



《美国国会图书馆分类法》(LCCS - Library of Congress Classification Schedules)是由美国国会图书馆编制的综合性等级列举式图书分类法。





Outline of the Library of Congress Classification Schedules。





基本上,美国大学图书馆的书分类都是用(library of congress classification system) 图书馆协会分类系统。

它是用21个字母作为一大项分的,其中不包括(I, O, W,X,Y). 在这些书的后面会有一些数字组成。





《美国国会图书馆分类法》(LCCS - Library of Congress Classification Schedules)是由美国国会图书馆编制的综合性等级列举式图书分类法。





Outline of the Library of Congress Classification Schedules。



A 總類
B 哲學、心理學、宗教
C 歷史輔助資料
D 歷史:通史及古代史(東半球)
E –
F 歷史:美洲(西半球)
G 地理、人類學、娛樂體育
GT 505 – 2343 服裝、戲劇服飾
GV 1580 – 1799 舞蹈
H 社會科學
J 政治科學
K 法律
L 教育
M 音樂
M 1 – 3.3 音樂(總類)
M 5 – 1490 器樂
M 1497 – 2198 聲樂
M 1807 中國戲曲
ML 1 – 3930 音樂文獻
MT 1 – 950 音樂指導和研究
MT 955 - 956 音樂歌舞劇
N – ND 視覺藝術、建築、雕刻、素描、設計、繪畫NE – NX 印刷媒體、裝飾藝術、綜合性藝術
P 語文及文學
PE 1065–3721 英國語文
PL 東亞、非州、大洋洲語文及文學PL 1004 – 3166 中國語文及文學
PN 文學史及文集(總論)
PN 1560 – 1590 表演藝術、演藝事業
PN 1601 – 3307 戲劇
PN 1991 – 1992 無線及電視廣播
PN 1992.7 電視劇本創作、編劇技巧
PN 1992.75 電視製作
PN 1992.77 電視節目
PN 1993 – 1999 電影
PQ 拉丁文學
PR 英國文學
PS 美國文學
PT 日耳曼文學
Q – S 自然科學、醫學、農業
T 應用科學
TR 845 – 899 影視攝影
U – V 軍事學、海軍學
Z 書目、圖書館學。



美国国会图书馆图书分类法(Library of Congress bookclassification)The Library of Congress classification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the Library of Congress classificationWikipedia, the free encyclopedia(from the Library of Congress book classification.)Jump to: navigation, searchThe Library of Congress classification is the classification of books by many university libraries, because it used 26 letters English classification code, 0-9 code can achieve digital classification more carefully. But this classification has been used for more than 150 years, so there are still many shortcomings.Catalog [hidden]1 code meaning2 specific classification2.1 A - General Class2.2 B - philosophy, psychology, religion2.3 C - General History and related science2.4 D - World History (except American History)2.5 E and F - American history2.6 F - American, British, Dutch, French and Latin America local history2.7 G - geography, anthropology, leisure2.8 H - Social Sciences2.9 J - Political Science2.10 K - Law2.11 L - Education2.12 M - Music2.13 N - Art2.14 P - language and Literature2.15 Q - Science2.16 R - Medicine2.17 S - agriculture2.18 T - Technology2.19 U - Military Science2.20 V - Naval Science2.21 Z - Bibliography, Library Science3 please refer to3.1 other commonly used books classification4 external links[Edit] code meansEach book call number can be divided into five parts: - for example: "GV943.49.B5 1998""G" stands for a large class (G stands for geography, anthropology, leisure activities)"V" represents the categories under the medica (GV entertainment)(with third letters represent further subdivided in some special cases, the compendium)"943.49" is the outline under segmentation can be further subdivided into after the decimal point.Strictly speaking, only the first part of the three part is the classification number, together with the two parts after thecall number:".B5" is the second book (commonly known as the author number). The book number is used to distinguish the different works under the same classification number. Each of these works has a unique book number.The book number from the author / editor name or title to (so called author code is not accurate), in accordance with the standard form (Kurt cutter * table) converted.(note that "here" is the sign of the beginning of the book, and the decimal points used in the above classification numbers are two different things. )"1998" is the year of publication, which is used to distinguish the different versions of the same work.[Edit] specific categoriesThe Library of Congress books classification is as follows:Letter sorting remarksA general classB psychology, psychology and religion, many psychological content is actually included in the Social Sciences, such as youth issues, sexology and so on.C history and related sciencesD ancient history and world historyE American historyF American and British history; Germany, Holland, France, and Latin American historyG geography, anthropology, entertainmentH Social SciencesJ politicsK lawL EducationM musicN ArtP language, literatureQ ScienceR medicineS agricultureT TechnologyU Military ScienceV Nautical ScienceZ bibliography, library and the main information resources [Edit] A - General Class主条目:国会图书馆分类:A类--总厂交流收藏,系列从书,藏本AE百科全书银字典和其他总类性工具书艾索引我博物馆。






