YOUR LOGO如有logo可在此插入合同书—CONTRACT TEMPLATE—精诚合作携手共赢Sincere Cooperation And Win-Win Cooperation雇主责任险保险合同(正式版)范本The Purpose Of This Document Is T o Clarify The Civil Relationship Between The Parties Or Both Parties. After Reaching An Agreement Through Mutual Consultation, This Document Is Hereby Prepared注意事项:此合同书文件主要为明确当事人或当事双方之间的民事关系,同时保障各自的合法权益,经共同协商达成一致意见后特此编制,文件下载即可修改,可根据实际情况套用。
英文英语版本正式雇佣契约(标准版)聘用详情1. 工作职位:[在此处写入职位名称]。
2. 工作地点:[在此处写入工作地点]。
3. 工作时间:每周工作[在此处写入工作时间],具体工作时间安排由管理人员提前通知。
4. 薪资待遇:每月工资为[在此处写入工资数额]元人民币,具体工资条款见本合同附件1。
工作职责1. [在此处写入工作职责]。
2. [在此处写入工作职责]。
3. [在此处写入工作职责]。
雇佣期限1. 本次雇佣期限自[在此处写入雇佣起始日期]起,至[在此处写入雇佣结束日期]止。
2. 雇佣期限届满前,双方应在提前1个月通知对方是否续签本合同,若无通知,则视为不续签。
福利和福利待遇1. 工作期间,受雇员工将享有下列福利待遇:- 带薪年假,根据公司规定和个人工龄而定。
- 社会保险,包括养老保险、失业保险和医疗保险。
- 住房公积金,按照国家和地方有关规定缴交。
- 其他公司额外提供的福利,如节日福利等。
2. 如雇员因公受伤或生病需要请假,应当提前通知公司,必要时提供医生证明。
雇主权利和义务1. 雇主应根据国别和地区的法律规定和公司规章制度,向有关部门和单位报告和缴纳应缴税费和社会保险费,落实雇工的劳动和社会保险保障责任。
2. 雇主有权根据公司规章制度和实际情况安排受雇员工的职务和工作内容,有权调整员工的岗位,但应告知雇员。
3. 雇主应保护受雇员工的合法权益,遵守本国基本劳动法规和国际劳工组织的公约和建议,不得剥夺和限制雇工基本人身自由和民主权利。
4. 雇主应为受雇员工提供良好的工作条件和劳动保护设施,发挥雇员的人才和工作潜力,保障其合法权益。
雇员权利和义务1. 雇员必须全面认真履行工作职责,服从管理和接受督导,以安全为前提,以工作质量和效率为保障,完成在本合同中明示的工作任务。
2. 雇员必须灵活适应工作变化,有责任主动配合公司按期、按质完成各项工作任务。
1・雇主责任险保险单EMPLOYER n SLlABlLlTYlNsURANCEPOLICY保险单号码PoIicyNo.中保财*保险有限公司(以下简称本公司)按照背面所载条款的规走Z在本保险单保险期内Z承保下述雇主责任险,特立本保险单。
ThiSPOliCyOfI nsurancewit nessestheThePeople"sI nsura nce(Property)Compa ny OfChi na fL*d.(hereinaftercalledTheCompa ny,,)un dertakestOinSUreagai FistEmpIoyertLiabiIityInsura nceduringtheperiodofthelnsura ncesubjecttotheCla USeSPri ntedoverleaf.「姓名II I Name:I投保人I地址II TheAPPliCant ∣ Address: ∣「营业性质II I Trade/Occupation: |I地区范围IlI GeOgraPhiCaIArea |I保险期限I个月自零时至二十四时止II InSUredPeriOd |month(s)fromOO:OOOftO24.0OhOUrOf |I I雇员工种Illllll总计II I Employees" IIIllllII I OCCUPatiOn Illllll TOtal |「估计雇员人数「「「「I 雇员一览表I Est.number | |I SChedUleOf |OfEmPIOyeeS IllllllI EmPIOyeeS | ------■I I估计工资及其他收入总数IlllllllI ITOtaIEStl IlllI I WageS&other |I I allowances ∣∣ | |I丨丨赔偿限额丨费率丨保险费丨I I I LimitOfIndemnity ∣ Rate ∣ PremiUm |I雇主责任险丨--------------------- I --I EmPIOyer n S | 死亡Death |I LiabiIityCOVer | ----・I 伤残InjUry |I附加医药费保险I每人累计不超过I I I II AdCl.Medical | NOttOeXCeedinaCCUmUIatiOn ∣ | |I Exp.cover ∣ foranyOnepersOn ∣∣ | |I第三者责任险I累计每次事故I I I II T.P.Cover ∣ inaccumulatiOna.o.a. ∣∣ | |I保险费总数(预付)II TOtaIPremiUm |I (Paidinadvance) |「签字:丨I投保人对保险人的除外责任条款明确无误I I I I Signature: |I I Z theaPPliCant,CertifythatIfuIIy | |I I日期:XX年XX月XX日II UnderstandtheexclusiOnClauseshereof. |I I date:/// I________ 保险有限公司_________ (英文名称)日期:Date -------------------------------------2•中保财勺呆险有限公司雇主责任险条款—、责任范围凡被保险人所雇用的员工,在本保险有效期内, 在受雇过程中,从事本保险单所载明的被保险人的业务有关工作时,遭受意外而致受伤、死亡或患与业务有关的职业性疾病,所致伤残或死亡,被保险人根据雇用合同,须负医药费及经济赔偿责任,包括应支出的诉讼费用,本公司负责赔偿。
第二章保险责任第四条保险公司在本条款约定的保险责任范围内,对以下事故承担保险责任:1. 被保险人在生产、经营活动中,因工作原因导致其雇员发生意外事故,造成雇员的人身伤亡、残疾、疾病等;2. 被保险人在生产、经营活动中,因工作原因导致其雇员患有职业病;3. 被保险人依法应当承担的其他雇主责任。
第五条保险公司在保险责任范围内,按照下列规定承担赔偿责任:1. 对于因意外事故造成的雇员伤亡、残疾、疾病,保险公司按照实际赔偿金额予以赔偿,但最高不超过本条款约定的保险金额;2. 对于因职业病造成的雇员伤亡、残疾、疾病,保险公司按照实际赔偿金额予以赔偿,但最高不超过本条款约定的保险金额;3. 保险公司对于同一事故造成的雇员伤亡、残疾、疾病,按照实际赔偿金额承担一次赔偿责任,不得重复赔偿。
第五章保险合同的成立、生效和终止第九条保险合同的成立应当符合以下条件:1. 被保险人提交完整的投保资料;2. 保险公司同意承保并出具保险单。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX雇佣关系英文协议重点条款2024版版A版本合同目录一览1. 雇佣关系1.1 雇佣条款1.1.1 工作职责1.1.2 工作地点1.1.3 工作时间1.2 试用期1.2.1 试用期时长1.2.2 试用期工资1.3 雇佣期限1.3.1 固定期限1.3.2 续约条款1.4 薪资待遇1.4.1 基本工资1.4.2 奖金及提成1.4.3 社会保险1.4.4 公积金1.5 休假制度1.5.1 年假1.5.2 病假1.5.3 产假/陪产假1.6 劳动纪律1.6.1 考勤规定1.6.2 违纪处分1.6.3 保密协议1.7 合同解除与终止1.7.1 双方解除合同的条件 1.7.2 经济补偿1.7.3 合同终止后的权益处理 1.8 争议解决1.8.1 协商解决1.8.2 调解程序1.8.3 仲裁程序1.8.4 法律诉讼1.9 附则1.9.1 合同修改1.9.2 合同生效日期1.9.3 合同终止日期1.9.4 附件列表第一部分:合同如下:1. 雇佣关系1.1 雇佣条款1.1.1.1 甲方(用人单位)根据乙方(雇员)的个人能力、经验和专业背景,安排乙方在____________职位工作,具体职责如下: 乙方需按照甲方的工作要求和指示,认真履行工作职责,确保工作质量和效率。
1.1.2 工作地点1.1.2.1 乙方的日常工作地点为甲方所在地,如需到外地或者甲方分支机构工作,应提前通知乙方。
1.1.3 工作时间1.1.3.1 乙方的每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时。
具体工作时间安排如下: 正常工作时间为:周一至周五,上午9:00至下午18:00,中间休息1小时。 甲方因工作需要,可以要求乙方加班,乙方应按要求加班,加班工资按照法定标准支付。
1.2 试用期1.2.1 试用期时长1.2.1.1 乙方的试用期为____________个月,自乙方正式入职之日起计算。
EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY INSURANCECLASUEⅠ. Scope of coverThe company will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employment to pay medical expenses and compensation including legal costs in respect of death or bodily injury by accident or through occupational disease caused during the period of insurance to any employee or employees whilst being engaged, in the course of employment by the Insured, in the work connected with the Insured's trade as stated in the Policy.The aforesaid employees of the Insured shall include casual labour, seasonal and temporary workers and apprentices.