高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 20(原卷版)

英语周周练(一)一、完形:David is a middle school student. He lived in a small 1 for fifteen years. His father, Mr Hill, was a rich farmer and later on he 2 a shop in our town. He bought a house here last month. His 3 moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had 4 friends here. At first he often played by 5 .His neighbour Cathy is a kind girl. She has many friends. She finds the boy never talks with anybody and decides to help him. David 6 to stay with her and t alks to her a lot. Now they’re good friends.One afternoon, Cathy told David. “It’ll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I’ll have a birthday party. Will you please come?”“7 . I’m glad to,”the boy said happily.David got home and thought of a 8 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he 9 to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn’t call her because he didn’t know her telephone 10 . At that moment Mrs Hill came and asked, “What’s the matter, dear?”“What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mummy?”“Nothing,”the woman said, “I just with I were 16.”1. A. town B. city C. village D. country2. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening3. A. home B. house C. building D. family4. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he6. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. likes7. A. Well B. Oh C. Mm D. Certainly8. A. prize B. praise C. present D. price9. A. forgot B. forget C. remember D. remembered10. A. code(密码) B. number C. place D. addressCCDBA,DDCAB二、阅读:Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t study, but they travel together.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “welcome”when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium(水族馆). People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely(孤独的).There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.1. Dolphins show their feelings with ___________ .A. picturesB. wordsC. waterD. sounds2. People can’t hear the dolphin’s sounds beca use ________ .A. they are above the waterB. they are under the waterC. they are very highD. they are very low3. Which one is true according to the passage?A. Dolphins swim together in a school because they want to studyB. They don’t study, but they travel in a groupC. Dolphins like to be away from their school on an island.D. Dolphins like to kill people(四)ABC三:改错Hi Susan,I'm sorry that I wasn't able to return to your bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, and I was hold up on my way back. Just before I turned corner of Park Street, I happened to see a accident. A little girl was hurt andher mother needed help. So I helped them going to the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and a half hour and made sure that the girl was all right. When I got back, it were already 6 pm. I hope you understand.Thank you!Li Ling 76. to 77. mean→meant 78. and→but 79. hold→held 80. turned the corner81. an 82. going→go 83. here→there 84. hour→hours 85. were→was四、写作:假定你是李华,你的美国朋友打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。

