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Step3: Now, let’s get to how to write every part correctly. (1) The letterhead-- (sender’s address)-- a firm’s personality

It includes the company’s logo, name, address, telephone and fax numbers, email, and website.

(2) The date

British (German): day/month/year

American (other nations): month/day/year

avoid abbreviations (Jan. 25, 2004) or

figures (2/4/2004).

Choose the style of your target reader.

(3) The inside address-- (receiver’s name and address

To avoid ambiguity, whenever you write letters to a foreign country, always include the name of the country, even if the city mentioned is the country’s capital.

Order of the address:

a) the name of the house

b) the number of house and the name of street

c) the name of city or town

d) county or state and its post-code

e) name of the country


(4) The salutation(称呼)

Greeting to the receiver

Match to the complimentary close

(5) The body

One Paragraph contain just one idea or theme, and be concise as it could be.

这是书信的主体,表达发信人的意见。在信的开头有开头语(Opening Sentences)自成一节,在习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、编号或查号、主题及简单内容加以综合叙述,使对方一目了然这封信是答复哪一封去信的。


在信的结尾一般有结尾语(The closing Sentences), 一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提示对受信人的要求,如希望来函或电报订货、答复询问或作必要的声明等。

(6) Complimentary Close

结束语是一种客套用语,它应与前面的称呼(The salutation)相呼应.

salutation and complimentary close的写法及呼应


Dear Sirs, ... Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir or Madam ,... Yours faithfully,


Dear Mr Hanson, ... Yours sincerely,

Dear Mrs Hanson ,... Yours sincerely,

Dear Miss Hanson ,... Yours sincerely,

Dear Ms Hanson ,... Yours sincerely,

(7) The signature and job title

Signature: both written and printed -- by the sender.

Charles Smith (signed name of sender, in full for business letters no matter how familiar you are with the receiver) Managing Director (position)

The International Trade Co. (name of the company)
