
口外期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 口腔颌面部感染的常见途径是:A. 直接扩散B. 淋巴传播C. 血行传播D. 飞沫传播2. 以下哪项不是颌面部骨折的临床表现:A. 面部畸形B. 咬合异常C. 疼痛D. 皮肤瘙痒3. 口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤中最常见的类型是:A. 鳞状细胞癌B. 基底细胞癌C. 恶性黑色素瘤D. 淋巴瘤4. 口腔颌面部软组织损伤中,以下哪种情况需要进行清创处理:A. 轻微擦伤B. 深度小于1cm的切口C. 深度大于2cm的切口D. 表面瘀斑5. 以下哪项不是口腔颌面部感染的常见致病菌:A. 金黄色葡萄球菌B. 大肠杆菌C. 链球菌D. 绿脓杆菌二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. 口腔颌面部感染的常见症状包括______、______和______。
7. 颌面部骨折的诊断依据包括______、______和______。
8. 口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的治疗方法主要有______、______和______。
9. 口腔颌面部软组织损伤的急救措施包括______、______和______。
10. 口腔颌面部感染的预防措施包括______、______和______。
三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. 简述口腔颌面部感染的常见原因及其预防措施。
12. 描述颌面部骨折的分类及治疗方法。
13. 阐述口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的临床表现及诊断要点。
14. 解释口腔颌面部软组织损伤的急救原则。
四、病例分析题(每题15分,共30分)15. 患者,男,35岁,因面部外伤后出现肿胀、疼痛和开口受限,经检查发现下颌骨骨折。
16. 患者,女,45岁,口腔内发现一无痛性肿块,经活检确诊为鳞状细胞癌。
五、论述题(共20分)17. 论述口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的综合治疗策略,包括手术、放疗和化疗的适应症和注意事项。
六、附加题(10分)18. 请根据当前口腔颌面部疾病治疗的发展趋势,谈谈你对口腔颌面部疾病预防和治疗的新认识。

口外第一学期:名解--------干槽症、oral and maxilloficial surgery 、智齿冠周炎、痈、控制性降压麻醉、osseointergration问答----切取活检的方法及注意事项下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉口内注射标记、方法、麻醉区域下颌阻生第三磨牙的分类中央性、边缘性颌骨骨髓炎的鉴别第二学期:名解-----坚固内固定、保存性功能性外科、扳机点、快速成形技术(英文)、牵张成骨术(英文)问答-----简述对唇腭裂序列治疗的理解、口腔颌面部的创伤特点、颊癌的病例分析、咬肌间隙感染的病例分析名解骨结合AHI 阻塞性窒息微创外科贝尔麻痹问答唇腭裂序列治疗的理解TMJ前脱位和髁突颈骨折的鉴别病例:翼下合间隙感染舌癌口外问答冠周炎扩散途径骨结合影响因素局麻药中常加入的血管收缩剂是什么?有何作用?拔牙断根原因舌挫裂处理涎石病临表特点及治疗唇腭裂手术目的,牙槽突裂植骨时间,骨来源癌症综合序列治疗引起张口受限的疾病有哪些?简述其特点名解骨膜下种植体OSAHS 快速成型技术Fery综合症扳机点临界瘤移动体位试验关节强直NOE骨折随意皮瓣路德维希咽颊炎骨结合修复前外科口外下颌下线结石多发原因甲状舌管囊肿随意皮瓣舌挫伤处理拔牙后疼痛原因坚强内固定保存性功能外科QSAHSAHI活检问答冠周炎扩散途径骨结合影响因素局麻药中常加入的血管收缩剂是什么?有何作用?拔牙断根原因舌挫裂处理涎石病临表特点及治疗唇腭裂手术目的,牙槽突裂植骨时间,骨来源癌症综合序列治疗引起张口受限的疾病有哪些?简述其特点名解骨膜下种植体OSAHS 快速成型技术Fery综合症扳机点临界瘤移动体位试验关节强直NOE骨折随意皮瓣路德维希咽颊炎骨结合修复前外科08级名解:classification of TNM 唇腭裂序列治疗味觉性出汗综合征(英文)debridement 牙合面畸形选择:1.开口度指2拔牙上下颌牙,阻生牙开口角度3.肿瘤N2b 4肿瘤药的分类名称 5.正合不适6.用于:关闭生理间隙7.三叉神经扳机点可能有多个8.皮瓣适用于9腭裂2岁治疗偏晚10牙源性囊肿不包括正中囊肿了11皮样囊肿含皮肤附属器12骨化性纤维瘤与骨纤维异常增生症的不同点,治疗异同12智齿冠周炎脓液延下颌骨外斜面后外方可能引起咬肌间隙感染13 哪些不会引起张口受限:问答:1 拔牙适应症2 牵张成骨的适应症3 TMD防治原则4 颌面部创伤特点5.病例分析:女性,40岁,舌右侧疼痛半年,检查:白色斑块,糜烂,易出血。

广东外语外贸大学出国英语培训入学考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience of taking the entrance exam for the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.When I first heard about the exam, I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect. But after studying hard and preparing myself, I felt more confident. The exam was divided into four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.The listening part was a bit challenging for me because the speakers spoke really fast. But I tried my best to focus and understand the questions. The reading part was easier for me because I love reading English books and articles. I was able to answer most of the questions correctly.The writing part was a bit tricky because I needed to write an essay about my favorite holiday. I wrote about my trip to Disneyland and why it was the best holiday ever. I tried to use different vocabulary words and sentence structures to make my essay more interesting.Finally, the speaking part was the most fun! I had to talk about my daily routine and answer some questions from the examiners. I practiced speaking English with my friends and family, so I felt more confident during this part of the exam.Overall, I had a great time taking the entrance exam for the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. I hope I did well and can't wait to start my English training soon!篇2Title: My Experience in the Entrance Exam for Studying Abroad English Training at Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesHey everyone! I want to share with you my experience in the entrance exam for studying abroad English training at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. It was such a fun and exciting day!The exam was divided into four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In the listening part, we had to listen to different recordings and answer questions about them. Some of the recordings were really fast, but I tried my best to pay attention and write down the answers.The reading part was a bit challenging too. We had to read passages and answer questions based on them. Some of the passages were quite long, but I tried to scan them quickly and find the answers.The writing part was my favorite because I love writing stories. We had to write a short essay about our favorite hobby and why we like it. I wrote about how much I love playing soccer with my friends and how it helps me relax and have fun.Finally, the speaking part was nerve-wracking but exciting. We had to talk about a topic given by the examiner for two minutes. I talked about my dream of traveling around the world and how I want to learn English to communicate with people from different countries.Overall, the exam was a bit challenging but so much fun! I can't wait to find out the results and hopefully get accepted into the program. Wish me luck!篇3Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the entrance exam for the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. It's like a big test to see if you're ready to study English and go abroad. Let's dive in!First, you have to know some basic English words and grammar. They'll ask you questions like "What's your name?" or "How old are you?" Don't worry, it's not too hard. Just study a bit and you'll be fine!Next, there will be a listening test. You'll hear people talking in English and you have to understand what they're saying. It's important to listen carefully and try your best to answer the questions.Then, there's a reading test. You'll read some passages in English and answer questions about them. Remember to take your time and read carefully. Don't rush through it!After that, there's a writing test. You'll have to write a short essay in English. Just think of it as telling a story or describing something you like. Remember to use proper grammar and punctuation.Finally, there's a speaking test. You'll talk to a teacher in English and answer their questions. Don't be shy, just do your best and try to speak clearly.So, that's the entrance exam for the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Remember to study hard and good luck on the test! You can do it!篇4Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you a really cool thing – the entrance exam for the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. It's like a super fun challenge that could help us get better at speaking English and maybe even go abroad someday!So, in this exam, we have to show our English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For the listening part, we have to listen to conversations and answer questions about them. It's kind of like a game where we have to pay attention and think fast!Next up is the speaking part, where we have to talk about a topic for a few minutes. We can choose a topic we like and just talk about it. Maybe I'll talk about my favorite food or my favorite superhero!Then there's the reading part, where we have to read some passages and answer questions about them. It's like a puzzle that we have to solve with our reading skills. And finally, there's the writing part, where we have to write an essay about a topic. I'll make sure to use lots of big words and cool phrases to impress the examiners!I'm super excited about this exam because I really want to improve my English and maybe even study abroad one day. So, wish me luck and let's rock this exam together! Go English! Go GDUFS!篇5Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you the entrance exam questions for the study abroad English training at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Foreign Trade. Are you ready? Let's get started!Question 1:Why do you want to study abroad and improve your English skills? Please provide at least two reasons.Question 2:Please write a short paragraph (around 100-150 words) about your dream study abroad destination and why you want to go there.Question 3:Imagine you are traveling in a foreign country and you need to ask for directions to a popular tourist attraction. How would you communicate with the locals in English to find your way?Question 4:What are some of the benefits of studying abroad, besides improving your language skills? Please provide at least three examples.Question 5:If you could choose any job in the world that requires English language skills, what would it be and why? Please explain your choice in detail.Remember to answer each question thoroughly and express your thoughts clearly. Good luck on your exam! Let's all work hard to achieve our dreams of studying abroad and becoming fluent in English! Go, go, go!篇6Title: Let's have fun with the GDUFS Study Abroad English Training Entrance Exam!Hey guys, are you ready to have some fun and show off your English skills for the GDUFS Study Abroad English Training Entrance Exam? Let's dive into the exciting world of English together!First, let's warm up with some simple questions to get our brains going. Can you tell me the English names of some common animals like dog, cat, and bird? How about the colors red, blue, and yellow? Don't worry, these are just the basics!Now, let's move on to some more challenging questions. Can you put these words in the correct order to make a sentence: I, like, apples, do, you? How about figuring out the correct verb tense to complete this sentence: Yesterday, Tom (play) ______ basketball with his friends.Next, let's test your listening skills with a short audio clip. Listen carefully and answer the questions that follow. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time, practice makes perfect!Finally, it's time for the reading comprehension section. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions to show off your reading skills. Remember, take your time and don't rush through it.Phew, that was a lot of brain work! But don't worry, just do your best and have fun with the GDUFS Study Abroad English Training Entrance Exam. Good luck, my fellow English learners! Let's show them what we've got!篇7Title: My Experience Taking the Entrance Exam for English Language Training at Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesHey everyone! So I want to tell you about my experience taking the entrance exam for the English language training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. It was super exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun too!The exam had a few different parts. First, we had to do a listening test where they played some recordings and we had to answer questions about them. It was kind of tricky because they spoke really fast, but I tried my best to listen carefully and write down the answers.Next, we had a reading comprehension section where we had to read some passages and answer questions about them. Some of the passages were really interesting, like one about a trip to a foreign country and another about a famous historical figure. I had to read carefully to make sure I understood everything.After that, we had a writing test where we had to write a short essay in English. I wrote about my favorite hobby, which isplaying soccer. I had to make sure to use good grammar and spelling, so I tried to be really careful with my writing.Finally, we had a speaking test where we had to talk about a given topic for a few minutes. I got a topic about my family, so I talked about my parents and siblings and what we like to do together. It was a bit nerve-wracking speaking in English, but I tried to be confident and speak clearly.Overall, the exam was a bit challenging, but I had a lot of fun showing off my English skills. I hope I did well and can get into the English language training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Wish me luck! Bye!篇8Title: My Experience in the Entrance Exam for Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesHey everyone! I want to tell you about my experience in the entrance exam for Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. It was super cool and a little bit nerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun in the end.First, we had to do a listening test. The teacher played a recording and we had to write down what we heard. It was a littletricky because the recording was fast, but I did my best to catch everything. Then, we had a reading test where we had to answer questions about a passage in English. Some of the words were hard, but I tried to guess the answers based on the context.Next, we had a speaking test. We had to talk about our hobbies and favorite foods in English. I was a little shy at first, but the teacher was really nice and helped me feel more comfortable. Finally, we had a writing test where we had to write a short essay about our dreams and goals. I wrote about how I want to travel the world and learn about different cultures.Overall, the exam was a challenge, but I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I can't wait to see if I get accepted into the program. Wish me luck!篇9Title: My Experience Taking the Entrance Exam for English Training at Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesHey guys, do you want to hear about my experience taking the entrance exam for English training at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies? It was super exciting and a little bitnerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun!First, let me tell you about the exam. It had three parts: listening, reading, and writing. In the listening part, they played all kinds of recordings like conversations, news reports, and speeches. It was a bit tricky because they spoke really fast, but I did my best to answer the questions.Next was the reading part. They gave us a few passages to read and then asked us questions about them. Some of the passages were really interesting, like one about the history of the English language. I learned a lot just from reading them!Finally, there was the writing part. We had to write an essay on a given topic. I wrote about my dream of studying abroad and how learning English would help me achieve it. I made sure to use all the vocabulary and grammar I had learned in my English classes.After the exam was over, I felt relieved but also proud of myself for trying my best. I hope I did well and will get accepted into the English training program at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Wish me luck!Overall, taking the entrance exam was a great experience. It really tested my English skills and showed me how much I have learned so far. I can't wait to continue improving and become even better at English!篇10Once upon a time, I went to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies to take the entrance exam for studying abroad English training. It was super duper exciting, but also kind of nerve-wracking, ya know?The exam had a bunch of questions, like reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking. It was like a big adventure through the land of English. I had to use all my brain power to answer the questions and show off my English skills.In the reading part, I had to read some stories and answer questions about them. It was like going on a reading journey and exploring different worlds. I had to really focus and understand the meaning of the stories. It was like solving a puzzle, but with words instead of pieces.For vocabulary and grammar, I had to match words with their meanings and choose the correct grammar rules. It was like playing a game of memory, but with English words. I had to remember all the words I learned and use them in the right way. It was a real brain workout, let me tell ya!Then, there was the listening part, where I had to listen to conversations and answer questions about them. It was like listening to a secret code and trying to figure it out. I had to really pay attention and tune my ears to understand what was being said. It was a challenge, but I think I did pretty good.Last but not least, there was the speaking part, where I had to talk about a given topic for a few minutes. It was like telling a story to a friend and sharing my thoughts. I had to be confident and speak clearly to show my English skills. It was a little scary, but I gave it my best shot.Overall, the exam was a fun and challenging experience. I learned a lot and had a great time exploring the world of English.I hope I did well and can continue my English adventure at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Wish me luck!。


