HARD FERRITE MAGNETSHard ferrite (ceramic) magnets were developed in the 1960's as a low cost alternative to metallic magnets. Even though they exhibit low energy (compared with other permanent magnet materials) and are relatively brittle and hard, ferrite magnets have won wide acceptance due to their good resistance to demagnetization, excellent corrosion resistance and low price per pound. In fact, measured by weight, ferrite represents more than 75 percent of the world magnet consumption. It is the first choice for most types of DC motors, magnetic separators, magnetic resonance imaging and automotive sensors.Ferrite Magnets characteristicsMostly Used national standard - SJ285-77 permanent ferrite magnet standardChinese SJ/T0410-2000 Permanent Ferrite Manget StandardIn MMPA(0100-87) standardRing shape size(mm) D×d×HФ115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×43×5~23 Ф200×83×5~27 Ф70×30.5×3~17 Ф115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×57×5~23 Ф200×95×5~27 Ф70×56×3~17 Ф115×58.7×3~23Ф200×100×5~27 Ф70×40×3~17 (elliptical)Ф115×60×5~23 Ф200×110×5~27 Ф71×40×3~17 Ф115×67×5~23 Ф200×120×5~27 Ф71×30.5×3~17 Ф115×80×5~23 Ф206×88.9×5~30 Ф71×32×3~17 Ф121×45×5~24 Ф206×89×5~30 Ф72×30.5×3~16 Ф121×57×5~24 Ф206×118×5~30 Ф72×32×3~16 Ф121×60×5~24 Ф210×86×5~30 Ф72×38×3~16 Ф121×65×5~24 Ф210×118×5~30 Ф72×40×3~16NdFeBKnown as third generation of Rare Earth magnets, Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets are the most powerful and advanced commercialized permanent magnet today. Since they are made from Neodymium, one of the most plentiful rare earth elements, and inexpensive iron, NdFeB magnets offer the best value in cost and performance.NdFeB magnets are available in both sintered and bonded forms. Sintered NdFeB offers the highest magnetic properties (28 MGOe to 50 MGOe) while Bonded NdFeB offers lower energy properties. Although bonded magnets do not possess magnetic properties as advanced as those of sintered magnets, they can be made in shapes and sizes that are difficult to achieve with sintering.A variety of coatings can be applied to the magnets' surface to overcome the principle drawback of neodymium-based magnets, their tendency to corrode easily.Grade Max. EnergyProductRemanence Coercive Force Rev. Temp.Coeff.CurieTemp.WorkingTemp. (BH)max B r H c H ci B d H d T c T w MGOe kJ/m3kG mT kOe kA/m kOe kA/m%/°C%/°C°C°CN3331-33247-26311.30-11.701130-1170>10.5>836>12>955-0.12-0.6031080 N3533-36263-28711.70-12.101170-1210>10.9>868>12>955-0.12-0.60310801.Licensed Products by SSMC-MQ - ISO 9002 Quality Standard Certified2.The above-mentioned data of magnetic parameters and physical properties are given at room temperature.3.The maximum service temperature of magnet is changeable due to the ratio length and diameter and enviromental factors.4.Special properties can be achieved with custom method.Physical and Mechanical PropertiesMax Working Temperature。
常用磁芯与应用功率 对照表
![常用磁芯与应用功率 对照表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0c6c36745b8102d276a20029bd64783e09127d00.png)
