粪土、 云淡 风轻 的潇洒 , 让人为之 叫好 。 相较 于圈 内众多腰缠万贯却一 毛不拔 的巨富们 , 二者对待 财 富态度 之高下 确有云泥之别 。 扎克伯格 近乎裸 捐的消息一 , 围内的巨富们再 次遭 到了铺天盖 地 的 口诛 笔伐。 但 当我们 冷静下 来 , 静静 思考 , 却可 以发现二者背后 更深层 次的差别 西力‘ 社 会 早 已过 了财 富积 累的原始阶段 , 人们早 已脱离 了为 自己的衣食住行而担忧的时期 。 社会 保障的 日趋 完善 , 让 人们少 了后顾之 忧 , 人们奋斗 除 了体现 自身价值 之外 , 还 会将 目光 更多地投 注到他 人身 上, 让 自己的财 富发挥最 大的社会效益 。 相较 于西方 , 我们正处于财富积 累的原始 阶段 , 人们冈 0 刚 从穷 困中脱 身 , 尚有深深 的忧患意识 。 所 以全力 以赴地聚敛财富 , 以让 自己的未来有更好 的保障 ,
挥金如土 可不是为了夸豪斗富 、 人前出名 , 而是 为帮助 全人类 。不汲 汲于名利 , 常挂 怀于众生 , 这 才是 真正 的悲天悯 人的大胸怀。他年轻的心脏里装 的是全人类 的痛 苦和幸福 。 2 . “ 老吾老以及人之老 , 幼吾幼 以及人之幼” , 这 才是 爱的最高境界。父母疼爱孩 子是再平 常 不过 的人之 常情 , 疼 爱孩 子的方 式也是人各有别 。我们常用 “ 捧在 手里怕冻着 , 含在嘴里怕化 了” “ 要星星绝不 给月亮 ” 等 等的话来 形容父母 对孩子 的疼爱之深 。相较 于我们那些传 统父母给予孩 子 的关爱 , 扎克伯格对女 儿的疼 爱好像略显粗疏 了些 : 他要在未来 l 0 年捐 出3 O 亿 美元帮助人类对
高中材料作文 2019.111,阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。
1, 【答案】爱之切,计深远怜爱盆景秀木,护其于室内,未料毁灭了其成为栋梁之才的梦;宠爱水缸金鱼,为其多撒食饵,不想误让它们香消玉殒;喜欢动物园动物,欣欣然伸手喂食,其实会致使动物丧失捕食能力。
难道爱,也有错? “父母之爱子,则为之计深远”,触龙之语在两千多年前震醒了赵太后,在两千年来也一直警示着后人。
One【虹又区】 I. Translation. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
!5. 尽管前途未卜,为了不让人生留有遗憾,他习惯尽力做好每一件事。(Despite) ! ! ! !Eight【静安区】 !1.有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible) !2.除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将泡汤。(spoil) !3.整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务。(Only) !4.据报道上海迪斯尼乐园的面积将是香港迪斯尼的四倍。(report v.) ! 5.有所得就有所失,我们要意识到这一点。(while) ! ! ! !Nine【崇明县】
4. 一些慈善机构往往将眼光放在如何让受助对象脱贫上,而忽略了受助者的心理需求。
5. 新郎新娘们很少意识到真正令人难忘的是新人间的浓浓的爱意,而非豪华的婚纱,或
在S-1文件中,Facebook创始人兼CEO扎克伯格发表了一封公开信,英文全文如下:LETTER FROM MARK ZUCKERBERGFacebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission — to make the world more open and connected.We think it's important that everyone who invests in Facebook understands what this mission means to us, how we make decisions and why we do the things we do. I will try to outline our approach in this letter.At Facebook, we're inspired by technologies that have revolutionized how people spread and consume information. We often talk about inventions like the printing press and the television — by simply making communication more efficient, they led to a complete transformation of many important parts of society. They gave more people a voice. They encouraged progress. They changed the way society was organized. They brought us closer together. Today, our society has reached another tipping point. We live at a moment when the majority of people in the world have access to the internet or mobile phones — the raw tools necessary to startsharing what they're thinking, feeling and doing with whomever they want. Facebook aspires to build the services that give people the power to share and help them once again transform many of our core institutions and industries.There is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future. The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important problem we can focus on.We hope to strengthen how people relate to each other.Even if our mission sounds big, it starts small — with the relationship between two people.Personal relationships are the fundamental unit of our society. Relationships are how we discover new ideas, understand our world and ultimately derive long-term happiness.At Facebook, we build tools to help people connect with the people they want and share what they want, and by doing this we are extending people's capacity to build and maintain relationships.People sharing more — even if just with their close friends or families — creates a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of the lives and perspectives of others. We believe that this creates a greater number of stronger relationships between people, and that it helps people get exposed to a greater number of diverse perspectives.By helping people form these connections, we hope to rewire the way people spread and consume information. We think the world's information infrastructure should resemble the social graph — a network built from the bottom up or peer-to-peer, rather than the monolithic, top-down structure that has existed to date. We also believe that giving people control over what they share is a fundamental principle of this rewiring.We have already helped more than 800 million people map out more than 100 billion connections so far, and our goal is to help this rewiring accelerate.We hope to improve how people connect to businesses and the economy. We think a more open and connected world will help create a stronger economy with more authentic businesses that build better products and services.As people share more, they have access to more opinions from the people they trust about the products and services they use. This makes it easier to discover the best products and improve the quality and efficiency of their lives.One result of making it easier to find better products is that businesses will be rewarded for building better products — ones that are personalized and designed around people. We have found that products that are "social by design" tend to be more engaging than their traditional counterparts, and we look forward to seeing more of the world's products move in this direction.Our developer platform has already