
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、脉脉mò忏悔chàn(正确答案)B、狙击zǔ鸟瞰kànC、抨击pēng 发酵xiàoD、干涸hé百舸争流kě3、《荷塘月色》的作者是()[单选题] *周作人郭达朱自清(正确答案)鲁迅4、1即席发言具有随机性、临场性的特点,要求反应速度快。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)5、1护士对刚出院的病人说:“欢迎您再来!”她这样表述是得体的。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、马厩(jì)嶙峋(lín)(正确答案)B、惬意(qiè)珍馐(xiū)C、钳制(qián)敕造(chì)D、搭讪(shàn)粜卖(tiào)7、1“小王一把拽住正准备闯红灯的老伯说:‘你活得不耐烦了?真是为老不尊!’”这句话中小王使用的语言不得体。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)8、42. 下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()[单选题] *A.决择堕落狡辩相辅相成B.萦绕强褓浩劫愧不敢当C.绚丽枷锁拙劣怒不可遏(正确答案)D.授予荧屏开辟振耳欲聋9、下列选项中加着重号字读音相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、遗憾浓酣B、色调协调C、娇柔骄傲(正确答案)D、意境景色10、1《窦娥冤》是我国元代著名戏曲家关汉卿的代表作。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错11、1“积土成山,风雨兴焉”的下一句是“积水成渊,蛟龙生焉”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错12、1介绍工艺流程一般按照工序的先后顺序逐一介绍,突出每个步骤的操作要领。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)13、1“社”是土地神,“稷”是谷神,古文化中常用社稷代指国家。

A.Visual BasicB.JavaC.HTMLD.++3.关于数据的描述中,错误的是()A.数据可以是数字,文字、声音图像B.数据可以是数值型数据和非数值型数据C.数据是数值、概念或指令的一种表达形式D.数据就是指数值的大小4.通过按下键盘上的()按键可以将屏幕画面复制到剪贴板。
A.PrintScreenB.Al+PrintScreenC.Cirl+DeleteD.Shif+PrintScreen5.下列不属于系统软件的是()A.数据库管理系统B.操作系统C.程序语言处理系统D.电子表格处理软件6.计算机软件系统中,最核心的软件是()A.操作系统B.数据库管理系统C.语言和处理程序D.诊断程序7.Word2010是Microsoft公司推出的一款()A.电子表格处理软件B.数据库管理系统C.文字处理软件D.操作系统8.Word2010中,第一次保存某文件,出现的对话框为()A.全部保存B.另存为C.保存D.保存为9.Excel2010中,工作表是一个()A.树形表B.三维表C.一维表D.二维表10.下列计算机网络的传输介质中,传输率最高的是()A.同轴线缆B.双绞线C.电话线D.光纤11.Access2010数据表中的一列,称为()A.标题B.数据C.记录D.字段12.Internet中计算机之间通信必须共同遵循的协议是()A.FTPB.SMTPC.UDPD.TCP/IP13.构成Excel2010工作律的基本要求是()A工作表 B.单元格 C.单元格区域D.数据14.在Windows7中,按名称、大小等排列方式排列桌面上图标的正确操作是()A.在开始菜单上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式B.在桌面的任意图标上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式C.在任务栏上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式D.桌面的任意空白处右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式15.在Windows7中,如果菜单项的文字后出现“√”标记,则表明()A.此菜单项目当前不可用B.此菜单项正处于选中状态C.此菜单项目下还有下级菜单D.单击此菜单会打开一个对话框16.在Word2010中,按下()组合键可以将光标定位到文件末尾。


山东19年专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,我国的国家机构实行什么制度?A. 人民代表大会制度B. 多党合作和政治协商制度C. 民族区域自治制度D. 基层群众自治制度答案:A2. 山东省位于我国的哪个地理区域?A. 东北地区B. 华北地区C. 华东地区D. 西南地区答案:C3. 以下哪个不是山东的著名景点?A. 泰山B. 崂山C. 华山D. 蓬莱阁答案:C4. 山东省的省会是哪个城市?A. 青岛B. 济南C. 烟台D. 威海答案:B5. 山东省的简称是什么?A. 鲁B. 豫C. 苏D. 皖答案:A6. 山东省的省花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 荷花C. 菊花D. 梅花答案:A7. 山东省的省树是什么?A. 松树B. 柳树C. 杨树D. 柏树答案:A8. 山东省的省鸟是什么?A. 喜鹊B. 燕子C. 鸽子D. 麻雀答案:A9. 山东省的省歌是什么?A. 《沂蒙山小调》B. 《茉莉花》C. 《黄河大合唱》D. 《小白杨》答案:A10. 山东省的省会济南的别称是什么?A. 泉城B. 春城C. 雾都D. 江城答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 山东省的省会济南,因______而得名。
答案:泉水多12. 山东省的省花牡丹,被誉为“花中之王”,其原产地在______。
答案:菏泽13. 山东省的省树松树,是常绿乔木,具有______的特点。
答案:耐寒耐旱14. 山东省的省鸟喜鹊,是中国传统吉祥的象征,常被用来表示______。
答案:吉祥如意15. 山东省的省歌《沂蒙山小调》是一首具有浓郁地方特色的______。
答案:民歌16. 山东省的省会济南,被誉为“泉城”,其中最著名的泉是______。
答案:趵突泉17. 山东省的省会济南,除了泉城之外,还有“______”的美誉。
答案:千佛山18. 山东省的省会济南,是著名的历史文化名城,其中______是其重要的文化遗产之一。

2019年山东省普通高等教育专升本统一考试计算机试题一、单选题(共50题,50分)1. 第一代电子计算机采用的电子元器件是()A、晶体管B、电子管C、集成电路D、大规模集成电路2. 网页是一种应用()语言编写,可以在WWW上传输,能被浏览器认识和翻译成页面并显示出来的文件。
A、VisualBasicB、JavaC、HTMLD、C++3. 关于数据的描述中,错误的是()A、数据可以是数字、文字、声音、图像B、数据可以是数值型数据和非数值型数据C、数据是数值、概念或指令的一种表达形式D、数据就是指数值的大小4. 通过按下键盘上的()按键可以将屏幕画面复制到剪贴板。
A、PrintScreenB、Alt+PrintScreenC、Ctrl+DeleteD、Shift+PrintScreen5. 下列不属于系统软件的是()A、数据库管理系统B、操作系统C、程序语言处理系统D、电子表格处理软件6. 计算机软件系统中,最核心的软件是()A、操作系统B、数据库管理系统C、语言和处理程序D、诊断程序7. Word 2010是Microsoft公司推出的一款()A、电子表格处理软件B、数据库管理系统C、文字处理软件D、操作系统8. Word 2010中,第一次保存某文件,出现的对话框为()A、全部保存B、另存为D、保存为9. Excel 2010中,工作表是一个()A、树形表B、三维表C、一维表D、二维表10. 下列计算机网络的传输介质中,传输率最高的是()A、同轴电缆B、双绞线C、电话线D、光纤11. Access 2010数据表中的一列,称为()A、标题B、数据C、记录D、字段12. Internet中计算机之间通信必须共同遵循的协议是()A、HTTPB、SMTPC、UDPD、TCP/IP13. 构成Excel 2010工作簿的基本要素是()A、工作表B、单元格C、单元格区域D、数据14. 在Windows 7中,按名称、大小等排列方式排列桌面上图标的正确操作是()A、在开始菜单上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式B、在桌面的任意图标上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式C、在任务栏上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式D、在桌面的任意空白处右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式15. 在Windows 7中,如果菜单项的文字后出现“√”标记,则表明()A、此菜单项当前不可用B、此菜单项正处于选中状态C、此菜单项下还有下级菜单D、单击此菜单会打开一个对话框16. 在Word 2010中,按下()组合键可以将光标定位到文件末尾。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.《论语》的基本文体是A.对话体韵文 B.论述体散文 C.叙事体韵文 D.语录体散文2.张若虚《春江花月夜》结构的基本线索是A.江水的流动过程 B.月亮的生落过程C.花林的空问变换 D.白云的飘浮显隐3.白居易《长恨歌》的体裁属于A.七言律诗 B.七言歌行 C.七言排律 D.七言绝句4.下列属于唐宋八大家的是A.辛弃疾 B.陆游 C.苏轼 D.柳永5.李清照的《醉花阴》是一首A.咏物词 B.写景词 C.言志词 D.闺怨词6.在《文学的趣味》一文中,朱光潜认为:“许多人在文艺趣味上有欠缺,大半由于在知上有欠缺”,以下各项中,不属于“知上有欠缺”表现的是A.自以为知 B.根本不知 C.知得不正确 D.知得不周全7.余光中的《听听那冷雨》的体裁是A.诗歌 B.散文 C.小说 D.戏剧8.下列不属于《围城》中的人物是A.方鸿渐 B.孙柔嘉 C.岳之峰 D.苏文纨9.海明威小说《老人与海》的故事背景发生在二十世纪中叶的A.古巴 B.墨西哥 C.美国 D.巴西10.下列不属于莎士比亚四大悲剧的是A.《麦克白》 B.《李尔王》 C.《哈姆雷特》 D.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第II卷二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空1分,共10分)11.《左传》是记录春秋历史的编年体史书,相传是鲁国史官为孔子修订的《春秋》所作的传。
18. ,六官粉黛无颜色。

山东省普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力理解(PartⅠListening Comprehension.本大题共20小题,每小题1,共20分。
) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Short Conversations1 . A)She finished her reading two weeks ago.B)She finished her reading quickly.C)She will write an English novel in two weeks.D)She couldn’t finish her reading in less than a month.2.A)It gets on your nerves if you buy five of them.B)It's a very good bargain.C)It's too expensive.D)If you buy five, the price is lower.3 . A)She wants to know when the man will be free.B)She will be busy every day this week.C)She will be able to go some time later.D)She doesn’t want to go to the theater with the man at all.4. A)The airplane has already left.B)The plane is overdue.C)They should take the 9:45 flight.D)The plane has arrived early at 3:39.5. A)Vacation plans. B)School hoursC)A part-time job. D)Weekend plans.6. A)She doesn't know its hours. B)She thinks it closes at 6.C)It's open all night on weekdays. D)It isn't open on weekends.7. A)Three dollars. B)Fifteen dollars.C)Half of the price. D)One third the price.8. A)Reporters. B)Students.C)Typists. D)Librarians.Long Conversation 1Questions 9 to 11 abased on the conversation you have just heard.9. A)Dresses. B)Shoes.C)Socks. D)Shirts10.A)They were worn out. B)They were dirty.C)They were of a dull color. D)They were out of style11. A)They were too casual.B)They were too dressy.C)They were uncomfortable.D)They were not charming enough.Long Conversation 2Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A)His father was somewhat over protective.B)His mother was upset if one of her kids could not spend the weekend at home.C)Both parents had to be away from home very often.D)His grandparents might complain if he didn’t come back for the holiday.13. A)Two. B)Three.C)Four. D)Five.14. A)Honesty. B)Generosity.C)Love. D)Sincerity.