


Enhancing self-esteem
―Self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness.‖
Your true potential lies way, way down in the depths of your soul… in the pit of your stomach, past your knowledge, beyond your nervousness, and buried under your fears and anxieties. As hidden as it may be, it is still there. I know it‘s there because I‘ve felt it before, and I know it‘s there in others too because I‘ve seen others perform miracles. There is a faint glow of unparalleled potential in all of us, and when we find it — it shines.
Increased Happiness
– Calmness – The joy of self-expression
Research Results
Self-Esteem Stability
– Kernis (1995) – Ben-Shahar (2000)
Happiness and Flow



哈佛幸福课第十三课《面对压力》完整字屏幸福课的同学们你们好,我们是Fallen Angerls. 这周六,3月15号,是我们在中心剧场的首次公演,我们将和哈佛Opportunes乐团共同演出,希望能在那时见到你们快乐的脸庞,周六晚八点。








我在讲到实践唯心主义以及冲突的解决时简单讲过,面对冲突的办法,面对并解决冲突的最好办法,就是制定一个协调的目标,使得冲突的双方都参与其中,并内在地相互依赖,这样就能够解决人际间或组织间的冲突,这是Muzafer Sherif或Elliot Aronson所做的研究,同理,制定目标有助于解决内在冲突,人内在的心理冲突,因为它能让我们暂时忘却那些关于存在的很重要但通常很难的问题,尤其是不断出现时,它能使我们远离焦虑远离沮丧,我们能集中精力于我们十分想做的事,同时,它还增加了成功的可能性,制订了自我和谐目标的人会更有动力,他们会更努力地工作,他们会全身心地投入到他们所做的事中去,从长远来看,那些追求自己热爱事业的人都更容易取得成功,这事乎非常直白,显而易见,简直是常识,但我们常说常识也并不是那么显而易见的,很大程度上说,这种在我们追求自己热爱的事业时,成功的可能性的增加重新定义了“不劳无获”的公理,它将其重新定义为如下定理,“愉悦劳作则多获”,如果你要引用,我会否认我说过,如果你给别人看我说这句话的录像,我会说这是我的双胞胎兄弟,但确实是这样。


Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (1998) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
Who is really detached? Focusing on the 90% full part of the glass Focus creates reality
Appreciating Appreciation
Ap-pre’ci-ate v., 1. Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us, affirming past and present strengths and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems. 2. To increase in value, e.g., the economy has appreciated in value.
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)





























哈佛幸福课——积极心理学目录第一章积极心理学初探 (1)一.积极心理学诞生的背景 (1)二、积极心理学课程的内容 (3)三.消极研究与积极研究 (6)四、积极心理学课程的目的 (9)第二章积极心理学的五个基本前提 (10)一、搭建学术界与社会之间的桥梁 (10)二、改变是可能的 (11)三、内在因素和外在因素 (12)四、顺从人类本性 (15)五、允许自己追求快乐 (20)第三章信念即自我实现预言 (23)一、信念挑战极限 (23)二、皮革马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect) (24)三、情境的重要性 (26)四、创造积极的情境——精神的力量 (30)五、精神力量的作用机制 (33)六、乐观主义与悲观主义——同一事件不同解读 (35)七、高期望导致低自尊?NO! (38)八、三个方法让自己更乐观 (40)第四章专注 (44)一、积极者与消极者 (44)二、为什么不是人人都是乐观主义者 (48)三、感激 (50)第五章改变 (62)一、改变不易但非不可能 (63)二、神经可塑性 (65)三、我真的想要改变吗? (68)四、ABC与两种变化 (70)五、日记的神奇作用 (96)六、小结 (102)第六章设定目标 (106)一、目标设定的理论及实践 (106)二、处理压力 (128)第七章完美主义 (139)一、完美主义之我的个人经历 (139)二、错误与失败 (142)三、完美主义的定义及特征 (148)四、完美主义的后果及危害 (151)五、二八法则 (157)六、完美主义的根源 (159)七、克服完美主义 (161)八、铂金法则与黄金法则 (163)九、小结 (165)第八章精神与肉体 (167)一、关注“脖子以下” (167)二、身体锻炼 (169)三、冥想 (176)四、睡眠 (181)五、触摸 (183)第一章积极心理学初探一.积极心理学诞生的背景快乐,幸福感这一整个领域,此前一直被心理自助运动统治。




