小屁孩日记 September Tuesday 翻译稿

小屁孩日记(中英翻译)小屁孩日记Greg’s elder brother:Greg?Greg?格瑞格的哥哥:格瑞格?格瑞格?Greg: What?格瑞格:怎么了?Greg’s elder b rother:Greg!格瑞格的哥哥:格瑞格!Greg:Huh?What?格瑞格:嗯?怎么了?Greg’s elder brother:What are you doing?格瑞格的哥哥:怎么还睡?Get up!Mom and Dad have been calling起床!爸爸妈妈叫了你you for a n hour .You’re about to be late for一小时了。
中学第一天your first day of middle school.你要迟到了。
Greg :What? Oh, geez! How did that happen?格瑞格:什么?天啊!怎么会这样?Greg’s elder brother: Go, go, go ! Mom’s格瑞格的哥哥:快点,快点!妈妈要发火了about to flip out! She sent me to get you她在车里等了,while she waits in the car !让我来叫你!(Greg is very anxious)(格瑞格现在很急)Greg’s Dad: What are you doing? What’s格瑞格的爸爸:你在干什么?怎么回事?going on?Greg:Getting ready for…(look out of the window )…school.格瑞格:正准备…(看了一眼窗外)…上学。
Greg’s Dad: Are you insane? Schoo l格瑞格的爸爸:你疯了吗?要到下周才开学doesn’t start till nest week.And, FYI, school doesn’t start at 4:00 in就算是上学,也不用四点起床!the morning! You work up Manny(younger brother ).你吵醒了曼尼。
(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P1-9

bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/子弹;
Even after Dad explained the whole “starter pistol” concept to me. I was still the worst swimmer on the team.
concept /ˈkɒnsept/ 观念,概念
夏天过了一半,我想我快要离 开游泳队了。所以我想出了一个技 巧来逃避练习。
I'd swim a few laps. And then I'd ask the coach if I could use the bathroom. Then I'd just hide out in the locker room until practice was over.
This was the first summer
the coach let us boys wear swim
trunks instead of those skimpy
racing trucks. But Mom and
bathing suit was “perfectly
coach /kəʊtʃ/教练 skimpy /ˈskɪmpi/不足的;吝啬的
这是教练第一次让我们男孩穿 游泳裤,而不是那些轻薄的赛服。
但妈妈和罗德里克的ຫໍສະໝຸດ 泳衣 “非常好”。After swim practice, Rodrick would pick me up in his band's van. Mom had this crazy idea that if me and Rodrick spent “quality time” on the ride home everyday, we wouldn't fight as much. But all it did was make things a lot worse.
diary of a wimpy kid 13 中英文双语

diary of a wimpy kid 13 中英文双语中文版:《小屁孩日记13》双语日记星期一:今天是个特别糟糕的一天。
适合中学生 小屁孩日记Volume One P76-89中英对照

ThursdayOn the bus ride into school today we passed by grandma's house.It got rolled with toilet paper last night,which I guess was no big surprise.I do feel a little bad because it looked like it was gonna take a long time to cleanup.But on the bright side,grandma is retired,so she probably didn't have anything plan for today anyway. WednesdayInside the period,Mr.Underwood,our Phys Ed teacher,announced that the boys will be doing a wrestling until for the next six weeks.If there's one thing most boys in my school are into it's a professional wrestling. So Mr.Underwood might as well have set off a bomb.Lunch comes right after Phy Ed,and the cafeteria was a Complete madhouse.I don't know what the school is thinking having a wrestling unit.But I decided if I don't want to get twisted into a pretzel for the next month and a half.I'd better do my homework on this wrestling business.So I rented a couple of video games to learn some movies.And you know what, after a while I was really starting to get the hang of it.In fact,the other kids in my class had better look out,because if I keep this up,I could be a real threat.Then again,I better make sure I don't do too good.This kid named Preston Mudd got named Athlete of the month for being the best player in the basketball unit, so they put his picture up in the hallway.1.on the bright side好的一面2.wrestle摔跤;格斗3.as well也;还4.cafeteria自助餐厅5.look out小心星期四今天我们乘公共汽车上学,经过奶奶家。