enabled hundreds of thousands of businesses to build higher-quality and more social products. We have seen disruptive new approaches in industries like games, music and news, and we expect to see similar disruption in more industries by new approaches that are social by design.In addition to building better products, a more open world will also encourage businesses to engage with their customers directly and authentically. More than four million businesses have Pages on Facebook that they use to have a dialogue with their customers. We expect this trend to grow as well.We hope to change how people relate to their governments and social institutions.We believe building tools to help people share can bring a more honest and transparent dialogue around government that could lead to more direct empowerment of people, more accountability for officials and better solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time.By giving people the power to share, we are starting to see people make their voices heard on a different scale from what has historically been possible. These voices will increase in number and volume. They cannot be ignored. Over time, we expect governments will become more responsive to issues and concerns raised directly by all their people rather than through intermediaries controlled by a select few.Through this process, we believe that leaders will emerge across all countries who are pro-internet and fight for the rights of their people, including the right to share what they want and the right to access all information that people want to share with them. Finally, as more of the economy moves towards higher-quality products that are personalized, we also expect to see the emergenceof new services that are social by design to address the large worldwide problems we face in job creation, education and health care. We look forward to doing what we can to help this progress. Our Mission and Our BusinessAs I said above, Facebook was not originally founded to be a company. We've always cared primarily about our social mission, the services we're building and the people who use them. This is a different approach for a public company to take, so I want to explain why I think it works.I started off by writing the first version of Facebook myself because it was something I wanted to exist. Since then, most of the ideas and code that have gone into Facebook have come from the great people we've attracted to our team.Most great people care primarily about building and being a part of great things, but they also want to make money. Through the process of building a team —and also building a developer community, advertising market and investor base — I've developed a deep appreciation for how building a strong company with a strong economic engine and strong growth can be the best way to align many people to solve important problems.Simply put: we don't build services to make money; we make money to build better services.And we think this is a good way to build something. These days I think more and more people want to use services from companies that believe in something beyond simply maximizing profits.By focusing on our mission and building great services, we believe we will create the most value for our shareholders and partners over the long term —and this in turn will enable us to keep attracting the best people and building more great services. We don't wake up in the morning with the primary goal of making money, but we understand that the best way to achieve our mission is to build a strong and valuable company.This is how we think about our IPO as well. We're going public for our employees and our investors. We made a commitment to them when we gave them equity that we'd work hard to make it worth a lot and make it liquid, and this IPO is fulfilling our commitment. As we become a public company, we're making a similar commitment to our new investors and we will work just as hard to fulfill it.The Hacker WayAs part of building a strong company, we work hard at making Facebook the best place for great people to have a big impact on the world and learn from other great people. We have cultivated a unique culture and management approach that we call the Hacker Way.The word "hacker" has an unfairly negative connotation from being portrayed in the media as people who break into computers. In reality, hacking just means building something quickly or testing the boundaries of what can be done. Like most things, it can be used for good or bad, but the vast majority of hackers I've met tend to be idealistic people who want to have a positive impact on the world. The Hacker Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better, and that nothing is ever complete. They just have to go fix it — often in the face of people who say it's impossible or are content with the status quo.Hackers try to build the best services over the long term by quickly releasing and learning from smaller iterations rather than trying to get everything right all at once. To support this, we have built a testing framework that at any given time can try out thousands of versions of