



外文翻译--抗震设计的发展附录一:抗震设计的发展摘要: 1 抗震设计思路发展历程;2 现代抗震设计思路;3 保证结构延性能力的抗震措施; 4 常用抗震分析方法关键词:结构设计抗震1.抗震设计思路发展历程随着建筑结构抗震相关理论研究的不断发展,结构抗震设计思路也经历了一系列的变化。

最初,在未考虑结构弹性动力特征,也无详细的地震作用记录统计资料的条件下,经验性的取一个地震水平作用(0.1 倍自重)用于结构设计。












关键词:浅议;多层建筑;框架结构设计Abstract: This paper combine with the years of practical work experience, discussed the multi-storey building in a good frame design.Key words: analyzes; multi-storey building; frame structure design中图分类号:TU7 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-2104(2012)随着建筑造型和建筑功能要求日趋多样化,无论是工业建筑还是民用建筑,在今后设计中所遇到的各种难题也是日益增多,而作为一个结构设计者需要在遵循各种规范的前提下大胆灵活的解决一些结构方案上的难点重点并在工作中不断的总结和完善。

1 结构的抗震等级在工程设计中,多数房屋建筑按其抗震设防分类属于丙类建筑,如民用住宅、办公楼及一般工业建筑等等,其抗震等级可根据烈度、结构类型和房屋的高度按《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011-2010确定。








Seismic Design of Building StructuresChapter 1 Introduction1.The types and causes of earthquakes (地震的类型和成因)Man-made earthquakes, explode, mining operation, major project construction (such as reservoir) Natural earthquakesTectonic earthquake, tectonic activity of lithosphereV olcanic Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions2.Some terminologies about earthquakes, focus, epicenter, focal depth, epicenter distance andisoseismal line (地震的一些相关术语,如震源,震中,震源深度,震中距,等震线)Focus, center or hypocenter, The point where the seismic motion originatesEpifocus or epicenter, The projection of the focus onto the surface of the earthFocal depth, The depth of hypocenter below the epicenterEpicenter distance, The distance from the epicenter to the point of the observed ground motion Isoseismal line一次地震中,在受影响的区域内,烈度相同的区域的外包线3.The classification of seismic waves. (地震波的类型)Body waves include Primary Wave (P wave) and Secondary Wave (S wave)Surface waves include Rayleigh wave (R wave) and Love wave(Love wave)4.The essential factors of ground motion. (地震动的三要素)Magnitude/amplitude(幅值)Frequency/spectrum (频率)Duration (持时)5.The concept of earthquake magnitude and intensity and the difference between them. (震级与烈度的概念以及它们之间的区别)The earthquake magnitude means the energy released in an earthquakeEarthquake intensity is an indication of the severity of ground shaking at a specific site which is based on the observe defects of an earthquake and a qualitative assessment of the damage that causedThere is only one magnitude for an earthquake, but maybe many intensities for different locations.Because intensity scales are subjective and depend upon social and construction conditions of a country, they need revision from time to time. Regional effects must be accounted for.6.Three-level seismic fortification objectives and Two-phase seismic design method. (三水准抗震设防与两阶段设计)The first level: No damage under minor earthquake (小震不坏)The Second level: Repairable damage under moderate earthquake (中震可修)The third level: No collapse under large earthquake (大震不倒)Phase1: By the elastic analysis, the carrying capacity of the structure is checked under the fundamental combination of effects of seismic action of minor earthquake and other loads, and the elastic seismic deformation is checked under the action of minor earthquakes.Phase2: The elastoplastic deformation is checked under the action of rare earthquake.The structural design through the first phase can satisfy the requirements of the first seismic fortification level1. The structural design through the second phase can guarantee the seismic fortification level3.The Seismic Fortification Objective2 is guaranteed by constructional measures(构造措施)and conceptual design(概念设计).7.The meanings of Minor, Moderate and Large earthquake. (小震,中震,大震的含义)Frequently occurred earthquakes with an intensity of less than the fortification intensity of the region Earthquakes equal to the fortification intensity of the regionRare earthquakes with an intensity higher than the fortification intensity of the region.8.Three aspects of seismic design of buildings. (建筑抗震三个层次的内容)Seismic conceptual design, seismic computation, construction measures9.In Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings, what factors are related to height limits ofbuildings? (根据中国抗震设计规范,哪些因素与建筑物高度限值有关?)Site condition, fortification intensity of the region, structural type, using requirements, economy issues10.Why the resisting members should be placed on the perimeter? (为何抗侧力构件应当布置在周边?)Increase the moment arm, thus increasing the lateral stiffness and carrying capacity for horizontal load 11.From the seismic view, what characters should be the desirable aspects of building configuration onthe overall form? (从抗震角度来看,建筑物理想的总体造型有什么特征?)The desirable aspects of building configuration are simplicity, regularity, and symmetry in both plan and elevation.These properties all contribute to a more even distribution of earthquake forces in the structural system.12.Illustrating the attributes of the optimum seismic configuration and giving the reasons. (说明建筑物抗震设计的最优外形特征,并解释其原因)1. Low aspect ratio (minimize tendency to overturn)2. Equal floor heights (equalize column/wall stiffness)3. Symmetrical plan shape (reduce torsion)4. Identical resistance on both axes (balanced resistance in all directions)5. Uniform section and elevations (eliminate stress concentrations)6. Seismic resisting elements at perimeter (maximum torsional resistance)7. Redundancy (toleration of failure of some members)8. Direct load paths (less stress concentrations)13.According to Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings, what are the requirements for seismicstructural system? (根据中国的抗震设计规范,对于结构体系抗震方面的要求有哪些?)1. It shall have a clear analytical model and reasonable path for seismic action transfer.2. It should have several lines of defense against earthquakes. It should avoid loss of either earthquake resistance capacity or gravity load capacity of the whole system due to damage to part of the structure or members.3. It shall possess the necessary strength, adequate deformability, and better energy dissipation ability.4. It should possess a rational distribution of stiffness and strength, avoid weakening of some parts of the structure due to local weakening or abrupt changes; avoid appearance of extremely large concentration of stress and plastic deformation; when weak parts do appear, measures should be taken to enhance their earthquake resistance capacity.5. It should have similar dynamic characteristics in the direction of individual primary axis.Chapter 2 Site and Subsoil1.The seismic effect of structures influenced from the construction site. (场地对结构地震效应的影响)High-rise buildings founded on soft soils were more damaged than the similar buildings founded on rock.The seismic waves propagated in the lithosphere have many contents of frequencies. The period which is related to the maximum value in the vibration amplitude is termed as Predominant Period(卓越周期).If the frequency of the structure is near to the one of seismic wave, the serious damages can happen in the structures. (resonance, 共振)The seismic effect of soil depends mostly on the thickness of overlaying soil(覆盖土层厚度), shear-wave velocity (剪切波速)and impedance ratio (阻抗比) of soil.The thickness of overplaying soil and shear-wave velocity mainly influence the frequency properties of seismic wave2.The categories of sites and how to classify them. (场地的类型及划分原则)Construction sites shall be classified into four categories according to the type of site soil and the overlaying thickness at the site, and should also comply with the table2.3.3.How to check the bearing capacity of natural subsoil. (如何验算地基土的抗震承载力)Except the building listed above, the bearing capacity of natural subsoil and foundation should be checked for earthquake resistance by the following equation: f aE=ξa f a (ξa≥1)4.The cause of soil liquefaction. (砂土液化产生的原因)p25 During strong earthquake shaking, a loose saturated sand deposit (饱和松散的砂土) will have a tendency to compact, which will result in a decrease in volume and increase in the pore water pressure.If the pore water pressure increases to overburden pressure, the effective pressure will be zero. Since the shear strength of soil is directly proportional to the effective stress, the sand will not have any shear strength and is now in a “liquid” state, which is called soil liquefaction.5.The procedure of discrimination for the liquefaction potential. (砂土液化的判别步骤)Preliminary DiscriminationGenerally, the discrimination of the potential of liquefaction of the saturated soil and adoption of methods to prevent liquefaction need not be considered when intensity is Ⅵ, but for Type B buildings which are sensitive to the settlement caused by liquefaction, the subsoil can be treated as intensity Ⅶ.When the intensity is Ⅶto Ⅸ, for type B buildings, discrimination of the potential of liquefaction and adoption of relevant methods may be considered using the specifications of the local fortification intensity.If one of the following conditions is satisfied, saturated sand or silt may be preliminarily discriminated as non-liquefiable soil, or effects of liquefaction need not be considered…(1)If the geological period of the soil is the Pleistocene of the Quaternary period (Q3) or earlier, thesoil may be considered as non-liquefiable when the intensity is Ⅶor Ⅷ.(2)If the clay particle content (particle diameter less than 0.005mm) of slit (粉土) is not less than 10%,13% and 16%, when the intensity is Ⅶ, Ⅷand Ⅸrespectively(3)For buildings resting on natural subsoil, effects of liquefaction need not be considered when thethickness of the non-liquefiable overlaying layer (上覆非液化土层厚度) and the depth of underground water level (地下水位深度)comply with one of the following conditions:Standard penetration tests6.The meanings of liquefaction index. (液化指数的含义)For the subsoil with liquefaction-potential soil layers, its category of liquefaction shall be classified according to the liquefaction indexChapter 3 Response Analysis of Engineering Structures1.The meanings of seismic response spectrum. (地震反应谱的含义)The relationship between maximum absolute acceleration Sa of SDOF system and its period T2.The mode shapes of MDOF systems. (多自由度体系的振型)The structural response can be decomposed to many independent coordinates. The independence of coordinate axis is the orthogonality.3.The procedures of mode-superposition spectrum method. (振型分解反应谱法的基本步骤)4.The application condition and procedure of base shear method. (底部剪力法的适用条件及步骤)(1)The structural height is less than 40m;(2) The deformation of the structure should be shear type with evenly distribution of mass andstiffness in the vertical direction.(3) Approximately SDOF system.5.What kind of structures should be analyzed including vertical seismic action. (哪些结构需要考虑竖向地震作用)Tall buildings (Intensity 9), large-span or long cantilever structures (Intensity 8 and 9)6.The meanings of representative value of gravity load. (重力荷载代表值的含义)p69 When earthquake happens, the variable loads acting on structure often does not reach their characteristic values. In seismic design, the representative value of gravity load is the addition of characteristic value of weight and combination values of relevant variable loads.7.The contents of seismic checking of structures. (结构抗震验算的内容)Strength checking and deformation checking(1)The deformation checking of structures under frequently occurred earthquake is to avoid thedamage of non-structural members.(2)The strength checking of structures under frequently occurred earthquake is to avoid the damage ofstructural members.(3)The deformation checking of structures under rare occurred earthquake is to avoid the collapse ofstructures.The requirement of “Repairable damage under moderate earthquake”is guaranteed by seismic concept design and construction measurements.Chapter 5 Seismic Design of Concrete Structures1.The basis and meanings for seismic grading of RC structures. (混凝土结构抗震等级划分的依据及意义)grading of reinforced concrete structures is a practical scale governed by earthquake design philosophy.respect to seismic intensity, types of structural systems, and the overall height of buildings, reinforced concrete building structures are classified as four seismic grades.2.The distribution of seismic action among lateral force-resisting members. (地震作用如何在各抗侧力构件之间进行分配)Seismic action distributes among columns according to the stiffness of each column.3.The difference between inflexion point method and D-Value method. (反弯点法与D值法的区别)Assumption of inflexion point method:(1)The linear stiffness of beam is infinity(2) The zero moment point of bottom story is on the 2/3 height of the column from the base.4.The ductility design methods of RC frame structures. (钢筋混凝土框架结构的延性设计措施)1. Strong Columns with Weak Beams: Plastic hinges should appear at beam ends as much as possible;2. Strong Shear Capacity with Weak Flexure: Avoid the shear damages of beams and columns andensure the ductility of members and structures;3. Strong Joints and Strong Anchoring: Avoid the damages of joints and anchoring failure ofreinforcements.5.The classification of shear walls. (剪力墙的类型及其特点)Integrated Wall,Integrated Wall with small openingCoupled WallsWall Frame6.The layout of shear walls in frame-shear structures. (框剪结构中剪力墙力墙布置原则)(1)Locations where the large vertical loads are applied;There are large axial forces at these locations. The shear walls in these locations can avoid unfavorable eccentric tension.(2) Ends of Buildings;To provide more torsional stiffness.(3)Stair and Elevator room ;Decreased stiffness due to the large openings in the floor.(4) Reentrant cornersTo reduce stress concentration.Axial compression ratioThe influence of axial compression ratio on the shear bearing capacity:Small axial compression, the shear bearing capacity of core concrete in the joints will increase with the increase of axial compression ratio;Large axial compression (0.6~0.8), the shear bearing capacity of core concrete in the joints will decrease with the increase of axial compression ratio;The influence of axial compression ratio on the ductility:The increase of axial compression will result in the decrease of the ductility.。



河北工业大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:土木工程学院____系(专业): ____________________________姓名:_______________________________学号: ________________________________________外文出处:_____________________________________附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

注:请将该封面与附件装订成册附件1:外文资料翻译译文将玻璃钢外套用于钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震加固的最优设计主题:外包纤维增强高分子复合材料(玻璃钢)是一项正在完善的为强化/ 改造钢筋混凝土(RC)结构的技术,尤其玻璃钢与钢筋混凝土柱隔离外套已经被证明能非常有效地提高了柱的强度和韧性, 成为的钢筋混凝土结构抗震加固的关键技术但是大量的研究仅限于钢筋混凝土柱的力学性能、很少有研究含有FRP约束柱的钢筋混凝土框架的力学性能在用玻璃钢对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行抗震加固时, 一个问题是框架结构的应力, 另外一个重要问题就是如何利用最少的材料及其用费达到所需的抗震性能.从这两个问题出发, 本文讨论基于抗震设计性能出发的用玻璃钢外套加固钢筋混凝土建筑物优化技术. 我们采取玻璃钢外套厚度作为隔离柱设计变量因此,体积最小、材料成本最低就是是优化设计目标漂流的劝服是明确表示在使用的玻璃上浆变数,虚功原理泰勒级数的逼近.?????最优准则(OC)的办法是采用非线性地震侧移的设计问题. 本文通过实例介绍和讨论, 展示了该程序.关键词:约束;纤维增强聚合物(玻璃钢); 性能化设计; pushover 分析; 钢筋混凝土; 抗震加固; 结构优化1.介绍在重力荷载下按旧规范设计装裱现有钢筋混凝土(RC)结构抗震性能或在最近的地震证明是不够的,横向承载能力有限, 延性差[1] 这种结构具有一种内在的抵抗横向载荷能力低, 地震期间造成很大塑性变形而且, 结构特点是强梁弱柱,导致在地面强烈震动脆性破坏或柱侧向倾倒[2] 。



