre)7 Quart Round use 3 cups (0.7 litre)11 Quart Round use 5 cups (1.4 litre)2. Turn thermostat control to “10” setting or if equipped with infinite control to “7” or “High”. Preheat forapproximately 30 minutes.3. Place covered inset with preheated product into well.4. Re-adjust control after another 30 minutes of operation to acquire desired temperature dependingon the amount and thickness of product.5. Keep inset/steamtable pan(s) covered to maintain ideal serving temperature.6. Do not let well run dry.General Cleaning Instructions:1. NEVER clean any electrical unit by immersing it in water. Turn off before surface cleaning.2.Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use. Clean unit daily. Use warm, soapy water(except where noted on charts). Mild cleansers and PLASTIC scouring pads may be used to remove baked-on food and water scale.3. Turn off electrical units before cleaning or servicing. All service should be performed by an APWWyott authorized service agency.GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTINGAlways Ask & Check: 1. Is the unit connected to a live power source?2. Check circuit breaker.3. Is power switch on & pilot light glowing?4. Check rating label. Are you operating unit on proper voltage?INSTALLATION3 (above)1.Follow General Installation Instructions on page .2.Make applicable Cut-Out per below table. Note: Unit is designed for installation in stainless steeltops.3. Apply putty tape to underside perimeter of the well rim outer edge.4.Apply a 1/4"(.6) bead of silicone sealant adjacent to the putty tape on the well flange.5.Drop well into opening from the top and push down until entire perimeter of rim is flush with thecounter surface.6.From below the counter surface insert an #8 to #10 (20 to 25 cm) flat tip screwdriver into the lockingring tab slots and twist in a clockwise motion to lock well in place.7.Trim excess putty and sealant from around well rim.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (4 QT., 7 QT. AND 11 QT.)OPTION SPECIFICATIONSOPERATION & CLEANING1.Follow General Operating & General Cleaning Instructions on page 4.22 Ga. Min. Close-Out Panel (By Fabricator)Wiring Box (By Fabricator)2 Pole Thermostat(Use Control Plate for hole pattern)8.Mount control to front panel using hardware. Maintain 4" (10.2) clearance between well and front panel.9.Check nameplate for proper voltage. Connect power.10.Maintain 4” clearance around all soup wells.Note: Electrically connect units to comply with local and NEC codes.5/16 Dia. (.4)Cut Out ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS。


您购买的这款高速快锅是在德国精心打造的产品。为了您能长久使用本 产品以及确保它有更长的使用寿命,请您仔细阅读本说明书操作。我们 希望您能对这款产品提供给您的功能感到满意。
第一章. 高速快锅如何工作
第二章. 使用注意事项
第三章. 味达维高速快锅描述及其优点
第四章. 首次使用须知
第五章. 基本使用方法
这由高速快锅的直径大小决定,至少需要 200-300ml 的水来产生蒸汽,无论 你有没有放任何东西在锅内。在 200-300ml 液体之下,绝不要使用高速快锅。
18 cm: 200 ml 22 cm: 250 ml 26 cm: 300 ml 最大容量
2 使用注意事项
在您使用该产品之前请仔细阅读产品使用说明书和其他资料,不正确的使用可能导致锅具损坏或者人身伤害 及其它物品损失的风险。 在没有阅读说明书之前,请不要让任何人使用高速快锅。 如果您把高速快锅转让给他人,请务必连同使用说明书一并交给他。
注意! 请不要让儿童接近高速快锅烹饪区域。



3 液化气天燃气
35 34 13 12 97.7 107 45-80 12 1 3 6 17.8
6 0.8 30-60 230/50 152 X5D 52
维家--- 温暖的家
图 意 示 连 统 系 制 控 炉 挂 壁 s a Vgi
维家--- 温暖的家
维家--- 温暖的家
维 家 --
U.M. L1P24-DS L1P28-DS
液化气天燃气 液化气天燃气 液化气天燃气
kw kw kw kw % %
。 C
L bar bar mca
bar 。 C V/Hz W IP kg
26 24.1 9 8 92.7 91 45-80 6 1 3 5 13.5
采暖模式 采暖水温度
室外温控器 温控器 开机关机
冬季模式 夏季模式
显示模式图标 参数图标
点火失败 错误警报
9. 功能设置与调节
壁挂炉安装好后 , 检查水、电、气连接是否正确。
注意: 通电后,设备显示屏背光点亮,如不操作 5秒后自动熄灭。
9.1、 开机 / 关机
; https:// 竞博电竞;
; https:// 雷竞技;
; https:// 电竞比分网esport007;
; https:// 千赢qy88;
; https:// 澳门新葡8455;
7.1 、 各 系列产品补水过程如下: 1、拧松分水器(散热器)上的排水阀; 2、把如图中的补水阀杆逆时针旋转,打开注水阀向暖气管路系统充水; 3、当有水从分水器(散热器)流出时 , 关闭排气阀 , 此时注意观察水压表 , 当表针指到 1.5bar 时, 顺时针打注水阀杆,关紧注水阀. 4、若壁挂炉运行时压力表低于 0.5bar 时,设备报警并显示错误码: E8,设备停止工 作, 1此时、2、可3按、第条进行补水即可。