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear. questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15. A)Once a month. B)Once every 3 months.C)Once every 6 months. D)Once a year.16. A)A cowshed. B)A country cottage.C)A brick house. D)A bungalow.17.A)They often go boating on the lakeB)There is a very good market near the place.C)Not many English people go there.D)There are a lot of lakes in the region.Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A)Where the Americans came from.B)The size of the American population.C)Land in United States.D)American Indians.19. A)The English.B)The Dutch.C)American Indians.D)Blacks from Africa.20. A)Over 210 million.B)Less than 200 million.C)Around 40 million.D)140 million.第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part 11 Vocabulary and Structure.本大题共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分。
山东省专升本英语考试真题 2019年

山东省专升本英语考试真题2019年Title: Shandong Province Adult College Entrance Examination English Test Real Questions 2019Introduction: The Shandong Province Adult College Entrance Examination is an important test for adults in Shandong Province who wish to further their education. The English test is one of the key subjects in this examination, testing the candidates' proficiency in English language skills. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of the English test questions from the 2019 exam.Section 1: Listening ComprehensionQuestion 1: Listen to a conversation between two people discussing their travel plans. Answer the following questions.Question 2: Listen to a news report about a current event. Answer the following questions.Question 3: Listen to a lecture on climate change. Answer the following questions.Section 2: Reading ComprehensionPassage 1: A passage about the history of Chinese culture. Answer the following questions.Passage 2: A passage about the benefits of exercise. Answer the following questions.Passage 3: A passage about the importance of education. Answer the following questions.Section 3: WritingQuestion 1: Write an essay on the impact of technology on modern society.Question 2: Write a letter to a local government official expressing your concern about environmental pollution in your city.Question 3: Write a report on the benefits of studying abroad.Conclusion: The Shandong Province Adult College Entrance Examination English test is a rigorous assessment of candidates' English language skills. By analyzing the 2019 exam questions, candidates can better prepare for future iterations of the exam. Good luck to all test-takers!。

2019年山东专升本(数学)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题 4. 综合题 5. 证明题一、选择题在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。
1.函数f(x)=x sin xA.当x→∞时为无穷大B.在(一∞,+∞)内为周期函数C.在(一∞,+∞)内无界D.当x→∞时有有限极限正确答案:C解析:采用排除法。
2.己知∫f(x)dx=x sin x2+C,则∫xf(x2)dx=A.x cos x2+CB.xsin x2+CC.x2sin x4+CD.x2cos x4+C正确答案:C解析:由∫f(x)dx=x sin x2+C,两边关于x求导得f(x)=sin x2+2x2+cos x2,进一步可知∫xf(x)2dx的导数为xf(x)2=x(sinx4+2x4 cosx2),只需要将四个选项中的函数分别求导即可确定选项C正确。

第Ⅰ卷PartⅠListening Comprehension.(1point each,20points)Section ADirections:In will section,you will hear8short conversations.41the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversation and the question will be read only once.After each question there will be a pause,During the peruse,you must read the four suggested answers marked A)B)C)and D),and decide which is the best answer Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Short Conversations1.A.His car was hit by another car.B.He was hurt while involved in sports.C.He fell down some stairs,D.While crossing a street he was hit by a car.2.A.Satisfied with their price.B.Displeased with their quality.C.Pleased with modern mass-production techniques.D.Dissatisfied with their technological complexities.3.A.$33.66. B.$50.00. C.$79.95. D.$66.664.A.He went mountain climbing last year.B.He hasn’t traveled round the world yet.C.He's always wanted to climb that mountain.D.He definitely does not want to go.5.A.She thinks the man is joking.B.The man needs to have his eyes examined.C.The man should get some sleep.D The man is wise to study,6.A.Near an art museum. B.At a science exhibit.C.At a news conference.D.Near a paint store.7.A.The homework was very easy.B.The mun should go to class.C.'The man should sit in the back of the classroom.D.She's further behind in her work than the man is.8.A.In the street. B.Over the telephone.ck's house.D.At Jack's secretary's apartment. Longer DialoguesDialogue OneQuestions9to11are based on the dialogue you have just heard.9.A.To ask for a leave.B.To register for his course,C.To bring him some plants,D.To be transferred to another university.10. A.It lasts for two semesters.B.It is too advanced for Jane,C.Too many students have registered for it.D.Jane has registered for too many courses.11.A.Botany B.Biology C.Medicine D.Economics Dialogue TwoQuestions12to14are based on the dialogue you have just heard.12. A.The traffic is too heavy. B.The man is driving too fast.C.The man does not drive well.D.The man does not listen to her.13. A.A woman knocked down by a van. B.A zebra running after a woman.C.A woman asking for a lift.D.A car running too fast,14. A.They wait until the traffic signal changes. B.They pull the van into the space,C.They drive on without stop.D.They stop the car to help.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear two short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear a number of questions.Both the passage and the questions will be read only once.After you hear one question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A).B),C)and D).Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions15to17are based on the passage you have just heard.15. A.10%. B.15%.C.From10%to50%.D.From10%to15%.16. A.Minor damage to the brain.B.The use of drugs during the mothers pregnancy.C.Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman.D.Damage to muscles.17. A.A lack of nutritious foods.B.A balance of certain chemicalsC.Lead in oil.D.Alcohol.Passage TwoQuestions18to20are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A.It means that anyone can enroll in community colleges.B.It means that high school graduates can always receive education at community colleges.C.It means that admission to any community college is free.D.It means that admission to any college is free if you are a high school graduate.19. A.Because students can earn associate degrees if they attend evening classes.B.Because tuition and fees are relatively low for evening classes.C.Because many students have to work during the day.D.Because students find it more interesting to attend classes in the evening.20. A.Providing advanced educational programs to handicapped people.B.Training personnel the community needs most.C.Helping train community leaders.D.Emphasizing programs for young adults.Part II Vocabulary and Structure(0.5point each,15points)Directions:For each of the following items,there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Decide which is the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21.By eleven o'clock yesterday I______at the airport.A.has arrivedB.arrivedC.had arrivedD.will have arrived22.Don’t stand there______nothing.A.to doB.doingC.doD.for doing23.______with Lei Feng,we still have a long way to go.paringparedC.To compareD.Being compared24.Many a member of the armed forces______given his life for our country.A.hadB.haveC.hasD.had been25.“Let us go”,______?"the crooks said to the policeman.A.shall weB.won't youC.won't weD.don't we26.If Jackie is as sick as you say,she______see a doctor as soon as possible.A.has betterB.had betterC.has ratherD.would rather27.The doctor suggested that she______for the time being.A.will not smokeB.not smokeC.would not smokeD.did not smoke28.The results of the experiment were not______to publish.A.so interestingB.enough interestingC.too interestingD.interesting enough29.A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday,only to find it______.A.be broken intoB.had broken intoC.was broken intoD.had been broken into30.With a great weight______my mind,I turned into a by-stander.A.to take offB.taking offC.taken offD.being taken off31.The young man______his training______a good use in that job.A.put...overB.put...toC.put...onD.put...out32.Had you asked me yesterday,I______you the money.A.have lentB.lentC.would lendD.could have lent33.The managing director took the______for the accident,although it was not really his fault.A.guiltB.chargeC.blameD.accusation34.His new appointment takes______from the beginning of next month,A.placeB.effectC.postD.office35.Jim's plans to go to college______at the last moment.A.fell outB.gave awayC.gave offD.fell through36.I left for the office earlier than usual this morning______traffic jam.A.in line withB.in case ofC.for the sake ofD.at the risk of37.The boy had a______escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus,A.closeB.shortC.narrowD.fine38.Dress warmly,______you'll catch cold.A.on the contraryB.or ratherC.or elseD.in noway39.The island where these rare birds nest has been declared______.A.an observationB.a reservationC.a prescrvationD.a conservation40.With prices______so much,it's hard for the company to plan a budget.A.fluctuatingB.wavingC.swingingD.vibrating41.______the author wants to express in the book is the love and care for the family.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhyD.How42.The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material,______proved to be reliable,A.most of themB.most of whichC.most of whomD.most of what43.You will never gain success______you are fully devoted to your work.A.whenB.becauseC.afterD.unless44.Tom is interested in this poem now,but he thought it boring______he read it.A.in the first timeB.the first timeC.for the first timeD.at first45.Not until recently______the development of tourist-related activities in the rural arcas,A.they had encouragedB.had they encouragedC.did they encourageD.they encourage46.If______for the job,you will be informed soon.A.to acceptB.acceptC.acceptedD.accepting47.Before you quit your job,______how your family will feel about your decision.A.considerB.consideringC.to considerD.consideredputers are tools carrying______for human beings.A.many informationB.many informationsC.more informationD.much information49.She asked me______I had returned the book to the library,and I admitted that I hadn't.A.whenB.whetherC.whereD.what50.Looking round the town,he felt as though he______away for ages.A.has beenB.wasC.isD.had beenPart III Reading Comprehension(1.5points each,30points)Section ADirections:In this part there are three passages followed by questions,each with four suggested answers marked4),B),C)and D).Choose the one that you think is the best answer Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneWhen something terrible happens to our friends,we often can't respond properly,We hurt their feelings by saying exactly what they don't want to hear;we stay away when they ;or if we do get in touch,we avoid the sensitive subject altogether.We don't mean to be rude or thoughtless—so why do we act this way when we really want to help?How can we find the right thing to say to a friend in a difficult situation?Here are some suggestions:Keep the focus off yourself.When you are with a friend who has suffered a tragedy, remember that you are there to provide support and comfort.Concentrate on his or her feelings rather than your own.Don't use a friend's tragedy as an excuse to drag out similar experiences you’ve had.There's nothing wrong with saying:I've been through it,I know how you must feel", but you should not say:“When my mother died,I stopped eating for a week."Not everyone experiences grief in the same way,so don't impose guilt on a person who doesn't show emotion as openly as you might.Just listen.Many painful people need to mourn,to go through the normal stages of grief andto talk about their feelings and memories,So just listen,accept your friend's feelings and be understanding.Some hurting people may not want to say anything,and you have to respect that too.One man says that the best phone calls he got were from a friend who called once a day and talked for no more than a minute,letting him know she was thinking of him.Offer help.An emotionally hurt person may be overwhelmed by the details of everyday life.Offer to do something,finish a project or take the kids to their piano lessons.