《美国国会图书馆分类法》(LCCS -
Library of Congress Classification





Outline of the Library of Congress Classif ication Schedules。



LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION OUTLINECLASS Z - BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIBRARY SCIENCE.INFORMATION RESOURCES (GENERAL)Subclass ZZ4-115.5 Books (General). Writing. PaleographyZ4-8 History of books and bookmakingZ40-104.5 WritingZ41-42.5 Autographs. SignaturesZ43-45 Calligraphy. PenmanshipZ48 Duplicating processes. Copying servicesIncluding mimeographing, multilithingZ49-51.5 Typewriters. Typewriting. Keyboards. KeyboardingZ52-52.5 Word processingZ53-102 Shorthand. Stenography. PhonographyZ102.5-104.5 Cryptography. Ciphers. Invisible writingZ105-115.5 Manuscripts. PaleographyZ116-659 Book industries and tradeZ116.A2 Treatises on the modern printed bookZ116.A3 Book designZ116.A5-265.5 PrintingZ124-228 HistoryZ231-234 Printers and printing establishmentsZ234 Medallic history of printing. TokensZ235-236 Printer's marks, mottoes, etc.Z237 Paper. Watermarks, etc.Z240-241.5 Incunabula. Block booksIncluding broadsides, playing cardsZ242.9-264.5 Practical printingIncluding printing as a business, layout, paper and ink,machinery, type and type founding, electrotyping,desktop publishing, typesetting, pressworkZ265-265.5 Representation or reproduction of books, documents,etc., by photography, microphotography, or othermeansZ266-276 Bookbinding. Book decorationZ278-549 Bookselling and publishingZ551-656 CopyrightZ657-659 Freedom of the press. CensorshipZ662-1000.5 LibrariesZ662-664 CollectionsZ665-718.8 Library science. Information scienceZ668-669.7 Library education. ResearchZ672-Z672.13 Library cooperation and coordinationZ674.7-674.83 Library information networksZ675 Classes of librariesZ678-678.88 Library administration and organization. ConstitutionZ678.89-678.892 Library service agenciesZ678.9-Z678.93 AutomationZ679-680 Library buildings. Library architectureIncluding planning, space utilization, security, safety,lighting, etc.Z680.3-680.6 Library communication systemsZ681-681.3 Reproduction of library materials. Storage media oflibrary materialsZ681.5-681.7 Trustees. Library boards, committees, etc.Z682-682.4 PersonnelZ683-683.5 Finance. InsuranceZ684-685 Supplies. Shelving. BookstacksZ686 Branches. Delivery stations. BookmobilesZ687-718.85 The collections. The booksZ688 Special collectionsZ688.5-Z688.6 ProcessingZ689-689.8 Acquisition (selection, purchase, gifts, duplicates)Z690 ExchangesZ691-692 Special classes of materialsIncluding manuscripts, maps, microforms, serials Z693-695.83 CatalogingZ695.85 Library handwritingZ695.87 Printing of catalogsZ695.9-695.94 Indexing. AbstractingZ695.95 Alphabetizing. FilingZ695.98 Recataloging. ReclassificationZ696-697 Classification and notationZ698 Shelflisting. Author notationZ699-699.5 Machine methods of information and retrieval.Mechanized bibliographic controlZ699.7 Physical processing. Shelf preparationZ700 BookbindingZ700.9-701.5 Physical parameters, preservation, conservation andrestoration of books and other library materials Z702 Thefts and losses of books and other library materials Z703.5 Stack management. Disposition of books on shelves,etc.Z703.6 Discarding. WeedingZ711-711.95 Public services. Reference servicesZ712-714 Circulation. Loans. Charging systemsZ716-716.15 Library extension. Library commissions. TravelinglibrariesZ716.2-718.85 Libraries in relation to special topicsIncluding libraries and community, libraries andtelevision, children's libraries, libraries andstudentsZ719-723 Libraries (General)Z729-875 Library reports. History. StatisticsZ881-977 Library catalogs and bulletinsZ987-996.3 Book collectingIncluding bibliophilism, bookplatesZ997-997.2 Private librariesZ999-1000.5 Booksellers' catalogsZ1001-1121 General bibliographyZ1001 Introduction to bibliography. Theory, philosophy,psychology. Bibliography. DocumentationZ1003-1003.5 Choice of books. Books and reading. Book reviewsZ1003.8-Z1004 Biography of bibliographersZ1011-1017 General bibliographiesZ1019-1033 Special classes of booksIncluding prohibited books, rare books, paperbacks,reprintsZ1035-1035.9 Best booksZ1036 Booksellers' general catalogs of modern booksZ1037-1039 Books for special classes of persons, institutions, etc.Z1041-1107 Anonyms and pseudonymsZ1201-4980 National bibliographyZ1201-1946 AmericaZ1215-1363 United StatesZ1365-1401 Canada. British North AmericaZ1411-1939 Mexico. Central America. West Indies. South America Z1975 Eastern HemisphereZ2000-2959 EuropeZ3001-3496 AsiaZ3501-3975 AfricaZ4001-4980 Australia. OceaniaZ5051-7999 Subject bibliographySubjects arranged in alphabetical sequenceZ8001-8999 Personal bibliographyNames of individuals arranged in alphabetical sequence Subclass ZAZA3038-5190 Information resources (General)ZA3150-3159 Information services. Information centersZA3201-3250 Information superhighwayZA4050-4775 Information in specific formats or mediaZA4050-4480 Electronic information resourcesZA4150-4380 Computer network resourcesZA4450-4460 DatabasesZA4550-4575 Motion pictures. Video recordingsZA4650-4675 Pictures. PhotographsZA4750-4775 Sound recordingsZA5049-5190 Government information。



