外⽂参考⽂献翻译-中⽂基于4G LTE技术的⾼速铁路移动通信系统KS Solanki教授,Kratika ChouhanUjjain⼯程学院,印度Madhya Pradesh的Ujjain摘要:随着时间发展,⾼速铁路(HSR)要求可靠的,安全的列车运⾏和乘客通信。
因此,为了解决这些问题,HSR 需要⼀种名为LTE-R的新技术,基于LTE-R的HSR提供⾼数据传输速率,更⾼带宽和低延迟。
为了实现HSR的运营需求,需要⼀个能够与 LTE保持⼀致的能⼒的新系统,提供新的业务,但仍能够与GSM-R长时间共存。
4G LTE系统与第三代(3G)系统相⽐,它具有简单的扁平架构,⾼数据速率和低延迟。
在LTE的性能和成熟度⽔平上,LTE- railway(LTE-R)将可能成为下⼀代HSR通信系统。
⼆ LTE-R系统描述考虑LTE-R的频率和频谱使⽤,对为⾼速铁路(HSR)通信提供更⾼效的数据传输⾮常重要。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Android: A Programmer’s Guide1 What Is Android1.1 Key Skills & Concepts● History of embedded device programming● Explanation of Open Handset Alliance● First look at the Android home screenIt can be said that, for a while, traditional desktop application developers have been spoiled. This is not to say that traditional desktop application development is easier than other forms of develop ment. However, as traditional desktop application developers, we have had the ability to create alm ost any kind of application we can imagine. I am including myself in this grouping because I got my start in desktop programming.One aspect that has made desktop programming more accessible is that we have had the ability to interact with the desktop operating system, and thus interact with any underlying hardware, pretty1freely (or at least with minimal exceptions). This kind of freedom to program independently, how ever, has never really been available to the small group of programmers who dared to venture int o the murky waters of cell phone development.NOTE :I refer to two different kinds of developers in this discussion: traditional desktop applicati on developers, who work in almost any language and whose end product, applications, are built to run on any “desktop” operating system; and Android developers, J ava developers who develop for the Android platform. This is not for the purposes of saying one is by any means better or wors e than the other. Rather, the distinction is made for purposes of comparing the development styles and tools of desktop operating system environments to the mobile operating system environment1.2 Brief History of Embedded Device ProgrammingFor a long time, cell phone developers comprised a small sect of a slightly larger group of developers known as embedded device developers. Seen as a less “glamorous” sibling to desktop—and later web—development, embedded device development typically got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as hardware and operating system features, because embedded device manufacturers were notoriously stingy on feature support.Embedded device manufacturers typically needed to guard their hardware secrets closely, so they gave embedded device developers few libraries to call when trying to interact with a specific device. Embedded devices differ fro m desktops in that an embedded device is typically a “computer on a chip.” For example, consider your standard television remote control; it is not really seen as an overwhelming achievement of technological complexity. When any button is pressed, a chip interprets the signal in a way that has been programmed into the device. This allows the device to know what to expect from the input device (key pad), and how to respond to those commands (for example, turn on the television). This is a simple form of embedded device programming. However, believe it or not, simple devices such as these are definitely related to the roots of early cell phone devices and development.Most embedded devices ran (and in some cases still run) proprietary operating systems. The reason for choosing to create a proprietary operating system rather than use any consumer system was really a product of necessity. Simple devices did not need very robust and optimized operating systems.As a product of device evolution, many of the more complex embedded devices, such as early PDAs, household security systems, and GPSs, moved to somewhat standardized operating system platforms about five years ago. Small-footprint operating systems such as Linux, or even an embedded version of Microsoft Windows, have become more prevalent on many embedded devices. Around this time in device evolution, cell phones branched from other embedded devices onto their own path. This branching is evident whenyou examine their architecture.Nearly since their inception, cell phones have been fringe devices insofar as they run on proprietary software—software that is owned and controlled by the manufacturer, and is almost always considered to be a “closed” system. The practice of manufacturers using proprietary operating systems began more out of necessity than any other reason. That is, cell phone manufacturers typically used hardware that was completely developed in-house, or at least hardware that was specifically developed for the purposes of running cell phone equipment. As a result, there were no openly available, off-the-shelf software packages or solutions that would reliably interact with their hardware. Since the manufacturers also wanted to guard very closely their hardware trade secrets, some of which could be revealed by allowing access to the software level of the device, the common practice was, and in most cases still is, to use completely proprietary and closed software to run their devices. The downside to this is that anyone who wanted to develop applications for cell phones needed to have intimate knowledge of the proprietary environment within which it was to run. The solution was to purchase expensive development tools directly from the manufacturer. This isolated many of the “homebrew” develo pers.NOTE:A growing culture of homebrew developers has embraced cell phone application development. The term “homebrew” refers to the fact that these developers typically do not work for a cell phone development company and generally produce small, one-off products on their own time.Another, more compelling “necessity” that kept cell phone development out of the hands of theeveryday developer was the hardware manufacturers’ solution to the “memory versus need” dilemma. Until recently, cell phones did little more than execute and receive phone calls, track your contacts, and possiblysend and receive short text messages; not really the “Swiss army knives” of technology they are today.Even as late as 2002, cell phones with cameras were not commonly found in the hands of consumers.By 1997, small applications such as calculators and games (Tetris, for example) crept their way ontocell phones, but the overwhelming function was still that of a phone dialer itself. Cell phones had not yetbecome the multiuse, multifunction personal tools they are today. No one yet saw the need for Internetbrowsing, MP3 playing, or any of the multitudes of functions we are accustomed to using today. It ispossible that the cell phone manufacturers of 1997 did not fully perceive the need consumers would havefor an all-in-one device. However, even if the need was present, a lack of device memory and storagecapacity was an even bigger obstacle to overcome. More people may have wanted their devices to be all-in-one tools, but manufacturers still had to climb the memory hurdle.To put the problem simply, it takes memory to store and run applications on any device, cell phones included. Cell phones, as a device, until recently did not have the amount of memory available to them thatwould facilitate the inclusion of “extra” programs. Within the last two years, the price of memory hasreached very low levels. Device manufacturers now have the ability to include more memory at lowerprices. Many cell phones now have more standard memory than the average PC had in the mid-1990s. So,now that we have the need, and the memory, we can all jump in and develop cool applications for cellphones around the world, right? Not exactly.Device manufacturers still closely guard the operating systems that run on their devices. While a fewhave opened up to the point where they will allow some Java-based applications to run within a smallenvironment on the phone, many do not allow this. Even the systems that do allow some Java apps to rundo not allow the kind of access to the “core” system that standard desktop developers are accustomed to having.1.3 Open Handset Alliance and AndroidThis barrier to application development began to crumble in November of 2007 when Google, under theOpen Handset Alliance, released Android. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of hardware and softwaredevelopers, including Google, NTT DoCoMo, Sprint Nextel, and HTC, whose goal is to create a more opencell phone environment. The first product to be released under the alliance is the mobile device operatingsystem, Android.With the release of Android, Google made available a host of development tools and tutorials to aid would-be developers onto the new system. Help files, the platform software development kit (SDK), and even a developers’ community can be found at Google’s Android website, This site should be your starting point, and I highly encourage you to visit the site.NOTE :Google, in promoting the new Android operating system, even went as far as to create a $10million contest looking for new and exciting Android applications.While cell phones running Linux, Windows, and even PalmOS are easy to find, as of this writing, nohardware platforms have been announced for Android to run on. HTC, LG Electronics, Motorola, andSamsung are members of the Open Handset Alliance, under which Android has been released, so we canonly hope that they have plans for a few Android-based devices in the near future. With its release inNovember 2007, the system itself is still in a software-only beta. This is good news for developers because it gives us a rare advance look at a future system and a chance to begin developing applications that willrun as soon as the hardware is released.NOTE:This strategy clearly gives the Open Handset Alliance a big advantage over other cell phone operating system developers, because there could be an uncountable number of applications available immediately for the first devices released to run Android.Introduction to AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-partyapplications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embeddedsystem apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-partydevelopers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtualmachine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with,the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operatingsystem has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you haveaccess to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internal GPS (ifequipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applicationsis now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown insome very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search.Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call isemanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors ofpossibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of usingspecific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will downloadand install the Java IDE Eclipse.2 Application: Hello World2.1 Key Skills & Concepts● Creating new Android projects● Working with Views● Using a TextView● Modifying the main.xml file● Running applications on the Android EmulatorIn this chapter, you will be creating your first Android Activity. This chapter examines theapplication-building process from start to finish. I will show you how to create an Android project inEclipse, add code to the initial files, and run the finished application in the Android Emulator. The resultingapplication will be a fully functioning program running in an Android environment.Actually, as you move through this chapter, you will be creating more than one Android Activity.Computer programming tradition dictates that your first application be the typical Hello World! application,so in the first section you will create a standard Hello World! application with just a blank background andthe “Hello World!” text. Then, for the sake of enabling you to get to know the language better, the next section explains in detail the files automatically created by Android for your Hello World! application. You will create two iterations of this Activity, each using different techniques for displaying information to the screen. You will also create two different versions of a Hello World! application that will display an image that delivers the “Hello World!” message. This will give you a good introduction to the controls and inner workings of Android.NOTE:You will often see “application” and “Activity” used interchangeably. The difference between the two is that an application can be composed of multiple Activities, but one application must have at leastone Activity. Each “window” or screen of your application is a separate Activity. Therefore, if you create a fairly simple application with only one screen of data (like the Hello World! application in this chapter),that will be one Activity. In future chapters you will create applications with multiple Activities.To make sure that you get a good overall look at programming in Android, in Chapter 6 you will createboth of these applications in the Android SDK command-line environment for Microsoft Windows andLinux. In other words, this chapter covers the creation process in Eclipse, and Chapter 6 covers the creationprocess using the command-line tools. Therefore, before continuing, you should check that your Eclipseenvironment is correctly configured. Review the steps in Chapter 3 for setting the PATH statement for theAndroid SDK. You should also ensure that the JRE is correctly in your PATH statement.TIP:If you have configuration-related issues while attempting to work with any of the command-lineexamples, try referring to the configuration steps in Chapters 2 and 3; and look at the Android SDK documentation.2.2 Creating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens toan empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin. Your first task isto set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which willlaunch the New Android Project wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications.If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.2.3 The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android.jar file, and ties the project intothe Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and alsolets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocksupon which you will be building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft .NETapplication in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. Inaddition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the titleHelloWorldText. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that youwill be creating in this chapter.In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project inWorkspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked.This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage ofkeeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering,managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-basedenvironment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will beC:/Users/<username>/workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.3 Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Androidpackage, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application.In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world:1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications.3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well.It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same VM.3.1 Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Application have four types of components:(1)ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows —— for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a windowswindow that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use — including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)(2)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the musicplayback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.(3)Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways —— flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so the user's attention in various wayson. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.(4)Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers. Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.3.2 Activating components: intentsContent providers are activated when they're targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The other three components — activities, services, and broadcast receivers — are activated by asynchronous messages called intents. An intent is an Intent object that holds the content of the message. For activities and services, it names the action being requested and specifies the URI of the data to act on, among other things. For example, it might convey a request for an activity to present an image to the user or let the user edit some text. For broadcast receivers, theIntent object names the action being announced. For example, it might announce to interested parties that the camera button has been pressed.。
文献出处: Bindley C. The research of Internet of things and intelligent logistics warehousing system [J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2016, 1(3): 45-55.原文The research of Internet of things and intelligent logistics warehousing systemBindley CAbstractLogistics is a very important link in the supply chain of flow of goods, has an important role in the economy, and storage is the key link in modern logistics. In the process of warehouse management activities will produce large amounts of storage information. This information is often associated with the warehouse orders, cargo warehousing, cargo management and the occurrence of outbound goods, general with frequent data operation and data volume and complex information content. Efficient and reasonable storage can carry on the effective control and management to the goods. How to reduce inventory investment, strengthen the inventory control and supervision, improve the distribution of space, personnel and equipment and shorten inbound and outbound process and inspection time is the key to reduce costs and improve their competitiveness. Information technology has become the important pillar of storage technology, the combination of automatic warehousing and information acquisition decision system, and the use of wireless radio frequency technique makes the storage in the direction of the intelligent development. IOT (Internet of things) pointed out the direction for the development of intelligent warehouse system is put forward, it is linked to the Internet, the goods that all items can be remote sensing and control. Therefore, research content intelligent storage system is of great significance.1 The Internet of thingsInternet of things was proposed in 1999, is the concept of Internet of things is the network connection objects, its definition is: through the radio frequency identification RFID (radio frequency identification), infrared sensors, global positioning system (GPS) and information sensing equipment such as the laser scanner, according to the contract agreement, connect the item with the Internet for information exchange and communication, in order to realize intelligent identification, location, tracking and monitoring and management of a network. Discussing the Internet of things, often referred to the concept of M2M, M2M can explain become people to people, people to the machine, machine to machine.1.1 Internet network systemThe Internet of things has been in logistics, warehousing, guard against counterfeit products, intelligent building, street lamp management, smart meters and urban water network infrastructure and health care and other fields. But as a result of the present stage of research and application of the Internet of things is still in its infancy, so no unified standard for the Internet of things, and to further study the architecture of Internet of things, you must first research the Internet of things has been build application systems and application examples. At present, the Internet of things has not been widely accepted by a system structure, also does not have a unified technical standards and protocols, is the most representative IOT architecture is Europe and the United States supports the electronic product code of EPC (electronic product code) Global Internet architecture and Japan's Ubiquitous ID (UID) Internet system. IOT perception layer includes sensors, data acquisition equipment and data before access to the gateway of the sensor network and intelligent terminal. The network layer is established on the basis of the existing mobile communication network and the Internet, through a variety of devices connected to the mobile communication network and Internet access, it also includes information storage, query and network management functions. Internet of things application layer using after analysis and processing of sensory data, to provide users with specific services.1.2 Based on EPC system of Internet of thingsAt present, the Internet of things I OT application are mostly based on radio frequency identification RFID electronic product code of the EPC network. RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology, its working principle is: the use of radio frequency electromagnetic wave, the reader and classified tracking mobile objects between the RFID tag is attached to) on (item, through space coupling (alternating magnetic field or electromagnetic field) no contact information, and through the passed the identification information to achieve. EPC IOT system main components include: EPC labels, EPC is a worldwide, the standard definition of product digital identification, storage in the tag. RFID reader, it is a kind of using RFID technology to read information stored in electronic tag and passed to the logistics warehouse management information system of device. The EPC middleware, this is a set of program modules with special properties or services, users can customize according to certain application requirements and integration in the EPC middleware different features, one of the most important part is theapplication layer event the ALE (application layer events), it is used for processing the application layer related events. Information service (EPC as-is), EPC - IS including two functions, one IS to store the information of the EPC middleware processing, 2 it IS to query the relevant information. Object name service ONS (objects name service), similar to the domain name server, the information can be used to point to a store of EPC middleware information - IS the server.2 Intelligent logistics warehousing systemIntelligent logistics warehousing system should not only be able to put in storage management, warehouse management, mobile library, inventory management, allocating and return management and reporting analysis, but also to monitor the position offset in the goods and the surround environment of temperature, humidity, video monitoring and fire alarm on warehouse, etc. Intelligent logistics warehousing system includes both hardware and software. Software part mainly for the warehouse management system, it shall, in accordance with the business requirement of the logistics, warehousing, information, resources, behavior, manage and allocate goods and staff, etc, to make them effective operation reasonably, and make the whole system and the Internet relative to meet. Hardware part mainly supports warehouse management system of a variety of hardware equipment and a variety of tools, etc. Intelligent logistics warehousing system of information release of the goods in to the Internet of things. Over the Internet, information query, order the goods, whether goods can be easy to move goods or remote operation and monitoring. The goods in intelligent storage system processing steps are as follows. Put in storage process, the first use of RFID electronic tag for inbound identity verification, and to transfer the information of the goods to the data center to register the goods, and distribution route to calculate the shelves positions, and then send a forklift on instruction, tracking and locating the goods, to ensure that the goods to the correct positions. Inventory management, inventory goods for internal operation process, mainly including guidance and in place of goods inspection, the goods number automatic identification and automatic calibration, distribution, the reservoir is correct, returns, processing, transfer processing, packaging, handling and disposal, and other functions. Outbound process, first brought the people to the warehouse for outbound application information system, intelligent warehouse management system according to the priority of goods information and positions, and then sent a forklift scheduling command, forklift truck reach positions to check the goods after the information is correct, began to transport goods. Each unit operation, between thereader information the goods will be sent back to the data management center in a timely manner, when, and to determine the operation of each link is accurate and correct.3 The research of intelligent warehouse system structure3.1 WSN based on EPC and feasibility analysisWireless sensor network (WSN (wireless sensor network is composed of a large number of tiny sensor nodes deployed in monitoring area, through wireless communication mode to form a multiple hops self-organizing network system, its purpose is collaboration to perceive, collection and processing network coverage area perceived object information, and sent to management center. At present, the research of Internet of things has not been thorough, the connotation of Internet of things technology is the lack of professional research, some professional or non-professional reporting usually put the wireless sensor network (WSN and IOT confused, often called the Internet of sensor network in our country, but it is not the same as the wireless sensor network. Look from the network architecture and protocol, IOT and WSN is completely different. Look from the target feature, IOT is known objects detection and networking, and WSN is to detect the unknown things or its parameter information. But there are inseparable, RFID technology is one of the core technology of the Internet of things, the RFID module in the Internet of things can or combined with WSN complementary integrated sensor technology, so as to get goods in the logistics process of environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, it can also through the WSN data transmission of the RFID reader, weaken the WSN sensor function; And in some extension of the WSN applications, the RFID protocols may also be a one of the wireless communication protocol, or detect known objects properties. At present, the existing intelligent warehouse management system based on EPC and logistics warehouse management system based on WSN demonstration case, but real to attain the request of "intelligent". For intelligent warehouse management system based on EPC, like forklift and handheld devices such as portable reader, set up special wireless transmission network. For the warehouse management system based on WSN, due to the node cost is higher than the EPC tags, and node hasn't really realize miniaturization volume, making it not like the label on the surface, the movement has a great influence on items. Intelligent storage system based on EPC can be combined and WSN, combined with the system after the use of WSN for EPC.3.2 Intelligent logistics warehousing system research designIn every process, the reader first reading the information of the goods from the RFID technology, and then as a WSN node to send out the information, the WSN data to the data management center, dispatch instructions after the final analysis data management system. Forklift truck on-board reader can be used as the center of the WSN nodes at the same time, read the item information in electronic tag and receive environmental inspection data, realize the storage and application management, specific target monitoring and environmental monitoring data. WSN is the role of data transmission in the system, at the same time, it can be on the warehouse environment for testing and monitoring, can also be used for the goods. The RFID reader is in logistics warehousing into mobile and stationary. Portable RFID reader is mainly installed on the handset, is suitable for the operating location is not fixed, using methods similar to the bar code reader. Fixed reader installed mainly in access and operation platform, suitable for the automatic identification and tracking check. Application in portable terminal and the mobile RFID reader on the forklift need combined with relevant equipment, at the same time, also set up covering the operating range of the wireless network, ensure operation data real-time transmission. RFID handset except with the RFID reader is fully functional also should have with the warehousing business operating system and the function of the WSN nodes. RFID intelligent forklift to integrate RFID wireless car terminal, speaking, reading and writing, center of WSN nodes and car terminal business operating system, etc., it can automatically find the task of position and has the function of warning error, for all kinds of business operation can be automatically in real time, and can through the RFID system of cargo status and current to location information such as management, provide different kinds of queries to the existing warehouse inventory, such as goods to query and query would be, etc.译文物联网与智能物流仓储系统研究Bindley C摘要物流是商品流通供应链中非常重要的环节,在经济中占据重要地位,而仓储是现代物流的核心环节。