The frame structure anti- earthquake concept design The disaster has an earthquake dashing forward sending out nature, may forecast nature very low so far, bring about loss for human society is that the natural disaster of all kinds is hit by one of the gravest disaster gravely. In the light of now available our country science level and economy condition, correct the target building seismic resistance having brought forward "three standards " fortification, be that generally, the what be spoken "small earthquake shocks does not but constructs in the dirty trick, big earthquakes do not fall ". That generally, what be talked small shocks in the earthquake, big earthquakes refer to respectively is intensity exceed probability in 50 fortifying for 3%'s 63% , 10% , 2 ~ being more is caught in an earthquake, earthquake , rare Yu earthquake.Since building the astigmatic design complexity, in actual project, anti-knock conceptual design appears especially important right away. It includes the following content mainly: Architectural design should pay attention to the architectural systematic ness; Choose rational building structure system; the tensile resisting inclining force structure and the component is designed.That the ability designs law is the main content that the structure denasality designs includes standard our country internal force adjustment and structure two aspect. It is twenty centuries seventies later stage , reinforced concrete structure brought forward by famous New Zealand scholar and Park has sufficient tonsillitis method under the force designing an earthquake chooses value is prejudiced low core thought is: "The beam cuts organization " or "the beam column cuts organization " by the fact that "the strongweak post beam " guides structure to take form; Avoid structure by "strong weak scissors turn " before reach estimate that shearing happened in the denasality in the ability front destroy; Turn an ability and consume an ability by the fact that necessary structure measure makes the location may form the plasticity hinge have the necessary plasticity. Make structure have the necessary tonsillitis from all above three aspect guarantee. That framed structure is the common structure form, whose senility certainly designs that, is to embody from about this three aspect also mainly.1, Strong pillar weak beamDriving force reaction analysis indicates structure; architectural deformability is connected with to destroying mechanism. Common have three kinds model’s consume energy organization ", beam hinge organization ““, post hinge organization ““, beam column hinge organization "."Beam hinge organization " and "beam column hinge organization " Lang Xian knuckle under , may let the entire frame have distribution and energy consumption heavierthan big internal forces ability, limit tier displacement is big , plasticity hinge quantity is many , the hinge does not lose efficacy but the structure entirety does not lose efficacy because of individual plasticity. The as a result anti-knock function is easy to be that the armored concrete is ideal consume energy organization. Being that our country norm adopts allows a pillar , the shearing force wall puts up the hinge beam column hinge scheme, taking place adopting "strong relative weak post beam " measure , postponing a pillar cuts time. Weak tier of post hinge organization possibility appear on unable complete trouble shooting but , require that the axis pressure restricting a pillar compares as a result, architectural weakness prevents necessary timefrom appearing tier by the fact that Cheng analysis law judges now and then, post hinge organization.Are that V. I. P. is to enhance the pillar bending resistance , guidance holds in the beam appear first, the plasticity cuts our "strong common weak post beam " adjustment measure. Before plasticity hinge appearing on structure, structure component Yin La District concrete dehiscence and pressure area concrete mistake elasticity character, every component stiffness reduces a reinforced bar will do with the cementation degeneration between the concrete. That stiffness reduces a beam is relatively graver than accepting the pillar pressing on , structure enhances from initial shearing type deformation to curved scissors shape deformation transition , curved post inner regulation proportion really more curved than beam; The at the same time architectural period is lengthened, size affecting the participation modulus shaking a type respectively to structure's; Change happened in the earthquake force modulus , lead to the part pillar bend regulation enhancing, feasible beam reality knuckles under intensity rise , the post inner bends regulation when plasticity hinge appearing on thereby feasible beam enhancing since structure cause and the people who designs the middle reinforced bar's are to enhance.. And after plasticity hinge appearing on structure, same existence having above-mentioned cause, structure knuckles under mistake elasticity in the day after tomorrow process being that process , post that the earthquake enhances strenuously further bend regulation enhancing with earthquake force but enhance. The force arouses an earthquake overturn force moment having changed the actual post inner axis force. We knuckle under the ability lessening than axis pressure in standardizing being limitedto be able to ensure that the pillar also can lead to a pillar in big the bias voltage range inner , axis force diminution like value. The anti-knock norm is stipulated: Except that the frame top storey and post axis pressure are compared to the strut beam and frame pillar being smaller than person and frame, post holds curved regulation designing that value should accord with difference being,that first order takes , the two stage takes , grade-three takes 1.1. 9 degree and one step of framed structure still responds to coincidence, ,intensity standard value ascertains that according to matching reinforced bar area and material really. The bottom post axis is strenuously big, the ability that the plasticity rotates dispatches, be that pressure collapses after avoiding a foot stall producing a hinge, one, two, three steps of framed structure bottom, post holds cross section constituting curved regulation designing that value takes advantage of that , compose in reply 1.15 in order to enhancing a modulus respectively. Combination of the corner post adjustment queen bends regulation still should take advantage of that not to be smaller than 's modular. Curved regulation designs that value carries out adjustment to one-level anti-knock grade shearing force wall limb cross section combination , force the plasticity hinge to appear to reinforce location in the wall limb bottom, the bottom reinforces location and all above layer of curved regulation designing that value takes wall limb bottom cross section constituting curved regulation designing value , other location multiplies 's by to enhance a modulus. Prop up anti-knock wall structure to part frame, bottom-end , whose curved combination regulation design value respond to one, two steps of frame pillars post upper end and bottom post take advantage of that composes in reply 1.25 in orderto enhancing a modulus respectively. All above "strong weak post beam” adjustment measure, reaction analysis indicates , big satisfied fundamental earthquakes demand no upside down course nonlinearity driving force. Reinforced bar spending area, the beam in 7 is controlled from gravity load, the post reinforced bar matches’ tendon rates basically from the minimum under the control of. Have enhanced post Liana Xiang all round resisting the curved ability. At the same time, 7 degree of area exactly curved regulation plasticity hinge appears on disaster very much, plays arrive at advantageous role to fighting against big earthquakes. In 9 degree of area, adopt reality to match reinforced bar area and material bending regulation within intensity standard value calculation post, structural beam reinforced bar enhancing same lead to enhancing bending regulation within post designing value, under importing in many waves, the beam holds the plasticity hinge rotating developing greatly, more sufficient, post holds the plasticity hinge developing insufficiency, rotate less. Design demand with the beam. Reaction and 9 degree are about the same to 8 degree of area , whose big earthquake displacement , that post holds the plasticity hinge is bigger than rotating 9 degree much but, the beam holds the plasticity hinge appearing sufficient but rotate small, as a result "strong weak post beam " effect is not obvious , curved regulation enhances a modulus ought to take , this waits for improving and perfecting going a step further when the grade suggesting that 8 degree of two stage is anti-knock in connection with the expert.2, Strong shear weak curved"Strong weak scissors turn” is that the plasticity cuts cross section for guarantee on reach anticipate that shearing happened in the mistake elastic-deformation prior todestroy. As far as common structure be concerned, main behaviors holds in the beam, post holds, the shearing force wall bottom reinforces area , shearing force wall entrance to a cave company beam tools , beam column node core area. Show mainly with being not that seismic resistance is compared with each other, strengthening measure in improving the effect shearing force; Aspect adjusting a shear bearing the weight of two forces.1)effect shearing forceOne, two, three-level frame beam and anti-knock wall middle stride over high ratio greater than company beam, shearing force design value among them, first order choose , two stage choose , three-level choose , first order framed structure and 9 Due Shan respond to coincidence. Coincidence one, two, three steps of frame post and frame pillar , shearing force being designed being worth taking among them, one step , taking , three steps of take , one-level framed structure and 9 Due Shank two steps responding to. One, two, three steps of anti-knock walls bottom reinforces location the shearing force designs that value is among them, first order takes , the two stage takes , grade-three takes , 9 Dud Shank respond to coincidence. The node core area seismic resistance the beam column node , one, two steps of anti-knock grades are carried out is born the weight of force checking calculation by the scissors , should accord with anti-knock structure measure about 3 step, correct 9 degree of fortify and one-level anti-knock grade framed structure, think to the beam end the plasticity hinge already appears , the node shearing force holds reality completely from the beam knuckling under curved regulation decision , hold reality according to the beam matching reinforced bar covering an area of the growing modulus that intensity standard value calculation, takes advantage of that at the same time with with material. Other first order holds curved regulation according to the beamdesigning that value secretly schemes against , the shearing force enhances a modulus being , the two stage is .2) Shear formulaThe continuous beam of armored concrete and the cantilever beam are born theweight of at home and abroad under low repeated cycle load effect by the scissors the force experiment indicates the main cause pooling efforts and reducing even if tendon dowel force lessening is that the beam is born the weight of a force by the scissors, concrete scissors pressure area lessening shearing an intensity, tilted rift room aggregate bite. Scissors bear the weight of a norm to the concrete accepting descending strenuously being 60% be not anti-knock, the reinforced bar item does not reduce. By the same token, the experiment indicates to insisting to intimidate post with that the force is born the weight of by the scissors, loading makes post the force be born the weight of by the scissors reducing 10% ~ again and again 30%, the item arouses , adopts practice identical with the beam mainly from the concrete. The experiment is indicated to shearing force wall, whose repeated loading breaks the subtraction modulus up than monotony increases be loaded with force lessening is born the weight of by the scissors 15% ~ 20%, adopts to be not that seismic resistance is born the weight of by the scissors energy times 's. Two parts accept the pressure pole strenuously tilted from the concrete is born the weight of by the scissors and horizontal stirrup of beam column node seismic resistance cutting the expert who bears the weight of force composition , is connected with have given a relevance out formula.Tilted for preventing the beam , post , company beam , shearing force wall , node from happening pressure is destroyed, we have stipulated upper limits force upper limit to be born the weight of by the scissors , have stipulated to match hoop rate’s namely to accepting scissors cross section.Reaction analysis indicates strong weak curved scissors requests; all above measure satisfies basically by mistake elasticity driving force. The plasticity rotates because of anti-knock grade of two stage beam column under big earthquakes still very big , suggest that the shearing force enhances a modulus is bigger than having there is difference between one step unsuitably in connection with the expert, to the beam choose is fairly good , ought to take ~ to post . It's the rationality taking value remains to be improved and perfected in going a step further.Require that explanatory being , the beam column node accept a force very complicated , need to ensure that beam column reinforced bar reliability in the node is anchoring , hold occurrence bending resistance at the same time in the beam column destroying front, shearing happened in the node destroy, whose essence should belong to "strong weak curved scissors" categories. The node carries out adjustment on one, two steps of anti-knock grades shearing force and, only, the person enhances a modulus be are minor than post, ratio post also holds structure measure a little weak. As a result ", more strong node “statement, is not worth it encourage.3) Structure measureStructure measure is a beam, post, the shearing force wall plasticity cuts the guarantee that area asks to reach the plasticity that reality needs turning ability and consuming ability. Its "strong with "strong weak scissors turn ", weak post beam " correlates, a arc hitectural denasality of guarantee.”Strong weak scissors turn " is a prerequisite for ensuring that the plasticity hinge turns an ability and consumes an ability; Strict "strong weak post beam " degree, the measure affecting corresponding structure, if put strict "strong weak post beam " into practice, ensure that the pillardoes not appear than the plasticity hinge, corresponding axis pressure waiting for structure measure to should be a little loose right away except the bottom. Our country adopts "the st rong relative weak post beam”, delays a pillar going beyond the hinge time, therefore needing to adopt stricter structure measure.①the beam structure measure beam plasticity hinge cross section senility and many factors match tendon rates and the rise knuckling under an intensity but reduce in connection with cross section tensile, with the reinforced bar being pulled; The reinforced bar matches tendon rates and concrete intensity rise but improve with being pressed on, width enhances but enhances with cross section; Plasticity hinge area stirrup can guard against the pressure injustice releasing a tendon , improve concrete limit pressure strain , arrest tilted rift carrying out , fight against a shearing force , plasticity hinge deformation and consume an ability bring into full play, That deck-molding is stridden over is smaller than exceeding , shearing deformation proportion is increasingly big, the gentility destroying , using the tilted rift easy to happen reduces. The beam has led low even if the tendon matches hoop, the reinforced bar may knuckle under after Lang Kai cracks break up by pulling even. As a result, the norm matches tendon rates to the beam even if the tendon maximum matches tendon rates and minimum , the stirrup encryption District length , maximal spacing , minimal diameter , maximal limb lead all have strict regulations from when, volume matches hoop. Being bending regulation , the guarantee cross section denasality , holding to the beam possibly for the end fighting against a beam to pull the pressure reinforced bar area ratio make restrict. Stride over height at the same time, to minimal beam width, than, aspect ratio has done regulation.② the post structure measureFor post bending a type accepting the force component, axis pressure than to the denasality and consuming to be able to, nature effect is bigger. Destroy axis pressure than big bias voltages happened in the pillar hour, component deformation is big , gentility energy nature easy to only consume, reduces; Nature is growing with axis pressure than enhancing , consuming an energy, but the gentility sudden drop, moreover the stirrup diminishes to the gentility help. Readjust oneself to a certain extent to adopt the pillar, main guarantee it's tonsillitis that the low earthquake designs strenuously, but consuming energy sex to second. The pressure ratio has made a norm to the axis restricting, can ensure that within big bias voltages range in general. Stirrup same get the strain arriving at big roles, restraining the longitudinal tendon, improving concrete pressure, deter the tilted rift from developing also to the denasality. Be to match tendon symmetrically like post, the person leads feeling bigger , as big , becoming deformed when the pillar knuckles under more even if the tendon matches tendon , the tensile finishes exceeding. As a result, the tendon minimum matches tendon rates, the stirrup encryption District length, maximal spacing, minimal diameter, maximal limb lead having made strict regulations out from when, and volume matches hoop to the pillar jumping. At the same time, aspect ratio , scissors to the pillar have stridden over a ratio , minimal altitude of cross section , width have done out regulation, to improve the anti-knock function.③ Node structure measureThe node is anchoring beam column reinforced bar area, effect is very big tostructure function. Be under swear to act on earthquake and the vertical stroke to load, area provides necessary constraint to node core when node core area cuts pressure low than slanting, keep the node fundamental shear ability under disadvantageous condition, make a beam column anchoring even if the tendon is reliable, match hoop rates to node core area maximal spacing of stirrup, minimal diameter, volume having done out regulation. The beam column is main node structure measure content even if tendon reliability in the node is anchoring. Have standardized to beam tendon being hit by the node diameter; Release the anchoring length of tendon to the beam column; anchoring way all has detailed regulation.To sum up ,; Framed structure is to pass "the design plan calculating and coming realize structure measure the ability running after beam hinge organization" mainly thereby, realize "the small earth—quake shocks does not but constructs in the dirty trick, big earthquakes do not fall " three standards to-en fortifying target's. References.框架结构抗震设计地震灾害具有突发性,至今可预报性很低,给人类造成的损失严峻,是各类灾中最严峻的灾害之一。



