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I.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词


1.Would you mindmaking alittleless_____?They are having a me

eting at the moment.(noisy)

2.TheSmiths live on the __________floorof thehighrise.(nine)

3.All the great __________ are respected(尊敬)by the world。(invent)

4.Mypet isa ______ cat.She isvery lovely. (male)

5.I’ll do my homework more __________next time。(care)

6.Whenyou study a foreignlanguage, it’s important to make a good__

_______. (begin)

7.Everyoneknows suchkind of books is ___________to children.

They shouldn’tbe sold at any bookstore. (harm)

8.In the pastpunishment(惩罚)was decided by the university。Th

estudent had no___________ buttoaccept it.(choose)

9.Ourteacher toldusthe___________story I had ever heardat

yesterday’sclass meeting。(sad)

10.The __________ Lesson is verydifficultbut veryimportant.You must

learn itby heart.(twelve)

11.They looked very _____in the idea。(interest)

12.After theygot onthe bus,theyfound two _______。(sit)

13.Help __________ to thefish, everyone。(you)

14.Whatwe have hadis just partof the truth。We should try to get __________

information aboutit.(far)

15.A___________ sightstopped them from going forward.(frighten)

16.He seemedvery _________。He gota D in the English test. (happy)

17.Before youstart this work,you should try to realize its _________。(importan


18.March 8is _________ Day。(woman)

19.Thisbook belongs to you.Where is_____? (me)

20.The visitorsare ________ students. (main)

21.Do youknow about the ___of thebook? (write)

22.Can youshow me your ___ of coins? (collect)

23.Tomy ________,I gotfullmarksfor maths last week。(surprised)

24.In this new housing estate there standalot of high and magnificent


25.In winter,mostof the riversand lakesare _________.It becomes a wo

rld of ice. (freeze)

26.Then he slowly walked_____ thehouse。(pass)

27.Do you knowwho isthe__________ of the Englishcontest? (win)

28.Peter is very ______。I'msure he will come to take care of yourbaby

when he’s asked to。(help)

29.The YangtzeRiver is the_________longestriver in the world。(three)

30.__________tomeet all of youhere. (please)

31.Now more and moregardens arebeing built inour__________。(n


32.It’svery important forus to learn English__________. (good)

33.Both ourteacher and my mother aresatisfied withmy____

_______. (honest)

34.OliverTwist atethe cake ___________.(hungry)

35.Of all the boys, Li Mingstudies______。(hard)

36.We are all pleasedto hear thatthe _________went onvery

well.( operate)

37.Thechildren in this kindergartenhave beentrained to take care of _

__________ though theyareonly six years old。(they)

38.Could youtell mewho willgiveus a ___________ on children’s e


39.Thesemodern machineswork. (automatic)

40.This cartoon filmis _________than theone Isawlast Saturday. (fun)

41.Will you please tell me how much the___________ is?(post)

42.The twin sisters usedtobe__________ in Hollywood. (act)

43.Actions speak more_____thanwords。(loud)

44.Iam _______about my schoolwork becauseI haven’t workedhar

d this term.(worry)

45.Your pet dogisso __________that all of us like to play with


46.It has been snowing___ for awhole day. (heavy)

47.We havebeen told the______of the case。(true)

48.Haveyou made your ________ yet? (decide)

49.People from Italy are called___________。(Italy)

50.I _________ where he comesfrom. (wonderful)

51.The weather in April is _________,so you’d bettertake more clothes with


52.Ferriescome and go onthe riveras ___________ asboats. (quick)

53.Listen, everybody,wewillmeet at the________of the cinema

at 4 pm。(enter)

54.You cannot eat somuch fastfood,because it is___________。


55.It is reported thatthree__________ have been put into prison. (Canad
