北外 跨文化管理 作业Assignment 01
跨文化管理与沟通作业指导书第1章跨文化管理概述 (3)1.1 文化与跨文化管理 (3)1.2 跨文化管理的重要性 (3)1.3 跨文化管理的主要理论 (3)第2章跨文化沟通的基本概念 (4)2.1 沟通与跨文化沟通 (4)2.2 跨文化沟通的障碍 (4)2.3 跨文化沟通的有效策略 (5)第3章文化差异与沟通风格 (5)3.1 文化维度理论 (5)3.1.1霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论 (5)3.1.2霍尔文化维度理论 (5)3.1.3特朗皮纳斯文化维度理论 (6)3.2 东西方文化差异 (6)3.2.1价值观差异 (6)3.2.2沟通风格差异 (6)3.2.3时间观念差异 (6)3.3 沟通风格在跨文化背景下的体现 (6)3.3.1语言表达 (6)3.3.2非言语沟通 (6)3.3.3沟通节奏 (6)3.3.4沟通礼貌 (6)第4章跨文化团队管理 (7)4.1 跨文化团队的构成与挑战 (7)4.1.1 成员构成 (7)4.1.2 文化差异 (7)4.1.3 组织结构 (7)4.2 跨文化团队的建设与维护 (8)4.2.1 团队建设 (8)4.2.2 团队维护 (8)4.2.3 团队激励 (8)4.3 跨文化团队的沟通策略 (8)第5章跨文化谈判 (9)5.1 跨文化谈判的特点与挑战 (9)5.1.1 特点 (9)5.1.2 挑战 (9)5.2 跨文化谈判的策略与技巧 (9)5.2.1 策略 (9)5.2.2 技巧 (10)5.3 跨文化谈判的案例分析 (10)第6章跨文化企业战略管理 (10)6.1.1 战略背景分析 (11)6.1.2 战略目标设定 (11)6.1.3 战略路径选择 (11)6.1.4 战略资源配置 (11)6.2 跨文化企业战略的实施与调整 (11)6.2.1 战略分解与落实 (11)6.2.2 组织结构优化 (11)6.2.3 人力资源管理 (11)6.2.4 风险管理与控制 (11)6.2.5 战略监测与调整 (11)6.3 跨文化企业战略的沟通与推广 (12)6.3.1 内部沟通 (12)6.3.2 外部沟通 (12)6.3.3 品牌推广 (12)6.3.4 跨文化培训 (12)6.3.5 信息传播 (12)第7章跨文化领导力 (12)7.1 跨文化领导力的特点与挑战 (12)7.1.1 特点 (12)7.1.2 挑战 (12)7.2 跨文化领导力的培养与发展 (13)7.2.1 培养跨文化意识 (13)7.2.2 增强领导风格适应性 (13)7.2.3 提高同理心和冲突解决能力 (13)7.3 跨文化领导力的案例分析 (13)第8章跨文化企业培训与教育 (13)8.1 跨文化企业培训的重要性 (14)8.1.1 增强跨文化沟通能力 (14)8.1.2 促进企业文化融合 (14)8.1.3 提高企业竞争力 (14)8.1.4 降低跨文化冲突风险 (14)8.2 跨文化企业培训的方法与内容 (14)8.2.1 培训方法 (14)8.2.2 培训内容 (14)8.3 跨文化企业教育的实践与评估 (15)8.3.1 实践方法 (15)8.3.2 评估方法 (15)第9章跨文化冲突管理 (15)9.1 跨文化冲突的类型与原因 (15)9.1.1 类型: (15)9.1.2 原因: (16)9.2 跨文化冲突的解决策略 (16)9.2.1 增强跨文化意识: (16)9.2.3 调整组织结构和管理方式: (16)9.2.4 增进合作共识: (16)9.3 跨文化冲突的案例分析 (16)第10章跨文化企业未来发展趋势 (17)10.1 全球化背景下的跨文化企业挑战与机遇 (17)10.1.1 挑战 (17)10.1.2 机遇 (17)10.2 跨文化企业的发展策略与建议 (17)10.2.1 增强跨文化意识 (17)10.2.2 构建跨文化团队 (17)10.2.3 制定灵活的人力资源政策 (17)10.2.4 优化供应链管理 (17)10.3 跨文化企业成功案例分析与实践展望 (18)10.3.1 成功案例分析 (18)10.3.2 实践展望 (18)第1章跨文化管理概述1.1 文化与跨文化管理文化是一个国家或地区在长期的历史发展过程中形成的共同价值观、信仰、行为规范和生活方式的总和。
第一单元单选题1 根据“文化层次理论”以下选项中属于“中层文化”的是( )A. 一个国家的建筑风格B. 一个民族使用的语言C. 中国人用筷子吃饭D. 墨西哥人认为“工作是为了生活”2 根据文化的“冰山理论”以下文化现象中不属于文化的隐形部分的是() ) A. 绘画、电影、音乐等艺术作品B. 西方人采用分餐,而中国人喜欢分享菜肴C. 中国人认为“加班”是工作勤奋的表现D. 在美国,陌生人见面时通过握手来表示友好3 比较以下几种企业的经验战略,哪种战略几乎不受到文化差异的影响(A. 地区内经营战略B. 全球经营战略C. 跨地区经营战略D. 跨国经营战略4 以下哪个地区的企业组织结构最为扁平( ))A. 亚洲B. 非洲C. 北美D. 欧洲 5 以下那个现象会出现在美国的公司当中(A. 公司的中层领导由企业老总任命B. 公司员工之间强调等级和人际关系C. 公司的每个岗位都有职位描述,有完善的绩效评估体制D. 公司中决策的程序是自上而下6 以下哪个国家的人极有可能会为了工作效率,越级处理事情( )A. 瑞典B. 印尼C. 西班牙D. 中国7 以下哪个国家的文化认为“企业的管理者不必一定是该领域的专家”()A. 美国B. 法国C. 日本D. 西班牙8 以下哪个公司的经营策略没有考虑到当地文化的因素( )A. 尼桑汽车公司结合美国人的口味来设计SUV 汽车B. 肯德基积极开发适合中国人口味的食品C. 星巴克在北京的故宫中建立分店D. 诺基亚专门设计在中国市场推销的手机技术9 以下哪种表述不能体现了一个公司的价值观( )A. 公司员工都是来自于同一个地区B. 公司的员工都穿同样的工作服C. 公司会庆祝每位员工的生日D. 公司采用弹性上班时间1 0 以下选项中对文化的定义较全面的一项是( )A. 文化是一切人工创造的环境B. 被一群体人共享的价值观念系统C. 文化是人的“心里程序”D. 文化是某一群体解决解决问题所采用的途径和方法第一单元判断题1 隐性文化包含中层文化和核心文化两部分。
Guidance on Case Analysis1. Requirements:S tep 1: Normative-level analysisAt this step, these questions need to be addressed: w hat cultural differences made the involved parties behave in this way? What normative cultural attributes caused the cross-cultural clash?第一步从文化特征的角度来分析,找到双方不同的价值观。
S tep 2: Behavioral-level analysisAt this step, thi s question needs to be addressed: what behaviors of each party caused the clash?第二步从行为的角度来分析,指出矛盾冲突点。
S tep 3: Giving behavioral-level suggestionsAt thi s step, these questions need to be addressed: what should have been done by each party to avoid the clash? What might be done by each party to save the situation?第三步在行为层面给出建议。
