



1. Words1 属于“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)单词,Words2 要求能熟clothes love--I ’m from Australia. I ’m new to the class.我来自澳大利亚。


2. What about you? 你呢?3. Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1. Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers.一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和3. Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, Idon ’. I t t’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


例:What time do you get up? 你几点起床?---I get up at half past six. 我6 点半起床。

What time do you go to school?你几点去上学?---I go to school at seven o’clock. 我7 点钟去上学。

What time do you have lunch?你几点吃午饭?---I have lunch at twelve o’clock.我12 点钟吃午饭。

---I do sport at four o’clock. 我4 点钟做运动。

What time do you do your homework?你几点做你的家庭作业---I do your homework at seven o’clock.我7 点钟做我的家庭作业What time do you go to bed?你几点睡觉?---I go to bed at half past nine. 我9 点半去睡觉。






四年级下册词汇及句型Unit 1 Time●Vocabulary:half 一半 clock 钟 o’clock 整点 bathroom 浴室 check 检查crazy 疯狂的 downstairs 楼下的 everywhere 到处 garden 花园hall 大厅 midnight 午夜 police 警察 quick 迅速的watch 表 someone 某人 hour 小时 minute 分钟wake up 醒来 at 在某具体地点或时刻 get up 起床 careful 小心的●Sentences:1.What time is it? It’s five o'clock。


2.It's half past three by the purple colck.那个紫色的钟是三点半.3.It’s four o’clock on the watch on the table。


4.Time for bed/ school/ lunch.到时间去睡觉/上学/吃午饭了。

5.Time to go to bed。

Time to go to school。

Time to have lunch。




6.I get up at six o’clock.我六点整起床.7.Classes begin at half past eight。





Starter unitUnit 1 Time 时间Unit 2 Friends 朋友Unit 3 Animal 动物Unit 4 My Room我的房间Unit 5 School life 学校生活Unit 6 Holidays 假日附:疑问代词when什么时候where什么地点who谁-----whose谁的what什么(事情)why为什么which哪个how怎么样how many多少(个)how much多少钱how old多大e.g.--When is your birthday? -- In May.--Where is my pen? -- It’s under your book.-- What’s this? -- It’s a map.--Why are you late? -- Because I got up late this morning.-- Who is that girl over there? -- She is Mary, my classmate.--Whose ruler is it? -- It’s mine.--Which one do you like? --I like the blue one.--How are you? --Fine, thank you.-- How many birds can you see in the picture? –I can see three.-- How much is it? --It’s two dollars.--How old are you? -- I’m ten.。



备注:1.Words 单词要求“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)2.Sentences 句子要求能理解和背诵,熟练掌握并灵活运用。

Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform衣服爱许多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you? 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, I don’t. It’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


4.Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们每天都穿校服吗?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。

Unit 1 Time 时间Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟手表一半午夜小时分钟慢的敲,报时整点和半点的表达:o’ clock half pastPhrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed 起床去上学吃午饭做运动回家睡觉do my homework做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时间What time is it? = What’s the time? 现在几点了?--- It’s two o’clock. 现在是2点钟。

英语Join In 四年级下学期单元知识点总结

英语Join In 四年级下学期单元知识点总结




Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform 衣服爱许多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you? 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, Idon’t. It’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


4.Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们每天都穿校服吗?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。

Unit 1 Time 时间Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟手表一半午夜小时分钟慢的敲,报时整点和半点的表达:o’ clock half pastPhrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed起床去上学吃午饭做运动回家睡觉do my homework做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时间What time is it? =What’s the time? 现在几点了?--- It’s two o’clock. 现在是2点钟。



