英国阿尔法Alphasense硫化氢传感器 H2S-A1
1. 准备:确保仪器已经经过校准并处于工作状态。
2. 设置:根据需要,设定测量单位和报警阈值。
3. 打开仪器:按下开关按钮或旋转开关,打开检测仪。
4. 预热:检测仪通常需要一段时间进行预热,以确保传感器的准确测量。
5. 进行测量:将检测仪的传感器暴露在待测空气中,可以通过吸气泵或直接靠近气体源进行检测。
6. 结果读取:读取屏幕上显示的硫化氢浓度值。
7. 关闭仪器:使用完毕后,按下关闭按钮或旋转关闭开关,将检测仪关闭。
- 在操作过程中,确保按照仪器的说明书进行正确、安全的操作。
- 确保仪器定期校准,以保证测量结果的准确性。
- 使用仪器时,应遵循相关的安全操作规程,戴好个人防护装备。
- 如果检测到空气中硫化氢浓度过高,应采取必要的措施确保人员安全,如迅速撤离危险区域并报警。
AAN 105-03DESIGNING A POTENTIOSTATIC CIRCUITIntroductionIn a three-electrode sensor, each electrode has a specific use:• The working electrode responds to the target gas, either oxidising or reducing the gas, creating a current flow that is proportional to the gas concentration. This current must be supplied to the sensor through the counter electrode.• The reference electrode is used by the potentiostatic circuit to maintain a fixed potential at the working electrode. The working electrode potential must be maintained at the same potential as the reference electrode potential for unbiased sensors, or with an offset for sensors that require biasing.• The counter electrode completes the circuit with the working electrode, reducing some chemical species (normally oxygen) if the working electrode is oxidising, or oxidising if the working electrode is reducing the target gas. The potential of the counter electrode is allowed to float, sometimes changing as the gas concentration increases. The potential on the counter electrode is not important, so long as the potentiostat circuit can provide sufficient voltage and current to maintain the working electrode at the same potential as the reference electrode. Figure 1 is a circuit diagram of a zero bias potentiostat circuit. Refer to this during the discussions below.Figure 1 Preferred potentiostat circuit for zero bias toxic gas sensors. ICs require +/-, not single ended power supply.© Alphasense Limited Page 1 of 5 February 2003A typical potentiostat circuit consists of three parts:1 Control circuit with bias voltage, if required2 Current measuring circuit3Shorting FET to connect the working electrode to the reference electrode when power is off Control CircuitThe control op amp (IC2 in figure 1) provides the current to the counter electrode to balance the current required by the working electrode.The inverting input into IC2 is connected to the reference electrode and must not draw any significant current from the reference electrode. An op amp with an input bias current of less than 5nA is recommended.When switching on the circuit, the depletion mode JFET (Q1 in Fig 1)goes to a high impedance state and IC2 provides the current to maintain the working electrode at the same potential as the reference electrode. Any offset due to the input offset voltage in IC2 will therefore cause a sudden shift in potential at switch-on. Toxic gas sensors have a large capacitance, so significant currents can flow for small potential shifts, so ensure that your op amp has a low offset voltage, certainly less than 1 mV and preferably less than 100µV; also check the op amp offset voltage at the maximum usage temperature.Typically, for an oxidisable gas (such as CO) with a platinum reference electrode, the counter electrode will be -300 to -400mV from the ground potential. However, if hydrogen ions rather than oxygen molecules are reduced, then the potential could be as large as -1.05V. Also, reducing gases (such as NO2 or Chlorine) force the counter electrode to oxidise water, evolving oxygen; in this case the potential relative to the reference electrode is between +600 and +800 mV, depending on the type of reference electrode. Therefore, you must allow IC2 enough voltage swing to drive the counter electrode to the required potential and with sufficient current demanded by the sensor. If the circuit is unable to do this, then extreme non-linearities will occur at higher concentrations. It is best to allow ±1.1V swing on IC2 (plus any imposed bias voltage). This means that for a CO or H2S sensor the counter electrode wants to be typically -350 mV below the ground point, so IC2 needs a negative supply. If you are using a single ended low voltage power supply, pay particular attention to the available output swing on the op amp at the required current.Table 1 below shows the maximum generated steady state current for each type of sensor. At full scale no sensor