美国国会图书馆分类法A - 总类AC 收藏,系列从书,藏本AE 百科全书AG 字典和其它总类性工具书AI 索引AM 博物馆.收藏者和收藏品AN 报纸AP 期刊 >AS 学会和学习性社团AY 年鉴,目录AZ 学者学识学习史,人文知识B - 哲学, 心理学, 宗教B 哲学 (总论BC 逻辑BD 思辨哲学BF 心理学 >BH 美学BJ 伦理学BL 宗教神话. 理性主义BM 犹太教BP 伊斯兰教. 大同教. 见神论, 等BQ 佛教BR 基督教BS 圣经BT 教义学BV 实践神学BX 基督教教派C - 历史学和相关科学总论主条目: "Library of Congress Classification:Class C -- Auxiliary CB 文明史CC 考古学CD 外交学. 档案学. 印章学CE 技术编年史. 日历CJ 钱币学CN 碑铭. 金石学CR 纹章学CS 家族史学CT 人物传记D - 世界史 (除美国史)主条目: Library of Congress Classification:Class D -- History, General and Old WorldD 历史DA 英国DAW 中欧DB 奥地利- 列支敦士登- 匈牙利- 捷克斯洛伐克DC 法国- 安道尔- 摩纳哥DD 德国DE 古希腊罗马DF 希腊DG 意大利- 马耳他DH 低地国家 - 比荷卢DJ 荷兰(Holland)DJK 东欧 (总论)DK 俄罗斯. 苏联. 前苏联 - 波兰DL 北欧. 斯堪的纳维亚DP 西班牙- 葡萄牙DQ 瑞士DR 巴尔干半岛DS 亚洲DT 非洲DU 大洋洲(南大洋)DX 吉普赛E 和F - 美国史Library of Congress Classification:Class E -- History of AmericaF - 美国,前英属,荷属,法属美洲和拉丁美洲地方史Library of Congress Classification:Class F -- Local History of the United States and British, Dutch, French, and Latin AmericaG - 地理, 人类学, 休闲Library of Congress Classification:Class G -- Geography. Anthropology. RecreationG 地理学 (总论). 地图册. 地图GA 数学地理学.GB 自然地理GC 海洋地理GE 环境科学GF 人文生态学. 人类地理学GN 人类学GR 民俗学GT 礼仪与惯例(总论)GV 休闲娱乐H - 社会科学Library of Congress Classification:Class H -- Social sciences H 社会科学 (总论)HA 统计学HB 经济理论人口学HC 经济史和经济状况HD 工业. 土地使用. 劳动经济HE 通运输通信HF 商业HG 金融HJ 公共财政HM 社会学 (总论)HN 社会发展史和社会状况. 社会问题. 社会改革HQ 家庭,婚姻,女性HS 社会: 秘密, 慈善, 等HT 社群. 等级. 种族HV 社会病理学. 社会与公共福利. 犯罪学HX 社会主义. 共产主义无政府主义J - 政治科学Library of Congress Classification:Class J -- Political science J 一般性立法与执行文件卷宗JA 政治科学 (总论)JC 政治理论JF 政治制度和公共管理JJ 政治制度和公共管理(北美)JK 政治制度和公共管理 (美国)JL 政治制度和公共管理 (加拿大, 拉丁美洲, 等.)JN 政治制度和公共管理 (欧洲)JQ 政治制度和公共管理 (亚洲, 非洲, 大洋洲, 太平洋地区, 等.) JS 地方政府,城市政府JV 殖民地与殖民化. 移民迁徙. 国际移民JX 国际法, 见JZ和KZ (孤立条目)JZ 国际关系K - 法律Library of Congress Classification:Class K -- LawK 法律总论比较法和统一法. 法学KB 宗教法总论. 比较宗教法. 法学KBM 犹太法KBP 伊斯兰法KBR 教会法历史KBU 罗马天主教会法,圣座KD-KDK 英国与爱尔兰KDZ 美洲. 北美洲KE 加拿大KF 美国KG 拉丁美洲 - 墨西哥和中美洲 - 西印度群岛. 加勒比地区KH 南美洲KJ-KKZ 欧洲KL-KWX 亚洲和欧亚地区, 非洲, 太平洋地区, 和南极洲KZ 国家法律L - 教育Library of Congress Classification:Class L -- EducationL 教育 (总论)LA 教育史 >LB 教育理论与实践LC 教育的特殊方面LD 教育组织 - 美国LE 教育组织 - 美洲(除美国外)LF 教育组织 - 欧洲LG 教育组织 - 亚洲, 非洲, 印度洋岛屿, 澳大利亚, 纽西兰, 太平洋岛屿 LH 大学与学校杂志和文章LJ 学生组织与社团,美国LT 教科书M - 音乐Library of Congress Classification: Class M -- MusicM 音乐ML 关于音乐的文献MT 指导与学习N - 艺术 Library of Congress Classification: Class N -- Fine Arts N 视觉艺术NA 建筑NB 雕塑NC 绘画设计插图ND 油画NE 书面媒体NK 装饰艺术NX 艺术总论P - 语言与文学Library of Congress Classification: Class P-- Language and Literature P 文字学语言学PA 希腊语言与文学. 拉丁语言与文学PB 现代语言. 凯尔特语言PC 罗曼语言PD 日耳曼语言. 斯堪的纳维亚语言PE 英语PF 西日耳曼语言PG 斯拉夫语. 波罗地语. 阿尔巴尼亚语PH 乌拉尔语. 巴斯克语PJ 东方语言与文学PK 印度伊朗语言与文学PL 东亚,非洲和大洋洲语言与文学PM 希柏里尔, 印第安, 和人工语言PN 文学 > (总论PQ 法语文学 - 意大利语文学 - 西班牙语文学 - 葡萄牙语文学PR 英语文学PS 美国文学PT 德语文学 - 荷兰文学 - 1830年以来的弗兰芒语文学 -南非语文学- 斯堪的纳维亚语文学 - 古挪威语文学: 古冰岛语和挪威语 - 现代冰岛语文学 - 法罗语文学 - 丹麦文学- 挪威文学 - 瑞典文学PZ 小说和青少年纯文学Q - 科学 Library of Congress Classification: Class Q -- ScienceQ 科学 (总论)QA 数学QB 天文学QC 物理学QD 化学QE 地质学QH 自然历史生物学QK 植物学QL 动物学QM 人体解剖学QP 生理学QR 微生物学R - 医学Library of Congress Classification:Class R -- MedicineR 医学 (总论)RA 医学的公共方面RC 内服药学RD 手术学RE 眼科学RF 耳鼻喉科学RG 妇科学和产科学RJ 儿科学RK 牙科学RL 皮肤科学RM 药学RS 制药学和中药学RT 护理学RV 植物药学辅助物理治疗RX 顺势治疗RZ 其它医学系统S - 农业Library of Congress Classification:Class S --S 农业 (总论)SB 种植文化SD 林业SF 动物养殖文化SH 水产养殖. 渔业. 钓鱼SK 狩猎运动T - 技术Library of Congress Classification: Class T -- Technology T 技术 (总论) <TA 工程学 (总论). 土木工程TC 大气工程. 海洋工程TD 环境技术. 城市卫生工程TE 高速公路,道路和街道工程TF 铁路工程和建设TG 桥梁工程TH 建筑工程TJ 机械工程与设备制造TK 电力工程. 电子. 核工程TL 汽车. 航海,航空TN 采矿工程冶金学TP 化学技术TR 摄影技术TS 制造TT 手工业艺术与工艺U - 军事科学Library of Congress Classification:Class U -- Military Science U 军事科学 (总论)UA 军队: 组织, 分布, 军事状况UB 军事管理UC 补给与运输UD 步兵UE 骑兵. 盔甲UF 火炮UG 军事工程. 空军UH 其它服务V - 海军科学Library of Congress Classification:Class V -- Naval ScienceV 海军科学 (总论)VA 海军: 组织, 分布, 海军状况VB 海军管理VC 海军养护VD 海军人员VE 海军船舶VF 海军补给VG 海军其它服务VK 航海. 商用船舶VM 海军建筑. 造船. 海洋工程Z - 目录学, 图书馆科学Library of Congress Classification: Class Z -- Bibliography. Library Science. Information resourcesZ 图书(总论). 写作. 古文字学. 图书业和贸易. 图书馆. 目录学ZA 信息资源 (总论)。



