
人力外包评估报告模板英文回答:Human resources outsourcing (HRO) is a strategic approach that involves the delegation of certain HRfunctions to external service providers. As a business owner, I understand the importance of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of HR outsourcing. In this report, I will assess the benefits and drawbacks of HRO, provide examples, and offer recommendations for improvement.One of the main advantages of HR outsourcing is cost savings. By outsourcing HR functions such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and recruitment, businesses can reduce overhead costs associated with hiring and training in-house HR staff. For instance, my company decided to outsource payroll processing to a third-party provider, which not only saved us money but also ensured accurate and timely payment to our employees.Another benefit of HR outsourcing is access to specialized expertise. External service providers oftenhave a team of HR professionals with extensive knowledgeand experience in specific areas. This expertise can be particularly valuable when dealing with complex HR issues such as legal compliance or employee relations. For example, when we faced a legal issue related to employee termination, our outsourced HR consultant provided us with expert advice and guidance, which helped us navigate the situation effectively.Despite these advantages, there are also drawbacks to HR outsourcing. One major concern is the potential loss of control and confidentiality. When outsourcing HR functions, businesses must share sensitive employee information with external service providers. This raises concerns about data security and confidentiality. To mitigate this risk, it is important to carefully select a reputable and trustworthy outsourcing partner. Additionally, businesses should establish clear communication channels and protocols to ensure the confidentiality of employee data.Another challenge of HR outsourcing is the potentialfor a lack of alignment with the company's culture and values. External service providers may not fully understand the unique needs and dynamics of the business, which can lead to a disconnect between the outsourced HR functions and the company's overall goals. To address this issue, it is crucial to establish a strong partnership with the outsourcing provider and clearly communicate the company's culture, values, and objectives. Regular meetings and feedback sessions can help maintain alignment and ensure that the outsourced HR functions support the company's strategic direction.In conclusion, HR outsourcing can offer significant benefits such as cost savings and access to specialized expertise. However, businesses should be mindful of the potential drawbacks related to loss of control and alignment with company culture. By carefully selecting an outsourcing partner, establishing clear communication channels, and maintaining a strong partnership, businesses can maximize the benefits of HR outsourcing while minimizing the associated risks.中文回答:人力资源外包(HRO)是一种战略性的方法,涉及将某些人力资源职能委托给外部服务提供商。

Sous-traitez vos ressources humainesPour un grand nombre de propriétaires de petites entreprises, le fait de s'occuper des responsabilitésd'employeur, de créer un ensemble d'avantages pour les employés, jusqu'à la conformité aux lois etrèglements qui changent en permanence, peut être un casse-tête considérable. Contrairement aux grandes sociétés, les entreprises plus petites ne peuvent pas se permettre d'avoir un département spécial ressources humaines pour s'occuper de ces problèmes. La responsabilité en incombe donc souvent au propriétaire, qui peut ne pas avoir ni le temps ni l'expérience pour s'occuper de ces tâches efficacement.Une option de plus en plus populaire pour des petites entreprises est de sous-traiter les ressources humaines à un centre de gestion. Ces centres sont essentiellement des spécialistes de ressources humaines pouvant fournir une large gamme de fonctions d'assistance, à un prix raisonnable. Ils offrent des services orientés vers les ressources humaines, comprenant les prestations chômage, la conformité, la gestion de la responsabilité employeur, la paye et l'administration du personnel, le recrutement, la formation et le développement.Pour pouvoir offrir ces services, le centre de gestion doit entrer en partenariat avec l'entreprise et ses employés. Cette relation contractuelle permet au centre d'assumer ou de partager maintes responsabilités et risques d'un employeur. Le Centre prend en charge toute la partie administrative, laissant aupropriétaire de l'entreprise la liberté de se concentrer, de façon constructive, sur l'amélioration de son chiffre d'affaires.Centre de GestionLe Centre de Gestion prend en charge un certain nombre de fonctions RH, telles que : ∙Gestion des avantages - le Centre de Gestion utilise l'économie d'échelle pour fournir des avantages solides à des prix compétitifs, un 'plus' significatif pour attirer et retenir des employés clés. Ce qui permet à une petite entreprise d'offrir des avantages qu'elle ne pourrait peut-être pas offrirautrement, au niveau médical, dentaire, optique, handicap, assurance-vie, formation et assistance.