The Internet of thingsThe Internet of things the Internet of things the Internet of things more and more modules and sensors embedded system to enhance theirability of communication. The resulting information networks will create new business models, improve business processes, risk and reduce costs Michael cui, marcus method, and Roger RobertsIn most organizations, the information spread along the familiar path. Proprietary information is placed in the database and make a analysis in the report and then start the management chain. Information collected from public sources, Internet information collection and information from suppliers to buy.But the forecast information is changing the way: the physical world itself is becoming a kind of information system. In so-called iot, sensors, and micro devices (actuators) is embedded in the physical module from highway to heart pacemakers is through wired or wireless network connections, is often connected to the Internet using the same Internet protocol. The network transmission of data is used for computer analysis. If some modules can sense the environment and can be used for information exchange, so they can become and rapid response to solve the problem of complicated tools. The information revolution in the field of the physical information system is developing continuously, and even some will also be able to work under a single intervention.Pill shape photomicrographic device has successfully through the human digestive tract, and back to the thousands of images to pinpoint the source of the disease. Composed of satellite and ground sensor data acquisition system through the wireless device can detect crop status and connected to the precision agriculture can adjust method for everypart of the farming land. For example, by spreading more chemical fertilizers to increase poor soil fertile. Billboards in Japan, waiting for pedestrians pass by, and can assess the consumption of passers-by, and then according to the evaluation results show that the different advertising information.Yes, in many companies, or even earlier today has been warned many predict the future. With the emergence of new value creation method, the current business model is largely based on static information structure is faced with challenges. If in a specific location to a specific time you will be able to experience the mind of the buyer, then the dynamic pricing may increase the possibility of buying. Know how often, and a deep understanding of the usage of the product might get more harvest, choose addfee instead of direct selling. There are a lot of people responsible for the control of manufacturing process to get a more accurate, and can improve the production efficiency. There are such as the operating system are constantly monitored to prevent the emergence of dangerous or people can take corrective measures to avoid the occurrence of damage, risk, and to reduce the cost. Make the fullest use of these functions of the company will gain more profit than the competitor.The wide application of Internet of things is need time, but thanks to its development technology, got advance time line. Wireless technology and the further standardization of communication protocol makes it possible to collect information from the sensor at any time.Based on this, a small silicon chip is endowed with new functions, and at the same time, based on the pattern of Moore's law, its cost is falling. These largely increase the storage capacity of computer and computing power, some of the digital operation scope has expanded through the cloud computing, and reduces the cost.The Internet of things in the workIot for those technologies and not walk in the forefront of company is the news. But as these technologies mature, the enterprise deployment scope will increase. Now is the manager ofall industries to build ideas, consider the contact from theInternet of things or get potential of the development of The Times. We now know that there are six different types of emerging applications, most of which belong to the following two categories: the first, second, information and analysis, automation and control.Information and analysisDue to network increased with the product, the company's assets or data management environment of the link, they will produce better information and analysis, it is important to improve decision making. Some organizations have begun to use these application deployment in the target region, and more advanced and thirst for application is still in concept or test phase. 1, tracking, behaviorSensors embedded in the product, the enterprise can track the movements of these products, even interaction and monitoring them. Business models can be slightly adjusted to take advantage of thisscience. For example, some insurance companies to provide the carposition sensor installation. That how the insurance company may, according to the car was driven to determine the amount and where is the travel situation. Insurance can be customized to operating the vehicle's actual risk, not based on if the driver's age, gender,or places to live in such a situation.Or consider install the sensor and the network connection to thetaxi will happen: it can be used for a short period of time for the car rental service member, so you no longer need to rental service center, and each car's use can also be optimized for higher revenues. Zipcar company pioneered the use of this model, and a growing number of car rental companies are also beginning to follow suit. In retail, used to display shopping data of sensors can provide more detailed informationor provide discount information, make shopping easier. Leaders such as tesco supermarket in the forefront of the use of this technology.The English name for The Internet of Things The Internet of Things, hereinafter referred to as: The IOT. The Internet of things through the transmission device, radio frequency identification technology, such as global positioning system (GPS) technology, no need to monitor real-time acquisition, connected, interactive object or process, collect the sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, location and other needed information, through all kinds of possible Internet access, content and the content, the objects and people in the link, to realizeintelligent perception of objects and processes, identification and management. Internet of things is through theintellisense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the computer andthe Internet after the third wave of world information industry development. Rather than the Internet of things is a network, theInternet of things is the business and application of Internet of things is seen as the Internet application development. The innovation is the core of the development of the Internet of things application, the user experience as the core of innovation is the soul of the development of the Internet of things. 2.0The meaning of "thing" here "objects" to satisfy the following conditions can be incorporated into the scope of the "Internet of things" : 1. The receiver should have corresponding information; 2. Must have the data transmission channel; 3. To have a storage function; 4. Have the CPU; 5. Must have the operating system; 6. There should be special applications; 7. Must have the data sender; 8. To follow the communication protocol of the Internet of things; 9. In the network have the only number can be identified. 3. Definition of "Chinese" Internetof Things (Internet of Things) refers to the Ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) at the end of the equipment (Devices) and facility (Facilities), including "inherent intelligence" of sensors, mobile terminals, industrial system, building control systems, home intelligent Facilities and video monitoring system, etc, and "external Enabled" (Enabled), such as thevarious Assets (Assets), RFID wireless terminal to carry personal and vehicle and so on "intelligent objects or animals" or "smart dust" (Mote), through a variety of wireless and/or cable over long distances and/or short distance communication network connectivity (M2M), application Integration (Grand Integration), and cloud-based SaaS operation mode, in the internal network (Intranet), private network (Extranet), and/or the Internet (Internet) environment, adoptappropriate information security guarantee mechanism, to provide safeand controllable and personalized real-time online monitoring,positioning traces, alarm linkage, dispatch control, program management, remote control, security, remote maintenance, online upgrade, statistics, decision support, leading desktop (Cockpit display Dashboard), etc. Management and service functions,implementation of "all Things" "high efficiency, energy saving, safety, environmental protection" "tube, control, camp" Integration of the. 4. The definition of the eu in September 2009, held in Beijing the china-eu seminar on Internet of things and the enterprise environment, and social media department of RFID, head of the European commission information Lorent Ferderix DrGives the definition of the Internet of things: the Internet ofthings is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standard and interoperable communications protocol based self-organizing ability, including physical and virtual "things" have identification, physical properties, the characteristics of virtual and intelligent interface,and seamless integration and information network. Iot will work with the media, Internet service of the Internet and the Internet, constitute the future Internet.Changes in theIot (Internet of Things), the word widely recognized at home and abroad is a professor at MIT Auto - Ashton ID center in RFID research in 1999 at the earliest. In 2005, the international telecommunication union (ITU) release of the same report, the definition and scope of the Internet of things have changed, coverage has a larger development, is no longer just a iot based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, when prime minister wen jiabao put forward since the "experience China" Internet of things was officially listed as one of five major emerging strategic industries, write "government work report," the Internet of things in China is heavily influenced by the whole society's attention, is the degreeof concern in the United States, European Union, and the rest of the world incomparable.The concept of Internet of things is not so much a foreign concept, as it is already a "made in China" concept, and his coverage of advancing with The Times, professor Ashton has exceeded 1999 and 2005, the scope of the ITU report referred to in the Internet of things has been labeled "Chinese".物联网物联网物联网物联网越来越多的模块与传感器构成嵌入式系统从而增强其通讯能力。
The Internet of thingsThe Internet of things the Internet of things the Internet of things more and more modules and sensors embedded system to enhance theirability of communication. The resulting information networks will create new business models, improve business processes, risk and reduce costs Michael cui, marcus method, and Roger RobertsIn most organizations, the information spread along the familiar path. Proprietary information is placed in the database and make a analysis in the report and then start the management chain. Information collected from public sources, Internet information collection and information from suppliers to buy.But the forecast information is changing the way: the physical world itself is becoming a kind of information system. In so-called iot, sensors, and micro devices (actuators) is embedded in the physical module from highway to heart pacemakers is through wired or wireless network connections, is often connected to the Internet using the same Internet protocol. The network transmission of data is used for computer analysis. If some modules can sense the environment and can be used for information exchange, so they can become and rapid response to solve the problem of complicated tools. The information revolution in the field of the physical information system is developing continuously, and even some will also be able to work under a single intervention.Pill shape photomicrographic device has successfully through the human digestive tract, and back to the thousands of images to pinpoint the source of the disease. Composed of satellite and ground sensor data acquisition system through the wireless device can detect crop status and connected to the precision agriculture can adjust method for everypart of the farming land. For example, by spreading more chemical fertilizers to increase poor soil fertile. Billboards in Japan, waiting for pedestrians pass by, and can assess the consumption of passers-by, and then according to the evaluation results show that the different advertising information.Yes, in many companies, or even earlier today has been warned many predict the future. With the emergence of new value creation method, the current business model is largely based on static information structure is faced with challenges. If in a specific location to a specific time you will be able to experience the mind of the buyer, then the dynamic pricing may increase the possibility of buying. Know how often, and a deep understanding of the usage of the product might get more harvest, choose addfee instead of direct selling. There are a lot of people responsible for the control of manufacturing process to get a more accurate, and can improve the production efficiency. There are such as the operating system are constantly monitored to prevent the emergence of dangerous or people can take corrective measures to avoid the occurrence of damage, risk, and to reduce the cost. Make the fullest use of these functions of the company will gain more profit than the competitor.The wide application of Internet of things is need time, but thanks to its development technology, got advance time line. Wireless technology and the further standardization of communication protocol makes it possible to collect information from the sensor at any time.Based on this, a small silicon chip is endowed with new functions, and at the same time, based on the pattern of Moore's law, its cost is falling. These largely increase the storage capacity of computer and computing power, some of the digital operation scope has expanded through the cloud computing, and reduces the cost.The Internet of things in the workIot for those technologies and not walk in the forefront of company is the news. But as these technologies mature, the enterprise deployment scope will increase. Now is the manager ofall industries to build ideas, consider the contact from theInternet of things or get potential of the development of The Times. We now know that there are six different types of emerging applications, most of which belong to the following two categories: the first, second, information and analysis, automation and control.Information and analysisDue to network increased with the product, the company's assets or data management environment of the link, they will produce better information and analysis, it is important to improve decision making. Some organizations have begun to use these application deployment in the target region, and more advanced and thirst for application is still in concept or test phase. 1, tracking, behaviorSensors embedded in the product, the enterprise can track the movements of these products, even interaction and monitoring them. Business models can be slightly adjusted to take advantage of thisscience. For example, some insurance companies to provide the carposition sensor installation. That how the insurance company may, according to the car was driven to determine the amount and where is the travel situation. Insurance can be customized to operating the vehicle's actual risk, not based on if the driver's age, gender,or places to live in such a situation.Or consider install the sensor and the network connection to thetaxi will happen: it can be used for a short period of time for the car rental service member, so you no longer need to rental service center, and each car's use can also be optimized for higher revenues. Zipcar company pioneered the use of this model, and a growing number of car rental companies are also beginning to follow suit. In retail, used to display shopping data of sensors can provide more detailed informationor provide discount information, make shopping easier. Leaders such as tesco supermarket in the forefront of the use of this technology.The English name for The Internet of Things The Internet of Things, hereinafter referred to as: The IOT. The Internet of things through the transmission device, radio frequency identification technology, such as global positioning system (GPS) technology, no need to monitor real-time acquisition, connected, interactive object or process, collect the sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, location and other needed information, through all kinds of possible Internet access, content and the content, the objects and people in the link, to realizeintelligent perception of objects and processes, identification and management. Internet of things is through theintellisense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the computer andthe Internet after the third wave of world information industry development. Rather than the Internet of things is a network, theInternet of things is the business and application of Internet of things is seen as the Internet application development. The innovation is the core of the development of the Internet of things application, the user experience as the core of innovation is the soul of the development of the Internet of things. 2.0The meaning of "thing" here "objects" to satisfy the following conditions can be incorporated into the scope of the "Internet of things" : 1. The receiver should have corresponding information; 2. Must have the data transmission channel; 3. To have a storage function; 4. Have the CPU; 5. Must have the operating system; 6. There should be special applications; 7. Must have the data sender; 8. To follow the communication protocol of the Internet of things; 9. In the network have the only number can be identified. 3. Definition of "Chinese" Internetof Things (Internet of Things) refers to the Ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) at the end of the equipment (Devices) and facility (Facilities), including "inherent intelligence" of sensors, mobile terminals, industrial system, building control systems, home intelligent Facilities and video monitoring system, etc, and "external Enabled" (Enabled), such as thevarious Assets (Assets), RFID wireless terminal to carry personal and vehicle and so on "intelligent objects or animals" or "smart dust" (Mote), through a variety of wireless and/or cable over long distances and/or short distance communication network connectivity (M2M), application Integration (Grand Integration), and cloud-based SaaS operation mode, in the internal network (Intranet), private network (Extranet), and/or the Internet (Internet) environment, adoptappropriate information security guarantee mechanism, to provide safeand controllable and personalized real-time online monitoring,positioning traces, alarm linkage, dispatch control, program management, remote control, security, remote maintenance, online upgrade, statistics, decision support, leading desktop (Cockpit display Dashboard), etc. Management and service functions,implementation of "all Things" "high efficiency, energy saving, safety, environmental protection" "tube, control, camp" Integration of the. 4. The definition of the eu in September 2009, held in Beijing the china-eu seminar on Internet of things and the enterprise environment, and social media department of RFID, head of the European commission information Lorent Ferderix DrGives the definition of the Internet of things: the Internet ofthings is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standard and interoperable communications protocol based self-organizing ability, including physical and virtual "things" have identification, physical properties, the characteristics of virtual and intelligent interface,and seamless integration and information network. Iot will work with the media, Internet service of the Internet and the Internet, constitute the future Internet.Changes in theIot (Internet of Things), the word widely recognized at home and abroad is a professor at MIT Auto - Ashton ID center in RFID research in 1999 at the earliest. In 2005, the international telecommunication union (ITU) release of the same report, the definition and scope of the Internet of things have changed, coverage has a larger development, is no longer just a iot based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, when prime minister wen jiabao put forward since the "experience China" Internet of things was officially listed as one of five major emerging strategic industries, write "government work report," the Internet of things in China is heavily influenced by the whole society's attention, is the degreeof concern in the United States, European Union, and the rest of the world incomparable.The concept of Internet of things is not so much a foreign concept, as it is already a "made in China" concept, and his coverage of advancing with The Times, professor Ashton has exceeded 1999 and 2005, the scope of the ITU report referred to in the Internet of things has been labeled "Chinese".物联网物联网物联网物联网越来越多的模块与传感器构成嵌入式系统从而增强其通讯能力。
