精简版实验四:Ethereal Lab — Ethernet and ARP
![精简版实验四:Ethereal Lab — Ethernet and ARP](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5a73927b01f69e314332947a.png)
实验四:Ethereal Lab —Ethernet and ARP一、实验目的(1)研究Ethernet的帧格式(2)ARP协议的请求应答机制(3)ARP缓存的管理二、实验原理以太网技术在当前局域网领域占据主流的地位,是最近三十年来最成功的网络技术之一。
Ethernet II以太网标准帧格式是以太网的事实标准,其各字段的定义如下图.ARP协议是一种用于将各种协议地址解析为物理地址的协议. ARP报文分为两种,一种为ARP请求报文,另一种是ARP响应报文.为了提高ARP的效率,在主机内开辟一块内存,存放最近获得的IP地址到以太网地址的映射.主机在发送IP 报文时,首先检查缓存,若找不到匹配的映射,再利用ARP请求地址解析.三、实验步骤与实验问题探讨【注:实验步骤应用(x),问题用[x]】1. 捕获并分析Ethernet帧执行下列操作以捕获一组以太网帧进行研究:(1)首先确保你的浏览器缓存为空(对于Internet Explorer,选Tools->Internet Options->Delete Files)(2)启动Ethereal分组嗅探器(3)输入下列URL到浏览器:/ethereal-labs/ HTTP-ethereal-lab-file3.html,浏览器将显示相当长的美国的权利法案.(4)停止Ethereal分组捕获。
首先,找到从你主机发往 的HTTP GET报文的分组序号和从发向你主机的HTTP响应报文开始的分组序号(在Ethereal上部窗口的最左列),你可以看到一个类似于下图的屏幕(其中10号分组包含HTTP GET消息)。
(注:可从/ethereal-labs/ethereal-traces.zip 中解压出ethernet-ethereal-trace-1文件来回答下列问题)为了回答下列问题,你需要研究一下分组细节窗口和分组内容窗口(在Ethereal中间和靠下的显示窗口)。
arp实验报告ARP实验报告一、引言ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用于将IP地址转换为MAC地址的协议。
二、实验目的1. 了解ARP协议的工作原理和过程;2. 掌握使用ARP协议进行地址解析的方法;3. 分析并理解ARP协议的优缺点。
四、实验步骤1. 打开命令提示符窗口,输入ipconfig命令查看本机的IP地址和MAC地址;2. 在命令提示符窗口中,输入arp -a命令查看本机的ARP缓存表;3. 在命令提示符窗口中,输入ping命令向目标IP地址发送一个数据包;4. 在命令提示符窗口中,再次输入arp -a命令查看ARP缓存表是否有更新。
五、实验结果与分析通过实验步骤中的操作,我们可以观察到以下结果和现象:1. 在输入ipconfig命令后,命令提示符窗口会显示本机的IP地址和MAC地址。
IP地址通常是由网络管理员或DHCP服务器分配的,而MAC地址是网络设备的唯一标识;2. 在输入arp -a命令后,命令提示符窗口会显示本机的ARP缓存表。
ARP缓存表中列出了本机已经解析过的IP地址和对应的MAC地址;3. 在输入ping命令后,命令提示符窗口会显示与目标IP地址的通信状态。
如果目标IP地址在本机的ARP缓存表中不存在,本机会向局域网广播ARP请求,以获取目标设备的MAC地址;4. 在再次输入arp -a命令后,我们可以观察到ARP缓存表中新增了目标IP地址和对应的MAC地址。
通过以上实验结果和现象,我们可以得出以下结论和分析:1. ARP协议通过将IP地址转换为MAC地址,实现了在局域网中的设备通信。
f、HTTP: 超文本传输协议(HTTP,HyperText Transfer Protocol)是互联网上应用最为广泛的一种网络协议。所有的WWW文件都必须遵守这个标准。设计HTTP最初的目的是为了提供一种发布和接收HTML页面的方法。
(2)、在本机上运行wireshark截获报文,为了只截获和实验内容有关的报文,将Ethereal的Captrue Filter设置为“No Broadcast and no Multicast”;如下图3所示:
(1)在PC1 两台计算机上执行如下命令,清除ARP 缓存:
ARP –d
(2)在PC1 两台计算机上执行如下命令,查看高速缓存中的ARP 地址映射表
ARP –a
(3)在PC1 上运行 Ethereal 截获报文,为了截获和实验内容有关的报文, Ethereal 的Captrue Filter 设置为默认方式;
答:这个帧由6 字节的目的 MAC 地址、6 字节的源 MAC 地址、2 字节的类型、 46~1500 字节的数据字段组成。缺少了7 字节的前导符、1 字节的帧首定界和4 字节的帧尾校验字段。因为7字节的前导符,其作用是用来使接收端的适配器在接受MAC帧时能迅速调整其时钟频率,使它和发送端实现位同步。1字节的帧首定界前六位的作用和前同步码一样,后两个1表示数据就要来了。还有4字节的FCS用来快速检验帧有没出现比特差错。这三部分用过后都会在适配器上被丢弃,不会提交给上一层。因此我们抓的包中没有这些信息。
首先,我们了解到ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用于将IP地址映射到物理MAC地址的网络协议。
它通过在局域网中的ARP缓存表中查找目标IP 地址对应的MAC地址,从而实现通信。
计算机科学与技术学院计算机网络实验报告年级 2013 学号 2013434151汪凡成绩专业计算机科学与技术实验地点 C1-422 指导教师常卓实验项目实验3.3:ARP分析实验3.5:路由协议分析实验日期 2016/5/6实验3.3:ARP分析一、实验目的1.掌握根本的ARP命令。
如果没有,如此ARP会在网络中广播一个ARP请求,拥有该目标IP地址的设备将自动发回一个ARP 回应,对应的MAC地址将记录到主机的ARP缓存中。
考虑到一个网络可能经常有设备动态参加或者撤出,并且更换设备的网卡或IP地址也都会引起主机地址映射发生变化,因此,ARP缓存定时器将会删除在指定时间段未使用的ARP 条目,具体时间因设备而异。
internet技术实验报告 验证地址解析协议ARP工作过程
![internet技术实验报告 验证地址解析协议ARP工作过程](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cf2ac82be2bd960590c677c8.png)
实验报告验证地址解析协议ARP工作过程操作系统:主机PC0:Windows XP主机PC1:Windows 7网络环境:主机PC0与主机PC1同属于一个局域网,同时都与Internet互联(校园网)(使用packet tracer软件绘制)PC1:2、用arp -d命令清除两台主机上的ARP表,然后在PC0与PC1上分别用ping 命令与对方通信PC0 清空ARP告诉缓存后先查看一下PC0的MAC地址:PC1 清空ARP告诉缓存后先查看一下PC1的MAC地址:在PC0上执行ping命令查看是否能够和PC1互通:结论:PC0和PC1成功ping通。
3、用arp -a命令在两台PC上分别看到对方的MAC地址PC0主机上:PC1主机上:分析:PC0和PC1在设置时同属于一个局域网网段。
在执行ping命令的时候(此处以PC0 ping PC1为例),PC0先向整个网段中广播ARP包,询问IP为118.229.207.175(PC1)的主机的MAC地址;此时网段中的PC1收到包后比对自己的IP地址发现符合条件,于是给PC1回一个ARP包告诉PC0自己的MAC地址,这时候PC0就会向PC1发送4个ECHO报文完成ping命令。
PC1收到这样的ICMP 报文后广播一个ARP包询问PC0的(地址,得到后会向PC0回复ECHO报文,完成整个通信过程。
4、将PC0的子网掩码设为255.255.255.0,如下图所示:PC0:5、用arp -d命令清除两台主机上的ARP表,然后在PC0上"ping"PC1,观察并分析结果。