高考短文改错习题集短文改错练习(1)Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high schoolstudents . They study hard . They do extreme well on 76.achievement tests . And next year , Rowena will attending 77.Harvard University . Billy , her younger brother , hoe to go 78.to Cornell . That makes Rowena and Billy different from 79.most students is that they don’t go to school . In fact , 80.they've never been to school . Since a kindergarten , they 81.have studied at home . Neither Rowena or Billy feels as if 82.they have missed out on nothing by being taught at home . 83.As many of the more than one million people who receive 84.home schooling in the United States , they feel if they 85.have gotten a good education .短文改错练习(2)Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d76.like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Nothing 77.just went wrong. O n the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring,78.since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my 79.hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house 80.to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you 81.may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared 82.as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. 83.So I ran three miles to school only to discover that nobody 84.was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was 85.locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday.短文改错练习(3)Get a good education is more important today than 76._______________ ever before .In Canada mostly children attend public 77._______________ schools. Public schools are mainly found by governments 78._______________ through tax income. Students in Canada taught in 79._______________ English and in French. The rests of Canadian children 80._______________ attend private schools, that are supported mainly by fees 81._______________ paying by parents .By law ,the children must attend 82._______________ the school from age 5 to 16. There are several different 83._______________ levels in the Canadian education system .The first was84._______________called Elementary Schools ,which include kindergartens85._______________through grade 7 or 8.短文改错练习(4)Yesterday we went to plant trees on the hill near to 76. our school. The boys were made dig pits(坑).The 77. girls were told to plant the young trees into the pits. 78. All of us worked very hardly. Soon we were all wet 79. with sweat.After the young trees planted, we 80. began to water it.The water was at the foot of 81. the hill. But we stood in line to pass pails(桶) 82. of water from one to other up to the hill. 83. We did not finish water the trees until it 84. was dark.Though we were tired,we feel very happy. 85.短文改错练习(5)A few months after returning the US from Germany , I took 76. part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to 77. speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be 78. interested to begin studying another language. At the first 79. class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, 80. in which he would say one word or two in French, and each 81. student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he 82. kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him 83.why. “I find it great funs. It’s the first time I’ve heard an84. American speak French with a German accent.”he explained it. 85.短文改错练习(6)It was fine yesterday. The sun was shining in thesky. I went boating by myself. I didn’t take many76.friends with me because I wanted to row alone. 77.I hired a boat and rowed slowly to the center of lake. 78.A fresh breeze was blowing, fish was swimming and birds 79.were singing. When I reached the center, I took up the 80.paddles(桨)and lie down in the boat. With the blue sky 81.over me or green water around me I was extremely 82.relaxed. Over about two hours passed in this way before I 83.knew them. I came back home very late. I didn’t feel84.tiring at all, for I had really had a good time.85.短文改错练习(7)I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last 76.________ it has reached to me. I am very glad to know that 77________ everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. 78________ Things here are same now as they were before. The 79 ________final examination will take place in next week. So 80 ________ I am now busy preparing for my lessons. It’s nice 81________ to think that the summer vacation is coming 82________ near. I can’t say much I want to see you all again. 83 ________ I am looking forward to spend summer days with you. 84________ Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home. 85________短文改错练习(8)One afternoon , when I was on my way home , the sky 76.changed suddenly . Dark clouds were gathered . I began 77.to feel worried because I didn’t have both a raincoat 78.or umbrella about me . It soon started to rain . 79.Just as I was hurrying home , I heard of someone calling 80.me from behind . I turned to have a look and find that 81.he was Liu Wei , a good neighbour of mine . He 82.offered to share his umbrella with me . We walked all 83.the ways home . Without Liu Wei’s help , I would have 84.got wet to the skin . How much thankful I was for his help ! 85.短文改错练习(9)I worried about the missed bag all the evening. 76.I tried to remember exact what I had done from the 77.time I left the store until at the time I got home. I 78.remembered whether I had looked at the bag while I 79.was having lunch. So I must have it when I left the 80.store. I remembered showing it to a friend on the bus. 81.But I had the bag then. I came directly from the bus 82.to my house, and I must have forgotten it on the bus. I 83.was in hurry to get off and forgot to check the packages 84.lying on the floor. I should be much careful next time. 85.短文改错练习(10)A kind of little car may someday take place of today’s big 76.ones . If people drive such cars in the future ,there would be 77.less pollution in there air . There will be more spaces for 78.parking cars in cities . The streets will be less crowd . And 79.driving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km 80.per hour . The future cars will be fine for getting round acity , so they will not be useful for long trips . Little cars 81.will go 200km , before needing to stop more gas . If big cars 82.are still used along with the small ones , two sets of roadsthat will be needed in the future . Some roads will be used 83.for the big fast cars and another roads will be needed for 84.the slow small ones . It is said that third such little cars 85.fit in the space now needed for one car the usual size .短文改错练习(11)Dear Bob,I must say that I do agree with you. Though you find 76.something, but it doesn’t mean it belongs to you. If you 77.can find who it belongs to, you should try to return back 78.it. I’m sure you would want someone to do same for79.you. Once I found a beautiful picture. I wanted to keep 80.it. Then I remembered see one just like it in an office. 81.I went to the office and found the person to who it 82.belonged. The lady was very happy to get back and 83.gave me delicious apples. So you see, Bob, I get two 84.rewards: one I could eat and another I could keep in 85.my heart.Yours,Li Ming短文改错练习(12)Mr Zhang is over sixty years old. He has retired(退休).He is one of my respected teachers. He teaches us 76. chemistry when we were in senior Grade One. He was old, and he 77. taught us good. He tried his best to make his classes lively. 78.Mr Zhang usually made good preparations for the lesson and was strict 79.to us, too. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework. 80.he would ask us to correct them. At that time, I was used to be 81.poorly in chemistry. Mr Zhang often helped me with my studies 82.very patiently. With his help, I had made rapid progress and 83.caught with the class. He is always very kind to every student. 84.As an experienced teacher, he is respected and loved by all 85.the students.短文改错练习(13)I can’t swim because I have a strong fear of water.Look back at my childhood experience, I think 76.that three reason might explain the fear. The first 77.reason is that I was not allowed to go near the water 78.when I was a child, for my mother had unreasonable 79.fear of it. So, even as a child I was taught see the 80.water as something danger. Second, my eyes 81.became bad ones when I was five. If I took off my 82.glasses in the water, I couldn’t see anything, but this83.increased my fear. The worst part of your experience 84.is that as a child I often see a neighbor drowned. Since 85.______________ then I have been more frightened.短文改错练习(14)Most people who are ambitious and want to achievesomething live on stress. They need them. I like to use 76.example from the animal world because there is a biological 77.basis for what I say. If you take a turtle and force it to run with as 78.fast as a race-horse, you should kill it. So it’s useless to say79.to a turtle type human what he must achieve this because his 80.father was famous and his grandfather was successful. You can’t 81.make race-horse out of a turtle. But the reverse is also true. If you 82.are the race-horse type, as more efficient businessmen and politicians 83.are, you have the urge to do many things and to express you. If 84.you told not to do anything, you are under terrible distress. 85.短文改错练习(15)Have you ever heard from the saying : All work and no play 76.make Jack a dull boy ? What this means is that if you study 77.all the times you will become a boring person . You must 78.go out and having fun with your friends , otherwise you will 79.lose him . No one wants to be friends with someone who only 80.talks about work and study . 81.Perhaps you have a confidence problem . Please try remember 82.what the work you do is for yourself but no one else . You 83.do not have to compete with your classmates . No one could 84.be happier in studying seven days and seven nights in a week . 85.短文改错练习(16)Deare Abby ,How are you ? Today I’ve got a wonde rful news to tell you . 76.I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 77.further education . One hundred and twenty students took exam 78.for it , but only a few was chosen and I was one of them . However , 79.my parents are not happy about it . They are strong against me 80.going there . They say it is too far away that they will not see me 81.for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely . They 82.can't imagine a girl so young live alone . They advise me to study 83.in the capital instead . Then I’ll be able to continue living with 84.them . How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up ? 85.Best WishesJane短文改错练习(17)I used to love science class—all of them—76.biology, chemistry, geography or physics. I think I 77.liked those classes because I felt that it helped me 78.understand what the world works. For example, 79.when I was a child, the rain was a mystery. In one 80.class, I learned why it rained. I think science classes 81.clear up mysteries. But then there is always more 82.mysteries look into. What was my least favorite class? 83.That was math. After learn the basics of the subject, 84.Nothing else seemed very practically to me. I never 85.saw how I could use it in my daily life.短文改错练习(18)Some Americans judge success on the length 76.of his vacations . The man who gets a month’s 77.vacation each year consider himself more successful 78.than the man gets two weeks . Many people want 79.to be teachers because it is teachers who can 80.get three-month vacation every year . Some college 81.teachers who teach the three classes consider 82.themselves less successful than that who teach 83.only one or two , or none in all . In short , the less 84.work Americans do , the less successful they 85.consider themselves .短文改错练习(19)As is known, that is interesting to teach children to 76.swim while they are still babies. Most the large towns in 77.Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for 78.babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe from where, 79.in several countries, special courses are now offered to 80.the children who are from 7 to 24 month old. 81.The first step is to have child get rid of fear of 82.water. Next, he is teaching to float in water. Once he 83.can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can 84.master the technique and push him forward through the water. 85.短文改错练习(20)Dear Mr. GreenI work in the Friendship Shop on Zhongshan Road 76. where you have often come to buy things. The other day 77. if you bought a vase at our shop with your wife, I made 78. the mistake about the price. You looked at two different 79. price of the same vase, one costing 30 yuan and the other 80.21 yuan. You took the 21 yuan one so I accepted 30 81. yuan from you. I found my mistake only after you and 82.your wife have left. Will you please come to our shop to 83. get in your change or to return your vase and get a 30 84. yuan one instead? I apologize you for it. 85.I’m looking forward to your coming earlier.Yours truly,Wang Hua。
高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 02(解析版)

On Children's Day last year, our city held an interested activity, in which children and their parents play the rich and the poor. In the dinner, the rich could have more delicious food, but the poor could only have breads with porridge (粥).Parents both hoped to have the dinner for the poor with the children. They hoped that their children could be taught the lesson from the dinner. Now many people in the world don't have enough food and clothes.Every day only one half the world could enjoy enough food. The activity was holding to make the families understand the differences from the poor and the rich and also make the parents know that too much material life won't always do good to the children.【答案】①interested →interesting②play →played③去掉more ④breads →bread⑤both →all⑥dinner 前的the → a⑦and →or⑧half后加of ⑨holding → held⑩from →between【解析】去年六一儿童节,我市举办了一次趣味活动,孩子们和父母玩贫富游戏。
高考英语一轮复习练习 短文改错阅读理解书面表达高三全册英语试题