第一部分:听力理解(共四篇听力材料,每篇10题)第一篇:材料一:政治演讲Q1. 演讲者的身份是什么?Q2. 演讲的主题是什么?Q3. 为什么演讲者提到了历史事件?材料二:新闻报道Q4. 新闻报道中提到的国家是哪个?Q5. 新闻报道中所述事件是什么?Q6. 事件的原因是什么?材料三:教育讲座Q7. 讲座的目的是什么?Q8. 讲座中提到的重要问题是什么?Q9. 为什么讲座中提到了国外的经验?材料四:旅游广告Q10. 广告中提到的旅游目的地是哪里?Q11. 广告中提到的旅游活动是什么?Q12. 为什么这个目的地适合旅游者?第二部分:阅读理解(共三篇阅读材料,每篇15题)阅读材料一:科技文章Q13. 文章主要讨论的是什么科技?Q14. 这项科技在哪个领域有潜在的应用?Q15. 文章中提到的优势是什么?阅读材料二:商业报告Q16. 这项报告是为了解决什么问题而进行的?Q17. 报告中列举的企业案例是在哪个行业?Q18. 为什么这些企业需要实施改变?阅读材料三:文化研究Q19. 这篇研究报告主要探讨的是哪个文化现象?Q20. 文章中提到的原因是什么?Q21. 研究的结果如何?第三部分:口译表达(共两个任务,每个任务5题)任务一:逐句口译请根据提供的英文句子逐句进行口译,语速适当,重点表达清晰。


目 录2004年南开大学外国语学院应用语言学真题及详解2005年南开大学外国语学院应用语言学真题及详解2006年南开大学外国语学院应用语言学真题及详解2007年南开大学外国语学院专业英语真题及详解2008年南开大学外国语学院857语言学基础真题及详解2009年南开大学外国语学院857语言学基础真题及详解2010年南开大学外国语学院904语言学基础真题及详解2011年南开大学外国语学院866语言学基础真题及详解2012年南开大学外国语学院883语言学基础真题及详解2004年南开大学外国语学院应用语言学真题及详解考试科目:应用语言学I. Illustrate each of the following terms briefly. (45 points)1. prescriptive linguistics【答案】Prescriptive linguistics: the linguistics that tries to lay down rules for “correct” behaviors. It seeks to tell people how language ought to be used by those who wish to use it.2. Displacement【答案】Displacement: Language can be used to refer to what is present, what is absent, what happens at present, what happened in the past, what will happen in the future or what happens in a far-away place. This property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place. For example, we can talk about Sapir, who is already dead; we can even talk about next week, which is in the future.3.IPA【答案】IPA: the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet, which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888. IPA is a set of symbols which can be used to represent the phones and phonemes of natural languages.4.suprasegmental【答案】Suprasegmental: aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principle Suprasegmental features are syllable, stress, tone, and intonation.5.blendings【答案】Blending is a process in which two words are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or byjoining the initial parts of the two words. For example, the word “smog” is blended from “smoke” and “fog”.6.denotation【答案】Denotation: the core sense of a word or a phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world. In the case of linguistic signs, the denotative meaning is what the dictionary attempts to provide. It is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary meaning, opposite to connotation.7.hyponymy【答案】Hyponymy. It refers to the sense relationship between a more general, more inclusive and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms. For example, the hyponymy relationship could be established between “animal” and “rabbit”.8.stem【答案】A stem is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added. For example, “friend-” in friends, and “friendship-” in friendships are both stems. The former shows that a stem can be equivalent to a root, whereas the latter shows that a stem may contain a root and a derivational affix.9.inflectional morpheme【答案】Inflectional morpheme: It is also called inflectional affixes, which attaches to the end of words Inflectional affixes and only add a minute or delicate grammatical meaning to the stem. The plural suffix is a typical example of this kind.10.back-formation【答案】It refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. For example, from “editor” the word “edit” was generated.11.c-command【答案】C-command: A c-commands B if and only if: 1) A does not dominate B and B does not dominate A; 2) The first branching dominating A also dominates B.12.Sapir-Whorf hypothesis【答案】Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism refers to the notion that a language determines certain nonlinguistic cognitive processes. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing around, they think and speak differently. Linguistic relativity refers to the claim that the cognitive processes that are determined are different for different languages. Thus, speakers of different languages are said to think in different ways. The hypothesis is now interpreted mainly in two different ways: a strong version and a weak one. The strong version believes that the language patterns determine people’s thinking and behavior; the weak one holds that the former influence the later. So far, many researches and experiments conducted provide support to the weak version.13.context of situation【答案】Context of situation: It refers to the linguistic and situational environment in which a word, utterance or text occurs. The meaning of utterances, etc., is determined not only by the literal meaning of the words used but also by the context or situation in which they occur.14.corpus linguistics【答案】Corpus linguistics: an approach to investigating language structure and use through the analysis of large databases to real language examples stored on computer. Issues amenable to corpus linguistics include the meanings of words across registers, the distribution and function of grammatical forms and categories, the investigation of lexico-grammatical associations, and issues in language acquisition and development. 15.CALL【答案】CALL: It is the abbreviation of computer-assisted language learning, which refers to the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. In this kind of CALL programs, the computer leads the student through a learning task step-by-step, asking questions to check comprehension. Depending on the student’s response, the computer gives the student further practice or progresses to new material.II. Name each of the following IPA symbols. (10 points)1.[]【答案】voiceless postalveolar fricative2.[j]【答案】palatal approximant3.【答案】glottal plosive4.[w]【答案】bilabial approximant5.[x]【答案】voiceless velar fricative6.[υ]【答案】high back lax rounded vowel7.[æ]【答案】low front lax unrounded vowel8.[p]【答案】voiceless bilabial plosive9.【答案】voiceless aspirated affricate10.[d]【答案】voiced post-alveolar affricateIII. Read each of the following statements carefully and decide whether it is true or false. (10 points)1.Odgen and Richards argue that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct.【答案】T【解析】本题考查语义三角理论。
oral test口语考试题目及答案