Narcissism (arrogance and conceit)
―The person who feels weak becomes a bully, the inferior person a braggart; a flexing of muscles, much talk, cockiness, an endeavor to brazen it out, are symptoms of covert anxiety in a person or a group.‖ Rollo May

Enhancing self-esteem
―Self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness.‖ Nathaniel Branden
– Express not impress – Assert yourself

Gradually expanding integrity
– From journaling to loved-one to world – From day to week to life-long

Truth sets us free
Competence Relative to Others Dependent Self-Esteem
Competence Relative to Self
Competence Interdependent



哈佛幸福课——积极心理学目录第一章积极心理学初探 (1)一.积极心理学诞生的背景 (1)二、积极心理学课程的内容 (3)三.消极研究与积极研究 (6)四、积极心理学课程的目的 (9)第二章积极心理学的五个基本前提 (10)一、搭建学术界与社会之间的桥梁 (10)二、改变是可能的 (11)三、内在因素和外在因素 (12)四、顺从人类本性 (15)五、允许自己追求快乐 (20)第三章信念即自我实现预言 (23)一、信念挑战极限 (23)二、皮革马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect) (24)三、情境的重要性 (26)四、创造积极的情境——精神的力量 (30)五、精神力量的作用机制 (33)六、乐观主义与悲观主义——同一事件不同解读 (35)七、高期望导致低自尊?NO! (38)八、三个方法让自己更乐观 (40)第四章专注 (44)一、积极者与消极者 (44)二、为什么不是人人都是乐观主义者 (48)三、感激 (50)第五章改变 (62)一、改变不易但非不可能 (63)二、神经可塑性 (65)三、我真的想要改变吗? (68)四、ABC与两种变化 (70)五、日记的神奇作用 (96)六、小结 (102)第六章设定目标 (106)一、目标设定的理论及实践 (106)二、处理压力 (128)第七章完美主义 (139)一、完美主义之我的个人经历 (139)二、错误与失败 (142)三、完美主义的定义及特征 (148)四、完美主义的后果及危害 (151)五、二八法则 (157)六、完美主义的根源 (159)七、克服完美主义 (161)八、铂金法则与黄金法则 (163)九、小结 (165)第八章精神与肉体 (167)一、关注“脖子以下” (167)二、身体锻炼 (169)三、冥想 (176)四、睡眠 (181)五、触摸 (183)第一章积极心理学初探一.积极心理学诞生的背景快乐,幸福感这一整个领域,此前一直被心理自助运动统治。
























Meet the Grandparents
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Karen Horney (1885-1952)
Meet the Parents
Martin Philip Stone
Meet 1504
It is not merely about information It is also about transformation
Archibald MaCleish
Information is not enough
“Humanistic philosophy [offers] a new conception of learning, of teaching, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education, the goal of education—the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned—is ultimately the ‘self-actualization’ of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to. In a less technical way, it is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become.”