2. Sample:Shan Zhou is a well-established Chinese scholar in civil engineering. He had been cooperating with P aul, an American engineer on a large project. P aul had been to China tw ice for the project. Shan Zhou took great care of him on each vi s it, arranging everything from accommodation to making sure that one or more of his students w ould go with him w henever he needed to do something. Frequently Shan Zhou invited P aul to home for meals or went to restaurants with him. He also made arrangements w ith some of his students to travel around the city with P aul, to help him w ith shopping, and to socialize with him. P aul w as very grateful, but repeatedly told Shan Zhou that he could take care of himsel f. Yet Shan Zhou continued to be very attentive.E ventually, Shan Zhou went to the United S tates to work with P aul for hal f a year. P aul picked him up at the airport and took him directly to his temporary accommodations. P aul apologized that he had to go home to take care of his two children, and that he would take Shan Zhou out for dinner some day.Shan Zhou did not speak much E nglish and it was his first visit to the S tates. He felt like a stranger and expected P aul to at least send hi s students to help him around, like what he had done for P aul in China. But that did not happen. P aul did take him out to a nice restaurant one evening, and invited him to his home once.Shan Zhou had expected more from P aul, especially after all the help he had gi v en to P aul. He w as very disappointed and hurt by P aul, thinking that P aul should at least return the favor he had done to him. Shan Zhou w as so hurt that he said to a good friend that he w ould not take that much care of P aul any more if he went to China again. In fact, Shan Zhou was so upset that his working relationship with P aul suffered. P aul noticed the change but did not know where the tension came from.3. Sample analysis:Shan Zhou comes from a collectivist culture which emphasizes reciprocal bonds and duties toward in-group members. P aul comes from an individualistic culture whi c h values independence and self-sufficiency.Working w ith P aul, Shan Zhou considered him as an in-group member, w ho, away from home, deserved good care from other members of the group. So he displayed his over hospitality by arranging everything from accommodation to making sure that one or more of his students would go with him w henever he needed to do something or travel around the city. When it was hi s turn to w ork in a foreign country, he expected the same treatment for him, but P aul, as an individualist, believed in independence and thought everybody should take care of himself. So he didn't get involved too much with Shan Zhou's life, besides settling him dow n and inviting him to diner for once. Shan Zhou, not realizing the cultural di f ferences, was disappointed and hurt by P aul. Both Shan Zhou and P aul communicated only from their ow n cultural perspecti v e and thus caused miscommunication.T o avoid miscommunication, Shan Zhou and P aul should learn more about each other's culture and behaveaccordingly. As the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." I think Shan Zhou could have learned to be more independent and made his ow n deci s ions instead of waiting to be taken good care of while in US .。
管理学作业答题纸人力资源管理 01次作业(第1-4单元)答题纸学籍号:131111010005 姓名:马淑武分数:专业:工商管理本次作业满分为100分。
题目1 [50 分] 1、上述情况反映了一个什么问题?答:案例反映了目前有些组织中,人力资源管理工作没有及时跟上组织和业务的发展需要,造成人力资源工作与其他部门工作的脱节。
题目2 [50 分] 1、宝洁公司为什么只招收应届大学毕业生?文档答:第一、因为宝洁公司实施了内部提升制。
跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management 英语作文
![跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management 英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6de116e3bed5b9f3f80f1cdb.png)
Cross Cultural Management >Cross-Cultural Management Essay:Cross-cultural management is the administration’s study to understand the influence of societal culture on managers and management practice and individual managers’ research and the organization’s cultural orientations. There are different length essays on cross-cultural management to guide you in exams, speeches and class projects. I hope you find them useful.Long and Short Essays on Cross-Cultural Management for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Cross-Cultural Management” for reference.Short Essay on Cross-Cultural