Facebook. We have the words "Done is better thanperfect" painted on our walls to remind ourselves to always keep shipping.Hacking is also an inherently hands-on and active discipline. Instead of debating for days whether a new idea is possible or what the best way to build something is, hackers would rather just prototype something and see what works. There's a hacker mantra that you'll hear a lot around Facebook offices: "Code wins arguments." Hacker culture is also extremely open and meritocratic. Hackers believe that the best idea and implementation should always win —not the person who is best at lobbying for an idea or the person who manages the most people.To encourage this approach, every few months we have a hackathon, where everyone builds prototypes for new ideas they have. At the end, the whole team gets together and looks at everything that has been built. Many of our most successful products came out of hackathons, including Timeline, chat, video, our mobile development framework and some of our most important infrastructure like the HipHop compiler.To make sure all our engineers share this approach, we require all new engineers —even managers whose primary job will not be to writecode — to go through a program called Bootcamp where they learn our codebase, our tools and our approach. There are a lot of folks in the industry who manage engineers and don't want to code themselves, but the type of hands-on people we're looking for are willing and able to go through Bootcamp.The examples above all relate to engineering, but we have distilled these principles into five core values for how we run Facebook: Focus on ImpactIf we want to have the biggest impact, the best way to do this is to make sure we always focus on solving the most important problems. It sounds simple, but we think most companies do this poorly and waste a lot of time. We expect everyone at Facebook to be good at finding the biggest problems to work on.Move FastMoving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. However, as most companies grow, they slow down too much because they're more afraid of making mistakes than they are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly. We have a saying: "Move fast and break things." The idea is that if you never break anything, you're probably not moving fast enough.Be BoldBuilding great things means taking risks. This can be scary and prevents most companies from doing the bold things they should. However, in a world that's changing so quickly, you're guaranteed to fail if you don't take any risks. We have another saying: "The riskiest thing is to take no risks." We encourage everyone to make bold decisions, even if that means being wrong some of the time. Be OpenWe believe that a more open world is a better world because people with more information can make better decisions and have a greater impact. That goes for running our company as well. We work hard to make sure everyone at Facebook has access to as much information as possible about every part of the company so they can make the best decisions and have the greatest impact.Build Social ValueOnce again, Facebook exists to make the world more open and connected, and not just to build a company. We expect everyone at Facebook to focus every day on how to build real value for the world in everything they do.Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. We believe that we have an opportunity to have an important impact on the world and build a lasting company in the process. I look forward to building something great together.以下为公开信全文:Facebook的创建目的并非成为一家公司。
高考英语翻译专项练习(无答案)1. 在被人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。
(It)2. 新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放。
(open)3. 对学生而言真正重要的是在获取知识的过程中养成良好的习惯。
(matter)4. 他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了。
(Such)5. 政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效。
(achieve)6. 屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。
(award)7. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷(Not...)8.你接触的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。
(expose)9.同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务(occur)10.尽管空气污染严重,警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位,严格执法,确保交通畅通(Despite)11. 你真周到,帮我预先定好了票子。
(It)12. 我总是对哪些在我失意时安慰我的人心存感激。
(grateful)13. 许多人如此沉溺于网络购物以至每天都要访问购物网站。
(So…)14. 他不感激他朋友们为他所做的牺牲,把这些视作是理所当然的。
(appreciate)15. 尽管前途未卜,为了不让人生留有遗憾,他习惯尽力做好每一件事。
(report v.)20.有所得就有所失,我们要意识到这一点。
(while)21. 你是否看过那篇有关幸福元素的文章?(element)22. 是我的志愿者经历让我被这所大学录取了。
(It)23. 昨晚你们不应该靠买通检票员混进电影院的。
(bribe)24. 综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越幸福,你就会越长寿。
“我要给你这样一个世界”,扎克伯格给女儿的信Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)与妻子普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan)迎来了他们的第一个孩子——女儿马克西玛(Maxima)。
扎克伯格《给女儿的信》全文(中英文版)Dear Max,Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.我和你的母亲无法用言语来描述你带给我们的未来希望。
Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.像所有父母一样,我们希望你在比我们今天生活得更好的世界中快乐成长。
While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.但是新闻中往往更多提及负面的东西,实际上,从很多方面来看,我们的世界正变得越来越好。