The Application of Iot Technology in Agriculture.邵清源917106840533 1 IntroductionThe Internet of things is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other itemsembedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to inter-operate within the existing Internet infrastructure.(from Wikipedia)The application of iot technology in agriculture is the definition of the agricultural Internet of things, which is quite simple to understand. This involves a wide range of aspects of agriculture, including monitoring of agricultural greenhouses, agricultural drip irrigation, freshwater aquaculture water quality monitoring and other aspects. Using a large number of sensors to form an effective monitoring network,which agricultural information feedback is realized through, is necessary. In order to facilitate the timely detection of problems in agricultural production, timely feedback the position of the problem, the agriculture and modern production technology should be combined with, and the application of intelligent and automatic equipment in agricultural production should be realized.the emergence of theagriculture has played an important role in improving agricultural productivity. With the popularity of the Internet of things of agriculture, the traditional inefficient and casual way of agricultural production are also gradually improve, information technology and agricultural development is the inevitable trend of modernization.2 Literature ReviewThe Internet of things technology has great application prospect in agriculture, and it is believed that in the near future, Internet of things technology will be the core technology to assist the development of agricultural technology in China.(Intelligent agricultural design analysis of Internet of things technology,2018/3/21,Sun Hujun). Internet technology can be precisely controlled relative crop growth environment, guarantee the plants grew well, avoid necrosis, especially for growing environment requires higher flowers, can obviously improve the survival rate and quality; It can reduce labor cost and realize scale planting. It can also realize the monitoring and prevention of cordyceps sinensis, the disaster warning, etc. (The application of Internet of things technology in intelligent greenhouse,2015/8/3,Wang Lina).The Internet of things is the third wave after the development of computer and Internet technology. The development of Internet technology to the development of agricultural economy in our country laid a certain foundation, in the application of modern agriculture become more and more widely, can achieve scientific monitoring, planting, to further promote the transformation of modern agricultural development.(The application of Internet of things technology in agriculture,2018/1/16,Dai Lian, Lai yuling).3 HistoryConcept of a network of smart devices was discussed as early as 1982, a modified Coke machine at Carnegie Mellon University became the first Internet-connected appliance. Between 1993 and 1996 several companies proposed solutions likeMicrosoft's at Work or Novell's NEST. However, only in 1999 did the field start gathering momentum. Bill Joy envisioned Device to Device (D2D) communication as part of his "Six Webs" framework, presented at the World Economic Forum at Davos in 1999.The thought-model for future interconnection environment was proposed in 2004.This thought model envisioned the development trend of the Internet of things.4 Potentiality4.1 Full information chain trackingIn recent years, there have been many problems about China's food safety, and people are paying more and more attention to the dangers of food safety. Investigate its reason, the food safety problem is due to the process of agricultural products from production to sales rather than the quality of supervision and management, consumers also did not understand the process, which directly lead to food appear a series of problems. Internet of things technology in the food regulation can play a role in supervision. From food production and processing to transportation and sales, each one links in the real-time tracking and monitoring, to ensure the safety of the agricultural product quality effectively. At present, some places in our country has been applied to the Internet of things technology, such as: chengdu, Qingdao and other regions where restaurant s’ food production and processing and saling, which all are installed electronic chips, to monitor restaurant food safety problems from the production, processing, transportation and sales. Iot technology mainly equip the electronic track scale installation to the farmer's market, then consumers can in a farmers' market buy food at the same time through the phone they can query to the food production, processing, transportation and sales and other related quality information. Such as: to implement “ the Internet of things technology”, “the safety of the food” “RFID” and “GPS”technology which set up during the Olympic Games in Beijing,for the Olympic stadium in catering staff has carried on the tracking and monitoring of food, from the production, processing to sales of each link to tracking and monitoring information. In addition, for the supply of enterprise products supply logistics implementation of GPS real-time positioning in the process of monitoring, including the vehicles, such as temperature, humidity monitoring, once the temperature humidity in excess of the prescribed scope, the administrator will receive monitoring alarm message. In short, the wide application of Internet of things technology has provided a guarantee for the safety of food supply in the agricultural industry.4.2 Intelligent planting and farmingGenerally, the influence factors of planting and breeding are carbon dioxide concentration, air temperature, soil moisture and light. In greenhouse cultivation, breeding, therefore, the use of the Internet of things technology, through real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, light intensity, PH value and air pressure data, and automatic control fertilization homework, so as to provide a good environment for the growth of crops, also greatly reduce the workload of migrant workers. In addition, the Internet of things not only can monitor the above data, also can analyze the data and processing, and through the sensor nodes send data to a wireless sensor, which can be a large area of data collection, management, analysis and informationprocessing technology, etc. For example, in aquaculture, the quality of the farmers' work is not high if the weather is hot and humid, but the weather affects the growth of the products most. The hot and humid weather will lead to the lack of oxygen in the pond and changes in PH value, and ammonia nitrogen content will also change. And through the use of the Internet of things technology, can 24 hours real-time monitoring of aquaculture water quality situation, including ammonia nitrogen, water PH, temperature and other data, once found that the problem can be through the warning form inform farmers. In addition, farmers can check the temperature, water quality and oxygen content of the pond at any time through Internet and mobile phone terminals, effectively reducing the workload of the farmers. Therefore, the use of Internet of things technology can greatly improve the yield and quality of agricultural products, thus maximizing economic benefits.4.3 Agricultural information pushMany people think that the push of agricultural information mainly refers to the push of weather forecast. But the development of crops now has more to do with weather. Therefore, through the use of the Internet of things technology, the data analysis and processing, and to predict future data changes over a period of time, the farmers can be predicted by these forecast accordingly in advance to prepare, etc., this can be for the growth of crops to reduce unnecessary loss. The amur region, for example, has realized the formula of soil, fertilization data monitoring and analysis, the prediction data and the result was sent to the farmers, provide favorable basis for providing sowing.5 examples about application of IoT in agriculture5.1Application of agricultural iot technology to grape planting.5.1.1The application of agricultural iot technology in improving grape planting environment.In the grape growing area, set up multiple information collector of the Internet, and information collector of grape growth environmental conditions to collect information including grape growing area of temperature, humidity, light conditions, co2 concentration, soil moisture, soil nutrient and so on. Using the Internet to link the information to collect, transmit the information to the terminal through the network management platform. Information collected by computer management center of culture analysis, draw the conclusion: the growth of grape growing environment, and then according to the analysis results will need to deal with matters in the form of the command control cabinet, grapes, irrigation, fertilization, spraying, etc. The Internet of things technology can real-time acquisition, storage, the location of the various soil and environmental parameters, including soil temperature, moisture, air humidity, light. These data directly enter the computer control room, farmers can know the result in time. If the data shows that the humidity is not enough, then the mouse will send commands and automatically start the pump to spray the grapes according to the preset procedure. In addition, mobile video monitoring is installed in the garden, and farmers can see the inside of the plantation at any time if they use a computer or mobile phone at home.5.1.2Application of agricultural Internet of things technology to achieve intelligentgrape irrigation.Apply the agricultural Internet of things technology, introduce the automatic frequency conversion irrigation system, through the Internet of things control box and expert information system, according to the collected information to irrigate the grape precisely. Automatic frequency conversion irrigation system using the frequency conversion technology, can realize the pump automatic start and stop, and it do not need to run for a long time, which can reduce the load of pump. As long as the related parameters set, it can ensure that the pipe water pressure and flow rate to maintain in a reasonable scope, to avoid the damage to pipeline. Reducing the pipeline jam phenomenon happened . Internet of things can get the moisture of the soil through a variety of sensors, when they tested that the soil moisture is less, which will affect the growth of grapes, the sensor will transfer the information to the management center, management center after receiving the information, send instructions will be needed for irrigation area of solenoid valve is opened, automatic watering grapes need irrigation of grapes. After the irrigation to a certain extent, whether to continue the irrigation information system will be judged by experts, information system can be experts knowledge and experience of related plant transformation as the control parameter, sending them to give the control center, provide a reliable basis for judging the current situation.5.2The application of Internet of things technology in soilless culture.5.2.1The perception of environmental conditions of soil without soil.Iot perception layer by all sorts of information and data acquisition and sensor devices, including information collection layer by temperature and humidity sensor, pH sensors, nutrition concentration sensors, cameras and infrared sensors to sense, collect soilless cultivation equipment of environment temperature, humidity, pH, and nutrient concentrations, and the collected data, video, or physical quantities into the physical world of information. Self-organizing sensor network adopting digital link coding, modulation and demodulation technology to realize data transmission between the sensor and the sensor node of the wlan, based on the network, traffic management and routing technology, realize the self organization and coordination between each node. Through the various kinds of sensors installed, the changes of relevant indicators in the soil cultivation facilities are perceived and collected, and the information transmission is carried out through 3G, 4G network technology, wireless network and bluetooth.5.2.2The processing of environmental information of soil without soil.The related index information collected by the sensing layer is transmitted to the network layer through the self-organizing sensor network. Network layer is passed perception send or receive data, through access to physical quantities carry electronic information, identification and information format conversion, and then by the network interface layer perception layer collected information into the application layer,to realize the whole iot structure of three levels of connection.5.2.3The regulation of soil culture environmentAccording to the requirement of the soilless cultivation facilities plants to environmental conditions, set the cultivation in advance environmental indicators,such as temperature, humidity in soilless cultivation facilities, pH, concentration of carbon dioxide, nutrient concentrations, illumination, and cultivation of outdoor climatic conditions and related indicators to monitor, record. Through a variety of sensors and perception layer information acquisition terminal access parameters in time, and then through the network layer transfer and processing, output to the corresponding operation interface, then realize that implementation of soilless cultivation environment related indicators of the real-time monitoring and regulation. In addition, the user according to the requirement of environmental indicators in different periods, set the corresponding warning threshold, network system can be according to the different need of related parameters of plants to the intelligent adjustment5.3The application of iot technology to the quality and safety traceability system of fertilizer.5.3.1The importance of quality and safety of fertilizer production.Short for fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, is made by chemical methods to provide one or more needed to make crops grow in the nutrient fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer and compound fertilizer, hefei, China is a populous country, and agriculture is very important. Food production in our country agricultural development occupies a pivotal position. Our country's arable land accounts for only 7% of the world's, but China's population22%, therefore, increasing production per unit area of cultivated land is the only way for China's grain production. fertilizer is to improve the soil properties, increase soil fertility, and is the important measures to increase food production. Fertilizer inputs, which is the basis for the most, is closely related to people's healthy diet also, its production quality and safety is very important.5.3.2Chemical fertilizer quality safety traceability system architecture.In chemical fertilizer quality safety traceability system, the hardware layer includes sensors, RFID tag module (to EPC coding of RFID tags, unified distribution and management), read and write, antenna, printer (printing RFID tags and traceability code). Chemical fertilizer quality safety traceability system mainly used in the product information collection and transfer the information to the service layer. Service layer is responsible for data processing and transmission, including rf data with the query, proofreading, storage and management. The data layer is used to store data, including details of products and business. Application layer includes production, storage, transportation, sales and so on each link of the process management, main body involved in the activities of all aspects of the formation of the relevant information, the application layer also provides all kinds of query, regulation and other service functions.5.3.3The realization of quality and safety traceability system of chemical fertilizer.In fertilizer production processing store sales in the link, the operation of the information acquisition process is: when the factory finished fertilizer production work, after inspectors inspection by rf label management functions for all processing fertilizer was distributed with EPC RFID tag encoding information. After Rf reader to the EPC tag information, by the operator for detailed information on school work.When the fertilizer has completed the sales process, the purchaser can check the relevant information of each link in the company's fertilizer quality and safety traceability system through the tracing code on the packaging bag.If the product quality problem is found, the purchaser may report or complain to the relevant quality control department. In this way, the product quality information traceability is realized, and the anti-counterfeiting authentication of chemical fertilizer products and the certification of enterprises' anti-cross products are realized. Traceability links can also record problem product traceability code,when and who buy, contact phone number, thus it is advantageous to the enterprise and the government supervision department in accordance with the relevant information query, to implement supervision and control of products. The fertilizer quality safety traceability system also has a separate management module for data backup and recovery functions to ensure the security of all data in the traceability system.6 The limitations of using the Internet of things in agriculture6.1 higher costAlthough in recent years there has been a massive decline in the cost of the sensor, but the cost is still high. The humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor price is more expensive. The total greenhouse environment parameter sensor price at around $ten thousand. The needs of large investment funds for migrant workers, lead to the application of the Internet of things technology can't realize. It still need to reduce the investment cost.6.2 technical problemsSensor will be measured due to improper installation location, bad stability of inaccurate data. There are some wireless sensor signal transmission distance is limited, and data transmission is not stabl .The maintenance cost is high as well. In addition, using the sensor power supply problem no good solution. if use solar power, power is not enough. If use alternating current (ac) is the most greenhouse without electricity and laying electric power line, which limit the popularization of the internet of thing technology in agriculture.7 conclusionThe Internet of things technology belongs to a kind of new technology, belong to the core of intelligent technology, the typical use of new network technology, however, judging from the actual situation of our country at present stage, the Internet of things technology has not yet formed technology system of the system.Results show that the Internet of things technology has great application prospects in the agriculture, believe in the near future, the Internet of things technology can be a secondary agricultural technology level of the development of the core technology in our country.。
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物联网技术与现代农业生产 外文文献翻译
![物联网技术与现代农业生产 外文文献翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb6fb9cbcf84b9d528ea7af2.png)
The Internet of things technology and modern agricultural productionAbstract—The Internet of Things assumes that objects have digital functionality and can be identified and tracked automatically. The main goal of embedded interaction is to look at new opportunities that arise for interactive systems and the immediate value users gain. The authors developed various prototypes to explore novel ways for human-computer interaction (HCI), enabled by the Internet of Things and related technologies. Based on these experiences, they derive a set of guidelines for embedding interfaces into people’s daily lives.Keyword: Internet of Things, greenhouse, agricultureOne, what is the Internet of things the greenhouseGreenhouse simple understanding of the Internet of things is the introduction of the Internet of things technology in greenhouse. On the basis of Internet of things refers to the computer to the Internet, using the radio frequency identification technology, such as wireless data communication technology to construct a global goods information real-time Shared objects to the Internet, referred to as "the Internet of things, it is the modern information technology development to a certain stage, appeared a polymerized applications and technology to promote. Now that the Internet of things is to all sorts of perception technology, modern network technology and artificial intelligence and integrated automation technology polymerization and application, so it goes with modern greenhouse have connected.The Internet of things is an important part of a new generation of information technology. Its English name is "The Internet of things". Thus, as the name implies, "Internet of things is something connected to the Internet". This has two meanings: first, the core and foundation of the Internet of things is still the Internet, is based on Internet of extension and expansion of network; Extension is second, its clients and extends to any goods and articles, information exchange and communication. Internet of things is "material objects connected to the Internet. Through the Internet of things intellisense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the computer and the Internet after the third wave of world information industry development. The Internet of things is an Internet application development, Internet of things is not so much network, Internet of things is a business and application. Therefore, innovation is the core of the development of the Internet of things application, the user experience as the core of innovation is the soul of the development of the Internet of things. 2.0.Internet of Things is defined by the radio frequency identification (the Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) devices, infrared sensors, global positioning systems, laser scanners and other information sensing device, according to the greed protocol, any goods and the Internet connected to the exchange of information and communication, and advanced cloud computing technology and supercomputers huge amount of data analyzed with a view to helping people make the right decision to act, in order to achieve intelligent identify, locate, track, monitor and manage a kinds of networks. The essence of the Internet of Things is to give the network a new meaning, blending and interaction between persons and things, the normative Reply identification, to make the choice of the program. The composition of the Internet of Things including:(1)P eripheral nodes (acquisition and control layer): namely the use of a variety ofsensors, RFID formed between the object identification and data exchange;(2)A ccess layer (data transport layer): all network form, including wired, wireless,and in the form of Wi-Fi wireless LAN, 2G, 3G, and so on;(3)T he bearer network;(4)A pplication of the control layer;(5)B earer network of computer networks and communication networks for businesson the basis network of Things network.Second, the Internet of things technology developmentIOT(Internet of Things)as early as in 1999, that is to say, put all the objects through the radio-frequency identification information such as the sensing device with an Internet connection, to realize intelligent identification and management. In Tunisia in 2005 at the world summit on the information society, the international telecommunication union released "ITU Internet report:" the Internet of things "formally put forward the concept of Internet of things. IOT concept is put forward, and quickly catch on around the world, the world has become a global attention the keywords.In 2009 the United States the Obama administration will "Internet of things" promoted to national strategic direction, with radio frequency identification (RFID), sensors, qr codes, networking and intelligent information processing as a representative of the Internet of things technology is accelerating applied in agricultural production areas in the west.In China, on August 7, 2009, premier wen jiabao of the state council micro-nano sensor network engineering technology research and development center in wuxi inspection studio said China should seize the opportunity, develop the Internet of things technology; On August 26, 2009, zhu hongren, chief engineer of ministry of industry and industrial economic operation in China in the summer of 2009 report, said at the meeting is being paid close attention to in our country, attaches great importance to the research inthe Internet of things; On September 11, 2009, ministry of sensor network standardization working group was set up, marked the our country will accelerate the formulation can meet the demand of the development of sensor network international standards, on March 5, 2010 in the three times of the 11th National People's Congress meeting, premier wen jiabao in his government work report for the first time again asked to speed up research and development of the Internet of things applications. At this point, construction of the Internet of things rise to national strategic height.Third, why should use the Internet of things the greenhouseThe greenhouse inside air temperature and humidity, soil temperature and humidity, co2 concentration and light and so on agricultural environment information collection, is essential to the production, but this is not purely depend on can achieve. In greenhouse environment, pavilions greenhouse to use the Internet of things technology, become a measurement control, wireless sensor network (WSN) use different sensor node and the node has a simple actuator, such as fan, low pressure motor, the valve actuator working current is low, a wireless network to measure humidity, matrix composition, pH, temperature and humidity of the air pressure, light intensity, co2 concentration, again through the model analysis, automatic control of greenhouse environment control, irrigation and fertilization, so as to get the best condition of plant growth.For greenhouse into agricultural park, Internet of things also can realize automatic measurement and control information. By equipped with wireless sensor nodes, each wireless sensor node can monitor various environmental parameters. By receiving data from the wireless sensor gathering node, for storage, display and data management, which can realize all base test points information acquisition, management, and analysis, and the intuitive graph and curve display for each greenhouse users, according to the requirements of plant at the same time provide a variety of sound and light alarm message and SMS alarm information, and to achieve greenhouse intensive, networked remote management.Four, the Internet of things technology, traditional agricultural why needThe party's 16th national congress put forward, the construction of modern agriculture, develop rural economy, increasing farmers' income, is the comprehensive construction socialism new countryside important task. "Farmers" problem is the party and the government care about a great event.At present, traditional agricultural extensive model has far can not adapt to the needs of agricultural sustainable development, the product quality problem, a serious shortage of resources and general waste, environmental pollution, product variety many problems,such as the agricultural demand diversity into a vicious cycle, the development of agriculture to the development of modern agriculture indeed provides a shining path, precision agriculture and traditional agriculture than the biggest characteristics is a high and new technology and scientific management for the biggest saving for the resource. It is a comprehensive very strong system engineering, is an agricultural implement way of the low consumption, high efficiency, high quality, environmental protection, is the new trend of world agricultural development, also is the best choice for our country agriculture to realize agricultural modernization.Agricultural IOT(Internet of Things) is the Internet of Things technology in the application of agricultural production and operation management, by operating terminals and sensors to collect all kinds of agricultural data, through the wireless sensors, mobile communications, wireless network and wired network to realize information transmission, through the homework terminal to realize monitoring and management in the whole process of the agricultural production process. Agricultural Internet of things can change traditional, extensive mode of agricultural production and management, improve the ability of crop diseases and insect pests prevention and control, change the management mode of agricultural products to ensure the quality safety of agricultural products, will lead the development trend in modern agriculture, therefore, at present, China's agriculture is in the process of transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, in particular by using modern material conditions is equipped with traditional agriculture, through to transform traditional agriculture, modern technology to further enhance the level of the agricultural industrial chain. Internet of things technology can achieve comprehensive perception, stable transmission and intelligent management, the technical characteristics decided the Internet of things will be in the process of the construction of modern agriculture.Five, the advantage of Internet of things of agriculture intelligent measurement and control systemOne of Five, comprehensive monitoring and precise regulation of agricultural growth processControl system in the greenhouse, the IOT system pH sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, light sensors, ion sensors, biosensors, carbon dioxide sensors equipment detection in the environment temperature, relative humidity, pH, light intensity, soil nutrient, physical parameters, such as carbon dioxide concentration, through a variety of instruments, meters real-time display or as an automatic control parameter involved in the automatic control, to ensure the growth of the crops have a good, suitable for the environment. Remote control the implementation of the technical staff in the office can control multiple greenhouse environment monitoring. By usingwireless network is measured to obtain the best condition of crop growth, can provide scientific basis for accurate control greenhouse, to increase production, improve quality, regulate growth cycle, improve the economic benefit. The purpose ofTwo of Five, improve the efficiency of waterInduction in soil moisture sensors and control irrigation systems in order to realize the automatic water saving and energy saving, can build a high efficiency, low energy consumption, low investment, multi-functional platform for agricultural water saving irrigation. Agriculture is our country's water conservation, and its water consumption accounts for about 70% of the total water consumption. According to statistics, due to the dry food in our country, on average, the affected area up to 20 million h m/year, losses of food accounted for 50% of total national output as a result of food. For a long time, because of technology, backward management level, lead to irrigation water waste is very serious, agricultural irrigation water utilization