手惰市安逸阳光实验学校练习30 短文改错+阅读理解+书面表达Ⅰ.短文改错families. In order to make surely all of us are in good health, and she makes specific plans for us. For example, every morning, my dad has to have the bowl of egg soup while I had to eat an apple. My dad don't like the soup and I don't enjoy apples. I tell my mom that if we're forced eat things, we may become ill. But he insists on us eating healthy food. Understanding her good intentions, I eat all the food what is provided by Mom with appreciation.Ⅱ.阅读理解AGoogle's It comes with a case that has a clip (夹子), but it's not designed to be worn on your clothing. Most interestingly, it uses artificial intelligence to take photography out of your hands so it can capture moments on its own.This roughly 2inch by 2inch camera, with a threehour battery life and Gorilla Glass for toughness, is intended for candid moments, like when a child does something cute that may happen too quickly for you to pull out your smartphone.Onboard the Clips device, it uses machine learning algorithms (计算程序 ) to help capture scenes. Those algorithms include face recognition. “Once it learns that there's a face you see frequently, it'll try to get nice photos of those faces,” said Juston Payne, the device's product manager. And they also want it to recognize facial expressions, which involved “training it to know what happiness looks li ke”. The Google team also trained it to recognize what not to shootlike when a child's hand is over the lens, or if it is tossed in a dark purse.The only way to see the images is by connecting the camera with your phone, as it has no screen for viewing or editing.Were people concerned it could seem strange? Yes, Payne admitted. But they said they addressed that by making it obvious what it is. A green light on the front signals that it is on. Besides, unlike a camera meant to monitor your home, it is not connected to the Internet.“This product is only possible because of the way that silicon has advanced,” Payne said, noting that it was only in the past year or so that they could squeeze the technology down into a device this size. Going forward, we're likely to get more assistance from the artificial intelligence packed into our apps and gadgets.1.What is the most outstanding feature of Clips?A.It is equipped with tough glass. B.It enables easy Internet access.C.It allows of handsfree photography. D.It can be worn on your clothing.2.What does the underlined word “candid” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Brief. B.Touching. C.Unforgettable. D.Embarrassing.3.What makes Clips a reality according to Juston Payne?A.The popularity of the Internet. B.The advance in technology.C.The rise of the smartphone industry. D.The reduction in the price of lens.4.What is the best title for the text?A.A New Digital Camera from Google. B.New Gadgets in the Age of Apps.C.Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life. D.An Alternative Way to Photograph.BMost of us show setup: thousands of hopefuls line up outside the audition (试音) room, wait for hours to go in and perform for a group of judges. Then these potential pop stars could be lucky and get through to the next round, or they might hear the command, “Sorry, it's a no from me.” But what do the judges actually bring to a talent show?Music talent show judges attract millions of viewers each week to their programs. As public figures, they play an important part in advertising campaigns for these programs. They often receive high salaries and can be moody. Are they really worth the expenses and difficulties that they cause? One solution might be to replace them with computers.Can computers really match human judges? Scientist Dr Nick Collins and his team at the University of Sussex think they can. Dr Collins has been working on a project that involves programming three computerizedjudges that he says would be far more consistent in their judgment of musical performances. Employing a special programming language, Dr Collins's digital judges can be trained up by “listening” to particular musical styles. After they have been listening for a while, the programming language allows these judges to spot the specific features of the music, including the voice quality, the rhythm etc. Collins says, “The judges' listening capacity is not yet as good as a hu man ear, but they won't be as moody as some human reality TV show judges.”Maybe that is the problem with this electronic musical innovation. Real human judges on talent shows interest us with their personality, decisions and catchy phrases. Will a computer program be able to do the same?5.The arrangements of the traditional talent show are described in Paragraph 1 to ________.A.find out more potential pop stars B.show the popularity of the talent showC.make people familiar with the talent show D.bring up the topic of talent show judges6.What is the key message conveyed in Paragraph 2?A.Music talent shows are very competitive.B.Music talent shows cost too much money.C.There are some problems with talent show judges.D.There are too many advertisements in talent show programs.7.How does Collins think about his computerized Judges?A.They can listen as well as human ears. B.They will be welcomed by the public.C.They will be perfect for any talent show. D.They can judge more fairly than human judges.8.What's the author 's opinion about replacing real human judges with computerized ones?A.Doubtful B.Interested C.Satisfied D.OptimisticⅢ.书面表达[2020·济南外国语学校模拟]假定你是李华。

高考英语短文改错动词时态不一致错误纠正完形填空题20题答案解析版1**题干:**Yesterday, I go to the park. It is a beautiful day. The sun shine brightly.I see many people there. Some are walking, some are sitting on the benches and others are playing games. I walk around and enjoy the scenery. Then I decide to go home. When I arrive at home, my mother is cooking dinner.**问题1:**Yesterday, I ___ to the park.A. goB. wentC. will goD. have gone答案:B。
“Yesterday”表明是过去的时间,应该用一般过去时,went 是go 的过去式。
A 选项go 是一般现在时;C 选项will go 是一般将来时;D 选项have gone 是现在完成时,都不符合语境。
**问题2:**It ___ a beautiful day.A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been答案:B。
“Yesterday”表明是过去的时间,应该用一般过去时,was 是is 的过去式。
A 选项is 是一般现在时;C 选项will be 是一般将来时;D 选项has been 是现在完成时,都不符合语境。
**问题3:**The sun ___ brightly.A. shineB. shinesC. shoneD. is shining答案:C。
“Yesterday”表明是过去的时间,应该用一般过去时,shone 是shine 的过去式。
A 选项shine 是动词原形,一般现在时;B 选项shines 是一般现在时第三人称单数形式;D 选项is shining 是现在进行时,都不符合语境。

Yesterday, when I complained with my mom about too little entertainment, she share the story of her youth with me. In the 1980s, neither iPads nor smartphones were invented. Each time when evenings approached, the children around would crowd into the only house where had a television. We stared at the small screen until the program ended. Parent would make every effort to drag their children to bed when it was getting lately. But now, iPads and smartphones have taken place of televisions. No wonder my mom always says we are the generation growing up in a honey jar. After listen to my mom's story I felt lucky to live so a happy and comfortable life. 2.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
高三英语第一轮复习短文改错专题 试题(共19页)

must have more food to feed the people. But food is 2.
already serious problem today. One-third of the world’s population are 3.
they know my secret. When I spoke to them, they 6.
often stare at my mouth, what makes me feel 7.
uncomfortable. I am afraid of making new friend as I 8.
cooked , it is more healthy than our local Chinese food . 9.
Therefore , I suggest people not to go to McDonald’s often . 10.
(九) The former White House cook stopped working . He cooked
love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure 3.
that I ger a good education. They did not want me to do 4.
any work at family ; they want me to devote all my time to 5.
my studies so thatI’ll get good marks in all my subject. We 6.
高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 01(解析版)