高中英语——翻译练习题一.填空题(共60小题)1.为买一双运动鞋而通宵排队有意义吗?(point).2.二十世纪末中国经济迅速发展.(witness)3.虽然当时我年幼,不理解这部电影的含义,但我记得我的家人都感动得落泪了.(too…to…).4.我真希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报.(hope).5.直到他此次考试不及格,他才意识到词汇学习包括拼写单词以及学会正确的使用词汇表达自己的观点.(Not until…).6.调查显示非洲孩子们梦想能获得干净的引用水、免费的教育以及平等的权利.(access).7.毫无疑问,坚持努力不仅能使学生获得成功并且能让他们养成良好的习惯.(doubt).8.现在没有网络,我们就无法便捷地与国外友人保持联系.(impossible).9.他明年将实施的计划包括健身运动、参加考试和面试、出国留学以及去欧洲旅游.(carry).10.新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放.(open).11.每次轮到他制定计划的时候,他都会邀请同事们先一起商量.(Whenever).12.在别人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的.(It).13.令我们大加赞赏的是,这位在讲台上发言的大学生去年就白手起家建立了自己的公司.(appreciation).14.如今,生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐.(become).15.一大早这些孩子就等不及要出门堆雪人、打雪仗了.(wait).16.政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效.(achieve).17.他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了.(Such).18.对学生而言真正重要的是在获取知识的过程中养成良好的习惯.(matter).19.很多国际组织敦促双方应该保持冷静以遏制局势的进一步恶化,但这毫无作用.(urge v.).20.自苹果6问世以来,就再没有其他手机对我更有吸引力了.(appeal).21.说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的.(It).22.这家公司不仅为他提供丰厚的薪水,而且给了他许多施展才华的机会.(Not).23.在给女儿的信中,扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)宣布他和他的妻子将把99%的公司股份捐给公益事业.(announcement).24.虽然他很快恢复了健康,医生还是建议他不要熬夜太晚.(despite).25.他采纳医生的建议,开始实施节食计划.(carry).26.你接触到的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深.(expose).27.尽管空气污染严重,警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位,严格执法,确保交通畅通.(Despite).28.同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务.(occur).29.直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷.(Not…).30.据报道上海迪斯尼乐园的面积将是香港迪斯尼的四倍.(report v.).31.除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将泡汤.(spoil ).32.整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务.(Only ).33.他的所做和他的所说大相径庭.(There).34.许多人喜欢用手机记录下给他们留下深刻印象的动人瞬间.(impress).35.调查发现,许多国家的人都视照顾年迈的父母为重要的责任.(consider).36.一个人大笑时,其体内的一切都会运作得更健康,更有效率.(operate).37.许多老师通过在微信上分享视频让家长知晓孩子们在幼儿园的表现.(keep).38.他一到法国就发现很难适应那里的生活,所以半年以后他毅然回到了曾经养育他的祖国.(No sooner…).39.诺贝尔医学奖的获得者﹣﹣屠呦呦为我们树立了很好的榜样,激励我们不要半途而废,而是要坚持追求梦想.(set).40.在这么短的时间内看完一篇5000字的报告是几乎不可能的.(cover).41.尽管各国已做出不懈的努力,但还需要采取更有效的措施来应对日益严重的环境问题.(Despite).42.一篇文章通常由引言、主体以及结论三部分构成.(consist).43.有所得就有所失,我们要意识到这一点.(while ).44.屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家.(award).45.有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible ).46.看到照片中这位父亲不顾自己,在倾盆大雨中为他的孩子撑伞,网民们(netizens)情不自禁想起了自己的父亲.(regardless).47.这次竞赛之后,我意识到是愚蠢的骄傲蒙蔽了自己.(blind).48.没有什么比看到村民依然住在缺水的环境里更令人揪心的了.(upset).49.这些电视节目不仅制作质量差,而且会误导青年人,让他们以为不努力也可以一夜成名.(Not only).50.尽管他明知暴饮暴食有害健康,但他对我们要他节食的忠告却一直置若罔闻.(Although).51.经常换工作和住所的人常常没有安全感并且缺乏责任心.(who).52.和外国友人进餐时,带上一份小礼物是有礼貌的.(manners).53.成本问题在我们的决定中起着很大的作用.(play).54.毫无疑问,选择学校常常能反映出父母对子女的希望.(reflect).55.只有自己愿意投身其中你才能做好你正在做的事情.(Only).56.面对越来越严重的恐怖袭击,许多国家决意联手铲除恐怖组织.(determine).57.沿外滩一路缓步走来,你可以欣赏到从19世纪到21世纪的各种不同风格的欧式建筑.(range).58.从顾客的肢体语言,这个售货员就能知道他想买什么,这让那位顾客十分惊讶.(amaze).59.人口的老龄化问题十分严峻,成了全球各国政府都头疼不已的问题.(so …that…).60.新的考试制度给了学生更多选择科目和大学的自由.(freedom).高中英语——翻译练习题参考答案与试题解析一.填空题(共60小题)1.(2016•上海)为买一双运动鞋而通宵排队有意义吗?(point)What is the point of/in lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?/Is there any point (in)lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?.【分析】What is the point of/in lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?/Is there any point (in)lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?【解答】What is the point of/in lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?/Is there any point (in)lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes?本句是对事物的一种看法,所以用一般现在时.该句的翻译可以使用不同的句式来表达:What is the point of/in doing sth??/Is there any point (in)doing sth做某事有意义吗?后面的动词不定式作目的状语.line up to do sth,为做某事而排队.【点评】我们可以鼓励学生使用非谓语动词的形式来表达句子的意思.2.(2016•上海)二十世纪末中国经济迅速发展.(witness)【分析】The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of China's economy.【解答】The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of China's economy.根据句意"二十世纪末"可知描述的是过去的事实,故用一般过去时.本句可直接使用主谓宾的简单句式来表达即可,要注意witness此处表示"见证"的含义.the rapid development of China's economy中国经济迅速发展.【点评】本句注意句意及典型的时间状语The late twentieth century 可直接确定时态,注意witness在此处的含义即可翻译此句.3.(2016•上海)虽然当时我年幼,不理解这部电影的含义,但我记得我的家人都感动得落泪了.(too…to…)Although I was then too young to understand the meaning of the film,I remember my family were moved to tears..【分析】Although I was then too young to understand the meaning of the film,I remember my family were moved to tears.【解答】Although I was then too young to understand the meaning of the film,I remember my family were moved to tears.根据句意"当时"可知应该主要描述的是过去的情况,即从句中一般过去时,而主句中用一般现在时,表示现在仍然记得.本句为一主从复合句,由Although引导的让步状语从句,主句中remember后面有一个省略了引导词that的宾语从句.too…to…意为"太…而不能…",be moved to tears被感动的落泪.【点评】对于翻译句子要灵活的运用复合句,结合句子的意思来选择恰当的短语和句式.4.(2016•上海)我真希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报.(hope)I really hope that my article will be published in a newspaper someday..【分析】I really hope that my article will be published in a newspaper someday.【解答】I really hope that my article will be published in a newspaper someday.本句是表达的自己的一种主观愿望,所以用一般现在时,从句中愿望的内容可以用一般将来时.根据句意"希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报"可知运用宾语从句比较合适,that引导宾语从句,作动词hope的宾语;be published in发表于.【点评】适当运用主从复合句,并能够灵活运用复杂句式来表达句子的意思有助于学生翻译能力的提高.5.