假设一个英语母语者翻译公司文化中的“热带鱼”,那么他可能会用“tropical fish”这个词,但实际上,这个鱼应该用“珍珠鱼”这个词来翻译更为贴切。
- 225 -校园英语 / 翻译探究商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译原则曲阜师范大学翻译学院/崔娜【摘要】隐喻是商务英语中常见的语言现象,商务英语中的隐喻大多蕴含着英美国家的文化信息,因此,其翻译是一个复杂并值得关注的问题。
【关键词】商务英语 隐喻 翻译原则一、引言商务英语作为一种传播知识与信息的工具,简练易懂成为其特征与前提;而修辞正是实现这一前提的关键。
Webster ’s New World Dictionary 解释:“a figure of speech containing an implied comparison in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing is applied to another ”。
head 原指人或者动物的一种器官;在商务英语中head 指公司或团体的负责人。
正是在这个相似点的基础上,head 被隐喻化,意义发生了转移。
如:economic recovery ,recovery 一词在医学领域指人身体恢复健康,此处用在商务领域指经济的复苏。
一、商务英语中常见的隐喻1. Time is money.这是商务英语中一个常见的隐喻,它意味着时间就是金钱,也就是说时间就是价值、财富。
2. The ball is in your court.这个隐喻源自体育运动中的球类比赛,意思是“轮到你做决定了”,也就是说责任或者决策权在某人手中。
3. Break the ice.这是一个常见的表达,它的隐喻意义是“打破僵局”或者“破冰”。
5. A golden opportunity.这个隐喻指的是“一个极好的机会”,意味着一个稀有难得的机会,可能会带来巨大的回报。
1. “Time is money." 翻译为“时间就是金钱。
2. “The ball is in your court.” 翻译为“现在轮到你了。
一、隐喻在商务英语中的应用1. 商务活动在商务活动中,隐喻常常被用来形容和解释商业行为和市场现象。
2. 管理策略在描述管理策略和运营方式时,隐喻也经常被运用。
3. 财务状况财务报表和数据分析中,隐喻也经常被用来形容企业的财务状况。
1. 直译在商务英语中,有些隐喻可以直接翻译成中文而不失其原意。
2. 意译在翻译隐喻时,有些情况下需要进行意译来保持原意的表达。
3. 省略有些隐喻在翻译成中文时可以省略部分修辞表达,只保留其直观的意义。
1. 上下文理解在翻译商务英语中的隐喻时,需要充分理解上下文和语境,以确保翻译的准确性和流畅性。
商务英语中的隐喻及其具体翻译分析1. 引言1.1 引言商务英语中的隐喻在商务沟通中起到了至关重要的作用,它可以帮助人们更加生动形象地表达自己的想法和观点,从而增强沟通效果。
1.2 研究目的研究目的是为了探讨商务英语中隐喻的使用情况及其翻译策略,帮助研究者更好地理解隐喻在商务沟通中的作用和影响。
2. 正文2.1 商务英语中的隐喻商务英语中的隐喻是指在商务交流中运用隐喻手法进行言外之意的传达。
- 224-校园英语 / 语言文化研究英文商务语篇当中的概念隐喻研究湖北理工学院/丁顺晶【摘要】商务语篇的理解对大部分人来说比较具有抽象概念,但这些抽象概念都可用概念隐喻表达出来。
【关键词】概念隐喻 英语商务 映射人类的思维是隐喻性的,并且多数隐喻都是基于隐喻概论。
美国的语言学家Chomsky 率先提出了在商务领域中隐喻的概念并进行深入研究,并写出了一系列相关的著作。
Fran Boers 提出了在经济语篇中的概念隐喻模式运用到本国英语经济教学领域中。
史密斯在《国富论》中提到“invisible hand”比喻市场力量。
“Metaphors We Live By”一书中有指出隐喻本身是基于身体经验的一种“隐喻概念体系”的本体思维。
商务英语中的隐喻及其具体翻译分析1. 引言1.1 商务英语中的隐喻及其具体翻译分析商务英语中的隐喻是一种常用的修辞手法,通过比喻、象征等方式表达意义,使文本更加生动有趣,增加阅读的趣味性和吸引力。
2. 正文2.1 隐喻在商务英语中的应用隐喻在商务英语中的应用广泛而深远,它能够帮助人们更准确地传达信息、表达观点和建立共鸣。
2.2 隐喻的翻译策略翻译隐喻需要对原文中的隐喻概念有深刻理解。
【关键词】商务英语、隐喻、翻译分析、作用、翻译技巧、翻译策略、商务沟通、写作运用、重要性、提高水平、沟通影响1. 引言1.1 什么是隐喻隐喻是一种修辞手法,是指借用某种事物来暗示另一种事物的比喻方式。
1.2 商务英语中的隐喻作用在商务英语中,隐喻扮演着非常重要的角色。
一、隐喻在商务英语中的具体应用1. Time is money.时间就是金钱。
2. He is a rising star in the company.他是公司里的一颗冉冉升起的明星。
3. Our sales are soaring.我们的销售额飙升。
1. 直译法对于一些常见的隐喻,可以采用直译法进行翻译,保持隐喻的形象和力度。
比如“时间就是金钱”这个隐喻,可以直译成“Time is money”,保持了原文的表达方式和意义不变。
2. 意译法对于一些隐喻在目标语言中不太常见或不易理解的情况,可以采用意译法进行翻译,使隐喻更加贴近目标语言和文化。
3. 解释法对于一些隐喻的含义比较复杂或涉及特定文化背景的情况,可以采用解释法进行翻译,通过加入解释来呈现隐喻的意义。
Metaphors in Business English and the Translation论述商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译Abstract: Traditional studies limit m e ta p h o r as rhetorical and lexical means,with li t t le consideration to grammatical met aphor. Butgrammatical m e t a p h o r isused extensively in various written genres of English and hence becomes an important concept of Systemic-Functional Gra m ma r. The application ofgra m mat i cal m e t a p h o r is one of the important s tylistic features of business E ngl i shcontracts. This paper aims to analyze the functions of grammatical m e t a p h o r inbusiness Englishcontracts in the light of the Systemic-Functional Grammar and presents different ways of translation systematically.Key words: grammatical metaphor; business English contracts; transferenceContents1.Introduction (2)2.Metaphors in business English and their translation (2)2.1 Grammatical metaphor ............................................................................................................................................3...................2.1.1 Definition of Grammatical metaphor ..................................................................................................................4.................2.1.2 Common forms of metaphor ...............................................................................................................................4................. Metaphors consisted of tenors and vehicles. .......................................................................................................4.............. Metaphors with vehicles only........................................................................................................................5....................2.2 Metaphors in business English..................................................................................................................................7..................2.2.1 Metaphor in the noun.s......................................................................................................................................8...................2.2.2 Metaphor in the verb.s.......................................................................................................................................9...................2.3 Translation of metaphor in business English ............................................................................................................1..2..............2.3.1 The understanding and recognition of the metaphor ...............................................................................................1..3.........2.3.2 The translation of metaphors.............................................................................................................................1.5................2.3.3 Application and translation of grammatical metaphor in the business English contract ..............................................1..8.... The passive voice in contract English ..............................................................................................................1..9............. Modal verbs in contract Englis..h....................................................................................................................2.2............... Nominalization structure in contract English .....................................................................................................2..4........... Translation of nominalization structure in business English contract.s..................................................................2..7.......3.Conclusion (29)References (22)Abstract(Chinese) (22)1.IntroductionMetaphor is mainly intended to refer to a rhetorical means that based o n psychological associations and expressed by using A to replace B or compare A toB. The American psychologist R. W. Gibbs points out t h t a h t e cognitive process is using a familiar concept t o u nd ers ta nd t he incomprehensible, complex, abstract orless certain concepts. In the 1980s, people studied on metaphor from t h e perspective of cognitive psychology, and pointed out that m e t a p h o r is notjust arhetoric means. People believe that “Metaphorical language is a reflection of metaphorical thinking and the human understanding of the world in an ontological way of thinking, which is metaphorical conceptual systemof h u m a ncognition, thinking, language and even the base of the behavior.”(Lakoff,G&Johnson, M.1980). Metaphor makes people recognize, acquire and know newkno wledge through the concept systems they’re familiar with, which is simpleand vivid. Metaphor has a feature of “to know new things through old things”, so t he m e t a p h o r is established onthe basis of similarity between thing s. M e t a p h o ris one of the most common languages in business English.2.Metaphors in business English and their translation2.1Grammatical metaphorGrammatical metaphor is an important means for people to understand the world. It can convert events, activities, emotions into entity. Grammaticalm e t a p h o r is animportant p art of the systemic-functional g r a m m a r. Itwas f o u n d e don the“Natura l grammatical Vie w”.In English,th e metaphor is a commonrh eto rical d evice,i t com es fro mt h e Greek wo rd“m etap h erein”,an d th is wo rdcanb e e xp lain eda s“Carryin gfro mo n e p lace t o a n o t h e r”.N o u no r n o u np h rase,verb or verb phrase, prepositional phrases and sentences can be used metaphors. Subject, predicate and predicative, attributive, appositive, object, and adverbial, can be used as the body of m e t a p h o r.Halliday 1 and Matthiessen 2 regarded language as a system composed of semantics, vocabulary, grammar and voice, which reflect with each other from the top to the bottom. Halliday also insist that the relationship between the meaning and wording is not arbitrary; there is a natural connection b etween t he formof syntax and the meaningof their codes,which means that different grammatical forms ma ke different expressions. Halliday distinguished the two reflect relationships. One of them is the congruent realization, which m ea n s that the language structure is a di r ect reflection of thereal world; another one is in congruent realization, in which way the language shows a distorted relationship instead of in a direct way. This inconsistency relationship is the procedure that the metaphor of language formed, which is alsothe transference of the language units in different grammatical domains. M.A.K.Halliday called this inconsistency metaphorical “Grammatical metaphor”.1 Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday (often M.A.K. Halliday) (born 13 April 1925, Leeds , Yorkshire, England) is a British linguist.2 Peter Matthiessen (born May 22, 1927, in New York ) is a three-time NationalBookAward- winning American novelist and non-fiction writer. City2.1.1Definition of Grammatical metaphorThe w ay our l a n g u a g e express everythingcanbeinvolved i nto t hr e e parts: theprocedure of an e vent, participants and the environment. The procedure is oftenbe expressed by a verb phrase, participants by a noun phrase and t h e environme nts by anadverb o r prepositional phrase. But the relationship o f reflectsbetw e e nthemcanbe inconsistent. The speakers ch o o se a inconsistent language form during their speaking, and this always convey a metaphorical meaning whichis different fromthe consistent style. This deviationinvocabulary syntax makes the “Grammatical metaphor”.In China, “metaphor” was firstly founded in The Book of Songs as theCh in e se wo rd“譬”.Th esain t s M o h ist firs t g ivet h e d e fin it io n o f m e tap h o r,th at i s,t he m e t a p ho r is describe A throughB, to m a ke a clearer understandingof A by t hem e a ns of analogy. Scholars of Qin D ynasty even r esearched on h ow to a p p ly themetaphor to persuade and communicate . Since the 1990s, the Chinese scholars’ research on the metaphor has gone to a deeper field. The achievements went outone after another.2.1.2Common forms of m etaphor2.1.2.1Metaphors consisted of tenors and vehicles.In some sentences there are tenors only, while others have both tenors and vehicles.a: Chairman Mao is like the Sun. ( 毛主席像太阳。
