在此例中,作者将“时间”这一抽象概念,用一系列的其他抽 象概念:智慧,愚蠢,信仰,怀疑,光明,黑暗,希望,失望来 比喻。
5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb. * He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty. 6) Denominative-verb metaphor When a noun serves as a verb, it becomes a denominative verb, which has two-fold meaning. In this case, this metaphorical meaning is expressed by the denominal verb, which is known as denominative-verb metaphor. * Misfortune dogged him at every corner.
9)Mixed metaphor Mixed metaphor is the thoughtless use of more than one metaphor in a context so that incongruous images are brought to mind. It is the junction of two inconsistent metaphors, which can produce a special effect , a very amusing, but illogical imagery. * He was such a marvellous person that whenever he recognized a spark of genius, he'd water it. 10) Orientational metaphor Orientational metaphor is produced by reference of space of direction, it is supposed by some people, largely based on the concept of space. * He is a man of deep insight , sense and thought. * He passed in the final examination with very low grade.
5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb. * He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty. 6) Denominative-verb metaphor When a noun serves as a verb, it becomes a denominative verb, which has two-fold meaning. In this case, this metaphorical meaning is expressed by the denominal verb, which is known as denominative-verb metaphor. * Misfortune dogged him at every corner.
9)Mixed metaphor Mixed metaphor is the thoughtless use of more than one metaphor in a context so that incongruous images are brought to mind. It is the junction of two inconsistent metaphors, which can produce a special effect , a very amusing, but illogical imagery. * He was such a marvellous person that whenever he recognized a spark of genius, he'd water it. 10) Orientational metaphor Orientational metaphor is produced by reference of space of direction, it is supposed by some people, largely based on the concept of space. * He is a man of deep insight , sense and thought. * He passed in the final examination with very low grade.
张三像只大猩猩可能是真的,张三是只大猩猩 则一定是假的。这种论证依赖于真值条件意义 理论,否则就不能成立。
如果说隐喻所用的词儿另有一个〔隐含的〕意 义,那么,隐喻本身就会消失。例如我们说, the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water〔上帝的圣灵临近水面〕,如果这句话 里的face另有一个隐含的或曰扩展的意义,可 以用来述说水的表面,那么,水就有了面,水 面就不再是一个隐喻。牵涉到第二种意义的是 两可〔ambivalence〕,隐喻则并不牵涉第二 种意义,否则我们就要等隐喻死了以后才彻底 掌握这种意义。
The government still hopes to stem the tide of inflation.(隐喻)
(4a) The driver drove the bus too fast down the hill, so the brakes failed. (4b) The driver’s overrapid downhill driving of the bus caused brake failure. (4a)是一致式,(4b)通过语法隐喻把(4a) 的两个小句向下转移为两个名词性词组结构。
英国有个古诗人,John Donne,曾有这样的 句子:our blood labours to beget spirits〔我 们的血液辛勤劳作以孕育精神〕,现代人把这 视作隐喻,但原作者其实是在直陈字面的意思。
(1a)The brakes failed. (1b) brake failure (1a)为非隐喻形式,其中的the brakes是表示 参与者的名词,failed则是表示物质过程的动 词,但在(1b) 中句子转化成了名词短语。
4. The thinking mode involved
– A IS B.
• The economy is a machine.
-- The economy is overheating.
-- to fine-tune (微调) inflation.
• The economy is a rocket / an airplane / a space craft.
• How could any man ever understand the workings of a woman’s mind?
• The coffee was perfect and by the time I was
halfway through my first cup my brain was ticking
The mind is a machine.
• He is still grinding out a solution.
• His mind isn’t operating today.
• He is a little rusty today.
• I can’t think; I am running out of steam (losing vigor).
over much more briskly.
An argument is war.
• abstract
• what we are unfamiliar with
• concrete
• what we are familiar with
-- We use a concept that we are familiar with to describe or understand another concept that we are not so familiar with.