文献信息:文献标题:Frame Structure Anti-earthquake Design Way of Thinking (框架结构的抗震设计思路)国外作者:Theodore V.Galambos文献出处:《Journal of Constructional Concrete Research》,2000, 55:289-303 字数统计:英文4451单词,22990字符;中文5601汉字外文文献:Frame Structure Anti-earthquake Design Way of ThinkingAbstract Currently, the anti-earthquake norms all round the world almost adopt to a kind of way of thinking: The adoption presses the earthquake strong or weak of possible situation to divide the line earthquake cent area; According to everyplace the history occurrence of the area earthquake of covariance result or to geology structure of the history investigate to have to explicit statistics the meaning establish the sport peak in waterproof and quasi-ground value acceleration; Make use of again the reaction acceleration that the acceleration reaction composes different period; Get a design to use acceleration level through earthquake dint adjust met coefficient R. In the meantime, most nations all approve such point,establishing to defend the earthquake intensity level can take to use a different value, choosing to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and highly, the ductility request of the structure also more low, choose to use to establish to defend earthquake intensity level more and lowly, structure of ductility request more high. The structure ductility guarantee of precondition is the ductility of the member, pass again an effectively reasonable conjunction in adopting a series of measure guarantee member the foundation of the ductility, the structure system choice is reasonable in the meantime, the degree just distributes reasonable of under condition ability basic assurance structure of ductility.Keywords: frame structure; anti-earthquake design; design way of thinking1.Simple Review of Anti-earthquake Design Way of ThinkingThe development that constructs the structure anti- earthquake is along with people all the earthquake move with the structure characteristic of the understanding is continuously thorough but develop gradually, however, from is born up to now the history of a hundred years, have mostly several to develop a stage as follows:(1) Quiet dint stage: It first from a Japanese professor passed to harm to prognosticate the anti- earthquake design theories that put forward with the theories understanding at that time to the limited earthquake, being applicable to only just rigid body structure. It didn't think characteristic and the place difference to consider structure to the influence that constructs structure.(2) Respond the table stage: Along with vibrate to record of obtain and the development of the structure dynamics theories, the Biota professor of the United States put forward flexibility to respond the concept of the table in 1940, respond the table is list the freely flexible system, it was obtain of numerous earthquakes record of encourage, the structure period or respond of the relation, include the acceleration reaction table, the speed responded a table, moved to respond a table. It consider the motive characteristic of the structure, it still is the foundation that all countries norm design earthquake dint takes a value up to now. The calculation of the earthquake function dint usually use shears with the bottom and flaps a decomposition to respond a table a method, flapping a decomposition to respond a table a method of basic define: Suppose the building structure is the line flexibility more freedom degree system, making use principle of flap a decomposition and flap a type, it will solve a freedom degree the earthquake of the flexible system to respond to resolve for solve an independence of etc. the effect single freedom degree flexible system most the heavy earthquake respond. Then begging should in each function affect that flaps a type. At this time, according to consider the way dissimilarity of the earthquake function, adopt a different array, group method, order flexible system to many qualities of the flat surface vibration, it can use a SRSS method, it is according tosuppose the importation earthquake as steady random process, each of a flap reaction is independent mutually but deduce to get; For consider even-twists many qualities that the lotus connect to order flexible system, the adoption CQC method, it lies in with the main differentiation of the SRSS method: Suppose when flat surface vibrate each flap a type independent mutually, and each contribution that flap a type increased along with the frequency high but lower;But even-twist lotus connect hour each flap a frequency span very small, close together and higher flap the frequency of the type and may near to this relativity that will consider a dissimilarity to flap a very much, also have influence of turn round the weight and not necessarily increase along with the frequency high but lower, sometimes higher flap the influence possibility of the type big in lower flap the influence of the type, it will consider more influences that flap a type while comparing SRSS. The bottom shears the dint method in consideration of the special of the structure system to the simplification that flaps a decomposition to respond to compose a method, be the building height not big, took shearing to slice to transform as the lord and the quality to follow height to distribute more even structure with degree just, the structure vibration moved to respond usually with the first flapped a type for lord, and when the first flapped a type to near to in the straight line, can flap a decomposition method simplification to shear the dint method calculation formula for the basic bottom. The level earthquake function that each quality that this basic formula calculation get order can better reflection just degree bigger structure, but when structure the basic period was long, the place characteristic period to compare with hour, the calculation income coping earthquake function be partial to small. of course , the Anti-earthquake Norm provision, be the structure basic period more than 1.4 place characteristic period, at coping additional level earthquake function.(3)the motive theories stage: Along with move understanding and comprehend to the earthquake of deepen continuously, know to some shortage of the reaction table, such as to the earthquake move hold of influence consideration not week, and the exaltation of the calculator function, make the motive method develop gradually, its essence solves a square distance of motive directly, but because of earthquake theground sport acceleration is very irregular, it can't beg for differential calculus square distance, it shuts to match a solution, so adopt number integral calculus method more. Usual way of doing is carry on a continuous cent a segment a processing towards having already record of the earthquake wave, each data all see do the constant, then the function get to structure up, pass an equilibrium and square distance of motive to beg at the moment of the acceleration, speed, move reaction, moving with ex- the acceleration, speed, the segment to carry on folding to add immediately after folding the result for add as the beginning that descends at that time a segment to start a data, pushing according to this kind, end beg structure at the give for low week again and again the earthquake wave under of the acceleration, speed and move the dint reaction variety process.(4) At American Northridge earthquake in 1994 and Japanese Kobe earthquake in 1995 after, the beautiful day scholar put forward again according to the anti- earthquake design method of behavior, it was during the period of usage to make the building structure satisfy various requests that used function according to the basic thought of behavior. Tradition according to the design method dissimilarity of the dint, adjudicate to the structure function mainly is according to move standard, move index sign to come with the different to the structure function to carry on a different control. But descend structure because of the big earthquake of not- flexible transform hard and accurate estimate of, make to can stay around according to the design method of behavior theoretically. But put forward its aggressive meaning to have 2:00 at least:a. Emphasize the system and the society of the earthquake engineering;b. The part that knows an original anti- earthquake to design norm is unsuited to reasonableness.Conduct and actions according to the foundation of the function anti- earthquake design, should to the particular level earthquake function of a certain covariance meaning under of the structure move, the speed and acceleration carry on accurate valuation, should also have a reasonable of valuation method with available valuation tool. It is exactly because of this purpose, put forward and developed the Pushover method and ability to compose a method. The basic way of thinking of the Pushovermethod is an adoption the quiet dint add to carry, supposing the side of the some penny cloth form toward lotus to carry a function on the structure, adding to carry gradually until attain the structure control point target to move or the structure break, getting the level side of the control point to move to shear the dint relation curve with substrate thus, evaluating in order to the anti-vibration ability of the structure. The Pushover method depends on to distribute a form and play the plasticity reaction table target to move to really settle in the side force.2.Basic Way of Thinking of Frame Structure Anti-earthquake Design—ductility StandardAfter the flexibility respond table put forward, the people's detection computes to gain from here of the structure respond with the actual earthquake the breakage phenomenon of the structure contain certain antinomy, mainly is press the flexibility reaction table to calculate of the structure responded the acceleration as habitual to design the earthquake dint to take to be worth big quite a few at that time doubly, and took to settle according to the habitual of the function of the design earthquake dint descends the house structure of design, the harm of the structure system wasn't serious in the earthquake.60's last century, the New mark passed to start to the beginning of different period just degree homology of the single freedom degree the system carried on analysis under the situation that many waves input, put forward etc. moved the principle and etc. energy principle, and put forward the concept of the structure ductility. Studied single and free system to accept defeat the level and flexibility thoroughly again from the relation of flapped the biggest not- flexible motive in the period and structure to respond afterward, this be customarily say of the theories of the R-μ -T effect. Passing these researches, announcing to public the ductility ability and plasticity to consume an ability is a structure Be taking to use to accept defeat level under not high circumstance, at big earthquake under the structure doesn't take place severity to break and doesn't don't tumble down of assurance. Arrive here, concerning the design earthquake dint's taking the basic problem of the value size have to arrive understanding definitely, be the anti- earthquake the earthquake dinttake a value of the size isn't a number of assurance, but with the structure ductility function and consume the ability mechanism related quantity value. Here what to need to be explain BE, designed the earthquake dint to take a value to resolve a problem only, but to the structure ductility function guarantee of the measure have to can also promise, this will at underneath a section discuss.Currently, the anti- earthquake norms all round the world almost adopts so a kind of way of thinking: The adoption presses the earthquake strong or weak of possible situation to divide the line earthquake cent area; According to everyplace the history occurrence of the area earthquake of covariance result or to geology structure of the history investigate to have to explicit statistics the meaning establish the sport peak value in waterproof and quasi- ground value acceleration; Make use of again the reaction acceleration that the acceleration reaction composes different period to descend structure to; get a design to use acceleration level through the earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R. In the meantime, most nations all approve such standpoint, establishing to defend the earthquake intensity level can take to use a different value, choosing to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and highly, the ductility request of the structure also more low, choose to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and lowly, structure of ductility request more high. The structure ductility guarantee of precondition is the ductility of the member, pass again an effectively reasonable conjunction in adopting a series of measure guarantee member the foundation of the ductility, the structure system choice is reasonable in the meantime, the degree just distributes reasonable of under condition ability basic assurance structure of ductility.Underneath this kind of discusses the our country anti- earthquake norm mostly way of thinking, the current Chinese norm didn't adopt a variety to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level to take to use, but don’ Ted add a distinction of unify an adoption of the earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R=1/0.35;In the meantime, mostly according to establish a dissimilarity of defend the earthquake intensity, divide the line the different anti- earthquake grade, fix attention on in establish to defend earthquake intensity differently, adopt the anti- earthquake measure of the differentassurance ductility. Very obvious here exist a misunderstanding of concept, also be according to the theories of the R-μ-T effect, the little more than earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R=1/0.35, should give the same ductility guarantee measure to the structure, but the Chinese norm adopt the different ductility guarantee measure, along with anti- earthquake the exaltation of the grade, ductility guarantee the ability correspond to strengthen. This kind of usefulness of the way of doing under way and not the line motive respond of verification, can describe so as a result mostly: For the district of 8 degrees 0.3 g and 9 degrees 0.4 g, because of correspond of the anti- earthquake grade is higher, the measure of the guarantee ductility is also stronger, so generally and more safe; And for the district of 6 degrees 0.05 g and 7 degrees 0.1 g, gain from here to of the level earthquake effect be partial to small, the general lotus carries an array, group is carried the control function by the gravity lotus, although to should of the measure of the guarantee ductility isn't very strong, can also guarantee structure generally under the big earthquake of not- flexible transform of function; But to the district of 7 degrees 0.15 g and 8 degrees 0.2 g, circumstance another the person worry, because of at the lotus carry an array, group, the earthquake function can have generally control function, but correspond measure of guarantee the ductility and be partial to weak, so difficult don't need to exist certain potential safety hazard to suffer from. See again other national earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R to choose to use, in order to have kept concrete understanding of view:The earthquake dint adjustment coefficient of all countries norm provision3.Ability Design MethodTop a part emphasized to discuss the design earthquake dint to take the problem of the value, but wanted to promise structure under the big earthquake of function, also need to establish the valid anti- earthquake measure, make the structure really have need of keep vertical loading under the dint condition not- flexible transform an ability, this be the so-called ability design method.Ability design method from New Zealand the reinforced concrete anti- earthquake expert scholars such as the T. Parlay and the R. Park etc. development with initiate, main way of thinking is to the member occasionally member dissimilarity inside the piece is subjected to the dint form of the loading ability differ of control, promise the reinforced concrete structure formation the beam swing joint organization and ductility bigger is cut noodles to be subjected to the dint breakage appearance, make the structure have to play plasticity to transform function enough, promise big earthquake hour have an enough ability to consume to spread function, avoid creation brittleness to break and appear disadvantageous of organization form. The key of the ability design method is the anti- earthquake design that leads the control concept into structure, there is the leading formation of the purpose to the beneficial breakage mechanism is to the structure and break mode, avoid not reasonable of the structure break appearance, and try assurance to anticipate to break part to play plasticity to transform an ability.The ability design method mainly passes the following three kinds of measure to give assurance:1. Enlarge pillar opposite in the anti- of the beam-curved ability, artificial of leading of the structure swing joint part.2. Raise opposite in is cut the noodles loading dint of the anti- shear ability, avoiding appearing non- ductility to shear to slice breakage.3. To the part that appears the plasticity swing probably, the adoption corresponds of structure measure, assurance necessity of not- flexible transform function.First, the reasonable part of the swing joint carry on a discussion, all countriesmostly of the way of thinking inclines toward to make the project that the beam carries first to carry to appear in the pillar about and all. This kind of swing joint project has a following advantage: The ductility of the beam is easy to a control, and under general circumstance compare pillar of the ductility is big; The whole plasticity of the beam swing joint ratio pillar swing joint formation transform small; The plasticity of the beam swing joint organization formation transform more stable. There are also two kinds of different design methods while admit the premise of have the initiative the formation beam swing joint, a kind of from is a representative New Zealand of, incline toward the formation ideal beam swing joint organization, be promise the beam carries to appear the plasticity swing, but in addition to first floor, the post all doesn't appear the plasticity swing, at this time to in addition to the first floor pillar give post opposite compare bigger and super and strong coefficient(probably 2.0) in the beam, the advantage is a post(in addition to first floor) and doesn't need to be carry on to go together with hoop complicatedly at this time, because of adopt such coefficient can promise a swing joint very explicit. But is exactly because this kind of design method pursues the ideal beam swing joint organization to cause the first floor post compare weaker, the possibility for throng will be a swing joint, the plasticity that correspond and then have to adopt the structure measure to promise this part transforms function. In the meantime, such as if the first floor the influence of the swing joint upon the structure will compare greatly, once pressing and mating because structural whole tumble down, this has to be given guarantee up from the structure, increasing a structure of difficulty. Another project includes total body, Chinese etc. in the United States, Europe, this kind of project leading structure pillar swing joint the night appears in the beam swing joint, unlimited make the emergence of the swing joint in the meantime, but request structure and do not become the layer side to move structure, at this time to post of super go together with coefficient to compare with to request New Zealand of want to be small, goes together with the project that the stirrup takes in to control to the post adoption in the meantime. BE super to go together with coefficient to really settle problem comparison complications to the post adoption in fact: The beam carries thesuper influence for go together with for construct; The beam carries the plasticity swing to appear inside the dint is heavy to distribute of influence; Before accept defeat of the not- flexible characteristic may make the post bending moment physically big get in the flexibility analysis of bending moment ;The indetermination factor that the material difference bring; Growth of the structure not- flexible characteristic cause the influence etc. that the structure motive characteristic variety bring. According to the request of the ability design, the plastic hinge that shears the dint wall appears generally in the bottom of the wall limb. The joining beam shear the loading dint and ductility that the loading dint and ductility and entrance to cave of the dint wall connect beam contain very great relation, designing generally and possibly weak connect beam, the leading that has intention to know connects beam at earthquake accept defeat first, then is the bottom wall to accept defeat, also be anticipate the area of plastic hinge to accept defeat.Avoided appearing to shear reason of slice the breakage early easy, be because of shearing to slice to break to belong to the brittleness breakage, disadvantage in promise the ductility of the structure, promise of way be according to the dissimilarity of the anti- earthquake grade to all beams, pillars, wall etc. the adoption is opposite to bend in the anti- of different super go together with coefficient.The basic request that the anti- earthquake anti- shear is before the beam carry plastic hinge that big epicenter need turn to move and don't take place to shear to slice breakage, this sheared concept difference with the non- anti- earthquake anti-.For various different processing methods that the structure anti- of the member shears mechanism and the our country norm, there is the necessity elucidation here once. Beam: When anti- shake because of low week again and again the function made the beam appear to cross an inclined fracture, fissure, the inclined fracture, fissure distributed an anti- of come to a decision the anti- earthquake to shear the ability ratio not an anti- earthquake to have to descend, reason: The anti- shake of shear to slice to break occurrence after the end long tendon accept defeat, the fracture, fissure compare at this time greatly; The harm that crosses the emergence of the fracture, fissure to the concrete is more serious; The enlargement beam carried the number of the negativebending moment when anti- shake, cause bigger sheared the dint value to appear under the beam to carry, sprinkle plank now because of descending to carry to have no, break more easily. But at this time the function and function for non- anti- to shake of the stirrup differ only a few, in the norm to the consideration of this disadvantageous function is to adopt to resist to shear formula in to the concrete item 0.6 of fold to reduce, in the meantime, in order not to non- ductility of inclined break bad, while adopting to shake than the non- anti- more scathing restriction measure, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti- earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. Pillar: It resist earthquake in the norm the anti- of the pillar shear the processing principle of the formula similar, also is adopt to the concrete item 0.6 of fold and reduce coefficient, adopt more scathing measure to prevent from equally inclined break bad, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti- earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. But because of under general circumstance, the stalk pressure comparison of the pillar is big, this kind of pressure shears function to be partial to the anti- of the member after appearing the plastic hinge to the pillar emollient, according to this kind of way of thinking, pillar the adoption fold to reduce with beam similarly to seem to be not greatly reasonable. Wall: When the anti- shake, there is almost no related on trial data in domestic, is an adoption only the earthquake is to the non- anti- of the anti- sheared formula to adopt to the concrete item and the reinforcing bar items 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient, in the meantime, in bar of and inclined break bad, adoption the restriction shear a way of press the ratio, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti- earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. What to need to be explaining BE, under general circumstance, the part that shears the dint wall anti- to shear a problem probably is a lower part are a few floors. Node: The main acceptance shears the dint member, the node shears dint mainly is depend on the truss organization, inclined press pole organization, the stirrup of the stipulation effect three organizations or path to bear. The truss organization mainly is resist the reinforcing bar lord to pull should dint, inclined press the pole organization mainly is the lord that resists the concrete and the reinforcing bar creation to press should dint, the stipulation effect of thestirrup then strengthens the anti- of the concrete to shear ability. Along with the node concrete inside the area not- line development, the truss the function of the structure lets up continuously, and then both of function but be strengthening continuously. Therefore, the main target of the node anti- earthquake is under the situation that be subjected to dint again and again, pass to strengthen inclined press the pole organization and the stirrup to control an effect to avoid the core area concrete inclined to press thus a diplomatic corps to order at attain to anticipate of the big earthquake respond before do not take place to shear to slice breakage.After shearing the discussion of mechanism to the above anti-earthquake, can be do with the function of the beam stirrup to tally up as follows: The first obvious function is to used for an anti- to shear; The second function controls concrete, this to guarantee the structure ductility contain count for much function, can also say literally here the obstacle that once high and strong concrete meet when used for anti- earthquake, this is related with the material of the high and strong concrete first, strength more high concrete more frailty, its should attain in the dint contingency relation biggest press should the contingency of the dint is smaller, this makes the design become the ductility member a difficulty with very great formation, is more high because of the strength of the concrete in the meantime, the stirrup rises the effect of the stipulation more bad, also can't the extreme limit of the enough valid exaltation concrete press a contingency, so cause to adopt the ductility of the structure member of the high and strong concrete hard get a guarantee; The third function is the stipulation function that carries to the beam lengthways reinforcing bar, prevent forming lengthways reinforcing bar lose steady, this has something to do with the special material of the reinforcing bar.中文译文:框架结构的抗震设计思路摘要目前,世界各国的抗震规范都采用这种思路:按可遇地震的强弱划分地震分区;根据各地区的历史发生地震的统计或对地质构造的考察得出设防水准地面的运动峰值加速度;再利用加速度反应谱给出不同周期下结构的反应加速度;通过地震力调整系数R得到设计加速度水准。



