


简要描述 发动机视图 和前代发动机数据比较 发动机数据 CO2测量
曲轴箱 油盘 曲轴总成 气缸盖 皮带驱动 链条驱动和凸轮轴调节
空气供给 真空系统 燃料 喷射系统 燃油系统 排气系统
发动机冷却 发动机润滑
115KW/5000 115KW/5300
250nm/1600- 250nm/1250-
通过增压压力 通过真空
热量管理 启动之后阶段 风扇控制 节温器加热 延时风扇关闭 百叶窗散热器 过热保护
热量管理控制是通过ME控制单元管理发 动机中的冷却液温度。可以更快的到达工 作温度,降低排放提高加热舒适性
需要补充的是增加了发动机暖机时的热量 管理系统的技术
相比于M271EVO发动机,M274减轻了 发动机重量和摩擦力
最新一代引导型喷雾压电式喷油嘴的缸内直喷技 术
屡次快速压电式喷油嘴 带涡轮增压的直喷技术 通过真空提高压力控制 先进的凸轮轴调节为了发动机正时 通过管理油泵和水泵到达最正确的润滑和冷却液
气缸盖由高强度铝合金组成 进气口的特殊设计可以使在燃烧室产生所
需要的增压 每个气缸有4个口,两进气两排气,通过
凸轮轴驱动,每个凸轮轴上有两个压紧装 置 气缸设计和增压运动有以下特色: 高扭矩、低消耗、低排放
水泵、发电机、压缩机通过皮带由曲轴驱 动



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铝制 ME 控制单元设计为壳体概念的 标准外壳。其设计为安装在保护壳 内。电缆通过 5个连接器相连。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17- 油管; K27- 燃油泵继电器; 22/1 - 进气变换执行器; K40/4K3 - 二次空气喷射通电器; 55/1 - 汽油滤清器; Y62 - 喷油嘴; 75 - 油箱; M3 - 油泵; 77 - 炭罐; M16/6 - 节气门马达总成(D.K); 89 - EGR阀; M33 - 电子二次空气喷射泵; Ale26 - 发动机故障灯; M3/10 - ETC(变速箱)电脑; G33—36 - 氧传感器(加热);

• • •
针 1 接地 针 2 霍耳传感器信号 针 3 电源(电路 87)

ME—SFI控制系统中水温传感器为冷车 起动及暖车期间,与曲轴位置传感器 的转速信号一起作为控制喷射时间主 要信号。
温度(℃) 20℃ 80℃ 电阻(Ω) 电压(V) 3100Ω 315Ω 3.4V左右 1.2V左右 温度℃ 50℃ 100℃ 电阻(Ω) 900Ω 170Ω 电压(V) 1.9V 0.5V
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
A1 - 仪表板; G3/5 - 左后02传感器; A16g1 - 右侧爆震传感器; G3/6 - 右后02传感器; A16g2 - 左侧爆震传感器; L5 - 曲轴位置传感器; B2/5 - 热线式空气流量计; M16/6 - 节气门马达总成(D.K); B4/3 - 油箱压力传感器(美规); N3/10 - ME-SFI电脑; B6/1 - 霍尔式凸轮轴传感器; N15/3 - ETC变速箱 B11/4 - 水温传感器; N19 - 空调电脑面板; B28 - 压力传感器(美规);



每边气缸有一根进气凸轮轴,一根排气 凸轮轴
每根凸轮轴都可以持续可变的调节,最 大角度为40度
每边气缸只有一根凸轮轴 没有凸轮轴调节
每一个火花塞都位于燃烧室的中间,且 直接安装在点火线圈上
双点火,两个火花塞和两个点火线圈在 气缸头上
凸轮轴对正时记号 平衡轴对正时记号
A1 A16/1 A16/1 B2/5 B4/3 B6/4 B6/5 B6/6 B6/7
仪表板 右爆震传感器 左爆震传感器 热膜空气流量计 燃油箱压力传感器 左进气凸轮轴位置传感器 右进气凸轮轴位置传感器 左排气凸轮轴位置传感器 右排气凸轮轴位置传感器
N10/1 驾驶座SAM控制单元 N10/1kO 空气泵继电器 N10/1kS 起动机继电器 N10/2 后SAM控制单元 N10/1kA 燃油泵继电器 N15/5 电子排档杆模块控制单
元 N22 自动空调控制、操作单

N47-5 ESP、BAS控制单元 N73 EIS控制单元 N93 中央网关控制单元 T1/1..6 1至6缸点火线圈 X11/4 诊断连接插头 Y3/8n4 VGS控制单元 Y10/1 转向助力泵量控制阀 Y22/6 可变进气歧管转换阀 Y22/9 进气歧管翻板转换阀



在安排发火顺序时,应注意: ⒈使连续做功的两缸相距尽可能远; ⒉做功间隔应力求均匀; ⒊各缸发火的间隔时间应力求均匀,发火间隔角=720°/i,i为气缸数。
是发动机各个机构和系统的 装配基体,由气缸和曲轴箱组 成。可分为一般式气缸体、龙 门式气缸体、隧道式气缸体三 种。三种气缸体的刚度和强度 逐次提高,但工艺性依次下降。
a)一般式缸体 b)龙门式缸体 c)隧道式缸体
电喷发动机以及柴油机在进气行程吸 入的是纯空气。
进气行程中,活塞向下移动,气缸容积急速增大, 从而在气缸内形成真空吸力,在真空吸力的作用下, 把气体吸入气缸。
排气门 进 气 行 程
压缩行程,活塞从下止点移动到 上止点。气缸容积缩小,气体密度 加大,压强、温度升高。可使吸入 的可燃混合气迅速燃烧,产生较大 的压力,从而提高发动机发出的功 率。


• 发动机概述 • 发动机的组成与工作过程 • 发动机的维护与保养 • 发动机的常见故障与排除方法 • 发动机的发展趋势与未来展望
发动机是一种将其他形式的能量转换为机械能的装置,广泛应用于汽车、船舶 、飞机等领域。根据不同的分类标准,发动机可以分为多种类型。
将可燃混合气压缩 ,提高其温度和压 力。
利用燃烧产生的能 量推动活塞下行, 使曲轴旋转。
吸入空气,使可燃 混合气进入气缸。
点燃可燃混合气, 使其在气缸内燃烧 。
将燃烧后的废气排 出气缸。
从点火时刻起到燃气开始燃烧的这段时间 。
燃烧速度最快的阶段,放出大量热量,使 压力迅速上升。
根据燃料类型,发动机可以分为汽油发动机、柴油发动机、燃气发动机等;根 据实现转换的方式,发动机可以分为内燃机、外燃机等;根据应用领域,发动 机可以分为汽车发动机、航空发动机、船舶发动机等。
01Байду номын сангаас
采用高压喷射技术,提高燃油 雾化效果,提高燃烧效率。
将喷油嘴置于缸内,实现燃油 与空气的更佳混合,提高燃烧



