MuxLab 3G-SDI ST2110 over IP 无压缩网关转换器快速安装指南说明书
![MuxLab 3G-SDI ST2110 over IP 无压缩网关转换器快速安装指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e0dfea45ebfc77da26925c52cc58bd630869317.png)
* MMF version shown500767 3G-SDI/ST2110 over IP UncompressedGateway ConverterQuick Installation GuideOverviewThe 3G-SDI/ST2110 over IP Uncompressed Gateway Converter allows HD-SDI and 3G-SDI equipment to be extended up to 100ft (30m) via UTP Cat 6a/7 cable or up to 1300ft (400m) via duplex multimode OM4 fiber with LC connectors, at up to 1080p resolution @ 60Hz uncompressed, in a point-to-point configuration. Point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint configurations are also possible by connecting several units to a 10G Ethernet network. The unit provides a 1G Ethernet Switch port to connect additional network devices, and an RS232 port for remote control of end devices.The 3G-SDI/ST2110 over IP Uncompressed Gateway Converter supports SMPTE ST-2110. It can be managed through its Web interface and RestAPI, please refer to the operation manual for further details about this.ApplicationsApplications include commercial broadcast AV systems, news/sports/TV stations and movie networks/studios.Installation1.Identify the connectors on the Transmitter and Receiver as indicated on the product labels, see the abovefront and rear product views for further details. Note that the MMF version is shown.2.Install the SFP module, see below diagrams showing step by step instructions.3.Verify that the distance between the 3G-SDI Transmitter and Receiver is within MuxLabspecifications (see Specifications table for further details).4.To install the Transmitter:a)Connect the Transmitter to the SDI video source with a COAX cable (Belden 1694Arecommended).b)If the application is point-to-point, then connect one (1) length of Cat 6a/7 grade UTP cable tothe 10Gig port on the Transmitter. If transmitting over the network, use a 10 Gig Ethernet Switchbetween the TX & RX units.5.To install the Receiver:a)Connect the Receiver to the SDI display equipment with a COAX cable (Belden 1694Arecommended).b)If the application is point-to-point, then connect one (1) Cat 6a/7 cable coming from theTransmitter, to the 10Gig port on the Receiver. If transmitting over the network, use a 10Gig Ethernet Switch between the TX & RX units.6.If the configuration is a point-to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint:a)You will need to use an Ethernet Switch with Gigabit ports and DHCP Server support. In additionIGMP Protocol support is required for the multipoint-to-multipoint case. Verify that the Ethernet Switch is configured correctly and that the DHCP Server is enabled and that the IGMP Protocol is enabled for multipoint-to-multipoint applications.b)Connect all Transmitters and Receivers to the Ethernet Switch.7.Connect the 12 VDC power supply to each Receiver and to an AC power outlet. Next connect eachTransmitter in the same manner. If power is present, the green power LED on each Transmitter and Receiver will illuminate.Note: Power ‘ON’ the 3G-SDI / ST2110 over IP uncompressed gateway converter only after all data connections have been made.8.Power ‘ON’ the 3G-SDI equipment and verify the image quality.9.The 500767 provides a 1GB Ethernet port to connect additional network devices (e.g. RestAPI controlsoftware).10.This product supports RS232 for remote control on end devices.11.The following diagram illustrates a typical point-to-multipoint LAN configuration.TroubleshootingThe following table describes some of the symptoms, probable causes and possible solutions in regard to the installation of the 3G-SDI/ST2110 over IP Uncompressed Gateway:If you still cannot diagnose the problem, please call MuxLab Customer Technical Support at 877-689-5228 (toll-free in North America) or (+1) 514-905-0588 (International).SFP Module Installation2321 Cohen Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. H4R 2N7Tel: (514) 905-0588 Fax: (514) 905-0589 Toll Free (North America): (877) 689-5228E-mail:******************:。
1) 请阅读这里的说明。 2) 请保存这些说明。 3) 请注意所有的警告说明。 4) 请按照说明操作。 5) 不要在靠近水的地方使用这一设备。 6) 请用干布清理本设备。 7) 不要堵住通风口。请按照制造商的说明安装设备。 8) 不要在靠近热源的地方使用本设备,如加热器、暖气机、电热
船形开关 --- 按其两边中的任一边来使电源接通 或断开、 开关上的符号含义以下: "I" --- 表示 接通电源 "ON"; “0” (全极开关才出现) --- 表 示断开电源 "OFF"。
拨动开关 --- 拨向上为接通电源 "ON"; 拨向下 为断开电源 "OFF"。
按钮开关 --- 当按下开关的按钮时为接通电源 "ON"; 按上则为断开电源 "OFF"。
1. 引论................................................4 1.1 在你开始以前....................................4 1.1.1 供货......................................4 1.1.2 首次使用..................................4 1.1.3 网上登记..................................4
6. 其他的设置.........................................20 6.1 厂方设置.......................................20 6.2 输出端设置.....................................20 6.3 调节显示屏幕的对比度...........................21
GST102 GST104 Conventional Fire Panel Installation and Operation Manual(Issue 2.01, January 2005)CONTENTS1 General (1)2 Technical Specifications (1)2.1 Operating Voltage (1)2.2 Standby Batteries (1)2.3 Parameters of Detection Circuit (1)2.4 Parameters of Output Circuit (1)2.5 Dimension (2)3 Structure (2)3.1 Appearance (2)3.2 Internal Structure (3)3.3 Terminals (3)3.4 Operating Panel (4)3.4.1 General State LEDs (4)3.4.2 Zone State LEDs (5)3.4.3 Operation State LEDs and Keys (5)3.4.4 Output State LEDs (6)3.5 Operating State (6)3.5.1 Zone State (6)3.5.2 Output State (7)3.5.3 Internal Buzzer (7)3.5.4 Illustration (7)3.6 System Setting (7)3.6.1 Setting of Operation Level (7)3.6.2 Setting of Relay Output (8)4 Operation (9)4.1 Basic Operation (9)4.1.1 Silencing of Fault and Fire Alarm (9)4.1.2 Day/Night Working Mode (9)4.1.3 Self-check and Fire Alarm Clearance (9)4.1.4 Control of External Sounders (9)4.2 Setting of Isolation State (10)4.3 Setting of Test State (14)4.4 Setting of Output System (15)4.4.1 Setting of Sounder 1 (15)4.4.2 Setting of Sounder 2 (15)4.5 Setting of Ground Fault and Aux. Power (16)4.6 Wiring of detectors, manual call points and output circuits and signal output interface board with passive normally open alarm output contact and fault output contact (16)4.7 Wiring Diagrams (17)4.8 Calculation of Standby Battery Capacity (19)5 Troubleshooting (19)A ppendix AEOL P-9907 Operation Instruction (21)1 GeneralThese two kinds of conventional fire panel are multi-wire fire panel developed from microprocessor. GST104 Conventional Fire Panel (hereinafter called GST104 panel)can monitor 4 zones. GST102 Conventional Fire Panel (hereinafter called GST102panel) can monitor 2 zones. Those with signal output interface board has a passivenormally open alarm output contact and fault output contact for each zone. Each zonecan be connected with 15 conventional fire detectors. They have two external controloutput points to control some devices such as sounder strobe and sounder etc. Thestated maximum load is two sounder outputs. They are designed with internal standbybatteries and space for installation (two sealed acid storage batteries). They havefunctions of test and isolation, setting day/night mode, indication of normal state, faultstate, alarm state, alarm of short circuit and open circuit of external connections andidentifying the location of the detecting zone. The installation and operation of the twokinds of panel are very simple and convenient. All the control functions can be realizedthrough a key switch, and the programming function can be realized through a keyswitch and an internal switch. Except for two monitoring zones (two zone input) less, two passive normally open alarmoutput contacts and two passive normally open fault output contacts less for those withsignal output interface board, and some minor differences in appearance and structure,GST102 panel is the same as GST104 panel in technical specifications, usage andoperation. We will take GST104 panel as the example.2 Technical Specifications2.1 Operating Voltage220VAC ±15%, 50Hz 24VDC ±15%2.2 Standby BatteriesThe capacity of the standby batteries is outfitted according to the user’s demandcomputed with reference to Section 4.8. The maximum capacity is 7Ah (lasting for 24hours in normal monitoring state).2.3 Parameters of Detection CircuitOutput Voltage: 20VDC~28VDCStatic Loading Current: 2.4mA (when connected with 15 conventional detectors)Fire Alarming Resistance: 150Ω - 1.5kΩ (normally 470Ω)Terminal Resistor: 4.7 kΩ or AEOL (Active End of Line Unit)2.4 Parameters of Output CircuitSounder Output: Output Voltage 20VDC~28VDCOutput Current 1ATerminal Resistor 4.7 kΩAux. Power Output: 0.5A 20VDC~28VDC2.5 Dimension380mm x 320mm x 95mm 3 Structure3.1 Appearance3.2 Internal StructureFig. 3.2.1Illustration:1. Power2. Storage Battery 4. 6.Fig. 3.3EARTH : Terminal connected with chassis earth AUX SUPPLY (+,-): AUX. Power terminals ZONE INPUT (1~4): Zone input terminalsBAT (+,-): Storage battery terminals 220VAC (N , ,L ): Main power terminals SOUNDER OUTPUT (1~2): Sounder output terminals SOUNDER START (+,-): Sounder startup terminals DAY MODE (+,-): Day mode conversion terminalsFAULT1~FAULT4: Fault output terminal of signal output interface board, which is a normally open contact output in normal state, and will be closed after it alarms fault.ALARM1~ALARM4: Alarm output terminal of signal output interface board, which is a normally open contact output in normal state, and will be closed after it alarms fire.COM 0V: Power earth of repeater panelCOM DAY: Day mode terminal of repeater panel COM FIRE: Fire alarm terminal of repeater panel COM ISO: Isolation terminal of repeater panel FLT: Fault terminal of repeater panelZ1~Z4: Zone indication terminals of repeater panel3.4 Operating PanelNote: Area of white background with dark dots is to be illustrated presently. 