翻译二级笔译综合能力分类模拟题4Ⅰ Vocabulary and GrammarPart 1 Correcting Grammatical ErrorsDirections: In each of the(江南博哥) following statements there is an underlined part that is indicated as an error. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected.The Internet originated on American soil. In 1969, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Defense Department established the world's first testing packet-switched network (PSN) to connect four universities on US soil. The world saw a remarkable expansion of the scale and number of Internet users from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. In September 1989, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was founded with a grant from the US Department of Commence to administer the Internet terminal server. Over the past 40 years, the US has been dominating the world Internet as the core technique holder with an inherent advantage of being the cradle of the Internet.There are 13 terminal servers in the world to keep the Internet run 1 , with a master server and nine of the 12second 2 servers stationed in the US. In terms of technique, the network of a country will disappear from the world Internet if its domain name registry is blocked or deleted from the terminal server. This kind of conduct is not legallybinded 3 with the law of any country except ICANN. InApril 2004, Libya was seen 4 on the Internet for three days after the collapse of the domain name registry of the country "LY" caused by a domain administration dispute.Concerns about the US monopoly of the domain name server (DNS) system grew among other nations as much as their reliance on the Internet for issues ranging 5 politics and the economy to defense and the general society. Years ago, there was a proposal that the Internet is 6 administered by the United Nations or under international cooperation. The European Union insisted that the World Wide Web was 7 an international resource that should be jointly managed by all nations. Some developing countries pointed to 8 that at the early stage of Internet development, developed countries seized large amounts of domain names, leaving alimited few for them, and demanded a share with the US over Internet administration. American officials opposed to 9 the suggestion.The US Defense Strategy Review in March 2005 stated that Internet space should have the same prioritywith 10 continental, marine, aerial and outer space jurisdictions for the US to maintain a decisive superiority. A statement from Washington on June 30, 2005, made it clear that the US government would maintain its control on 11 the DNS indefinitely; stating that a transfer of its management to UN or international cooperative models would impede the free flow of information, leading 12 to easy manipulation of the Internet and make global supervision more difficult.At the same time, the US Congress passed a bill by a vote of 423 to zero urged 13 a manifesto by the White House that American control over Internet is inviolable. US Rep. John Taylor Doolittle, a Republican from California, said the United States invented the Internet and described 14 as a gift to the world based on American taxpayers' money. He said he opposed any move to transfer the country's control to the UN.The control of the Internet plays astrategical 15 role for US. Using the internet, the US can intercept information via the net, export US values and opinions, support a " Color Revolution", feed theoppositing 16 powers and rebels against anti-US governments, interfere 17 other countries' internalaffairs and make proactive attacks on enemy's communication and directing networks. James-Adams, a famous military forecaster,wrote 18 his book, The Next World War, these words: "The computer is the weapon for the future war and there is no virtual front line, while 19 the traditional battle and the byte will take the bullet's role to grab control of the air."US President Barack Obama repeatly 20 stressed the importance of the Internet during his campaign. He asked the relevant departments to assess the security of the American network, and to prepare 21 the implementation of information hegemony to continue the work of controlling the new generation of Internet Root Servers. The assessment report released by the US government on May29, 2009, said that cyberspace threats have become one of the most serious economic and military threats facing by 22 the United States. The report emphasized that the US must show the world they were seriously responding to the challenge. Against this background, Microsoft announced the closure of MSN services for Cuba, Iran, Syria, Sudan and the DPRK. But the world opinionconsiders 23 as information sanction instead of meeting a challenge.1.正确答案:run→running2.正确答案:second→secondary3.正确答案:binded→binding4.正确答案:seen→unseen5.正确答案:ranging→ranging from6.正确答案:is→be7.正确答案:was→is8.正确答案:9.正确答案:to→to去掉10.正确答案:with→as11.正确答案:on→over12.正确答案:leading→lead13.正确答案:urged→urging14.正确答案:described→后面加it15.正确答案:strategical→strategic16.正确答案:oppositing→opposition17.正确答案:interfere→后面加with正确答案:wrote→后面加in19.正确答案:while→as20.正确答案:repeatly→repeatedly21.正确答案:prepared→后面加for22.正确答案:by→by去掉23.正确答案:considers→后面加thisⅡ Cloze TestDirections: In the following two passages, there are 15 blanks in each passage representing the words that are missing from the contexts. You are to read the passage through before providing the missing word of each blank to complete the passage.PhilanthropyIt has become an American tradition that those who attain great wealth return some of it to the public through philanthropy. An early example of this was the generosity of Amos Lawrence of Massachusetts, a wealthy merchant who in the 1830s and afterwards contributed much money for famine relief in Ireland. He also donated generously to educational and other humanitarian causes.In the early years of the twentieth century several men who had amassed vast 1 likewise became great philanthropists.Andrew Carnegie, an exceptionally energetic man, 2 has begun working twelve hours a day when he was only fourteen yearsold, 3 one of the world's richest men by pioneering in the steel 4 . After his retirement in 1900 he devoted his time and his wealth to the 5 of free public libraries. He also set up foundations for medical research and 6 world peace. Carnegie's belief, as he expressed it in an essay,was 7 the wealthy person must "consider all surplus revenues 8 come to him simply as 'trust funds' which is strictly bound as a matter of 9 to administer in the manner best calculated to produce the most 10 results for the community—the man of wealth thus becoming themere 11 and agent for his poorer brethren."John D. Rockefeller, who also began as a poor boy,became 12 rich through oil refineries and other enterprises. In his 13 age, in the early 1900's, he beganto donate millions for beneficial 14 . The various Rockefeller Foundations support research as wellas 15 causes in the United States and in other parts ofthe world. Rockefeller funds are now fighting hunger through the so-called "green revolution," whereby new agricultural techniques have greatly multiplied the yield of food crops in Mexico, India, Pakistan, and parts of Africa.Through the Ford Foundation, and based on automobile profits, Henry Ford Ⅱ donated $500 million in 1950 to universities and hospitals for improving education and health. This likewise became a world-famous foundation, whose activities have spread far and wide. Some of this money was effectively spend fight cholera and typhus in far-off Nepal.1.正确答案:fortunes2.正确答案:who3.正确答案:became4.正确答案:industry5.正确答案:establishment6.正确答案:for7.正确答案:that8.正确答案:which9.正确答案:duty10.正确答案:beneficial11.正确答案:trustee12.正确答案:fabulously13.正确答案:old14.正确答案:undertaking15.正确答案:humanitarianWorld BankThe World Bank is one of the largest suppliers of development assistance. Its main goal is to improve living conditions for poor people throughout the world. Last year, it provided more than seventeen-thousand-million dollars in loans to developing countriesto help end poverty. The money went to efforts like debt reductionfor some of the poorest countries in the world. That program was designed to increase debt assistance and provide it faster than inthe past. As a result, twenty-three countries received debtassistance last year as compared to seven countries the year before.The World Bank does more than just 16 loans, however. It believes that continued poverty reductioncomes 17 investing in the people of a country—especially through education and health 18 . World Bank President James Wolfensohn announced one such program 19 this yearat the organization's yearly spring 20 in Washington. The "Education for All" plan is aimed at getting allchildren 21 the ages of five and eleven into early education. The World Bank plans to 22 the program soon in ten countries. Bank leaders will choose 23 that havestrong education reform plans but no money to establish them.The World Bank uses engineers, economists, publicpolicy 24 and social scientists to create these kinds of programs. These 25 also provide developing countries with the necessary 26 help to carry out the programs. Tenthousand people work for the 27 Bank. Eight thousand are based in Washington. The rest are spread 28 the world. The World Bank is owned by more than one-hundred-eighty 29 countries. Every country holds different shares which represent the positions and 30 of the members.The World Bank began as a much smaller group. It was established at an international conference in the United States in 1944. It has helped to make great progress in developing nations especially in the past twenty or so years. Bank officials say life expectancy in developing nations has increased and baby and child deaths have decreased. They also say more adults now can read than in the past.16.正确答案:provide17.正确答案:from18.正确答案:programs19.正确答案:ealier20.正确答案:meeting21.正确答案:between22.正确答案:establish23.正确答案:countries24.正确答案:experts25.正确答案:professionals26.正确答案:technical27.正确答案:World28.正确答案:around29.正确答案:member30.