此例以“肥料”(manure) 喻革命志士与暴君 之血。
2)用形象具体的事物, 比喻抽象的 事物或概念
It’s the same with Negro in America. That
shoe ... the white man’s system ... has pinched
and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has al most destroyed him. 美国黑人的情况也是这样。白人制度这只鞋夹 紧了他的灵魂,使之受磨难, 几乎要把他毁掉 了。 用夹紧黑人的灵魂的一只“鞋子”来比喻美 国的白人制度, 这是典型的以具体事物比喻抽 象事物
The speaker, and the school master, and the thir d grown person presents, all backed a little, and
swept with their eyes the inclined plane of
History is all these things—— waves, tides and currents —— and like the sea, no matter how tranquil the surfa ce, it is never still. A sequence of events is a series of waves, one crest following upon the other; and the trick for statesmen and reporter alike, is to tell which crest is surge of the tide and which a mere accident of the wind. 历史总是这些东西——波 浪, 潮汐和水流——像海洋一样, 无论表面多么平 静, 它从未静止过, 一系列的事件是一层层的波 浪, 一个波峰接着一个波峰, 政治家与记者的技能 一样, 是告诉人们哪一个是潮汐的作用, 哪一个不 过是因风而起。 用海洋中的“波浪, 潮汐和水流” 来比喻历史, 也是用具体事物比喻抽象事物。
2)用形象具体的事物, 比喻抽象的 事物或概念
It’s the same with Negro in America. That
shoe ... the white man’s system ... has pinched
and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has al most destroyed him. 美国黑人的情况也是这样。白人制度这只鞋夹 紧了他的灵魂,使之受磨难, 几乎要把他毁掉 了。 用夹紧黑人的灵魂的一只“鞋子”来比喻美 国的白人制度, 这是典型的以具体事物比喻抽 象事物
The speaker, and the school master, and the thir d grown person presents, all backed a little, and
swept with their eyes the inclined plane of
History is all these things—— waves, tides and currents —— and like the sea, no matter how tranquil the surfa ce, it is never still. A sequence of events is a series of waves, one crest following upon the other; and the trick for statesmen and reporter alike, is to tell which crest is surge of the tide and which a mere accident of the wind. 历史总是这些东西——波 浪, 潮汐和水流——像海洋一样, 无论表面多么平 静, 它从未静止过, 一系列的事件是一层层的波 浪, 一个波峰接着一个波峰, 政治家与记者的技能 一样, 是告诉人们哪一个是潮汐的作用, 哪一个不 过是因风而起。 用海洋中的“波浪, 潮汐和水流” 来比喻历史, 也是用具体事物比喻抽象事物。
第二讲含而不露的 隐喻metaphor 优质课件
第二讲: 隐喻(metaphor)
Questions: 1. What is metaphor? 2. What features dose it have? 3. How to appreciate metaphor in English
and Chinese? 4. Can you find more examples of this figure
thing is applied to another.
----Webster’s New World Dictionary
A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit.
The next time Frank went to the restaurant, he walked up to the
hostess and told his guest, “ I want to introduce you to my friend
Simile and Metaphor
Life is like an isthmus between two eternities. 生活像永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 Life is an isthmus between two eternities. 生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 Happiness is like sunshine: it is made up of very little beams. 幸福像阳光,皆由细小的光束构成。 The sunshine of happiness is made of very little beams. 幸福的阳光由非常细小的光束构成。 He is as stubborn as a mule. 他犟得像头骡子。 He is a mule. 他是头犟骡
Metaphor, mode of thinking and culture
• Love is a physical force. • Love is magic. • Love is war. • Love is a patient.
• Time is a moving object. • Time is money. • Time is a limited resource. • Time is a commodity.
• He _____ down his breakfast before it
was too late for class.
• They _____ together in a mean hut. • Don’t _____ me! • Passengers on the bus _____ their
Jim is a fox. How to understand “Jim is a fox”? What’s the relationship between Jim and the fox?
So, a metaphor requires greater ability on the part of the reader to perceive the hidden association, the insight into
heads out of the windows to see what was happening.
• Tony saw a policeman coming, and _____
behind a car.
• pig wolf duck crane fox
To render your writing more vivid
修辞Metaphor ppt课件
Three purposes Description Illumination Illustration
1. The hallway was zebra-striped with darkness and moonlight.
• A description of the alternate bands of light and shade in the hall, like a Zebra’s stripes.
Visible metaphor Invisible metaphor Sustained metaphor Extended metaphor Mixed metaphor
Dead metaphor
Visible metaphor
Definition: both the primary term (tenor) and the secondary term (vehicle) are present in the sentence.
• Function: leaves room for the reader’s imagination.
• Eg: The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker...(O. Henry)
movement of the
Heard it on the Agean, and
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
themselves against the
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language课件
e.g We have different hobbies:I like traveling while you don’t like it.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)
• Ideational function comprises two components, the experiential function and the logical function.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
• Textual function is represented through two categories of resources, structural resources which consist of thematic structure and thematic progression, and nonstructural resources which comprise all kinds of cohesive device.
“the speaker’s emotions,judgment and attitudes”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The textual function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner to fit the particular situation in which they are used.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)
• Ideational function comprises two components, the experiential function and the logical function.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
• Textual function is represented through two categories of resources, structural resources which consist of thematic structure and thematic progression, and nonstructural resources which comprise all kinds of cohesive device.