奔驰新M271+EVO学员培训资料轿车动力系统4 缸汽油发动机新M271 EVO学员培训教材目录目录1 情况介绍 111 欢迎 112 时间安排 113 培训课学习目标 114 培训课共识 115 电子培训的问题 22 M271 EVO 的新特性 321 全新271 EVO 发动机 322 M271 EVO 改进的凸轮轴调节器 523 M271 EVO 低噪音链条传动 724 M271 EVO 可调机油泵 1025 M271 EVO 直接喷射 1126 M271 EVO 涡轮增压器 1327 M271 EVO 热量管理和冷却回路 153 理论– M271 EVO 低压和高压燃油系统 1731 W204 低压和高压燃油系统 1732 W204 中的燃油系统 1733 理论 - W204 低压燃油系统 1934 M271 EVO 高压燃油系统 2135 M271 EVO 高压泵 2236 理论 - M271 EVO 高压系统 2637 理论相关的结论介绍- M271 EVO 低压和高压燃油系统 27 4 实践– M271 EVO 低压和高压燃油系统 2841 实践–测试M271 EVO 低压和高压燃油系统 2842 实践 - 测试W204 中的低压燃油系统 2843 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 高压燃油系统 3144 实践相关的结论介绍 - W204 低压燃油系统和M271 EVO 高压系统 325 理论 - M271 EVO 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统 3351 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统 3352 M271 EVO 增压空气系统 3353 M271 EVO 增压压力控制 3554 理论 - M271 EVO 增压空气系统 3755 M271 EVO 二次空气喷射系统 39PBM1-PA123 学员讲义I目录56 理论 - M271 EVO 二次空气喷射系统 4057 理论相关的结论介绍 - M271 EVO 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统 416 实践 - M271 EVO 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统 4261 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统4262 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 增压空气系统 4263 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 二次空气系统 4464 理论相关的结论介绍 - M271 EVO 增压空气系统和二次空气喷射系统 457 实践 - M271 EVO 旋转风门调节 4671 旋转风门调节 4672 M271 EVO 中的旋转风门调节 4673 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 中的旋转风门调节 4774 实践相关的结论介绍 - M271 EVO 旋转风门调节 48 8 实践 - M271 EVO 散热器百页窗 4981 实践 - M271 EVO 散热器百页窗 4982 M271 EVO 散热器百页窗 4983 实践 - 测试M271 EVO 散热器百页窗 5084 实践相关的结论介绍 - M271 EVO 散热器百页窗 51 9 最终测试 5291 最终测试展示 5392 最终测试 5310 结论 54101 结论 54II PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO的新特性 2全新271 EVO发动机 212 M271 EVO 的新特性21 全新271 EVO 发动机271 EVO 发动机TT_00_00_000546_FA在本培训单元中您将获得有关271 EVO发动机的新特性和更改信息最近几年中梅赛德斯-奔驰内部名称为M271 的4缸火花点燃式发动机在C级E级CLK和SLK敞篷跑车等车辆中都有卓越的表现M271 EVO这款四缸发动机充分体现了梅赛德斯-奔驰近年来所倡导的量产车小型化理念虽然以采取措施减少油耗为重点但同时也提高了动力性能和扭矩值发动机271 剖面图TT_01_10_000537_FAcom M271 EVO 发动机的新特性M271 EVO 的特性包括改进的凸轮轴调节器低噪音链条传动可调机油泵直接喷射热量管理废气涡输增压PBM1-PA123 学员讲义32 M271 EVO 的新特性21 全新271 EVO发动机com 开发目标保持18升排量不变的情况下重新设计发动机的焦点目标在于减少油耗在保持使用95 RON 燃油不变的情况下提升发动机性能将最高功率从135 千瓦提高到150 千瓦提高了11将最大扭矩从250 牛顿米提高到310 牛顿米提高了24 从而也让客户体验到更多的驾驶乐趣满足EU5 法规优化标准化部件和装配工作流程调整发动机机械部件以适应提升的机械负荷和热负荷并且改善摩擦特性改进前代装备出色的NVH 特性com NVH 最优化噪音和振动最优化通过众多开发步骤改进了M271 EVO发动机的噪音特性根据前代发动机的经验以及发动机早期开发阶段中的计算机模拟对与声学有关的部件做了进一步改进燃油喷射系统从进气口喷射改为直接喷射要求喷油器和高压部件的连接极度精密另一项减少喷油器发出滴答声和改善发动机噪音的措施是一个外形经过重新设计的护盖它安装了具有声学效果的隔音材料M271 EVO 的充气概念已从机械增压器变为废气涡输增压因此进气道进行了彻底改装噪音排放得到进一步改善涡轮增压器特有的噪音如脉动啸声和充气啸声都可利用专门改进的增压器减音器解决改为齿形滚子链后发动机的正时传动在噪音特性方面得到了明显改进通过采用前代装备中的滚子链尤其通过使用最新开发的链条显著降低了兰彻斯特链条传动的噪音等级链条的公差和链节轮廓经过改进后适应了兰彻斯特传动高减噪要求通过优化链条传动布置获得了更多的改进通过对机油盘和手动变速箱进行结构改进进一步改善了噪音排放因此与前代装备相比M271 EVO显著降低了全负荷极限范围内的噪音等级作为典型的涡输增压发动机它只在转速超过2000转每分后扭矩激增时工作声才会提高与前代装备相比在减速模式下总噪音等级则进一步降低这将使M271 EVO能够满足未来车辆对舒适性增加的要求4 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO改进的凸轮轴调节器 2222 M271 EVO 改进的凸轮轴调节器com 作用运行更快的凸轮轴调节器可以连续可变地调节正时com 设计用于调节进排气锻造凸轮轴的调节器经过优化设计为滑片型调节器该调节器的重量更轻调节速度比以前快了两倍凸轮轴调节器为液压摆动传动装置40°的曲轴转角调节角度–相当于调节器排气处20°的实际角度–是由四个工作腔来完成的凸轮轴扭矩通过这四个腔支持M271 EVO 凸轮轴调节器TT_05_20_000618_FAcom 功能当发动机关闭时弹簧储能销将凸轮轴调节器锁止在其基本位置这样可防止发动机启动时调节器的非受控运动中央阀被设计成一个比例阀并且分别与调节器两个工作腔中的每一个相连一个工作腔连至机油泵一个连至回流管路通过对前代凸轮轴调节器的进一步开发重量降低了34调节速度增加了此项改进可通过引入一个中央单向阀实现从而降低了液压比扭矩凸轮轴调节策略最大调节范围达到了70°曲轴转角进气30°曲轴转角排气40°曲轴转角在部分负荷范围内内部废气循环率可达约20 使得最大耗油量减少8-10精确的设定点调节及最窄的凸轮轴峰谷值是遵从发动机点火不良限制所需间隔的先决条件对此特别关注的是调节液压促动的凸轮轴定位器及其位置控制其结果是曲轴转角范围控制稳定性小于±15°在大部分节气门开启范围内调节选项–包括所述的扫气模式反转模式 - 有效减少耗油量和排放PBM1-PA123 学员讲义52 M271 EVO 的新特性22 M271 EVO改进的凸轮轴调节器M271 EVO 进气和排气凸轮轴调节器TT_05_20_000619_FA6 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO低噪音链条传动 2323 M271 EVO 低噪音链条传动众多改变使得链条传动产生的噪音显著降低com 设计新型齿形链节发动机正时链的滑轨较长具备更好的导向作用这种改进的导向作用可防止发动机正时链振动M271 EVO 链条传动TT_05_10_000539_FAcom 功能由曲轴驱动的新型主正时链驱动两根凸轮轴PBM1-PA123 学员讲义72 M271 EVO 的新特性23 M271 EVO低噪音链条传动M271 EVO 链条张紧器使用新型棘爪式链条张紧器张紧M271 EVO 的主正时链此类链条张紧器一旦已取下不得重复使用重新安装使用曾完全松开的链条张紧器可能会导致发动机损坏在安装新的链条张紧器之前必须先阅读维修间资料系统中的维修说明M271 EVO 棘爪式链条张紧器TT_05_10_000640_FAcom M271 EVO 兰彻斯特平衡器作用兰彻斯特平衡器安装在曲轴箱下方它可对4缸发动机因设计原因而出现的二阶自由惯性力进行补偿设计如其前代装备一样气缸曲轴箱也由压铸铝制成采用铸铁衬套的缸套经过精密珩磨进一步降低了摩擦与前代发动机一样仍然使用卧式单件式压铸铝兰彻斯特壳体以及单个无衬套的滑动轴承组合式兰彻斯特轴的使用提高了成本效益因此将两根碳钢管轴代替之前使用的锻造轴插入兰彻斯特壳体的曲轴通道不平衡质量部分则被固定到轴上不平衡质量部分的前端同时可用于在铝制壳体内进行定位和提供轴向支撑平衡轴用三个巴氏合金轴承支撑与前代装备相比不平衡质量区域内较小的轴承直径能够显著减少摩擦曲轴与前代发动机一样采用铸造曲轴有八个平衡重8 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO低噪音链条传动 23M271 EVO 兰彻斯特平衡器TT_03_30_000540_FAM271 EVO 兰彻斯特轴TT_03_30_000541_FA功能具有以下优点通过将不平衡轴颈直径减半节约燃油消耗量高动态剪切力令摩擦减少特别是兰彻斯特转动速度非常快高达 13000 转每分因此使摩擦显著下降简化的系统和部件减少了成本费用更小且统一的轴承直径刚性轴降低了制造和组装成本可以省略组装整体锻造轴所需的驱动端保护罩不平衡质量的直径包括装配工作和螺纹连接采用工艺精细的轴承座和空心轴代替锻造轴而减轻了重量兰彻斯特壳体内直接驱动和部分整合的可调叶片式机油泵与M271 量产装备兼容PBM1-PA123 学员讲义92 M271 EVO 的新特性24 M271 EVO可调机油泵24 M271 EVO 可调机油泵com 作用可调叶片式机油泵根据所需的机油压力提供必要的机油量com 设计可调叶片式机油泵通过凸缘安装在兰彻斯特壳体的后轴承座前端进气侧平衡轴通过一对齿轮驱动机油泵此时的机油泵驱动为下传动M271 EVO 可调机油泵TT_18_10_000622_FA1 至曲轴箱的加压出油口 6 机油泵壳体2 输入轴 7 进气道3 定位环 8 滑片4 安装套筒 9 调速油道5 定位环弹簧com 功能调节通过机油泵的新油侧进行从主油道流出的调速机油进入调速油腔此时的机油将压向叶轮泵的弹簧储能定位环如果主油道内的机油压力到达规定的压力定位环将克服弹簧力移动这样减少了滑片的偏心距因而减少了机油泵的有效尺寸进而减小了泵容积因此机油压力不会进一步增加10 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO直接喷射 2525 M271 EVO 直接喷射com 作用与前代发动机相比直接喷射可提高压缩比因此效率更高燃料分配均匀且成分配比理想燃油喷射压力最高可达140巴M271 EVO 直接喷射TT_07_70_000548_FA18 油轨 Y763 3 缸喷油器20 高压燃油泵 Y764 4 缸喷油器201 驱动器驱动装置 Y94 油量控制阀B46 油轨压力传感器 A 来自油箱的燃油供给燃油低压Y761 1 缸喷油器 B 至油轨的燃油供给燃油高压Y762 2 缸喷油器com 设计单级柱塞泵作为高压泵使用燃油经由高压油轨注入各喷油器成30度角喷入燃烧室M271 EVO 高压泵TT_07_70_000544_FAPBM1-PA123 学员讲义112 M271 EVO 的新特性25 M271 EVO直接喷射com 功能为这类直接喷射设计的燃烧系统根据燃烧稳定性稳固性和高比输出功率83千瓦升进行开发电磁阀喷油器的构造角位置要求有额外的喷射倾角以防缸壁包括进气门涂层上出现沉积物喷油器的每个喷嘴均针对穿透深度均质化能力和油滴大小等进行了开发并且经过改进以适应气缸的内部压力状态和充气运动这也影响汽油的稀释以及炭黑生成在此方面进行了关于喷射形状和喷射方案的采用多孔喷油器的深入研究最成功之处在于采用了高燃烧稳定性和最低排气及微粒排放的类型通过使用加大了扰流的进气口能够提高燃烧速率避免在冷启动后壁上出现任何沉积物为了防止喷射的油流直接被燃烧室壁弹回对不同的活塞燃烧腔形式进行了深入研究这样可在排放机油稀释和耗油量之间提供最佳折中方案因此黑烟值在宽泛的特性图谱范围内均低于01 的烟尘指数安装了具有致偏谐振腔边缘和高容纳油流能力的活塞结构改善了火花塞区域内混合气的气流导向如冷启动12 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO 涡轮增压器 2626 M271 EVO 涡轮增压器com 作用涡轮增压器产生要求的增压压力07-12 巴com 设计涡轮增压器的设计可承受1050 °C的高温被焊接到带双管LSI排气歧管的发动机排气侧轴承壳体用水冷却涡轮轴与发动机油回路相连M271 EVO 涡轮增压器TT_14_10_000547_FA501 增压压力控制阀门 A 冷却液供液管路502 增压压力控制阀门真空组件 B 冷却液回流管路503 消音器 C 发动机供油管路Y101 分流空气转换阀发动机回油管路com 功能所选择的过压控制系统可以产生一个基础的增压压力这相当于一个储压器并且改善了动态特性涡轮增压器控制根据图谱和负荷调节的增压压力通过促动增压真空室实现此增压真空室靠弹簧力固定在其基本位置废气旁通阀关闭弹簧可承受约300毫巴的增压压力真空室通过增压压力传感器Y315进行调节它由发动机控制单元促动PBM1-PA123 学员讲义132 M271 EVO 的新特性26 M271 EVO涡轮增压器为此发动机控制单元分析以下发动机管理的传感器和功能增压空气温度增压空气温度传感器B178增压压力节气门的压力传感器上游B286进气压力压缩机轮的压力传感器上游B2815来自驾驶员的加载要求油门踏板传感器B37发动机转速曲轴霍尔传感器B70防爆震控制系统变速箱过载保护过热保护减速空气在开始减速后由于轴压缩机轮和涡轮叶轮的质量惯性涡轮增压器需继续旋转一会儿当节气门执行元件M166 迅速关闭时会导致增压压力冲击波流回到涡轮增压器该增压压力冲击波可能会对压缩机泵轮产生低的卸载率和高的增压比这将导致增压器泵送短啸声和机械应力开启排气阀可防止此冲击波因快速卸压进入进气道如果ME-SFI [ME]控制单元检测到由负荷向减速模式过渡将促动旁通空气转换阀旁通空气转换阀随即开启旁通管增压压力则经由旁通管供给压缩机泵轮的进气侧使增压压力降低在增压模式下整合弹簧关闭旁通空气转换阀另外由于阀活塞处的压力状况相同增压压力也会经由小孔传给阀膜片的后侧因此阀门保持关闭与压缩机增压相比的优点与机械增压器相比废气涡轮增压具有运行能耗降低重量轻噪音低等优点遵守涡轮增压器的密封说明固定歧管的螺母必须由内向外拧紧至最大扭矩15牛顿米此后必须再次拧紧最大扭矩仍为15牛顿米这可确保排气歧管在气缸盖的密封表面处展开14 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义M271 EVO 的新特性 2M271 EVO热量管理和冷却回路 2727 M271 EVO 热量管理和冷却回路com 作用热量管理的作用在于根据需要利用图谱控制的双盘节温器来调节冷却液回路com 设计M271 EVO 冷却回路TT_20_00_000549_FA1 散热器 8 节流阀2 膨胀水箱 9 切断阀3 变速箱油冷却器 10 曲轴箱4 硅酸盐凝胶罐 11 风挡玻璃清洗液加热器5 具备三盘功能的双盘节温器 12 发动机油冷却器6 冷却液泵 13 双阀7 涡轮增压器 14 加热器热交换器与量产发动机所用的冷却液回路及其单盘节温器相比电子控制的具备三盘功能的双盘节温器可确保M271 EVO 中图谱控制的预热控制com 功能M271 EVO 双盘节温器TT_20_10_000550_FA规定的冷却液温度根据需要经由双盘节温器进行调节同时提高部分负荷下的机油和发动机温度会减少摩擦力PBM1-PA123 学员讲义152 M271 EVO 的新特性27 M271 EVO热量管理和冷却回路通过显著降低高负荷范围内的发动机温度可获得最佳的发动机效率在冷启动过程中关闭特性图谱节温器和加热器切断阀可使冷却液回路停止工作冷却液停止流过气缸盖这样在预热阶段系统使燃烧室能够快速升温双盘节温器控制策略如果冷却液达到80 °C节温器将开启旁通回路在温度为105 °C的部分负荷范围内节温器也会开启和打开冷却液沿车辆散热器方向的通路在全负荷或高负荷期间冷却液温度分阶段降至90 °C或80 °C在冷启动和驾驶员请求加热时通过开启加热切断阀来取消不循环回路切断阀开启时可提供80 °C的全流量进行加热这可确保为客户提供最适宜的加热舒适性当负荷要求增加和或转速提高时不循环回路状态可通过短暂电加热腊筒结束基于安全理由节温器和加热切断阀在转速超过4000转每分时如节温器中的电加热器筒失效时中止工作加热切断阀在未通电时开启16 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义理论– M271 EVO低压和高压燃油系统 3W204低压和高压燃油系统 313 理论– M271 EVO 低压和高压燃油系统31 W204 低压和高压燃油系统在本培训单元中您将进一步了解M271 EVO 中低压和高压燃油系统的知识分组培训师将大家分成两组您将在小组中完成该主题做完练习之后小组中的一名学员将介绍你们得到的结论我们希望您喜欢这些练习32 W204 中的燃油系统com 作用燃油系统为发动机提供必要的清洁燃油com 设计M271 EVO 燃油系统TT_47_00_000575_FAcom 功能燃油输送燃油泵从油箱右半部分的燃油输送单元抽出周围的燃油并将燃油输送至燃油过滤器的进油口燃油过滤器单元清洁燃油燃油经由两个出油口离开过滤器溢流阀与一个出油口相连另一个出油口与发动机供油管路相连两个出油口的压力同时增加溢流阀在压力大于等于约35 巴时开启一个分流口分流的燃油流到油箱左侧的抽吸喷射泵燃油从那里流到右侧的燃油输送单元发动机的分配油轨经由第二个出油口供油PBM1-PA123 学员讲义173 理论– M271 EVO低压和高压燃油系统32 W204 中的燃油系统电子燃油压力控制燃油压力传感器记录燃油压力并将电信号传输至燃油系统控制单元燃油系统控制单元将与记录的压力有关的CAN信号传输至发动机控制单元发动机控制单元检查压力的可靠性并将当前燃油压力请求传输至燃油系统控制单元燃油系统控制单元通过改变启动信号脉冲宽度调制校正燃油泵的启动这样可改变燃油泵的转速以及燃油压力和输送率18 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义理论– M271 EVO低压和高压燃油系统 3M271 EVO 高压燃油系统 3434 M271 EVO 高压燃油系统com 作用高压燃油系统向发动机提供足够高的燃油压力和足量的燃油com 设计高压系统包括三个主要部件 - 带油量控制阀的高压泵带油轨压力传感器的高压油轨和喷油器M271 EVO 燃油喷射系统TT_07_70_000593_FA18 油轨 B 至油轨的燃油供给燃油高压20 高压燃油泵 Y761 1 缸喷油器201 驱动器驱动装置 Y762 2 缸喷油器202 燃油压力缓冲器 Y763 3 缸喷油器B46 油轨压力传感器 Y764 4 缸喷油器A 来自油箱的燃油供给燃油低压 Y94 油量控制阀com 功能燃油由低压回路经低压进油口流到高压泵低压燃油经由油量控制阀流到油泵内的高压压缩机室在此借助于金属波纹管进行压缩经压缩的燃油随后通过不锈钢管路流到油轨此后系统利用喷油器将燃油喷入燃烧室油轨压力由油量控制阀进行调节PBM1-PA123 学员讲义213 理论– M271 EVO低压和高压燃油系统35 M271 EVO高压泵35 M271 EVO 高压泵com 作用新的直接喷射系统单柱塞高压泵产生所需的油轨压力com 设计高压泵固定在气缸盖的左后其驱动则由进气凸轮轴提供Oldham离合器连接凸轮轴与高压泵com 功能进气凸轮轴通过Oldham离合器驱动高压泵高压泵的驱动装置促动泵内装有四个凸轮的偏心轴泵传动轴的四个凸轮促动滚柱挺杆从而驱动弹簧储能活塞此活塞将带走缸内一定量的机油带走的机油会使金属波纹管更为膨胀金属波纹管的扩大会在油泵的燃油室内产生燃油高压燃油通过不锈钢管路经由排油阀流到油轨这种分离方式意味着油泵的驱动装置和供油装置之间没有直接联系偏心轴和气门挺杆的润滑由泵内的独立出油装置提供这种出油装置无需更换润滑油道上装有缓冲器以补偿机油的热膨胀损失M271 EVO 高压泵TT_07_70_000553_FA22 PBM1-PA123 学员讲义理论– M271 EVO低压和高压燃油系统 3M271 EVO高压泵 35高压泵的拆卸拆卸高压泵之前确保发动机已转至TDC 上止点后的52°曲轴转角警告伤害风险高压泵可能突然弹出不要拆开高压泵处的低压管路燃油软管但可剪断软管这样更便于拆卸高压泵注务必更换连接高压泵的低压管路燃油软管这可确保系统保持密封高压泵的安装。