∙Conformité : un centre de gestion peut vous aider à maintenir votre entreprise à jour avec les lois et règlements en perpétuel changement.∙Gestion de la Responsabilité Employeur -- Un Centre de Gestion peut gérer efficacement vos obligations d'employeur, ce qui permet une diminution du risque et de la responsabilité de votre entreprise. Un Centre de Gestion peut vous aider dans la résolution des réclamations salariales et litiges des travailleurs, des contrôles de sécurité, du développement d'une politique de sécurité, des réclamations chômage, du guide de l'employé, du personnel, de l'assistance licenciement etbeaucoup plus encore.∙Administration de la Paie et du Personnel : les Centres de Gestion peuvent légalement prendre la responsabilité de la paie, des taxes, saisies, rapports trimestriels, vérifications et rapports degestion des ressources humaines. En utilisant un centre de gestion pour ces responsabilités, vous aurez plus de temps à consacrer à votre entreprise.∙Recrutement et Sélection : Beaucoup de Centres peuvent rédiger des descriptions de poste, écrire et placer des petites annonces, trier les CV, passer des interviews et tests aux candidats et faire les vérifications des antécédents.∙Formation & Développement : Un bon Centre peut analyser vos besoins en formation, puis vous fournir les bons cours pour améliorer la performance et la productivité du personnel.Choisir le bon Centre pour Votre EntrepriseComme dans tout contrat, il est toujours payant de comparer différents centres pour trouver celui quirépond aux besoins de votre entreprise. Certains facteurs à prendre en considération sont : ∙Combien cela coûtera-t-il ? Découvrez les services qu'offre le Centre, et si tous les services sont compris dans le prix de base ou si certains sont une option payante ?∙Le Centre est-il financièrement solide ? Vérifiez les références des Centres concernés. Leurs finances sont-elles en ordre ? Choisissez un Centre de Gestion comme vous choisiriez un banquier.Vous recherchez une société bien gérée, avec qui vous vous sentez rassuré.∙Établissez sa crédibilité. Existe-t-il depuis longtemps ? A-t-il bonne réputation ? Comment est-il considéré dans son propre secteur ?∙Posez des questions sur le service clients. Comment mettent-ils leurs services en œuvre ? Qui vous aidera si vous avez des questions ? S'ils ont des questionnaires clients, essayez d'en obtenir lesrésultats.∙Quelle capacité technologique possèdent-ils ? Aujourd'hui, la technologie est devenue un des aspects les plus importants dans les affaires aux États-Unis. Sont-ils à jour avec les technologiesrécentes? Ont-ils des capacités enligne qui vous permettront d'interagir avec eux à votreconvenance ?∙Demandez des références de clients actuels et anciens. Découvrez le bon et le moins bon de chaque Centre de Gestion.人力资源外包对于许多小企业主而言,从制定具有竞争力的福利计划到遵守不断变化的政府规定,大量繁琐的雇主职责令人应不暇接。

“人力资源”一词,英文名为“human resource”,是 1954 年处理大师彼得·德鲁克在《处理的实践》一书中提出来的,是指人的知识、技能、体力等各种才干的总和。
HR Outsourcing人力资源外包-外文文献

HR OutsourcingOutsourcing is the practice of contracting with vendors to perform. HR services and activities. There are three types of HR outsourcing are: discrete, multi-process, and total process HR outsourcing.Firstly, discrete outsourcing means organization only outsourcing a particular function. (e.g. Recruitment). Discrete HRO can reduce company hiring requirement for highly specialized HR professionals or HRIS expertise associated with such infrequent function, in addition, it can reduce HR administration costs associated with frequent, high volume transactions (such as payroll). Although HRO has existed for many years, it remains a popular HR administration approach for achieving strategic goal.Further, HR managers may also pursue multi-process HR outsourcing. This approach involves outsourcing all of one or more related HR functions (e.g., recruitment and selection; learning& development) to niche third-party providers. It also known as comprehensive or blended services outsourcing, this approach has become more popular with the increase in the number of specialized vendors providing such services and the spread of enabling Internet portal capabilities. Such an HR administration approach can provide significant cost-reduction, while maintaining or enhancing service levels.Finally, Total HR outsourcing is the third type of outsourcing approach and involves having all, or nearly all, HR functions handled