用arp -a命令在两台PC上均不能看到对方的MAC地址PC0主机:结论:目标主机不可达,传输失败。
用arp –a查看MAC地址:6、接着在PC1上"ping"PC0,观察并分析结果结论:提示请求超时,传输失败。
1. 两台计算机
2. 一台路由器
3. 以太网交换机
4. 网线
5. ARP协议相关软件
1. 搭建实验环境,将两台计算机连接到同一个局域网中,通过路由器和交换机
2. 在计算机A上,使用ARP协议相关软件发送ARP请求,获取计算机B的
3. 在计算机B上,接收到ARP请求后,发送ARP应答,将自己的MAC地址发
4. 计算机A收到ARP应答后,将计算机B的IP地址和MAC地址建立映射关系,并保存在ARP缓存中。
5. 使用Wireshark等网络抓包工具,分析实验过程中的ARP请求和应答的数据包。
实验一 以太网帧和ARP协议分析实验
![实验一 以太网帧和ARP协议分析实验](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66c6529bdaef5ef7ba0d3c38.png)
2、理解ARP协议格式和ARP 协议的工作原理,理解ARP高速缓存的作用。
3、主机A在命令行下运行“arp –d”命令,清空ARP高速缓存。
4、主机A 上ping 主机B的IP地址。
6、在命令行下运行“arp –a”命令察看ARP高速缓存。
实验1 网络协议分析Ethereal一、 ARP协议分析ARP协议,即地址解析协议,属于网络层协议。
ARP协议分析:Frame Number: 398 表示帧编号是398Packet Length:60 bytes 表示数据包长度为60个字节Destination:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff(Broadcast) 表示数据包是通过广播通信,广播到连接到总线上的所有计算机Source: 00:0d:87:f8:43:c0 ( 表示发送此数据包的计算机的MAC地址,发送方协议地址为192.168.0.60 Type: ARP(0x0806) 表示帧中封装的协议类型:0x0806,即ARP协议Trailer:00000000000000000000000.... 是协议中填充的数据,为了保证帧最少有64字节Hardware type:Ethernet(0x0001) 表示硬件类型,指明了发送方想知道的硬件地址的类型,以太网的值为1Protocol type:IP(0x0800) 表示还使用了一个网络层协议IP协议,IP和ARP都是网络层上的协议Hardware size:6 表示硬件信息在帧中占的字节数为6个字节Protocol size:4 表示协议信息在帧中占的字节数为4个字节Opcode:request(0x0001) 操作码用来表示这个报文的类型,ARP请求为1,ARP响应为2,RARP请求为3,RARP响应为4 Sender MAC address: 00:0d:87:f8:43:c0 (表示发送方的MAC地址Sender IP address: 表示发送方的IP地址Target MAC address:00:00:00:00:00:00(00:00:00_00:00:00)表示该数据包的目标地址,且是一则广播通信,目标是与总线相连的所有计算机。
arp实验报告总结1. 引言ARP(地址解析协议)是计算机网络中的重要协议之一,用于将IP地址转换为物理地址(MAC地址)。
2. 实验目的1) 了解ARP协议的基本概念和工作流程;2) 掌握ARP请求和应答消息的格式和交互过程;3) 使用网络工具进行ARP实验,观察和分析实验结果;4) 分析ARP协议的优缺点及应用场景。
3. 实验步骤1) 理论学习:通过阅读相关资料和教材,了解ARP协议的基本概念、工作原理和数据包格式。
2) 实验环境搭建:在实验室中搭建实验环境,包括多台计算机和交换机等设备,并配置IP地址。
3) 实验操作:使用网络工具(如Wireshark)对ARP的请求和应答过程进行抓包,并分析抓包结果。
4) 实验结果分析:根据实验抓包结果,分析ARP协议的工作方式、消息交互过程和应用实例。
5) 实验总结:对实验过程中遇到的问题和实验结果进行总结,归纳ARP协议的特点和应用场景。
4. 实验结果及分析通过实验操作和抓包分析,得出以下结论:1) ARP协议通过广播方式发送ARP请求消息,等待目标主机的ARP应答消息,以获取目标主机的MAC地址。
2) ARP缓存表用于存储IP地址与MAC地址的映射关系,可以提高网络传输的效率。
3) ARP协议存在着ARP欺骗攻击的风险,黑客可以通过篡改ARP表来实施中间人攻击。
4) ARP协议在局域网环境中广泛应用,用于解析IP地址和MAC地址的转换,实现网络通信。
5. ARP协议的优缺点1) 优点:ARP协议简单实用,通过IP地址与MAC地址的转换,实现了网络通信的可靠性和效率。
2) 缺点:ARP协议依赖于广播方式进行地址解析,会增加网络负载和安全风险;同时,ARP协议对网络规模有一定限制,无法跨越子网进行通信。
6. 应用场景ARP协议在以下场景中起到重要作用:1) 局域网通信:ARP协议用于在局域网中解析IP地址和MAC地址的对应关系,实现计算机之间的通信。
实验过程:1. ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用于将IP地址映射到MAC地址的网络协议。
5. 在本次实验中,我们使用Wireshark工具对ARP协议进行抓包分析。
ARP 请求包中包含了发送方的MAC地址、IP地址、目标IP地址等信息。
ARP 响应包中包含了目标的MAC地址。
2. 我们可以通过Wireshark工具查看每个ARP数据包的详细信息,包括源MAC地址、目标MAC地址、源IP地址、目标IP地址等字段。
arp实验总结ARP实验总结引言ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用于将IP地址映射到物理地址的协议。
实验步骤1. 配置实验环境:在一台主机上安装Wireshark软件,并连接到一个局域网中。
2. 启动Wireshark:打开Wireshark软件,选择对应的网卡接口,并开始捕获数据包。
3. 进行ARP请求:在另一台主机上发送一个ARP请求数据包,请求目标主机的MAC地址。
4. 捕获ARP数据包:Wireshark软件会立即捕获到发送的ARP请求数据包,并显示其详细信息。
5. 分析数据包:通过分析ARP数据包的各个字段,了解ARP协议的工作原理和数据包的结构。
6. 进行ARP响应:目标主机收到ARP请求后,会发送一个ARP响应数据包,包含自身的MAC地址。
7. 捕获ARP响应数据包:Wireshark软件会再次捕获到目标主机发送的ARP响应数据包,并显示其详细信息。
8. 分析数据包:通过分析ARP响应数据包的各个字段,进一步了解ARP协议的工作机制。
计算机网络实验:Ethernet and ARP
![计算机网络实验:Ethernet and ARP](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e08039a9b89680202d8250b.png)