EmotionsNext Wed Exam• Lectures• Gray textbook• Norton readings (less detail)See old exam for examples … Check out most recent syllabusNext Wed Exam(rough breakdown) • INTRO: 4• BRAIN: 9• FREUD: 9• SKINNER: 9• COG DEV: 9• LANGUAGE 9• PERCEPTION/ATTENTION: 9• MEMORY: 9• LOVE: 7• EVOLUTION 4• RATIONALITY 4• EMOTION: 18= 100%Review sessions • Monday, 2/26, 4-6 PM• Tuesday, 2/27, 6-8 PM Dunham labs 220William James on human instincts To the psychologist alone can such questions occur as: Why do we smile, when pleased, and not scowl? Why are we unableto talk to a crowd as we talk to a single friend? Why does a particular maiden turnour wits upside-down? The common mancan only say: "Of course we smile, of course our heart palpitates at the sight ofthe crowd, of course we love the maiden …The wrong theory of emotions William James on human instincts And so, probably, does each animal feelabout the particular things it tends to do inthe presence of certain objects ... To thelion it is the lioness which is made to be loved; to the bear, the she-bear. To the broody hen, the notion would probably seem monstrous that there should be a creature in the world to whom a nestful ofeggs was not the utterly fascinating and precious and never-to-be-too-much-sat-upon object which it is to her ...Life is impossible withoutemotions• Evolved mechanisms that set goalsand priorities• Shaped by cultural context•But universal roots …Outline 1. Facial expressions--The case of smiling2. Non-social emotions--The case of fear3. Feelings toward kin4. Feelings toward non-kinMake a face• Lower your brows and draw themtogether• Tense your lower and upper eyelids • Stare. Your eyes can bulge somewhat • Press your lips together, with thecorners straight or down1. Universal feelings;universal facesMake a face (II)1. Raise the corners of your lips backand up2. Raise your cheeks3.Raise your lower eyelids (if you can)Smiles are universalSmiles are social signals• Bowlers• Olympic gold-medal winnersTwo types of smiles• Happiness smile (Duchenne smile) • “Pan am” smile, or greeting smile-- 10-month-olds-- Happy vs. unhappy couples-- College yearbook photosThere are different types ofsmilesA third smileCoy smiles, Appeasement smiles-entail gaze/face aversion-often with self-touch-in situations with potential fornegative evaluation of self-related to embarrassment-related to a desire to affiliate2. Non-social emotions:The case of fearSocial emotionsAltruism towards kinFearSpiders, snakes, heights, storms, large animals, darkness, blood, strangers, humiliation, deep water, leaving home alone-- what do these have in common? NOT: guns, cars, electrical outletsWhat are non-human primates afraid of? What are children in Chicago afraid of?Are animals merely survivalmachines?• Not according to evolutionary theory• Gene A: makes an animal care for itsoffspring• Gene B: makes an animal care only for itself • Gene A wins•It is reproduction that mattersForget about the animal for amoment …• Take the perspective of the …--cold virus--toxoplasmosis parasite--rabies virus• Animals are the vehicles that these organisms exploit to reproduceTake the perspective of thegene• Which genes survive?• Those that make the most copies of themselves• Animals are “vehicles” through which genes reproduce“An animal is merely the genes’ way of making another gene”Take the perspective of thegeneSelfish genes lead to altruisticanimals• To the extent that evolution operates at the level of the genes, there is no hard-and-fast distinction between oneselfand anotherHaldane’s--“Would you lay down your life for yourbrother?”--“No, but I would gladly give my life forthree brothers, or five nephewfirst cousins”Haldane’s math Haldane’s math--“Would you lay down your life for your --“Would you lay down your life for your brother?” brother?”(who has 50% of your genes) (who has 50% of your genes)--“No, but I would gladly give my life forthree brothers (150%), or five nephews(125%), or nine first cousins (112.5%)Choose:You die or your three brothersdie• Gene A: makes an animal choose to die • Gene B: makes an animal choose forits brothers to die• Gene A winsAnimals have evolved to benice to kin• Particularly their children (50% of genes)• And particularly birds and mammals• Quality, not quantity• Long period of dependence prior to sexual maturity• Two types of psychological mechanisms:--how parents respond to children--how children respond to parents When a new male takesover a pride (by killingor driving out theprevious male) …--he kills all remainingcubs--pregnant lionessesundergo spontaneousabortionsBaby attachment to the parent• The cupboard theory (Skinner)• Innate attachment (Bowlby)--positive: drawn to mom for comfort andsocial interaction--negative: fear of strangersHarlow: Wire mothers vs. cloth mothers。


“Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods.”
Neil Postman
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
“The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.”
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
It is not a survey of positive psychology It is a selective exploration of the ‘question of questions.’
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
Philip Stone
Meet 1504
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
It is not merely about information It is also about transformation
• Covering less; uncovering more
Archibald MaCleish
哈佛大学公开课——幸福学(积极 心理学)
Information is not enough
“Humanistic philosophy [offers] a new conception of learning, of teaching, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education, the goal of education—the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned—is ultimately the ‘self-actualization’ of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to. In a less technical way, it is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become.”


Abraham Maslow
Psychology Needs Help
• 21/1 ratio is unhealthy… • … but it reflects reality
哈佛《幸福课》 ppt课件 psychology1504 positive psychology bridgingivory tower mainstreet positivepsychology academicresearch self-helpmovement. housekeeping we'lltake activenote-taking regulartime-ins solemedium learning—we educate well.silence gives us whatwe have said authenticeducation, silence trustworthymatrix innerwork students must do, deepestsort.‖ positivepsychology humanisticpsychology (50's) thirdforce behaviorism(first force) psychoanalysis(second force) lackedrigorous methodology abrahammaslow (1908-1970) karen horney (1885-1952) meet grandparentsaaron antonovsky (1923-1994) parentsmartin seligman ellen langer philip stone meet1504 merelyabout information alsoabout transformation coveringless; uncovering more knowledge,every day something wisdom,every day something dropped.‖lao tzu soulgrows addition.‖thoreau makingcommon sense more common 12information enough―what greatdiscoveries science—information alwaysbetter than ignorance, matterwhat information whatignorance. what beliefbehind won't.‖archibald mac