generates more than 210µA, but allow at least 500µA for a general purpose circuit, although this can be decreased for specific, well tested sensor/ circuit combinations. Beware- when switching the circuit ON in the presence of an electroactive gas or when a new sensor is first connected, the sensor may give a surge current of several mA that may cause IC1 to clamp, depending on the current drive capacity of IC1; it is unlikely that IC1 can maintain the virtual earth on its inverting input with a high feedback resistor during such a high current transient. Always connect the sensor before powering the circuit.Circuit stability and noise reduction in the control circuit relies on R1, R2, C1 and C2; C2 may not be necessary for certain op amps. If eliminating C2, then C1 may be increased- between 10 and 100 nF. Suggested op amps are OP90 (single op amp) and OP 296 (dual op amp).© Alphasense Limited Page 2 of 5 February 2003Bias voltageNormally, Alphasense toxic gas sensors are operated in the zero bias mode; however, certain sensors, such as NO sensors, require a bias voltage: typically ±150 or 300mV for an NO sensor. Alternatively, sensor cross-sensitivity to certain gases can be enhanced by adding a bias voltage.BEWARE! performance can also be degraded if you bias incorrectly! Remember that biasing a normally unbiased sensor may damage the sensor and certainly voids the sensor warranty. Consult Alphasense for further advice.If you wish to inject a bias voltage then also ensure that your bias voltage is stable: changes of even a few mV can affect sensitivity to gases and rapid changes in the bias voltage by only a mV will generate transient effects for up to hours on the sensor output. A simple method of biasing the sensor is shown in figure 2 below. The 10K load resistor to ground can be removed to reduce the current on V bias.Biasing should be maintained when the instrument is switched off - this is normally accomplished by using a button cell battery that remains on at all times. In this case, the input offset of IC2 is not critical, but its drift with temperature etc. must be kept small.Current Measuring CircuitThe measuring circuit is a single stage op amp (IC1) in a transimpedance configuration; the sensor current is reflected across R4, generating an output voltage relative to the virtual earth. C3 reduces high frequency noise. It is sometimes desirable to use two opamp stages to give the required output; the first stage should use a low value for R4 to allow the circuit to oppose the sensor current in transient conditions, followed by a second voltage gain stage to give the required output. The input offset voltage of IC1 will add to the sensor bias voltage (as the working electrode will be offset from 0V) so the input offset should be kept low. Remember that the generated current can be either positive or negative: sensors that oxidise at the working electrode (e.g. CO) generate a © Alphasense Limited Page 3 of 5 February 2003current into IC2, while reducing working electrodes (e.g. Cl2 or NO2) sink a current. So for the second case, ensure that IC2 has adequate current sinking capability.The measuring circuit uses a combination of the (load resistor (R load) plus internal sensor resistance) and the (internal sensor capacitance) to establish an RC circuit; the selection of R load is a compromise between fastest response time (low resistance R load) and best noise (high resistance R load): this RC circuit affects both the rms noise and the response time: the response time increases linearly with increasing R load resistance, while noise decreases rapidly with increasing R load resistance. If you need highest resolution, then forfeit fast response time. Likewise, if fast response time is critical, then reduce the resolution of your display or sample the signal faster and average over several readings in software to eliminate jitter. Due to the low impedance nature of the circuit, it is better to use an opamp with low noise current (usually at the expense of noise voltage)to get the best overall noise performance.As sensor current flows through R load, there will be a small change to the sensor bias potential. This has the effect of increasing the sensor settling time as the sensor will require a short time to re-stabilise when gas is applied, but this transient