rate is only 40%. If according to the monitoring soil moisture information, real-time control irrigation timing and water amount, water use efficiency can be effectively improved. And artificial time measuring moisture content, not only cost a lot of manpower, and to do real-time monitoring; The cable measurement and control system, requires the high cost of wiring, not easy to expand, and inconvenience to farm. With low power wireless sensor network node through the ZigBee ad-hoc network way of water-saving irrigation control system based on wireless sensor network (WSN), to avoid the wiring for the inconvenience, the shortcomings of flexibility is poor, to realize continuous online monitoring soil moisture, irrigation and water-saving irrigation automatic control, both for improving the utilization ratio of irrigation water, to alleviate the problem of the growing scarcity of water resources in our country, also provide a good growth environment for crop growth.Three of Five, agriculture from production to the standardization of quality supervision, inspection and transportation and network managementIntelligent agricultural greenhouses iot information system research to produce a variety of sensors, such as temperature, chemical growth process of the whole monitoring and digital management; Combination of RFID electronic tags in the cultivation, production, quality inspection, transportation process, real time identifiable data storage and management. In the field of modern greenhouse cultivation, the Internet of things technology accurately to caress the fruit and vegetable and crop seedling. In this process, the pH sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, optical sensors, ion sensors, biosensors, carbon dioxide sensors such as equipment, detection in the environment temperature, relative humidity, pH, light intensity, soil nutrient, physical parameters, such as carbon dioxide concentration, through a variety of instrumentation real-time display, or as the automatic control of depending on a parameter involved in the automatic control,guarantee crops have a good, suitable for the growth of the environment, thus to increase crop yield, improve quality, regulate growth cycle, improve the economic benefit, the purpose of implement the standardization of agricultural production, networked and digitized.Six, the limitations of iot technology in agricultureOne of Six, make the cost higherAlthough the cost of the sensor have fallen significantly in recent years, but its application cost is still high, a humidity sensor to hundreds of yuan, a soil moisture sensor to more than one thousand yuan, a greenhouse environment parameter all sensors should be in ten thousand yuan, for farmers still is a big investment, so the Internet of things of agriculture application also mainly concentrated in some scientific research institutes, agricultural enterprise and the government to promote projects, to large-scale promotion also need to drastically reduce the cost.Two of Six, technical problemsCurrent sensor may be due to improper installation location data, or the stability of the sensor is bad because of the time change, data gathering are some wireless sensor signals transmission distance is limited, data transmission is not stable, high maintenance costs. Again such as power supply problem also is not very good solve, if using solar power, the power is not enough, if use alternating current (ac), the vast majority of greenhouse without electricity and the need to wash the power cord, all of these limit the Internet of things in agriculture large-scale popularization.Seven, the Internet of things technology in the agricultural development trendIn order to achieve a high level of facility agriculture, to develop in the direction of refinement, intensive agriculture in our country, must use scientific and technological progress, especially attaches great importance to the application of information technology in agriculture is very important. Realization of Internet of things technology application in the field of agriculture is to improve agricultural production means, improve the efficiency of agricultural production and production level of beneficial attempt. Internet of things technology application in agriculture, can change the extensive mode of agricultural management, also can improve the ability of plant and animal epidemic disease prevention and control, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, leading the modern agricultural development in the field of modern greenhouse cultivation, the Internet of things technology accurately to caress the seedlings of fruit vegetables and crops. In this process, the temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pH sensor,light sensor, ion sensors, biosensors, carbon dioxide sensors such as equipment, detection in the environment temperature, relative humidity, pH, light intensity, soil nutrient, physical parameters, such as carbon dioxide concentration, through a variety of instrumentation real-time display, or as the automatic control of depending on a parameter involved in the automatic control, to ensure the growth of the crops have a good, suitable for the environment.In the fruits and vegetables and food storage, temperature sensor plays a huge role, refrigerator according to real-time parameters of cold storage temperature within the sensor to implement automatic control and keep the relative stability of the temperature.Internet of things, therefore, has a broad application prospect in agricultural areas, in terms of farmland, orchards and other large-scale production can use the Internet of things technology turn agricultural environment temperature, humidity, illumination, precipitation, etc., the soil organic matter content, temperature and humidity, heavy metal content, pH, etc., and the characteristics of plant growth information such as real-time access to transport and use, and that for scientific fertilization, irrigation work has very important significance, has become the field of Internet of things of agriculture research one of the most main topic.Based on wireless sensor network technology in the Internet of things of agriculture is the direction of the facilities agriculture, agricultural IOT will greatly promote the development of facilities agriculture in our country, really realize the automation, intellectualization and modernization of agriculture in our country. At present, in our country some areas of agricultural facilities, Internet of things of agriculture has received initial deployment, and obtained the considerable economic benefits. But in popularization of the Internet of things of agriculture also faces many difficulties, such as cost of sensor nodes, wireless sensor network system of power consumption, perception nodes data efficient transmission problems and so on. How to overcome these difficulties, it is key to the development of the Internet of things of agriculture. Believe that along with the relevant scientific research institutions and scholars at home and abroad continue to exploration and efforts, the various technology unceasing development and perfect, these difficulties will be readily solved, finally realize a highly efficient, high quality and safe facilities industry monitoring system.References1.M. Kranz et al., “Context-Aware Kitchen Utilities,” Proc. 1st Int,l Conf. 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英文翻译分院海运学院专业物流管理届别2012届学号084771115姓名指导教师2011 年 10 月 31日<文献翻译一:原文>The Internet of Things: The Death of a TraditionalDatabase?Keith G. JefferyDirector IT & International Strategy, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX UKAbstractTraditional database research has developed technology to ensure that the database — even when distributed — represents the world of interest with integrity and a consistent state. Important concepts have been developed and proven. However, the internet of things challenges all this. Very large numbers of nodes handle volumes that are vast, the speed is fast and the data/information space is global — indeed with space data — universal. This poses challenges. What does the concept of a state mean when the information map of the real world of interest is represented across millions of nodes, many of which are updating in real-time? What does a transaction look like when the data being updated is spread across hundreds or thousands of nodes with differing update policies? Worse, how does one roll back or compensate a transaction? We have already seen database research applied to semi-structured data, to streamed data, and real-time applications. Is it possible for these techniques to be applied to the internet of things? The internet of things opens up more opportunities for security compromises. How do we develop trust band security techniques across multiple policies? How do we prevent the unauthorized use of private information yet permit authorized use? We need dynamic trust, security, and privacy management. Do we need a new theoretical framework?KeywordsDatabase, Future internet, Integrity, Process, State, Transaction, Workflow.1. IntroductionThere is much activity in Europe and the world on predicting the future of information and communication technology (ICT). There are roadmapping exercises for R and D in various domains to meet that predicted future. The EC has set up expert groups and/or Projects covering GRIDs, CLOUDs,Service-Oriented Architectures, quantum and bio-computing, new materials, human‑computer interaction,and cognitive technology among others. There is much discussion of Web2.0 and beyond. The ‘Internet of Things’ (http:// /wiki/Internet_of_Things) is a strong theme with a recent EC (European Commission) conference (May 2009) dedicated to it. The formation of the FIA (Future Internet Assembly) underpins the groundswell of enthusiasm for this idea, and Issue 77 of ERCIM News [1] has Future Internet Technology as the special theme, with a foreword by Viviane Reding, EC Commissioner for Information Society and Media, emphasizing the importance. Europe is establishing an e-Infrastructure and the US is establishing its Cyberinfrastructure.Database researchers (with a few notable exceptions) have not been very prominent in these discussions. This is surprising, as the movement toward take‑up of these new technologies by the business world pioneered in the research field will require, at the least, interoperation with the existing database technology, and most likely a further wholesale evolutionary or revolutionary developmentof the database technology, to adapt to the new environment. Database research has moved to includesemi-structured data and its processing and managing of data streams. There is work on schema matching and mapping for interoperation (sometimes in the context of Dataspaces), and on domain ontologies. Thereis still ongoing work on web-database interfaces, modeling, and systems development. Work on performance or query optimization with new algorithms continues, as does optimized storage architecture — includingP2P (Peer to Peer).Where are the advances in database research matching — and/or contributing to — the huge advancesin (among others) social networking, content creation and repurposing, gaming, sensor systems, robotics, autonomic systems, visualization, user interaction, systems and software development, and service-oriented architecture?2. A VisionThe vision has its roots in [2] with subsequent refinements [3,4] leading to an analysis and synthesis performed in 2008 and updated in 2009 by ERCIM (). It is based on the architecture proposed for the UK e-Science program [2] and is represented in Figure 1.Let us imagine a possible state in 20 years’ time. The problems facing Europe — and the world —(from continent through country to individual person scale) are large, complex, and require unprecedentedscientific, mathematical, and IT skills for their solution.There is a fast, reliable, inexpensive e-infrastructure providing all communication services. Persons are connected to the e-infrastructure via personal computer devices that are continuously online. The networking components of the e-infrastructure invisibly provide optimal connectivity in terms of performance, reliability, cost, and security. The e-infrastructure physically senses, detects, records, and curates everything, using all the computers, storage devices, networks, and sensors. Subject to security, privacy, ownership and commercial rights all computational, storage, detector, and communication facilities are available to everyone. Detectors and subsystems will occur in all environments, across all industries and social services, as also in the home environment. Subsystems are embedded within the e-infrastructure — for example control systems for utilities — including personaltransport. Other subsystems will be robotic for agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and other applications. This e-infrastructure vision has major implications:1. There is a continuing and accelerating need for ever faster, smaller, cheaper, and more energy-efficient (and less heat-producing) devices. At some point biologically-inspired systems will dominate and will compete/cooperate with quantum-based technologies.2. New ‘intelligent materials’ will be developed, which will allow artifacts to be constructed ‘internet-ready’. These will range from agricultural products through to manufactured products.3. The open availability of everything simplifies the physical access and improves the performance, Including reducing latency, but will demand ever‑increasing performance, scalability, reliability, andself-management.4. The middleware of the e-infrastructure bears heavy responsibilities: (a) for providing the self‑* characteristics (self-managing, self-tuning, self- repairing) of a reliable e-infrastructure; (b) for identification, authorization, trust, security, privacy, and access control; (c) for hiding the complexity through virtualization and abstraction, thus providing homogeneous access to and utilization of heterogeneous facilities.The i-infrastructure relies on the underlying e-infrastructure and converts the data (structured,semi-structured, and unstructured) to information. The i-infrastructure provides the processing capabilities to collect, structure, manage, describe, and manipulate the information. It provides computationalmodeling/simulation facilities to generate new information. The processing capabilities will beService-Oriented Knowledge Utilities (SOKUs) which are discoverable/composable and dynamicallytunable, based on properties described by their metadata. There is a massive Amount of content: From structured verified data and information through to personally authored social networking artifacts, and from data streams generated by detectors through to entertainment and education material. The volumes of data and information will preclude shipping data to processors with appropriate software; rather we shall need to ship software to the data.The k-Infrastructure manages knowledge; allowing differing semantic descriptions over a formal syntax in the i-layer. This is the domain where humans or data mining extract knowledge from information by deduction or induction, where that knowledge is codified and stored for use in optimizing the e- and i- layers, and for interfacing to intelligent applications and intelligent user interfaces in the overlying application layer.Relying on this e-, i-, and k-infrastructure are applications. They also will be constructed from SOKUs. The SOKUs will have functional characteristics and their nonfunctional characteristics (including performance, security, and use-condition aspects) will be determined by a well-defined interface to thee-infrastructure. Such architecture allows extensive re-use of well-tried components and the rapid development of applications, using them and additional new services specifically for a particular application. The applications will range from games and edutainment through to B2C (Business‑to‑customer) and B2B (business-to-business) transactions within an E2E (enterprise-to-enterprise) environment and on to advanced R and D activities. Decision-making will be based not just on structured information and knowledge induction and deduction utilizing information, but also on simulations. These applications will be available (under appropriate conditions determined by the restrictive metadata) to everyone. Some applications will be general and widely applicable — ranging from entertainment and games through cooperativeworking/socializing to information management and analysis. These are likely to be pre-composed and optimized for efficiency. Some applications will be highly specialized for particular industrial/commercial sectors or for social sectors such as healthcare and environment; these will be constructed dynamically at demand-time.The end-user will interact with the applications via a set of personalized devices — including robots —providing services. Each device-based service will have associated role-based profiles (metadata covering mainly nonfunctional requirements) to interact with the e-infrastructure. This provides the context for user-application interactions mediated by SOKU agents. The end-user device services will be ‘intelligent’ and will ‘learn’ from experience. They will act on behalf of the user in a majority of the cases. The end-user will not know (or care) where and how her requirements are met, as long as the agreed service levels are achieved. The use of service level agreements negotiated by agents on behalf of the user, their enforcement, and dealing with dissatisfaction and recompense will raise new challenges.7. ConclusionThe database research community has in the past made great advances with major results (e.g., relational database technology — although the pivotal research was done 40 years ago) being taken up and developed further by the IT industry and their products used throughout commerce and industry generating wealth and value. Similarly the technology has underpinned advances in domains such as, environmental monitoring, healthcare, and education, generating improvements in the quality of life.Dave deWitt [7] proposed that database technology was a ‘roadkill on the information superhighway’ and the subsequent development of web-based systems — al though backended by database technology —has in some ways proved him right.The ‘internet of things’ provides database research with a new opportunity and new challenges. The speed and required low latency for many applications are beyond the current capabilities and demand architecture beyond the current database server clusters and distributed databases. Although database technology research has addressed semi-structured and multimedia information and datastreams, homogeneous access to — and processing of — heterogeneous sources is not yet solved. There has been research on representation of temporal properties, but no generally accepted representation has emerged (despite standardization). There has been research on incomplete and uncertain information, but again no generally accepted consensus.There are challenges (not dealt with above) in the representation of morality in the processing of information with appropriate privacy and security. A more widespread, open, and intelligent environment will produce new malware and malicious attacks; therefore, safeguards will have to be designed.<文献翻译一:译文>物联网:传统数据库的死亡?摘要:传统的数据库研究通过开发技术,来确保数据库即便在为分散式的情况下——依然代表利益世界完整和一致的状态。
中英文资料外文翻译Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the "Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks .Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a development opportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International TelecommunicationUnion released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for the first time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet"strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention.The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services market to reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensoris the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventional thinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In theera of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integrated technology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design andresearch and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things will become the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the datacollection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in China rapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one ofthe dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore the Internet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymericintegrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human can be more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to achieve the status of the "wisdom", to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve human the relationship between the natural.。
物联网技术的应用及发展研究最新外文文献翻译文献出处:Marisa D. The application and development of the Internet of things technology [J]. Internet Computing, IEEE, 2015, 12(5): 44-55.原文The application and development of the Internet of things technologyMarisa DAbstractInternet of things is considered through monitoring, analysis and control of network information technology, the extension of human perception of control ability has huge potential. Iot research work has been carried out. A lot of Iot demonstration system was also developed, and has made remarkable application effect. But at the same time, the current development of the Internet of things is also facing some fundamental problems: the Internet of things has what special requirements must be met? What phase are you in the Internet of things technology? Where is the development direction of Internet of things? It is worthwhile to explore these issues. This paper reviews the development of the Internet, and according to the experience of the development of the Internet, analyzes the present situation of Internet of things and Internet of things present in the "content - machine connected to the localsmall-scale network stage, its development direction should be connected to open net of numerous small" net ", namely the "Internet of things". Based on this idea, called WInternet Iot design, and introduces the overall architecture, working mode and protocol system, and also discusses the several other issues worthy of further study. Keywords: Internet of things; Pipeline agreement; Cloud calculation; Technology application1 IntroductionIn recent years, the development of the Internet of things has been attached great importance to, academia, industry, the government to give great attention to the development of the Internet of things. Internet of things is considered can connect hundreds of millions of physical worldobjects, through monitoring, analysis and control of network information technology, the extension of human perception control ability has huge potential. Iot research work has been carried out. A lot of Iotdemonstration system was also developed, and has made remarkable application effect. But at the same time, the current development of the Internet of things is also facing some problems, especially all kinds of Internet of things generally are connected by "-" in the form of "network", although the implements of all kinds of physical objects in the local scope - machine is linked together, but different "net" resource sharing between the perception and control equipment. And because of the existing "- machine connected to the network is generally based on the special agreement, adapt to the need of the professional custom, cause a physical network is not open, hard to connectivity. To realize all kinds of network connectivity should be a Iot of development trend.2 Internet development history and experience2.1 Electronic equipment network systemsIn the 19th century to early 20th century, electronic equipment network of prototype has emerged. As the time of the telephone network, cable network, and other various types is private network system. Now in retrospect, these networks have been gradually replaced by the Internet; its reason is worth thinking about. Analysis of the network system can be found early, they generally have the following features: (1) Vertical integration, tightly coupledThe network system hardware, software and operation of the upper application mostly belong to an owner. Most of the various components of the integration in the network system is independently by the owner internal personnel, network in each part of the tightly coupled system.(2) The proprietary protocols to exchangeIn the network system of internal communication protocol is often according to the specific needs of each owner, in order to better the optimization and use of all kinds of equipment components are designed. Different owners of intellectual property rights and interests protection often will deal core part try to conceal, difficult to communication between different network systems. This method of "vertical integration, proprietary protocols" to satisfy the various network system of the optimization of resources and interests of the owner to protect specific needs, butalso directly led to the early electronic equipment network problems.(3) Resource sharing difficultBecause every electronic device network system is generally adopts the way of "vertical integration" structure, the network system in all kinds of electronic equipment and software are also often can only be used for the network users of the system. For example in the early days of the telephone network system, multiple phone companies have independent laid their phone lines, set up relevant telephone switching equipment, a relatively independent telephone network. Different lines and equipment cannot be Shared between the telephone network, caused the repeat purchase, resource sharing difficult.