2. 我的美术实在是太糟糕了!而这本书在日记里会搭配线条简单的随性漫画。

So it wasn ’t a good day to be wearing corduroy pants that are three inches too short.莫雷塔夫人说我们得选个舞伴,方法是把心目舞伴的名字在小纸片上写下来。
Mrs.Moretta said we were gonna choose partners by writing down the name of the person we wanted to dance with on a little slip of paper.Then she ’d go through the pieces of paper and pair us up the best she could.That was the same system she used last year for the square dancing unit,though,and I totally got burned.我写下了班里最漂亮的女生贝莉·安东尼的名女生都写他的名拉德,而莫雷塔夫挑了她。
But she She wrote down other girl in the Mckenzie Pollard,Baylee to be my picked her.很兴奋。
不过之deal with this kind of nonsense for three 计贝莉不想重蹈去年的覆辙,所以她就过来跟所有她认为没戏的男生明说了。
I Baylee didn ’t want a repeat of last year,because today she went around to all who didn ’t have a chance with her them know.说,我其实不在乎跟谁配一对儿,只要我不是露比·伯德就行。

可有时候吧,我看着那些密密麻麻的英文,脑袋都大了,心里就犯嘀咕:“这啥呀,我能看懂吗?” 也许坚持下去就能看懂,也许还是一头雾水。
” 结果呢,还真别说,看着看着居然也能懂个大概。
小屁孩日记第一册翻译September wednesday

原文SEPTEMBER WednesdayToday we had Phys Ed,so the first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off to the basketball court to see if the Cheese was still there.And sure enough, it was.That piece of Cheese has been sitting on the blacktop since last spring.I guess it must’ve dropped out of someone’s sandwich or something.After a couple of days,the Cheese started getting all moldy and nasty.Nobody would play basketball on the court where the Cheese was,even though that was the only court that had a hoop with a net. Then one day,this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his finger,and that’s what started this thing called the Cheese Touch.It’s basically like the Cooties.If you get the Cheese Touch,you’re stuck with it until you pass it on to someone else.The only way to protect yourself from the Cheese Touch is to cross your fingers.But it’s not that easy remembering to keep your fingers crossed every moment of the day.I ended up taping mine together so they’d stay crossed all the time.I got a D in handwriting,but it was totally worth it.This one kid named Abe Hall got the Cheese Touch in April,and nobody would even come near him for the rest of the year.This summer Abe moved away to California and took the Cheese Touch with him.I just hope someone doesn’t start the Cheese Touch up again,because I don’t need that kind of stress in my life anymore.解析1.court院子;天井;网球场;法院2.blacktop柏油路3.a couple of两个,几个4.moldy发霉的;破旧的5.nasty肮脏的;令人讨厌的6.hoop铁环7.cooties虱子8.stuck被……缠住9.the way to通向……的路10.end up(以……)结束11.the rest of剩下的参考译文今天我们上体育课,所以我出去后做的第一件事就是溜到篮球场去看看奶酪是否还在那里。
小屁孩第一册翻译参考September Thursday

原文SEPTEMBER ThursdayI’m having a seriously hard time getting used to the fact that summer is over and I have to get out of bed every morning to go to school.My sister did not exactly get off to a great start,thanks to my older brother Rodrick.A couple of days into summer vacation,Rodrick woke me up in the middle of the night.He told me I slept through the whole summer,but that luckily I woke up just in time for the first day of school.You might think I was pretty dumb for falling for that one,but Rodrick was dressed up in his school clothes and he set my alarm clock ahead to make it look like it was the morning.Plus,he close my curtain so I couldn’t see that it was still dark out.After Rodrick woke me up,I just got dressed and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast,like I do every morning on a school day.But I guess I must have made a pretty big racket because the next thing I knew, Dad was downstairs,yelling at me for eating Cheerios at3:00in the morning. It took me a minute to figure out what the heck was going on.After I did,I told Dad that Rodrick had played a trick on me,and HE was the one that should be getting yelled at. Dad walked down to the basement to chew Rodrick out,and I tagged along.I couldn’t wait to see Rodrick get what was coming to him.But Rodrick covered up his track s pretty good.And to this day,I’m sure Dad thinks I’ve got a screw loose or something.解析1.hard困难的2.get off下来;脱下;逃脱惩罚3.wake up醒来4.racket吵闹,喧闹5.figure out理解;断定6.played a trick on开……的玩笑;捉弄……7.basement地下室;地窖8.chew out严厉责骂9.tagged along紧跟;尾随10.track踪迹11.to this day直到今天12.screw loose做事古怪参考译文星期四我很难接受夏天已经过去的事实,而且我每天早晨不得不起床去上学。
(全)小屁孩日记第一册Volume One英中对照参考阅读