商务英语语篇中概念隐喻类型的认知研究A Cognitive Study of the Types of the Conceptual Metaphors in Business English Discourses摘要【摘要】隐喻研究已有两千多年历史。
I【关键词】概念隐喻;映射;商务英语语篇;分类A Cognitive Study of the Types of the ConceptualMetaphors in Business English DiscourseAbstract【ABSTRACT】The study of metaphor has been carried on since more than two thousand years ago. In the 1980s, Lakoff and Johnson gave a most provocative linguistic account of metaphor, which ran counter to the traditional opinion that metaphor was only a figure of speech and entitled it with the definition that it was a cognitive mechanism explaining or understanding one thing in terms of experience from a particular field to another. On the basis of previous research, the thesis here uses the conceptual metaphor of Lakoff and substantially analyzes the working mechanism of conceptual metaphor, its characteristics and cognitive function, and get a more integrated and systematic classification of the conceptual metaphor in the business English discourses. It can be mainly divided into three classifications: structural metaphor, orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor, which can be specified into war and physical fighting metaphor, health metaphor, love and marriage metaphor, organism metaphor, water metaphor, drama metaphor, container metaphor and personification metaphor and so on. The thesis then indicates 4 most familiar implications and applications of the conceptual metaphors about the business environment. The findings in the thesis can be applied to linguistics itself, international trade and English teaching.【KEYWORDS】conceptual metaphor;mapping process;business English discourse; classificationContentsIII1Introduction (1)1.1 Previous study of metaphor (1)1.1.1 The Comparison Theory of Aristotle (1)1.1.2 The Substitution Theory of Quintilianus (1)1.1.3 The Interaction Theory of I.A. Richards and Max Black (2)1.1.4 The classification of metaphor (2)1.1.5 The Conceptual Metaphor Theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (3)1.2 Present study of metaphor (5)1.2.1 The study of metaphor to the linguistics and philosophy (5)1.2.2 The cross-discipline study of metaphor (5) The study of metaphor in the English teaching field (5) The study of metaphor for the business trade (6)1.3 The main content of the thesis (6)1.4 The significance of the thesis (7)1.5 The structure of the thesis (7)2 The Conceptual Metaphor in business English discourses (8)2.1 The classification of the familiar conceptual mapping pattern in business English discoursesand the effect and characteristics (8)2.1.1 Structural metaphor (8) War and physical fighting metaphor (8) Health metaphor (9) Love and marriage metaphor (9) Organism metaphor (10) Water metaphor (11) Drama metaphor (11)2.1.2 Orientational metaphor (11) More is up, less is down (12) Happy is up, sad is down (12) More is deep, less is shallow (13)2.1.3 Ontological metaphor (13) Entity and substance metaphor (13) Container metaphor (14) Personification (14)2.2 The familiar applications and implications of the conceptual metaphor in businessenvironment (14)2.2.1 Business is a game (14)2.2.2 Business is a journey (16)2.2.3 Business is a war (17)2.2.4 Business is an organism (18)3 Conclusion and the value of the Conceptual Metaphor (19)3.1 The summary and findings of the thesis (19)3.2 Limitations and suggested further research (20)References (21)Acknowledgements (23)1IntroductionSince the day “metaphor” was brought up from remote antiquity, heated discussio n on linguistic topic has engaged the intellectual mind and it has never been ceased. The earliest discourse on metaphor can be traced back to the era of Aristotle, whose view is called “Comparison T heory” together with its profound influence have intrigued and baffled people from generation to generation. After a rain of inspiration-provoking theories of metaphors aroused in the process of the development of metaphor in the following decades, there came the blooming period of the linguistics with the publication of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson‟s study Metaphors We Live By in 1980. Instead of being merely a figure of speech, its conception known as the “cognitive linguistic theory” brought metaphor to a cognitive stage.1.1Previous study of metaphorMetaphor was a topic initiated since Aristotle and Confucius. For quite a long time, metaphor was considered simply as a figure of speech with its ornamental function, the same to simile, personification, hyperbole and synecdoche, etc. Then it had experienced many main changes. In order to show a general view on the possible routes of how people process metaphor, 4 main theories of metaphor aroused by scholars during the development in the academic field are introduced here: The Comparison Theory of Aristotle, the Substitution Theory of Roman Quintilianus, the Interaction Theory of I.A. Richards & Max Black and the Conceptual Metaphor of George Lakoff & Mark Johnson.1.1.1The Comparison Theory of AristotleAs acknowledged, in the traditional rhetoric sense, the word metaphor can be ultimately dated back to the ancient Greek word metaphra: meta means …trans‟and pherein means …carry‟ (Ma, 2003).The first person on the study of metaphor in the western countries can be traced back to Aristotle, whose