“the speaker’s emotions,judgment and attitudes”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The textual function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner to fit the particular situation in which they are used.
(Edgar Allan Poe)
"... a succession of startled substitutes had stood before them, ducked, winced and fled."
(Edward Blishen)
过去的事,一切都同梦幻一般消失。 她展眉而笑,宛如轻风拂起湖面的涟漪。
泉水澄净碧绿,像泻玉泼翠一样。 (吴伯箫《难老泉》)
他们上树的本领可真不错,差不多比得上猿猴。 (吴伯箫《野孩子》)
新雨之后,苍翠如濯的山岗,云气弥漫,仿佛罩着轻纱的少 妇,显得那么忧郁,沉默。 (钟梅音《乡居闲情》)
小园里,春色如醇酒。 (王怡之《绿》)
The light music of whisky falling into glasses made an agreeable interlude.
(James Joyce)
注入酒杯的威士忌就像轻音乐成了宜人的插 曲。
"His eyes were bent fixedly before him and throughout his whole countenance there reigned a stony rigidity."
• 汉语常用的比喻词有“像、如、犹如、如同、比、好比、 似乎、似的、仿佛、犹、若、一样、一般”等等。
I wondered lonely like a cloud. (William Wordsworth)
• Lack of control is down:
I’m on top of the situation.
He is under my control.
• Happy is up:
• Sad is down.
I’m feeling up today. He is really low these days.
Up & Down – Orientational metaphor
• Virtue is up:
• Lack of virtue is down:
She’s an upstanding That was a low-down thing
to do.
• Rational is up:
tried to sneak into the dining room, hoping not to be noticed by others.
3 The formula “A is B” -- For a better understanding of metaphor • The nouns, verbs, adj.s, or adv.s are used to indicate the reference (喻体). • - The romance was a plant. • - The economy is a machine. • - She is a container. • - The temperature was a murderer. • - We were sheep.
• China’s pulling its players from the finale is a stinging slap.
• In a metaphor, however, the comparison would appear simply as • (1a) Jim was a fox. • (2a) The world is a stage.
• A metaphor, then, is in a sense a condensed simile, differing from the latter only in form and artistry. It is a higher form, though, and not all metaphors can be recast (to give a new shape to) as similes. It requires greater ability on the part of the reader to perceive the hidden association, the insight into persons, things or ideas that is implied. For whereas in a simile the particular aspect of the point of resemblance between two unlike elements is given, in a metaphor nothing is stated.
• Whereas cognitive linguists propose that it belongs not only to the category of language, but also to the category of thinking and cognition. It is regarded as basic thinking, cognitive and conceptualization modes.
(1)What does ‘tall’ mean? (signify) (2)A nod means agreement. (indicate) (3)I know the place you mean. (refer to) (4)Your presence would mean a lot to me. (matter) (5)I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be late. (intend) (6)The boy wasn’t meant to be there. (supposed to)
• What are common means of cohesion in English? • What do we mean by conversational repair?
7.1 The notion of semantics 7.2 Semantic properties 7.3 Semantic relations 7.4 Sense and reference
• The connotative meaning can be the same /different in different languages or cultures. e.g.: fox, machine BUT: dragon, dog, elephant (White Elephant)
pegged out
public servant government employee bureaucrat
(1)What does ‘tall’ mean? (signify) (2)A nod means agreement. (indicate) (3)I know the place you mean. (refer to) (4)Your presence would mean a lot to me. (matter) (5)I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be late. (intend) (6)The boy wasn’t meant to be there. (supposed to)
• What are common means of cohesion in English? • What do we mean by conversational repair?
7.1 The notion of semantics 7.2 Semantic properties 7.3 Semantic relations 7.4 Sense and reference
• The connotative meaning can be the same /different in different languages or cultures. e.g.: fox, machine BUT: dragon, dog, elephant (White Elephant)
pegged out
public servant government employee bureaucrat
The vehicle of a metaphor is the entity that is being compared to the subject.
It is the element that carries the metaphorical meaning.
The vehicle is often a person, place, thing, or concept that has some feature or quality in common with the subject.
Classify through metaphorical similarities
Animal Metaphors
Comparing a person or thing to an animal based on some
similarity or resemblance. Example: "She has the heart of a lion."
The vehicle helps to communicate complex or abstract ideas in a more accessible and vivid manner.
They are what make the comparison meaningful and comprehensible.
words "like" or "as".
The constituent elements of metaphor
在认知语言学中,隐喻的本质是概念性的,以某一领 域的经验来说明另一种领域的经验,是人们对抽象范 畴进行概念化的一种认知工具.
