10.2.2 测试时,在KSD系列温度测试仪上设定产品的动作温度下限、动作温度下限、复位温度 上限、复位温度下限、升温速率、降温速率等测试参数,启动测试键,仪器自动按预先设 定的程序运行,在动作温度下限值再低 5℃,开始温度平衡后以小于 1℃/min 的升温速率对 检测炉内的温控器进行加温,要确保测温炉鼓风机工作进行空气搅伴,使温度分布均匀, 测试夹具上的温度传感器尽可能靠近被测产品。测试复位温度时,在炉温降至复位温度上 限值再高 5℃时保温,温度平衡后再以 1℃/min 的降温速率降温。
该系列温控器适用于装在家用和类似用途单相交流额定电压不大于 250V;额定电流不大于 10A;
交流额定电压不大于 125V;额定电流不大于 16A 的温度控制器具.
2 引用标准
VC-01-Kit 规格书说明书
![VC-01-Kit 规格书说明书](
VC-01-Kit规格书V1.0.0VC- -Kit规格书版本V . .版权 ©文件履历表目录1.产品概述 (4)1.1.特性 (5)2.主要参数 (6)2.1.静电要求 (6)2.2.电气特性 (7)2.3.功耗 (7)3.外观尺寸 (8)4.指示灯及按键说明 (9).管脚定义 (10).原理图 (12).产品相关型号 (13)8.固件烧录方式说明 (13)9.产品包装信息 (14)10.联系我们 (14)免责申明和版权公告 (15)注意 (15)1.产品概述VC-01-Kit是针对VC-01模组设计的开发板,该底板与VC-02-Kit共用。
US516P6芯片采用32bit RSIC架构内核,并加入了专门针对信号处理和语音识别所需要的DSP指令集,支持浮点运算的FPU运算单元,以及FFT加速器。
图1US516P6芯片架构图1.1.特性内核32bit RISC内核,运行频率240MHz支持DSP指令集以及FPU浮点运算单元FFT加速器:最大支持1024点复数FFT/IFFT运算,或者是2048点的实数FFT/IFFT 运算云知声定制化语音算法算子存储内置242KB高速SRAM内置2MB FLASH音频输入输出灵活配置支持 . / . / . V IO支持1路模拟Mic输入,SNR≥94db支持双声道DAC输出支持中英文语音指令供电和时钟支持5V电源输入内置5V转3.3V,3.3V转1.2V LDO为芯片供电RC 12MHz时钟源和PLL锁相环时钟源内置POR(Power on Reset),低电压检测和看门狗外设所有GPIO均可配置为外部中断输入和唤醒源1个全双工UART最高速率3Mbps。
贝尔赛克TS1013M半导体指纹模组具有耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐静电等优势,还特别集成BioSec 自行开发的第9代指纹识别算法芯片,该算法在行业内处于领先地位,各项性能指标均优于同类产品。
1.2产品外观图1.2.1 产品外观1.3产品结构尺寸图1.3.1 产品结构尺寸2技术指标3产品介绍TS1013M系列半导体指纹模组使用TS1013M系列半导体指纹传感器搭载图正TA0702指纹处理芯片,完成指纹的采集、比对以及相关的扩展功能。
高精度电流传感器规格书RIT 01深圳市航智精密电子有限公司RIT01 剩余电流传感器多点零磁通技术系统应用于现有高精度直流传感器技术之上,激励磁通闭环控制技术、自激磁通门技术及多闭环控制技术相结合,实现了对激励磁通、直流磁通、交流磁通的零磁通闭环控制,并通过构建高频纹波感应通道实现了对高频纹波的检测,从而使传感器在全带宽范围内拥有比较高的增益和测量精度。
产品图片核心技术性能特点◇激励磁通闭环控制技术◇原、副边隔离测量◇自激退磁技术◇出色的线性度和准确度◇多点零磁通技术◇极低的温漂◇多级量程自动切换技术◇极低的零漂◇温控补偿技术◇强抗电磁干扰能力◇宽频带和低响应时间应用领域◇工业控制◇医疗设备◇铁路◇电力、电网◇电测仪器仪表◇新能源电气性能项目符号测试条件最小值标称最大值单位原边额定电流I PN—0 0.1 — A 原边过载电流I P——200% I PN— A 工作电压V C—±14.2 ±15 ±15.8 V 功耗电流I PWR—±30 mA 输出电压V SN0 ±2 —V精度测量项目符号测试条件最小值标称最大值单位精准度X G输入直流,额定量程——0.2 % 线性度εL全范围——0.2 % 零点电压I OT全温度范围——±10 mV 反应时间t r上升至90%I PN—— 2 us 频带宽度(-3dB) F —0 —100 kHz安全特性项目符号测试条件数值单位隔离电压/ 原边与副边之间Vd 50Hz,1min 5 KV瞬态隔离耐压/ 原边与副边之间Vw 50us 10 KV爬电距离/ 原边与外壳之间dCp —11 mm电气间隙距离/ 原边与外壳之间dCi —11 mm 相比漏电起痕指数CTI IEC-60112 275 V一般特性项目符号测试条件最小标称最大单位工作温度范围T A—-40 —+85 ºC存储温度范围T S—-55 —+95 ºC相对湿度RH —20 80 —质量M ——350±10 —g运行状态说明◇正常运行时,绿灯常亮:设备上电后,当设备正常工作时,绿色指示灯常亮,D-Sub9接口的第3脚和第8脚导通。
Absolute Maximum Ratings and Characteristics
Ratings at 25 OC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%. Parameter Symbols GS1A GS1B GS1D GS1G GS1J GS1K GS1M Units Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current at TL = 110 OC Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC Method) Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 1A Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage Typical Junction Capacitance Typical Thermal Resistance
200 100 TJ =25 C
is the off-axis where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the peak intensity.
[Note] All products confirm to the listed minimum and maximum specifications for electric and optical characteristics, when operated at 20mA within the maximum ratings shown above. All measurements were made under the standardized environment of SSC. (Tolerance : Iv ±10 %, λD ±2 nm, VF ±0.1 V)
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO,. LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, Korea TEL: 82-2-3281-6269 FAX: 82-2-858-5537
- 6/7 -
SSC-YG101-IC1 Seoul Semiconductor
- 1/7 -
1. Features
Package : 1.6×0.8×0.8mm Untinted, Diffused flat mold Wavelength : 572㎚
2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Power Dissipation Forward Current Peak Forward Current Reverse Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Pd IF IFM*1 VR Topr Tstg Value 72 30 50 5 -30 ~ 85 -40 ~ 100
优倍G系列仪表 - 产品样本及技术手册(2022)说明书
![优倍G系列仪表 - 产品样本及技术手册(2022)说明书](
SILIEC 61508目录G系列隔离式安全栅(端子供电)通用型温度变送(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G01 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G011 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G0D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)热电偶输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G11 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G111 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G1D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G11L (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电,智能型)热电阻输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G21 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G211 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G2D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G27 (单通道,1路1:1电阻输出,智能型)NPEXA-G277 (单通道,2路1:1电阻输出,智能型)NPEXA-G21L (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电,智能型)电流输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-GM31 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型)NPEXA-GM311 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型)NPEXA-GM3D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型) NPEXA-G31 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G311 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G3D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-GM31L (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电)NPEXA-GM3D11L (双通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电)NPEXA-G31L (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电,智能型)模拟量输出(常用产品型号)NPEXB-GM31 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型)01 01 0203 03 04 0506 06 07 08 08 0910 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 1516INPEXB-GM311 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型)NPEXB-GM3D11 (双通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,HART通过型)NPEXB-GM31L (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电)NPEXB-GM3D11L (双通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出,回路供电)电压信号输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G41 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G411 (单通道,2路4 ~ ~20mA输出,智能型)NPEXA-G4D11 (双通道,2路有源/无源4 ~ 20mA输出,智能型)开关量输入NPEXA-G511 (单通道,1路继电器触点输出)NPEXA-G5111 (单通道,2路继电器触点输出)NPEXA-G5D111 (双通道,2路继电器触点输出)NPEXA-G512 (单通道,1路晶体管输出)NPEXA-G5122 (单通道,2路晶体管输出)NPEXA-G5D122 (双通道,2路晶体管输出)开关量输出NPEXB-G512 (单通道,1路45mA电流输出)NPEXB-G5D12 (双通道,2路45mA电流输出)NPEXB-G512L (单通道,1路45mA电流输出,回路供电)NPEXB-G5D12L (双通道,2路45mA电流输出,回路供电)频率量输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G61P2 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出)NPEXA-G611P2 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出)NPEXA-G67P2 (单通道,1路1:1频率输出)NPEXA-G677P2 (单通道,2路1:1频率输出)数字通讯输入(常用产品型号)NPEXA-G711Z (单通道,1路RS-485输入,1路RS-485输出,9V/140mA) NPEXA-G711 (单通道,1路RS-485输入,1路RS-485输出,可调配电) NPEXA-G713 (单通道,1路RS-485输入,1路RS-422输出,可调配电) NPEXA-G731 (单通道,1路RS-422输入,1路RS-485输出,可调配电) NPEXA-G733 (单通道,1路RS-422输入,1路RS-422输出,可调配电)16 16 17 1718 18 1920 20 21 22 22 2324 24 25 2526 26 27 2728 29 30 31 32II电位器输入NPEXA-G91 (单通道,1路4 ~ 20mA输出)NPEXA-G911 (单通道,2路4 ~ 20mA输出)G系列模块表(端子供电)温度变送器毫伏中继器电位器变送器模拟量输入隔离器信号智能隔离器开关量输入隔离器频率变送器频率中继器产品附录组态工具33 3334 37 38 40 42 46 47 4849III01*注:电压输出接线参照电流接线 5+、6-, 7+、8-。
DESCRIPTIONThe TruStability ® Standard Accuracy Silicon Ceramic (SSC) Series is a piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor offering a ratiometric analog output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range.The SSC Series is fully calibrated and temperaturecompensated for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects, and non-linearity using an on-board Application SpecificIntegrated Circuit (ASIC). Calibrated output values for pressure are updated at approximately 1 kHz.The SSC Series is calibrated over the temperature range of -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185 F]. The sensor is characterized for operation from a single power supply of either 3.3 Vdc or 5.0 Vdc.These sensors measure absolute, differential, and gage pressures. The absolute versions have an internal vacuum reference and an output value proportional to absolutepressure. Differential versions allow application of pressure to either side of the sensing diaphragm. Gage versions are referenced to atmospheric pressure and provide an output proportional to pressure variations from atmosphere.The TruStability ®pressure sensors are intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases, such as air and other dry gases. An available option extends the performance of these sensors to non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids.All products are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001 standards.FEATURESIndustry-leading long-term stabilityExtremely tight accuracy of 0.25% FSS BFSL (Full ScaleSpan Best Fit Straight Line)Total error band of2% full scale span maximumModular and flexible design offers customers a variety of package styles and options, all with the same industry-leading performance specificationsMiniature 10 mm x 10 mm [0.39 in x 0.39 in] packageLow operating voltageExtremely low power consumptionRatiometric analog outputHigh resolution (min. 0.03 %FSS) Precision ASIC conditioning and temperature compensated over -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185F] temperature rangeRoHS compliantVirtually insensitive to mounting orientationInternal diagnostic functions increase system reliabilityAlso available with I 2C or SPI digital outputAbsolute, differential and gage typesPressure ranges from 1 psi to 150 psi (60 mbar to 10 bar)Custom calibration availableVarious pressure port options Liquid media option2 /sensingPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS Medical:- Airflow monitors- Anesthesia machines - Blood analysis machines - Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - Kidney dialysis machines - Oxygen concentrators - Pneumatic controls - Respiratory machines - Sleep apnea equipment - VentilatorsIndustrial:- Barometry- Flow calibrators- Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - HVAC- Life sciences- Pneumatic controls1Honeywell Sensing and Control 3101. Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will withstand without damage.2. Ratiometricity of the sensor (the ability of the device to scale to the supply voltage) is achieved within the specified operating voltage for eachoption.3. The sensor is not reverse polarity protected. Incorrect application of supply voltage or ground to the wrong pin may cause electrical failure.4. The compensated temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure withinthe specified performance limits.5. The operating temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure but may notremain within the specified performance limits.6. Accuracy: The maximum deviation in output from a Best Fit Straight Line (BFSL) fitted to the output measured over the pressure range at25 °C [77 °F]. Includes all errors due to pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, and non-repeatability.7. Total Error Band: The maximum deviation from the ideal transfer function over the entire compensated temperature and pressure range.Includes all errors due to offset, full scale span, pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, repeatability, thermal effect on offset, thermal effect on span, and thermal hysteresis.8. Full Scale Span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output signal measured at the maximum (Pmax.) and minimum (Pmin.) limits ofthe pressure range. (See Figure 1 for ranges.)9. Life may vary depending on specific application in which sensor is utilized. 10. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for detailed material information.CAUTIONPRODUCT DAMAGEEnsure liquid media is applied to Port 1 only; Port 2 is not compatible with liquids.Ensure liquid media contains no particulates. All TruStability ®sensors are dead-ended devices. Particulates can accumulate inside the sensor, causing damage or affecting sensor output.Recommend that the sensor be positioned with Port 1 facing downwards; any particulates in the system are less likely to enter and settle within the pressure sensor if it is in this position.Ensure liquid media does not create a residue when dried; build-up inside the sensor may affect sensor output. Rinsing of a dead-ended sensor is difficult and has limited effectiveness for removing residue.Ensure liquid media are compatible with wetted materials. Non-compatible liquid media will degrade sensor performance and may lead to sensor failure.Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.4 /sensing11. The transfer function limits define the output of the sensor at a given pressure input. By specifying Pmin. and Pmax., the output at Pmin. andPmax., the complete transfer function of the sensor is defined. See Figure 2 for a graphical representation of the transfer function. Other transfer functions are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information.12. Digital outputs (SPI or I 2C) are also available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 13. Custom pressure ranges are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 14. See Table 5 for an explanation of sensor pressure types. 15. See CAUTION on previous page.Honeywell Sensing and Control 5SSCSANN100PGAA3 SIP package, AN pressure port, no diagnostics, 100Output is proportional to the difference between the pressures applied to each port. (Port 1 Port 2)50% point of transfer function set at Port 1 = Port 2.Long-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS6 /sensingLong-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS16. Overpressure: The maximum pressure which may safely be applied to the product for it to remain in specification once pressure is returned tothe operating pressure range. Exposure to higher pressures may cause permanent damage to the product. Unless otherwise specified this applies to all available pressure ports at any temperature with the operating temperature range.17. Burst pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied to any port of the product without causing escape of pressure media. Productshould not be expected to function after exposure to any pressure beyond the burst pressure.18. Common mode pressure: The maximum pressure that can be applied simultaneously to both ports of a differential pressure sensor withoutcausing changes in specified performance.Honeywell Sensing and Control78 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control910 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control 11Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 008215-2-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA March 2011© 2011 Honeywell International Inc.WARNINGWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this product sheet is forreference only. DO NOT USE this document as aproduct installation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828; +65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481; +44 (0) 1698 481676 Fax Latin America +1-305-805-8188; +1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945; +1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。
S H I F T T O S A F E T Y安全/传感/控制2022产品手册Products and ServicesS h e n z h e n T o r e n t T e c h n o l o g y C o.,L t d.深圳市多恩技术有限公司0755********1. 功能安全控制器及传感器,产品最高可达PLe/SiL3安全性能等级,符合中国及全球标准,通过欧美专业机构和中国国家检测中心认证,应用于自动化设备,AGV,物流系统,数控机床,电梯,机器人,风电等诸多行业;2. 提供专业的自动化产线整体安全防护系统风险评估,设计与定制。
多恩技术是专业的安全传感控制研发企业,具备TUV 认证的机械安全风险评估资质,同时也是中国机械工业安全卫生协会会员单位,公司产品具有多项发明及实用新型专利,并获得多家国内国际权威机构认证。
我们 的目标是让产品功能及应用精益求精,解决工业生产的安全难题,把安全的基因更加广泛植入到国内的传感与控制系统中,推动工业4.0的战略早日实现。
引言CONENT 目录0102040607081012141516171820多功能安全继电器功能型安全继电器可配置安全继电器佰安翼AnEZ 电磁式安全联锁开关截留钥匙型安全开关门栓把手部件安全触边/地毯安全围栏安全控制系统Safety V+可视化监视系统安全评估与改造行业应用引言01切割事故会造成严重的后果,比如人员伤亡,设备受损,生产停滞,经济赔偿,行政处罚,法务支出,额外的事故处理人力及费用,企业名誉受损等。
文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V1.02020.8.12首版徐V1.12020.8.19更新部分参数徐目录一、产品概述 (5)二、电气参数 (6)三、外观尺寸 (8)四、管脚定义 (10)五、原理图 (11)六、设计指导 (12)七、回流焊曲线图 (14)八、包装信息 (15)九、联系我们 (15)一、产品概述安信可LoRa系列模块(Ra-01S)由安信可科技设计开发。
TCL 通讯 S4108M S2916F1 S2924F1 网管型以太网交换机 说明书
![TCL 通讯 S4108M S2916F1 S2924F1 网管型以太网交换机 说明书](
GS1 Application Identifiers技术文件说明书
![GS1 Application Identifiers技术文件说明书](