韩国Hyundai Veloster 商品介绍说明书

韩国Hyundai Veloster 商品介绍说明书

VelosterDon’t give in to the dull and conventional.Go off the beaten path.Find out who you are.Fill this monotonous city with your own voice.With Veloster.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core in Ignite Flame / Roof in Phantom BlackGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Shooting StarAdd your own color to another grey city road.Color it with your unique style.Because you own it.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Cobalt Eclipse / Roof in Phantom BlackEnjoy the Attention.Veloster is born to be the object of envy.LED headlamps Radiator grille 18-inch alloy wheels and Michelin summer tires LED rear combination lampsAdd your own sound to your Veloster and create a unique experience.Double your joy during each ride in your Veloster.Your everyday route is transformedinto a space of your own.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Black/Red interior60/40 split folding rear seatsWireless smartphone charging systemSoundHoundHidden-type tailgate handle *SoundHound is a music recognition mobile app that displays information (title, singer, album, etc.) about a tune being played on the on-board audio system.*The navigation map updating service is guaranteed for 8 years from the date of purchase of the vehicle. This service may expire due to the circumstances of Hyundai Motor.Head-up display (combiner) Digital performance gaugeBucket seatsEngine sound equalizer (ESE)Paddle shift ConveniencePerformanceRear-wheel multi-link suspension 6-speed manual transmissionGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Tangerine Comet / Roof in Phantom BlackGasoline 1.4 turbo engineMaximum torque _24.7kgf·m/1,500~3,200rpm Maximum output _ 140PS/6,000rpmGasoline 1.6 turbo engineMaximum torque _27.0kgf·m/1,500~4,500rpm28.0 kgf·m With over boostMaximum output _ 204PS/6,000rpmInterior package 1.Metal doorstep (front) 2.LED sun visor lamp 3.LED overhead console lamp 4.LED room lamp 5.LED luggage lamp Braking package rge-capacity front-wheel brake system – Red caliper / Large-capacity disk / Low steel pad / Goodrich brake hose 7.Brake oil Engine performance package8. Turbo hose 9.Oil filter 10.Engine oil (synthetic oil 0W40) 11.Intake filter681. LED emblem exclusive for JBL Extreme Sound /2. Metal dome tweeter and metal grille /3. Red gear knob4. Metal doorstep (front) /5. LED sun visor lamp /6. LED overhead console lamp /7. LED room lamp /8. LED luggage lamp Blue-coated paper cone door wooferand high-power hybrid amplifierBBS 18-inch alloy wheelsOZ 18-inch alloy wheelsThe TUIX items of distinctive individuality add sparkle and twist to the model of your choice and enhance the joy of driving.Make your Veloster stand out with JBL Extreme Sound Edition generating powerful, explosive sound and adorned with LED lights.Extreme Sound Edition1.4 Turbo GDi 1.6 Turbo GDi215/45R17 tires and 17-inch alloy wheels (Medium Grey Metal)225/40R18 tires and 18-inch alloy wheels(Dark Metal Grey / renovated front face)225/40R18 tires and18-inch alloy wheels(Strong Dark Metal / renovated front face)225/40ZR18 Michelin tires and 18-inch alloy wheels (Black)Gasoline 1.4 Turbo Modern in Cobalt Eclipse / Roof in Chalk WhiteGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Ignite Flame / Roof in Phantom Black*Terrestrial DMB can be viewed in standard (320X240) and high (1,280X720) display resolution, however reception may not be possible due to transmission circumstances, DMB broadcasting regulations, or changes in the means of transmission used by DMB providers.*The specifications introduced in this brochure include options and each model is applied with a different set of specifications. Please refer to the monthly price table for the specifications applied to each model.Projection headlamps (LED daytime running lights included) Bulb-type rear combination lamps LED headlampsLED rear combination lamps 7-inch display audio and rear-view camera Manually operated air conditioner 8-inch navigationFully automatic air conditioner Radiator grille exclusive for 1.4 TurboCenter single-tip muffler exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Radiator grille exclusive for 1.6 TurboIntegrated driving mode (smart shift mode)Supervision cluster exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Regular cluster exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Supervision cluster exclusive for 1.6 Turbo Heated steering wheel Heated front seats Tire repair kit Ventilated front seatsWide sunroofExterior Color CombinationColorThunderbolt (TUY)Chalk White (P6W)Chalk White (P6W)Thunderbolt(TUY)Interior Color CombinationInterior in BlackInterior in Black/Machine Red Interior inBlack/Sandstorm GreyInterior in Black/Pulse Grey*Ice Storm and Shooting Star are matte clear paints. Make sure to check the precautions specified in the owner’s manual.#colorful #liVeloud#different#matchInterior Color 4,2402,6508507401,5631,4001,5491,800Unit : mm(Wheel tread is based on 225/40R18 tire)dimensionPlease adhere to the designated speeds on the road for maximum fuel efficiency.