by one or more external vendors. All of the traditional HR administrative and functional activities (e.g., recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, training) would be managed through third-party vendors.Advantages of HR OutsourcingThe advantages of HR administration outsourcing can be both financial and strategic. For example, organizations seeking to increase financial profitability and enhance shareowner value might reduce ongoing expenses (e.g., employees, software) and forestall capital expenditures (e.g., new buildings, equipment) through HR outsourcing. This would entail a careful “make-buy” assessment of the total costs and benefits of continuing internal operations versus contracting for them in the external market. Benefits of such an approach might include redesigned processes, improved quality, centralized or consolidated operations, access to technology, and enhanced employee satisfaction.Strategic advantages to HR outsourcing might include the ability to better focus on a firm’s core business through HR transformation, moving from an historical administrative activities focus to a strategic business partner perspective.Organizations recognize that, more than ever, effective talent management may be the source of sustainable strategic advantage in a knowledge-based, global economy. However, many HR professionals are mired in day-to-day administrative tasks that preclude the value-added consulting, planning, and visioning activities required from them to achieve strategic goals. HR outsourcing could free HR professionals to focus on strategic issues (e.g., talent management, merger and acquisition due-diligence) while providing the firm with skilled professionals services in HR functional (e.g., recruitment, compensation) and administrative (e.g., government compliance and regulations) areas, powered by up-to-date technology (e.g., hardware, software). Disadvantages of HR Outsourcing.Although there are a number of financial and strategic reasons for considering HR administration outsourcing, there are also serious potential problems for firms who use the approach without fully understanding how to manage it to achieve desired goals. For example, firms who used HRO to achieve HR transformation and cost savings rated their success an average of 3 on a 5-point (1 = benefits not at all achieved and 5 = benefits fully achieved) scale. Thus, one big disadvantage of HRO is the likelihood that the organization will not achieve its strategic goals. Such a failure could have significant, negative impact on the organization’s ability to survive. Steps to minimize such a failure include realistic cost-benefit analyses, successful project planning and implementation, unambiguous goals and measures of HR outsourcing success, rigorous vendor assessment and selection processes, and skilled vendor contract negotiation, management, and auditing. Indeed, one of the primary responsibilities of HR administration managers in an outsourcing environment is to ensure that the contract terms and fulfilled on a daily basis and that corrective actions are immediately taken when failures occur.Another disadvantage of HR outsourcing includes the loss of institutional expertise in the outsourced functions, making an HR outsourcing decision reversal difficult or impossible. Frequently, when outsourcing is undertaken, subject matter experts (e.g., selection) are reassigned or released. This can be a serious strategic error if the vendor is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations. As noted above, an organization would be unwise to outsource core or strategic HR planning functions because of the possibility that competitors may learn its plans from vendors. In addition, loss of internal strategic HR expertise may be devastating to an organization over time. Moreover, HR organizations may lack the contract management expertise to oversee the vendor and hold it accountable for contract terms, compounding its problems. Other potential problems include security risks in multi-vendor outsourcing, internal employee and manager resistance, compliance failures (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley), and cultural clashes between the organization and its vendors.In summary, HR outsourcing is another approach to HR administration that offers potential for cost reduction, process improvement, and employee satisfaction. However, managers of HR administrative functions must be highly skilled at usingHRO strategically to achieve organizational goals.出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。


人力资源管理外包英译汉1.引言1.1 概述概述:人力资源管理外包是指将企业的人力资源管理职责委托给专业的外部服务提供商的一种管理模式。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。