Lab 7 Ethernet and ARP 1. Capturing and analyzing Ethernet framesSTEPS•First, make sure your browser’s cache is empty. (To do this under Netscape 7.0, select Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Cache and clear the memory and disk cache. For Internet Explorer, select Tools->Internet Options->Delete Files. For Firefox select Tools->Clear Private Data. •Start up the Wireshark packet sniffer•Enter the following URL into your browser/wireshark-labs/HTTP-ethereal-lab-file3.html Your browser should display the rather lengthy US Bill of Rights. •Stop Wireshark packet capture. First, find the packet numbers (the leftmost column in the upper Wireshark window) of the HTTP GET message that was sent from your computer to , as well as the beginning of the HTTP response message sent to your computer by . You should see a screen that looks something like this (where packet 4 in the screen shot below contains the HTTP GET message)•Since this lab is about Ethernet and ARP, we’re not interested in IP or higherlayer protocols. So let’s change Wireshark’s “listing of capturedpackets”window so that it shows information only about protocols below IP. To have Wireshark do this, select Analyze->Enabled Protocols. Then uncheck the IP box and select OK.QUESTIONS1.What is the 48-bit Ethernet address of your computer?The 48-bit Ethernet address of your computer is 3c : 97 : 0e : ff : 69 : 022.What is the 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is thisthe Ethernet address of ? (Hint: the answer is no).What device has this as its Ethernet address? [Note: this is animportant question, and one that students sometimes get wrong.Re-read pages 468-469 in the text and make sure you understand the answer here.]The 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame is38:22:d6:e6:0e:0d. This isn’t the Ethernet address of . Itis the Ethernet address of my default gateway. That is to say, it’s the address of my router, which is the link used to get off the subnet.3.Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. Whatdo the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field?The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field is 0x0800.The bit(s) whose value is 1 within the flag field mean the fragment has not been fragmented.4.How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does theASCII “G”in “GET”appear in the Ethernet frame?54 bytes. There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame header, 20 bytes of IP header and 20 bytes of TCP header before HTTP data. So the answer is 54 bytes.5.What is the hexadecimal value of the CRC field in this Ethernet frame?There is no CRC field. Because the CRC calculated before the Wireshark packet sniffer start up.6.What is the value of the Ethernet source address? Is this the addressof your computer, or of (Hint: the answer is no).What device has this as its Ethernet address?The value of the Ethernet source address is 38:22:d6:e6:0e:0d. This is neither the address of my computer, nor of . It is the Ethernet address of my default gateway. That is to say, it’s the address of my router, which is the link used to get off the subnet.7.What is the destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this theEthernet address of your computer?The destination address in the Ethernet frame is 3c : 97 : 0e : ff : 69 : 02. This is the Ethernet address of my computer.8.Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. Whatdo the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field?The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field is 0x0800.The bit(s) whose value is 1 within the flag field mean the fragment has not been fragmented.9.How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does theASCII “O”in “OK”(i.e., the HTTP response code) appear in the Ethernet frame?There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame header, 20 bytes of IP header and 20 bytes of TCP header