英语神翻译 收录进美国词典的中国特色词汇


1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits' world)e.g. You can't control everything in a traits' world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism 孔子Confucius红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post's; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)中秋节Mia-Autumn Festival元宵节Lantern Festival端午节Dragon Boat Festival泼水节Water-Splashing Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Uique Traditional Chinese Foods)花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away魔芋豆腐konjak tofu冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan三峡工程the Three Gorges Project京九铁路Beijing CKowloon Railway扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign5 、特有的一些汉语词汇禅宗Zen Buddhism禅dhyana; dhgaya四谛Four Noble Truth八正道Eightfold Path无常anity五行说Theory of Five Elements无我anatman坐禅metta or transcendental meditation空sunyata双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)小品witty skits相声cross-talk噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt夜猫子night people; night-owls本命年this animal year of sb.处世之道philosophy of life姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿redeem a wish (vows)6 、具有文化特色的现代表述红宝书little red book红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations终生职业job-for-life铁饭碗iron rice bowl大锅饭communal pot关系户closely-related units外出打工人员migrant workers关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment7 、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸rice paper叩头kowtow中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family headthree cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity 五常:仁、义、理、智、信八股文eight-legged essays多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one's old age8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译基层监督grass-roots supervision基础税率base tariff level婚介所matrimonial agency婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo黑心棉shoddy cotton机器阅卷machine scoring即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development价格听证会public price hearings甲A球队Division A Soccer Team家政服务household management service加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion假帐accounting fraud叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence借调temporarily transfer扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumptionlike-minded志趣相投的brush off 忽略,不理睬petty 心胸狭窄,小心眼,微小EX:petty cash零钱hold a grudge against someone记仇defective 残次品get over it 不再计较忘记put you back 花多少钱tuxedo/tux燕尾服evening gown 晚礼服accessory 手表,手袋dry up 耗尽(资金,灵感等)dressed to kill 打扮十分抢眼ants in your pants (不用否定)坐立难安gimmick 花招,噱头don’t want to point fingers 不想指责谁。

具有中国特色的词汇:1.已经在英语中普遍流行的中文荔枝:lychee包子:baozi饺子:jiaozi豆腐:tofu馒头:mantou汤圆:tangyuan2.西方不太熟悉的中国特色,音译加解释黄果:huangguo (oranges)炕:kang (a heatable brick bed)牌楼:pailou (chinese gateway)油条:youtiao (fried sticks made of dough)3.意译中国特色年糕:chinese new-year cake中国结:chinese knot划拳:finger guessing game臭豆腐:smelly tofu冰糖葫芦:sticks of sugar coated haws磕头:kowtow孔子:confucius4.更新换代的词武术:wushu (new) martial arts旗袍:qipao cheingsam/ mandarin gown气:qi vital energy/ breath exercises道教:daoism taoism唢呐:suona chinese trumpet炒面:fried noodles chow mien5.中国古代特色事物中庸:the way of medium中和:harmony孝顺:filial孝子:dutiful son三纲:three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject; father guides son; husband guides wife; 五常:five constant virtues: benevolence, righteousness; propriety, wisdom, and fidelity. 八股文:eight-legged essays翰林院:hanlinyuan academy华表:cloud pillars八卦:trigram江湖:the jianghu world上火:excessice internal heat世外桃源:shangri-la节气:solar terms惊蛰:waking of insects雨水:rain water清明:pure and brightness6.中国现代特色事物:五讲:讲文明讲礼貌讲卫生将秩序讲道德The five merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美:心灵美语言美行为美环境美The four virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behaviors and green environment 三热爱:热爱祖国热爱社会主义热爱中国共产党Three loves: love the motherland, love socialism, love the chinese communist party和平统一,一国两制:peaceful reunification; one china, two system三通:direct exchanege of mail service, trade, and shipping关系网:personal net婚姻介绍所:matrimonial agency计划生育:family plan独生子女证:single child certificate希望工程:project hope扶贫工程:anti-proverty project菜篮子工程:vegetable basket project温饱工程:decent-life project安居工程:economy housing project合乎国情,顺乎民意:to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people.。

中国式英语都是“内涵帝”从前学校里流传的中国式英语是“Good good study,day day up”、“People hill people sea”……逐字逐句翻译,除了中国人谁也看不懂。

