《马丁伊登》中马丁伊登美国梦的分析从跨文化交际的发展看西方饮食文化对中国饮食文化的影响论尤金奥尼尔《毛猿》中的悲剧根源Problems Occured in the Process of the Chinese Learning English and Its Possible Solution礼貌原则框架下化妆品广告语篇研究《格列佛游记》对理性的反思与批判The Translation of Puns莎士比亚的悲剧对当代女性的影响场独立和场依存对不同主题阅读材料的影响研究An Interpretation of A Tale of Two Cities from the Perspective of Symbolism奥斯卡王尔德童话中的理想与现实《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析《夜莺与玫瑰》和《快乐王子》中奥斯卡王尔德的唯美主义从追求走向幻灭与死亡——谈马丁伊登的美国梦希望和宿命论之间的挣扎-分析《德伯家的苔丝》中的苔丝形象美国电影与文化霸权—以好莱坞大片《阿凡达》为例浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森从文化差异的角度对英语习语翻译的研究浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究跨文化交际视角下的英汉动物词语研究关联理论视角下的新闻翻译英语流行歌曲中隐喻的功能分析——以后街男孩的歌曲为例从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编田纳西威廉姆斯《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的悲剧英美小说《傲慢与偏见》和《飘》中的女性主体意识比较分析《紫色》的妇女主义浅析跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭Heathcliff’s Pilgrim’s Passage基于对爱伦坡文学作品及心理的兴趣Cooperative Principle in Business Letters青少年英语口语教学中的焦虑与对策Where Should Gone With the Wind Go?——Study on The Disputes Among Critics of Gone With the Wind跨文化视角下中西方选秀文化对比研究——以达人秀为例《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》堂娜哈拉维的赛博女性主义分析目的论与英文电影片名的翻译从美学角度浅谈英文电影片名的翻译论跨文化因素在跨国企业管理中的影响作用语境策略在词汇学习中的有效性艾米莉狄金森的死亡观研究传统与超越-解读成长小说《占卜者》英语中的汉语借词折射出的中国对外关系史数字口译及其训练策略A Comparison of the English Color Terms约瑟夫康拉德《进步前哨》的象征主义分析浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术从成长小说角度解读《马丁伊登》约翰福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》中主角萨拉女性意识的体现浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森中西文化差异对跨文化商务谈判的影响A Comparative Study of the Auspicious Culture in Wedding Custom between China and the West 功能对等理论视角下《越狱》字幕翻译的研究《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读论《红楼梦》在英语世界的传播与误读Exploration of Dickens’ Humanitarianism in Great ExpectationsWhich Woman is More Popular in Modern Society:A Comparative Study of Tess and JaneA Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-V enture Enterprises--With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company从语用原则视角分析政治演讲中的语用策略论希斯克利夫出走的必然性从礼貌原则看《威尔与格蕾丝》的对话超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中Strickland和Stroeve的对比分析浅谈《红楼梦》诗词的文化意象翻译试论金融英语词汇的特点与翻译论《白鲸》象征手法的运用《女勇士》中的华裔女性形象浅析黑人性的遗失与保存从黑人文化传统看《日用家当》从语言学的角度解析幼儿双语教学中存在的误区文学作品的风格及其可译性英语委婉语的构成与应用奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》中对于新柏拉图主义的应用从文化角度论动物词汇的比喻与翻译论顺句驱动在英汉同声传译中的运用浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象从合作原则看卡尔登的性格特点Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Dorian Gray《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究On the Dramatic Conflicts Contributing to Eliza Doolittle’s Pursuit of Self-identity in Pygmalion 针对基础与学习自觉性较低班级的课堂管理《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色To Foster Pupils’Interests in English TeachingThe Impact of Gender Differences on Language Learning Strategies分析汉英篇章衔接和意合形合的关系《德伯家的苔丝》中的意象分析从思维模式看中西方文化差异Quest for Identity: An Analysis of Women Characters in The Bluest EyeShaw and the Discussion Play初中英语阅读教学中存在的问题及对策研究A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China 从文化差异角度研究商标翻译跨文化交际中的禁忌习俗对《觉醒》的女权主义解读交际教学法在初中英语语法教学中的运用研究简奥斯汀的婚姻观---根据分析她的著作《傲慢与偏见》《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧根源分析斯嘉丽---一朵铿锵的玫瑰英汉语广告的词汇比较研究中美商务英语信函的对比研究A Comparison of the English Color Terms情态人际意义的跨文化研究浅析《蝇王》的人物及其象征意义论《瓦尔登湖》的超验主义思想从《拦截魔人岛》中的邪恶三位一体分析蒙特哥利死亡的必然性对《远离尘嚣》中三个男主人公命运的分析《游泳者》中的艺术特色浅谈教师与学生之间的课堂交流Comparison of models of Human Resource Management between East and West跨文化交际在英文电影赏析的应用“It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究A Comparison of the English Color Terms[毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)论冠名广告的营销策略A Brief Study of Anti-female Bias in English从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”On English Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie论《宠儿》中的母爱Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and JapanOn the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the SeaCultural Barriers in Communication between Chinese and Americans中英礼貌用语差异浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森翻译腔成因浅探商标词翻译的本土化The Poet’s Identity in Keats’s Six Odes从叙事结构分析电影《撞车》中对种族歧视问题的诠释浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响《林湖重游》中的静态美分析从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化浅析美国高等教育的创新The Improvement of English Learning Skills Through Nursery RhymesGender Differences in Language Use从目的论的角度浅析美国电影字幕翻译论广告定位中的文化冲突及对策浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森《永别了,武器》中的自然象征意义论盖茨比悲剧的必然性论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式浅析福斯特《印度之行》的主题思想功能对等角度下《最后一片叶子》的翻译策略英汉同义词对比及翻译论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义侠客精神和骑士精神折射出的文化差异—《七侠五义》和《亚瑟王之死》之比较解析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性主义思想在其婚姻中的体现卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例The Loss and Gain in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation对乔治艾略特作品中的独特女性意识的研究——以《米德尔马契》为例The Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Animal IdiomsThe Joy Luck Club-A Bittersweet Picture of Chinese-Americans across Two Generations 英语广告的批评性话语分析泰戈尔诗中自然物意象研究The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry英语商务合同的文体特点及其汉译浅析《追风筝的人》中风筝的象征意义维多利亚时期的艺术对文学的影响——以白衣女人为例中英色彩词的文化内涵异同分析A Comparison of Chinese and Western Taboos of Social Communication古诗英译中意象与意境的处理从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究觉醒的灵魂——解读《兔子归来》中的女性主义在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理西方电影片名翻译的功能目的论分析英语语义歧义分析及其语用价值论《瓦尔登湖》的超验主义思想论《红字》中的孤独因素从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化论《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》中昌盖茨“美国梦”的转变中英网络词汇语用特征对比从高中生生理和心理的角度探讨PPT使用的利弊论小说《哈利波特》中的魔法世界浅谈英语影片名的翻译A Comparison of the English Color Terms中英礼仪文化禁忌比较与跨文化交际威廉华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观中西问候语差异对比论《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》中昌盖茨“美国梦”的转变沃尔特惠特曼《草叶集》与郭沫若《女神》对比研究英汉味觉隐喻的对比研究《水浒传》两个英译本中称谓语的翻译对比研究从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译《希腊古瓮颂》中的艺术和永恒之美浅析英语电影中的字幕翻译从功能翻译理论角度分析《大卫科波菲尔》三个中译本浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例论汉语成语中数字英译的语用等效性Approaches to the Limits of Translatability for English PalindromesA Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural Communication英文影片名汉译中的文化多元性初探Comparison of Tea Ceremony between China and Japan浅析《雾都孤儿》中象征手法的运用。
介绍乱世佳人英文《乱世佳人》的英文名是"Gone with the Wind"。
这部小说是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)于1936年出版的一部长篇小说,后来被改编成一部著名的同名电影。
以下是一份简短的《乱世佳人》英文介绍:Title: Gone with the WindAuthor: Margaret MitchellIntroduction:"Gone with the Wind" is an epic historical novel written by American author Margaret Mitchell. Published in 1936, the novel is set against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era. It follows the life of Scarlett O'Hara, a Southern belle, as she navigates the challenges and tragedies of her world.Plot Summary:Scarlett O'Hara, the headstrong and determined daughter of a Georgia plantation owner, experiences the upheavals of the Civil War that tears apart her beloved South. Despite the challenges, Scarlett is driven by a relentless desire to preserve her family's wealth and social standing. The story unfolds against the backdrop of war, love, loss, and the changing social fabric of the American South.Throughout the narrative, Scarlett's tumultuous relationship with the charming Rhett Butler adds complexity to the story. The novel explores themes of survival, resilience, and the impact of historical events on individuals and society.Legacy:"Gone with the Wind" has become a classic in American literature and is considered one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. The novel was adapted into an equally iconic film in 1939, starring Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara and Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. The movie won numerous awards and remains a cinematic masterpiece.This sweeping tale of love and survival in a time of conflict continues to captivate readers and audiences, offering a vivid portrayal of a bygone era and the enduring human spirit.。
乱世佳人 英文版