Technical DocumentEnglish Using GS1Application IdentifiersADDING APPLICATION IDENTIFIERS BY USING THEBARTENDER®APPLICATION IDENTIFIER WIZARDSUPPORTS: BARTENDER®2016AND LATER VERSIONSContentsOverview3 Example1:Single Application Identifier5 Example2:Two Concatenated Application Identifiers7 Related Documentation9OverviewAn Application Identifier(AI)is a number at the beginning of a data field that identifies how the data that follows should be interpreted.In some cases,it also identifies the length of the data.The GS1 General Specifications standard defines numerous AIs,such as serial number or expiration date. Some AIs specify data fields that contain a fixed number of characters,while others specify data fields that contain a variable number of characters.For example,following symbol includes an AI of "01,"which specifies that the data that follows is a Global Trade Item Number(GTIN).Depending on the GTIN type,the data field includes exactly8,12,13,or14characters and a check digit.The following symbol represents a serial number,which is a variable-length data field that can contain up to20characters.Its AI is"21,"and no check digit is required.Multiple AIs and their data fields can be combined into a single barcode,as shown in the following symbol.When a variable-length data field is combined with other fields in a barcode,it must be immediately followed by a field separator character(unless it is the last field in the barcode symbol—see the following note).The FNC1character,"^1",acts as this field separator.It signals that the variable-length data field has ended and that another data field is beginning.(This character is suppressed in the human readable part of the barcode.)When you concatenate multiple AIs and their data fields but only oneof them is of variable length,we recommend that you place thevariable-length field at the end of the symbol,so that you won't haveto use a separator character.The BarTender Application Identifier wizard makes it easy to construct barcodes that have the AIs and field separator characters inserted correctly.The wizard is available in the Professional, Automation,and Enterprise editions of BarTender.This technical document provides examples of how to use the wizard.For more information,refer to the GS1Application Identifier Data Source Wizard topic in the BarTender help system.Example1:Single Application IdentifierThis example shows how to use the Application Identifier wizard to construct a barcode that has a single AI and its associated data field.The data in the data field is drawn from a database that you connect to.For this example,suppose that a shipping carton requires a barcode label that contains a serial shipping container code(SSCC)number.To construct this barcode,follow these steps:1.In BarTender,create a new document,and then select and configure the printer stock byusing the New Document wizard.2.On the object toolbar,click the icon to open the Select Barcode dialog.3.In the search bar,enter GS1-128.Click the first barcode that appears,and then click Select.4.Click the location on your template where you want to place the barcode.5.Double-click the barcode object.The Barcode Properties dialog opens.6.In the navigation pane,click Symbology and Size.7.Click GS1Application Identifier Data Source Wizard to start the Application Identifier wizard.8.On the Welcome page,click Next.9.On the Application Identifiers page,use the Search field or the scroll bar to locate and selectthe AI that you want.For this example,use00SSCC-18Serial Shipping Container Code.Then,click Next.10.On the Data Source Linking page,click to select One data source for all components,andthen click Next.11.On the Select Data Source Type page,select a data source from the Type list.The optionsthat are available depend on the AI that you selected.(For example,the Clock data source type is not an available option for an SSCC,but it is available for an expiration date.)For this example,select Database Field,and then click Next.12.On the Database Field page,select the field in the Field Name list that will provide the datafor the SSCC.You can also change the default data for the field in the Sample Field Data box.Click Next.If the database connection has not already been set up,theField Name list is empty.To create a database connection,click Database Connection Setup and then follow the steps inthe Database Connection wizard.13.On the Append More Data page,you have the option to concatenate another AI and datafield.For this example,click to select No,I don’t need any more,and then click Next.14.On the Finished page,click Finish to close the wizard.15.In the Barcode Properties dialog,click Close.You should now have a barcode that resemblesthe following.Example2:Two Concatenated Application IdentifiersThis example shows how to construct a barcode that has two AIs,each one followed by a data field. For this example,suppose that an outer shipping carton needs a barcode label that contains a serial shipping container code(SSCC)and the weight of the carton.The first12steps are exactly the same as described in the Example1chapter of this technical plete those steps,and then continue as follows:1.On the Append More Data page,click to select Yes,I would like to append another,and thenclick Next.2.On the Application Identifiers page,enter“weight”in the Search box to filter the available AIs,and then select330n Gross Weight(Kilograms).Click Next.3.On the Ready to Setup Data Component page,the arrow shows that the next step is tospecify where the decimal point will be.Click Next.4.On the Decimal Point Position page,select the decimal point position that you want in the list,and then click Next.For this example,select option2,as shown.5.On the Ready to Setup Data Component page,the arrow shows that the last step is toconfigure the data field itself.Click Next.6.On the Select Data Source Type page,select Embedded Data from the Type list,and thenclick Next.7.On the Embedded Data page,enter the data for the field.For this example,use21.46kg.Click Next.8.On the Append More Data page,click to select No,I don’t need any more,and then clickNext.9.On the Finished page,click Finish to close the wizard.10.In the Barcode Properties dialog,click Close.You should now have a barcode that resemblesthe following.Related DocumentationTechnical DocumentsTo view and download technical documents,visit:https:///resources/white-papers/User Guidesl Getting Started with BarTenderhttps:///hc/categories/200267887BarTender Help Systeml GS1-128(UCC/EAN-128)and Application Identifier Specificationl GS1Application Identifier Data Source Wizardl Barcode ObjectOther ResourcesPlease visit the BarTender website at https://.Please visit the Seagull Scientific Barcode Guide athttps:///Content/gettingStarted.htm.l GS1https:///Content/GS1.htmTo learn more,please visit the GS1website at https://.l GS1Application Identifiers(PDF)https:///sites/default/files/docs/barcodes/GS1Application Identifiers.pdfl GS1General Specifications(PDF)https:///docs/barcodes/GS1_General_Specifications.pdf©2020Seagull Scientific,Inc.BarTender,Intelligent Templates,Drivers by Seagull,the BarTender logo,and the Drivers by Seagull logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagull Scientific, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。
司南物联SNIOT301模块规格书版本号:V1.0.4目录1产品概述 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2模块基本参数 (1)1.3主要应用领域 (3)1.4蓝牙模块命名规则 (3)2硬件接口 (4)2.1实物图 (4)2.2产品引脚 (5)2.3产品尺寸图 (6)2.4引脚定义 (6)2.5布线规则 (8)2.6使用说明 (8)2.7外置天线 (8)3典型应用 (9)3.1典型硬件接线图 (9)3.2信号说明 (10)4通讯协议 (10)4.1ASCII码透传协议 (10)4.2微信蓝牙外设协议 (11)1产品概述1.1概述SNIOT301蓝牙模块是SCINAN公司为智能无线数据传输精心设计的一款低功耗BLE模块,采用美国TI公司CC2541芯片,遵循V4.0BLE蓝牙规范。
1.2模块基本参数模块技术参数特性功能实现电源 2.0V-3.6V,建议使用典型值3.3V封装LCC34无线特性常规特性⏹蓝牙V4.0标准协议⏹ 2.402GHz-2.480GHz免证ISM频段⏹接收灵敏度≤-84dBm at0.1%BER,-88dBm(典型)⏹低功耗接口UART,I2C,GPIO项目描述天线连接PCB板载天线尺寸(L*W*H)13mm*27.8mm*2.8mm工作温度-40℃~85℃存储温度-50℃~125℃工作湿度5%~90%电流/功率特性参数描述典型值单位RX Active17.9mA TX Active(0dBm)18.2mAPower Mode1270uA (4-µs Wake-Up)Power Mode21uA (Sleep Timer On)Power Mode30.5uA (External Interrupts)1.3主要应用领域◆医疗◆手持设备◆便携式无线通讯产品◆运动和健康设备◆物联网应用◆消费类电子◆工业控制1.4蓝牙模块命名规则司南物联蓝牙模块命名规则如下:司南物联标识+型号+颜色+天线方式司南物联标识型号颜色天线方式备注SNIOT301B1(黑色)G1(绿色)P(PCB天线)方形贴片示例1:我司提供给某客户的是“绿色的301方形贴片,使用PCB天线”,所对应的型号则为:SNIOT301G1P2硬件接口2.1实物图模块顶部视图模块底部视图2.2产品引脚引脚分布2.3产品尺寸图2.4引脚定义脚位序号名称功能1UART_TX串口数据输出2UART_RX串口数据输入3UART_CTS串口清除发送4UART_RTS串口请求发送)5NC悬空6NC悬空7P2_2调试时钟口8P2_1调试数据口9P2_0可编程输入输出口10NC悬空11RESET低电平复位,至少5ms12VCC电源V3.313GND地14GND地15SDA数据口16NC悬空17NC悬空18NC悬空19NC悬空20SCL时钟口21GND地22GND地23P1_3SW1系统按键,见其他配置24P1_2LED管脚,见其他配置25P1_1主机中断指示口,空闲为低,26P1_0可编程输入输出口27P0_7软/硬件主从设置选择口28P0_6硬件主从模式设置口29P0_5可编程输入输出口30P0_4可编程输入输出口31P0_3可编程输入输出口32P0_2可编程输入输出口33P0_1可编程输入输出口34P0_0可编程输入输出口引脚定义2.5布线规则模块板载天线对应的区域禁止走线和铺铜,不能有任何金属导线,如果可能,建议进行挖空处理。
GSB63 单极性保护器说明说明书
![GSB63 单极性保护器说明说明书](