• 热量管理功能分下列子功能: • 1. 加热系统切断: • 目的:为确保尽快达到发动机的最佳工作温度。 • 控制:发动机控制单元控制加热系统切断阀Y16/2 • 2. 双盘式节温器加热(详细功能在发动机冷却系统说明) • 3. 风扇控制: • 电子风扇是由发动机电脑通过PWM信号控制.PWM信号的占空比介于10%至90%之间. • 如果促动发生故障,则风扇马达以最高转速转动(风扇应急运行模式) • 4. 延迟风扇关闭: • “点火关闭”后,如果冷却液温度或发动机油温度已经超过最大设定值,则风扇马达最多继续
1.曲轴箱 2.正时箱盖罩 3.机油滤清器
4.油水热交换器 5.带挡油板的吸油管 6.曲轴箱盖
• M276发动机通风
1.曲轴箱 2.右侧气缸盖 3.左侧气缸盖 4.空气滤清器 5 离心机 6. 调压阀 7. 止回阀 8. 限制器 9. 进气歧管 A. 通风 B. 排气 B2/5.空气流量计 M16/6. 节气门
• 燃烧方式: * 均匀燃烧(M276 DEH) * 层状燃烧(M276 DES) * 均匀层状燃烧(HOS)
* 简要说明
• 发动机M278特性: *与前款发动机M273 KE55 相比,排量降低至4.6升。 然而,由于每个气缸列使用 了一个涡轮增压器,因此显 著提高了发动机功率和扭矩。
• 综合了增压系统和混合化的模块化概念, 可以使用乙醇成分高达25%的燃油,并 在乙醇成分最高为85%时用作附加模块
• 全铝制曲轴箱 • 采用最新一代压电式喷油器和喷嘴导向



