
Honeywell GR系列继电器

美国Honeywell流量传感器全球约132,000名员工,其中包括超过19,000名工程师和科学家,Honeywell 霍尔流量传感器的产品在多个国家设立了国外办事处及售后服务中心,并在中国设立了广州南创传感器事业部,为美国Honeywell流量传感器提供最佳的服务与解决方案。

3、 Excel8000系列
序号 内容 Excel8000系列
控制器 全以太网结构不具备竞争力,主打总线结构产品(该系列为霍尼HBS系统部针对项目研发的产品);适
性价比 合小型项目。
3、 Excel8000系列
序号 内容
CP-IPC 除了提供与以太网的连接功能以外,还提供24个输入和输出硬件点,如果连接扩展模块
网络控制器 CP -EXPIO ,输入输出点可以扩展到128点。CP-IPC还支持3条独立的MS/TP通道,每条通道可
(管理级) 以连接30台单元控制器,即每个CP-IPC控制器支持90台单元控制器。
控制器 口
的CPU •高性能32位CPU
序号 内容 WEBs系列
网络连接 直接以太网/局域网连接;网络链路出现故障时只影响单个控制器,网络速率10/100MBps
网络控制 •自带USB接口,可用于备份和恢复
控制器 系统性价比高,特别是全以太网结构,其核心8000控制器为Niagara平台全进口产品,现场以太网控制
性价比 器为产品事业部HBT研发

详细资料请查看:世界500强跨国集团ૠปᆊऑႊࡼ಼ဥ1885年,Al Butz 开发了熔炉控制系统,将此系统作为产品成立公司 1886年,发明世界上第一个温控器,成立Butz 电子温度调节器公司 1893年, 更名为电子供热调节器公司(HER) 1906年,马克 · 霍尼韦尔的年轻人创立了霍尼韦尔特种加热器公司 1921年,EHR公司更名为明尼艾普利斯公斯供热调节器公司(MHR) 1927年,MHR公司和霍尼韦尔特种加热器公司合并,组成明尼艾普利斯。
霍尼韦尔 调节器公司 从此开始了在控制领域购并企业及在全球扩展业务 调节器公司,从此开始了在控制领域购并企业及在全球扩展业务 1929年,公司公司股票上市 1963年,公司正式更名为霍尼韦尔公司 1969年,霍尼韦尔的仪表帮助美国宇航员首次成功登月 1974年,霍尼韦尔研制开发了世界上第一套集散控制系统(DCS), 并成为一种 规范沿用至今 1998年,霍尼韦尔营业收入达到84亿美元 1999年,霍尼韦尔与美国联合信号公司合并,合并后公司仍称为霍尼韦尔 年 霍尼韦尔与美国联合信号公司合并 合并后公司仍称为霍尼韦尔ሚᏴࡼૠปᆊऑႊ///全球 100个国家拥有12万员工, 总部设在美国新泽西州莫里斯镇 年销售额超过346亿美元 著名 30 家道琼斯股指公司之一,“标准普尔 家道琼斯股指公司之 “标准普尔500指数”的组成部分 排列《财富》杂志前50位 被《财富》杂志(1999)评为“工作最适” Best to Work For 公司 被《工业周刊》(1999) 评为 “最佳管理公司” 最佳管理公司 Best Managed Companies, 被 《福布斯》评为 “世界第一多元化公司”●●●●●●全球超过1亿的家庭或大楼使用霍尼韦尔的楼宇控制产品 全球第一流的专利拥有者 全球第 流的专利拥有者●ጓᇗஉ৩特种材料 航空航天自动化与控制 交通与动力非常宽的、多元化的业务、技术和产品ੋహੋᄖݝDŽAerospaceDž主要产品:涡轮发动机 空中管理系统 发电系统 飞机安全系 涡轮发动机,空中管理系统,发电系统, 统,通信产品,商业数据与处理,飞机内外照明 航天 飞机导航 航 与控制系统 飞机导航,航空与控制系统,全球定位系统等。

产品特点•系统集成平台核心单元,无缝集成安防系统•高稳定性、高保障性、高性价比的运行保障•数字化、网络化、集成化、智能化融入一体•基于用户的预案编程、应急指挥、远程管理•虚拟矩阵切换系统提供数字化系统便捷操作•分布式体系架构适合行业用户多级联网管理•矢量电子地图提供GIS、CAD等图精确定位•软件硬件相互融合提供一站式系统运行保障规格参数系统参数⏹操作系统:Windows Server 2008 标准版 64位⏹数据库:SQL Server 2008 标准版64位⏹处理器(CPU):Intel 四核 Xeon 处理器⏹内存:4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz⏹硬盘:250GB, 3.5", 7200rpm, SATA II⏹网络:1 Gbps×2 (双千兆网口)用户界面⏹按钮:电源开关,配置/复位按钮⏹指示灯:电源指示:蓝色(正常工作时)HDD工作:黄色(正常工作时)网络激活:绿色(正常激活时)网络状态:绿色、琥珀色、红色(正常、拥堵、故障)尺寸重量⏹尺寸:42.90(H)×434(W)×612.6mm(D),机架安装(1U)⏹重量: 15 kg环境参数⏹电源:100~240VAC, 50~60Hz⏹工作温度:10°C ~ 35°C⏹储存温度:-40°C ~ 65°C⏹相对湿度:10% ~ 85% 非凝结⏹认证证书:CCC, CE, FCC, UL1.2网络存储系统HUS-NVRHUS-NVR是网络视频监控的存储系统,接收前端视频编码设备(如IP摄像机、编码器、DVR等)的数字化视频流,根据管理需求来实现不同类型的录像规则(计划录像、警情录像、手动录像等)。

HDC-425PA彩色半球摄像机 应用场合:轿厢、电梯、楼梯口、小通道等场合 采用1/3英寸SONY 行间转移彩色CCD,该摄像机 的基本特点如下: 采用DSP数字信号处理器保证图象质量并具备先进 功能 采用SONY1/3″彩色CCD, 470000像素 低照度:0.2LUX 高信噪比大于48dB 内同步 自动跟踪白平衡 自动逆光补偿功能 带自动增益控制
其他机箱添加与输出路数相同的内联输出模块AVBLKI 含有输出的机箱要添加相应路数的内联输入模块AVBLKO
VideoBlox 视音频系统配置指南
CPU 模块PAL制式 占1个卡位
CPU 仲裁模块
占3个卡位,并且要考 虑另外的CPU卡
3、跟上位机如何连接(串口还是网络) 4、除门禁管理功能外,是否还有联动、巡更、考勤、与
选择门禁系统的一般规则: A. 32门以下
1) 无特别需求:
AD-AC-SW 软件 + N1000 控制器
2) 需巡更,或需与BA上位集成:
Winpak Pro 软件 + PW2000 控制器 B. 32门以上:
某子系统需要 现场单独布撤防 加入一个6139
某子系统需要 现场单独布撤防 加入一个6139
Vista-1 2 0