theory can mainly be found in Poetics and Rhetoric. This brilliant philosopher carried out his Comparison Theory which focuses on metaphor as the object is carried over or transferred to another object that somewhat looks like similes with the maker of comparison. In order to recognize metaphors, people firstly convert objects into simile, then engage in a comparison process to determine which properties are close related (Miller, 1979: 202-250). One famous saying is quoted here: “Metaphor is the transference of an alien term: transference from genus to species, from species to genus, from species to species, or by analogy” (Poetics, 1963:425).1.1.2The Substitution Theory of Quintilianus1The substitution view is considered as the most basic theory in the field of metaphor. Using one object to take the place of another composes its basic foundation. Black points out:According to a substitution view, the focus of a metaphor, the word or expression having a distinctively metaphorical use within a literal frame, is used to communicate a meaning that might have been expressed literally. The author substitutes a meaning that might have been expressed literally. The author substitutes M for L; it is the reader’s task to invert the substitution, by using the literal meaning of M as a clue to the in tended literal meaning of L. Understanding a metaphor is like deciphering a code or unraveling a riddle (Black 1962).The theory can be explained in another way that, getting some proper equivalent literal expression and hence the place of the original objects can be replaced with a function as a sort of decorative device.1.1.3The Interaction Theory of I.A. Richards & Max BlackThe publication of “The Philosophy of Rhetoric” by I. A. Richards has brought out a breakthrough achievement in the study of metaphor, in which the interaction theory is put forward. It is from then the metaphor has started to enter the cognitive and other scientific fields. Richards considered that, the fateful defect in traditional metaphor lies in its neglect of the basis on me taphor, which “calls for us to draw close attention on its intercourse between the individual thoughts and the transaction between different language environments”(Shu, 1998:10).The theory points out that there are two key components in a metaphor, the “topic” and the “vehicle”, which are closely related in a specific association, only certain attributes of the secondary term are invoked. It is believed “metaphor is a process of creating new meaning and a result of the interaction between two subjects. The associated commonplaces is mapped into the subject t o bring out the metaphor” ( Guo, 2007 :32).Some important linguistic and psycholinguistic models as the struct ure mapping model and Lakoff‟s Conceptual Metaphor Theory are considered as being developed under this view.1.1.4The classification of metaphorClassification from different scholars cited by Ma Jing in 2007: there are a great many of famous linguistic scholars have expatiate on the classification of the metaphor, Aristotle, Black, Lakoff & Johnson and so on. It can be divided from the forms of expression: explicit metaphor, implicit/opaque metaphor; from the views of derivativeness: root metaphor, derivative metaphor; from the effect in cognition about the similarity: metaphor considering similarity as a basis, metaphor having a creation on similarity; from the view of parts of speech: nominal metaphor, verbal metaphor, adverbial metaphor, adjectival metaphor, prepositional metaphor; from the linguistic levels: phonological, syntactic, grammatical metaphor; from the view of novelty: dead metaphor, novel metaphor.As the carrying out of the great theory of conceptual metaphor by Lakoff & Johnson in 1980, with the cognitive system, they have made a scientific classification about metaphor. In this thesis, we will have a close look at La koff & Johnson‟s classification (structural metaphor, orientation metaphor, and ontological metaphor, which can also be divided into more types in details).1.1.5The Conceptual Metaphor Theory of George Lakoff & Mark JohnsonThe publication of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson‟s study Metaphors We Live By in 1980 challenged the powerful traditional theory in a systematic way and brought our linguistic study in to a new age---metaphorical cognition. For the sake of better understanding the conceptual metaphor, we should take a close look at its working mechanism, its types and characteristics, its functions and the problem still exists. The definition of the Conceptual Metaphor and its working mechanismGeorge Lakoff and Mark Johnson spoke of Conceptual Metaphor as the following:We have found, on the contrary, that metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action. Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature (Lakoff, Johnson, 1980:3).It shows metaphor reflects a mode of thought, which is not only simply a figure of speech. It is a method to express our thought and actions of great significance.According to the former study of the scholars, the Conceptual Metaphor embodies a cross-domain mapping in a conceptual system. The mapping system exists between constituent elements of the sourceand the target domain. A more abstract concept is often used as the target and a more concrete concept as3its source. The conceptual metaphor system originates from people‟s experience and bases on the social culture. In another way to say, “people used to employ a concrete source field to talk about an abstract target field” ( Ma, 2003:06).Figure 2.1 is presented below in order to concisely express the working mechanism in a much easier way about the mapping between two domains:Figure 2.1 Mapping of the Two DomainsA good point in case is when people mentioned the conception of “time is money”, they often use several words related the relationship between time and money to describe their opinion. For instance, “the business negotiation cost me two days; how do you spend your time?” These examples show the way to characterize a coherent system of metaphorical concepts and a corresponding coherent system of metaphorical expressions for those concepts. The characteristics of the Conceptual MetaphorMetaphor is omnipresent: it is a common phenomenon in ordinary language. According to the statistics, there is one third oral expression in our daily life and about 70 percent literary expressions embody the Conceptual Metaphor (Ma, 2003:106).Metaphor is conceptual and abstract in nature. It is a cognitive way exists in our thoughts and actions. Based on our experience and knowledge, the mapping system maps the original object into a abstract target domain, which has a cognitive system. “Metaphorical entailments can characterize a coherent system of metaphorical concepts and a corresponding coherent system of metaphorical expressions for those concepts” (Lakoff, Hohnson, 1980:9). Time is money; time is a limited resource, and time is a valuable commodity. These 3 conceptions are all metaphorical, which is described in the book of The Metaphor We Live By. They also illustrated several instances for each conception of time: Time is money (That flat tire cost me an hour). Time is a limited resource (I've invested a lot of time in her). Time is a valuable commodity (Thank you for your time).As for the asymmetry in metaphor, here comes S aeed‟s opinion about the directional tendency ofmetaphors. He presented that the comparison between the 2 domains is not symmetric. On the opposite, they only “transfer features from the source to the target”.The fifth is the cultural feature of metaphor. Metaphors are not arbitrary but are grounded in our daily life experience and can be affected by the culture. A good case in point is about the conception of “money”: Lakoff & Johnson pointed out “They are metaphorical since we are using our everyday experiences with money, limited resources, and valuable commodities to conceptualize time. This isn't a necessary way for human beings to conceptualize time; it is tied to our culture. There are cultures where time is none of these things” (Lakoff, Johnson, 1980:9). The cognitive function of Conceptual MetaphorIt is the approach to the observation of the world: As the cognitive tools, conceptual metaphor is the guide of the abstract thinking. In order to realize the other objects, people should get the apperception of themselves first, thus mapping the domain which they are quite familiar with to the domain which is abstract or unknown.Metaphor is a bridge between the unknown to the new. It can provide us with the new ways of observation of the world, but also show us the new point of view and creative thoughts. The “domino theory” proposed by many politicians and economists expound that “domino effect means one thing can cause a chain reaction which embodies the same nature” (Ma, 2003:107).Metaphor can evade the scientific interpretation of the original definition to make a imagination thus get a completed and overall cognition from a unique perspective. It is the way of metaphor to invent new conception and bring out new thoughts, which enrich our life.1.2Present study of metaphor1.2.1The study of metaphor to the linguistics & philosophy itselfTo the linguistics & philosophy itself, the study on Conceptual Metaphor can help us to probe deep and add to our understanding of how cognitive system works and enrich our corpora for the Conceptual Metaphor. It also show us a clear historic development steps of conceptual metaphor, such as the period of Aristotle, Quintilianus , I.A. Richards & Max Black and George Lakoff & Mark Johnson.1.2.2The cross-discipline study of metaphorThe study of metaphor covers a wide range of areas that is not only to the linguistics itself, but also has been extended into a cross-discipline field such as business trade and teaching field. study of metaphor in the English teaching fieldIn the teaching field, the study of Conceptual Metaphor can be profitable in the understanding of the5words, business reading course and business translation.1). Conceptual metaphor can be used in the words teaching field.Conceptual metaphor can be helpful in the teaching words and for the understanding of the abstract concepts. For instance, the word “stock”is explained by the Oxford dictionary as “the money lent to a government in return for interest; shares in the capital of a business company”. It is far away from people‟s understanding in this concept. Based on the vivid experience about stock, the conceptual metaphor here plays a key role for explaining the definition of “stock” just