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1、词语的意义:(1)指称意义:是语言符号和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界或客观世界的实体和事件之间的关系。指称意义和字面意义(literal meaning)虽然在大部分情况下是重合的,却是两个不同角度去看的两个不同概念。字面意义是单个词语最先在语言使用者脑中唤起的概念或形象。如Indian meal(指称意义指“玉米粥”,字面意义是“印第安饭”)和Indian summer (指称意义指“小阳春”,字面意义是“印第安夏天”)。类似的有American Beauty(月月红)和German wool(细毛线)。(2)言内意义:是语言符号之间的关系,包括传统语义学的系统意义(即词在特定语言词汇结构系统中的地位,即词的值)。言内意义可以从音系意义,语法意义和词汇意义上考虑。(3)语用意义:包括表征意义、表达意义、社交意义、祈使意义和联想意义等。


(1)我因坎坷一生碌碌无为而遗憾。(I regret few achievements in a troubled(不安的,忧虑的,动乱的)life.)

(2)龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日里,聚会的苗族同胞,每年有三四万。(The Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration(庆祝,庆祝会)of the Miao people, who live along the Qingshui River in southeastern Guizhou Province. Every year between 30000 and 40000 Miao participate in the festivities(节日,节日活动).)

(3)吃、穿、住、行、用等各方面的工业品,包括彩电、冰箱、洗衣机,都大幅度增长。(Production of processed food, clothing, housing, transportation and commodities for daily use, including major appliances such as colour TV sets, refrigerators and wahing machines, increased by a wide margin.)

(4)全部成品出厂前必须在实验室里进行检验,严格把关,一丝不苟。(All products must be inspected strictly and scrupulously in the lab of the factory before delivery.)

(5)我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。(I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed---in a blue cloth gown(长袍,长外衣)with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a skull cap (室内便帽)on the head.)

(6)他听傅芳把共产党说成神出鬼没似的,便觉得非常有趣。(He was immediately tickled (逗乐,使高兴,觉得痒)by Fufang’s account of elusive,(躲避的,难以理解的)will-o’-the-wisp (鬼火,磷火,捉摸不定的东西)communists.)

(7)对于我们的这样发展中的大国来说,经济要发展得快一点,不可能总是那么平平静静、稳稳当当。(For a major developing nation like China, it is impossible to attain a slightly faster economic growth always at such a calm and smooth pace.)

(8)南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄、一逞英豪。(Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeals, 9感染力,号召力)a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideas have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead (主角,榜样)or to give play to their genius and virtues.)

(9)黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉。泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫。(The yellow ones were simple and elegant; the white ones, pure and noble; and the purple ones, warm and deep; all were in full bloom, dancing in the autumn breeze.)

(10)在四川,有一美妙去处。它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。名胜古迹荟萃,这就是松潘县的黄龙。(One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains. Its lush(茂盛的,葱翠的) green forests, filled with fragrant flowers,
