Aspen 模拟塔设计
Aspen Plus精馏模拟(塔设计)

Aspen plus精馏模拟实例教程1. Aspen Plus 简介进入Aspen Plus后,出现图1所示的Aspen Plus软件操作界面.图1操作界面构成·标题条:在该栏目中显示运行标识. 在你给出运行名字之前,Simulation1是缺省的标识. ·拉式菜单:Aspen Plus的功能菜单. 这些下拉式菜单与Windows的标准菜单类似.·工艺流程窗口:在该窗口中可以建立及连接所要模拟的工艺流程.·模式选择按钮:按下此按钮你可以关闭插入对象的插入模式,并返回到选择模式.·模型库:在这里列出建立模型可用的任何单元操作的模型..·状态域:显示当前有关运行的状态信息.·快速访问按钮:快速执行Aspen Plus相应的命令。
这些快捷按钮与其它Windows程序的快速访问按钮类似.·Next按钮(N->):设计过程的任意时刻点击它,系统都会自动跳转到当前应当进行的工作位置,这为我们输入数据提供了极大的方便.2 Aspen Plus模拟精馏简介(1)塔模型分类做塔新流程模拟分析必须先进行简捷塔计算--- 塔的初步设计. 计算结果为理论板数、进料位置、最小回流比、塔顶/釜热负荷. 然后进行塔精确模拟分析,简捷塔计算结果做为精确计算的输入依据. 本文以甲醇-水混合物系分离为例,首先介绍初步设计方法,然后介绍复杂塔模拟计算。
Aspen Plus塔模型分类如下表.模型简捷蒸馏 DSTWU、 Distl 、SCFrac严格蒸馏 RadFrac、 MultiFrac、 PetroFrac、 RateFrac(2)精馏塔的模拟类型精馏塔的模拟类型可以分为设计式和操作式模拟计算. 可以通过定义模型的回流比进行设计型计算,又可以定义塔板数进行操作型计算. 本章我们进行设计计算,在下一章中进行操作型计算.(3)设计实例常压操作连续筛板精馏塔设计,设计参数如下[1]:进料组份:水63.2%、甲醇38.6%(质量分率);处理量:水甲醇混合液55t/h;进料热状态:饱和液相进料;进料压力:125 kPa;操作压力:110 kPa;单板压降:≤0.7 kPa;塔顶馏出液:甲醇量大于99.5 %(质量分率)塔底釜液:水量大于99.5 %;(质量分率).回流比:自选;全塔效率:E T=52%热源:低压饱和水蒸汽;我们通过这个实例学习Aspen Plus精馏模拟应用.3. 精馏塔的简捷计算·设计任务确定理论塔板数 确定合适的回流比·DSTWU 精馏模型简介本例选择DSTWU 简捷精馏计算模型.DSTWU 可对一个带有分凝器或全凝器一股进料和两种产品的蒸馏塔进行简捷精馏 计算. DSTWU 假设恒定的摩尔溢流量和恒定的相对挥发度·DSTWU 规定与估算内容规 定目 的其它结果轻重关键组分的回收率 最小回流比和最小理论级数 理论级数 必需回流比回流比必需理论级数进料位置、冷凝器、再沸器的热负荷·DSTWU 计算结果浏览汇总结果、物料和能量平衡结果、回流比对级数曲线.3.1 定义模拟流程本节任务:·创建精馏塔模型 ·绘制物流·模块和物流命名1)创建精馏塔模块在模型库中选择塔设备column 标签,如图3.1-1.图3.1-1点击该DSTWU 模型的下拉箭头,弹出三个等效的模块,任选其一如图3.1-2所示.图3.1-2在空白流程图上单击,即可绘出一个精馏塔模型如图3.1-3所示.图3.1-32)绘制物流单击流股单元下拉箭头,选择流股类型,在这里我们选择 material 类型. 选择后得到图3.1-4所示.图3.1-4在箭头提示下我们可以根据需要来绘制流股,其中红色箭头表示必须定义的流股,蓝色箭头表示可选定义的流股,不同的模型根据设计任务绘制. 本例一股进料、塔顶和塔底两股出料,如图3.1-5.图3.1-53)模块和物流命名选择中流股/模块(单击流股/模块),点击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择 rename stream 或 rename block,在对话框中输入改后的名称,即可改变名称.在这里我们将入料改为FEED;塔顶出料改为D;塔底出料改为L;改变名称后的流程图如图3.1-6所示.图3.1-6至此,本节创建模拟流程任务完成,我们将在N-> 快捷键引导下进入下一步操作.3.2 模拟设置单击N-> 快捷键,进入初始化设置页面,如图3.2-1. 用户可以对Aspen Plus做全局设置、定义数据输入输出单位等.·定义数据输入输出单位Aspen plus提供了英制、公斤米秒制、国际单位制三种单位制. 输入数据可以在输入时改变单位,输出报告则按在此选择的单位制输出.系统自身有一套默认的设置。
Aspen 简捷法模拟塔

Aspen Plus入门及DSTWU捷算介绍摘要: Aspen Plus是用来计算平衡态体系数据的软件,通过Aspen Plus的计算模拟,可以得出模拟系统中所有物流的PFD参数,比如物流的温度,压力,密度,流量等参数,通过这些参数,我们可以推断出操作工况是否合适,操作条件是否合理,成功地找出运行状况下生产装置的瓶颈之处,从而在保证产品质量的前提下,提高产品产量和降低能耗。
本文简要介绍Aspen Plus流程模拟软件的入门操作及注意事项,通过简捷法精馏计算DSTWU 举例说明。
关键词:Aspen Plus,DSTWU,精馏计算,流程模拟一、Aspen Plus入门关于什么是Aspen ,百度百科里面对aspen的解释是:Aspen Plus是一个生产装置设计、稳态模拟和优化的大型通用流程模拟系统。
Aspen Plus是大型通用流程模拟系统,源于美国能源部七十年代后期在麻省理工学院(MIT)组织的会战,开发新型第三代流程模拟软件。
该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,简称ASPEN),并于1981年底完成。
1982年为了将其商品化,成立了Aspen Tech公司,并称之为Aspen Plus。
全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Plus的用户。
软件的入门是一件很痛苦的事情,枯燥的英文界面,复杂的软件结构,安装的时候看到软件安装包是1.3G的时候,就感觉到一点痛苦了,首先对于软件的安装,第一次在家里安装的时候,自以为是地不看安装crack手册,一路next 至最后,然后发现安装到半路就无法安装了,卸载重新安装怎么也安装不上了。