Join in 四年级英语全册重点汇总Starter unit一、单词、词组Clap your hands 拍手Jump up high跳高Touch your toes 摸脚趾头Bend your knees 弯曲膝盖Shake your arms and your legs 摇动手臂和腿Stand nose to nose 鼻子对鼻子二、句型Good to see you again.How are you today? I’m fine, thank y ou. My favourite number is...Unit 1 When is your birthday?一、单词、词组十二个月份的英文单词及缩写:一月:January 缩写:Jan 二月:February 缩写:Feb三月:March 缩写:Mar 四月:April 缩写:Apr五月:May 缩写:May 六月:June 缩写:Jun七月:July 缩写:Jul 八月:August 缩写:Aug九月:September 缩写:Sept 十月:October 缩写:Oct十一月:November 缩写:Nov 十二月:December 缩写:Dec四季的英文单词:春天:Spring 夏天:Summer 秋天:Autumn 冬天:Winter 气候的英文单词:温暖:warm炎热:hot凉爽:cool寒冷:coldHappy birthday 生日快乐Thank you. 谢谢二、句型1 Nice to meet you.2 Where are you from?3 When is your birthday?4 How old are you?5 When is ...(人名)’s birthday?6 Have you got a...?7 In ...(月份)8 Do you like...?9 What’s your favourite...?10 There are four seasons in a year.11 What season is it?Unit 2 In the classroom一、单词、词组floor 地板curtains 窗帘light 吊灯window 窗户desk 课桌chair 椅子board 黑板door 门behind 在…后on 在…上under 在…下in 在…里in front of 在…前二、句型How many windows are there? Six windows.What colour is the door? It’s brown.There is a schoolbag on thedesk. There are four windows in the classroom. Her pencil case isyellow. His book is blue.Unit 3 Numbers一单词zero 零one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十twenty-two 二十二thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百二、句型How much is the book? It’s 3 yuan.How much are the books? They’re twenty yuan fifty fen.How many socks are there in eleven pairs? Twenty-two.Unit 4 School一、单词和短语:Library 图书馆canteen 餐厅gym 体育馆playground 操场computer room 微机室classroom 教室二、句型:1.Are there ...?/Is your ...big(small)?2.I(we) (on)...Unit 5 Free time一、单词和短语:play table tennis 打乒乓球 play the piano 弹钢琴stand on your head倒立 play football踢足球 ski 滑雪roller blade滑轮 ride a hose 骑马swim 游泳 ride a bike骑自行车 skate 溜冰二句型:I can swim. I can’t stand on my head.He can ride a horse. He can’t play the piano.She can roller blade. She can’t play table tennis.Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Unit 6 Gamestriangle三角形circle圆形rectangle 长方形square正方形1. Let’s play games.我们一起玩游戏。



英语 Join In 四年级下学期单元知识点总结备注:1. Words1 属于“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)单词,Words2 要求能熟练认、读、听、说。



Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform 衣服爱好多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旌旗最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I ’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you? 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗? --Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers.一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, I don’t.It’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


英语 Join In 四年级下学期单元知识点总结4. Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你 每天都穿校服 ?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我 穿它去学校。

Unit 1 TimeWords1:clockwatchhalfmidnighthourminuteslowstrike手表一半子夜小分慢的敲,o ’clock half past整点和半点的表达:Phrases:( ) get upgo to schoolhave lunchdo sportgo homego to bed起床去上学吃午做运回家睡do my homework做我的家庭作Sentences 1:1.What time is it? =What ’s the time? 在几点了? --- It ’s two o ’clock. 在是 2 点 。



四年级下册英语剑桥Joinin知识要点汇总四年级下册词汇及句型Unit1Time●Vocabulary:half⼀半clock钟o’clock整点bathroom浴室check检查crazy疯狂的downstairs楼下的everywhere到处garden花园hall⼤厅midnight午夜police警察quick迅速的watch表someone某⼈hour⼩时minute分钟wake up醒来at在某具体地点或时刻get up起床careful⼩⼼的●Sentences:1.What time is it?It’s five o’clock.现在什么时间?五点整。

2.It’s half past three by the purple colck.那个紫⾊的钟是三点半。

3.It’s four o’clock on the watch on the table.在桌上那块表上是四点整。

4.Time for bed/school/lunch.到时间去睡觉/上学/吃午饭了。

5.Time to go to bed.Time to go to school.Time to have lunch.到时间去睡觉了。



6.I get up at six o’clock.我六点整起床。

7.Classes begin at half past eight.⼋点半开始上课。

8.At midnight.在午夜时分。

9.At one o’clock my crazy clock strikes two.在⼀点整的时候我疯狂的时钟敲了两下。

10.At ten o’colck it doesn’t do a thing.在⼗点整的时候它什么也没做。

11.At midnight it starts to sing.在午夜时分它开始唱歌。

Unit2Friends●Vocabulary:best最好的friend(s)朋友(们)music⾳乐sport运动spider蜘蛛butterfly蝴蝶rat耗⼦they他们pet宠物afternoon下午team团队place地⽅silly愚蠢的group组合together⼀起(an hour)later(⼀⼩时)之后●Sentences:1.She/He likes books and dogs.她/他喜欢书和狗。