Oral testby S.M.What are unhealthy foods?Mention of healthy food, people often immediately think of vegetables fruits and so on. As for unhealthy food, we always think about meat, oil, chips and so on. Actually, meat, oil crops also play a very critical role in maintaining the health of human body. For example, meat is the main source of protein. And protein is essential for the body. SO, what is unhealthy food?Firstly, unhealthy food always has a lot of fat. For example, the food in KFC and MDS, both of them can make people fat. Because the food such as French fries, hamburgers and fried chicken is high in calories. As we know, overweight always make people sick, so if you want to be healthy, don't often eat junk food. They are definitely unhealthy.Secondly, unhealthy food has little nutrition value. Such as cookies and cola have too much sugar. Canned food is easy to cause cancer.Thirdly, unhealthy food is delicious. Some of the snacks are unhealthy, such as potato chips, cola, ice cream, barbecue and canned foods. They usually do harms to people’s health, but they are really delicious and I really love them. So, unhealthy foods are always delicious.Unhealthy food may cause many negative effects. They may cause heart diseases, obesity and poor concentration. It will lead to some diseases and make us lack of energy.Sometimes choosing an extra piece of pizza or a bar of chocolate may be the expression of a very serious addiction to unhealthy food. In my opinion, if we want to be healthy, we must prevent ourselves from yummy food. But we will be unhealthy, if we choose to enjoy all kinds of junk food. It’s a dilemma for me. But I will try my best to live a healthy life without unhealthy food.If you could have any food, which would it be?If I could have any food, I prefer Korean barbecue. When I saw Korean soap opera on TV, I was attracted by people’s facial expression. When eating barbecue, the zizi sound make the meat more delicious.In Korea, people cut beef into proper pieces. Prepare some ingredient such as garlic and green onion. Heat up the iron plate and put the beef on it. Then add some sauce on the beef. Cut the beef into smaller pieces with scissors until its color turn brown. And then you can enjoy the delicious Korean barbecue with sauce, onion and garlic. You can also roll the beef in a piece of vegetable, so it won’t taste greasy.Mention of healthy food, people often immediately think of vegetables fruits and so on. As for unhealthy food, we always think about meat, oil, chips and so on. Actually, meat, oil crops also play a very critical role in maintaining the health of human body. For example, meat is the main source of protein. And protein is essential for the body. And Korean beef is rich of protein. It has some nutrition that is necessary for human.So, if I could have any food, I would like to taste Korean barbecue.Which food does your family often eat?My dad and my mom are both born in the countryside. They love nature. So my family prefers food with less pollution, such as vegetable, fruit, milk, eggs and tofu. We would like to eat this kind of food because we think they are good for our health. They also can prevent us away from diseases. 去As for my family, we often eat food with less oil and salt. For breakfast, we often have porridge and eggs. But sometimes I have to rush to my school. I will take bread and milk to school and finish them there.For lunch and dinner, we usually have four dishes and soup. We often eat vegetable, steamed fish, ribs, cucumber with beef, steamed egg, carrots, potato. We are used to drinking soup every day. Especially people live in Guangdong Province. We will make a soup in a clay pot. Sometimes cook for several hours.As for me, I like tomatoes with eggs most. This is quite a traditional dish in China. It looks colorful. And it’s really delicious. It’s also easy to cook. I will help my mom cook it sometimes.Firstly, wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Then pour oil into the pan. Stir the eggs until they are mixed up. Heat up some oil and throw the eggs in. Add a spoon of salt and a spoon of sugar. Fry for about five minutes. It tastes sweet and it’s really healthy.That’s all.What are healthy foods?Mention of healthy food, people often immediately think of vegetables fruits and so on. As for unhealthy food, we always think about meat, oil, chips and so on. Actually, meat, oil crops also play a very critical role in maintaining the health of human body. For example, meat is the main source of protein. And protein is essential for the body. SO, what are healthy foods?Healthy food must contain necessary nutrition which can benefit human’s body. Some healthy food is quite good for preventing disease. For example green tea can prevent us from heart disease and cancer. Milk is rich of protein, minerals and vitamins. Some research shows that fish can make people smart and it’s really delicious.But sometimes junk food may be more delicious than healthy food. Such as potato chips, cola, ice cream, barbecue and canned foods. They are in high calories though they taste good always.Sometimes choosing an extra piece of pizza or a bar of chocolate may be the expression of a very serious addiction to unhealthy food. In my opinion, if we want to be healthy, we must prevent ourselves from yummy food. But we will be unhealthy, if we choose to enjoy all kinds of junk food. It’s a dilemma for me. But I will try my best to live a healthy life without unhealthy food.Which food do you like second least?I like many kinds of food. I like fish, chicken, potato, carrot, tofu and so on. I love them because my mom can cook a lot of delicious food with these ingredients. Meanwhile, they are good for our health because they are full of nutrition.Although I like eating food, I don’t like junk food, such as potato chips, cola, ice cream, barbecue and canned foods. They are in high calories though they taste good always. I am clear that they will do harm to our health. So I seldom eat in KFC and MDS.I like fat pork second least. Fat pork tastes greasy. When I am eating fat pork, I feel disgusted. On the other hand, it has a lot of fat. Eating too much fat pork can make us overweight. I can’t believe that some people like eating such disgusting thing.Sometimes choosing an extra piece of pizza or a bar of chocolate may be the expression of a very serious addiction to unhealthy food. In my opinion, if we want to be healthy, we must prevent ourselves from yummy food. But we will be unhealthy, if we choose to enjoy all kinds of junk food. It’s a dilemma for me. But I will try my best to live a healthy life without unhealthy food.What are good habits?We all have habits, such as learning habits, eating habits, speaking habits and thinking habits. Good habit, obviously, is something good that you do often or regularly, such as washing your hands before eating, helping those who are in trouble, saying “please”“Thank you” and “Excuse me” .Good habits can bring us benefits. For example, washing your hands can prevent us from falling ill. And always behaving in good manners can make us getting along well with each other. So there is no doubt that we should cultivate good habits.What is your second best habit?We all have habits, such as learning habits, eating habits, speaking habits and thinking habits. Good habit, obviously, is something good that you do often or regularly. My second best habit is reflecting on myself. As a famous saying from Zengzi said: "Each day I reflect on myself in three ways: in doing things for others, have I been disloyal? In my interactions with friends, have I been untrustworthy? In what I have learnt have I practiced?" We always make mistakes. For example, one day I was in a bad mood. So when my friends talks to me, I said something ugly. And she was a little embarrassed. That night I reflect on myself and found that I had already hurt her feelings. So next day I apologized to her and begged her pardon.I think it’s necessary for us to reflect on ourselves, improve our personality and cultivate good habits.How can one develop good habit?when it comes to how can one develop good habits, I think that we should take actions immediately and persist on it. We all have habits, such as learning habits, eating habits, speaking habits and thinking habits .And Good habit, obviously, is something good that you do often or regularly. So if we want to cultivate a good habit, we must do it persistently for a long time. Take myself for an example, I used to be lazy. I always put off doing my homework and as a result I can’t hand in on time.I decided to make a habit of finish the work on time. To cultivate it, I have to do my homework right away and persist on doing it. Gradually, I do not procrastinate and cultivate a good habit. So in my opinion, to cultivate a good habit, all we should do are take actions and persist.How many good habits do you have?Actually, I think it’s a strange question. If I want to answer this question, I have to make a list of my habits and find the good habits and count it. I can’t find out the exact number. But I believe I have a lot. We all have habits, such as learning habits, eating habits, speaking habits and thinking habits. Good habit, obviously, is something good that you do often or regularly, For example, I love doing sports in my leisure time, which can built my body and keep me fit. Also, I like writing, in order to record my life and my feelings. What’s more, I always help my parents do some house work. In a word, I do have a lot of good habits.Who in your family has the best habit?We all have habits, such as learning habits, eating habits, speaking habits and thinking habits. Good habit, obviously, is something good that you do often or regularly. I think my mom has the best habit in my family. She always reflects on herself. For example, once I had an agreement with her, and she became a little unreasonable. But next day she apologized to me and discussed the problem with me again patiently. I think it’s very brave and wise for a mother to admit her mistakes to her child and correct it. As a famous saying from Tseng Tzu said: "Each day I reflect on myself in three ways: in doing things for others, have I been disloyal? In my interactions with friends, have I been untrustworthy? In what I have learnt have I practiced?"How to celebrate the Spring Festival?Which festival is the most important?For overall Chinese people the most important festival must be the Spring Festival. It is celebrated at the time near spring, which means everything come back to life. The reason why so many Chinese people like the Spring Festival is it is a treasured time that people can get together with family especially those who can’t stay with parents because of their jobs. I love the Spring Festival most. On the Spring Festival, my mother always cooks what I like for me to eat and buys some beautiful clothes for me. What’s more, my parents will take me to visit my relatives. When we meet each other , we must say some lucky words, like “I hope your dream will come true”. Hearing these word, all of us will feel very happy. Later, the grow-ups should give me the lucky money. So I can use it to buy what I like .The Spring Festival is also an exciting time. At night, we can enjoy the beautiful firework in the sky. It’s very fascinating and charming. In a word, I look forward to the coming Spring Festival.if you ask me which festival you don’t like, I will say “Until now, I haven’t met any festival I don’t like. Because festivals means I don’t need to go to school and have my own time to do what I like and go where I want to go. ”My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s a festival to honor Quyuan, an ancient poet who loved his country very much. On that day, Chinese people would make this kind of food, Zhongzi. Its ingredients are rice, shrimp, mushroom and so on. It’s wrapped by bamboo leaves. Before you taste it, you are able to smell a pleasant smell. It tastes sticky and tender. It is a very delicious food that you can have a try.The least favorite festivalif you ask me which festival you don’t like, I will say “Until now, I haven’t met any festival I don’t like. Because festivals means I don’t need to go to school and have my own time to do what I like and go where I want to go. ”My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s a festival to honor Quyuan, an ancient poet who loved his country very much. On that day, Chinese people would make this kind of food, Zhongzi. Its ingredients are rice, shrimp, mushroom and so on. It’s wrapped by bamboo leaves. Before you taste it , you are able to smell a pleasant smell. It tastes sticky and tender. It is a very delicious food that you can have a try.And for overall Chinese people the most important festival must be the Spring Festival. It is celebrated at the time near spring, which means everything come back to life. The reason why so many Chinese people like the Spring Festival is it is a treasured time that people can get together with family especially those who can’t stay with parents because of their jobs. I love the Spring Festival most. On the Spring Festival, my mother always cooks what I like for me to eat and buys some beautiful clothes for me. What’s more, my parents will take me to visit my relatives.When we meet each other , we must say some lucky words, like “I hope your dream will come true”. Hearing these words, all of us will feel very happy. Later, the grow-ups should give me the lucky money. So I can use it to buy what I like .The Spring Festival is also an exciting time. At night, we can enjoy the beautiful firework in the sky. It’s very fascinating and charming. In a word, I look forward to the coming Spring Festival.You like bestMy favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s a festival to honor Quyuan, an ancient poet who loved his country very much. On that day, Chinese people would make this kind of food, Zhongzi. Its ingredients are rice, shrimp, mushroom and so on. It’s wrapped by bamboo leaves. Before you taste it, you are able to smell a pleasant smell. It tastes sticky and tender. It is a very delicious food that you can have a try.if you ask me which festival you don’t like, I will say “Until now, I haven’t met any festival I don’t like. Because festivals means I don’t need to go to school and have my own time to do what I like and go where I want to go. ”And for overall Chinese people the most important festival must be the Spring Festival. It is celebrated at the time near spring, which means everything come back to life. The reason why so many Chinese people like the Spring Festival is it is a treasured time that people can get together with family especially those who can’t stay with parents because of their jobs. I love the Spring Festival most. On the Spring Festival, my mother always cooks what I like for me to eat and buys some beautiful clothes for me. What’s more, my parents will take me to visit my relatives. When we meet each other , we must say some lucky words, like “I hope your dream will come true”. Hearing these words, all of us will feel very happy. Later, the grow-ups should give me the lucky money. So I can use it to buy what I like .The Spring Festival is also an exciting time. At night, we can enjoy the beautiful firework in the sky. It’s very fascinating and charming. In a word, I look forward to the coming Spring Festival.。

