

外贸函电 unit 6 offer

外贸函电 unit 6 offer

Non-firm offer
在日常的业务中,Байду номын сангаас寄的报价单、价目单及 形式发票等,一般都注明“仅供参考”或
“以我 方最后确认为准”。这就排除了接盘人只要
接 受就可以成交的权限。虚盘对发盘人来说, 较为灵活,可以根据市场的变化,挑选成交 时机和对手,以取得有利的交易条件。但 是,受盘人有时把它看成一般的业务联系,
外贸函电 unit 6 offer
What is an offer
An offer is an expression in which its offeror is willing to conclude a transaction with an offeree on the terms and conditions mentioned therein during its valid period.
Date of firm offer
发盘的有效期: 根据各国法律规定和国际贸易惯例,实盘都有有效 期。有效期是对发盘人的约束,以便利受盘人凭以 进行研究交易的可能性。在有效期内,发盘人有必 须承担成交的义务,但是超过了有效期,既或受盘 人再行接受,发盘人有权拒绝成交。在规定具体的 有效期时,要根据不同的商品,在不同的市场、不 同的地理位置以及节假日等情况。明确规定此期限 的起止日期和地点以免误解。
Points for Attention:
虚盘的表示: 1. Without engagement (obligation) 2. Subject to prior sale 3. Subject to our final confirmation
Points for Attention:
拒绝接受发盘的信应包括以下几点: 1. 对发盘表示感谢 2. 对不能接受表示遗憾 3. 如适当可还盘 4. 提示一起做生意的其他机会

外贸英文函电课件Ch 3 Offers & Counteroffers

外贸英文函电课件Ch 3 Offers & Counteroffers

LETTER THREE 真丝女衬衫 感谢贵公司6月10日来函,按惯常条款向 我方报盘3 000 打上述货物,每件35.00美元 温哥华CFR价。 现答复如下,我方遗憾地告知贵方我客户 认为你方价格太高与现行的市价不一致。为 了促进贸易,我们现在代表我客户还盘如下, 以你方确认于本月底前到达我处为准: 每件26美元成本加运费含佣金百分之二 温哥华价,其他条款如你方6月10日函所示。
OFFER 报盘,发盘,发价
根据报盘人身份来分: 买方报盘 卖方报盘 根据报盘形式来分: 口头报盘 书面报盘 根据报盘先后顺序来分: 主动报盘 对询盘信的答复 根据法律责任来分: 有约束力的报盘(正式 发盘或有效发盘) 无约束力的报盘(自由 发盘)
价格:每打1,400美元成本保险加运费蒙特利 尔价 支付:以我方为受益人的100%保兑的、不可 撤销的信用证凭即期汇票支付,信用证必须在装 运前一个月开到卖方并在装船后15天内在中国议 付有效。 如你所知,我们的库存有限而需求非常活跃。 你的早日决策至关重要。我们确信你们能做一笔 赚钱的买卖。 盼即复。
Re: Silk Blouses We have received your offer of June 26 and regret that you have turned down our counteroffer. As we are in urgent need of the goods and anxious to conclude the business with you, we have made our every effort to persuade our client to accept your offer of $ 35.00 per piece. Fortunately, our customer in Vancouver has changed his mind and approached us again with an order for 3 000 dozen of the above goods on your terms.



Firm Offer
The expre Subject to your reply reaching us by (before)… 2. Subject to your reply (acceptance) here within …days 3. This offer is firm (open, valid) for … days.
4.3 Letters for example
4.3.1: China National Import & Export corp. Hebei Road Tianjin, China September 6, 2007 Greenwood Textiles Co. , Ltd 315 Lens Road London, England Dear Sirs We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 15 June, from which we note that you wish to have an offer from us for 50 metric tons of Peanuts, for shipment to London. In reply, we are making you, subject to your reply reaching us by September 20, Beijing time, the following offer: “ 50 metric tons of Peanuts, F.A.Q.2007 corp., at RMB¥5,300 per metric ton CIF2% London shipment during September/October. All Risks and War Risks for 110% of invoice value will be covered.” We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully China National Import & Export corp. Manger