When I was little, Friday's night was our family game night. After supper, we would play card games of all sort in the sitting room. As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watching them, my parents would not to let me. They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain. Still I unwilling to play the games for them sometimes. I didn't realize how right my parents are until I entered high school. The games my parents taught me where I was a child turned out to be very useful later in my life.【答案】①Friday's →Friday②sort →sorts③the →a④watching →watch⑤去掉to ⑥us →me⑦I后加was ⑧for →with⑨are →were⑩where →when 【解析】当我还小的时候,周五晚上是我们家的游戏之夜。
高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 03(解析版)

Three years before, I visited the Great Wall with my parents. In the way to the Great Wall, we met a foreign lady. She was happily handing out pencils to friendly students which were talking with her. My mother was asked me to chat her.Without the second thought, I begin to talk about the warm weather with her. We quickly became friend. I learned that she came to China by herself, so she didn't feel lonely with so many kind people around. Thought highly of my spoken English, she gave me a pencil made in Canada.【答案】①before→ago ②In→On ③which→who/that ④去掉was ⑤chat后面加上with/to ⑥the→a ⑦begin→began ⑧friend→friends ⑨so→but ⑩Thought→Thinking【解析】三年前,我和我的父母参观了长城。
2021高三英语人教版一轮复习练习20 单句改错+七选五+完形填空 Word版含解析

姓名,年级:时间:练习20 单句改错+七选五+完形填空Ⅰ.单句改错(词性错误与词义辨析)1.The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals.________________ 2.I enjoyed studying different kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums.________________ 3.I was so nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left。
A few minutes late,the instructor asked me to stop the car.________________4.I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the latest music albums。
________________ 5.It does not cost many,yet we can still learn a lot.________________6.It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle of the road。
________________7.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.________________8.They have also bought some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful information from the Internet.________________ 9.At one time, I ever felt my parents couldn't understand me, so I hoped I could be freely from them.________________10.Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school.________________2020·浙江湖州、衢州、丽水教学质量检测说明文289词★★☆☆☆ways to help you relax。

⾼三英语每周⼀练(完形填空,阅读理解,短⽂改错)⾼三英语试卷3Class____________ Name_______________ Number______第⼆节完形填空(共20⼩题;每⼩题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下⾯短⽂,从短⽂后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填⼊空⽩处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂⿊。
The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination. ___36___,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived 37 for many years in 1881 he returned to Scotland for a 38 . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son 39 .Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long 40 over the hills. They had been 41 this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse, Kept indoors by the heavy rain. Lloyd felt the days 42 . To keep the boy happy Robert asked the boy to do some 43 .One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert 44 that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of 45 . “What’s that?” he asked “That’s the 46 tre asure “said the boy Robert suddenly47 something of an adventure story in the boy’s 48 While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the 49 a twelve-year-old boy just like Lloyd. But who would be the pirate(海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the 50 of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to 51 such a man in a story 52 Long John Silver the pirate with a wooden leg, was 53 .So thanks to a 54 .September in Scotland a friend with a wooden leg and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy we have one of the greatest 55 stories in theEnglish language.36.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Finally37.A.alone B.next door C.at home D.abroad38.A.meeting B.story C.holiday D.job39.A.Lloyd B.Robert C.Henley D.John40.A.talk B.rest C.walk D.game41.A.attempting B.missing C.planning D.enjoying42.A.quiet B.dull C.busy D.cold43.A.cleaning B.writing C.drawing D.exercising44.A.doubted B.noticed C.decided D.recognized45.A.the sea B.the house C.Scotland D.the island46.A.forgotten B.buried C.discovered D.unexpected47.A.saw B.drew C.made D.learned48.A.book B.reply C.picture D.mind49.A.star B.hero C.writer D.child50.A.help B.problem C.use D.bottom51.A.praise B.produce C.include D.accept52.A.Yet B.Also C.But D.Thus53.A.read B.born C.hired D.written54.A.rainy B.sunny C.cool D.windy55.A.news B.love C.real-life D.adventure第三部分阅读理解(每⼩题2分)阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳答案One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one's mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it is even harder to say, "I was wrong, and you were right about that."I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been the manager of a certain grocery store in the neighbourhood where I grew up, and he asked me if I remembered the egg boxes. Then herelated an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he was describing.I was about eight years old at the time, and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the dairy food department where the incident took place.There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen boxes. The boxes were stacked three or four feet high. I must have stopped in front of a display to admire the stacks. Just then a woman came by pushing her grocery cart and knocked off the stacks of boxes. For some reason, I decided it was up to me to put the display back together, so I went to work.The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened. When he appeared, I was on my knees inspecting some of the boxes to see if any of the eggs were broken, but to him it looked as if I was the culprit (做错事的⼈). He severely scolded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs. I tried to explain it wasn’t me who had broken them, but it did no good. Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident, obviously the manager did not.56. How old was the author when he wrote this article?A. About 8.B. About 18.C. About 23.D. About 15.57. Who was to blame for knocking off the stacks of boxes?A. The author.B. The manager.C. A woman.D. The author's mother.58. Which of the following statements is not true?A. The woman who knocked off the stacks of boxes was seriously criticized by themanager.B. The author was severely criticized by the manager.C. A woman carelessly knocked off the stacks of boxes.D. It was the author who put the display back together.59. The tone of the article expresses the author's .A. regret for the mistake he made in the storeB. admiration for the manager's willingness to admit mistakesC. anger against the woman who knocked off the stacks of boxesD. anger to the manager for his wrong accusation第⼀节短⽂改错(共10⼩题;每⼩题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上⽼师要求同桌之间交换修改作⽂,请你修改你同桌写的以下作⽂。
高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 19(解析版)

I had a wonderful summer holiday. Before the holiday, I have spent a lot of effort and time prepare for the College Entrance Examination. However, a good rest needed after the hard study of three years. I did many kinds of relaxed activities, such as going to the park, riding a bike, playing sports, etc. Besides, I took a boat trip along the Three Gorges Dam, that I had been dreaming about for in a long time. And I read variety books about college life in our local library to get much knowledge. I also took part in some social activities active and found a part time job so that I could learn more about society. What meaningful the holiday was!【答案】①have →had ②prepare →preparing③However →Therefore④needed 前加was ⑤relaxed →relaxing⑥that →which⑦去掉in ⑧variety →various⑨active →various⑩What →How【解析】我有一个美好的暑假。