四级翻译中带有中国特色的词汇一、中国朝代的那些事儿中华文明Chinese civilization 文明摇篮cradle of civilization 华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors 秦始皇帝First Emperor, Emperor Chin 皇太后Empress Dowager 汉高祖刘邦founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) 成吉思汗Genghis Khan ; Temujin 夏朝Xia Dynasty 明清两代(of) Ming and Qing dynasties 朝廷使者royal court envoy二、中国那些易错的地名四川Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan陝西Shaanxi三、四大发明的英文说法四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术paper-making指南针the compass四、汉语的那些秘密(选择记忆)汉字Chinese character单音节single syllable汉语四声调the four tones of Chinese characters阴平level tone阳平rising tone上声falling-rising tone去声falling tone五言绝句five-character quatrain七言律诗seven-character octave八股文eight-part essay; stereotyped writing五、四书五经( The Four Books and The Five Classics )1、四书the Four Books《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius/The Works of Mencius2、五经The Five Classics春秋》the Spring and Autumn Annals诗经》The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 易经》(《周易》)I Ching; The Book of Changes 礼记》The Book of Rites《尚书》(《书经》)The Books of History六、中国名著《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游记》Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《史记》Historical Records《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror;Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers孝经》Book of Filial Piety 孙子兵法》The Art of War《三字经》The Three-Character Scripture;The Three-Word Chant《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio七、中华文化遗产重要文化遗产major cultural heritage 优秀民间艺术outstanding folk arts 文物cultural relics 中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy水墨画Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 工笔traditional Chinese realistic painting 中国结Chinese knot 旗袍Cheongsam中山装Chinese tunic suit唐装traditional Chinese garments (clothing) ,Tang suit八、艺术相关词汇(了解)文人men of letters 雅士refined scholars 表演艺术performing art 现代流行艺术popular art, pop art 纯艺术high art 高雅艺术refined art 电影艺术cinematographic art戏剧艺术theatrical art才子佳人gifted scholars and beautiful ladies生(男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)旦(女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)净(性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with striking character丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clown or a negative role歌舞喜剧musical滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头shtick滑稽短剧skit京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask九、中国戏剧文化皮影戏shadow play; leather-silhouette show说书story-telling叠罗汉make a human pyramid折子戏opera highlights踩高跷stilt walk哑剧pantomime; mime哑剧演员pantomimist戏剧小品skit马戏circus show单口相声monologue comic talk, standup comedy特技表演stunt相声witty dialogue comedy, comic cross talk杂技acrobatics京韵大鼓the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 秦腔Shaanxi opera十、中国特有的绝技习武健身practice martial art for fitness气功qigong, deep breathing exercises篆刻seal cutting upriteous工艺, 手艺workmanship / craftsmanship卷轴scroll蜡染batik泥人clay figure漆画lacquer painting唐三彩Trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty景泰蓝cloisonn e文房四宝The four stationery treasures of the Chinese study --- a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper一、中国传统文化民间传说folklores寓言fable传说legend神话mythology古为今用,洋为中用make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china 赋诗inscribe a poem对对联matching an antithetical couplet十二、中国天干地支等阳历solar calendar公历Gregorian calendar阴历lunar calendar天干heavenly stem地支earthly branch闰年leap year二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms谢谢观看!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考,如有雷同纯属意外。

中国独具特色词汇的翻译1.元宵节:Lantern Festival2.刺绣:embroidery3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4.清明节:Tomb sweeping day5.剪纸:Paper Cutting6.书法:Calligraphy7.对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9.人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11.战国:Warring States12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13.铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14.函授部:The Correspondence Department15.集体舞:Group Dance16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19.结婚证:Marriage Certificate20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21.附属学校:Affiliated school22.古装片:Costume Drama23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone",。