3.4.1 General State LEDsFig. 3.4.1Zone Fault/ISO/TestFIRE Silence FaultCommonFaultIsolate Common Fault C.P.U Fault Battery Fault TestModeSupply Power Ground In Day PowerFIRE — Red, general fire alarm LED. Constantly lit until the fire alarm is cleared.Silence — Yellow, general silencing LED. Constantly lit when the internal buzzer orsounder is silenced.Common Fault — Yellow, general fault LED. Flashing when any fault is found andconstantly lit after the “Silence” key is pressed.Common Isolate — Yellow, general isolation LED. Constantly lit when any zone oroutput is isolated.C.P .U Fault — Yellow, CPU LED. Flashes when the CPU is in fault state, constantly litwhen the memory checks errors.Power Fault — Yellow, main power fault LED. Constantly lit when the main power is infault.Battery Fault — Yellow, standby power fault LED. Constantly lit when the standbybattery is in fault.Ground Fault — Yellow, ground fault LED. Constantly lit when ground is in fault. In Test — Yellow, test LED. Constantly lit when any zone is in test.Day Mode — Yellow, day mode LED. Constantly lit when the panel works at day mode. Power Supply — Green, power supply LED. Constantly lit when power supply isnormal. 3.4.2 Zone State LEDsFire — Red, zone fire alarm LED. Flashes when the corresponding zone is in fire alarmstate, constantly lit when “Silence” key is pressed.Zone Fault/ISO/Test — Yellow LED. Flashes when the corresponding zone is in fault ortest state, constantly lit in isolation state. 3.4.3 Operation State LEDs and KeysFig.3.4.2 12Zone Fault/ISO/TestZone No.Fire34Fig. 3.4.3 Isolate — Green LED. Constantly lit when setting isolation. Test — Green LED. Constantly lit when setting test.Select — Used to enter programming state and select operation. Shift — Used to change state. Enter — Used to acknowledge.Reset — Executing clear or reset operation.Silence —Changing the silencing state of the interior buzzer and the sounder. 3.4.4 Output State LEDsFig. 3.4.4Sounder 1 — Yellow. Constantly lit when sounder 1 outputs, flashes when it's in fault. Sounder 2 — Yellow. Constantly lit when sounder 2 outputs, flashes when it's in fault. 3.5 Operating State 3.5.1 Zone State1) Alarm: "Fire" LED of corresponding zone flashes (1:1), general "FIRE" LED lit.Silence ResoundReset Isolate TestOperating Select <Shift> Day/Night Enter IndicationSounder1Sounder2Passive fire alarm output contact for corresponding zone of GST104 panel with signal output interface board is closed.2) Fault: "Fault" LED in corresponding zone and "Common Fault" LED flash("Common Fault" LED constantly lit when “Silence” key is pressed). Passive fault output contact for corresponding zone of GST104 panel with signal output interface board is closed.3) Isolate: Zone "Fault" LED and "Common Isolate" LED lit. 4) Normal: Zone "Fire" LED and "Fault" LED not lit.3.5.2 Output State1) Action: LED of corresponding output channel is lit.2) Fault: LED of corresponding output channel flashes, "Common Fault" LED flashes("Common Fault" LED constantly lit when “Silence” key is pressed). 3) Normal: All output channel LEDs go out.3.5.3 Internal Buzzer1) Internal buzzer vocalizes according to sound priority. Alarm: level 0; Fault: level1;Isolation and test: level 2; Normal: level 3.2) Alarm or manually activation of the external sounder: 0.25s on, 0.25s off. 3) Fault state: 0.5s on, 4.5s off.4) Silence, isolation or testing state: 0.5s on, 9.5s off.3.5.4 Illustration1) Operation enabled at low operation level is enabled at high operation level. 2) In keyboard operation mode, when the operation level is changed or no key ispressed for more than four minutes, the panel cancels all keyboard operation input and returns to the normal monitoring state. 3) Conditions of delay output of a certain zone:a) The zone is programmed as delay output mode. b) The panel is in day mode.c) There are no fire alarms in other zones.d) When the zone is in delay mode and there are fire alarms in other zones, it willbe canceled and start output immediately.4) When the memory is in fault, isolation is to be set again.5)3.6 System Setting3.6.1 Setting of Operation Level1) As in Fig., when the “Control Enable” lock points to “O”, the panel is inoperation level 1.Fig. As in Fig., when the “Control Enable” lock points to “I”, the panel is inoperation level 2.3) When the cover of the controller is open, the panel is in operation level 3. 3.6.2 Setting of Relay Output1) Three output modes can be set for the two-channel sounder output relay: activeoutput, normally open contact output and normally closed contact output.a) Sample: To set sounder 1 as active output, plug in fuse F2; connect the 5th with6th and the 2nd with 3rd of jumper X1 by short loop (location of the parts is in Fig. 3.6.2).b) Sample: To set sounder 1 as normally open contact output, remove fuse F2,connect the 1st with2nd and 4th with 5th of the jumper X1 by short loop (location of the parts is in Fig. 3.6.2).c) Sample: To set sounder 1 as normally closed contact output, remove fuse F2,connect the 1st with 2nd and 3rd with 4th of the jumper X1 by short loop (location of the parts is in Fig. 3.6.2).2) Detailed operations are shown in Table 1.Fig. 3.6.2Table 1Normally closed Contact Normally open Contact Active OutputOutput Removed Fuse Jumper Removed Fuse Jumper Removed FuseJumperSounder 1 F2 X1/ 3&4,1&2 F2 X1/5&4,1&2 X1/5&6,2&3Sounder 2 F3 X2/ 3&4,1&2 F3 X2/5&4,1&2 X2/5&6,2&34 Operation4.1 Basic Operation4.1.1 Silencing of Fault and Fire Alarm1) Silencing of fault and fire alarm is processed in operation level 2.2) In fault state, press “Silence” key, the internal buzzer and the sounder are in silencemode, the "Silence" LED is lit; Press “Silence” key again, the buzzer returns to non-silencing state and the silence LED goes out. 3) In fire alarm state, press “Silence” key to acknowledge the fire alarm first. If the firealarm in one zone has been acknowledged, the "Fire" LED of that zone turns from flashing to constantly lit. After all the fire alarms are acknowledged, press “Silence” key to change the silencing state of the internal buzzer and external sounder. 4.1.2 Day/Night Working Mode1) Day/night working mode is related to delay output. There are two methods tochange the Day/Night working mode. 2) Shorting the “DAY MODE” input terminal can enforce the panel into night mode. 3) At operation level 2, press “shift” key for 1 second to change Day/night mode. If daymode is selected, "DAY MODE" LED is lit. 4) Note: If the panel works in day mode for over 18 hours, it will change to night modeautomatically. At the same time, the "DAY MODE" LED flashes. The panel turns into fault. At level 2, press “Reset” to clear the fault. 4.1.3 Self-check and Fire Alarm Clearance1) Self-check and fire alarm clearance is in operation level 2.2) Press “Reset” for 1 second to clear fire alarm in alarm state, to self-check the soundand LEDs in other states and to clear test and fault state. 4.1.4 Control of External Sounders1) As in Fig., when the “Evacuate” lock points to “I”, the 2-channel externalsounder is activated.Fig. 4.1.4 .12) As in Fig., when the “Evacuate” lock points to “O”, the external sounder4.2 Setting of Isolation State1) Isolation state setting is valid for the four detecting zones.2) Rotate the “CONTROL ENABLE” lock to “I”, press “Select” key for 1 second, the“Isolate” LED flashes; Press “Enter”, the “Isolate” LED becomes constantly lit and enters isolation setting state (see Fig. 4.2a – 4.2d).Fig. Enter3) Press “Select” to select one zone, press “Shift” to change the isolation state of theselected zone. The isolation state is indicated by the "Fault" LED of the corresponding zone, which is off in normal state and constantly lit in isolation state. The “Fire” LED of the corresponding zone, which flashes when selected, indicates th zone (Fig. 4.2e and 4.2f).Fig. 4.2eSelect Fig. 4.2d4) Press “Enter” to exit and save the setting (see Fig. 4.2g).Day/Night Fig. 4.2f EnterFig. 4.2gReset Fig. 4.2h4.3 Setting of Test State It is set in operation level 2.1) Press “Select” key for 1 second, “Isolate” LED flashes. See Fig. 4.2a – 4.2c.2) Press "Shift" key once, "Test" LED flashes. When it flashes, press "Enter", it isconstantly lit and the panel enters test state setting (Fig. 4.3a). EnterDay/NightSelectDay/Night3) Press “Select” key to select the testing zone (see Fig. 4.3b and 4.3c, for example, toalarms fire.3) Code Switch 2 at “ON” means sounder 1 outputs immediately. 4) Code Switch 2 at “OFF” means sounder 1 outputs delayed.4.4.2 Setting of Sounder 2Code Switch 3 and 4 are used to set sounder 2.1) Code Switch 3 at “ON” means sounder 2 outputs when any detecting zone alarmsFig. 4.3cfire.2) Code Switch 3 at “OFF” means sounder 2 outputs only when the 2nd detecting zonealarms fire.3) Code Switch 4 at “ON” means sounder 2 outputs immediately. 