before HTTP data.So the HTTP data appears 54 bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame.But before the ASCII “O”appears, there are 13 bytes. So before the ASCII “O”appears, there are 67 bytes.10.What is the hexadecimal value of the CRC field in this Ethernet frame?There is no CRC field. Because the CRC calculated before the Wireshark packet sniffer start up.2. The Address Resolution Protocol11. Write down the contents of your computer’s ARP cache. What is the meaning of each column value?The address of Internet column contains the IP address. The physical address column contains the MAC address. The type column tells us the information about type: dynamic or static.STEPS•Clear your ARP cache, as described above.•Next, make sure your browser’s cache is empty. (To do this underNetscape 7.0, select Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Cache and clear the memory and disk cache. For Internet Explorer, select Tools->Internet Options->Delete Files.)•Start up the Wireshark packet sniffer•Enter the following URL into your browser /wireshark-labs/ HTTP-wireshark-lab-file3.html Your browser should again display the rather lengthy US Bill of Rights. •Stop Wireshark packet capture. Again, we’re not interested in IP or higher-layer protocols, so change Wireshark’s “listing of captured packets”window so that it shows information only about protocols below IP. To have Wireshark do this, select Analyze->Enabled Protocols. Then uncheck the IP box and select OK. You should now see an Wireshark window that looks like:QUESTIONS(The following answers are based on the ethernet-ethereal-trace-1 trace file)12 .What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message?The hexadecimal values for the source addresses in the Ethernet frame is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68. The hexadecimal values for the destinationaddresses in the Ethernet frame is ff : ff : ff : ff : ff : ff.13. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field. What do the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field?The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field is 0x0806.There is no flag field.14.Download the ARP specification from ftp:///innotes/std/std37.txt. A readable, detailed discussion of ARP is also at /users/gorry/course/inet-pages/arp.html.a)How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame doesthe ARP opcode field begin?There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame header. In the ARP data, before the ARP opcode field begin, there are 6 bytes. So there are 20 bytes before the ARP opcode field begin.b)What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part ofthe Ethernet frame in which an ARP request is made?The value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the Ethernet frame in which an ARP request is made is 1.c)Does the ARP message contain the IP address of the sender?Yes, it contains. In here, the IP address of the sender is in the ARP request does the “question”appear –theEthernet address of the machine whose corresponding IP address isbeing queried?The field “Target MAC address”is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00 to question the machine’s Ethernet address whose corresponding IP address.15. Now find the ARP reply that was sent in response to the ARP request.a)How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame doesthe ARP opcode field begin?There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame header. In the ARP data, before the ARP opcode field begin, there are 6 bytes. So there are 20 bytes before the ARP opcode field begin.b)What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part ofthe Ethernet frame in which an ARP response is made?The value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the Ethernet frame in which an ARP response is made is 2c)Where in the ARP message does the “answer”to the earlier ARPrequest appear –the IP address of the machine having the Ethernet address whose corresponding IP address is being queried?