˙線型Lambda控制(Wideband O2 Sensor)
˙引擎控制模組安組於引擎上端 ˙連續式汽門正時調整機構在進氣及排氣凸輪軸上 ˙水冷式機油冷卻器 ˙可變式進氣行程歧管及內建進氣岐管擾流片 ˙每汽缸4汽門 ˙電子控制節溫器 ˙汽缸使用低摩擦係數的矽-鋁合金科技
上海東之星汽車貿易有限公司 Eastern Star Automobile Ltd.
ESAL/Training/MB/ENGINE/basic M272引擎導入車型
作動時機: 引擎水溫大於60℃
引擎轉速(依機油溫度而定) -引擎轉速約600/min機油溫度大約80℃ -引擎轉速約800/min機油溫度大約120℃(進氣端) -引擎轉速約1050/min機油溫度大約120℃(排氣端)
1 排氣凸輪軸葉片式調整器 B2/5 熱膜式空氣流量感知器 B6/4 左側進氣霍爾式凸輪軸位置感知器 B6/5 右側進氣霍爾式凸輪軸位置感知器 B6/6 左側排氣霍爾式凸輪軸位置感知器 B6/7 右側排氣霍爾式凸輪軸位置感知器 B11/4 冷卻水溫度感知器 B70 霍爾式曲軸位置感知器 N3/10 ME引擎控制電腦 Y49/4 左側進氣凸輪軸調整機構作動線圈 Y49/5 右側進氣凸輪軸調整機構作動線圈 Y49/6 左側排氣凸輪軸調整機構作動線圈