(2016•上海模拟)直到他此次考试不及格,他才意识到词汇学习包括拼写单词以及学会正确的使用词汇表达自己的观点.(Not until…)Not until he failed in the exam,did he realize learning vocabulary involved spelling and correctly using them to express his opinions..【分析】Not until he failed in the exam,did he realize learning vocabulary involved spelling and correctly using them to express his opinions.【解答】Not until he failed in the exam,did he realize learning vocabulary involved spelling and correctly using them to express his opinions.根据句意"直到他此次考试不及格,他才意识到"可知,表达的是过去的事实,所以用一般过去时.根据后面括号中的提示词可知,使用not until位于句首引起部分倒装的句型,后面的不定式to express his opinions作目的状语.express one's opinions表达某人的观点.【点评】熟练使用not until位于句首引起部分倒装的这一句型,结构一定要掌握清楚,遵从"主倒从不倒"的原则,即倒装的是句子的主句部分,而not until引导的时间状语从句不需要倒装.6.(2016•上海模拟)调查显示非洲孩子们梦想能获得干净的引用水、免费的教育以及平等的权利.(access)Survey shows that African children dream of having access to clean drinking water,free education and equal rights..【分析】Survey shows that African children dream of having access to clean drinking water,free education and equal rights.【解答】Survey shows that African children dream of having access to clean drinking water,free education and equal rights.根据句意"调查显示非洲孩子们梦想能获得干净的引用水"可知,这是一项调查的结论,所以使用一般现在时.该句使用含有宾语从句的主从复合句即可,即that引导的宾语从句作动词show的宾语;dream of/about doing sth.梦想做某事.【点评】熟悉常用句式的基本结构以及一些短语的搭配是翻译此类题的关键.7.(2016•上海模拟)毫无疑问,坚持努力不仅能使学生获得成功并且能让他们养成良好的习惯.(doubt)No doubt,keeping on trying/continued hard work not only helps students to achieve success but also help them develop good habits..【分析】No doubt,keeping on trying/continued hard work not only helps students to achieve success but also help them develop good habits.【解答】No doubt,keeping on trying/continued hard work not only helps students to achieve success but also help them develop good habits.该句表达的是对事物的一种看法,故用一般现在时.本句可以使用动名词短语keeping on trying或者是名词短语continued hard work作主语,谓语部分用关联词not only…but also…来连接,help sb (to)do sth意为"帮助某人做某事";develop good habits培养好习惯.【点评】本着句式表达多样化的原则,本句还可以使用同位语从句来表达:There is no doubt that keeping on trying/continued hard work not only helps students to achieve success but also help them develop good habits.8.(2016•上海模拟)现在没有网络,我们就无法便捷地与国外友人保持联系.(impossible)It's impossible for us to keep in touch with foreign friends conveniently without the Internet..【分析】It's impossible for us to keep in touch with foreign friends conveniently without the Internet.【解答】It's impossible for us to keep in touch with foreign friends conveniently without the Internet.该句是描述的对事物的一种评价,故用一般现在时.根据提示词翻译该句时可使用句型It is impossible for sb to do sth对于某人来说做某事是不可能的;keep in touch with sb与某人保持联系.【点评】熟悉常用句式的基本结构以及一些短语的搭配就能够准确的翻译此句.9.(2016•上海模拟)他明年将实施的计划包括健身运动、参加考试和面试、出国留学以及去欧洲旅游.(carry)The plan he wants to carry out next year includes keeping fit,taking the exam and interview,studying abroad and taking a tour of Europe..【分析】The plan he wants to carry out next year includes keeping fit,taking the exam and interview,studying abroad and taking a tour of Europe.【解答】The plan he wants to carry out next year includes keeping fit,taking the exam and interview,studying abroad and taking a tour of Europe.本句是描述的是个人计划,所以使用一般现在时即可.该句可使用定语从句he wants to carry out next year 来修饰先行词the plan,而句末利用四个并列的动名词短语来作动词include的宾语.carry out贯彻,实施;keep fit健身,保持健康.【点评】在翻译句子的过程中要适时地使用定语从句或者非谓语动词等有助于更形象的表达句子的意思.本句还可翻译成:The plan to be carried out next year includes keeping fit,taking the exam and interview,studying abroad and taking a tour of Europe.10.(2016•徐汇区一模)新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放.(open)The newly﹣built art museum/gallery will be open to citizens for free/free of charge from the beginning of next year..【分析】The newly﹣built art museum/gallery will be open to citizens for free/free of charge from the beginning of next year.【解答】The newly﹣built art museum/gallery will be open to citizens for free/free of charge from the beginning of next year.根据句意"将从明年初开始免费对市民开放"可知用一般将来时.句子为一简单句,newly﹣built为一合成形容词,意为"新建成的";be open to sb对某人开放;for free/free of charge免费,from the beginning of next year从明年初开始.【点评】本句注意句意及典型的时间状语from the beginning of next year可直接确定时态,其他积累一些常用短语即可翻译此句.11.(2016•青浦区一模)每次轮到他制定计划的时候,他都会邀请同事们先一起商量.(Whenever)Whenever itis his turn to make a plan,he would invite his colleagues to have a discussion first..【分析】Whenever it is his turn to make a plan,he would invite his colleagues to have a discussion first.【解答】Whenever it is his turn to make a plan,he would invite his colleagues to have a discussion first.这是对人做事风格的评价,所以从句和主句都用一般现在时.本句使用whenever引导的让步状语从句,考查句式为:it is one's turn to do sth意为轮到某人做某事.make a plan制定计划;invite sb to do sth意为"邀请某人做某事".would 情态动词,表示意愿.【点评】本句中whenever引导让步状语从句,除此之外,whenever还可引导时间状语从句.如:I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance.一有机会我就去看戏.12.(2016•徐汇区一模)在别人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的.(It)It is impolite to breakin/strike in/interrupt when other people are having a conversation..【分析】It is impolite to break in/strike in/interrupt when other people are having a conversation.【解答】It is impolite to break in/strike in/interrupt when other people are having a conversation.本句描述的是一种礼节,所以用一般现在时即可.句中it为形式主语,后面的不定式为真正的主语,不定式短语中含有一个when引导的时间状语从句.break in/strike in/interrupt 插嘴、打断别人的说话;have a conversation谈话.