GET ASOLUTIONS.COMPETITIVE EDGE WITH ROBOTIC SOLUTIONSSMART ROBOTICS SMARTER DC SMARTEST DECISIONRESULTS-DRIVEN ROBOTICS Scalable robotic solutions increasingly deliver significant competitive advantages to modern distribution centers. By leveraging advanced robotic technology with extensive material handling experience, warehouse automation solutions from Honeywell Robotics offer fully integrated, end-to-end strategies designed specifically for the unique needs and challanges of DCs. These solutions provide the speed, accuracy and efficiency to satisfy a broad and growing range of operational requirements.Innovative designs, application expertiseand committed support ensure maximumdependability and round-the-clockproductivity. A diverse robotics portfolioensures these systems can be customizedto your unique needs. Robotic solutionsalso relieve workers of some of the mostarduous, repetitive and injury-pronetasks, freeing up limited labor for morerewarding, higher-value jobs.Honeywell Intelligrated is recognized bythe Association for Advancing Automation(A3) as a Certified Robot Integrator, withmore than a quarter-century of experienceproviding single-source robotic solutionsfor high-performance distribution andmanufacturing operations. From systemconcepting, simulation, fabricationand integration to installation andcommissioning, training and ongoingsupport, each solution is approachedwith a comprehensive lifecycle view tomaximize the value of your system.PRODUCTIVITY AND PRECISIONIN ANY APPLICATIONMultiple solutions from HoneywellRobotics provide flexible, scalable optionsfor a variety of applications, including:• Smart flexible depalletizing — Quicklyunload mixed-SKU or single-SKUpallets in any sequence with nopre-programming.• Mobile robotics — Transport loads,handle carts, and perform machinetending jobs with autonomous mobilerobots (AMRs).• Loading and unloading — Autonomouslyload and unload trailers with minimaloperator supervision or intervention.• Palletizing — Efficiently build stablepallet loads according to operationalrequirements.CERTIFIED FOR SEAMLESSINTEGRATIONHoneywell Intelligrated is an A3-CertifiedRobot Integrator, with extensive experienceimplementing robotic solutions that workseamlessly with existing automationequipment. Robotic systems come withintegrated software and controls, enablingeasy training, simple daily use andstraightforward maintenance.EVALUATE PERFORMANCEBEFORE YOU BUYWhile automation and robotics offerlogical solutions to the challenges facedby many DCs, robotic technology presentsa lot of confusing choices. Worse, manyof the solutions that exist today can’tCreating a smart, productive and profitable distribution center (DC) requires expert system integration. You know how your facility works. Smart robotics can make it work better. From our end-to-end distribution center experience comes smart automation processes that help you push what’s possible. Robotics from a DC expert? That’s smart.ROBOTICS2 | | Get a Competitive Edge With Robotic SolutionsGet a Competitive Edge With Robotic Solutions | | 3address the unique demands of modern distribution centers. The majority ofexisting logistics solutions providers fail to meet the market or technical requirements critical to DCs, or lack the infrastructure necessary for full-scale implementation.To help DCs develop robotic solutions that really work for the logistics industry, Honeywell Robotics offers a full suite of Robotic Solution Design Services. From robotic cells to full-system designs, tools like simulation, software and feature analysis, prototype designs, system modeling and more can help you to find robotic solutions that meet your unique needs — before you break ground or begin site integration.Using these tools, you can determine how different solutions will perform and learn how quickly you’ll see return on your investment. You’ll get estimates of rates and throughputs based on your own unique product mix.Simulations can identify where robots will provide the greatest benefit and show where conveyors, storage systems or other solutions might be most effective. You also can calculate how manypeople automation will free up for safer and higher-value jobs. These powerful development tools ensure that you get the right solution, without having to rely on trial and error.ROBOTIC PALLETIZING AND DEPALLETIZING SOLUTIONSRobotic palletizing and depalletizing solutions from Honeywell Robotics increase throughput and improve ergonomics while reducing your operational costs. Robotic solutions automate the labor-intensive tasks of stacking and unstacking a broad range of products, packaging types and configurations. SKU proliferation, international markets or other complexities are easily accommodated. Modular designs offer compact footprints and can scale from a single robot to large multi-arm systems as your future growth demands.ROBOTIC PALLETIZING SOLUTIONSIntelliGen™ palletizing software — Enables easy adaptation of pallet load configurations and stacking patterns based on product size, packaging changes or other variables.Mixed-load or mixed-case order fulfillment — Efficient replenishment and delivery with less-than-full pallet loads of mixed product and labels-out configurations for retail display.Stack-and-wrap robotic palletizing cell — Builds pallet loads with increased stability and higher sustained throughput, while allowing a single operator to monitor multiple functions.Pallet and sheet handling — Boost speeds and reduce costs by automating the insertion of slip sheets, tier sheets and empty palletsinto robotic palletizing cells.4 | | Get a Competitive Edge With Robotic SolutionsDepalletizing is a physically demanding, injury-prone job with high turnover. Honeywell Robotics is meeting the challenges of this arduous task with a fully automated solution, driven by sophisticated machine learning (ML) plus advances in perception and gripping technologies.Capable of handling a wide range of product shapes and sizes, depalletizing robots can seamlessly transition from mixed-SKU to single-SKU pallets in any sequence — from a single work cell to an integrated system — without requiring additional programming or operator intervention. A soft, efficient grippingunit delivers faster, more consistent throughput with less product damage. The robot’s logic optimizes lifting force to each item’s weight and automatically adjusts the gripping angle to safely handle items that don’t lie flat on the pallet.SMART FLEXIBLE DEPALLETIZINGANY PATTERN ANY SEQUENCE NO PAUSING NO PRE-PROGRAMMINGKEY FEATURES OF THE SMART FLEXIBLE DEPALLETIZER• Multi-pick• Constant pallet mode • 8' pallet handling*• Automatic speed adjustment • Automatic height