KEY ON:高于3.5V 引擎怠速运转:低于2V 瞬间急加速:约3V
• 曲轴位置传感器为磁电式传感器,提 供转速信号,作为燃油喷射与点火正 时控制主要控制信号。
• 曲轴位置传感器电阻:600-1200欧
• 更换飞轮 • 更换电脑 • 更换CKP • 断电 • 更换发动机 • 更换支架 • STAR控制单元自适应 在发动机电控系统控制单元中进行初始化。
• N19 - 空调电脑面板;
• B28 - 压力传感器(美规);
常规信号 • 右前SAM电脑(电源) • 热线式空气流量计 • 霍尔式凸轮轴传感器 • 进气压力传感器 • 水温传感器 • 曲轴位置传感器 • 爆震传感器 • 02传感器 • 机油传感器 • 油门踏板位置传感器
• N47-1 - ASR/SPS电脑; • G3/3-左前02传感器; • N47-5 - ESP电脑; • G3/4 -右前02传感器; • N54/1 - DAS防盗电脑;
• B2/5 - 热线式空气流量计;
• N23 - 点火开关电脑(DAS-3防盗);
• M16/6 - 节气门马达总成(D.K); • S16/10 - 档位开关;
• 功能:
• 海拔高度识别,着车混合气加浓
• 检查空气质量 • 随车诊断(OBD)的功能链测试和
EURO4/( 例如废气再循环或燃油挥发 排放控制装置是否泄漏)
A、塑料外壳 B、压力表连接
a、信号电压 b、传感器电压(5 V) c、传感器接地


根据燃气的着火方式不同分为 ——强制点火式发动机(汽油机) ——压燃式发动机(柴油机)
根据每一工作循环所需行程数可分为 ——四冲程发动机 ——二冲程发动机
⑷ 汽油机与柴油机的区别 ①可燃混合气的形成方式不同 汽油机:在化油器喉管以及进气歧管中形成. 柴油机:在发动机气缸内部形成。 ②点火方式不一样: 汽油机:通过点火系使可燃混合气燃烧. 柴油机:通过压缩后的高温自燃。
压缩、燃烧做工、排气四个行程,完成 ω
一个工作循环。这期间活塞在上、下止 点往复移动了四个行程,相应地曲轴旋 转了两周。
排 气 行 程
⑶ 发动机的分类
根据燃料种类的不同分为 ——汽油机 ——柴油机 ——代用燃料发动(LPG、C,称为燃烧室。
压 缩 行 程
压缩前气缸中气体的最大容积(Va)与压缩后的最小容积(Vc)之 比称为压缩比(ε),ε= Va/Vc。压缩比愈大,在压缩终了时混合气 的压力和温度便愈高,燃烧速度也愈快,因而发动机发出的功率愈 大,经济性愈好。化油器式汽油机的压缩比一般为6-11,柴油机的 压缩比一般为16-22。
⑸ 发动机的基本构成:
发 动 机
配气机构 供给系 冷却系 润滑系
点火系(仅汽油机) 起动系


Purge line带有检查阀,增压的空气不能进入碳罐里 燃油供给系统被设计为一个感应的系统,汽油格里带 有膜片式压力调节器,燃油供给系统按需求被控制。 根据压力传感器(B4/7)的信号,油泵控制模快 (N118)输出一个PWM信号来控制油泵 整体涡轮室排气歧管 带离心式油水分离器和压力调节阀的曲轴通风。 部分载荷和全载荷曲轴通风检测阀安装在空气格上
曲轴 曲轴箱下半部分(铸铝)
油底壳垫 油底壳上部
正时的基准点:ATDC 30° 安装时注意铜片的位置
在油底壳上部有一个机油油位传感器和曲轴箱之间的接 地线,当拆装油底壳上部时,不要忘记安装此接地线。(右图)
检测阀 部分载荷通气
检测阀 全载荷通气
油-空气- 燃料混合被真空送到增压空气分配管,或增压空气歧管. 它从正时链条腔到离心式油气分离器,在那里机油和空气-燃料混合物分开. 随后,空气- 燃料混合被送到压力调节阀。被分开的机油通过正时链条腔回到油底壳. 部分负荷通风 在部分负荷时,空气通过部分载荷检测阀到增压空气分配管. 全负荷通风 在全负荷时,部分负荷通风管被增压压力关闭。空气通过全负荷通风检测阀到空气格下游的增压空 气歧管。
Hale Waihona Puke M137发动机的性能图扭力



A 冷却液回路 B 冷却液供给 C 通风
D不循环 E小循环 G大循环 F混合循环
不循环位置(D) 在冷车起动阶段,三碟自动调温器是不工作的。冷却液这样就会很快的加热起来。 而热量通过发动机前的油水热交换被驱散到机油中。 小循环的位置(E) 从冷却液温度大约70度起,或者大约45度(外界温度超过大约12度)时 在小循环模式时,发动机和热交换机可以被节流,因此热量反映非常迅速。 混合循环的位置(G) 在起动后冷却液温度第一次达到大约98度,带三碟自动调温器的温度控制开始作 用。在外界温度超过大约12度,它就立刻开始工作。 在部分负载时,三碟自动调温器调节冷却液温度至大约100C。 为了避免达到临界温度,冷却液温度的调节范围将降低,如果在以下情况,降低到 大约90C(外界温度低于12C)或大约80C(外界温度超过12C)。 发动机转速高于大约3000rmp 发动机负载高于大约30% 进气温度超过大约380C 在运动驾驶模式下 大循环的位置(F) 三碟自动调温器是持续工作的。在超过大约110度时,调温器总是全开的,与控制 无关。
左三元催化下 游O2传感器
右三元催化下 游O2传感器
氧传感器图示 1 2 N3/10 IP Uref A B 传感室 (Nernst集合室) 氧泵室 ME控制单元 泵电流 (不可测量) 参考电压450mV (不可测量) 排气 周围环境空气
曲轴位置传感器(Hall)用来计算发动机 曲轴位置传感器(脉冲感应)用来计算 发动机转速和曲轴位置 转速和曲轴位置 热量管理自动调温器 自动调温器的位置由冷却液温度来决定
272发动机 冷却液温度传感器位于左气缸下游 在净化控制阀上的带有液体储存罐的净 化管能起到抑制噪音跳动的作用 带有量控制阀的转向助力泵能在直线行 驶时减少操作能量的输入 进气歧管转换来改变进气部分长度, 在部分负载时翻板转换会影响空气流动 内部废气再循环发生在气门交跌较大的 时候 气缸每边都有带燃油压力储存罐的燃油 分配管 112发动机(除了 AMG) 冷却液温度传感器位于发动机前端 进气歧管转换来改变进气部分长度 外部废气再循环 燃油分配管