- The above fuel economy was calculated based on standard driving conditions. Actual fuel efficiency may vary depending on road conditions, driving styles, cargo weight, maintenance conditions, and outside temperatures. - Some of the photographed vehicles in this brochure depict optional features for illustrative purposes and may differ from the actual vehicles. - The features, colors, and specifications stated in this brochure are subject to change based on improvements in the vehicle’s exterior or performance. - The above engine performance data is based on the net value, which is a legal requirement applied by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport from 1997 onwards. To produce the data, an advanced measurement method that takes into account the resistance of vehicle emissions was used. This method may generate results slightly lower than those generated by existing methods based on the gross value. - The leather upholstery partially consists of synthetic leather. - The vehicle colors printed in this brochure may differ from the actual colors. - The specifications of the rental vehicles may be partly different from those of other models. For detailed specifications, please check the price list catalogue for the relevant month. - The information in this brochure is based on the gasoline models, and the specifications may be partly different from those of the LPi models.- Hyundai Motor vehicles are sold by Car Masters of Hyundai Motor Company’s branches and dealers only at prices uniformly applied everywhere across the country to promote fair business practices. - The failure to use authentic parts and oil products (including engine oil and transmission fluid) recommended by Hyundai Motor Company and/or the use o f defective fuel may critically damage your v ehicle. - Please re fer to the owner’s manual for details about new technologies and features stated in this brochure.The images presented here are intended to inform customers and display the best models and options. The specifications described above vary by option, package, powertrain, and exterior color. For specification details by model, please refer to the monthly price table.Pulse Grey(leather)- The seat belts of the Pulse Grey interior are in black. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim modelsSandstorm Grey(leather)- The seat belts of the Sandstorm Grey interior are in black. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim modelsBlack/Red Stitches(woven+leather)Black/Yellow Stitches(woven)- The seat belts of the Black/Yellow Stitches interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in fabric (woven)- Available with the Sports trim modelsBlack/Machine Red(leather)- The seat belts of the Black/Machine Red interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Modern Core trim modelsBlack/Blue Stitches(woven)- The seat belts of the Black/Blue Stitches interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in fabric (woven) - Available with the Modern trim models Black/Red(leather)- The seat belts of the Black/Red interior are in red. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim models- The seat belts of the Black/Red Stitches interior are in red.- Seats upholstered in a combination of natural leather and fabric (tricot and knit)- Available with the Modern Core and Sports/Sports Core trim models- The stitching applied to Modern Core differs from that applied to Sports/Sports Core. *Available with Modern Core Trim* Basic service(free for 5 years from initial subscription): remote control, safety security, vehicle management, navigation.* When the free basic service period ends, customers are switched, with their consent, to the charged service(KRW11,000/month).The advanced technology of Hyundai’s BlueLink system helps keep both the driver and the vehicle safe in any situation.BlueLink is always there to keep you safe, regardless of the location or time of day. Experience the unique joy of safe and comfortable driving.Remote controlIn the extremely hot summer or cold winter months, you can link your smartphone to the air conditioner or heater to set and control the temperature inside the vehicle. Enjoy a pleasant driving experience with BlueLink.The BlueLink Center works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If an airbag opens due to an accident, the Center automatically detects your location and takes appropriate actions according to the situation, such as contacting the police, ambulance, insurance company, etc.Safety securityServices include real-time trouble detection while the vehicle is running and regular vehicle inspections on pre-arranged dates. In the event of vehicle trouble, immediate professional consulting is available, and you may conveniently make reservations for repair at the time and location of your choice.Vehicle managementFumbling with the navigation device while driving can be risky. With BlueLink, all you have to do is just push the BlueLink button and ask the operator for your destination. Then the destination is automatically set up, and you can continue to enjoy a safer and more convenient driving experience.Concierge (paid service)Best routes suggestions based on live analysis of the road network. If the navigation system is unable to find a particular destination, it will automatically connect to the Internet and search for related information.Navigation2019.6.1 ~ 6.30。