写在前面的话:《小屁孩日记》(Diary of a Wimpy Kid )讲述的是一名普通的中学生(Greg Heffley )的生活和学习的事情。
当然,我的这个举动只是为了辅助学生学习,许多的译文并没有花太多的精力去斟酌,希望学生、家长、老师们能体谅!版权所有,仅供参考权所有,仅供参考版权所有,仅供参供参考版权Tuesday星期二First of all ,let me get something straight:This is a JOURNAL,not a diary.I know what it says on the cover,but when Mom went out to buy this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that didn't say “diary ”on it.Great.All I need is for some jerk to catch me carrying this book around and get the wrong idea.The other thing I want to clear up right away is that this was MOM's idea,not mine.But if she thinks I 'mgoing to write down my “feelings ”in here or whatever,she's crazy.Sojust don't expect me to be all “DearDiary ”this and “Dear Diary ”that.The only reason I agreed to do this at all is because I figure later on when I'm rich and famous,I'll have better things to do than answer people's stupid questions all day long.So this book is gonna come in handy.Like I said ,I'll be famous one day,but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons.Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented.You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.And then they wonder why bullying is such a big problem in middle school.first of all 首先clear up 解释right away 立刻,马上Be going to +动词原形Like I said 正如我所说首先,让我直接说吧:这是一本“日志”不是“日记”。

小屁孩日记Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy. He is kind, honest, smart and naughty. He has a lot of ideas. He has a diary. In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life. He also draws cartoons in his diary. He has a lot of problems in school. But he makes a lot of trouble, too. He runs away from a school singing contest(比赛). He often wants to play tricks(捉弄) on others. But he always makes a fool of himself(出洋相). He is not good at making friends. But he wants to be the most popular in his school.Greg is not a good role model (榜样). But US children like reading his diaries. In fact (实际上), everything Greg does, you should do the opposite (相反). Do you want to read about him?Go and read the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (《小屁孩日记》). It won the Favorite Book award (奖项) at the 2010 Kids’ Choice Awards in the US.【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。
适合中学生 小屁孩日记Volume One P24-35翻译参考

3.make- up 组成;补足;化 妆;编造
弗雷格利和我一起在学校上体育 课,他有一套完整的自编语言。比如 当他需要上厕所的时候,他说,果汁! 果汁!
Us kids have pretty much figured Fregley out by now, but I don't think the teachers have really caught on yet.
Tuesday I don't know if I motioned this before,
but I AM super good at video games. I'll bet I could beat anyone in my grade headto- head.
不幸的是,爸爸并不完全欣赏 我的技能。 他总是对我说出去做些 “积极”的事情。
So tonight after dinner, when Dad started hassling me about going outside, I tried to explain how with video games, you can play sports like football and soccer, and you don't even get all hot and sweaty.
Because whenever I bring a game up to Rowley's house, his dad looks it up on some parents' website. And if my games has any kinds of fighting or violence in it, he won't let us play.

英文小屁孩日记故事概要"The Diary of the Little Rascal" is a series of stories that humorously depict the everyday life of the young protagonist. Through the eyes of the little rascal, the stories illustrate various funny and embarrassing situations he encounters at home, school, and in society.The little rascal is a mischievous and playful child. He often disobeys his parents, plays pranks, and mischief on others. Living with his father, mother, younger brother, older sister, and a pet, he faces new adventures and challenges every day.At home, the little rascal often sneaks snacks, breaks things, or creates chaos in the household. He also enjoys coming up with strange excuses to avoid doing chores or completing his homework. Funny arguments and misunderstandings with his parents frequently occur.At school, the little rascal always finds himself in trouble. He uses various tricks to tease his teachers and classmates. He relishes opportunities to cause mischief, such as executing AprilFool's Day pranks or dressing up as a monster to scare his peers.The little rascal also engages in social activities, participating in class picnics, hiking, and summer camps. In these events, he brings joy and chaos, but eventually learns to solve problems through teamwork and cooperation."The Diary of the Little Rascal" showcases the unique perspectives and feelings of children as they grow up. The stories depict the little rascal as sometimes funny and adorable, and other times mischievous and playful. However, he is constantly learning and growing, experiencing the pleasures and difficulties of life through various adventures and challenges. This series of stories not only invokes laughter but also promotes positive thinking and inspiration for readers.《小屁孩日记》是一部以幽默风格讲述小主人公日常生活的系列故事。

