法国菜 final 英语ppt
![法国菜 final 英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a90b28ceb9f3f90f76c61b23.png)
• Original
• Season with Wine
Foie Gras Saute(法式鹅肝)
It is considered as one of the three most delicious foods in the world. Compared with the its fame, the goose liver is rather beneficial for our health. With the good taste and rich nutrition, the goose liver is undoubtedly famous around the world.
French Food
CordenBleu奖 Henry II Curmantle(1133年3 月5日-1189年7月6日) Louis XIV,1638年9月5日 -1715年9月1日
As George iv and Russian tsar Alexander I chief cook
《Dictionary Cuisine》 Anthony Clemmer
Food materials
Two authoritative magazine
Divided by Factions
• 1.ClassicCuisine
• 2.BourgeoiseCuisine
• 3.NouvelleCuisine
Divided by Local Characteristics
• 1.Burgundy • 2.Alsacef
• 3.Normandy
法国美食 英文版(课堂PPT)
![法国美食 英文版(课堂PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4c112d1a680203d8cf2f248c.png)
Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, and then the guest of honor men and women in the press and the general order of the guests seating arrangements.
For the main or meat course, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward(弯曲向下), and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife.
The order of dishes in the West
Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beefsteak . A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.
Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, and then the guest of honor men and women in the press and the general order of the guests seating arrangements.
For the main or meat course, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward(弯曲向下), and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife.
The order of dishes in the West
Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beefsteak . A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.
Thank You!
Red Wine
2. The history of French food
• The culture of French food has a long history ,according to the legend(传说), Catherine, a Italian woman, married to Henry Ⅱ,King of France, brought the cookery of cow liver. • Tenderloin Steak(里脊牛排) and cheese which prevailed in the The Renaissance(文艺复兴) to Franch . Then Louis XIV of France launched the cooking competition, namely the prize of Corden Bleu that popular nowadays. Dictionary of Cuisine become the foundation of Classic French cuisine type.
3.Table manners of French food
French is not only the city of fashion and romance, the French foods which enrich in romance and elegance(优雅)are also famous and welcome by the world people. Because the popular of French foods ,so it is necessary for us to understand and grasp some manners on the tasting the French foods.
巴黎美食 英语版PPT
![巴黎美食 英语版PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c85d9532b90d6c85ec3ac655.png)
3. Croque Monsieur & Croque Madame
A typical famous French food is the Croque Monsieur - toasted ham and cheese sandwich.
Croque Madame
Croque Madame
Simply add a fried egg to the top of any Croque Monsieur, and you instantly have a Croque Madame!
What to eat in Paris?
Which famous French food do you think of when you think of being in Paris? For me, the list is so long, now Let‘s share all those yummy things hef France : the sandwich - yum!
A sandwich might not sound like typical French food, but it's certainly worthy of your consideration!
filled croissant sandwich
• Famous French food ingredients : the Crepe • The ingredients can vary from region to region, but generally include: • flour eggs • milk butter • a pinch of salt. • French crepes are usually of two types: sweet and savoury
法国美食 英文版
![法国美食 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b0162e7fad6195f302ba6f7.png)
For the main or meat course, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward(弯曲向下), and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife.
法国美食 英文版
❖蜗牛(snail) ❖葡萄酒(wine) ❖奶酪(cheese) ❖鹅肝酱(foie gras) ❖面包(bread)
The snail
Foie gras
Байду номын сангаас
Table manner
Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, and then the guest of honor men and women in the press and the general order of the guests seating arrangements.
The order of dishes in the West
Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beefsteak . A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.
法国美食 英文版
❖蜗牛(snail) ❖葡萄酒(wine) ❖奶酪(cheese) ❖鹅肝酱(foie gras) ❖面包(bread)
The snail
Foie gras
Байду номын сангаас
Table manner
Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, and then the guest of honor men and women in the press and the general order of the guests seating arrangements.
The order of dishes in the West
Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beefsteak . A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.