Hot drinks machine, TASSIMO FINESSETAS16B5GBOptional accessoriesTCZ6004 4 x Tassimo Descaling Tablets More intensity with a push of abutton.TASSIMO FINESSE – The intense one• Great variety: with up to 70 famous-brand drinks for every taste.• Perfect drink quality thanks to INTELLIBREW™ technology• Simple and easy to use one button operation• Each drink brewed individually to perfection• Upgrade your coffee! Push the button 3 sec. for a more intense coffee experience.Technical DataDimensions: ........................................................265 x 157 x 366 mm Dimensions of the packed product (HxWxD): .....310 x 265 x 395 mm Pallet dimensions: ..............................................201.0 x 80.0 x 120.0 Standard number of units per pallet: . (54)Net weight: ................................................................................2.2 kg Gross weight: ............................................................................2.8 kg EAN code: (4242005308866)Connection rating: ..................................................................1400 W Voltage: ...............................................................................220-240 V Frequency: .................................................................................50 Hz Length of electrical supply cord: ............................................90.0 cm Plug type: ...............................................................................GB plugHot drinks machine, TASSIMOFINESSETAS16B5GBMore intensity with a push of a button. TASSIMO FINESSE – The intense oneHighest drink variety and quality- Large variety of high quality hot beverages: freshly brewed coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte macchiato, hot chocolate or tea straight away- Two leading companies have joined forces for a high quality hot beverage system- Patented bar code technology identifies the drink selected and adjusts the amount of water, brewing time and the temperature to make the perfect cup everytime- Cleaning disc for purging the system and keeping your machine clean and fresh- IntensityBoost: Just push the button a little longer and have your coffee with a more intense flavour- No transition of taste: brewing takes place within T-DISC capsule; after each brewing cycle system is cleaned through steam purge Highest Convenience- Easy to use, one button operation with Tassimo T-Discs- Innovative flow heater technology means there is virtually noheat-up time.- 5 LED user interface provides user with current information about machine status: Standby, Automatic mode, Manual mode, Refill water tank, machine needs to be descaled- Automatic cleaning and descaling programme- Height adjustable and removable cup stand with stainless steel drip tray: can be fully removed for tall latte glasses or travel mugs- Removable water tank integrated into housing unit 0.7 l Contemporary, high-value design- Space saving design- Trendy and compact designQuick and energy efficient drink preparation- Innovative heating technology: only the required amount of water is heated on demand- Low energy consumption: convenient auto-off after brew cycle Further Specifications- Connected load 1400 W- Brewer dimensions HxWxD: 265 mm x 157 mm x 366 mm- Weight incl. packaging (kg): 2.76Accessories- Descaling tablets (part no 310967) for the automatic TASSIMO machine descaling process, available from Bosch customer service。

Saeco royal 皇家型咖啡机 说明书

Saeco royal 皇家型咖啡机 说明书

Saeco皇家型咖啡机Automatic espresso coffee machine OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS说 明 书目录索引一、安全预防 (2)二、前言 (3)三、机器参数 (3)四、基本介绍 (4)五、安装 (6)六、使用 (7)七、菜单与设置 (10)八、调节与设定 (14)九、清理与保养 (15)十、故障处理 (20)十一、保证书 (21)1一、 安全预防1、 本机不能在户外使用,不要靠近热源。

2、 机器要移动时一定要拔下电源插头。

3、 不要让小孩使用机器。

4、 环境要保持干燥,绝不要将机器浸在水中,不要使用非法的附件。

5、 不要在水箱无水,豆槽无豆的情况下使用机器。

6、 正常的使用和保养会廷长机器的寿命。

7、 原包装箱是根据运输安全设计的,在运输过程中能有效的保护机器,建议保留。

8、 本机已通过欧洲安全法规测试,取得安全证明。

9、 遇到不了解的地方请咨询经销商,维修服务需要专门技术人员,如私自维修保证书无效。


11、请遵守本手册内的安全预防说明,说明书要保存好, 并放置在易找处,以供参考。

2二、前 言本说明书介绍了SAECO皇家型咖啡机的操作方法、功能设定及一些注意事项等;它是一部适用于各种场所的多功能咖啡机,具有e智慧,经由简单的操作可获得满意的效果。