Management 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Cross-Cultural Management is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.As the word suggests, Cross-cultural is studying the difference among people of different nations, backgrounds and ethnicities and the need to bridge the gap between them. According to the business terms, it means to build a gap in other culture employees at work. Globalization has taken over big and some small business houses, Cross-cultural management has become of vital importance.Studies show that employees taught to understand different cultures to have no trouble caused due to different backgrounds. The need to study and implement cross-culturalmanagement in business houses is due to the workforce’s diversity. As the market’s horizons are increasing the organizations to attain success and create goodwill in customer’s and employees’ eyes, they need to change management.The new age demands cross-cultural management. The various techniques followed are group activities, formal training about the culture difference, regular interaction with the employees—a defined set of rules and instructions to motivate the employees in the diversified environment. A team leader mustwork very hard and understand the employees to achieve the diversified firm to progress. The most significant benefit of a cross-cultural firm is the increase in the employees’ crea tivity and innovation and the products and ideas generated.Long Essay on Cross-Cultural Management 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Cross-Cultural Management is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Cross-cultural management is the management of the cross-culture differences among businesspeople of different nations and backgrounds. Cross-cultural training has improved an individual‘s relationships with host nationals and adjusts more rapidly to the new culture. The organization’s primary purpose of implementing cross-cultural management at all employees’ levels is to design a feasible organization structure and management mechanism.The crisis faced by a firm in implementing cross-cultural management are:1. The communication: The team leader’s problem is to explain different cultured people about each other and get them on the samepage. Teamwork needs all the employees to understand each other. Some cultures have various forms of working. Different cultured people should understand the environment outside the area of work. Sometimes to get to know each other, a brief understanding of culture is required as some cultures do not like small talks like Germans but straight business talks.2. Information Gaps: Everybody should have set goals and objectives clear to them. Helps in building confidence among the employees and avoids confusion. If the rules and regulations areclear, then no overlapping of tasks and hostility arises. Every work culture has a different pattern and speed of working, but the firm is fixed about how to communicate, then fewer chances of conflicts occur.3. Workstyle: All work cultures have different styles of work. Some prefer individual over group contribution while some are vice versa. If the team members understand the or ganisation’s work ethics and respect each other’s working style, achieving the desired results becomes more comfortable.4. Influences: Tensions can arise if two or three people in the same team with the same ideologies work in the same team. It is better to avoid such conflicts as regular team motivating, and other group activities initiated. Team members should be encouraged to spend time together to create trust and understanding amongst themselves. Team and group dynamics harmony is a must for progress.5. Motivation factors: As the firm has taken a step towards diversification. Similarly, they need to bring out unique and individual motivation factors