口译期末考试原题和答案****一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听短对话,选择正确答案。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)A: 你昨天去看电影了吗?B: 是的,我去了,电影很有趣。
问:B昨天做了什么?A. 去看电影了B. 没去看电影C. 去逛街了答案:A(2)A: 这个项目需要在下周一之前完成,你觉得我们能按时完成吗?B: 只要我们努力,应该没问题。
问:B对项目完成的看法是什么?A. 很有信心B. 没信心C. 不确定答案:A(3)A: 你最近在读什么书?B: 我在读一本关于人工智能的书。
问:B最近在读什么类型的书?A. 科幻小说B. 人工智能C. 历史书籍答案:B(4)A: 明天的会议你准备了吗?B: 我已经准备好了PPT,但是还需要再检查一下数据。
问:B为明天的会议做了哪些准备?A. 准备了PPTB. 检查了数据C. 准备了PPT和检查了数据答案:C(5)A: 你对这个新政策有什么看法?B: 我认为这是一个积极的改变,但还需要时间来观察效果。
问:B对新政策的态度是什么?A. 反对B. 中立C. 支持答案:C2. 听长对话,回答问题。
二、口译实践(共60分)1. 英译汉(每段10分,共20分)(1)原文:“The company has been focusing on expanding its market share in the Asia-Pacific region, which is expected to drive the growth of the business in the coming years.”译文:该公司一直在专注于扩大其在亚太地区的市场份额,预计这将推动未来几年业务的增长。

广东2024年英语口语考试真题Title: Guangdong 2024 English Oral Examination QuestionsIntroduction:In 2024, Guangdong will be holding its annual English oral examination for students across the province. This exam aims to assess students' speaking skills in English and their ability to communicate effectively. Here are the questions that will be asked during the examination.Part 1: Personal Information1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your hobbies and interests?2. What are your future career aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them?3. Can you describe a memorable travel experience you have had in the past?Part 2: Education and Learning4. What is your favorite subject in school and why?5. How do you think technology has impacted education in recent years?6. Can you share a study tip or technique that helps you learn better?Part 3: Current Events and Global Issues7. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the world today?8. How do you believe individuals can contribute to environmental conservation efforts?9. Can you discuss a recent news story that has caught your attention?Part 4: Opinion and Debate10. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: "money can buy happiness"? Why?11. Should school uniforms be mandatory for all students? Why or why not?12. What is your opinion on the role of social media in our daily lives?Conclusion:The 2024 Guangdong English oral exam will be a great opportunity for students to showcase their language skills andability to express themselves in English. By preparing for these questions and practicing speaking, students can improve their confidence and fluency in the language. Good luck to all participants in the upcoming exam!。