人力资源外包外文翻译外文文献及翻译材料Human Resource OutsourcingThe innovation of technology and economic globalization change the economic environment of enterprises. To conquer the uncertainty in the environment and keep the competitive advantage,human resource outsourcing,one of HR service delivery models,hasbecome more and more enterprises choice,which can reduce cost,improve efficiency and gaincompetitive advantage.Human resources outsourcing means that the enterprise in order to better carry out human resources management activities,part of the business of outsourcing,using outside outstandingprofessional skills to be integrated in order to achieve lower costs,improving the quality ofservice and more focus on human resources to the core business objectives。
The domestic humanresources outsourcing are relatively concentrated in the cause、advantages、select、a risk model、enterprises from the angle of view of human resources outsourcing more,and the choice ofoutsourcing service providers research is relatively small。


HR Outsourcing Services Contract[Company Name], a company established and existing with its registered address at________________________________ Tel at____________ ____(hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”)and人力资源有限公司 [Company Name], a company established and existing with its registered address at Tel at(herein after referred to as the “Party B”)In accordance with stipulation of the " Contract Law of the People''s Republic of China ", the " Labor Law of the People's Republic of China ", the " Labor Contract Law of People's Republic of China Labor Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, through friendly negotiation, have signed this Co ntract (hereinafter referred to as This Contract) on a basis of equal and mutua l benefit and agreed to the terms and conditions stipulated below for HR Out sourcing Services.ARTICLE 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS1. Either party shall provide the other party legitimate and effective copi es of documents for registration and approval of government authorities that ca n show it is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of Chines e government. Unless otherwise provided herein, "Party B" includes B Compan y and its affiliates or authorized companies. The obligations concerning its perf ormance of the Contract shall be at Party B’s side. “Affiliate” means any com pany directly or indirectly controlled by, controlling by Party B, including com pany under direct or indirect common control by Company or natural individua l. “Control” means either the ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ordinary share of capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings.2. Scope of ServicesParty B be entrusted as agent of Party A and shall have obligation to provide the services listed hereinafter(Choose by mark √)□ 2.1 Social insurance enrollment and payment2.1.1 to exercise Social Insurance, such as Endowment Insurance, Medical Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Employment Injury Insurance and Maternity Ins urance (hereinafter referred to as “FSI”), enrollment in Social Insurance Manag ement System (hereinafter referred to as “SIMS”).2.1.2 to remove insured staff from SIMS and exercise transfer procedures in accordance with state regulations.2.1.3 to make change to salary base of social insurance2.1.4 to reimburse medical expenses2.1.5 to claim for maternity allowance2.1.6 to claim for work injury compensation2.1.7 to provide social insurance policy consultation2.1.8 to handle disputes, unusual circumstances related to social insurance2.1.9 to deal with other matters related to social insurance□2.2 Housing fund services2.2.1 to conduct enrollment procedures concerning housing fund (hereinafter referred to as “HF”)2.2.2 to remove staff from the Housing fund Management System and exercisetransfer procedures2.2.3 to help to draw Housing fund2.2.4 to assist housing fund loans2.2.5 to handle disputes, unusual circumstances related to housing fund2.2.6 Other matters related to housing fund□2.3 Payroll agency services2.3.1 to handle and pay employee’s salary2.3.2 to apply for bank cards for salary payment2.3.3 to exercise individual income tax declaration and payment2.3.4 to provide private and confidential payslip2.3.5 to handle with other services in connection with payroll services□2.4 Welfare services2.4.1 to provide commercial insurance, medical insurance and employer liability ins urance services2.4.2 to claim for commercial insurance, medical insurance and employer liability insurance services2.4.3 The price shall be set forth as hereunder:RMB YUAN (SAY: ONLY).The reimbursement shall be.