三、机器参数1、品名: 皇家型2、尺寸(宽×高×深度): 390×395×455(厘米)3、重量: 15公斤4、电线长度: 1.2米5、豆槽容量: 300克6、水箱容量: 2.4升7、豆渣槽容量: 308、水泵工作压力: 15帕9、电压: 230伏10、功率: 专业型1600W卡布其诺型 2300W11、电源频率: 50赫兹12、控制面板: 数码液晶13、安全设备: 煮器压力安全阀自动温度控制器3四、Royal 基本介绍机器基本说明:01、输出口高度调节钮 11、单品盖02、输出口 12、液晶显示屏03、热水/蒸汽输出管 13、操作面板04、卡布其诺组件 14、豆渣槽05、蒸汽旋钮 15、废水盘06、温杯盘 16、冲泡器07、水箱 17、豆量调节杆08、水箱盖 18、冲泡器把手09、豆槽盖 19、冲泡器底座接盘10、豆槽4电脑控制面板1、 热水开关键2、单品咖啡键;(在设定中为“▲”,用来向上浏览菜单)3、卡布其诺键;(在设定中为“ENTER”,确认键)4、浓缩咖啡键;(在设定中为“ESC”,取消。

Lavastoviglie Serie 4 60 cm Inox SGI4HCS48E 商品说明书

Lavastoviglie Serie 4 60 cm Inox SGI4HCS48E 商品说明书

Serie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inoxSGI4HCS48EAccessori specialiSGZ0IC00 :SGZ1010 Prolunga acqua-stop sgs/gi/gv/guSMZ1051EU :SMZ2044 Frontale dello sportello e zoccolo niroSMZ5003 Cerniera ribaltabile per dimensioni alte SMZ5005 Kit di adattamento e fissaggio NiroSMZ5035 :SMZ5100 Cestello porta posateSMZ5300 Accessorio lavastoviglie da incasso Carica facilmente le tue stoviglie conl'opzione di asciugatura extra al tocco di un pulsante.• ExtraDry: opzione selezionabile per un'ulteriore asciugatura.• CestelloVario - Flessibilità nel terzo livello di carico• Il programma Silenzio: il modo più silenzioso per far funzionarela lavastoviglie.• AquaStop: protezione antiallagamento, con una garanzia a vita al 100%.• EcoSilence Drive: elevato risparmio energetico, silenziosità di funzionamento e vita utile particolarmente lunga.Dati tecniciClasse di efficienza energetica: ........................................................D Consumo energetico del programma Eco per 100 cicli : .........85 kWh Numero massimo di coperti: .. (14)Consumo di acqua del programma eco in litri per ciclo: ..............9.5 l Durata del programma: .............................................................4:55 h Emissioni di rumore aereo: ......................................44 dB(A) re 1 pW Classe di emissioni di rumore aereo: ................................................B Da incasso / a libera installazione: .....................................Da incasso Altezza senza piano di lavoro: ....................................................0 mm Dimensioni (lxp): ................................................815 x 598 x 573 mm Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione: .......815-875 x 600 x 550 mm Profondità con porta aperta a 90 gradi: ...............................1150 mm piedini regolabili: ...................................................Yes - all from front Regolazione massima dei piedini: ............................................60 mm Zoccolo regolabile: ..........................................verticale ed orizontale Peso netto: ..............................................................................35.6 kg Peso lordo: ..............................................................................37.5 kg Potenza: ..................................................................................2400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................10 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Repair index: ..................................................................................8.1 Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................175.0 cm Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Lunghezza tubo entrata: ..........................................................165 cm Lunghezza tubo uscita: ............................................................190 cm Codice EAN: (4242005322183)Installazione: ......................................................................IntegrabileSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60cm, acciaio inoxSGI4HCS48ECarica facilmente le tue stoviglie conl'opzione di asciugatura extra al tocco di un pulsante.Prestazioni e consumo- Classe di efficienza energetica¹: D- Energia² / Acqua³: 85 kWh / 9.5 litri- Capacità: 14 coperti- Durata del programma⁴: 4:55 (h:min)- Livello sonoro: 44 dB(A) re 1 pW- Classe di efficienza di rumore: B- Livello di rumore programma Silence: 41(A) re 1 pWProgrammi e opzioni- 6 Programmi: Eco 50 °C, Auto 45-65°, Intensive 70 °C, Express 65°, Silence- Prelavaggio- 3 opzioni speciali: Extra Dry, Half Load, SpeedPerfectPlus- Programma manutenzioneTecnologia lavaggio- Scambiatore di calore.- DosageAssist- EcoSilence Drive- Automatismo di pulizia- Sistema di filtri autopulenti con ondulazione a 3 livelli- Contenitore interno: Materiale della vasca interna in acciaio inox Sistema Cestelli- Cestelli Flex- VarioCestello- Cestello superiore regolabile in altezza con Rackmatic (3 livelli)- Ruote con scorrimento facile sul cestello inferiore- Cestello inferiore con blocco (rackStopper) per evitare che fuoriesca dalle guide.- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello superiore (2x)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello inferiore (2x)- Ripiani per tazze nel cestello superiore (2x)- Carrello inferiore con ripiani per tazze (2x)Indicazione e funzionamento- Iscrizioni di testo in chiaro (inglese)- Indicazione tempo residuo (min.)- Programmatore inizio lavaggio (1-24 h)Sicurezza- AquaStop: una garanzia Bosch per danni causati dall'acqua - durata del dispositivo*- Sicurezza bambini (Tasti)- Tecnologia di protezione del vetro- Aiuto per il riempimento del sale (Imbuto)- Protezione contro il vaporeDimensioni - Dimensioni del prodotto (HxLxP): 81.5 x 59.8 x 57.3 cm¹ In una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A a G² Consumo di energia in kWh per 100 cicli (nel programma Eco 50°C)³ Consumo di acqua in litiri per ciclo (nel programma Eco 50 °C)⁴ Durata del programma Eco 50 °C* Verificare i termini di garanzia al link/ch/it/condizioni-generali-di-garanziaSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inoxSGI4HCS48E。