Aspen plus模拟甲醇、水精馏塔设计说明书一、设计题目根据以下条件设计一座分离甲醇、水混合物的连续操作常压精馏塔:生产能力:24500吨精甲醇/年;原料组成:甲醇50%w,水50%w;产品组成:塔顶甲醇质量分率≥94%w;塔底甲醇质量分率 1 %w;进料温度:350.5K;塔顶压力常压;进料状态饱和液体。
(1).进料、塔顶产物、塔底产物;(2).全塔总塔板数N;最佳加料板位置N F;(3).回流比R;(4).冷凝器和再沸器温度、热负荷;(5).塔内构件塔板或填料的设计。
三、分析及模拟流程1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解 Aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1)生产能力:一年按300天计算,进料流量为24500/(300*24)=3.40278 t/hr。
(2)原料、塔顶与塔底的组成(题中已给出):原料组成:甲醇50%w,水50%w;产品:塔顶甲醇≥94%w;塔底甲醇《1% w。
3.灵敏度分析目的:研究回流比与理论板数的关系(N T-R),确定合适的回流比与塔板数;研究加料板位置对产品的影响,确定合适的加料板位置。
方法:作回流比与理论塔板数的关系曲线(N T-R),从曲线上找到期望的回流比及塔板数。
4. 用详细计算模块(RadFrac)进行计算目的:精确计算精馏塔的分离能力和设备参数。
方法:用RadFrac模块进行精确计算,通过设计规定(Design Specs)和变化(Vary)两组对象进行设定,检验计算数据是否收敛,计算出塔径等主要尺寸。
5. 塔板设计目的:通过塔板设计(Tray sizing)计算给定板间距下的塔径。
用 Aspen 模拟塔单元操作

用Aspen 模拟塔单元操作分为操作模拟和设计计算。
1 填料塔操作模拟模拟已知的填料操作可以用radFrace和rateFrace模块。
1.1 平衡级数rateFrace和radFrace模块要求输入板数,和板式塔模拟操作一样,操作模拟数据应该是实际塔的参数,这里要输入实际塔的板数。
然后,设置填料核算(Pack Rating)中的每段填料高度(Section pack height)与之对应。
如:某填料塔实际填料高度15m,进行操作模拟时,塔板数(Number of stages)输入为5,则在下面的Pack Rating 页的Packed height 栏选择Section packed height 并填入3。
1.2 调节参数进行塔操作模拟时,通过调节塔板效率来与实际相吻合。
和板式塔一样,如果不输入塔板效率则系统按选择的计算方法计算塔板效率(这个效率计算方法有两种:Vaporization efficiencies和Murphree efficiencies)。
2 填料塔设计填料精馏塔与填料吸收塔的设计计算有所区别,对于单进料的精馏塔,与板式塔设计计算一样,首先用简捷模块计算理论板数,然后radFrace或rateFrace模块进行详细计算。
aspen 精馏模拟详细过程及探讨疑问

精馏塔设计初步介绍1.设计计算◆输入参数:●利用DSTWU模型,进行设计计算●此时输入参数为:塔板数(或回流比以及最小回流比的倍数)、冷凝器与再沸器的工作压强、轻组分与重组分的回收率(可以从产品组成估计)、冷凝器的形式◆输出参数(得到用于详细计算的数据):●实际回流比●实际塔板数(实际回流比和实际塔板数可以从Reflux Ratio Profile 中做图得到)●加料板位置(当加料浓度和此时塔板上液体浓度相当时的塔板)●蒸馏液(馏分)的流量●其他注:以上数据全部是估计得初值,需要按一定的要求进行优化(包括灵敏度以及设计规定的运用),优化主要在RadFrac模型中进行。
2.详细计算◆输入参数:●输入参数主要来自DSTWU中理论计算的数据◆输出参数:●输出的主要是设计板式塔所需要的水力学数据,尺寸数据等其他数据(主要是通过灵敏度分析以及设计规定来实现)3.疑问●在简捷计算中:回收率有时是估计值,它对得到详细计算所需的数据可靠性的影响是不是很大?●在简捷计算中:有多少个变量,又有多少个约束条件?●在简捷计算中:为什么回流比和塔板数有一定的关系?简捷计算(对塔)1.输入数据:●Reflux ratio :-1.5(估计值,一般实际回流比是最小回流比的1.2—2倍)●冷凝器与再沸器的压强:1.013 ,1.123 (压降为0.11bar)●冷凝器的形式:全冷凝(题目要求)、●轻重组分的回收率(塔顶馏出液):0.997 ,0.002 (如果没有给出,可以根据产品组成估计)●分析时,注意Calculation Option 中的设置,来确定最佳回流比以及加料板位置2.输出数据:●Reflux Ratio Profile中得到最佳的回流比与塔板数为:塔板数在45—50中选择,回流比在:0.547 —0.542●选定塔板数为:48,回流比为:0.544●把所选的塔板数回代计算,得到下列用于RadFrac模型计算的数据(见下图):●●从图中可得:实际回流比为:0.545(摩尔比);实际塔板数为:48;加料板位置:33;Distillate to feed fraction :0.578(自己认为是摩尔比,有疑问??);馏出液的流量:11673.5kg/h疑问:进料的流量是怎么确定的,肯定是大于11574kg/h,通过设计规定得到甲醇产量为:11574kg/h(分离要求),求出流量为:16584.0378kg/h。
Aspen 模拟作业