1. Our graduation party was ______success . We sang and danced until itcame to _______ end at ten o‘clock.A a; the B. a; an C. the; an D. /; /2. Ding Junhui , ______ most famous snooker player, is ________ quietyoung man.A. /; aB. the; /C. a; aD. a the3. It‘s _____ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo thatgives them ____ pleasure.A. / , aB. a, /C. the, aD. a, the4. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ secondchance to make __ first impression.A. a; theB. the; theC. a; aD. the; a5. Everything comes with _____ price; there is no such _____ thing as freelunch in the world.A. a, aB. the, /C. the, aD. a, /6. --- I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.--- It is not your fault. With __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.A. a; aB. the; theC. /; /D. /; a7. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made____discovery which completely changed ______man‘s understanding of colour.A. a;/B. a;theC. /;theD. the;a8. When it comes to bringing up children, some people say _______ strictcontrol produces _________ well- behaved children.A. /; theB. the; /C. /; /D. the; the9. He missed ______ gold in the high jump, but will get _____ second chancein the long jump.A. the; theB. /; aC. the; aD. a; /10. We are said to be living in ____ Information Age, ____ time of newdiscoveries and great changes.A. an; theB. 不填; theC. 不填; aD. the; a11. Carl is studying________food science at college and hopes to open up______meat processing factory of his own one day.A. / ;aB. / ;theC. the; aD. the ; the12. I woke up with________bad headache, yet by________evening the painhad gone.A. the; theB. the; anC. a; theD. a; an13. Experts think that __________recently discovered painting may be________ Picsso.A. the; 不填B. a; theC. a; 不填D. the; a14. Dr.Peter Spence, _________headmaster of the school, told us,―_________fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.‖A. 不填;AB.不填;TheC. the; TheD. a; A15. My brother would like to buy a good watch but__________was availablefrom that shop.A. nothingB. noneC. no oneD. neither16. No matter where he is, he makes _____a rule to go for a walk beforebreakfast.A. him B this C. that D. it17. Sophia waited for a reply, but ____ came.A. no oneB. anotherC. neitherD. none18. The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to theefforts of the local governments to increase__________.A. themB. thoseC. itD. that19. Surprisingly, Susan‘s beautiful hair reached below her knees andmade_____ almost an overcoat for her.A. themB. herC. itselfD. herself20. Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as________ else.A. anythingB. somethingC. anywhereD. somewhere第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
2020届高三英语上学期第一次周练试题 新人教版

2019届高三英语上学期第一次周练试题第Ⅰ卷注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、考生号及考试科目填涂在答题卡上。
2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
1. How did the speakers get to the post office?A. By car.B. By bike.C. On foot.2. What will the speakers do tomorrow?A. Stay with their children.B. Go to a party.C. Visit the woman’s mother.3. Why is Wendy angry with the man?A. He broke her iPad.B. He speaks ill of her.C. He doesn’t work carefully.4. Why is the man going to the States?A. For a holiday.B. To study.C. On business.5. What does the man think of the film?A. He has no idea.B. It is boring.C. It is interesting.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

高三英语周周清 (一)一、单项填空:1.—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday ?—I' m afraid _______day is possible.A.eitherB.neitherC.someD.any2. —You haven't been to Beijing, have you?—_____. How I wish to go there !A.Yes, I haveB.Yes, I haven'tC.No, I haveD.No, I haven't3.I hate_______when people talk with their mouths full.A.itB.thatC.theseD.them4.Dr,Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can't remember________.A.whereB.thereC.whichD.that5.—Nancy is not coming tonight.—But she_______!A.promisesB.promisedC.will promiseD.had promised6.If I had_____, I'd visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.A.a long enough holidayB.an enough long holidayC.a holiday enough longD.a long holiday enough7.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _______.A.be put upB.give inC.be turned onD.go out8. —When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They________be ready by 12:00.A.canB.shouldC.mightD.need9.Professor White has written some short stories, but he is________ known for his plays.A.the bestB.moreC.betterD.the most10. —Can I get you a cup of tea?—_____.A.That's very nice of youB.With pleasureC.You can,pleaseD.Thank you for the tea11.Why do you want a new job________ you've got such a good one already?A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when12.They_________the train until it disappeared in the distance.A.sawB.watchedC.noticedD.observed13._____it with me and I'll see what I can do.A.When leftB.LeavingC.If you leaveD.Leave14.—I stayed at a hotel while in New York.—Oh,did you ? You________with Barbara.A.could have stayedB.could stayC.would stayD.must have stayed 15.Shirley________a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing16.You'll find this map of great_______in helping you to get round London.A.priceB.costC.valueefulness17.It was only when I reread his poems recently_____I began to appreciate their beauty.A.untilB.thatC.thenD.so18.Cleaning women in big cities usually get_______by the hour.A.payB.payingC.paidD.to pay19.—Hi,Tracy, you look tired.—I am tired.I_______the living room all day.A.paintedB.had paintedC.have been paintingD.have painted20.European football is played in 80 countries, _____it the most popular sport in the world.A.makingB.makesC.makeD.to make21._______ to his research work , the professor cared little about any other things.A. DevotingB. DevotedC. Having devotedD. To devote22.—Sorry , I have to ______ now . It’s time for class.—OK , I’ll call back later.A. hang upB. break upC. give upD. hold up23. The news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was _____ on the radio yesterday.A. turned outB. found outC. given outD. carried out24.He suggestd the person referred ______ put into prison.A. isB. beC. to beD. should be25.He is man of few words , and seldom spesks until ______ to .A. spokenB. speakingC. speakD. be spoken26.If _____ carefully , the experiment will be successful .A. doB. doesC. doneD. doing27.What’s the language _______ in Japan ?A.speakingB. spokenC. be spokenD. to speak28.He was disappointed to find his suggestions ________.A. been turned downB. turned downC. to be turned downD. to turn down30.—I’ve read another book this week .—Well , maybe ______ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.A.thisB. thatC. thereD. it31.—Have you _____ some new ideas ?—Yeah. I’ll tell you later.e aboutB. come intoC. come up withe out with32. You have no idea how she finished the relay race ______ her foot wounded so much.A. forB. whenC. withD. while33.We are invited to a party ______ in our club next Friday.A.to be heldB. heldC. being heldD. holding二、完形填空:Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She34 John very much. In her 35 _ he couldn't do anything 36 . Every morning she would give him breadkfst 37 bed and bring him the papers to 38 . It isn't really true that he was too 39 to work —in fact he had tried a few 40 . First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to 41 at least six windows. Then he __42 a bus conductor and on his second 43 a passenger stole his bag with all the fares(车费)collected. He 44 lost his job as a postman 45 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people's houses. It seemed that there was 46 suitable work for him. So he _47 to join the army. Mrs.Fant was so 48 about this that she told the 49 to all her neighbours. "My John is going to be a soldier," she said,"He is going to be the best soldier there 50 was, I can tell you!"Then the great day came 51 he was to march past the palace in the parade(接受检阅的队伍). His 52 mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 53 in the crowd.The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his ___54 came in sight some of the people watching 55 laughing at the one who couldn't keep pace with the others as they marched along.But Ella Fant, who was filled with 56 , shouted at the top of her voice:"Look at ___57 ! They're all out of 58 except my John! Isn't he the best!"34. A. depended on B. waited on C. trusted D. loved35. A. hope B. eyes C. head D. beliefs36. A. wrong B. great C. good D. strange37. A. to B. at C. in D. by38. A. check B. read C. keep D. sign39. A. lazy B. young C. weak D. shy40. A. ones B. years C. tasks D. jobs41. A. rub B. drop C. break D. clean42. A. followed B. met C. became D. found43. A. day B. try C. route D. chance44. A. thus B. even C. once D. only45. A. even if B. so that C. because D. though46. A. some B. such C. less D. no47. A. began B. promised C. managed D. decided48. A. excited B. worried C. anxious D. curious49. A. incident B. change C. news D. matter50. A. yet B. ever C. never D. just 51. A. where B. since C. when D. till52. A. proud B. kind C. strict D. lucky53. A. time B. position C. experience D. impression54. A. neighbours B. army officer C. mother D. fellow soldiers55. A. couldn't help B. shouldn't burst out C. stopped D. kept56. A. sadness B. happiness C. surprise D. regret57. A. them B. those C. that D. him58. A. sight B. order C. mind D. step三、短文改错:My Favourite SportMy favourite sport is football.I was a member ofour school football team.We practise for three timesevery week and often watch football match on TVtogether.Play football not only makes us grow uptall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play andteam spirit.We must kept in mind that we playfor the team instead ourselves.Also,the sportteaches us the important of obedience(服从).Eachplayer must obey captain,who is the leader ofthe team.And they must not break the rules toooften if we want to win the game.。