Cars • Gasoline engineEngine 275Initial trainingInformation moduleAs at 03/03Contents04.03.2003Page Title1Engine 275 - an overview8Engine mechanics M275 / M28516ME 2.7.1 fuel-injection and ignition system26Fuel system30Exhaust gas turbocharging49Comparison of exhaust gas turbocharger and mechanical supercharger53Exhaust-gas system54ECI ignition system62Information unit engine 285Engine 275 - an overview 04.03.2003P00.00-2256-50P00.00-2821-50P00.00-3081-50Highlights M275The new V12 with bi-turbo chargingHigh-tech perfection is promised by the new 12-cylinder engine, which will be available as of autumn2002 in the model refined S-Class. This V12-cylinder bi-turbo comes with commanding performancevalues: the engine develops a rated output of 368 kW at 5,000 rpm and a rated torque of 800 Nm at1,800-3,500 rpm.This power unit has a generously rated surplus in output and, in particular, torque and this is available atconstantly harmonious output and torque development. In keeping with the character of a luxury sedanthe new motorization comes with a perfectly smooth operation and an harmonic noise design.GT01_00_0016_C71Taking all viewpoints into consideration the technical realization of the goals set called for a V12-conceptwith 5.5 l displacement, 60 degree cylinder bank angle and bi-turbo charging.Engine breathing is supported by a turbocharger with "wastegate-control system" for each cylinder bank.Exhaust gas turbocharging development mainly focuses on the finest response characteristics incombination with the achievement of maximum torque at as low as possible engine speed. Apart fromthis special emphasis was placed on the acoustic characteristic.Output and torque in abundanceIn comparison to the predecessor engine the rated output and rated torque for the new engine have beenincreased by approx. 30 % or 50 %. Because a corresponding increase in displacement was ruled out dueto the wish to keep to moderate fuel consumption and a compact design, a slightly reduced displacementwith two exhaust gas turbochargers and charge air cooling was selected. The model refined S-Classachieves thus outstanding performance with excellent acoustics, a superb degree of vibrational comfortand, in view of the performance data, adequate fuel consumption.Smooth operation and noise emissionOn a 12-cylinder engine with a cylinder angle of 60 degrees, all forces and torques of the 2nd order arecompletely balanced as a matter of principle. Thus the greatest possible degree of smooth operationwithout additional balance shafts is a given factor.All engine parts are designed using ultramodern calculation and testing methods in terms of rigidity andvibrational characteristics. The improvement in vibrational characteristics is contributed to in particularby a bedplate design with gray cast iron inserts on the crankshaft main bearings. The oil pan iscompletely decoupled from the crankcase in terms of vibrations. Combustion noise is dampened by theinstalled dual ignition, which serves to keep the pressure gradients in the combustion chamber at a lowlevel and which minimizes cycle scatter for each individual combustion procedure. Noise reduction wasalso achieved by the damping through the exhaust gas turbochargers on the air and exhaust-gas sides aswell as the water jacket of the water-cooled generator.GT01_00_0017_C71WeightDespite the additional exhaust gas turbocharger, engine-side charge air cooler and the reinforced beltdrive the M275 only weighs 270 kg and thus achieves an excellent power/weight ratio of 0.65 kg/kW.The following lightweight components are used:∗cylinder head cover made of die-cast magnesium∗weight-optimized cracked, forged steel conrod∗die-cast aluminum for upper and lower section of crankcase∗lightweight silitec cylinder liner∗weight-optimized elastoval piston∗ a 3-valve design with one camshaft per cylinder bank∗weight-optimized crankshaft and dynamic balancer∗an oil pan made of die-cast aluminumTechnical data comparisonSales designation CL 600CL 600S 600SL 600 * Vehicle model215.378215.376220.176230.476 Engine model137.970275.950Cylinder arrangement / number / angle V12 / 60°Valves / spark plugs per cylinder 3 / 2Continuous fuel-injection and ignition system ME 2.7ME 2.7.1Turbocharging with charge air cooler (intercooler)Air supply Naturally aspiratedengineTotal displacement cm³5,7865,513Rated output kW (hp) at rpm270 (367) at 5,500368 (500) at 5,000Rated torque Nm at rpm530 at 4,100800 at 1,800 - 3,50013.414.7Fuel consumption (New European Driving Cycle)Super Plus l/100 km/hAcceleration 0 - 100 km/h s 6.3 4.8* Market launch 04/2003Performance graph M137Performance graph M275P01.00-2341-73GT01_00_0018_C73Comparison of M275 / M285 with M137Engine 137 (ME 2.7)Engine 275 / Engine 285 (ME 2.7.1)AdvantageECI ignition system (AC voltage ignition system with integrated ionic current measurement), ignition voltage 30 kV, two spark plugs per cylinder ECI ignition system (AC voltage ignition system withintegrated ionic current measurement), ignitionvoltage 32 kV, two spark plugs per cylinderImprove ignition performance and reliabilityNo knock sensors, recognition of knocking combustion by using the ionic current measurement 4 knock sensors¾A29/1 and A29/2 on left cylinder bank¾A30/1 and A30/2 on right cylinder bankRecongition of knocking ignition over the knocksensors offers the availability of an optimally gradedperformance map for the monitoring of smoothoperationNaturally aspirated engine One exhaust gas turbocharger (bi-turbo) made ofsteel casting for each cylinder bank.Enormous generation of power for a relatively low fuel consumptionFuel pump is drived by fixed12V À constant delivery volume Fuel pump (max. delivery rate approx. 245 l/h) isdrived by PWM signal (control by a fuel pump controlmodule) À deliver according to demand¾Less wear and noise¾Saves energyA total of 8 O2 sensors for in front of and behind the four firewall catalytic converters respectively A total of 4 O2 sensors, 2 in front of and 2 behindthe firewall catalytic converters respectivelyReduction of the number of componentsFulfillment of Euro 4 and LEV 1Cylinder Shut Off: the left row of firing cylinders areshut-off when idling or when running in a low loading situation -----Priority is given to obtaining a performanceadvantageCamshaft adjustment-----DittoDetection of combustion misfires through ionic current signals Detection of combustion misfires through ioniccurrent signals and through smooth operationevaluation using crankshaft position sensor (L5)Optimize the combustion misfiring detection to suitturbocharged engineEngine mechanics M275 / M28504.03.2003 Crankcase The crankcase and oil pan for the M137, M275 and M285 engines are designed as follows.Legend:1Upper crankcase section made of die-castaluminum2Weight-optimized crankshaft and dynamicbalancer3Upper crankcase section made of die-castaluminum4Rubber gasket between crankcase bottomsection and upper section of oil pan5Upper section of oil pan made of die-castaluminum6Oil pan bottom section made of die-castaluminumP01.40-2029-09 The upper section of the oil pan in the S-Class is designed as shown. The front axle design of the variousvehicle models (S-, SL-Class and Maybach) means that the oil sumps have to be located in different places.Service tipThe following must be noted when removing and installing the upper oil pan:A copper connecting link is located at one of the screws, which serves to set up the ground connectionbetween the oil sensor and the crankcase.Never forget this when assembling!GT03_00_0001_C71The oil pan constriction on the M275 consists of two parts. This has a positive effect on the sealingconcept.The upper part of the oil pan is sealed against the lower part of the oil pan using a silicone sealantSpare Part No. A 002 989 73 202/50 ml.The upper part of the oil pan is sealed against the crankcase by means of a rubber seal which is vibrationdampening and also serves to optimize noise generation.Aluminum crankcase with gray cast-iron insertA genuine highlight is the particularly innovative design of the crankcase.The crankcase is of a two piece bedplate design. Massive gray cast iron inserts in the area of the lowercrankcase section's main bearing achieve improved noise generation characteristics.The very compact design of the crankcase does not lead to any increase in the size of the enginecompared to previous models despite turbocharging. This, together with the light-weight constructiontechnology used, leads to a total engine weight of just 270 kg which represents an increase in weight ofjust 50 kg compared to the basic M137 engine.The increase in weight is due to the additional coolant compressor and the extraordinarily powerful 350 Aalternator.GT03_20_0005_C01In order to meet the demands of higher heat and pressure loads, the wall between the cylinders of theupper crankcase section have been widened compared with the M137 by 2 mm to 8 mm and in eachcase 3 water cooling bores (1 and 2) have been integrated into the walls.The cylinder bore has been reduced compared with the M137 from 84.0 mm to 82.0 mm. By contrast thecylinder spacing of 90 mm and the stroke of 87 mm have not been altered.Water-cooling bores (1 and 2) for cooling wallsGT03_20_0006_C011The cylinder liners are made up of an alloy of aluminum-silicon (silitec). They have a wall thickness of2.5 mm.Advantage:¾lower cylinder thermal distortion¾lower noise and less pollutant emissions¾lower weight and greater dimensional stability.GT03_20_0007_C01Piston The cast pistons and piston ring are designed to cope with the extremely high pressures andtemperatures. For the realization of the smallest, noise-relevant plays and for the purpose of improvingthe emergency running characteristics, the gravity die-cast pistons have been galvanically coated withiron.The piston pins have been optimized in accordance with the acting loads both in terms of outer diameterand wall thickness.Piston cooling is supported by oil spray nozzles.2Connecting rodForged steel conrods made of crack-capable forged steel are used. To protect the extremely high loadsDaimlerChrysler is using a high-strength forged material for the first time.As previously with the 137 engine for reasons of higher dimensional accuracy in the M275 and M285engines the lower connecting rod eye is cracked (broken) and bolted to the crankshaft's main bearing.GT_03_10_0003_C01Cylinder headThe aluminum cylinder heads come with the 3-valves-per-cylinder technology familiar from the M137.Each cylinder bank contains a camshaft, which actuates both the inlet and exhaust valves by means ofcam followers.The M275 and M285 engines do not need camshaft adjustment, as their torque increasing function incombination with turbocharging is rendered superfluous.Chain driveCamshaft drive ensues from the crankshaft by means of a twin roller chain. A sprocket wheel is used inthe V-center for deflection purposes. Otherwise the chain is routed through slightly bent slide rails.The chain tensioning force is achieved over a tensioning rail by means of a hydraulic chain tensioner.In order to improve the noise characteristic of the chain drive, the sprocket wheel of the crankshaft, theguide wheel and the camshaft are rubberized.To optimize the overall length the oil pump drive has been located downstream of the timing chain. Theoil pump chain drive is designed as a single roller chain.GT_01_30_0016_C01Engine control How is the engine control's basic adjustment made?The basic adjustment is 30° ATDC. At 30° ATDC the groove (6) of the camshaft at left and right iscentered relative to the separating surface for the cylinder head cover towards the inner-V. To fasten thecamshafts, the special tool familiar from the M137 can be used. The groove on the crankshaft gear (2)points to the mark on the crankcase. The guide wheel (3) without a mark need not be considered.1Copper plated connecting link, two each for camshaft sprocket adjustment2Groove in crankshaft3Guide wheel without mark4Mark on camshaft sprocket at right R5Mark on camshaft sprocket at left L6Groove in camshaftP05.10-2144-06Crankcase ventilation of M275/M285The blow-by gas is aspirated by the vacuum in the charge air distribution pipe, or turbocharger intake pipe.It is routed from the timing-chain compartment to the centrifugal oil separator where the oil is separated from the blow-by gas.Following this, the blow-by gas is routed to the pressure regulating valve. The separated oil is fed back to the oil pan over the timing-chain compartment.Partial load ventilationDuring partial load ventilation the air is routed across the check valve into the charge air distribution pipe.Full load ventilationDuring full load ventilation the partial load ventilation line is closed by the boost pressure applied to the check valve. The air separated from the oil is then routed to the Turbocharger intake pipe downstream of the air cleaner.GT18000003C81Pressure regulating valveCharge air distribution pipeTurbocharger intake pipe Check valve,full load ventilationCentrifugal oil separatorCheck valve,partial load ventillationOil separator/Pressure regulating valveA centrifugal oil separator integrated into the ventilation system of the engine on the left-hand camshaftachieves excellent removal of oil under all operating conditions.An additional pressure regulating valve ensures that there is adequate vacuum in the crankcase duringthe air inlet suction and turbocharging processes as well as under conditions of partial loading and fullloading.At a specific vacuum (> 50 mbar) in the turbocharger intake pipe the connection to the crankcase issealed by means of a diaphragm in the pressure regulator valve.If the pressure in the crankcase rises above a specific value, the diaphragm is opened and thus theconnection to the turbocharger intake pipe set up again.GT_01_30_0017_C71ME2.7.1 fuel-injection and ignition system04.03.2003Motor electronics control module 2.7.1The electronic engine management is an advanced development of the ME 2.7 of the M137. It includesthe engine control function including all diagnoses and is networked over the CAN-C databus with furtherelectronics. The control module is housed in a ventilated electronic module box along with otherelectronics.The engine control function has been adapted to the bi-turbo engine:∗The pressure in the charge air distribution pipe and the corresponding temperature are recorded forcalculation of the aspirated air mass using separate pressure and temperature sensors.