□2.5 Labor Policy Consultation2.5.1 to exchange and answer questions on labor policies.2.5.2 to provide consultation on laws and policies on human resource, labor and social security.2.5.3 to provide legal assistance for resolving labor disputes in a basis of fairnes s and justice.ARTICLE 2 TERMS3. This Contract come into effect upon duly signed by both parties and the duration is years from _ to .4. The renewal of this Contract should be negotiated by both parties thirty (30)days before its expiry. Both parties’ signatures are needed if they agree to re new the Contract. Should the parties fail to confirm the renewal of this Contra ct by signature, the Contract shall extend one year automatically, but in no case the extension exceeds three times.ARTICLE 3 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS5. Rights and obligations of Party B5.1 Party A may decide the employees submitted to Party B for service at itssole decision.5.2 Party A shall decide the means of insurance payment according to policiesof contribution places through negotiation with Party A.5.3 Party A shall confirm the information on employee addition or deduction from the Social Insurance Management System without any delay.5.4 Party A shall be obligated to pay the payment to Party A’s designated bank account via bank transfer. “Payment” unless otherwise provided herein, shall means the total expenses Party A pay to Party B, and it shall include but not limited to social insurance fee and housing funds fees the company born, social insurance fee and housing funds fees individual born, salaries, welfare fees a nd management expenses.5.5 Party A shall guarantee the labor contract signing with its employees, and shall undertake the due obligations prescribed by law to the employee covered by the Services agreed herein5.6 Should employees covered by the Services injured in the duration of work or fall in serious illness, Party A shall undertake the due obligations prescribed by law.5.7 Retirement progress for employees covered by the Service shall be executed by Party A and expenses arising from therefrom shall be born by Party A while Party B has obligations to provide necessary assistance.6. Rights and obligations of Party B6.1 Party B shall have obligations to provide services agreed herein timely and accurately.6.2 Party B shall have obligations to provide Party B advises and coordination services on relevant policies and regulations in connection with the Services ag reed herein. Any trouble arising from the performance of this Agreement may acquire assistance from Party B.ARTICLE 4 PRICE7. Service fees shall be set forth according to the actual number of employees and months covered by the Services.The price shall be:1-5 person : RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) /person/month;5-20 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) /person/month;20-300 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) ()/person/month; Above 300 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) ()/person/month.8. Party A shall alter the contribution base following the annual alteration of minimum average social salary. The expenses arising therefrom shall be paid w ithin one month. In the case of the invoice value exceeds two (2) times the a ctual social insurance expenses, party A shall pay 6% the amount by which the invoice value exceeds that of the actual expenses.9. The expenses of disability insurance or worker union fee shall be collected according to relevant government regulations. Party A may pay the amount to Party B while Party B provide invoice indicating the real expenses.10. Means of Payment10.1 Party A shall provide Party B information of employees to be added or d educted from The Social Insurance Management System by mail prior to th e day of each month. Any delay shall be considered as no alteration to the System.10.2 Party B shall submit Expense Sheet to Party A for confirmation prior to the day of each month after receipt of the employee alteration information. “Expense Sheet” shall include all payment in connection with the Services stip ulated herein.10.3 Party A shall pay to Party B all the payment to the designated bank acc ount of Party B prior to the day of each month after confirmation of the Ex pense Sheet. Party B shall exercise the execution of the Service in connection with social insurance upon payment received and provide Party A invoice withi n seven (7) business days.10.4 Should the employee number of Party A covered by the Service herein n o less than five (5) people, payment shall be paid monthly otherwise quarterly. Bank account information of Party B:Depositary bank: 中国农业银行东营区支行Bank accounts: 15312001040005887Company Name: 东营邦芒人力资源有限公司ARTICLE 5 MISCEELLANEOUS PROVISIONS11. Party A shall provide Party B documents and information such as copy of ID card, photo and bank account etc. of employees covered by the Services w hich shall be filed by Party B. Any trouble arising from service delay