will normally not be seen except at high gas concentrations and high R load resistance.Refer to Table 1 below to calculate the required gain for your measuring circuit. If your detector/ instrument does not use the full scale of the sensor, then simply multiply the Sensitivity by your Range to determine the maximum current from the sensor. Since the sensitivity is the typical value, allow 20% more than the typical full scale output into your A/D converter.Sensor FullScale(ppm)Sensitivity(nA/ppm)(typical)Full Scaleoutput(µA)Full Scaleoutput(V)Calibrationpoint(ppm)CO-BF, CO-B1, CO-BX1,000100100 1.00 400 CO-AF1,00070700.70400 CO-AX2,00065130 1.30400 CO-AE 10,00030300 3.00 2,000 CO-DF1,00040740.74400 H2S-AH 501,200600.60 20 H2S-BH502,000850.8520 H2S-A1 100750750.75 20 H2S-B1200370740.7420 H2S-BE2,00090180 1.80 400 H2S-AE2,000105210 2.10400 H2S-D1100140140.1420 SO2-AF20500100.10 20 SO2-BF100350350.3520 SO2-AE2,00070140 1.40400 NO2-A1 20-3508-0.08 10 NO2-B120-75022-0.2210 NO2-AE200-35070-0.75100 NO-A1,-B1250400100 1.0050 NO-AE1,000100100 1.00400 Cl2-A120-3708-0.0710 CL2-B120-900220.2210 Table 1. List of output parameters and calibration point for Alphasense toxic gas sensors.© Alphasense Limited Page 4 of 5 February 2003Shorting FETIt is normal practice to add a shorting FET for unbiased sensors so that the reference and working electrodes are shorted together (with a residual resistance of a few tens of ohms) when power is removed from the circuit. This ensures that the working electrode is maintained at the same potential as the reference electrode when the circuit is switched off. The shorting FET is normally open circuit as long as power is applied. This “zero bias” state ensures that when you switch the circuit back on, the sensor is ready immediately. If you do not use a shorting FET and leave the sensor open circuit when the circuit is off, the toxic gas sensor will take a few hours to stabilise when next switched on.If you are supplying a bias voltage through IC2, then when you switch off the circuit, the sensor will be zero biased and hence when you reapply a bias voltage it will take a significant time (up to several hours) for the sensor to re-establish equilibrium. It is recommended that, for biased circuits, the bias voltage be maintained on at all times and the shorting FET not used. This will not affect the operating life of the sensor.The JFET (Q1) should be a p-type FET. Recommended FET types include surface mount or TO-92 packages as per Table 2 below.Manufacturer Product Code TypeSiliconix SST177Surface MountSiliconix J175TO-92Siliconix J176TO-92Siliconix J177TO-92Fairchild J175TO-92Table 2. Recommended p-FETs for short circuiting reference and working electrodes when the potentiostat circuit is off.Noise, RFI/EMI ScreeningIdeally, the measuring and controlling op amps in a potentiostat are fitted directly underneath the sensor to keep the shortest leads because of the low impedance and low sensor currents. Alphasense Application Note AAN 103 gives further advice on reducing noise and improving RFI/EMI screening.Sensor CalibrationNote that toxic gas sensor sensitivities are variable,typically ±15%. So you must calibrate in software to correct for sensor-to-sensor sensitivity variations. Alphasense maintains a database of the sensitivity of every sensor tested at Alphasense, but remember that sensitivity will drift downwards with time, typically 0.5% to 2% per month, depending on the sensor type, relative humidity and gas concentration/ temperature conditions. See Application Note AAN 108 for more information.It is also normal to correct for temperature dependence of the sensitivity; zero current is not normally temperature corrected, but for measurements requiring high accuracy at low concentrations, contact Alphasense for advice.© Alphasense Limited Page 5 of 5 February 2003。
2.燃料电极搜集器中的混合气体被输送到燃料电极上,与燃料电极上的电化学反应发生,使得燃料电极上形成一定浓度的氢离子(H),如下所示:H2 + 2e- -> 2 H+3.检测电极检测电极由双极性半导体材料构成。
8 化学传感器
8.2.3 电化学式气体传感器
原理:电化学式气体传感器利用电化学原理将感受的气体 转换成可用输出信号。 分类:按电解质的不同可分为液体电解质和固体电解质, 而液体电解质又分为电流型和电位型。 1)电流型液体电解质气体传感器 电流型气体传感器:以电化学电池中工作电极与对比电极 之间响应电流为检测信号的气体传感器。它将气体与电解 质溶液反应而产生的电解电流作为传感器输出。 (1) 原电池(伽伐尼电池)型气体传感器 被检测气体在原电池中能产生自发电化学反应的气体传感 器称为“伽伐尼电池型”气体传感器。它通过检测电流来检 测气体的体积分数。
① 选择性检测某种单一气体,对其他气体不响应或低响应.
② 对被测气体灵敏度高,能检测允许范围内的气体浓度.
③ 对检测信号响应快,重复性好.
④ 长期工作稳定性好.
⑤ 使用寿命长.