AE 538 – Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
PSU ‐‐ Memari
[ Seismic Provisions ‐‐ Overview ]
AE 538 – Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
W = Effective Seismic Weight ≡ Dead Load + 25% floor Live Load for storage areas + Partition loads ( 10 PSF) + Permanent equipment + 20% flat roof snow load (if 30 PSF) Eq. (12.8‐2)
[ Seismic Provisions ‐‐ Overview ] 4

AE 538 – Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
PSU ‐‐ Memari
AE 538 – Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
PSU ‐‐ Memari
Recall that the Seismic Base Shear is: . Where Seismic Response Coefficient Eq. (12.8‐1)1



南京理工大学紫金学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系:机械工程系专业:土木工程姓名:袁洲学号: 050105140 外文出处:Design of prestressed(用外文写)concrete structures 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。



最大弯矩截面在以下两种荷载阶段为控制情况,即传递时梁受最小弯矩M G的初始阶段和最大设计弯矩M T时的工作荷载阶段。






在第5 、 6 和7章节中已经阐明了个别截面的设计,下面论述简支梁钢索的总布置。






首先考虑先张梁,如图 8-7,这里最好采用直线钢索,因为它们在两个台座之间加力比较容易。





外文翻译---高层建筑及结构设计High-rise XXX to define。


a low-rise building is considered to be een 1 to 2 stories。

while a medium-rise building ranges from 3 or 4 stories up to 10 or 20 stories or more。

While the basic principles of vertical and horizontal subsystem design remain the same for low-。


or high-rise buildings。

the vertical subsystems XXX high-XXX requiring larger columns。



XXX.The design of high-rise buildings must take into account the unique XXX by their height and the need to withstand lateral forces such as wind and earthquakes。

One important aspect of high-rise design is the framework shear system。


braced frames。

or XXX the appropriate system depends on the specific building characteristics and the seismicity of the n in which it is located.Another key n in high-rise design is the seismic system。





关键词:框架结构;抗震分析;抗震加固设计abstract: based on the old structure through new and conversions, is the effective means to continue building vitality, developed countries for old buildings in the renewal design has become a common phenomenon and mature way. and the old building update and rebuilt premise for the safety of the structure protection and therefore seismic strengthening design in rebuilding process plays an indispensable role.keywords: frame structure; seismic analysis; seismic strengthening design中图分类号: tu375.4 文献标识码: a 文章编号:1工程概况本工程为上海市闵行区江川文化馆改造加固项目,位于上海市鹤庆路366号。






附录1:外文原文外文翻译附录2:外文翻译钢筋混凝土建筑在地震中的抗倒塌安全性研究(二):延性和非延性框架的对比分析(Abbie B. Liel1, Curt B. Haselton2, and Gregory G. Deierlein3)摘要:本文是两篇配套论文的第二篇,旨在探讨钢筋混凝土框架结构在地震中的抗倒塌安全性,并检验加利福尼亚州在20世纪70年代中期之前所建非延性框架结构建筑的可靠性。













本科生毕业设计外文翻译题目出处/ content/b35k24747458435l/ 姓名学号 00000000学院 XX学院专业 XX工程指导教师2011年X月X日英文原文:Assessment of European seismic design proceduresfor steel framed structuresA.Y. Elghazouli1 IntroductionAlthough seismic design has benefited from substantial developments in recent years, the need to offer practical and relatively unsophisticated design procedures inevitably results in various simplifications and idealisations. These assumptions can, in some cases, have advert implications on the expected seismic performance and hence on the rationale and reliabil- ity of the design approaches. It is therefore imperative that design concepts and application rules are constantly appraised and revised in light of recent research findings and improvedunderstanding of seismic behaviour. To this end, this paper focuses on assessing the under- lying approaches and main procedures adopted in the seismic design of steel frames, with emphasis on European design provisions.In accordance with current seismic design practice, which in Europe is represented by Eurocode 8 (EC8) (2004), structures may be designed according to either non-dissipative or dissipative behaviour. The former, through which the structure is dimensioned to respond largely in the elastic range, is normally limited to areas of low seismicity or to structures of special use and importance. Otherwise, codes aim to achieve economical design by employ- ing dissipative behaviour in which considerable inelastic deformations can be accommodated under significant seismic events. In the case of irregular or complex structures, detailed non- linear dynamic analysis may be necessary. However, dissipative design of regular structures is usually performed by assigning a structural behaviour factor (i.e. force reduction or modifica- tion factor) which is used to reduce the code-specified forces resulting from idealised elastic response spectra. This is carried out in conjunction with the capacity design concept which requires an appropriate determination of the capacity of the structure based on a pre-defined plastic mechanism (often referred to as failure mode), coupled with the provision of sufficient ductility in plastic zones and adequate over-strength factors for other regions. Although the fundamental design principles of capacity design may not be purposely dissimilar in various codes, the actual procedures can often vary due to differences in behavioural assumptions and design idealisations.This paper examines the main design approaches and behavioural aspects of typical config- urations of moment-resisting and concentrically-braced frames. Although this study focuses mainly on European guidance, the discussions also refer to US provisions (AISC 1999, 2002, 2005a,b) for comparison purposes. Where appropriate, simple analytical treatments are presented in order to illustrate salient behavioural aspects and tr ends, and reference is also made to recent experimental observations and findings.Amongst the various aspects examined in this paper, particular emphasis is given to capacity design verifications as well as the implications of drift-related requirements in moment frames, and to the post-buck- ling behaviour and ductility demand in braced frames, as these represent issues that warrant cautious interpretation and consideration in the design process. Accordingly, a number of necessary clarifications and possible modifications to code procedures are put forward. 2 General considerations2.1 Limit states and loading criteriaThe European seismic code, EC8 (Eurocode 8 2004) has evolved over a number of years changing status recently from a pre-standard to a full European standard. The code explicitly adopts capacity design approaches, with its associated procedures in terms of failure mode control, force reduction and ductility requirements. One of the main merits of the code is that, in comparison with other seismic provisions, it succeeds to a large extent in maintaining a dire ct and unambiguous relationship between the specific design procedures and the overall capacity design concept.There are two fundamental design levels considered in EC8, namely ‘no-collapse’ and ‘damage-limitation’, which essentially refer to ultimate and serviceability limit states, respec- tively, under seismic loading. The no-collapse requirement corresponds to seismic action based on a recommended probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years, or a return period of 475 years, whilst the values associated with the damage-limitation level relate to arecommended probability of 10% in 10 years, or return period of 95 years. As expected, capacity design procedures are more directly associated with the ultimate limit state, but a number of checks are included to ensure compliance with serviceability conditions.The code defines reference elastic response spectra (Se) for acceleration as a function of the period of vibration (T) and the design ground acceleration (ag) on firm ground. The elast ic spectrum depends on the soil factor (S), the damping correction factor (η) and pre-defined spectral periods (TB , TC and TD) which in turn depend on the soil type and seismic source characteristics. For ultimate limit state design, inelastic ductile performance is incorporated through the use of the behaviour factor (q) which in the last version of EC8 is assumed to capture also the effect of viscous damping. Essentially, to avoid performing inelastic analysis in design, the elastic spectral acceleration s are divided by ‘q ’ (excepting some modifications for T < TB), to reduce the design forces in accordance with the structural configuration and expected ductility. For regular structures (satisfying a number of code-specified criteria), a simplified equival ent static approach can be adopted, based largely on the fundamental mode of vibration.2.2 Behaviour factorsThis type of frame has special features that are not dealt with in this study, although some comments relevant to its behaviour are made within the discussions. Also, K-braced framesare not considered herein as they are not recommended for dissipative design. On the other hand, eccentrically-braced frames which can combine the advantages of moment-resisting and concentrically-braced frames in terms of high ductility and stiffness, are beyond the scope of this study. The reference behaviour factor should be considered as an upper bound even if non-linear dynamic analysis suggests higher values. For regular structures in areas of low seismicity, a ‘q ’ of 1.5–2.0 may be adopted without applying dissipative design procedures, recognizing the presence of a minimal level of inherent over-strength and ductility. In this case, the struc- ture would be classified as a low ductility class (DCL) for which g lobal elastic analysis can be utilized, and the resistance of members and connections may be evaluated according to EC3 (Eurocode 3 2005) without any additional requirements.中文翻译:欧洲对钢框架结构抗震设计的评估1介绍虽然抗震设计实质性进展受益匪浅,近年来,需要提供实用和相对简单的设计方法,不可避免地导致各种各样的简化和理想化。