as “stocks are very sensitive creatures, they react to all kinds of influences, large and small”. By mapping human being characteristics into the concept of stock, thus it is much easier for us to get a much clearer definition.2). Conceptual metaphor can be used in the syntactic analysis of the sentences.Conceptual metaphor is the mapping process from the source domain to the target domain. “I t is a corresponding relationship, which is not only a one-way mapping but also a one-to-one correspondence based on the common experience, from which we can have the syntactic analysis of the sentences” Grady points out in 1999 (Grady, 1999).3). Conceptual metaphor can be used in appreciating the literature.The metaphor in literature is based on our daily common conceptual metaphor. According to Kovecses “I t is the processes of extension, specification, doubting and combining. study of metaphor for the business tradeAs for the business trade, the study of Conceptual Metaphor can make our more capable. When dealing with the business negotiation and other forms of business procedure, we will feel as clay in the hand of the potter. The conceptual metaphor is common in business discourses. Especially the cognitive function plays an extremely important part in understanding due to conceptual metaphor can stimulate the learners‟awareness of the key definition, pattern and problems exists in the discourses. What is more, conceptual metaphor can help to discover the value orientation cross-culturally and the difference in the habit of communication and behaviors, thus to decrease the frequency of misunderstanding and mistakes.1.3The main content of this thesisSince the high development in economy, business discourses can be found everywhere and become much more important day by day. Metaphor can be easily found in these discourses, and the study of which has developed rapidly in the past few decades. A cognitive study of conceptual metaphor is catching more and more attention due to the increased significance of business and communication. The thesis aims to analyze the conceptual metaphor in business English discourses by exploring its working mechanism,characteristics, classification and cognitive function, and get a more integrated and systematic classification about the typical conceptual metaphors according to analysis of the business English discourses.1.4The significance of the thesisAs in daily language, conceptual metaphors in business discourses are generally affected and deeply rooted in human experience. They can be classified and characterized by cognitive universality and cultural relativity. With the help of a more integrated and systematic classification about typical conceptual metaphors in business English discourses, a better understanding will be achieved. By probing the mechanism of the cognitive system, this study contributes to our understanding of conceptual metaphors in business English discourses, therefore enriching our corpora. The findings in the thesis can be applied to the understanding of terms in ESP teaching, like business reading course and business translation.1.5The structure of the thesisThis thesis applied conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson to analyze the conceptual metaphor phenomenon in the business English discourses.In the first part of the thesis, a concise review of pre-cognitive opinions to metaphor is stated briefly as the starting step in order to give a general view on the routes how people process metaphor.The thesis goes on in part two by exploring conceptual metaphor about its working mechanism, characteristics, classification and cognitive function, thus to get a more integrated and systematic classification.The findings, limitations, problems, and the value of the Conceptual Metaphor are exposed at the end of the thesis.2The Conceptual Metaphor in business Englishdiscourses2.1The classification of the familiar conceptual mapping pattern in business English discourses andthe effect and characteristicsNowadays, there exists a prevailing trend that conceptual metaphor has been used in many business discourses. Such articles can be easily found everywhere.George Lakoff & Mark Johnson mainly divided metaphorical concepts into three categories, which are also proposed in Lakoff‟s book Metaphors We Live By most frequently: structural metaphor, orientational metaphor, and the ontological metaphor (Xiong, 2006:55). 12 types of which in details will be put in the following, and 4 most familiar implications and application of the conceptual metaphor about the business environment will be indicated in the later part of the thesis.2.1.1Structural metaphorIn our daily life, we are used to using a familiar, easy-understanding, material concept to analogize an unfamiliar, deep, abstract and unknown concept. They have the same tenor but show the different vehicles. Through the mapping mechanism, readers can get a much vivid and easy-conceived imagination in mind thus to understand the concepts better.Here are 5 typical structural metaphors put in details in order to get a full comprehension: war & physical fighting metaphor, health metaphor, love & marriage metaphor, organism metaphor and water metaphor. and physical fighting metaphorIn a market economy, businessmen have to fight with each other in order to win a good market share and benefits by adopting kinds of strategies. Business is conceived as war among antagonists. The “war”metaphor has come into the business field to highlight the complex, bloody and fierce aspect of business competition (Shi, 2006:20).