∗The boost pressure is recorded by a second pressure sensor upstream of the throttle valve and servesthe boost pressure control.∗Boost pressure is regulated by the wastegate valve in the exhaust gas turbocharger.P07.08-2017-01∗Torque momentum coordination and the engine's emergency (limp-home) function have been adaptedto the turbocharger-specific requirements.∗The diagnosis has been extended by the charger protection feature, which serves to prevent anyimpermissibly high turbine wheel speed.∗The signals from 4 knock sensors are evaluated for knock identification.∗The ionic current misfiring detection familiar from the 137 engine has been adapted to suit therequirements of a highly-supercharged engine. The detection quality was able to be improved bycontinuously comparing it with a speed uniformity analysis on the crankshaft.∗In order to safeguard the exhaust gas turbocharger and the three way catalytic converters against toohigh exhaust gas temperatures, a model-based exhaust gas temperature control has been introduced.∗The communication of ME control module with the alternator via a bi-serial communication interface.E ngine fuse and relay box (K40/8)I n the engine compartment the S and CL 600 models have had an additional relay box installed. The following components are contained in this relay box:K40/8kW Charge air cooler recirculationpumpK40/8kVMotronic relayK40/8kX Intank fuel pump relay(only for S 55 AMG, CL 55 AMG)F use 87Motronic 1F use 88Motronic 2F use 89reserve P20.00-2118-04 F use 90Charge air cooler recirculationpumpF use 91reserveK40/8C ontinuous fuel injection system (overview)B OSCH M E 1.0M119M120∗Control through hot film mass air flow sensorM E 2.0M112M113∗Control through hot film mass air flow sensorM E 2.1M111∗Control through hot film mass air flow sensorM E 2.7 M E 2.7.1 M E 2.7.1M137M285M275∗Control through hot film mass air flow sensor∗Pressure motor control∗Pressure motor controlM E 2.8M112M113∗Control through hot film mass air flow sensor M anifold air pressure sensor for monitoringM E 2.8.1M112 MLM113 ML∗Pressure motor controlV DO M SM M166∗To 08/2001 control through hot film mass air flow sensor∗As of 09/2001 pressure motor controlS iemens S IM4M111 EVO∗To speed 2,000 rpm control through hot film mass air flow sensor∗As of speed 2,000 rpm manifold air pressure controlLocation of the components on the M275/285 engine71Check valve (purge control)B28/7Pressure sensor downstream ofthrottle valve actuatorN91ECI power supply unitN92/1ECI Ignition module for right cylinderbankN92/2ECI Ignition module for left cylinderbankY31/5Boost pressure control pressuretransducerY32Air pump switchover valveY101Divert air switchover valveP07.61-2735-06Location of the components5/1Charge air cooler (left bank)5/2Charge air cooler (right bank)121/1Air cleaner (left bank)121/2Air cleaner (right bank)B17/8Charge air temperature sensorB28/4Pressure sensor downstream of aircleaner on left cylinder bankB28/5Pressure sensor downstream of aircleaner on right cylinder bankB28/6Pressure sensor upstream of throttlevalve actuatorM16/6Throttle valve actuatorN91ECI power supply unitP07.61-2729-06Location of the componentsB6/2Camshaft Hall sensor (left bank)B6/3Camshaft Hall sensor (right bank)L5Crankshaft position sensorP07.61-2731-06Location of the components126/1Air injection shutoff valve on left bank(combination valve: check valveintegrated)126/2Air injection shutoff valve on rightbank (combination valve: check valveintegrated)B11/4Engine coolant temperature sensorB40Oil sensorM33Electrical secondary air injectionpump(illustration shows the 275 engine,on vehicle side for the 285 engine)P07.61-2734-06Location of the componentsA29/1Front knock sensor (left bank)A29/2Rear knock sensor (left bank)A30/1Front knock sensor (right bank)A30/2Rear knock sensor (right bank)G2AlternatorP07.61-2730-06Location of the componentsG3/3x1Plug connector for O2 sensor(upstream of left catalytic converter)G3/4x1Plug connector for O2 sensor(upstream of right catalyticconverter)B Test connection for divert air valveP07.61-2732-06Location of the components110/1Turbocharger intake pipe110/4Divert air valve110/6Charge air pipe110a Exhaust gas turbocharger (left)110b Exhaust gas turbocharger (right)B Exhaust gasD Fresh gas (after air cleaner)E charge airP07.61-2733-06Fuel system04.03.2003GeneralIn order to prevent any increase in temperature in the fuel tank caused by the heated-up fuel return flow,vehicles with the 275 and M285 engines also have the fuel system designed as an induction system.The fuel pump (M3) draws in the fuel from the fuel tank and pumps it through the modified fuelfilter (55/1) with integrated overflow valve to the injection valves on the fuel distribution tube.The fuel supply is assumed by the tried-and-tested helical spindle pump, which had to be modifiedhowever, because of the higher fuel requirements of the engines at full load.New is the electronic control of the fuel pump (M3), which regulates the delivery volume depending onthe engine's instantaneous fuel requirements. This in turn serves to enhance the pump's noise and wearcharacteristics.Pressure controlPressure control is set up via the fuel pressure sensor (B4/7), which is installed in the admission linedownstream of the fuel filter (55/1) and which converts the fuel pressure into a voltage signal. Thisvoltage signal is evaluated in the fuel pump control module (N118). A pulse width modulated signal(operating voltage) is used to regulate the speed of the fuel pump (M3) such that the system pressure ofapprox. 3.8 bar is held constant.If the system pressure drops, e.g. below approx. 3.7 bar, the delivery volume (rotational speed) of the fuelpump is increased until such time as the system pressure is reached again.At the maximum power consumption of the fuel pump of approx. 16 A (coupling on fuel pressuresensor (B4/7) detached), a fuel pressure of approx. 9 bar is reached.M3N11855/1B4/7Fuel supply system55/1Fuel filter (55/1) withintegrated overflow valve B4/7Fuel pressure sensorM3Fuel pumpN118Fuel pump control module1Housing upper part2Electronic board3Coil4Armature5Housing lower part with hose connections 6Electrical connectiona Groundb SignalcVoltage supply (5 V)P47.20-2103-06 Design and functionThe fuel pressure sensor (B4/7) consists of a coil (3), a movable armature (4) and an electronicsystem (2).As fuel pressure increases, the armature in the coil is moved, the inductivity (magnetic field) alters. This isregistered by the electronic system and sent as a signal to the fuel pump control module (N118)(approx. 0.5 V at 0 bar; approx. 4.5 V at 9 bar).The voltage supply for the fuel pressure sensor is set up by way of the fuel pump control module.Fuel pressure sensor (B4/7)Fuel filterThe fuel filter (55/1) with integrated overflow valve is designed for the new pressure control for theengines. In other words, the overflow valve opens slightly at a system pressure of approx. 3.8 bar (releasepressure for overflow valve approx. 3.5 bar). The throttled return flow of the overflow valve leads back tothe fuel tank (75) and supplies the suction jet pump for the purpose of charging the swirl pot in the fueltank.After switching off the engine, the overflow valve assumes the task of a check valve and closes theadmission line to the fuel tank and thus holds the system at a specific pressure (holding pressure).Fuel pump control moduleGeneralThe fuel pump control module (N118) consists of the control system, electronic circuit and a wiringharness, which leads to the fuel pressure sensor (B4/7) and the fuse and relay module.The voltage supply of the fuel pump control module is set up by way of the fuel pump relay.Task of the fuel pump control moduleTo maintain the fuel system pressure, operation of fuel pump (M3) is synchronized over a PWM signalwith the aid of the signal from the fuel pressure sensor (B4/7). If the control module for the fuel pumpdetects a drop in the system pressure over the signal from the fuel pressure sensor actuation goes on forlonger triggered the PWM signal and this maintains the system pressure (3.8 bar)GT_47_00_0002_C01Advantages of electronically regulated fuel supply∗ Temperature reduction of fuel return ∗ Lower noise emission∗ Relay function can be implemented.∗ Relief to on-board electrical system of up to 40 %∗ Extended fuel pump service life ∗ Pressure and volume flows can be regulated according to a desired performance map.∗ Starting pressure and volumetric flow can be regulated (start-time optimization)∗ Fuel saving up to 0.15 l/100 km∗ Constant supply of ancillary assemblies (e.g. suction jet pumps)∗ Pollutant reduction∗Extended change interval for fuel filter (lifetime)GT47_00_0005_C75Overflow valveClosed-loop controlEngine fuel railScrew-type fuel pumpQ max = 245 - 260 l/h at 4 barVoltage supplyFilterFuel tankFuel pump control moduleExhaust gas turbocharging 04.03.2003In comparison to the predecessor engine M137, the rated output and rated torque for the new engine 275 have been increased by approx. 30 % or 50 %.Because a corresponding increase in displacement was ruled out due to the wish to keep to a moderate fuel consumption, a compact design and due to expected impairments in comfort, a slightly reduced displacement with charging with two exhaust gas turbochargers and charge air cooling was selected.The usual camshaft adjustment as found in the other engines, which in particular serves to boost the pulling power in the lower speed range has been dispensed with. The bi-turbo charging aspirates the twelve-cylinder engine so effectively that the driver can call up the tremendous power reserves even at very low speed.In figures:At 1,000 rpm there are already 500 Newton meters of torque on call, at 1,500 rpm the 600Newton meter barrier is broken through and as from 1,800 rpm the engine achieves its maximum torque which is for car production engines of 800 Newton meters, which remains constant at 3,500 rpm.Basic function of exhaust gas turbocharged engineCharge air coolerEngine/CylinderExhaust gas turbochargerFunctionGeneralOne exhaust gas turbocharger each (110a, 110b)with wastegate control per cylinder bank supportsthe engine's fresh air supply.In doing so the turbine wheel in the exhaust gasturbocharger is driven by the exhaust flow (B).Fresh air (D) is routed over the turbochargerintake pipe (110/1) to the intake side of theexhaust gas turbocharger. The compressor wheel,which is mounted by means of a common shaft tothe turbine wheel, compresses the fresh air. Thecharge air (E) is routed via the charge airpipe (110/6) to the engine.Monitoring and control max. charger speedTo limit the maximum charger speed, thepressure ratio downstream/upstream of thecompressor (pressure value of B28/6 to B28/4and B28/5) is calculated and regulated by themap-dependent boost pressure control.P07.61-2733-06Air route of turbocharged engine5/1Charge air cooler for left cylinder bank5/2Charge air cooler for right cylinder bank12Intake manifold (charge air distributionpipe)110a Left exhaust gas turbocharger110b Right exhaust gas turbocharger110/1 Intake line/air cleaner housing(Turbocharger intake pipe)110/6Boost pressure (charge air) pipe110/7Hose piece with hose clamp110/8Y-connecting piece121/1Air cleaner for left cylinder bank121/2Air cleaner for right cylinder bankM16/6Throttle valve actuatorB ExhaustD Clean air (downstream of air cleaner)E Charge airP09.40-2063-06。