Aspen Plus精馏塔设计算例一、工艺条件及要求甲醇-水精馏塔的工艺流程如图1所示图1 甲醇-水精馏塔工艺流程进料温度65℃,压力110 kPa,进料流率为甲醇45 kmol/h,水90 kmol/h,塔顶为全凝器,塔釜釜式再沸器,实际回流比为最小回流比的1.3倍,塔的操作压力为100 kPa,要求塔顶甲醇的回收率为98.38%,塔顶水的回收率为5.16%。
2.简捷计算利用DSTWU模块对精馏塔进行简捷设计,得到理论板数、实际板数、最小回流比以、实际回流比、进料板等参数,列部分参数于下表1中:表1 简捷计算重要参数3.严格计算选用RadFrac模块(图2),利用简捷计算得到的数据,进行严格计算,得到物流数据表(表2),气液相负荷(图3)、塔分离因子曲线(以水为基准、图4)。
图2 甲醇-水RadFrac模块严格计算流程图图3 塔内气液相负荷表2 物流数据表ratingStream ID BOTTOMS FEED OVERHEAD From RADFRAC RADFRAC To RADFRACPhase LIQUID LIQUID LIQUID Substream: MIXEDMole Flow kmol/hrCH4O .7405939 45.00000 44.25941 H2O 85.38941 90.00000 4.610594 Mole FracCH4O8.59856E-3 .3333333 .9056559 H2O .9914014 .6666667 .0943440 Mass Flow kg/hrCH4O 23.73023 1441.897 1418.167 H2O 1538.314 1621.375 83.06114 Mass FracCH4O .0151917 .4707049 .9446712 H2O .9848082 .5292951 .0553287 Total Flow kmol/hr 86.13000 135.0000 48.87000 Total Flow kg/hr 1562.044 3063.272 1501.228 Total Flow kcum/hr 1.70557E-3 3.65755E-3 1.91910E-3 Temperature C 98.14100 65.00000 40.00000 Pressure kPa 100.0000 110.0000 100.0000 Vapor Frac 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid Frac 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Solid Frac 0.0 0.0 0.0 Enthalpy J/kmol-2.7989E+8-2.6702E+8-2.4163E+8 Enthalpy J/kg-1.5433E+7-1.1768E+7-7.8658E+6 Enthalpy Watt-6.6964E+6-1.0013E+7-3.2801E+6 Entropy J/kmol-K-1.4694E+5-1.7541E+5-2.2681E+5 Entropy J/kg-K -8102.260 -7730.369 -7383.387 Density kmol/cum 50.49917 36.91001 25.46506 Density kg/cum 915.8475 837.5215 782.2562 Average MW 18.13589 22.69091 30.71881 Liq V ol 60F kcum/hr 1.57115E-3 3.43956E-3 1.86841E-3图4 塔分离因子曲线4.浮阀塔板水力学校核水力学校核分两步进行:(1)用Tray Sizing命令计算塔径塔板间距取600 mm,塔板形式为浮阀塔(Nutter Float Valve),计算结果如图5所示,得知塔径为0.64 m图5 塔板尺寸计算结果(2)用Tray Rating命令校核塔板水力学将塔径圆整至700 mm进行计算,溢流堰高度取50 mm,甲醇-水属于不易发泡物系,发泡因子取0.95 ,运行结果如图6-7所示,三个重要的水力学参数在表3中列出。
Aspen plus模拟精馏塔说明书

Aspen plus模拟精馏塔说明书一、设计题目根据以下条件设计一座分离甲醇、水、正丙醇混合物的连续操作常压精馏塔:生产能力:100000吨精甲醇/年;原料组成:甲醇70%w,水%w,丙醇%w;产品组成:甲醇≥%w;废水组成:水≥%w;进料温度:;全塔压降:;所有塔板Murphree 效率。
(1).进料、塔顶产物、塔底产物、侧线出料流量;(2).全塔总塔板数N;最佳加料板位置N F;最佳侧线出料位置N P;(3).回流比R;(4).冷凝器和再沸器温度、热负荷;(5).塔内构件塔板或填料的设计。
三、分析及模拟流程1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解Aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1)生产能力:一年按8000 hr计算,进料流量为100000/(8000*= t/hr。
(3).温度及压降:进料温度:;全塔压降:;所有塔板Murphree 效率。
3.灵敏度分析目的:研究回流比与塔径的关系(N T-R),确定合适的回流比与塔板数;研究加料板位置对产品的影响,确定合适的加料板位置。
方法:作回流比与塔径的关系曲线(N T-R),从曲线上找到期望的回流比及塔板数。
4. 用详细计算模块(RadFrac)进行计算目的:精确计算精馏塔的分离能力和设备参数。
方法:用RadFrac模块进行精确计算,通过设计规定(Design Specs)和变化(Vary)两组对象进行设定,检验计算数据是否收敛,计算出塔径等主要尺寸。
5. 塔板设计目的:通过塔板设计(Tray sizing)计算给定板间距下的塔径。

在“Component ID”中依次输入H2O,AIR,SO2。
选用“R adFrac”严格计算模块里面的“ABSBR1”模型,连接好物料线。
图3-1 水吸收SO2流程图步骤4:设置流股信息。
Calculationtype Equili briumNumber of stages13 Condenser None Reboiler NoneValid Vaporphases -LiquidConvergenc eStandard Feedstage WATE R1GA SIN14 Pressure(kPa) Sta ge 1 101.325表3-1 吸收塔初始参数至此,在不考虑分离要求的情况下,本流程模拟信息初步设定完毕,运行计算,结果如图3-2所示。
Aspen V9-塔内件设计Column internals,塔设计与校核