正确答案:interestsⅢ Reading ComprehensionMemoryBrains are different from computers, but the analogy can behelpful. Like the PC on your desk, your mind is equipped with twobasic types of memory: "working memory" for juggling information inthe present moment, and "long-term memory" for storing it over extended periods. Contrary to popular wisdom, our brains don't record everything that happens to us and then bury it until a hypnotist or a therapist helps us dredge it up. Most of what we perceive hoversbriefly in working memory, a mental play space akin to a computer's RAM, then simply evaporates. Working memory enables you to perform simple calculations in your head or retain phone numbers long enoughto dial them. And like RAM, it lets you analyze and invent things without creating a lasting record.Long-term memory acts more like a hard drive, physically recording past experiences in the brain region known as cerebral cortex. The cortex, or outer layer of the brain, houses a thicket of 10 billion vine—like nerve cells, which communicate by relaying chemical and electrical impulses. We can will things into long-term memory simply by rehearsing them. But the decision to store ordiscard a piece of information rarely involves any conscious thought. It's usually handled automatically by the hippocampus, a small, two-winged structure nestled deep in the center of the brain. Like thekey-board on your computer, the hippocampus serves as a kind of switching station. As neurons out in the cortex receive sensory information. They relay it to the hippocampus. If the hippocampus responds, the sensory neurons start forming a durable network. But without that act of consent, the experience vanishes forever.By storing only the information we're most likely to use, our brains make the world manageable. Perfect retention may sound like a godsend, but when the hippocampus gets overly permissive, the results can be devastating. At the other end of the spectrum stands impairments of the memory, which can be caused by brain surgery aswell as normal aging. Other memory busters include depression,anxiety and a simple lack of stimulation—all of which keep us from paying full attention to our surroundings. What, then, are the best ways to protect your memory? Obviously, anyone concerned aboutstaying sharp should make a point of sleeping enough and managing stress. And because the brain is at the mercy of the circulatory system, a heart-healthy lifestyle may have cognitive benefits as well.1. According to the passage, the working memory and the long-termmemory are respectively for ______.A.processing information and recording information.B.calculation and confirming the calculations.C.storing information and performing calculations.D.storing information and processing the storage.正确答案:D2. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?A.what we are in contacts with may not be all stored in the the brain.B.what we are in contacts with are just short-lived in the brain.C.all of our immediate knowledge may be all ready for use.D.only some information in the working memory can be retrieved later.正确答案:C3. The hippocampus is compared to a keyboard because ______.A.only when information is related to the hippocampus can the sensory neurons start functioning.B.all the input of information can be functioned by the hippocampus.C.the hippocampus can transform all the information received into the cortex.D.only when the hippocampus is functioning can the information be used.正确答案:A4. What a human brain can remember and use largely depends on______.A.the cooperation between the cerebal cortex and the hippocampus.B.the cooperation between the cerebal cortex and the neurons.C.how the neurons and the hippicampus are working.D.how much effort a human being is made in storing received information.正确答案:A5. Which of the following is NOT true?A.All the information in the working memory can be stored in thelong-term memory.B.Only some of the information can be stored in the long-term memory.C.If the received information is not juggled, it may soon depart from the memory.D.All the information in the long-term memory is from the working memory.正确答案:AThe History of P & GIn 1837, the nation was gripped by financial panic, yet, Procter and Gamble launched their new enterprise, more concerned about how to compete with the 14 other soap and candle makers intheir city. Their calm in the midst of that economic storm reflected their forward-looking approach to the business—an approach that became the hallmark of Procter & Gamble.Later, they pioneered one of the nation's first profit-sharing programs and were among the first in American industry to invest in a research laboratory. By 1890, the fledgfing partnership between Procter and Gamble had grown into a multinational corporation. Nevertheless, P & G still had its eyes on the future.At that time, P & G was selling more than 30 different types of soap, including Ivory. Fueled by innovative advertising, including full color print ads in national magazines, consumers' demand for P & G soaps continued to grow. To meet this increasing demand, the Company began expanding its operations outside Cincinnati.Its research laboratory was as busy as its plants. Innovative new products were rolled out one after another—Ivory Flakes, a soap in flake form for washing clothes and dishes; Chipso, the first soap designed for washing machines; Dreft, the first household synthetic detergent—and the first all vegetable shortening that changed the way America cooked, Crisco.In 1945, P & G had become a nearly $350 million company. Its products were popular throughout the United States and Canada—and the Company had taken its first step toward developing an overseas business, with the acquisition of Thomas Hedley & Co., Ltd., in England.In 1946, P & G introduced Tide, its most important new product since Ivory. Tide was remarkably superior to other products on the market, and it quickly became an enormous success—so successful, infact, that it helped fund the Company's rapid growth not just into new product lines but also into new markets around the world.Today, Procter & Gamble is a truly global corporation. Since 1980, the company has quadrupled the number of consumers it can serve with its brands—about five billion people around the world. P & G now has operations in more than 80 countries and its products are sold in over 140 countries, making P & G one of the biggest and most successful consumer goods companies in the world.6. The accomplishment of P & G that make them stand out against their counterparts is largely due to ______.A.their future-oriented vision.B.their power to compete.C.the quality of their products.D.their harmonious cooperation.正确答案:A7. What elements are crucial to the sustained development of P & G?A.Vision, research and hard working.B.Wise investment, research laboratory and enough capital.C.Vision, profit-sharing programs and research.D.Vision, laboratory research and innovation.正确答案:D8. The phrase "the fledgling partnership" means that ______.A.very experienced business bodies work together.B.inexperienced but thriving business bodies work together.C.powerful business sectors work hand in hand.D.successful business lines make joined effort.正确答案:B9. P & G's smashing success in doing business is largely due to______.A.they have made joined efforts and adopted scientific approach.B.they have followed a well-knitted onward development approach.C.they have produced more than 30 varieties of products.D.they have successfully engaged themselves in advertising their products.正确答案:B10. What is more remarkable about the great success of P & G is that ______.A.they have not only turned out more varieties, but also placed much more emphasis on advertising their products.B.they have given much heed to their overseas development and placed much emphasis on advertising.C.they never stop turning out new products, nor do they stay satisfied.D.they have not only placed much emphasis on research and innovation but also keep eyes on the markets both at home and abroad.正确答案:D。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-3(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.A computer usually has all the data it needs ______ in its memory chips.(分数:0.50)A.storeB.storesC.stored √D.storing解析:[分析]结构识别所填之词是作句子宾语(data)的补语,因表被动的动作,应用过去分词,所以C为答案。
2.Some of these online services are free, while others ______ a charge.(分数:0.50)A.carry √B.cashierC.coincideD.collect解析:[分析]形近识别 A.carry(动词),搬运,运载,带有(责任),带来(处罚,利息),含有;B.cashier (名词)出纳;C.coincide(动词)一致、符合;D.collect(动词)收集,聚集,集中,搜集;此句意为:这些在线服务有些是免费的,而有些是要收费的;因此A为答案。
3.Much of Asia is in hot climates ______ chicken and pork are much more popular than beef. (分数:0.50)A.thatB.whenC.where √D.which解析:[分析]结构识别此处需填一个引导定语从句(chicken and pork are much more popular than beef)的关系副词,因与其相应的先行词为Asia,且所填之词在从句中起地点状语作用,因此C为答案。
4.His ______ behavior made everyone nervous. He was always rushing to open doors and perform other small tasks, apologizing unnecessarily for any inconvenience that he might have caused.(分数:0.50)A.obliviousB.observantC.obsequious √D.obsolescent解析:[分析]形近识别 A.oblivious遗忘的,健忘的;B.observant深切注意的;C.obsequious谄媚的,奉承的,逢迎的,卑躬的;D.obsolescent荒废的;因此C为答案。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-17(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.There was nothing we could do ______ wait.(分数:1.00)A.or ratherB.but ratherC.rather thanD.other than √解析:[解析] 本题意为“我们除了等待别无他法”。
other than的意思是“除了”,相当于but或except;or other的意思是“更准确地”;but rather的意思是“相反地”;rather than的意思是“而不”。
2.A physical examination is a ______ to joining the army.(分数:1.00)A.parliamentaryB.preliminary √C.elementaryplementary解析:[解析] 本题意为“体检是入伍的预备阶段”。
3.Two trucks were reported to have ______ head-on yesterday.(分数:1.00)A.bumpedB.crashedC.collided √D.struck解析:[解析] 本题意为“据报道,昨天两辆卡车迎头相撞”。
C项的“collide车、船相撞”符合题意,如:In running round the corner,he collided with another man.(在跑过拐角时,他撞上另一个人)。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-19(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ Cloze Test (总题数:2,分数:100.00)TidinessTidiness means keeping things out of sight and yet available when wanted. It implies that there is a (1) for everything and that each thing used finds its way (2) to its place by a continuos process, not by a spasmodic (3) . The process depends, however, upon the drawer, cupboard and storage (4) being provided, for lack of which one things may literally have (5) place to go. Like the perambulator and trolley, the luggage and the golfclubs (6) be homeless. The same may be true of the deck-chairs (7) the bulkier plastic toys. As there is no place for them, it is no (8) telling people to put them away. The architect who thus economises on (9) space is apt to claim that a good-sized sitting-room is (10) result. What advantage is there in that, however, (11) half the living-room has to be used for storage? The aesthetic (12) depends, in turn, upon storage space.(13) it may be true that no house ever had cupboards enough, (14) are some houses which have practically no cupboards (15) all. In these our choice must lie between chronic (16) and ruthless destruction. That is not to say, however, (17) cupboard space will itself create tidiness. Some people (18) happier, it would seem, in chaos. There is the question, furthermore, (19) the cupboards themselves are tidy. That (20) has been swept out of sight is no proof, in itself, that everything can be found.(分数:50.