“Sender MAC address”is the answer to the earlier ARP request. In here, it contain the MAC address of, which is 00:06:25:da:af:7316.What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message?The hexadecimal values for the source addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message is 00:06:25:da:af:73.The hexadecimal values for the destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message is 00:d0:59:a9:3d;68.17. Open the ethernet-ethereal-trace-1 trace file in /wireshark-labs/wireshark-traces.zip. The first and second ARP packets in this trace correspond to an ARP request sent by the computer running Wireshark, and the ARP reply sent to the computer running Wireshark by the computer with the ARP-requested Ethernet address. But there is yet another computer on this network, as indiated by packet 6 –another ARP request. Why is there no ARP reply (sent in response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the packet trace?This a broadcast ARP packet sent by So every host in the same subnet will receive the packet. But the ARP is to try find the MAC address of So only the host which have the IP address of will reply. Now “my”host’s IP address is So “my”host won’t reply. And “my”host didn’t receive the reply packet. So there is no ARP reply (sent in response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the packet trace.Extra CreditEX-1. The arp command: arp -s InetAddr EtherAddr allows you to manually add an entry to the ARP cache that resolves the IP address InetAddr to the physical address EtherAddr. What would happen if, when you manually added an entry, you entered the correct IP address, but the wrong Ethernet address for that remote interface?If I entered the correct IP address, but the wrong Ethernet address for that remote interface, then I will get the wrong MAC address when I try to connect with the IP address that I entered. This is just like what happened in ARP spoofing.EX-2. What is the default amount of time that an entry remains in your ARP cache before being removed. You can determine this empirically (by monitoring the cache contents) or by looking this up in your operation system documentation. Indicate how/where you determined this value.In default, in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, the entry in the ARP cache will store 2 minutes. If an entry is used in this 2 minutes, the deadline will delay another 2 minutes until it have past 10 minutes. When an entry is stored for 10 minutes, then it must be removed.。
步骤2:在PC1、PC2 两台计算机上执行如下命令,清除ARP缓存。
ARP –d步骤3:在PC1、PC2 两台计算机上执行如下命令,查看高速缓存中的ARP地址映射表的内容。
ARP –a步骤4:在PC1和PC2上运行Wireshark捕获数据包,为了捕获和实验内容有关的数据包,Wireshark的Capture Filter设置为默认方式;步骤5:在主机PC1上执行Ping 命令向PC2发送数据包;步骤6:执行完毕,保存截获的报文并命名为arp1-学号-姓名;步骤7:在PC1、PC2 两台计算机上再次执行ARP –a 命令,查看高速缓存中的ARP 地址映射表的内容:1)这次看到的内容和步骤3的内容相同吗?结合两次看到的结果,理解ARP高速缓存的作用。
3)步骤8:重复步骤:4—5,将此结果保存为arp2-学号-姓名;步骤9:打开arp1-学号-姓名,完成以下各题:1)在捕获的数据包中有几个ARP 数据包?在以太帧中,ARP协议类型的代码值是什么?解:有4个数据包,ARP协议类型的代码值是1.2)打开arp2-学号-姓名,比较两次截获的报文有何区别?分析其原因。
5、查看捕获的数据包(1) 在Ethereal中查看所有的窗口显示内容。