(4) Function to replicateAnother problem is that in the different network system to repeat the same or similar functions, such as the telephone network signaling in the instruction and the signal coding implementation. Features to replicate directly lead to two results: one is each owners are required for the design and implementation of general agreement and equipment, but due to the limitation of the technical strength of a single owner, will inevitably extend network independently design and development time; Second, under the limit of time and personnel, the realization of function module final quality more or less is not ideal. If different owners to cooperation, complementary advantages, functional modules will not only greatly shorten the development time, its quality will improve the quality and technology evolution speed will also increase.3 Internet of things present situation and the development direction3.1 The development of Internet of thingsIot technology emerges in various fields has also been a high degree of attention, many of the Internet of things application demonstration is put forward and the construction, especially in environmental monitoring, traffic control, disaster emergency, etc. The application of these systems has also made certain achievements. But at the same time, we can also see the current before the development of the Internet of things is with the Internet electronic networks have similar features, especially the "vertical integration" and "special deal". Currently, many of Iot systemare to solve the problem of specific requirements of a certain area or region, independent each other. Set up in the process of sensing equipment, software module, communication formats tend to be based on specific requirements for customization. Caused by agreement custom complex network connection between works, although perception control equipment resources abundant, but it is share difficulties, such as in the current a lot of video surveillance network, while the erection of all kinds of cameras everywhere, but its share is very difficult.3.2 Development direction of Internet of thingsFrom the development history of the Internet, we believe that the current development of the Internet of things was still in the "machine" of the "net" phase. This network connects many physical objects, can communicate with each other, data exchange, and implement all kinds of monitoring and control functions. Most of these networks for specific needs, using proprietary protocols, solve the problems of the current focus on each network owners. But at the same time, also can see, these of the “net”have a resource sharing and the needs of each other."Machine" of the "network" become connected to many of the "net" "open net" should be the development trend of the Internet of things. This trend is also our experience on the development course from the Internet.3.3 The design requirements of Internet of thingsMentioned before the Internet of things, it is using electronic technology to the physical world of awareness and control network. This has also led to the Internet of things with the traditional numerical computing systems and the Internet data transmission network system has different characteristics and requirements.(1) Ensure real-time performanceThe numerical simulation of numerical calculation, Internet of things different from traditional problem itself may not be directly brought about changes in the physical world. But the errors of a control instruction in the Internet of things or delay a disaster may directly result in physical space. In smart grid, for example, if an error control instruction is to control equipment in the grid, small causes energy waste, is can cause paralysis of the grid. The error here includes both the wrong instruction,also including the correct instruction at the wrong time to control equipment. In other words, the real time in the Internet of things than the traditional Internet and numerical calculation system has a higher request. The design of the Internet of things should be as guarantee for real-time important consideration.(2) Privacy promiseThe emergence of the Internet of things technology makes the collection of information easier. Perception of physical space object will more or less involve in the privacy of all kinds of people. Iot will cover these private data is connected to the network, it is possible to make these data are all types of users to access remotely. How to safeguard the privacy of data is not abused and theft, this is the Internet of things another design factors must be considered.(3) Calculation to the nearsIn the Internet of things because of the continuous perception of the physical world, the amount of data and therefore is great. Under the traditional centralized data processing for the Internet of things of huge amounts of data may no longer apply. Illegal vehicle tracking, for example, found accident vehicles, such as somewhere we hope in a wider range of the car to track. One option is to all video monitoring data set to the data center. But the time delay of the data set itself will be longer, to the network bandwidth requirement is high. This scheme is difficult. To ensure real-time performance, but also to save resources, it is better near the camera video data analysis and calculation, the identification of license plate and movement track, avoid the time delay of data transmission and network bandwidth, so as to improve timeliness and network efficiency. Similarly, in the field of smart grid wide-area control, similar problems also exist, all the analyses focused on monitoring data to the data center, and then send the result to the remote, the optical signal transmission time needed for this process is likely to exceed system control limit is allowed. In this case, the calculation to the nearest has become a necessity.译文物联网技术的应用及发展研究Marisa D摘要物联网被认为是通过信息技术进行监测、分析和控制的网络,在延伸人类的感知控制能力方面潜力巨大。
中英文资料外文翻译Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the "Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks .Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a development opportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International TelecommunicationUnion released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for the first time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet"strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention.The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services market to reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensoris the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventional thinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In theera of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integrated technology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design andresearch and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things will become the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the datacollection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in China rapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one ofthe dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore the Internet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymericintegrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human can be more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to achieve the status of the "wisdom", to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve human the relationship between the natural.。
互联网智能设备中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Mobile Malware and Smart Device Security:Trends, Challenges and SolutionsAbdullahi Arabo and Bernardi PranggonoThe Oxford Internet Institute (OII), Oxford University, Oxford, OX1 3JS, U.K. School of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, G4 0BA, U.K.Abstract —This work is part of the research to study trends and challenges of cyber security to smart devices in smart homes. We have seen the development and demand for seamless interconnectivity of smart devices to provide various functionality and abilities to users. While these devices provide more features andfunctionality, they also introduce new risks and threats. Subsequently, current cyber security issues related to smart devices are discussed and analyzed. The paper begins with related background and motivation. We identified mobile malware as one of the main issue in the smart devices’ security. In the near future, mobile smart device users can expect to see a striking increase in malware and notable advancements in malware-related attacks, particularly on the Android platform as the user base has grown exponentially. We discuss and analyzed mobile malware in details and identified challenges and future trends in this area. Then we propose and discuss an integrated security solution for cyber security in smart devices to tackle the issue.Index — Botnet, cyber security, mobile malware, security framework, smart device securityI. INTRODUCTIONThe Internet is one of the most remarkable developments to have happened to mankind in the last 100 years. The development of ubiquitous computing makes things even more interesting as it has given us the possibility to utilise devices and technology in unusual ways. We have seen the development and demand for seamless interconnectivity of smart devices to provide various functionalities and abilities to users. But we also know the vulnerabilities that exist within this ecosystem. However, these vulnerabilities are normally considered for larger infrastructures and little attention has been paid to the cyber security threats from the usage and power of smart devices as a result of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. In the IoT vision, every physical object has a virtual component that can produce and consume services. Smart spaces are becoming interconnected with powerful smart devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.). On the other hand, we also have the backbone, the power grid that powers our nations. These two phenomena are coming at the same time. The increased usage of smart meters in our homes or businesses provides an avenue of connectivity as well as powerful home services or interconnected powerful smart devices. The example of the smart grid also provides the means of controlling and monitoring smart grid infrastructures via the use of portable smart devices.The vulnerability of the connected home and developments within the energy industry’s new wireless smart grid are exposed to the wrong people; it will inevitably lead to lights out for everyone. This will eventually uncover the multitude of interconnected smart devices in the IoT as a hotbed for cyber-attacks or robot networks (botnets) and a security nightmare for smart space users and possibly for national infrastructures as a whole.The latest research has reported that on average people own three internet-connected smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. Therefore, as a resultof the ubiquity of smart devices, and their evolution as computing platforms, as well as the powerful processors embedded in smart devices, has made them suitable objects for inclusion in a botnet. Botnets of mobile devices (also known as mobile botnets) are a group of compromised smart devices that are remotely controlled by bot-masters via command-and-control (C&C) channels. Mobile botnets have different characteristics in several aspects as compared to PC-based botnets, such as their C&C channels medium.PC-based botnets are seen as the most common platforms for security attacks, and mobile botnets are seen as less of a threat in comparison to their counterparts. This is so for different reasons, such as limited battery power, resource issues, and Internet access constraints, etc. Therefore, the efforts directed to both the manifestation of operating mobile botnets and corresponding research and development endeavours are not as wide as for PC-based botnets. However, this development could change with the recent surge in popularity and use of smart devices. Smart devices are now widely used by billions of users due to their enhanced computing ability, practicality and efficient Internet access, thanks to advancement in solid-state technologies.Moreover, smart devices typically contain a large amount of sensitive personal and corporate data and are often used in online payments and other sensitive transactions. The wide spread use of open-source smart device platforms such as Android and third-party applications made available to the public also provides more opportunities and attractions for malware creators. Therefore, for now and the near future smart devices will become one of the most lucrative targets for cybercriminals.The main focus of this paper is threefold: firstly to highlight the possible threats and vulnerability of smart devices, secondly to analyse the challenges involved in detecting mobile malware in smart devices and finally to propose a general security solution that will facilitate solving or addressing such threats. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section II we provide a detailed analysis of the security threats on smart devices and their links with cyber security. We have identified mobile malware as one of the main issues and we discuss it in more detail in Section III. Section IV provides our proposed security solution that will be able to deter the problems of mobile malware. The paper is concluded in section V.II. SECURITY THREATS ON SMART DEVICESThe weakest link in any IT security chain is the user. The human factor is the most challenging aspect of mobile device security. Home users generally assume that everything will work just as it should, relying on a device’s default settings without referring to complex technical manuals. Therefore service content providers and hardware vendors need to be aware of their responsibilities in maintaining network security and content management on the devices they provide. Service providers might also have the opportunity to provide add-on security services to complement theweaknesses of the devices.The issue of cyber security is much closer to the home environment than has been usually understood; hence, the problem of cyber security extends beyond computers it is also a threat to portable devices. Many electronic devices used at home are practically as powerful as a computer - from mobile phones, video consoles, game consoles and car navigation systems. While these devices are portable, provide more features and functionality, they also introduce new risks.These devices previously considered as secure can be an easy target for assailants. The information stored and managed within such devices and home networks forms part of an individual’s Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) [2] as identified by the POSTnote on cyber security in the UK. For example, an attacker may be able to compromise a smart device with a virus, to access the data on the device. Not only do these activities have implications for personal information, but they could also have serious consequences if corporate information were also stored on the smart device.The use of mobile devices in healthcare is also more common these days, such as in mobile-health. A typical example is having a health device connected to the home network, which is capable of transmitting data wirelessly to hospitals and other relevant parties. Most of the manufacturers of these devices do not put much effort in trying to make sure that the devices are secure. If these devices are compromised not only will the information and privacy of the user of the device be compromised, but the attacker can even change the settings of the devices, which could lead to harmful consequences. It has been shown that it is possible to hack into a pacemaker and read the details of data stored in the device such as names and medical data without having direct access to the devices simply by standing nearby [3].Therefore, it is also possible to reconfigure the parameters of the device. This is not only applicable to medical devices, but also to any devices that are used within the home network for any purpose.According to the Juniper Networks report [4], 76 percent of mobile users depend on their mobile devices to access their most sensitive personal information, such as online banking or personal medical information. This trend is even more noticeable with those who also use their personal mobile devices for business purposes. Nearly nine in ten (89 percent) business users report that they use their mobile device to access sensitive work-related information.Another more worrying impact is when cybercriminals use the vast resources of the network to turn it into a botnet and launch a cyber-attack on national critical infrastructures. There are some Android applications that when downloaded from a third party market (not the Android market) are capable of accessing the root functionality of devices (“rooted”) and turning them into botnet soldiers without theuser’s explicit consent.People could easily and unwittingly download malware to their smart devices or fa ll prey to “man-in-the-middle” attacks where cyber-criminals pose as a legitimate body, intercept and harvest sensitive information for malicious use. In 2011, there was a mix of Android applications removed from the Android Market because they contained malware. There were over 50 infected applications - these applications were copies of “legitimate” applications from legitimate publishers that were modified to include two root exploits and a rogue application downloader .The Juniper Networks Mobile Threat Centre (MTC) reported that in 2011 there was an unparalleled increase in mobile malware attacks, with a 155 percent increase from the previous year across all platforms [5]. It is also reported that Android malware experienced an increase of 3,325 percent in 2011. Notable in these findings is a significant number of malware samples obtained from third-party applications which do not enjoy the benefit or protection Google Play Store scanning techniques. Previously, an Android developer could post an application to the official Android Market and have it available immediately, without inspection or vetting to block pirated or malicious applications.This increase in malware is mainly due to the combination of Google Android’s dominant market share in smartphone (68.8 percent in 2012) and the lack of security control over the applications appearing in the various Android application markets. It was reported recently that Google Play store, which has more than 700,000 apps just passed 15 billion downloads. Security firm Fortinet estimated that money-stealing malware has increased exponentially in 2006-2011 as shown in Figure 1. Based on an estimation by Kaspersky Lab, cybercriminals who target smart devices like smartphones earn from $1,000 to $5,000 per day per person. Mobile phone hacking is also getting more attractive with the rise of the Near-Field Communication technology (NFC), which expands the use of smart devices as e-wallet or helps people to read product information.In December 2011 alone, Kaspersky Lab discovered more than 1,000 new Trojans targeting smartphones. That is more than all the smartphone viruses spotted during 2003-2010. This trend is continuing; in 2012, the number of cyber-attacks targeting mobile devices increased exponentially during the first quarter, as reported by security firm Trend Micro [6].Their report identified approximately 5,000 new malicious Android applications in just the first three months of the year, mainly due to the increase of the Android user base. The research also pointed out a marked escalation in the number of active advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns currently being mounted against companies and governments. APT is a cyber-attack launched by a group ofsophisticated, determined, and coordinated attackers who systematically compromise the network of a specific target or entity for a prolonged period. Security researchers see APT in different ways, while some researchers regard APT as different type of attack; others just categorize it as a more organized botnet with more resources behind it.Malware developments that targets smart home devices have several known monetization factors. Most malwares are aimed at mobile pick pocketing (short message service (SMS) or call fraud) or the ability to charge premium bills via SMS or calls, as illustrated in Figure 2. Some malware are used as part of botnet creations. Malwares like DreamDroid (or DroidDream) [7] have integrated thousands of mobile devices into extensive botnets. Some of the malwares are developed to exploit vulnerabilities on either the operating systems (OS), installed applications, or just to create trouble to user information.Home devices and general consumer electronics are progressively becoming more advanced and are capable of connecting with other devices over a network. While it may sound unreal, devices such as TVs, digital picture frames, smart meters and e-readers are quite vulnerable and absolutely capable of causing problems on your network. The next few years will provide opportunities for various types of malware developers to explore unlikely methods of achieving their goals. Smartphones are not invulnerable and Macs can get malware, such as the CVE-2012-0507 vulnerability [8].Luigi Auriemma in [9] has uncovered a vulnerability in a Samsung D6000 high definition (HD) TV that caused it to get stuck in an endless loop of restarts. Auriemma's report followed another denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability in Sony Bravia TVs uncovered by Gabriel Menezes Nunes [10] which stops users from changing the volume, channels or access any functions.In the 2012 first quarterly report from Trend Micro [11], it was pointed out that the large diffusion of mobile devices and the increase in awareness of the principal cyber threats have resulted in an increase in the interest of cybercrime in the mobile sector. Another significant interest is concentrated on the threat in terms of the rapid spread of botnets based on mobile devices, favored by the total almost absence of protection and the difficulty of tracing the agents composing the network. If these exploits are targeted by well-established hacker groups such as Anonymous, it will pose a bigger threat to organizations and smart environments that protect highly sensitive data, targeting companies and individuals for various political and financial reasons.III. MOBILE MALWAREOne of the major and most common problems in today’s Internet is malware. Among these malware, Botnets are considered as the biggest challenge. Botnets are used to send email spam, carry out distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks, andfor hosting phishing and malware sites. Botnets are slowly moving towards smart devices since those devices are now basically everywhere, powerful enough to run a bot and offer additional gains for a bot-master such as financial gains as discussed earlier. With PC-based botnets, cybercriminals often use zombies within botnets to launch DDoS attacks. Even though there have been no major mobile DDoS incidents, with current trends we can expect to see this in the near future.Botnets are maintained by malicious actors commonly referred to as “bot-masters” that can access and manage the botnet remotely or via bot proxy servers as illustrated in Error!Reference source not found.. The bots are then programmed and instructed by the bot-master to perform a variety of cyber-attacks, including attacks involving the further distribution and installation of malware on other information systems.In PC-based botnets, botnet master controllers typically use http requests with normal port 80 to transmit and receive their messages. In mobile-based botnets, the bot-master also uses similar http techniques to distribute their commands but also exploits SMS, Bluetooth, etc. The bot-master exploits operating system and configuration vulnerabilities to compromise smart devices and to install the bot software.The first mobile malware, known as Cabir, was discovered in 2004 and was also known as the first mobile worm. The first mobile botnet was discovered around July 2009, when a security researcher found SymbOS.Yxes or SymbOS.Exy.C (aka Sexy Space) [12] targeting Symbian devices and using simple HTTP-based Command-and-Control (C&C).Later the same year, a security researcher discovered Ikee.B [13], which targets jailbroken iPhones using a similar mechanism to SymbOS.Yxes. Geinimi, which is considered to be the first Android botnet, was discovered in China in December 2010. Geinimi also implements similar HTTP-based C&C with the added feature of encrypted communications. Ge inimi steals the device’s international mobile equipment identity (IMEI), international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI), GPS coordinate, SMS, contact list, etc. and forwards it to the bot-master.Although advanced mobile botnets have not been observed in the main population of smartphones, we believe it is just a matter of time. As shown in [14], mobile botnets are obviously serious threats for both end users and cellular networks. Threats imposed by botnets will continue to increase. As more people use smart devices, it is essential to analyze and explore the mechanisms of mobile botnets and develop security solutions in regard to smart devices.The use of C&C for a mobile botnet stipulates additional challenges that differentiate it from well-known PC-based botnets. Some of these main challenges include, among others: computational power, seamless connectivity, inter-connectivitywith other secure platforms networks, portability and amount of stored sensitive data, and computational power. PC-based botnets also use an IRC-channel as the main C&C communication channel.The impact of SMS-based C&C, IP-based C&C, and Bluetooth-based C&C has been addressed in detail in [15], while P2P-based C&C mobile botnets are analyzed and discussed in [16].As a result of the abilities of smart devices in terms of placing i.e. calls, use of SMS and MMS amongst others, the burdens for mobile botnets are very interesting and challenging as it opens the door for easy financial gain for a bot-master. Additionally, since mobile phones interact with operators and other networks, attacks against the critical infrastructure are also possible.Hence, it is possible to launch sophisticated cyber-attacks on the mobile phone network that will be very hard to prevent.Detecting and preventing malware is not a trivial task as malware developers adopt and invent new strategies to infiltrate mobile devices. Malware developers employ advanced techniques such as obfuscation and encryption to camouflage the signs of malware and thereby undermine anti-malware software.Some of the main reasons why mobile malware are an attractive point for viruses and malware developers are:1.The ubiquity of smart devices such as smartphones in general.2.The increasing computational powers of smart devices. Whose they arebecoming virtually as powerful as desktop systems.3.The lack of awareness of the threats and the risk attached to smart devicesfrom the end-user’s perspective.4.The growing uses of jailbreak/rooted devices both on iOS and Androiddevices.5.Each smart device really is an expression of the owner. It provides ameans to track the user’s activity, hence serves as a single gateway to our digital identity and activities.6.Most of the widely used smart devices operate on an open platform suchas Android, which encourages developers and download of applications from both trusted applications markets and third party markets.IV. POTENTIAL SECURITY SOLUTIONSConsidering the above threats and challenges, a new security solution is essential for cyber security for smart devices in smart homes. More specifically, several keyresearch tasks are required: 1) investigate new secure system architecture for smart devices in smart homes; 2) re-evaluate and enhance security system architecture for smart devices in smart homes.Android OS has four layers: Linux kernel, libraries (+Android runtime), application solution and applications layers (see Figure 4). So, basically Android runtime is a kind of “glue” between the Linux kernel and the applications.Figure 4. Android OS layersThe main security features common to Android involve process and file system isolation; application or code signing; ROM, firmware, and factory restore; and kill switches.However, the main security issue with Android OS is it relies heavily to the end-user to decide whether an application is safe or not. Even though Google’s just adding one piece of the security layer by scanning an applications in the Google Play, the end users still needs to analyze and make the final decision themselves whether to continue with the installation or not. Until now, the end-users cannot rely on the operating system to protect themselves from malware.As part of Google’s marketing strategy to gain market share as big as possible by offering applications as many as possible, the Android application publishing process makes it easy for developers to develop Android applications, but also provides too much space for malicious application creators.Malicious applications have successfully infected Android market before, one example being a malware application called droid09 which allowed users to carry out banking transactions. The application needs the user to provide the bank’s details and tricks the user by masquerading a legitimate login of a bank website (phishing).Malware applications have become more sophisticated these days; they find new ways and techniques to enter the system by exploiting software vulnerabilities or by just tricking the users.End-user: It is always essential for the end-user to be aware of the security measures of their mobile device. End-users should be aware of at least the following measures:Install anti-virus and anti-malware solutions to protect the device againstmalware and viruses. Also ensure to turn on the automatic update. It is been shown that installing anti-virus and anti-malware is very effective to protect mobile devices from malicious applications [5, 6, 17].