for the diversified teams’ employees. Aunified motivational method used for the entire organization should not in diversified group perks and benefits motivate the employees better. Some individuals show better work spirits if appreciated individually, while some show better work skills if recognized as a group.ConclusionA unique opportunity is to manage a multi-cultured organization; the firms following it has created a brand image in international and national markets. Goodwill precedes the firm with a diverse culture, Creating creativity and innovations by the team’s employees. Asdifferent types of people will bring variety in the thought and beliefs of work, so monotonous or similarity is not a part of the group. The modern way to progress for a firm with multi-cultured talent is to tap it carefully and not miss out on the opportunity. Mostly a clear understanding and developing a straightforward way of communication is only needed to attain the common goals of progress.Cross-Cultural management 800 words in EnglishIntroductionCross-cultural management is the study in which people with different backgrounds and cultures work in the same firm. People with diversified cultures work together in harmony in an organization. There are various aspects to the concept as it is not easy to manage multicultural people.How to Manage a cross-cultural team programStatistically, a cross-cultural team performs 35% more efficient than a standard group. But to derive their best potential and tap on the best resources, the common link needs to be understood. Some managements are scared totake the risk of culturally diverse teams to hamper the industry’s outcome.Some ways to help in cross-cultural management among team membersTry to understand each member individually understand each member’s potential; it is essential to understand their skills and strengths individually before working with them. It will benefit you to steer the group better, but tapping a resource beneficial for the whole group is possible.1. Adopt flexibility: Two major areas in this sector are scheduling and decision making. Different cultures give importance to different values some are flexible, and some are linear time construct on finishing a project.2. Encourage communication: For greater efficiency; every member needs to voice their opinion. To not let any negative emotions build up as under pressure and not appreciated, members dominated by other team members or the management; it is vital to have an open conversation line. Ensure each members participation during the meeting, each andeveryone should be freely able to give the opinions.3. Motivate team-building activities: To build any relationship; it is essential to spend time together. The leader could plan special activities like happy hours, lunch, outings, team birthday parties and pantry chit chat. Communication should be encouraged during the downtime of the employee to help build stronger ties.4. Listen actively: It is essential to communicate and listen with an open mind and not form opinions based on prejudice in the office’s culture. Suppose a general notion is thereregarding a particular section’s performance in the office or the branch in another country. In that case, a good leader should try to understand that place’s work culture before forming an opinion.5. Structure of rules: It is vital to have a structured set of rules for team members to perform best to their ability. In a culturally diversified group, it becomes furthermore essential to have uniformity of norms to achieve success. While forming those rules, the cultural difference should be kept in mind.6. Resolve conflict immediately: A team leader should act as the cultural bridge between its team members and resolve any hostility directly. Waiting for long before resolving minor issues can end up into more significant