乱世佳人英文版【Gone With The Wind】Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell. The film was produced by David O. Selznick of Selznick International Pictures and directed by Victor Fleming. Set in the American South against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), the strong-willed daughter of a Georgia plantation owner, following her romantic pursuit of Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), who is married to his cousin, Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland), and her subsequent marriage to Rhett Butler (Clark Gable).The film had a troubled production. The start of filming was delayed for two years until January 1939 because of Selznick's determination to secure Gable for the role of Rhett. The role of Scarlett was difficult to cast, and 1,400 unknown women were interviewed for the part. The original screenplay by Sidney Howard underwent many revisions by several writers to reduce it to a suitable length. The original director, George Cukor, was fired shortly after filming began, and was replaced by Fleming, who in turn was briefly replaced by Sam Wood while taking some time off due to exhaustion. Post-production concluded in November 1939, just a month before its release.It received generally positive reviews upon its release in December 1939. The casting was widely praised, but its long running time received criticism. At the 12th Academy Awards, it received ten Academy Awards (eight competitive, two honorary) from thirteen nominations, including wins for Best Picture, Best Director (Fleming), Best Adapted Screenplay (posthumously awarded to Sidney Howard), Best Actress (Leigh), and Best Supporting Actress (Hattie McDaniel, becoming the first African American to win an Academy Award). It set records for the total number of wins and nominations at the time.Gone with the Wind was immensely popular when first released. It became the highest-earning film made up to that point, and held therecord for over a quarter of a century. When adjusted for monetary inflation, it is still the highest-grossing film in history. It was re-released periodically throughout the 20th century and became ingrained in popular culture. Although the film has been criticized as historical negationism, glorifying slavery and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy myth, it has been credited with triggering changes in the way in which African Americans were depicted cinematically. The film is regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, and in 1989 it became one of the twenty-five inaugural films selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.。
辅修专业学士学位毕业论文(设计)题目(中文):乱世佳人中的女性主义(英文): Feminism in Gone with the Wind学院年级专业学生姓名学号指导教师完成日期年月Feminism inGone with the WindWritten bySupervised byA Thesis Submitted toShanghai Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn English LanguageForeign Languages College, Shanghai Normal UniversityOctober 2011AcknowledgementsI am very glad to dedicate this thesis to all the people in my life.I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you, my respected teacher, Professor Lu Lingmei. Thanks for instructing us, I enjoy every minute of your fascinating word. In your instruction, I have learnt lots of useful phrases, sentence structure and the magnificent culture of western countries in your class which I used to have very little contact with. Without your encouragement and instruction, I could not have completed my thesis.Thanks for reading, I will do the best part of mine to going on trying to learn English in a high-quality level. My respected teacher, thank you again for your lessons and I cordially wish you all the best .AbstractThis paper aims to explain the tough character of the author after her marriage went to a failure, and, the relevance feminism. I have divided my paper into three parts:The first part is about the content of feminism. The second part focuses on feminism in Gone with the Wind. The third part introduce the impact of author's experience to the character Scarlett.The final part is a conclusion of the paper. Gone with the Wind is a powerful drive to the trend of thought of feminist in the world. In addion to the trend is it s profound influence on the American women. The charming beauty of the nice women in the troublous time deserves the praise of us.Key words: Scarlett; Gone with the Wind; feminism摘要这篇论文的目的,旨在阐述作者的婚姻失败引发作者笔下主人公的坚强性格,及对女性独立的联系。
The GONE WITH THE WIND“Gone With the Wind”is quite famous.The story happens during Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn’t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time.Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was gradually disliked by many people because of her arrogance.Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married. On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, andshe loved her very much. She also realized she didn’t really love Ashley. But everything was too late.When Scarlet hurried home to tell Captain Butler, she is really love him, Captain Butler no longer believe her. He decided to leave Scarlet, returned home to find the good things, abandoned Scarlet stood foggy in the hospital, the thought of my father once said a word to her: "the world's only land and tomorrow." She decided to keep on her land to create a new life, and she is looking forward to the arrival of a bright future.The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it is not only a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.I think the film attracted me to three points.1. lifeWar and poverty make her stronger, and let her become a family of little girls from a day of love. "We had a storm, storm is coming, we believe that the inevitable, do not complain, just work, smiling, waiting for our time." This is the suffering of the war Mrs. Fang appreciation for Scarlett. Indeed, life is like a big mountain, the mountain road can not be completely flat. When suffering setbacks, the most important is how to solve and make up for the past, all the past, whether it is beautiful or painful, it is only in the past, it isnow and in the future. Difficulty is not terrible, but the most terrible for us after suffering is unable to get up after a fall. In addition to life, everything can be repeated. All external punishment can not change the trajectory of life, loss of confidence and courage is the biggest loss.We are now living in a relatively peaceful and open era, and we don't have to worry about the livelihood of the living, we don't have to worry about the war, but, in our life, there is no ups and downs and ups and downs. We may still be in the exam for a failure and the right, will be for the cause of the ups and downs of pain, we do not go around the twists and turns, we should think of Scarlett, brave to face them, rather than retreat, give up. Most of the time, the destiny is always in with us, our team is crying, it will only make us more painful, we smile to it, it will bring us hope, since so, why not let go can not change the past, grasp a belong to tomorrow? After all, many of the pain and failure is only yesterday, yesterday only to their own, only to change their fate, each day is a new beginning, nothing can stop our efforts and struggle. Whether Scarlett's path is correct before the pain she never give up spirit, in the face of difficulties of life attitude is worth learning.2.loveDeep love Reed Scarlett not only gave her enough material life, also gave her the deepest love. But life is not very perfect, because people are not perfect, in particular, is given by the people in general will not be aware of the good people around. Reed year old love her more than anything, but because of some illegal business and Scarlett to prevent. And Scarlett believes that Reed and his heart of the white horse prince of the image difference is too far. So they go together just because of the interests of the relationship. Plus Scarlett is stubborn and strong self-esteem, she is afraid of rejection also afraid of disappointment, so she and Reed love striking one snag after another. The two sides also tortured physical and mental fatigue. It is no doubt that Scarlett and Reed together in the days of happiness and hateful. Then Scarlettsuffered the death of her daughter and her husband. Reed was so in love with Scarlett so much that he moved all his love to his daughter, and when his daughter died, he was reluctant to bury her with her own daughter. He said to Scarlett, "Scarlett, I've never had the patience to pick up the broken pieces and say," this is not good, it's always broken, and I'd rather remember that it's broken than it was before."The beautiful dream is unreal, want to get the nothingness of love is fleeting, life in this nothing to rely on his fantasies seem strong and alive, disguise the best。