•Install a personal firewall to protect mobile device interfaces from direct attack and illegal access. The effectiveness of mobile firewalls to increase a mobile device’s security is shown in [18].Install only applications from trusted sources that have legitimate contact information and a website. As the current Android Market (Google Play) does not adopt a certification process for applications, it is up to the end-user to make sure he/she only installs trusted applications from trusted developers.Install only applications from the official and original developer (for example, if you are installing Instagram applications, make sure you download it from Instagram Inc.).Check the permissions carefully when the application is prompting you during the installation phase. For example, when you install a wallpaper application, do you think it really needs full Internet access?Ensure your OS and software's always up-to-date with the latest versions and security patches need to be installed.Install remote locate, track, lock, wipe, backup and restore software to retrieve, protect or restore a lost or stolen mobile device and the personal data on the device.Only install applications that have a high number of downloads and positive reviews.Never view sensitive data over public wireless networks which have no passwords or encryption.Should be alert to anomaly behaviours and activities in their devices.Should be careful when clicking links on social network sites. Malicious links on social networks can be a very effective method to spread malware.Participants tend to trust such networks and are thus willing to click on links that are on “friends’” social networking sites.Mobile Network Operators (MNOs): MNO also has responsibility to create a more secure environment for their customers. MNOs need to install anti-virus and anti-malware software to scan outgoing and incoming SMS and MMS to the mobile network, as many malwares use SMS/MMS to propagate and contact the bot-master. MNO should also build a global partnership with related agencies such as other MNOs to prevent mobile malware propagation by exchanging information, knowledge, database and expertise.Apps Developers: Developers also need to take care of the security measuresimplemented in their application. They should ensure that private data is not being sent via an unencrypted channel; the data must be sent through HTTPS or TLS networks.Developers should minimize the use of built-in permissions in their applications, for example do not ask for full Internet access permission, INTERNET, unless it is essential for your applications to work properly. Android has about 100 built-in permissions that control operations such as dialing the phone (CALL_PHONE), sending shot message (SEND_SMS), etc.In Android, there are three main “ security protection levels” for permission labels: a “normal” permission is granted to any application that requests it; a “dangerous” permission is only granted after user approval at install-time; and a “signature” permission is only granted to applications signed by the same developer key as the application defining the permission label.This “signature” protection level is integral in ensuring that third-party applications do not gain access affecting the Android’s trusted computing base (TCB)’s integrity.Furthermore, applications developers need only collect data which is essential and required for the application otherwise it will be tampered by the attackers. This is also useful to minimize repackaging attacks. Repackaging attacks are a very common approach, in which a malware developer downloads a legitimate application, modifies it to include malicious code and then republishes it to an application market or download site.It is shown that the repackaging technique is highly effective mainly because it is often difficult for end-users to tell the difference between a legitimate application and its malicious repackaged form. In fact, repackaging was the most prevalent type of social engineering attack used by Android malwaredevelopers in the first two quarters of 2011 [17]. One of the characteristics of Android malware is typically it is specifically developed for a speci fic group of users. It is very unlikely for an Android user from Russia to be infected by Chinese malware for example. Android malware is typically created by cybercriminals with users in specific countries as their target, which is usually their own compatriot. Market Store: The store needs to vet and rigorously screen new mobile applications before they can be put in the market. Google (Google Play) recently made a significant improvement in their security by screening new applications before they were put in the market. Applications store providers also should consider certification for each application before it can be published in the marketplace. The effectiveness of such certification process is shown in [19]. Applications should be rigorously reviewed to ensure that applications are safe from malicious codes, reliable, perform as expected, and are also free of explicit and offensive material.。
Deploying the “Internet of Things”Robert A. DolinChief Technology Officer, Echelon Corporationbob@AbstractThis paper explores the value in distributing and networking intellig ent devices. Value is derived from distributing intelligence to each device locally. Further value is derived from having transparent access to these devices remotely. Extracting this value depends upon overcomin g the issues of transparent connectivity, data concentration, and device interoperability. Some examples of successful, valuable applications are offered to illustrate how one might help deploy the “Internet of things.”1. IntroductionBy now, we are all familiar with Metcalf’s law: that the "value" or "power" of a network increases in proportion to the square of the number of nodes on the network. Echelon Corporation was founded with the goal of vastly increasing the number of networked nodes by making it both economic and valuable to network everyday devices in homes, buildings, factories, transportation systems – in short, just about everywhere. While we are an OEM company, one that sells technology and infrastructure products to others who make finished products, we have learned a great deal about the value in our customer’s applications for networking devices. We have also found that a primary motivator for such networking today is to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, and with additional detail in my talk, I will provide some actual applications along with some of the challenges we all face in deploying the “Internet of things.”2. Energy Savings as a Motivating ForceThere are three case studies I would like to discuss, each having energy related cost savings as a primary motivator. The first example is in building automation, the second is in electrical distribution, and the third demonstrates the economic necessity of networking light bulbs (!) well, at least some of them. In each of these projects, Echelon was more involved than as usual in our supplier role, so I am more familiar with the details and economic rationale than is normally the case.2.1. Demand Reduction On CommandIn commercial office buildings today, about 80% of the energy consumed is for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC), and lighting. Echelon’s corporate headquarters in San ose is completely automated with the products of our customers so HVAC, lighting, access control, elevators and other main building systems are all on a single network with transparent access to all the devices. Furthermore, all the building automation devices are certified as interoperable devices by an independent trade association called LonMark® International. This association, made up of companies, installers, and end users of products using Echelon’s LonWorks® technology, certifies products as being open and interoperable. At our headquarters, we are participating in an energy conservation study with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLL). In this study, LLL provides energy status over the Internet to the building facilities management company we use in San Francisco, some 50 miles north. This company monitors energy price information published by LLL over the Internet. Upon detecting that the price of energy has risen beyond a threshold, they send a SOAP message to our building controllers, which in turn, set each office into energy savings mode. Within minutes of the LLL energy status change, our building’s energy consumption is reduced by one third. We can maintain that state at no significant discomfort to the building occupants for four hours. This system is fully automatic, and requires no human intervention whatsoever. Additionally, it should be noted that our building is not distinctive from a construction standpoint in that it is the typical, poorly insulated, single pane windowed, office building that you would find in Silicon Valley.2.2. Utility AutomationIn June of 2000 ENEL, the largest electric utility in Italy, and Echelon entered into an agreement in which Echelon would supply communications infrastructure components to ENEL. ENEL had decided to replace every residential and light commercial electricity meter in their service area, all27,000,000of them with intelligent,communicating meters of their specification.These meters were designed to provide energy management,load control, and better service to their customer base of over 90% of Italy’s population. This project was essentially completed by the end of 2005. ENEL has given the project costs as approximately 2 Billion Euros, which includes the costs to procure the hardware, install the data systems, procure the meters and install them,and integrate these new devices into their business systems. They have reported publicly that they are now saving in excess of 500 million Euros per year. The system is projected to have a life of at least 15 years.This savings does not come from reading the meters remotely. In Europe, unlike in the U.S., an electricity meter is located inside the house and is read about once every 3 years, or when someone moves out. The bill is estimated monthly in the intervening time between reads. Instead, the savings comes from being able to know and balance the loads in the distribution network, theft prevention, accurate billing due to more precise metering, the integration of pre-pay capabilities within the standard meter, time of use pricing, being able to remotely disconnect electrical service, dynamically being able to adjust how much power a customer may use during times of power shortages, and a host of other applications.Additionally,the system provides ENEL with a platform for offering fee based services within the home should they choose to do so. Based upon this experience, and the favorable economic return that ENEL has and will enjoy, Echelon has designed a system of similar capability that is targeted for the rest of the world rather than being tailored to the Italian environment. We are actively trialing the system, called the Networked Energy Services (NES) system, with utilities around the world today.2.3. Automating Outdoor LightingSurprisingly, there is good economic justification for putting individually controlled outdoor municipal and roadway lights on a network. The city of Oslo in Norway has done a pilot program that proves the point.In Norway, all lighting accounts for 15% to 20% of the TOTAL yearly demand for electricity for the entire country.Street lighting alone is 38% of the energy used for lighting in Norway. Three years ago, to comply with a government directive to remove capacitors containing PCBs, the city of Oslo decided to not only remove those outdoor lights containing the PCBs,but to install a modern system that would save energy, provide better service, and serve as a model for environmental responsibility[1].The new lights come from multiple manufacturers who use Echelon’s power line communication technology within each light fixture for communication.The lights communicate to an Internet edge server provided by Echelon that manages each group of lights and communicates alarms and status back to a central data management site. Also integrated into the system are sensors that measure ambient light and the amount of traffic on the road. In this way, Oslo can control the light on the road providing a safer environment,such as when it rains during the day, as well as an energy saving environment by using individual dimming of the bulbs and dawn and dusk. The pilot project is only 120 of the 250,000 lights managed by the city of Oslo. The pilot has been running for over 6 months and has so far generated an energy savings of 70% over the old lights that it replaced. According to Philips[2], one of the vendors in the project, 45% of the savings is due to dimming the individual bulbs. The balance of the savings is primarily due to more modern bulbs and electronics. The pilot is expected to expand to 20,000 lights by the end of 2007. Hafslund, the company managing the system for Oslo, claims that the pilot system is currently generating a 15% return on the investment, primarily from energy savings, improved billing,and more efficient maintenance. All this with the environmental benefits from reduced energy consumption,fewer bulb replacements due to longer life from dimming, safer lighting and less light pollution.3. Problems, Problems, ProblemsWith all these benefits,one could easily jump to the conclusion that the “Internet of Things” will happen practically overnight. However, it will not. There are alot of non-intelligent things in the world, and replacing them takes time. For example,even with an aggressive installation rate of 700,000 meters per month, it took a total of5years for ENEL to complete their project. Replacing all the lights in a city means closing down one lane of a main road to change out the fixtures. Building Automation systems such as the one we have at Echelon typically are not changed out until they wear out.This can be15years or more. It is just a fact that the things that consume the most energy and thus have the most energy savings potential are large, expensive pieces of equipment. Finally, the people that install these systems need to be trained on the new systems for the installations to be successful. People can only be trained so quickly.Society can make a choice to accelerate these changes. Businesses can be given incentives,laws can be passed,regulations imposed such that society could enjoy a world of less pollution and fewer carbon emissions. And, as Echelon, Enel, and the City of Oslo have all shown, moving to an Internet of things brings positive returns,so that first movers enjoy lower costs and higher quality than their peers. However, this is a difficult choice to make. It always seems (in the short term) less expensive to pollute than not to pollute.It always feels less risky (in the short term) to do things the way they were done before. Nevertheless, the world does change, and in this case it will too.The supply of energy simply cannot continue to increase and easily meet the demands of the developed and quickly developing nations. The only way to have both economic growth and enough energy is to use what we can generate much more efficiently. I believe we are at this point now. As the recent devastation of hurricane Katrina has shown, a disruption of only 1% of the world’s oil and gas processing capability has a dramatic affect on the price of energy around the globe.That is a symptom of a system running at its capacity.These sorts of social issues are not the only impairments to deploying the Internet of things, however. There are a number of technical issues that still need the attention of the technical community.3.1. Internet Communication IssuesIt is still very difficult to place a device with a packet switching wireless modem(GPRS)on the Internet, where another machine connected anywhere can initiate packet communication to that device over the GPRS network. Service providers today balk at the idea of handing out routable IP addresses to always on endpoints, even when they are dynamic and must be resolved with DNS. Without being able to initiate communication from machine to another, the applications in this paper are not possible.It is also very difficult to get a wireless service provider to terminate a VPN at the service center and allow the service center to do the authentication and hand out the IP addresses. This would be an alternative to getting a routable IP address from the service provider, and is what is being used in the Oslo pilot.3.2. SecurityThe devices that are worth networking for energy savings are important ones that we all depend upon. The thought of making them accessible on the Internet always raises the issue of security. Standard means of providing security, SSL and Ipsec, are effective, but difficult to implement in embedded devices. Also there are deployment issues in installing the latest security patches on millions of devices.The solution to this problem also solves a scalability lions of devices can generate an incredible amount of data. This data should not be blindly passed upstream, but instead filtered and concentrated. At the concentration points, one can use standard security protocols and limit the deployment issues. For example,in the ENEL system, there are approximately 250,000 data concentrators for the 27,000,000meters.Of course, below the concentrator one still needs security, but the concentrator can servea firewall function and limit the outside attacks that can be mounted on the devices below it.3.3. InteroperabilityAll these devices will not come from a single source, yet they need to do more than just connect to each other, they need to understand and process what they are saying to each other. This requires standardization above the communication protocol layers. The L ON M ARK International Association provides this for systems using Echelon’s technology, but something is needed for IT systems talking to devices as well. To this end, Echelon and its competitors and customers are trying to develop an open standard with the OASIS organization basedupon SOAP/XML to convey the rich semantics of inter-device communication. Participation from interested parties is most welcome.4. ConclusionsThe distribution of intelligence to ordinary devices, coupled with a transparent, ubiquitous communications infrastructure can yield tangible benefits in energy savings, pollution control, quality of service and convenience. These benefits can result in returns on investment that are very competitive with the sorts of investment decisions companies make to generate superior returns for their shareholders. While issues remain, both technical and structural, first movers today are showing striking economic returns in their applications to network ordinary devices. These successes also fulfill society’s need to reduce conventional and carbon atmospheric pollution. In spite of the force of psychological inertia present in preserving the status quo, the spread of these successes will result in the inevitable deployment of an Internet of Things.5. References[1] Eirik Bjelland, Tom Kristoffersen,“The Intelligent Street Lighting Project for the City of Oslo”, Conference Proceedin g s of L ON W ORLD® 2005, unpublished, Paris, France, October 20, 2005. [2] Gil Soto Tolosa, “Outdoor Lighting Controls,” Conference Proceeding s of L ON W ORLD 2005, unpublished, Paris, France, October 20, 2005.6. About the AuthorRobert A. Dolin is the system architect for Echelon Corporation. He has been with Echelon since 1989. Heis the principle or co-inventor of fourteen of Echelon's patents, and was one of the designers of the LonWorks protocol, the network development system environment, the Neuron® C programming model, and LonWorks network management. In May 1995 he was named as Echelon's Chief Technology Officer. Before joining Echelon, he worked at ROLM Corporation for 11 years, where he was one of the principle developersof its fully distributed PBX telephone system. At ROLM he also held positions of first- and second-line management as well as worldwide responsibility for system architecture. He has a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.Echelon, LonWorks, L ON M ARK, L ON W ORLD, Neuron, are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries.。
文献出处:Marisa D. The application and development of the Internet of things technology [J]. Internet Computing, IEEE, 2015, 12(5): 44-55.原文The application and development of the Internet of things technologyMarisa DAbstractInternet of things is considered through monitoring, analysis and control of network information technology, the extension of human perception of control ability has huge potential. Iot research work has been carried out. A lot of Iot demonstration system was also developed, and has made remarkable application effect. But at the same time, the current development of the Internet of things is also facing some fundamental problems: the Internet of things has what special requirements must be met? What phase are you in the Internet of things technology? Where is the development direction of Internet of things? It is worthwhile to explore these issues. This paper reviews the development of the Internet, and according to the experience of the development of the Internet, analyzes the present situation of Internet of things and Internet of things present in the "content - machine connected to the local small-scale network stage, its development direction should be connected to open net of numerous small" net ", namely the "Internet of things". Based on this idea, called WInternet Iot design, and introduces the overall architecture, working mode and protocol system, and also discusses the several other issues worthy of further study. Keywords: Internet of things; Pipeline agreement; Cloud calculation; Technology application1 IntroductionIn recent years, the development of the Internet of things has been attached great importance to, academia, industry, the government to give great attention to the development of the Internet of things. Internet of things is considered can connect hundreds of millions of physical world objects, through monitoring, analysis and control of network information technology, the extension of human perception control ability has huge potential. Iot research work has been carried out. A lot of Iotdemonstration system was also developed, and has made remarkable application effect. But at the same time, the current development of the Internet of things is also facing some problems, especially all kinds of Internet of things generally are connected by "-" in the form of "network", although the implements of all kinds of physical objects in the local scope - machine is linked together, but different "net" resource sharing between the perception and control equipment. And because of the existing "- machine connected to the network is generally based on the special agreement, adapt to the need of the professional custom, cause a physical network is not open, hard to connectivity. To realize all kinds of network connectivity should be a Iot of development trend.2 Internet development history and experience2.1 Electronic equipment network systemsIn the 19th century to early 20th century, electronic equipment network of prototype has emerged. As the time of the telephone network, cable network, and other various types is private network system. Now in retrospect, these networks have been gradually replaced by the Internet; its reason is worth thinking about. Analysis of the network system can be found early, they generally have the following features: (1) Vertical integration, tightly coupledThe network system hardware, software and operation of the upper application mostly belong to an owner. Most of the various components of the integration in the network system is independently by the owner internal personnel, network in each part of the tightly coupled system.(2) The proprietary protocols to exchangeIn the network system of internal communication protocol is often according to the specific needs of each owner, in order to better the optimization and use of all kinds of equipment components are designed. Different owners of intellectual property rights and interests protection often will deal core part try to conceal, difficult to communication between different network systems. This method of "vertical integration, proprietary protocols" to satisfy the various network system of the optimization of resources and interests of the owner to protect specific needs, butalso directly led to the early electronic equipment network problems.(3) Resource sharing difficultBecause every electronic device network system is generally adopts the way of "vertical integration" structure, the network system in all kinds of electronic equipment and software are also often can only be used for the network users of the system. For example in the early days of the telephone network system, multiple phone companies have independent laid their phone lines, set up relevant telephone switching equipment, a relatively independent telephone network. Different lines and equipment cannot be Shared between the telephone network, caused the repeat purchase, resource sharing difficult.