外文原稿2The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and ConstructionDesign of Building Structures to Improve their Resistanceto Progressive CollapseD A Nethercot aa Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial CollegeLondonAbstract:It is rare nowadays for a “new topic” to emerge within the relatively mature field of Structural Engineering. Progressive collapse-or, more particularly, understanding the mechanics of the phenomenon and developing suitable ways to accommodate its consideration within our normal frameworks for structural design-can be so regarded. Beginning with illustrations drawn from around the world over several decades and culminating in the highly public WTC collapses, those features essential for a representative treatment are identified and early design approaches are reviewed. More recent work is then reported, concentrating on developments of the past seven years at Imperial College London, where a comprehensive approach capable of being implemented on a variety of levels and suitable for direct use by designers has been under development. Illustrative results are used to assist in identifying some of the key governing features, to show how quantitative comparisons between different arrangements may now be made and to illustrate the inappropriateness of some previous design concepts as a way of directly improving resistance to progressive collapse.2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Keywords:Composite structures; Progressive Collapse; Robustness; Steel structures; Structural design1. IntroductionOver time various different structural design philosophies have been proposed, their evolutionary nature reflecting:*Growing concern to ensure adequate performance.*Improved scientific knowledge of behaviour.*Enhanced ability to move from craft based to science based and thus from prescriptive to quantitatively justified approachesThis can be traced through concepts such as: permissible stress, ultimate strength, limit states and performance based. As clients, users and the general public have become increasingly sophisticated and thus more demanding in their expectations, so it became necessary for designers to cover an ever increasing number and range of structural issues–mostly through consideration of the “reaching this condition would be to a greater or lesser extent unacceptable”approach. Therefore issues not previously considered (or only allowed for in an implicit, essentially copying past satisfactory performance, way) started to require explicit attention in the form of: an assessment of demand, modelling behaviour and identification of suitable failure criteria. The treatment of topics such as fatigue, fire resistance, durability and serviceability can all be seen to have followed this pattern.To take a specific example: designing adequate fire resistance into steel framed buildings began (once the need had been recognised) with simple prescriptive rules for concrete encasement of vulnerable members but it has, in recent years, evolved into a sophisticated discipline of fire engineering, concerned with fire loading, the provision of protective systems such as sprinklers, calculation of response in theevent of a fire and the ability to make quantitative comparisons between alternative structural arrangements. Not only has this led to obvious economic benefits in the sense of not providing fire protection where it gave only negligible benefit, it has also led to increased fire safety through better understanding of the governing principles and the ability to act intelligently in designing suitable arrangements based on a proper assessment of need.Prior to the Ronan Point collapse in London in 1968 the terms robustness, progressive collapse,disproportionate collapse etc., were not part of Structural Engineering vocabulary. The consequences of the damage done to that 22 storey block of pre-cast concrete apartments by a very modest gas explosion on the 18th floor led to new provisions in the UK Building Regulations, outlawing for many years of so called system built schemes, demolition of several completed buildings, temporary removal of gas in high rise construction and the formation of the Standing Committee on Structural Safety. Eventually, the benefits of properly engineered pre-fabrication were recognised, safe methods for the installation of gas were devised and the industry moved on. However, the structural design guidance produced at that time - that still underpins much present day provision - was essentially prescriptive in nature with no real link to actual performance.Subsequent incidences of progressive collapse such as the Murragh Building and the World Trade Centre brought increased attention to the actual phenomenon and issues of how it might reasonably be taken into account for those structural designs where it was considered appropriate. In doing this it is, of course, essential to include both the risk of a triggering incident and the consequences of a failure so that the resulting more onerous structural demands are used appropriately. Arguably, a disproportionate response in terms of requiring costly additional provisions in cases where the risks/consequences are very low/very minor may be as harmful as failing to address those cases where the risks/consequences are high/severe.This paper will review current approaches to design to resist progressive collapse and contrast these with work undertaken over the past seven years at Imperial College London, where the goal has been the provision of a realistically based method suitable for use in routine design. The essential features of the method will be presented, its use on several examples described and results presented to illustrate how it is leading to a better understanding of both the mechanics of progressive collapse and the ways in which structural engineers can best configure their structures so as to provide enhanced resistance2.Design to resist progressive collapseThe two most frequently used design approaches intended to address the issue of progressive collapse are:*Providing tying capacity*Checking alternate load pathsFigure 1: Tie Forces in a Frame StructureThe first is essentially prescriptive and consists of ensuring that beams, columns, connections and floor (or roof) can act together to provide a specified minimum level of horizontal tying resistance; the actual values required are normally related to the vertical loading. Figure 1, which is taken from recent US Guidance (SEI 2010), illustrates the principle. The approach is simple to appreciate, requires minimal structural calculation and, in situations where the original provisions are found to be inadequate, can be made to work by providing more substantial connections and/or additional reinforcement in floor slabs In an interesting recent development, that recognizes the link to the generation of catenary action, US Guidance has restricted the use of tying between the structural members to situations in which it can be demonstrated that the associated connections can carry the required forces whilst undergoing rotations of 0.2 radiance. Where this is not possible, tying should act through the floors and the roof. However, recent studies (Nethercot et al 2010a; Nethercot et al 2010b) have suggested that tying capacity correlates poorly with actual resistance to progressive collapse. Moreover, being prescriptive, it does not permit the meaningful comparison of alternative arrangements - a fundamental feature of structural design.In its most frequently used form the alternative load path approach presumes the instantaneous loss of a single column and then requires that the ability of the resulting damaged structure to bridge the loss bedemonstrated by suitable calculation (Gudmundsson and Izzuddin 2010). The approach may be implemented at varying levels of sophistication in terms of the analysis; for example, recent thinking in the United States (SEI 2010) makes provision for any of: linear static, non-linear static or non-linear dynamic analysis and provides some guidance on the use of each. It may also be used as the basis for more sophisticated numerical studies of particular structures and particular incidents e.g. forensic work; the best of these–which are likely to be computationally very demanding–have demonstrated their ability to closely replicate actual observed behaviour.3. Essential features of progressive collapseThree features have previously (Nethercot 2010) being identified as essential components of any reasonably realistic approach to design against progressive collapse:*Events take place over a very short timescale and the actual failure is therefore dynamic.*It involves gross deformations, generating large strains, leading to inelastic behaviour as well as change of geometry effects.*Failure essentially corresponds to an inability of the structure in its damaged state to adopt a new position of equilibrium without separation of key elements.Figure 2: Simplified multi-level approach for progressive collapse assessmentAdditional features, designed to make the approach attractive for use by practicing Engineers have also been proposed (Nethercot 2010):*Process should consist of a series of steps broadly similar in concept to those used for “conventional” structural design.*It should, preferably, be capable of implementation at a variety at levels of complexity–with the choice reflecting the importance of thestructure.*Any required analysis should utilise familiar techniques; where these require computations beyond “hand methods”, these should be based on the use of available analysis software.* A realistic and recognisable criterion of failure should be used. *Approach should permit study of cause and effect and be suitable for the making of quantitative comparisons.It was against this background that the studies at Imperial College London have been undertaken. An approach incorporating the three essential features but observing the five desirable features was originally developed (Vlassis 2007); it has subsequently been refined (Stylianidis 2010). Although the starting point was column removal, the approach contains a number of distinctive features:*Although dynamic response is allowed for, only static analysis is required (Izzuddin et al 2007).*The approach may be implemented at structure, sub-structure, floor grillage or individual beam level, see Figure 2.* A realistic criterion of failure is employed, corresponding to reaching the ductility limits in connections.*Quantitative comparisons between alternative structural arrangements may readily be made.*The approach may be implemented using only explicit formulae, thereby permitting simple and rapid calculation.Full details of the method, both in its original form which utilises ADAPTIC to perform the calculations and in its simplified form, may be found in the series of Imperial papers (2-12).*a) First yielding of the tensile components (top bolt row of the support connection)*b) Ultimate capacity of the beam flange at one of the connections (support)*c) Ultimate capacity of the system (failure of the bottom bolt row of the mid-span connection)*d) The axial load becomes zero (the deflection of the beam where the axial load changes from compressive to tensile)*e) The deflection of the beam where the axial load becomes equal to the flange capacity of one of the connections (mid-span connection)Figure 3: Non-linear static response for a single beam中文翻译2通过建筑结构设计以改善建筑物的抗倒性D A Nethercot a土木与环境工程学院——伦敦帝国学院摘要:如今的“新话题”出现在相对成熟的结构工程领域这是一件罕见的事。



中英文对照外文翻译The frame structure anti- earthquake concept design The disaster has an earthquake dashing forward sending out nature, may forecast nature very low so far, bring about loss for human society is that the natural disaster of all kinds is hit by one of the gravest disaster gravely. In the light of now available our country science level and economy condition, correct the target building seismic resistance having brought forward "three standards " fortification, be that generally, the what be spoken "small earthquake shocks does not but constructs in the dirty trick, big earthquakes do not fall ". That generally, what be talked small shocks in the earthquake, big earthquakes refer to respectively is intensity exceed probability in 50 fortifying for 3%'s 63% , 10% , 2 ~ being more is caught in an earthquake, earthquake , rare Yu earthquake.Since building the astigmatic design complexity, in actual project, anti-knock conceptual design appears especially important right away. It includes the following content mainly: Architectural design should pay attention to the architectural systematic ness; Choose rational building structure system; the tensile resisting inclining force structure and the component is designed.That the ability designs law is the main content that the structure denasality designs includes standard our country internal force adjustment and structure two aspect. It is twenty centuries seventies later stage , reinforced concrete structure brought forward by famous New Zealand scholar T.Paulay and Park has sufficient tonsillitis method under the force designing an earthquake chooses value is prejudiced low situationW.hose core thought is: "The beam cuts organization " or "the beam column cuts organization " by the fact that "the strong weak post beam " guidesstructure to take form; Avoid structure by "strong weak scissors turn " before reach estimate that shearing happened in the denasality in the ability front destroy; Turn an ability and consume an ability by the fact that necessary structure measure makes the location may form the plasticity hinge have the necessary plasticity. Make structure have the necessary tonsillitis from all above three aspect guarantee. That framed structure is the common structure form, whose senility certainly designs that, is to embody from about this three aspect also mainly.1, Strong pillar weak beamDriving force reaction analysis indicates structure; architectural deformability is connected with to destroying mechanism. Common have three kinds model’s c onsume energy organization ", beam hinge organization ““, post hinge organization ““, beam column hinge organization "."Beam hinge organization " and "beam column hinge organization " Lang Xian knuckle under , may let the entire frame have distribution and energy consumption heavierthan big internal forces ability, limit tier displacement is big , plasticity hinge quantity is many , the hinge does not lose efficacy but the structure entirety does not lose efficacy because of individual plasticity. The as a result anti-knock function is easy to be that the armored concrete is ideal consume energy organization. Being that our country norm adopts allows a pillar , the shearing force wall puts up the hinge beam column hinge scheme, taking place adopting "strong relative weak post beam " measure , postponing a pillar cuts time. Weak tier of post hinge organization possibility appear on unable complete trouble shooting but , require that the axis pressure restricting a pillar compares as a result, architectural weakness prevents necessary time from appearing tier by the fact that Cheng analysis law judges now and then, post hinge organization.Are that V. I. P. is to enhance the pillar bending resistance , guidance holds in the beam appear first, the plasticity cuts our "strong common weak post beam " adjustment measure. Before plasticity hinge appearing on structure, structure component Yin La District concrete dehiscence and pressure area concrete mistake elasticity character, every component stiffness reduces a reinforced bar will do with the cementation degeneration between the concrete. That stiffness reduces a beam isrelatively graver than accepting the pillar pressing on , structure enhances from initial shearing type deformation to curved scissors shape deformation transition , curved post inner regulation proportion really more curved than beam; The at the same time architectural period is lengthened, size affecting the participation modulus shaking a type respectively to structure's; Change happened in the earthquake force modulus , lead to the part pillar bend regulation enhancing, feasible beam reality knuckles under intensity rise , the post inner bends regulation when plasticity hinge appearing on thereby feasible beam enhancing since structure cause and the people who designs the middle reinforced bar's are to enhance.. And after plasticity hinge appearing on structure, same existence having above-mentioned cause, structure knuckles under mistake elasticity in the day after tomorrow process being that process , post that the earthquake enhances strenuously further bend regulation enhancing with earthquake force but enhance. The force arouses an earthquake overturn force moment having changed the actual post inner axis force. We knuckle under the ability lessening than axis pressure in standardizing being limited to be able to ensure that the pillar also can lead to a pillar in big the bias voltage range inner , axis force diminution like value. The anti-knock norm is stipulated: Except that the frame top storey and post axis pressure are compared to the strut beam and frame pillar being smaller than 0.15 person and frame, post holds curved regulation designing that value should accord with difference being,that first order takes 1.4 , the two stage takes 1.2 , grade-three takes 1.1. 9 degree and one step of framed structure stillresponds to coincidence, ,intensity standard value ascertains that according to matching reinforced bar area and material really. The bottom post axis is strenuously big, the ability that the plasticity rotates dispatches, be that pressure collapses after avoiding a foot stall producing a hinge, one, two, three steps of framed structure bottom, post holds cross section constituting curved regulation designing that value takes advantage of that 1.5, 1.25 compose in reply 1.15 in order to enhancing a modulus respectively. Combination of the corner post adjustment queen bends regulation still should take advantage of that not to be smallerthan 1.10's modular. Curved regulation designs that value carries out adjustment to one-level anti-knock grade shearing force wall limb cross section combination , force the plasticity hinge to appear to reinforce location in the wall limb bottom, the bottom reinforces location and all above layer of curved regulation designing that value takes wall limb bottom cross section constituting curved regulation designing value , other location multiplies 1.2's by to enhance a modulus. Prop up anti-knock wall structure to part frame, bottom-end , whose curved combination regulation design value respond to one, two steps of frame pillars post upper end and bottom post take advantage of that 1.5 composes in reply 1.25 in order to enhancing a modulus respectively. All above "strong weak post beam” adjustment measure, reaction analysis indicates , big satisfied fundamental earthquakes demand no upside down course nonlinearity driving force. Reinforced bar spending area, the beam in 7 is controlled from gravity load, the post reinforced ba r matches’ tendon rates basically from the minimum under the control of. Have enhanced post Liana Xiang all round resisting the curved ability. At the same time, 7 degree of area exactly curved regulation plasticity hinge appears on disaster very much, plays arrive at advantageous role to fighting against big earthquakes. In 9 degree of area, adopt reality to match reinforced bar area and material bending regulation within intensity standard value calculation post, structural beam reinforced bar enhancing same lead to enhancing bending regulation within post designing value, under importing in many waves, the beam holds the plasticity hinge rotating developing greatly, more sufficient, post holds the plasticity hinge developing insufficiency, rotate less. Design demand with the beam. Reaction and 9 degree are about the same to 8 degree of area , whose big earthquake displacement , that post holds the plasticity hinge is bigger than rotating 9 degree much but, the beam holds the plasticity hinge appearing sufficient but rotate small, as a result "strong weak post beam " effect is not obvious , curved regulation enhances a modulus ought to take 1.35 , this waits for improving and perfecting going a step further when the grade suggesting that 8 degree of two stage is anti-knock in connection with the expert.2, Strong shear weak curved"Strong weak scissors turn” is that the plasticity cuts cross section for guarantee on reach anticipate that shearing happened in the mistake elastic-deformation prior to destroy. As far as common structure be concerned, main behaviors holds in the beam, post holds, the shearing force wall bottom reinforces area , shearing force wall entrance to a cave company beam tools , beam column node core area. Show mainly with being not that seismic resistance is compared with each other, strengthening measure in improving the effect shearing force; Aspect adjusting a shear bearing the weight of two forces.1)effect shearing forceOne, two, three-level frame beam and anti-knock wall middle stride over high ratio greater than 2.5 company beam, shearing force design value among them, first order choose 1.3, two stage choose 1.2, three-level choose 1.1, first order framed structure and 9 Due Shan respond to coincidence. Coincidence one, two, three steps of frame post and frame pillar , shearing force being designed being worth taking 1.4 among them, one step , taking 1.2, three steps of take 1.1 , one-level framed structure and 9 Due Shank two steps responding to. One, two, three steps of anti-knock walls bottom reinforces location the shearing force designs that value is among them, first order takes 1.6 , the two stage takes 1.4 , grade-three takes 1.2, 9 Dud Shank respond to coincidence. The node core area seismic resistance the beam column node , one, two steps of anti-knock grades are carried out is born the weight of force checking calculation by the scissors , should accord with anti-knock structure measure about 3 step, correct 9 degree of fortify and one-level anti-knock grade framed structure, think to the beam end the plasticity hinge already appears , the node shearing force holds reality completely from the beam knuckling under curved regulation decision , hold reality according to the beam matching reinforced bar covering an area of the growing modulus that intensity standard value calculation,takes advantage of that at the same time with 1.15 with material. Other first order holds curved regulation according to the beamdesigning that value secretly schemes against , the shearing force enhances a modulus being 1.35 , the two stage is 1.2.2) Shear formulaThe continuous beam of armored concrete and the cantilever beam are born the weight of at home and abroad under low repeated cycle load effect by the scissors the force experiment indicates the main cause pooling efforts and reducing even if tendon dowel force lessening is that the beam is born the weight of a force by the scissors, concrete scissors pressure area lessening shearing an intensity, tilted rift room aggregate bite. Scissors bear the weight of a norm to the concrete accepting descending strenuously being 60% be not anti-knock, the reinforced bar item does not reduce. By the same token, the experiment indicates to insisting to intimidate post with that the force is born the weight of by the scissors, loading makes post the force be born the weight of by the scissors reducing 10% ~ again and again 30%, the item arouses , adopts practice identical with the beam mainly from the concrete. The experiment is indicated to shearing force wall, whose repeated loading breaks the subtraction modulus up than monotony increases be loaded with force lessening is born the weight of by the scissors 15% ~ 20%, adopts to be not that seismic resistance is born the weight of by the scissors energy times 0.8's. Two parts accept the pressure pole strenuously tilted from the concrete is born the weight of by the scissors and horizontal stirrup of beam column node seismic resistance cutting the expert who bears the weight of force composition , is connected with have given a relevance out formula.Tilted for preventing the beam , post , company beam , shearing force wall , node from happening pressure is destroyed, we have stipulated upper limits force upper limit to be born the weight of by the scissors , have stipulated to match hoop rate’s namely to accepting scissors cross section.Reaction analysis indicates strong weak curved scissors requests; all above measure satisfies basically by mistake elasticity driving force. The plasticity rotates because ofanti-knock grade of two stage beam column under big earthquakes still very big , suggest that the shearing force enhances a modulus is bigger than having there is difference between one step unsuitably in connection with the expert, to the beam choose 1.25 is fairly good , ought to take 1.3 ~ to post 1.35. It's the rationality taking value remains to be improved and perfected in going a step further.Require that explanatory being , the beam column node accept a force very complicated , need to ensure that beam column reinforced bar reliability in the node is anchoring , hold occurrence bending resistance at the same time in the beam column destroying front, shearing happened in the node destroy, whose essence should belong to "strong weak curved scissors" categories. The node carries out adjustment on one, two steps of anti-knock grades shearing force and, only, the person enhances a modulus be are minor than post, ratio post also holds structure measure a little weak. As a result ", more strong node “statement, is not worth it encourage.3) Structure measureStructure measure is a beam, post, the shearing force wall plasticity cuts the guarantee that area asks to reach the plasticity that reality needs turning ability and consuming ability. Its "strong with "strong weak scissors turn ", weak post beam " correlates, a architectural denasality of guarantee.”Strong weak scissors turn " is a prerequisite for ensuring that the plasticity hinge turns an ability and consumes an ability; Strict "strong weak post beam " degree, the measure affecting corresponding structure, if put strict "strong weak post beam " into practice, ensure that the pillar does not appear than the plasticity hinge, corresponding axis pressure waiting for structure measure to should be a little loose right away except the bottom. Our country adopts "the strong relative weak post beam”, delays a pillar going beyond the hinge time, therefore needing to adopt stricter structure measure.①the beam structure measure beam plasticity hinge cross section senility and many factors match tendon rates and the rise knuckling under an intensity but reduce in connection with cross section tensile, with the reinforced bar being pulled; The reinforced bar matches tendon rates and concrete intensity rise but improve with being pressed on, width enhances but enhances with cross section; Plasticity hinge areastirrup can guard against the pressure injustice releasing a tendon , improve concrete limit pressure strain , arrest tilted rift carrying out , fight against a shearing force , plasticity hinge deformation and consume an ability bring into full play, That deck-molding is stridden over is smaller than exceeding , shearing deformation proportion is increasingly big, the gentility destroying , using the tilted rift easy to happen reduces. The beam has led low even if the tendon matches hoop, the reinforced bar may knuckle under after Lang Kai cracks break up by pulling even. As a result, the norm matches tendon rates to the beam even if the tendon maximum matches tendon rates and minimum , the stirrup encryption District length , maximal spacing , minimal diameter , maximal limb lead all have strict regulations from when, volume matches hoop. Being bending regulation , the guarantee cross section denasality , holding to the beam possibly for the end fighting against a beam to pull the pressure reinforced bar area ratio make restrict. Stride over height at the same time, to minimal beam width, than, aspect ratio has done regulation.② the post structure measureFor post bending a type accepting the force component, axis pressure than to the denasality and consuming to be able to, nature effect is bigger. Destroy axis pressure than big bias voltages happened in the pillar hour, component deformation is big , gentility energy nature easy to only consume, reduces; Nature is growing with axis pressure than enhancing , consuming an energy, but the gentility sudden drop, moreover the stirrup diminishes to the gentility help. Readjust oneself to a certain extent to adopt the pillar, main guarantee it's tonsillitis that the low earthquake designs strenuously, but consuming energy sex to second. The pressure ratio has made a norm to the axis restricting, can ensure that within big bias voltages range in general. Stirrup same get the strain arriving at big roles, restraining the longitudinal tendon, improving concrete pressure, deter the tilted rift from developing also to the denasality. Be to match tendon symmetrically like post, the person leads feeling bigger , as big , becoming deformed when the pillar knuckles under more even if the tendon matches tendon , the tensile finishes exceeding. As a result, the tendon minimum matches tendon rates, the stirrup encryption District length, maximalspacing, minimal diameter, maximal limb lead having made strict regulations out from when, and volume matches hoop to the pillar jumping. At the same time, aspect ratio , scissors to the pillar have stridden over a ratio , minimal altitude of cross section , width have done out regulation, to improve the anti-knock function.③ Node structure measureThe node is anchoring beam column reinforced bar area, effect is very big to structure function. Be under swear to act on earthquake and the vertical stroke to load, area provides necessary constraint to node core when node core area cuts pressure low than slanting, keep the node fundamental shear ability under disadvantageous condition, make a beam column anchoring even if the tendon is reliable, match hoop rates to node core area maximal spacing of stirrup, minimal diameter, volume having done out regulation. The beam column is main node structure measure content even if tendon reliability in the node is anchoring. Have standardized to beam tendon being hit by the node diameter; Release the anchoring length of tendon to the beam column; anchoring way all has detailed regulation.To sum up ,; Framed structure is to pass "the design plan calculating and coming realize structure measure the ability running after beam hinge organization" mainly thereby, realize "the small earth—quake shocks does not but constructs in the dirty trick, big earthquakes do not fall " three standards to-en fortifying target's. References.框架结构抗震设计地震灾害具有突发性,至今可预报性很低,给人类社会造成的损失严重,是各类自然灾中最严重的灾害之一。