大 moist商品说明书

大 moist商品说明书

9L 900Wmanual timerHD9120Discover fuller flavoursAdd your own taste with the flavour boosterThis steamer with unique Flavour Booster improves food with the delicious aroma of herbs and spices. Smart features such as the 60-minute timer, external water inlet and dishwasher-safe parts all make steaming as easy as can be.Discover fuller flavoursFlavour Booster improves taste with delicious herbs & spicesSmart featuresRemovable 500 ml drip tray is easy to pour from and cleanCord storage keeps kitchen surfaces neat and tidyStackable steaming tiers use less space for storingOnly a little effortDishwasher-safe parts make cleaning easy60-minute timer with ready signal and auto shutoffExternal water inlet for refilling reservoir during useSteamerHD9120/56HighlightsSpecificationsFlavour BoosterThe unique Flavour Booster adds delicious aroma of herbs and spices, bringing even more taste to steaming. Simply pop your favourite herbs and spices into the booster, and let steam do the rest. The heat from the steam releases delicate aromas from the herbs and spices, which thoroughly infuse the food with their mouth-watering flavours.60-minute timer60-minute timer with ready signal and auto shut off.Dishwasher-safe partsDishwasher-safe parts make cleaning easy.External water inletExternal water inlet for refilling reservoir during use.Stackable steaming tiersStackable steaming tiers use less space for storing.Design specifications Material: PlasticColor(s): White with sunset orange accents Accessories included Egg rackRice/soup/food container: 1.2 l General specifications Non-slip feet Power-on lightCool-touch handgrips Water level indicatorOverheat and dry boil protection Number of tiers: 3 pcsWeight and dimensions Weight appliance: 2.3 kgProduct dimensions (W x H x D): 312 x 450 x 228 mmT echnical specifications Power: 900 WVoltage: 220-240 V Frequency: 50/60 Hz Cord length: 100 cmCapacity tiers: 2.5 / 2.6 / 3.5 l Capacity water tank: 1.1 l© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V .All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V . or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑03‑15Version: 1.0.112 NC: 0000 00000000。