ContextM ARGARET M ITCHELL WAS BORN in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1900. Her father was a lawyer and the president of the Atlanta Historical Society, and her mother was a suffragette (a woman in support of extending the right to vote, especially to women) and an advocate of women’s rights in general. Mitchell grew up listening to stories about Atlanta during the Civil War, stories often told by people who had lived through the war. Mitchell attended Smith College, a women’s college in Northampton, Massachusetts. In 1919, she returned to Atlanta and began to live a lifestyle considered wild by the standards of the 1920s. After a disastrous first marriage, Mitchell began a career as a journalist and married an advertising executive named John Robert Marsh. In 1926, encouraged by her husband, Mitchell began to write the novel that would become Gone with the Wind. She went through nine complete drafts of the thousand-page work, setting an epic romance against the Civil War background she knew so well. In the first eight drafts, the protagonist was called Prissy Hamilton, not Scarlett O’Hara (as the character was renamed in the final draft).Gone with the Wind differs from most Civil War novels by glorifying the South and demonizing the North. Other popular novels about the Civil War, such as Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage, are told from a Northern perspective and tend to exalt the North’s values. Mitchell’s novel is unique also for its portrayal of a strong-willed, independent woman,Scarlett O’Hara, who shares many characteristics with Mitchell herself. Mitchell frequently defied convention, divorcing her first husband and pursuing a career in journalism despite the disapproval of society.Gone with the Wind was published in 1936, ten years after Mitchell began writing it. A smash success upon publication, Gone with the Wind became—and remains even now—one of the best-selling novels of all time. It received the 1937 Pulitzer Prize. In the late 1930s a film version of the novel was planned, and David O. Selznick’s nationwide search for an actress to play Scarlett O’Hara captivated the nation’s attention. The resulting film starred Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable as Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler, and it quickly became one of the most popular motion pictures of all time.Mitchell was less than thrilled by the sweeping popularity of her work. She found the spotlight uncomfortable and grew exhausted and ill. Gone with the Wind is her only novel, though she continued to write nonfiction. Mitchell volunteered extensively during World War II and seemed to regain her strength. In 1949 a car struck and killed Mitchell while she was crossing Peachtree Street in Atlanta.Many critics question the literary merit and outdated racial stances of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel fluffy, partly because women of Mitchell’s time rarely received credit for serious literary fiction and partly because the novel features a romance along with its historical plot. Both blacks and whites haveharshly criticized M itchell’s sympathetic depiction of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan and her racist depiction of blacks. The novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical contexts: our own, Mitchell’s, and Scarlett’s.Plot OverviewI T IS THE SPRING OF 1861.Scarlett O’Hara, a pretty Southern belle, lives on Tara, a large plantation in Georgia. She concerns herself only with her numerous suitors and her desire to marry Ashley Wilkes. One day she hears that Ashley is engaged to Melanie Hamilton, his frail, plain cousin from Atlanta. At a barbecue at the Wilkes plantation the next day, Scarlett confesses her feelings to Ashley. He tells her that he does love her but that he is marrying Melanie because she is similar to him, whereas he and Scarlett are very different. Scarlett slaps Ashley and he leaves the room. Suddenly Scarlett realizes that she is not alone. Rhett Butler, a scandalous but dashing adventurer, has been watching the whole scene, and he compliments Scarlett on being unladylike.The Civil War begins. Charles Hamilton, Melanie’s timid, dull brother, proposes to Scarlett. She spitefully agrees to marry him, hoping to hurt Ashley. Over the course of two months, Scarlett and Charles marry, Charles joins the army and dies of the measles, and Scarlett learns that she is pregnant. After Scarlett gives birth to a son, Wade, she becomes bored and unhappy. She makes a long trip to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and Melani e’s aunt, Pittypat. The busy city agrees withScarlett’s temperament, and she begins to see a great deal of Rhett. Rhett infuriates Scarlett with his bluntness and mockery, but he also encourages her to flout the severely restrictive social requirements for mourning Southern widows. As the war progresses, food and clothing run scarce in Atlanta. Scarlett and Melanie fear for Ashley’s safety. After the bloody battle of Gettysburg, Ashley is captured and sent to prison, and the Yankee army begins bearing down on Atlanta. Scarlett desperately wants to return home to Tara, but she has promised Ashley she will stay with the pregnant Melanie, who could give birth at any time. On the night the Yankees capture Atlanta and set it afire, Melanie gives birth to her son, Beau. Rhett helps Scarlett and Melanie escape the Yankees, escorting them through the burning streets of the city, but he abandons them outside Atlanta so he can join the Confederate Army. Scarlett drives the cart all night and day through a dangerous forest full of deserters and soldiers, at last reaching Tara. She arrives to find that her mother, Ellen, is dead; her father, Gerald, has lost his mind; and the Yankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton. Scavenging for subsistence, a furious Scarlett vows never to go hungry again.Scarlett takes charge of rebuilding Tara. She murders a Yankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful Yankee soldier. At last the war ends, word comes that Ashley is free and on his way home, and a stream of returning soldiers begins pouring throughTara. One such soldier, a one-legged homeless Confederate named Will Benteen, stays on and helps Scarlett with the plantation. One day, Will brings terrible news: Jonas Wilkerson, a former employee at Tara and current government official, has raised the taxes on Tara, hoping to drive the O’Haras out so that he might buy the plantation. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to Atlanta to seduce Rhett Butler so that he will give her the three hundred dollars she needs for taxes. Rhett has emerged from the war a fabulously wealthy man, dripping with earnings from hisblockade-running operation and from food speculation. However, Rhett is in a Yankee jail and cannot help Scarlett. Scarle tt sees her sister’s beau, Frank Kennedy, who now owns a general store, and forges a plan. Determined to save Tara, she betrays her sister and marries Frank, pays the taxes on Tara, and devotes herself to making Frank’s business more profitable. After Rhett blackmails his way out of prison, he lends Scarlett enough money to buy a sawmill. To the displeasure of Atlanta society, Scarlett becomes a shrewd businesswoman. Gerald dies, and Scarlett returns to Tara for the funeral. There, she persuades Ashley and Melanie to move to Atlanta and accept a share in her lumber business. Shortly thereafter, Scarlett gives birth to Frank’s child, Ella Lorena.A free black man and his white male companion attack Scarlett on her way home from the sawmill one day. That night, the Ku Klux Klan avenges the attack on Scarlett, and Frank ends up dead. Rhett proposes toScarlett and she quickly accepts. After a long, luxurious honeymoon in New Orleans, Scarlett and Rhett return to Atlanta, where Scarlett builds a garish mansion and socializes with wealthy Yankees. Scarlett becomes pregnant again and has another child, Bonnie Blue Butler. Rhett dotes on the girl and begins a successful campaign to win back the good graces of the prominent Atlanta citizens in order to keep Bonnie from being an outcast like Scarlett.Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage begins happily, but Rhett becomes increasingly bitter and indifferent toward her. Scarlett’s feelings for Ashley have diminished into a warm, sympathetic friendship, but Ashle y’s jealous sister, India, finds them in a friendly embrace and spreads the rumor that they are having an affair. To Scarlett’s surprise, Melanie takes Scarlett’s side and refuses to believe the rumors.After Bonnie is killed in a horse-riding accident, Rhett nearly loses his mind, and his marriage with Scarlett worsens. Not long after the funeral, Melanie has a miscarriage and falls very ill. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to see her. Melanie makes Scarlett promise to look after Ashley and Beau. Scarlett realizes that she loves and depends on Melanie and that Ashley has been only a fantasy for her. She concludes that she truly loves Rhett. After Melanie dies, Scarlett hurries to tell Rhett of her revelation. Rhett, however, says that he has lost his love for Scarlett, and he leaves her. Grief-stricken and alone, Scarlett makes up her mind to go back to Tara to recover her strength in thecomforting arms of her childhood nurse and slave, Mammy, and to think of a way to win Rhett back. Character ListScarlett O’Hara - The novel’s protagonist. Scarlett is a pretty, coquettish Southern belle who grows up on the Georgia plantation of Tara in the years before the Civil War. Selfish, shrewd, and vain, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her father, Gerald, but also desires to please her well-bred, genteel mother, Ellen. When hardships plague Scarlett, she shoulders the troubles of her family and friends. Scarlett’s simultaneous desire for the Southern gentleman Ashley and the opportunistic New Southerner Rhett Butler parallels the South’s struggle to cling to tradition and still survive in the new era.Scarlett O’Hara (In-Depth Analysis)Rhett Butler - Scarlett’s third husband, and a dashing, dangerous adventurer and scoundrel. Expelled from