湖南长沙市英语囗语二级考试真题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big English TestLast month I had to take a really important English test called the Hunan Changsha English Oral Test Level 2. It was a big deal because it tested how well I can speak and understand English. I was really nervous!First, we had to take a listening part. The teacher played some recordings and we had to listen carefully and answer questions. Some of the recordings were conversations between people. Others were just one person talking. There were things like:"Hello, how are you today?""I'm fine thanks, and you?"Or a mom telling her kid to clean their room and do their homework. Easy stuff like that at first. But then it got harder with people telling stories or giving instructions. I had to really focus and sometimes I missed what they said. Listening is hard!After the listening, we had to do the speaking part. This was scary! We went one-by-one to talk to the examiner. First she asked me to describe a picture. It was a picture of a classroom with students, a teacher, books, etc. I tried to say:"This is a picture of classroom. There are student sitting at desk. The teacher is standing and pointing at chalkboard. The students have book open on desk."She nodded and then asked me some other questions about school, like:"What is your favorite subject?""My favorite subject is art because I like draw picture.""What do you like to do after school?""After school I like play basketball and watch TV show."Stuff like that. Sometimes I didn't understand her question or couldn't think of the words to answer. But I tried my best! She seemed happy with my English speaking.The last part was reading out loud. The examiner gave me a short paragraph to read out loud. I practiced reading at home a lot to get ready. The paragraph was about daily routines, like:"I wake up at 7am. I eat breakfast at 7:30. I go to school at 8am. After school, I have dinner with my family at 6pm..."I did pretty well reading that part, I only messed up a couple words. Phew!When it was finally over, I was so relieved. It was hard work but good practice for my English. A few weeks later, I got my score back. I passed! I was so happy and proud.Mom and Dad took me out for ice cream to celebrate. Now I'm one step closer to being amazing at English. Next year there is Level 3 and I'll study really hard. One day I'll be perfectly fluent!Taking a test like that was nerve-wracking. But practicing English is important. It helps me learn and get more comfortable. Plus it's a useful life skill to speak other languages.I'm glad I challenged myself to take the oral test. It pushed me to work hard and do my best. Win or lose, trying your best is what matters! And now I'm even more motivated to keep improving. Just wait, one day soon I'll be an English master!篇2My Summer VacationHi everyone! I'm so excited to tell you all about my summer vacation this year. It was the best summer ever! My family and I went on a huge trip and had the craziest adventures. Let me start from the beginning...It was the last day of school before summer break. I was bouncing off the walls, I was so pumped for vacation! I ran home after the final bell and started packing my suitcase right away. My mom and dad were packing too. They told me to only bring the stuff I really needed because we were going to be traveling a lot.The next morning, we hit the road bright and early. Dad loaded up the car with our suitcases while Mom made snacks for the drive. I was jumping up and down in the backseat, I was so antsy to get going! Finally we were on our way - our first stop was my aunt and uncle's house in another city.The drive took forever! I kept asking "Are we there yet?" like a million times. Mom and Dad just laughed. When we finally made it, my aunt and uncle greeted us with huge hugs. I hadn't seen them in over a year! We had a big family dinner that night to celebrate being together again.The next day, we went on a hike through a national park near their house. The views were breathtaking! We saw tall waterfalls,massive mountains, and beautiful wildflowers everywhere. I turned into a little explorer, running along the trails and looking for cool rocks and pinecones. We had a picnic lunch by a creek. I was getting hangry but the sandwiches hit the spot.After the hike, we went to the park's Visitor Center. There were huge dioramas showing the local wildlife like bears, elk, and bighorn sheep. An employee showed us some real animal furs and bones to touch. It was equal parts scary and awesome! I bought a little stuffed bear in the gift shop to remember our adventures.We stayed a few more days at my aunt and uncle's house. I loved playing in their big backyard and shooting hoops on their basketball court. Mom and Dad played too, and they were pretty good! I was sad to leave, but we had to keep moving to our next destination - a dude ranch in the mountains!This part of the trip was my favorite. We stayed in a rustic cabin in the woods near a beautiful green valley. Every morning, we had ranch-style breakfasts like biscuits and gravy, pancakes, and fresh fruit. My stomach is growling just thinking about it!After breakfast, we spent the whole day doing different activities around the ranch. One day, we went horseback riding through the hills and forests. The horses were so big and strong!My horse's name was Butterscotch and she had a beautiful golden coat. I was a little nervous at first, but quickly got the hang of trotting and steering her around obstacles.Another day, we went on a cattle drive with the ranch hands. We helped them herd a huge group of cows from one pasture to another by riding horses and letting out loud "yee-haws!" The cows didn't always cooperate and I got to watch the ranch hands skillfully guide the cattle with their lariats. At night, we had a big barbecue with all the staff and went stargazing. I had never seen so many bright stars before!My favorite ranch activity was the rodeo. We watched fearless cowboys and cowgirls compete in wild events like bull riding, calf roping, and barrel racing. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! The skills and bravery of the riders was insane. I got my face painted like a rodeo clown during the breaks. I looked pretty silly, but it was all in good fun!After a week at the dude ranch, we hit the road again for the last stretch of our summer trip. Our final stop was a massive indoor water park! This place had it all - looping water slides, a huge wave pool, a lazy river, and more.The rides were a blast, but a little scary too. I mustered up my courage and went down one of the big slides. I shot out ofthe tunnel like a rocket and smacked into the pool below. It kind of hurt, but I was exhilarated! The lazy river was more my speed. Mom, Dad and I got in a big inner tube and gently floated around while sipping lemonade. Perfection.We spent two full days at the water park, going on rides, playing games in the arcade, and hitting up the restaurants. I didn't want to leave! But finally, it was time to go home. I was exhausted just thinking about our whirlwind summer adventures.On the drive back, I looked out the window and reflected on our incredible family vacation. We had explored mountains, deserts, and valleys. We tried daring activities like horseback riding and water篇3My Big Adventure Taking the Hunan English TestHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I just had the biggest adventure of my whole life - I took the Hunan Changsha City English Oral Proficiency Test Level 2! It was super exciting but also pretty nerve-wracking. Let me tell you all about it!It all started a few months ago when my English teacher Ms. Wang announced that our class would be taking this big English test. She said it was really important to practice our English speaking skills. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it because tests always make me a little nervous. But then Ms. Wang told us about all the awesome prizes we could win if we did well, like books, toys, and even a trip!From that moment on, I was determined to ace this test. I studied my English vocab words every single night after school. My parents even hired a tutor to come over once a week to help me practice my pronunciation and conversational skills. Whenever we went out to run errands, I tried my best to only speak in English. My little brother thought it was really funny!A few weeks before the test, the whole class had a mock exam day as practice. We had to do all sorts of activities like reading passages out loud, answering questions, and even having mini conversations with our classmates! I was so nervous my hands were shaking a bit. But Ms. Wang said I did a great job and gave me an encouraging high-five.Finally, the big day arrived - test day! I barely slept the night before from the anticipation and excitement. My mom made me a super nutritious breakfast to give me energy. As we left forschool, she gave me a high-quality lucky pencil that she said would help me do my best.When I arrived at school, there were testing officials everywhere directing students where to go. It felt just like a real official event! We had to get in strict single-file lines to enter the testing rooms. My palms were getting a little sweaty from nerves at that point. Ms. Wang winked at me as I walked by which helped calm me down.The testing room had individual desks spaced apart and rules posted all over the walls about no cheating. A proctor went over all the strict rules with us before starting the test. You could've heard a pin drop with how quiet and focused we all were!The first section was reading comprehension. We had to read some passages and answer questions about them. I tried to recall all my reading strategy tips from class like skimming quickly first before reading carefully. For speaking, we had to record ourselves on a computer reading prompts out loud. I practiced my speechcraft breathing and enunciation.During the conversational section, I was paired up with a classmate and we had to take turns asking each other questions from a prompt. We had practiced this a ton, so I felt prettyconfident. The only thing that threw me off was that the proctor walked around closely monitoring us which made me a little self-conscious!After what seemed like an eternity, the proctor finally called time and told us to put down our pencils. I felt both exhausted but also accomplished from giving it my all. As I walked out, Ms. Wang gave me a big thumbs up which made me feel so proud.While we awaited the results over the next few weeks, my mind couldn't stop thinking about how I did. I kept going back over the questions in my head wondering if I got them right. My parents reassured me that no matter what, they were proud of me for working so hard.Test result day finally came and my heart was pounding out of my chest. One by one, Ms. Wang started reading off names and scores. When she called out my name and an incredibly high score, I couldn't believe it! I had actually passed with flying colors. My parents cheered so loudly and gave me the biggest hugs.For winning such a high score, I was awarded a shiny new prize - a English-Chinese translation device! I've used it so much already to help me keep practicing my English with my tutor. Maybe I'll be an interpreter someday!Looking back, taking the Hunan English test was one of the most rewarding challenges I've ever faced. It taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and believing in myself. I'm so grateful to Ms. Wang, my parents, and my tutor for supporting me every step of the way. Who knows what my next big English adventure will be?篇4My Best Friend TeddyHi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I'm in 3rd grade at Changsha Primary School No. 12. Today I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole world - Teddy!Teddy is a big brown teddy bear that my grandpa gave me when I was just a tiny baby. He's so soft and cuddly, with a smiling face and a red bow tie. Teddy has been my friend for as long as I can remember. We do everything together!In the mornings, Teddy sits on my bed and keeps me company while I get dressed for school. He always tries to help, but he's not very good at picking out my clothes. One time he picked my pink pajamas instead of my school uniform! Silly Teddy.After I'm all ready, Teddy waves bye-bye as I head out the door with my backpack. But he doesn't stay home alone. Oh no! Teddy comes to school too, riding along in my backpack. At lunch, I take him out and he sits next to me while I eat my rice and vegetables. The other kids think it's funny that I still carry Teddy around, but I don't care. He's my best friend!After school, Teddy and I have so much fun playing together. We go on imagination adventures to far away lands, fighting evil dragons and sailing across ocean blue. Teddy is very brave, fearlessly facing danger at every turn. One minute he's a trusty knight, the next a daring explorer. He's even been a astronaut, blasting off into outer space!When I'm tired from our grand adventures, Teddy reads me stories in his silly high-pitched voice. He does all the voices for the different characters - it's so funny! Then we have a cozy nap together, Teddy cuddled up beside me.On weekends, if the weather is nice, we go to the park near my house. I push Teddy really high on the swings, then we go down the big twisty slide. After that we eat a yummy picnic that mom packed for us. I always save Teddy's favorite snacks for last - honey cookies!At night, Teddy keeps me safe when it's time for bed. We say prayers together, thanking God for our blessed day. Then Teddy tucks me in under the covers and I give him a big bear hug. "Night night, Teddy! I love you," I whisper as I drift off to sleep.Teddy is more than just a stuffed animal, he's my bestest friend in the whole wide world. We've been through so much together in my 8 years. Teddy was there when I was just a tiny newborn baby, and he'll be there when I'm all grown up too. No matter what, I'll never outgrow my love for Teddy bear.Some people might think it's babyish for a big kid like me to still play with a stuffed animal. But those people just don't understand. Teddy isn't a toy, he's family. He's been with me through good times and bad, making me smile on my saddest days. When I'm scared or lonely, Teddy is always there to make me feel safe and loved.I'm so lucky to have such an amazing best friend like Teddy. We have the bestest adventures and make the happiest memories together. I'm going to cherish him furever and ever, until I'm an old lady. And someday, when I have kids of my own, I'll give them their very own Teddy to love just as much as I love mine.The end!篇5The Big TestWow, I can't believe the day is finally here - the Hunan Changsha City English Oral Level 2 Exam! I've been preparing for this test for what feels like forever. My teacher Mrs. Wang has been drilling us on conversations, tongue twisters, and all sorts of speaking practice to get us ready.I'm a little nervous if I'm being honest. This is a really important test. Doing well on it means I get to move up a level in my English classes at school. Plus, my mom and dad said if I pass they'll take our family on a trip to Beijing over the summer! I've never been to Beijing before but I've seen pictures and it looks like such an amazing place with huge parks, incredible museums, and the famous Forbidden City. Keeping that prize in mind has really motivated me to study hard.The exam has two main parts from what I understand. First, there is the conversational section where I'll have to respond to questions and prompts from the examiner. Mrs. Wang has had us pair up and practice back-and-forth conversations endlessly to drill those skills. Some examples she gave us to prepare:Examiner: Hello, how are you today?Me: I'm doing well, thank you for asking.Examiner: What's your favorite subject in school?Me: My favorite subject is math because I enjoy working with numbers.Examiner: That's great. What do you like to do for fun?Me: I like playing basketball and video games in my free time.Those types of basic conversational exchanges are meant to test our ability to understand questions and respond appropriately. Mrs. Wang emphasized speaking clearly, making eye contact, and giving complete answers. She said even if we mess up, it's better to keep talking than to freeze up.The second part is where we have to deliver a prepared monologue on a topic given in advance. For our exam, the topic is "My Favorite Holiday." I've practiced my monologue so many times, I probably have it permanently burned into my brain at this point! Here's a quick preview:"My favorite holiday is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. Every year,...(continued for 2-3 more minutes describing Spring Festival traditions)...That's why I love SpringFestival so much - the exciting celebrations, delicious foods, and family time."Mrs. Wang has a rubric she'll use to grade my monologue portion. She'll be looking at my pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, and overall fluency. I've been working really hard on projecting my voice and minimizing filler words like "umm" and "like." Hopefully all that practice pays off!The night before a big test, I always make sure to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. I'll probably double check that I have my pencils, erasers, and a water bottle packed and ready to go. Most importantly, I'll do my best to stay calm and confident. Mrs. Wang is so proud of how far my classmates and I have come with our English this year. She keeps reminding us this exam is just a chance to show off our skills, not something to stress about.I'm as ready as I'll ever be! Wish me luck on my Hunan Changsha City English Oral Level 2 Exam. I'm going to speak English clearly, make lots of eye contact, and finger's crossed - pass this thing so my family can go to Beijing! Here goes nothing...篇6My English Oral ExamHello everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I just took the English Oral Exam Level 2 in Changsha and I want to tell you all about it!It was a bright sunny day when my mom and I arrived at the exam center. There were lots of kids my age waiting outside with their parents. I was a little nervous but also excited. I've been studying really hard for this exam.First, we had to check in at the front desk. The lady working there seemed really nice. She asked for my identification and exam details. Then she gave me a sticker with my name and candidate number to wear.After that, we went to wait in the holding area. It was a big room with lots of chairs. Some kids were quietly reviewing their notes, while others played games on their phones to pass the time. I played rock-paper-scissors with my friend Xiaohua to calm my nerves.Finally, it was my turn to go in for the exam! I followed the proctor down a hallway to my exam room. The room had a table, two chairs, and a camera to record the exam. The examiner was already sitting there smiling."。