⑥ 成本低,使用维护方便。
8 化学传感器
8.2.1 气体传感器概述
8 化学传感器
8.2.2 半导体式气体传感器
2)典型电阻式气敏元件 (1) SnO2气敏元件
以典型N型半导体材料SnO2为基材制备,是目前应用最 广的一种气敏元件;检测对象包括CH4、C3H8、CO, C2H5OH、H2S等可燃性气体和呼出气体中的酒精、NO等。 相对其他氧化物半导体气敏元件的特点: ①工作温度低。其最佳工作温度在300℃以下,可节约能源 并延长气敏元件的使用寿命。 ②在一般检测范围内(被测气体体积分数为102~104 L/L), 其电阻率变化范围大,输出信号强,无需高倍放大,因而 信号处理较方便。
一、的基本原理是用于检测并 quant 转硫化氢浓度的一种设备。
防爆等级:Exd II CT6连接电缆:三芯电缆(单根线径≧1.5mm);建议选用屏蔽电缆。
产品尺寸· 产品描述· 工作环境· 寿命· 本质安全数据· 物理性能· 安装说明·· 产品规格书最大荷载:灵敏度 (20°C ):响应时间 (T 90):基线 (20°C ):量程:温度范围:最大短路电流:最大开路电压: 2000ppm 硫化氢时最大电流:REV.: 2016-01性能参数·注意湿度范围:长期稳定性:储存温度:使用寿命:储存时间:24个月6个月 (专用包装盒中)ABS 分辨率:基线漂移 (-40°C ~ 50°C ):线性度:偏压:线性15% ~ 90%RH (无冷凝)2 年 (空气中)1 ± 0.1 标准大气压-40°C ~ 50°C 10°C ~ 30°C 以上所有性能参数都是在温度20°C ,相对湿度50%RH 和一个大气压(100kPa 或环境压力)下测得。
8 克无< 0.5 mA 1.3 V < 1.0 A网址: 邮箱: *********************重量:方向性:壳体材料: 第1页版本: 2020/120 mV< ±0.4 μA 0 ~ 1000 ppm ≤ 50 s< 4 ppm 2000 ppm 1 ppm0.115 ± 0.015 μA/ppm< 2% 信号值/月压力范围:质保期:电极脚请正确连接,连接位置不对会影响传感器的正常工作;传感器应避免与有机溶剂、涂料、油类及高浓度气体接触;请勿直接在传感器上或靠近传感器的地方使用粘合剂,以防止塑料外壳的破裂;若在特殊环境下使用,请预先联系我们。
智能型硫化氢H 2S 传感器4NE /H 2S-1004NE /H 2S -100智能传感器是专门针对气体探测器生产企业推出的新型智能传感器,主要为解决气体探测种类繁多、各品种传感器互不兼容、生产标定复杂、核心器件更换限制等问题。
■ 本安电路设计,可带电热拔插操作; ■ 专业精选、原装进口,兼容红外、电化学、催化、半导体等多种传感器; ■自带温度补偿,出厂精准标定,使用时无需再标定; ■ 电压和串口同时输出特点,方便客户调试及使用; ■ 最简化的外围电路,生产简单、操作方便。
1)工作电压:; ≤50mA (催化≤100mA );; 4 5ppm 6)检测原理:电化学;11)重复性; 12)长期零漂≤; 13)工作; 14)工作; 15)存贮; 15)工作;17)外壳材质; 18)输出接口 ; 19)使用寿命; 20)质保期 ; 21)数字信号格式; 22)波特率; 23)输出电压; 24)外型尺寸:4NE Φ21.5*31mm (引脚除外);DC5V ±1% 2)工作电流: 3)测量气体:硫化氢H 2S )安装方式:7脚拔插式;)测量范围:100; 7)分辨率: 0.1ppm ; 8)响应时间:<30s ; 9)采样精度:±2%FS ; 10 )预热时间:30s ; :±1%FS :1%FS /年 温度:-20~70℃湿度:10~95%RH(无凝露)温度:-40~70℃气压:86kPa ~106kPa :铝合金: 7PIN :2年以上(以传感器使用寿命为准): 1年:数据位:8;停止位:2;校验位:无: 9600:0.4-2.0VDC(常规)、0-1.6VDC 、0-4VDC 、0-5VDC可选31m m引脚名称说 明1234567定位VCC GND VOUT RXD TXD RDE 定位针脚(不允许接地,请悬空)+5V 电源输入地电压输出串口脚(传感器串口接收脚)串口脚(传感器串口发送脚)串口输出控制脚(接485置低发送)4NE 系列智能传感器数字通讯协议1、异步串行通信参数:始位: 1 数据位: 8 停止位: 2 校验: 无 波特率: 96002、帧格式:(每一通信帧的格式如下)H -数据头,为连续2 至4 个字节的FFH 。
3.传感器的基本参数传感器型号量程(ppm)灵敏度(nA/ppm)分辨率(ppb)过载(ppm)H2S-B40~1001450~20501200CO-B40~1000420~65042000NO-B40~20500~8501550NO2-B43F0~20-175~-4501550SO2-B40~100275~4755200OX-B4310~20-225~-550(O3)1550 0~20-250~-650(NO2)15504.传感器后期使用的硬件处理部分详见“ISB Rev4-Schematic.pdf”。
5.单传感器无ISB模块的标定问题对于B4高分辨率传感器,依然同常规三电极类似,两点标定,注意温度,其中基本步骤如下:1)传感器安装后初次上电老化24小时以上方可进行进一步操作;2)传感器安装放置在清洁空气中至少6小时(可包含在步骤1)中);3)应用零点空气(人工合成或纯净/净化的零点空气)通气20分钟,记录WE(OP1)和Aux(OP2)的输出电压V WE0和V AE0;4)应用低浓度标准气体,通气直止传感器输出稳定,记录WE(OP1)和Aux(OP2)的输出电压V WE和V AE;5)用工作电极和辅助电极的电压减去两个电极对应的零点输出电压,即V WE-V WE0和V AE-V AE0。
英国DDS 4H2S硫化氢气体传感器 气体检测仪 气体泄漏报警器
![英国DDS 4H2S硫化氢气体传感器 气体检测仪 气体泄漏报警器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5f198f72a26925c52cc5bfb0.png)
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
Cross -Sensitivity Datlphur dioxide Hydrogen Nitric Oxide Ethanol CONC. 300 ppm 5 ppm 100 ppm 35 ppm 200 ppm S+4H2S
("$# (""# '$# '"# &$# &"# %$# %"#
<2 ppm 1.5 ppm <10 ppm <1 ppm -1 ppm
!$# !"# )*"# )+"# )("# "# /01203)4530"6"#." -./012/# 3'$456789# )'$456789# ("# +"# *"# ,"#
硫化氢H2S气体检测模块SKA/H2S-101NE Sensor硫化氢H2S气体检测模块产品概述SKA/H2S-101硫化氢气体检测模块是一款专门针对空气中存在的硫化氢H2S气体,进行24小时实时在线监测浓度含量的模块产品。
可直接输出模拟电流4-20mA,模拟电压0.4-2V、0-5V,数字信号TTL,R S485通讯协议等信号。
●信号输出:模拟电流4-20mA,模拟电压0.4-2V、0-5V,数字信号TTL,R S485通讯协议等信号;并可以选配1-2组继电器(开关量信号)信号输出,方便与风机或电磁阀的控制设备联动使用。
PI遮挡直径 3.5mm 处 2. 在 6.2 和 9mm 之间密封 3. 管脚定义: PIN1:输入 PIN2:信号输出 PIN3:地 4.所有的尺寸误差在 ±0.1mm
目标气体 最小检测值 线性范围 最大量程 灵敏度 稳定时间 预热时间 零点电压 响应时间
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
-40ºC to +55ºC 0°C to 40°C 在 20°C 时的 95% to 100%;-20°C 在 20°C 时的 125% 0 to 95% 零点附近
5 年(不含灯泡和电极盖) IECEx Ex ia IIC T4; ATEX Ex ia II 1G -40ºC < Ta < +55ºC (< 10VDC 电源) 过滤灰尘和液体 用户可更换
功耗 供电 输出最大信号
温度范围 温度依赖 湿度范围 湿度灵敏度
预期寿命 IS 认证 板载过滤器 灯泡配件
5.输入选择孔: A)当用有焊锡填满的时候,内部 LDO 废除,输入需要 3.0 - 3.6 V B)当没有焊锡填满的时候,内部 LDO 生效,输入可以是 3.6 - 10 V 如果供电需要是 10 - 19 V,请跟 Alphasense 联系。