Supplementary Circuit Protectors Type GSB63l Protection of circuits against short circuit and overload currentsl UL1077 supplementary protection l 1, 2, 3 and 4 pole arrangements l 13 amperage sizes up to 63Amps l Icn of 5kAl Bimetallic element for small overloadsl Magnetic element for short circuit protection l B, C, D trip characteristicsl Full line of bus bars and connectorslAuxiliary contact, alarm switch and shunt release accessoriesProduct DescriptionCompetitive line of sup-ple- or not required. GSB pro-menta ry circuit protec-tors tectors a re a va ila ble in 1, intended for over current 2, 3 a nd 4 pole configu-ra -protection in a pplica tions tions, with a mpera ge ra ting where br nch circuit pro- up to 63A and voltage up to tection is a lrea dy provided 480Y/277VAC.Selection Guide (Refer to page 2 for list of valid part numbers)SCP Numbers of poles Tripping CharacteristicsOverload Range (amps)GSB63 Family1P C – C curve 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 2P (standard) 16, 20, 25, 32, 40,3P B – B curve 50, 634PD – D curveSelection Guide C CurveIn 1 2 3 4 6 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 631-poleGSB63 1P C1GSB63 1P C2GSB63 1P C3GSB63 1P C4GSB63 1P C6GSB63 1P C10GSB63 1P C16GSB63 1P C20GSB63 1P C25GSB63 1P C32GSB63 1P C40GSB63 1P C50GSB63 1P C632-poleGSB63 2P C1GSB63 2P C2GSB63 2P C3GSB63 2P C4GSB63 2P C6GSB63 2P C10GSB63 2P C16GSB63 2P C20GSB63 2P C25GSB63 2P C32GSB63 2P C40GSB63 2P C50GSB63 2P C633-poleGSB63 3P C1GSB63 3P C2GSB63 3P C3GSB63 3P C4GSB63 3P C6GSB63 3P C10GSB63 3P C16GSB63 3P C20GSB63 3P C25GSB63 3P C32GSB63 3P C40GSB63 3P C50GSB63 3P C634-poleGSB63 4P C1GSB63 4P C2GSB63 4P C3GSB63 4P C4GSB63 4P C6GSB63 4P C10GSB63 4P C16GSB63 4P C20GSB63 4P C25GSB63 4P C32GSB63 4P C40GSB63 4P C50GSB63 4P C63B CurveIn123461016202532405063D CurveIn1234610162025324050631-poleGSB631PB1GSB631PB2GSB631PB3GSB631PB4GSB631PB6GSB631PB10GSB631PB16GSB631PB20GSB631PB25GSB631PB32GSB631PB40GSB631PB50GSB631PB631-poleGSB631PD1GSB631PD2GSB631PD3GSB631PD4GSB631PD6GSB631PD10GSB631PD16GSB631PD20GSB631PD25GSB631PD32GSB631PD40GSB631PD50GSB631PD632-poleGSB632PB1GSB632PB2GSB632PB3GSB632PB4GSB632PB6GSB632PB10GSB632PB16GSB632PB20GSB632PB25GSB632PB32GSB632PB40GSB632PB50GSB632PB632-poleGSB632PD1GSB632PD2GSB632PD3GSB632PD4GSB632PD6GSB632PD10GSB632PD16GSB632PD20GSB632PD25GSB632PD32GSB632PD40GSB632PD50GSB632PD633-poleGSB633PB1GSB633PB2GSB633PB3GSB633PB4GSB633PB6GSB633PB10GSB633PB16GSB633PB20GSB633PB25GSB633PB32GSB633PB40GSB633PB50GSB633PB633-poleGSB633PD1GSB633PD2GSB633PD3GSB633PD4GSB633PD6GSB633PD10GSB633PD16GSB633PD20GSB633PD25GSB633PD32GSB633PD40GSB633PD50GSB633PD634-poleGSB634PB1GSB634PB2GSB634PB3GSB634PB4GSB634PB6GSB634PB10GSB634PB16GSB634PB20GSB634PB25GSB634PB32GSB634PB40GSB634PB50GSB634PB634-poleGSB634PD1GSB634PD2GSB634PD3GSB634PD4GSB634PD6GSB634PD10GSB634PD16GSB634PD20GSB634PD25GSB634PD32GSB634PD40GSB634PD50GSB634PD63Part numbers in bold font indicate stock itemMechanical SpecificationsElectrical Specificationstype busbar1 minute 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 A 13, 16, 20, 25, 32 A 40, 50, 63 A2,000 V 2 W 3.5 W 5 WTemperature DeratingThe maximum permissible current in a supplementary protector depends on the ambient temperature and spacing be-tween devices (see next paragraph). Ambient temperature is the temperature inside the enclosure or switch-board in which circuit breaker is installed. The reference temperature for nominal current rating is 30°C.Curve ProfilesAccessoriesAuxiliary ContactGeneral Ordering key: GSBXF9 Indication of the position of the device’s contacts. To be mounted on the left side of the UL1077 supplementary protector, thanks to the special pin.Technical dataStandard I EC/EN 60947-5-1Voltage CurrentAC415 50/60HZ 3ARated value s AC240 50/60HZ 6ADC1301ADC482AElectrical featuresDC24 6AConfigurations 1 N/O + 1 N/C Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50)Uimp V 4000kV 2 Dielectric Test voltage at ind. Freq. for 1minInsulation voltage Ui V 500Pollution degree 2Electrical life 6,050Mechanical life 10,000Mechanical features Protection degree IP20Ambient temperature (with daily average≤35°C) °C -5...+40Storage temperature °C -25...+70InstallationCable Terminal connection type Tmm² 2.5AWG 18 ~ 14 Tightening torqueN·m0.8In-Ibs.7Approvals CE onlyTerminal size top/bottom for cableAlarm SwitchGeneral Ordering key: GSBXF9J Indication of the position of the device’s contacts only after the automatic release of the UL1077 supplementary protector, due to an overload or a short-circuit. To be mounted on the left side of the UL1077 device thanks to the special pin. Technical dataStandard I EC/EN 60947-5-1Voltage CurrentAC415 50/60HZ 3ARated value AC240 50/60HZ 6A DC1301A DC482AElectrical featuresDC24 6AConfigurations 1 N/O + 1 N/C Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50)Uimp V 4000kV 2 Dielectric test voltage at ind. Freq. for 1minInsulation voltage Ui V 500Pollution degree 2Electrical life 6,050Mechanical life 10,000Mechanical features Protection degree IP20Ambient temperature (with daily average≤35°C) °C -5...+40Storage temperature °C -25...+70InstallationCable Terminal connection typemm² 2.5AWG 18 ~ 14 Tightening torqueN·m0.8In-Ibs.7Approvals CE onlyTerminal size top/bottom for cableShunt realeaseGeneral Ordering key: GSBS9 Remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied.T o be mounted on the left side of the UL1077 supplementary protector, thanks to the special pin.Technical dataStandard I EC/EN 60947-5-1Rated value Voltage24VDCElectrical featuresConfigurations 1 N/O + 1 N/C Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50)Uimp V 4000 Dielectric TEST voltage at ind. Freq. for 1min kV 2 Insulation voltage Ui V 500Pollution degree 2Mechanical featuresElectrical life 4,000Mechanical life 4,000Protection degree IP20 Ambient temperature (with daily average≤35°C) °C -5...+70 Storage temperature °C -25...+70InstallationCable Terminal connection typemm² 2.5AWG 18 ~ 14 Tightening torqueN·m0.8In-Ibs.7Approvals CE onlyTerminal size top/bottom for cableGSB63 — Busbars and ConnectorsDimensions1P1P+N, 2P3P3P+N, 4P18 0-0.4336 0-0.6254 0-1.272 0-1.278 0-1.249.5 ± 0.3186 0-1.434.5 ± 0.545 ± 0.31GSB63GSBB Busbars and Busbar AccessoriesE483985。
SSC2001S 系列应用手册说明书
![SSC2001S 系列应用手册说明书](
SSC2001S系列应用手册 (Rev.1.1)Sanken电气有限公司SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD.目录1.概要32.特征33.方框图和各引脚功能44.外形图55.电气特性65.1 绝对最大规格 没有特别说明的场合条件为 Ta=25℃ 65.2 控制部分电气特性 没有特别说明的场合条件为 Ta=25℃ 75.3 封装部分电气特性 Ta=25℃ 86.应用电路图97.电流连续模式(CCM)动作说明 108.动作说明 118.1 起动动作 118.2 软启动功能 118.3 Brown-in/Brown-out功能 128.4 电流控制动作(功率因素改善控制) 128.5 电压控制动作(输出定电压控制) 138.6 高速负载响应功能(HSR) 138.7 频率抖动功能 138.8 门极驱动 148.9 过电流保护(OCP) 148.10 输出过电压保护(OVP) 158.11 输出开环保护(OLD) 159.电感参数设计 1610.设计注意点 1810.1 外围器件 1810.2 布板设计 181.概要SSC2001S系列是一种电流连续模式(C ontinuous C urrent M ode),功率因素改善用控制IC。
2.特征特长和优点∙电流连续模式(CCM)(电流峰值低、适用于大功率用途)∙平均电流控制方式(不用乘法器、无须检测输入电压、使用较少的外部器件,电路简单)∙PWM+频率抖动功能(PWM动作频率固定为65kHz(TYP)、根据Duty值的不同叠加一个抖动频率)∙最大ON Duty=94.0%(TYP)∙误差放大器基准电压= 3.5V(TYP)∙内置高速负载响应功能∙Brown-in/out保护功能(低输入电压时保护电源)∙保护功能-输出过电压保护(OVP) --------------------Pulse-by-pulse方式检测,关断门极驱动,自动恢复-过电流保护(OCP) ----------------------------2种保护动作、自动恢复V IS(OCPL):检出后下一周期开始减小Duty,限制功率V IS(OCPH):Pulse-by-pulse方式关断门极驱动-输出开环检测(OLD)--------------------------发振停止、进入待机状态、故障接触后,自动恢复3. 方框图和各引脚功能方框图各引脚功能引脚编号记号 功 能 1 GND Ground 2 ICOMP 电流AMP 输出 3 IS 过电流检测信号输入 4 VINS 输入端欠电压信号输入 (brown in/out 保护功能) 5 VCOMP 误差放大器输出/相位校正 6 VFB 输出定电压控制信号/输出过电压信号/输出开环检测信号输入7 V CC控制电路电源输入 8 GATE门极驱动输出V CC IS ICOMPSSC2001S --- SOP8封装a. 品名标示(简称) SC2001b. SK 、制造Lot 编号第1个文字:西历年最后一个数字 第2个文字:制造月 1~9月:阿拉伯数字 10月:O 11月:N 12月:D第3个文字:制造周1~10日:1 11~20日:2 21~31日:3c. 我司管理编号a b cSC2001 SK5.1绝对最大规格没有特别说明的场合 条件为 Ta=25℃项 目端 子记号规 格 值单位备注V C C端子电压7−1 V CC−0.3~+30 VV I N S端子电压4−1 V INS−0.3~+5.5 VI C O M P端子电压2−1 V ICOMP−0.3~+5.5 VI S端子电压3−1 V IS−5.5~+0.3 VI S端子电流3−1 I IS−1~+1 mAV F B端子电压6−1 V FB−0.3~+5.5 VV F B端子电流6−1 I FB−1~+1 mAV C O M P端子电压5−1 V VCOMP−0.3~+5.5 VG A T E端子电压8−1 V GATE−0.3~+30 V动作时F r a m e温度−T FOP−40~+110 ℃保存温度− Tstg −40~+125 ℃结温− Tj −40~+150 ℃5.2控制部分电气特性没有特别说明的场合 条件为 Ta=25℃规格值单位备注项目端子记号MIN TYP MAX 电源起动动作V C C端子动作开始电源电压7−1 V CC(ON) 10.5 11.3 12.1 VV C C端子动作停止电源电压7−1 V CC(OFF) 9.5 10.3 11.1 VV C C端子电压迟滞7−1 V CC(HYS) 0.7 0.9 1.1 VV C C端子起动前电路电流7−1 I CC(OFF) 30 100 200 μAV C C端子动作时电路电流7−1 I CC(ON) 6.0 9.0 12.0 mAV C C端子待机时电路电流7−1 I CC(standby) 2.0 4.0 6.0 mA发振动作发振频率8−1f OSC 57 65 70 kHz最大O N-D u t y8−1D MAX 90 94 99.3 %最小O N-D u t y8−1D MIN−− 0 %tested)最小关断时间8−1t OFFMIN 150 250 350 ns (Not 保护动作V F B端子输出开环电压6−1 V FB(OLD)0.51 0.55 0.59 VV F B端子输出过电压保护电压6−1 V FB(OVP) 3.57 3.745 3.85 VI S端子过电流保护(H i g h)电压3−1 V IS(OCPH)−0.81 −0.75 −0.69 VI S端子过电流保护(L o w)电压3−1 V IS(OCPL)−0.54 −0.5 −0.46 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护(Low)电压4−1 V INS(L)0.51 0.55 0.59 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护(High)电压4−1 V INS(H) 0.94 1.0 1.08 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护偏置电流4−1 I VINS(bias)−1.0 − 0 μA电流环路电流放大器增益− gm CA 1.1 1.4 1.7 mS电流放大器输出S o u r c e电流−I CA(SO)−−50 −μA(Not tested)电流放大器输出S i n k电流−I CA(SK)−50 −μA输出开环时ICOMP端子电压2−1 V ICOMP(OLD) 3.6 4.0 4.3 V※电流方向,以IC为基准,流入为+、流出为−。
Symbol DO VM
FET gate control pin for discharge (CMOS output)
Voltage detection pin between VM and VSS (Overcurrent detection pin)
FET gate control pin for charge (CMOS output)
Delay time
Selection range
Overcharge detection delay time
0.15 s 1.2 s
Overdischarge detection delay time
36 ms 144 ms
Overcurrent 1 detection delay time
Seiko Instruments Inc.