4) Code Switch 4 at “OFF” means sounder 2 outputs delayed.4.4.3 Delayed time is 1 minute.4.5 Setting of Ground Fault and Aux. Power1) Connecting jumper X8 with short loop (location of the parts is in Fig. 3.6.2) cancheck Ground fault; Otherwise, not to check Ground fault.2) Selecting the output mode of Aux. Power: Connecting 1 with 2 of jumper X9 asconstant output; Connecting 2 with 3, the system stops for 3 seconds when it resets in fire alarm state (location of the parts is in Fig. 3.6.2). 4.6 Wiring of detectors, manual call points and output circuits and signal outputinterface board with passive normally open alarm output contact and fault output contact 1) The specification of wires allowed for the terminals is cross section within 0.5mm 2~2.5mm 2.2) Taking electromagnetic compatibility into consideration, shielded cable is used inthe system. Keep the shield cover reliable 360o contact with the chassis when installing.3) Each circuit can be connected with 15 conventional fire detectors and infinitemanual call points. There are two methods of connection.a) In the circuit, connect all the manual call points in front of the detectors andconnect a 4.7 k Ω resistor at the end of the circuit. See Fig. Resistor470Ω(normal)470Ω(normal)Zone Input TermsPanelMCPMCPNO DIODEFig. In the circuit, connect the fire detectors and manual buttons at any locationand connect AEOL at the end of the circuit. Connect a diode on the base of the fire detectors. See Fig. Resistor470Ω(normal)470Ω(normal)Zone Input TermsPanelMCPMCPNO DIODEFig. Connection of output circuit: the connected sounders or remote devices shouldhave polarity and be connected according to the polarity of the terminals. Connect the 4.7 k Ω resistor in parallel at the end of the circuit.5) Wiring of signal output interface board has a passive normally open alarm outputcontact and fault output contact: Connect with passive input contact of remote devices without considering polarity. 4.7 Wiring Diagrams4.7.1 Typical WiringFig. 4.7Illustration:SOUNDER OUTPUT :Sounder output WIRED SIMILARLY :Similar wiring FIELD DEVICES :Detectors ZONE INPUT (1~4):Zone inputCOM 0V: Power earth of repeater panelCOM DAY: Day mode terminal of repeater panel COM FIRE: Fire alarm terminal of repeater panel COM ISO: Isolation terminal of repeater panel FLT: Fault terminal of repeater panelZ1~Z4: Zone indication terminals of repeater panel AEOL :Active End of Line UnitVOLT-FREE CONTACT :Active contact EMI FILTER :Filter PSU :PowerTO DISPLAY BOARD :To display board BATT :Standby battery terminal4.7.2 Wiring Diagram with Signal Output Interface BoardFig. 4.84.8 Calculation of Standby Battery Capacity 1) Battery voltage: 24V 2) Power supplyTable 2 PSU capacityMaximum current of output circuitCapacity of internal battery2.0A1.0A 7AhStandby battery works in normal monitoring state (I1)Table 3Current of standby battery (A) Quantity Current Total Current Installing all the Detectors 1 0.13 A 0.13 A Output of Aux. Power Standby battery works in alarming state (I2)Table 4Current of standby battery (A) Quantity Current Total current All the zones in alarming state 0.50 A 0.50 A Sounder output Aux. Power outputSuppose C as the required minimum capacity and T as the time that the battery works in normal monitoring state (unit: hour). Suppose I1 as the total current in normal monitoring state and I2 as the total current in alarming state. Then the battery capacity can be calculated by the formula as follows:C = 1.25[(I1 x T) + I2]Ah5 TroubleshootingTable 5FaultDisposal and CauseAll the LEDs are dark after power upWith +24V output, no +5V outputCheck N7 (3M03) and periphery circuit No +24v output, no +5v outputCheck the fuse F7 of the main board broken or not.Check relay K7 of the main board and its peripheral circuit.No fault reporting of main power and standby battery Check N6 of the main board and its peripheral circuit.Wrong judgment of zone state or output checking state Wrong alarms of many zones: Measure the voltage at VREF_H ofthe main board normal or not. It can be figured out according to the power voltage +24V (really measured) and resistor R67 and R60. Normally, when the power voltage is +27V, the voltage here is 3.65V.Wrong alarming of fault of many zones:Measure the voltage of VREF_L of the main board normal or not. It can be figured out according to the power voltage +24V (really measured) and resistor R68 and R61. Normally, when the power voltage is 27V, the voltage here is 1.0V.Measure the voltage at VREF_S of the main board normal or not. It can be figured out according to the power voltage +24V (really measured) and resistor R58 and R6. Normally, when the power voltage is 27V, the voltage here is 24.7V.Wrong alarming of fault of many output circuits:Measure the voltage of VREF_H ofthe main board normal or not.Check the setting of contact pin X1 – X2 right or not and the fuse F2 – F3 be placed right or not.Not saving the result of setting D9 (24LC02) on the display board isdamaged.Failure of manual lock or certain key D1 on the display board loose contacted tothe socket.Appendix AEOL P-9907 Operation Instruction1 Technical Specifications1) Technical Specifications:Range of Operating Voltage: DC15V~DC28VRating Voltage: DC24VEquivalent Resistor: 4.7kΩOperating Current≤5mA2) Operating Environment:Temperature: -10℃~+50℃3 Mounting and Wiring1) Wiring is as follows:of the zone bus to terminal “3”.b) If the AEOL is not installed with detectors, then connect the anode of zone busto terminal “2” and the cathode of the zone bus to terminal "3”.3) Cautionsa) The polarity of zone bus should not be reverse.b) When the detector is removed, make sure the diode be in sequence in thecircuit.GST ChinaGulf Security Technology Co., Ltd.No. 80, Changjiang East Road, QETDZ, Qinhuangdao, Hebei,P. R. China 066004Tel: +86 (0) 335 8502528Fax: +86 (0) 335 8508942Email: s ales@w GST UKGlobal System Technology PLCStaunton Harold Hall, Staunton Harold Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leicestershire, England LE65 1RTT el :+44 (0)1530 564764F ax :+44(0)1530 564769Rigional OfficePO Box 17998 Unit ZA04 JEBEL ALI Free Zone,Dubai, UAETel: +971 (0) 4 8833050Fax: +971 (0) 4 8833053Email: tech.support@w 。
天津风格琴行 V-AMP 2 清洁: 请按照手册的说明进行清洁。 长期不使用: 如果长期不使用应该拔下电源线。 避免液体或碎屑进入: 注意避免碎屑或各种液体流入效果器内部。 维修: 出现下列情况请找专业人士进行维修 --电源或其他插孔接触不良; --有液体或者碎屑进入机内; --被雨淋湿 --操作或显示不正常 维修服务: 用户不要进行手册没有标明的维修,请联系专业维修人员。
8.2 MIDI 控制参数表
2.5 连接功放系统和舞台监听的演出模式 9 性能参数
3 V-AMP2 储存音色
3.1 调出已存储的音色
3.2 编辑音色
3.3 储存音色
3.4 抛弃一个已编辑音色/恢复原厂音色
3.5 恢复所有原厂音色
4 AMP/音箱模拟介绍
4.1 被模拟的 AMP 特性描述
4.2 被模拟的音箱类型
1.2.1 用户界面
7.1 音频连接插头
1.2.2 V-AMP2 侧面板的接口
7.2 MIDI 连接
2 不同模式的使用范例
7.2.1 发送/接收 MIDI
2.1 选择输出模式
2.2 基本的吉他,踏板开关和外部回放 8 附录
2.3 录音模式
8.1 默认 AMP/音箱搭配
2.4 外接吉他功率放大器的演出模式
天津风格琴行 V-AMP 2
亲爱的顾客: 欢迎您成为 BEHRINGER 用户的一员并感谢您通过购买 V-AMP2 所表示的
GEQ 图形均衡器PEQ 参数均衡器DEQ 动态均衡器WIDTH音像宽广调整FBD 回授抑制DYN 动态处理UTILITY 各项设定选单I / O 输入输出功能BYPASS功能不使用开关MEMORY 储存功能METER 表头RTA 音场实时分析模式在使用此手册之前,请了解说明是依官方操作方式进行,不过在一些功能页面皆包括了一些快速按键的使用,操作者在熟悉基本的运作调整后,自然对于快速使用的功能按键会有一番的认识,而在此不再详述。
2.1 Front panel ( 正面的面版)。
1. LED METER ( 表头指示)。
指示输入的声音讯号电平大小,在其最上方的灯号是CLIP ( 讯号切割) 的指示,表示输入的讯号已经过大,或是在DYN (动态处理)的调整上,其LIMITER( 限制器) 设定限制电平位置过低的原因,参照章节 3.4。
2. METER key ( 表头按键)。
3. RTA key ( 音场实时分析模式按键)。
使用这个按键进入后,可以选择三种不同的分析显示,参照章节 3.8。
4. COMPARE ( 功能调整比较按键)。
5. MEMORY key ( 记忆储存按键)。
在这里,你可以将DEQ - 2496 所调整后的数据储存起来,以方便下次的呼叫使用,参照章节 3.9。
图 2 - 1 各项按键显示图 2 - 2 各项按键显示与飞梭旋转控制定义。
6. PAGE key ( 页面选择按键)。
7. functions performed key ( 功能定义执行按键)。
藉由上方的动作后,欲去执行当下的模式或是型态,或改变设定回复预设等,这个功能按键区分 A 键、B 键,是一个去完成的指令键。
超普瑞克 TCPA-10 安装和安装手册说明书
![超普瑞克 TCPA-10 安装和安装手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/385d858f846a561252d380eb6294dd88d0d23db1.png)
INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING MANUALHyperSpike® TCPA-10This manual contains information that is proprietary to Ultra Electronics – USSI. It is intended solely for the education and use of parties operating and maintaining the equipment described herein.ISSUE DATE: 10/16/2017ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE RELATED TO MOUNTING AND WIRING DIAGRAM ONLY.CHANGE TO ISSUE DATE WILL AFFECT RELATED LABELS.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARNING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPORT, RE-EXPORT, AND TRANSFER OF THIS TECHNICAL DATA IS REGULATED BY US EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FROM THE BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITY.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Page 11.0 INTRODUCTIONThe TCPA-10 family consists of the TCPA-10 4 Ohm, TCPA-10 8 Ohm, and the TCPA-10Distributed Audio. The TCPA-10 4 Ohm and TCPA-10 8 Ohm are Direct Drive systems, useful for public address applications. The TCPA-10 Distributed Audio system is meant for use with fire alarm systems.All TCPA-10 series speaker systems are designed for indoor or outdoor wet applications. TheTCPA-10 produces 90 degrees of acoustic energy and excels in high ambient noise environments. It has an operating temperature range of -40°C to 60°C.1.1. TCPA-10 Direct Drive SpeakerThe TCPA-10 can be configured as an 8 ohm or 4 ohm nominal speaker.Models: 90219A-800-00-LCertification:N/A – Uncertified versionsL – UL 1480 and Class I Division 2, Group A, B, C and D certifiedColor Code: 01 – Black 04 – Gray 05 – Red 06 – WhiteImpedance: 801 – 8 Ohm 802 – 4 OhmTCPA Direct Drive Specifications:* UL Standard SPL MeasurementFrequency Response: 400 Hz – 4000 Hz Directionality: See Figure 1 Weight: 9 lbDimensions: 10.1” H X 10.1” W X 11.3” LSuitable for Outdoor Use (Adapté à l'utilisation externe)Input VoltageImpedance dB SPL (Peak @ 1m)dB SPL (Max @ 1m)* dB SPL (Reverb @ 10ft)Usable Range (Feet @ 80dB)22 8 Ohm 139 134 112 1,640 224 Ohm1421371142,320Page 21.2. TCPA-10 Distributed Audio SpeakerThe TCPA-10 Distributed Audio speaker has five field-selectable power taps that run off of 25 V, 70 V, and 100 VRMS audio systems. The taps can easily be set by turning a slotted selector switch. The speaker has an integrated DC blocking capacitor that allows the fire alarm control panel to conduct circuit supervision. Models:90215A-801-00-LCertification:N/A – Uncertified versionsL – UL 1480 and Class I Division 2, Group A, B, C and D certifiedColor Code: 01 – Black 04 – Gray 05 – Red 06 – WhiteTCPA-10 Distributed Audio Specifications:* UL Standard SPL MeasurementFrequency Response: 400 Hz – 4000 Hz Directionality: See Figure 1Max Supervisory Voltage: 50 VDC Weight: 9 lbDimensions: 10.1” H X 10.1” W X 11.3” LSuitable for Outdoor Use (Adapté à l'utilisation externe)Input VoltageWatts dB SPL (Peak @ 1 m)dB SPL (Max @ 1 m)* dB SPL (Reverb @ 10 ft)Usable Range (Feet @ 80 dB)25 0.5 119 114 90 160 25 1 122 117 96 230 25 1.5 124 119 98 290 25 2 126 121 99 360 25 3 128 123 100 460 70 4 129 124 102 520 70/100 8 131 126 104 650 70 12 133 128 107 820 70/100 16 134 129 107 920 70/100 24 136 131 109 1,160 100 32 137 132 110 1,300 100451391341121,640CAUTION: EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM RATINGS OF THE SPEAKER WILL CAUSE EXCESSIVE DISTORTION AND MAY CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE SPEAKER AND ITS INTERNAL COMPONENTS.MISE EN GARDE: TOUT DÉPASSEMENT DES VALEURS NOMINALES MAXIMALES DU HAUT-PARLEUR ENTRAÎNERA UNE DISTORSION EXCESSIVE ET PEUT PROVOQUER DES DOMMAGES IRRÉVERSIBLES SUR LE HAUT-PARLEUR ET SES COMPOSANTS INTERNES.Figure 1: Dispersion Characteristics at 3 meters as measured by UL LabsPage 2Page 31.3. Optional AccessoriesFigure 2: Optional Accessory KitsOPTIONAL ACCESSORY LIST ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 72377B-801 WALL MOUNT BRACKET2 72378B-801DUAL UNIT MOUNTINGADAPTER3 72379B-801POLE MOUNT ADAPTER 490172A-807AMPLIFIER KIT(Direct Drive)43212.0 TCPA-10 MOUNTINGWARNING: WHEN MOUNTING OUTSIDE MAKE SURE THAT THE SUPPORT SYSTEM USED HAS THE PROPER WIND LOAD RATING AND COMPLIES WITH LOCAL STANDARDS AND CODES.AVERTISSEMENT : EN CAS DE MONTAGE EXTERNE, ASSUREZ-VOUS QUE LE SYSTÈME DE SUPPORT UTILISÉ A UNE CHARGE DE VENT NOMINALE APPROPRIÉE ET QU'IL EST CONFORME AUX NORMES ET CODES LOCAUX.This equipment is suitable for indoor or outdoor wet location use in Class I Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D; or Non-Hazardous locations only.Temperature Code: T5The TCPA-10 comes standard with a mounting bracket from which to mount the unit. TheTCPA-10 is provided with three feet of electrical leads in a ¼ Trade Size flexible conduit exiting the back of the unit (¼ Trade Size Conduit has a nominal Ø.39” ID / Ø.57” OD).Mounting Bracket¼ Trade SizeConduitFigure 3: Mounting BracketPage 42.1. Single MountThe TCPA-10 is intended to be hung from the mounting bracket. A typical mount will usea wall bracket. A double mounting bracket is available for hanging two speakers togetherfor 180° of broadcast coverage (see section 2.2).1) To mount a single TCPA-10, attach the mounting bracket to the wall bracket (optionalaccessory or customer supplied) with three ¼-20 bolts (Figure 4).Figure 4: Attaching Wall Mounting Bracket2) Attach the mounting bracket to the wall or pole with appropriate hardware according tolocal codes and safety practices.Page 52.2. Dual Mount1) To mount two TCPA-10 systems to the same wall mounting bracket, use an optional DualUnit Mounting Adapter. Attach the dual mount plate to the TCPA-10 mounting brackets with the hardware provided in the kit (Figure 5).Figure 5: Attaching a Dual Mount Plate2) Attach the wall mount bracket to the middle holes of the dual mount plate with three ¼-20bolts (Figure 6).Figure 6: Attaching Dual Speaker System to a Wall Mounting BracketPage 63) Attach the mounting bracket to the wall or pole with appropriate hardware according tolocal codes and safety practices.2.3. Tether Attachment1) A tether cable may be attached to all speakers by looping the cable through the large holein the TCPA-10 mounting bracket (Figure 7).Figure 7: Tether Attachment PointPage 73.0 SETTING THE POWER LEVEL – Distributed Audio version only1) To set the power level, use a slotted screwdriver.2) Turn the selector switch clockwise to the stop. This is the .5/4/8 Watt setting.3) To change to a higher setting, count clicks as you turn the switch counter-clockwise to1/8/16 W, 1.5/12/24 W, 2/16/32 W or 3/24/45 W (Figure 8).4) Note that the slot direction does not indicate the setting.Figure 8: Power Selection SwitchWARNING: AFTER INSTALLATION, VERIFY THAT THE SPL AT THE MINIMUM HEARING DISTANCE OF 10 FEET IS LESS THAN 120 DECIBELS (A).AVERTISSEMENT : APRÈS L'INSTALLATION, VÉRIFIEZ QUE LE SPL À LA DISTANCE D'ÉCOUTE MINIMALE DE 3,3 MÈTRES (10 PIEDS) EST INFÉRIEUR À 120 DÉCIBELS (A).Page 84.0 FIELD WIRINGWARNING: EXPLOSION HAZARD. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE EQUIPMENT UNLESS POWER HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF OR UNLESS THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BE NON-HAZARDOUS.AVERTISSEMENT : RISQUE D'EXPLOSION. NE DÉBRANCHEZ PAS L'ÉQUIPEMENT AVANT DE L'AVOIR MIS HORS TENSION OU SAUF SI LA ZONE EST CONNUE POUR ÊTRE NON DANGEREUSE.4.1. Cable RoutingAll TCPA-10 systems come with a three-foot long weather-proof ¼ Trade Size flexible conduit and 42” leads.Route the conduit to a junction box approved by local electrical codes and standards.Follow your integrator’s instructions for installing into an appropriate junction system.4.2. Wiring DiagramsThe 4 ohm (Direct Drive) and Distributed Audio systems have four lead wires. The 4 and 8 ohm should be wired as shown below. The duplicate wires on the Distributed Audio is for placing multiple units in series (i.e. multiple TCPA-10s on the same Distributed Audio line).DirectDriveDistributedAudioDirectDriveFigure 9: TCPA-10 Wiring DiagramsPage 95.0 WARRANTYUltra Electronics – USSI warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment from USSI’s facility. This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and all subsequent owners, provided a copy of the original dated bill of sale is presented when service is requested under warranty.If your product should require service, write, phone, fax or e-mail Ultra Electronics – USSI at:Ultra Electronics – USSI4868 East Park 30 DriveColumbia City, IN 46725Phone: 260-248-3665Fax: 260-248-3510E-mail: ********************************URL: We will either direct you to a local service agency or provide you with a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number so that you can ship the product to our factory. Do not ship the product to us without first obtaining an RMA number. Place the RMA number on all boxes returned to the factory to prevent equipment from being lost or mishandled. Merchandise returned to us for service under warranty must be accompanied by a copy of the original bill of sale, and shipped prepaid. You are responsible for transporting your product to our factory. We will pay the return shipping charges on all products repaired under warranty.5.1. Failures Not Covered by This WarrantyThis warranty covers manufacturing defects. The warranty DOES NOT cover:1) Damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, product modification or neglect.2) Damage incurred during shipment (you must claim these damages from the carrier).3) Damage resulting from failure to operate the product in accordance with the instruction manual.4) Damage resulting from attempted repairs by unauthorized personnel.5) Claims based on any perceived agreement not explicitly stated in this warranty such asconversations with service personnel or sales representatives.5.2. Limitation of Implied WarrantiesAll implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability, are limited in duration to a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment from Ultra Electronics – USSI.5.3. Exclusion of Certain DamagesUltra’s liability is limited to the repair or replac ement, at our option, of any defective product, and shall in no event include incidental or consequential commercial damages of any kind. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the preceding limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.For further information regarding this warranty, parts, or service, please contact Ultra Electronics – USSI through one of the methods listed at the beginning of this warranty section.Page 10Ultra Electronics – USSI4868 East Park 30 Drive Columbia City, IN 46725 USA +1-260-248-3666。
24G新型微波传感模组说明书产品名称: 微波人体感应传感器 产品型号:DL-S24G-102文件版本号:V1.1使用本模块产品前,注意以下重要事项:仔细阅读本说明文档本模块属于静电敏感产品,安装测试时请在防静电工作台上进行操作。
本模块默认使用外接天线,天线可选用导线天线或者标准的UHF天线,具体天 线的客户请根据实际情况进行选择,如果所应用的终端产品是金属外壳,请务 必把天线安装于金属外壳之外,否则会导致射频信号严重衰减,影响有效使用距离。
本系列模块各项指标符合常用的国际认证,客户应用本模块的产品如需通过某 些特殊认证,我司会根据客户的需求对某些指标进行调整。