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:place)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:back)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:effort)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:space)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:no)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:may)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:and)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:good)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:storage)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:when)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:order)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:While)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:there)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:at)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:untidiness)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:that)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:are)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:whether)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:everything)解析:Exercising to music pumps up brain powerIf music makes you smarter, and exercise helps brain function, can exercising to music really boost brainpower? Some researchers said it can. Volunteers who listened to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" while working out on a treadmill did much better on a test of (1) ability than when they exercised without music, a team (2) Ohio State University found."Evidence suggests that exercise improves the (3) performance of people with coronary artery (4) ," said psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study."And listening to music is (5) to enhance brainpower. We wanted to put the two results together," Emery (6) in a statement.Writing in the latest issue of the journal Heart & Lung, Emery and (7) said they studied 33 men and women taking (8) in a cardiac rehabilitation program after having bypass (9) , angioplasty or other procedures to treat clogged arteries.The (10) said they felt better emotionally and mentally after working out (11) or without the music. But their improvement on the (12) fluency test doubled after listening to music on the treadmills."Exercise seems to (13) positive changes in the nervous system, and these changes may have a (14) effect on cognitive ability," Emery said."Listening to music may (15) cognitive function through different pathways in the brain. The combination of music (16) exercise may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal (17) helping to organize cognitive output."Emery said he now wanted to (18) people using music of their own choice. "We used the 'Four Seasons' because of its (19) tempo and positive effects on medical patients in previous (20) ," Emery said. "But given the range of music preferences among patients, it's especially important to evaluate the influence of other types of music on cognitive outcomes./(分数:50.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:verbal)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:at)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:cognitive)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:disease)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:thought)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:added)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:colleagues)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:part)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:surgery)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:volunteers)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:with)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:verbal)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:cause)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:direct)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:influence)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:and)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:while)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:test)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:moderate)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:research)解析:。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-36(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}Part 1 Vocabulary Selection with Notes{{/B}}(总题数:30,分数:60.00)1.The president says that it was high time they showed their ______ on those political issues.∙ A. head∙ B. teeth∙ C. hand∙ D. arm(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:to show one's teeth是个习惯说法,意指“强硬”。
2.When the plane was flying up to the normal height, ______ and immediately the pilot had to fly it back to the airport.∙ A. somewhere was on the blinks∙ B. somewhere had a strange noise∙ C. something became abnormal∙ D. something was on edge(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:to be on the blinks这一习语本身来自飞机出现的“故障”,因此和fly back的结果吻合。
3.It is common practice for students to take the initiatives to get contacts with business bodies and find a job before graduation, and the efforts of which are mostly time-consuming and sometimes ______ some unhealthy social tendencies.∙ A. foster∙ B. furnish∙ C. nurish∙ D. cultivate(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:尽管选择中的cultivate也说的过去,但根据宾语unhealthy tendency, foster更合适。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-15(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Section 1 Vocabulary and GrammarThis section consists of 3 parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.Part 1 V ocabulary SelectionIn this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C, D respectively. Choose the word or phrase which **pletes each sentence. There is only one right answer. Then mark the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. Doctor often ______ uneasiness in the people they deal with.A. smellB. hareC. senseD. tough2. Many sat at the table, looked at the plate and ______ her lips.A. smackedB. openedC. partedD. separated3. The stream overflowed and the flood ______ all of the farmland in the areA. A. submergedB. sankC. soakedD. stripped 4. —What an outrageous suggestion, young man—I'm a ______ married woman!A. respectingB. respectedC. respectfulD. respective5. Thousands of ______ at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.A. audienceB. participantsC. spectatorsD. observers6. American women were ______ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A. ignoredB. deniedC. refusedD. neglected7. We stood still, gazing out over the limitless ______ of the dessert.A. spaceB. expanseC. stretchD. land8. Her ease has attracted an enormous ______ of public sympathy.A. sumB. dealC. amountD. number9. She took a(n) ______ to the house as soon as she saw it.A. preferenceB. affectionC. attentionD. fancy10. We cannot be ______ the choices that our children are going to make. even though we have contributed to those choices.A. subject toB. susceptible toC. accountable forD. crazy about11. The most significant measure we should take to stop terrorists is to ______ them of material and moral support from within the country.A. squeezeB. eliminateC. preventD. deprive12. I cannot thank you ______ much for your kindness, for I owe my success to you.A. soB. veryC. tooD. as13. The poor mother lacked her husband's capacity for discipline, and found herself ______ her headstrong.A. against the will ofB. in the way ofC. at the mercy ofD. in terms of14. He always included something above the understanding of his hearers in order to prevent them from becoming ______ and to stimulate their desire to learn more.A. pessimisticB. complacentC. perplexedD. complicated15. Written primarily for a specialized but diverse body of scholars, this book ______ the attention of those interested in seventeenth-century English literature.A. warrantsB. proposesC. acclaimsD. distills16. The students on the school bus were ______ for half an hour in the traffic so all of them were late for class that morning.A. held upB. kept offC. taken backD. put off17. It's easier to dismiss reports of low employee morale than face the facts and act ______.A. consequentlyB. accordinglyC. successfullyD. excessively18. Powell calls for drawdown from Iraq by mid-2007. **ments break his long public silence on the issue and place him ______ with the administration.A. at willB. at easeC. at timesD. at odds19. ______ couples generally share the same values and have similar lifestyles and goals.A. ConsistentB. AmiableC. SympatheticD. Compatible20. I want to know if I need to complete a FAFSA form in order to be ______ for any type of financial aid.A. eligibleB. competentC. properD. legitimatePart 2 V ocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C, D respectively. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21. In the early 20th century, at the advent of the telephone, it was considered a superfluous instrument which would never be of practical use in the average household.A. appearanceB. popularityC. dominanceD. consolidation22. It was an allusion to what the scientist thought was an inappropriate distribution of funds for stem cell research.A. referenceB. contradictionC. explanationD. rejection23. A rapid portfolio turnover rate may preclude low long-term capital gains.A. prohibitB. lagC. preventD. reject24. The blunder of Argentina's goalie cost them the game in the match against Brazil.A. triumphB. beatC. mistakeD. straggle25. The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best.A. written-aboutB. productiveC. artfulD. religions26. On Christmas Eve in America the shopping malls are saturated with shoppers in a **petition for last minute gifts.A. bustledB. soaredC. filledD. broadened27. The child was so ingenuous that even when she knocked the television off its stand so that it was irreparably damaged, her parents thought her to be charming.A. intelligentB. ingeniousC. adroitD. naive28. California seems to be the home of the homeless since many are often observed tramping along railroad tracks and through the downtown areas of the cities.A. roamingB. trimmingC. stealingD. stamping29. A pervasive negative attitude of the engineers toward projects funded by **pany is the cause of the delay of signing the contract.A. perpetualB. perniciousC. preventiveD. prevalent30. The government slated new elections in the spring, largely as a result of the public clamor.A. demandB. viewC. requestD. opinion31. Imagine my vexation when they said they **e to dinner and then didn't show.A. enlightenmentB. astonishmentC. annoyanceD. contrariness32. Many people in Wales have an affinity with music.A. reputation forB. solubility inC. tincture inD. attraction to33. Any troop of wild animals should be approached warily.A. fearlesslyB. confidentlyC. silentlyD. prudently34. The low interest rates on banks loans provided an impetus for many to buy homes.A. incentiveB. obstacleC. reasonD. delay35. Helen could not help feeling antipathy toward her father's new wife whom he married just two months after the death of Helen's mother.A. sympathyB. concessionC. compassionD. hostility36. Tim is dubious about diet pills which advertise quick weight loss.A. anxiousB. pessimisticC. doubtfulD. ignorant37. His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A. hiddenB. sophisticatedC. delicateD. profound38. There is little learning involved when one is reprimanded two or three months after the deed.A. recommendedB. reproachedC. recompensedD. reversed39. The judge remained sober despite the lawyer's ludicrous attempt to prove the defendant's innocence.A. sadB. sorryC. seriousD. surprised40. If the salesmen are not given tangible benefits for a high volume of sales, they will loose their motivation.A. substantialB. psychologicalC. spiritualD. profitablePart 3 Error CorrectionThis part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates an error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C, D respectively. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.41. Catching sight of her old friend Brown, Mary moved for him to come over and sit in a seat next to her.A. signedB. swayedC. twistedD. signaled42. An epigram is usually defined being a bright or witty thought that is tersely and ingeniouslyexpressed.A. asB. as beC. as beenD. to being43. By the time Bob arrives in Beijing, we have already arrived here for two days.A. we have been staying here for two daysB. it has been for two days we have stayed hereC. it is already two days before we have arrived hereD. we will have stayed here for two days44. Martha hag made up her mind to buy her favorite furniture, disregard how much money she would pay.A. no matter how much it costsB. no matter how much does it costC. no matter how it costsD. no matter how does it cost45. It was one of those days when it looked at first something interesting could happen, but then later, when you didn't expect anything, almost everything happened.A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. all things46. Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now he obtained from old people, and even for pets.A. before young, healthy persons available only,B. available only to young, healthy persons before,C. available only to persons young, but more healthy,D. before young and healthy persons only available to,47. Lack government support, they had to approach sponsors, organizers, and musicians on their own—at first, she claims, in her country.A. LacksB. LackedC. LackingD. A lack of48. The house was situated on a hill over the village.A. above the villageB. beyond the villageC. under the villageD. within the village49. The old lady wag suffering from the empty nest syndrome for so long that she felt like to find someone she could talk to her.A. to find someone to talkB. finding someone to talkC. to find someone to talk toD. finding someone to talk to50. Eating too much fat can distribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. attribute toB. attend toC. devote toD. contribute to51. We actually found it all worth to prepare for the worst condition we might face.A. to be worthB. worth our whileC. worthy ofD. worthwhile52. This was but an additional testimony of the superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system.A. proofB. witnessC. evidenceD. validity53. The photoperiodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, but not on the response of light.A. is not on lightB. but is not on the lightC. and not on lightD. the light is not on54. When she returned back by abroad, she told us all about her experience as an illegal immigrant.A. byB. backC. fromD. back from55. Having the highest marks in her class, a scholarship wag offered her by the Department.A. she wag offered a scholarship by the DepartmentB. a scholarship wag offered to her by the DepartmentC. the Department has a scholarship to offer herD. the Department offered her a scholarship56. The gibbon ranges over an area wider than do the other apes.A. a wider area than other apes doB. an area wider than are other apes doC. wider than other apes do the areaD. than wider other apes do an area57. Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don't have time.A. were against because they said they did notB. were against because they say they don'tC. were against it because they said they did notD. were **ing because they said they don't58. It is a market which sales value might be more than 10 billion yuan.A. a market with a sales value that might beB. a market which might be sales valueC. a market with sale value might beD. market with sales might be a value59. Jackie Robinson, the first Black American who was to play baseball in the major leagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.A. the first and a Black American whoB. was the first Black AmericanC. the first Black AmericanD. the Black American who first60. The suggestion that the mayor will present the prizes was accepted by everyone.A. presentB. presentsC. would presentD. ought to presentSection 2 Reading ComprehensionIn this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A. B. C and D) choices to complete the statement. Youmust choose the one which you think fits best. Then blanken the corresponding letter as required on your Machinescoring ANSWER SHEET.It was two years ago today that the hunting ban came into force, supposedly ending centuries of tradition. However, the law has been an unmitigated failure-not that either side is shouting about it.It was a nightmare vision that struck fear and loathing into the hearts of millions. When the hunting ban became law, it was said, 16, 000 people would lose their jobs, thousands of hounds would be put down, rotting carcasses would litter the countryside, hedgerows would disappear, riders would face on-the-spot fines, law-abiding people from doctors to barristers would be dragged from their horses and carted off to prison, while dog owners would be prosecuted if their mutt caught a rabbit.These were just some of the claims as desperate countryside campaigners battled to save their sport in the lead-up to the hunting ban, which Labour rammed into law using the Parliament Act on November 18, 2004.For many, the fears were real. Others exaggerated as they fought an increasingly aggressive anti-hunting lobby which had rejected acres of independent evidence affirming that hunting is the most humane way of killing foxes. In the battle to"fight prejudice, fight the ban", every emotive argument was deployed.For its part, the anti-hunting brigade extravagantly claimed that the ban would put an end to the rich parading in red jackets. A senior Labour MP, Peter Bradley, admitted in this newspaper that it was, as many suspected, about "class war". He lost his seat shortly afterwards. But people in red coats did not disappear.In fact, none of the forecasts came true. What did happen was something nobody had predicted: the spectacular revival and growth of hunting with hounds. In short, the hunting ban has been a failure.Today, on the second anniversary of the ban's coming into force on February 18, 2005, new figures show that participation in the sport has never been higher. It is so cheerful that two new packs have been formed, something that has not happened for centuries.They include the seductively named Private Pack, set up by the financier Roddy Fleming in Gloucestershire. It operates on an invitation-only basis, a sort of hunting private members' club. This can only mean one thing: like it or not, hunting is cool. Young people are taking it up, enticed by the element of rebellion and the mystique of what actually happens as hunts attempt to keep within the law.61. The phase "came into force" underlined in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A. take effectB. be popularC. be forcedD. come into existence62. The hunting ban has been a complete failure because ______.A. the hunting has never been stopped but has instead flourishedB. the government has been short of hands to enforce the lawC. the law makers failed to see hunting as a long-time traditionD. the ban aimed to protect the interests of the upper-class only63. The word "loathing" underlined in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.A. disgustB. dislikeC. hatredD. intention64. Those who break the hunting ban would ______.A. lose their jobsB. bring shame to their fellow peopleC. have to kill their horses and dogsD. face either fines or imprisonment65. The word "prosecuted" underlined in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.A. go to courtB. encourageC. publishD. prevent66. The anti-hunting lobby held that ______.A. fox-hunting was an expression of prejudiceB. the countryside campaigners were reasonableC. the theory of humane killing did not hold waterD. the hunters exaggerated the dreadful scene of hunting67. What does the author think of the hunting campaigners' position?A. It was unknowingly biased.B. It was emotionally charged.C. It was increasingly militant.D. It was certainly powerful.68. The word "rebellion" underlined in the last Paragraph refers to ______.A. betrayB. violationC. departmentD. contravention69. By saying "people in red coats did not disappear," the author implied that ______.A. the upper class won the "war"B. Bradley deserved his fateC. the hunting ban did not workD. the hunting ban was untimely70. As a result of the ban, ______.A. hunting activities have become more secretiveB. people have become more curious about huntingC. citizens have become more confused by the lawD. the country tradition has been radically shakenThe fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves.The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs.According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation **munication systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75 percent of the US population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes 18 megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across 10 states on the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is the California coast from San Francisco through Los Angeles to San Diego.71. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Metropolitan Statistical AreasB. Types of Population CentersC. The Bureau of the CensusD. Megapolises72. According to the passage, where do most Americans live?A. In the center of cities.B. In the suburbs surrounding large cities.C. In rural areas.D. In small towns.73. The underlined word "reside" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A. fillB. decideC. occupyD. live74. According to the Bureau of the Census, what is an urban area?A. A chain of adjacent cities.B. An area with at least 50,000 people.C. The 18 largest cities.D. An area with 2,500 people or mor75. Which of the following are NOT considered important in defining an urban area?A. Political boundaries.B. Transportation networks.C. Social relationships.D. Economic systems.76. The underlined word "integrate" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.A. benefitB. defineC. uniteD. restrict77. Which of the following is NOT true?A. An integrated metropolis is an MSA.B. MSA stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area.C. A metropolis includes at least a metropolitan.D. An MSA refers to city and its suburbs, with over 50,000 peopl78. The underlined word "adjacent" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.A. beside each otherB. growing very fastC. the same sizeD. densely populated79. According to the passage, what is a megapolis?A. One of the 10 largest cities in the United States.B. One of the 18 largest cities in the United States.C. One of the 100 cities between Boston and Washington.D. Any number of continuous adjacent cities and suburbs.80. Why does the author mention the Eastern Corridor and the California coast in Paragraph 4?A. As examples of megapolises.B. Because 75 percent of the population lives there.C. TO conclude the passage.D. The Bureau of the Census is located therLosing a job or not being able to find one almost always brings **e changes. If you've lost a job, the first feeling is often one of shock. On top of the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered, their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.There may be good feelings too—it's nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning, to spend more time with children, or to have more time to think—a better job may be just around the corner. But, unless a better job does turn up, chances are the days start getting longer and the time becomes harder to fill. Many people pass through periods of difficulty in sleeping and eating. They feel irritable and depressed, often isolated and lonely.Despite all these problems, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start. You can discover that it provides an opportunity to sort out or rethink what you want from life and how best you can get it. You can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies, see if you can run your own business, do some voluntary work in **munity or meet new people. It's up to you.81. Unemployment almost always brings changes that are ______.A. unpleasantB. unsuitableC. untenableD. unworthy82. According to the passage, when a person has first lost a job, more often than not, he feels ______.A. excitedB. isolatedC. shockedD. depressed83. According to the passage, possible good feelings include the following EXCEPT being able to ______.A. have more time to thinkB. have a new and better jobC. have more time to visit friendsD. spend more time with children84. According to this passage, unemployment may ______.A. cause people to lose touch with realityB. completely destroy people's life patternsC. lessen interaction with peopleD. reduce people's chances of promotion85. The unemployed become finally disillusioned when they ______.A. have nothing more to think aboutB. are unable to improve their positionC. get tired of playing with their childrenD. can no longer lie in bed in the morning86. According to the passage, continuing unemployment may cause ______.A. absence of humotB. lack of interestC. waste of timeD. loss of appetite87. By "a chance for a fresh start" the author means ______.A. one should learn to seize chancesB. one should often change his jobsC. unemployment can be of benefitD. unemployment does not last long88. Unemployment provides a chance for you to rethink ______.A. what you find and how to keep itB. what you want and how to get itC. how best you can do the new jobD. how best you can sort out a new job89. The sentence "it's up to you" means "you are the person who ______. "A. makes the decisionB. is responsibleC. has the rightD. is confident90. The author's purpose is to ______.A. give the basic facts of unemploymentB. explain the reasons of unemploymentC. introduce new jobs to the unemployedD. offer encouragement to the unemployedSection 3 Cloze TestIn the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing words that are missing from the context. Below the passage, each blanks has 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Should we care if over 150 known species of animals have (91) from the earth in the last fifty years? Should we be concerned that there are (92) thousands of species whose very existence is (93) endangered—largely because of our activities? (94) , after all, is the natural end of populations. Species are born, then (95) , and then die. Some live a (96) time, perhaps millions of years; some die more quickly. We have (97) the extinction of many species we know about, and we have undoubtedly sealed the (98) of others. In fact, there are undoubtedly many other species that have lived among us during our time on earth, but that havedisappeared as a (n) (99) of our activities without our ever having known they existed.It is hard to explain the rationale of many of us who are concerned about such matters. I have never seen a sea whale, (100) I don't want them to become extinct. Moreover, I felt this way long before I understood anything about how they might be an important part of an ecosystem. Possibly such feelings merely reflect the cultural attitude that it is "nice" to wish other living things well; thus, the attitude is (101) . I feel nice.There are, of course, more rational reasons for (102) the extermination of any species. For one thing, the kind of attitude that encourages or sanctions the destruction of other species is a threat (103) our own wellbeing. If such an attitude exists, we ourselves might (104) victim to it. living things (including us) might be expected to fare better where there is (105) for life. The extinction of other species could also threaten us (106) by simplifying the system of which we are a part or by destroying parts of the ecosystem (107) which we directly rely. For example, if we continue to poison the oceans (108) we are willing to believe only a few bottom dwellers are affected, we might (109) overstep some critical threshold and trigger the wholesale death of plankton, thus finding ourselves without a major (110) of the world's food and with our oxygen supplies dwindling.91.A. disappearedB. diedC. endangeredD. ceased92.A. namelyB. literallyC. wordlyD. directly93.A. soonB. presentlyC. hopefullyD. rightly94.A. ExtinctionB. DisappearanceC. CeaseD. Death95.A. developB. increaseC. matureD. bloom96.A. longB. shortC. comfortableD. terrible97.A. hurriedB. urgedC. hastenedD. increased98.A. fateB. doomC. luckyD. predetermination99.A. effectB. resultC. issueD. event100.A. stillB. yetC. alsoD. then101.A. rewardedB. returnedC. fulfilledD. affected 102.A. mourningB. cryingC. weepingD. wailing 103.A. forB. toC. atD. with104.A. gainB. enterC. becomeD. fall105.A. reverenceB. reverseC. reverieD. reversal 106.A. seeminglyB. indirectlyC. certainlyD. conveniently 107.A. uponB. toC. withD. from108.A. becauseB. as ifC. andD. even109.A. succeedinglyB. eventuallyC. closelyD. determningly 110.A. sourceB. makerC. creatorD. resources。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-12(总分:100.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection (总题数:20,分数:20.00)1. _____________________________ The party's reduced vote was of lack of support for its policies.(分数: 1.00 )A. indicative VB. positiveC. revealingD. evident解析:[解析]indicative "表明的,表示的”,常与of连用,符合题意。
女口:His presence is indicativeof his interest in our plan .他的到来表示他对我们的计划发生兴趣;be positive about /of 表示“确信,确知”;revealing 、evident 不与介词of 搭配。
2. ________________________________________________________________ The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers' fears were completely ________________________________(分数: 1.00 )A. unjustified VB. unjustC. misguidedD. unaccepted解析:[解析]选项中四个词语的意义分别为:“未被证明其正确的”、“不公平的”、“被误导的”和“未被接纳的,不承担的”。
3.I arrived at the airport so late that I _____ missed the plane.(分数: 1.00 )A. onlyB. quiteC. narrowly VD. seldom解析:[解析]从词义上可判断出答案为C。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-词汇和语法(三)(总分50,考试时间90分钟)一、词汇选择1. Did he really expect her to smile now and ______ with his plans, treat all this deception as no more than an unusual diversion?A. fall inB. put offC. agree toD. stand up2. The custom is ______ in the belief that a new pregnancy—through its detrimental effect on breastfeeding—would endanger the mother's health.A. celebratedB. observedC. viewedD. presented3. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ______.A. declinedB. lessenedC. descendedD. slipped4. Now, don't tell anyone else what I've just told you. Remember, it's ______.A. controversialB. secretiveC. confidentialD. sacred5. After **puter network ______ for the third time that day, we all went home.A.crashed B.collided C.smashed D.fell6. The oil price rise reactivated the boom in commodity prices and ______ inflation, which reached an annual rate of 15 per cent in the spring of 1974.A. boostedB. harnessedC. staggeredD. embarked7. If you consider this problem ______ others' interest, you may change your view.A.because of B.with C.due to D.according to8. When we listen to music, we are easily ______ of events in the past.A.remembered B.reflected C.memorized D.reminded9. Individuals may at various points in their fives experience discrimination in the allocation of resources either ______ of being too old or too young.A. at the riskB. to the pointC. in the easeD. on the ground10. They gave ______ broadcast while the performance was in process on the stage.A.live B.living C.lively D.alive11. When a system is unjust to the ______, abolition, not reform, is what respect for justice demands.A. endB. excessC. coreD. bottom12. The Freedom of Information Act gives private citizen ______ government files.A. release fromB. excess ofC. redress ofD. access to13. He is too young to be able to ______ between right and wrong.A. discardB. discernC. disperseD. disregard14. But in our enthusiasm to discover our heritage, we are ruining the very scenery we go to enjoy, damaging natural habitats, ______ down footpaths, disturbing wildlife, polluting the air and dropping litter.A. wearingB. treadingC. fallingD. cutting15. I am sure I can ______ him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night.A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tell16. It was no ______ that his ear was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A. coincidenceB. conventionC. certaintyD. complication17. Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared guilty.A. jeopardyB. custodyC. suspicionD. probation18. Passing the English exam should ______ your chances of getting the post.A. magnifyB. strengthenC. enlargeD. enhance19. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ______ follow traffic roles in busy harbors.A.cautiously B.dutifully C.faithfully D.skillfully20. Traveling and meeting new people ______ the mind of young people.A.expanded B.enlarged C.broadened D.extended二、词汇选择1. What seems confusing and fragmented at first might well become ______ a third time.A. clean and measurableB. notable and systematicC. pure and wholesomeD. clear and organic2. The manager gave her his ______ that **plaint would be investigated.A. admissionB. allowanceC. assuranceD. insurance3. Most good writers use every means ______ to make the reader's way smooth and easy.A. at their disposalB. at their requestC. at their willD. at their convenience4. He is very ______ and well-qualified, so he should reach the top of this profession.A. ambitiousB. urgentC. proudD. jealous5. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ______ loud continuous noise.A. subjected toB. filled withC. associated withD. attached to6. As far as she is concerned, one piece of music is very much like ______.A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. any other7. The mayor is a woman with great ______ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.A. intentionB. instinctC. integrityD. intensity8. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of ______ case.A. an operationB. an emergencyC. a treatmentD. an incident9. We have at present not any ______ of the furniture as you required.A. markB. inventoryC. stockD. account10. Among the many subjects in school, mathematics is probably the most ______, depending least on a student's back ground and culture.A. universalB. abstractC. arbitraryD. concrete11. His tastes and habits ______ with those of his wife.A. combineB. competeC. coincideD. compromise12. A year ago the firm had a ______ loss of 4.3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.A. totalB. grossC. netD. clear13. Their confidence in him was greatly ______ by his prolonged hesitation before taking any action.A. appreciatedB. confirmedC. weakenedD. cherished14. He read the story ______ for everybody present to hear.A. loudB. noisyC. aloudD. loudly15. I ______ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.A. expressB. confessC. verifyD. acknowledge16. A good teacher must know how to ______ his ideas.A. conveyB. displayC. consultD. confront17. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or ______ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.A. adaptedB. acknowledgedC. assembledD. appointed18. We shall send **mercial invoice, bills of lading and insurance certificates so that you earn ______ the goods on a D/P basis.A. consumeB. complainC. concernD. claim19. As we are on the point of some important business ______ with them, we should like to know exactly about their credit standing.A. transmittingB. transferringC. transactingD. transporting20. You've only got a slight cold. You'll ______ it in a day or two.A. get atB. get intoC. get inD. get over三、词汇选择1. While he was in the office he ______ doing something to doing nothing.A. preferredB. likedC. favoredD. approved2. The managing director took the ______ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.A. guiltB. blameC. chargeD. accusation3. Metals ______ when cooled and expand when heated.A. decreaseB. reduceC. condenseD. contract4. Take your raincoat with you ______ it rains.A. by chanceB. in easeC. at largeD. on occasion5. The mother said she would ______ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.A. let downB. let aloneC. let offD. let out6. He was afraid he would have to ______ her invitation to the party.A. refuteB. refuseC. rejectD. decline7. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recendy; I can't ______ his behaving like that at all.A.look into B.break through C.account for D.get over8. To my surprise, at yesterday's meeting he again brought ______ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.A.about B.out C.back D.up9. On turning round the corner we saw the road ______ steeply.A. fallingB. decreasingC. descendingD. lowering10. **plained to the bookseller that there were some pages ______ in the dictionary.A. losingB. missingC. droppingD. falling11. He felt it rather difficult to take a stand ______ the opinion of the majority.A.for B.against C.to D.by12. At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed ______ by those present.A.to B.with C.over D.at13. More poles are needed to ______ the weight of the tent.A. retainB. sustainC. maintainD. obtain14. The doctor took X-rays to ______ the chance of broken bones.A.make sure B.rule out C.break down D.knock out15. People ______ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of todayA. convincedB. anticipatedC. resolvedD. assured16. Don't poke your nose into what doesn't ______ you.A. connectB. relateC. concernD. interest17. With all its advantages, **puter is by no means without its ______.A. boundariesB. restraintsC. confinementsD. limitations18. The atmosphere ______ of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.A. composesB. comprisesC. consistsD. constitutes19. The shop-assistant was straightforward with his customers. If an article was of ______ quality he'd tell them so.A. miserableB. minorC. subordinateD. inferior20. We went to see the exhibition ______ the storm.A.but for B.in spite of C.for the sake of D.instead of四、词汇选择1. Your ______ is the round of things that you usually do each day.A. practiceB. habitC. routineD. custom2. The bright flowers and warm winds ______ that spring **e.A. threatenedB. announcedC. statedD. pronounced3. A ______ of the long report by the **mittee was submitted to the mayor for approval.A. shorthandB. schemeC. scheduleD. sketch4. The ______ action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.A. alertB. urgentC. promptD. punctual5. The newly-built Science Building seems ______ enough to last a hundred years.A. sophisticatedB. steadyC. robustD. substantial6. David is the ______ holder of the world 5,000-meter race world record, hut there is no guarantee that he will win in the Olympic Games.A. prevalentB. dominantC. currentD. prominent7. As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became ______ to the climbers.A. obviousB. visibleC. presentD. apparent8. A man has to make ______ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.A. supplyB. assuranceC. provisionD. storage9. Farmers are more anxious for rain than people in cities because they have more at ______.A. dangerB. stakeC. lossD. threat10. He ______ so much work that he couldn't really do it efficiently.A. put onB. brought onC. took onD. carried on11. She once again went through **position carefully to ______ all spelling mistakes from it.A. eliminateB. withdrawC. diminishD. delete12. We ______ Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work.A. describeB. subjectC. attributeD. refer13. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.A. assemblyB. conferenceC. conventionD. session14. To our delight, she quickly ______ herself to the new situation.A. acquaintedB. exposedC. adaptedD. devoted15. The cells were designed to ______ sunshine to electricity to run a motor.A. convertB. alterC. modifyD. exchange16. Few people realize how rich that area is. It is a land of treasure ______ treasure.A. piled onB. derived fromC. turned overD. increased by17. The jeweler assured Mr. White that the stone was a(n) ______ diamond and not an imitation.A. gracefulB. genuineC. actualD. exact18. **plaint is being ______; when we have anything to report we'll write to you again.A. looked throughB. looked overC. looked afterD. looked into19. It is well known that retired workers in China are ______ free medical care.A. entitled toB. associated withC. involved inD. devoted to20. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly ______ if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.A. admiredB. regardedC. expectedD. worshiped五、词汇选择1. Can't you speak more ______ to your parents?A. respectablyB. respectinglyC. respectivelyD. respectfully2. In ancient times, some catastrophic extinction of species occurred ______.A. sequentiallyB. repeatedlyC. naturallyD. intentionally3. The gap between those at the lowest level and those at the highest level of income had increased ______, and is continuing to increase.A. substantiallyB. successfullyC. succinctlyD. sufficiently4. The food was divided ______ according to the age and size of the child.A. equallyB. individuallyC. sufficientlyD. proportionally5. You cannot be ______ careful when you drive a car.A. veryB. soC. tooD. enough6. Since she was alone, she opened the door ______, leaving the chain lock fastened.A. warilyB. consciouslyC. audaciouslyD. recklessly7. This dictionary is ______ intended for American learners of Chinese.A. especiallyB. particularlyC. specificallyD. uniquely8. Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so ______ and unceasingly that he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe.A. vociferouslyB. patrioticallyC. verboselyD. loquaciously9. It must guide public opinion, after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readers what measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number.A. inquisitivelyB. inconceivablyC. appallinglyD. impartially10. AIDS is causing great public concern because the ______ fatal disease hits primarily young people.A. invariablyB. imperativelyC. transientlyD. deceptively11. It is ______ understood by all concerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of in his heating will remain forever unspoken.A. uncommunicativelyB. acceptablyC. tacitlyD. taciturnly12. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ______ chemist's.A. eachB. someC. certainD. any13. The republication of the poet's most recent works will certainly ______ his national reputation.A. magnifyB. strengthenC. enlargeD. enhance14. Scientists are ______ certain that there is a cancer-inhibiting agent in the blood of the shark.A. dubiouslyB. virtuallyC. queerlyD. randomly15. These areas rely on agriculture almost ______ , having few mineral recourses and a minimum of industrial development.A. respectivelyB. extraordinarilyC. incrediblyD. exclusively16. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves ______ know where to look.A. virtuallyB. initiallyC. invariablyD. infinitely17. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be ______ controlled and modified.A. deliberatelyB. consequentlyC. originallyD. absolutely18. The Olympic Games were watched by ______ billions of people around the world.A. virtuallyB. literallyC. deliberatelyD. appropriately19. On 9 December, James Joyce experienced one of those coincidences which affected him ______ at the time and which later became material for his books.A. inadequatelyB. systematicallyC. profoundlyD. simultaneously20. Some ______ good luck brought us nothing but trouble.A. seeminglyB. satisfactorilyC. uniformlyD. universally。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-10(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.Teenagers in the 1950s, who had to ______ an increasingly atomized family life and domestic and international tensions, scorned the sterile version of American life.(分数:0.50)A.injureB.conjureC.confront √D.inflow解析:[分析] 动词辨析 A.injure损害,伤害;B.conjure(以咒文)召唤,变戏法,想象;C.confront 使面临,对抗,面对;D.inflow流入。