2011年12月:口试一Part A: Self-introduction (2 minutes)Interlocutor:Good morning (afternoon/evening). Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. (Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.)My name is... and this is my colleague...He/she is not going to ask you any questions, but he/she is just going to be listening to us. So, your name is... and... ? Thank you.First of all, we’d like to know something about you, so I’m going to ask you some questions about yourselves. (Begin with Candidate A, then move on to Candidate B)Now (say the name of the candidate and ask the questions).Hometown●Where are you from?●How long did you live there?●What’s it like living there?●How does your hometown compare with (place where the candidate is currently living)? Family●What about your family?●Could you tell us something about it?Work/ Study●What do you do in (the candidate’s hometo wn), do you work or study? (If the candidatehas already started work:)●What does your work involve?●Is your job something you always wanted to do?●How long do you think you will stay in this job?(If the candidate is still at school, college or university:)●What are your favourite subjects at school? What exactly are you studying?●What type of Work are you hoping to do in the future?●What qualifications will you need to do that?Part B: Collaboration (5 minutes)Topic: Reasons for the popularity of online gamesNow, (say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B), here is a list of reasons for the popularity of online games. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through.) Why are online games so popular?Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes.All right. Would you begin?(The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only whennecessary.)Reasons for the popularity of online games ●To kill time●To make more friends●To experience a different life style●To earn pocket money●To relieve oneself of stress●To entertain oneself●To escape from reality2011年12月:口试二Topic: Students in Financial DifficultiesNow, (say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B), here is a list of measures to help students in financial difficulties.(Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through.) What do you think we can do to help the university students in financial difficulties to complete their studies?Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes.All right. Would you begin?(The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary.)Measures to help students in financial difficulties:●Provide tuition-free education●Grant subsidies●Provide interest-free loans●Offer special scholarships●Allow suspension of schooling●Create part-time jobs on campus●Permit extension of the period of studyTopic: Working extra hoursWhat do you think are the main reasons for working extra hours? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here.Reasons for working extra hours:● a consequence of low working efficiency● a deliberate effort to push career up● a failure to turn down your boss’s request●an act of following your colleagues● a way to secure your job especially in crises● a requirement of certain professions● a result of mismanagement of timeTopic Card2012年6月:口试二Topic: Disadvantages of job-hopping (The practice of changing jobs frequently)What do you think of job-hopping? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here.Disadvantages of job-hopping:●Unhelpful to one’s career advancement●Possible suspicion of loyalty by employers●Interruption of experience building●Challenges at the new job●Potential difficulties in colleague relationship● A break from the previous business networkTopic: Advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniformsWhat do you think are the main advantages or disadvantages for students to wear school uniforms? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold differentTopic: Preparations one should make before studying abroadWhat preparations do you think one should make before studying abroad? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here.Preparations one should make before studying abroad●Learning the language of the destination country●Learning about the culture of the destination country●Learning about the climate in the destination country●Learning to manage personal finances●Learning to use household appliances●Learning to cook2013年12月口试一Part B: Collaboration (5 minutes)Topic: Health-Building ActivitiesWhat do you think can be done to encourage people’s participation in health-building activities? Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here.Ways to encourage mass participation in health-building activities:●Publicize the importance of physical exercise●Install sports equipment in residential areas●Open sports facilities to the public for free●Organize sports events at grassroots level●Set up various community sports associations●Offer training courses of popular sports●Cultivate schoolchildren’s interest in sports2013年12月口试二Part B: Collaboration (5 minutes)Topic: Qualities of a successful entrepreneurWhat qualities to you think are important for a successful entrepreneur? Choose threefrom the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here.Qualities of a successful entrepreneur:●Self-discipline●Awareness of social responsibilities●Self-confidence●Communicative skills●Management competence●Decisiveness●Risk-taking spirit2011.6Part BHere is a list of measures to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. What measures do you think the government should take to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor?Raising the income tax thresholdImposing a higher rate of tax on higher incomeProviding free medical care to the poorEnsuring equal access to educationRaising minimum payProviding training to the unemployedPart C PresentationAa. Education What can we do the enable our children to have more exposure to nature so as to have a better understanding of our environment?b. Environment Do you think the banning of free plastic bags for shoppers can reduce the white pollution? Why/Why not?c. TechnologyDo you think we should design user-friendly mobile phones for children and senior citizens? Why/Why not?Ba. Free Downloading Are you for or against the free downloading of music and movies for the Internet? Why/Why not?b. Community Service What community services can we provide to help the aged people who have no children living with them?c. Fighting Poverty Apart from donating money and resources, what else can be done to help the people in poverty-stricken areas?Topic CardCa. Health China has one of the highest rates of near-sightedness among pupils and students. What can be done to protect their eyesight?b. Water Shortage Many cities are in serious shortage of water. What policies should the government make to deal with the problem?c. Public Facilities What public facilities, such as schools, hospitals, bus stops, should be built or improved around your home? Give reasons.Part BHere is a list of the positive and negative effects of using second-hand textbooks. What do you think of using second-hand textbooks?Low in priceA way to save resourcesHelpful notes from previous usersA hindrance to independent learningA harm to the publishing businessPart C PresentationAa. Daily Life Where d you prefer to go shopping, a supermarket or a corner store of you neighborhood? Why?b. Child Care What do you think of the phenomenon that many children are taken care of by their grandparents instead of their parents?c. Job Interview How do you think job applicants can impress the interviewer?Ba. Education If you were admitted as a postgraduate both by a university on the mainland and by one in Hong Kong?, which would you like to go to? Why?b. Environment Do you think cheap fare of public transportation will help reduce greenhouse emission? Why/Why not?c. Health Why do you think a lot of people are overweight today?Topic CardCa. Ethics What should teachers do when their life and that of their students are both at risk?b. Personal Finance Do you have a monthly budget of your everyday spending? Why/Why not?c. Media Which do you think is a better source of everyday news, the printed media or the Internet? Why?2010.11Part BHere is a list of advantages and disadvantages for the use of mobile phones by children. What’s your opinion towards this issue?advantagesConvenient for parents to reach their childrenEasy for children to summon help if it is necessaryValuable for children to maintain their social circledisadvantagesDistracting children from studiesFinancial burden for their parentsPart C PresentationAa. Cultural Heritage Do you think preserving cultural heritage sites can help to develop the local economy? Why/Why not?b. Social Relations What is the impact of population aging on society in China?c. Education Why do you think more and more young students are taking exams for certificates?Ba. Education Who do you think takes greater responsibility for cultivating children’s character, the school or the parents? Why?b. Entertainment Do you think computer games should be banned to school age children? Why/Why not?c. Privacy How do you protect your privacy in the era of Internet?Ca. Advertisement What’s the main influence of TV commercials on viewers?b. Communication Why are so many people fond of on-line chatting?c. Happi ness What is your definition of“happiness”?Part BHere is a list of reasons for keeping a pet. What do you think are the main reasons for keeping a pet? Providing companionshipHelping a child grow up into a loving adultIncreasing chances for people to communicate with each otherDeveloping one’s patienceHelping one keep fitHelping people building a sense of responsibilityPart C PresentationAa. Health Why are there an increasing number of overweight children in cities?b. Education Do you think the use of computer has improved teaching?c. Health What help can be offered to employees to relieve them of work-related stress?Topic CardBa. Marriage Why do people in general get married at a later age?b. Communication Do you think the Internet has weakened family communication? Why/Why notc. Language What has made English an international language?Ca. Marriage What kind of preparation would people make before getting married?b. Retirement Do you think it is necessary to postpone retirement in China? Why/ Why not?c. Leisure Why do children seldom play together after school today?2010.6Here is a list of advantages of being a librarian. What do you think are the main advantages of being a librarian?Choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes.Regular working hoursQuiet working conditionsIndoor workAccess to booksLight workJob securityClean working environmentWhat is an ideal age for a young person to be independent? Give your reasons.When do you think a college graduate should get further education? Immediately upon graduation or after working for a period of time?Not many business women get into the top of their companies. What are the possible obstacles in their way?Why do you think more and more young people marry quick and divorce quick?Sports stars do advertising for products. Do you think this is a proper behavior? Why or why not?Should home economics, needle work and cooking be taught at school? Give your opinions.Why do Chinese people prefer bigger cars to compact cars even with the oil price soaring?How can Chinese chained fast-food restaurant compete with western ones?What role can volunteers play in the aftermath of natural disasters?2009.11What do you think are the effective ways to prevent Internet addiction among young people in China? enhancing public awareness of the problemcloser parent-child relationshipattentive guidance from schoolpromotion of healthier leisure activitiesmore accessible counselingcure centers for Internet addictsapplying age limit to users of Internet cafesDo you usually go to big hospitals or community clinics for medical treatment? Why?What do you think individuals can do to help reduce traffic in big cities?Do you think we should give money to beggars in public places?Do you prefer to read e-books or printed books?Do you think Chinese tourist should be taught manners before go abroad?Will the increased number of buses help ease congestion in big cities?Which do you prefer, a traditional library or an e-library? Why?What’s your opinion about military training programs for student s?Should team work be always encouraged? Why/Why not?2012.12和一个外国人交流,什么条件比较重要?了解外国文化个人的性格特点,在国外生活过2. 如果你是一个毕业生,你愿意在大城市还是小城市工作?低碳生活Immigration, move to a foreign country2014年Part B:控制overdpending的措施Part C:学英语多少年了?怎么学effective?另一个:关于捐助帮助别人Part B是怎样帮外国人了解中国。