(1).Nowhere is the struggle by the Chinese government to wrestle down its high-flying economy being.(2). If yahoo invades Germany market, what will the result be?(3).The bank of England is flexing its muscles.As the above shows, economic activities are considered as war with the purpose of defeating others and take the leadership. Two companies and organizations fight with each others, which bring out many words related to war mapped to business. War is considered as the source domain and economy is the target.“Strategy is a significant entailment, which is translated literally from war to business. Strategies are adopted for military purposes and they are decisive factors for winning or losing a war” (Wu, 2007:47). If proper methods be employed by each party, it is easier for the team to win a battle. They are key points, especially in the process of producing, promotion, distribution and pricing.(1).Chinese companies have to face the strategic structural changes brought about by strong foreign companies‟ huge investment in China.(2).A more novel strategy to battle inflation is Treasury Inflation- Protected Securities.In the first example, strategic structural changes means the foreign companies had already made a careful thought-out consideration that Chinese part has to be ready to fight against. In the second one the “strategy” means the way should be prepared to deal with the inflation. metaphorHealth is associated with life expectancy and life quality, while illness is associated with pain and death as the description of the metaphor “economics is health care”. Feng Wei pointed out “economic entity often is conceptually recognized as the poor patient who should be take good care of; the obstacles in business operation are understood as the “sickness, cancer or chronic disease; and the psychological problem are also reflected in economic conception” (Feng, 2007).Here are some examples:1).It suffered from even greater paralysis in decision-making.2).It left the economy stubbornly unstimulated.3).The affair is a paralysis of an over-centralized system.In the above sentences, the medicinal noun “paralysis” and the adverbial modifier “stubbornly un stimulated”are described as the problems exists in the economics. The Immobility or a low level of activity are considered as negative since active and energetic are the characters of healthy people and illness and injury typically undermine the patient‟s energy and mobility. More phrases are “a healthy, weak economy”, “economic recovery”, “chronic symptoms”, “prescription”, “remedy”, “cure” and so forth. and marriage metaphor“The family has provided the main model or metaphor for understanding the rest of reality”(Cope-Kasten, 2001). Many descriptions of the relationship between family members and some marriage-related words are borrowed directly to the target domain of economy. The love and marriage metaphors are mainly used in constructing the conceptual understanding of companies merging. In the mapping mechanism, the lovers (the company) can pay his court to the company he is interested in; he can show his corporate willing to the one he is longing to; what is more, the wedding ceremony is equivalent to the contact signing operation.Here are some good points in view:1) How much longer will China and India keep their honey moon?2) It serves as a lesson that it can go wrong if corporate couples leap too hastily into each other‟s arms. Bnks were thought scrambling to the altar. The merger was touched by some as match made in heaven.In the first examples the honey moon means the sound cooperating development between China and India; while in the latter one the “corporate couples” also means the merging two companies.In English we can also find some other equivalents, such as “parent company”, “sister company” and so on, which showing the fixed allocations. metaphorIt is pointed out by Clancy (1989:92), the “organism” metaphor is “one of the most ancient ideas in human consciousness”. Business is described as a living entity with its own needs such as organism, which can be born, mature and die and exists depending satisfactions of needs to live. This is the same in a business operation; it needs many conditions and various purposes to operate in a sound way.Since plants animals and human beings are the three kinds that the livings exist, the organism metaphor can also be divided into three sub-level metaphors: the plant metaphor the animal metaphor, and the human being metaphor.Firstly, here comes the plant metaphor:1).I think the economy is going to continue to grow at a reasonable pace, something in the 3% range.2).Chinese authorities still recognize they need economic growth-they just want to manage it.3).If they can be lowered quickly and gently, the economy will continue to thrive.It can be said that the obvious feature of a plant is its prosperity for growth and this growth may vary widely under different circumstances, which shows certain factors contributing to and foster effective growth while others