“When I had a broken back,I felt completely out of control,"says Joan,a divorced woman with a young daughter.“When my neighbors took turns filing in for me in the car pool,it helped me relax.It was the difference between chaos and order."Be patient.The grief and sorrow can range in intensity and duration and often lasts a few years.Let the person know you're concerned.You might say:“What you're going through must be very difficult,and I don't think you have to do it alone.I’d like to help and would be always here with you”.No one can be expected to know what to say or how to act in every difficult situation.But if you begin with common sense and politeness,and focus on being supportive,soon you will know the right way to respond.51.When we have hurt our friends in trouble by improper response,we______.ually did it on purposeB.would feel regretful for what we had said and doneC.would stay away from themD.should continue get in touch with them52.When you are talking with a hurting friend,the best policy is______.A.to listen patientlyB.to try to comfort him or herC.to tell him or her something entertainingD.to give him or her a phone call53.If a friend's grief seems to be very intense or long-lasting,we should______.A.let it be since someone can't rush griefB.advise him or her to take the kids out for classesC.let the person know we are concerned and always ready to helpD.help him or her relax and make everything in order54.Which of the following statement is true?A.If we follow the suggestions offered in this article,we will know how to behave in every difficult situation.B.Acting politely is always the right way to respond.C.The article offers us the common senses and courses of how to act properly when our friend is in trouble.D.If we don't talk the sensitive subject,we can avoid hurting our friends.Passage TwoMajor companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the new biology.They dream of placing enzymes in the automobile to monitor exhaust and send data on pollution to a microprocessor that will then adjust the engine.They speak of what the New York Times calls"metal-hungry microbes that might be used to mine valuable trace metals from ocean water".They have already demanded and won the right to patent new life forms.Nervous critics,including many scientists,worry that there is corporate,national, international,and inter-scientific rivalry in the entire biotechnological field.They create images not of oil spills,but of“microbe spills"that could spread disease and destroy entire populations.The creation and accidental release of extremely poisonous microbes,however,is only one cause for pletely rational and respectable scientists are talking about possibilities that stagger the imagination.Should we breed people with cow-like stomachs so they can digest grass and hay,thereby relieving the food problem by modifying us to eat lower down on the food chain?Should we biologically alter workers to fit the job requirement,for example,creating pilots with faster reaction times or assembly-line workers designed to do our monotonous work for us?.Should we attempt to eliminate“inferior"people and breed a"super race"?(Hitler tried this,but without the genetic weaponry that may soon issue from our laboratories.)Should we produce soldiers to do our fighting?Should we use genetic forecasting to pre-eliminate unfit babies?Should we grow reserve organs for ourselves,each of us having,as it were,a savings bank"full of spare kidney, livers,or hands?Wild as these notions may sound every one has its advocates(and opposers)in the scientific community as well as its striking commercial application.As two critics of genetic engineering,Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard,stale in their book Who Should Play God?,"Broad scale genetic engineering will probably be introduced to America much the same way as assembly lines,automobiles,vaccines,computers and all the other technologies.As each new geneticadvance becomes commercially practical,a new consumer need will be exploited and a market for the new technology will be created."55.According to the passage,the exhaust from a car engine could probably be checked by____ing metal-hungry microbesB.making use of enzymesC.adjusting the engineD.patenting new life forms56.According to the passage,which of the following would worry the critics the most?A.The unanticipated explosion of population.B.The creation of biological solar cellsC.The accidental spill of oil.D.The unexpected release of destructive microbes57.Which of the following notions is NOT mentioned?A.Developing a"savings bank"of one's organsB.Breeding soldiers for a war.C.Producing people with cow-like stomachs.ing genetic forecasting to cure diseases58.According to the passage,Hitler attempted to____.A.change the pilots biologically to win the warB.develop genetic farming for food supplyC.kill the people he thought of as inferiorD.encourage the development of genetic weapons for the warPassage ThreeThere was a time in the early history of man when the days had no names!The reason was quite simple:Men had not invented the week.In those days,the only division of times was the month,and there were too many days in the month for each of them to have a separate name.But when men began to build cities,they wanted to have a special day on which to trade,a market day.Sometimes these market days were fixed at every tenth day,sometimes every seventh or every fifth day.The Babylonians decided that it should be every seventh day.On this day they didn't work,but met for trade and religious festivals The Jews followed their example,but kept every seventh day for religious purposes,In this way,the week came into existence.It was the space between market days.The Jews gave each of the seven days a name,but it was really a