1. Overview:Use this form to specify tray and/or packing configurations for sizing and rating.Each column internals object represents a complete configuration of trays and/or packing for the column along with specifications for sizing or rating. You can specify a combination or trays and packing in the same configuration.Create multiple internals configurations when you wish to quickly evaluate the performance of column with different internals types. For example, you might wish to compare/evaluate the feasibility of using different tray types (Valve or Sieve) or compare the benefits of using a packed column versus a trayed column.The table displays the following information for each configuration:Each column internals object contains these forms:In the Column Design tab of the ribbon, when results are available you can click Reports to generate a PDF report for the column design, or Export to Vendor to generate files of the column design for vendor packages.2. RadFrac Column Internals sections Form2.1 OverviewRadFrac Column Internals Sections Sections SheetUse this sheet to divide the column into sections. You may use one section for the entire column or split the column into multiple sections, but your sections must not overlap or leave gaps. A complete configuration of column internals must include all stages except the condenser and reboiler, if the column is equipped with these.At the top of the form, the Column description lets you specify a description of up to 128 characters for the entire internals configuration; this is the same description that appears in the Column Internals form. Below this are the following buttons:Specifying SectionsFor each section, specify:∙The start and end stages∙The mode: Interactive sizing or Rating∙Type of internals in this section: Trayed or Packed∙The type of trays or packing∙The number of passes for trays, or the packing vendor, material, and dimension for packing ∙For trays, the spacing between trays, or for packing, the height of packing in the section∙The diameter of the sectionAll of these specifications except the start and end stages can also be made on the Geometry sheet for that section. You must always specify the start and end stages; most other values have defaults:∙In Interactive Sizing mode, defaults are available for all fields except section packed height.∙In Rating mode, defaults are available for all fields except diameter, section packed height (for packing), and downcomer widths and locations (for trays; these must be specified on the Geometry sheet).Overall Column ConfigurationA diagram displays the layout of the column with adjacent sections in alternating colors, showing the locations of feeds, products, pumparounds, and gaps and overlaps between sections. A message at the top right of the sheet indicates where any gaps are located. If the column sections are of different diameters, the sections are depicted with widths proportional to those diameters.Above this diagram, a label indicates whether this column configuration is active (i.e. is selected as the design basis on the Column Internals form).In large columns, when there are multiple feeds, draws, and/or pumparound returns on the same or near stages such that the arrows would overlap, you can hover the mouse over the arrow to see information about the connections there.Pressure Drop SpecificationsIn Rating mode, in the active configuration, you can choose to calculate the pressure drops across the column while material and energy balances are being solved. Below the grid, select:∙Don't update pressure drop: Do not calculate pressure drop. RadFrac uses the pressure specified on the Specifications | Setup | Pressure sheet for all stages.∙Update pressure drop from top stage: The pressure specified for the condenser or top stage is used, and other stage pressures are calculated relative to it.∙Update pressure drop from bottom stage: The pressure specified for the reboiler or bottom stage is used, and other stage pressures are calculated relative to it.By default, the calculated pressure drop across each stage includes the contribution due to static vaporhead, ρv gh where ρv is the vapor mass density, g is gravitational acceleration, and h is the tray spacing (for trays) or the packed height per stage (for packing). Uncheck Include static vapor head in pressure drop calculations to ignore this contribution.SumpRadFrac can optionally calculate the pressure drop across the sump. To do so, specify the diameter of the sump (which defaults to the diameter of the bottom stage) and either the liquid level in the sump or the residence time in the sump.Other FormsEach section has two forms on which you can make detailed specifications and view results:The Hydraulic Plots form also displays plots of results for the entire column configuration, and the ColumnHydraulic Results form displays tabular results for the whole column.2.2 Import Template Dialog BoxSee AlsoUse this dialog box to import previously saved templates (XML files) for column sections.In the Import from box, click and select a template file.Then either click Create new section from imported template, or click Import to section and check the boxes to indicate which existing sections should load the template. All specifications in the existing sections, except for the start and end stages, will be overwritten by the data from the template.Click Import to complete the import.2.3 Export as Template Dialog BoxUse this dialog box to save specifications for a column section as a template (XML file) which can be loaded into other column sections in this or another Aspen Plus file.In the Export section field, select the section to export.In the to File box, click to select a folder for the exported file and type a file name.Click Export to export the file3 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Form3.1 OverviewUse this form to specify the geometry of a column internals section. This form contains the following sheets (though some of them only appear when certain options are selected):3.2 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Geometry SheetUse this sheet to specify:∙Section type: Trayed or Packed∙Mode: Interactive sizing or Rating∙Tray or packing geometryMost fields have default values, though the availability and method of determining defaults depends on mode and section type.At the top, information displayed includes the name of the section, its start and end stages, and whether the column configuration this section is part of is active (i.e. is the selected design basis on the Column Internals form).When you change units for a field on this sheet, the value is updated to display in the new units.Interactive Sizing ModeDefaults for geometry fields are calculated using the design criteria specified on the Design Parameters sheet. Sizing results are based on the stage or tray with the largest liquid volume flow rate; see the Results | By Stage/ByTray sheet to check these flows, if needed.Trays∙Diameter is calculated using the % Jet flood for design (default 80%), the Minimum downcomer area / Total tray area (default 0.1), and the Maximum downcomer loading calculated by the specified method. All of theseare specified on the Design Parameters sheet. Note that weeping is not accounted for in the sizing calculation.See Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for details about this calculation.∙The number of passes is adjusted to satisfy the Maximum weir loading specified onthe Design Parameters sheet. If you specified the diameter, this heuristic is used to determine if an increase inthe number of passes is justified:o Columns of at least 5 foot diameter require at least 2 passes.o Columns of at least 8 foot diameter require at least 3 passes.o Columns of at least 10 foot diameter require 4 passes.∙For multi-pass trays, the downcomer locations are adjusted based on an equal flow path length design.Packing∙Diameter is calculated using the selected sizing criterion (either % Approach to maximum capacity (L/V) or Design capacity factor) specified on the Design Parameters sheet. The default is an approach tomaximum capacity of 80%Notes:∙In Interactive Sizing mode, calculated defaults for values such as diameter will change when the vapor-liquid traffic in the column changes. If you overwrite calculated defaults for geometry parameters, those values will NOT change when vapor-liquid traffic in the column changes.∙Interactive Sizing mode cannot be used if the column is specified as Rate-Based. To calculate the internals geometry for a Rate-Based Column, please do the following:1.Set the Calculation Type to Equilibrium on the Setup | Configuration sheet2.Create Column Internals and calculate geometry in Interactive Sizing mode.3.Change the internals mode to Rating.4.Change the Calculation Type to Rate-Based on the Setup | Configuration sheet.∙When you switch from Interactive Sizing to Rating, the calculated values of Diameter, Downcomer Widths, and Downcomer Locations will be retained and appear as defaults (blue italics). If you clear or delete these values in Rating mode, the simulation will become incomplete. You can specify your own values, or switch back to Interactive Sizing and back to Rating again to populate these fields and make the simulation complete.Rating ModeDefaults are available for all fields except diameter and (for trays) the downcomer width and locations.Note: In Rating mode, diameter and other geometry will NOT change when vapor-liquid traffic in the column changes. Deleting the diameter and other geometry-related fields will cause the simulation to becomeincomplete.Trayed SectionsFor each tray section, the following specifications are available:Calculated by Aspen Plus for sieve trays. To achieve a desired number of holes, set the Hole area/active area to where active areais the cross-sectional area of the column () minus the areas at the top and bottom of all downcomers (or just minus the top areas of downcomers if Active area under downcomer is checked). To compute downcomer areas, see Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations.Packed SectionsSpecify packing geometry in three steps, as labeled in the diagram:1.Choose the packing type. The options available in the Packing characteristics section update based on theselected packing type.2.Specify the specific packing by choosing a Vendor, Material, and Dimension. Also specify the diameter ofthe packed section. If the packing factor for the selected packing is available in the database, it is filled in. Forsome vendors, it is locked and cannot be changed. If you choose a GPDC-based Pressure drop calculationmethod on the Design Parameters sheet, and Packing factor is missing for the selected packing, you mustspecify it.If you have loaded a simulation from a past version, you can use Update Parameters to compare the packingparameters in the current version with those used when you saved your simulation.3.Specify either the height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) or the height of the entire section. If youspecify the height of the entire section, Aspen Plus divides that equally over the stages to determine the HETP.3.3 Update Packing Parameters Dialog BoxSee AlsoPacking Types and Packing FactorsUse this dialog box to selectively update packing parameters from past simulations to the values from the newpacking database.At the top of the dialog box are the packing specifications for the packed column section from which you launchedthis dialog box. Below this, the parameters for this packing appear in three columns. The Current Value columnshows the value now used in your simulation, regardless of its source. The Database Value column shows the valuein the selected database (usually the latest one; you can select the database on the Setup | Calculation Options |Calculations sheet), or blank if there is no value in the database for this parameter.You can select the checkboxes in the Update column to indicate that you want to use the database value instead ofthe current value. For the Stichlmair C1, C2, and C3 parameters there is a single Update checkbox that applies to allthree parameters. You can click Select All to automatically mark all checkboxes, Clear All to clear all of them,or Select Valid Database Values to automatically mark all checkboxes for parameters where the database has avalue.Select Save database values as user entered if you want to preserve the values you update as if you had enteredthem. If this option is not selected, values updated from the database are not saved with the simulation; if the selected database is Latest, this will cause the parameters to be automatically updated in future versions of Aspen Plus.When you click OK, the database values for parameters where you have marked Update overwrite the onespreviously specified.Note: In Aspen Plus 2006 and previous versions, the packing parameters were always saved with the simulation,and it is impossible to distinguish these from user-entered values.3.4 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Picketed/Swept-Back Weirs SheetSee AlsoWhen Picketed or Swept-back weirs are selected as Weir Modifications on the Geometry sheet, use this sheet to specify geometry parameters specific to those weir types. This sheet only appears in tray sections with picketed or swept-back weirs.Picketed WeirsUse picketed weirs increase the weir loading for 1-pass trays, or balance the weir loading for multi-pass trays. Picketed weirs have "pickets" which rise up above the top of the weir, effectively blocking part of the weir length. The picketing fraction represents the fraction of the weir length which is blocked in this way. The effective weir length which liquid flows over is reduced by the picketing fraction, which increases the weir loading.In Rating mode, the default picketing fraction is 0 for all weirs.In Interactive Sizing mode, the default picketing fraction is calculated in one of these ways:∙For 1-pass trays, if the weir loading for the unpicketed weir is greater than the Minimum weirloading specified on the Design Parameters sheet, the default picketing fraction is 0. Otherwise, the default picketing fraction is calculated based on the extent of picketing required to raise the minimum weir loading to the specified weir loading:∙For multi-pass trays, the default picketing fractions for center and off-center weirs are calculated based on the extent of picketing required to make the weir loading equal across all weirs. The side weir defaults to 0 picketing fraction.The weir length and weir loading for each section are also shown, for reference.Swept-Back WeirsUse swept-back weirs to increase the effective length of the side weirs and decrease the weir loading.Three different shapes for swept-back weirs are available, corresponding with designs offered in vendor programs SulCol, KG-Tower, and FRI. Choose one of these shapes, and then specify the geometry parameters in the diagram.