材料特性:(锰锌铁氧体系列)锰锌铁氧体材料简介锰锌铁氧体是应用最广泛的软磁铁氧体材料,其中功率铁氧体具有高饱和磁通密度,具有良好的低损耗/频率关系和低损耗/温度关系,主要应用于开关电源变压器,功率扼流圈,功率因素校正电路;高导铁氧体具有窄而长的磁滞回线,起始磁导率高的,矫顽力小等特点,主要应用于通信变压器 (LAN,ADSL,ISDN),共模滤波器,饱和电感,信号及脉冲变压器。
锰锌高磁导率铁氧体材料特性Mn-Zn Power ferrite Materical Characteristics::::锰锌铁氧体系列 / 锰锌功率铁氧体材料特性::::材料特性:(锰锌铁氧体系列)锰锌功率铁氧体材料特性锰锌功率铁氧体材料特性Mn-Zn Power Ferrite Materical Characteristics华磁系列材料与国外厂商材料对照表Table for Materials between Huaci and other factories注:1、以上仅列出了我公司材料牌号与世界主流厂商材料对照数据,因国内外厂家众多不能一一列出,其它材料请与本书中的材料特性表对照。
::::锰锌铁氧体系列 / HC30材料特性曲线::::材料特性:(锰锌铁氧体系列)HC30材料特性曲线直流磁场下的B-H曲线B-H Curves at DC Magnetic Field 初始磁导率的温度特性Initial Permeability vs.Temperature初始磁导率的频率特性 Initial Permeability vs. Frequency 功率损耗的温率特性 Power Loss vs. Temperature::::锰锌铁氧体系列 / HC70材料特性曲线::::材料特性:(锰锌铁氧体系列)HC70材料特性曲线 动态磁化曲线 Dynamic Magnetzation Curves 初始磁导率的温率 Initial Permeability vs.Temperature复数磁导率的频率特性Complex Permeability vs.Frequency比损耗系数的频率特性Relative Loss Factor vs.Frequency镍锌铁氧体的使用频率在1MHz,100MHz之间,其物理特性有高电阻率、高居里温度、性能特性有高BS、高磁导率Ui、低矫顽力Hc、低温度系数、低损耗、良好的高频特性等优点,使得其在高频抗电磁干扰方面得到了广泛::::镍锌铁氧体系列 / F3材料特性曲线:::: 材料特性:(镍锌铁氧体系列)F3材料特性曲线::::镍锌铁氧体系列 / F5B材料特性曲线:::: 材料特性:(镍锌铁氧体系列)F5B材料特性曲线。
磁芯材质对照表・NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表• NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表・NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表-3材料总览功率铁氧体材料LP2・导磁率Vs.频率特性・功率损耗Vs.温度特性FrequcmytkHEj功率铁氧体材料LP3特性 符号 单位LP3Characteristics SymbolUnit初始磁导率 Initial permeability □ i -2300±25% 相对损耗因数Relative loss factor tan6/uiX10-6 <4饱和磁通密度 Bs mT25℃ 500 Saturation flux density 1194A/m100℃ 390 剩磁 Remanence Br mT 130 矫顽力 Coercivity Hc A/m 13idDnnTJDtJ(teiiT12D・功率损耗Vs.频率特性'—I100mTSOmTLP2 1DOT二・导磁率Vs.温度特性・导磁率Vs.频率特性10・功率损耗Vs.温度特性1m・功率损耗Vs.频率特性F叫厕期1^|相对损耗因数Relative loss factor tan6/ui X10-6<3饱和磁通密度BsmT 25℃490Saturation flux density1194A/m100℃380剩磁 Remanence Br mT110矫顽力 Coercivity Hc A/m10功率损耗Pc kW/m325℃Power loss80℃60 (f=25kHz,B=200mT)100℃50功率损耗Pc kW/m325℃600Power loss80℃400 (f=100kHz,B=200mT)100℃350居里温度 Curie temperature Tc℃三200密度 Density d kg/m3X103 4.8・导磁率Vs.频率特性Ui Vs. Frequency・功率损耗Vs.温度特性1G-1t f10Frequency kHz)・功率损耗Vs.频率特性・高磁导率铁氧体材料・导磁率Vs.温度特性“峥1a•阻抗Vs.频率特性EE磁芯价格:¥面议Al:1kHz,0.5mA,100TsPc:100kHz,200mT,100°C100kHz,100mT,100°C(*)。
1. 常见磁性材料1.1 铁氧体材料铁氧体材料是一类具有高饱和磁感应强度和低磁导率的磁性材料。
材料名称饱和磁感应强度 (T) 磁导率 (H/m) 矫顽力 (A/m)镍锌铁氧体0.4 50 800锰锌铁氧体0.3 100 500镍铜铁氧体0.6 20 10001.2 钕铁硼磁体钕铁硼磁体是一类具有极高磁能积和高矫顽力的磁性材料。
材料名称饱和磁感应强度 (T) 磁能积 (J/m3) 矫顽力 (A/m)N35 1.17 263e6 955N45 1.33 326e6 955N52 1.45 398e6 9551.3 钢磁材料钢磁材料是一类在低频磁场中具有高导磁率和低矫顽力的磁性材料。
材料名称饱和磁感应强度 (T) 导磁率 (H/m) 矫顽力 (A/m)低碳钢 2 1000 4硅钢 2 5000 6非晶合金钢 2.1 10000 22. 参数解释2.1 饱和磁感应强度饱和磁感应强度是材料在外加磁场作用下能够达到的最大磁感应强度。
2.2 磁导率磁导率描述了材料对磁场的响应程度,即磁场强度与磁感应强度之间的比值。
2.3 矫顽力矫顽力是材料从饱和磁化状态中恢复到磁场消失状态所需施加的逆磁场强度。
2.4 磁能积磁能积是材料单位体积的储磁能力,表示材料在磁场中存储的能量密度。
3. 典型应用3.1 铁氧体材料•镍锌铁氧体:常用于磁芯和磁带记录头。
■材料指标■典型曲线功率铁氧体材料■材料用途这种材料是一种高频率低损耗铁氧体材料, 相当于TDK的PC40(H7C4)。
主要应用于100~500KHz 开关电源变压器。
主要应用于500~1000 KHz开关电源,相当于TDK的PC50材料。
■材料指标■典型曲线产品类型【EER磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途高频开关电源变压器、匹配变压器、扼流变压器等。
■ 型号【EE磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途电源转换用变压器及扼流圈、通讯及其他电子设备变压器、滤波器、电感器及扼流圈、脉冲变压器等。
■ 型号【ETD磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途电源转换用变压器及扼流圈、通讯及其他电子设备变压器、滤波器。