adjustment • Box on ground detection • Slip sheet handling • Empty pallet detection* Layers above 72" must be consistent SKUs.Get a Competitive Edge With Robotic Solutions | | 5Several flexible configuration options will ensure this turnkey system integrates seamlessly into your existing workflows. In addition toovercoming a common operational bottleneck, the system will help you to reduce worker injuries, schedule more accurately, and lower logistics costs while reducing exposure to a challenging labor market.Integration with AMRsSingle-side optionsAutomatic pallet stacking Automatic infeed and discharge optionsRobotic pallet handlingManual feed6 | | Get a Competitive Edge With Robotic SolutionsMOBILE ROBOTICSAutonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are among the fastest-growing automation strategies available to the logistics and manufacturing industries today. Supplied in strategic collaboration with OTTO Motors, AMRs are smart enough to interact safely with human co-workers and other vehicles, find a different route if their original path is blocked, and respond to rapid changes in orders or logistics needs — all without human intervention.AMRs are also highly cost-effective, requiring minimal information technology (IT) or infrastructural changes. No tape, markers or wires are needed for navigation, and the robots require only a short set-up period to learn their surroundings.AMRs can be deployed to ease labor burdens, improve productivity, reduceor eliminate errors, lower costs, and help your operation to stay nimble in constantly changing market conditions.PALLET CONVEYANCE Autonomous forklifts can perform many of the same transport tasks as a traditional forklift without supervision or additional equipment. Other AMRs can be loaded or unloaded directly with a forklift, move loads independently between compact pick-up and delivery (P&D) stands, or interact autonomously with conveyor systems.Common pallet conveyance applications include:• Warehouse transport — AMRs move palletized products to storage locations after unloading.• Cross-docking — Robots carrypallets routed from inbound trailers or containers directly to the respective outbound trailer.• Connecting islands of automation — Completed pallet loads are transported between various warehouse operations, such as palletizers, wrappers or pallet cranes.• Creating and clearing staging lanes —OTTO Lifter autonomously creates orclears lanes of pallets (end-to-end orside-by-side) with a single command,automatically compensating forchanging positions or gaps in the lane.• Trash removal — Robots collect andtransport corrugate, dunnage andrecyclables to processing areas.In addition, pallet conveyance AMRsincrease operational savings by reducingthe number of traditional forklifts andoperators needed for transport, enablingoperators to be repurposed for othervalue-added operations.PICKING AND CARTTRANSPORTMobile robots can provide significantproductivity benefits by automating themovement of carts used to transportpicked orders, returns or kits. AMRs cantravel over any floor surface smoothenough to handle a traditional cartpushed by a worker. Instead of spendingmore than half the day walking, workerscan simply park carts in designatedpick-up locations and call robots to comepick them up. In this way, carts can betransported virtually anywhere in a facilitywith little or no human intervention.AUTOMATED MACHINE TENDINGAMRs with the in-line conveyor optioncan be used to transport parts and goodsbetween automated manufacturingequipment, replenish automated storageand retrieval systems (AS/RS), or handleitems that can’t easily be moved byconveyors. They can also provide a flexible“bridge” between different conveyorsystems.MAXIMIZING UPTIMESome OTTO AMRs can operate for anentire shift or longer on a 90% charge, andautonomously dock with optional chargingstations when not needed for other tasks,extending their effective run time withouthuman supervision.ROBOTIC UNLOADERIn situations where trailers transport stacked products of a consistent size, robotic unloaders can fully automate the unloading of trucks, trailers and containers. These robots operate quickly and require minimal operator supervision or intervention, with no need to change processes or add supporting equipment.SOLUTIONS OVERVIEW Intelligent automated material handling solutions from Honeywell Intelligrated optimize processes, increase efficiency, and give businesses a competitive edge. Honeywell Intelligrated designs, manufactures, integrates and installscomplete warehouse automation and software solutions, including:• Automated storage and retrieval solutions (AS/RS)• Conveyor and pallet conveyor systems • Fulfillment technologies• Honeywell Robotics• Labor management software• Lifecycle Support Services• Machine controls• Palletizing and depalletizing• Sortation systems• Voice solutions• Warehouse execution systems LIFECYCLE SUPPORT SERVICESLifecycle Support Services employs aconsultative, data-driven approach toachieve your critical business outcomes.By delivering proactive, value-addedservices and solutions, we can helpyou to reduce the risk of downtime andincrease system availability, longevityand dependability. Drawing from a fullspectrum of strategic services, we offermultiple engagement models, tailoredto your business, culture and strategy.Our comprehensive portfolio constitutesthe key building blocks of a successfullifecycle asset management plan. Byconducting assessments of both yourequipment condition and operationalefficiency, we can determine how tooptimize your operations with:• Engineered Solutions• Technical Services• Contract Services• Training•Honeywell Intelligrated Spare PartsGet a Competitive Edge With Robotic Solutions | | 7Honeywell Intelligrated +1 866.936.7300********************** Follow us on Twitter: /intelligrated Learn more on YouTube:Honeywell Intelligrated GCEBR (EN/US) | REV 4 | 5/22© 2022 Honeywell International Inc.THE CONNECTED DISTRIBUTION CENTERThe pace of change in modern commerce is putting tremendous pressure on fulfillment operations. To stay competitive and protect profits, companies need solutions that help them achieve maximum throughput, day-to-day flexibility, future-proof scalability and intelligence to make informed decisions.The Connected Distribution Center helps companies make the digital transformation necessary to increase reliability, improve utilization and maximize productivity through:• Intelligent, data-driven, high-speed execution• Automated, adaptable processes for machines and workers• Optimized utilization with the ability to seamlessly adapt and expand• Insights and predictive analytics, from sensors to the cloud。