哈佛大学幸福课讲义目录前言Tentative ScheduleFebruary 2:IntroductionFebruary 7:Why do we need a Positive Psychology?February 9:Basic Premises I (what�s this class about, anyway?)February 14Basic Premises II (oh, I see)February 16:Beliefs as self-fulfilling prophecies I (psychology of success) February 21:Beliefs as self-fulfilling prophecies II (and more success)February 23: Question of focus I (hey, look here)February 28:Question of focus II (so much to look at...)March 2:Can we change?March 7:Y es, we can changeMarch 9: Physical health (sleep is good i.e. why this class starts at 11:30)March 14:Setting goals I (from lofty todo lists...)March 16:Setting goals II (... to earthly visions)March 21:MidtermMarch 23:Review and questions (everything you wanted to know, and... have awonderful break)SPRING BREAKApril 4: �Perfectionism I (at Harvard)April 6:Perfectionism IIApril 11: Mindfulness (Ohmmmmmm)April 13: Humor (finally, some fun in this class)April 18: Relationships I (love, friendship, and other good stuff)April 20: Relationships IIApril 25:Self-esteem IApril 27:Self-esteem IIMay 2:The good life (wait, what was the course about until now?)May 4:What Now? (the next step, the one after, and farewell�:(前言幸福是一门科学2002年,我第一次在哈佛大学教授积极心理学,当时有八个学生报名,其中还有两人中途退课。


如何为自己创造一个积极的环境: 找一些你爱的人或者地方的照片、
提高自尊的方法:面对而不是逃避。 《永恒的治疗》〈适应力因素〉
第七讲 (7.12)45min)
第三讲 幸福是一种随机现象吗? (6.15)
“注重培养能力,而非改正错误!” 能否改变自己的人生,要靠自己,
第四讲 积极的环境能改变人 (6。20)
“我们活着的人每分钟都在影响世 界和他人,问题是我们选择哪外方 向,是成为推动改变的力量?深思 熟虑,还是成为实践理想主义者?
准许自己为人:各种情绪的出现是 人之常情。
第五讲 环境的力量(6.29)
恶性情绪:下行螺旋; 抑郁:思维收窄;
第6讲:信念即自我实现预言 (7.11)
《思考致富》《正面思考的力量》 《秘密》:相信就会成功(言过其
问题缔造现实:我们所问的问 题,通常决定了我们所追求的 东西。我们会走的道路,我们 会• 提追出求正确的的生问题活,。以求问题的解决:
• 只关注自己的缺点与不足,就不会发现 自己的优点和长处。
Marva collins:从专注缺点到 专注优点
不断重复这样的信息:“你会成功, 你能做好,承担生活的责任,停止 报怨,停止抱怨政府,停止报怨老 师,停止抱怨父母。”“成功与否
哈佛大学公开课 幸福课-什么是积极心理学
第一讲: (6.3) 哈佛MBA毕业生中格外出色的一部分:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Psychology 1504 Positive Psychology
Bridging Ivory Tower and Main Street
The objective of positive psychology is to unite the rigor of academic research with the accessibility of the self-help movement.
The Road to Positive Psychology
• Humanistic Psychology (50’s)
• The Third Force
– Reaction to behaviorism (First Force) – Reaction to psychoanalysis (Second Force)
Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
“In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired; in pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped.”
Lao Tzu
In Search of “WOW”
• There is no “WOW”! • Making common sense more common
House keeping
• Feedback or questions • In case of an emergency… • … we’ll take a PP-break • Powerpoints and videotape on website • Active note-taking • Regular Time-Ins
• Lacked rigorous methodology
Meet the Grandparents
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994)
Meet the Parents
Martin Seligman
Information is not enough
“What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science— information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.”
“Words are not the sole medium of exchange in teaching and learning— we educate with silence as well. Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard… In authentic education, silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sPhilip Stone
Meet 1504
It is not merely about information It is also about transformation
• Covering less; uncovering more
“The soul grows by subtraction, not addition.”
Archibald MaCleish
Information is not enough
“Humanistic philosophy [offers] a new conception of learning, of teaching, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education, the goal of education—the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned—is ultimately the ‘self-actualization’ of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to. In a less technical way, it is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become.”