number after the Sabbath day(which was Saturday),For example,Wednesday was called the fourth day(four days after Saturday),When the Egyptians adopted the seven-day week,they named the days after five planets,the sun and the moon.The Romans used the Egyptian names for their days of the week:the day of the sun,of the moon,of the planet Mars,of Mercury,of Jupiter,of Venus,and of Saturn.While we get our names for the days not from the Romans but from the Anglo-Saxons,who called most of the days after their own gods,which were roughly the same as the gods of the Romans,A day,by the way,used to be counted as the space between sunrise and sunset.The Romans counted it as from midnight,and most modern nations use this method.59.In the early times there were no names for the days,because men____"A.had not yet created the idea of grouping seven days in a weekB.did not know how to spell"week"C.considered unnecessary to have the namesD.did not believe it was the time to invent the week60.Which of the following is true for those earlier times?A.It became necessary for each day to have a separate name when men began to build cities.B.There were so many days in the month that it was impossible for each day to have its own name.C.At that time the day that got a name was called a market day.D.The Babylonians decided people must work on a market day.61.In this context,the word“week"means____.A.any market dayB.the Sabbath DayC.the days between those for religious purposesD.the day for trade and religious festivals62.Our present names for the days of the week are____.A.quite different from the old timesB.mostly named after the gods of the Anglo-SaxonsC.more or less the same us those the Egyptians are usinged to count the number of days in a weekSection B Sentence Understanding and MatchingDirections:Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right columnand mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Part163.那些想离开的人现在可以离开。

2019 年山东省普通高等教育专升本统一考试计算机试题本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共8 页。
满分100 分。
考试用时120 分钟。
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第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题(本大题共50 小题,每小题1 分,共50 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。
1.第一代电子计算机采用的电子元器件是()A.晶体管B.电子管C.集成电路D.大规模集成电路2.网页是一种应用()语言编写,可以在www 上传输,能被浏览器认识和翻译成页面并显示出来的文件。
A. VisualBasicB. JavaC. HTMLD.++3.关于数据的描述中,错误的是()A.数据可以是数字,文字、声音图像B.数据可以是数值型数据和非数值型数据C.数据是数值、概念或指令的一种表达形式D.数据就是指数值的大小4.通过按下键盘上的()按键可以将屏等而面复制到剪贴板。
A. PrintScreenB. Al+PrintScreenC. Cirl+DeleteD. Shif+PrintScreen5.下列不属于系统软件的是()A.数据库管理系统B.操作系统C.程序语言处理系统D.电子表格处理软件6.计算机软件系统中,最核心的软件是()A.操作系统B.数据库管理系统C.语言和处理程序D.诊断程序7.Word 2010 是Microsoft 公司推出的一款()A.电子表格处理软件B.数据库管理系统C.文字处理软件D. 操作系统8.Word2010 中, 第一次保存某文件,出现的对话框为()A.全部保存B. 另存为C.保存D.保存为9.Excel 2010 中,工作表是一个()A.树形表B.三维表 C 一维表 D.二维表10.下列计算机网络的传输介质中,传输率最高的是()A.同轴线缆B. 双绞线C.电话线D.光纤11.Access 2010 数据表中的一列,称为()A.标题B.数据C.记录D.字段12.Intermet 中计算机之间通信必须共同遵循的协议是()A.F TPB. SMTPC. UDPD. TCP/IP13.构成Excel 2010 工作律的基本要求是()A.工作表B.单元格C.单元格区域D.数据14.在Windows7 中,按名称、大小等排列方式排列桌面上图标的正确操作是()A.在开始菜单上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式B.在桌面的任意图标上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式C.在任务栏上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式D.桌面的任意空白处右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式15.在Windows7 中,如果菜单项的文字后出现“√”标记,则表明()A.此菜单项目当前不可用B.此菜单项正处于选中状态C.此菜单项目下还有下级菜单D.单击此菜单会打开一个对话框16.在Word2010 中,按下()组合键可以将光标定位到文件末尾。


试卷类型:公共课科目代码: 201山东省2019年普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共12页。
第Ⅰ卷Part I Listening Comprehension(1 point each, 20points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you muse read the four suggested answers marked A) B) C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Short Conversations1. A. His car was hit by another carB. He was hurt while involved in sports.C. He fell down some stairs,D. While crossing a street, he was hit by a car.2. A Satisfied with their price.B. Displeased with their quality.C. Pleased with modern mass- production techniques.D, Dissatisfied with their technological complexities3.A. $33.66. B. $50.00. c. $ 79.95.D. $66.66.4. A. He went mountain climbing last year,B. He hasn't traveled round the world yet.C He's always wanted to climb that mountain.D He definitely does not want to go.5. A She thinks the man is joking.B The man needs to have his eyes examined.C.The man should get some sleep.D.The man is wise to study.6.A.Near an art museum. B. At a science exhibitC. At a news conference.D.Near a paint store.7. A. The homework was very easy.B. The man should go to class,C. The man should sit in the back of the classroom.D. She's further behind in her work than the man is.8. A. In the street. B. Over the telephone.C. At Jack's house.D. At Jack's secretary's apartment.Longer DialoguesDialogue OneQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.9. A. To ask for a leave.B.To register for his course.C. To bring him some plants.D. To be transferred to another university.10. A. It lasts for two semesters.B. It is too advanced for Jane.C. Too many students have registered for it.D. Jane has registered for too many courses.11. A. Botany B. Biology c. Medicine D. EconomicsDialogue TwoQuestions 12 to 14 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.12. A. The traffic is too heavy, B The man is driving too fast.C. The man does not drive well.D. The man does not listen to her.13. A. A woman knocked down by a van. B. A zebra running after a woman.C. A woman asking for a lift.D. A car running too fast.14. A. They wait until the traffic signal changes. B. They pull the van into the space.C. They drive on without stop.D. They stop the car to help.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear a number of questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read only once.After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), c) and D). Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.A. 10%. B.15%.C. From 10% to 50%. D. From 10% to 15%.16. A. Minor damage to the brain.B. The use of drugs during the mothers pregnancy.C. Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman.D. Damage to muscles.17. A .A lack of nutritious foods. B. A balance of certain chemicals.C. Lead in oil D. Alcohol. Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A. It means that anyone can enrol in community colleges.B. It means that high school graduates can always receive education at community colleges.C.It means that admission to any community college is fee.D. It means hat admission to any coll is free if you are a high school graduate.19. A. Because students can earn associate degrees if they attend evening classes.B. Because tuition and fees are relatively low for evening classes.C. Because many students have to work during the day.D. Because students find it more interesting to attend cases in the evening.20. A. . Providing advanced educational programs to handicapped people,B. Training personnel the community needs most.C. Helping train community leaders.34. His new appointment takes_ from the beginning of next month.A. placeB. effectC.post D office35. Jim's plans to go to college. _at the last moment.A. fell outB. gave away c. gave off D. fell through36. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning_ traffic. jam.A. in line withB. in case of c for the sake of D. at the risk of37. The boy had a. escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.A . close B. short C.narrow D. fine38. Dress warmly, you'll catch cold.A. on the contraryB.or ratherC. or elseD. in no waything to say to a friend in a difficult situation? Here are some suggestions:Keep the focus off yourself. When you are with a friend who has suffered a tragedy, remember that you are there to provide support and comfort. Concentrate on his or her feelings rather than your own. Don't use a fiend's tragedy as an excuse to drag out similar experiences you've had .There's nothing wrong with saying: "I've been trough it, I know how you must feel", but youshould not say: "When my mother died, I stopped eating for a week" Not everyone experiences grief in the sane way, so don't impose guilt on a person who doesn't show emotion as openly as you might.Just listen. Many painful people need o mourn, to go through the normal sages of grief and to talk about their feeling and memories. .So just listen, accept your fiend's feelings and be understanding. Some hurting people may not want to say anything and you have to respect that too.One man says that the best phone call he got were from a fiend who call once a day and talked for no more than a minute, letting him know she was thinking of him.Offer help. An emotionally hurt person may be overwhelmed by the details of everyday life.Offer to do something, finish a project or take the kids to their piano lessons.” When I had a broken back, I felt completely out of control," says Joan, a divorced woman with a young daughter. “When my neighbors took turns filling in for me in the car pool, it helped me relax. It was the difference between chaos and order."Be patient. The grief and sorrow can range in intensity and duration and often lasts a few years.Let the person know you're concerned. You might say: “What you're going through must be very difficult, and I don't think you have to do it alone.I'd like to help and would be always here with you."No one can be expected to know what to say or how to act in every difficult situation. But if you begin with common sense and politeness, and focus on being supportive, soon you will know the right way to respond.51. When we have hurt our friends in trouble by improper response, we____A. usually did it on purposeB. would feel regretful for what we had said and doneC. would stay away from themD. should continue get in touch with them52. When you are talking with a hurting friend, the best policy isA. to listen patientlyB. to try to comfort him or herC. to tell him or her something entertainingD. to give him or her a phone call.53. If a find's grief seems to be very intense or long-lasting, we should_A. Let it be since someone can't rush griefB.advise him or her to take the kids out for classesC.let the person know we are concerned and always ready to helpD. help him or her relax and make everything in order54.Which of the following statement is true?A If we follow the suggestions offered in this article, we will know how to behave in every difficult situation.B Acting politely ís always the right way to respond.C.The article offers us the common senses and courses of how to act properly when our friendis in trouble.D. If we don't talk the sensitive subject, we can avoid hurting our friends.Passage TwoMajor companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the new biology.They dream of placing enzymes in the automobile to monitor exhaust and send data on pollution to a microprocessor that will then adjust the engine. They speak of what the New York Times calls metal-hungry microbes that might be used to mine valuable trace metals from ocean water". They have already demanded and won the right to patent new life forms.Nervous critics, including many scientists, worry that there is corporate, national, international,and inter-scientific rivalry in the entire biotechnological field. They create images not of oil spills,but of microbe spills" that could spread disease and destroy entire populations. The creation and accidental release of extremely poisonous microbes, however, is only one cause for pletely rational and respectable scientists are talking about possibilities that stagger the imagination.Should we breed people with cow-like stomachs so they can digest grass and hay, thereby relieving the food problem by modifying us to eat lower down on the food chain? Should we biologically alter workers to fit the job requirement, for example, creating pilots with faster reaction times or assembly-line workers designed to do our monotonous work for us?. Should we attempt to eliminate inferior people and breed a super-race? (Hitler tried this, but without the genetic weaponry that may soon issue from our laboratories.) Should we produce soldiers to do our fighting?Should we use genetic forecasting to pre-eliminate "unfit" babies? Should we grow reserve organs for ourselves, each of us having, as it were, a "savings bank" full of spare kidney, livers,e or hands?Wild as these notions may sound. every. one has its advocates (and opposers)in the scientific community as well as its striking commercial application. As two