Honeywell楼宇控制系统简介1. 系统概述2. EBI系统的特点3. EBI系统的操作界面4. 数据报表5. 实时数据库6. 报警管理7. 趋势图8. EBI系统结构9. EBI系统和Excel 5000楼宇自控系统的关系10.Excel 5000楼宇自控系统的优点11. 现场控制器的特点Honeywell楼宇控制系统简介美国HONEYWELL公司在1975年开发的世界第一套集散控制系统TDC-2000,引起了自动控制领域的一场革命,集散系统已成为控制技术的主流。
HONEYWELL公司EXCEL5000建筑物自动化系统的控制总线(分站总线)就是这种结构,它与其他类型产品(大多采用所谓主从式的线路结构)有很大的不同,也可以说,HONEYWELL 公司建筑物自动化系统是符合中国国家标准规定的集散型控制系统。
EBI包含有功能强大的组件,它们是:楼宇控制管理系统(Building Automatic Control System)、生命保障(火灾报警)管理系统(Life &Safety Management System)、安保管理系统(Security Management System)。
Honeywell 速度传感器产品范围指南说明书

Speed Sensors Product Range GuideWith more than 50,000 products ranging from snap-action, limit, toggle, and pressure switches to position, speed, pressure, and airflow sensors, Honeywell has one of the broadest sensing and switching portfolios.Honeywell sensor, switch, and control components are tailored to exact specifications for stronger performance, longer productivity, and increased safety. Enhanced accuracy and durability are built into every part, improving output and endurance. For our customers, this can reduce expenditures and operational costs. Our global footprint and channels help to competitively price such components for your chosen application and provide immediate technical support.While Honeywell’s switch and sensor solutions are suitable for a wide array of basic and complex applications, our custom-engineered solutions offer enhanced precision, repeatability, and ruggedness. We offer domain knowledge and technology resources, along with a close working relationship, to develop and deliver cost-effective, individually tailored solutions. Whether clean-slate development or simple modifications to an existing design are needed, our expertly engineered solutions help to meet the most stringent requirements with world-class product designs, technology integration, and customer-specific manufacturing.Global service, sourcing, and manufacturing. Industry-leading engineers. Value-added assemblies and solutions. A one-stop, full-service, globally competitive supplier.For innovation that’s well apart, there’s only HoneywellTable of ContentsMagnetoresistive Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Value Added Magnetic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8Active Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10Passive Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113NanopowerSeriesStandardPowerSeries2SS52MSeriesVF401APS00BDescription omnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRdigital sensor IC2-wire MRfine pitch ringmagnet sensor IChigh resolutionmagneticdisplacementMagnetic Sensors |Magnetoresistive Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• VF-401 flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,06 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• U-Pack: 4,5 mm x 4,5 mm [0.18 in x 0.18 in] (not including leads)• SOIC-8: 4,9 mm x 6,0 mm [0.19 in x 0.24 in]SL353SS30AT,SS40A,SS50ATSS311PT,SS411PSS340RT,SS440RSeriesDescriptionmicropower omnipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digital sensorIC with built-in pull-uplow-cost unipolarHall-effect digitalsensor ICFeaturescombined with very lowaverage current reducespower consumptionspeed capability, reversepolarity protectionlow voltage, enhancedsensitivityNorth pole (SS340RT)or South pole (SS440R),multiple magneticsensitivities (high,medium, and low) Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]5SS345PT, SS445PSS351AT, SS451A, SS551ATSS360NT , SS360ST , SS360ST-10K, SS460S, SS460S-T2 VF360NT , VF360ST , VF460SSS360PT, SS460P, SS460P-T2unipolar Hall-effect digital sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor low-cost omnipolarHall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity latching digital Hall-effect sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor pole (SS345PT) or a South pole (SS445P)protection, typical operating point of 85 G at 25°C [77°F]no chopper stabilizationstandard for potential use in automotive applications, fastest response time in its class class, no chopper stabilization, operates from only 30 Gausstypical, at 25°C [77°F]Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICsDigitalVF526DTLinearSS490 SeriesSS39ET, SS49E, SS49E-F, SS49E-L, SS49E-T2, SS49E-T3, SS59ET1Dimensions:• 4-Pin SIP: 3,6 mm x 5,1 mm [0.14 in x 0.20 in]• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• Flat TO-92-style:3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)7Series103SR (digital)103SR (linear)Magnetic Sensors | Value AddedSeries SR16/SR17SR3SR4Description low-cost Hall-effect vane sensor Hall-effect digital position sensor magnetoresistive digitalMagnetic Sensors |Value Added9Series SNG-Q SNDH-T SNDH-HDescription quadrature speed and direction quadrature speed and direction single Hall-effect speed sensorFeaturesplatform-based approachenables cost-competitivenessand mechanical and electricalconfigurability; designed forpotential applications whereenhanced accuracy is required todetect small target featuresoffset self calibration, short circuitand reverse voltage protection,low jitter output, near zero speedavailable, zero speed sensingversions available, range of con-nector options Speed Sensors |ActiveSpeed Sensors |ActiveSeries584XXFeaturesproduces constant amplitude output signals suitable for direct use in many digital andlogic control applications, internal digital signal conditioningSeriesLCZZH10Featuresomni-directional sensor to target, low power consumption, zero speed, digital outputomni-directional sensor to target, low powerconsumption, zero speed, digital output11SeriesVRS General PurposeVRS Hazardous LocationVRS High OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where medium to high speeds or in electrically noisy environments with relatively small air gaps existused where explosion-proof or intrinsically safe sensors are requiredused where higher output voltages are needed, perform best at low to mediumspeeds with medium to high impedance loads (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverseSeriesVRS High ResolutionVRS High TemperatureVRS Power OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where precise timing pulse is required, and/or fine pitch gears are usedused where the sensor is exposed to temperatures up to 260ºC [450ºF] (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverse used where driving lowresistance loads at large air gaps is required, and larger actuators are usedSpeed Sensors |PassiveWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period . Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details . If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective . The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application .Specifications may change without notice . The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing . However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use .005911-11-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA May 2017© 2017 Honeywell International Inc . All rights reserved .Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell’s sens-ing and switching products, call +1-815-235-6847, email inquiries to *********************, or visit Honeywell Sensing and Internet of Things 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 honeywell .com。
HONEYWELL 霍尼韦尔电位器 说明书