■ 型号【EI 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途高频开关电源变压器、功率变压器、整流变压器、电压互感器等。
■ 型号【ET 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途滤波变压器■ 型号【EFD 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途高频开关电源变压器器、整流变压器、开关变压器等。
■型号【UF 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途整流变压器、脉冲变压器、扼流变压器、电源变压器等。
■ 型号【PQ 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途高频开关电源变压器、整流变压器等。
■ 型号【RM 磁芯】■ 外形结构■ 用途高频开关电源变压器、整流变压器、屏蔽变压器、脉冲变压器、脉冲功率变压器、扼流变压器、滤波变压器。
磁芯材质对照表• NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表-1• NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表-2• NCD和其它厂商铁氧体材料牌号对照表-3材料总览NCDFerrite Core材料特性 MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS●功率铁氧体材料 Power ferrite materials特性符号单位LP1 LP2 LP3 LP3A Characteristics Symbol Unit初始磁导率 Initialpermeabilityμi- 3000±25%2500±25%2300±25%2200±25%相对损耗因数 Relative lossfactortanδ/μi×10-6 <10 <5 <4 <3饱和磁通密度BsmT 25℃500 500 490Saturation flux density 1194A/m 100℃390 390 380 剩磁 Remanence Br mT 130 130 110 矫顽力 Coercivity Hc A/m 13 13 10功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃Power loss 80℃120 90 60 (f=25kHz,B=200mT) 100℃160 100 70 50功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃700 650 600Power loss 80℃550 480 400 (f=100kHz,B=200mT) 100℃600 450 350 居里温度 CurietemperatureTc ℃≥220≥200≥200≥200密度 Density d kg/m3×103 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8功率铁氧体材料LP2Power loss 80℃550 (f=100kHz,B=200mT) 100℃600 居里温度 Curie temperature Tc ℃≥200密度 Density d kg/m3×103 4.8●导磁率 Vs.温度特性●导磁率 Vs.频率特性●功率损耗 Vs.温度特性●功率损耗 Vs.频率特性功率铁氧体材料LP3特性符号单位LP3 Characteristics Symbol Unit初始磁导率 Initial permeability μi- 2300±25%相对损耗因数 Relative loss factor t anδ/μi×10-6 <4饱和磁通密度BsmT 25℃500Saturation flux density 1194A/m 100℃390 剩磁 Remanence Br mT 130 矫顽力 Coercivity Hc A/m 13功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃Power loss 80℃90 (f=25kHz,B=200mT) 100℃70功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃650Power loss 80℃480 (f=100kHz,B=200mT) 100℃450 居里温度 Curie temperature Tc ℃≥200密度 Density d kg/m3×103 4.8●导磁率 Vs.温度特性●导磁率 Vs.频率特性●功率损耗 Vs.温度特性●功率损耗 Vs.频率特性功率铁氧体材料LP3特性符号单位LP3A Characteristics Symbol Unit初始磁导率 Initial permeability μi- 2200±25%相对损耗因数 Relative loss factor t anδ/μi×10-6 <3饱和磁通密度BsmT 25℃490Saturation flux density 1194A/m 100℃380 剩磁 Remanence Br mT 110 矫顽力 Coercivity Hc A/m 10功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃Power loss 80℃60 (f=25kHz,B=200mT) 100℃50功率损耗Pc kW/m3 25℃600Power loss 80℃400 (f=100kHz,B=200mT) 100℃350 居里温度 Curie temperature Tc ℃≥200密度 Density d kg/m3×103 4.8●导磁率 Vs.温度特性μi Vs. Temperature●导磁率 Vs.频率特性μi Vs. Frequency●功率损耗 Vs.温度特性●功率损耗 Vs.频率特性●高磁导率铁氧体材料特性符号单位HP1 HP2 HP3 HP3A CharacteristicsSymbol Unit初始磁导率Initial permeability μi-5000±25%7000±25%10000±30%12000±30%相对损耗因数tanδ/μi ×10-6<15 <7 <7 <10Relative lossfactor(100kHz) (10kHz) (10kHz) (10kHz)饱和磁通密度Bs mT 420 400 400 380Saturationflux density1194A/m 1194A/m 1194A/m 1194A/m 剩磁 RemanenceBr mT 110 100 90 110 矫顽力 CoercivityHc A/m 10 6 5 4.5 减落因数Disaccommodati on factor DF×10-6<3 <3 <2 <2居里温度 CurietemperatureTc ℃≥140≥130≥120≥100密度 Density d kg/m3×103 4.85 4.9 4.95 4.95●导磁率 Vs.