美国国会图书馆分类法《美国国会图书馆分类法》Library of Congress Classification,LC美国国会图书馆在馆长G.H.普特南主持下根据本馆藏书编制的综合性等级列举式分类法。



体系结构 LC共分20个大类,其中历史占3个大类,军事占2个大类:A 总论B 哲学、心理学、宗教C 历史辅助科学D 历史:世界史及世界古代史E/F 历史:美洲史G 地理、地图、人类学、娱乐H 社会科学J 政治学K 法律L 教育M 音乐N 美术P 语言、文学Q [自然]科学R 医学S 农业T 技术U 军事科学V 海军科学Z 目录学、图书馆学各大类除主表外,大多编有专用复分表 (包括形式、地区、年代、主题等),且分别附有字顺索引。

标记符号 LC采用拉丁字母和阿拉伯数字相结合的混合标记符号。



例如LC第4版农业大类:S 农业SB 植物栽培189 禾谷类作物总论.5 育种.53 品种.54 细胞与组织培养.....................191 各种禾类作物,A-Z.A42 苋属野燕麦,见W53.B2 大麦.M2 玉米参见SB191.P64,爆裂玉米SB351.C7,甜玉米特点①实用性强。






美國國會圖書分類法簡表本館西文圖書採用美國國會圖書館分類法(參考資料:Library of Congress Classification Outline)A|B|C|D|E-F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|ZA 總類(General Works)AC總集、叢書、別集(Collections. Series. Collected works)AE一般性百科全書(Encyclopedias - General)AG字典及一般性參考書(Dictionaries and other general reference books)AI索引(Indexes - General)AM博物館、蒐集者與蒐集(Museum - General. Collectors and collecting - General) AN報紙(Newspapers)AP期刊(Periodicals - General)AS學會(Academies and learned societies - General)AY年鑑、曆書、名錄(Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories)AZ學術史、人文科學(History of scholarship and learning. The humanities)[Top]B哲學、心理學、宗教(Philosophy. Psychology. Religion)B哲學總論(Philosophy - General)BC邏輯(Logic)BD思辨哲學(Speculative philosophy)BF心理學(Psychology)BH美學(Aesthetics)BJ倫理學、社會習俗、禮節(Ethics. Social usages. Etiquette)BL-BX宗教(Religions)C 歷史學及相關科學(Auxiliary Sciences of History)C歷史學及相關科學總論(Auxiliary Sciences of History - General) CB文化史(History of Civilization)CC考古學(Archaeology - General)CD外交文書、檔案、印記(Diplomatics. Archives. 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Emigration and immigration. International migration)JZ國際關係(International relations)[Top]K 法律(Law)K法律總論(Law - General)KB宗教法(Religious Law)KD英國及愛爾蘭法律(Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland) KE加拿大法律(Law of Canada)KF美國法律(Law of the United States)KG拉丁美洲法律(Law of Latin America)KH南美洲法律(Law of South America)KJ-KK歐洲法律(Law of Europe)KL法律史、古東方(History of Law. The Ancient Orient)KLA-KLW歐亞大陸法律(Law of Eurasia)KM-KPW亞洲法律(Law of Asia)KQ-KTZ非洲法律(Law of Africa)KU-KWW太平洋區域法律(Law of Pacific Area)KWX南極大陸法律(Law of Antarctica)KZ國際法、國際條約(Law of nations)KZA海洋法(Law of the sea)KZD領土、太空法(Space Law. 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Marine engineering) [Top]Z 圖書館學(Library Science)[Top]11。