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15 锅底 - 适合所有的炉子,包括电磁炉
16 辅助把手─凹槽手柄方便拿取 17 安全装置─如锅盖没有正确地闭合,
18 芳香阀─自动上压,如锅盖没有正确
地闭合,该装置可以使锅内不会产生 压力,自动限制压力,如果锅子还未 泄压,不会让锅盖打开
19 锅盖把手螺丝─锅盖上被固定的垫圈。
标准容量 B
CE标志 A
4 首次使用须知
把锅盖把手的释放锁钮向箭头方向按下去,并 且向右转动直到停止不动,就可打开锅盖。
在锅盖上有个 CLOSE 标记,相应的在把手上 有个凹槽,这样就可以轻松地把锅盖调整到 正确的位置,开启或关闭锅盖。
2 使用注意事项
在您使用该产品之前请仔细阅读产品使用说明书和其他资料,不正确的使用可能导致锅具损坏或者人身伤害 及其它物品损失的风险。 在没有阅读说明书之前,请不要让任何人使用高速快锅。 如果您把高速快锅转让给他人,请务必连同使用说明书一并交给他。
注意! 请不要让儿童接近高速快锅烹饪区域。
6 使用味达维高速快锅烹饪注意事项
你可以用本产品使用很多方法进行烹饪。炖、煸、煎或榨汁。(详见第 8 章)
把你需要的食物全部放入高速快锅,注意前面提到的容量问题。然后盖上锅盖,如果烹饪指示器变成绿色, 表示锅盖正确安装,可以开始烹饪的状态。
特别注意:为了防止过度加热对锅具造成损害,请不要在无人看管的情况下加热锅具或者空烧锅 具。也要仔细遵守各个热源的说明书。在您使用高速快锅时,其会发出蜂鸣叫声,这是提醒您调 小热源,并不代表您的高速快锅质量有任何问题。
● 当需要调节火力时,调节热源使烹饪指示器不会显示上升的迹象。 ● 选择合适大小的炉灶。 ● 选择合适大小的锅具。 ● 充分利用能储热的锅底。在烹饪结束前就把热源关闭,在还有余温的情况下继续烹饪。
高速快锅在制造时会附着上打磨油等物质,所以在首次使用前请务必洗干净锅身,锅盖和硅胶圈。我们推荐 您使用菲仕乐专用不锈钢清洁剂进行清洗,这会使不锈钢更能抵抗盐和酸性物质。残渣必须被彻底清洗干净, 当您发现不锈钢表面发生变化时,要及时进行清洗。
5 基本使用方法
这款味达维高速快锅配备了不同的安全装置使其极其安全。每次使用之前,请确保以下的安全装置都正常 运行,不要随意更换这些装置。在烹饪前,请确定控制阀和锅盖把手完全扣合,(详见第 10 章)
从锅盖上取下控制阀进入烹饪设定 2,用 手指检查一下烹饪指示器和阀体是否装卸 灵活
请确保芳香阀干净以及能活动,芳香阀密 闭圈必须下芳香阀里的白色球是否 粘连,能否装卸灵活
请确保硅胶圈和锅盖边缘干净,没有被损坏, 安全装置能被灵活取下。硅胶圈必须完全和 锅盖内的边缘扣合,必须装在安全装置之前, 从锅盖边缘按下扣合。
容量指示 12
硅胶圈 20
锅盖把手螺丝 19
21 控制阀螺母
安全装置 芳香阀 18
硅胶帽 24
1 锅盖把手─可以拆卸,方便清洗 2 释放锁钮─用于泄压和打开高速快锅 3 锁定指示器─指示锅子是否完全扣合 4 蒸汽排出口─用释放锁钮进行泄压时,
5 控制阀─有烹饪指示,在超过压力限
每次使用本产品之前,请确保所有的阀门和安全装置未被堵塞和损坏,并且他们能正常运作,这是确保高速 快锅使用时安全的唯一途径,您可以在第五章中找到相关信息。 请不要对高速快锅进行改造。尤其针对一些安全装置,除了进行使用说明书上的保养操作外,请不要进行多 余的改造。并且不要在控制阀上滴油。 当您使用本产品超过 400 次或者 2 年左右,需要定期更换遭受磨损的零部件,比如硅胶圈或者其他橡胶部分。 需要更换零部件时,请使用菲仕乐的正品。当肉眼即可看到一些磨损时(譬如出现裂口,变色,变形)或者 不匹配,请立即更换。否则,它会影响到锅的工作性能和安全性。 更换零部件时,请使用菲仕乐的正品。请不要使用不匹配的锅身与锅盖。另外在您更换零部件时,请根据您 使用的产品型号选择专用正品。(详见第 12 章)
这些信息仅供参考,这要根据您电磁炉的功率等。您也需要参考电磁炉的说明书。 不管锅内是否有食物,当锅盖开着时,如果过度加热,锅底会变成金黄色,不过这不影响高速快锅工作的性能。
电陶炉 ─ 炉面的直径应和锅底一致或小于锅底。 煤气灶 ─ 把高速快锅放在煤气灶当中加热,确保火焰不超过锅底的边缘。 电磁炉 ─ 请记得一定要把高速快锅放在电磁炉当中位置加热。锅底的大小请与炉灶的大小保持一致,
3 味达维高速快锅描述及其优点