关键词:框架结构;抗震设计Abstract: the current frame structure is a common structure form, frame structure, although relatively simple, but the design is still a lot of problems that need attention, only skilled master specification, and has good concept structure, in order to create a safe and economic application of excellent works.Keywords: frame structure; seismic design框架结构住宅是指以钢筋混凝土浇捣成承重梁柱,再用预制的加气混凝土、膨胀珍珠岩、浮石、蛭石、陶烂等轻质板材隔墙分户装配成而的住宅。







New Method of Seismic Fortification of Frame StructureLi Jie 1 Chen Zhongfan 2(1、Nanjing Real Estate Developing Company Nanjing 210000;2、Southeast University Nanjing 210096 )AbstractAccording to the analysis of the damage mechanism, it is found that the stiffness, strength and ductility can be effectively increased by increasing the reinforcement at the bottom floor of the frame structure. Some other constructional measures should be accordingly applied. The final aim of structure design, no collapse, is achieved.1.IntroductionEarthquake is a random effect. An earthquake can durate from several seconds to tens of seconds. The back and forth movements of the ground lead to the accumulation of damage. If the structure has only one line of defense and the line is destroyed the continuance movements of the ground will let the structure collapse. Otherwise, if there are two or three lines of earthquake resistant, the structure can resist continuance earthquake. It can be still there after the earthquake, though it has been damaged, here and there.2.Failure Mechanism of frameAll the aseismic standards of the world have required “strong column to weak beam”. In the standard of china (GB50011-2001), equation (1) should be satisfied, ∑∑=b c M M 1.1 (1) Where Mc is the moment of the columnMb is the moment of the beamWhen all the joints of the frame satisfied with equation (1), the beams will yield before columns under large horizontal load. The columns will become cantilevers. After that, a littlestage.3.Three lines of Earthquake Resistantcolumns become plastic hinges. Thus, the key of increasing the aseismic property of the frame structure is delaying the forming of the plastic hinges at the bottoms of the columns.There are two ways of delaying the forming of the plastic hinges at the bottoms of the columns. One is increasing the bending capacity of the ground floor columns. The other is decreasing the bending moments of the ground floor columns. There are three ways to increase the bending moments. They are increasing the size of the columns section, increasing the reinforcement and raising the grade of the concrete. The most effective way is increasing the size of the columns. But it is usually unpractical, because of the confinement of the architecture. Increasing the reinforcement is a quite good way. It will not be confined by the architect. It is not quite effective by raising the grade of the concrete. There are two ways to decrease the bending moment of the ground floor columns. One is decreasing the height of the ground floor. The other is delaying the yielding of the beams at the ground floor. Even if the horizontal force of the ground floors is equal in two buildings, the moment of the columns, which has lower height, is less. But it is often confined by the architect. The practical way is to delay the yielding of the beams. In that case, the ground floor frame works as a whole. That delays the columns becoming a cantilever. The bending moment of the ground floor columns is decreased extremely. There are also two ways to delay the yielding of the beams. One is to increase the size of the beams. The other is to increase the reinforcement.Above all, if we can increase the sizes of the beams and columns and (or) the reinforcement at the bottom floor, the bending moment resistant capability will be increased and the bending moment be decreased.4.Constructional MeasuresAfter the ground floor being enhanced, the frame should still satisfy with equation (1), that is “strong column, weak beam”. When the structure is undergoing overloading, the upper beamsat every floor is minused. So, for the columns lower than 1/3 of the building, the bottoms of the columns should be enhanced properly. Otherwise, the yielding hinges of the columns may occur at the upper part rather than at the ground floor. In that case, the capacity of the ground floor cannot develop fully. We suggest adding the ∩-bar in the column; shown in Fig.4.The height of the ∩-bar is 1/3 of the floor height. Two anchor lengths are saved when we use ∩-bar other than two bars. When we enhance the ground floor columns by increasing the reinforcement, the bars should be extended into the 2nd floor as long as 1/3 of the floor height. The bars in the beams need not extend to the 2nd floor columns.5.ConclusionStart with analyzing the collapse mechanism of the frame structure in this paper, the key of raising earthquake resistant capability is gained. That is to increasing the resisting moment and decreasing the bending moment of the ground floor column. The methods are increasing the sections and (or) reinforcement of the beams and columns at the ground floor. If it is possible, we can also decreasing the height of the ground floor. For example, arrange the meeting room at the top of the building, which needs higher floor height, and arrange the offices at the bottom of the building, which need lower floor height. We can also change the concrete grade, using high strength concrete for the ground floor. At the same time, corresponding constructional measures of the upper floors should be taken. So that the yield of the upper columns can be prevented, three lines of aseismic can develop fully.Reference[1] Chen Zhongfan, Research and Test on Reinforced Concrete Frame Shear-wall Structure, Southeast University, 1991.1。