(4) Function to replicateAnother problem is that in the different network system to repeat the same or similar functions, such as the telephone network signaling in the instruction and the signal coding implementation. Features to replicate directly lead to two results: one is each owners are required for the design and implementation of general agreement and equipment, but due to the limitation of the technical strength of a single owner, will inevitably extend network independently design and development time; Second, under the limit of time and personnel, the realization of function module final quality more or less is not ideal. If different owners to cooperation, complementary advantages, functional modules will not only greatly shorten the development time, its quality will improve the quality and technology evolution speed will also increase.3 Internet of things present situation and the development direction3.1 The development of Internet of thingsIot technology emerges in various fields has also been a high degree of attention, many of the Internet of things application demonstration is put forward and the construction, especially in environmental monitoring, traffic control, disaster emergency, etc. The application of these systems has also made certain achievements. But at the same time, we can also see the current before the development of the Internet of things is with the Internet electronic networks have similar features, especially the "vertical integration" and "special deal". Currently, many of Iot systemare to solve the problem of specific requirements of a certain area or region, independent each other. Set up in the process of sensing equipment, software module, communication formats tend to be based on specific requirements for customization. Caused by agreement custom complex network connection between works, although perception control equipment resources abundant, but it is share difficulties, such as in the current a lot of video surveillance network, while the erection of all kinds of cameras everywhere, but its share is very difficult.3.2 Development direction of Internet of thingsFrom the development history of the Internet, we believe that the current development of the Internet of things was still in the "machine" of the "net" phase. This network connects many physical objects, can communicate with each other, data exchange, and implement all kinds of monitoring and control functions. Most of these networks for specific needs, using proprietary protocols, solve the problems of the current focus on each network owners. But at the same time, also can see, these of the “net” have a resource sharing and th e needs of each other."Machine" of the "network" become connected to many of the "net" "open net" should be the development trend of the Internet of things. This trend is also our experience on the development course from the Internet.3.3 The design requirements of Internet of thingsMentioned before the Internet of things, it is using electronic technology to the physical world of awareness and control network. This has also led to the Internet of things with the traditional numerical computing systems and the Internet data transmission network system has different characteristics and requirements.(1) Ensure real-time performanceThe numerical simulation of numerical calculation, Internet of things different from traditional problem itself may not be directly brought about changes in the physical world. But the errors of a control instruction in the Internet of things or delay a disaster may directly result in physical space. In smart grid, for example, if an error control instruction is to control equipment in the grid, small causes energy waste, is can cause paralysis of the grid. The error here includes both the wrong instruction,also including the correct instruction at the wrong time to control equipment. In other words, the real time in the Internet of things than the traditional Internet and numerical calculation system has a higher request. The design of the Internet of things should be as guarantee for real-time important consideration.(2) Privacy promiseThe emergence of the Internet of things technology makes the collection of information easier. Perception of physical space object will more or less involve in the privacy of all kinds of people. Iot will cover these private data is connected to the network, it is possible to make these data are all types of users to access remotely. How to safeguard the privacy of data is not abused and theft, this is the Internet of things another design factors must be considered.(3) Calculation to the nearsIn the Internet of things because of the continuous perception of the physical world, the amount of data and therefore is great. Under the traditional centralized data processing for the Internet of things of huge amounts of data may no longer apply. Illegal vehicle tracking, for example, found accident vehicles, such as somewhere we hope in a wider range of the car to track. One option is to all video monitoring data set to the data center. But the time delay of the data set itself will be longer, to the network bandwidth requirement is high. This scheme is difficult. To ensure real-time performance, but also to save resources, it is better near the camera video data analysis and calculation, the identification of license plate and movement track, avoid the time delay of data transmission and network bandwidth, so as to improve timeliness and network efficiency. Similarly, in the field of smart grid wide-area control, similar problems also exist, all the analyses focused on monitoring data to the data center, and then send the result to the remote, the optical signal transmission time needed for this process is likely to exceed system control limit is allowed. In this case, the calculation to the nearest has become a necessity.译文物联网技术的应用及发展研究Marisa D摘要物联网被认为是通过信息技术进行监测、分析和控制的网络,在延伸人类的感知控制能力方面潜力巨大。
物联网与智能建筑外文翻译2019英文Adopting Internet of Things for the development of smart buildings: A review of enabling technologies and applicationsMengda Jia, Ali Komeily,etcAbstractThe 21st century is witnessing a fast-paced digital revolution. A significant trend is that cyber and physical environments are being unprecedentedly entangled with the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has been widely immersed into various domains in the industry. Among those areas where IoT would make significant impacts are building construction, operation, and management by facilitating high-class services, providing efficient functionalities, and moving towards sustainable development goals. So far, IoT itself has entered an ambiguous phase for industrial utilization, and there are limited number of studies focusing on the application of IoT in the building industry. Given the promising future impact of IoT technologies on buildings, and the increasing interests in interdisciplinary research among academics, this paper investigates the state-of-the-art projects and adoptions of IoT for the development of smart buildings within both academia and industry contexts. The wide-ranging IoT concepts are provided, covering the necessary breadth as well as relevant topic depth that directly relates tosmart buildings. Current enabling technologies of IoT, especially those applied to buildings and related areas are summarized, which encompasses three different layers based on the conventional IoT architecture. Afterwards, several recent applications of IoT technologies on buildings towards the critical goals of smart buildings are selected and presented. Finally, the priorities and challenges of successful and seamless IoT integration for smart buildings are discussed. Besides, this paper discusses the future research questions to advance the implementation of IoT technologies in both building construction and operation phases. The paper argues that a mature adoption of IoT technologies in the building industry is not yet realized and, therefore, calls for more attention from researchers in the relevant fields from the application perspective.Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Smart buildings, Built environment, State of the art review Application assessmentIntroductionIn the past decades, a great deal of research focused on smart buildings, communities, cities, and infrastructures [1,2]. Among others, one of the motivations behind these research activities is to develop an approach to provide reliable and energy efficient services without compromising the comfort and satisfaction level of people in the targeted contexts. However, until now, this topic is still being explored thoughresearchers have studied related issues from different aspects [[93], [94], [95], [96]], as the practical implementation plan is under investigation, and the topic involves an adaptation of technologies and knowledge from multi-disciplines. From the operational perspective, the current progress towards the development of smart buildings, communities, and cities may be described as isolated and segmented in terms of integration of technology and application development, mainly owing to the current IoT applications' limitations and sensor networks in buildings, cities, and infrastructures that are not seamlessly unified [3].Buildings are one of the basic while crucial units for human's living environment. The concept of smart buildings originates with the increase in integration of advanced technology to buildings and their systems such that the buildings' whole life cycle can be remotely operated and controlled for convenience, comfort, and in a cost- and energy-efficient manner. It is widely accepted that the use of new technologies is a fundamental prerequisite to achieve the realization of smart buildings (also known as intelligent buildings), which includes, but is not limited to, sensor deployment, big data engineering and analytics, cloud and fog computing, software engineering development, and human-computer interaction algorithms, etc. Among these supporting technologies, one of the trending areas is the development of Internet of Things (IoT), as one of the challenges of smart buildings is to deal with a complex web ofinterconnected functional entities in different aspects of a building [4,5]. With the use of IoT, there is an enormous potential to make considerable progress towards the envisioned goals. Given the diversity of the stakeholders and applications of IoT, a multitude of definitions for the technology are available in the literature [6]. On the technological side, IoT may be realized as the convergence of three major paradigms, namely: Things-oriented vision, Internet-oriented vision, and Semantic-oriented vision [7]. On this basis, the authors propose a Human-oriented vision to be incorporated as the fourth paradigm on the application side.The architecture of IoT is crafted to equip all objects with identifying, sensing, networking, and processing capabilities, so that these objects could exchange and share information with each other and develop advanced services over the Internet. Thus, the interconnection would further facilitate deeper insight of complex systems, provide dynamic context-aware decision-making capabilities and intelligent autonomy. These capabilities pave the way for achieving the goals in smart buildings which is integrated ambient intelligence by creating a global network supporting ubiquitous computing [[8], [9], [10]] as well as context-awareness among devices [11]. In 2008, the US National Intelligence Council envisioned IoT as one of the areas with potential influence on US comprehensive national power and included it in the list of six “Disruptive Civil Technologies” [12]. Not surprisingly, inthe past five years, a speedy growth in number of connected devices has been observed. Cisco reported that in 2010, the number of connected devices per person is more than six considering those who use the Internet and estimated that the number of connected devices worldwide will rise from 20 billion today to 50 billion by 2020 [13,14].The emergence of IoT is an evolutional outcome of a series of existing technologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, etc. The implications of IoT is two-fold:•Integration of sensing, storage, network, processing, and computing capabilities into everyday objects (e.g. home appliances, door, window, lights, smoke detectors, etc.) and bringing them online, even though they might not be originally designed with these capabilities. This is contrary to most of the devices which are currently on the Internet and were originally designed to be part of it (e.g. smart phones, laptops, etc.).•Integration of networks which include objects mentioned above. This would make them accessible via the network.The ambient intelligence offered by IoT facilitates every object to understand their environments, establish meaningful interaction with people and assist people in decision-making. Although researchers are still facing technical challenges to develop, apply, and eventually maturing IoT [15], the technology has been given high expectation to beapplicable to a variety of industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, farming, industrial automation, etc. [16,17]. Meanwhile, the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operation (AECO) industry also attempts to adopt IoT to push the progress of connected informatization, which is one of the aims of smart buildings. However, the focus of researchers currently place on the development of application solutions of IoT in the building industry could be further strengthened. The reason is that, currently, most of the efforts are situated in the improvement of IoT technology itself, i.e., mostly concentrated in electrical engineering and computer science areas. Nevertheless, the collaboration of other disciplines including civil engineering or building technology is also required to identify the problems and challenges that would be solved or improved by using IoT and consequently facilitate the adaptability of IoT in smart buildings. Moreover, the research on application of IoT can conversely discover more potential problems and research directions on IoT development, both on the technological and methodological sides.As a recent trend, IoT has started to penetrate in the building industry in the past years. Researchers and practitioners are both exploring the benefits and drawbacks of IoT through actual implementation. For example, several companies including IBM and Intel are already launching their products of smart buildings to the world [18],demonstrating the competitive edge and future tendency of IoT. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to integrate IoT into this industry to benefit the development of smart buildings. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, although surveys for IoT-based smart buildings exist (e.g. smart home technologies) [4,19], current literatures lack a comprehensive review and analysis of IoT applications to the overall fields for future building development. Furthermore, as the interest for interdisciplinary research continues to increase, an analytical review may be a new starting point for researchers in the fields of civil, construction, and architectural engineering. Hence, although the entire IoT sector is technology driven and suffers from a top down approach while the users are not the core that drives the change, a thorough understanding of the technical needs and potential application areas to the building industry is significant to help supplement improvement dimensions of IoT and expedite the development of smart buildings.Research motivation and contributionThe motivation for this paper comes from the nature and requirement of smart buildings. A well-developed smart building contains extensive aspects of technical support, among which IoT is recognized as the crucial one. With the rapid pace of technology development and collaboration trends of different industries, this paper aims to guide stakeholders in the building industry of a better path to properly use IoTto address specific issues, and inspire researchers' thinking in the technology industry for future advancing. That said, this paper emphasizes the functionalities improved by IoT and the solutions of adopting IoT in buildings, instead of pointing out the technical defects of IoT itself.In addition, this paper does not intend to discuss a single topic of smart buildings' multitudes of specifics that IoT can benefit, rather it aims to stand on a higher level to offer and deliberate a broad overview for researchers in relevant areas as a summary of the emerging literature targeting the application of IoT in the context of buildings. This paper can serve as an origin that leads to diverse tributary research questions for interested scholars.Therefore, this paper is presented with a novel perspective and contributes in four primary aspects, namely: 1) to provide researchers and professionals in relevant fields of civil and construction engineering, building science, sustainability, etc., with holistic domain-related knowledge of IoT; 2) to fill the gap in the current literature by focusing on the current state and potential future of IoT in the building industry; 3) to discuss the current enabling technologies, applications, and recent developments of IoT, along with application recommendations for adopting IoT for the function improvement in buildings; and 4) to explore the challenges on the path of IoT for the building industry, including thewhole building life cycle, i.e., cradle-to-grave.A comprehensive survey of the literature was performed accordingly. Given that IoT is still in formative stages and has not yet been fully realized in the building industry, the reviewed literature included a diverse set of journal articles, conference papers, edited volumes, and technical reports in multiple fields such as computer science, or automation in construction, etc.Overview of IoT technology for smart buildingsFrom the users' perspective, a typical IoT system consists of five major components according to the components' contribution and function in IoT system, namely: 1) Devices or Sensors (terminal), 2) Networks (communication infrastructure), 3) Cloud (data repository and data processing infrastructure), 4) Analytics (computational and data mining algorithm), and 5) Actuators or User interfaces(services), as shown in Fig. 2.The design of an IoT system architecture lies in the heart of enabling the functionality of an IoT system, which is interconnecting heterogeneous components anytime and anywhere through the Internet. The architecture of IoT system is typically divided on a layering basis, and many researchers have proposed their models to fulfill certain needs. Some common architectures include three-layer, SOA-based, middle-ware based, and five-layer; for additional details refer to[16,[20], [21], [22]]. For this paper, a more conventional architecture is adopted and discussed, namely three-layer architecture, along with its connection to smart buildings. Among others, one of the reasons to focus on this type of architecture is that the application layer is sub-divided into several sub-layers in other architecture types, while those sub-layers do not necessarily fit the scope and objective for smart buildings' development. Also, the three-layer architecture is more applicable for stakeholders from the IoT application perspective. Particularly for building industry researchers, a three-layer architecture is sufficient and suitable for an effective adoption of IoT for general functionality implementation.StandardsThe standards of perception layer depend on the specific devices used in the IoT system. Organizations of ISO, IEC, IEEE created many world-wide standards to improve the level of compatibility. For example, ISO/IED 29182 formulates Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) for WSN [21]. The communication standard of WSN is usually represented by IEEE 802.15.4, a short-range communication protocol maintained by the IEEE 802.15 working group. For RFID, some standards are ISO 15459 which defines identification of individual transport product [29], ISO 11784 that regulates the data structure of RFID used in animal tracking, ISO 18047 for equipment performancetesting and ISO 18000 for goods tracking [30].Examples in the building industry on perception layerIn the research areas of built environment, the emphasis is usually placed on energy use, occupant activities, and environmental conditions. As a data sensing system, WSN attracts the interest of many scholars in the area, due to its low-cost and easy-to-deploy properties. Jang et al. [31] proposed a web-based WSN system for building environment monitoring. The system implementation starts from the sensor node design, which includes a microprocessor, radio hardware, sensor board, and power source. Temperature, light, acceleration, and magnetic sensors are embedded in the sensor node. Then, software was written to the on-board microprocessor to convert the sensors' signals to digital values. The system also involved data collection part using MySQL as the database. For the convenience at the user end, scripts were written in PHP to display the information needed on a webpage, so that the user will not be limited by skills in programming for access of data. The proposed system provided a potential path for engineers to use WSN for the whole building monitoring.中文采用物联网发展智能建筑:技术和应用回顾摘要21世纪见证了快速的数字革命。
物联网与智能建筑外文翻译2019英文Adopting Internet of Things for the development of smart buildings: A review of enabling technologies and applicationsMengda Jia, Ali Komeily,etcAbstractThe 21st century is witnessing a fast-paced digital revolution. A significant trend is that cyber and physical environments are being unprecedentedly entangled with the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has been widely immersed into various domains in the industry. Among those areas where IoT would make significant impacts are building construction, operation, and management by facilitating high-class services, providing efficient functionalities, and moving towards sustainable development goals. So far, IoT itself has entered an ambiguous phase for industrial utilization, and there are limited number of studies focusing on the application of IoT in the building industry. Given the promising future impact of IoT technologies on buildings, and the increasing interests in interdisciplinary research among academics, this paper investigates the state-of-the-art projects and adoptions of IoT for the development of smart buildings within both academia and industry contexts. The wide-ranging IoT concepts are provided, covering the necessary breadth as well as relevant topic depth that directly relates tosmart buildings. Current enabling technologies of IoT, especially those applied to buildings and related areas are summarized, which encompasses three different layers based on the conventional IoT architecture. Afterwards, several recent applications of IoT technologies on buildings towards the critical goals of smart buildings are selected and presented. Finally, the priorities and challenges of successful and seamless IoT integration for smart buildings are discussed. Besides, this paper discusses the future research questions to advance the implementation of IoT technologies in both building construction and operation phases. The paper argues that a mature adoption of IoT technologies in the building industry is not yet realized and, therefore, calls for more attention from researchers in the relevant fields from the application perspective.Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Smart buildings, Built environment, State of the art review Application assessmentIntroductionIn the past decades, a great deal of research focused on smart buildings, communities, cities, and infrastructures [1,2]. Among others, one of the motivations behind these research activities is to develop an approach to provide reliable and energy efficient services without compromising the comfort and satisfaction level of people in the targeted contexts. However, until now, this topic is still being explored thoughresearchers have studied related issues from different aspects [[93], [94], [95], [96]], as the practical implementation plan is under investigation, and the topic involves an adaptation of technologies and knowledge from multi-disciplines. From the operational perspective, the current progress towards the development of smart buildings, communities, and cities may be described as isolated and segmented in terms of integration of technology and application development, mainly owing to the current IoT applications' limitations and sensor networks in buildings, cities, and infrastructures that are not seamlessly unified [3].Buildings are one of the basic while crucial units for human's living environment. The concept of smart buildings originates with the increase in integration of advanced technology to buildings and their systems such that the buildings' whole life cycle can be remotely operated and controlled for convenience, comfort, and in a cost- and energy-efficient manner. It is widely accepted that the use of new technologies is a fundamental prerequisite to achieve the realization of smart buildings (also known as intelligent buildings), which includes, but is not limited to, sensor deployment, big data engineering and analytics, cloud and fog computing, software engineering development, and human-computer interaction algorithms, etc. Among these supporting technologies, one of the trending areas is the development of Internet of Things (IoT), as one of the challenges of smart buildings is to deal with a complex web ofinterconnected functional entities in different aspects of a building [4,5]. With the use of IoT, there is an enormous potential to make considerable progress towards the envisioned goals. Given the diversity of the stakeholders and applications of IoT, a multitude of definitions for the technology are available in the literature [6]. On the technological side, IoT may be realized as the convergence of three major paradigms, namely: Things-oriented vision, Internet-oriented vision, and Semantic-oriented vision [7]. On this basis, the authors propose a Human-oriented vision to be incorporated as the fourth paradigm on the application side.The architecture of IoT is crafted to equip all objects with identifying, sensing, networking, and processing capabilities, so that these objects could exchange and share information with each other and develop advanced services over the Internet. Thus, the interconnection would further facilitate deeper insight of complex systems, provide dynamic context-aware decision-making capabilities and intelligent autonomy. These capabilities pave the way for achieving the goals in smart buildings which is integrated ambient intelligence by creating a global network supporting ubiquitous computing [[8], [9], [10]] as well as context-awareness among devices [11]. In 2008, the US National Intelligence Council envisioned IoT as one of the areas with potential influence on US comprehensive national power and included it in the list of six “Disruptive Civil Technologies” [12]. Not surprisingly, inthe past five years, a speedy growth in number of connected devices has been observed. Cisco reported that in 2010, the number of connected devices per person is more than six considering those who use the Internet and estimated that the number of connected devices worldwide will rise from 20 billion today to 50 billion by 2020 [13,14].The emergence of IoT is an evolutional outcome of a series of existing technologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, etc. The implications of IoT is two-fold:•Integration of sensing, storage, network, processing, and computing capabilities into everyday objects (e.g. home appliances, door, window, lights, smoke detectors, etc.) and bringing them online, even though they might not be originally designed with these capabilities. This is contrary to most of the devices which are currently on the Internet and were originally designed to be part of it (e.g. smart phones, laptops, etc.).