温度特性●导磁率 Vs.频率特性●阻抗 Vs.频率特性EE磁芯价格:¥面议型号 Type 尺寸 Dimensions (mm)A B C D E FEE10/5/5 10.3±0.2 5.5+0.15-0.1 4.75±0.2 2.4±0.2 7.7min 4.3±0.15 EE13/5/6 12.9±0.3 5.0±0.3 6.0±0.3 2.85±0.2 8.5min 3.65±0.15 EE13/6/6 13.0±0.3 6.0±0.15 5.9±0.2 2.6±0.2 10.2±0.3 4.6±0.1EE13.4/6/6 13.4±0.2 6.1±0.15 6.15±0.15 2.75±0.15 10.5min 4.8±0.1EE16/7/5 16.0±0.3 7.2±0.1 4.8±0.2 3.8±0.2 12.0±0.3 5.2±0.25 EE16/7/7 16.1±0.3 7.25±0.15 6.9±0.2 3.8±0.2 12.0±0.3 5.2+0.25EE16/8/4 16.3±0.3 8.15±0.15 4.50±0.2 4.55±0.15 11.5min 6.0±0.2EE16/12/5 16.0±0.3 12.25±0.2 5.0-0.5 4.2-0.4 12.0±0.3 10.2+0.3-0.2 EE19/8/5 19.0±0.3 8.05±0.2 5.0±0.2 4.5±0.2 14.5±0.3 5.65±0.15 EE19/14/5 19.0±0.3 13.65±0.25 4.85±0.25 4.85±0.25 14.0±0.3 11.4±0.25Al:1kHz,0.5mA,100TsPc:100kHz,200mT,100°C100kHz,100mT,100°C(*)。
i 铁氧体材料特性及不同规格有效参数10.3.1 国产铁氧体材料特性铁氧体的电阻率大约在106~1012μΩ·cm ,适用于几千到几百兆Hz 的频率之间。
对铁氧体软磁材料的主要要求是:初始磁导率μ 高,比损耗(单位体积或重量)小,磁导率随温度的变化要小等。
例如PHILIPS 建议变压器磁芯:<100kHz 可用3C81、3C90、3C91、3C94 和3C96 等;<400kHz 可用3C90、3C94 和3C96 等;200kHz ~1MHz 可用3F3、3F4 和3F35;1~3MHz 可用3F4 和4F1;>3MHz 可用4F1 等。
电感磁芯:<500kHz 可用2P…、3C30 和3C90;<1MHz 可用3C90、3F3 和3F35 等等。
10.3.2 铁氧体尺寸规格铁氧体磁芯在通讯和开关电源中应用十分广泛,磁芯外形结构多种多样。
开关电源中主要应用的有E 型,ETD 型,EC 型,RM 型,PQ 型,EFD 型,EI 型,EFD 型,环形,LP 型.在模块电源中,主要应用扁平磁芯和集成磁元件。
例如FERROXCUBE-PHILIPS 的平面E 型磁芯,适于表面贴装的EP 、EQ 和ER 磁芯,以及集成电感元件(IIC -Integrated inductance component )等。
IIC 已将元件和磁芯合成一体,通过外部PCB 可自由组成电感和变压器。
HARD FERRITE MAGNETSHard ferrite (ceramic) magnets were developed in the 1960's as a low cost alternative to metallic magnets. Even though they exhibit low energy (compared with other permanent magnet materials) and are relatively brittle and hard, ferrite magnets have won wide acceptance due to their good resistance to demagnetization, excellent corrosion resistance and low price per pound. In fact, measured by weight, ferrite represents more than 75 percent of the world magnet consumption. It is the first choice for most types of DC motors, magnetic separators, magnetic resonance imaging and automotive sensors.Ferrite Magnets characteristicsMostly Used national standard - SJ285-77 permanent ferrite magnet standardChinese SJ/T0410-2000 Permanent Ferrite Manget StandardIn MMPA(0100-87) standardRing shape size(mm) D×d×HФ115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×43×5~23 Ф200×83×5~27 Ф70×30.5×3~17 Ф115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×57×5~23 Ф200×95×5~27 Ф70×56×3~17 Ф115×58.7×3~23Ф200×100×5~27 Ф70×40×3~17 (elliptical)Ф115×60×5~23 Ф200×110×5~27 Ф71×40×3~17 Ф115×67×5~23 Ф200×120×5~27 Ф71×30.5×3~17 Ф115×80×5~23 Ф206×88.9×5~30 Ф71×32×3~17 Ф121×45×5~24 Ф206×89×5~30 Ф72×30.5×3~16 Ф121×57×5~24 Ф206×118×5~30 Ф72×32×3~16 Ф121×60×5~24 Ф210×86×5~30 Ф72×38×3~16 Ф121×65×5~24 Ф210×118×5~30 Ф72×40×3~16NdFeBKnown as third generation of Rare Earth magnets, Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets are the most powerful and advanced commercialized permanent magnet today. Since they are made from Neodymium, one of the most plentiful rare earth elements, and inexpensive iron, NdFeB magnets offer the best value in cost and performance.NdFeB magnets are available in both