[编辑] G - 地理, 人类学, 休闲
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LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION OUTLINECLASS R - MEDICINESubclass RR5-920 Medicine (General)R5-130.5 General worksR131-687 History of medicine. Medical expeditionsR690-697 Medicine as a profession. PhysiciansR702-703 Medicine and the humanities. Medicine and disease in relation tohistory, literature, etc.R711-713.97 DirectoriesR722-722.32 Missionary medicine. Medical missionariesR723-726 Medical philosophy. Medical ethicsR726.5-726.8 Medicine and disease in relation to psychology. Terminal care. DyingR727-727.5 Medical personnel and the public. Physician and the publicR728-733 Practice of medicine. Medical practice economicsR735-854 Medical education. Medical schools. ResearchR855-855.5 Medical technologyR856-857 Biomedical engineering. Electronics. InstrumentationR858-859.7 Computer applications to medicine. Medical informaticsR864 Medical recordsR895-920 Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine Subclass RARA1-1270 Public aspects of medicineRA1-418.5 Medicine and the stateRA396 Regulation of medical education. LicensureRA398 Registration of physicians, pharmacists, etc.RA399 Regulation of medical practice. Evaluation and quality controlof medical care. Medical auditRA405 Death certificationRA407-409.5 Health status indicators. Medical statistics and surveysRA410-410.9 Medical economics. Economics of medical care. Employment RA411-415 Provisions for personal medical care. Medical care plansRA418-418.5 Medicine and society. Social medicine. Medical sociology RA421-790.95 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicineRA428-428.5 Public health laboratories, institutes, etc.RA440-440.87 Study and teaching. ResearchRA565-600 Environmental healthIncluding sewage disposal, air pollution, nuisances,water supplyRA601-602 Food and food supply in relation to public healthRA604-618 Parks, public baths, public carriers, buildings, etc.RA619-637 Disposal of the dead. Undertaking. Burial. Cremation.CemeteriesRA638 Immunity and immunization in relation to public healthRA639-642 Transmission of diseaseRA643-645 Disease (Communicable and noninfectious) and public health RA645.3-645.37 Home health care servicesRA645.5-645.9 Emergency medical servicesRA646-648.3 War and public healthRA648.5-767 Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. DisinfectionRA771-771.7 Rural health and hygiene. Rural health servicesRA773-788 Personal health and hygieneIncluding clothing, bathing, exercise, travel, nutrition,sleep, sex hygieneRA790-790.95 Mental health. Mental illness preventionRA791-954 Medical geography. Climatology. MeteorologyRA960-1000.5 Medical centers. Hospitals. Dispensaries. ClinicsIncluding ambulance service, nursing homes, hospicesRA1001-1171 Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicineRA1190-1270 Toxicology. PoisonsSubclass RBRB1-214 PathologyRB1-17 General worksRB24-33 Pathological anatomy and histologyRB37-56.5 Clinical pathology. Laboratory techniqueRB57 Post-mortem examination. AutopsiesRB127-150 Manifestations of diseaseRB151-214 Theories of disease. Etiology. PathogenesisSubclass RCRC31-1245 Internal medicineRC49-52 Psychosomatic medicineRC71-78.7 Examination. DiagnosisIncluding raiographyRC81-82 Popular medicineRC86-88.9 Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid RC91-103 Disease due to physical and chemical agentsRC109-216 Infectious and parasitic diseasesRC251 Constitutional diseases (General)RC254-282 Neoplasms. Tumors. OncologyIncluding cancer and carcinogensRC306-320.5 TuberculosisRC321-571 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. NeuropsychiatryRC346-429 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous systemIncluding speech disordersRC435-571 PsychiatryRC475-489 Therapeutics. PsychotherapyRC490-499 Hypnotism and hypnosis. Suggestion therapyRC500-510 PsychoanalysisRC512-569.5 PsychopathologyRC512-528 PsychosesRC530-552 NeurosesRC554-569.5 Personality disorders. Behavior problemsIncluding sexual problems, drug abuse,suicide, child abuseRC569.7-571 Mental retardation. Developmental disabilities RC581-951 Specialties of internal medicineRC581-607 Immunologic diseases. AllergyRC620-627 Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseasesRC627.5-632 Metabolic diseasesRC633-647.5 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organsRC648-665 Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology RC666-701 Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) systemRC705-779 Diseases of the respiratory systemRC799-869 Diseases of the digestive system. GastroenterologyRC870-923 Diseases of the genitourinary system. UrologyRC924-924.5 Diseases of the connective tissuesRC925-935 Diseases of the musculoskeletal systemRC952-1245 Special situations and conditionsRC952-954.6 GeriatricsRC955-962 Arctic medicine. Tropical medicineRC963-969 Industrial medicine. Industrial hygieneRC970-986 Military medicine. Naval medicineRC1000-1020 Submarine medicineRC1030-1160 Transportation medicineIncluding automotive, aviation, and space medicine RC1200-1245 Sports medicineSubclass RDRD1-811 SurgeryRD1-31.7 General worksRD32-33.9 Operative surgery. Technique of surgical operationsRD49-52 Surgical therapeutics. Preoperative and postoperative care RD57 Surgical pathologyRD58 Reparative processes after operations (Physiological)RD59 Surgical shock. Traumatic