West Point and disowned by his prominent Charleston family, Rhett becomes an opportunistic blockade-runner during the war, emerging as one of the only rich Southern men in Atlanta after the war. Rhett proves himself a loving father and, at times, a caring husband. Though he loves Scarlett, his pride prevents him from showing her his love, and it even leads him to brutality. Candid, humorous, and contemptuous of silly social codes, Rhett exposes hypocrisy wherever he goes. He represents postwar society, a pragmatic, fast-paced world in which the strong thrive and the weak perish.Rhett Butler (In-Depth Analysis)Ashley Wilkes - The handsome, chivalrous, and honorable heir to the Twelve Oaks plantation near Tara. Ashley bewitches Scarlett through most of the novel. After the war, Ashley becomes resigned and sad, and he regrets not marrying Scarlett. Committed to his honor and Southern tradition, he cannot adjust to the postwar South. Ashley represents the values and nostalgia of the Old South.Ashley Wilkes (In-Depth Analysis)Melanie Hamilton Wilkes - The frail, good-hearted wife of Ashley Wilkes. Melanie provokes Scarlett’s jealous hatred throughout most of the novel. After the two women suffer together through the Civil War, however, a strong bond forms between them. Eventually, Scarlett understands that Melanie’s unflagging love and support has been a source of strength for her. Like Ashley, Melanie embodies the values of the Old South, but in contrast to Ashley’s futile dreaming, Melanie faces the world with quiet but powerful inner strength.Gerald O’Hara - Scarlett’s father. Gerald is a passionately loyal Confederate who immigrated to America from Ireland as a young man. His strong will, tendency to drink, and selfishness echo in Scarlett’s nature. Scarlett also inherits Gerald’s love for the South and for his plantation, Tara.Ellen O’Hara - Scarlett’s mother, and a descendent of the aristocratic Robillard family. Ellen marries Gerald and devotes herself to running Tara after herfather forbids her love affair with Philippe, her cousin. Refined and compassionate, strong and firm, Ellen serves as an impossible ideal for the willful Scarlett. Even after Ellen’s death, Scarlett struggles with the competing desires to please her mother and please herselfMammy - Scarlett’s childhood nurse. Mammy is an old, heavyset slave who was also nurse to Scarlett’s mother, Ellen. Loyal and well-versed in Southern etiquette, Mammy keeps Scarlett in line. After Ellen’s death, Mammy becomes for Scarlett one of the only living reminders of the Old South.Frank Kennedy - Scarlett’s weak-willed but kind second husband. Frank is described as an ―old maid in britches.‖ Scarlett steals him away from her sister Suellen so that he will pay the taxes necessary to save Tara.Charles Hamilton - Melanie’s brother and Scarlett’s first husband. Charles is a timid and bland boy for whom Scarlett feels no love. Charles’s death early in the war confines Scarlett to the role of widow. Scarlett finds the social expectations surrounding widowhood—that she wear a black veil, for example, and refrain from laughter and pleasure—overly restrictive.Aunt Pittypat Hamilton - Melanie and Charles Hamilton’s aunt. Aunt Pittypat is a flighty old maid who faints from shock several times a day. Scarlett lives with Aunt Pittypat for much of her stay in Atlanta.Bonnie Blue Butler - Scarlett’s third and last child. Bonnie is the daughter of Rhett Butler. Spoiled and strong-willed like her mother, Bonnie elicits utter devotion from Rhett and eventually replaces Scarlett as the center of Rhett’s attention.Suellen O’Hara - Scarlett’s younger sister. Suellen is a selfish, petty girl who marries Will Benteen after Scarlett steals Frank from her.Carreen O’Hara - Scarlett’s yo ungest sister. Carreen is a good-natured girl who turns to religion after the war and joins a convent.India Wilkes - Ashley’s cold and jealous sister. India never forgives Scarlett for stealing Stuart Tarleton from her during their youth. At one point India catches Scarlett embracing Ashley and gossips about the sight, causing a great debate among all of Atlanta society. Big Sam - The gigantic slave and foreman of the field hands at Tara. Big Sam saves Scarlett from her attacker in Shantytown.Pork - Gerald O’Hara’s first slave. Pork is loyal and devoted to the O’Haras.Prissy - The daughter of Dilcey, a slave at Twelve Oaks. Prissy is a foolish, lazy young slave prone to telling lies. The late discovery of Prissy’s lie that she knows how to assist at childbirth compels Scarlett to deliver Melanie’s baby herself, which is one of Scarlett’s first significant acts of self-sufficiency.Emmie Slattery - A young woman whose poor white family lives in the swamp bottom near Tara. Emmie is considered ―white trash,‖ and Scarlett’sclass-conscious, genteel society dislikes Emmie, as does the narrator.Jonas Wilkerson - The Yankee overseer of Tara whom Gerald fires for impregnating Emmie Slattery. Jonas works for the Freedmen’s Bureau after the war and marries Emmie. He raises taxes on Tara to try to force out the O’Haras, prompting Scarlett’s marriage to Frank Kennedy.Belle Watling - An Atlanta prostitute with whom Rhett Butler has a long-term affair. She wins the gratitude of the Atlanta Ku Klux Klan by providing them with an alibi for a murder.Will Benteen - A one-legged Confederate soldier who becomes a fixture at Tara after the war despite his lack of family or wealth. Will makes Tara a marginally profitable farm. His competence allows Scarlett to move to Atlanta and leave him in charge.Wade Hampton Hamilton - Scarlett’s oldest child. The son of Charles Hamilton, Wade inherits his father’s timid and bland disposition.Ella Lorena Kennedy - Scarlett’s second child. Ella Lorena is the ugly, silly daughter of Frank Kennedy. Analysis of Major CharactersScarlett O’HaraThe protagonist of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett is a dark-haired, green-eyed Georgia belle who struggles through the hardships of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Scarlett exhibits more of her father’s hard-headedness than her mother’s refined Southern manners. Although initially she tries to behave prettily, her instincts rise up against socialrestrictions. Determination defines Scarlett and drives her to achieve everything she desires by any means necessary. This determination first manifests itself in her narcissistic and sometimes backstabbing efforts to excite the admiration of every young man in the neighborhood. Later, under threat of starvation and even death, she is determined to survive and does so by picking cotton, running her entire plantation, forging a successful business, and even killing a man. Scarlett also aims to win Ashley Wilkes, and her failure to do so guides the plot of the novel. Ashley’s marriage to Melanie Hamilton and rejection of Scarlett drive nearly all of Scarlett’s important subsequent decisions. Scarlett marries Charles Hamilton to hurt Ashley, stays by Melanie’s side through the war because she promises Ashley she will, and loses her true love, Rhett Butler, because of her persistent desire to win Ashley.Scarlett possesses remarkable talent for business and leadership. She recovers her father’s plantation, Tara, after the war leaves it decimated, and she achieves great success with her sawmill in Atlanta. Despite her sharp intelligence, however, she has almost no ability to understand the motivations and feelings of herself or others. Scarlett lives her life rationally: she decides what constitutes success, finds the most effective means to succeed, and does not consider concepts like honor and kindness. She often professes to see no other choices than the ones she makes. Scarlett’s development precisely mirrors the development of the South. She changes from spoiled teenager to hard-working widow to wealthy opportunist, reflecting the South’s change from leisure society to besieged nation tocompromised survivor. Scarlett embodies both Old and New South. She clings to Ashley, who symbolizes the idealized lost world of chivalry and manners, but she adapts wonderfully to the harsh and opportunistic world of the New South, ultimately clinging to dangerous Rhett, who, like Scarlett, symbolizes the combination of old and new.Rhett ButlerDark, dashing, and scandalous, Rhett Butler brings excitement to Scarlett’s li fe and encourages her impulse to change and succeed. Thrown out of both West Point and his aristocratic Charleston family for dishonorable behavior, Rhett, like Scarlett, goes after what he wants and refuses to take ‘no’ for an answer. He earns his fortune through professional gambling, wartime blockade-running, and food speculation, behavior that earns him the contempt and even hatred of what he terms the Old Guard—the old Southern aristocracy. Rhett sees through hypocrisy and self-delusion, horrifying people by cutting down their egos and illusions with agility and pleasure.Whereas Ashley cannot face reality and change, Rhett thrives on both. Because of his