• Definition
• Understanding one conceptual domain(域) or cognitive domain in terms of another conceptual domain.
• 以涨价经验为例,这种经验可以通过名词“通货膨胀”隐 喻为实体。 • Inflation is lowering our standard of living. • We need to combat inflation. • 例子中,通货膨胀被认为是为可以是人们对它进行谈论、 量化和识别的实体。
MORE IS UP; LESS IS DOWN • The number of books printed each year keeps going up. • If you are too hot, turn the heat down. • HIGH STATUS IS UP; LOW STATUS IS DOWN
• Examples
He is a tiger. Time is money. 独生子是小皇帝。
• Source domain 始发域 • the conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain. (tiger)
2) Structural metaphors 结构隐喻
• 以一种概念的结构来构造另一种概念,是两种概 念叠加,将谈论一种概念的各方面的词语用于谈 论另一概念。
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2) Verbal metaphor Verbal metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical implication is expressed by verb. * Her eyes bored into him. * Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
8) Alphabetic metaphor Alphabetic metaphor refers to a metaphor in which a letter of alphabet serves as vehicle * Long lines of women, bent double like inverted capital Ls, working their way slowing acro.ss the fields.
6) Denominative-verb metaphor When a noun serves as a verb, it becomes a denominative verb, which has two-fold meaning. In this case, this metaphorical meaning is expressed by the denominal verb, which is known as denominative-verb metaphor.
* He was such a marvellous person that whenever he recognized a spark of genius, he'd water it.
3) Adjective metaphor Adjective metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical meaning is indicated by adjective. * I could hardly put up with his acid remarks.
隐喻也是一种比喻,它不用比喻词,直接把喻体当作本体来描述, 其比喻关系隐含在句意中,从而更生动,更深刻地说明事理,增 强语言的表现力。
1) Nominal metaphor Nominal metaphor refers to the metaphor in which the metaphorical meaning is mainly expressed by noun. * Time is money.
Webster’s New world dictionary :a figureison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.
It is a word or a phrase used in an imaginative way to describe sb/sth else, in order to show that the two things have the same quantities and to make the description more powerful.
9)Mixed metaphor
Mixed metaphor is the thoughtless use of more than one metaphor in a context so that incongruous images are brought to mind. It is the junction of two inconsistent metaphors, which can produce a special effect , a very amusing, but illogical imagery.
4) Quasi-metaphor Quasi-metaphor refers to the metaphor whose implication is shown by the word formed with some suffixes such as "-ry", 'ly", "-sh", "ic",etc. * The fat man licked his lips. His piggy eyes , as if unbelieving, were focused upon her own.
5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb. * He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty.
7)Condensed metaphor In a condensed metaphor, the tenor is used to modify the vehicle. * Hurstwood complied and the car shot away, followed by a rattle of stones and a rain of curses.
8) Alphabetic metaphor Alphabetic metaphor refers to a metaphor in which a letter of alphabet serves as vehicle * Long lines of women, bent double like inverted capital Ls, working their way slowing acro.ss the fields.
6) Denominative-verb metaphor When a noun serves as a verb, it becomes a denominative verb, which has two-fold meaning. In this case, this metaphorical meaning is expressed by the denominal verb, which is known as denominative-verb metaphor.
* He was such a marvellous person that whenever he recognized a spark of genius, he'd water it.
3) Adjective metaphor Adjective metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical meaning is indicated by adjective. * I could hardly put up with his acid remarks.
隐喻也是一种比喻,它不用比喻词,直接把喻体当作本体来描述, 其比喻关系隐含在句意中,从而更生动,更深刻地说明事理,增 强语言的表现力。
1) Nominal metaphor Nominal metaphor refers to the metaphor in which the metaphorical meaning is mainly expressed by noun. * Time is money.
Webster’s New world dictionary :a figureison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.
It is a word or a phrase used in an imaginative way to describe sb/sth else, in order to show that the two things have the same quantities and to make the description more powerful.
9)Mixed metaphor
Mixed metaphor is the thoughtless use of more than one metaphor in a context so that incongruous images are brought to mind. It is the junction of two inconsistent metaphors, which can produce a special effect , a very amusing, but illogical imagery.
4) Quasi-metaphor Quasi-metaphor refers to the metaphor whose implication is shown by the word formed with some suffixes such as "-ry", 'ly", "-sh", "ic",etc. * The fat man licked his lips. His piggy eyes , as if unbelieving, were focused upon her own.
5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb. * He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty.
7)Condensed metaphor In a condensed metaphor, the tenor is used to modify the vehicle. * Hurstwood complied and the car shot away, followed by a rattle of stones and a rain of curses.