shockRD63-76 Operating rooms and theaters. Instruments, apparatus, andappliancesRD78.3-87.3 AnesthesiologyRD91-91.5 Asepsis and antisepsis. Sterilization (Operative)RD92-97.8 Emergency surgery. Wounds and injuriesRD98-98.4 Surgical complicationsRD99-99.35 Surgical nursingRD101-104 Fractures (General)RD118-120.5 Plastic surgery. Reparative surgeryRD120.6-129.8 Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.RD130 Prosthesis. Artificial organsRD137-145 Surgery in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, old ageRD151-498 Military and naval surgeryRD520-599.5 Surgery by region, system, or organRD651-678 Neoplasms. Tumors. OncologyRD680-688 Diseases of the locomotor system (Surgical treatment)RD701-811 Orthopedic surgeryRD792-811 Physical rehabilitationSubclass RERE1-994 OphthalmologyRE75-79 Examination. DiagnosisRE80-87 Eye surgeryRE88 Ophthalmic nursingRE89 Eye banksRE91-912 Particular diseases of the eyeRE918-921 Color vision tests, charts, etc.RE925-939 Refraction and errors of refraction and accommodationRE939.2-981 Optometry. Opticians. EyeglassesRE986-988 Artificial eyes and other prosthesesRE991-992 Ocular therapeuticsSubclass RFRF1-547 OtorhinolaryngologyRF110-320 Otology. Diseases of the earRF341-437 Rhinology. Diseases of the nose, accessory sinuses, and nasopharynx RF460-547 Laryngology. Diseases of the throatSubclass RGRG1-991 Gynecology and obstetricsRG104-104.7 Operative gynecologyRG133-137.6 Conception. Artificial insemination. ContraceptionRG138 Sterilization of womenRG159-208 Functional and systemic disorders. Endocrine gynecologyRG211-483 Abnormalities and diseases of the female genital organsRG484-485 Urogynecology and obstetric urology. Urogynecologic surgeryRG491-499 Diseases of the breastRG500-991 ObstetricsRG551-591 PregnancyRG600-650 The embryo and fetusRG648 Spontaneous abortion. MiscarriageRG651-721 Labor. ParturitionRG725-791 Obstetric operations. Operative obstetricsRG801-871 Puerperal stateRG940-991 Maternal care. Prenatal care servicesSubclass RJRJ1-570 PediatricsRJ47.3-47.4 Genetic aspectsRJ50-51 Examination. DiagnosisRJ52-53 TherapeuticsRJ59-60 Infant and neonatal morbidity and mortalityRJ91 Supposed prenatal influence. Prenatal culture. Stirpiculture RJ101-103 Child health. Child health servicesRJ125-145 Physiology of children and adolescentsRJ206-235 Nutrition and feeding of children and adolescentsRJ240 Immunization of children (General)RJ242-243 Hospital careRJ245-247 Nursing of children. Pediatric nursingRJ250-250.3 Premature infantsRJ251-325 Newborn infantsIncluding physiology, care, treatment, diseasesRJ370-550 Diseases of children and adolescentsRJ499-507 Mental disorders. Child psychiatrySubclass RKRK1-715 DentistryRK58-59.3 Practice of dentistry. Dental economicsRK60.7-60.8 Preventive dentistryRK280 Oral and dental anatomy and physiologyRK301-493 Oral and dental medicine. Pathology. DiseasesRK501-519 Operative dentistry. Restorative dentistryRK520-528 OrthodonticsRK529-535 Oral surgeryRK641-667 Prosthetic dentistry. ProsthodonticsSubclass RLRL1-803 DermatologyRL87-94 Care and hygieneRL95 Pathological anatomyRL110-120 TherapeuticsRL130-169 Diseases of the glands, hair, nailsRL201-331 Hyperemias, inflammations, and infections of the skinRL391-489 Atrophies. HypertrophiesRL675 Chronic ulcer of the skin. BedsoresRL701-751 Diseases due to psychosomatic and nerve disorders.DermatoneurosesRL760-785 Diseases due to parasitesRL790 Pigmentations. AlbinismRL793 Congenital disorders of the skin. Nevi. MolesSubclass RMRM1-950 Therapeutics. PharmacologyRM138 Drug prescribingRM139 Prescription writingRM146-146.7 Misuse of therapeutic drugs. Medication errorsRM147-180 Administration of drugs and other therapeutic agentsRM182-190 Other therapeutic proceduresIncluding acupuncture, pneumatic aspiration, spinalpuncture, pericardial punctureRM214-258 Diet therapy. Dietary cookbooksRM259 Vitamin therapyRM260-263 ChemotherapyRM265-267 Antibiotic therapy. AntibioticsRM270-282 Immunotherapy. SerotherapyRM283-298 Endocrinotherapy. OrganotherapyRM300-666 Drugs and their actionsRM671-671.5 Nonprescription drugs. Patent medicinesRM695-893 Physical medicine. Physical therapyIncluding massage, exercise, occupational therapy,hydrotherapy, phototherapy, radiotherapy,thermotherapy, electrotherapyRM930-931 Rehabilitation therapyRM950 Rehabilitation technologySubclass RSRS1-441 Pharmacy and materia medicaRS125-131.9 Formularies. Collected prescriptionsRS139-141.9 PharmacopoeiasRS151.2-151.9 DispensatoriesRS153-441 Materia medicaRS160-167 Pharmacognosy. Pharmaceutical substances (Plant, animal, andinorganic)RS189-190 Assay methods. Standardization. AnalysisRS192-199 Pharmaceutical technologyRS200-201 Pharmaceutical dosage formsRS250-252 Commercial preparations. Patent medicinesRS355-356 Pharmaceutical suppliesRS400-431 Pharmaceutical chemistryRS441 Microscopical examination of drugsSubclass RTRT1-120 NursingRT89-120 Specialties in nursingSubclass RVRV1-431 Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicineSubclass RXRX1-681 HomeopathyRX211-581 Diseases, treatment, etc.RX601-675 Materia medica and therapeuticsSubclass RZRZ201-999 Other systems of medicineRZ201-275 ChiropracticRZ301-397.5 OsteopathyRZ399 Osteo-magnetics, neuropathy, etc., A-ZRZ400-408 Mental healingRZ409.7-999 Miscellaneous systems and treatmentsIncluding magnetotherapy, mesmerism, naturopathy,organomic medicine, phrenology, radiesthesia。