高考英语一轮复习练案新人教版:UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGEⅠ.完形填空(2022·广东省惠州市高三上学期第二次调研考试) The e-mail request came in to Ekiben Restaurant in Baltimore late on a Thursday afternoon. Brandon was writing on behalf of his mother in-law, Rina, a/an__1.D__ customer of the restaurant. For the past six years, every time she visited Baltimore, the first place she wanted to go was Ekiben so she could order that one dish—broccoli tempura (西兰花天妇罗). Brandon __2.C__ she was now in the final stages of lung cancer at her home in Vermont and that he was hoping to get the__3.C__ to make it for her there.Steve Chu, one of the restaurant’s co-workers, read the email and quickly replied with an alternative __4.D__. He wrote, “ We’d like to make it __5.B__ for you in Vermont.”That Friday after work, Chu__6.D__ his truck with a hot plate and some cooking facilities filled with ingredients and then headed for Vermont with his two __7.B__. They stayed overnight in an Airbnb rental and __8.C__ the next day to Vermont.On their arrival, they__9.B__ the gate of the truck, hooked (钩住) the hot plate to the truck’s power port, and started __10.A__. They also made tofu with peanut sauce and fresh herbs. After neatly __11.C__ everything up, they knocked on their customer’s door. As soon as Rina opened the door, she __12.A__ the fragrance.Brandon said his mother in-law was so __13.B__ to enjoy her beloved broccoli with a side order of remarkable __14.A__ one last time.“It was an honor to help fulfill the family’s __15.D__” Chu said.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。
高三英语第一周周练-改错+完形 20(解析版)

With graduation drawing near, my classmates and I had decided to do something meaning to the memory of our school life. After a heated discussion, we agreed with making a video to record our experiences at school.To begin with, material collecting took us a wholly week, during which we interviewed our teacher and took pictures of every aspect of school life. After that, the toughest part was editing and we debated for long over how to put into the video. Even though our opinions were divided, some compromises were made in the end. To my delight, a video turned out perfect. Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was very received. The students and teachers moved into tears and shared a great time together. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement.【答案】①删除had ②meaning →meaningful ③with →on④wholly →whole⑤teacher →teachers⑥how →what⑦my →our⑧a →the⑨very →well⑩moved前加were【解析】随着毕业的临近,我和我的同学们决定做一些有意义的事情来纪念我们的学校生活。