∙SulCol: Specify lengths A, B, and S, which define the size and shape of the swept-back portion of the weir.In Interactive sizing mode, if the loading of the side weir exceeds the Maximum weir loading specified onthe Design Parameters sheet, S is calculated to ensure that the effective weir loading of the swept back weirequals the maximum weir loading. This effective weir loading is calculated as:The default for A is 2/3 of the width of the side downcomer, and the default for B is 2/3 of A.∙KG-Tower: Specify the depth from the main part of the weir at the point where it is most swept back. Theother geometry parameters are defined relative to this.The default for this depth is calculated in the same way as the default for S in the Sulcol weir.∙FRI: Specify the lengths of the three different segments of the weir.The defaults are calculated in the same was as the default for S in the Sulcol weir.The following results are displayed on this sheet:∙The tray with maximum weir loading∙The maximum weir loading for this tray∙The maximum allowable weir loading (from the Design Parameters sheet)∙Actual side weir length of swept-back weir∙Effective (or projected) side weir length of the swept-back weir∙The percentage of tray active area lost due to the swept-back weirs3.5 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Design Parameters SheetUse this sheet to specify design parameters in Rating mode for both tray and packing sections. The parametersavailable are different for tray and packing sections, but include pressure drop and flooding parameters in both cases.Tray ParametersSizing CriterionHydraulic plots / LimitsThese parameters are only used in the user interface for determining the limits in hydraulic plots. They are not available in the engine and cannot be accessed by design specs, calculators, and the like.Design factorsCalculation methodsPacking ParametersSizing criterionDesign factorsHydraulic plot / Pressure dropThese parameters are only used in the user interface for determining the limits in hydraulic plots. They are not available in the engine and cannot be accessed by design specs, calculators, and the like.Hydraulic limits for column targetingReferencesResetarits, M.R. and Ogundeji, A.Y. "On Distillation Tray Weir Loading." AIChE Spring National Meeting, Tampa, FL (April 26-30, 2009).3.6 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Packing Constants SheetThis sheet only appears in packed sections.Use this sheet to specify Specific surface area and Void fraction for packings. These parameters are used in many pressure drop/flood correlations for packings.In addition, you can specify other parameters needed to calculate pressure drop and liquid holdup only when youspecify the Stichlmair method on the Design Parameters or Sizing Parameters sheet.These parameters apply only to sections with Packing. The databank contains defaults for these parameters for many packings, which are filled in automatically when available. Use this sheet to override the databank values or supply missing values.3.7 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Geometry Tray Geometry Summary SheetThis sheet only appears in tray sections.Use this sheet to view a summary of the dimensions of each tray, including the active area and area for eachdowncomer (for tray sections only). The first table displays properties which apply to entire trays, such as trayspacing and deck thickness. The second table displays weir and downcomer properties which may be set differently for downcomers in different positions on multiple-pass trays.For details about these calculations, see Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations.4 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Results Form4.1 OverviewUse this form to view the results for a section. This form contains the following sheets:4.2 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Results Summary SheetUse this sheet to view overall tray or packing rating results for a section. For detailed results for individual stages, see the By Stage/By Tray sheet.Trayed SectionsThe following results are shown for a trayed section:∙Starting and ending stages of the section∙Tray type∙Number of tray passes∙Tray spacing∙Diameter of the section∙Height of the section∙Pressure drop across the section. Includes static vapor head if the option to do so is selected.∙Head loss across the section, in inches of hot liquid∙List of trays affected by weepingThe Limiting conditions table shows key results that can help to identify trays in the column that might be operating close to or outside acceptable limits. The following results are shown. For each condition, in addition to the value, the tray where the maximum occurs is listed. For loadings, the downcomer or weir where the maximum occurs isalso listed.∙Maximum % jet flood∙Maximum % downcomer backup (aerated)∙Maximum downcomer loading∙Maximum weir loading∙Maximum aerated height over weir∙Maximum % approach to system limit∙Maximum Cs based on bubbling (active) areaPacked SectionsThe following results are shown for a packed section:∙Starting and ending stages of the section∙Diameter of the section∙Packed height per stage∙Total height of the section∙Maximum % capacity (at constant L/V) in the section∙Maximum capacity factor in the section∙Pressure drop across the section. Includes static vapor head if the option to do so is selected.∙Average pressure drop / Height∙Average pressure drop / Height (Frictional). This is the average pressure drop per unit packing height excluding the contribution from static vapor head.∙Maximum stage liquid holdup∙Maximum stage superficial velocity in the section∙Surface area of the packing∙V oid fraction of the packing∙Stichlmair constants for the packingFor information about the methods used to calculate some of these packing results, see Packed Columns.Rate-Based designFor both trays and packing, the Calculated diameter appears if the column is Rate-Based (Calculationtype on Specifications | Setup | Configuration sheet) and Design mode to calculate column diameter is checked on the Rate-Based Modeling | Rate-based Setup | Design sheet, showing the result of that design calculation.4.3 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Results By Stage/By Tray SheetThis is called the By Stage sheet for packed sections and the By Tray sheet for tray sections.Use this sheet to view stage-by-stage results for tray and packing rating calculations. For each stage in this section, many results are shown. Use the View field to select which results are shown (selecting All shows all of theseresults):Hydraulic resultsFor trays, these results are shown.∙Percent Jet flood∙Total pressure drop: The sum of dry pressure drop, clear liquid height on the tray, and any residual pressuredrop terms that might apply.∙Percent Downcomer backup (Aerated): Downcomer backup (aerated liquid) divided by the total of trayspacing and weir height, expressed as a percentage∙Dry pressure drop: Average pressure drop for a tray when the liquid flow is zero. This is reported in bothpressure drop units and equivalent liquid head units.∙Total pressure drop (Head loss): Same as Total pressure drop, reported in head units.∙Downcomer backup: Average height of aerated liquid and of unaerated liquid in the downcomers.∙Percent Downcomer backup (Unaerated): Downcomer backup (unaerated liquid) divided by the total of tray spacing and weir height, expressed as a percentage∙Liquid mass rate/Column area∙Liquid volume rate/Column area∙Fs (net area):∙Fs (bubbling or active area):∙Cs (net area):∙Cs (bubbling or active area):∙Downcomer exit velocity for each downcomer type (depending on number of tray passes)∙Approach to system limit (as a percentage)∙Height over weir (of aerated and unaerated liquid)∙For each downcomer type (depending on number of tray passes):o Volumeo Residence timeo Velocity from topo Velocity from bottomFor packed sections, the results are:∙Packed height∙Percent capacity (based on constant L/V ratio or constant liquid rate)∙Pressure drop (includes static head if this option is selected)∙Pressure drop per height (Frictional). Does not include static head contribution.∙Liquid holdup∙Liquid velocity∙Fs∙Cs∙Approach to system limitHydraulic results-ShortThis provides a summary of just the key results for each tray/stage. The results include:∙Percent jet flood (trays only)∙Total pressure drop (trays only)∙Percent downcomer backup (aerated) (trays only)∙Percent capacity at constant L/V (packing only)∙Pressure drop per height (Frictional) (packing only)∙Liquid mass flow (liquid from stage, including any liquid draw from the stage)∙Vapor mass flow (vapor to stage)∙Liquid mass density∙Vapor mass density∙Liquid viscosity∙Vapor viscosity∙Surface tensionState conditionsAll liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a stage/tray and include any liquid draw from the stage/tray. All vapor results apply to vapor entering a stage/tray.∙Liquid temperature∙Vapor temperature∙Liquid mass flow∙Vapor mass flow∙Liquid volume flow∙Vapor volume flowPhysical propertiesAll liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a stage/tray. All vapor results apply to vapor entering a stage/tray.∙Liquid molecular weight∙Vapor molecular weight∙Liquid mass density∙Vapor mass density∙Liquid viscosity∙Vapor viscosity∙Surface tension (for liquid leaving a stage/tray)4.4 RadFrac Column Internals Sections Results Messages SheetSee AlsoThis sheet displays messages related to column behavior. These messages appear next to an icon indicating theseverity of the message:∙Message: This indicates potentially useful information, such as general design guidelines which are violated, which do not necessarily indicate a problem.∙Warning: This indicates a problem which may cause operational issues with the column.∙Error: This indicates a problem which will almost certainly prevent proper operation of the column.5 RadFrac Column Internals Hydraulic Plots FormUse this form to view hydraulic operating diagrams for the column. These results are only available for trays; inmixed tray/packed columns, blanks will appear for stages in packed sections. Hydraulic plots are also not available for sections where jet flooding or pressure drop is calculated by a user subroutine.Column DiagramAt the left, a column diagram appears. There are three different views of the column available through tabs at the top.∙Stages depicts the sections in proportion to their diameter, and indicates the locations of feeds and products.You can hover the mouse over any of these arrows to see a tooltip indicating the connected stream(s).∙Vapor depicts the stages as bars indicating the stable range for the vapor flow rate on each stage. This bar is colored blue if the flow rate is in the stable region, yellow if it is near a stability limit (within a range specified by Warning status (% to limit) on the Design Parameters sheet), and red if the flow is outside the stable region (using other limits defined on that sheet). A dot indicates the current operating point.∙Liquid does the same for the liquid flow rates, including the colors.On this diagram, five stages are surrounded by a box; small diagrams for each of these stages are shown at the bottom of the form in the Carousel. You can also click any stage to center the carousel on the stage and display the stability diagram for that stage.Downcomer Loading and Weir LoadingIf the selected stage is a tray, these diagrams appear below the column diagram. The Downcomer Loading diagram shows a bar chart of the downcomer loadings (for each downcomer in multiple-pass trays). Downcomer loading is volumetric flow per time per cross-sectional downcomer area. The Weir Loading shows a bar chart of the weir loadings (for each weir in multiple-pass trays). The minimum and maximum acceptable weir loadings, taken either from specified values or Aspen Plus defaults, are shown as horizontal lines across the bar chart. Weir loading is volumetric flow of liquid over the weir per time per length of weir. For 3 and 4 pass trays, thelabels OCIn and OCOut stand for the off-center inside weir (the weir on the off-center downcomer for the panel toward the center of the column) and the off-center outside weir.Stability DiagramTrays。