Pin Assignment
6 54 SOT-23-6 Top view
LT-S-(L) 技术手册说明书
![LT-S-(L) 技术手册说明书](
Contents1.Overview (3)2.Product Specification (4)2.1Nomenclature (4)2.2Product Line (4)2.3Compressor specification table (4)2.4Operating range graph (6)3.Construction & Functions (8)3.1Design Features (8)3.2Capacity modulation system (8)3.2.1Step type capacity modulation system (10)3.2.2Stepless type capacity modulation system (14)3.2.3The Location of the Solenoid Valves (19)4.Lubricant (21)4.1Lubricant Specification (21)4.2The Replacement of Lubricant (22)4.3.1Oil Change Schedule (22)4.3.2Pre-cautions for changing oil (22)5.System Application (24)5.1Piping Design (24)5.1.1Suction and Discharge Piping Layout (24)5.1.2Economizer Piping Layout (26)5.1.3Minimum pressure valve (26)5.1.4Liquid Line Filter Dryer (27)5.1.5Sight Glass with Moisture Indicator (27)5.2Oil Line (28)5.2.1Oil Supply (28)5.2.2Lubrication and Capacity Control Modulation (28)5.2.3Compressor chamber injection system (28)5.2.4Protection in Oil Circuit (29)1)Oil temperature (29)2)Oil filter (30)3)Oil pressure differential (31)4)Oil level protection (31)5.2.5Oil cooling system (31)1)Air cooling type (33)2)Water cooling type (33)3)Refrigerant oil cooling (34)5.3Motor Liquid Injection Cooling (34)5.4Economizer System (35)5.4.1Economizer System with Sub Cooler (35)5.4.2Economizer System with Flash Type Subcooler (36)5.5Recommended System Layout (38)Figure 5-14. High Temperature Heat Pump Recommend System Layout (38)6.Electrical Design (39)6.1Electrical parameters and design (39)6.1.1Y-Δ Start (39)6.1.2Power requirements (40)6.1.3MCC&LRA (41)pressor Installation (45)7.1Open compressor wooden crate (45)7.2Compressor Lifting (45)7.3Compressor installation (46)8.Operation and Maintenance (48)8.1Compressor commissioning check (48)1.1.1Check list before Start (48)8.1.2Check list during operation (49)8.2rouble shooting table (50)9.Dimensions (53)10.Accessories (60)10.1Accessory List (60)10.2Accessory for gas refrigerant line (61)10.2.1Shut-off valve (61)10.2.2Tube (62)10.2.3Check valve (64)10.2.4Minimum pressure valve (66)10.3Oil line accessory (68)10.3.1Oil flow switch (68)10.3.2Oil Line Solenoid Valve (70)10.3.3Oil Pressure Differential Switch (70)10.4Electrical Accessory (71)10.4.1INT69 HBY Diagnose Protection module (71)10.4.2300Woil heater (74)10.5Other accessories (77)10.5.1Cushion (77)1.OverviewFor conventional single-stage screw compressors, Its evaporation temperature can only reach -40~-50°C during freezing application. If you want to break this application limitation, it is required to use two-stage compressor or cascade system. Meanwhile, the working condition of high pressure ratio brings problems to the traditional single-stage compressors during compression process, such as excessive gas leakage and high exhaust temperature etc., which leads to low efficiency and poor reliability when it is working is such harsh conditions.The compound two-stage compressor well solves above problems. Compared with the two-stage compressors or cascade system, the compund two-stage compressors occupy less space and the system is easy to control, so it's more efficiency and reliable.LT Series compound two-stage compressor’s evaporation temperature can be as low as -60~-65°C , Its full load evaporating temperature can be -25°C, LT-S-L Series compound two-stage low temperature compressor is based on the LT-S series which modified the internal structure and optimized the motor matching to increase the compressor full-load evaporation temperature to -10 °C, So that LT-S-L series can meet the requirements of industrial refrigeration、quick freezing tunnel and freezing library without pre-coolingFor above reasons, Therefore The Shanghai Hanbell Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. developed the LT series high temperature compressors. High efficiency and reliability under big pressure differential and compression ratio working condition is the main demand in designing. It is a elitist product which accumulates Shanghai Hanbell's rich technology and extensive application experience. It can be widely used in many industries such as high temperature hot water, central heating and so on.2. Product Specification2.1 NomenclatureTable 2-1.LT series low temperature compressor nomenclature 2.2 Product LineTable 2-2.LT low temperature series product specification★2.3 Compressor specification tableTable 2-3.LT series compressor specification2.4Operating range graph图2-1. R22运行范围图图2-2.R404A运行范围图3.Construction & Functions3.1Design Features1)Starting loadStarting with light load; its starting load is similar to ordinary single stage compressor, so as to avoid greater impact on power grid.2)Motor cooling channelExcellent motor cooling channel design which ensures the high efficiency of the compressor, while realizing the reliable cooling of the motor, so that the compressor can operate in a very wide range, and a more extensive scope of application.3)integrated design of system partsPre-installed medium pressure check valves, shut off valves and economizer filters that ensure reliable protection of compressors and simplify customer system configuration.4)Motor temperature visualizationThe embedded temperature sensor of motor, PT100, PT1000 and NTC, are optional, which can directly read the motor temperature to control the motor temperature.3.2Capacity modulation systemLT series screw compressor is equipped with 3/4 step capacity modulation system or continuous (stepless) capacity modulation system.Both of the two capacity modulation systems are composed of slide valve, piston rod, piston cylinder and piston. As shown in Figure 3-1 below.When the spool is fully in contact with the suction side, the screw rotor is in full-load suction state, at which time the working volume of the compressor is maximized. As the spool is separated from the suction side, it moves toward the exhaust side. A bypass cavity is formed between the slider and the suction side.Its presence causes the compressed gas in this range to be bypassed directly to the low pressure, and the actual suction volume of the screw rotor is reduced.The more the slide valve moves toward the exhaust side, the smaller the actual suction volume of the compressor will be.And the system cooling capacity will also reduce The slide valve is driven by the pressure differential among the internal capacity modulation system.The lubricant comes from the external oil separator and passes through the oil filter then enters into the oil inlet port of the compressor, and at last divided to bothsides of the piston. As a result, the piston can be controlled by discharging the high pressure lubricant at one side to low pressure, letting it flow to the low pressure side so that the slide valve will move with the piston to realize the loading and unloading of the compressor.The purpose of the piston spring is to push the piston to its initial position (min. load position), so as to realize the automatic unloading start. It not only reduces the mechanical impact on the compressor's moving parts, but also reduces the electrical current during compressor start up.Stepless capacity control, solenoid valve(SV1:unloading, SV3:50%, SV5:100%) is controlled by a micro controller or a thermal switch to adjust the piston smoothly to stably control cold output. If the oil filter capillary or solenoid valve of the capacity modulation system don't work properly, it will cause the capacity modulation system to be abnormal and fail.Figure 3-1.Capacity Modulation System3.2.1 Step type capacity modulation system1) Step type control logicY: Energize the solenoid valve N: Do not energize the solenoid valveTable 3-1. Step Type Capacity Modulation Control Logic2) Step type capacity modulation graphFigure 3-2. Step Type Capacity Modulation3)Step type control logic description10% loadFigure 3-3. 10% LoadWhen starting up thecompressor, SV1(unload) &SV2 (10%) need to beenergized to make the pistonkeep at the 10% position(leftside)In this state, the highpressure oil passes throughSV1(unload) then goes to theright side of the piston. At thesame time, the oil from left side of the piston passes through SV2 (10%) then discharge to the low pressure side. By doing so, the piston can be held at the 10% load position.★ Note: 10% load is for start up only. Running the compressor at 10% load for a long time is not recommended.50% loadAt this time, the capacity adjustment solenoid valves SV1 (unload) and SV3 (50%) are active.Under 50% load, SV1(unload) &SV3 (50%) are energized.In this state, the high pressure oil passes to the left side of the piston continuously. At the same time, the oil passes through SV1 (unload) then goes to the right side of the piston.If the piston is at the left side of the 50% hole (the loading is less than 50%), the oil at the right side of the piston will pass through SV3 (50%) and discharge to the low pressure side then the piston will move to right side until the position blocks the 50% hole. Thus the compressor is loaded to 50% smoothly.Vice versa, if the piston is at the right side of the 50% hole (the loading is more than 50%), the oil in the left side of the piston will pass through SV3 (50%) and go out to the low pressure side then the piston will move to left until the position blocks the 50% hole. Thus the compressor is loaded to 50% smoothly.75% LoadUnder 75% load, SV1(unload)&SV4 (75%)are energized.The logic of 75% load issimilar to that of 50%. Thepiston can be held around75% position by 75% holeto make the compressorrun under 75% load.Figure 3-5.75% Load100%LoadUnder 100% load, SV5(100%) is energized. In this state,the high pressure oil passes to theleft side of the piston continuously.At the same time, the oil in theright side of the piston passesthrough SV5 (100%) then goes tothe low pressure side to make thepiston be held at 100% position.fig3-6.100% Load4) Step type capacity modulation and water temperature controlFigure 3-7.Step type capacity modulation and water temperature control★Note: T & T' should be adjusted by system designer’s experience and practical application.Time启动Set point + 2TSet point + TSet pointSet point – T'Storage temperaturet1 t21~3min 60~90 sec3.2.2Stepless type capacity modulation systemStepless type is suitable when the refrigeration system needs to achieve precise control of cooling capacity.1)Stepless type control logicTable 3-2. Stepless Type Capacity Modulation Control Logic 50%~100%2)Stepless type capacity modulation graphFigure 3-8.Stepless Type Capacity Modulation3)Stepless type control logic descriptionIn stepless type capacity modulation system, the oil keeps going to the left side of the piston. The oil bypass in the left side of the piston is controlled by SV3 (50%). The oil inlet in the right side of the piston is controlled by SV1 (unload) and oil bypass in the right side of the piston is controlled by SV5 (100%). These three solenoid valves are controlled by temperature controller or PLC.Through the three solenoid valves, the cooling capacity can be controlled at any position from 50%~100%, so through periodical adjustment of SV1、SV3、SV5, the energy output can controlled stably.