高考英语 考前冲刺书面表达句子翻译词组短语必备

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1. 给某人让座 1. give / offer one’s seat to sb

2. 跳到地上/桌上 2. jump onto the ground/ table

3. 下了一整天雨 3. keep on raining all the day

4. 听到呼救声 4. hear a cry/shout for help

5. 把…带到安全地带 5. carry sb to safety

6. 向某人道歉 6. apologize to sb for sth/doing sth

7. 给某人提建议7. give sb some advice on sth

8. 得到好的治疗 8. get good treatment

9. 接受某人的建议9. take/follow one’s advice

10. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司10. join a team/club/group/committee/company

11. 向某人解释…11. explain sth to sb (explain to sb that …)

12. 治愈某人的病 12. cure sb of a certain illness

13. 匆忙赶往医院/学校/邮局/派出所/火车站/汽车站/飞机场13. hurry to the hospital /school/post office/police station/railway station/bus stop/airport

14. 提出付100元钱14. offer to pay 100dollars

15. 收100元钱15. charge/ take 100 dollars

16. 付100元钱 16. pay 100 dollars(pay the bill)

17. 打车17. hire/get/call for a taxi (to take sb to …)

18. 浑身湿透了 18. be wet all over/ be wet through

19. 下载文件 19. download the papers

20. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营 20. go fishing / outing / climbing / boating /swimming /camping

21. 转身离开 21. turn away

22. 陷入沉思22. be lost in thought

23. 返回取某物 23. turn back to get sth / for sth

24. 走过去看一看发生了什么 24. come /go up to see what happens

25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣25. share a room/an umbrella /a toy/the same interests with sb

26. 对某人大声喊叫26. shout to sb in a loud voice

27. 使劲移开那块大石头27. gather all one’s stre ngth to remove the big stone

28. 背着一个沉重的包28. bear a heavy bag

29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会29. go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together

30. 背负沉重的课业负担 30. be heavily burdened with homework

31. 约某人31. call for sb

32. 顺道拜访某人32. drop in on sb

33. 看家33. mind one’s house

34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人34. run over to support the old man

35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家35. wait for sb to have dinner/a meeting/ come home

36. 下车 36. get off the bus/ get out of the car

37. 站在门口37. be stationed by the door/stand by the door

38. 坐在窗前38. be seated by the window

39. 靠在墙上/树上 39. lean against the wall/tree

40. 逆风而行40. walk/run/swim/ride/drive/move on against the wind

41. 下大雨/大雪41. rain hard/snow hard/wind hard

42. 刮大风42. come to one’s rescue

43. 起雾43. express one’s hearty thanks to sb

44. 熟睡44. fall sound asleep

45. 举手45. raise one’s hand

46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家46. walk/ride/drive/take a bus home

47. 突然停止 47. come to a stop

48. 把某人救到河岸上48. push sb to the river bank

49. 结束49. come to an end/ put sth to an end

50. 为某人喝彩 50. cheer for sb

51. 登门拜访51. call at/drop in at one’s house

52. 真相大白 52. come to light/ come out

53. 伸手去够某物53. reach for sth/hold out one’s hand for sth

54. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊54. catch/seize sb by the arm/hand/collar

55. 询问究竟是怎么回事 55. ask about what is the matter

56. 经过公园/邮局/市场/广场/电影院/体育馆/学校/医院/宾馆/剧院/火车站 56. pass the post office/park/market/square/cinema/stadium/school/hospital/hotel/theater/railway 57. 查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址57. refer to the dictionary / look up the telephone number /one’s address / web address

58. 热情接待某人 58. receive sb warmly/kindly

59. 认真对待某事59. take sth seriously / be careful with sth

60. 小心提防某事60. be careful of sth

61. 严格要求某人 61. be strict with sb

62. 严格对待某事62. be strict in sth

63. 在火车站/飞机场接人63. meet sb at the railway station/ airport

64. 顺道接人 64. pick sb up by the roadside

65. 抓小偷65. stop the thief/catch the thief

66. 直着往前走66. go /walk straight ahead

67. 把…冲走 67. wash sth away

68. 破坏心情/假日68. ruin the holiday/one’s heart

69. 突然转弯69. make a quick turn

70. 请某人吃饭/喝茶 70. treat sb to coffee/tea/a meal (invite sb to dinner)

71. 从口袋里掏某物71. draw sth out of the pocket

72. 腾空抽屉/壁橱72. empty the cupboard/drawer

73. 苦思冥想 73. think hard/twice

74. 做大扫除74. do the thorough cleaning

75. 往后/四周/上下看75. look behind/around/up and down

76. 点灯/蜡烛 76. light a candle/lamp

77. 生火77. make a fire

78. 开灯/电视/收音机78. turn on the light/radio/TV

79. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头 79. switch off the tap/light/gas

80. 与某人握手80. shake hands with sb

81. 帮某人一把81. give sb a hand with …

82. 昂着头82. hold one’s head high