2.Nobody in the company pays attention to his opinion, because what he has said is always mere ______.(分数:0.50)monplace √monC.ordinaryD.homely解析:[分析] 近义词辨析 A.commonplace平凡的,陈腐的;B.common共同的,公有的,普通的,伪劣的;C.ordinary平常的,普通的,平凡的;D.homely家常的;在此应是指他老生常谈,令人厌倦,而不是说他的想法普通,或总说家常话;因此A为答案。
3.The American basketball team announced that they would not ______ first place to any team. (分数:0.50)A.yokeB.yellC.yield √D.yearn解析:[分析] 词义辨析A.yoke把……套上轭,结合,连接;B.yell大叫,叫着说,忍不住笑;C.yield 出产,生长,(…to)屈服,屈从;D.yearn渴望,想念,向往;因表:他们不会将第一的位子让给任何队,因此C为答案。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-13(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.The heat in summer is no less ______ here in this mountain region.(分数:1.00)A.concentratedB.extensiveC.intense √D.intensive解析:[解析] no less“还是,仍然”表示程度相同的类比。
2.She was standing outside in the snow, ______ with cold.(分数:1.00)A.spinningB.shivering √C.shakingD.staggering解析:[解析] shiver指“(使)发抖,使)打颤,(使)迎风飘动”,shiver with cold表示“冷得颤抖”。
3.His ideas are invariably condemned as ______ by his colleagues.(分数:1.00)A.imaginativeB.ingeniousC.impractical √D.theoretical解析:[解析] 从空前的“condemn”(谴责)可知此处应为impractical(不切实际的),如:Refloating the sunken ship proved impractical because of the great expense.打捞沉船由于费用巨大而显得不切实际。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-词汇和语法(一)(总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词汇选择(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is ______.A. firmB. companyC. corporationD. enterprise(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] company在本句中作“同伴,伙伴”解。
2.The private detective, having received new information from a confidential source, narrowed down the ______ of his enquiry into the case.A. aspectB. sphereC. dimensionD. scope(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] 本题意为“由于通过秘密途径获得新的线索,那名私人侦探缩小了调查此案的范围”。
scope 的意思是“范围”,如:an investigation of wide scope(大规模的调查)。
3.Giorgio, now fifteen, and Lucia, also in her teens, were reaching the ______ of their adolescence.A. crisisB. criterionC. causalityD. credibility(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 本题空格处是说到了他们的青春转折期。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-4(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.The new Personal Digital Assistance contained a large______of information about an individual fife.(分数:0.50)A.dealB.amount √C.numberD.account解析:[解析] 习语搭配。
a large amount of大量(后跟不可数名词):Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.她的案件博得了无数公众的同情。
give an account of描述:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活。
a number of大量;若干(后跟可数名词):A number of well-qualified people have recentlyleft the company.一些非常称职的人已在最近离开了这家公司。
2.Home to______and gangsters, officials and laborers, refugees and artists, thecity was, in its prime, a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character.(分数:0.50)A.magnates √B.magnetsC.machinesD.magnitudes解析:[解析] 形近识别。
magnate有财势的地主或工业家;magnet有强大吸引力的人或物;magnitude 重要,重要性。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-1(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.The WTO meeting ______ with no agreement on launching a broad round of trade liberalization negotiations.(分数:0.50)A.broke offB.broke inC.broke up √D.broke out解析:[分析] 习语搭配A.broke off中断,暂停,断绝,解除;B.broke in闯入,使开始工作;C.broke up打碎,结束,分解;D.broke out突发,爆发;而本句意为:世贸组织会议结束,却没达成有关开展一轮广泛的贸易自由化谈判的协议。
2.Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is a (n) ______ difference between them. (分数:0.50)A.submergedB.indecisiveC.indistinctD.subtle √解析:[分析] 形容词辨析A.submerged在水中的,淹没的;B.indecisive非决定性的;C.indistinct 模糊的,朦胧的;D.subtle敏感的,微妙的;而本句意为:傲慢与骄傲在意思上近似,但两者间有着的不同。
3.Mr. Brown, who was not easily surprised, was quite ______ when he heard the result of the general election.(分数:0.50)A.taken aback √B.given overC.brought aboutD.turned up解析:[分析] 习语搭配 A.taken aback惊吓,迷惑;B.given over停止,放弃;C.brought about使发生,致使;D.turned up找到,发现;而本句意为:布朗先生本不是容易大惊小怪/吃惊的人,但当他听到普选结果时还是相当 ______ 。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-16(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.To ensure its sustained progress in economy, the government has ______ a series of policies.(分数:1.00)A.reservedB.issued √C.deliveredD.expressed解析:[解析] 本题考查动词词义。
空格中动词主语为government,宾语为a series of policies,由此可以推断选项B.issue(颁布,颁发)符合题意。
reserve预定:~a return ticket/a table for three;issue发布;颁布;发行:~an order;~a regulation;~newspaper;deliver投送;交付;使分娩:~newspapers/goods to door;~the confidential files to the one on duty;~a baby;express表达;特快的~one's gratitude;~train。
2.Bank notes are not usually ______ into gold nowadays.(分数:1.00)A.invertedB.revertibleC.convertible. √D.divertin解析:[解析] 这道题的四个选项词干和词尾相近,但意义相差很远。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-6(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.The jury gave a______of "not guilty".(分数:0.50)A.sentenceB.judgementC.chargeD.verdict √解析:[解析] 近义辨析。
verdict裁决,判决,判断(指陪审团的裁决):The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.判决犯人有罪。
sentence判决,宣判(指法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定):He received a heavy sentence.他被判重刑。
judgement判断,审判,裁判(指法庭的判决,法官的决定):The judgement set a new precedent.那次判决树立了一个新的判例。
charge指控,控告(指提出对不法行为的指控):a charge of murder指控犯谋杀罪。
2.I wouldn't trust such a______person.(分数:0.50)A.deceitful √B.deceptiveC.decisiveD.deceive解析:[解析] 形近识别。
deceitful欺骗的,不诚实的:You've been going there without telling me,you deceitful child!你一直在瞒着我到那地方去,你这不诚实的孩子!deceptive可能欺骗的,导致误解的:Appearances are often deceptive.外表往往是靠不住的。
decisive决定性的:the decisive vote 决定性的一票。
deceive欺骗,行骗(动词):He deceived her into thinking he could drive a car.他骗她,使她相信他会开汽车。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-26(总分:130.50,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:19,分数:16.00)1.Many young people believe that war is stupid and unnecessary. To them, to lose one's life on the battlefield is ______ .A.glorious B.futile C.heroic D.courageous(分数:0.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] 形容词辨析A.glorious光荣的,显赫的;B.futile琐细的,无用的,无效果的;C.heroic英雄的,英勇的;D.courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的;而本句意为:许多年轻人认为战争是愚蠢和毫无必要的。
对他们而言,在战场上牺牲生命是 ______ 。
2.Leaving for work in plenty of time to catch the train will ______ worry about being late.A. rule offB. preventC. avoidD. obviate(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] 本句空格处意为“消除对迟到的担忧”。
obviate意为“消除、排除(危险、障碍、担忧等)”;rule off意为“画线隔开”;prevent意为“防止,预防”;avoid意为“避免”。
3.No one appreciated his work during his lifetime, but______it is clear that he was a great artist.A. in the aftermathB. by the timeC. in retrospectD. in this eventuality(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] 习语辨析。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-11(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.Once the price of the land has been ______, we can go ahead to build the house.(分数:1.00)A.agreed on √B.agreed toC.agreed atD.agreed with解析:[解析] agree on商定;agree to同意(计划、建议等);agree with同意(某人的看法或意见);agree 一般不与at搭配。
2.Sometimes in drawing and designing, the sign X ______ the unknown number.(分数:1.00)A.facilitatesB.fascinatesC.denotes √D.jots解析:[解析] facilitates促进,助长;fascinates迷住,蛊惑;denotes表示,指示;jots略记,草草地记下。
3.Her talk at the seminar clearly, ______ from the topic the supervisor expected in the field of sociology.(分数:1.00)A.alternatedB.amplifiedC.designatedD.diverged √解析:[解析] alternated交替,轮流;amplified夸大,增强;designated指定的,指派的;diverged 偏离,离题。
4.The building collapsed because its foundation was not strong enough to ______ the weight of the building.(分数:1.00)A.subsideB.idealizeC.initiateD.sustain √解析:[解析] subside下沉,下陷;idealize理想化,使合于理想;initiate开始发起;sustain支撑,撑住。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-18(总分:100.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section 1 Vocabulary and GrammarThis section consists of 3 parts. Readthe directions for each part before answering the questions. (总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection (总题数:20,分数:20.00)1. _________________________________ The membership card entitled him certain privileges in the club.(分数: 1.00 )A. onB. inC. atD. to V解析:[解析]entitle sb . to sth .是习惯用法,表示“使某人有权利(或资格)得到.......... ”。
女口:This ticket entitles you to a free lunch .凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。
2. For the success of the project, the company should ___________ the most of the opportunities at hand.(分数: 1.00 )A. obtainB. graspC. catchD. make V解析:[ 解析] make the most of 是习惯用法,表示“尽量利用,充分利用”。
如:Wemust make the most of it .我们必须充分利用它。
3. We should always bear in mind that ____ d ecisions often result in serious consequences.(分数: 1.00 )A. urgentB. instantC. promptD. hasty V解析:[ 解析] 由后半句中的“常常会产生严重的后果”可推知决定应为hasty(仓促的,草率的,急躁的)。
翻译二级笔译综合能力-34(总分:133.50,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:14.50)1.Some of these online services are free, while others ______ a charge.A. carryB. cashierC. coincideD. collect(分数:0.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 形近识别A.carry(动词),搬运,运载,带有(责任),带来(处罚,利息),含有;B.cashier (名词)出纳;C.coincide(动词)一致、符合;D.collect(动词)收集,聚集,集中,搜集;此句意为:这些在线服务有些是免费的,而有些是要收费的;因此A为答案。
2.The jury gave a______of "not guilty".A. sentenceB. judgementC. chargeD. verdict(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] 近义辨析。
verdict裁决,判决,判断(指陪审团的裁决):The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.判决犯人有罪。
sentence判决,宣判(指法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定):He received a heavy sentence.他被判重刑。
judgement判断,审判,裁判(指法庭的判决,法官的决定):The judgement set a new precedent.那次判决树立了一个新的判例。
charge指控,控告(指提出对不法行为的指控):a charge of murder指控犯谋杀罪。
3.Every good story is carefully ______ ; the elements of the story reduced to fit with one another in order to make an effect on the reader.A.emphasized B.selected C.planned D.examined(分数:0.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] 动词辨析A.emphasized强调,着重;B.selected选择,挑选;C.planned计划,设计;D.examined检查,调查,考试;此句意为:每一部好小说都是经过认真设计的;为了使之能打动读者,小说中的一些元素(情节)被缩减以使全文一致。