本模块不可应用于生命救助,生命保障系统,以及一切由于设备故障会导致人 身伤害或生命危险的场合,任何组织或个人开展上述应用需自行承担一切风险, 骏晔科技不承担任何连带相关的责任。
骏晔科技不承担任何应用了本模块的产品所引起的直接或间接造 成的破坏,伤害,利益损失。
文件版本更新管理日期 软件版本 说明2016-8-5 标准版本V1.0 标准版本2018-5-20 升级版本V1.1模块介绍1、特点简介DL-S24G是一款多普勒微波感应器。
Guide to Accelerometer InstallationTechnical Paper 319By Jim MatthewsTransducer mountingMounting of the transducer is as important as the selection of the transducer in many applications. If the motion of the test structure is not accurately transmitted to the transducer, it cannot be accurately measured. Any mounting method different from that used for calibration should be characterized for its dynamic characteristics over the intended frequency and amplitude range. The recommended mounting method for shock and vibration measurements is that used for calibration.Surface preparationTransducer mounting technique and surface preparation can affect the amplitude frequency response of the measurement, particularly at high frequencies. Care should be taken to ensure a flush mating with a smooth, flat surface. Nicks, scratches, or other deformations of the mounting surface or the transducer will affect frequency response. Good machine shop practices are usually adequate:A thin application of a light lubricant will improve transmissibility, filling voids with nearly incompressible fluid and thereby increasing compressive stiffness of the joint. This is particularly important for measurements above 2 kHz, at which any changes in resonance have significant effect on measurements.Mounting using threaded studsThe best way to mount a transducer is using the recommended mounting stud. Stud mounting provides higher transmissibility than any other method. The transducer should be mounted with the specified stud or screw, so that the entire base of the transducer is in intimate contact with the surface of the test article. Fora mounting stud, it must be of the correct length and incorporate a flange to prevent “bottoming” of the stud in the accelerometer, which may cause strain induced errors. A torque wrench should be used to mount all accelerometers to ensure repeatability in the installation of the transducers and to prevent thread damage. The mounting torque recommended by the manufacturer should be followed. Endevco offers standard anodized aluminum cementing studs for adhesively mounting a stud mount accelerometer at a minimal cost. For highertemperature requirements, models 2985 and 2986 stainless steel studs may be required. Contact Endevco application engineers to review the multitude of mounting studs available.Mounting using adhesivesMost miniature accelerometers can only be mounted using an adhesive, which becomes part of the structure being measured. The stiffness of the cured adhesive is critical to the measurement performance of the total system. No adhesive is as stiff as a normal mounting stud. The more adhesive joints there are between the test structure and the accelerometer, the greater will be the degradation of transmissibility.Since the manufacturer calibrates its transducer using aspecific mounting adhesive, following the manufacturer’s recommendation is critical in obtaining the intended performance. Different adhesives should be evaluated over the intended frequency and amplitude range. Figure 1 shows the affects different adhesives have on the frequency response of a 10-gram accelerometer performed at 10 g’s. At room temperature, cyanoacrylate has the bestGuide to accelerometer installationThe best way to mount a transducer is using the recommended mounting stud.The stiffness of the cured adhesive is critical to the measurement performance of the total system.Surface flatness 0.0003” TIR Surface roughness 32 micro inch Perpendicularity of hole: 1 degree ±.5° Tap class2coupling characteristics over a wide frequency range. Hot glue (glue gun) seems to be least effective, but it can be easily applied and removed. Dismounting an adhesively mounted transducer must be carried out with great care. It should not be removed with impacts, but instead with solvents, allowing softening of the bond, supplemented by light shearing torque. All traces of adhesives should be removed using recommended solvents only. Most damages to miniature accelerometers are caused by improper removal techniques. Endevco provides mounting and removal instructions with each accelerometer designed for adhesive mounting. These recommendations for mounting and removal will ensure continued error free operation of the accelerometer .For applications at temperature extremes, there are commercially available adhesives that are specifically formulated to handle the hot or cold environments. For cryogenic applications, a room temperature cure, two component polymer epoxy resin system has been proven to be effective down to –200˚C. It is important for a low temperature adhesive to be able to withstand cryogenic thermal shock without showing signs of cracking. For applications at very high temperature (up to 700˚C), ceramic based adhesives are typically used due to theirheat resistant properties. Ceramic adhesives also require a high curing temperature, which prevents its use in most transducer mounting applications. At lower temperatures (from a maximum of 200˚C to 300˚C), a few commercial suppliers offer proprietary modified epoxy resins that are room temperature cured, and can operate up to 260˚C.Mounting using magnetic adaptersMagnetic mounting adapters are popular in industrial vibration monitoring applications where quick point to point measurements are to be made periodically. Most magnetic adapters are massive, and they are only useful for low frequency measurements below a few hundred Hertz. Figure 3 shows a typical response of an accelerometer mounted on a magnetic mounting adapter running at 10 g’s. Note that the accelerometer in this example is relatively lightweight (<10 grams). With heavier units, such as those designed for industrial applications, the frequency response degradation would be more pronounced. Endevco’s magnetic mounting adaptor, model 2988M7, is recommended for general purpose 10-32 tap accelerometers.Special attention is required when using a magnetic mounting adapter . During installation, the magnetic forceIt is important for a low temperature adhesive to be able to withstand cryogenic thermal shockMost damages to miniature accelerometers are caused byimproper removal techniques.Figure 1 Frequency response curves with various adhesivesFigure 3Sample frequency response curve, stud vs magnetic mountthe user to electrically isolate three accelerometers from the measurement surface. This triaxial block also has counterbored holes for installing cap screws, for accelerometer taps, from the opposite side, thereby enabling orientation of side connector accelerometers for common cable exit direction of all three accelerometers. Contact Endevco application engineers for the mounting block most appropriate for your specific requirement.For additional information on accelerometer mounting, contact Endevco Communications Department and request the following technical papers: TP218 (Effects of mounting on accelerometer response) and TP312 (Guide to adhesively mounting accelerometers).that pulls the adapter/accelerometer assembly towards the mounting structure often induces an unexpectedly high level of shock input to the accelerometer at the time of contact, causing damage in the sensing elements or the internal electronics. Effective use of magnets for mid-level frequencies requires detailed surface preparation, which may extend the overall test timeframe.Triaxial mounting blocks and isolation adaptersMany installations require the transducer to be mounted on an adapter block for triaxial (three orthogonal axes) measurement, or for electrical ground isolation purposes. The block itself becomes part of the structure being measured, and acts as an additional spring mass system, whose transfer function needs to be defined before use. To maximize transmissibility, a good mounting block or adapter should be as small, light weight, and stiff as possible. The ideal material is beryllium, but it is not commonly used due to safety regulations and cost. Other materials, such as magnesium or aluminum are widely used with some compromise in transmissibility above 10 kHz. It is therefore recommended that the accelerometers be calibrated together with the mounting block or adapter . There are triaxial accelerometers on the market that come in a single housing, designed to minimize mounting block related effects. There are also transducers that feature built-in electrical ground isolation, which eliminates the use of an isolation adapter .Endevco triaxial blocks are precision machined with tight tolerances for optimum mounting. Endevco model 2950, with an anodized aluminum surface, enablesFigure 4Various Endevco triaxial mounting blocks and mounting studsMost magnetic adapters aremassive, and they are only useful for low frequency measurementsA good mounting block or adapter should be as small, light weight, and stiff as possible.10869 NC Highway 903, Halifax, NC 27839 USA |*****************| 866 363 3826© 2022 PCB Piezotronics - all rights reserved. PCB Piezotronics is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amphenol Corporation. Endevco is an assumed name of PCB Piezotronics of North Carolina, Inc., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Accumetrics, Inc. and The Modal Shop, Inc. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of PCB Piezotronics, Inc. IMI Sensors and Larson Davis are Divisions of PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Except for any third party marks for which attribution is provided herein, the company names and product names used in this document may be the registered trademarks or unregistered trademarks of PCB Piezotronics, Inc., PCB Piezotronics of North Carolina, Inc. (d/b/a Endevco), The Modal Shop, Inc. or Accumetrics, Inc. Detailed trademark ownership information is available at /trademarkownership.TP 319-012522。
