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周晶晶1981.04 博士讲师团队成员

潘毅1985.10 博士讲师团队成员

储塵1976.05 硕士讲师团队成员

李欢1983.05 博士副教授团队成员






人才建设方面,龚政获得江苏特聘教授;陈永平获得江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人以及获得欧盟Erasmus Mu ndus项目高级访问学者。

通过建设,本年度主持国家自然科学基金3项、国家重点研发项目子课题1 项、江苏省自然科学基金1项。





1. XU Z S, CHENY P*, TAOJ F, PAN Y, ZHANGC K, LI C W. Modelling of a non-buoyant vertical jet in

waves and currents. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2016, 28(5):

778-793 (SCI) .

2. Pan, Y. *, Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., Chen, Y.P., 2016. New Understanding on the Distribution of

Individual Wave Overtopping Volumes over a Levee under Negative Freeboard. Journal of Coastal

Research, SI (75), 1207-1211. (SCI)

3. Xu, C., Dong, P. *, 2016. An application of two-phase 1DV model in studying sedimentary processes on

an erosional mudflat at Yangtze River Delta, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. DOI 10.1007/s11707-016-0604-1 (SCI)

4. Li, J. X., Chen, Y. P.* ,Pan, S. Q., Pan Y., Fang, J. Y., Derrick, M. A. S.,

Estimation of mean and extreme Waves in the East China Seas, Applied Ocean

Research, 2016, 56: 35 —47. (SCI)

5. Chen, Y. P., Li, J. X., Wu, Z. G. and Pan, S. Dynamic analysis of riverbed

evolution: Chengtong reach of Yangtze estuary, Journal of Coastal Research, 2016,

75(SI): 203-207. (SCI)

6. Li J. X., Chen, Y. P.* and Pan, S. Modelling of extreme wave climate in China Seas, Journal of Coastal

Research, 2016, 75(SI): 522-526. (SCI)

7. Ding, X. L., Chen, Y. P.*, Pan, Y., Reeve, D. Fast ensemble forecast of storm surge along the coast of

China, Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 1077-1081. (SCI)

8. Fang, J.Y, Chen, Y. P. *, Yao, P., Su. M. Effective roughness height in high-concentrated flows, Journal

of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 53-57.


9. XUZ S, CHENY P*, TAOJ F, PANY, SOWAD, LI C W. Three-dimensional flow structure of a non-buoyant

jet in a wave-current coexisting environment. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 116: 42-54(SCI).

10. Zhang, Q.; Gong, Z. ; Zhang, C.K., Townend, I., Jin, C., Li,H. Velocity and sediment surge: What do we

see at times of very shallow water on intertidal mudflats? Continental Shelf Research, 2016, 113: 10-20.

11. Zhang, Q.; Gong, Z. ; Zhang, C.K., Zhou, Z.,Townend, I. Hydraulic and Sediment Dynamics at times of

Very Shallow Water on Intertidal Mudflats: The Contribution of Waves. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, SI 75: 507-511.

12. Zhang, W.Y., Gong, Z. , Zhang, C.K., Tan, W. Response of nearshore circulation

outside Yangtze Estuary to El Ni?o events. Water Science and Engineering, 2016,

9(2): 145-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.wse.2016.02.004


1. Xu, Z. S., Dreier, N., Chen ,Y. P.*, Fr ?hle, P. and Xie, D. M. On the long-term changes of extreme wave

events at the GermanBaltic Sea coast, Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 962-966.