DS 亚洲

DT 非洲

DU 大洋洲(南大洋)

DX 吉普赛
E 和 F - 美国史
F - 美国、前英属、荷属、法属美洲和拉丁美 洲地方史
G - 地理, 人类学, 休闲
G 地理学 (总论)、地图册、地图 GA 数学地理学、地图测绘 GB 自然地理 GC 海洋地理 GE 环境科学 GF 人文生态学、人类地理学 GN 人类学 GR 民俗学 GT 礼仪与惯例(总论) GV 休闲娱乐
55.1 天体测量学及时间、历法 55.2 天体力学(理论天文学) 55.3 天体物理学 55.38天体化学 55.4 恒星 55.5 太阳系 55.6 银河系、河外星系、宇宙学 55.7 射电天文学(无线电天文学) 55.8 空间天文学 56. 地球科学(地学)
01. 马克思恩格斯著作及其研究 02. 马克思著作及其研究 03. 恩格斯著作及其研究 04. 列宁著作及其研究 05. 斯大林著作及其研究 06. 毛主席著作及其研究 08. 马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林、毛泽东著作及其研究 09. 马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想的学习与研究
58.17 生物物理学、生物化学、 生理学和分子生物学
58.17111 生物力学和生物能(力)
58.2 生物工程 58.3 古生物学 58.4 水生生物学 58.5 寄生虫学 58.6 微生物学与病毒学 58.8 植物学 59.1 动物学 59.3 人类学 59.4 人体胚胎学、人体解剖学
B - 哲学, 心理学, 宗教

B 哲学(总论)

BC 逻辑



LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION OUTLINECLASS N - FINE ARTSSubclass NN1-(9211) Visual artsN1-58 GeneralN61-72 Theory. Philosophy. Aesthetics of the visual arts N81-390 Study and teaching. ResearchN400-3990 Art museums, galleries, etc.N4390-5098 ExhibitionsN5198-5299 Private collections and collectorsN5300-7418 HistoryN7420-7525.8 General worksN7560-8266 Special subjects of artN8350-8356 Art as a profession. ArtistsN8510-8553 Art studios, materials, etc.N8554-8585 Examination and conservation of works of artN8600-8675 Economics of artN8700-9165 Art and the state. Public artSubclass NANA1-9428 ArchitectureNA1-60 GeneralNA100-130 Architecture and the stateNA190-1555.5 HistoryNA1995 Architecture as a professionNA2000-2320 Study and teaching. ResearchNA2335-2360 CompetitionsNA2400-2460 Museums. ExhibitionsNA2500-2599 General worksNA 2599.5-2599.9 Architectural criticismNA2695-2793 Architectural drawing and designNA2835-4050 Details and decorationNA4100-8480 Special classes of buildingsNA4100-4145 Classed by materialNA4150-4160 Classed by formNA4170-8480 Classed by useNA4170-(7020) Public buildingsNA4590-5621 Religious architectureNA7100-7884 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings NA7910-8125 Clubhouses, guild houses, etc.NA8200-8260 Farm architectureNA8300-8480 Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc.NA9000-9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying Subclass NBNB1-1952 SculptureNB1-50 GeneralNB60-1115 HistoryIncluding collective biographyNB1120-1133 Study and teachingNB1134-1134.4 CompetitionsNB1135-1150 General worksNB1160-1195 Designs and techniqueNB1199-1200 Restoration of sculpturesNB1203-1270 Special materialsNB1272-1291 Mobiles, color, sculpture gardens, etc.NB1293-1895 Special formsNB1293-1310 Portrait sculptureNB1312-1313 Equestrian statuesNB1330-1685 Sculptural monumentsNB1750-1793 Religious monuments and shrinesNB1800-1880 Sepulchral monumentsNB1910-1952 Special subjectsSubclass NCNC1-1940 Drawing. Design. IllustrationNC1-45 GeneralIncluding collective biographyNC50-266 History of drawingNC390-670 Study and teachingNC673-677 CompetitionsNC703-725 General worksNC730-758 TechniqueNC760-825 Special subjectsNC845-915 Graphic art materialsNC930 Conservation and restoration of drawingsNC950-(996) IllustrationNC997-1003 Commercial art. Advertising artNC1280-1284 Printed ephemera. Imagerie populaireNC1300-1766 Pictorial humor, caricature, etc.NC1800-1850 PostersNC1860-1896 Greeting cards, postcards, invitations, book jackets, etc. NC1920-1940 Copying, enlarging, and reduction of drawings Subclass NDND25-3416 PaintingND25-(48) GeneralND49-813 HistoryND1115-1120 Study and teachingND1130-1156 General worksND1288-1460 Special subjectsND1290-1293 Human figureND1300-1337 PortraitsND1340-1367 Landscape paintingND1370-1375 Marine paintingND1380-1383 Animals. BirdsND1385-1388 Sports. Hunting, fishing, etc.ND1390-1393 Still lifeND1400-1403 Flowers. Fruit. TreesND1410-1460 Other subjectsND1470-1625 Technique and materialsND1630-1662 Examination and conservation of paintings ND1700-2495 Watercolor paintingND2550-2733 Mural paintingND2889-3416 Illuminating of manuscripts and books Subclass NENE1-3002 Print mediaNE1-978 Printmaking and engravingNE1-90 GeneralNE 218-(330) Engraved portraits. Self-portraits NE380 Conservation and restoration of prints NE390-395 Collected worksNE400-773 History of printmakingNE830-898 General worksNE951-962 Special subjectsNE965-965.3 Tradesmen's cardsNE970-973 Study and teachingNE975-975.4 CompetitionsNE977-978 EquipmentNE1000-1352 Wood engravingNE1000-1027 GeneralNE1030-1196.3 HistoryNE1220-1233 General worksNE1310-1326.5 Japanese printsNE1330-1336 Linoleum block printsNE1340 Fish printsNE1344-1345 Potato printsNE1350-1352 Other materials used in relief printing NE1400-1879 Metal engravingNE1400-1422 GeneralNE1620-1630 General worksNE1634-1749 HistoryNE1750-1775 Copper engravingNE1850-1879 Color printsNE1940-2232.5 Etching and aquatintNE1940-1975 GeneralNE1980-2055.5 HistoryNE2120-2140 General worksNE2141-2149 Special subjectsNE2220-2225 Dry pointNE2236-2240.6 SerigraphyNE2242-2246 Monotype (Printmaking)NE2250-2570 LithographyNE2685-2685.8 LumiprintsNE2690 Engraving on glassNE2800-2880 Printing of engravingsNE3000-3002 Copying art. Copying machine artSubclass NKNK1-(9990) Decorative artsNK1-570 GeneralNK600-806 HistoryNK1135-1149.5 Arts and crafts movementNK1160-1590 Decoration and ornament. DesignNK1160-1174 GeneralNK 1175-(1498) HistoryNK1505-1535 General worksNK1548-1590 Special subjects for designNK1648-1678 Religious artNK1700-2195 Interior decoration. House decorationNK1700-2138 General. History, etc.Including special roomsNK2140-2180 Decorative paintingNK2190-2192 Church decorationNK2200-2750 FurnitureNK2775-2898 Rugs and carpetsNK2975-3049 TapestriesNK3175-3296.3 Upholstery. DraperyNK3375-3496.3 WallpapersNK 3600-(9990) Other arts and art industriesNK3700-4695 CeramicsNK4700-4890 CostumeNK5100-5440 GlassNK5500-6060 Glyptic artsNK6400-8459 MetalworkNK8800-9505.5 TextilesNK9600-9955 WoodworkSubclass NXNX1-820 Arts in generalNX1-260 GeneralNX280-410 Study and teaching. ResearchNX411-415 CompetitionsNX420-430 ExhibitionsNX440-632 History of the artsNX650-694 Special subjects, characters, persons, religious arts, etc. NX700-750 Patronage of the artsNX760-770 Administration of the artsNX775-777 Voluntarism in the artsNX798-820 Arts centers and facilities。


Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling (漁業)
Hunting sports (狩獵)
Technology (科技)
Technology (General) (科技總論)
Engineering (General). (工程總論)
Photography (攝影學)
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification Tables
General Works (總類)
Encyclopedias (General)
Dictionaries and other general reference
History: America (美洲歷史)
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation.
Geography (General) (地理學總論)
Oceanography (海洋學)
Environmental Sciences (環境科學)
British&American Literature(英美文学)
Science (科學)
Science (General) (科學總論)
Mathematics. Computer science (數學、電腦科學)
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A 总类
AE 百科全书 AG 字典 AI 索引 AP 期刊 AS 学会、学术团体 B 哲学、心理学、宗教 B 哲学 (总论) BF 心理学、灵学、玄学 BJ 伦理学 C 历史辅助科学 C 总论 CB 文化史 CC 考古学 D 历史 D 总论 DA 英国
DF 希腊 DG 意大利 DP 西班牙、葡萄牙 DS 亚洲
J 政治学 K 法律 K 总论 KNR 香港法律 L 教育 L 总论 LB 教育原理与实务 LD 美国 (大学、学院、学校) LE 美洲大学、学院、学校 (除美国外) LG 亚洲、非洲、大洋洲 (大学、学院、学校)
51-53 中国(大学、学院、学校) M 音乐 M 总论 ML 音乐文献 MT 音乐教学 N 艺术 N 视学艺术 NA 建筑
Q 自然科学 Q 总论 QA 数学
76.5 计算器科学 101 算术学 150 代数学 273 概率 QB 天文学 QC 物理学 QE 地质学 QH 植物学 QL 动物学 QP 生理学 R 医学 R 总论 RA 公共卫生 RC 内科医学 RD 外科
RE 眼科 RG 妇产科 RJ 牙科 RZ 其它医学体系 S 农业 T 应用科学 T 总论 TA 工程总论 土木工程(总论) TC 水利工程 TD 环境卫生工程 TE 公路工程 TH 营造 TJ 机械工程 TK 电机工程、电子学、核子工程 TL 机动车辆、航空学 TN 矿冶工程、冶金学 TP 化学工程 TR 摄影学
TS 制造 TT 手工艺 TX 家政 U 军事学 UG 军事工程 V 海军学 VK 航海学、商船 VM 海军建筑、造船学、海军工程 Z 目录学与图书馆学
52 文书处理
NB 雕刻 NC 素描、设计、插图 ND 绘画 NE 印刷碟体 NK 装饰艺术,应用艺术 NX 一般艺术 P 语言与文学 P 文字学与语பைடு நூலகம்学 PC 拉丁语系 PE 英国语言
1065 现代语 PL 东亚、非洲、大洋洲之语言与文学
1001 中国文学及语言 PN 文学史与总集 PQ 拉丁文学 PR 英国文学 PS 美国文学 PZ 青少年读物
701-799 香港 796 .H7 中国 DU 大洋洲 E-F 美洲史 G 地理学 G 总论 155 旅游事业 GA 数理地理学、制图学 GB 自然地理 GC 海洋学 GR 民俗 GT 风俗与习惯 GV 娱乐、体育运动 H 社会科学
HA 统计 HB 经济学原理 HC 经济史地
426-430 中国 470.3 香港 HD 土地、农业、工业、人力 28-88 管理 HE 运输与交通 HF 商业 5410-5418 市场学 5601-5689 会计学 5801-6182 广告学 HG 财政 HJ 公共理财 HM 社会学 HQ 家庭、婚姻、妇女 HT 社团、阶级、种族 HV 社会病理学、社会福利、犯罪学