常用型号选型样本霍尼韦尔电位器Best Seller of Evectric Materials领导地位的跨国公司。
Mircro Switch(微型开关公司)创立于1935,后加入霍尼韦尔成为霍尼韦尔传感与控制战略单元。
霍尼韦尔电位器 21.编码器 Encoder388E系列 (3)510系列 (4)350E11/350E16系列 (6)600系列 (8)2.电位器Potentiometers(1) 陶瓷电位器309系列 (9)409系列 (10)591系列 (11)(2)导电塑料电位器308系列 (13)408系列 (14)380系列 (15)381系列 (16)392和RV6系列 (18)53C和RV4系列 (20)574系列 (22)575系列576系列(3) 绕线电位器43系列 RA20 (24)58系列 RA30 (26)(4) 碳膜电位器585系列 (28)586系列(5) 合成碳膜电位器 (29)(6) 开关电位器 (42)(7) 电动工具专用型 (46)(8) 精密电位器Precision Potentiometers578系列 (47)73系列 ..................... (48)MKV系列 (49)MK11系列 (50)Sensor Cube (51)(10) 预调电位器 (52)(11) 玻璃釉预调电位器 (56)3. 微调电位器Trimmers Arthur343系列 (60)363系列 (61)364系列 (62)530B系列 (63)4. 绕线电阻Wirewound Resistors wMark SongCMC系列 (65)SC系列 (66)VC系列 (67)VK系列 (68)VP线绕电阻系列 (69)VP可调线绕电阻系列 (70)VPR系列 (71)5. 绕线电位器53B010/53B/030/53B050 (72)53B13/53B14/53B11 (72)57B3/57B7 (72)3霍尼韦尔电位器 4特点●小体积●防尘●模块化结构高性能,●机械寿命超过100,00转有4脉冲16定位和6脉冲24 定位两种●2位格莱码输出可扩展与推-推、推-拉和自复位开 关●配合宽泛的温度使用范围 -40°C~100°C应用●液位控制●指针控制●频率控制●温度控制●时间控制●位置反馈订货文件填写388EN-4P 388EN-6P-DJ其中: 388EN 为系列号4P, 6P 表示每周脉冲数,DJ 表示Dome Switch接触电阻2.5K Ohms max.额定电压/电流 5 Vdc at 5 mA绝缘电阻100 MOhms at 50 Vdc耐电压900 Vac at ATM机械行程/速度/寿命连续, 最大30转/分钟,寿命100000转定位数16, 24转动力矩0,007 Nm to 0,39 Nm工作温度-40 ℃ to 100 ℃ [-40 0F to 212 0F]冲击振动100 G, MIL-STD-202Dome Switch 类型SPST 自复位Dome Switch 触点容量125 mA at 28 Vdc Dome Switch 机械寿命25,000 次Dome Switch 接触电阻小于 10 Ohms Dome Switch 绝缘电阻 1 MOhmDome Switch 耐电压对地750 V; 300 V across terminalsUNSPSC Code 0,34 kg [12 oz], nominal Dome Switch 长度of Throw0,381 mm [0.015 in] nominal UNSPSC Code30211929UNSPSC Commodity30211929 Encoders产品波形频率L频率R等幅波循环388E 尺寸(仅供参考) MM[IN]配件表层直径配件表层最大限度代表性数值尺寸(仅供参考) MM[IN]螺纹直径轴衬轴连接388E 机械的编码器,4或6fe 电子脉冲并瞬间与单轴接通直径直径5特点●提供一个2-bit 格莱码表示相对位置,或者4-bit格莱码表示绝对位置。
Honeywell 传感器和开关应用说明书