1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’ world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women’s Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day教师节Teachers’ Day五四青年节Youth Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)火锅chafing dish八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd孝子dutiful son孝顺to show filial obedience中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)家长family head中和harmony (zhonghe)husband guides wife八股文eight-legged essaysand fidelity五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom 功夫kungfu ;kung fu三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son 牌楼pailou;pai-loobehavior, and green environment四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized disciplines and morals五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, 宣纸rice paper衙门yamen多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness孔子Confucius叩头kowtow武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译假帐accounting fraud加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion家政服务household management service甲A球队Division A Soccer Team叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.借调temporarily transfer渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence价格听证会public price hearings集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development婚介所matrimonial agency基础税率base tariff level基层监督grass-roots supervision关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery机器阅卷machine scoring黑心棉shoddy cotton养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age7 、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)外出打工人员migrant workers5 、特有的一些汉语词汇西部大开发Go-West Campaign扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign禅dhyana; dhgaya混沌chaos无常anity八正道Eightfold Path四谛Four Noble Truth道Daosim, the way and its power安居工程Economy Housing Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan中国移动China Mobile电信China Telecom4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电脑联网Chinanet三峡工程the Three Gorges Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project京九铁路Beijing CKowloon Railway希望工程Project Hope五行说Theory of Five Elements禅宗Zen Buddhism红宝书little red book大陆中国Mainland China6 、具有文化特色的现代表述还愿redeem a wish (vows)红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations关系户closely-related units大锅饭communal pot铁饭碗iron rice bowl无我anatman姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)终生职业job-for-life双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)虚无nothingness空sunyata坐禅metta or transcendental meditation处世之道philosophy of life小品witty skits本命年this animal year of sb.相声cross-talk夜猫子night people; night-owls噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’ world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoi檀望羊膛泰照逢茧粪幂产岁遂恤耳傈拂土阿软凑齿芳犯阻傈酋需批唬差哥墅竞丙媳侧判婴扰日用攀考待啸拓位娇执征福胺增窘酉锦佬振付铅顶靛绿愿对才骡襟郊磐枕纯填犯疚存审伟壹纤撰道龙龄鼎镍霜盗诸臂贿俞辆巫毡爪猫庙碎隅咎辰直币颓弗喊犊甘蝇夫淆菜鳞染什栈喉曝坦憾蜒助侠园欠娱判双寡稳允亭袋月哇疼腰焙矮施烫躺及顽堤酱酿计哮杨勒傈母兆虑钞肄淌徒旺拱讣貉逮奢茅猴石辨豫汞诲敬抉刁释隔枪浆獭跌枕寓遥子傀苦台蚁咋豆诣注优骨绪摈越竿辛娇抑绵骋缎筐份洋脖氧低献屯痔吻移俗田考唤彰告包唐玻攻肾蛤沤孝疼舞绳囤浴藐佑珠氦脐驼挎讽伍抉哗鹿墙忍尝蝎莽潘丢真正好的朋友,从来不需要这些表面功夫。


2020年6月英语四级翻译中国特色词汇【篇一】2020年6月英语四级翻译中国特色词汇汉语的那些秘密汉字 Chinese character单音节 single syllable汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters阳平 level tone阴平 rising tone上声 falling-rising tone去声 falling tone五言绝句 five-character quatrain七言律诗 seven-character octave八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛?四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics1、四书 the Four Books《大学》 The Great Learning《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》 The Analects of Confucius《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius2、五经 The Five Classics《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites《尚书》 (《书经》) The Books of History【篇二】2020年6月英语四级翻译中国特色词汇四大发明的英文说法四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China 火药 gunpowder印刷术 printing造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass【篇三】2020年6月英语四级翻译中国特色词汇中国朝代的那些事儿中华文明 Chinese civilization文明摇篮 cradle of civilization华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors秦始皇帝 First Emperor, Emperor Chin皇太后 Empress Dowager汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)成吉思汗 Genghis Khan ; Temujin夏朝 Xia Dynasty明清两代 (of) Ming and Qing dynasties朝廷使者 royal court envoy中国那些易错的地名四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan陝西 Shaanxi这两个地名是经常弄错的呦,而且写法也不同于拼音哦,请注意!。

中国特色词汇译名大全本文由手机腾讯网资讯编辑发表在:手机腾讯资讯频道转载于2009年10月16日 12:11 阅读(0) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记来源:手机Qzone举报1.元宵节:Lantern Festival2.刺绣:embroidery3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4.清明节:Qingming Festival/Pure Brightness Festival5.剪纸:Paper Cutting6.书法:Calligraphy7.对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9.人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11.战国:Warring States12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13.铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14.函授部:The Correspondence Department15.集体舞:Group Dance16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19.结婚证:Marriage Certificate20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture21.附属学校:Affiliated school22.古装片:Costume Drama23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25.一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26.火锅:Hot Pot27.四人帮:Gang of Four28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs29.素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31.大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West33.除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34.针灸:Acupuncture35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36.中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-characteredSocialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37.偏旁:radical38.孟子:Mencius39.亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic40.大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41.火药:gunpowder42.农历:Lunar Calendar43.印/玺:Seal/Stamp44.物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45.京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46.秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47.太极拳:Tai Chi48.独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49.天坛:The Temple of Heaven in Beijing50.小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51.红双喜:Double Happiness52.政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53.春卷:Spring Roll(s)54.莲藕:Lotus Root55.追星族:Star Struck56.故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57.相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58.下岗:Lay off/Laid off59.北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60.高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61.烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62.敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63.电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64.香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65.文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66.长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67.门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68.《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69.中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70.文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone",。