商务英语函电实训unit 6 Offer

商务英语函电实训unit 6 Offer
• We have accepted your firm offer. 我们已收到了你们报的实盘。
Useful Expressions
Unit 6 Offer
• We offer firm for reply 11 a.m. tomorrow. 我们报实盘,以明天上午11点答复为有效。
• We‘ll let you have our firm offer next Sunday. 下星期天我们就向你们发实盘。
• offer and acceptance by post
• to accept an offer
Words and Phrases
Unit 6 Offer
• to entertain an offer • to give an offer
考虑报盘 给...报盘
• to submit an offer • official offer
Useful Expressions
Unit 6 Offer
• Can you make an offer, C & F London, at your earliest convenience? 您能尽快报一个伦敦港成本加运费价格吗?
• I‘d like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Vancouver. 请报温哥华到岸价的最低价格。
• We are in a position to offer tea from stock. 我们现在可以报茶叶现货。

Useful Expressions
Unit 6 Offer
• We‘ll try our best to get a bid from the buyers. 我们一定尽力获得买主的递价。




1. 入职时间:请您于[入职日期,如:2022年9月1日]携带以下材料到[公司名称]人事部报到:
a. 身份证原件及复印件
b. 学历证书、学位证书原件及复印件
c. 相关职业资格证书(如有)
d. 近期一寸彩色免冠照片两张
e. 其他需要提供的材料(如有)
2. 报到地点:[公司地址]
3. 联系人:[人事部联系人姓名]
4. 联系电话:[人事部联系电话]
1. 薪资待遇:根据公司相关规定,您的试用期薪资为[试用期薪资],转正后薪

2. 福利待遇:公司将为您提供以下福利:
a. 五险一金
b. 带薪年假
c. 节日福利
d. 员工培训及晋升机会
e. 其他公司规定的相关福利
1. 请您务必按时到公司报到,如有特殊情况,请提前与人事部联系人沟通。

2. 请您在报到前认真阅读公司规章制度,了解公司文化,做好相关工作准备。

3. 入职培训:公司将为您提供系统的入职培训,帮助您尽快熟悉工作环境及岗位要求。




外贸英语函电Unit 4 Offer[精]

外贸英语函电Unit 4 Offer[精]
Design No. 72435 – 2A
Specifications: 30 x 36 72 x 69 35”/36” x 42 yds
Quantity: 12,600 yards
Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at seller’s option
With the recovery of the market, there has been a strong demand for our goods since August and the manufacturers are heavily committed.
Please fax us your confirmation as early as possible if you find the above acceptable.
We are looking forward to your favorable reply.
Yours faithfully,
Letter 2 A Non-firm Offer for Printed Shirting
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of May 21 and, as requested, are airmailing you, under separate cover, one catalog and two sample books for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection.
We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest.

外贸英语函电unit 5 offer1

外贸英语函电unit 5 offer1
限公司 )
❖ 81000 printed shirting (81000号印花细布)
❖ We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 22nd May, which enquired about our 81000 printed shirting.(很高兴收到你方5月22日关于我方81000号
❖ (2)收据,收条
▪ Cargo Receipt 货运收据; Deposit Receipt 存款收据; Freight Receipt 运费收据; Mate’s Receipt 大副收据; Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据
(1) 与offer搭配的动词和介词
make/send/give/fax an offer for/on/of… 发盘
❖ Price
▪ Unit price
❖ Money, measuring unit, unit amount and trade terms (with commission)
❖ Eg. Us& 500 per yard CIFC5% New York
▪ Total price
❖ Payment
▪ Payment method and documents
❖ Shipment
▪ Method
❖ If partial shipment is allowed?
▪ Time
Lesson 19 Offer
Take pleasure in doing sth. Make you an offer As follows Per yard Be competitive in price Be good in quality A good start Avail yourself of the advantage of The strengthening market Of late Brisk demand

外贸函电 lesson 7 offer

外贸函电 lesson 7 offer

如订货数量小于报盘数量,价格则 要略高些。
terms and conditions 条款,条件 As there has been a large demand for the two items, such a growing demand can only result in the increase in price. result in 导致 由于对这两个品种需求量大,必然导致 价格上涨。
Answer to Translation
1. Thank you for your enquiry of April, 11 for famous-brand athletic shoes--- Nike and Adidas. 2. At your request, we quote you for 1,000 Puma athletic shoes at USD 498 per pair CIF Ottawa. 3. The above offer is valid until April 19 our time. 4. We are now sending you our latest pricelist and 10 telephone receiver samples by parcel post. 5. Because of the heavy demand for our products, we advise you to place an order as soon as possible.
Non-firm Offer

subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准 offer subject to our final confirmation.