Sensors and Switches for Valves and Flow Meters An Application NoteBackgroundFlow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. Valves control or regulate the flow of gases or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. In many applications, they are operated manually by a lever, pedal, or wheel. Valves are often used in oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.SolutionsHoneywell manufactures a wide range of sensors and switches, from simple on/off switches to electronic sensors designed to deliver system control, fluid level indication, temperature regulation, along with protection from overheating and starting/stopping the compressor. Honeywell components provide enhanced reliability, minimize down time, and improve robustness in most harsh environments.Various package options are available, including stainless steel, and those designed for hazardous and harsh-duty applications.Hazardous-location limit switches – These specialized switches perform a number of functions, including monitoring the position ofthe valve stem, actuator or wheel position, providing on-off position on manual process valves, providing real-time valve status information for improved productivity and safety. As these limit switches are enclosedin an explosion-proof housing, any flame path is extinguished inside which mitigates the risk of causing an explosion at the switch part.These switch components provide feedback for the user to take actionin order to prevent explosions in hazardous environments. Hazardous-location switches are employed in valves in outdoor, above-ground, potentially explosive environments such as oil and gas or water treatment applications.Limit Switches – Employed to monitor the position of the valve stemor actuator, limit switches are primarily used on valves in non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants, power generation plant or other factory applications. They also allows users to remotely monitor the valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and reduced total installed cost in hazardous locations.Figure 1. Industrial Valve ApplicationValves serve a variety of purposes in industrial applications, although their main purpose is to control media through a system.Wireless Limit Switches – Allows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution.Basic Switches –Snap-action switches monitor the position of the valve handle by indicatingif the switch is actuated. These switches are employed on valves used in both non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants and/or other factory applications and also explosive/hazardous applications. Invalve monitoring applications, basic switches perform position sensing on cams with no power consumption. In addition to valves, Honeywell’s V15W2 Series is suitable for use in hazardous environments such as refrigeration, HVAC,appliances, and paint booths.Hall-effect Speed Sensors and Sensor ICs – In flow meter applications Honeywell’s speed sensors measure flow by monitoring revolutions of the impeller (an inside propeller). Eachrevolution of the impeller equates to the delivery of a certain amount of fluid. For example, if the user sets a fluid level of five gallons per minute,the speed sensor counts the impeller rotation so that the correct amount of fluid is delivered. Invalve monitoring application, Hall-effect sensor ICS measure position sensing on cams.Position Sensors – In flow meter applications, Hall-effect magnetic position sensors are usedto determine valve position. In valve monitors, position sensors deliver continuous position status with enhanced reliability and accuracy.Pressure Transducers and Switches – In valve actuator applications, pressure transducers and switches measure the pressure of the diaphragm to help regulate and control the flow within the pipeline. The sensors can measure differential pressure by comparing values across the valve. They can also give an indication of valve position related to opening and closing by measuring the pressure value at that time.Snap-Action SwitchPosition SensorSMART Position SensorHall-Effect Position Sensor ICwith Actuatorsin hazardous locationsLimit SwitchLearn more aboutthe XYR6000OneWireless™ SensorClick here to view Hazardous Area Limit SwitchesRead more about MICRO SWITCH Limit Switches12Explosion-Proof Valve Position IndicatorMICRO SWITCH VPX • Valve position indicator in explosion-proof housing2334Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW Series • Large, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH LSX, CX, and BX Series • Premium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GL, and Double Break Series • Premium heavy duty and standard global limit switches14Figure 4. Switches in Valve Actuators and PositionersClick here to view VPX Series Valve Position IndicatorsGet details on the SMART PositionSensor familyFigure 5. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valve ActuatorsHazardous Location Position Sensor XYR6000 OneWireless™ SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost in hazardous locations; part of a scalable ISA100 mesh networkHazardous Area Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ LSX/CX/BX/EX SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safety in hazardous locationsLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS, GLS, and Double Break SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safetyPosition SensorSMART Position Sensor, SPS Series 75 mm Linear Monitors valve stem or actuator position1234Stainless Steel Media Isolated Pressure Sensor or Pressure Switch MLH, PX2, or PX3 Series Pressure Sensor or HP, HE, ME, LP, or LE Series Pressure SwitchMeasures diaphragm pressure6Valve Actuator(Kammer valve actuator photoused with permission of Flowserve.)Wireless Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS and GLS SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution5Learn more about MICRO SWITCH Basic SwitchesReview Limitless™ Wireless SwitchesFind out more on Hall-effect Speed SensorsFigure 6. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valves and Flow MetersSMART Position Sensor SPS Series75mm analog and 225 mm analog and digital linear configuration Position Sensor SR SeriesDigital position sensorHall-Effect Sensor LCZ or 3000 SeriesSingle, zero speed sensor (LCZ) or high resolution VRS sensor (3000)Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW SeriesLarge, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit Switch MICRO SWITCH VPX, CX, LSX, and BX SeriesPremium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GLS,and Double Break SeriesPremium heavy duty and standard global limit switchesFlow MeterClick here to view Pressure TransducersMore information available here on Hall-effect Sensor ICsTypes of ValvesSpecifically, there are several main types of valves: 1) Manual process valves, 2) Valve actuators/positioners, 3) Valve monitors/indicators, 4) Valves and flowmeters, and 5) Sanitary and food/beverage valves.Manual Process Valves – Manual process valves in industrial facilities control the flow of liquid, gas, slurry, or steam. Eighty percent require operators to manually open, close, or otherwise control the valve. At any given time, users may not know the actual position of the valve. Process plants, including refineries, chemical, pharmaceutical, and water treatment plants as well as power generation installations, all need a better way to verify status with or without human intervention, especially in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations. (See Figures 2 and 3)Valve Actuators/Positioners – A valve actuator is a pneumatic or electric mechanism used in process control systems to automatically open or close valves. Actuators can be used with either linear or rotary valves in industrial, medical, food/beverage, and transportation applications. In standard valves, when the valveis given a command to open to a certain point, there is no feedback to verify that it has opened to that position. Valve positioners utilize a source of power to operate and continuously adjust a valve. The power source can be a manual gearbox or an electronic device with control and measuring devices; Available with hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric operating mechanics, these are often used in pipelines, process plants and in remote areas. Postioners can be used for opening or closing a valve to control the rate of fluid flow based on a signal from a central control system. With a valve positioner, the command is given and the valve positioner reads the opening, verifies position, and readjusts (if necessary) to the exact position needed which allows for excellent precision in the valve setting. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valve Monitors/Indicators – Mechanical or electrical valve monitors and indicators are used in process control to show valve position. They provide an electrical signal, and sometimes visual feedback, to accurately monitor and verify that a valve is in the correct position. Valve monitors are mostly used in conjunction with a valve positioner/actuator to provide information from remote locations that are not easilyaccessed, or where power isn’t readily available. Potential applications include chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation and oil and gas processes. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valves and Flowmeters – Valves control or regulate the flow of gasses or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. Valves are often usedin oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. In many of these applications, the valves are operated manually by a lever, pedal or wheel. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.Flow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. The turbine flow meter translates the mechanical action of the turbine rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The turbine wheel is set in the path of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades, imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. Nearly all flow meters mustbe installed so that there is a significant runof straight pipe before and after the locationof the flow meter. This is intended to allow the straight pipe run to “smooth out” any turbulence produced by the presence of valves, chemical injectors and diffusers, and changes in pipe direction. (See Figure 5)Sanitary and Food/Beverage Valves – Sanitary and food and beverage valves are engineered for pressure control in sanitary (or “clean”) environments. They are usually manufactured with stainless steel for sanitary and high-purity applications. These valves are often constructed as a ball valve around a fullbore design that ensures the product passes through the valve with no restrictions on the flow with minimal pressure drop.Sanitary and food and beverage valves are often found in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, cosmetics, chemical and other industries where sanitary process control is required for steam, gases, and liquids such as water-for-injection systems.000697-7-EN | 7 | 04/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Advanced Sensing Technologies830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081 /astFor more informationHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technol-ogies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481USA/Canada+1-800-537-6945Warranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment orconsult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the peri-od of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole dis-cretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole rem-edy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance per-sonally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.。