四年级下册英语剑桥Join in知识要点汇总

四年级下册英语剑桥Join in知识要点汇总

四年级下册词汇及句型Unit1Time●Vocabulary:half一半clock钟o’clock整点bathroom浴室check检查crazy疯狂的downstairs楼下的everywhere到处garden花园hall大厅midnight午夜police警察quick迅速的watch表someone某人hour小时minute分钟wake up醒来at在某具体地点或时刻get up起床careful小心的●Sentences:1.What time is it?It’s five o’clock.现在什么时间?五点整。

2.It’s half past three by the purple colck.那个紫色的钟是三点半。

3.It’s four o’clock on the watch on the table.在桌上那块表上是四点整。

4.Time for bed/school/lunch.到时间去睡觉/上学/吃午饭了。

5.Time to go to bed.Time to go to school.Time to have lunch.到时间去睡觉了。



6.I get up at six o’clock.我六点整起床。

7.Classes begin at half past eight.八点半开始上课。

8.At midnight.在午夜时分。

9.At one o’clock my crazy clock strikes two.在一点整的时候我疯狂的时钟敲了两下。

10.At ten o’colck it doesn’t do a thing.在十点整的时候它什么也没做。

11.At midnight it starts to sing.在午夜时分它开始唱歌。

Unit2Friends●Vocabulary:best最好的friend(s)朋友(们)music音乐sport运动spider蜘蛛butterfly蝴蝶rat耗子they他们pet宠物afternoon下午team团队place地方silly愚蠢的group组合together一起(an hour)later(一小时)之后●Sentences:1.She/He likes books and dogs.她/他喜欢书和狗。

四年级下册英语剑桥Join in知识要点汇总

四年级下册英语剑桥Join in知识要点汇总

四年级下册词汇及句型Unit1Time●Vocabulary:half一半clock钟o’clock整点bathroom浴室check检查crazy疯狂的downstairs楼下的everywhere到处garden花园hall大厅midnight午夜police警察quick迅速的watch表someone某人hour小时minute分钟wake up醒来at在某具体地点或时刻get up起床careful小心的●Sentences:1.What time is it?It’s five o’clock.现在什么时间?五点整。

2.It’s half past three by the purple colck.那个紫色的钟是三点半。

3.It’s four o’clock on the watch on the table.在桌上那块表上是四点整。

4.Time for bed/school/lunch.到时间去睡觉/上学/吃午饭了。

5.Time to go to bed.Time to go to school.Time to have lunch.到时间去睡觉了。



6.I get up at six o’clock.我六点整起床。

7.Classes begin at half past eight.八点半开始上课。

8.At midnight.在午夜时分。

9.At one o’clock my crazy clock strikes two.在一点整的时候我疯狂的时钟敲了两下。

10.At ten o’colck it doesn’t do a thing.在十点整的时候它什么也没做。

11.At midnight it starts to sing.在午夜时分它开始唱歌。

Unit2Friends●Vocabulary:best最好的friend(s)朋友(们)music音乐sport运动spider蜘蛛butterfly蝴蝶rat耗子they他们pet宠物afternoon下午team团队place地方silly愚蠢的group组合together一起(an hour)later(一小时)之后●Sentences:1.She/He likes books and dogs.她/他喜欢书和狗。

Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结

Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结

Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结English Join In Unit 2 Summary for Grade 4 Second SemesterStarter UnitWords 1: clothes。






school uniform。






boring.Sentences 1:1.Where are you from。

- I'm from Australia。

I'm new to the class.2.What about you?3.Let's be friends.Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform。

- Yes。

I have.2.What is your uniform like。

- It is a white shirt。

a blue jacket。

and blue trousers.3.Do you like the uniform。

- No。

I don't。

It's boring.Unit 1 - TimeWords 1: clock。







strike.ns: o'clock。

half past.Phrases: get up。

go to school。

have lunch。

do sport。

go home。

go to bed。

do my homework.In this unit。

students learn about telling time using a clock and a watch。

They also learn about daily routines and the differentactivities they do at different times of the day。