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翻译二级笔译综合能力2003年12月2003年12月英语二级《笔译综合能力》试题Part 1 Summary Writing1. Read the following English passage and then write a Chinese summary of approximately 300 words that expresses its main ideas and basic information (40 points, 50 minutes).Deceptively small in column inches, a recent New Y ork Times article holds large meaning for us in business. The item concerned one Daniel Provenzano, 38, of Upper Saddle River, . Here is the relevant portion: When he owned a Fort Lee printing company called Advice Inc., Mr. Provenzano said he found out that a sales representative he employed had stolen $9,000. Mr. Provenzano said he told the man thatMr. Provenzano explained that heDealing with the bottom 10%. GE made the system famous, but plenty of companies are using it: Every year you get rid of the worst-evaluated workers. Many managers object that this practice is inhumane, but not dealing with that bottom 10% leads to big performance problems. Provenzano found a kinder, gentler answer. After all, this employee would have been fired virtually anywhere else. But at Advice Inc., he stayed on the job. And you know what I bet he became a very, very—very—productive employee. For most managers Provenzano's innovative response will be a welcome new addition to their executive tool kit. And by the way, Being the employer of top talent scarce everywhere, most companies now want to be their industry's or their community's most desirable employer. Advice Inc. understood. The employee in question wasn't simply disciplined in his supervisor's office and sent home. No, that's how an ordinary employer would have done it. But at Advice Inc., another employee—the HR manager, perhaps —took time out his busy day and drove the guy right to the emergency room. And then—the detail that says it all—the company provided a car service to drive the employee home.The message to talented job candidates comes through loud and clear: Advice Inc. is a company that cares.Setting an example to eternal problem for managers is how to let all employees know what happens to those who perform especially well or badly. A few companies actually post everyone's salary and bonus on their intranet. But pay is so one-dimensional. At Advice Inc., a problem that would hardly be mentioned at most companies—embezzlement— was undoubtedly the topic of rich discussions for weeks, at least until the employee's cast came off. Any employee theft probably went way, way—way—down.When the great Roberto Goizueta was CEO of Coca-Cola he used to talk about this problem of setting examples and once observed, Differentiation. This is one of Jack Welch' s favorite concepts—the idea that managers should treat different employees very differently based on performance. Welch liked to differentiate with salary, bonus, and stock options, but now, in what must henceforth be known as the post-Provenzano management era, we can see that GE's great management thinker just wasn't thinking big enough.This Times article is tantalizing and frustrating. In just a few sentences it opens a whole new world of management, yet much more surely remains to be told. We must all urge Provenzano to write a book explaining his complete managerial philosophy.2. Read the following Chinese passage and then write an English summary of approximately 250 words that expresses its central ideas and main viewpoints (40 points, 50 minutes).越是对原作体会深刻,越是欣赏原文的美妙,越觉得心长力绌,越觉得译文远远的传达不出原作的神韵。
(《傅雷家书》) Part 2 Reading Comprehension (20 points, 20 minutes)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four (A, B, C and D) suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best.PASSAGE 1T o Err Is Humanby Lewis ThomasEveryone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the wrong bills, utility companies write that they're turning everything off, that sort of thing. If you manage to get in touch with someone and complain, you then get instantaneously typed, guilty letters from the same computer, saying,These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents. Mistakes are not believed to be the normal behavior of a good machine. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key. The computer, at its normal best, is infallible.I wonder whether this can be true. After all, the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain, vastly improved upon but nonetheless human, superhuman maybe. A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess, and some of them have even been programmed to write obscure verse. They can do anything we can do, and more besides.It is not yet known whether a computer has its own consciousness, and it would be hard to find out about this. When you walk into one of those great halls now built for the huge machines, and standing listening, it is easy to imagine that the faint, distant noises are the sound of thinking, and the turning of the spools gives them the look of wild creatures rolling their eyes in the effort to concentrate, choking with information. But real thinking, and dreaming, are other matters. On the other hand, the evidence of something like an unconscious, equivalent to ours, are all around, in every mail. As extensions of the human brain, they have been constructed the same property of error, spontaneous, uncontrolled, and rich in possibilities.Question 1: The title of the writingA. making mistakes is confined only to human beings.B. every human being cannot avoid making mistakes.C. all human beings are always making mistakes.D. every human being is born to make bad mistakes.Question 2: The first paragraph implies thatA. computer errors are so obvious that one can hardly prevent them from happening.B. a computer is so capable of making errors that none of them is avoidable.C. computers make such errors as miscalculation and inaccurate reporting.D. computers can't think so their errors are natural and unavoidable.Question 3: The author uses his hypothesis thatA. human beings are not infallible, nor are computers.B. computers are bound to make as many errors as human beings.C. errors made by computers can be avoided the same as human mistakes can be avoided.D. computers are made by human beings and so are their errors.Question 4: The rhetoric the author employed in writing the third paragraph, especially the sentenceA. climax.B. personification.C. hyperbole.D. onomatopoeia.Question 5: The author compared the faint and distant sound of the computer to the sound of thinking and regarded it as the product ofA. dreaming and thinking.B. some property of errors.C. consciousness.D. possibilities.PASSAGE 2The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Americanby Jeff SmithOur real American foods have come from our soil and have been used by many groups— those who already lived here and those who have come here to live. The Native Americans already had developed an interesting cuisine using the abundant foods that were so prevalent.The influence that the English had upon our national eating habits is easy to see. They were a tough lot, those English, and they ate in a tough manner. They wiped theft mouths on the tablecloth, if there happened to be one, and they ate until you would expect them to burst. European travelers to this country in those days were most often shocked by American eating habits, which included too much fat and too much salt and too much liquor. Not much has changed! And, the Revolutionistsrefused to use the fork since it marked them as Europeans. The fork was not absolutely common on the American dinner table until about the time of the Civil War, the 1860s. Those English were a tough lot.Other immigrant groups added their own touches to the preparation of our New World food products. The groups that came still have a special sense of self-identity through their ancestral heritage, but they see themselves as Americans. This special self-identity through your ancestors who came from other lands was supposed to disappear in this country. The term melting pot was first used in reference to America in the late 1700s, so this belief that we would all become the same has been with us for a long time. Thank goodness it has never worked. The various immigrant groups continue to add flavor to the pot, all right, but you can pick out the individual flavors easily.The largest ancestry group in America is the English. There are more people in America who claim to have come from English blood than there are in England. But is their food English Thanks be to God, it is not! It is American. The second largest group is the Germans, then the Irish, the Afro-Americans, the French, the Italians,the Scottish, and the Polish. The Mexican and American Indian groups are all smaller than any of the above, though they were the original cooks in this country.Question 6: Which of the following statements is nearly identical in meaning with the sentenceA. Y ou bet they would never stop to eat till they are full.B. What you can expect is that they would not stop eating unless there was no more food.C. The only thing you would expect is that they wouldn't stop eating till they had had enough of the food.D. the only thing is that they wouldn't stop eating till they felt sick.Question 7: Which of the following statements is Not trueA. English people had bad table manners.B. American food was exclusively unique in its flavors and varieties.C. American diet contained a lot of fat, salt and liquor.D. Europeans were not at all accustomed to the American way of eating.Question 8: The author's attitude towards American food is thatA. American food is better than foods from other countries.B. American food is superior to European food.C. European food had helped enrich the flavors and varieties of American food.D. people from other countries could still identify from the American foods the foods that were unique to their countries.Question 9: Immigrant groups, when they got settled down in the United States, still have had their own sense of self-identity becauseA. their foods are easily identified among all the foods Americans eat.B. their foods stand out in sharp contrast to foods of other countries.C. they know pretty well what elements of American food are of their own countries' origin.D. they know pretty well how their foods contribute to American cuisine.Question 10: Which of the following statements is trueA. People from other cultures or nations start to lose their self-identity once they get settled down in America.B. TheC. The special sense of self-identity of people from other countries can't be main- mined once they become Americans.D. The参考答案及评分要点Part 1 Summary Writing1. (40 points)评分要点:1) 简要描述该事件。