opportunism, Rhett symbolizes the New South. However, as the novel progresses, we see that Rhett does care about the Old South. At two critical points in the novel, Rhett abandons Scarlett to commit himself to the Old South. First, he leaves Scarlett in hostile territory and joins the Confederate army. Second, at the end of the novel he leaves Scarlett and goes in search of remnants of the Old South. This sentimentality complicates Rhett’s character and reveals that he is partially motivated by emotion. Ultimately, Rhett symbolizes pragmatism, thepractical acceptance of the reality that the South must face in order to survive in a changed world. He understands that the U.S. government has overhauled the Southern economy and that the old way of life is gone forever. He adapts to the situation masterfully, but he does not fully abandon the idealized Southern past.Rhett falls in love with Scarlett, but, despite their eventual marriage, their relationship never succeeds because of Scarlett’s obsession with Ashley and Rhett’s reluctance to express his feelings. Because Rhett knows that Scarlett scorns men she can win easily, Rhett refuses to show her she was won him. He mocks her, argues with her, and eventually resorts to cruelty and indifference in order to win her. But his fondness for her is evident in his support of her, as he encourages her to shun social customs and gives her money to start her own business.Ashley WilkesBlond, dreamy, and honorable, Ashley Wilkes is the foil to Rhett’s dark, realistic opportunism. Ashley courts Scarlett but marries Melanie Hamilton, thus setting in motion Scarlett’s central conflict. Ashley is the perfect prewar Southern gentleman: he excels at hunting and riding, takes pleasure in the arts, and comes from an excellent family. Scarlett’s idealization of Ashley slowly fades as time goes on, and she finally sees that the Ashley she loves is not a real man but a man embellished and adorned by her imagination. Ashley admits to his love for Scarlett, but as a gentleman he ignores this love in order to marry Melanie, the more socially appropriate match for him. He excels at battledespite his doubts about the Southern cause. As the novel progresses, though, Ashley displays signs of weakness and incompetence. After the war he is worthless on the plantation and cannot adjust to the new world. Whereas Rhett and Scarlett survive by sacrificing their commitment to tradition, Ashley cannot or will not allow himself to thrive in a changed society. He sinks even lower as he sacrifices his honor—the only thing he still values in himself—by accepting charity from Scarlett in the form of a share in her mill and by kissing her twice.Ashley represents the Old South and Southern nostalgia for the prewar days. He epitomizes the old lifestyle and cannot function in the New South that emerges during and after the war. Scarlett clings to him like many Southerners cling to dreams of their old lives, but her eventual recognition of Ashley’s weakness and incompetence enables her to see that dreaming of a lost world makes one weak. Themes, Motifs & SymbolsThemesThemes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.The Transformation of Southern CultureGone with the Wind is both a romance and a meditation on the changes that swept the American South in the 1860s. The novel begins in 1861, in the days before the Civil War, and ends in 1871, after the Democrats regain power in Georgia. The South changes completely during the intervening years, and Mitchell’s novel illustrates the struggles of the Southern people who live through the Civil War era.The novel opens in prewar Georgia, where tradition, chivalry, and pride thrive. As the Civil War begins, the setting shifts to Atlanta, where the war causes the breakdown of traditional gender roles and power structures. When the South loses the war and the slaves are freed, putting a stop to the Southern way of life, the internal conflict intensifies. White men fear black men, Southerners hate profiteering or domineering Northerners, and impoverished aristocrats resent the newly rich. Mitchell’s main characters embody the conflicting impulses of the South. Ashley stands for the Old South; nostalgic and unable to change, he weakens and fades. Rhett, on the other hand, opportunistic and realistic, thrives by planting one foot in the Old South and one foot in the New, sometimes even defending the Yankees. Overcoming Adversity with WillpowerScarlett manages to overcome adversity through brute strength of will. She emerges as a feminist heroine because she relies on herself alone and survives the Civil War and Reconstruction unaided. She rebuilds Tara after the Yankee invasion and works her way up in the new political order, taking care of helpless family members and friends along the way. Mitchell suggests that overcoming adversity sometimes requires ruthlessness. Scarlett becomes a cruel businesswoman and a domineering wife, willingly coarsening herself in order to succeed. Other characters succeed by exercising willpower, among them Old Miss Fontaine, who watched Indians scalp her entire family as a childand then gritted her teeth and worked to raise her own family and run a plantation. Rhett Butler also wills his way to success, although he covers up his bullheaded willpower with a layer of ease and carelessness.The Importance of LandIn Chapter II, Gerald tells Scarlett that ―[l]and is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything.‖ At critical junctures Scarlett usually remembers that land, specifically Tara, is the only thing that matters to her. When Scarlett escapes to Tara from Atlanta during the war, she lies sick and weak in the garden at neighboring Twelve Oaks and the earth feels ―soft and comfortable as a pillow‖ against her cheek. After feeling the comfort of the land, she resolves to look forward and continue the struggle with newfound vigor. Scarlett prizes land even over love. When Ashley rejects Scarlett’s proposed affair, he gives her a clump of Tara’s dirt and reminds her that she loves Tara more than she loves him. Feeling the dirt in her hand, Scarlett realizes that Ashley is right. At the end of the novel, when all else is lost, Scarlett thinks of Tara and finds strength and comfort in its enduring presence. MotifsMotifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes.Female Intelligence and CapabilityDespite the severe gender inequality of their time, women in Gone with the Wind show strength and intelligence that equals or bests the strength andintelligence of men. Scarlett is cunning, and manipulates men with ease. She runs Tara when her father falls ill, and eventually realizes that she has a better head for business than most men. She becomes a very successful mill owner, running every aspect of the business and putting her weak, incompetent husbandto shame. Melanie, although she is a subdued figure, exhibits increasing strength as the novel progresses, and she eventually emerges as the novel’s strongest female character. She provides much of Scarlett’s strength, although Scarlett realizes this only at the end of the novel. Melanie also protects Ashley from the world he cannot face. Despite her humble means, she single-handedly facilitates the restoration of Atlanta society. Old Miss Fontaine and Ellen also demonstrate strength and intelligence. Both women act as head of the family, and the narrator describes Ellen as the true mind and strength behind Tara.Alcohol AbuseAlcohol abuse occurs throughout the novel, as Gerald, Scarlett, and Rhett all rely heavily on drinking. Characters use alcohol to cope with stress, but when they abuse alcohol, disaster ensues. Drinking is partly responsible for Gerald’s death: he rides his horse while drunk, misses a jump, and is thrown to his death. Mitchell suggests that Scarlett cheapens herself unnecessarily by drinking. Gerald disapproves of her drinking, which begins only after she escapes Atlanta, because ladies never drink liquor in polite Southern society. Scarlett continues to drink at Tara whenevershe feels overworked or troubled, and she brings her habit to Atlanta when she moves bac k. Rhett’s drinking reveals his insecurity, a disaster for Rhett since he is obsessed with mastery and self-sufficiency. Rhett begins to drink heavily as his relationship with Scarlett deteriorates, and he drinks even more when their daughter, Bonnie, dies.ProstitutionProstitution threatens and embarrasses thecharacters, but it also intrigues them. Scarlett first sees a prostitute in Atlanta and is instantly fascinated. The woman she sees is Belle Watling, and the fascination she feels persists throughout the novel. Belle is an exaggerated version of Scarlett, which perhaps explains Scarlett’s interest in her. Both women ignore social mandates, manipulate and seduce men, and trade sex for money. Scarlett offers to prostitute herself to Rhett in order to get money for taxes, putting herself in Belle’s moral camp. If Scarlett can be read as ahigh-class prostitute, Belle can be read as a low-class aristocrat. Belle has the ideal aristocrat’s impulse to help the needy; she saves Atlanta’s Ku Klux Klan members from prosecution by providing an alibi for them. Mitchell depicts Belle as human and generous and perhaps morally superior to the ruthless Scarlett she resembles.SymbolsSymbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.Rhett Butler。