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除offer邮件模板英文篇一:offerletter入职确认函中英文模板offerletterdearmr.(xx先生):Followingourinterviewdiscussions,weareofferingthepo sitionofareasalesmanager根据我们在面试时的协定,现在我们聘请您为:地区销售经理weoutlinebelowthetermandconditions,whichwillapplyup onyouracceptanceoftheappointment.有关职位具体描述如下,将会在您正式接受职位:地区销售经理2.commencementdate:maR.3020xx开始日期:20xx年3月30日3.Responsibilities:yourspecificresponsibilitieshavebeendiscussedwithyo u,andaresummarizedinthepositiondescriptionwhichwill beprovidedtouponcommencement.职责:(参照〈职位描述说明〉)4.Reporting:youwillreportdirectlytonationalsalesmanager.汇报:您将直接向全国销售经理汇报。

5.salary:Rmb13500/month(grosssalarypre-tax)permonthpaidona13 -monthbasisperyearafterconfirmation.areviewofyoursalarywilltakeplaceinmayeachyear.薪金:您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。


6.annualleave:youwillbeentitledtoannualleaveinaccordancewiththeco mpanypolicy.年假:根据公司规定,您将会享有公司的年假。


• A counter offer must be handled with great care and both parties must keep in mind that they value their friendship and future business. The letter should be written this way:
• There are two kinds of offers: firm offer (实盘) and non-firm offer (虚盘).
➢ firm offer: an offer, usu. in written form, which states it may not be withdrawn, revoked, or amended for a specific period of time.实盘
更多关于价格的具体信息。 6. 我方想买贵方目录八所列的男士领带。 7. 我们想了解贵方是否能够提供我方设计的瓷器。如果可以,
请告知我方全面信息。 8. 如果贵方产品和条件比其他供货商更优惠,我方将向贵方
定货。 9. 请给我们报贵方的最低价、最大折扣和交货日期。 10. 我方很乐意向贵方发样品和报价。
Firm Offer
• A firm offer, also called valid offer, During the period of time stipulated in the firm offer, the offeror cannot withdraw or make any changes to the offer. Once the offeree accepts his offer, the offeror must obey the terms and conditions he made.

外贸英语函电Chapter 4 Offers

外贸英语函电Chapter 4 Offers
• Subject to your reply reaching us …. • 以你方…时间复到有效 • 翻译
– 此复,我们报实盘,以你方时间9月30日复到为有效, 250公吨花生,手捡,去壳,不分等级,每公吨人民币 2000元,成本加运费ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้本哈根和其他欧洲主要港口





说明涨价原因Dear Sir or Madam:We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your cooperation.With best regards,Hillary说服买家涨价之前下单Dear Sir or Madam:This is regarding our quotation dated 2 November, and our mail offer dated 8 November concerning the supply of widgets(小机具).We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month.Yours sincerely,Hillary对价格作出让步Dear Sir or Madam:Thank you for your mail. We are disappointed to hear that our price for your required product is too high for your acceptance. You mentioned that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price appro某imately 8% lower than our quote.We accept your position, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Although we are keen to do business with you, weregret that we cannot accept your counter offer.We do want to try and work with you, and meet your request, but the best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 3%.We hope that this will meet your approval.We look forward to hearing from you.With best regards,Hillary答复在30日有效期的信用状付款的建议Dear Sir or Madam:Thank you for your order of 500b/w TV sets by your letter dated 17 July.I am enclosing our sales contract No.834 covering the order.I would be grateful if you would follow the usual procedure.Yours sincerely,Hillary答复直接付款的要求Dear Sir or Madam:Thank you for your letter dated 2 October requesting payment against documents for contracts No.482 and 483.We are pleased to say that we agree to your request. We wish, however, to make it clear that in our future transactions, involved for each transaction is less than US$5,000 or the equivalent in Renminbi. Should the amount e某ceed that figure, payment by letter of credit will be required.We would like to say that this e某ception is allowed onlyin light of our long and mutually beneficial association.Yours sincerely,Hillary外贸函电英语格式篇二谨谢上新的商品目录和价格表。