四年级下册英语剑桥Joinin知识要点汇总四年级下册词汇及句型Unit1Time●Vocabulary:half一半clock钟o’clock整点bathroom浴室check检查crazy 疯狂的downstairs楼下的everywhere到处garden花园hall大厅midnight午夜police警察quick迅速的watch表someone某人hour小时minute分钟wake up醒来at在某具体地点或时刻get up 起床careful小心的●Sentences:1.What time is it?It’s five o’clock.现在什么时间?五点整。

2.It’s half past three by the purple colck.那个紫色的钟是三点半。

3.It’s four o’clock on the watch on the table.在桌上那块表上是四点整。

4.Time for bed/school/lunch.到时间去睡觉/上学/吃午饭了。

5.Time to go to bed.Time to go to school.Time to have lunch.到时间去睡觉了。



6.I get up at six o’clock.我六点整起床。

7.Classes begin at half past eight.八点半开始上课。

8.At midnight.在午夜时分。

9.At one o’clock my crazy clock strikes two.在一点整的时候我疯狂的时钟敲了两下。

10.At ten o’colck it doesn’t do a thing.在十点整的时候它什么也没做。

11.At midnight it starts to sing.在午夜时分它开始唱歌。

Unit2Friends●Vocabulary:best最好的friend(s)朋友(们)music音乐sport运动spider蜘蛛butterfly蝴蝶rat耗子they他们pet宠物afternoon下午team团队place地方silly愚蠢的group 组合together一起(an hour)later(一小时)之后●Sentences:1.She/He likes books and dogs.她/他喜欢书和狗。

Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结

Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结




Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform 衣服爱许多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you? 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, I don’t. It’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


4.Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们每天都穿校服吗?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。

Unit 1 Time 时间Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟手表一半午夜小时分钟慢的敲,报时整点和半点的表达:o’ clock half pastPhrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed起床去上学吃午饭做运动回家睡觉do my homework做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时间What time is it? =What’s the time? 现在几点了?--- It’s two o’clock. 现在是2点钟。






Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform衣服爱许多地址裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you? 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让咱们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色茄克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform? 你喜爱你的校服吗?--No, I don’t. It’s boring. 不,我不喜爱。


4.Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们天天都穿校服吗?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,咱们穿它去学校。

Unit 1 Time 时刻Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟腕表一半午夜小时分钟慢的敲,报时整点和半点的表达:o’ clock half pastPhrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed起床去上学吃午饭做运动回家睡觉do my homework做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时刻What time is it? =What’s the time? 此刻几点了?--- It’s two o’clock. 此刻是2点钟。






英语join in 四年级下学期单元知识点总结1。


2. Sentences1要求能理解,熟练掌握并灵活运用。


Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform衣服爱许多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1. Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2. What about you?你呢?3. Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧.Sentences 2:1。

Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2. What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers。

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J o i n i n四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#备注:1.Words1属于“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)单词,Words2要求能熟练认、读、听、说。



Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform衣服爱许多地方裤子制服校服year tree tea flag best boring年级树茶旗帜最好的无聊的Sentences 1:1.Where are you from 你来自哪儿?--I’m from Australia. I’m new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。


2.What about you 你呢?3.Let’s be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。

Sentences 2:1.Have you got a school uniform 你有校服吗?--Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

2.What is your uniform like 你的校服是什么样的?--It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。

3.Do you like the uniform 你喜欢你的校服吗?--No, I don’t. It’s boring. 不,我不喜欢。


4.Do you wear your uniform everyday 你们每天都穿校服吗?--Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。

Unit 1 Time 时间Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟手表一半午夜小时分钟慢的敲,报时整点和半点的表达: o’ clock half pastPhrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed起床去上学吃午饭做运动回家睡觉do my homework做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时间What time is it =What’s the time 现在几点了?--- It’s two o’clock. 现在是2点钟。

----It’s half past twelve. 现在是12点半。

2. What time do you …你几点做..?--I … at half past six. 我6点半做…---I ….at six o’clock. 我6点做…例:What time do you get up 你几点起床?---I get up at half past six. 我6点半起床。

What time do you go to school 你几点去上学?---I go to school at seven o’clock. 我7点钟去上学。