PID-AH 性能数据
硫化氢传感器工作原理 -回复
![硫化氢传感器工作原理 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6612bd9ecf2f0066f5335a8102d276a200296007.png)
这个反应可以表达为以下方程式:H2S →2H+ + 2e-反应中生成的电子传递给对比电极,这导致对比电极上形成一个正电位的电压变化。
ALPHASENSE USER MANUAL Page 14-20mA Transmitter for Toxic SensorsUMTOX-1 Issue 41INTRODUCTIONThe Transmitter PCB includes circuitry for a three electrode toxic sensor to convert the µA output signal from the sensor to a 2-wire 4-20mA signal. The transmitter board includes 4 mounting pillars that may be removed if not required.Alphasense 4-20 mA transmitters offer convenience and easy maintenance for toxic sensors:• Transmitters are shipped pre-calibrated for immediate use.• Circuitry includes onboard voltage regulator and uses low power two-wire transmitter systems, allowing the simplest possible wiring format.• Small circuit board size allows smaller sensor housing.• Conformally coated circuit board for environmental protection of circuit.• Low power circuitry with excellent performance means no degradation of sensor performance due to electronics.• Amplification of the sensor signal reduces noise pick-up and RFI/EMI susceptibility. Besides periodic sensor re-calibration, the transmitter electronics require no maintenance throughout the lifetime of the sensor. The sensor can be replaced at the end of the sensor working life. Re-calibration is required when the sensor is changed. See section 6.Please read these instructions to ensure correct installation, use and calibration of your gas sensor/ transmitter.2.1Transmitter SpecificationInput Voltage Required+7.5 to + 35 VDCOutput at zero gas concentration4mA (user adjustable)Output at full-scale20mA (user adjustable)Setability /stability<0.05mA (<0.25% FS)Maximum load @ 20 mA, 24 VDC825 ohms (see note)Supply voltage dependence< ±0.2 % output from +7.5 to +35 VDCConnector 2 pin Molex plug (ref. 22-27-2021)PCB current requirement<100 µAPCB dimensions39mm (dia.) x 19 mm (height)Operating conditions See sensor specificationCalibration (shipped pre-calibrated)multi-turn zero and span potentiometersPower supply protection Diode protection to voltage regulatorNo-power equivalent circuit Electrodes short- circuited via FETUMTOX-1Page 22.2Range/OptionsSensor and transmitter boards are shipped from Alphasense pre-calibrated. You may wish to confirm calibration. Standard available ranges are listed below:Sensor Ordering Code(includes sensor)Full-Scale Gas Concentration(ppm)Gain CO-BF THCO-BF 1000Low CO-BF TLCO-BF 100High H2S-BE THH2S-BE 1000Low H2S-B1THH2S-B1200Low H2S-B1TLH2S-B125High SO2-BF THSO2-BF 100Low SO2-BF TLSO2-BF 20High NO2-B1THNO2-B150High NO2-B1TLNO2-B110High CL2-B1TLCL2-B110HighTable 1Transmitter ordering codeAlthough the sensor and transmitter are pre-calibrated and the ranges are preset, it is possible to change range by adjusting the zero and gain potentiometers, which changes the circuit gain.Different sensors can be fitted to a transmitter board; if the gain is in the same category (low or high), then only re-calibration is necessary. If the sensor gain is different, then contact Alphasense for instructions on how to change range.Nitrogen dioxide and Chlorine (NO 2 and Cl 2) sensors give negative outputs, so Cl 2 and NO 2transmitters (THNO2-B1, TLCL2-B1 and TLNO2-B1) will not accept other sensors (CO,H 2S, SO 2), since they have an additional op amp stage to correct for this inverted output.See section 6.3Set Up3.1Mechanical MountingTransmitters are mounted to your housing using the four pillars pre-mounted to the PCB. Two sets of mounting holes are provided so that the sensor/PCB can be fixed to either the housing top (using the locating holes in the corner of the PCB) or to the base of the housing (using either set of