•Integration of networks which include objects mentioned above. This would make them accessible via the network.The ambient intelligence offered by IoT facilitates every object to understand their environments, establish meaningful interaction with people and assist people in decision-making. Although researchers are still facing technical challenges to develop, apply, and eventually maturing IoT [15], the technology has been given high expectation to beapplicable to a variety of industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, farming, industrial automation, etc. [16,17]. Meanwhile, the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operation (AECO) industry also attempts to adopt IoT to push the progress of connected informatization, which is one of the aims of smart buildings. However, the focus of researchers currently place on the development of application solutions of IoT in the building industry could be further strengthened. The reason is that, currently, most of the efforts are situated in the improvement of IoT technology itself, i.e., mostly concentrated in electrical engineering and computer science areas. Nevertheless, the collaboration of other disciplines including civil engineering or building technology is also required to identify the problems and challenges that would be solved or improved by using IoT and consequently facilitate the adaptability of IoT in smart buildings. Moreover, the research on application of IoT can conversely discover more potential problems and research directions on IoT development, both on the technological and methodological sides.As a recent trend, IoT has started to penetrate in the building industry in the past years. Researchers and practitioners are both exploring the benefits and drawbacks of IoT through actual implementation. For example, several companies including IBM and Intel are already launching their products of smart buildings to the world [18],demonstrating the competitive edge and future tendency of IoT. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to integrate IoT into this industry to benefit the development of smart buildings. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, although surveys for IoT-based smart buildings exist (e.g. smart home technologies) [4,19], current literatures lack a comprehensive review and analysis of IoT applications to the overall fields for future building development. Furthermore, as the interest for interdisciplinary research continues to increase, an analytical review may be a new starting point for researchers in the fields of civil, construction, and architectural engineering. Hence, although the entire IoT sector is technology driven and suffers from a top down approach while the users are not the core that drives the change, a thorough understanding of the technical needs and potential application areas to the building industry is significant to help supplement improvement dimensions of IoT and expedite the development of smart buildings.Research motivation and contributionThe motivation for this paper comes from the nature and requirement of smart buildings. A well-developed smart building contains extensive aspects of technical support, among which IoT is recognized as the crucial one. With the rapid pace of technology development and collaboration trends of different industries, this paper aims to guide stakeholders in the building industry of a better path to properly use IoTto address specific issues, and inspire researchers' thinking in the technology industry for future advancing. That said, this paper emphasizes the functionalities improved by IoT and the solutions of adopting IoT in buildings, instead of pointing out the technical defects of IoT itself.In addition, this paper does not intend to discuss a single topic of smart buildings' multitudes of specifics that IoT can benefit, rather it aims to stand on a higher level to offer and deliberate a broad overview for researchers in relevant areas as a summary of the emerging literature targeting the application of IoT in the context of buildings. This paper can serve as an origin that leads to diverse tributary research questions for interested scholars.Therefore, this paper is presented with a novel perspective and contributes in four primary aspects, namely: 1) to provide researchers and professionals in relevant fields of civil and construction engineering, building science, sustainability, etc., with holistic domain-related knowledge of IoT; 2) to fill the gap in the current literature by focusing on the current state and potential future of IoT in the building industry; 3) to discuss the current enabling technologies, applications, and recent developments of IoT, along with application recommendations for adopting IoT for the function improvement in buildings; and 4) to explore the challenges on the path of IoT for the building industry, including thewhole building life cycle, i.e., cradle-to-grave.A comprehensive survey of the literature was performed accordingly. Given that IoT is still in formative stages and has not yet been fully realized in the building industry, the reviewed literature included a diverse set of journal articles, conference papers, edited volumes, and technical reports in multiple fields such as computer science, or automation in construction, etc.Overview of IoT technology for smart buildingsFrom the users' perspective, a typical IoT system consists of five major components according to the components' contribution and function in IoT system, namely: 1) Devices or Sensors (terminal), 2) Networks (communication infrastructure), 3) Cloud (data repository and data processing infrastructure), 4) Analytics (computational and data mining algorithm), and 5) Actuators or User interfaces(services), as shown in Fig. 2.The design of an IoT system architecture lies in the heart of enabling the functionality of an IoT system, which is interconnecting heterogeneous components anytime and anywhere through the Internet. The architecture of IoT system is typically divided on a layering basis, and many researchers have proposed their models to fulfill certain needs. Some common architectures include three-layer, SOA-based, middle-ware based, and five-layer; for additional details refer to[16,[20], [21], [22]]. For this paper, a more conventional architecture is adopted and discussed, namely three-layer architecture, along with its connection to smart buildings. Among others, one of the reasons to focus on this type of architecture is that the application layer is sub-divided into several sub-layers in other architecture types, while those sub-layers do not necessarily fit the scope and objective for smart buildings' development. Also, the three-layer architecture is more applicable for stakeholders from the IoT application perspective. Particularly for building industry researchers, a three-layer architecture is sufficient and suitable for an effective adoption of IoT for general functionality implementation.StandardsThe standards of perception layer depend on the specific devices used in the IoT system. Organizations of ISO, IEC, IEEE created many world-wide standards to improve the level of compatibility. For example, ISO/IED 29182 formulates Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) for WSN [21]. The communication standard of WSN is usually represented by IEEE 802.15.4, a short-range communication protocol maintained by the IEEE 802.15 working group. For RFID, some standards are ISO 15459 which defines identification of individual transport product [29], ISO 11784 that regulates the data structure of RFID used in animal tracking, ISO 18047 for equipment performancetesting and ISO 18000 for goods tracking [30].Examples in the building industry on perception layerIn the research areas of built environment, the emphasis is usually placed on energy use, occupant activities, and environmental conditions. As a data sensing system, WSN attracts the interest of many scholars in the area, due to its low-cost and easy-to-deploy properties. Jang et al. [31] proposed a web-based WSN system for building environment monitoring. The system implementation starts from the sensor node design, which includes a microprocessor, radio hardware, sensor board, and power source. Temperature, light, acceleration, and magnetic sensors are embedded in the sensor node. Then, software was written to the on-board microprocessor to convert the sensors' signals to digital values. The system also involved data collection part using MySQL as the database. For the convenience at the user end, scripts were written in PHP to display the information needed on a webpage, so that the user will not be limited by skills in programming for access of data. The proposed system provided a potential path for engineers to use WSN for the whole building monitoring.中文采用物联网发展智能建筑:技术和应用回顾摘要21世纪见证了快速的数字革命。
关于物联网 的英文作文
![关于物联网 的英文作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/083c781de418964bcf84b9d528ea81c759f52e7f.png)
关于物联网的英文作文Title: The Transformative Power of the Internet of Things。
The Internet of Things (IoT) stands as one of the most revolutionary technological advancements of the modern era. With its ability to interconnect everyday objects and devices, IoT has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the various facets of IoT, its applications, challenges, and the impact it has on society.Firstly, let's delve into the concept of IoT. At its core, IoT refers to a network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors, software, and other technologiesthat enable them to collect and exchange data over the internet. These devices can range from smartphones and smart home appliances to industrial machinery and vehicles. By seamlessly connecting these devices, IoT creates a web of information that can be analyzed, monitored, andcontrolled in real-time.One of the key drivers behind the proliferation of IoTis its myriad of applications across different sectors. In the realm of healthcare, IoT devices such as wearablefitness trackers and remote patient monitoring systems have revolutionized patient care by enabling continuous health monitoring and early intervention. In agriculture, IoT sensors deployed in fields and on livestock can provide farmers with valuable insights into crop health, soil conditions, and animal behavior, thereby optimizingresource allocation and improving yields. Moreover, inurban planning, smart city initiatives leverage IoT technology to enhance infrastructure efficiency, manage traffic flow, and reduce energy consumption, leading tomore sustainable and livable cities.However, along with its promise, IoT also poses several challenges and concerns. One of the primary concerns is cybersecurity. With billions of interconnected devices transmitting sensitive data, the potential for security breaches and privacy violations becomes a significant issue.Weaknesses in IoT device security can lead to data theft, unauthorized access to critical systems, and even physical harm in the case of connected infrastructure like smart grids or autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the sheer volume of data generated by IoT devices poses challengesfor data storage, processing, and analysis, requiring robust infrastructure and advanced analytics capabilities to derive actionable insights.Despite these challenges, the transformative potential of IoT cannot be understated. Beyond its applications in specific industries, IoT has the power to reshape entire business models and societal paradigms. For businesses, IoT enables the transition from reactive to proactive approaches by providing real-time insights into customer behavior, product performance, and supply chain operations. By leveraging IoT data, companies can optimize processes, reduce costs, and create new revenue streams through innovative products and services.Moreover, IoT has the potential to foster greater sustainability and environmental stewardship. By monitoringand optimizing resource usage, IoT technologies can help mitigate the impact of climate change, reduce waste, and promote the efficient use of energy and natural resources. For instance, smart energy grids can dynamically adjust electricity production and distribution based on demand, thereby reducing carbon emissions and enhancing grid reliability.In conclusion, the Internet of Things represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with the digital and physical worlds. By interconnecting devices, collecting vast amounts of data, and enabling intelligent decision-making, IoT has the power to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and improve quality of life. However, realizing the full potential of IoT requires addressing challenges such as cybersecurity, data privacy, and infrastructure scalability. With concerted efforts from policymakers, businesses, and technologists, IoT can usher in a new era of connectivity, productivity, and sustainability.。
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中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Android: A Programmer’s Guide1 What Is Android1.1 Key Skills & Concepts● History of embedded device programming● Explanation of Open Handset Alliance● First look at the Android home screenIt can be said that, for a while, traditional desktop application developers have been spoiled. This is not to say that traditional desktop application development is easier than other forms of develop ment. However, as traditional desktop application developers, we have had the ability to create alm ost any kind of application we can imagine. I am including myself in this grouping because I got my start in desktop programming.One aspect that has made desktop programming more accessible is that we have had the ability to interact with the desktop operating system, and thus interact with any underlying hardware, prettyfreely (or at least with minimal exceptions). This kind of freedom to program independently, how ever, has never really been available to the small group of programmers who dared to venture int o the murky waters of cell phone development.NOTE :I refer to two different kinds of developers in this discussion: traditional desktop applicati on developers, who work in almost any language and whose end product, applications, are built to run on any “desktop” operating system; and Android developers, J ava developers who develop for the Android platform. This is not for the purposes of saying one is by any means better or wors e than the other. Rather, the distinction is made for purposes of comparing the development styles and tools of desktop operating system environments to the mobile operating system environment1.2 Brief History of Embedded Device ProgrammingFor a long time, cell phone developers comprised a small sect of a slightly larger group of developers known as embedded device developers. Seen as a less “glamorous” sibling to desktop—and later web—development, embedded device development typically got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as hardware and operating system features, because embedded device manufacturers were notoriously stingy on feature support.Embedded device manufacturers typically needed to guard their hardware secrets closely, so they gave embedded device developers few libraries to call when trying to interact with a specific device. Embedded devices differ fro m desktops in that an embedded device is typically a “computer on a chip.” For example, consider your standard television remote control; it is not really seen as an overwhelming achievement of technological complexity. When any button is pressed, a chip interprets the signal in a way that has been programmed into the device. This allows the device to know what to expect from the input device (key pad), and how to respond to those commands (for example, turn on the television). This is a simple form of embedded device programming. However, believe it or not, simple devices such as these are definitely related to the roots of early cell phone devices and development.Most embedded devices ran (and in some cases still run) proprietary operating systems. The reason for choosing to create a proprietary operating system rather than use any consumer system was really a product of necessity. Simple devices did not need very robust and optimized operating systems.As a product of device evolution, many of the more complex embedded devices, such as early PDAs, household security systems, and GPSs, moved to somewhat standardized operating system platforms about five years ago. Small-footprint operating systems such as Linux, or even an embedded version of Microsoft Windows, have become more prevalent on many embedded devices. Around this time in device evolution, cell phones branched from other embedded devices onto their own path. This branching is evident whenyou examine their architecture.Nearly since their inception, cell phones have been fringe devices insofar as they run on proprietary software—software that is owned and controlled by the manufacturer, and is almost always considered to be a “closed” system. The practice of manufacturers using proprietary operating systems began more out of necessity than any other reason. That is, cell phone manufacturers typically used hardware that was completely developed in-house, or at least hardware that was specifically developed for the purposes of running cell phone equipment. As a result, there were no openly available, off-the-shelf software packages or solutions that would reliably interact with their hardware. Since the manufacturers also wanted to guard very closely their hardware trade secrets, some of which could be revealed by allowing access to the software level of the device, the common practice was, and in most cases still is, to use completely proprietary and closed software to run their devices. The downside to this is that anyone who wanted to develop applications for cell phones needed to have intimate knowledge of the proprietary environment within which it was to run. The solution was to purchase expensive development tools directly from the manufacturer. This isolated many of the “homebrew” develo pers.NOTE:A growing culture of homebrew developers has embraced cell phone application development. The term “homebrew” refers to the fact that these developers typically do not work for a cell phone development company and generally produce small, one-off products on their own time.Another, more compelling “necessity” that kept cell phone development out of the hands of the everyday developer was the hardware manufacturers’ solution to the “memory versus need” dilemma. Until recently, cell phones did little more than execute and receive phone calls, track your contacts, and possibly send and receive short text messages; not really the “Swiss army knives” of technology they are today. Even as late as 2002, cell phones with cameras were not commonly found in the hands of consumers.By 1997, small applications such as calculators and games (Tetris, for example) crept their way onto cell phones, but the overwhelming function was still that of a phone dialer itself. Cell phones had not yet become the multiuse, multifunction personal tools they are today. No one yet saw the need for Internet browsing, MP3 playing, or any of the multitudes of functions we are accustomed to using today. It is possible that the cell phone manufacturers of 1997 did not fully perceive the need consumers would have for an all-in-one device. However, even if the need was present, a lack of device memory and storage capacity was an even bigger obstacle to overcome. More people may have wanted their devices to be all-in-one tools, but manufacturers still had to climb the memory hurdle.To put the problem simply, it takes memory to store and run applications on any device, cell phones included. Cell phones, as a device, until recently did not have the amount of memory available to them that would facilitate the inclusion of “extra” programs. Within the last two years, the price of memory has reached very low levels. Device manufacturers now have the ability to include more memory at lower prices. Many cell phones now have more standard memory than the average PC had in the mid-1990s. So, now that we have the need, and the memory, we can all jump in and develop cool applications for cell phones around the world, right? Not exactly.Device manufacturers still closely guard the operating systems that run on their devices. While a few have opened up to the point where they will allow some Java-based applications to run within a small environment on the phone, many do not allow this. Even the systems that do allow some Java apps to run do not allow the kind of access to the “core” system that standard desktop developers are accustomed to having.1.3 Open Handset Alliance and AndroidThis barrier to application development began to crumble in November of 2007 when Google, under the Open Handset Alliance, released Android. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of hardware and software developers, including Google, NTT DoCoMo, Sprint Nextel, and HTC, whose goal is to create a more open cell phone environment. The first product to be released under the alliance is the mobile device operating system, Android.With the release of Android, Google made available a host of development tools and tutorials to aid would-be developers onto the new system. Help files, the platform software development kit (SDK), and even a developers’ community can be found at Google’s Android website, This site should be your starting point, and I highly encourage you to visit the site.NOTE :Google, in promoting the new Android operating system, even went as far as to create a $10 million contest looking for new and exciting Android applications.While cell phones running Linux, Windows, and even PalmOS are easy to find, as of this writing, no hardware platforms have been announced for Android to run on. HTC, LG Electronics, Motorola, and Samsung are members of the Open Handset Alliance, under which Android has been released, so we can only hope that they have plans for a few Android-based devices in the near future. With its release in November 2007, the system itself is still in a software-only beta. This is good news for developers because it gives us a rare advance look at a future system and a chance to begin developing applications that willrun as soon as the hardware is released.NOTE:This strategy clearly gives the Open Handset Alliance a big advantage over other cell phone operating system developers, because there could be an uncountable number of applications available immediately for the first devices released to run Android.Introduction to AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internal GPS (if equipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown insome very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of using specific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse.2 Application: Hello World2.1 Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the main.xml file●Running applications on the Android EmulatorIn this chapter, you will be creating your first Android Activity. This chapter examines the application-building process from start to finish. I will show you how to create an Android project in Eclipse, add code to the initial files, and run the finished application in the Android Emulator. The resulting application will be a fully functioning program running in an Android environment.Actually, as you move through this chapter, you will be creating more than one Android Activity. Computer programming tradition dictates that your first application be the typical Hello World! application, so in the first section you will create a standard Hello World! application with just a blank background and the “Hello World!” text. Then, for the sake of enabling you to get to know the language better, the next section explains in detail the files automatically created by Android for your Hello World! application. You will create two iterations of this Activity, each using different techniques for displaying information to the screen. You will also create two different versions of a Hello World! application that will display an image that delivers the “Hello World!” message. This will give you a good introduction to the controls and inner workings of Android.NOTE:You will often see “application” and “Activity” used interchangeably. The difference between the two is that an application can be composed of multiple Activities, but one application must have at leastone Activity. Each “window” or screen of your application is a separate Activity. Therefore, if you create a fairly simple application with only one screen of data (like the Hello World! application in this chapter), that will be one Activity. In future chapters you will create applications with multiple Activities.To make sure that you get a good overall look at programming in Android, in Chapter 6 you will create both of these applications in the Android SDK command-line environment for Microsoft Windows and Linux. In other words, this chapter covers the creation process in Eclipse, and Chapter 6 covers the creation process using the command-line tools. Therefore, before continuing, you should check that your Eclipse environment is correctly configured. Review the steps in Chapter 3 for setting the PATH statement for the Android SDK. You should also ensure that the JRE is correctly in your PATH statement.TIP:If you have configuration-related issues while attempting to work with any of the command-line examples, try referring to the configuration steps in Chapters 2 and 3; and look at the Android SDK documentation.2.2 Creating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin. Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New Android Project wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications.If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.2.3 The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android.jar file, and ties the project into the Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you will be building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft .NET application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. Inaddition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldText. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that you will be creating in this chapter.In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked. This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will be C:/Users/<username>/workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.3 Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application.In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world:1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications.3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well.It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same VM.3.1 Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Application have four types of components:(1)ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use — including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)(2)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the musicplayback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.(3)Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.(4)Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers. Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.3.2 Activating components: intentsContent providers are activated when they're targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The other three components —activities, services, and broadcast receivers —are activated by asynchronous messages called intents. An intent is an Intent object that holds the content of the message. For activities and services, it names the action being requested and specifies the URI of the data to act on, among other things. For example, it might convey a request for an activity to present an image to the user or let the user edit some text. For broadcast receivers, theIntent object names the action being announced. For example, it might announce to interested parties that the camera button has been pressed.。