Ⅱ. Limits of Indemnity1. Maximum amount of Indemnity in respect of death:Subject to the stipulation of the Policy.2. Maximum amount of Indemnity in respect of bodily injury:2.1 Permanent Disablement:Subject to the stipulation of the Policy.2.2 Partial Permanent Disablement:Maximum amount of Indemnity to be calculated by multiplying the percentages set forth in the Indemnity Scale of the Policy in respect of the injured part and extent of injury with the limit of Indemnity stipulated in the Policy.2.3 For temporary disablement for a period exceeding five days the compensation to be paid according to the salary of the employee for such period on being identified by a doctor.Remarks:1. The maximum amount of indemnity by the Company under each item mentioned hereinabove shall be in no case exceed the limit of indemnity indicated in the Policy.2. The monthly salary of the employee shall be his average salary of the twelve months preceding the day of accident or onset of sickness identified by a doctor. If the period of employment is less than twelve months, the monthly salary shall be arrived at or by averaging the salaries of the actual months under employment.Ⅲ. ExclusionsThe Company shall not be liable for:1. Death or bodily injury or disease arising from war, warlike operations, rebellion, strikes, riots or nuclear radiations.2. Death or bodily injury caused by or attributed to illness, infectious disease, childbirth or abortion and medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such illness, disease or event.3. Death or bodily injury caused by or attributed to intentional selfinjury, suicide or criminal act, intoxication or driving of motor vehicle of any type without a license.4. Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured.5. Insured's liability to employees of his contractors.Ⅳ. PremiumThe premium payable in advance at the time of effecting this insurance is to be calculated by basing on the Insured's estimate of the total amount of the wages/salaries, overtime pay, bonuses and other allowances payable by the insured to his employees during the period of insurance. The Insured shall, within one moth after the expiry date of this insurance, provide the Company with the exact amount of the wages/salaries, overtime pay, bonuses and other allowances actually paid to the employees during the period of insurance, so as to adjust the premium payable. Any difference between the premium paid in advance and that payable is to be paid to or refunded by the Company as the case may be.The Insured shall make proper records of the name of every employee together with the amount of wages/salaries, overtime pay, bonuses and other allowances, and promises that the Company may have access to such records for inspection at all times.Ⅴ. Treatment of Claim1. In the event of an occurrence falling within the scope of cover , the Insured shall give immediate notice thereof to the company with full details.2. No admission offer promise or payment shall be made by the Insured or his agent without the written consent of the Company. The Company shall have the right to institute legal proceedings or pursue recovery in the name of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.3. If there is in existence any other insurance covering the same liability, when a claim arises under this Policy, the Company shall only be liable for its proportion of the claim and costs.4. The time of validity of claim shall not exceed one year counting from the day of occurrence of accident.Ⅵ. Other Matters1. The Insured shall take reasonable measures to prevent accident and disease in this operation.2. This policy may be canceled at the request of the Insured at any time or by the Company by giving the Insured 15 days previous notice. The premium shall be adjusted according to the stipulation in Clauses IV hereinabove and return premium if any, shall be calculated pro rata.3. All disputes between the Insured and the Company shall be settled through friendly negotiation. Where a settlement fails after negotiation, arbitration or legal actions shall be carried out at the place where the defendant is domiciled.Additional Cover for Medical Expenses ClausesThis insurance is extended to cover all medical expenses including expenses for treatment , medicine, operation and hospitalization incurred by the employee in consequence of disease including infectious disease, childbirth and abortion during the period of this insurance irrespective of whether or not bodily injury is sustained. Unless otherwise agreed, payment of claims under this policy shall be made only in respect of expenses for treatments received from hospitals or clinics domiciled in China and upon presentation of certificates or bills issued by such hospitals or clinics. The maximumamount in respect of any one claim or claims shall not, in accumulation exceed the total amount of the medical expenses cover indicated in the Policy.Additional Third Party Liability InsuranceThis Insurance is extended to cover death or bodily injury to any third party or loss of or damage to the property of the third party caused by accident or negligence of the Insured's employee or employees whilst being engaged in the work connected with the Insured's trade as stated in the Policy during the currency of this Insurance and pensions, medical