locating holes). Figure 1 below shows mounting hole locations (dimensions are in mm). Figure 2 diagrams the sets of locating holes; normally the outerholes are used for mounting, while the inner e in the same location as the earlier issue of this PCB, allowing backward compatibility with the earlier PCB design.Figure 1. Outer mounting hole locations. Figure 2.Inner and outermounting holes.UMTOX-1 Page 3The pillars are tapped to accept an M3 pan head screw. We recommend a screw length that is at least 8mm to ensure rigid fixing. It is good practice to hold the pillar when screwing into the pillars to stop the pillar from rotating on the PCB. It may be easier to remove the sensor whilst screwing the circuit board pillars to your housing. If you move the pillars, ensure that if mounting to the lid of you housing that you include the washer between the pillar and PCB to ensure correct height of the pillar assembly. See figures 3 and 5.Figure 3. Mounting pillar configuration for .Figure 4. Mounting pillar configuration for attaching to the lid of an enclosure.attaching to the base of an enclosure.Figure 5. Side view of mounting to lid of an enclosure.Figure 6. Side view of mounting to the base of an enclosure.Allow 20 minutes after plugging the sensor back into the board for the output to stabilise.Ensure that the sensor is sealed securely to the top face of your housing. The O-ring supplied with your transmitter sensor should be used to ensure an airtight seal, avoiding any access of toxic or corrosive gases to the circuit board and the housing interior.fitted both sidesUMTOX-1 Page 43.2Connection and WiringPower to the transmitter board is via a Molex 2-pin mini plug (type 22-27-2021: supplied with the transmitter). Connect using a screened, two-core cable to the wires (black is ground, red is positive) by either soldering or using a screw terminal block. Twisted pairs can be used for shorter cable lengths. These leads can be shortened or extended as needed.3.3Power SupplyYour power supply must be between 7.5 and 35 VDC with less than 0.2V ripple.Do not supply mains AC power to this unit: this will destroy the transmitter and void the warranty.The transmitter is protected against incorrect polarity but will not function if you have reversed the power supply wires by connecting the Molex plug incorrectly to the transmitter board socket.When selecting the power supply voltage, you must not exceed the maximum total loop resistance, which includes your measuring resistor used to change the 4-20 mA current into a measured voltage.The transmitter requires a minimum of 7.5 volts to operate; therefore, the maximum potential drop allowed across your sensing resistor and cable is:(power supply voltage) -(7.5V)Assuming full-scale deflection at 20 mA, use Ohm's law to calculate the maximum loop (cable plus sensing resistor) resistance allowed.4Correct Usage and MaintenanceEnsure there is a good gas seal between the sensor and the housing; also if the sample is pumped, then ensure that the flow rate is sufficient. Alternatively, the sample gas can be allowed to diffuse to the front face of the sensor. The table below shows the recommended gas flow rate in standard cubic centimetres per minute (sccm). Higher flow rates may be used, but beware that pulsing flow and higher-pressure drops may lead to more erratic readings.Gas Flow Rate (sccm)CO300 to 500H2S400 to 700SO2400 to 700Cl2, NO2400 to 700Table 2Pumped gas recommended flow ratesThe only maintenance required is changing of the O-ring if it has been exposed to extreme environments for long periods (this O-ring should last the lifetime of the sensor in normal conditions). In addition, if the top dust/oil filter has become badly contaminated then contact Alphasense for