sintered and bonded forms. Sintered NdFeB offers the highest magnetic properties (28 MGOe to 50 MGOe) while Bonded NdFeB offers lower energy properties. Although bonded magnets do not possess magnetic properties as advanced as those of sintered magnets, they can be made in shapes and sizes that are difficult to achieve with sintering.A variety of coatings can be applied to the magnets' surface to overcome the principle drawback of neodymium-based magnets, their tendency to corrode easily.Grade Max. EnergyProductRemanence Coercive Force Rev. Temp.Coeff.CurieTemp.WorkingTemp. (BH)max B r H c H ci B d H d T c T w MGOe kJ/m3kG mT kOe kA/m kOe kA/m%/°C%/°C°C°CN3331-33247-26311.30-11.701130-1170>10.5>836>12>955-0.12-0.6031080 N3533-36263-28711.70-12.101170-1210>10.9>868>12>955-0.12-0.60310801.Licensed Products by SSMC-MQ - ISO 9002 Quality Standard Certified2.The above-mentioned data of magnetic parameters and physical properties are given at room temperature.3.The maximum service temperature of magnet is changeable due to the ratio length and diameter and enviromental factors.4.Special properties can be achieved with custom method.Physical and Mechanical PropertiesMax Working Temperature。
HARD FERRITE MAGNETSHard ferrite (ceramic) magnets were developed in the 1960's as a low cost alternative to metallic magnets. Even though they exhibit low energy (compared with other permanent magnet materials) and are relatively brittle and hard, ferrite magnets have won wide acceptance due to their good resistance to demagnetization, excellent corrosion resistance and low price per pound. In fact, measured by weight, ferrite represents more than 75 percent of the world magnet consumption. It is the first choice for most types of DC motors, magnetic separators, magnetic resonance imaging and automotive sensors.Ferrite Magnets characteristicsMostly Used national standard - SJ285-77 permanent ferrite magnet standardChinese SJ/T0410-2000 Permanent Ferrite Manget StandardIn MMPA(0100-87) standardRing shape size(mm) D×d×HФ115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×43×5~23 Ф200×83×5~27 Ф70×30.5×3~17 Ф115×45×5~23 Ф200×86×5~27 Ф70×32×3~17 Ф115×57×5~23 Ф200×95×5~27 Ф70×56×3~17 Ф115×58.7×3~23Ф200×100×5~27 Ф70×40×3~17 (elliptical)Ф115×60×5~23 Ф200×110×5~27 Ф71×40×3~17 Ф115×67×5~23 Ф200×120×5~27 Ф71×30.5×3~17 Ф115×80×5~23 Ф206×88.9×5~30 Ф71×32×3~17 Ф121×45×5~24 Ф206×89×5~30 Ф72×30.5×3~16 Ф121×57×5~24 Ф206×118×5~30 Ф72×32×3~16 Ф121×60×5~24 Ф210×86×5~30 Ф72×38×3~16 Ф121×65×5~24 Ф210×118×5~30 Ф72×40×3~16NdFeBKnown as third generation of Rare Earth magnets, Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets are the most powerful and advanced commercialized permanent magnet today. Since they are made from Neodymium, one of the most plentiful rare earth elements, and inexpensive iron, NdFeB magnets offer the best value in cost and performance.NdFeB magnets are available in both sintered and bonded forms. Sintered NdFeB offers the highest magnetic properties (28 MGOe to 50 MGOe) while Bonded NdFeB offers lower energy properties. Although bonded magnets do not possess magnetic properties