or data deviation caused by any faulty in the information Party A provided shall be b orn by Party A..12. Party B shall complete the Service Stipulated herein without any delay and shall assume corresponding responsibility in case of its sole failure.13. Party B shall submit Employee added/deducted Sheet to Party A for backu p and service progress notice.ARTICLE 6 DEFAULT AND DISPUTE14. Should either party fails to implement the terms and conditions herein or make any changes and amendments to this Contract without prior consent of t he other party, the loss resulting therefrom shall be born by the party in breac h.15. In case of late payment of any amount payable thereunder, Party A will p ay Party B penalty equal to 2‰ of the amount payable for every delayed day. Party B’s contractual obligations shall be suspended, without penalty or liabilit y.16. All disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract or any execut ion documents signed in accordance with this Contract shall be settled through amicable consultation. Upon failure of negotiation, disputes shall be submitted t o local court having jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration, b oth parties hereto shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfill their remaining respective obligations under the Contract unless otherw ise agreed.ARTICLE 7 APPENDIX17. All notices and other communications issued pursuant to this contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed equally authentic。

人力资源服务外包协议英文Personnel Outsourcing AgreementWHEREAS, Client is in need of certain personnel services to enhance its human resources capabilities; andNOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Personnel Services2. Responsibilities of the Client4. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information disclosed during the course of this Agreement. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.5. Term and Termination5.1 Term: This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first written above and shall continue for a period of [number] years, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement.5.3 Termination for Breach: In the event of a material breach of this Agreement by either party, the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice specifying the breach and allowing a reasonable period for cure, which shall not exceed [number] days.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.By:_______________________Name:Title:By:_______________________Name:。
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Human Resource Outsourcing
The innovation of technology and economic globalization change the economic environment of enterprises. To conquer the uncertainty in the environment and keep the competitive advantage,human resource outsourcing,one of HR service delivery models,has become more and more enterprises choice,which can reduce cost,improve efficiency and gain competitive advantage.
Human resources outsourcing means that the enterprise in order to better carry out human resources management activities,part of the business of outsourcing,using outside outstanding professional skills to be integrated in order to achieve lower costs,improving the quality of service and more focus on human resources to the core business objectives。
The domestic human resources outsourcing are relatively concentrated in the cause、advantages、select、a risk model、enterprises from the angle of view of human resources outsourcing more,and the choice of outsourcing service providers research is relatively small。
Comprehensive exposition of human resources outsourcing decision-making、risk analysis、decision-making processes,Thus the choice of outsourcing service providers to provide some advice。
This thesis concludes the main content of HR0 based on the relevant theory and literature of HRO; then using the method of data analysis and comparison,and collecting the data of HR0 from The West countries,Asia area and China. In this thesis we mainly compare about the HRO function,HR0 reason and Perspective risk between these countries,and come out some valuable information,which is foundation of improve the level of Chinese HRO.
Then we analyze Chinese HR0 further to find out the Problem in Chinese HRO,and come out the framework in Chinese HR0 from
different angles covering HR0 market,HRO enterprise and HRO service provider and HRO process. Then we give the suggestions for Chinese HR0 from these four levels.
Finally, the thesis has a case analysis on one HRO service provider,and discusses its history,HR0 content and process. Then we conclude its developing
stage,main characteristics,problems and improvement.
为了克服环境中的不确定性因素,继续保持企业的竞争优势,人力资源外包(HR Outsourcing)作为众多人力资源服务提供模式之一,成为越来越多企业的选择,以达到降低成本、提高效率、赢得竞争优势的人力资源战略管理的目的。