replacement dust filter (section 5).UMTOX-1 Page 55Reordering Part NumbersReplacement sensor O-rings and dust/oil filters can be ordered by quoting the part numbers below.Part Number Description033-0002-00Replacement O-ring024-0011-00Self-adhesive dust/oil filterTable 3 Replacement Part Numbering6CalibrationThe 4-20mA transmitter is shipped pre-calibrated to the range shown in Table 1. Periodic re-calibration is required for all gas sensors, especially in safety-critical applications.To Calibrate:1First ensure that the power supply is connected correctly and a tight fitting flow hood is in place.2Ensure that a high quality zero gas source is available (e.g. cylinder of zero air or cleaned and scrubbed compressed air) and a bottle of calibration gas with validated accuracy (see Table 5 below).3Apply zero gas for 10 minutes at the flow rate shown in Table 2. Using a small screwdriver, adjust the zero potentiometer (RP2) until the reading is 4.00 ±0.05 mA.See figure 1, attached to this manual.4Apply test gas for ten minutes; the recommended test gas concentration for calibration is shown below in Table 4. Adjust the span potentiometer (RP1) with a small screwdriver until the reading is within ± 0.05 mA of the Span Calibration Point shown in Table 4 if you are using the recommended concentration.5Although it should not be necessary, it is good practice to recheck the zero after setting the span to ensure that the output is still 4.00 ± 0.05 mA in clean air ("zero gas"). Allow at least 10 minutes for full recovery to zero after the calibration gas has been removed.Transmitter Full-Scale(ppm)Calibration gas(ppm)Span Cal Point(mA)THCO-BF100040010.40TLCO-BF10010020.00THH2S-BE100040010.40THH2S-B120050 8.00TLH2S-B1252016.80THSO2-BF1005012.00TLSO2-BF201012.00THNO2-B1502512.00TLNO2-B110512.00TLCL2-B110512.00 Table 4 4-20 mA Transmitter Span CalibrationUMTOX-1 Page 67WarrantyTransmitters are warranted for two years. Sensors are warranted separately. If you have any difficulties or problems then contact:Customer SupportAlphasense LimitedOak Industrial ParkGreat DunmowEssex CM6 1XN, UKTel: +44 (0) 1371 878048Fax: + 44 (0) 1371 878066email:**********************8 AttachmentsFigure 7Circuit diagram@ Alphasense Limited 4 - 20mA Iss 4αlphasense Ltd3 Oak Industrial Park, Chelmsford Road, Great Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1XNTel:+44(0)1371 87 80 48 Fax: +44(0)1371 87 80 66 e-mail : ******************** web: 。
高精度手持式硫化氢检测仪 PV601-H2S 便携式硫化氢气体检测仪 手持泵吸式硫化氢气体检测仪
![高精度手持式硫化氢检测仪 PV601-H2S 便携式硫化氢气体检测仪 手持泵吸式硫化氢气体检测仪](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f2f9ec2aa5e9856a561260d1.png)
PV601-H2S 手持式硫化氢气体检测仪选择其他气体PV601-H2S 手持式硫化氢气体检测仪采用英国阿尔法的传感器,有多种量程可选择。
它基于PV600智能系统平台,采用彩色2.8寸触摸屏, 可以输入汉字设置检测地点名称和备注、显示气体曲线图、实时查询数据、WIFI手机web监控、定义数学公式、可设四个报警阀值(下限低报高报,上限低报高报)等等其他仪器无法做到的功能。
拥有20多种特有技术, 功能上比国内外的产品都要丰富。
应用领域: 石油石化、机械工程、纺织厂、皮具厂、化工厂、废弃厂矿区、消防应急响应、泄漏源检测、槽车H2S监控、合成荧光粉,电放光、光导体、光电曝光计等的制造。
传感器参数订货型号参数说明应用说明 厂商 图片 PV601-H2S-A1 测量范围:100ppm分辨率:0.05ppm灵敏度:550~875nA/ppm响应时间:< 25s线性范围: -4ppm过载:500ppm尺寸:Φ20.2*16.5使用寿命:2年存储周期:6个月工作温度:-30~50℃工作湿度:15~90%RH负载电阻:10~47Ω应用在测量量程范围≤100ppm 的硫化氢H2S 气体环境。
英国阿尔法 PV601-H2S-AH 测量范围:50ppm分辨率:0.03ppm灵敏度:950~1400nA/ppm响应时间:< 25s线性范围: -2.5ppm过载:250ppm尺寸:Φ20.2*16.5使用寿命:2年存储周期:6个月工作温度:-30~50℃工作湿度:15~90%RH负载电阻:10~47Ω应用在测量量程范围≤50ppm 的硫化氢H2S 气体环境进行检漏测量。
英国阿尔法 PV601-H2S-AE 测量范围:2000ppm分辨率:0.5ppm灵敏度:70~100nA/ppm响应时间:< 25s线性范围: -40ppm过载:10000ppm尺寸:Φ20.2*16.5使用寿命:2年存储周期:6个月工作温度:-30~50℃工作湿度:15~90%RH负载电阻:10~47Ω 应用在测量量程范围≤2000ppm 的硫化氢H2S 气体在线监测。
25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 300 600
Temperature ( C)
Figure 4 Response to 1% H2S
8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000
Output (nA)
1% H2S
Figure 4 shows that the H2SAE has stable response from zero to 1% H2S.