龙源期刊网 小屁孩日记作者:来源:《家教世界·创新阅读》2018年第03期星期天Sunday就这么过了几个月,我实在忍无可忍,非出来不可了。
After a few months of living like this, I had to get out of there,and that’s why I was born three weeks early. But after being hit by the cold air and the blinding lights of the delivery room,I wisheed I’d just stayed put.来到世上后,我严重睡眠不足,脾气暴躁。
By the time I came into the world, I was totally sleep deprived and in a really lousy mood. So if you ever see a picture of a newborn, now you know why they always look ticked off.实际上,我到现在还没缓过劲来,一直需要补觉。
In fact,I STILL haven’t caught up on the sleep I missed, and believe me,I’ve been trying.自从出生以来,我就一直想找回那种在黑暗中漂浮的感觉,真是爽翻了。
Ever since I was born,I’ve tried to re-create the felling I had way back when I was floating around in the dark,happy as could be.我出生几天之后才见到哥哥罗德里克。
适合中学生 小屁孩日记Volume One P103-106翻译参考

ThursdayThe play is only a couple of days away,and I have no idea how we’re going to pull these things off.First of all,nobody has bothered to learn their lines,and that's all Mrs. Norton's fault.During rehearsal,Mrs.Norton whispers everyone's lines to them from the side of the stage.I wonder how it’s going to go next Tuesday when Mrs.Norton is sitting at her piano30feet away.Another thing that's screwing everything up is that Mrs.Norton keeps adding new scenes and new characters.Yesterday,she brought in this first-grader to play Dorothy’s dog, Tato.But today,the kid's mom came in and said she wanted her child to walk around on two legs,because crawling around on all fours would be too“degrading”.So now we've got a dog that's gonna be walking around on his hind legs for the whole show.But the worst change is that Mrs.Norton actually wrote a song that us TREES have to sing.She said everyone“deserves”a chance to sing in the play.So today we spent an hour learning the worst song that's ever been written.rehearsal/rɪˈhɜːsl/排演;预演be going to将要;screwing up弄糟scene场面;情景on all fours四脚着地地;匍匐degrading有辱人格的,贬低身份的hind legs后腿;后肢deserve/dɪˈzɜːv/应受;应得星期二离演出只有几天了,我不知道我们要怎么把这些事情办好。
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(原文)SEPTEMPBERTuesdayFirst of all,let me get something straight:This is a JOURNAL,not a diary.I know what it says on the cover,but when Mom went out to buy this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that didn't say“diary”on it.Great.All I need is for some jerk to catch me carrying this book around and get the wrong idea.The other thing I want to clear up right away is that this was MOM's idea, not mine.But if she thinks I'm going to write down my“feelings”in here or whatever,she's crazy.So just don't expect me to be all“Dear Diary”this and “Dear Diary”that.The only reason I agreed to do this at all is because I figure later on when I'm rich and famous,I'll have better things to do than answer people's stupid questions all day long.So this book is gonna come in handy.Like I said,I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons.Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented.You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.And then they wonder why bullying is such a big problem in middle school.If it was up to me,grade level would be based on height,not age.But then again,I guess that would mean kids like Chirag Gupta would still be in the first grade.Today is the first day of school,and right now we're just waiting around for the teacher to hurry up and finish the seating chart.So I figure I might as well write in this book to pass the time.解析1.first of all首先2.clear up解释3.right away立刻,马上4.Be going to+动词原形5.Like I said正如我所说6.Be up to sb..取决于sb.7.figure推测译文参考首先,让我直接说吧:这是一本“日志”不是“日记”。
By the way,let me give you some good advice.On the first day of school,you got to be real careful where you sit.You walk into the classroom and just plunk your stuff down on any old desk and the next thing you know the teacher is saying--I hope you all like where you're sitting,because these are your permanent seats.So in this class,I got stuck with Chris Hosey in front of me and Lionel James in back of me.Jason Brill came in late and almost sat to my right,but luckily I stopped that from happening at the last second.Next period,I should just sit in the middle of a bunch of hot girls as soon as I step in the room.But I guess if I do that, it just proves I didn't learn anything from last year.Man,I don't know WHAT is up with girls these days.It used to be a whole lot simpler back in elementary school.The deal was,if you were the fastest runner in your class,you got all the girls.And in the fifth grade,the fastest runner was Ronnie McCoy.Nowadays,it's a whole lot more complicated.Now it's about the kind of clothes you wear or how rich you are or if you have a cute butt or whatever.And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened.The most popular boy in my grade is Bryce Anderson.The thing that really stinks is that I have ALWAYS been into girls,but kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years.I remember how Bryce used to act back in elementary school.But of cause now I don't get any credit for sticking with the girls all this time.Like I said,Bryce is the most popular kid in our grade,so that leaves all the rest of us guys scrambling for the other spots.1.by the way顺便说一下2.plunk down放下,突然落下3.permanent固定的,永久的4.stuck被卡住,被缠住5.at the last second在最后一秒ed to过去常常,曾经7.elementary初等;基本的;初级的8.like I said就像我说的顺便说一下,让我给你一些好的建议。