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Even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn because _____. a. everything we studied at school doesn’t have any practical use b. learning is not just for school but for life c. we didn’t study well in school d. we were not successful in learning
Part One : Background Information
them have ever asked themselves why
Nowadays most children go to school but few of
there. Some children think that they go to school
just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign languages, mathematics, geography, history, science and a few other subjects. But why do they learn these things? Are these the only things they should learn at school?
Part One : Background Information
There is more to education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn. Learning is not just for school but for life. So even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful because whenever he is faced with a completely new task or problem, he will teach himself how to deal with it in the best way. Therefore, children do not go to school just to learn languages, mathematics, geography, etc. They go to school to learn how to learn.
• Line 9:It is said /reported/ believed to do to be
• Somebody or something is said to be very formal, rigid, and
excessively out of date • Formal-not easygoing,not amiable拘谨, 不随和 • Rigid-inflexible and stiff刻板
Part Two Pre-questions Have you ever seen the American soap series “ Growing Pains ”? Do you like it? Why? (Peter Pan?)
Do you like to be a child or an adult?
they go
Part One : Background Information
Actually children go to school to prepare themselves for the time when they will grow up and will have to support themselves. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their lives, but there is one more important reason why children go to school.
• Line25:vivid memeories come flooding back of sth. • The memories ofSth. Come back to me just like flood • College students flooded job fair,eager to hunt a post
Para.5 What did Mr. Baker write for? Para.6 Did Mr. Baker prepared another essay to Mr. Fleagle’s requirements? Why? Para.7 What would Mr. Fleagle do?
• 3, twirl /wind the fork to gather the spaghetti around the prongs of the fork • 4, with a quick scooping movement, place the rolls into your mouth
•Don’t suck!
• Line19:None was so simple-minded as …,but most seemed to be dull • There was no silly title as …
• Line21:The essay was due: • Time to hand to Mr. Fleagle • It is due to have lunch • It is due to pay the house/instalment • The book is due. I have to find time to return it. • In due time: proper
school in America
• Spaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce
The way to eat spaghetti
• 1,hold a fork • 2,scoop up a small amount of spaghetti on your fork to raise it and make sure it is disconnected from the remainder
Exercise on Background Information
Multiple Choices: _____ children really know why they go to school. a. All b. Most c. No d. Few The most important reason why children should go to school is that _____. a. they need the company of other children b. it trains them for the time when they will have to take care of themselves c. they are too small to work d. their parents have no time to look after them
Lesson One
Growing Up
Text A
Part Part Part Part Part Part Part I II III IV V VI VII
Writing For Myself
Background Information Pre-questions Comprehension Questions Language Points Post Questions Text Structure Translation
Is there anything in your life that has made you change much?
Part Three Comprehension Questions
Para.1 When did the author’s dream of becoming a writer seem possible? Why had he felt bored by everything associated with English courses?
Para.8 What was the students’ response to Mr. Baker’s writing? Para.9 In which way did this experience change Mr. Baker? Can you explain “ the very essence of the essay ”?
Write what one enjoys writing about
Growing up
• Life is full of surprise • It takes time to grow • Life is not planned
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• Elementary :grade 1 -5/1-6 • Middle or junior high school : grade 6 -8/7-9 • High :grade 9-12 or 10-12
• Line 8: Had a reputation for dullness and inability to inspire:
• Boring , stiff, dull, tidious, like a machine,zombie • No way to encourage students ,no way to attract ss, no way to make ss get ideas
Para.2 What did the students think of Mr. Fleagle? According to Mr. Baker, which word could vividly describe Mr. Fleagle?
Para.3 Which topic attracted Mr. Baker’s attention at last? Para.4 What kind of dish was spaghetti in those days? Why were all the people in Uncle Allen’s house laughing and arguing?
An educated person is able to do something completely new because _____. a. he knows how to calculate sums b. he has learned many practical things in school c. he has learned how to learn d. he is slow in learning new things
• Line 5:I hated the assignment to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write:
• It is painful to write long, boring essays required by teachers ; neither did teachers enjoy what I wrote