Bose Panaray 302 Loudspeaker 安装指南说明书
![Bose Panaray 302 Loudspeaker 安装指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a923f942dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae45cc3ae.png)
302Installer’s GuideSafety reminders1.1Read and keep all safety and operating instructions for futurereference.1.2For your safety, follow all cautions and warnings in the operatinginstructions and on the speakers.1.3Follow the instructions in this guide carefully when installing thisproduct.1.4Do not install the loudspeakers near excessive heat sources.This includes installations near or above radiators, ranges, grills,fryers, stoves, or other appliances.1.5Always route cables so heavy or sharp objects cannot pinch orcut them.1.6Service by a qualified service person if:A.The loudspeaker cone is visibly damaged;B.The loudspeakers do not operate normally even though theinstructions in this guide have been followed;C.The loudspeakers exhibit a distinct change in performance.Nic Merks23English1.0Package contents2.0Steps for loudspeaker installationTo install the Bose ® Panaray ® 302™A loudspeaker, first remove the transformer cover from the bracket.2.1Changing the voltage and tap settingThe transformer is set at the factory for 70V , 200W operation.To change from 70V , replace the orange wire with:•Yellow for 100VTo change from 200W, replace the red wire with:•Green for 100W•Violet for 50W•Blue for 25WCaution: Do not replace or remove the black ground wire.Be sure to put a wire nut or electrical tape over the bare end of the4 2.2Mounting the bracket Caution: Install the loudspeakers in compliance with local building and electrical codes. Use minimum size #10 (M4) pan head screws.In the U.S., this version is designed for installation using Class 2wiring methods in accordance with Articles 640 and 725 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.2.2.1Prepare the mounting surface For either wall or ceiling mounting, use all four mounting holes on the bracket, and use anchors as needed. For indoor installations on wallboard, be sure that at least two of the screws attach to a stud.Ceiling mounted2.2.2 Make an allowance for the wiringConsider how the amplifier wires will thread into the bracket.•To use the rear opening on the bracket, be sure toinsert the wires first, before you mount the bracket.•To use the bottom opening, remove the plug from that opening. Insert the wires through that opening after thebracket is attached.2.2.3 Steps for adding a safety cable562.4 Attaching the speaker to the bracket 2.3 Connecting the amplifier wires7English 2.5 Connecting the speaker wires2Red (+)Black (-)2.6 Adjusting the speaker。
百灵达dsp-8024简体中文说明书百灵达dsp-8024简体中文说明书DSP-8024的前身是DSP-8000, 它是目前数字均衡器系列里面,功能齐全,这下子可免啦,虽然不是第一名,不过功能很强哦!现在我们就来剖析这DSP-8024 吧1 DSP-8024从正面板上可看到左边的4组型态设定键.4个微调键,右边则是光标键,显示面板是一片240 x 60的背光式屏幕.2 MIDI 控制指示灯, DSP-8024 可藉由MIDI管道来改变数据.而当此界面功能有使用连接时,指示灯将会依MIDI的动作来闪烁指示.3 按下EQ(等化调整)其按键的上方会有一绿色的指示灯.提醒目前的位置.然后会看到如图2-1的画面.除了31段的图形均衡器,还有4个大标题.简述各意义功能如下.FB-D (回授消除功能)每一音轨各有3组多功智能型的回授监测引擎.DLY OFF DLY ON (音场延迟功能) DSP-8024具有音场输出延迟功能.最大延迟时间可达5000ms.也可换算ft或是m的制量.EDIT (编辑)调各项功能的选择按键.4 RTA(频谱分析模式).当切换到此控制页面时,DSP-8024可智慧的分析音场. 提供最新的频谱参考信息.5 按下IN/OUT(输入输出)的按键.在按键的上方有一颗LED指示灯,藉由键的按取.可得,绿色灯:代表声音讯号有经过DSP-8024处理.红色灯:输入的表示:bypass DSP-8024不使用处理器.6 按下SET UP(设定)的按键.可进入更改基本的默认值,当页面在EQ(等化调整)或是在RTA(分析模式)时.各有不同的调整参数内容.7 4组微调式的按键.(A,B,C,D)这是一组调整数据的功能键.它依目前面板指B及C是小幅度`的增加或是减少数据的按键.8 光标键功能是在指示面板里,可上下左右的移动到各功能数据区.它依目前面板指示在何种状态.即有不一样的功能.1-2. 背板输出入简述.10 DSP-8024主电源开关.11 产品序列编号.12 AES/EBU数字输出入界面(选配).取样范围32K,44.1K,48KHz频率等功能,13 MIDI输入,输出,通过,连接界面区,14 模拟输出部份,一样架构了XLR( 超低电抗格式),TRS 1/4",标准规格平衡式输出.当输出位置是选择AES/EBU数字界面时, 模拟的输出端一样也会保持讯号输出着.15 模拟输入部份,架构了XLR( 超低电抗格式),TRS 1/4", 标准规格平衡式输入.16 麦克风参考数值取得输入端.2 . 起动使用( OPERATION )接下来的各项章节里,将会引导使用者对DSP-8024由陌生到熟悉.也许指南不同.然而DSP-8024设计时就是一台可朔性非常高的处理器.需求.完成系统中的主要担当组件.PS:图形等化模式与现场分析型态,是不能共同使用,在此说明.2-1. 图形均衡器(Equalizer)开机的顺序完成后. 首先就会进入图2-1此画面.( 开机后到此画面的过程. 输出是关闭的,等到画面出现后,才会有输出).然后利用面板右方的光标功能键,左右的移动(选择频段),找到欲调整的频段时. 再使用上下的功能键,做增加或是减少的调整动作.整个音场即会受到改变.图2-2就是光标功能键,左右移动到欲调整的频段时,画面都会显示其数据信息的小窗口.现在的指示是停在总输出的位置.F:就是显示调整的频段位置.L:左声道的位能指示R:右声道的位能指示失.只要触碰光标功能任一键, 信息的小窗口.即会再显示出来.2-2. 表头电平位能指示( The Level Meter)按下微调键.(A) METER ,会有如图2-9的画面显示出来.在任何的时间内表头会记录出动态讯号的平均值,峰值让使用者的眼睛看到某一段的位能指示,以了解适时调整讯号大小,现在的画面里有LIMIT的字眼. 就是代表有执行LIMITER的功能.(LIMIT的字眼是闪烁忽现忽灭的.是动态性能的表示).2-2-1. 确认(OK).决定后按下OK (微调键.A).就会离开此画面而回到前一画面.2-2-2. 清除(CLEAR)清除目前的表头指示数据,然后它会再纪录新的动态讯号的平均值,峰值,2-2-3. 输入/输出表头位能指示.(IN/OUT) 利用, IN OUT 此功能可选择检视任一波段的动态指示数据.在输入时的位能,与经过DSP-8024作用后, 输出的讯号位能比较.2-2-4. 表头型式选择.(DIG MAX, +4dBu, -10dBv)三种国际表头指示转换. 不同的表头格式.+4dBu 指示表头.工业/专业级的电平校准-10dBv 指示表头.业余/一般消费者与家用器材连接用的.2-2-5. 表头数据参考图表.2-3. 回授消除功能(The Feedback Destroyer)按下微调键B,画面会跳至下图2-4共有四种功能运用.代码字符.(Code) 型态(Mode)AUT 自动侦测SGL (单一次信号侦测)LCK (锁定)OFF (关闭)PAR (参数型功能)利用面板右边的光标功能键上下左右的移动到MODE位置下的选定一组单元.2-3-1. AUT(自动侦测) 它任何时间都在做扫瞄音频的动作.当有一回授讯号出现时即立刻修减参数切断回授讯号的位能.当又扫瞄到回授频率后原先锁定的回授几组自动模式,它永远会是在待命扫瞄,然后以新的回授锁定讯号取代之.2-3-2. SGL((单一次信号侦测) 此模式是当扫瞄到回授频率后,即立刻修减参数把LCK的字眼改成SGL的状态即可.2-3-3. LCK((锁定) 回授锁定表示使用(Single Shot)功能时,当它扫除某一点回授频率,完成工作后的表示.2-3-4. OFF(关闭) 关掉任一参数点不使用功能.此时代表其参数点的位能是0dB.2-3-5. PAR(参数型均衡器) 此一模式即自己选择欲调整的频率,然后来做增加或是减少位能的动作.Q值斜率的宽窄也可自行调整.注意事项:欲改变或取消已锁定过的回授频率点时,请确定或有心理准备.此回授点的位能会再度出现,2-4. 延迟功能(DELAY)利用微调键C,可得到DLY OFF DLY ON 此两型态的切换.来控制音场延迟功能的使用与否.2-5. 均衡器的编辑(Equalizer editing)利用微调键D. EDIT 进入后会看到如图2-5的画面.2-5-1. 记忆模块区(MEMORY)DSP-8024拥有100组记忆管理模块,可以储存用户各型态的数据调整.唯独输入的选择,及MIDI界面位码,此两组模式是无法储存的.利用微调键D. MEMORY 进入后会看到LOAD STORE CALC 三组字眼. LOAD (呼叫)键按下后屏幕上会显示前一次呼叫的记忆模块.要选择别的记忆组别则利用面板右侧的光标键上与下来决定要呼叫出的组别. 当决定了模块后,按下OK 键(微调按键的A,)此时才真正的完成呼叫动作. STORE (储存)键按下后,画面一样会出现上次呼叫的模块.此只要按下OK键(微调按键的A,)它就会覆写目前的模块,或是利用面板右侧的光标键上与下来决定要储存的记忆组别之后,再按下OK 键(微调按键的A,)就完成新的储存动作.CALC (计算)键按下后,LOAD键及STOTRE键字眼旁会出现+或是-号,亦或是没有符号.这个意思是利用计算按键CALC 来呼叫/储存记忆模块前,做倍数的增加或是减少.举例:原在使用的模块1khz位置是+3dB.此时CALC (计算)键按下后LOAD+ 会出现再按一次CALC (计算)键.会换成LOAD- 再按一次CALC (计算)键.会换成LOADLOAD+ 原在使用的模块1khz位置是+3dB.会增加成6dB.LOAD- 原在使用的模块1khz位置是+3dB.会减少成0dB.LOAD 没有变化.相对的STORE就是将此数据储存成新的记忆模块或覆盖原先的模块.2-5-2. 工具使用(TOOLS)利用微调键B,可得到ZERO, INVERT, L→R, SHELF四组字眼.ZERO (归零)键按下后,图形均衡器的数据,包括总音量将会全部回到0dB. INVERT (转换颠倒)键.按下后,会将目前各频率的数据与之相反.以所选取的频率为中心做增加或减少的动作.低通调整,高通调整,此数值是告诉DSP-8024可由半阶的斜率比值到5阶的能力.注意事项:利用TOOLS模式所做的功能,调整到所需的图形后.按下OK 键.此图形即成为用户所要的数据.如欲再度修改,则再回到. TOOLS 然后再选择欲改变的音场功能即可.2-5-3. 连结调整(L-R)L R 独立调整左或是右边声道的选择图案.当上方两组图案出现即表示8024目前是两声道链接的模式.由右方或左方为主调整的选择.2-5-4. A/B 模块调整前后的比照功能) (微调按键的D,)当调整任一模块内的参数后.原模块数据会自动跳到A型态.有调整到的模块数据则列为B型态.然后利用此A/B按键(微调按键的D,)去比照调整前后不一样的感觉.2-6. 均衡器的设定(Equalizer setup)2-6-1. 切换立体模式或是独立模式.在立体链接(STEREOLINK ON)模式开启时.只要调整一边的数据后,此数据会对应到另一边.在立体链接(STEREOLINK OFF)模式关闭时..左右的音场数据各自独立调整, 互不影响.2-6-2. 动态限制功能,起始点数据设定.(LIM.THR.)OFF,0dB~-36dB.2-6-3. 动态限制功能,释放时间设定.(LIM.REL.)0.5sec~5sec.2-6-4. 延迟功能(DELAY).DSP-8024具有音场输出延迟功能.最大延迟时间米制,英呎,微秒等三种.2-6-5. 动态噪音闸功能起始点数据设定.(GATE THR).OFF,-96dB~-44dB. 2-6-6. 交错转换(CROSSFADE).此功能是记忆模块的场景在更换时,图形等化器上的数据更换速度值.其数据由0sec.(最快速)到15sec. (最慢速)2-6-7. 音程斜率比(SHLVING SLOPE).此设定值可决定任一频率上下频带的二,三阶左右,电子分音器则须要4阶24dB.以上,DSP-8024的斜率调整可由3dB.~30dB.2-7. 一般的设定(General setup)欲进入图2-10画面,按着指示灯是在闪烁模式下的SETUP (设定)键不放,2-7-1. 观看角度(VIEWING ANGLE).调整面板视觉的比差.2-7-2. 输入界面切换(INPUT). 更变量位讯号或是模拟讯号输入方式, (数字界面是选配的,所以如果没有进驻此一装置,画面会主动在模拟输入的位置.其旁边的取样比,也只有在数字输出入选用时,才有作用.2-7-3. 记忆模块保护(PROTECT MEM). 一样的,起动及解除都必须写入当初所写入的密码.确认后才可使用.2-7-4. EQ LOW最低数目开始.EQ HIGH最高数目开始.它的功能是保护你所设限的记忆模块不被覆写.举例: 最低数目写10, 最高数目写30,那记忆模块10~30将被保护不被更改覆写.2-7-5. RTA LOW最低数目开始.RTA HIGH最高数目开始.它的功能是保护你所设限的记忆模块不被覆写.(RTA的记忆模块一共有十组.)2-7-6. RTA LOCK (实模式功能关闭及开放.)2-7-7. 安全警戒(SECURITY). 此功能是保护内部或记忆,或调整参数的设定. 开机后,要使用DSP-8024时,必须要写入当初起用安全警戒(SECURITY)功能时,所写下的密码.确认后才可使用机器.2-8. 音乐控制界面设定(MIDI setup)在图2-10的画面时.(此时SETUP的指示灯是恒亮着的模式).再单击SETUP键一次即进入图2-11的画面.2-8-1. 音乐控制界面使用及关闭的功能(MIDI ON OFF)频道(CHANNEL)1~16.*MIDI的频道共有16组2-8-2. 音乐控制界面传送接收的功能(SND RCV)传送记忆模块.SND MEMORY DUMP接收记忆模块.RCV MEMORY DUMP当有两台以上的DSP-8024藉由MIDI相接时,就可以此功能相互接收或是传送记忆模块数据.2-8-3. 全频道音乐控制界面使用及关闭的功能(OMNI-MODE ON OFF). CNTL(界面控制).可改变数据,顺序,频率数据20hz~20khz,主音量.左声道,右声道,PROG(程序纲要)内容的改变设定.EXCL(Exclusive专有的)此功能专为计算机软件与DSP-8024所建立的. 2-9. 实模式频谱分析编辑(RTA EDIT)此时会进入图2-7的主画面.说明如下.标会锁定你所选择的频率点.然后画面会跳出一信息窗口显示目前的数据. 当你不再选择频率点时,此信息窗口会持续显示大约4秒后自动消失.欲再显示信息窗口时.只要按任一光标功能键即可.2-9-2. 分析模式记忆模块区(RTA MEMORY)MEMORY 利用微调键A(RTA记忆模块)按下进入调整区一样的会看到LOAD STORE RTA TO EQ 三组字眼,关于LOAD STORE 的操作方式,请参照使用指南2-5-1.即可.另外要说明的是RTA分析模式记忆模块一共只有十组.RTA TO EQ 当使用分析模式进行音场分析时.屏幕会显示目前实时的音场数据音频曲线.2-9-3. 分析模式工具使用(RTA TOOLS)TOOLS 利用微调键B(RTA工具使用)进入后,会有AUTO Q, HOLD, RESET M GAIN等4组字眼.其说明如下.AUTO Q 自动音场分析模式.此功能是利用参考麦克风(BehringerECM-8000)拾取现场PA喇叭反应的音域,来调整改善音场.要能执行此功能必须拥有几个要素才可成立,第一是参考数据的来源(SOURCE)第二是参考数据的来源位能大小比率.(GAIN MODE)第三是拾取参考数据的麦克风位置.(MIC CORRECTIVE)第四是欲修正的等化音场图形模式. (AUTO-Q CURVE)第五是真实分析素材输出(RTA OUTPUT)的型式.