图3-1 催化分馏系统模拟计算流程图FEED进分馏塔油汽; SS塔底汽提蒸汽;GAS塔顶气;COIL轻柴油,SS1柴油汽提蒸汽;HOIL回炼油;YJ油浆;二、需要输入的主要参数1、装置进料数据2、单元操作参数3、设计规定及模拟技巧三、软件版本采用ASPEN PLUS 软件12.1版本永磁交流伺服电机位置反馈传感器检测相位与电机磁极相位的对齐方式2008-11-07 来源:internet 浏览:504主流的伺服电机位置反馈元件包括增量式编码器,绝对式编码器,正余弦编码器,旋转变压器等。
增量式编码器的相位对齐方式在此讨论中,增量式编码器的输出信号为方波信号,又可以分为带换相信号的增量式编码器和普通的增量式编码器,普通的增量式编码器具备两相正交方波脉冲输出信号A和B,以及零位信号Z;带换相信号的增量式编码器除具备ABZ 输出信号外,还具备互差120度的电子换相信号UVW,UVW各自的每转周期数与电机转子的磁极对数一致。
Aspen Plus应用塔设备设计

3.1 建立工艺流程图
DUPL:复制器 将一股物流复制成 完全相同的多股物流
无需重复输入 外部物流数据
3.1 建立工艺流程图 点击这两个按钮中的 一个进行数据输入
3.2 模块数据输入
(1)为了减少 对新严格精 馏计算的干 扰,将T1和 已有的灵敏 度分析都 Deactivate
通过Tray Sizing的New按钮新建一个设计表项
Tray Sizing计算结果
Tray Rating计算
Tray Rating计算结果
• 在Aspen Plus的单位可以按 3 个不同的级别定义: 1. 全局级 (在Setup Specifications Global 页面上的“输入 数据”和“输出数据”域 ) 2. 对象级 (在一个对象,诸如单元模块和物流的任意输入表 页顶部的“Units” 域 3. 域级
点Next键开始 灵敏度分析计算 点击此项自动 填入所有表项
a.定义X轴数据 左键选取RR这 一列数据 在菜单栏上选 取
PlotX-Axis Variable
回流比 R=1.3 理论板数 N=20 进料板 NF=15 采出率 D/F=0.2458 (mole比)