第一章 发动机的基本知识
柴油机可燃混合气形成与燃烧Βιβλιοθήκη 发动机特性汽车分类
汽车用途: 乘用车 商用车
§1.5 汽油机可燃混合气形成与燃烧
车用汽油 车用汽油使用性能包括蒸发性、抗爆性、热值和氧化安定性。其标号说明抗爆性好坏。汽车按照压缩比选用汽油,由厂家规定。 可燃混合气形成 化油器机:从化油器开始到汽缸内,汽油不断雾化、扩散、蒸发并与空气混合。 电喷机:喷油器将油喷到进气门前或缸内,与空气混合燃烧。
VIN是英文Vehicle Identification Number(车辆识别码)的缩写。因为ASE标准规定:VIN码由17位字符组成,所以俗称十七位码。它包含了车辆的生产厂家、年代、车型、车身型式及代码、发动机代码及组装地点等信息。
VIN Vehicle Identific-ation Number
多缸发动机各气缸工作容积的总和,称为发动机排量 ,用表示VL 。
VL= V h × i
Vh-气缸工作容积 (气缸排量) i - 气缸数目
四、 四行程发动机工作原理
工作原理 发动机每进行一次能量转换的连续过程称为一个工作循环。 每一个工作循环是由进气、压缩、作功和排气四个过程组成,发动机的工作就是连续不断地依次进行着这四个过程,以实现热能向机械能的转换,向外输出动力。
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长轴版本,则在末尾加上L。如果有需要宣传的亮 点技术,那么会另加标注,比如“E300L CGI”,CGI 是奔驰的最新发动机缸内燃油直喷技术(Charged Gasoline Injection),;比如S400 Hybrid混合动力 版轿车,也在车尾的另一侧单独附上“Hybrid”字 样。
机械部分: 发动机 几大机构? 几大系统?
1993年,奔驰的乘用车系列陆续采用了新的前字母 后数字的命名规则。奔驰按照“车型级别->排量-> 备注”的逻辑顺序做了调整。头字母一般是一到三
个,表示产品系列,比如S-Class、CL-Class、GLKClass等。紧接着的三位数依然延续之前的含义,代 表发动机排量。最后结尾的是备注,如果车辆是加
两大机构: 曲柄连杆机构, 配气机构 五大系统包括 1.冷却系:主要是对发动机冷却散热的给发动机降温,
2.燃油系:主要负责给发动机提供燃油的 。 3.点火系:主要是给混合气点火的是混合气燃烧的。柴油机没有。 4.起动系:主要是使静止的发动机转动着车的。 5.润滑系:主要是给发动机的机械原件润滑的。