【点评】注意形式主语的正确使用,本句还可以用It is bad manners to break in/strikein/interrupt when other people are having a conversation来表达.13.(2016•青浦区一模)令我们大加赞赏的是,这位在讲台上发言的大学生去年就白手起家建立了自己的公司.(appreciation)Muchtoourappreciation,theuniversitygraduatespeakingontheplatformsetuphisowncompanyfromnothinglastyear.或Whatwehighlypraiseisthattheuniversitygraduatespeakingontheplatformsetuphisowncompanyfromn othinglastyear..【分析】Much to our appreciation,the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.或What we highly praise is that the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.【解答】Much to our appreciation,the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.或What we highly praise is that the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.本句是描述发言人的白手起家的创业经历,所以用一般过去时.本句中包含一现在分词短语(speaking on the platform)作后置定语或者定语从句(who is speaking on the platform),或者使用名词性从句,主语用what引导的主语从句What we highly praise,后面的表语用一个表语从句.Much to our appreciation 令我们大加赞赏的是;set up 成立,建立.【点评】"令我们大加赞赏的是"还有一种表达就是:to our great appreciation;翻译时要灵活运用复合句更能生动的表达出句子的意思.14.(2016•青浦区一模)如今,生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐.(become)Nowadays,ecotourismhasbecomepopularamongtravelersofall/differentages..【分析】Nowadays,ecotourism has become popular among travelers of all/different ages.【解答】Nowadays,ecotourism has become popular among travelers of all/different ages.根据句意"已受到"可知属于对现在造成一定影响和结果的行为,所以用现在完成时.本句为一简单句,后面的介词短语作定语:of all/different ages.ecotourism生态旅游.【点评】注意句子时态的运用,一定要结合句意和句子的语境来判断相关的时态和句式、短语等.The twins,Who had finished their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.已经完成了他们的家庭作业,这对双胞胎被允许在操场上打羽毛球.15.(2016•青浦区一模)一大早这些孩子就等不及要出门堆雪人、打雪仗了.(wait)Intheearlymorning,thesechildrencouldn'twait(anylonger)togetoutdoorstomakeasnowmanandplay/fightwithsnow..【分析】In the early morning,these children couldn't wait (any longer)to get outdoors to make a snowman and play/fight with snow.【解答】In the early morning,these children couldn't wait (any longer)to get outdoors to make a snowman and play/fight with snow.本句是描述孩子们早上的行为及时间状语In the early morning,应用一般过去时.本句为一简单句;后面的不定式作目的状语.cannot wait to do sth意为"迫不及待的想要做某事".make a snowman堆雪人;play/fight with snow打雪仗.【点评】本句中注意not…any longer不再…(等同于no longer);这一短语的用法.如:He is no longer a teacher.他不再是老师了.He is not a teacher any longer.16.(2016•徐汇区一模)政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效.(achieve)Thegovernmenthastakenaseriesofmeasurestodealwith/curb/manageenvironmentalpollution/bringth eenvironmentalpollutionundercontrollately/recently,andthesemeasureshaveachievedinitialeffectsinsomecities..【分析】The government has taken a series of measures to deal with/curb/manage environmental pollution/bring the environmental pollution under control lately/recently,and these measures have achieved initial effects in some cities.【解答】The government has taken a series of measures to deal with/curb/manage environmental pollution/bring the environmental pollution under control lately/recently,and these measures have achieved initial effects in some cities.根据句意"近来采取了""已取得初步成效"可知,表达的是采取了措施且见成效;故用现在完成时.句子为and连接的并列句,包含动词不定式作后置定语.take measures to do sth采取措施做某事;deal with/curb/manage environmental pollution/bring the environmental pollution under control治理污染;achieve initial effects初见成效.【点评】本句注意时态的选用,表示对现在造成的影响和结果用现在完成时最合适,对于动词curb的用法可能有的学生不熟悉,可以巩固其用法.We must curb inflation.我们必须控制通货膨胀.You'd better curb the horse.你最好用缰绳把这匹马拴住.17.(2016•徐汇区一模)他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了.(Such)Such a peaceful life was/is he leading in that remote town that he didn't/doesn't even want to return to his hometown..【分析】Such a peaceful life was/is he leading in that remote town that he didn't/doesn't even want to return to his hometown.【解答】Such a peaceful life was/is he leading in that remote town that he didn't/doesn't even want to return to his hometown.本句是对他在小镇生活后的感想,所以用一般现在时或者一般过去时均可.本句使用句式such+a/an+形容词+名词+that…如此怎么样的一个…以至于…;注意such位于句首时主句用倒装,其中that引导的为一结果状语从句.lead a…life 过着…的生活.【点评】注意本句还可以用so+形容词+a/an+名词+that…即:So peaceful a life was/is he leading in that remote town that he didn't/doesn't even want to return to his hometown.return这个词本身就有回去的含义,学生容易多加一个back一词:return back to his hometown (误).18.(2016•徐汇区一模)对学生而言真正重要的是在获取知识的过程中养成良好的习惯.(matter)Whatreallymattersforstudentsisthatthey/toformgoodhabitsinthecourseof/whilegainingknowledge..【分析】What really matters for students is that they/to form good habits in the course of/while gaining knowledge.【解答】What really matters for students is that they/to form good habits in the course of/while gaining knowledge.本句描述的是学生获取知识的一个方法,所以用一般现在时.主语部分可以用一主语从句来表达:What really matters for students;表语部分有两种表达方式,一种是动词不定式:to form good habits,一种是that引导的表语从句:that they form goodhabits,时间状语用介词短语:in the course of gaining knowledge或者状语从句的省略:while (they are)gaining knowledge.form good habits养成好习惯;gain knowledge获取知识.【点评】注意适当的使用名词性从句更能够形象生动的表达出句子的意思,非谓语动词的灵活运用也是点睛之笔.19.(2016•青浦区一模)很多国际组织敦促双方应该保持冷静以遏制局势的进一步恶化,但这毫无作用.(urge v.)Manyinternationalorganizationsurgedthatbothsidesshouldkeepcalmtostopthesituationfromgettingw orse,whichdidnotworkatall..【分析】Many international organizations urged that both sides should keep calm to stop the situation from getting worse,which did not work at all.