★Note: SV2(10%) can only be used for machine start and stop. Don't run the machine at 10% load for long time once the machine is started. It shall be switched to load model directly.The stepless type capacity modulation system shall be connected to the micro controller(optional), eg. PLC etc. in order to control the system at the target working condition.LoadDuring load process, the SV5 (100%) adopts pulse activating, and the rest solenoid valve are not energized.In this kind ofsituation, the highpressure oil goes into theleft side of the pistoncontinuously and the oilin the right side of thepiston bypasses throughSV5 (100%) to the lowpressure side.The piston willcontinue to move to theright side and thecompressor completeload process.Figure 3-9. LoadUnloadDuring unload process,the SV2(50%) stays active,and SV1 (unload) adopts pulseactivating, and the restsolenoid valve are notenergized.The high pressure oilcontinues to go to the left sideof the piston and goes into theright side of the piston passingthrough SV1(unload).Through SV3(50%), it Figure 3-10. Unload bypasses to the low pressure side, so that the piston continues to move to the left side, and the compressor will load to 50% piston.Keep load stateFigure 3-11. Keep Load StateDuring this process, all S/V are not energized. The high pressure oil coming continues to go to the left side of the piston. The left side oil inlet of the piston SV1(unload) and SV5(100%) are closed to keep the oil amount in the right side of the piston. The piston will not be able to move and stay at its original position, so that the compressor capacity will not change as well.Stepless type capacity modulation and water temperature controlBelow picture shows the load control of single compressor in the application of stepless type capacity modulation.Figure 3-12. Stepless Type Capacity Modulation★Note :X ′Upper Limit ;X 〞Lower Limit ;X Set Point ;H Control Range ;Y Actual valve❆ Description:● The actual water temperature exceeds the upper limit between A & B. Itmeans the compressor ought to unload until the actual value is within the control range.● The real value is smaller than the bottom line between C & D. It means therequired cooling capacity is decreasing and the compressor needs to be unloaded until the real value returns to the control range.Figure 3-13. Solenoid Valve Action Intervals-Stepless Type★Note :For detail stepless type capacity modulation control logic, please refer toTable 3-2Load/Unload functions between A and B, C and D.Energized :Solenoid valve is powered and energized Close : Solenoid valve is not energized T1,T3:Pulse time 0.5~1.5 seconds T2,T4:Pause time 10~20 secondsTime3.2.3The Location of the Solenoid Valves1)LT-83/41<-65/32Figure 3-14.LT-83/41<-65/32 solenoid valve location2)LT-20/10<-30/12<-45/20<-55/25Figure 3-15.LT-20/10<-30/12<-45/20<-55/25 Solenoid Valve Location3)Compressor unloading for startup, and stopTo decrease the mechanical loading to compressor’s parts and decrease the starting current during start up. Hanbell designs for LT compressor the function of unloading startup. To ensure compressor loads steadily, please follow Figure 3-16 to load step by step during the whole loading process.When compressor is about to shut down, it is also required to unload to ensure that the slide valve is at lowest loading position during next startup and compressor could have an unloading startup. Thus Hanbell requires no matter what load condition of the compressor is, it should be unloaded step by step till minimum load before stop according to below Figure 3-16.Figure 3-16. Compressor Startup and Stop ProcessCaution:1)A fter startup, keep the minimum load for 10 seconds. Before shut down, keep the minimum load for 30 seconds(Time can be set to 10~60seconds).2)A fter startup, when the pressure difference between high pressure and middle pressure is less than 3.5bar, the compressor shall be run at 10% load at low pressure stage. Don't load and open ECO.3)t=30 seconds(Time can be set to 30~60seconds).4)A fter the compressor shut down, the SV1 (unload) & SV2(10%) need to be still energized for 3 minutes, so as to ensure the compressor can still at min load position at next startup.5)H anbell strongly recommends that the compressor start-up and shutdown control logic shall refer to above graph. For detail informationplease refer to the regulations written in LT-S Control Requirements.4.LubricantTable 4-1. Lubricant SpecificationCaution:1)P lease refer to the table above to select the suitable lubricant and refrigerant and its operation range need to be taken into consideration as well.2)H anbell strongly recommends do not use the lubricant which isn’t certified by Hanbell since it may damage the compressor seriously.3)T his specification table is for LT series compressors only.4)T he oil temperature at the point when the compressor starts is suggested to be 5K higher than the corresponding saturation temperature of the oil separator in order to avoid too much oil containing in the refrigerant which may affect the lubricant. 5)A fter compressor stops, please turn on the oil heater of the external oil separator.If the compressor shuts down for a long time, please turn off the oil heater. Please heat the lubricant for more than 2 hours before next start up.1)B e sure to make the system clean and no welding spatter and other impurities before lubricant filling2)I n order to ensure that the system is dry enough, it should be dehumidified before filling. It is advisable to fill the system with dry nitrogen first and then vacuum the system. The vacuum time should be as long as possible. It is strongly recommended to repeat the above steps several times to minimize the water contained in the system.Caution1)D o not use the lubricant which is not approved by Hanbell, otherwise it may causeserious damage to the compressor2)D o not mix different brands of lubricants, otherwise they may cause serious damage to the compressor. Pay attention to it when replacing lubricating oil for the system.4.2The Replacement of Lubricant4.3.1Oil Change Schedule1)C heck lubricant every 10,000 hours after continuous running. For the first operation of the compressor, it is recommended to change the oil and clean the external oil filter after running 2,000 hours. Check the system whether clean or not and then change oil every 20,000 hours or after 4 years continuous running if the system operates in good condition.2)T he oil will deteriorate if the compressor runs at high discharging temperature (above 95℃) in the long term. Please avoid this situation, but if it’s necessary to run in this condition, please shorten the intervals of oil changing.4.3.2Pre-cautions for changing oil1)I t is recommended to check the quality of oil periodically in order to maintain the lubrication performance.2)T he lubricant absorbs moisture in the air. Avoid to expose it to the air for a long timeIf the compressor motor is burned, the acid and harmful substances and burned debris will be brought into the system. Therefore, the oil filters and lubricants must be replaced repeatedly. It is suggested to replace the lubricating oil again after 72 hours of operation until the quality of the lubricating oil in the system returns to standard valve.3)T he foreign body in the oil will block the oil line, so it is necessary to install an oil filter in the external oil line. Also, the pressure differential sensor need to be installed before and after the oil filter. If the pressure differential valve between these two sensors reaches 1.5 bar, the oil filter need to be changed.4)T he acidity of oil will directly affect the life of the motor, and it is recommended to change the oil when PH≤6. (Please also change the filter drier at the same time to make sure the system is dry.)5)I t is important to replace the oil, especially when the motor is burnt because the acidity remains in the system. By replacing the oil can help check the status of thesystem. Check the acidity of the lubricant, and re-change the oil after the system runs for 72 hours until the acidity of the lubricant reaches the standard valve.6)I n case of motor burned out, please not only change the compressor, but also change the oil and check the condition of the oil periodically. If the acidity excesses the standard, please change it immediately and always be aware of the cleanliness and moisture contained in the system.5. System Application★Note :Please consult Hanbell for parallel application and heat pump application.5.1 Piping Design5.1.1 Suction and Discharge Piping Layout1)Material and structure of suction and discharge pipeThe vibration of the compressor is small in normal operation, so it is not necessary to use flexible joints for suction and discharge tubes, but the pipes need to have enough flexible length to ensure the suction and discharge pipes won't cause any stress to the compressor. It is recommended to use copper tube for the suction and discharge piping in order to decrease the piping vibration when the compressor is in operation.2)The dimensions of suction and discharge piping:It is suggested to design the dimension of suction and discharge piping according to Hanbell recommendation (refer to 10.2.2).3)Piping for parallel systemTo improve the system operation efficiency, it’s necessary to reduce the gas -flow resistance and consider the oil return of suction piping. The recommended piping of suction and discharge side for parallel system is shown below:Be aware of the area of the main pipe should not be less than the area of the other pipes to make sure the pressure drops could be controlled in reasonable range. ❆ Piping at discharge side❆ x x xFigure 5-2 Suction Piping for Parallel SystemDetail Drawing 2 4) Suction filterThis model of compressor has a built-in suction filter, but it is only used as a final protection. It should not be used as an suction filter that needs to be cleaned regularly.So It is necessary to install a suction filter (25μm) which is easy to remove and clean it regularly.When the system is first used, it may need to be cleaned up frequently. If the pressure drop is bigger than 0.5 bar, the filter element should be replaced or cleaned until the system is clean. When the filter is disassembled, if the filter is found to be damaged, it needs to be replaced in time, and the impurities in the pipeline should be cleaned up. Ensure that the filter is oriented correctly during installation and it is recommended to add a shut-off valve at the inlet and outlet for easy maintenance.Hanbell The recommended suction filter design is shown in Figure 5-3 below.Figure 5-3.suction filterx xx Detail Drawing 2★Note:External suction filter should be used for cryogenic refrigeration systems。
STRIVE FOR CLEAR WATERSAA Model: SSC SeriesEMSW2107104112. TERMS OF THE WARRANTYAs original purchaser of this equipment have purchased from Emaux Water Technology Co Ltd, through Authorized International Distributor or Dealer, warrants its products free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use during warranty period. The warranty period begins on the day of purchase and extends only to the original purchaser. It is not transferable to anyone who subsequently purchases the product from you. It excludes all expendable parts.During the warranty period, Emaux authorized reseller will repair or replace defective parts with new parts or, at the option of Emaux, serviceable used parts that are equivalent or superior to new parts in performance.This Limited Warranty extends only to products purchased from Emaux authorized reseller. This Limited Warranty does not extend to any product that has been damaged or rendered defective (a) as a result of accident, misuse or abuse;(b) as a result of an act of God;(c) by operation outside the usage parameters stated herein;(d) by the use of parts not manufactured or sold by Emaux;(e) by modification of the product;(f) as a result of war or terrorist attack; or(g) as a result of service by anyone other than Emaux authorized reseller or authorized agent.EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY, EMAUX MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EMAUX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES NOT STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW ARE LIMITED TO THE TERMS OF THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY.Installation template Ratio 1:1ELECTRICAL WIRING P14HYPERTHERMIAAlways unplug the device from its socket or power source and allow it to cool before opening the enclosure. There is high risk of shock and burn injuries from touching the internal component.COMPRESS AIR HAZARDOUSSAFETY WARNINGS P21. SAFETY WARNINGSThis appliance must be installed in accordance with national wiring codes and with a means of disconnection incorporated in any fixed wiring.High voltage can shock, burn, or cause death or serious property damage.1. In order to reduce the risk of electric shock DO NOT use an extension cord to connect the unit to electric supply.2. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or a qualified electrician.3. The system must be permanently connected to an individual circuit breaker, especially when pump power is connected from pump socket of the device.4. This electricity supply must be connected through a residual current device (RCD) or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA.5. Electrical grounding must be connected before connecting to electrical power. Failure to ground all electrical equipment can cause electric shock or serious or fatal injury.6. Before servicing, unplug the power plug from the electrical socket and allow the device to cool for at least 15 minutes.7.Never unplug the cell cable during operation.This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.This system enclosed titanium cell in a plastic enclosure that can become pressurized. Pressurized air can cause the plastic enclosure to explore causing serious injury or death. The cell must be operated with the pump running and the valves fully open allowing water to flowunrestricted through the cell enclosure.This device is intended for use with swimming pools and spas only; it must not be used for disinfecting drinking water.Only one pump and one underwater light may be connected to this unit (SSC-TLT Series Only) The current loading of the pumped connected must not exceed 8 Amp. ( SSC-TLT Series Only)Top CoverTransformer240V 220V 0V Cell Drive ModuleMain PCBFuseSwitchPower CordWhite Color for 220VacCell Cable Socket2 3 1C2C1Blue Color for 230/240Vac White Color for 220VacTop Cover240V 220V 0V TransformerMain PCBFuseC2C1TimerLNEMC BoardCell Drive Module2 3 1Pump Socket Cell Cable SocketPower CordSSC15/25/50E WIRING DIAGRAMSSC15/25/50-T WIRING DIAGRAM11. CLEANING THE TITANIUM CELLAlthough the system is designed with a self-cleanig function for the cell (reverse polarity), it will occasionally be necessary to manually clean the cell to remove calcium deposit.enclosure, the pump and salt chlorinator will stop automatically.CautionAThe mixture required for cleaning is extremely corrosive and protective clothing should be worn. Procedures.Make up a dilute mixture of 1:10 parts of Hydrochloric (muriatic) Acid to water 1. Turn the filtration system off.2. Remove the salt cell from the housing.3. Add the salt cell to the cleaning mixture making avoiding contact with the terminals.4. Wait five to ten minutes for the Salt Cell to be cleaned.5. If any parts of calcium are stuck or will not dissolve, carefully remove them with a smooth plastic instrument.6. Once the salt cell is clean, rinse with fresh water and place back in the housing and tighten the cell or collar.7. Turn system back to automatic setting or timer. Dispose of cleaning mixture.Always add Hydrochloric acid to waterIf the salt cell has a heavy deposit of calcium that has not been removed after ten minutes in the cleaning solution, we recommend using a "Cell Cleaner" product which is not as corrosive as hydrochloric acid. The cell can then be left in the cleaner for up to a hour and will completely remove the calcium.We recommended using SaltCell Cleaneratall times over the traditional Hydrochloric mixture, it is a safer alternative and not harmful to your Salt Cell at all and reusable.Blue Color for 230/240Vac P13 ELECTRICAL WIRINGP3 SAFE POOL SANITIZING WORKING PRINCIPLE Chlorine is a highly effective sanitizing agent which is commonly used in swimming pools. It can prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. This chlorinator uses the process of electrolysis to break down the salt (NaCl) in the swimming pool water to produce chlorine gas (Cl©ü Chlorine production can be regulated from the control unit by altering the electric current flowing through the titanium electrode in the cell housing.) 2. SAFE POOL SANITIZING WORKING PRINCIPLEIt is important to note that the EMAUX Chlorinator does not maintain the water chemistry of your swimming pool water; it simply produces chlorine from a mild salt solution.To ensure that your chemical balances is within the guidelines listed below and to encourage a sparling clean, you should also have your water tested regularly at your local pool shop.2.1 WATER CHEMISTRY:10.2 POWER MODULEA salt chlorinator is a valuable piece of pool sanitizing equipment. Regular care and maintenance will ensure the best performance and long life. Keep the water chemical balance1. Maintain the correct water chemical balance2. Maintain a good operating environment3. Regularly check the condition of the titanium plates. During the chlorination process white calcium scale may naturally build up on the titanium plates in the cell. Regular monitoring of the cell will prevent excessive buildup of scale. Excessive scale will damage the cell and significantly reduce its life and efficiency.4. If the control box fails orthere isexcessive calcium deposit, maintenance must be carriedout by a pool professional.5. Prevent insects from entering the control box, they may damage the electrical components inside.SSC15 & SSC25 no fuse SSC50 is 30A.10.3 TRANSFORMERThe transformer has two voltage inputs:240Vac (blue) for Australia, New Zealand and UK.220Vac (white) for rest of the world.Avoid burn injuries: Do not touch the transformer before switching it off and allowing it to cool.10.4 TERMINAL BLOCKThe terminal block in the middle of the chassis is used to select input AC voltage 220V or 240V, input power fuse protection and connection to transformer input.TROUBLE SHOOTING P1210. ELECTRICAL WIRING10.1 MAIN PCBThe main controller PCB has two connectors.1. 13 pins flat cable connector for the power module2. 4 pins cable connector, blue and gray color pins connect to the power switch.SAFE POOL SANITIZING WORKING PRINCIPLE P4The amount of salt required is between 4000 and 6000 ppm. This can be done by adding 4-6Kg of salt per 1,000 litres of water directly into the pool water.A low concentration of salt (below 2500 ppm) will cause premature cell failure.A High concentration of salt (above 6000 ppm) may cause electro-oxidation and corrosion damage to the Stainless Steel pool fixtures and fittings.Salt required according to the volume of the pool:3 Note: Table based on 4000 ppm of salt per m of water.2.2 CHLORINE LEVEL CALCULATION2.3 SALT LEVELP11 TIMER SETTING FOR TIMER VERSION 8. MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTINGA salt chlorinator is a valuable piece of pool sanitizing equipment. Regular care and maintenance will ensure the best performance and long life. Keep the water chemical balance 1. Maintain the correct water chemical balance 2. Maintain a good operating environment3. Regularly check the condition of the titanium plates. During the chlorination process white calcium scale may naturally build up on the titanium plates in the cell. Regular monitoring of the cell will prevent excessive buildup of scale. Excessive scale will damage the cell and significantly reduce its life and efficiency.4. If the control box fails or there is excessive calcium deposit, maintenance must be carried out by a pool professional.5. Prevent insects from entering the control box, they may damage the electrical components inside.9. TROUBLE SHOOTINGThe most common salt used in swimming pools with Salt Electrolysis is 99% pure Sodium Chlorine (NaCl).DO NOT use the following types of salts:1. Rock salt.2. Salt with more than 1% yellow prussiate of soda.3. Salt with more than 1% of anti-caking additives.4. Iodized salt.2.4 TYPE OF SALTSalt with additives or impurities will cause premature cell failure.Before adding the salt into the pool, place the multiport valve on “ Filtration ” or “ Recirculation” and then turn the filtration pump on.2.5 ADDITION AND REMOVING SALT IN THE SWIMMING POOL WATERAdd the salt directly into the pool evenly around the pool or ballast tank. Do not allow the salt to sit in a pile on the bottom of the pool.Do not add large amount of salt nearby the skimmer at the same time. It will damage the unit. Keep the filtration system running for 24 hours using the Main Drain or vacuum suction nozzle asa main suction line.The only way to remove the salt in the pool water is to partially drain the pool and refill with fresh water.3. PRODUCT FEATURES1. Convenience and the constant delivery of pure chlorine-based sanitizer.2. No more artificial chemical cleaning agent which could cause skin and eye irritation. You just need to add natural salt in the pool.3. The salt in the water is so little you do not taste or smell the salt.4. The electrode is made of titanium, which is durable and resistant to corrosion.5. Easy to install and operate.6. The water does not have the heavy smell of chlorine because chlorine is not directly added to the pool.Product Picture1 x control box 1 x cell unit 1 x cell cable1 set screws and Fuse 1 set 1.5” & 2” Universal Union User ManualLED DISPLAYOperationSystem ControlCell Polarity1GreenGreen Red ONGreen+Red2GreenRed Red OFF Red-RedDescriptionNormal OperationLow salt/Deposition on the electrode/Low water TemperatureExtremely low salt level / heavy deposition on the electrode /extremely low water temperature DescriptionSystem control less than 100%, under operating System control less than 100%, under idle time DescriptionThe cell current in positive directionThe cell current in negative directionSALT CHLORINATOR ON/OFF/AUTO: ON/Off Switch. In Auto mode, the chlorinate is operated by the timer setting.Light On/Off: Switch for underwater light connected to the control unit (For certain models)System Control button: Adjust the length of time of chlorinator production. For example: 76Set at 100% = the salt cell operate continually.Set at 50% = the salt cell operate for 30 minutes in each hour and is idle for 30 minutes.Set at 30% = the salt cell operate for 18 minutes in each hour and is idle for 42 minutes.Winter Mode Switch and On/ Off LED: Turn on to change the chlorine production to 85% of the system production setting.Cell Polarity LED: Shows the polarity of the electrodes; the polarity of the electrode will reverse every 8 hours, in order to remove any deposit on the electrode.Timer: (timer models only) Programs the on and off times for the unit and pump to run automatically.Stand-By LED: Displays when the chlorinator is in stand-by mode. When the chlorinator is turned on, the stand-by LED will go off after 35 seconds.No Flow LED: Displays when there is no water flow. If there is no water in the cell enclosure, the pump and salt chlorinator will stop automatically.1. Turn the clock face until the time of the day is aligned with the clock at the center of the timer hand.2. The 24-hour dial has 15 minutes division. The timer can be programmed by pushing the captive trippers to the outer ring position for the entire period that the load is to be turn ON.3. The timer clock will rotate with time; the chlorinator will be turned on automatically if its captive tripper is pushed outward.7. TIMER SETTING FOR TIMER VERSIONSSC-T Series(Chlorinator with time switch)PRODUCT FEATURES P63.1 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS3.2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONAll the cells are Self Cleaning typeSSC-TLT Series(Chlorinator with underwater light, transformer and time switch) P9 CONTROL PANEL OPERATION4. The control panel will display a RED indicator when the salt level is low.5. If no action is taken to rectify the salt level, damage to the cell may result which will not be covered underwarranty.6. During extreme hot weather conditions or high bather load, the pool water need to be super-chlorinated usingpowder, granulated, or liquid chlorine or the running time of the chlorinator should be increased.7. Always turn down the system control to zero before adding salt, once the salt is completely dissolved, return tothe set position.8. The aluminum casing at the back of the Control Unit acts as a heat sink, do not touch it with bare hands.6. CONTROL PANEL OPERATION6.1 DIGITAL DISPLAYThere are three display functions:1. When system control button is tuned from left to right, it adjust the cell output ratio and display thecorresponding running time per hour. For example, “100 “means 60 minutes, “50” means 30 minutes run and 30minutes idle.2. In normal operation, it represent the percentage of the chlorine production. “100” means 100% chlorine is beinggenerated with adequate salt level.3. System Error code, system stop and need attention* E R2- for protection, the system will stop operate when a worst environment is detected, such as too high saltlevel, high ambient temperature or insufficient ventilation.START UP P813. For model with power socket for pump, the maximum allowed power rating is 1,500 Watt or 1.5HP. Refer topump model plate for power rating confirmation. 