领兑市安插阳光实验学校中学高三英语上学期第10周周练一、阅读理解第一节AAs the world prepares to mark the 100thanniversary of International Women’s Day on March8,2010, a new report details the progress andchallenges girls face in getting an education.The report—from the Education for All Fast Track Initiative—highlights the importance of girls’ education for economic and social development. It follows progress in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Mozambique and Niger.Prema Clarke, author of Fasttracking Girls’ Education, says, “Progress for girls’ education is that they can leave their homes, leave their families and come to a place to study and to learn. And that’s a big achievement because otherwise these girls have to stay at home, looking after their brothers and sisters, doing the cooking or doing the cleaning.”She says progress toward the Millennium Development Goals and those of Education for All is “allowing and enabling girls and forcing countries to look at this issue(问题)and to ensure that interventions(干预)help girls attend school.”BenefitsImproving education for girls brings many benefits, says Clarke. “It means that girls can then enter the workforce. They can look after their own families much more effectively. They can prevent child death rate. They can educate their own girl children when they begin to expand their own families.” Studies show that having an educated female population helps to improve a country’s health and economic wellbeing.WarningsThe report says, “In developing countries, too many girls are not in school, and many girls face continuing health risks and danger just walking to class.”“Especially in the fragile and postconflict countries and in many of the African countries, this is a real issue,” she says. Till now, the interventions have been so focused on providing schooling and providing teachers, etc. And now I think there is much more expanded focus on looking at specific communities of girls within atrisk groups that now need much more specific attention and much more creative solutions to help them attend school.21. The underlined word “highlights” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.A. reducesB. stressesC. remarksD. improves22. According to Clarke, improving education can provide girls with all the opportunities EXCEPT________.A. to educate their own girl childrenB. to prevent child death rateC. to enter the workforceD. to study abroad23. This passage is intended to________.A. promote the progress in girls’ educationB. talk about the benefits of improving girls’ educationC. talk about the problem girls are facing in educationD. sing high praise for girls’ education24. It can be inferred from the passage that________.A. the girls’ educational situation in developing countries is still seriousB. girls were free to go wherever they wanted in the pastC. there are enough teachers in most of the African countriesD. International Women’s Day was first celebrated on March 8 in 1900BThe smiling face of Santa Claus appears all across China. Local governments are decorating trees and lamp posts with lights and ornaments. At first glance visitors would think they were in Europe.Despite the fact that most Chinese are not Christians, Christmas season has become increasingly popular.“If you ha d walked around major Chinese cities 15 years ago, you wouldn’t have seen many signs of Christmas. However, if you were to visit those same Chinese cities again today, you’d be surprised to see signs of Christmas almost everywhere,” says Cai Jiming, a pro fessor with Tsinghua University, who has served as an expert in developing China’s holiday schedule.Although Christmas is not a public holiday, many Chinese cities are still getting into the Christmas spirit.Cai says his email inbox and cellphone have b een flooded with messages wishing him a merry Christmas. The greetings have been coming in since the end of November.In his view, Christmas seems like a “warmup” for the truly important monthlong Spring Festival, which begins on Feb. 3 next year.However, despite the prevalence(流行)of Christmas celebrations, for most Chinese, it neither means a religious celebration nor an occasion for family reunions. Instead, it is a time for relaxing with friends, a time to shop, a time to have a party and it is especially a time for romance.“It seems to me that everything associated with Christmas time is romantic.”On the streets, rose and chocolate peddlers are competing for their business.Christmas has become another Valentine’s Day, and at the same time, more people feel it is a time to reward themselves with good food anda good time.25. From the first paragraph, we know________.A. Christmas has become the most important festival in ChinaB. Christmas is celebrated by most of people in ChinaC. Santa Claus doesn’t appear in Europe any more on ChristmasD. The smiling faces of Santa Claus are hung on the trees in local governments26. Which of the following statements is right about Cai Jiming?A. Cai Jiming is an expert in developing China’s economy.B. He thinks that Christmas will become a traditional custom for Chinese.C. He is given many regards on Christmas.D. He will dress like a Santa Claus to send gifts.27. Professor Cai Jiming’s words in the third paragraph are usedto________.A. show he is a famous expert in China’s holiday scheduleB. prove Tsinghua University is the best university in ChinaC. prove Christmas season has become more and more popularD. show great changes have taken place in China28. What’s the best title of the text?A. Christmas in EuropeB. Chinese celebrating Christmas holidayC. Romantic holiday-Valentine’s DayD. The smiling face of Santa ClausCThe City Bike program rolled into New York last spring and proved a hit, with nearly 12,000 New Yorkers signing up for annual memberships. Since 2010, over a dozen US cities have introduced bike-share programs.There’re plenty of bike stations near parks and other car-free areas. The programs we looked at in major cities work the same way. You buy a 24-hour pass. During the time, you get an unlimited number of 30-minute rides. If you go over your given half-hour ride time, you start paying fees for each following 30-minute period. Here are some of the biggest bike-share program in America.Minneapolis: Nice Ride MinnesotaStation : Minnehaha Ave. & Minnehaha PkwyHow much: $ 6 for a 24-hour pass.How it works: The first 30 minutes are included in the pass; $ 1.50 for the second 30 minutes; $ 4.50 for the third 30 minutes; later $ 6 for every half an hour.Chicago: Divvy BikesStation : Lakeshore Drive and Monroe St; also Museum CampusHow much: $ 7 for a 24-hour pass, with unlimited 30-minute trips.How it works: The first 30 minutes are included in the pass; $ 2 for the second 30 minutes; $ 6 for the third 30 minutes; later $ 8 for every half an hour.New York City: Citi BikeStation : Central Park So. & 6th Ave; also Broadway & W.57th St.How much: $ 9.95 for a 24-hour pass.How it works: The first 30 minutes are included in the pass; $ 4 for the second 30 minutes; $ 9 for the third 30 minutes; later $ 12 for every half an hour.Boston: HubwayStation : Tremont St. & West St.How much: $ 6 for a 24-hour pass.How it works: The first 30 minutes are included in the pass; $ 2 for the second 30 minutes; $ 4 for the third 30 minutes; later $ 8 for every half an hour.We are volunteers. If you want to know more information, please contact us.29. According to the text, the City Bike program _______.A. was first set up in New YorkB. is very popular in American citiesC. has a long history in AmericaD. develops very fast all over the world30. Which of the following bike-share programs costs the riders most?A. Nice Ride MinnesotaB. Divvy BikesC. Citi BikeD. Hubway31. If you visit Boston by riding Hubway bike for 3 hours, you have to pay ______.A. $6B. $ 30C. $ 20D. $ 36DThe principles about applying for jobs have altered greatly lately. In the past, people preferred a hand-written application letter.However, nowadays it is becoming more and more common to apply for a job through the Internet.You can find information on the Internet about how to apply for jobs.Information can be found about how to fulfill your application letter, the clothes that you should wear and how to carry out the interview itself.The importance of body language is often mentioned,but doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.After all,before a word has even been spoken,your body language will have already given people their first impression of you.Additionally, your body language will also give out a lot more information.Based on your body language it can be seen if you are self-confident.It can also show if you are a busy or a quiet type and it helps give an impression of whether you are speaking truthfully or not.Body language can show how enthusiastic you are and if you are a nice person.someone who will take his work seriously, but also someone who has a sense of humor and can enjoy a joke from time to time.The members of the application committee will ask you questions,but your answers won’t only be oral.The committee will not only pay attention to what you say, but also to how you say it! Body language will determine first if it ‘clicks’,and sometimes all it takes is just a few seconds.Everybody uses body language,but it takes place mostly at a subconscious(下意识的) level.Using body language appropriately, you can definitely increase your chances of getting a job.32.What kind of people is the text mainly meant for?A. InterviewersB. Job-hunting peopleC. EmployersD. Lay-off workers33.We can learn from the first paragraph that_______.A.hand-written letters are not used in finding a jobB.the more expensive clothes interviewees wear, the betterC.body language is more important than spoken wordsD.Internet is of significance in applying for a jobing body language well in a job interview will probably _______.A.get rid of the interviewers’ prejudice B.determine what position one will getC.increase the possibility to get the wanted job D.help one remove nervousness35.