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2020 年语法填空+短文改错组合练

[题组1]ft西省太原五中2020 届高三上学期阶段性检测

There was an old man in 1956. After running a restaurant for several years, he retired at the age of 65 and received his first social security check, 41 was for $105, as his only income.

Thinking about the positive feedback he got from those who 42 (taste) his fried chicken, the old man decided that he was not going to settle for a quiet retirement. He went from door to door 43 (find) a partner who could help promote his chicken recipe. Needless to say, he was met 44 little enthusiasm. Then the old man started traveling to different restaurants and 45 (cook) his fried chicken on the spot for restaurant 46 (owner). If the owner liked the chicken, they would make a handshake agreement to

sell his chicken. For each piece of chicken the restaurant sold, he would receive a nickel (五美分). Legend has it that he was turned down 1,009 times 47 his chicken was finally accepted.

That was the 48 (begin) of the old man’s in ternational fame and financial success story. In 1976, he 49 (rank) as the world’s second recognizable celebrity.

The man was Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of fast food restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Whether you like KFC or not, his story is 50 (true) inspirational. It’s an example of how perseverance, dedication and ambition, along with hard work, can create success — regardless of your age.

Today all the students in my school had a heat discussion about if we students should wear school uniforms or not. 80% of the students thought wearing school uniforms will prevent students express their individual characteristic. However, 15% of them think it can help some students stop focusing on showing off his clothes. The rest, about 5%, don’t take the issue serious. They are only concerned that whether they can get high grades. As for me, I’m one of the 15%. I think wearing school uniforms can be vita l importance in creating a sense of school identity but it also encourages students to feel like part of the school.

41. which 42. had tasted 43. to find 44. with 45. cooking

46. owners 47. before 48. beginning 49. was ranked 50. truly

51. heat 改为heated;52.if 改为whether 53.thought 改为think

54. express 改为expressing 55. characteristic 改为characteristics 56. his 改为their

57. serious 改为seriously 58. whether 前的that 去掉59. can be 后加of

60.but 改为and

[题组2] 河北衡水中学2020 届第一次联合考试

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Monkeys do not like it when others get more food 61 they do, according to a new study.

Researchers from Yale and Harvard universities found Capuchin monkeys punish monkeys 62 get more food. "This sort of, 'If I can't have it, no one can’ response is because 63 psychological spite (怨恨),and it was 64 (previous) thought unique to humans," said Kristin Leimgruber of Harvard University. She is a co-author of the research study. The researchers watched as some Capuchin monkeys 65 (give) more food than others. They found that monkeys getting the 66 (small) share pulled a rope to fold up a table holding the other monkey's bigger share.

Another lead researcher, Laurie Santas, 67 (explain) over email, "I think what we can conclude about humans is that some of our more embarrassing tendencies have relatively deep 68 (root)." Santos said the spiteful response was not present with another member of the ape species—chimpanzees(黑猩猩).

An earlier study, she said. showed chimpanzees would fold up the table of other chimpanzees 69 (steal) food from them. But they would not punish chimpanzees who just happened 70 (have) more food, Santos said. In other words, it was fine if another chimpanzee had more food as long as they did not steal it.

It was raining light when I got up yesterday. After a quick breakfast, I took a umbrella with me and went to school in a hurry. It was fifteen minutes after school began. I was running quickly when I see an old man walking slowly in the rain. I stopped. wondered whether to help him or not, as I might be late for school. Then I made a