H2S-AE Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor
High Concentration
Figure 1 H2S-AE Schematic Diagram
Technical Specification
All dimensions in millimetres (± 0.1mm)
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
H2S-AE Performance Data
°C kPa % rh continuous months @ 3 to 20°C (stored in sealed pot) Ω (recommended) g
-30 to 50 80 to 120 15 to 90 6 10 to 47 <6
NOTE: all sensors are tested at ambient environmental conditions, with 10 ohm load resistor, unless otherwise stated. As applications of use are outside our control, the information provided is given without legal responsibility. Customers should test under their own conditions, to ensure that the sensors are suitable for their own requirements.
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H2S-A1 Performance Data
Figure 2 Sensitivity Temperature Dependence
Technical Specification
% sensitivity (referenced to 20 OC)
Figure 2 shows the variation in sensitivity caused by changes in temperature. This data is taken from a typical batch of sensors. The mean and ± 95% confidence intervals are shown.
Mean "+95% conf." "-95% conf."
80 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Temperature (OC)
Figure 3 Zero Temperature Dependence
0.5 0.4 0.3
Zero output, referenced to 20oC (equivalent ppm)
78 to 93 100 to 110 <± 0.2 <± 0.2 <-20 <-25 <4 <10 <1.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.1
KEY SPECIFICATIONS Temperature range Pressure range Humidity range Storage period Load resistor Weight
°C kPa % rh continuous months @ 3 to 20°C (stored in sealed pot) Ω (recommended) g
-30 to 50 80 to 120 15 to 90 6 10 to 47 <6
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
0.2 0.1 0 -20 -10 0 10 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Mean "+95 %conf." "-95 % conf." 20 30 40 50
Figure 3 shows the variation in zero output caused by changes in temperature, expressed as ppm gas equivalent. This data is taken from a typical batch of sensors. The mean and ± 95% confidence intervals are shown.
ENVIRONMENTAL Sensitivity @ -20°C Sensitivity @ 50°C Zero @ -20°C Zero @ 50°C CROSS SENSITIVITY NO2 Cl2 NO SO2 CO H2 C2H4 NH3 sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity
H2S-A1 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor
Figure 1 H2S-A1 Schematic Diagram
Technical Specification
All dimensions in millimetres (± 0.1mm)
Top View PERFORMANCE Sensitivity Response time Zero current Resolution Range Linearity Overgas limit LIFETIME Zero drift Sensitivity drift Operating life
Temperature (OC)
Figure 4 Sensitivity Long Term Stability
900 800 700
Output (nA/ppm)
600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000
Figure 4 shows the excellent long term stability of the H2S-A1, which results from the combination of a patented design, superior electrochemistry and good process control.
% (output @ -20°C/output @ 20°C) @ 20ppm % (output @ 50°C/output @ 20°C) @ 20ppm ppm equivalent change from 20°C ppm equivalent change from 20°C % measured gas @ 10ppm % measured gas @ 10ppm % measured gas @ 50ppm % measured gas @ 20ppm % measured gas @ 400ppm % measured gas @ 400ppm % measured gas @ 400ppm % measured gas @ 20ppm NO2 Cl2 NO SO2 CO H2 C2 H 4 NH3
Bottom View
Side View 550 to 875 <25 <± 0.3 <0.05 100 0 to -4 500 <0.1 <3 >24
nA/ppm in 20ppm H2S t90 (s) from zero to 20ppm H2S ppm equivalent in zero air RMS noise (ppm equivalent) ppm H2S limit of performance warranty ppm error at full scale, linear at zero and 20ppm H2S maximum ppm for stable response to gas pulse ppm equivalent change/year in lab air % change/year in lab air, monthly test months until 80% original signal (24 month warranted)
Time (days)
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com