外贸函电 enquiry offer

外贸函电 enquiry  offer

1. Enquiries(询盘) and repliesDear Sirs,We knew your name and address from the Canadian Consulate in Shanghai who had informed us that you are one of the largest exporters of textiles in Shanghai and you wish to extend export business to our market. You will be pleased to note that we are importers of home textiles products, having over 20 years experience in this particular line of business.At present, we are keenly interested in home textiles made in China and will be pleased if you kindly send us your latest price list and catalogue for all kinds of home textiles. If possible, please also send us your samples book.We would like to state that we usually pay for our imports by sight L/C which we feel sure, will be agreeable to you.We anticipate your early reply.Words and Expressions•agreeable 令人愉快的,合适的(后接介词)•L/C at sight 即期信用证指开证或付款行在收到符合信用证条款规定的即期汇票和单据后立即履行付款义务信用证,由于立即付款可减少出口商的风险,加速资金周转,故即期信用证在国际贸易中得到广泛使用。

Counter offer 英语函电

Counter offer 英语函电

4.Counter-offerDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of March 31 offering us your “Hummer” brand vehicles.To be candid with you, we like your vehicles, but your prices appear to be on the high side as compared with those of other makes. It is understood that to accept the prices you quoted would leave us little or no margin of profit on our sales. As you know German is a developed country; its principal demand is for articles in the medium price range.We appreciate your prompt response to our enquiry and would like to take this opportunity to conclude some transactions with you we would, therefore, suggest that you make some allowance say 10% on your quoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your products to your customers. If, however, you cannot do so, then we shall have no alternative but to leave the business as it is.For your information, some parcels from Taiwan have been sold here at a much lower price. We hope you will consider our counter-offer favorably and let us have your acceptance by telex. It may interest you to know thatonce you have opened up a market here, you would have every advantage of developing a beneficial trade in the England.Yours sincerely。




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外贸函电写作Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offer

外贸函电写作Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offer

Chapter FourOffer and Counter-offer Teaching objectivesUpon completion of this chapter, the students will:•understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and grasp their relative expressions. •be familiar with the terms & conditions involved in an offer and be able to write them independently.•basic knowledge•交易磋商的过程可分成询盘、发盘、还盘和接受四个环节:• 1. 询盘(Inquiry)是交易的一方向对方探询交易条件,表示交易愿望的一种行为。




• 2. 发盘(Offer)也叫发价,指交易的一方(发盘人)向另一方(受盘人)提出各项交易条件,并愿意按这些条件达成交易的一种表示,包括实盘(firm offer) 和虚盘(non-firm offer)。


•发盘多由卖方提出(Selling Offer)。

也可由买方提出(Buying Offer),也称递盘(Bid)。

• 3.还盘(Counter Offer): 受盘人不同意发盘中的交易条件而提出修改或变更的意见,称为还盘。

•在法律上叫反要约, 新盘。





My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 Moreover, We've kept the price close to the costs of production. 再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. 除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。 除非你们减价 ,否则我们无法接受报盘。 Let me make you a special offer. 好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。 好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。 You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. 你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。 你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。 This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. 此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。 此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。
各项交易条件要明确、肯定, 各项交易条件要明确、肯定,不能存在含糊不清的内容或 模棱两可的表达,没有保留的条件。我国合同法14条规 模棱两可的表达,没有保留的条件。我国合同法 条规 要约须“内容具体确定” 定,要约须“内容具体确定”。 发盘应具备订立合同的最主要内容- 发盘应具备订立合同的最主要内容-签订合同的主要条件 各国法律规定不尽相同, 公约》 ,各国法律规定不尽相同,《公约》中要求发盘至少包括 三个基本要素 标明货物的名称 明示或默示地规定货物的数量或规定数量的方法 明示或默示地规定货物的价格或确定价格的方法 发盘人应明确表示愿按发盘的内容订立合同。 发盘人应明确表示愿按发盘的内容订立合同。发盘一经受 盘人接受,合同即告成立,无需再经发盘人同意。 盘人接受,合同即告成立,无需再经发盘人同意。 发盘须在到达受盘人时才生效