【解答】Many international organizations urged that both sides should keep calm to stop the situation from getting worse,which did not work at all.本句描述的是对国际局势的努力及结果,应用一般过去时.句子为一主从复合句,urge后面跟that引导的宾语从句,且从句中需要使用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形;最后用一个which引导的定语从句表达结果.keep calm保持冷静;stop sth from doing sth意为阻止某物做某事,get worse恶化.【点评】本题重点考查urge后面跟宾语从句时要用虚拟语气,最后也可以不用定语从句而使用一个but连接的并列句.Many international organizations urged that both sides should keep calm to stop the situation from getting worse,but it did not work at all.20.(2016•虹口区一模)自苹果6问世以来,就再没有其他手机对我更有吸引力了.(appeal)Since iPhone 6 came out/came into the market/was released,no other cell﹣phones/mobile phones have appealed to me more/have appealed more to me..【分析】Since iPhone 6 came out/came into the market/was released,no other cell﹣phones/mobile phones have appealed to me more/have appealed more to me.【解答】结合句意可知,本句中的主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时.从句部分为since引导的时间状语从句,主句则用一简单句(主谓宾结构)即可.come out/come into the market/be released意为"问世,投放市场,被发行";否定词+比较级+最高级,(no…more);appeal to sb意为"吸引某人".【点评】注意恰当选用句子的时态,准确表达句子的意思就能够翻译准确.21.(2016•虹口区一模)说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的.(It)It is no use persuading her not to do online shopping/shop online any more..【分析】It is no use persuading her not to do online shopping/shop online any more.【解答】结合句意"说服她不再网购"是对现状的评价,由此可知本句用一般现在时.本句可用句式It's no use doing sth意为"做某事是没有用处的".it为形式主语,后面的动名词短语persuading her not to do online shopping/shop online any more是真正主语.persuade sb (not)to do sth意为"说服某人(不)做某事";do online shopping/shop online 意为"网购";not…any more意为"不再".【点评】熟悉常用句式的基本结构以及一些短语的搭配是解决此类题的关键.22.(2016•杨浦区一模)这家公司不仅为他提供丰厚的薪水,而且给了他许多施展才华的机会.(Not)Not only did the company offer him a high salary,but also provided him with many opportunities to show his talents..【分析】Not only did the company offer him a high salary,but also provided him with many opportunities to show his talents.【解答】not only…but also…"不但…而且…",根据"具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装"原则,所以本句中not only后面句子用了部分倒装,但but also后面的句子不用倒装,即所谓的"前倒后不倒".【点评】考查倒装句.为了强调或平衡句子结构,英语中常用倒装.倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装.全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前.部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前.如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did等,并将其置于主语之前.23.(2016•杨浦区一模)在给女儿的信中,扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)宣布他和他的妻子将把99%的公司股份捐给公益事业.(announcement)In a letter to his daughter,Zuckerberg made an announcement that he and his wife would donate 99% of their shares in the company to public welfare..【分析】In a letter to his daughter,Zuckerberg made an announcement that he and his wife would donate 99% of their shares in the company to public welfare.【解答】本句考查make an announcement"发布声明",后面的从句"that he and his wife would donate 99% of their shares in the company to public welfare"为同位语从句.主句谓语动词为发生在过去的动作,用一般过去时,而从句中的谓语动词donate表示将来的动作,所以对应主句的一般过去时,从句应用过去将来时.【点评】本句时态问题要尤其注意.24.(2016•杨浦区一模)虽然他很快恢复了健康,医生还是建议他不要熬夜太晚.(despite)Despite his rapid recovery from illness,the doctor still suggested that he shouldn't stay up too late..【分析】Despite his rapid recovery from illness,the doctor still suggested that he shouldn't stay up too late.【解答】句中介词despite"虽然,尽管"引导让步状语;另外,suggest作为"建议"来讲时,后面的宾语从句应该使用虚拟语气,谓语动词用"should+动词原形",其中should可以省略;stay up意为"熬夜".【点评】suggest后接宾语从句时,如果suggest意为"暗示,显示",则从句不需要用虚拟语气.25.(2016•松江区一模)他采纳医生的建议,开始实施节食计划.(carry)Hetook/followedthedoctor'sadviceandbegantocarryouttheplantobeonadiet..【分析】He took/followed the doctor's advice and began to carry out the plan to be on a diet.【解答】根据句意本句应该使用一般过去时,用and连接两个并列谓语take/follow和carry out;另外本句还考查了短语take/follow one's advice"采纳某人的建议"和carry out…"执行,实施…".【点评】本题的关键点是注意并列谓语的使用,固定短语也是本题的考查要素.。
初为人父 脸书总裁扎克伯格捐出百分之99股票
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan say they will give away 99% of their shares in the company to good causes as they announce the birth of their daughter Max.脸书总裁马克·扎克伯格及妻子普里西拉·陈的爱女马克斯(Max)出生,在这一重要时刻他们宣布,将所持有的99%公司股票捐给公益事业。
Mr Zuckerberg made the announcement in a letter to Max on his Facebook page. He said they are donating their fortune to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative because they want to make the world a better place for Max to grow up in.扎克伯格在脸书上写给女儿的家书中宣布了这一消息。
Mr Zuckerberg said the donation currently amounts to $45bn (?30bn).扎克伯格表示,目前的捐款价值约为450亿美元(300亿英镑)。
Max was born last week, but the couple only made the news of her birth public on Tuesday.麦克斯(Max)上周出生,但扎克伯格夫妇在本周二才对外公开爱女出生的消息。
扎克伯格给女儿的信(中英文对照)Dear Max,亲爱的马克斯,Your mother and I don't yet have the wordsto describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full ofpromise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully.You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.你给我们的未来带来的希望,我和你的妈妈尚难以言表。
Like all parents, we want you to grow up ina world better than ours today.一如天下父母心,我们愿你成长的世界比今天更美好。
While headlines often focus on what'swrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Povertyis shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technologicalprogress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ourstoday.头条新闻常常针砭时弊,可在许多方面,世界正在改良。