❖ 菜名:草莓黄瓜
❖ 所属菜系: 法国名菜
❖ 特点: 清凉脆鲜、酸甜可口。
❖ 原料: 黄瓜500克,草莓200克,白糖100 克,白醋5克。精盐、味精、清水各适量。
1、 黄瓜用清水洗净,切去两头,再切成“梳子背”块形,放入小盆 内,加精盐腌10分钟,捞出,凉水中稍漂洗,轻轻挤干水分,盛盘内。
味蕾的无限欲望。 “黑椒汁煎法国鹅肝”,精选法国肥美鹅
肝,配以黑胡椒汁,经过独特调理,最后再配 上一些红艳的圣女果、翠绿的花椰菜,可以说 是一款独一无二的佳肴极品。
蜗牛——“国菜”,时髦与富裕的象征,鲜美无, 肉中黄金,美容养颜。在众多食用蜗牛的国家中,法 国蜗牛最有名气。 法国蜗牛高蛋白、低脂肪,含有多种维生素、微量元 素和人体无法合成的氨基酸。据法国饮食协会的资料 显示,蜗牛有清热、解毒、消肿等作用,能调节血压, 预防心脑血管疾病,长期食用能养颜美容、延年益寿。
❖ 盛产白葡萄酒、桃红酒,世界著名的鹅肝(Foie Gras)也来自此地区。驰名菜肴有罗伦士塔(Cuiche Lorraine)。
❖ 3).诺曼底菜肴(Normandy)
❖ 盛产海鲜、干酪(Canenbert)、奶油及苹果、苹 果白兰地(Calvados)。驰名菜肴有暖苹果塔配雪葩 (Torte Fine aux Pommes et Sorbet)。
mets délicieux
法国美食介绍 PPT
![法国美食介绍 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/79cbfe3a9b6648d7c1c7467f.png)
曾任英皇乔治四世和帝俄沙皇亚历山大一世 首席厨师的安东尼.凯莱梅写了一本饮食大字典, Dictionaire of Cuisine,成为古典法国菜式的 基础。
法国美食的特色在于使用新鲜的季节性材料,加上厨师个人的独特的调理, 完成独一无二的艺术佳肴极品。法国菜的突出特点是选料广泛。法国菜常 选用稀有的名贵原料,如蜗牛、青蛙、鹅肝、黑蘑菇等。用蜗牛和蛙腿做 成的菜,是法国菜中的名品,许多外国客人为了一饱口福而前往法国。此 外,还喜欢用各种野味,如鸽子、鹌鹑、斑鸠、鹿、野兔等。由于选料广 泛,品种就能按季节及时更换,因而使就餐者对菜肴始终保持着新鲜感。 这是法国菜诱人的因素法国菜派系 新派法国菜派系
Classic Cuisine/Haute Cuisine
起源自法国大革命前,皇亲贵族流行 的菜肴,后来经由艾斯奥菲区分类别。 古典菜派系的主厨手艺精湛,选料必 须是品质最好的,常用的食疗包括龙 虾、蚝、肉排和香槟,多以酒及面粉 为汁酱基础,再经过浓缩而成,口感 丰富浓郁,多以牛油或淇淋润饰调稠。
材料:偏好牛肉、小牛肉、羊肉、家禽、海鲜 、蔬菜、田螺、松露、 鹅肝及鱼子酱配料:采用大量的酒、牛油、鲜奶油及各式香料
烹调:火候占了非常重要的一环,如牛、羊肉通常烹调至六、七分熟即 可;海 鲜烹调时须熟度适当,不可过熟
酱料制作:更特别费功夫,其使用的材料很广泛,无论是高汤、酒、鲜 奶油、牛油或各式香料、水果等,都运用的非常灵活。
蜗牛 Escargot
法国蜗牛和干贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅被称为法国四大名菜。法式蜗牛又是法国人的 最爱,据统计,法国一年要消耗三亿多只蜗牛。而法国人做蜗牛菜又有不同 的方法,如洋葱炒蜗牛、宫爆蜗牛、滑蛋蜗牛等,最受欢迎的还是法式焗蜗 牛。 厨师们用香草、黄油、红酒混合制成酱料,在每个蜗牛壳里放上一点,冷藏 腌制三天,让蜗牛肉充分吸收酱料的味道,然后在烤箱里烤5到10分钟上桌。 用特制的蜗牛夹和蜗牛叉挖出一块放进嘴里,这时的蜗牛肉质鲜嫩、口感爽 滑,嚼起来还有清新的香草味。蜗牛还是种保健食品,有降低血脂、软化血 管的功效。
法国美食的特色在于使用新鲜的季节性材料,加上厨师个人的独特的调理, 完成独一无二的艺术佳肴极品。法国菜的突出特点是选料广泛。法国菜常 选用稀有的名贵原料,如蜗牛、青蛙、鹅肝、黑蘑菇等。用蜗牛和蛙腿做 成的菜,是法国菜中的名品,许多外国客人为了一饱口福而前往法国。此 外,还喜欢用各种野味,如鸽子、鹌鹑、斑鸠、鹿、野兔等。由于选料广 泛,品种就能按季节及时更换,因而使就餐者对菜肴始终保持着新鲜感。 这是法国菜诱人的因素法国菜派系 新派法国菜派系
Classic Cuisine/Haute Cuisine
起源自法国大革命前,皇亲贵族流行 的菜肴,后来经由艾斯奥菲区分类别。 古典菜派系的主厨手艺精湛,选料必 须是品质最好的,常用的食疗包括龙 虾、蚝、肉排和香槟,多以酒及面粉 为汁酱基础,再经过浓缩而成,口感 丰富浓郁,多以牛油或淇淋润饰调稠。
材料:偏好牛肉、小牛肉、羊肉、家禽、海鲜 、蔬菜、田螺、松露、 鹅肝及鱼子酱配料:采用大量的酒、牛油、鲜奶油及各式香料
烹调:火候占了非常重要的一环,如牛、羊肉通常烹调至六、七分熟即 可;海 鲜烹调时须熟度适当,不可过熟
酱料制作:更特别费功夫,其使用的材料很广泛,无论是高汤、酒、鲜 奶油、牛油或各式香料、水果等,都运用的非常灵活。
蜗牛 Escargot
法国蜗牛和干贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅被称为法国四大名菜。法式蜗牛又是法国人的 最爱,据统计,法国一年要消耗三亿多只蜗牛。而法国人做蜗牛菜又有不同 的方法,如洋葱炒蜗牛、宫爆蜗牛、滑蛋蜗牛等,最受欢迎的还是法式焗蜗 牛。 厨师们用香草、黄油、红酒混合制成酱料,在每个蜗牛壳里放上一点,冷藏 腌制三天,让蜗牛肉充分吸收酱料的味道,然后在烤箱里烤5到10分钟上桌。 用特制的蜗牛夹和蜗牛叉挖出一块放进嘴里,这时的蜗牛肉质鲜嫩、口感爽 滑,嚼起来还有清新的香草味。蜗牛还是种保健食品,有降低血脂、软化血 管的功效。
如果你不确定是否可以用手指或其他餐桌 礼仪吃某道菜,请遵循主人指示。大部分 食品是不能用手指吃的。