would impede or diminish it (White, 2003:136).Secondly, economic phenomena are also related to animals that people are familiar with for getting avivid image for understanding abstract ideas in business, just as “bear market”, “bull market”, “lame duck”, “butterfly market”and so on. What is more, here are also a wide variety of human metaphors and non-human business activities which based on the human experiences, such as the government protects its infant industry by subsidies and bank loans; China‟s steel industry is entering a new round of recession and orders for distribution are few. metaphorAccording to Wu Qian in 2007 (Wu, 2007:47) “When water is put into a container, it can be made to flow into or out of the container freely. Hence when all the features are mapped onto the target domain of economy, the metaphor the capital or human resources is water comes into existence”, we can see that our knowledge of water initiated from the direct physical experiences since water is a necessity in our daily life with the image of fluidity and flowing. The same as the liquid, which can flow freely into and out of the market, capital is considered can use the metaphor of water. The water metaphor can describe the economic momentum in a better and clearer way:1) Because imports cannot be stanched as quickly as those funds can flow abroad, the current deficit would probably rise.2) Strong cash flow generation enable it to mitigate volatility in earnings.The “cash flow” in the above shows the water metaphor while there are many other different words about the water metaphor such as: “flooded”, “buoyant”, “a rising tide”, “make bubbles”, “floating interest rate” and so forth. metaphorThe business market are facing the changing phenomenon all the time, full of unpredictability, which is the same with the drama that is being filled with dramatic effect. Thus in business English discourses, dramatic metaphor is familiar and extremely plays an important role in economic articles.Such phrases are “still looking for a role”, “behind the scenes”, “be famous for her showmanship”, “see high drama in the smallest setback” and so on.2.1.2Orientational metaphorOrientational metaphor use the space as the source domain, by projecting the spatial structure into the pattern of the non-spatial concepts, the non-spatial concepts is then endowed with a dimensional orientation (Lan, 2005:122).It is proposed by Lakoff and Johnson that, such concepts refers to up and down, inside and outside, in the front and at the back, deep and sallow, in the center and at the edge and should be organized in one。
( D o n a l d D a v i d s o n )是一 位在 隐喻 研 究方 面较 有 影 响的语 言 哲学 家 。
他 认为 隐喻 的理解 正如对 梦 的解释 一样 ,需要 梦者 与醒者 之 间的合
隐喻在商务英语 中的应用及其翻译
■王晓红 王晓为 东北农业大学文法学院
摘 要: 隐喻 作为一种 言语 现象在 日常生活 中无处不在 ,它从 本质上 已经渗透到人 们赖 以进行 思索和活动 的 日常生活。 隐喻 的研 究也 一直是 众 多语 言学者密切关注的热点之一 ,已经突破修 辞学的角度 开始扩展渗透到大 学英语 、商务英语 、外 贸英语等领
r e c o v e r y, e c o n o my d i s e a s e ” 。
隐喻 的工作机 制进行 重新 的诠 释 。K i e  ̄ r( 2 0 0 5) 深人 表 明 , 语 境 的 方 法可 以使人 更容 易理解 最新 的与 隐喻研 究相 关 的哲学 和语 言学 理
然后再 用另一 种语言将 原语 中的意 思准确生 动地表 达 出来 。
语 中 ,隐喻 又作为一 种言 语现 象被频 繁 的使用 并且 主要 以名词性 隐 喻 和动诃 胜隐喻 的方式 出现。
1 . 名词性 隐喻 名 词 性 隐喻 是 指通 过 两种 事 物 之 间共 同 的某 种直 接 或 间接 的 特 点和 联 系 ,人们 或 运用 推 理来 理 解 深奥 难 懂 的事 物, 或 运用 通 过 商业 英语 的专 业 化的术 语来 熟 知其它 领域 的概 念 。例如 : T h e b u b b l e e c o n o m y w i l l b e . b r o k e n i n t o p i e c e s b y t h e w o r l d i f n a n c i a l c i r s i s . 泡沫经 济将 会被世 界金 融危 机毁为 一旦 。B u b b l e 原 意是 指水 中 的泡 沫, 肥皂 泡, 在 这里 经济被 比喻为泡 沫 ,暗示着虽 然 现阶段 经济 发展 表面上 很繁 荣 但 却像 泡沫 一样 脆弱 易碎 。为 了使 金 融危机 这种 的商业 问题 变得 更 易 于被人们 理解 和接 受 ,隐喻 的使用 将复 杂的经 济概 念变得 更通 俗
一、商务英语隐喻概述商务英语涉及领域众多,专业性较强,社会发展下拥有商务含义逐渐丰富,部分短语在商务英语和通用英语中意思不同,如Dosage and administration 中administration代表用量,不同于通用英语意思。
ZH U f M n
( col f oe nLnugs J ns nvr t, hni g 10 3 C ia Sh o o ri ag ae , i guU i sy Z ej n 2 1 , hn ) F g a ei a 2
Ab t a t s r c :Ac o d n o c n e t a tp o h o y,me a h ri o n y afg r fs e c u n i c r i g t o c p u lmea h rte r tp o sn to l i u e o p e h b ti t s
朱 敏
( 江苏 大 学 外 国语 学 院 ,江 苏 镇 江 22 1 ) 10 3
摘要 : 概念 隐喻理论认为隐喻不仅 是一种 修辞手 段 ,而且也 是一种 思维方 式。隐喻大 量存在 于商务新 闻 中。
本文从 中英文化差异的角度来探讨商务新闻概念隐喻 的英 、汉互译 ,认 为隐喻 翻译与文化有 很大关系 ,隐喻
的隐喻》一书中一反 隐喻理论的传统观点,认为
隐喻 不仅仅是 一 种 语 言 修辞 乎 段 ,而且 也 是 一种 思维方 式 ,语 言能 反 映人 们 的概 念体 系 。作 者在 书 中提 出 “ 隐喻 ”不 仅 仅 指 隐喻 的语 言形 式 ,而 目指人们 思 维 行 为 的方 式 。在 E常 生 活 中 ,人 们 l
1. Time is money.时间就是金钱。
2. The ball is in your court.球在你这边了。
3. We need to cut through the red tape.我们需要破除条条框框。
4. Let’s touch base later.以后再联系。
5. He is the apple of my eye.他是我心目中的宝贝。
6. This project is a cash cow.这个项目是摇钱树。
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1. 商务英语隐喻的翻译
newmark (2001)指出“隐喻翻译是一切语言翻译的缩影,因为隐喻翻译给译者呈现出多种选择方式:要么传递其意义,要么重塑其形象,要么对其进行修改,要么对其意义和形象进行完美的结合.林林总总,而这一切又与语境因素、文化因素密不可分。
2. 直译
the electricity failure caused the train service’s paralysis. 断电使火车运输瘫痪了。
they went out of business when the internet bubble burst. 互联网泡沫破灭时,他们停业了。
)3. 意译
he made a complete diagnosis of the company’s daily running.他对公司日常运营问题做了彻底的调查分析。
the stock market was on a spectacular bull run. 股票市场价格飙升。
the investment bank has emerged as the favourite pinata for anyone who wants to give wall street a mighty thwack. 这家投行对于任何希望给华尔街有力一击的人而言已然成了深受喜爱
america’s new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. 除非银行把资产的价格定在买家感兴趣的价位,否则美国买完有毒资产的计划难以施行。
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