乱世佳人观后感英文300Gone with the Wind, originally written by Margaret Mitchell and adapted into a movie titled "乱世佳人" (Gone with the Wind) in Chinese, is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences around the world. Having recently watched the film, I was deeply moved by its poignant storyline, rich characters, and breathtaking cinematography.Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War and its aftermath, "乱世佳人" depicts the struggles and resilience of its protagonist, ScarlettO'Hara, as she navigates through personal tragedies, war, and the changing societal norms of the time. Scarlett's character embodies both strength and vulnerability, making her a compelling and complex figure to follow throughout the film.One of the aspects that struck me the most about "乱世佳人" is its portrayal of the impact of war on individuals and society as a whole. The movie vividly depicts the destruction and chaos brought upon by the Civil War, leaving no character untouched by its consequences. From the burning of Atlanta to the devastation of Tara, Scarlett's beloved plantation, the war serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the resilience required to survive in such tumultuous times.The romantic relationships in the film also add depth and emotion to the story. Scarlett's infatuation with Ashley Wilkes, who is engaged to her cousin, Melanie, showcases the internal conflict between her desires and societal expectations. On the other hand, her passionate and tempestuous relationship with Rhett Butler brings both love and heartbreak into her life.Their relationship embodies the struggle between passion and stability, with Scarlett's inability to fully reciprocate Rhett's love ultimately contributing to her own downfall.Furthermore, the film explores themes of gender roles and the changing dynamics brought about by the war. Scarlett's transformation from a carefree Southern belle to a strong-willed and determined woman highlights the resilience and adaptability required to survive in a world turned upside down. As the men are away fighting the war, women are forced to step into new roles and take on responsibilities previously reserved for men. This evolution of gender roles adds an additional layer of complexity to the narrative, showcasing the strength and resourcefulness of women during trying times.Visually, "乱世佳人" is a masterpiece. The sweeping shots of the grand plantations, bustling cities, and war-torn landscapes create a stunning visual backdrop for the narrative. The costumes and set designs transport the audience back in time, immersing them in the period drama. Additionally, the musical score complements the film perfectly, evoking a wide range of emotions and adding depth to pivotal scenes.In conclusion, "乱世佳人" is a cinematic triumph that continues to resonate with audiences even after decades since its release. Its compelling characters, powerful storytelling, and breathtaking visuals make it a timeless classic. Through its exploration of war, love, and societal change, the film captures the very essence of the human experience. I highly recommend watching "乱世佳人" to anyone seeking a thought-provoking and emotional cinematic experience.。
乱世佳人 论文(改过)
横亘古今的爱情-《gone with the wind》国际商学部国际经济与贸易毕晓旭1220020002周一晚十二、十三节《gone with the wind》直译为“随风逝去”,但我更喜欢它的另一个翻译,《乱世佳人》。
郝思嘉的人格是一种典型人格, 现代生活中广泛存在的“郝思嘉情结”。
乱世佳人英语观后感作文1The movie "Gone with the Wind" has left an indelible mark on my heart. It is not just a film but a profound journey through history, love, and the resilience of the human spirit.The character of Scarlett O'Hara has been a source of great inspiration for me. Despite facing numerous hardships and the chaos of the Civil War, she demonstrated remarkable tenacity and bravery. Her determination to protect her family and rebuild her life from the ashes of destruction is truly awe-inspiring. I was particularly moved by the scene where she stubbornly held on to her land, refusing to give up in the face of adversity. This has taught me that no matter how difficult the circumstances, we should never lose the will to fight and strive for a better future.The love story depicted in the movie also made me reflect deeply on the true meaning of love. The complex relationships between Scarlett, Rhett Butler, and Ashley Wilkes showed me that love is not always straightforward and can be filled with confusion and heartache. It made me realize that true love often requires sacrifice, understanding, and the courage to face one's own feelings.Overall, "Gone with the Wind" is not only a cinematic masterpiece but also a powerful lesson in life. It has made me appreciate the value ofcourage, the complexity of love, and the importance of never giving up in the face of challenges. This film will undoubtedly remain a timeless classic that continues to touch the hearts of generations to come.2The film "Gone with the Wind" is truly a masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on my heart. The artistic charm of this film is simply breathtaking.The grand set designs transport us back to the tumultuous era of the American Civil War. The vast plantations, the busy streets of Atlanta during the war, and the opulent mansions all seem so real that one can almost smell the smoke and feel the chaos. It is as if we are right there, experiencing every moment of the story.The plot twists and turns of the movie are truly captivating. Scarlett's journey from a spoiled young girl to a resilient woman is filled with unexpected developments. The moment when she realizes her true love after going through numerous hardships tugs at our heartstrings. Each decision she makes and its consequences keep us on the edge of our seats, eager to know what will happen next.The characters in the film are also vividly portrayed. Scarlett's complexity, Rhett's charm, and Melanie's kindness all contribute to the rich tapestry of the story. Their interactions and conflicts add depth and dimension to the narrative.In conclusion, "Gone with the Wind" is not just a movie; it is a work of art that showcases the power of storytelling. It has the ability to touch our souls and make us reflect on life, love, and survival. It is a timeless classic that will continue to inspire generations to come.3After watching "Gone with the Wind", I was deeply moved and inspired. This film is not just a story of love and war, but a profound exploration of human nature and the spirit of survival.The growth journey of the supporting characters left a lasting impression on me. Take Melanie, for example. Despite facing numerous difficulties and challenges during the war, she remained kind, gentle, and full of love. Her unwavering belief in humanity and her ability to see the good in others taught me that kindness and compassion can overcome even the darkest of times.The optimistic spirit conveyed in the movie has also been a great support for me when encountering setbacks in life. Scarlett's determination to rebuild her life after losing everything shows that no matter how difficult the circumstances, we should never give up hope. Just like her, we should have the courage to face our problems head-on and keep striving for a better future.This film has truly become a source of spiritual strength for me. It has taught me to be resilient in the face of adversity, to hold onto my beliefs,and to never lose the will to fight for what I want. It reminds me that no matter how chaotic the world may be, there is always a glimmer of hope and a possibility for a new beginning.4The film "Gone with the Wind" has left an indelible mark on my heart. The characters in it are so vivid and complex that they constantly stimulate my thoughts on human nature.The male protagonist, Rhett Butler, is a figure full of contradictions. On the one hand, he is charming, intelligent, and courageous, always able to make wise decisions in difficult situations. His business acumen and confidence make him stand out in the chaotic world. However, on the other hand, he is sometimes selfish and cynical, seemingly indifferent to the sufferings of others. For example, when facing Scarlett's love and need, he often shows a hesitant and teasing attitude, making their relationship full of twists and turns.This complexity of Rhett Butler makes me realize that human nature is not simply black and white. Everyone has multiple facets and may act differently in various circumstances. We cannot simply label a person as good or bad but should understand and tolerate their complexity.In the story, Rhett Butler's transformation and growth also reflect the influence of the environment and experiences on a person. It reminds us that in the journey of life, we