14. DO NOT mount the Control Panel under direct sun light.15. The Control Panel must be installed far away from the chemical storage, especially from acid because it cancorrode the electronics inside the unit.16. It must be kept away from heat sources and any equipment which produce heat. 17. Plug-in power supply into a suitable weatherproof outlet socket with circuit breaker.18. Before fixing the Control Panel, make sure that the power cable and cell cable also reach the Control Panel. For model with built-in lighting power output:Mount the control unit vertically onto a post or wall 1.5 meters above ground level. (Australian Standardsrequires that the electric control unit shall not be located within 3 meters of the pool water.)4. INSTALLATION GUIDEThe Emaux SSC Chlorinator unit is contained in a rain tight enclosure that is suitable for outdoor mounting (IPX4 waterproof). However, the following points must be taken into consideration for a correct installation of the Superior SSC Chlorinator unit:1. Select a convenient well-ventilated location within one meter of filter equipment.2. The cell must be installed above the sand filter discharge outlet water level.3. If the chlorinator and cell are installed below water level, the pump and chlorinator must have a common power switch in o rder to prevent the chlorinator f rom generating chlorine while the pump is not running. Otherwise thecell enclosure will overheat and explode if only the pump is shut off.Typical system installation and Cell location with gate valve and water flow directionMounting Bracket4. Install the Control Panel using the template paper sheet provided with the package in a minimum distance of 3.5 meters (11.5 ft.) from the swimming pool, 1.5 meters (5 ft.) from the ground, within 2 meters (6.5 ft.) from the protected outlet, and within 4.5 meters (15 ft.) from where the cell will be installed, in a ventilated area and leaving enough free space of min. 50 cm (20”) in each side for servicing.5. Two self-tapping screws and wall plugs are provided for fast and simple installation. Simply cut out the template provided for the location of the drilling points. Use a 8mm masonry drill when fitting the control unit to a brick or concrete wall. When mounting to a post, drill pilot holes and fit the screws provided. Once the screws are in position simply hang the chlorinator via the bracket on back of the control box.6. The cell must be installed horizontally7. The electrolytic cell housing must be plumbed into the return line after the filter. The cell housing can be fitted to 1.5: or 2” PVC piping by provided universal union.8. Connect the water inlet and outlet to the Cell Unit. The water flow direction must be as indicated on the Cell.9. To avoid loss of chlorine, the Cell should be installed at the end of the filtration system, right before the pool water return.10. The cell should preferably be installed on a bypass with input and output gate valves. This will permit uninterrupted filtration while the chlorinator is being serviced. The inlet and outlet valves must not be closed during operation, otherwise pressure will build up in the plastic enclosure and it will explode.11. Glue the salt cell horizontally on the pool return pipe, allow the pipeglue to cure for 24 hours.12. Use the provided cable to connect the control unit and the salt celltogether.Water inWater outService By Pass Piping Power SupplyPowerPointPool LightCable(If fitted)1.5M MINCell CableCellPumpReturnWasteFilterPumpSuction RTPReturn to PoolPump CableNever allow the chlorinator operate without water flow. The pump and chlorinator must operate simultaneously.1. Recommended pool salt lever: 3000- 4000PPM for SSC15 and SSC25, 4000-5000PPM for SSC50.2. Run chlorinator at the Salt Levels stated within this document and on the product toensure optimum sanitizer output and cell life.3. Operating this device at low salt levels will damage the cell and reduce its life.5. START UP。
SMTC 3 862 001 接插件的技术条件Connector Technical Condition(100713)
![SMTC 3 862 001 接插件的技术条件Connector Technical Condition(100713)](
SMTC 上汽股份有限公司技术中心企业技术标准 Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical CenterSMTC 3 862 001-2010(V1)接插件的技术条件Connectors Technical Condition目 次/Contents前言 Foreward (III)1 范围Scope (1)2规范性引用文件Normative references (1)3定义Definition (1)3.1接插件Connector (1)3.2导体连接Conductor connection (2)3.3压接Crimp connection (2)3.4气密性Gas tight (3)3.5额定电流Current ratings (3)3.6导线Cable (3)3.7最大工作温度Class maximum temperature (3)3.8测试温度Class test temperature (3)4接插件按温度等级分类Classification by temperatur e (4)5图纸信息Drawing information (4)6测试程序Test programme (4)6.1概述Overview (4)6.2供应商责任 Supplier responsibility (5)7测试步骤和性能要求Test procedures and performance requirements (5)7.1测试规范General test general specifications (6)7.2端子-端子的插入力和拔出力Connection and disconnection of terminal (7)7.3导线的抗拉强度Tensile strength of cable attachment (8)7.4侧拉测试Side pull test (8)7.5端子-塑壳的插入力Terminal-Housing insertion force (9)7.6端子在塑壳内的保持力Contact retention in housing (9)7.7端子-塑壳的拔出力Intentional contact removal from housing (10)7.8组装接插件的连接Connection of assembled connectors (10)7.9有意识断开组装接插件的连接Intentional disconnection of assembled connectors (11)7.10无意识断开组装接插件连接Unintentional disconnection of assembled connectors (11)7.11额定电流Nominal current ratings (12)7.12接触电阻-低电压Contact resistance-low voltage (12)7.13绝缘电阻Insulation resistance (14)7.14绝缘强度Dielectric strength (16)7.15防水测试 Watertigtness test (16)7.16盐雾测试Salt corrosion test (18)7.17高压喷水High pressure water jet (18)7.18温度/湿度测试Temperature / humidity test (18)7.19摩擦腐蚀Fretting corrosion (20)7.20振动测试Vibration Test (20)7.21撞击测试Bump test (22)7.22温度/振动/湿度综合测试Combined temperature/vibration/humidity/endurance test (23)7.23外观性能Mechanical performance (24)7.24塑壳人机工程学Housing ergonomics (24)7.25偏离测试Misalignment test (25)7.26极限测试Inhibition (25)7.27冲击强度测试Impact strength test (26)7.28温度循环Temperature cycling (26)7.29低温测试Low temperature (26)7.30热老化Thermal ageing (27)7.31热冲击测试(快速温度变化)Thermal shock test (rapid change of temperature) (27)7.32防尘测试Dust ingress test (27)7.33耐化学液体测试Chemical fluids (28)7.34真菌测试Mycological test (29)7.35腐蚀性气体测试Flowing mixed gas corrosion test (29)7.36臭氧测试Ozone (30)7.37阻燃测试Flammability test (30)8接插件测试要求Connector test requirements (30)8.1性能要求Connectors performance requirements (30)8.2测试矩阵表Housed connectors test procedure matrix (33)附录A(规范性附录)-接插件振动试验台Annex A(normative annex)-Connector vibration test (36)前 言为规范SMTC接插件技术条件,特制定此标准。
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SSC8631GS1Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorz Features z ApplicationsN-ChannelVDS VGS RDSon TYP ID30V±20V 22mR@-10V7A 35mR@-4V5P-ChannelVDS VGS RDSon TYP ID-30V±20V 27mR@-10V-6.5A39mR@-4V5¾Inverter¾CCFL Driverz Pin configurationTop Viewz General DescriptionSSC8631GS1uses advanced trench technology to provideexcellent R DS(ON)and low gate charge.The complementaryMOSFETs may be used to form a level shifted high sideswitch,and for a host of other applications.z PackageInformationz Absolute Maximum Ratings@T A=25°C unless otherwise notedParameter Symbol N-channel P-channel Unit Drain-Source Voltage V DSS30-30V Gate-Source Voltage V GSS±20±20V Continuous Drain Current(Note1)I D7-6A Plused Drain Current(Note2)I DM30-30A Total Power Dissipation(Note1)P D11W Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range T J,T STG-55to+150-55to+150°CSSC8631GS1 z N-channel Electrical Characteristics@T A=25°C unless otherwise notedParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Drain–Source Breakdown Voltage V(BR)DSS V GS=0V,I D=250uA30----V Gate Threshold Voltage V GS(TH)V DS=V GS,I D=250uA1 1.53V Gate–Body Leakage Current I GSS V GS=±20V,V DS=0V----±100nA Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS=24V,V GS=0V----1uADrain–Source On–State Resistance R DS(ON)V GS=10V,I D=5A--2228mR V GS=4.5V,I D=5A--3540Forward Transconductance G FS V DS=5V,I D=5A--7.3--S Diode Forward Voltage V SD V GS=0V,I S=1A--0.76 1.7VInput Capacitance C ISSV DS=15V,V GS=0V,f=1.0MHz --407--pFOutput Capacitance C OSS--113--Reverse Transfer Capacitance C RSS--57--Turn–On Delay Time T D(ON)V DS=15V,R L=2.3R,V GS=10V,R GEN=3R ----18nSTurn–Off Delay Tim T D(OFF)----70z P-channel Electrical Characteristics@T A=25°C unless otherwise notedParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Drain–Source Breakdown Voltage V(BR)DSS V GS=0V,I D=-250uA-30----V Gate Threshold Voltage V GS(TH)V DS=V GS,I D=-250uA-1-1.5-3V Gate–Body Leakage Current I GSS V GS=±20V,V DS=0V----±100nA Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS=-24V,V GS=0V-----1uADrain–Source On–State Resistance R DS(ON)V GS=-10V,I D=-6A--2735mR V GS=-4.5V,I D=-5A--3950Forward Transconductance G FS V DS=-5V,I D=-4A--12--S Diode Forward Voltage V SD V GS=0V,I S=-1A---0.77-1.7VInput Capacitance C ISSV DS=-15V,V GS=0V,f=1.0MHz --950--pFOutput Capacitance C OSS--137--Reverse Transfer Capacitance C RSS--118--Turn–On Delay Time T D(ON)V DS=-15V,R L=2.5R,V GS=-10V,R GEN=3R ----18nSTurn–Off Delay Tim T D(OFF)----70Notes:1.DUT is mounted on a1in2FR-4board with2oz.Copper in a still air environment at25°C,the current rating is based onthe DC(<10s)test conditions2.Repetitive rating,pulse width limited by junction temperature.V DS , Drain-Source Voltage (V)Figure 1. Output CharacteristicsV GS , Gate-to-source Voltage(V)Figure 2. Transfer Characteristics0100200300400500600700C , C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)Figure 3. Capacitance R D S (O N ),O n R e s i s t a n c e (m R )Tj, Junction Temperature (oC)Figure 4. On Resistance Vs. Temperature-500501001501., Junction Temperature (oC)Figure 5. Threshold Vs. TemperatureV T H , T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V ) 1.0 S , S o u r c e D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )Figure 6. Diode Forward CharacteristicsV SD , Body Diode Forward Voltage (V)SSC8631GS1zP-channel Typical Performance Characteristics012345678910I D , D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )Figure 1. Output CharacteristicsV DS , Drain-Source Voltage (V) D , D r a i n c u r r e n t(A )V GS , Gate-to-source Voltage(V)Figure 2. Transfer Characteristics0200400600800100012001400C , C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)Figure 3. Capacitance5101520253035404550Tj, Junction Temperature (oC)Figure 4. On Resistance Vs. TemperatureR D S (O N ),O n R e s i s t a n c e (m R )-50-252550751001251500., Junction Temperature (oC)Figure 5. Gate Threshold Vs. TemperatureV T H , T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V ) 1.00.1110I S , S o u r c e D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )Figure 6. Diode Forward CharacteristicsV SD , Body Diode Forward Voltage (V)SSC8631GS1 DISCLAIMERSPIRIT-SEMI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY,FUNCTION OR DESIGN.SPIRIT-SEMI DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN;NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICIENCE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS,NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.THE GRAPHS PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE STATISTICAL SUMMARIES BASED ON A LIMITED NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND ARE PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY.THE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS LISTED IN THEM ARE NOT TESTED OR GUARANTEED.IN SOME GRAPHS,THE DATA PRESENTED MAY BE OUTSIDE THE SPECIFIED OPERATING RANGE(E.G,. OUTSIDE SPECIFIED POWER SUPPLY RANGE)AND THEREFORE OUTSIDE THE WARRANTED RANGE.。