第六是真实分析素材输出位能大小(RTA OUTPUT LEVEL)所以在欲使用DSP-8024 AUTO-Q此功能时,请先确定内部一些基本设定, SOURCE(讯号来源) MICRO(麦克风)GAIN MODE(位能的型式) AUTO(自动模式)MIC CORR(麦克风参考位置) NONE(没有特别指定)AUTO-Q CURVE(自动曲线) FLAT(平坦模式)RTA OUTPUT(真实分析素材输出) PINK(粉红色噪音加权指数)LEVEL(真实分析素材输出大小位能) -20dB.以上设定确认后,按下AUTO Q 自动音场分析模式后.会三组字眼出现先分析左音场再分析右音场.先分析右音场再分析左音场.上述的图形字眼是DSP-8024在立体链接的模式.RTA的动作会自动分析左音场后再分析右音场所以STEREO LINK ON时,这几个作用功能只要任选一种即可.L+R 先分析左音场再分析右音场.当STEREO LINK OFF时,会有L 只分析左音场R 只分析右音场.在此特别说明.而确定型态后,AUTO-Q就会开始分析,你会听到Pink noisc的变化.不久之后.Pink noisc `讯号会中断大约1秒.然后声音再回到标准Pink noisc的位能. 这也就表示分析完成.此时将化面跳回到图形等化曲线的页面.即可看到修正分析后的音场图形.HOLD 藉由此功能,可将频谱分析仪上的最高讯号位能记录下来.使用此功能时HOLD 图案的字体会加粗,代表此功能在使用中.RESET 将锁住的峰值讯号清除掉. 重新记录最高讯号位能值(PEAK LEVEL).A GAIN 频谱分析仪上的测试位能,它是自动调整的,这也建议使用的功能.藉由此自动功能.可以找出最理想的位能.M GAIN 频谱分析仪上的测试位能,它是以手动方式来调整的,它会遵循使用者所给予的位能大小来做频谱分析.当然你必须很了解现场的音压大小来做调整. 因为手动方式调整是不会自动补偿或减少位能的.2-9-4. 分析模式输入选择(MICRO, L, R, L+R, )MICRO 以参考麦克风为输入方式.L+R 左右两声道的合成讯号输入方式.L 左声道的讯号输入方式.R 右声道的讯号输入方式.2-9-5. 分析模式显示速度15ms 快速显示,15微秒.65ms 中快速显示,65微秒.250ms 中慢速显示,250微秒.1.0s 慢速显示,1秒.3. 频谱分析设定(RTA setup)按下在面板左边的RTA按键.其上方的绿色的指示灯会亮着.此时会进入图2-7然后再按下面板左边的SET UP按键.就会进入图2-9的画面.请注意,此时SETUP的灯会在闪烁模式.注意事项,无论是设定EQ页面或是RTA页面.当设定进行到SETUP指示灯在闪烁模式时.若再按着指示灯是在闪烁模式下的SETUP (设定)键不放,大约两秒,控制画面就会跳到图2-10.及图2-11的内部基本设定此时SETUP 的指示灯会变成恒亮着的模式:现在说明图2-9实模式频谱分析设定(RTA setup)SOURCE(频谱分析输入型式选择.)有MICRO(麦克风),LEFT(左声道), RIGHT(右声道), MONO(单声道,也是两声道的合成),PEAK HOLD(峰值位能锁定).ON, OFF,RESOLUTION(解析),它是改变频谱图形分析的分辨率.可调整成1格图像1dB.或是1格图像0.5dB.GAIN MODE(频谱分析位能调整方式). AUTO方式频谱分析仪上的测试位能,MANUAL频谱分析仪上的测试位能,它是以手动方式来调整的,它会遵循使用者所给予的位能大小来做频谱分析.当然你必须很了解现场的音压大小来做调整.因为手动方式调整是不会自动补偿或减少位能的.LINE GAIN,分析参数是由左或右声道的成音讯号来做分析.其输入讯号位能大小调整.由0dB.~+60dB.MIC GAIN,分析参数是由参数麦克风讯号来做分析.其输入讯号位能大小调整.由+20dB.~+80dB.MIC CORR(麦克风参数位置).此项功能请设定在NONE(没有)的位置即可.ANALYZER(分析方式).可以PEAK峰值,或是RMS平均值.DECAY(衰退时间)其格式可区分15, 65, 250, 或是1000微秒的衰退时间.每当20dB.的位能时.AUTO-Q CURVE(自动音场分析曲线).默认值是平坦的.或是可选择等化调整的记忆模块1~100中的任一组来分析调整.RTA OUTPUT(频谱分析参数讯号输出).一共有:PINK=Pink noisc,粉红色噪音.WHITE=White noisc, 白色噪音.SINE=Sine Wave,正弦波SINE f(正弦波输出频调整)由20Hz~20kHz.。
操作步骤1 将水样加入试管直至10ml刻度线(执行空白检测)2 加入一片碱度试剂片,碾碎、搅拌使之溶解3 将水样静置1分钟后重新混匀水样。
4 在光度计上选择Phot 2号检测程序。
5 参照光度计操作手册说明,用光度计读取测量值6 测量结果以为mg/l CaCO3单位显示注:如将碱度表示方式由CaCO3转化为HCO3-请乘以系数1.22。
操作步骤1 将水样加入试管直至10ml刻度线(执行空白检测)2 加入一片铝试剂片1号,碾碎、搅拌使之溶解3 加入一片铝试剂片2号,碾碎、慢慢搅拌使之溶解,请不要剧烈搅动4 静置5分钟,使之完全显色5 在光度计上选择Phot 3铝检测程序6 将试管放入光度计进行测量(参照光度计说明书)7 测量结果的单位为mg/l Al.干扰聚磷酸盐或氟离子的存在会导致测量结果偏低。
修正方法为:在测得的铝离子浓度基础上乘以(1+0.4F),其中F为氟离子浓度(mg/l F)。
氟离子浓度的检测方法见Phot 14 氟离子检测方法。
百灵达氨氮测量法可以测量0 - 1.0 mg/l N浓度范围的水中氨氮(氨态氮)含量。
BL102 说明书
![BL102 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b8a77ace690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d266d9.png)
修订记录1 产品简介 (6)概述 (6)应用示意图 (7)包装清单 (7)功能特点 (10)技术参数 (11)设备选型 (13)2 硬件说明 (14)外形尺寸 (14)电源接口 (14)SIM卡和SD卡 (15)调试和升级接口 (15)网关设备接地 (15)4G天线接线口 (16)LED指示灯 (16)复位按钮 (17)COM口和电源输出接口 (17)WAN口和LAN口 (18)3 产品安装 (18)壁挂式 (18)导轨安装 (19)4 配置软件使用说明 (19)登录配置软件的步骤 (19)4.1.1 打开配置软件 (20)4.1.2 搜索网关设备 (20)4.1.3 连接网关设备 (21)配置软件各项配置说明 (22)4.2.1 系统功能 (22)4.2.2 COM口使用说明 (24) COM口属性配置 (24) 添加COM口采集的设备 (24) 添加COM口设备要采集的数据点 (27)4.2.3 LAN口使用说明 (29) LAN口的属性配置 (29) 添加LAN口采集的设备 (29) 添加LAN口设备要采集的数据点 (31)4.2.4 WAN口使用说明 (31) WAN口的属性配置 (31) 添加WAN口采集的设备 (32) 添加WAN口设备要采集的数据点 (33)4.2.5 4G使用说明 (34)4.2.6 报警与事件配置 (34) 报警点的配置 (35) 报警事件的配置 (36)4.2.7 任务计划配置 (37)4.2.8 数据服务 (39) 透传 (39) Modbus RTU 转Modbus TCP (40) Modbus TCP Server (41) OPC UA (43)4.2.9 云平台 (44) MQTT Client One (44) MQTT Client Two (46) 阿里云 (46) 华为云 (48) 亚马逊云 (51) 金鸽MQTT (53) 金鸽Modbus (56)5 BL102网关设备应用示例 (58)FX3U和S7-200SMART接入BL102网关设备 (58)配置软件的配置 (58)5.2.1 添加采集设备和数据点配置 (59) COM口的配置 (59) 添加COM口设备三菱FX3U (60) 添加FX3U的数据点 (60) LAN口的配置 (61) 添加LAN口设备S7-200SMART (62) 添加采集S7-200SMART的数据点 (63)5.2.2 FX3U和S7-200SMART的数据上传到各个平台配置 (63) Modbus TCP Server配置 (64) 用KEPServerEX 6查看数据 (64) OPC UA的配置 (67) 用KEPServerEX 6查看数据 (67) 阿里云的配置 (69) 在阿里云上查看数据 (70) 华为云的配置 (72) 在华为云上查看数据 (74) 亚马逊的配置 (76) 在亚马逊云上查看到的数据 (77) 金鸽Modbus的配置 (79) 在金鸽云上查看数据 (79) 金鸽MQTT的配置 (82) 在金鸽云上查看数据 (82) 金鸽MQTT的数据格式 (85)6 固件升级 (87)7 保修条款 (88)8 技术支持 (88)1产品简介概述BL102是一款采集西门子、三菱、欧姆龙、台达、AB、施耐德等各种PLC数据转换为Modbus TCP、OPC UA、MQTT、华为云IoT、亚马逊云IoT、阿里云IoT、金鸽云等协议的网关。
NETGEAR WAG102无线接入点使用说明书
![NETGEAR WAG102无线接入点使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/958c3016866fb84ae45c8dfe.png)
WAG102中文操作指南NETGEARWAG102用户指南2009年5月目录1引言 (4)1.1NETGEA R公司概况 (4)1.2WAG102介绍 (5)1.2.1产品介绍 (5)1.2.2特性介绍 (5)2硬件描述 (6)2.1前面板 (6)2.2后面板 (7)3基本安装和配置 (8)3.1观察放置和范围指南 (8)3.2安装WA G102接入点 (10)3.3怎样使用默认IP地址登录WA G102 (13)3.4基本IP设置 (14)3.5基本无线设置 (16)3.5.1配置802.11a无线设置 (16)3.5.2配置802.11b/g无线设置 (17)3.6了解WA G102无线安全选项.......................................................................错误!未定义书签。
3.7配置安全概要 (18)3.7.1(Profile)配置文件定义 (19)3.7.2网络认证 (20)3.7.3数据加密 (20)3.7.4无线客户端的安全隔离 (21)3.7.5VLAN ID (21)3.7.6SSID和无线安全设置表格 (22)3.8配置RADIUS服务器 (23)3.9怎样根据MAC地址限定无线接入 (24)4管理和信息 (24)4.1改变管理员口令 (24)4.2远程管理 (25)4.3升级无线接入点软件 (26)4.4配置文件管理 (27)4.4.1保存和检索配置 (27)4.4.2把WAG102恢复到出厂默认设置 (27)4.4.3使用复位按钮恢复出厂默认设置 (28)4.5查看一般信息 (28)4.6查看S YSLOG和活动日志信息 (30)4.7查看相连设备列表 (30)4.8查看统计信息 (31)5高级配置 (32)5.1无线客户端配置高级IP设置 (32)5.2配置热点设置 (34)5.3高级无线设置 (34)5.4无线桥接和中继 (34)5.4.1点对点桥接配置 (35)5.4.2多点桥配置 (36)5.4.3中继模式 (38)6WAG102技术参数 (39)1 引言1.1NETGEAR公司概况全球中小规模网络与无线网络的先驱和领导者美国网件(NETGEAR)于1996年1月创立,长期致力于为中小规模企业用户与SOHO用户提供简便易用并具有强大功能的网络综合解决方案。
JB-QB/QG-GST200火灾报警控制器安装使用说明书(Ver.2.2,2003.09前言JB-QB/QG-GST200火灾报警控制器是海湾公司充分调研消防市场需求融会国标GB4717-93和GB16806消防联动控制设备通用技术条件设计的新一代报警联动一体化智能控制器联动型全汉字操作及提示界面并可根据工程需要作相应字库打印机可打印系统所有报警最大容量为242个总线制报警联动控制点本控制器可与我公司生产的各类开关量型智能型火灾探测器和控制模块及多线制控制模块连接多线于一身的报警联动一体化控制器JB-QB-GST200火灾报警控制器采用壁挂式安装联动型两款控制器的功能JB-QB-GST200火灾报警控制器安装使用说明书由四部分组成联网部分JB-QG-GST200火灾报警控制器安装使用说明书由四部分组成联网部分本部分为通用部分多线制及气体灭火的更详细说明请参见相应部分妥善保管目录第一部分概述 (1第一章GST200火灾报警控制器(联动型简介 (2第二部分结构调试 (4器结构及配置说明 (5第二章GST200火灾报警控制2.1控制器典型配置及内部结构概述 (52.2面板说明 (82.2.1主控面板说明 (82.2.2LD-SD064A智能手动消防启动盘面板说明 (102.2.3GST-LD-D02智能电源盘面板说明 (102.3内部结构及连线说明 (112.3.1主控部分结构说明 (112.3.2LD-SD064A智能手动消防启动盘结构说明 (12 2.3.3GST-LD-D02智能电源盘结构说明 (122.4控制器主机电源系统说明 (122.5控制器对外接线端子说明 (13第三章安装与调试 (143.1开箱检查 (143.2机柜的安装条件及方式 (143.3开机检查 (153.4外部设备检查 (153.5接线和设置 (153.6调试 (16第三部分系统应用与调试 (17第四章一般性用户使用说明 (184.1开机海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址4.4.2检查通讯设备及外部设备配置 (214.4.3检查从机配置 (224.5联动公式检查 (224.6信息显示与记录 (234.6.1操作处理信息 (234.6.2事件信息 (234.6.3运行记录检查 (274.6.4信息的打印 (274.7消音 (284.8火警及故障的处理 (284.8.1故障的一般处理方法 (284.8.2火警的一般处理方法 (294.9设备的隔离与取消隔离 (294.9.1设备隔离 (294.9.2取消隔离 (304.9.3查看隔离信息 (304.10防盗控制设置 (314.11启动方式设置 (314.12总线制被控设备的手动启动与停动操作 (32 4.12.1对外部设备进行手动启动操作的条件 (324.12.2利用主机键盘进行的启动/停动操作 (334.12.3利用手动消防启动盘进行的手动启动/停动操作 (33 4.13总线制设备的自动联动控制 (334.13.1实现自动联动的条件 (334.13.2自动联动逻辑的实现 (334.13.3延时启动的停动控制 (334.14气体灭火设备的启动和停止控制 (344.14.1气体灭火设备的启动条件 (344.14.2气体灭火设备的手动启动控制 (354.14.3气体灭火设备的自动联动控制 (354.14.4气体灭火设备的紧急停动控制 (354.15复位功能 (36第五章系统管理员操作指南 (375.1修改时间 (375.2密码设定 (375.2.1密码的分类 (375.2.2密码的更改 (385.3对比度设置 (395.4设备定义 (395.4.1现场设备定义的内容 (395.4.2设备定义操作 (405.4.3现场设备的定义实例 (43海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址5.4.4分区分层方式火灾显示盘定义实例 (445.4.5手动消防启动盘控制一般性设备的定义实例 (445.4.6手动消防启动盘控制气体灭火设备启动定义实例 (44 5.5自动联动公式的编辑方法 (455.5.1联动公式的格式 (455.5.2联动公式的编辑 (465.6打印方式设置 (495.7气体喷洒允许控制设置 (50第六章系统调试功能说明 (516.1进入和退出调试状态 (516.2调试状态下的开机操作 (516.3调试状态操作 (526.4设备注册设置 (536.5设备直接启动设置 (536.6设备直接停动设置 (546.7网络通讯设置 (546.8初始化28256 (54第四部分用户须知 (55第七章故障海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第一部分概述2 GST200火灾报警控制器简介海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第一章G S T200火灾报警控制器(联动型简介JB-QB/QG-GST200火灾报警控制器是海湾公司推出的新一代火灾报警控制器可与海湾公司的其它产品配套使用组成配置灵活的报警联动一体化控制系统特别适合中小型火灾报警及消防联动一体化控制系统的应用可靠性高本控制器是采用双微处理器并行处理的系列产品32点96点192点联动型可以满足小型工程的不同需要控制器都设有不掉电备份1.2 功能强数字化网络系统可通过扩展接口连接同时本控制器可挂接防盗模块并设有自动防盗功能1.3智能化操作即在特定的信息屏幕下而不需要输入设备的二次编码提供了良好的人机界面汉字菜单式显示界面本控制器采用窗口化菜单式命令当有多种类型的信息存在时窗口切换TABºº×ֲ˵¥×öµ½Ã÷°×Ò׶®·½±ãÖ±¹ÛÑ¡ÔñÊý×Ö»òÒƶ¯¹âÌõ1.5 全面的自检功能本控制器开机自检时指示灯如信息发生变化系统将做相应的处理操作方便手动消防启动盘上的每一个启/停键均可通过定义与系统所连接的任意一个总线设备关联彻底解决了报警联动一体化系统的工程布线1.7 独立的气体喷洒控制密码和联动公式编程本控制器对具有特殊重要意义的气体喷洒设备提供了独立的控制密码和联动编程空间海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址并有相应的声光指示1.8 可配接汉字式火灾显示盘本控制器可配接我公司生产的汉字式火灾显示盘方便可靠1.9 模块式开关电源本控制器的供电电源为低压开关电源备电均作稳压处理充电部分采用开关恒流定压充电本控制器具有备电保护功能如备电电压低于10V系统将自动切断备电海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第二部分结构调试2 GST200火灾报警控制器结构及配置说明2 安装与调试海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第二章GST200火灾报警控制器结构及配置说明2.1 控制器典型配置及内部结构概述GST200火灾报警控制器典型配置包括手动消防启动盘气体灭火控制盘联动于一体多线的控制不但能完成报警并能实现对气体灭火等重要消防设备的控制联动型未包括多线制具体的内部连接线见海湾安全技术股份有限公司图2-1上图说明:液晶屏显示区可选配单元键盘区图2-2上图说明:手动消防启动盘智能电源盘图2-42.2 面板说明面板说明以JB-QG-GST200火灾报警控制器为例联动型液晶显示屏键盘区及打印机五部分海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址l 报警灯此灯亮表示控制器检测到外接探测器火警排除后取消l 故障灯此灯亮表示控制器检测到外部设备模块或火灾显示盘故障排除后取消l 动作灯此灯亮表示控制器检测到外接被控设备处于动作状态此灯熄灭黄色l 消音灯当控制器发出报警音响时消音扬声器终止发出警报消音消音指示灯熄灭l 启动灯当控制器发出启动外部设备的命令时l 防盗开启灯:绿色此灯亮黄色此灯亮此灯熄灭黄色此灯亮此灯熄灭绿色否则不能进行上述操作绿色此灯常亮表示控制器处于全部自动状态红色l 喷洒允许灯控制器处于状态时l 喷洒请求灯当启动气体灭火设备的联动条件满足时l 工作灯当控制器由主电供电时,此灯常亮各操作键功能见第三部分对于非联动型火灾报警控制器动作自动允许气体喷洒喷洒允许喷洒控制操作自动控制操作停动操作2.2.2L D-S D064A智能手动消防启动盘面板说明LD-SD064A 智能手动消防启动盘由两块32路手动盘构成手动盘的每一单元均有一个按键其中如按下某一单元的控制键红色并有控制命令发出则回答灯亮然后与膜片一同固定在手动盘上在报警状态下消音但再次发生故障时清除键键为再按在故障状态下清除清除上电指示灯绿色l 主电故障灯主电电压大于AC260V或低于AC160V时同时蜂鸣器发出报警声黄色高于DC28V时同时蜂鸣器发出报警声红色过充指示灯点亮海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址l 输出故障灯当发生短路输出故障灯点亮l 消音灯当处于消音状态时l 显示窗口分别显示当前交流输入电压2.3 内部结构及连线说明2.3.1 主控部分结构说明JB-QG-GST200火灾报警控制器主控部分包括打印机模块及主控模块两部分在此就不做详细介绍开关板从而减少了连线及占用的空间图2-8上图说明开关板液晶主控模块各部分之间的连线见图2-9所示海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址上图接线说明开关板与主板连接线20Õë²åÕë液晶背光驱动液晶背光照明电源线接打印机Á½¸ùÒ»¿é¿ØÖÆ°å¿ØÖÆ°åµÄ½á¹¹Èçͼ2-10Ëùʾ½ÓÊÖ¶¯ÅÌÊý¾ÝÏß控制板图2-102.3.3 GST -LD-D02智能电源盘结构说明GST-LD-D02智能电源盘为封闭式结构接线端子等均在其背部使交流主电投入使用使备电投入使用-+24V 主输出l 电源插座2.4 控制器主机电源系统说明本控制器的主机电源系统分为主主要包括电源板变压器主主电直流12V/10AH 密封铅电池电源系统接线图如图2-12所示图2-12上图电源板端子说明直流+12V备电输入端子~15V主电输入端子打印机电源输出端子主板+5V电源输出端子主P6P72.5 控制器对外接线端子说明控制器外接端子说明如图2-13所示L N+24V多线制模块电源输入端子BOUT1火灾报警输出端子报警时闭合Z1无极性信号二总线端子海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第三章安装与调试3.1 开箱检查1. 