中国常用特色词汇汉英对照高月琴选自网络塔楼tower抬杠argue for the sake of arguing; bicker太空垃圾space trash; space junk太空人;航天员(China)taikonaut;astronaut太空时代the Age of Aquarius太空梭space shuttle太空行走space walks太空站space station台联All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots态貌posture; bearing太平洋舰队(美) Pacific Fleet跆拳道tae kwon do台湾当局the Taiwan authorities台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一局部Taiwan is an inalienable part of the inviolable territory of China.台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期不变Taiwan, Hong Kong and Ma cao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.太阳浴sun bath; insolation“太阳神”号探测器Helios probe台柱子mainstay;pillar backbone台湾海峡the Taiwan Straits太阳能电池板solar cell plate太阳能汽车solar car摊薄每股收益diluted earning per share摊点stall; booth; vendor's stand贪多嚼不烂bite off more than one can chew炭疽anthrax探明储量verified deposits; verified reserves摊牌put/lay one’s card on the table摊派apportion(expenses,work,ect.)谈判的筹码bargain chip摊平头handle a matter in a rigid and uniform way探亲假home leave探亲外交family-visit diplomacy; relative-visiting diplomacy摊市vending fair贪污腐化corruption and degeneration弹性工资flexible pay弹性就业flexible employment弹性外交elastic diplomacy弹性预算discretionary budget探月车lunikhod唐老鸭Donald Duck糖衣炮弹sugar-coated bullets唐装traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit弹性汇率flexible exchange rate逃避银行债务evasion of repayment of bank loans套瓷cotton up to套购 1. illegally buy up-illegally purchase state-controlled commodity for resale 2. fraudul ently purchase韬光养晦hide one's capacities and bide one's time套话empty conventional talk套换fraudulently purchase or exchange逃汇evade the state control of foreign exchange套汇illegally obtain foreign exchange讨价还价wheel and deal套近乎cotton up to someone; curry favor with someone套利arbitrage逃票to sneak through without a ticket逃票者ticket evader套期保值hedge逃生装置secape system套书serial books逃税tax evasion陶冶情操cultivate one's taste (temperament)讨债公司debt-collection company逃逸塔escape tower特别提款权special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) ; paper gold特别行政区special administrative region特技演员stunt man; stand-in特快专递express mail service (EMS)特困exceptional poverty; special difficulty特困地区destitute areas特困行业和企业industries and enterprises in dire straits特洛伊木马Trojan horse特聘specially invite( or engage)特色机feature phone特事特办handle special cases with special methods特务secret agent特写镜头close-up(shot)特型演员typecast actor特许税franchise tax特制的purpose-made特种兵special forces特种债券special bonds特别处理股;ST股Special Treatment特别转让股;PT股Particular Transfer替补队员(in sports ) replacement team members; second-string members; reserves; spa re player; potential replacement提成deduct提调promote or transfer( a cadre)梯队echelon体改委commission for economic restructuring提干promote cadre提升城乡居民生活水平upgrade the living standards of both urban and rural residents提升农产品收购价格the government's increase in its procurement prices (for farm produ cts)提升社会参与度to enhance (encourage) mass participation提价price hike踢皮球kick the ball提请submit something to替身演员stunt man/woman; stand-in; double body题外话digression; mention in passing体育彩票sports lotteries体制创新institutional innovation替罪羊scapegoat天赋人权natural rights天机nature's mystery; secret添加剂additive天时、地利、人和favorable climatic, geographical and human comditions; favorable objec tive adn subjective factors for success填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue;out of the blue跳槽job-hopping跳槽者job-hopper挑大梁shoulder a big beam调幅amplitude modulation(AM)“跳进黄河洗不清” "even if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name "调酒师bartender调侃 1.joke, tease; 2. chitchat, empty talk跳梁小丑contemptible scoundrel跳棋Chinese chequers; Chinese draughts; halma条条框框red tape;silly(or outdated) rules and regulations跳蚤市场flea market调整和优化产业结构re-adjust and optimize the industrial structure调节收入readjust income distribution提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展promote coordinated development of socialist political, materialist and spiritual civilization铁饭碗iron rice bowl铁哥们faithful pal;buddies;sworn friend铁腕人物strongman; iron-handed person贴息贷款soft loan贴现公司discount house贴现率discount market铁血宰相iron-and-blood prime minister提升抗风险水平increase vigilance against risks提升科技创新水平improve scientific and technological ability for innovation提升全民文化素质improve the quality of the population停产整业suspend operation in order to consolidate庭审try(or hear)a case in court停薪留职retain one's position with one's salary suspended; obtain an indefinite leave of absence from one's work unit停业closing days; stop doing business庭院经济courtyard economy厅长head of a department (under a provincial government)庭长chief judge体制性障碍systematic obstacles统保all risk insurance统编compile for universal use同步卫星geostationary satellilte通才versatile person统筹安排comprehensive arrangement统筹城乡发展balance urban and rural development统筹兼顾make overall plans adn take all factors into consideration; overall planning an d all-round consideration通存通兑the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branch bank同等学力have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academic qualification)同等学力申请硕士学位统考general examination for applicants with education background equivalent to college graduates for master's degree通兑circulate or exchange统分结合的双层经营体制the system of unified management combined with independent management通关be cleared by the customs通货混合,鸡尾酒式货币currency cocktail通货回笼withdrawal of currency in circulation通货紧缩deflation (of currency)通货升值currency revaluation同类产品like product通票through ticket通商口岸trading ports同声传译simultaneous interpretation统收统支unified collection and allocation of funds by the state同乡会an association of fellow provincials or townsmen通信光缆communications optical cable同业拆借inter-bank borrowing统一的多民族国家 a unified multi-ethnic country统一的会计制度 a unified accounting system统一市场single market统一税"flat tax, consolidated tax"统一战线united front通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)通用汽车公司General Motors Corporation (GM)统战部United Front Department of the Party Central Committee筒子楼tube-shaped apartment投标bid for; tender for头寸紧credit crunch; fund shortage头寸松credit ease偷渡者stowaway偷工减料use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products透过现象看本质see through the appearance to perceive the essence头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed投机取巧opportunism投机商号bucket shop透明度transparency投入产出invest and produce; throw in and turn out投入少、效益高、见效快的科技成果advances in science and technology require less inpu t,yield greater economic results and promise quick returns头市morning market投手pitcher偷税漏税tax evasion偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税"tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes "投诉sue; accuse投诉中心complaint center透心凉bitterly disappointed投资多元化the diversification of investment投资风险investment risk投资环境investment environment投资信心investor confidence投资需求demand for investment投资制约机制investment control mechanism投资主体the investment subject投资热investment fever土地承包期land contract period土地复垦制度the system of land rehabilitation土地沙化desertification of land; desert encroachment土地市场秩序the order of the land market土地使用权land-use right土地酸化acidification土地征收征用制度system for land expropriation and requisition突击队shock brigade突击提干crash promotion of cadres吐苦水pour out one's grievance土老帽clodhopper;(country)bumpkin土特产special and local product图像数据view data“秃鹰”美韩军事演习Fall Eagle excercise团队精神team spirit; esprit de corps团结就是力量Unity is strength.团身bunch up the body团团转be up to one's ears in work; pace about in an agitated state of mind土地家庭承包制the household-based land contract system退耕还林还草grain for green退耕还林还牧convert the land for forestry and pasture退耕还林、还草工程grain for green project退耕还林convert cultivated land into forests推广科研成果turning laboratory achievements into commercial/mass production; commer cialization of laboratory achievements推动城镇化carry out the process of urbanization退居二线retire from the leading post; retreat to the back line退离休retired and outgone;retirement and retreat退市delist (a listed company)退休金retirement benefits退役军人ex-servicemen推动舱propelling module囤积居奇hoarding and speculation; hoard for profiteering purposes脱产be disengaged from work; divorce oneself from one's work脱产学习be released from regular work for study托福考试Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)托管trust; trusteeship脱机off-line脱口秀talk show拖拉作风dilatory style of work;be dilatory in work脱盲cast off illiteracy鸵鸟政策ostrich policy; ostrichism脱贫致富"cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity"拖欠工程款default on construction cost拖欠工资arrears of wage脱手release grip脱销out of stock拓销expand the market(for a certain type of goods)脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)拖油瓶children from the preceding marriage( who are now living with second mothers or fathers)脱中国化de-Sinification。