【关键字】结构附录Seismology Civil EngineeringSEISMIC RESISTANT REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES-DESIGNPRINCIPLESSUMMARY:Earthquakes cause considerable economic losses.It is possible to minimize the economic loses by proper seismic design.In this paper basic principles for seismic design are summarized.There are three basic requirements to be satisfied;(a)strength,(b)ductility and(c)stiffness.In the paper these are briefly discussed.In the second part of the paper the author summarizes his views on the damages observed in the past earthquakes.He concludes that most of the damages have been due to,(a)bad configuration,(b)inadequate detailing and(c)inadequate supervision.In the paper these are discussed,pointing out the common mistakes made and damages observed as a result of these mistakes.In the last part of the paper some simple recommendations are made for producing seismic resistant reinforced concrete structures,emphasizing on detailing and proportioning.Key Words:Seismic resistance,reinforced concrete.1.INTRODUCTIONEvery year more than 300 000 earthquakes occur on the earth.Many of these are of small intensity and do not cause any damage to our structures.However,earthquakes of larger intensity in the vicinity of populated areas cause considerable damage and loss of life.It is estimated that on the average 15000 people have been killed each year throughout the world because of earthquakes.Since ancient times mankind has sought ways and means of minimizing the damage caused by earthquakes.The great masters of the art of building have been able to build structures which have withstood many severe earthquakes forcenturies.Magnificent mosques and bridges in the Middle East built by our ancestors are still in service,These masters did not know seismic analysis,but were able to evaluate past experience with their excellent engineering intuition and judgement.Mosques,bridges and schools(Medrese)built by Sinan in Istanbul and Edirne are not only beautiful,but are also engineering masterpieces.Today we have great advantages as compared to our ancestors.We have more experience,we have highly developed analytical tools and considerable experimental data.It should also be noted that computers enable us to consider more variables and several alternatives in the analysis.The main objective of this paper is to lay down some basic principles for producing earthquake resistant reinforced concrete structures.These are simple principles and easy to apply.They have been developed in the light of analytical and experimental research done and on observations made from past earthquakes.2.BASIC PHILOSOPHY AND REQUIREMENTSDesign principles cannot be laid down unless there is a well defined design philosophy.The design philosophy generally accepted is summarized below:-Buildings should suffer no structural damage in minor, frequent earthquakes. Normally there should be no nonstructural damage either.- Buildings should suffer none of minor structural damage (repairable) in occasional moderate earthquakes.- Buildings should not collapse in rarely occurring major earthquakes. During such earthquakes structures are not expected to remain in the elastic range. Yielding of reinforcing stell weill lead to plastic hinges at critical sections.The general design philosophy will not have much practical use unless design requirements are developed in parallel with this philosophy.The author believes that the design requirements can be summarized in three groups.a.Strength requirementsb.Ductility requirementsc.Stiffness requirements(or drift control).These three requirements will be briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.RequirementsMembers in the structure should have adequate strength to carry the design loads safely.Since the designers are well acquainted with this requirement,it will not be discussed in detail.However,it should be pointed out that the designer should avoid brittle type of failure,by making a capacity design(1).The basic principles in capacity design are illustrated for a beam in Figure 1.If the design shear is computed by placing the ultimate moment capacities at each end of the beam,the designer can make sure that ductile flexural failure will take place prior to shear failure.RequirementsIn general it is not economical to design R/C structures to remain elastic during a major earthquake.It has been demonstrated that structures designed for horizontal loads recommended in the codes can only survive strong earthquakes if they can have the ability to dissipate considerable amount of energy.The energy dissipation is provided mainly by large rotations at plastic hinges.The energy dissipation by inelastic deformations requires the members of the structure and their connections to possess adequate"ductility”.Ductility is the ability to dissipate a significant amount of energy through inelastic action under large amplitude deformations,without substantial reduction of strength.Adequate ductility can be accomplished by specifying minimum requirements and by proper detailing(2).RequirementsIn designing a building for gravity loads,the designer should consider serviceability in addition to ultimate strength.In seismic design,drift limitations imposed might be considered to be some kind of a serviceabilityrequirement.However,the drift limitation in seismic design is more important than the serviceability requirement.The limiting drift is usually expressed as the ratio of the relative storey displacement to the storey height(interstorey drift).Excessive interstorey drift leads to considerable damage in nonstructural elements.In many cases the cost of replacing or repairing of such elements is very high.Excessive interstorey drift can also lead tovery large second order moments(P-effect)which can endanger the safety and stability of the structure.Therefore interstorey drift control is considered to be one of the most important requirements in seismic design.The recent Mexico and Chile earthquakes have demonstrated the importance of this requirement(1).In Turkish Code the interstorey drift is limited to 0.0025h,where h is the storey height.3.LESSONS LEARNED FROM PAST EARTHQUAKESOur knowledge in seismic design has developed has developed as a result of analytical and experimental research and experience gained from past earthquakes.The author believes that lessons learned from past earthquakes have been the most important source among all others,because earthquakes perform the most realistic laboratory tests on the buildings.The author has reevaluated the damages observed in earthquakes during the past 30 years in Turkey.This reevaluation has revealed that more than 90%of the damages can be attributed to one of the following causes or combinations of these:a.Mistakes made in choosing the building configuration(general configuration or the structural system chosen).b.Inadequate detaling and proportioning or errors made in detailing.c.Poor construction quality caused by inadequate supervision.It is interesting to note that causes of damage grouped into the above three categories seem to apply to earthquake damages observed in other countriesalso.These three causes will be discussed briefly in the paragraphs to follow.ConfigurationSeismic resistance should be initiated at the architectural design stage.If the general configuration chosen by the architect is wrong,it is very difficult and expensive for the structural engineer to make the building seismic resistant.As a general principle the floor plan should be as symmetrical as possible.The length of wings(T,L,.cross shaped buildings)causing re-entrant corners should not be large.If the length of the wings is not short,then these should be separated from the main building by an expansion Joint.Symmetry about the elevational axis is not as significant as the plan symmetry.However,abrupt changes in building plan along the height of the building are not desirable from the seismic resistance point ofview.Setbacks are common vertical irregularities in building geometry.Setbacks cause discontinuities and abrupt changes in strength and stiffness.The seriousness of the setback effect depends on the relative proportions and absolute size of separate parts of the building. In general the designer should try to make changes in strength and stiffness along the building height as small as possible.As far as the structural system is concerned,one can set out some basic rules for better seismic resistance.Before setting out these rules,it would be appropriate to remind the engineers that nonstructural infill walls will influence the frame behaviour significantly unless separated from the frame.Sudden changes in stiffness along the height of the building should be avoided.If the stiffness of one storey is significantly smaller than the others(softstorey),premature failure can occur due to excessive lateral displacement at this floorlevel.As shown in Figure 2,changes in the storey stiffness can be caused not only by structural elements,but also by nonstructural elements such as infill walls.Two adjacent buildings should be separated from each other by an adequate distance in order to avoid the damage caused by pounding or reciprocal hammering of the buildings.The vertical load carrying elements in a floor should be so proportioned and arranged that the center of mass and center of resistance should nearly coincide.If these two centers are away from each other,the resulting eccentricity can cause severe floor torsion,increasing the shear forces at the boundary elementsconsiderably.Torsion is not only created by structural elements(Figure 3b)but can also be created by infill walls unless separated from the frame,Figure 3a.The maximum shear force which be acting on a column can be found by adding the moment capacities(ultimate moments)at each end of the column and dividing by the column length Figure 4.This simply means that,if the length of the columnis/5,then the column will carry five times as much shear.For this reason,short columns should be avoided whenever it is possible,because of the Figure 3.danger of shear failure.As illustrated in Figure 4,short columns are created by either structural or nonstructural (infill)elements.Structures with flexible floor members(flat plates or joist system with shallow beams)should either have rigid columns or shear walls(or cross-bracing)to prevent excessive drift.If the vertical load carrying members are not rigid enough,very high second order moments can result as shown in Figure 5.In 1967 Adapazari and 1985 Mexico earthquakes numerous failures have been observed in buildings with flexible floors and slender columns.For a more detail discussion on configuration,the reader is directed to Reference 2.and DetailingThe dimensions of structural members not only influence the strength,but also the overall stiffnes of the structure.In the light of experience gained from the past earthquakes,the author believes that the ratio of the sum of the cross-sectional areas of vertical load carrying members to the floor area is an important parameter in seismic resistance.This ratio will be called the"Density Ratio".The author has studied the variation of this ratio in the monumental historical buildings in Istanbul,which have with-stood several severe earthquakes during the past centuries.It was found out that this ratio varied between 0.2 and an example,the floor plan of the Süleymaniye.Mosque is shown in Figure 6.The author would like to point out the symmetry in the arrangement of load carrying members.In Süleymaniye the density ratio was about 0.24.Another investigation made on modern reinforced concrete buildings built in seismic areas in Turkey reveal that the average density ratio is less than author finds the ratio rather low and suggests that it should be about 0.015-0.0020.In the city of Vina del Mar,Chile the average density ratio in reinforced concrete buildings(4 to 23 stories)is quite high,0.06(3).This seems to be one of the reasons whyrelatively small damage occurred during the 1985 Chile earthquake,which created quite a severe ground motion.It should be pointed out that although density ratio is a very important parameter for lateral stiffness,the relative stiffness of floor members have also a significant influence on the stiffness.Ductility required for energy dissipation during an earthquake is closely related to detailing.A well designed R/C structure can suffer considerable damage if it is not properly detailed.Detailing is an art which cannot be realized unless the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete is well understood.The basic principle in detailing is to provide the necessary strength and ductility at critical sections and joints.In cutting the bars and in making lapped splices,adequate anchorage length should be provided.The critical regions where plastic hinging is expected to occur should be well confined by closely spaced hoops.Our experience in Turkey shows that inadequate detailing played a very important role in the earthquake damage observed during the past 30 years.Most of the damages attributed to detailing were due to inadequate anchorage or splice length and inadequate confinement.Basic rules for detailing of beams,columns and structural walls are summarized in Figures 7,8 and 9.The earthquake will be resisted by the structure which is actually built and not by the structure shown on the design drawings.No matter how good the design methods used are,it is not possible to produce a seismic resistant building unless the structure is constructed in accordance with the design project under proper supervision.In most of the developing countries emphasis is on the design stage;quality control and supervision are usually looked down upon and ignored by the engineer.The engineer should realize that the important requirements for seismic resistance, strength,ductility and stiffness depend on the actual dimensions,material qualities and reinforcement details accomplished on the site.Poor supervision results in poor material quality and errors in the placement of the reinforcing steel.Our experience in Turkey shows that inadequate supervision has been the most important cause of structure damage during past earthquakes.In the light of these discussions one can conclude that,for better seismic resistance,the first step should be in the direction of correcting the mistakes made in the past.If configuration,detailing and construction supervision cannot be improved,well written codes and sophisticated methods of analyses will not be able to prevent damage and failures in future earthquakes.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGNThe main objective of this section is to specify some simple rules for the design of ordinary reinforced concrete structures.By ordinary,the author means regular structuresup to say ten stories.of FactsBefore stating the design rules,it would be useful to state some basic facts about the seismic action and seismic resistance of reinforced concrete structures.-The characteristics of the ground motion expected cannot be fully defined.-The structure cannot remain elastic when subjected to a strong ground motion.Yielding will occur at different locations and most of the energy will be dissipated at these sections.-Response of the structure depends not only on the ground motion,but also on the dynamic characteristics of the structure,such as mass,stiffness and damping.For reinforced concrete structures it is very difficult to estimate the stiffness and damping,because of cracking and time dependent deformations which have taken place prior to the earthquake.-Nonstructural elements influence the behaivour.-In order to analyze a building,first a simple physical model is created by making many simplifying assumptions.The analysis made is for this model and not for the real building.The assumptions made in creating this model introduce errors.-Important dynamic characteristic such as mass,stiffness and damping depend on the actual dimensions and material strengths obtained during construction.These can be quite different from the ones assumed at the design stage.In the light of these facts,one can easily see that there are many uncertainties involved in the seismic design of reinforced concrete buildings.The engineer should bewell aware of these facts and should not rely entirely on the numbers he has obtained from analyses.More sophisticated and more complicated methods of analyses can easily carry the engineer away from the actual behaviour and make him a slave of ually simple methods supported by sound judgement based on behaviour will result in as satisfactory seismic design.4.2.A simple ApproachSeismic resistance can be accomplished by following the basic steps given below:a.Choosing a good configurationb.Making a satisfactory analysis(Static or dynamic)c.Proportioning and detailing the members properly.d.Constructing the building in accordance with the design project,under good supervision.The author believes that for ordinary residential or office buildings up to say ten stories,seismic resistance can be obtained to a great extent by following some simple rules.The rules given below are being used by a municipality in Turkey as a guide to designers and for checking the designs submitted to this municipality.The first rule concerns the density ratio mentioned previously.For residential and office buildings up to ten stories,the summation of the cross-sectional areas of vertical load carrying members(structural walls and columns)should satisfy the following equation.Av 0.020Ap(1)Av-summation cross-sectional areas of all verticalstructural members at the floor(m2)Ap-plan area at that floor(m2)In addition to this rule,the cross-sectional area of each individual column should satisfy the following condition:Ac 0.0015At(n)(2)However the minimum column dimensions cannot be less than 25x25 cm.Ac-cross-sectional area of the column(m2)At-tributory area of the column(m2)n-number of stories aboveThe second set of rules are about minimum requirements and detailing.These are summarized in Figures 7,8 and 9 for beams,columns and structural walls.In addition to these two sets of rules,the designer should choose a reasonable configuration and proper supervision should be provided at the construction stage.If these simple rules are followed and if the requirements are satisfied,most probably adequate seismic resistance will be obtained for the building classes specified,even ifa lateral load analysis is not performed.5.CONCLUSIONSThe response of reinforced concrete buildings under seismic action depends not only on the nature of the ground motion,but also on the dynamic characteristics of the structure.Due to uncrtainties involved in estimating the nature of the ground motion and the structural characteristics,only approximate results can be expected from analyses.The numbers obtained from analyses should be filtered by making use of past experience and judgement.Sound judgement can only be based on a firm knowledge about the seismic behaivour of structures.A re-evaluation of damage observed during past earthquakes has revealed that seismic resistance can significantly be improved by following some simple rules.Such simple rules have been summarized in this paper.REFERENCES1.Sözen MA:"Toward a Behaviour Based Design of R/C Frames to Resist Earhquakes",9.Technical Conference of Turkish Society of CivilEngineers.VI.1,pp.1-44,Ankara,1978.2.Ersoy U:"Basic Principles for the Design of Seismic Resistant R/C Structures",Workshop on Seismic Design,RSS, Amman,Jordan,Nov.1987.3.Riddell R,Wood SL,De La Llera JC:"The 1985 Chile Earthquake",Civil Engineering Studies,Structural Research Series No.534,UILU-ENG.87-2005,University of Illinois,Urbana,April 1987.外文资料翻译土木工程地震学抗震钢筋混凝土结构设计原则摘要:地震造成相当多的经济损失。



提高已有框架结构建筑物抗震能力施工: improving existing frame structure building aseismic capacity method have add shear wall, their method of steel sticking method, increase the column section method, which increase the column section method that is through to the original frame structure parts to increase their section, the main frame beams of steel sticking measures to strengthen the ability of building aseismic appropriately raise a structure reinforcement design method. This paper mainly to increase the construction process of the column section method were discussed.Keywords: horizontal earthquake influence coefficient; Increase the column section; Uninstall; And generation of the stirrups; Sticky steel;1 工程概况四川省雅安市行政中心市人大办公楼位于四川省雅安市雨城区,该工程建筑面积3500m2,框架结构,基础采用柱下独立基础。