Productivity Products FEATURED PRODUCT GUIDEHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions (S&PS) provides comprehensivesolutions that enhance workplace safety and incident response, improve enterpriseperformance and enable greater product design innovation. Customers rely on Honeywell's connected solutions to provide real-time safety intelligence, increase worker productivity and enrich operational intelligence with data-driven insights. Honeywell servescustomers in aerospace, automotive, commercial building, first responder, field service, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, power and utilities, medical, retail, supply chain, test & measurement andtransportation markets.Precision That Yields PerformanceWearable Solution CK3R/ CK3X Tecton CS CK71Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)/Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft),Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)with protective bootMultiple 2.4 m (8 ft)>*********> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m-10°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°CCK75CN75/75e Dolphin 60s Dolphin 70e Dolphin 75e Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2000 tumbles @ 1 m> 800 tumbles @ 1 m >1,***************standard battery>***************extended battery> 1,000 tumbles @ .5 mstandard battery> 300 tumbles @ .5 mextended batteryIP 67IP67EDA50/EDA50K CT50CN51i.roc Ci70 -Ex*Dolphin 99EX/ 99EX NI* Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 2.4m (8ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)00 tumbles at 0.5 m(1.64 ft)> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m>1,***************> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 mIP54IP65IP67-10°C to +50°C (+14°F to +122°F) -20° to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-10° C to +50° C(+14° F to +122° F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)IP30CN70/ CN70E RFID IF2IV7Fixed Mount Vehicle MountISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC global UHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6C EPC global UHFClass 1 ISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6B EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2-15°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°C-20°C to +50°C-25°C to +55°C Linear (70-deg cone)Internal, orientation insensitiveSL42 iPhone 6/ iPhone 6+Captuvo SL22/ SL22h Captuvo SL42/ SL42h Captuvo SL62 Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Optional OptionalTouch OnlyThor CV31Thor VM1/ CV41Thor VM2Thor VM3IP66IP66-30°C to +50°C (-22°F to +122°F)efroster units: -30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F );tandard units: -20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F)16.5 cm (6.5”), VGA (640 x 480I-Class MK II203/300/600 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)Direct ThermalPM23cPD43 / PD43c203/300/406 dpi 203/300 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)203 mm/s (8 ips)Direct Thermal, Thermal TransferDirect Thermal, Thermal TransferProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.PC43d/tPC42d4.1"203/300 dpi203 dpi203 mm/s (8 ips) 4 ips* M-4210 / M4308Connecitvity Key Bluetooth ®Ethernet Parallel Serial USB WifiNEWNEWRL3e/4e PB22/32 /50101 mm/s (4 ips)Products with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.MF4te PB21/31 /51PR2/3Receipt Receipt Receipt2.2”,3.3”,4.4” 2.2” ,3.3”203/300 dpi203 dpi203 dpiBasic: 101 mm/s (4 ips)Advanced: 127 mm/s (5 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)152 mm/s (6 ips)Direct ThermalProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.Eclipse 5145Voyager 1250gHH360TetheredCordedSingle-Line Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Linear Laser Area-Imaging Scanner Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Granit 1280i/ 1910i/ 1911i/ 1980i/ 1981iAutocube 8200Bluetooth® TetheredTetheredFull-Range Laser Scanner,Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus ®,Full-Range Area-Imaging Scanner 3D depth sensing technology -30°C to 50°C Multiple 2 m (6.5 ft)Xenon 1900g/1902g Voyager 1450g/1452gHH660Enhanced Xenon1900h/ 1902h Voyager 1602gBluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth®Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus®Linear/ Area-ImagingScannerArea-Imaging ScannerArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imaging RingScannerMultiple 1.8 m (6 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)50 drops 1.8 m (6 ft)8670 Bluetooth Ring ScannerBluetooth® Area-Imaging30 drops to concrete from 5' (1.5m)IP541D, PDF417,2D Bluetooth®Scan WedgeStratos 2400Stratos 2700HH400TetheredTetheredOmnidirectional Laser Omnidirectional Laser + Area-Imaging Scanner Area ImagerDesigned to withstand 1m drop to concreteOrbit 7120/OrbitCG 7180Orbit 7190YJ5900Genesis 7580HF600 Tethered Tethered Tethered Tethered TetheredOmnidirectional Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Hybrid,Omnidirectional Laserand Area-Imaging ScannerOmnidirectional LaserArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imager1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft) 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft)Sealed to resist airborne particulate contaminants Sealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsLaser:Reads standard 1D,Vuquest 3320g HF500Solaris 7980 Tethered Tethered TetheredArea-Imaging Scanner Area-Imager Area-Imaging Scanner 1.5 m (5 ft) 2 times 1.5m (5ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)IP401D, PDF, 2D,1D, 2D1D, PDF417, 2DUSB HID** 1 day turn on select scannersWith Honeywell Repair Services, it’s easy to get the level of repair coverage and protection that makes the most sense for your business.Honeywell Repair Services not only protect your device investment, but also provide predictable repair costs for the duration of your agreement.You can take advantage of multiple services programs, including either the Full Comprehensive Program or the Limited Comprehensive Program based on the product category and product type (general duty, rugged orspecialty) of your devices. Or you may prefer the Wear & Tear Program for your Honeywell devices. With each program, you also get comprehensive telephone support and access to the Honeywell Scanning & Mobility online Technical Support Portal for product information.Ensure business continuity, workflow performance and protection of your technology investments with Honeywell Repair Services — now available in over 70 countries with global pricing and global standards of quality.Honeywell Repair Services© Copyright 2017, Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Honeywell and its product names are among the trademarks and/or service marks owned by Honeywell International Inc., or its subsidiaries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Featured-Product-Guide | Rev01 | 01/17© 2017 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions17 Changi Business Park Central 1Honeywell Building Singapore 486093Service Programs at a GlanceFeaturesFull ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage up to and including device replacement that covers accidental damage, wear and tear, damaged accessories, product defects, failures, and any other damage sustained when the device is used as intended in the work environment (Coverage for eligible accessories includes damaged styluses, battery door covers, screen protectors, and hand straps or clips when included with equipment for service).Limited ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage as described above, excluding device replacement.Wear & TearUplifts warranty and provides coverage for reasonable wear and tear and hardware manufacturing defects.Work Performance Assurance。


目录技术部分 (1)一、霍尼韦尔安防(Honeywell Security)简介 (1)1、霍尼韦尔公司简介 (1)2、霍尼韦尔安防(Honeywell Security)发展历程 (2)3、典型项目案例 (3)二、门禁控制系统设计 (7)1、门禁系统构成 (7)2、门禁控制管理软件(Winpak Pro) (10)3、门禁设备参数 (14)技术部分一、霍尼韦尔安防(Honeywell Security)简介1、霍尼韦尔公司简介霍尼韦尔是一家营业额达到340亿美元的财富100强企业,而安防事业在其多元化经营中占据着特殊的地位。
HoneyWell 基本操作

参考答案系统操作1、HM的复位和启动HM的复位:1)进入系统状态画面将HM SHUTDOWN两次使HM处于FAIL状态.2)按节点电源上的复位(RESET)按钮。
从一台US上启动另一台US的方法1)按CONSOLE STATUS键进入控制台状态显示画面。
2)选择需启动的US节点确认该US节点处于POW ON状态。