expenses and other relevant expenses to and incurred by the third party, for which the Insured is legally liable.The maximum amount of indemnity under the Third Party Liability Insurance shall be limited to the maximum amount specified in the Policy, and the amount of claim for death or bodily injury shall be limited to RenminbiY uan 50, 000.00 for each person.Employer's Liability Insurance with Indemnity ScaleProvisos:The sum or sums of indemnity provided in the Indemnity Scale shall be dealt with according to the following provisos:1. The total compensation made by the company in respect of any claim or claims accumulated shall not exceed the total amount insured.2. The Insured shall not be entitled to compensation under more than one of the items in the Scale in respect of any one accident.。
雇佣服务协议(中英文对照双语版) 精品
雇佣服务协议(中英文对照双语版) 精品雇佣服务协议(中英文对照双语版)本《雇佣服务协议》(以下简称“协议”)由以下双方于日期签署:雇主:地址:邮箱:雇员:地址:邮箱:1. 雇佣关系1.1 本协议规定的雇佣关系自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为合同生效之日起一年。
1.2 雇员应按约定工作时间、工作地点和工作内容履行职责,并且遵守雇主的规章制度。
1.3 雇员享有根据相关法律法规规定的劳动保护权益,雇主应按法律规定支付和享有合理的工作待遇。
2. 工作内容和责任2.1 雇员的主要工作内容包括(但不限于):- 提供指定领域的专业咨询服务;- 准确且及时地完成雇主交付的任务;- 合理管理个人时间和工作进度。
2.2 雇员应保护雇主的商业机密和敏感信息,并遵守相关保密协议。
2.3 雇员应按照雇主的要求和指示行事,并积极与雇主合作,在工作期间不得从事与雇主利益相抵触的活动。
3. 薪酬和福利3.1 雇员的薪酬和福利根据双方协商一致的标准确定,并按照约定的时间和方式支付。
3.2 雇员享有根据相关法律法规规定的福利待遇,包括但不限于社会保险、住房公积金等。
3.3 若雇员在工作期间表现出色,雇主有权根据实际情况给予适当的奖励或晋升机会。
4. 终止协议4.1 任何一方均可在提前书面通知对方一定期限后终止协议,但应遵守未完成的工作的处理和交接事宜。
4.2 若雇员违反协议的规定,雇主有权随时终止协议,并保留追究雇员法律责任的权利。
4.3 若出现以下情况之一,本协议立即终止:- 雇员涉及犯罪行为;- 雇员故意损害雇主的声誉或利益;- 雇员身体或精神健康原因无法履行工作职责。
5. 争议解决本协议履行过程中发生的争议应通过友好协商解决,协商不成时可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
6. 其他6.1 本协议未尽事宜由双方书面补充协议约定。
6.2 本协议一式两份,雇主和雇员各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
04.紧急运输费用条款兹经双方同意并约定,本附加险扩展承保被保险人的雇员在发生保险责任范围内的事故时,被保险人所必需支付的必要的紧急运输费用(包括直升机服务费用),本附加险的赔偿限额为每次事故 元。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX雇佣关系英文协议重点条款2024版版本合同目录一览1. 雇佣关系1.1 雇佣条款1.1.1 工作职责1.1.2 工作地点1.1.3 工作时间1.2 试用期1.2.1 试用期时长1.2.2 试用期内的工作表现评估1.3 雇佣期限1.3.1 合同期限1.3.2 续约条款1.4 工作性质1.4.1 全职/兼职1.4.2 临时/长期2. 薪资与福利2.1 薪资结构2.1.1 基本工资2.1.2 奖金与提成2.1.3 加薪与晋升2.2 社会保障2.2.1 医疗保险2.2.2 养老保险2.2.3 失业保险2.2.4 工伤保险2.2.5生育保险2.3 休假制度2.3.1 年假2.3.2 病假2.3.3 事假2.3.4 节假日加班安排3. 劳动纪律与保密协议3.1 劳动纪律3.1.1 工作态度3.1.2 考勤规定3.1.3 行为规范3.2 保密协议3.2.1 保密内容3.2.2 保密期限3.2.3 泄密后果4. 合同解除与终止4.1 解除条件4.1.1 双方协商一致4.1.2 员工主动离职 4.1.3 雇主解除合同 4.2 终止条件4.2.1 合同到期4.2.2 员工退休4.2.3 员工死亡5. 争议解决5.1 协商解决5.2 调解解决5.3 仲裁解决5.4 法律诉讼6. 其他条款6.1 合同修改与补充6.2 合同的生效与失效 6.3 法律适用6.4 争议管辖7. 附件7.1 员工简历7.2 薪资结构表7.3 福利制度说明7.4 保密协议附件第一部分:合同如下:1. 雇佣关系1.1 雇佣条款1.1.1 工作职责1.1.1.1 员工将被雇佣担任[具体职位名称],其主要职责包括但不限于:[具体职责描述]。
1.1.2 工作地点1.1.2.1 员工的工作地点为[具体工作地点]。
1.1.3 工作时间1.1.3.1 员工的工作时间为标准的全职工作周,即每周工作40小时,具体工作安排由雇主根据业务需要调整。
EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSURED1.Enterprises including but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.2.The aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGE3.The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employment and at laws and regulations of the People′s Republic of China to pay medical expenses and other economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to and off work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured′s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONS4.The Insurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured′s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5) Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured′s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwise stated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise stated;8) Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITY5.The limit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured’s employee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUM6.An appropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Rate makes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCE7.The insurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIM8.When lodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents required by the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.9.In the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for the death of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1) In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2) In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injuryallowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injury stipulated in the Schedule of this Policy.3) In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Y uan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensations both for death and bodily injury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment and that to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.10.If a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance covering the same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated in the Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.11.The effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURED12.The