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外文翻译<Journal of Constructional Concrete Research 55 (2000) 289–303>Frame Structure Anti-earthquake Design Way ofThinkingTheodore V. GalambosUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USAAbstractCurrently, the anti-earthquake norms all round the world almost adopt to a kind of way of thinking: The adoption presses the earthquake strong or weak of possible situation to divide the line earthquake cent area; According to everyplace the history occurrence of the area earthquake of covariance result or to geology structure of the history investigate to have to explicit statistics the meaning establish the sport peak in waterproof and quasi-ground value acceleration; Make use of again the reaction acceleration that the acceleration reaction composes different period; Get a design to use acceleration level through earthquake dint adjust met coefficient R. In the meantime, most nations all approve such point,establishing to defend the earthquake intensity level can take to use a different value, choosing to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and highly, the ductility request of the structure also more low, choose to use to establish to defend earthquake intensity level more and lowly, structure of ductility request more high. The structure ductility guarantee of precondition is the ductility of the member, pass again an effectively reasonable conjunction in adopting a series of measure guaranteemember the foundation of the ductility, the structure system choice is reasonable in the meantime, the degree just distributes reasonable of under condition ability basic assurance structure of ductility.Keywords: frame structure; anti-earthquake design; design way of thinking1.Simple Review of Anti-earthquake Design Way of ThinkingThe development that constructs the structure anti- earthquake is along with people all the earthquake move with the structure characteristic of the understanding is continuously thorough but develop gradually, however, from is born up to now the history of a hundred years, have mostly several to develop a stage as follows:(1) Quiet dint stage: It first from a Japanese professor passed to harm to prognosticate the anti- earthquake design theories that put forward with the theories understanding at that time to the limited earthquake, being applicable to only just rigid body structure. It didn't think characteristic and the place difference to consider structure to the influence that constructs structure.(2) Respond the table stage: Along with vibrate to record of obtain and the development of the structure dynamics theories, the Biota professor of the United States put forward flexibility to respond the concept of the table in 1940, respond the table is list the freely flexible system, it was obtain of numerous earthquakes record of encourage, the structure period or respond of the relation, include the acceleration reaction table, the speed responded a table, moved to respond a table. It consider the motive characteristic of the structure, it still is the foundation that all countries norm design earthquake dint takes a value up to now. The calculation of the earthquake function dint usually use shears with the bottom and flaps a decomposition to respond a table a method, flapping a decomposition to respond a table a method of basic define: Suppose the building structure is the line flexibility more freedom degree system, making use principle of flap a decomposition and flap a type, it will solve a freedom degree the earthquake ofthe flexible system to respond to resolve for solve an independence of etc. the effect single freedom degree flexible system most the heavy earthquake respond. Then begging should in each function affect that flaps a type. At this time, according to consider the way dissimilarity of the earthquake function, adopt a different array, group method, order flexible system to many qualities of the flat surface vibration, it can use a SRSS method, it is according to suppose the importation earthquake as steady random process, each of a flap reaction is independent mutually but deduce to get; For consider even-twists many qualities that the lotus connect to order flexible system, the adoption CQC method, it lies in with the main differentiation of the SRSS method: Suppose when flat surface vibrate each flap a type independent mutually, and each contribution that flap a type increased along with the frequency high but lower;But even-twist lotus connect hour each flap a frequency span very small, close together and higher flap the frequency of the type and may near to this relativity that will consider a dissimilarity to flap a very much, also have influence of turn round the weight and not necessarily increase along with the frequency high but lower, sometimes higher flap the influence possibility of the type big in lower flap the influence of the type, it will consider more influences that flap a type while comparing SRSS. The bottom shears the dint method in consideration of the special of the structure system to the simplification that flaps a decomposition to respond to compose a method, be the building height not big, took shearing to slice to transform as the lord and the quality to follow height to distribute more even structure with degree just, the structure vibration moved to respond usually with the first flapped a type for lord, and when the first flapped a type to near to in the straight line, can flap a decomposition method simplification to shear the dint method calculation formula for the basic bottom. The level earthquake function that eachquality that this basic formula calculation get order can better reflection just degree bigger structure, but when structure the basic period was long, the place characteristic period to compare with hour, the calculation income coping earthquake function be partial to small. of course , the Anti-earthquake Norm provision, be the structure basic period more than 1.4 place characteristic period, at coping additional level earthquake function.(3)the motive theories stage: Along with move understanding and comprehend to the earthquake of deepen continuously, know to some shortage of the reaction table, such as to the earthquake move hold of influence consideration not week, and the exaltation of the calculator function, make the motive method develop gradually, its essence solves a square distance of motive directly, but because of earthquake the ground sport acceleration is very irregular, it can't beg for differential calculus square distance, it shuts to match a solution, so adopt number integral calculus method more. Usual way of doing is carry on a continuous cent a segment a processing towards having already record of the earthquake wave, each data all see do the constant, then the function get to structure up, pass an equilibrium and square distance of motive to beg at the moment of the acceleration, speed, move reaction, moving with ex- the acceleration, speed, the segment to carry on folding to add immediately after folding the result for add as the beginning that descends at that time a segment to start a data, pushing according to this kind, end beg structure at the give for low week again and again the earthquake wave under of the acceleration, speed and move the dint reaction variety process.(4) At American Northridge earthquake in 1994 and Japanese Kobe earthquake in 1995 after, the beautiful day scholar put forward again according to the anti- earthquake design method of behavior, it was during the period ofusage to make the building structure satisfy various requests that used function according to the basic thought of behavior. Tradition according to the design method dissimilarity of the dint, adjudicate to the structure function mainly is according to move standard, move index sign to come with the different to the structure function to carry on a different control. But descend structure because of the big earthquake of not- flexible transform hard and accurate estimate of, make to can stay around according to the design method of behavior theoretically. But put forward its aggressive meaning to have 2:00 at least:a. Emphasize the system and the society of the earthquake engineering;b. The part that knows an original anti- earthquake to design norm is unsuited to reasonableness.Conduct and actions according to the foundation of the function anti- earthquake design, should to the particular level earthquake function of a certain covariance meaning under of the structure move, the speed and acceleration carry on accurate valuation, should also have a reasonable of valuation method with available valuation tool. It is exactly because of this purpose, put forward and developed the Pushover method and ability to compose a method. The basic way of thinking of the Pushover method is an adoption the quiet dint add to carry, supposing the side of the some penny cloth form toward lotus to carry a function on the structure, adding to carry gradually until attain the structure control point target to move or the structure break, getting the level side of the control point to move to shear the dint relation curve with substrate thus, evaluating in order to the anti-vibration ability of the structure. The Pushover method depends on to distribute a form and play the plasticity reaction table target to move to really settle in the side force.2.Basic Way of Thinking of Frame Structure Anti-earthquake Design-ductility StandardAfter the flexibility respond table put forward, the people's detection computes to gain from here of the structure respond with the actual earthquake the breakage phenomenon of the structure contain certain antinomy, mainly is press the flexibility reaction table to calculate of the structure responded the acceleration as habitual to design the earthquake dint to take to be worth big quite a few at that time doubly, and took to settle according to the habitual of the function of the design earthquake dint descends the house structure of design, the harm of the structure system wasn't serious in the earthquake.60's last century, the New mark passed to start to the beginning of different period just degree homology of the single freedom degree the system carried on analysis under the situation that many waves input, put forward etc. moved the principle and etc. energy principle, and put forward the concept of the structure ductility. Studied single and free system to accept defeat the level and flexibility thoroughly again from the relation of flapped the biggest not- flexible motive in the period and structure to respond afterward, this be customarily say of the theories of the R-μ-T effect. Passing these researches, announcing to public the ductility ability and plasticity to consume an ability is a structure Be taking to use to accept defeat level under not high circumstance, at big earthquake under the structure doesn't take place severity to break and doesn't don't tumble down of assurance. Arrive here, concerning the design earthquake dint's taking the basic problem of the value size have to arrive understanding definitely, be the anti- earthquake the earthquake dint take a value of the size isn't a number of assurance, but with thestructure ductility function and consume the ability mechanism related quantity value. Here what to need to be explain BE, designed the earthquake dint to take a value to resolve a problem only, but to the structure ductility function guarantee of the measure have to can also promise, this will at underneath a section discuss.Currently, the anti- earthquake norms all round the world almost adopts so a kind of way of thinking: The adoption presses the earthquake strong or weak of possible situation to divide the line earthquake cent area; According to everyplace the history occurrence of the area earthquake of covariance result or to geology structure of the history investigate to have to explicit statistics the meaning establish the sport peak value in waterproof and quasi- ground value acceleration; Make use of again the reaction acceleration that the acceleration reaction composes different period to descend structure to; get a design to use acceleration level through the earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R. In the meantime, most nations all approve such standpoint, establishing to defend the earthquake intensity level can take to use a different value, choosing to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and highly, the ductility request of the structure also more low, choose to use to establish to defend the earthquake intensity level more and lowly, structure of ductility request more high. The structure ductility guarantee of precondition is the ductility of the member, pass again an effectively reasonable conjunction in adopting a series of measure guarantee member the foundation of the ductility, the structure system choice is reasonable in the meantime, the degree just distributes reasonable of under condition ability basic assurance structure of ductility.Underneath this kind of discusses the our country anti- earthquake norm mostly way of thinking, the current Chinese norm didn't adopt a variety to establish to defend t he earthquake intensity level to take to use, but don’ Ted adda distinction of unify an adoption of the earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R=1/0.35;In the meantime, mostly according to establish a dissimilarity of defend the earthquake intensity, divide the line the different anti- earthquake grade, fix attention on in establish to defend earthquake intensity differently, adopt the anti- earthquake measure of the different assurance ductility. Very obvious here exist a misunderstanding of concept, also be according to the theories of the R-μ-T effect, the little more than earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R=1/0.35, should give the same ductility guarantee measure to the structure, but the Chinese norm adopt the different ductility guarantee measure, along with anti- earthquake the exaltation of the grade, ductility guarantee the ability correspond to strengthen. This kind of usefulness of the way of doing under way and not the line motive respond of verification, can describe so as a result mostly: For the district of 8 degrees 0.3 g and 9 degrees 0.4 g, because of correspond of the anti- earthquake grade is higher, the measure of the guarantee ductility is also stronger, so generally and more safe; And for the district of 6 degrees 0.05 g and 7 degrees 0.1 g, gain from here to of the level earthquake effect be partial to small, the general lotus carries an array, group is carried the control function by the gravity lotus, although to should of the measure of the guarantee ductility isn't very strong, can also guarantee structure generally under the big earthquake of not- flexible transform of function; But to the district of 7 degrees 0.15 g and 8 degrees 0.2 g, circumstance another the person worry, because of at the lotus carry an array, group, the earthquake function can have generally control function, but correspond measure of guarantee the ductility and be partial to weak, so difficult don't need to exist certain potential safety hazard to suffer from. See again other national earthquake dint adjustment coefficient R to choose to use, in order to have kept concrete understanding of view:The earthquake dint adjustment coefficient of all countries norm provision3.Ability Design MethodTop a part emphasized to discuss the design earthquake dint to take the problem of the value, but wanted to promise structure under the big earthquake of function, also need to establish the valid anti- earthquake measure, make the structure really have need of keep vertical loading under the dint condition not- flexible transform an ability, this be the so-called ability design method.Ability design method from New Zealand the reinforced concrete anti- earthquake expert scholars such as the T. Parlay and the R. Park etc. development with initiate, main way of thinking is to the member occasionally member dissimilarity inside the piece is subjected to the dint form of the loading ability differ of control, promise the reinforced concrete structure formation the beam swing joint organization and ductility bigger is cut noodles to be subjected to the dint breakage appearance, make the structure have to play plasticity to transform function enough, promise big earthquake hour have an enough ability to consume to spread function, avoid creation brittleness to break and appeardisadvantageous of organization form. The key of the ability design method is the anti- earthquake design that leads the control concept into structure, there is the leading formation of the purpose to the beneficial breakage mechanism is to the structure and break mode, avoid not reasonable of the structure break appearance, and try assurance to anticipate to break part to play plasticity to transform an ability.The ability design method mainly passes the following three kinds of measure to give assurance:1. Enlarge pillar opposite in the anti- of the beam-curved ability, artificial of leading of the structure swing joint part.2. Raise opposite in is cut the noodles loading dint of the anti- shear ability, avoiding appearing non- ductility to shear to slice breakage.3. To the part that appears the plasticity swing probably, the adoption corresponds of structure measure, assurance necessity of not- flexible transform function.First, the reasonable part of the swing joint carry on a discussion, all countries mostly of the way of thinking inclines toward to make the project that the beam carries first to carry to appear in the pillar about and all. This kind of swing joint project has a following advantage: The ductility of the beam is easy to a control, and under general circumstance compare pillar of the ductility is big; The whole plasticity of the beam swing joint ratio pillar swing joint formation transform small; The plasticity of the beam swing joint organization formation transform more stable. There are also two kinds of different design methods while admit the premise of have the initiative the formation beam swing joint, a kind of from is a representative New Zealand of, incline toward the formation ideal beam swing joint organization, be promise the beam carries to appear theplasticity swing, but in addition to first floor, the post all doesn't appear the plasticity swing, at this time to in addition to the first floor pillar give post opposite compare bigger and super and strong coefficient(probably 2.0) in the beam, the advantage is a post(in addition to first floor) and doesn't need to be carry on to go together with hoop complicatedly at this time, because of adopt such coefficient can promise a swing joint very explicit. But is exactly because this kind of design method pursues the ideal beam swing joint organization to cause the first floor post compare weaker, the possibility for throng will be a swing joint, the plasticity that correspond and then have to adopt the structure measure to promise this part transforms function. In the meantime, such as if the first floor the influence of the swing joint upon the structure will compare greatly, once pressing and mating because structural whole tumble down, this has to be given guarantee up from the structure, increasing a structure of difficulty. Another project includes total body, Chinese etc. in the United States, Europe, this kind of project leading structure pillar swing joint the night appears in the beam swing joint, unlimited make the emergence of the swing joint in the meantime, but request structure and do not become the layer side to move structure, at this time to post of super go together with coefficient to compare with to request New Zealand of want to be small, goes together with the project that the stirrup takes in to control to the post adoption in the meantime. BE super to go together with coefficient to really settle problem comparison complications to the post adoption in fact: The beam carries the super influence for go together with for construct; The beam carries the plasticity swing to appear inside the dint is heavy to distribute of influence; Before accept defeat of the not- flexible characteristic may make the post bending moment physically big get in the flexibility analysis of bending moment ;The indetermination factor that thematerial difference bring; Growth of the structure not- flexible characteristic cause the influence etc. that the structure motive characteristic variety bring. According to the request of the ability design, the plastic hinge that shears the dint wall appears generally in the bottom of the wall limb. The joining beam shear the loading dint and ductility that the loading dint and ductility and entrance to cave of the dint wall connect beam contain very great relation, designing generally and possibly weak connect beam, the leading that has intention to know connects beam at earthquake accept defeat first, then is the bottom wall to accept defeat, also be anticipate the area of plastic hinge to accept defeat.Avoided appearing to shear reason of slice the breakage early easy, be because of shearing to slice to break to belong to the brittleness breakage, disadvantage in promise the ductility of the structure, promise of way be according to the dissimilarity of the anti- earthquake grade to all beams, pillars, wall etc. the adoption is opposite to bend in the anti- of different super go together with coefficient.The basic request that the anti- earthquake anti- shear is before the beam carry plastic hinge that big epicenter need turn to move and don't take place to shear to slice breakage, this sheared concept difference with the non- anti- earthquake anti-.For various different processing methods that the structure anti- of the member shears mechanism and the our country norm, there is the necessity elucidation here once. Beam: When anti- shake because of low week again and again the function made the beam appear to cross an inclined fracture, fissure, the inclined fracture, fissure distributed an anti- of come to a decision the anti- earthquake to shear the ability ratio not an anti- earthquake to have to descend, reason: The anti- shake of shear to slice to break occurrence after the end longtendon accept defeat, the fracture, fissure compare at this time greatly; The harm that crosses the emergence of the fracture, fissure to the concrete is more serious; The enlargement beam carried the number of the negative bending moment when anti- shake, cause bigger sheared the dint value to appear under the beam to carry, sprinkle plank now because of descending to carry to have no, break more easily. But at this time the function and function for non- anti- to shake of the stirrup differ only a few, in the norm to the consideration of this disadvantageous function is to adopt to resist to shear formula in to the concrete item 0.6 of fold to reduce, in the meantime, in order not to non- ductility of inclined break bad, while adopting to shake than the non- anti- more scathing restriction measure, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti- earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. Pillar: It resist earthquake in the norm the anti- of the pillar shear the processing principle of the formula similar, also is adopt to the concrete item 0.6 of fold and reduce coefficient, adopt more scathing measure to prevent from equally inclined break bad, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti- earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. But because of under general circumstance, the stalk pressure comparison of the pillar is big, this kind of pressure shears function to be partial to the anti- of the member after appearing the plastic hinge to the pillar emollient, according to this kind of way of thinking, pillar the adoption fold to reduce with beam similarly to seem to be not greatly reasonable. Wall: When the anti- shake, there is almost no related on trial data in domestic, is an adoption only the earthquake is to the non- anti- of the anti- sheared formula to adopt to the concrete item and the reinforcing bar items 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient, in the meantime, in bar of and inclined break bad, adoption the restriction shear a way of press the ratio, cut noodles to shear the dint design value ratio non- anti-earthquake multiply 0.8 of fold and reduce coefficient. What to need to be explaining BE, under general circumstance, the part that shears the dint wall anti- to shear a problem probably is a lower part are a few floors. Node: The main acceptance shears the dint member, the node shears dint mainly is depend on the truss organization, inclined press pole organization, the stirrup of the stipulation effect three organizations or path to bear. The truss organization mainly is resist the reinforcing bar lord to pull should dint, inclined press the pole organization mainly is the lord that resists the concrete and the reinforcing bar creation to press should dint, the stipulation effect of the stirrup then strengthens the anti- of the concrete to shear ability. Along with the node concrete inside the area not- line development, the truss the function of the structure lets up continuously, and then both of function but be strengthening continuously. Therefore, the main target of the node anti- earthquake is under the situation that be subjected to dint again and again, pass to strengthen inclined press the pole organization and the stirrup to control an effect to avoid the core area concrete inclined to press thus a diplomatic corps to order at attain to anticipate of the big earthquake respond before do not take place to shear to slice breakage.After shearing the discussion of mechanism to the above anti-earthquake, can be do with the function of the beam stirrup to tally up as follows: The first obvious function is to used for an anti- to shear; The second function controls concrete, this to guarantee the structure ductility contain count for much function, can also say literally here the obstacle that once high and strong concrete meet when used for anti- earthquake, this is related with the material of the high and strong concrete first, strength more high concrete more frailty, its should attain in the dint contingency relation biggest press should the contingency of the dint is smaller, this makes the design become the ductility member a difficulty withvery great formation, is more high because of the strength of the concrete in the meantime, the stirrup rises the effect of the stipulation more bad, also can't the extreme limit of the enough valid exaltation concrete press a contingency, so cause to adopt the ductility of the structure member of the high and strong concrete hard get a guarantee; The third function is the stipulation function that carries to the beam lengthways reinforcing bar, prevent forming lengthways reinforcing bar lose steady, this has something to do with the special material of the reinforcing bar.框架结构的抗震设计思路【摘要】目前,世界各国的抗震规范都采用这种思路:按可遇地震的强弱划分地震分区;根据各地区的历史发生地震的统计或对地质构造的考察得出设防水准地面的运动峰值加速度;再利用加速度反应谱给出不同周期下结构的反应加速度;通过地震力调整系数R得到设计加速度水准。