记住:你是工艺设计者,没有 aspen 你必须知道计算过程及方法,能将塔设计出来,这是你经过课程学习应该具有的能力,理论上讲也是进入毕业设计的前提。
只是设计过程中将复杂的计算过程交给 aspen 完成, aspen 只替你计算,不能替你完成你的设计。
板式塔工艺计算步骤1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解 aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1) 组份分割,确定是否为清晰分割;(2)估计塔顶与塔底的组成。
得出结果:理论塔板数、实际板数、加料板位置、回流比,蒸发率等等 RadFarce 所需要的所有数据。


Aspen plus模拟甲醇、水精馏塔设计说明书一、设计题目根据以下条件设计一座分离甲醇、水混合物的连续操作常压精馏塔:生产能力:24500吨精甲醇/年;原料组成:甲醇50%w,水50%w;产品组成:塔顶甲醇质量分率≥94%w;塔底甲醇质量分率 1 %w;进料温度:350.5K;塔顶压力常压;进料状态饱和液体。
(1).进料、塔顶产物、塔底产物;(2).全塔总塔板数N;最佳加料板位置N F;(3).回流比R;(4).冷凝器和再沸器温度、热负荷;(5).塔内构件塔板或填料的设计。
三、分析及模拟流程1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解 Aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1)生产能力:一年按300天计算,进料流量为24500/(300*24)=3.40278 t/hr。
(2)原料、塔顶与塔底的组成(题中已给出):原料组成:甲醇50%w,水50%w;产品:塔顶甲醇≥94%w;塔底甲醇《1% w。
3.灵敏度分析目的:研究回流比与理论板数的关系(N T-R),确定合适的回流比与塔板数;研究加料板位置对产品的影响,确定合适的加料板位置。
方法:作回流比与理论塔板数的关系曲线(N T-R),从曲线上找到期望的回流比及塔板数。
4. 用详细计算模块(RadFrac)进行计算目的:精确计算精馏塔的分离能力和设备参数。
方法:用RadFrac模块进行精确计算,通过设计规定(Design Specs)和变化(Vary)两组对象进行设定,检验计算数据是否收敛,计算出塔径等主要尺寸。
5. 塔板设计目的:通过塔板设计(Tray sizing)计算给定板间距下的塔径。

该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(Advanc ed System for Proces s Engine ering,简称ASPE N),并于1981年底完成。
1982年为了将其商品化,成立了Asp enTec h公司,并称之为As pen Plus。
全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Plus 的用户。
1.2.1 精馏塔的分类气-液传质设备主要分为板式塔和填料塔两大类。
Aspen Plus应用塔设备设计

3.1 建立工艺流程图
• (1)在工艺流程窗口插入RadFrac模块
• (2)用Manipulators的Dupl模块复制T1 进料流股作为RadFrac进料
• (3)连接RadFrac模块各流股
• 选中T1进料T1F,右键,选取 Reconnect Destination
达不到分离效果 可用设计规定来优化
(2)Design Spec设计规定
塔顶采出甲醇纯度 达到要求
(2)Design Spec设计规定
塔顶温度为58.6℃ 可考虑通过降低塔顶压力 使塔顶温度降低至45℃左 右,从而降低能耗
通过Tray Sizing的New按钮新建一个设计表项
• 左键选取RR这 一列数据
• 在菜单栏上选 取
PlotX-Axis Variable
• 左键选取 NSTAGE这一列 数据
• 在菜单栏上选 取

1引言1.1ASPEN PLUS概述Aspen Plus是大型通用流程模拟系统,源于美国能源部七十年代后期在麻省理工学院(MIT)组织的会战,开发新型第三代流程模拟软件。
该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,简称ASPEN),并于1981年底完成。
1982年为了将其商品化,成立了AspenTech公司,并称之为Aspen Plus。
全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Plus 的用户。
1.2.1 精馏塔的分类气-液传质设备主要分为板式塔和填料塔两大类。
Aspen-Plus应用塔设备设计课件 (一)

Aspen-Plus应用塔设备设计课件 (一)Aspen-Plus应用塔设备设计课件是针对化工专业的一门课程,由美国斯坦福大学开发并推广。
Aspen plus模拟精馏塔说明书.