critics of genetic engineering Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard, state in their book Who Should Play God?, “Broad scale genetic engineering will probably be introduced to America much the same way as assembly lines, automobiles, vaccines, computers and all the other technologies. As each new genetic advance becomes commercially practical,a new consumer need will be exploited and a market for the new technology will be created.55. According to the passage, the exhaust from a car engine could probably be checked by_A. using metal-hungry microbesB. making use of enzymesC. adjusting the engineD. patenting new life forms56. According to the passage, which of the following would worry the critics the most?A. The unanticipated explosion of population.B. The creation of biological solar cells.C. The accidental spill of oil.D. The unexpected release of destructive microbes.57. Which of the following notions is NOT mentioned?A. Developing a savings bank of one's organs.B. Breeding soldiers for a war.C. Producing people with cow-like stomachs.D. Using genetic forecasting to cure diseases.58. According to the passage, Hitler attempted to_A. change the pilots biologically to win the warB. develop genetic farming for food supplyC. kill the people he thought of as inferiorD. encourage the development of genetic weapons for the warPassage ThreeThere was a time in the early history of man when the days had no names! The reason was quite simple: Men had not invented the week.C.more or less the same as those the Egyptians are usingD. used to count the number of days in a weekSection B Sentence Understanding and MatchingDirections: Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column' mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.74. But when men began to build cities, they wanted to have a special day on which to trade, a market day.75. When the Egyptians adopted the seven-day week, they named the days after five planets, thesun and the moon.Section B Chinese-English TranslationDirections: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.76. 他再也不是十五年前的那个他了。

2019 年专升本信息真题本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷的第Ⅱ卷两部分,共八页。
满分100 分。
考试用时120 分钟。
第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题(本大题共50 小题,每小题 1 分,共 50 分 )在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。
1.第一代电子计算机采用的电子元器件是()A.晶体管B.电子管C.集成电路D.大规模集成电路2.网页是一种应用()语言编写,可以在 www 上传输,能被浏览器认识和翻译成页面并显示出来的文件。
A.Visual BasicB.JavaC.HTMLD.++3.关于数据的描述中,错误的是()A.数据可以是数字,文字、声音图像B.数据可以是数值型数据和非数值型数据C.数据是数值、概念或指令的一种表达形式D.数据就是指数值的大小4.通过按下键盘上的()按键可以将屏幕画面复制到剪贴板。
A.PrintScreenB.Al+PrintScreenC.Cirl+DeleteD.Shif+PrintScreen5.下列不属于系统软件的是()A.数据库管理系统B.操作系统C.程序语言处理系统D.电子表格处理软件6.计算机软件系统中,最核心的软件是()A.操作系统B.数据库管理系统C.语言和处理程序D.诊断程序7.Word2010 是Microsoft 公司推出的一款()A.电子表格处理软件B.数据库管理系统C.文字处理软件D.操作系统8.Word2010 中 ,第一次保存某文件,出现的对话框为()A.全部保存B.另存为 C.保存 D.保存为9.Excel2010 中,工作表是一个()A.树形表B.三维表 C.一维表 D.二维表10.下列计算机网络的传输介质中,传输率最高的是()A.同轴线缆B.双绞线 C.电话线 D.光纤11.Access2010 数据表中的一列,称为()A.标题B.数据C.记录D.字段12.Internet 中计算机之间通信必须共同遵循的协议是()A.FTPB.SMTPC.UDPD.TCP/IP13.构成 Excel2010 工作律的基本要求是()A 工作表B.单元格C.单元格区域 D.数据14.在 Windows7 中,按名称、大小等排列方式排列桌面上图标的正确操作是()A.在开始菜单上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式B.在桌面的任意图标上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式C.在任务栏上右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式D.桌面的任意空白处右击,将出现一个快捷菜单,然后选择排序方式15.在 Windows7 中,如果菜单项的文字后出现“√”标记,则表明()A.此菜单项目当前不可用B.此菜单项正处于选中状态C.此菜单项目下还有下级菜单D.单击此菜单会打开一个对话框16.在 Word2010 中,按下()组合键可以将光标定位到文件末尾。

1. 根据下列句子的汉语意思,选择恰当的英语单词填入空格处。
① 他勇敢地回答了老师的问题,________也回答对了。
② 这只小猫真可爱,让我________。
根据上述例题,我们可以分析出:① 空格处应填入一个能表达与“回答问题”相关的词语,选项中只有“neither”符合语境。
② 空格处应填入一个与“喜爱”相关的动词,选项中只有“hug”符合语境。
2. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a great and prosperous country. One day, a stranger came to theking's palace and offered him a solution for doubling the treasure of the country. The stranger said, "I have a magic screwdriver that can double anything you have. So if you give me half of the treasure of your country, I will double the treasure you have left."The king hesitated for a moment. He wanted more treasure but he was not sure if the stranger was telling the truth or not. Finally, he agreed to the stranger's offer and handed over half of the treasure to him. To the king's surprise, the stranger took out a screwdriver and started to unscrew the bolts of the treasure chests. And as he unscrewed the last bolt, another treasure chest appeared beside thefirst one.The stranger said, "Now you have twice as much treasure as before." The king was overjoyed and thanked the stranger for his magic screwdriver. However, the next day the stranger came to the king and said, "Your treasure is not really doubled. The new treasure chest I gave you is half as big as the first one. So if you give me half of your treasure again, I will double what you have left."The king, realizing that the stranger had cheated him, refused to give him half of the treasure again. The stranger left, taking with him the original half of the treasure. The king had learned the hard way that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.根据上述短文,可以得出以下问题及其答案解析:① 为什么国王最终同意了陌生人的要求?答:因为陌生人说他的“魔法螺丝刀”可以让国王的财宝翻倍,国王贪婪地想要更多的财宝。

四、应用题 (本题共2小题,每题7分,共 14 分)
18. 计算由y2 = 9 − x,直线x = 2,y = −1所围成的平面图形上面部分(面积 大的那部分)的面积A
19. 求二元函数 f (x, y) = x2 2 + y2 + y ln y的极值
五、证明题 (本题共2小题,每题7分,共 14 分)
6. 函数 f (x) = 4 − x2 + 1 定义域为
ln cos x
设函数 f (x)
1 x
0 sin 2tdt,x xt
0 在x = 0连续,则a =
a,x = 0
8. 无穷限积分 xexdx =
9. 设函数 f (x, y, z) = exyz2,其中z = z(x, y)是由三元方程x + y + z + xyz = 0确
2. 已知 f (x)dx = x sin x2 + C, 则 x f x2 dx = ( )
(A) x cos x2 + C (C) 1 x2 sin x4 + C
(B) x sin x2 + C (D) 1 x2 cos x4 + C.
3. 下列各平面中,与平面x + 2y − 3z = 6 垂直的是 ( )
15. 判断级数
nn 的敛散性
n=0 n!
16. 已知y = ex
C1 cos 2x + C2 sin 2x ,(C1, C2为任意常数)是某二阶常
17. 计算二重积分
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机密★启用前 试卷类型:公共课 科目代码:102山东省2019年普通高等教育专升本统一考试高等数学试题本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共4页。
注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写到试卷规定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。
2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。