Dear August,亲爱的“小八月”Welcome to the world! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become.欢迎来到这个世界!我和你妈妈都非常期待看到你在这个世界所扮演的角色。
When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up in — a world with better education, fewer diseases, stronger communities, and greater equality. We wrote that with all the advances in science and technology, your generation should live dramatically better lives than ours, and we have a responsibility to do our part to make that happen. Even though headlines often focus on what's wrong, we still believe these positivetrends will win out. We're optimists about your generation and the future.当你的姐姐出生的时候,我们曾经写过一封信,描述了我们希望她成长的环境,现在对你,也是一样的。
(as...as)14.经过多年的改造, 这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。
(award)16.导演得知自己的作品获奖, 感到无比自豪。
值得注意的是,当小扎被邀请上台时被称为“Dr. Mark Zuckerberg”——是的,就在今天上午,这名哈佛肄业生被授予了荣誉法学博士学位。
扎克伯格2017哈佛大学演讲全文:President Faust, Board of Overseers, faculty, alumni, friends, proud parents, members of the ad board, and graduates of thegreatest university in the world.Faust校长,校监委员会成员们,老师、校友、朋友、自豪的家长们、管理委员会的委员们,以及全世界最伟大学校的毕业生们!I'm honored to be with you today because, let's face it, you accomplished something I never could. If I get through this speech, it'll be the first time I actually finish something at Harvard. Class of 2017, congratulations!今天和你们待在一起我备感荣幸,因为说实话,你们完成了一个我永远无法办到的成就。
扎克伯格:价值远超450亿美金的一封信到底写了什么?Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)周二公布致初生女儿Max的长信中透露,将捐出所持有Facebook股份中的99%(估值约450亿美元)用于拓展人类潜能并促进下一代人的平等,信中所透露出的父爱和责任令人动容。
Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和妻子Priscilla Chan的第一个孩子出生了!他们给女儿起名Max,并在宝宝出生的当天宣布,他和妻子将捐出所持有Facebook股份中的99%,当前估值约为450亿美元。
在周二公布的致女儿Max的长信中,扎克表格夫妇表示他们将通过建立一个新的实体机构——Chan Zuckerberg InitiatiVe,LLC.实现这项慈善捐助。
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Dear Max,亲爱的马克斯,Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.你给我们的未来带来的希望,我和你的妈妈尚难以言表。
Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.一如天下父母心,我们愿你成长的世界比今天更美好。
While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.头条新闻常常针砭时弊,可在许多方面,世界正在改良。
We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation.我们将尽绵薄之力,将其实现,不仅因为我们爱你,也因为我们对所有下一代儿童,有着道德的责任。
We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here.我们相信众生平等,未来将有更多的人如此。
But right now, we don't always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face.可现在,我们并不总能勠力同心,为你们一代创造最大的机会,解决最大的问题。
Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you won't get sick in the first place.疾病如是。
Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and we've already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others. As technology accelerates, we have a real shot at preventing, curing or managing all or most of the rest in the next 100 years.医疗成为真正的科学不足百年,我们已对某些疾病有了全套的治疗方法,另外一些也取得良好进展。
Today, most people die from five things -- heart disease, cancer, stroke, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases -- and we can make faster progress on these andother problems.今天,多数死于五种疾病:心脏病、癌症、中风、神经退行性病变及传染疾病,我们能够取得更加迅速的进展。
Once we recognize that your generation and your children's generation may not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to tilt our investments a bit moretowards the future to make this reality. Your mother and I want to do our part.当我们意识到你这一代人和你的下一代人可能不再受疾病困扰,我们都有责任更多地投资于让此成真的未来。
Curing disease will take time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it may not seem like we're making much of adifference. But over the long term, seeds planted now will grow, and one day, you or your children will see what we can only imagine: a world without suffering from disease.治愈疾病来日方长。
There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of its energy on these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much better world.机会良多,只要社会对如是挑战多一点努力,你们这一代将生活在更美好的世界。
Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing humanpotential and promoting equality.我们希望你这一代人想两件事:推进人之所能,促进人人平等。
Advancing human potential is about pushing the boundaries on how great a human life can be.推进人之所能,拓展人生之所以伟大的边界。
Can you learn and experience 100 times more than we do today?你的学习和经历能百倍于我们今天的人吗?Can our generation cure disease so you live much longer and healthier lives?我们这一代人能治愈疾病,让你们有更长寿、更健康的生命吗?Can we connect the world so you have access to every idea, person and opportunity?我们能把世界连接起来,让你们去接触每一个想法、每一个人和每一次机会吗?Can we harness more clean energy so you can invent things we can't conceive of today while protecting the environment?我们能获取更加清洁的能源,让你们在保护环境的同时投身于我们今天想象不到的事业吗?Can we cultivateentrepreneurship so you can build any business and solve any challenge to grow peace and prosperity?我们能培育出创业的精神,让你们开拓事业、解决挑战以促进和平和繁荣吗?Promoting equality is about making sure everyone has access to these opportunities -- regardless of the nation, families or circumstancesthey are born into.促进人人平等,确保所有人,不论民族、出身或成长环境,都能获得机会。
Our society must do this not only for justice or charity, but for the greatness of human progress.我们的社会必须如是为之,不仅为正义,为慈善,还为了人类进步之伟大。
Today we are robbed of the potential so many have to offer. The only way to achieve our full potential is to channel the talents, ideas and contributions of every person in the world.今天,我们丧失了诸多潜能。