订货检查检查控制器装箱单的内容是否与订货配置相符根据装箱单的内容对箱内的货物逐一检查安装使用说明书备用螺丝核对无误后再对控制器外观进行必要的检查2. 控制器内部配置及连接状况检查参照本说明书第二章中的介绍对控制器的内部配置进行检查多线制模块同时检查一下各部件之间的连接关系并做必要的记录手动盘与开关板的连接关系等若发现连接线有脱落请与海湾公司技术服务部联系长高JB-QB-GST200182mm580mm1540mm环境温度相对湿度不结露JB-QB-GST200火灾报警控制器安装尺寸如图3-1所示海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址4.1²注册过程中包括手动消防启动盘气体灭火控制卡数²进入正常监视状态后操作主键盘以及附加配备的设备是否正常应按第七章的故障处理部分适当处理应通知海湾公司技术服务部检查与本控制器相连的总线状况探测器总线与通讯线回路的负载状况绝缘电阻应大于20M回路负载应大于1k2. 设备检查即设备数量排除存在的故障3.5 接线和设置主机及外部设备检查完毕后请参照第二章的有关说明将外部设备与控制器进行正确的连接和对手动消防启动盘气体灭火控制卡等进行设置附录五调试表格以供调试和各种后续编程定义使用经过仔细检查无误便可以进行开机调试了1. 按第六章调试说明2. 查看总线设备的注册情况是否和中登记的情况一致应首先检查联动电源和各楼层总线隔离器随时按键可以观察修整后的注册情况附录五调试表格如有问题B通讯线和24V电源线同时定义联动设备对应的手动消防启动盘操作键多线制模块5. 进行探测器报警试验多线制模块6. 退出调试状态7. 全面检查设备定义8. 编辑联动公式9. 接入重要设备海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第三部分系统应用与调试2 一般性用户使用说明2 系统管理员操作指南2 系统调试功能说明海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址第四章一般性用户使用说明4.1 开机²打开联动电源和火灾显示盘电源的主备电开关²打开控制器的工作开关系统上电进入自动检查状态如图4-1²提示授权状态32点96点192点联动型本说明书均以242点联动控制器为例如图4-3²自动检测键盘数码管自检完毕后系统进入正常监控状态自检按下此键后系统将进行和开机时相同的声光检查系统授权状态允许控制242点海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址图4-4关机过程按照与开机时相反的顺序关掉各开关即可否则4.2 常规键盘操作4.2.1 键盘的命令功能和字符功能控制器的键盘多数为双功能键上部标识为字符功能只在监控状态下起作用字符功能进行数据输入时才使用屏幕上会反白提示数据输入区域确认TAB ϵͳ½«Ä¬ÈÏ·´°×ÌáʾÊý¾ÝΪÊäÈëÊý¾ÝÌáʾÇøÔ-À´ÏÔʾµÄËùÓÐ×Ö·ûÏûʧ²¢ÔÚÏÂÒ»ÊäÈëλÖÃÏÔʾÌáʾ¹â±êµ½ÊäÈëÇøβºó×Ô¶¯Ö¸ÏòÊäÈëÇøÊ×λ°´»ò¨Œ½«¹â±êÒÆÖÁÊäÈëÇøµÄÈκÎÒ»¸ö×Ö·ûλÖÃ编辑完一个数据输入区后TAB ϵͳ½«·´°×ÌáʾÏÂÒ»¸öÊý¾ÝÊäÈëÇø°´键将返回到第一个数据输入区按下键在进行数据输入时1分钟后系统将自动退出当前的数据输入状态4.2.3 信息查看操作的方法 1. 定义焦点屏幕事件信息类型为反白状态的信息屏幕被称为焦点屏幕焦点屏幕的当前信息被称为焦点信息将延时动作启动及隔离信息统称为事件信息事件信息其基本方法如下屏幕显示的第一条信息呈反白状态可按键进行翻屏查看▽按下键查看事件信息时窗口切换通过按键可逐条查看焦点屏幕的各条信息按键可对各条联动公式进行查看亦可通过按▽注意键可使液晶屏幕返回到该屏幕的上一级屏幕工作状态提示海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址直至返回到图4-4所示的屏幕4.3 键盘解锁和锁键盘4.3.1 键盘解锁控制器开机默认为状态除消音▽操作如图4-5此时输入正确的密码并按下键同时完成键盘解锁锁键屏幕下方显示请确认锁键如图4-6按下键图4-6为避免他人误操作请务必进行锁键操作设备检查屏幕显示一个选择设备检查的画面请确认锁键´°¿ÚÇл»海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址按下键显示的内容包括对应外部设备的二次码及设备类型代码窗口切换如图4-8每翻到新的一屏时即该设备被选中▽如图4-9图4-8图4-94.4.2检查通讯设备及外部设备配置在如图4-7所示的状态下按字符键或火灾显示盘显示系统所配置通讯设备如图4-10图4-10按下键后如图4-11设备的原码设备类型以及汉字信息例如窗口切换键海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址对于智能型探测器确认屏幕显示其详细注册信息后确认液晶屏会显示该探测器的动态特性曲线横坐标表示时间与横坐标平行的直线为阈值为报警状态按任意键退出其操作与检查手动盘配置相同4.5 联动公式检查按下键联动编程浏览如图4-13键入或选择欲进行检查的联动公式类型后请输入联动公式号码输入公式号码后按下键如图4-14如果输入未曾编辑过的公式号码操作处理失败如图4-16原码海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址图4-14在联动检查的过程中确认取消液晶屏将重新显示的屏幕如图4-15此时可再输入新的联动公式号码来进行查寻当进行任何非法操作时操作处理失败当进行设备定义如果操作正确操作处理成功如图4-16图4-164.6.2 事件信息当系统中有延时动作系统将全屏显示此信息液晶屏将按延时动作启动的顺序优先显示位于前面的信息同时存在火警启动三种信息时确认确认键海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址液晶屏将显示为如图4-18所示的屏幕信息窗口切换优先级最高的信息始终在液晶屏最上方按键可逐条显示焦点屏幕的各条信息为该类信息的总数003第几条图4-18图4-19以上各图中每隔6秒钟将会在设备类型显示汉字信息时此行将无显示此行将显示当某类信息多于一条时屏幕将以30秒钟一次的速度循环显示此类信息的每一条003N002102115光电感烟按键003 N0 02102115光电感烟故障002 06月01日20003 N0 02102115光电感烟启动001 06月01日15键001 N0 02101814光电感烟故障002 06月01日20003 N0 02102115光电感烟故障002 06月01日20 002 N0 103009 16 火灾示盘海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址图4-20当控制器满足延时启动被控设备的自动联动逻辑条件时并对延时时间进行倒计时启动命令发出例如联动公式的编辑见第五章现在用户码为106021的光电感烟探测器报警同时扬声器发出的声音图4-21延时时间计到零时启动命令发出当延时信息多于一条时某条延时时间到1秒时将优先显示15151513001 N0 10602142光电感烟1313海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址图4-23对于设备动作信息动作信息会自动消除图4-23中的106024号排烟机已经动作动作信息将自动清除在火警信息屏状态下按键如图4-25图4-25对于智能探测器确认会显示其在火警前一段时间内环境特性参数的静态曲线延时动作发出时同时对应的指示灯点亮如果不人为的退出菜单操作13001 N0 10602142光电感烟海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址无任何键盘操作每4秒钟退一级待完全退出菜单操作后当系统内已经有延时动作再进行菜单操作且无任何键盘操作每30秒钟退一级待完全退出菜单操作后例如故障液晶屏将自动显示到动作与故障的信息屏记录检查系统将显示运行记录信息发生的时间类型六位编码此编码为用户编码此编码为0当此条信息为外部设备信息时若记录的是系统操作内容提要如故障启动图4-27为逐条查看运行记录上下翻页的图例窗口切换如图4-28图4-27图4-284.6.4 信息的打印在查看运行记录时可以选中要打印的信息条No 反白显示按下键就可以将记录的信息打印出来当控制器处于状态时信息的打印格式如图4-29所示键´°¿ÚÇл»´°¿ÚÇл»所示的内容4.7 消音在发生火警或故障等警报的情况下有多种警报信息时1气体灭火设备发生动作3消防车声产生动作5救护车声消音扬声器终止发出警报声消音消音指示灯熄灭4.8 火警及故障的处理4.8.1 故障的一般处理方法故障一般可分为两类如主备电故障另一类是现场设备故障模块故障等可按键终止故障警报声采用备电供电若超过八小时应切断控制器的电源开关²若系统发生故障若需关机2210N0 0000002210海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址²若为现场设备故障若因特殊原因不能及时排除的故障待故障排除后再利用取消隔离功能将设备恢复应先检查发生火警的部位若为误报警酌情处理应立刻组织扑救工作探测器发生故障时待修理或更换后4.9.1 设备隔离按下键需输入用户密码解锁屏幕显示如图4-31所示其隔离操作应按照如下步骤进行02306603²按键存储屏幕的隔离信息中将增加该设备操作处理失败如图4-16图4-32本控制器还可对报故障的设备实现直接隔离可通过按键对焦点信息所对应的设备进行隔离如图4-33请输入隔离号码00000000请输入隔离号码 02306603按键002 N0 02306604光电感烟海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址图4-33例如上图确认该设备便会被隔离取消确认该设备将不会被隔离4.9.2 取消隔离按下键需输入用户密码解锁屏幕显示如图4-34所示其操作应按照如下步骤进行10102203如图4-35 ²按键存储此设备被取消隔离操作处理失败图4-35当有设备被隔离时所有被隔离设备取消隔离后4.9.3 查看隔离信息隔离信息的查看与一般事件信息不同按键后但隔离指示灯仍亮若想释放该设备取消隔离可通过按键来实现查看方式与一般事件信息相同请输入释放号码 10102203按请输入隔离号码10602101请输入释放号码00000000注意隔离启动等操作中输入设备的编码时*表示这一位可以是0Õâ¸ö¹¦ÄÜ¿ÉÒÔʹÎÒÃÇ·½±ãµÄ½«Ò»ÀàÉ豸¸ôÀëÆô¶¯»òÍ£¶¯Èç¹ûÒª¸ôÀëµôϵͳÖÐËùÓеķÀµÁ̽²âÆ÷ÆäÖÐ为防盗模块设备类型代码防盗控制屏幕显示防盗控制操作菜单呈反白显示图4-36当防盗探测器监视区处于非重点监视期间使其处于状态而在的状态下可对防盗探测器监视区进行防盗监视在的状态下如图4-37控制器将根据用户设定的时间实现开启图4-37例如上图防盗开启灯点亮而当控制器的系统时间运行到防盗关闭时间时此时防盗探测器处于关闭状态启动控制调出启动控制操作菜单(如图4-38所示¿Éͨ¹ý°´ÏÂÆä¶ÔÓ¦µÄÊý×Ö¼üÀ´Ñ¡ÔñÏàÓ¦µÄÆô¶¯·½Ê½4-40ϵͳ¼´¹¤×÷ÔÚËùÑ¡µÄ״̬ÏÂ海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址键入时2图4-40说明手动手动允许时手动允许是指满足联动条件后其包括禁止自动全部自动三种方式部分自动= =ʱº¬ÓÐ 及的联动公式均可以参加联动面板上的灯闪烁灯常亮对于防盗控制打印控制及喷洒控制四种操作该控制方式呈反白状态显示可通过键退出该屏幕这些外部设备都是消防专用的另一方面可能会削弱固有消防能力对外部设备进行启动操作应符合下列条件2海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址123²¢Äܳе£Æô¶¯±¾É豸Ëùµ¼Öºó¹ûµÄÔðÈÎÀûÓÃÖ÷»ú¼üÅ̵ÄÓë¼ü½øÐвÙ×÷ÊÇÒ»ÖÖͨÓõķ½·¨¶øÀûÓÃÊÖ¶¯Ïû·ÀÆô¶¯Å̽øÐвÙ×÷ÔòÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¿ì½ÝרÓõķ½·¨ÐèÔÚ°²×°µ÷ÊÔʱ¶ÔÊÖ¶¯Ïû·ÀÆô¶¯ÅÌÉϵÄÊÖ¶¯¼üÓëÐè¶ÔÓ¦¿ØÖƵÄÉ豸½øÐбà³Ì¶¨Ò嶼±ØÐëÔÚ¿ØÖÆÆ÷´¦ÓÚµÄ״̬ϵ±¿ØÖÆÆ÷´¦ÓÚµÄ״̬Ï»òÆô¶¯µÄÉ豸´¦ÓÚ¸ôÀë»ò¹ÊÕÏ״̬ʱ´ËʱҺ¾§ÎÞÈκÎÏÔʾÆô¶¯Í£¶¯Èô¿ØÖÆÆ÷´¦ÓÚËø¼ü״̬²输入欲启动或停动设备的用户编码及设备类型确认控制器发出启动或停动此设备的命令启动的是用户码为106008的讯响器该设备被启动后手动消防启动盘上所对应的命令灯点亮首先要根据手动消防启动盘按键上的提示信息找到要启动的设备对应的单元命令灯点亮若再次按下该键则命令灯熄灭4.13 总线制设备的自动联动控制4.13.1 实现自动联动的条件控制器只有处于或的状态下在有人值班的情况下4.13.2 自动联动逻辑的实现当联动公式中的逻辑关系满足时控制器将自动发出启动命令若联动关系所关联设备有延时启动要求系统进行延时倒计时 4.13.3 延时启动的停动控制本控制器设置了停止延时启动的功能通过按键来实现单点停止延时启动的操作可通过按海湾安全技术股份有限公司地址动如图4-43图4-43上图中按下键后屏幕便会提示确认信息▽再按键如图4-44该设备启动命令将不再发出取消确认键图4-44注意所以当需通过按键来停动已经启动的设备时TAB²当有一条以上延时信息存在时停动每一条延时信息均处于等待状态确认其它延时信息再继续延时停动不进行或操作4.14气体灭火设备的启动和停止控制4.14.1气体灭火设备的启动条件提醒操作者务必注意对气体灭火设备的误操作一方面会导致重大的甚至是人员伤亡启动这些设备应慎之又慎13Í£¶¯键001 N0 10602142光电感烟按。
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![WONDER V-102 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e1af5eb69eae009581becc6.png)
14. 網路服務 …………………………………….……...67
STK………………………………..……………………... 67 WAP………………………………..…………………….. 67 帳號資料…………………………..……………………... 68
(2)訊息 (3)通話記錄
收件箱 寄件箱 寫訊息 範本 訊息設定
寫訊息 收件箱 寄件箱 草稿箱 範本 訊息設定
刪除通話記錄 未接電話
鈴聲連結 來電群組
訊息設定組 一般設定 記憶體狀態 儲存處 訊息傳送設定
15. 附加功能…………………………………………….69
計算機…………………………………………………..… 70 單位換算………………………………..………………… 70 貨幣換算………………………………….….…………… 71 健康管理…………………………………..……………… 71
16. 快捷功能設定……………………..…………………73 17. 疑難解答………………..……………………………74 18. 注意事項……………….…………………………….76
按鍵 −
分別執行螢幕左下方及右下方所顯示的功能 λ 傳送/應答一個呼叫 λ 在待機狀態下,按該鍵調出通話記錄列表。如果
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仅限使用带有 1/4'' TS 或扭锁式插头的高品质专业扬声器线。
此标志提醒您, 产品内存在未绝缘的危险电压, 有 触电危险。
小心为避免触电危险,请勿打开机顶盖 (或背面挡板)。
小心为避免着火或触电危险, 请勿将此设备置于雨淋或潮湿中。
此设备也不可受液体滴溅, 盛有液体的容器也不可置于其上, 如花瓶等。
为 避免触电危险, 除了使用说明书提到的以外,请勿进行任何其它维修。
1. 请阅读这些说明。
2. 请妥善保存这些说明。
3. 请注意所有的警示。
4. 请遵守所有的说明。
5. 请勿在靠近水的地方使用本产品。
6. 请用干布清洁本产品。
7. 请勿堵塞通风口。
8. 请勿将本产品安装在热源附近, 如 暖气片, 炉子或其它产生热量的设备 ( 包括功放器)。
9. 请勿移除极性插头或接地插头的安全装置。
若随货提供的插头不适合您的插座, 请找电工更换一个合适的插座。
10. 妥善保护电源线, 使其不被践踏或刺破, 尤其注意电源插头、多用途插座及设备连接处。
百灵达 ULTRA-CURVE PRO DSP8024 使用说明
![百灵达 ULTRA-CURVE PRO DSP8024 使用说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/09050f5abe23482fb4da4cdb.png)
目录表ULTRA - CURVE PRO 功能及特点1 简介∙ 1.1 设计概念∙ 1.2 开始使用之前∙ 1.3 控制元件2 操作∙ 2.1 EQ(均衡器)模式∙ 2.1.1 图形均衡器的操作∙ 2.1.2 电平计∙ 2.1.3 反馈消除器(FEEDBACK DESTROYER)∙ 2.1.4 延迟∙ 2.1.5 均衡器设定∙ 2.1.6 均衡器配置∙ 2.2 实时分析器∙ 2.2.1 程序管理∙ 2.2.2 工具框菜单∙ 2.2.3 选择信号源∙ 2.2.4 衰变∙ 2.2.5 R TA配置∙ 2.3 自动Q功能∙ 2.4 一般配置3 应用∙ 3.1 把ULTRA—CURVE PRO 用作为功放中的累加均衡器∙ 3.2 把ULTRA—CURVE PRO 用于监控均衡器∙ 3.3 录音演播室中ULTRA—CURVE PRO 的应用∙ 3.4 把ULTRA—CURVE PRO 用作键盘配置的一部分∙ 3.5 吉他配置中ULTRA—CURVE PROR 应用∙ 3.6 把ULTRA—CURVE PRO用作—ADC(AES/EBU选择)∙ 3.7 把ULTRA—CURVE PRO用作为一延迟装置4 技术背景∙ 4.2.1 AES/EBU和S/PDIF标准∙ 4.3 真实响应∙ 4.4 ULTRA—CURVE PRO结构∙ 4.4.1 硬件∙ 4.4.2 EQ (均衡器)模式∙ 4.4.3 实时分析器模式5 安装∙ 5.1 机架安装∙ 5.2 市电电源连接∙ 5.3 音频连接∙ 5.4 按AES/EBU 的数字式音频连接(任选项)∙ 5.5 MIDI(乐器数字接口)连接6 附录∙ 6.1 数字式I/O(输入/输出)∙ 6.2 掉换存储保护电池∙ 6.3 MIDI 执行∙ 6.4 软件U L T R A-C U R V E P R O D S P8024由2个24比特高速信号处理器推动的数字式立体声主机▲能获得超高动态范围和分辨力的高档24比特AD/DA(模拟—数字/数字—模拟)变换器▲“考虑到未来的”结构便于未来软件更新▲具有“真实频率响应”特性的超音乐双31频段图形均衡器▲可变斜率的低/高/钟形倾斜工具▲具有峰值保持、可变组合、游标读数和10个用户存储器的实时分析器▲应用话筒输入和内部噪声发生器的自动房间均衡▲具有最高达1/60倍频程带宽的圭参数均衡器/陷波滤波器的6个额外频段▲具有智能信号分析器以获得超快速反馈抑制的一体化圭自动反馈消除器▲一体化数字式“砖墙”限幅器能防止任何削波的危险的声压电平▲具有BEHRlNGER公司独特的IRC(交互比率控制)的一体化数字式噪声选通▲可用毫秒、米和英尺来选择的最高达2.5秒延迟时间的综合延迟▲具有峰值保持和可选择基准电平(十4dBu/—10dBv/段,最大值)的超高精度电平峰值计▲用于实时删改的全MIDI(乐器数字式接口)参数和即时控制▲独立的均衡设计软件便于通过个人计算机进行全遥控▲能用任何字母来储存100个用户存储。
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5.接着运行您的效果器软件,我这里以guitar rig4为例点击菜单该项:
6.进入音频设置对话框,Driver选择ASIO,Device选择BEHRINGER USB AUDIO
7.ASIO延时设置,点击上图的ASIO Config按钮进入ASIO设置对话框,基本都是默认的,
在ASIO选项卡那边的System performance我选择了FAST,,工作稳定