5 控制阀 烹饪指示器
6 7 蒸汽排出口 16 辅助把手
定位辅助标 8
蒸汽排出口 4
释放锁钮 2
14 圆锥形锅身
15 锅底 17 安全装置 安全突起 22 安全阀门橡胶塞 25
阀门圈 23
锅盖把手 1
防滑锅身把手 10 定位卡钉 9
加热保护装置 11
第六章. 使用味达维高速快锅烹饪注意事项
第七章. 高速快锅的泄压方法
第八章. 高速快锅的用途
第九章. 烹饪时间
第十章. 清洗与保养
1 高速快锅如何工作
自从第一个高速快锅发明以来,其基本工作原理一直未改变。高速快锅通过锅内部产生压力,在高压、高温 的状态下烹调食物。食物在超过 100°C 密闭的容器里进行加热上压,锅内的高压会使水沸腾,因此可以用高 温进行烹饪。这大大降低了烹饪时间。 排除锅内多余的空气和缩减烹饪时间使这款高速快锅烹饪出来的食物非常鲜嫩。它比传统烹饪方式更大程 度地保留了食物的维他命,矿物质和香味。亲自品尝味道,您会发现食物出乎意料地保持原汁原味。
锅在使用那一刹那就已经上压了,不正确的操作会导致危险。上压之前确保锅处于安全状态,详见第 4 章。 请仅仅使用第 5 章提到的加热装置。 请您确保使用前锅内有一定量的水,否则,会引起对锅的损害。至少在锅中放入 200-300ml 的水,根据高速 快锅的直径而定。万一过度加热,锅的塑料配件以及底部会融化和液化,请立即关闭加热装置,不要用水等 进行快速冷却,而应该自然冷却,并且给房间进行换气。 请确保 1 次的烹饪量保持在锅身容量 2/3 以下。像米饭、豆类、汤类等煮熟后会膨胀的食物容量应该在 1/2 以下。 请不要在无人看管的情况下使用本产品。调节能源装置,在未达到您设定好的烹饪指标前它不会上升。如果 能源装置不泄压,蒸汽会通过阀门排出,锅内的液体会逐渐减少。如果所有的液体都蒸发完毕,会发生燃烧 以及高速快锅遭到损坏。 加压时如果移动高速快锅,要注意防止被烫伤。请拿着锅身把手与辅助把手,根据需要使用锅夹,以免手 直接接触受热的表面。
制时会自动排气,可以拆卸,清洗起 来简单
6 烹饪指示器─可以根据颜色指示来调
7 蒸汽排出口(控制阀内)─如果压力比
所设定值高,则在进行烹饪时会放出 蒸汽
8 定位辅助标─当您在盖上锅盖时,可
9 定位卡钉─在定位时所用的卡钉 10 防滑锅身把手 11 加热保护装置─高速快锅在煤气灶上
高速快锅烹饪容量最多只能是锅身的 2/3。像米饭、豆类、汤类等煮熟后 会膨胀的食物容量应该在 1/2 以下。
注意:不要空烧锅,锅内的水蒸汽不能全部被蒸发。如果空烧, 会出现火灾以及锅身变形、把手以及零部件破损的情况。
耐热的锅底能更好地吸收热量,且可以用于任何灶具,包括电磁炉。底部看上去类似五角星的完整扩大部分 确保了其底部的坚固性。锅底良好的导热性确保了最佳的烹饪效果。
这由高速快锅的直径大小决定,至少需要 200-300ml 的水来产生蒸汽,无论 你有没有放任何东西在锅内。在 200-300ml 液体之下,绝不要使用高速快锅。
18 cm: 200 ml 22 cm: 250 ml 26 cm: 300 ml 最大容量
请不要强行打开本产品。请您确认完全泄压后再打开锅盖。( 详见第 7 章 ) 请轻轻晃动后再打开锅盖以确保蒸汽不会飞溅出来烫伤您。这在快速减压或者冷却高速快锅时非常重要。 请确保泄压时您在危险区域以外,因为蒸汽可能会飞溅出来伤害到您。在使用释放锁钮时要格外小心。
高速快锅锅身或零部件如果破损或变形,请您不要再继续使用。除此以外,如果出现本使用说明书中所述的 不正常情况时,请停止使用,并尽快与附近的菲仕乐专柜或菲仕乐客服中心联系。 (联系方式见第 13 章)
12 容量指示─ min :所需最低水量;
1/2 :易膨胀、多汁的食材的最大容量; max :普通食材的最大容量
13 蒸屉,三角架─大的蒸屉孔能使蒸汽
14 圆锥形锅身─如果直径相同的锅,即
请不要把本产品用于烹饪以外的任何用途(详见第 8 章) 请不要在微波炉里使用本产品,因为高温会破坏锅子的把手,阀门和安全装置。 如果需要油炸烹饪,请不要盖上锅盖,油只要倒满锅子的一半即可,请不要在高压下煎炸任何食物(详见 第 8 章) 请不要将本产品用于医疗用途,特别是把它当作消毒器,因为高速快锅达不到杀菌所需要的温度。 请不要在高速快锅中炖水果或者苹果酱,因为当您打开锅盖时蒸汽会飞溅引起烫伤。 烹饪带皮的肉类或其他食物时,皮在膨胀的时候,请不要对其开孔。以免被烫伤。