Insured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.13.The Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.14.The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.15.The Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any material change of the subject insured in the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and the premium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any claim resulting therefrom.16.In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating the accident;2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3) Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receipt thereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.17.If the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16, the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy or to canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONS18.Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.19.Policy TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.20.Policy CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.21.Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then inany of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.22.SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.23.DisputeRegarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should be submitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.。
01. Claim Made Basis Clause以索赔提出为基础批单(期内索赔式)It is hereby agreed and amended:1. This insurance apply to "bodily injury" and "property damage" resulting from an occurrence which first commences on and after the retroactive date designated in schedule, only if:(1)A claim for damage because of "bodily injury" and "property damage" is first made in writing against any insured during the policy period and(2) Any insured did not know or could not have reasonably foreseen such occurrence at the effective date of this Policy.2. As used in this endorsement:(1) "A claim" by a person or organization seeking damage will be deemed to have been made when written notice of such claim is received by any insured or by the Company, whichever comes first;(2) "All claim" for damage because of "bodily injury" to the same person as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have been made at the time the first of those claims is made against any insured;(3) "All claim" for damage because of "property damaged" causing loss to the same person or organization as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have made at the time the first of those claim is made against any insured.1、以索赔提出为基础批单(期内索赔式)兹经双方同意修正:(1)本保险仅在下列条件下适用于在本保险单明细表中列明的追溯期开始后发生的事故引起的“人身伤害”和“财产损失”:1)由于“人身伤害”和“财产损失”引起的任何索赔,必须在本保险单有效期限内以书面形式向任一被保险人提出第一次索赔;2)任何被保险人在本保险单生效之日对事故的发生都不知情或不能合理预见;(2)批单中“任何索赔”和“全部索赔”含义如下:1)任何个人或组织寻求损失补偿的“任何索赔”,在任一被保险人或公司收到书面通知后(以先收到为准),即视为该索赔已经提出;2)同一个人在一次事故中因人身伤害而向任何一个被保险人第一次提出索赔时,即被视为“全部索赔”已经提出;3)同一个人或组织在一次事故中因财产损失而向任何一个被保险人第一次提出索赔时,即被视为“全部索赔”已经提出。
常用保险术语保险费率 premium rate单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。
损失 loss非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。
损失程度 loss severity保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。
直接损失 direct loss由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。
间接损失 indirect loss由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。
保险 insurance投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。
财产保险 property insurance以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。
企业财产保险 commercial property insurance以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。
营业中断保险 business interruption insurance以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。
机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。
货物运输保险 cargo insurance以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。
海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。
陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
航空货物运输保险 air cargo insurance以通过航空运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
工程保险 engineering insurance;project insurance以工程项目中的财产及其赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
一、保险责任1. 本保险合同约定的雇主责任险,是指被保险人在其经营活动中,因其雇员在从事雇佣活动时遭受意外伤害或疾病导致残疾或死亡,依法应承担的经济赔偿责任。
2. 保险责任范围包括但不限于以下情况:(1)被保险人雇员在雇佣期间因工作原因发生的意外伤害事故,导致残疾或死亡的,保险人按照本合同约定负责赔偿。
二、责任免除1. 以下情况不属于本保险合同的保险责任范围:(1)被保险人雇员自身疾病、精神疾病、自杀或故意犯罪导致的残疾或死亡。
2. 保险人不承担以下责任:(1)被保险人雇员在雇佣期间因工作原因发生的意外伤害事故或疾病,但事故发生地不在本保险合同约定的保险区域内的。
三、赔偿限额1. 本保险合同约定的赔偿限额,是指保险人按照本合同约定,在保险期间内对被保险人雇员的赔偿总额。
2. 赔偿限额按照以下标准确定:(1)被保险人雇员因意外伤害事故导致残疾或死亡的,赔偿限额为本合同约定的保险金额。
四、保险期间1. 本保险合同的保险期间自被保险人支付保险费之日起至保险期满之日止。
EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSUREDincluding but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGEInsurer will indemnify the Insured against his liabilityunder the contract of employment and at laws and regulations of the People′s Republic of China to pay medical expenses and other economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to and off work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured′s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONSInsurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured′s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5) Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured′s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwise stated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise stated;8) Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITYlimit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured’s employee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUMappropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Ratemakes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCEinsurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIMlodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents required by the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for thedeath of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1) In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2) In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injury allowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injury stipulated in the Scheduleof this Policy.3) In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Yuan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensationsboth for death and bodily injury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment and that to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance covering the same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated in the Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSUREDInsured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any material change of the subject insuredin the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and the premium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any claim resulting therefrom.the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating the accident; 2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3) Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receiptthereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16, the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy or to canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONSEffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or inthe connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.Where a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.Regarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should be submitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.。
EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSURED1.Enterprises including but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.2.The aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGE3.The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employment and at laws and regulations of the People′s Republic of China to pay medical expenses and other economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to and off work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured′s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONS4.The Insurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured′s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5) Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured′s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwise stated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise stated;8) Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITY5.The limit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured’s employee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUM6.An appropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Rate makes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCE7.The insurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIM8.When lodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents required by the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.9.In the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for the death of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1) In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2) In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injuryallowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injury stipulated in the Schedule of this Policy.3) In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Yuan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensations both for death and bodily injury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment and that to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.10.If a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance covering the same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated in the Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.11.The effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURED12.The Insured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.13.The Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.14.The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.15.The Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any material change of the subject insured in the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and the premium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any claim resulting therefrom.16.In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating the accident;2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3) Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receipt thereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.17.If the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16, the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy or to canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONS18.Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.19.Policy TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.20.Policy CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.21.Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then inany of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.22.SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.23.DisputeRegarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should be submitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.。
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EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSURED1.Enterprises including but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.2.The aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGE3.The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employment and at laws and regulations of the People′s Republic of China to pay medical expenses and other economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to and off work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured′s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONS4.The Insurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured′s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5) Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured′s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwise stated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise stated;8) Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITY5.The limit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured’s employee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUM6.An appropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Rate makes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCE7.The insurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIM8.When lodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents required by the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.9.In the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for the death of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1) In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2) In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injuryallowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injury stipulated in the Schedule of this Policy.3) In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Y uan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensations both for death and bodily injury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment and that to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.10.If a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance covering the same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated in the Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.11.The effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURED12.The Insured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.13.The Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.14.The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.15.The Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any material change of the subject insured in the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and the premium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any claim resulting therefrom.16.In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating the accident;2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3) Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receipt thereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.17.If the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16, the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy or to canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONS18.Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.19.Policy TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.20.Policy CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.21.Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then inany of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.22.SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.23.DisputeRegarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should be submitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.。