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Those using body language are usually confident.B.Body language is often used on purpose in job hunting.C.Body language is a mirror to reflect one’s personality.D.People enjoying jokes are preferred in a job interview.第二节You can help your firm innovate(创) by creating a culture in which all employees are actively encouraged to put forward ideas. But how do you get the best from people and encourage them to be at their most creative.Stress the importance of creativity. 36 If they do n’t understand innovation can keep your firm competitive, your efforts at encouraging creative thinking risk falling flat.Make time for brainstorming. Find some time for new ideas to come out. For example, set aside time for brainstorming, hold regular group works hops(研讨会) and arrange team days out. A team involved in a brainstorming session is likely to be more effective. 37 You should also give individuals the space to reflect privately on their work ifyou think they need it.Challenge the way staff work. 38 Ask people whether they have considered alternative waysof working and what might be achieved by doing things differently.39 Motivate individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing creativity, for example through an award scheme. You can reward those who just have a rich flow of suggestions, regardless of whether they are put into action at work.Act on ideas. Creative thinking is only worthwhile if it results in action. Provide the time and resources to develop and carry out those ideas worth acting on. 40 In addition, the flow of ideas may well dry up if staff feel the process is pointless.A. Reward creativity.B. The problem is that our minds are lazy.C. Be willing to make mistakes.D. Make sure all your employees know that you want to hear their ideas.E. Individuals within the team can test and improve the ideas together.F. Encourage employees to keep looking at the way they approach their work.G. Failure to do so means that your firm may fail to benefit from innovation.二、完形填空In my dual(双重的)profession__41__an educatorand health care provider, I have worked with manychildren infected with HIV. They have taught me somany things, but I have especially learned that great__42__can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you something about Tyler.Tyler was__43__infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medicationsto__44__him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube inserted in a vein(静脉)in his chest. At times, he also needed extra oxygen to support his__45__.Tyler wasn’t__46__to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not__47__to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicineloa ded backpack and__48_his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon(小手推车). All of us whoknew Tyler were impressed by his pure__49__in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often__50__him by telling him that he moved so__51__she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she couldquickly__52__him.This deadly disease eventually__53__down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately,__54__did his HIVinfected mother. When it became__55__that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about__56__. She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.A few days before his death, Tyler__57__to me to come to his hospital bed and__58__,“I might die soon. I’m not__59__. When I die, please dress me in__60__. Mom promised she’s coming to heaven, too. I’m be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.”41. A. in B. for C. as D. on42. A. pleasure B. pain C. sorrow D. courage43. A. seriously B. born C. unlucky D. disappointingly44. A. cause B. enable C. make D. lead45. A. breathing B. living C. running D. walking46. A. happy B. willing C. daring D. discouraged47. A. common B. unusual C. surprised D. ordinary48. A. dragging B. carrying C. pushing D. taking49. A. character B. joy C. moment D. excitement50. A. comforted B. scolded C. teased D. praised51. A. slowly B. happily C. quickly D. fast52. A. know B. spot C. stop D. observe53. A. tore B. broke C. wore D. kicked54. A. neither B. so C. such D. nor55. A. apparent B. hopeless C. sure D. terrible56. A. life B. dream C. future D. death57. A. waved B. said C. signed D. explained58. A. whispered B. shouted C. cried D. spoke59. A. excited B. surprised C. scared D. happy60. A. red B. white C. bright D. beauty三、语法填空One day, about ten years ago, while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, Isaw 61 elderly couple come in with a little girl in awheelchair. As I looked 62 ( close ) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs , just a head, a neck and upper body, 63 ( dress ) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head toward the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I lookedback 64 the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of a sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, 65 smile just melted me 66 almost instantly gave me a completely new senseof 67 life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 68 ( bring ) me into her world; a world of smiles, love and 69 ( warm ). I’m a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught 70 .四、短文改错As is known, that it is interested to teach children to swim while they are still babies. Most large town in Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe which, in several countries, special courses were now offered to children who are from 7 to 24 months old. The first step is to have a child get rid of the fear with water. Next, he is teaching to float in water. Once he can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can master the technique and push him forward through water.五、书面表达Ⅲ.书面表达假如你是某校的高考第一名李华,许多高三学生发电子邮件向你请教备考中遇到的问题和高考取胜之道。
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With graduation drawing near, my classmates and I had decided to do something meaning to the memory of our school life. After a heated discussion, we agreed with making a video to record our experiences at school.To begin with, material collecting took us a wholly week, during which we interviewed our teacher and took pictures of every aspect of school life. After that, the toughest part was editing and we debated for long over how to put into the video. Even though our opinions were divided, some compromises were made in the end. To my delight, a video turned out perfect. Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was very received. The students and teachers moved into tears and shared a great time together. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement.2.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
Last night, I had an interesting dream. In the dream I accidental got a magic pen with that I could write beautiful Chinese characters. Then I took part a calligraphy competition. With the help of the pen I got a first place. I became famous soon but a lot of people came to beg me for some characters. But when I picked the pen up and wrote down a character, I find out it very ugly. The pen no longer has magic. Then I was scaring awoken. I know that in the world there is not magic pen. Only by working hard can I write beautiful character.3.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
Rick Stevenson, 16 years old, spends every minute he can on the mountain. He and his friends go snowboarding every weekend." It's incredible. No one goes skiing anymore," he says. "That's for the 1 folks".Today more and more young athletes are taking part in risky activities called "extreme sports", which are a new, words such as" rage", "Juice" and "energy". They have their own 2 words such as "rage"," juice" and "energy". They have their own clothing such as skin-tight bicycle 3 in rainbow colours. And they're not for the elderly people or the easily 4 ones. Their philosophy is to get as close to the 5 as possible.Young athletes want risk and excitement—the 6 to the edge the better. They snowboard over cliffs and ride mountain bikes down steep mountains.Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports. A city kid who didn't have the money to buy 7 sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun. But now it has become a whole new area of sports with specialised equipment and high levels of 8 .The X Games is an extreme sports competition, consisting of two versions: a summer competition and a winter competition. The first summer 9 was held in Rhode Island in 1995. The summer competition 10 sports such as sky surfing, where people jump from aeroplanes with surfboards11 to their feet. The winter competition 12 snowboarding, skiing and snowmobiling.What makes extreme sports so popular?"People love the 13 ,"says Murray Nussbaum, who sells sports equipment. "City people want to be 14 on the weekend and do something challenging. The new 15 is so much better that people can take more risks 16 getting hurt:" He adds." 17 you go mountain biking or snowboarding, it's impossible to go back to bike riding or skiing. It's just too boring.Extreme sports are certainly not for 18 .Most people still prefer to play baseball or basketball or watch sports on TV. But extreme sports are definitely gaining 19 . "These sports are fresh and exciting. They're the wave of the future. The 20 is huge," says Nussbaum.1. A. new B. young C. little D. old2. A. language B. problem C. aim D. name3. A. dress B. helmet C. suits D. athlete4. A. amazed B. frightened C. disappointed D. satisfied5. A. edge B. road C. river D. mountain6. A. closer B. higher C. smaller D. further7. A. cheap B. good C. expensive D. terrible8. A. information B. skill C. value D. trick9. A. competition B. place C. challenge D. hall10. A. names B. features C. raises D. controls11. A. similar B. related C. different D. attached12. A. returns B. includes C. cases D. forgets13. A. comedy B. tragedy C. thrill D. happiness14. A. outdoors B. indoors C. excitement D. amazement15. A. equipment B. plan C. project D. language16. A. with B. in C. without D. for17. A. Once B. When C. Unless D. Since18. A. nobody B. anyone C. everyone D. someone19. A. problem B. suggestion C. popularity D. way20. A. potential B. hope C. global D. benefit。