What time do you have lunch你几点吃午饭?---I have lunch at twelve o’clock.我12点钟吃午饭。

What time do you do sport你几点做运动?---I do sport at four o’clock. 我4点钟做运动。

What time do you do your homework你几点做你的家庭作业---I do your homework at seven o’clock.我7点钟做我的家庭作业What time do you go to bed你几点睡觉?---I go to bed at half past nine. 我9点半去睡觉。

3. have/has got (有)当句子主语是第三人称单数(he/she/ it)时,用has got;当句子主语是第一人称I/we,第二人称you和第三人称复数时,用have got 例:I’ve (I have got) a clock. 我有一个时钟。

You’ve (You have got)got a clock. 你有一个时钟。

He’s (He has got)got a clock. 他有一个时钟。

She’s (She has got)got a clock. 她有一个时钟。

4. How many… are there in a/an …一….有多少….?----There are …in a …例:How many days are there in a week 一周有多少天?---There are seven days in a week. 一周有7天。

How many hours are there in a day 一天有多少个小时?---There are twenty-four hours in a day. 一天有24小时。

How many minutes are there in an hour 一小时有多少分钟?---There are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有60分钟。

Sentences 2:1.It is half past three on the clock on the table. 在桌子上的时钟现在是3点半。

2.One is… the other is….一个…另外一个….One is on the floor, the other is on a chair. 一个(钟)在地板上,另外一个在一把椅子上。

3.That can’t be the time. 不可能是那个时间。

4.Your watch is 30 minutes slow. 你的表慢了30分钟。

5.What’s the time on your watch, Dad 爸爸,你的表现在几点了?6.At two o’clock my crazy clock strikes four. 2点钟时,我那疯狂的中报时四下。

Unit 2 Friends 朋友Words1:music sport spider kite butterfly (butterflies) wolf (wolves)音乐运动蜘蛛风筝蝴蝶狼rat cap fruit apple pineapple pear banana grape老鼠帽子水果苹果菠萝梨香蕉葡萄orange subject Chinese Maths English Science Art PE橙子科目/课程中文数学英语科学美术体育family name姓Words2:(音乐)组合队美式足球后来,以后洛杉矶湖人队Phrases:(词组)my best friend play together at Diana’s place a white dog give ….to我最好的朋友一起玩在Diana 家一只白色的狗把……给句型1:1. What do you like I like books and dogs.你喜欢什么我喜欢书和狗.2. What does she/he like She/He likes music and sport.她/他喜欢什么她/他喜欢音乐和运动.3. What’s his name His name is Terry.他叫什么名字他叫Terry.4. W ho’s your best friend Anna is my best friend.你最好的朋友是谁是Anna5. How old is she She is nine years old.她几岁她九岁.6. How old are you I am eleven.你几岁我11岁.7. When is her birthday Her birthday is in April./ It’s in April.她什么时候生日在四月.8. What’s her favourite food Her favourite food is pizza.她最喜欢的食物是什么她最喜欢比萨.9. What has he got He has got a cat.他有什么他有一只猫.句型2:1. He likes basketball best. 他最喜欢篮球。


3. Can you come to my place this afternoon No, I can’t.你今天下午去我家吗不, 我不去.4.I’m going to Diana’s.我打算去Diana家.5. Are you all right Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.你还好吗是的. /不.6. What’s the matter Emma is going to Diana’s place this afternoon.有什么事Emma打算今天下午到Diana家.7. So what 6. Come on over to Diana’s place.那又怎样请到Diana的家来吧.8. Is Diana your best friend now Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.现在Diana是你最好的朋友吗是的. /不是.9. Don’t be silly! 8. We can play together.别傻了! 我们可以一起玩.语法点:人称代词和物主代词人称代词指代人或物,在句中作主语或宾语,所以有主格和宾格。



Unit 3 AnimalWords1:animal elephant duck pig lion cow hippo snake wolf—wolves动物大象鸭子猪狮子奶牛河马蛇狼fox—foxes sheep—sheep crocodile grass farm eat live fly sing狐狸绵羊鳄鱼草农场吃住飞唱tiger it on a farm a lot milk老虎它(指动物、物体、事物等)在农场许多牛奶Words2: Africa Asia other animals非洲亚洲其他的动物Sentences 1:肯定句一般疑问句回答1.I t is a sheep. Is it a sheep Yes, it is.它是一只绵羊。