Aspen plus模拟精馏塔说明书一、设计题目根据以下条件设计一座分离甲醇、水、正丙醇混合物的连续操作常压精馏塔:生产能力:100000吨精甲醇/年;原料组成:甲醇70%w,水28.5%w,丙醇1.5%w;产品组成:甲醇≥99.9%w;废水组成:水≥99.5%w;进料温度:323.15K;全塔压降:0.011MPa;所有塔板Murphree 效率0.35。
(1).进料、塔顶产物、塔底产物、侧线出料流量;(2).全塔总塔板数N;最佳加料板位置N F;最佳侧线出料位置N P;(3).回流比R;(4).冷凝器和再沸器温度、热负荷;(5).塔内构件塔板或填料的设计。
三、分析及模拟流程1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解 Aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1)生产能力:一年按8000 hr计算,进料流量为100000/(8000*0.7)=17.86 t/hr。
(3).温度及压降:进料温度:323.15K;全塔压降:0.011MPa;所有塔板Murphree 效率0.35。
3.灵敏度分析目的:研究回流比与塔径的关系(N T-R),确定合适的回流比与塔板数;研究加料板位置对产品的影响,确定合适的加料板位置。
方法:作回流比与塔径的关系曲线(N T-R),从曲线上找到期望的回流比及塔板数。
4. 用详细计算模块(RadFrac)进行计算目的:精确计算精馏塔的分离能力和设备参数。
方法:用RadFrac模块进行精确计算,通过设计规定(Design Specs)和变化(Vary)两组对象进行设定,检验计算数据是否收敛,计算出塔径等主要尺寸。
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记住:你是工艺设计者,没有aspen 你必须知道计算过程及方法,能将塔设计出来,这是你经过课程学习应该具有的能力,理论上讲也是进入毕业设计的前提。
只是设计过程中将复杂的计算过程交给aspen 完成,aspen 只替你计算,不能替你完成你的设计。
板式塔工艺计算步骤1.物料衡算(手算)目的:求解aspen 简捷设计模拟的输入条件。
内容:(1) 组份分割,确定是否为清晰分割;(2)估计塔顶与塔底的组成。
得出结果:理论塔板数、实际板数、加料板位置、回流比,蒸发率等等RadFarce 所需要的所有数据。
4. 用DSTWU再次计算目的:求解aspen塔详细计算所需要的输入参数。
得出结果:加料板位置、回流比,蒸发率等等RadFarce 所需要的所有数据。
5. 用详细计算模块(RadFrace)进行初步设计计算目的:得出结构初步设计数据。
方法:用RadFrace 模块的Tray Sizing(填料塔用PAking Sizing),利用第4步(DSTWU)得出的数据进行精确设计计算。
6. 核算目的:确定工艺计算的最后结果。
方法:对第 5 步的计算结果(如:塔径等)按设计规范要求进行必要的圆整,用RateFrace 或RateFrace 模块的Tray Rating(填料塔用PAking Sizing),对塔进行设计核算。
工艺计算说明书内容要求1.给出aspen 每步输入参数(除给定的设计条件外)和选项的依据。
3.给出运算结果(表格)注意:(1)不是生成的计算结果画面,而是生成的表格,最好是Excel 的,然后插入说明中时要对其进行必要的编辑,比如,分子式的角标的写法等。
下面的给出利用RatdFrace 做吸收塔设计的3种的计算路线,仅供设计参考,当然你可能有更好的设计方法。
填料吸收塔工艺计算步骤方案一:用RadFrace计算1.吸收剂用量的初步估算(手算)目的:为RateFrace 计算填料高度准备数据。
2.确定理论板数(手算)目的:为RadFrace 详细设计计算准备数据(RadFrace 模型需要理论平衡级数)。
3.用RateFrace 模块确定填料高度目的:为RadFrace 详细设计计算提供数据。
4.用RadFrace 模块详细设计计算5.核算该方案手算内容较多。
方案二:用RateFrace计算1.吸收剂用量的初步估算(手算)目的:为RateFrace 计算填料高度准备数据。
2. 初步计算填料高度估算一塔径,用RateFrace 模块的设计规定,初步计算填料高度。
方案三:用RateFrace和RadFrace结合计算1.吸收剂用量的初步估算(手算)2. 确定平衡级数用RateFrace 模块的设计规定,计算填料高度H 和等板高度HEPT。
进而得到理论板数NT=H / HEPT。
3.用RadFrace 进行初步设计4.用RadFrace 进行最后核算1. 如用何用DSTUW 和RadFRac 进行精馏塔模拟计算经过简单的训练,初学都便能够用DSTUW 和RadFRac 进行塔模拟计算,似乎会用aspen做塔的设计和操作模拟了。
如可用DSTUW 和RadFRac完成一个塔的设计,或对一个已知的塔进行模拟,需要有清晰的过程思路,这样才能用好模拟软件。
使用DSTUW 和RadFRac塔单元模块,首先我们应该知道模块能做什么?然后知道如何用它做我们想做的事?需要输入那些参数?在有aspen之前你首先回答不用aspen你能不能做塔设计?如果答案是肯定的,那就可以往下用aspen了,否则先进搞清楚精馏塔的设计原理与方法,再来研究如何用aspen做精馏模拟。
板式塔通过对TraySizing 设置实现,填料通过对PackingSizing设置实现。
综上内容,我们知道完成一个塔的设计计算,可以按下面步骤进行(1)简捷计算(DSTUW)(2)详细计算(RadFRac),将计算结果与DSTUW 对比,相差不是很大。
(3)结构计算(RadFRac TrayRsting 或RadFRac PackingRating)输入塔盘或填料必要的参数。
(4)核算(RadFRac Tray Sizing 或RadFRac Packing Sizing)上面计算圆整后做最后的计算。
2.如何用Aspen 的RateRac 做吸收塔设计计算填料吸收塔与精馏比具有一定的挑战性,因为它没有太固定的计算模式。
和RadFrace 一样,RateRac 允许进行设计模式和核算模式操作。
首先我们要知道如何用RateFrac 进行设计计算?RateRac用于吸收塔设计模式可以用Block Dsign Spes 规定设计参数(例如纯度或回收率);用Packing Specification 定义填料结构。
但如果将填料高度做为设计规定的操作变量,RateFrace 会按设计规定搜索填料高度,计算结束后,用计算得到的填料高度值改写初值。
(2)吸收剂量:至于吸收剂量,我们可以将它作为与设计规定相对应的可控制操作变量,给出它的调整范围,RateFrac 就会给出满足设计规定的吸收剂用量。
进行吸收塔设计的步骤是什么?知道了上面的方法,我们如着手进行设计模拟呢?Aspen 用于吸收模拟有两个模块:核算模块(Packing Rating)、设计模块(Packing Sizing)。
(2)Packing Sizing 模块进行设计计算,在这里除了要定义填料的类型与尺寸以外,还要定义填料段数、填料高度。
段数(Packing Segment):将填料划为几段计算,它即不是平衡级数,也不是实际段数。