as advanced as those of sintered magnets, they can be made in shapes and sizes that are difficult to achieve with sintering.A variety of coatings can be applied to the magnets' surface to overcome the principle drawback of neodymium-based magnets, their tendency to corrode easily.Grade Max. EnergyProductRemanence Coercive Force Rev. Temp.Coeff.CurieTemp.WorkingTemp. (BH)max B r H c H ci B d H d T c T w MGOe kJ/m3kG mT kOe kA/m kOe kA/m%/°C%/°C°C°CN3331-33247-26311.30-11.701130-1170>10.5>836>12>955-0.12-0.6031080 N3533-36263-28711.70-12.101170-1210>10.9>868>12>955-0.12-0.60310801.Licensed Products by SSMC-MQ - ISO 9002 Quality Standard Certified2.The above-mentioned data of magnetic parameters and physical properties are given at room temperature.3.The maximum service temperature of magnet is changeable due to the ratio length and diameter and enviromental factors.4.Special properties can be achieved with custom method.Physical and Mechanical PropertiesMax Working Temperature。
铁氧体参数及国内外牌号对照表HARD FERRITE MAGNETSHard ferrite (ceramic) magnets were developed in the 1960's as a low cost alternative to metallic magnets. Even though they exhibit low energy (compared with other permanent magnet materials) and are relatively brittle and hard, ferrite magnets have won wide acceptance due to their good resistance to demagnetization, excellent corrosion resistance and low price per pound. In fact, measured by weight, ferrite represents more than 75 percent of the world magnet consumption. It is the first choice for most types of DC motors, magnetic separators, magnetic resonance imaging and automotive sensors.Ferrite Magnets characteristicsMostly Used national standard - SJ285-77 permanent ferrite magnet standardChinese SJ/T0410-2000 Permanent Ferrite Manget StandardIn MMPA(0100-87) standardRing shape size(mm) D×d×HNdFeBKnown as third generation of Rare Earth magnets, Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets are the most powerful and advanced commercialized permanent magnet today. Since they are made from Neodymium, one of the most plentiful rare earth elements, and inexpensive iron, NdFeB magnets offer the best value in cost and performance.NdFeB magnets are available in both sintered and bonded forms. Sintered NdFeB offers the highest magnetic properties (28 MGOe to 50 MGOe) while Bonded NdFeB offers lower energy properties. Although bonded magnets do not possess magnetic properties as advanced as those of sintered magnets, they can be made in shapes and sizes that are difficult to achieve with sintering.A variety of coatings can be applied to the magnets' surface to overcome the principle drawback of neodymium-basedmagnets, their tendency to corrode easily.1.Licensed Products by SSMC-MQ - ISO 9002 Quality Standard Certified2.The above-mentioned data of magnetic parameters and physical properties are given at room temperature.3.The maximum service temperature of magnet is changeable due to the ratio length and diameter and enviromental factors.4.Special properties can be achieved with custom method.Physical and Mechanical PropertiesMax Working Temperature。