should keep an open mind to understand andaccept the changes and complexity of others and ourselves.Overall, "Gone with the Wind" is not only a visual feast but also a profound exploration of human nature, making me ponder and grow.5Gone with the Wind is an epic film that has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema. Its grand narrative and vivid characters have captivated audiences for generations.When comparing it with other classic films of the same era, its uniqueness stands out prominently. Unlike some films that focused merely on the surface-level drama, Gone with the Wind delves deep into the complex emotions and struggles of its characters against the backdrop of a tumultuous historical period. The cinematography and costume design are exquisite, transporting viewers to the bygone era with authenticity and charm.This film has also had a profound impact on subsequent film creations. It has set a benchmark for depicting historical epics with a balance of romance, drama, and social commentary. Many modern filmmakers have drawn inspiration from its masterful storytelling and character development. The way it showcases the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity has become a recurring theme in many films that followed.In conclusion, Gone with the Wind is not just a movie; it is a cinematicmasterpiece that continues to inspire and enchant viewers, proving its timeless significance in the world of cinema.。
《Gone With the Wind》是献给南方的礼赞。
二、女性的坚强《Gone With the Wind》电影版的中文译名为《乱世佳人》。
乱世佳人英语观后感作文80词英文回答:"Gone with the Wind" is an epic masterpiece that captures the tumultuous journey of Scarlett O'Hara, a headstrong Southern belle, amidst the ravages of the American Civil War. Its sweeping narrative, complex characters, and unforgettable imagery have made it a timeless classic.Scarlett's transformation from a spoiled, selfish girl to a resilient and determined woman is both inspiring and heartbreaking. Her fiery spirit, indomitable will, and fierce love for Rhett Butler are tested by the harsh realities of war and social upheaval.The film's sumptuous cinematography and evocative score enhance its emotional impact, immersing the audience in the world of Tara, the plantation where Scarlett's story unfolds. The performances by Vivien Leigh and Clark Gableare iconic, bringing the passionate and turbulent relationship between Scarlett and Rhett to life."Gone with the Wind" is not merely a period piece but a reflection of the human experience. It explores the themesof love, loss, resilience, and the complexities of human nature against the backdrop of a nation torn apart by war. Its enduring legacy as a literary and cinematic masterpiece is a testament to its timeless appeal and its ability to captivate generations of viewers.中文回答:《乱世佳人》是一部史诗般的杰作,捕捉了美国内战期间,南方名媛斯嘉丽·奥哈拉的动荡之旅。
推荐电影乱世佳人英语作文Gone with the Wind is a classic film that takes place during the American Civil War. The film follows the life of Scarlett O'Hara, a strong-willed Southern woman, as she navigates love, loss, and the changing social and political landscape of the South.The cinematography in Gone with the Wind is absolutely stunning. The sweeping shots of the Southern landscape and the grand plantation houses are visually captivating. The film truly transports you to another time and place.One of the most memorable aspects of Gone with the Wind is the iconic performance of Vivien Leigh as ScarlettO'Hara. Leigh brings a fiery and complex energy to the character, making Scarlett a truly unforgettable heroine.The film also delves into the complexities of the relationships between the characters. The love triangle between Scarlett, Rhett Butler, and Ashley Wilkes is bothdramatic and heartbreaking, adding depth to the story.Gone with the Wind is a film that has stood the test of time, and for good reason. Its epic scope, compelling characters, and timeless themes continue to resonate with audiences today. Whether you're a fan of historical dramas or just appreciate a good love story, Gone with the Wind is a must-see.。
《乱世佳人》英语论文AbstractThis paper intends to explore out Scarlett’s rich life in the perspective of character and destiny by an analysis of Scarlett’s personality and her destiny, based on the heroine Scarlett in the novel Gone with the Wind. Scarlett is a typical character who changed from old manor class to the new bourgeoisie, which decides the diversity of her character. This paper will give a brief introduction of Scarlett’s three main personalities: strong and masculine, independent and individualistic, responsible and trustworthy. Then there will be an analysis of the interaction of Scarlett’s personality and destiny by means of the effect of Scarlett’s personality on her destiny in the form of her main experiences in this part. Firstly, she had an indomitable spirit to dare to face the reality and do not bow to fate. This personality makes her return home and assume the whole family’s burden and fight against the fate without cowardice and grow to maturity. Secondly, she is selfish and greedy; she uses all kinds of means to gain profits. She believes in individualism. Her selfishness and vanity is the direct factor leading to her three purposeful marriages. Thirdly, she is trustworthy. This personality makes her never give up the help to Melanie who is her rival in love just for her promise to Ashley. “Tomorrow is another day”. This is the best confession to her optimistic life and her perennial interpretation of destiny.Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; personality; destiny 内容摘要本文立足小说《乱世佳人》中女主人翁斯佳丽这一人物形象,从性格和命运的视角出发,通过分析斯佳丽自身性格对其命运的影响展示斯佳丽丰富的人生。
The Movie Touched MeI have seen several movies in this holiday such as Saving Private Ryen , Pirates of the Caribbean and Gone With The Wind. What touched me most is the Gone With The Wind. It takes the heroine Scarlett’s love entanglement and the life bitter experience in the Civil War as the master line. I like the movie for the reason that the people in the movie are very persistent and insist on their love.Scarlett falls in love with Ashley and thinks Ashley loves her too. However, Ashley loves Melly and gets married with Melly. When Scarlett knows the news, she is very sad and resolved to marry Hamilton, the Melly’s cousin, in order to make Ashley regret, because she thinks she is very beautiful and attractive and it is impossible that Ashley doesn’t love her. Though she is Hamilton’s wife, she doesn’t love him at all but still loves Ashley. Although Melly is the Ashley’ wife, Scarlett doesn’t bear her a grudge. Melly is giving birth to a baby when Atlanta is about to be captured by the northern army. But no doctor is available at that time for doctors all are in the railway station to save the wounded. Scarlett has no choice but to deliver although she is utterly ignorant of it. When the northern army is coming, Scarlett leaves Atlanta with Melly at the risk of her life. Of course, without Rett’s help, they can’t manage to make it.After the south army was beaten by the north army, Hamilton sacrificed in the war. Ashley, a capital in the south troops, almost loseseverything including money, house, and manor. However, when Scarlett asks to marry him, he refuses and says “I can’t discard Melly”. Then, Scarlett receives Rett’s love and marries him , but she can’t forget Ashley. So Rett is very sorrowful when he learns that Scarlett doesn’t love him truly. As the time goes by Rett’s love fades and he becomes impatient. In the end, he was determined to leave Scarlett. So their marriage becomes a tragedy.The role in the movie I admire most is the Rett. In my opinion, Rett knows what true love is and what he needs is the Scarlett’s love rather than her body. He is persistent and always helps Scarlett whenever Scarlett is in trouble even at risk of his life.Scarlett, the heroine in the movie, I think, doesn’t know what true love is and whom she loves. But she is a tough women, she never gives up when faced with the difficulty in life. After the war, she becomes very poor and commences working in the field to support her family. Her some behavior maybe make you feel repulsive, for instance, she promises to marry the fiancé of her sister in order to pay the tax.The reasons why the movie touches me most are as follows. First, we can learn an impressing love story, which can make you have a distinctive knowledge of love. Second, you can learn the society and the slavery in the south of the United States during the civil war. Except those, you also can learn the attitude’s change of the manor ownersabout the war.。