Honeywell传感器的能力不断提高,来自成功实现两个看似竞争的一次任务 - 生产力和经济增长。

1.双向进风口设计专利;活性碳滤网-True HEPA滤网双层过滤系统2.活性炭过滤网可去除多种异味3.360度环状True HEPA,能去除99.97%,0.3微米以上4.CADR比率221,适用于19-35平方米面积7.轻触式按钮,有3档模式选择风速8.耗材更换监测装置9.原装进口,5年保固Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)18400 空气净化器美国霍尼韦尔是最专业的空气净化器品牌能快速的净化空气质量。
1.双向进风口设计专利;活性碳滤网-True HEPA滤网双层过滤系统2.活性炭过滤网可去除多种异味3.360度环状True HEPA,能去除99.97%,0.3微米以上4.CADR比率374,适用于32-65平方米面积7.轻触式按钮,有3档模式选择风速8.耗材更换监测装置9.原装进口,5年保固Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)18250 空气净化器美国霍尼韦尔是最专业的空气净化器品牌,能快速的净化空气质量。
1.美国原装进口的机器,5年保固2.双向进风口设计专利;活性碳滤网-True HEPA滤网-CPZ滤网三层过滤系统,除甲醛的专用机效果显著3.高效HEPA过滤网能去除99.97%,0.3微米以上的微粒,给室内带来清新的空气4.特有CPZ滤网有效祛除甲醛甲苯等有害气体5.活性炭过滤网可去除多种异味6.耗材更换监测装置7.轻触式按钮,有3档模式选择8.CARD(洁净空气输出量)比率229,适用20-40平米Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)18450 空气净化器美国霍尼韦尔是最专业的空气净化器品牌,能快速的净化空气质量。
1.美国原装进口的机器,5年保固2.双向进风口设计专利;活性碳滤网-True HEPA滤网-CPZ滤网三层过滤系统,除甲醛的专用机效果显著3.高效HEPA过滤网能去除99.97%,0.3微米以上的微粒,给室内带来清新的空气4.特有CPZ滤网有效祛除甲醛甲苯等有害气体5.活性炭过滤网可去除多种异味6.耗材更换监测装置7.轻触式按钮,有3档模式选择8.CARD(洁净空气输出量)比率331,适用28-60平米Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)HAP-801APCN空气净化器产品特性:1.双进风口设计(专利),双滤网过滤2.有3档模式选择3.高效HEPA过滤网4.适用于25~35平方米面积5.CADR比率170,每小时循环空气次数3-5次6.活性炭过滤网可去除多种异味7.触控面板操作平台,简单便捷8.耗材更换监测装置9.UV紫外线杀菌功能10.高效除甲醛滤网CZ(活性炭+沸石)11.光触媒能有效地降解空气中有毒有害气体;能有效杀灭多种细菌,并能将细菌或真菌释放出的毒素分解及无害化处理;同时还具备除臭、抗污等功能。

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Defining “Great Positions in Good Industries”
Spokesperson - train & motivate
SBG/U AP Executive Interviews (2H 2012)
David Paja Geng Yan Shane Tedjarati Stephen Shang Lydia Lu, Jason Lo,, Mike Lang
ACS (14)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wireless Smart Home Demand Response IP Security Fire Detection and alert CitySurveillance Gas Detection and Monitoring LED lighting PPE EPC Premix solutions Imaging Advanced Solutions Field Devices
- CSR is not just charity, but a key pillar of B2B communication & brand/reputation management
• Measurement
- Measure success through media outreach dashboards
Message - One Honeywell
One Honeywell: We are building a world that’s safer and more secure, more comfortable and energy efficient, more innovative and productive.
Mabel Ng Daniel Chau Michael Xu Landy Hou Sally Chen Eagle Lu MariLyn Li Gavin Chai
Michael Lee
Frank Nonnenmann Ling Zhen Jacky Lv
Measuring Success – media outreach dashboard (2012 2H)
• 《财富》100强公司
• 遍布30多个城市,员工总 数达12,000人
总投资* 2005-2012年均复合 增长率约为20%
• 1935年,首个经销机构进入中国 • 2003年,亚太总部迁至上海
Layer 2
Key message for each individual SBG/U + HTS
• Align with Corp. message • Generated from SBG/U, serve respective business objective
Layer 3 Industry & Market Oriented
China leading technologies from SBG to support business level key message (China version of 11/10/5/3) + E4E/E2W
• Each SBG/U to identify China leading technologies • Stick with and highlight these technologies in all media communications in order to support business level key message
Aerospace (8)
• • • • • • • • Air Traffic Management (ATM) Integrated Avionics Flight Safety Next Generation Weather Radar Synthetic Vision Display Technology Engines (APU) Environment Control System
Scott Zhang
Briand Greer Brian Davis Rishiraj Singh, Tim Beatty, Robert Xu, Heath Partic
Pan Xiao juan Shi yan jun Wang Yi Lin
Ning Li Tong Gengsheng
Chris Dartnell Jason Urso Tiansheng Jiang Chris Dartnell Aaron Lo David Higgins
Transportation Systems (1)
• Turbocharging • • • Fuel Efficiency through engine downsizing; Performance Emission Reduction
Specialty Materials (5)
• Renewables • Energy / Refining Technology • Low Global Warming Potential • Photovoltaic • Ballistic Protection
• Case Study - Honeywell Initiative for Science & Engineering (HISE) @ Beihang University
• 遍布70个国家,近1,300 个办公及生产设施
• 132,000名员工
Strategy Oriented Layer 1 Corp. Key Message • Technology leadership positioning in key industries • Opinion leader & enabler in EE, SS, Comfort & Productivity • Innovator – E4E, BCC, Partnership, E4W
Percent of coverage by theme YTD Corporate Reputation Articles– YTD
Regional Share Of Voice– YTD
Regional Share Of Voice– YTD
9-9-5-3 References – YTD
Technology Leadership Sustainability / CSR China Growth
• Message
- One-Honeywell, multi-layered key messaging around brand promise
• Story
- China relevance & business focused
• Spokesperson
- Train and motivate corporate spokespersons & industry-specific Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Regional Coverage
Total Coverage: 1159 articles •Corp – 20% (228) •Aero – 17% (203) •ACS – 43% (501) •TS – 11% (125) •PMT – 9% (102)
Regional Coverage
Total Coverage: 501 articles •HBS – 40 •HPS –277 •S&C – 10 •HSG – 52 •HLS – 12 •ECC – 42 •HSM – 68
28 % on elite media ( elite media)
50% 75% 100 %
% 345% opportunities converted Volume of Media YTD Activity – YTD
100 100 % %
% 57% priority YTD w/9-9-5-3
• From media outreach to public engagement
- innovative program and engagement approach needed to maximize impact in today’s interconnected world
• From charitable donation to strategic CSR initiative
霍尼韦尔亚洲高增长地区企业传播部副总裁 卢荣
• About Honeywell • An Overview of Corporate Communication at Honeywell China • Key Trends for B2B Communication
Layer 4
Big wins & case studies to illustrate leading technologies + E4E/E2W case/win
• Day to day media pitching tool
Story - China-relevant & business-focused