( )(A)正确(B)错误6.在世界语言中,分布最广的语系是汉藏语系。
( )(A)正确(B)错误7.语言符号具有任意性的特点,但复合符号的组合不是任意的。
(中国人民大学考研试题)(A)正确(B)错误选择题---为题目类型8.在北京语音系统中,“(A)2/7/5(B)2/8/6(C)2/7/6(D)2/6/59.确定“忽然”是副词,“突然”是形容词,主要是依据( )。
(A)词的意义(B)词的形态变化(C)词的句法功能(D)词的意义和形态变化10.英语的“sheep”和“ship”两个音节之间起区别作用的是( )。
(A)调位(B)时位(C)重位(D)音质音位11.英语“He seems sad”(他面有悲色)中的动词seems中的s表示的语法意义是( )。
(A)性、数、格(B)时、体、态(C)时、体、格(D)数、时、人称12.人们说话时,常把/ma ma/发成/ma(A)同化(B)异化(C)弱化(D)脱落三、多项选择题13.从“我打破了花瓶”变换为“我把花瓶打破了”,使用了( )的变换手法。

汉语国际教育硕士(汉语基础)历年真题试卷汇编3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 汉语语言学基础知识汉语语言学基础知识填空题1.普通话辅音系统中,舌面前、送气、清、塞擦音的声母是(国际音标)_______。
(北京大学) 正确答案:词性7.音位和其他音位组合时,可能会受到邻音的影响而发生变化,常见的语流音变有同化、异化、弱化和_______四种。

1. 复述故事。
2. 即席讲话。
3. 对话。
1. 复述故事答案。

口外下期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是口腔颌面外科的范畴?A. 拔牙术B. 口腔颌面部肿瘤C. 口腔颌面部创伤D. 口腔正畸治疗答案:D2. 口腔颌面部感染最常见的途径是:A. 血行感染B. 淋巴感染C. 直接扩散D. 牙源性感染答案:D3. 口腔颌面部最常见的良性肿瘤是:A. 纤维瘤B. 脂肪瘤C. 混合瘤D. 血管瘤答案:D4. 下列哪项不是口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的特点?A. 发病率高B. 早期转移C. 预后差D. 治疗复杂答案:A5. 口腔颌面部创伤中最常见的是:A. 软组织损伤B. 骨折C. 脱位D. 以上都是答案:D6. 口腔颌面部感染最常见的致病菌是:A. 金黄色葡萄球菌B. 大肠杆菌C. 绿脓杆菌D. 厌氧菌答案:A7. 口腔颌面部肿瘤的早期诊断主要依靠:A. 影像学检查B. 实验室检查C. 病理检查D. 临床表现答案:D8. 口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的治疗方法中,哪种方法不是首选?A. 手术切除B. 放疗C. 化疗D. 免疫治疗答案:D9. 口腔颌面部创伤的急救处理中,哪项是错误的?A. 保持呼吸道通畅B. 立即进行止血C. 立即进行复位D. 保护创面答案:C10. 口腔颌面部肿瘤的预防措施中,哪项是错误的?A. 定期口腔检查B. 避免口腔不良刺激C. 及时治疗口腔疾病D. 吸烟和饮酒答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 口腔颌面部感染的主要来源是______。
答案:牙源性感染2. 口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤的早期症状包括______、______和______。
答案:肿块、疼痛、溃疡3. 口腔颌面部创伤的急救处理原则包括______、______和______。
答案:保持呼吸道通畅、止血、保护创面4. 口腔颌面部肿瘤的治疗方法包括______、______和______。
答案:手术切除、放疗、化疗5. 口腔颌面部感染的常见致病菌包括______、______和______。

[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年广东外语外贸大学德语口译真题回忆翻译硕士德语:100分第一部分:选择题20题每题1.5分。
有些题很基础,如第一题(选介词) ersten Mal,有三四题是拉分的,要细细揣摩。
但是数据印得很模糊,几乎看不清... 只能靠猜或靠发挥...还给了一段材料,大概讲互联网兴起,电视地位越来越低,可能未来电视会消失。
对不起,我想不起那么多了... 德译汉有三分之二是缩写!德译汉:WHOIWFZDFdpaDSHAAADafPKW-Bestandjd. den Wind aus dem Segeln nehmen汉译德:身份证入场券性价比国家访问外交关系己所不欲勿施于人有志者事竟成一篇德译汉,420 Wörter出乎意料地没有汉译德,而是提了两个问题,让你写一篇300-400 Wörter 的相关文章,各60分。
提出的问题是:Wie halten Sie für Chinesisch-Unterricht an deutscher Schule? Wie kann man vernünftig die Probleme lösen? Haben Sie entsprechende Ratschläge?汉语写作与百科知识:名次解释,广外真是出其不意攻其不备啊!居然没给材料,直接一个个名词摆在那让你解释....3D打印破窗效应太阳风供给侧改革中等收入陷阱云计算自闭症有罪推定举证责任碳九进博会莱克星顿的枪声薛定谔的猫虫洞七月流火程门立雪核裂变到岸价格唐宁街10号美国中央情报局悉尼歌剧院乔姆斯基实证主义尼安德特人蛟龙号房地产市场公文写作给了一篇材料,一两百字吧。