6、定义过滤器,捕捉arp数据(1)设置包捕捉过滤器为“ether proto 0x0806”.(2)开始捕捉。
7、在客户机上用ping 命令访问服务器(1)清空arp缓存。
在客户机命令窗口下输入:arp -d *(2)ping服务器。
查看“arp -a”输出结果。
六、实验小结与讨论通过本次实验,我们了解了以太网协议和arp协议的原理,掌握了使用Ethereal 软件设置过滤器,捕捉数据包的方法,不过在实验的过程当中,对查获的数据包的理解还不够,看不太明白,不确定捕获的以太帧中的类型字段。
第1篇一、实验目的1. 了解网络通信的基本原理和常用协议。
2. 掌握网络通信实验的实验步骤和实验方法。
3. 培养实验操作能力和实验分析能力。
网络通信实验主要包括以下内容:1. 网络拓扑结构:了解网络拓扑结构的基本概念,如星型、环型、总线型等。
2. 网络协议:了解常用的网络协议,如TCP/IP、HTTP、FTP等。
3. 网络设备:了解网络设备的基本功能,如路由器、交换机、集线器等。
4. 网络配置:掌握网络设备的配置方法,如IP地址配置、子网掩码配置等。
三、实验环境1. 实验设备:PC机、路由器、交换机、集线器等。
2. 实验软件:网络通信实验软件、网络模拟软件等。
3. 实验网络拓扑:根据实验需求设计网络拓扑结构。
四、实验步骤1. 设计网络拓扑结构:根据实验需求,设计网络拓扑结构,包括设备类型、数量、连接方式等。
2. 配置网络设备:根据网络拓扑结构,配置网络设备的IP地址、子网掩码、网关等参数。
3. 搭建实验环境:将网络设备连接成实验网络拓扑结构,并确保网络连通性。
4. 实验操作:根据实验要求,进行网络通信实验操作,如数据传输、文件传输等。
5. 数据采集与分析:采集实验数据,分析实验结果,验证实验原理。
五、实验内容1. 网络拓扑结构实验:设计并搭建星型网络拓扑结构,测试网络连通性。
2. 网络协议实验:使用网络通信实验软件,验证TCP/IP协议的数据传输过程。
3. 网络设备实验:配置路由器、交换机、集线器等网络设备,实现数据转发和交换。
4. 网络配置实验:配置网络设备的IP地址、子网掩码、网关等参数,实现网络通信。
六、实验结果与分析1. 网络拓扑结构实验:成功搭建星型网络拓扑结构,网络连通性良好。
2. 网络协议实验:通过网络通信实验软件,验证了TCP/IP协议的数据传输过程,包括数据封装、传输、接收等。
3. 网络设备实验:成功配置路由器、交换机、集线器等网络设备,实现数据转发和交换。
实验内容:网络层IP/ARP协议分析一、实验目的1、理解IP协议报文类型和格式,掌握IP V4 地址的编址方法。
2、分析ARP 协议的报文格式,理解ARP 协议的解析过程。
二、实验设备安装有Ethereal软件和windows操作系统的微机系统三、实验内容1、IP协议分析实验使用Ping 命令在两台计算机之间发送数据报,用Ethereal 截获数据报,分析IP 数据报的格式,理解IP V4 地址的编址方法,加深对IP 协议的理解。
2、IP 数据报分片实验我们已经从前边的实验中看到,IP 报文要交给数据链路层封装后才能发送。
理想情况下,每个IP 报文正好能放在同一个物理帧中发送。
例如:以太网的帧中最多可容纳1500 字节的数据;FDDI帧最多可容纳4470 字节的数据。
这个上限被称为物理网络的最大传输单元(MTU,MaxiumTransfer Unit)。
TCP/IP 协议在发送IP 数据报文时,一般选择一个合适的初始长度。
当这个报文要从一个MTU 大的子网发送到一个MTU 小的网络时,IP 协议就把这个报文的数据部分分割成能被目的子网所容纳的较小数据分片,组成较小的报文发送。
每个分片都有一个IP 报文头,分片后的数据报的IP 报头和原始IP 报头除分片偏移、MF 标志位和校验字段不同外,其他都一样。
当目的主机收到IP 报文时,根据其片偏移和标志MF 位判断其是否一个分片。
若MF 为0,片偏移为0,则表明它是一个完整的报文;否则,则表明它是一个分片。
当一个报文的全部分片都到达目的主机时,IP 就根据报头中的标识符和片偏移将它们重新组成一个完整的报文交给上层协议处理。
3、ARP协议分析实验Arp 命令简介本次实验使用的Windows自带的Arp命令提供了显示和修改地址解析协议所使用的地址映射表的功能。
计算机网络实验报告一、实验目的:1. 掌握ARP协议的报文格式2. 掌握ARP协议的工作原理3. 理解ARP高速缓存的作用4. 掌握ARP请求和应答的实现方法5. 掌握ARP缓存表的维护过程二、实验步骤:一,完成网络环境的配置,并进行拓扑验证。
网关的设定;开通静态路由;主机 A ping 主机 E成功;清空ARP 高速缓存;设置协议分析器的过滤条件;预期问题:网关设定错误,没有在主机 B 开启静态路由都会造成主机 A Ping 主机E 不成功。
预期问题:必须先开启数据捕获,再执行主机 A ping 主机 E 操作,否则获取不到数据。
四,查看采集到的ARP 报文,对实验结果进行截图、记录。
1.IP配置完毕,进行拓扑验证:图示为A角色捕获到的ARP-request图示说明:方向:主机 A)→子网内的所有主机内容:ARP‐request协议解析树: Ethernet 802.3目的 MAC 地址= FFFFFF‐FFFFFF :向子网内所有主机发送源 MAC 地址=6C626D‐707DCE:主机 A 的 MAC 地址协议类型或数据长度=0806(ARP 协议):ARP 协议ARP(地址解析议)硬件类型=1协议类型=0800硬件地址长度=6协议地址长度=4操作码=1(请求)发送端硬件地址=6C626D‐707DCE (主机A发送端逻辑地址= (主机A)目的端硬件地址=000000‐000000 (未知,请求的硬件地址)目的端逻辑地址= (主机 B 左网卡)过程描述:主机 A→子网内的所有主机,发送 ARP‐request,请求 IP 地址是 (主机B的左网卡)主机 Aping 主机 E,由于 A 发现 E 与其不是在同一子网,所以主机 A 把发送的数据转发到网关:主机 B 左网卡。
地址解析协议ARP实验报告一、实验目的地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol,ARP)是在网络层中用于将 IP 地址转换为物理地址(MAC 地址)的重要协议。
本次实验的主要目的是深入理解 ARP 协议的工作原理和机制,通过实际操作和观察,掌握 ARP 数据包的格式和内容,以及 ARP 缓存的作用和更新过程。
二、实验环境本次实验在一个由多台计算机组成的局域网环境中进行,操作系统为 Windows 10。
使用 Wireshark 网络协议分析工具来捕获和分析网络中的数据包。
三、实验原理ARP 协议的基本工作原理是:当一台主机需要向另一台主机发送数据时,如果它不知道目标主机的 MAC 地址,它会广播一个 ARP 请求数据包,请求目标主机返回其 MAC 地址。
网络中的其他主机收到该请求后,如果不是目标主机,则忽略该请求;如果是目标主机,则会向发送请求的主机返回一个ARP 响应数据包,告知其自己的MAC 地址。
发送请求的主机收到响应后,将目标主机的 IP 地址和 MAC 地址的对应关系存储在本地的 ARP 缓存中,以便后续通信使用。
四、实验步骤1、打开 Wireshark 软件,并选择用于捕获数据包的网络接口。
2、在其中一台主机上,使用 Ping 命令向另一台主机发送 ICMP 回显请求数据包,以触发 ARP 协议的运行。
3、在 Wireshark 中停止捕获数据包,并对捕获到的数据包进行筛选,只显示 ARP 协议相关的数据包。
4、分析 ARP 请求数据包和 ARP 响应数据包的格式和内容,包括硬件类型、协议类型、硬件地址长度、协议地址长度、操作码、发送方的 MAC 地址和 IP 地址、目标方的 MAC 地址和 IP 地址等。
5、观察本地主机的 ARP 缓存,查看其中存储的 IP 地址和 MAC 地址的对应关系,并记录其变化情况。
五、实验结果与分析1、 ARP 请求数据包硬件类型:表示网络硬件的类型,通常为以太网,值为 1。
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实验一Ethernet and ARP一、实验目的1.加强对以太网帧格式的理解;2.理解ARP协议的工作原理。