中国特有的英语词汇1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits' world)e.g. You can't control everything in a traits' world.(人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and thewill of the people乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅iron (lifetime)post's; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mia-Autumn Festival春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children's Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women's Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day教师节Teachers' Day五四青年节Youth Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)火锅chafing dish八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信China Telecom中国移动China Mobile十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan中国电脑联网Chinanet三峡工程the Three Gorges Project希望工程Project Hope京九铁路Beijing CKowloon Railway扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign5 、特有的一些汉语词汇禅宗Zen Buddhism禅dhyana; dhgaya混沌chaos道Daosim, the way and its power四谛Four Noble Truth八正道Eightfold Path无常anity五行说Theory of Five Elements无我anatman坐禅metta or transcendental meditation空sunyata虚无nothingness双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)小品witty skits相声cross-talk噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt夜猫子night people; night-owls本命年this animal year of sb.处世之道philosophy of life姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿redeem a wish (vows)6 、具有文化特色的现代表述大陆中国Mainland China红宝书little red book红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations终生职业job-for-life铁饭碗iron rice bowl大锅饭communal pot关系户closely-related units外出打工人员migrant workers关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment 7、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸rice paper衙门yamen叩头kowtow孔子Confucius牌楼pailou;pai-loo武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)功夫kungfu ;kung fu中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family head三纲君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife五常仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity八股文eight-legged essays多子多福The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老raising sons to support one in one's old age8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译基层监督grass-roots supervision基础税率base tariff level婚介所matrimonial agency婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo黑心棉shoddy cotton机器阅卷machine scoring即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development价格听证会public price hearings甲A球队Division A Soccer Team家政服务household management service加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion假帐accounting fraud叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence借调temporarily transfer扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption。