French margarita red grape wine co., LTD., is the world famous grape wine famous winery, margarita bordeaux red wine is famous in the world, it taste meticulous, amorous feelings, have the laudatory title of "queen of French wine, is recognized as the world's largest wine producing area.
如果你不确定是否可以用手指或其他餐桌 礼仪吃某道菜,请遵循主人指示。大部分 食品是不能用手指吃的。
French margarita red grape wine co., LTD., is the world famous grape wine famous winery, margarita bordeaux red wine is famous in the world, it taste meticulous, amorous feelings, have the laudatory title of "queen of French wine, is recognized as the world's largest wine producing area.
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Besides Frenchmen are fond of cheese,cheeses with different taste reach more than 400ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ It’s consumption quantity ranks first in the world, therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”. French cheese is probably more than 400 kinds, and it often produce new products. Its main raw material is milk or goat's milk.
❖葡萄酒(wine) ❖蜗牛(snail) ❖面包(bread) ❖奶酪(cheese) ❖鹅肝酱(foie gras)
Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different.
The world's best and most famous wine producing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can produce high quality grapes. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.
French bread , because the appearance is like a long stick, so commonly known as French sticks, is the world unique French hard bread. Unlike the soft bread , its skin and inside are very hard. Besides French stick , still have a kind of crescent type of bread.
escargot, a preparation of snails which can be served with a variety of sauces is one of the most famous dishes in French cuisine.
French snail, have a few kinds of eating. It is said to eat more than 300 million french snail every year.Due to limited production, the price has risen to a few francs per dozen, but sometimes still demands exceeds supply.
The French are famous for their exquisite dishes.French meal is still the world's first in the western dishes.
The official French meal, principle of serving order is an appetizer, soup, fish, jelly , dish, salad, barbecue, dessert and coffee. When ordering, bread column do not need to fill out; while some wine, each dish type with wine should specify clearly.
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself .
The famous French food foie gras is the most famous food in French. Foie gras has many kinds of eat , it can be used as food, served with grilled hot bread eaten alone, or mixed with other materials as a appetizer. Foie gras can also be sliced warm to eat, or eat with beef dishes, then it became a main course, suitable with red wine.