三、实验内容1. Capturing and analyzing Ethernet frames2. The Address Resolution Protocol四、实验步骤及思考(一)Capturing and analyzing Ethernet framesHTTP GET Message(1)Based on the contents of the Ethernet frame containing the HTTP GET message1. What is the 48-bit Ethernet address of your computer?Answer:The 48-bit Ethernet address of my computer is:c8:0a:a9:db:9b:f3The Ethernet address of my computer2. What is the 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this the Ethernet address of ? (Hint: the answer is no). What device has this as its Ethernet address?[Note: this is an important question, and one that students sometimes get wrong. Re-read pages 468-469 in the text and make sure you understand the answer here.]Answer:1)The 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame is:00:23:89:8d:50:71The destination address in the Ethernet frame2)This is not the Ethernet address of .3)It is the address of my Linksys router, whick is the link used to get off the subnet.3.Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What do the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field?Answer:1)The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field is:ox0800The hexadecimal value forthe two-byte Frame type2) The value is 1 within the flag field means the fragment has not been fragmented.Flag4.How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII “G” in“GET” appear in the Ethernet frame?Answer:1)T he ASCII “G” appears 54 bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame.2)Calculation process as follows:There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame,20 bytes of IP header and 20 bytes of TCP header before HTTP data is encountered.5. What is the hexadecimal value of the CRC field in this Ethernet frame?Answer:1)There is no CRC field.2)Because the CRC calculated before the Wireshark packet sniffer start up.(2)Based on the contents of the Ethernet frame containing the first byte of the HTTP response message6. What is the value of the Ethernet source address? Is this the address of your computer, or of (Hint: the answer is no). What device has this as its Ethernet address?Answer :1)The value of the Ethernet source address is: 00:23:89:8d:50:712)This is neither the address of your computer,northe address of .3)It is the address of my Linksys router,which is the link used to get onto HTTP response messagemy subnet.7. What is the destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this the Ethernet address of your computer?Answer:1)The destination address in the Ethernet frame is:c8:0a:a9:db:9b:f32)It is the address of my computer.(The 48-bit Ethernet address of my computer is:c8:0a:a9:db:9b:f3)8. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What do the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field?Answer:1)The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field is: 0x0800.2)The value is 1 within the flag field means the fragment has not been fragmented.Flag field9. How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII “O” in“OK” (i.e., the HTTP response code) appear in the Ethernet frame?Answer:1)T he ASCII “O” appears 54 bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame.2)Calculation process as follows:There are 14 bytes of Ethernet frame,20 bytes of IP header and 20 bytes of TCP header before HTTP data is encountered.10. What is the hexadecimal value of the CRC field in this Ethernet frame?Answer:1)There is no CRC field.2)The reason:Because the CRC calculated before the Wireshark packet sniffer start up.