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高兴向你方报无约束的虚盘如下: The high quality of our products, which has won popular approval, could not be acquired at the same prices from elsewhere. 我们的产品质量优异,受到了广泛的欢迎,如想 以同样价格从别处购买这样的产品恐难达成。 It would be to your great interest to make a trial of these goods. 试用一下这些商品,你们会大感兴趣的。
询盘。 See also Unit 2 and 3 for other expressions.
Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions 2. Indicating all the details of the goods and the main terms of transaction as requested
This offer is subject to your acceptance within 7 days. 此盘以贵方在7天内接受为有效。 LOGO
Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions
Please let us have your order by March 31, as this price concession will not apply after that day. 请在3月31日前下订单,因为这个让价在那天之后就结束了。 As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement the followings: 按要求,我们很
Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are net without commission. 除非另行
Part Two
Packing charges are included in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.
发 盘
Basic Knowledge Concerned Letter-writing Guide

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences
Part One
2. Offer and Bid
(1) An offer is a response made in reply to an inquiry or an expression made voluntarily with a view to expanding business. An offer may be made by a seller or a buyer. (2) A bid refers to the offer made by the buyer. It has the same features as any offers made by the seller.
Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise 4.Making favorable you to order as soon as possible. comments 考虑到这种商品的需求很旺,建议你们尽快下订单。 on the goods As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely themselves and the to rise, we would advise you to place your order prices or drawing the without delay. 由于所报价格格外地低,并且很可能还 customer’s attention to 会上涨,我们建议贵方不要犹豫,赶紧订货。 other products likely to In spite of the rising production costs, our prices interest the buyer (It is have remained stable. 尽管生产成本不断增加,我们 not necessary the case 的价格仍然保持稳定。 however.) We can offer you a wide range of sizes and types from our stock. 我们可以向贵方现货供应各种尺码和 类型的商品。
Part Two
Typical Expressions
3. Indicating the period for which the offer is valid if it is a firm offer, or remarking to the effect that the offer is made without engagement

Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions
For letters making offers
1. Expressing your thanks for the inquiry, if any
We thank you for your inquiry of... and are pleased to quote as follows.
Please note our standard terms and conditions on the reverse side of this quotation. 请注意我
We can ship your order within 3 weeks upon receipt of your order. 我们能在收到订单后三

Part One
3. Firm Offer and Non-firm Offer
(1) A firm offer is a promise to sell at a stated price and condition within a stated period of time (a certain time limit). It usually contains such expressions as “for acceptance within... days”, “firm offer”, “be valid before...”, etc. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. Thus, once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn. (2) A non-firm offer is an offer made without engagement. It is subject to confirmation by the seller after being accepted by the buyer. It usually contains the words “subject to our final confirmation”, or similar qualifying words. Nowadays, a non-firm offer is usually taken as an inducement to offer rather than an offer.
我们对贵公司……的询盘表示感谢并愿意提供以下产品 的报价。
Thank you for your inquiry and for your interest in our products. 感谢贵公司的询盘以及对我方产品的兴趣。
Many thanks for your inquiry of... 谢谢贵公司……的
Sample Letters
Practical Training
Part One
1. Offer and Quotation
(1) An offer is a promise to supply or buy goods on the terms and
conditions stated. In an offer, the offeror not only quotes the price of the goods he wishes to sell or to buy but also indicates all necessary terms of transactions for the offeree’s consideration and acceptance. (2) A quotation is not an “offer” in the legal sense. A quotation is merely a notice of the price of certain goods at which the sellers are willing to sell. It is not legally binding as a firm offer if the sellers later decide not to sell. The price is subject to change without previous notice. However, if a quotation is made together with all necessary terms and conditions of sales, it amounts to an offer. So, these two words are sometimes confusing in use. LOGO