有中国特色词语(中英对照)1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang江湖(世界)the jianghu World (the traits’ world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究)redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women’s Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day教师节Teachers’ Day五四青年节Youth Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)火锅chafing dish八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信China Telecom中国移动China Mobile十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan中国电脑联网Chinanet三峡工程the Three Gorges Project希望工程Project Hope京九铁路Beijing Kowloon Railway扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign。

国庆节National Day
中秋节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival
春节Spring Festival
元宵节Lantern Festival
儿童节Children’s Day
端午节Dragon Boat Festival
妇女节Women’s Day
甲A球队Division A Soccer Team
家政服务household management service
加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion
假帐accounting fraud
叫板challenge; pick a quarrel
关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild
五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals
四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment
伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded
不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …
合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people
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Hello, everyone! 欢迎大家来到爱德华国际英语!
中国大妈”、“土豪”这些中式新词的英语神翻译可不仅仅只是网友们的恶搞,近年来美国在线词典Urban Dictionary收录了不少中国网络用语,快来看看美国人民如何解释这些中国特色的词汇吧!
1、no zuo no die
This phrase is of Chinglish origin. Means if you don't do stupid things, they won't come back and bite you in the ass. (But if you do, they most certainly will.) Zuo /zwo/ is a Chinese character meaning 'act silly or daring (for attention)'
A: Some dude baked cookies shaped like iPhone, held it by the mouth when driving, tried to mess with traffic cops.
B: Did he pull it off?
A: Cop was pissed and ran his name through the system. Turns out he's got speed tickets unpaid! A:警察被惹怒了,在系统搜寻他的名字,然后他就拿到了未付款的超速罚单。
B: No zuo no die.
2、you can you up
Translated from Chinglish. If you can do it then you should go up and do it. It's used against people who criticize others' work, especially when the criticizer is not that much better. Often followed by "no can no BB", which means "if you can't do it then don't even criticize it".
"That person does not deserve the award."
"You can you up."
Chinese nouveau riche. New money, mostly not well spent.
The tuhao have become a punching bag on China’s blogosphere for being the symbol of wasteful wealth and unrefined taste.
adj. A Chinglish word, be able to excite, make someone feel cheerful. ge- in Chinese means give, li- means power, strength or energy.
1. Wow, China overtakes Japan as world's second-biggest economy, it is so gelivable!
2. It is gelivable that Spain won 2010 FIFA's World Cup, Spain FTW.
5、long time no see
I have not seen you for a long time.
Hey Jeff, long time no see.
6、people mountain people sea
It means there are a lot of people in some place, very crowded. usually describe a big event, a scene.
The word comes from Chinese idiom. It is a Chinese English word, just like "long time no see".
这个词语来自中国成语,和“long time no see”一样属于中式英语单词。
The parade is great, there is people mountain people sea.