(二)The Address Resolution Protocol(1)ARP Caching11. Write down the contents of your computer’s ARP cache. What is the meaning of each column value?Answer:1)The Internet Address column contains the IP address,.2)The Physical Address column contains the MAC address, and the type indicates the protocol type.3)Observing ARP in action12. What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message? Answer:1)The hexadecimal values for the source addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message is: 00:23:89:8d:50:712)The destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message is: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff13. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field. What do the bit(s) whose value is 1 mean within the flag field? Answer:The hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field is:0x0806.14.Download the ARP specification from . A readable, detailed discussion of ARP is also at .a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the ARP opcode field begin?Answer:The ARP opcode field begins 20 bytes from the very beginning ofthe Ethernet frame.b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the Ethernet frame in which an ARP request is made?Answer:The hex value for opcode field withing the ARP-payload of the request is 1.c) Does the ARP message contain the IP address of the sender? Answer:Yes, the ARP message containg the IP address for the sender.d) Where in the ARP request does the “question” appear – the Ethernet address of the machine whose corresponding IP address is being queried?Answer:The field “Target MAC address” is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00 to question the machine whose corresponding IP address ( is being queried.15.Now find the ARP reply that was sent in response to the ARP request.a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the ARP opcode field begin?Answer:The ARP opcode field begins 20 bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame.b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the Ethernet frame in which an ARP response is made?Answer:The hex value for opcode field withing the ARP-payload part of the Ethernet frame is 2.c) Where in the ARP message does the “answer” to the earlier ARP request appear –the IP address of the machine having the Ethernet address whose corresponding IP address is being queried?Answer:The answer to the earlier ARP request appears in the”Sender MAC address”field, which contains the Ethernet address 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 for the sender with IP address What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message? Answer:The hex value for the source address is 00:06:25:da:af:73 and for the destination is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 .17. Open the ethernet-ethereal-trace-1 trace. The first and second ARP packets in this trace correspond to an ARP request sent by the computer running Wireshark, and the ARP reply sent to the computer running Wireshark by the computer with the ARP-requested Ethernet address. But there is yet another computer on this network, as indiated by packet 6 –another ARP request. Why is there no ARP reply (sent in response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the packet trace?Answer:There is no reply in this trace, because we are not at the machinethat sent the request. The ARP request is broadcast, but the ARP reply is sent back directly to the sender’s Ethernet address.五、实验结论1.CRC在WireShark中是不能被抓到的,原因是CRC在抓包之前已经被计算好。