1. 函数()sin f x x x = A. 当x →∞时为无穷大B. 在()-+∞∞,内为周期函数 C. 在()-+∞∞,内无界 D.当x →∞时有有限极限2. 已知2()sin f x dx x xC =+⎰,则2()xf x dx =⎰A.2cos x x C + B.2sin x x C + C.241cos 2x x C + D.241cos 2x x C +3. 下列各平面中,与平面236x y z +-=垂直的是A. 2461x y z +-=B.24612x y z +-=B.1123x y z++=- D.21x y z -++= 4. 有下列关于数项级数的命题(1)若lim 0n n u →∞≠,则1nn u∞=∑必发散;(2)若10,(1,2,3)lim 0n n n n n u u u n u +→∞>>==且,则1n n u ∞=∑必收敛;(3)若1nn u∞=∑收敛,则1nn u∞=∑必收敛;(4)若1nn u∞=∑收敛于s ,则任意改变该级数项的位置所得到的新的级数仍收敛于s.其中正确的命题个数为A.0B.1C.2D.3 5. 已知22F(,)ln(1)(,)Dx y x y f x y dxdy =+++⎰⎰,其中D 为xoy 坐标平面上的有界闭区域且(,)f x y 在D 上连续,则(,)F x y 在点(1,2)处的全微分为A.1233dx dy + B.12+(1,2)33dx dy f + B.2133dx dy + D.21+(1,2)33dx dy f +第Ⅱ卷二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 6.函数1()ln cos f x x=的定义域为__________.7. 设函数01sin 2,(),xtdt f x x ta ⎧⎪=⎨⎪⎩⎰00x x ≠=,在0x =处连续,则a =___________. 8. 无穷限积分x xe dx -∞=⎰___________.9. 设函数2(,,)xf x y z e yz =.其中(,)z z x y =是由三元方程0x y z xyz +++=确定的函数,则(0,1,1=x f '-)____________.10. 已知函数()y y x =在任意点处的增量2+1y xy xα∆∆=+,且当0x ∆→时,x α∆是的高阶无穷小,若(0)y π=,则(1)y =____________. 三、解答题(本大题共7小题,每小题6分,共42分)11. 求极限22ln sin lim(2)x xx ππ→- 12. 求曲线222(1)t x y t t ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=-⎩在2t =处的切线方程与法线方程. 13. (1)验证直线1225:520x y z L x y z +-=⎧⎨--=⎩与直线231:234x y z L +-==平行; (2)求经过12L L 与的平面方程.14. 设(2)(,)z f x y g x xy =-+,其中函数()f w 具有二阶导数,(,)g u v 具有二阶连续偏导数,求zx ∂∂与2z x y∂∂∂.15. 判别级数1!nn n n ∞=∑的敛散性.16.已知12()xy e C C =+(12,C C 为任意常数)是某二阶常系数线性微分方程的通解,求其对应的方程.17. 计算二重积分Dyd xσ⎰⎰,其中D 由222(0),x y a a y x x +≤>=及轴在第一象限所围成的区域.四、应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分)18. 计算由29y x =-,直线21x y ==-及所围成的平面图形上面部分(面积大的那部分)的面积A.19. 求二元函数22(,)(2)ln f x y x y y y =++的极值. 五、证明题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分) 20. 证明当0x >时,arctan ln(1)1xx x+>+.21. 设函数[]()0,1f x 在上可微,当010()1()1x f x f x '≤≤<<≠时且,证明有且仅有一点(0,1)x ∈,使得()f x x =.机密★启用前 试卷类型:公共课 山东省2019年普通高等教育专升本统一考试高等数学试题参考答案及评分标准一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1. 答案:C. 解析:根据函数有界性定义可知,函数()sin f x x x =无界。
2. 答案:C. 解析:由题目可知2()sin f x dx x xC =+⎰,不定积分2()=xf x dx ⎰()2224241111()sin sin 222f x d x x x C x x C ⎡⎤=+=+⎣⎦⎰ 3. 答案: D. 解析:由题目可知,已知平面的法向量为(1,2,3)n =-,选项A ,B 平面 法向量均为(2,4,6)-,所以与已知平面的法向量平行,即平面与已知平面平行。
选项C 表示直线的方向向量为(1,2,3)s =-,与已知平面的法向量不平行,所以直线与已知平面不垂直。
选项D 表示平面法向量为()1,2,1-,因为(1,2,1)(1,2,3)0-⋅-=,所以与已知平面法向量垂直,即平面与已知平面垂直。
4. 答案:B. 解析:由收敛极限的性质可知,若1nn u∞=∑收敛,则lim 0n n u →∞=。
反之不成立,所以(1)错误;(2)中若最后改为()11nn n u ∞=-∑收敛则正确;(3)若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑不一定收敛,例如当11n n u +-=时,满足1nn u∞=∑收敛,但1nn u∞=∑发散;由收敛极限的性质可知,(4)正确。
5. 答案:A. 解析:因为D 为xoy 坐标平面上的有界闭区域,且(,)f x y 在D 上连续。
所以(,)Df x y dxdy ⎰⎰为常数,设(,)Df x y dxdy ⎰⎰为a ,则22(,)ln(1)F x y x y a =+++,所以(1,2)(1,2)222113F x xx y ∂==∂++,(1,2)(1,2)222213F y yx y ∂==∂++,所以(,)F x y 在点()处的全微分为1233dx dy +。
二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)6.答案:,00,22ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫-⋃ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭. 解析:由原题得不等式组240ln cos 0cos 0x x x ⎧-≥⎪≠⎨⎪>⎩,解得22022x x x ππ⎧⎪-≤≤⎪≠⎨⎪⎪-<<⎩取交集得,00,22x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫∈-⋃ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.7.答案:-2. 解析:000000sin 2sin 21sin 2sin 2lim lim lim =lim 2x x x x x x x tt dt dttx t t dt x tx x x→→→→-==-=-⎰⎰⎰8. 答案: -1. 解析:00lim 1x x x x xx x xe dx e xe dx e xe e x -∞-∞-∞-∞-∞→-∞=⋅-=⋅-=-⋅-⎰⎰;因为1lim lim lim lim 0xx x x x x x x x xe e e e --→-∞→-∞→-∞→-∞===-=-洛必达所以原式011=--=-. 9. 答案:1. 解析:化简得1x yz xy--=+,()()()()2221,,221x x x x x xy x y yf x y z yz e ye z z yz e zye xy -+---''=+⋅⋅⋅=+⋅+()0,1,11x f '-=.10.答案:4e ππ 解析:由原题得21yy x '=+,22ln arctan 1+1dy y dy dx y x c dx x y x ===++,,得arctan x cy e+=,将()0y π=代入,得ln c π=,arctan xy eπ=,故()41y e ππ=.三、解答题(本大题共7小题,每小题6分,共42分)11. 解:两次利用洛必达法则,得()()()22222cos ln sin cos 1sin lim lim lim lim 4242sin 2x x x x xx x x x x x x πππππππ→→→→==⋅-----..............(3分) 22cos sin 1limlim 4(2)88x x x x x πππ→→-==---......................................(3分)12. 解:当2t =时,由参数方程可得曲线上对应点的坐标为(2,4)................(1分)由参数方程可知2,32dx dyt t t dt dt==- 所以曲线在该点的切线斜率为211324t t dyt t dxt==-==......................(3分)故所求的切线方程为44(2)y x -=-,即44y x =-.......................(1分) 曲线在该点的法线方程为14(2)4y x -=--,即1942y x =-+...............(1分)13. 解:(1)1L 的方向向量为(1,2,2)(5,2,1)3(2,3,4)s =-⨯--=-,所以12L L 与的方向向量平行,所以12L L ..................................................(3分)(2)在1L 上任取一点,例如5250612⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,,,与2L 上的点()3,0,1-连接得向量12325(,,1)612s =-,所求平面的法向量为()23253452222,3,4-=(-,,)612333⎛⎫⨯- ⎪⎝⎭,,1 由点法式得平面方程为()3452223(1)0333x y z -++--=, 172611400x y z -++=...............................................(3分)14. 解:2u v zf g yg x∂'''=++∂...............................................(3分)22uv v vv zf xg g xyg x y∂'''''''=-+++∂∂...................................(3分)15. 解:()()111!11lim lim lim lim 111!n nnn n n nn n nn u n n e u n n n n ++→∞→∞→∞→∞++⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅==+=> ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭⎝⎭......(4分) 由正项级数的比较审敛法得知,原级数发散.............................(2分)16. 解:由通项表达式可知,特征根为1,21r =-...........................(2分)所以特征方程为2(1)(1)230r r r r --=-+=..................(2分) 所以所求方程为230y y y '''-+=........................................(2分)17. 解:利用极坐标,积分区域D 可表示为(),0,04D r r a πθθ⎧⎫=≤≤≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭......(2分)所以224440000sin tan ln cos ln 2cos 24a a a Dy r r a d d rdr rdr x r πππθσθθθθ===-⋅=⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ ...................................................................(4分) 四、应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分)18. 解:所围成图形的面积为()2192A y dy -⎤=--⎣⎦...............................................(4分)23111207)733y dy y y --⎡=-+=-+=⎢⎥⎣⎦......................(3分)19. 解:令222(2)0,2ln 10x y f x y f x y y ''=+==++=得驻点为1(0,)e........................................................(3分)因为221(,)42,(,)4,(,)2xx xy yy f x y y f x y xy f x y x y''''''=+==+所以在点1(0,)e处,11(0,)(0,)12(0,)2(,)4,(,)0,(,)eexx xy yy eA f x yB f x yC f x y e e''''''==+====.....(2分)所以20,0A AC B >->,所以在点1(0,)e处取得极小值110,f e e⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭........(2分) 五、证明题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分)20. 证明:令()(1)ln(1)arctan f x x x x =++-................................(3分)当0x >时,2221()ln(1)1ln(1)011x f x x x x x '=++-=++>++..............(2分)故()f x 在(0,)+∞内单调递增,因此()(0)0f x f >=,即(1)ln(1)arctan 0x x x ++->所以原不等式成立。