The GONE WITH THE WIND“Gone With the Wind”is quite famous.The story happens during Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn’t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time.Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was gradually disliked by many people because of her arrogance.Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married. On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, andshe loved her very much. She also realized she didn’t really love Ashley. But everything was too late.When Scarlet hurried home to tell Captain Butler, she is really love him, Captain Butler no longer believe her. He decided to leave Scarlet, returned home to find the good things, abandoned Scarlet stood foggy in the hospital, the thought of my father once said a word to her: "the world's only land and tomorrow." She decided to keep on her land to create a new life, and she is looking forward to the arrival of a bright future.The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it is not only a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.I think the film attracted me to three points.1. lifeWar and poverty make her stronger, and let her become a family of little girls from a day of love. "We had a storm, storm is coming, we believe that the inevitable, do not complain, just work, smiling, waiting for our time." This is the suffering of the war Mrs. Fang appreciation for Scarlett. Indeed, life is like a big mountain, the mountain road can not be completely flat. When suffering setbacks, the most important is how to solve and make up for the past, all the past, whether it is beautiful or painful, it is only in the past, it isnow and in the future. Difficulty is not terrible, but the most terrible for us after suffering is unable to get up after a fall. In addition to life, everything can be repeated. All external punishment can not change the trajectory of life, loss of confidence and courage is the biggest loss.We are now living in a relatively peaceful and open era, and we don't have to worry about the livelihood of the living, we don't have to worry about the war, but, in our life, there is no ups and downs and ups and downs. We may still be in the exam for a failure and the right, will be for the cause of the ups and downs of pain, we do not go around the twists and turns, we should think of Scarlett, brave to face them, rather than retreat, give up. Most of the time, the destiny is always in with us, our team is crying, it will only make us more painful, we smile to it, it will bring us hope, since so, why not let go can not change the past, grasp a belong to tomorrow? After all, many of the pain and failure is only yesterday, yesterday only to their own, only to change their fate, each day is a new beginning, nothing can stop our efforts and struggle. Whether Scarlett's path is correct before the pain she never give up spirit, in the face of difficulties of life attitude is worth learning.2.loveDeep love Reed Scarlett not only gave her enough material life, also gave her the deepest love. But life is not very perfect, because people are not perfect, in particular, is given by the people in general will not be aware of the good people around. Reed year old love her more than anything, but because of some illegal business and Scarlett to prevent. And Scarlett believes that Reed and his heart of the white horse prince of the image difference is too far. So they go together just because of the interests of the relationship. Plus Scarlett is stubborn and strong self-esteem, she is afraid of rejection also afraid of disappointment, so she and Reed love striking one snag after another. The two sides also tortured physical and mental fatigue. It is no doubt that Scarlett and Reed together in the days of happiness and hateful. Then Scarlettsuffered the death of her daughter and her husband. Reed was so in love with Scarlett so much that he moved all his love to his daughter, and when his daughter died, he was reluctant to bury her with her own daughter. He said to Scarlett, "Scarlett, I've never had the patience to pick up the broken pieces and say," this is not good, it's always broken, and I'd rather remember that it's broken than it was before."The beautiful dream is unreal, want to get the nothingness of love is fleeting, life in this nothing to rely on his fantasies seem strong and alive, disguise the best。
乱世佳人影评英语作文英文回答:Gone with the Wind is an epic tale of love, loss, and survival set against the backdrop of the American Civil War. The film follows the story of Scarlett O'Hara, a strong-willed and spoiled plantation owner's daughter who must navigate the challenges of war and the loss of her family and home.Vivien Leigh's performance as Scarlett is legendary, capturing the character's complex and often contradictory nature. Clark Gable is equally impressive as Rhett Butler, the dashing and cynical blockade runner who eventually becomes Scarlett's husband.Gone with the Wind is a visually stunning film, with sweeping cinematography and elaborate costumes that bring the world of the antebellum South to life. The battlescenes are particularly impressive, capturing the chaos andbrutality of the war.The film's themes are timeless, exploring issues of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. Despite its length, Gone with the Wind is a captivating and emotionally charged story that will stay with viewers long after the credits roll.中文回答:《乱世佳人》是一个史诗般的爱情、失去和生存的故事,背景设定在美国内战时期。
乱世佳人影评英语作文英文回答:Gone with the Wind is an epic American historical romance film produced by David O. Selznick and directed by Victor Fleming. It is based on the 1936 novel of the same name by Margaret Mitchell. The film stars Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara and Clark Gable as Rhett Butler.The film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara, a spoiled and selfish plantation owner's daughter, who must overcome the hardships of the American Civil War and Reconstruction. She falls in love with Rhett Butler, a dashing and cynical blockade runner, but their relationship is tumultuous and ultimately doomed.Gone with the Wind was a huge critical and commercial success. It won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress for Vivien Leigh. The film is still considered one of the greatest films evermade and is regularly ranked among the top 10 on the American Film Institute's list of 100 Greatest American Films.中文回答:飘是一部史诗般的美国历史爱情电影,由大卫·O·塞尔兹尼克制作,维克多·弗莱明执导。
乱世佳人影评初中英语作文Gone with the Wind is a classic film that tells the story of a strong-willed woman named Scarlett O'Hara during the American Civil War. The film is known for its epic scale, beautiful costumes, and memorable performances.The character of Scarlett O'Hara is both admirable and frustrating. She is determined and resourceful, but also selfish and manipulative. Her complex personality makes her a compelling and unforgettable protagonist.The film's depiction of the Civil War is both grand and tragic. The battle scenes are impressive in their scope, but the human cost of war is never far from the viewer's mind. The film does not shy away from showing the suffering and devastation caused by the conflict.One of the most memorable aspects of Gone with the Wind is its stunning visuals. The costumes and set designs are lavish and meticulously crafted, transporting the viewer tothe glamorous world of the antebellum South.The film's romantic plotline is both captivating and tumultuous. The love story between Scarlett and RhettButler is filled with passion and conflict, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end.Overall, Gone with the Wind is a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences with its epic storytelling, unforgettable characters, and breathtaking visuals. It remains a must-see for anyone who appreciates the art of filmmaking.。
英语毕业论文 乱世佳人中女主人翁斯佳丽人物形象分析
AbstractThis paper intends to explore out Scarlett’s rich life in the perspective of character and destiny by an analysis of Scarlett’s personality and her destiny, based on the heroine Scarlett in the novel Gone with the Wind. Scarlett is a typical character who changed from old manor class to the new bourgeoisie, which decides the diversity of her character. This paper will give a brief introduction of Scarlett’s three main personalities: strong and masculine, independent and individualistic, responsible and trustworthy. Then there will be an analysis of the interaction of Scarlett’s personality and destiny by means of the effect of Scarlett’s personality on her destiny in the form of her main experiences in this part. Firstly, she had an indomitable spirit to dare to face the reality and do not bow to fate. This personality makes her return home and assume the whole family’s burden and fight against the fate without cowardice and grow to maturity. Secondly, she is selfish and greedy; she uses all kinds of means to gain profits. She believes in individualism. Her selfishness and vanity is the direct factor leading to her three purposeful marriages. Thirdly, she is trustworthy. This personality makes her never give up the help to Melanie who is her rival in love just for her promise to Ashley. “Tomorrow is another day”. This is the best confession to her optimistic life and her perennial interpretation of destiny.Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; personality; destiny内容摘要本文立足小说《乱世佳人》中女主人翁斯佳丽这一人物形象,从性格和命运的视角出发,通过分析斯佳丽自身性格对其命运的影响展示斯佳丽丰富的人生。