历届英语口语考试真题Unfortunately, I do not have access to past exam questions or materials, as these are typically copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed. Additionally, the requirements for each exam and the specific questions asked can vary depending on the level, institution, and year of the exam.However, I can provide you with some general guidance on what to expect from an English speaking exam, as well as tips for preparing for such an exam. Typically, English speaking exams assess a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English, including their pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and understanding of language structures.During the exam, you may be asked to perform tasks such as reading a passage and then discussing it, responding to questions about a particular topic, or engaging in a role-play scenario. It's important to prepare for these types of tasks by practicing your speaking skills regularly.Here are some tips for preparing for an English speaking exam:1. $$Practice speaking regularly$$: The more you practice, the more confident and fluent you will become. Try to find opportunities to speak English with native speakers or other English learners.2. **Expand your vocabulary**: A rich vocabulary will help you express yourself more clearly and accurately. Make sure you understand the meaning and proper usage of any new words you learn.3. **Listen to native speakers**: Listening to native speakers will help you improve your pronunciation and understanding of language structures. Watch English movies, TV shows, or listen to English podcasts and music.4. **Read widely**: Reading will help you improve your grammar, vocabulary, and understanding of language structures. Read books, newspapers, magazines, or online articles in English.5. **Prepare for common topics**: Familiarize yourself with common topics that may be discussed during the exam, such as education, work, travel, or current events. Think about how you would respond to questions about these topics.6. **Take mock exams**: Taking mock exams can help you familiarize yourself withthe format and structure of the real exam. It can also help you identify areas where you need to improve.Remember, preparation is key to success in any exam. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can increase your chances of performing well in an English speaking exam.While I cannot provide you with specific past exam questions, I hope this advice will help you prepare for your English speaking exam and achieve the best results possible. Good luck!。
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口腔颌面外科基本知识与基本操作一、口腔颌面外科病史记录问诊的内容应包括A.主诉、疾病发生情况、治疗史B.现病史、既往史、疾病发生过程C.主诉、现病史、既往史、家族史D.主诉、治疗史、既往史、家族史E.主诉、现病史、既往史、治疗史二、口腔颌面外科临床检查肿瘤活检时合适的消毒剂为A.1% 碘酊B.2% 碘酊C.95% 乙醇D. 红汞E.75% 乙醇关于活体组织检查以下哪种说法不正确活组织检查是肿瘤诊断中较为准确可靠的方法活体组织检查与治疗时间的间隔越近越好活检术时勿使用染料类消毒剂消毒活检部位应在病变区边缘与正常组织的交界处活检术时宜用局部浸润麻醉可减少创面渗血临床上,中度开口受限是指上下切牙切缘间距在A.1cm 以内B. 1 ~2cmC. 3 ~4cmD. 5 ~6cmE. 6cm 以上张口度的正确测量方法是A. 上下中切牙切缘之间的距离B. 上下磨牙面之间的距离C. 上下尖牙的牙尖之间的距离D. 上下侧切牙切缘之间的距离E. 上下前磨牙颊尖之间的距离颞下窝肿瘤做活检宜用A.切取B.钳取C.细针吸取细胞学检查D.冷冻切片E.脱落细胞检查发生液性病变时可穿刺出不凝固血性液体的肿瘤是A. 神经纤维瘤B. 神经鞘瘤C. 骨肉瘤D. 造釉细胞瘤E. 血管肉皮瘤三、消毒和灭菌高压蒸汽灭菌法消毒不适用于A. 一般器械B. 手术衣C. 敷料D. 剪刀E. 橡胶物品煮沸消毒法的应用,错误的是A. 可使刀刃锋利性受损B. 适用于耐热、耐温物品C. 杀灭乙肝病毒,应煮沸30minD. 消毒时间自浸入计算,一般15 ~20minE. 加入2% 碳酸氢钠,可缩短消毒时间关于碘伏,哪种说法是错误的是碘与表面活性剂的不定型结合物可配成水或乙醇溶液使用,乙醇溶液较水溶液杀菌作用更强可杀灭各种细菌繁殖体对细菌芽胞、真菌和病毒杀灭作用较差消毒器械可用l~2mg/ml有效碘溶液浸泡1~2小时四、手术基本操作口腔颌面外科手术基本操作不包括A. 电刀止血B. 解剖分离C. 打结D. 引流E. 缝合腮腺咬肌区手术后,应使用的绷带类型是A. 四头带B. 交叉十字绷带C. 头部绷带D. 颅颌弹性绷带E. 石膏绷带颌面部无菌创口一般的处理原则是A. 每日更换敷料B. 创口湿敷C. 创口冲洗D. 创口严密缝合,早期暴露E. 大剂量应用抗生素属于闭式引流的是A. 片状引流B. 纱条引流C. 管状引流D. 药线引流E. 负压引流手术中遇大面积静脉渗血时宜用A. 荷包式缝合止血B. 缝扎止血C. 温热盐水纱布压迫止血D. 邻近组织覆盖压迫止血E. 电凝止血填塞止血主要用于A. 开放性和洞穿性创口B. 创口内出血的血管断端C. 广泛的组织渗血D. 凝血机制障碍者的创面渗血E. 骨断端出血口腔门诊小手术常用A. 仅消毒,不铺消毒巾B.孔巾铺置法C.包头法D. 三角形手术野铺巾法E.四边形手术野铺巾法皮肤创口缝合后过度外翻是因为A.进针点距创缘过远B.两侧进针深度不一致C.皮肤切口两侧进针间距大于皮下间距 D.皮肤切口两侧进针间距小于皮下间距 E.打结过紧最常使用的颌面部绷带是A. 卷带B.四头带C.三角巾D. 弹力绷带E.石膏绷带(1—3题共用备选答案)A.钳夹止血B.结扎止血C.温热盐水纱布压迫止血D. 骨蜡填充压迫止血E.药物止血1.较大面积渗血应选择的止血方法是 C2.知名血管破裂的终极止血方法是 B3.骨髓腔或骨孔出血的止血方法是 D第二单元口腔颌面外科麻醉某患者拔牙,注射局麻药后立即发现头晕、胸闷、面色苍白、全身冷汗、四肢厥冷无力、脉快而弱,恶心,其发生的局麻并发症为晕厥过敏反应中毒神经损伤颈交感神经综合征上牙槽神经丛的内环神经组成是上牙槽前神经、中神经、后神经上牙槽前神经、中神经上牙槽前神经、中神经、鼻腭神经腭前神经、鼻腭神经上牙槽前神经、中神经、后神经、鼻腭神经最常选用的表面麻醉剂是A.2% 布比卡因B.1% 普鲁卡因C.2% 利多卡因D.2% 奴佛卡因E.1% ~2% 地卡因布比卡因麻醉时间可达A. 1hB. 2hC. 4hD. 5hE. 6h腭大孔阻滞麻醉主要麻醉的神经是A. 腭前神经B. 腭中神经C. 腭后神要D. 鼻腭神经E. 上牙槽后神经普鲁卡因的特点不包括A. 麻醉持续效果较好B. 表面渗透性很强C. 偶尔发生过敏反应D. 毒副作用小E. 一次最大用量1g关于普鲁卡因的描述,正确的是A. 亲脂性高B.易穿透黏膜C.不引起过敏反应D. 可用于浸润麻醉E.可与磺胺类药物同用有出血倾向的患者行活髓牙牙髓治疗时常采用的局麻方法是A. 冷冻麻醉B.表面麻醉C.骨膜上浸润麻醉D. 牙周膜注射浸润麻醉E.阻滞麻醉*女,61岁。
局部麻醉最好选择A. 眶下孔阻滞麻醉B.切牙孔阻滞麻醉C.腭前神经阻滞麻醉D. 翼腭管传导阻滞麻醉E.唇、腭侧局部浸润麻醉*男,30岁。
全麻时应采取的方法是 A. 麻醉深度达III期II级后,给予盲探插管B.乙醚开放滴入麻醉C. 经气管切开施全麻D. 清醒状态下经鼻盲探插管E.选用硫苯妥钠静脉麻醉,不插管(1~4题共用题干)女,27岁。
1、最常用的麻醉方法是A. 上颌结节和腭大孔麻醉B.颊部浸润麻醉C. 鼻腭神经阻滞麻醉D. 眶下孔阻滞庥醉E. 翼腭管麻醉2、若选择使用的麻醉药物是2%普鲁卡因,术后发生延迟性过敏反应中最常见的是A. 过敏性紫癜B. 哮喘C. 药疹D. 荨麻疹E. 血管神经性水肿3、若麻醉中发生麻药中毒,其兴奋型表现中不包括A. 烦躁、多话B. 恶心、呕吐C. 颤抖、气急D. 血压下降E. 多汗4、局麻药中毒治疗原则中不包括A. 停止注射D. 保持呼吸道通畅C. 针刺人中穴D. 升压药物E. 抗惊厥*局麻时出现暂时性面瘫,一般多见于A. 口内法下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉B. 口外法下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉C. 腭后神经阻滞麻醉D. 腭前神经阻滞麻醉E. 眶下神经阻滞麻醉*一侧舌神经阻滞麻醉的区域是A. 舌尖B. 舌前2/3C. 同侧舌前2/3D. 同侧舌后1/3E. 半侧舌体*局麻药物应具备的药理性质不包括A. 对注射部位的组织无刺激B. 不易溶于水C. 麻醉作用快,维持时间较长D. 易溶于适当的溶媒E. 被吸收后无明显的毒性反应*口外法眶下神经阻滞麻醉的进针角度是与皮肤成A.15°B. 25°C. 35°D. 45°E. 55°*口腔颌面外科手术全身麻醉特点中不正确的是A. 麻醉与手术互相干扰B. 易于保持气道通畅C. 小儿与老年患者多D. 手术失血多E. 麻醉深度要求三期一级牙及牙槽外科**拔牙钳喙与牙长轴平行是为了夹住患牙省力防止邻牙损伤避免牙龈损伤利于使用扭转力*干槽症的特征表现是开口受限冷热痛术后1~3天放射性疼痛术后3~5天肿痛未开始消退拔牙创内无血凝块*心脏病患者拔牙应视为禁忌证的是A. 1年前发生的前壁心肌梗死B.血压170/l00mmHgC.未控制的心律不齐D. 心功能II级E.心功能正常的心脏病*拔牙创的处理,错误的是A. 刮除拔牙创内的碎牙片、牙石和肉芽组织B. 与骨膜、牙龈相连的骨折片应予复位C.拔牙创常规用生理盐水彻底冲洗D.扩大的牙槽窝要压迫复位E.复位、缝合撕裂的牙龈*关于切开拔除阻生智齿的切口设计,错误的是A. 远中切口尽量偏舌侧B.颊侧切口一般不必超过前庭沟C.如仅用远中切口就可以消除阻力,可不做颊侧切口 D. 应做黏骨膜全层切开,紧贴骨面将瓣翻起E.缝合后切口下应有足够骨支持*若X线片示:下颌神经管未见损伤影像,出现下唇麻木的原因可能损伤了A. 舌神经B.颏神经C.咬肌神经D. 颊神经E.下牙槽神经*拔上颌磨牙时牙根完整拔险,拔牙后发现口腔上颌窦瘘,但穿孔不大时A. 必须做瘘口修补术B.使拔牙创充满血块C.冲洗拔牙创D. 填塞明胶海绵E.行上颌窦根治*女,70岁。
下颌为无牙颌,颊系带附着于牙槽嵴顶,义齿固位不佳,此时应行 A. 牙槽嵴加高术B.颊系带成形术C.牙槽突修整术D. 调磨义齿,进行缓冲E.重新安装义齿(1~2题共用备选答案)A.轮轴力B.扭转力C. 摇动力D. 楔力E.杠杆力1.牙挺拔牙时应首先用 A2.牙挺在挺松牙时主要提供的作用力是 E(3~5题共用备选答案)A. 15minB.1hC.24hD.2dE.3~4d3. 拔牙创血块开始机化的时间为 C4. 拔牙后血块形成的时间为 A5. 拔牙后牙龈上皮向血块表面生长的时间为 E*拔牙后应考虑给予抗生素、镇痛剂及止血药物的情况不包括A. 无全身疾病的简单拔牙患者B. 手术损伤大C. 手术时间长D. 手术区存在炎症E. 患者全身抵抗力较差*不属于心脏病拔牙绝对禁忌证的是A. 前壁心肌梗死一个月B. 充血性心力衰竭C. 频发的室性早搏,未治疗D. 完全性右束支传导阻滞E. 不稳定型心绞痛*需劈冠以解除邻牙阻力的阻生牙类型为A. 垂直阻生B. 近中阻生C. 远中阻生D. 颊向阻生E. 舌向阻性*关于拔牙术中分离牙龈,正确的做法是A. 分离牙龈的目的是避免牙钳夹伤牙龈B. 应分离至釉牙骨质交界C. 乳牙拔除时可不用分离牙龈D. 可减少拔牙时软组织的阻力E. 正畸减数时可不用分离牙龈*拔牙后出血是指拔牙后多长时间仍明显出血A.30 分钟B. 45 分钟C. 60 分钟D. 90 分钟E. 120 分钟牙种植术*常用的牙种植体种类为A. 骨内种植体B. 骨膜下种植体C. 黏膜下种植体D. 牙内种植体E. 牙内骨内种植体*正确的牙种植术概念是A. 将未发育完成的牙胚植入牙槽骨内的手术B. 将人工牙植入牙槽骨内的手术C. 将异体牙植入牙槽骨内的手术D. 将自体牙植入牙槽骨内的手术E. 将脱位牙植入牙槽骨内的手术*确定目前使用的牙种植体概念的结构是A .ISOB. WHOC. WTOD .IOMFSE .ESCFS*目前最佳的牙种植材料是A. 陶瓷B.钛C. 玻璃碳D. 树脂E.不锈钢口腔颌面部感染腺源性感染的主要来源是腮腺颌下腺舌下腺淋巴结扁桃体眶下间隙感染向颅内扩散,并发海绵窦血栓性静脉炎,其扩散途径通常是面前静脉、颈内静脉颞浅静脉、内眦静脉面前静脉、颞浅静脉、颈内静脉面前静脉、内眦静脉、眼静脉眶内静脉、面前静脉不属于新生儿骨髓炎的病因的是A. 产道感染B. 脐带感染C. 母亲患化脓性乳腺炎D. 泪囊感染E. 医源性感染描述上颌骨血供特点及临床意义哪项是错误的A. 血供较下颌骨丰富B.抗感染能力强C. 骨折愈合较下颌骨迅速D. 具有单源性血供特点E.外伤后出血较多口腔颌面部感染特点,不正确的是A. 感染途径以腺源性为主B.需氧菌与厌氧菌的混合感染最多见C. 牙源性感染极易波及颌骨与颌周软组织D. 口腔颌面部感染沿相应淋巴引流途径扩散,可发生区域淋巴结炎E.正常时即有大量微生物存在,机体抵抗力下降时发生感染可以出现多个牙松动及下唇麻木的颌骨骨髓炎是A. 急性中央性骨髓炎B.慢性硬化性骨髓炎C.边缘性骨髓炎D. 放线菌性骨髓炎E.新生几骨髓炎男,65岁。