issues. A team leader should be prompt in taking the decision and solving any problems.7. Create a cross-cultural awareness program: To understand different cultures of the people working together and the customers for whom the management is working. A general awareness program should be organised,including general greetings, business etiquettes and dining custom.Importance of Cross-Cultural ManagementA progressive organization to understand the need of the employees and the environment is working in diversity beliefs. As said by, Fred Luthans, ‘Diversity is the presence of members of different ages, genders, ethnic groups and educational background s in the organization.” There are people from different backgrounds in an organisation but with a common goal to achieve success, which is achieved only by cross-cultural management.1. Globalization: As more and more firms are reaching out to different countries. To understand the need of the employees working and the work environment in which the management has to work. It is vital to diversify the stream of employees in the firm to achieve success.2. Meet the competition: Diversity in the firm helps to meet the competition as the competitive market increases daily to cover higher skies and complete the match. Different people needed in the firm’s structure.3. Creativity at its best: People with same backgrounds tend to have similar ideas and relate to a problem similarly. In a diverse environment, people with different backgrounds come up with other ideas as they react differently in the same domain. The difference in the organization’s cultural climate leads to creativity development when people of different backgrounds get a healthy environment to work and respect each other. A place which encourages freedom of speech it nurtures creativity and innovation.4. Diverse market reaches: A company with a diverse environment can reach out to the better market of customers base and the needs of the everchanging market. Studies have shown that companies with diverse workforce end in higher production and better market grip. A brand image built because of the cross-cultural environment of the organization.Cross-Cultural Management ConclusionCross-cultural management is the need of all progressive organizations. An organization can maintain and achieve a diverse workforce by friendly policies like flextime, telecommuting, jobsharing, part-time job, and special care unit for small babies. However, it is not an easy job to train mindsets which have developed. To create a friendly environment among the vast cultural differences requires a set of rules and regulations following cultural differences in mind.a multicultural organization, a tolerant climate is needed.。
跨文化管理(02次作业)Assignment 02
![跨文化管理(02次作业)Assignment 02](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/75a1ae210066f5335a812182.png)
第1页(共6页)管理学作业答题纸跨文化管理 02次作业(第5-8单元)答题纸学籍号: 131111010005姓名:马淑武学习中心:北京外国语大学总部学习中心分数:班级:工商管理批改老师:本次作业满分为100分。
题目1 [50 分] 题目:从知识管理的角度出发,分析乐高集团的独特的跨文化管理理念。
1403批次之前的,北外《跨文化管理 》自测1-8单元
![1403批次之前的,北外《跨文化管理 》自测1-8单元](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e032350f482fb4daa58d4b91.png)
1 根据“文化层次理论”以下选项中属于“中层文化”的是()
A. 一个国家的建筑风格
B. 一个民族使用的语言
C. 中国人用筷子吃饭
D. 墨西哥人认为“工作是为了生活”
你的答案 D
2 根据文化的“冰山理论”以下文化现象中不属于文化的隐形部分的是()
A. 绘画、电影、音乐等艺术作品
B. 西方人采用分餐,而中国人喜欢分享菜肴
C. 中国人认为“加班”是工作勤奋的表现
D. 在美国,陌生人见面时通过握手来表示友好
你的答案 A
3 比较以下几种企业的经验战略,哪种战略几乎不受到文化差异的影响()
A. 地区内经营战略
B. 全球经营战略
C. 跨地区经营战略
D. 跨国经营战略
你的答案 A
1 隐性文化包含中层文化和核心文化两部分。
A. 正确
B. 错误
你的答案 A
2 任何表层文化都是社会价值观的直观体现。
A. 正确
B. 错误
你的答案 A
跨文化管理模拟试题(请和本学期公布的大纲核对,红色答案来自答疑系统,供参考)一.选择题(下列每一小题有四个答案,请选择正确的一个)1.服装属于文化洋葱的(A):a. 最外表的一层b. 第二层c. 第三层d. 最里面的一层2. A 的领导人常常与皇家贵族相联系,因此在公司里总有许多裙带关系,儿子们、侄子们和弟兄们身居要位(A)。
a. 阿拉伯国家b. 印度c. 丹麦d. 美国3.下列关于全球化经理人和全球化领导的叙述,那个是不正确的(C)A.这两个概念是有区别的;B.经理指的是具有专业管理能力,即计划,控制,组织,引导能力的人;C.领导靠的是权威,经理靠的是威信。
7.(B)常由 10—12名成员组成,履行其上级交给的任务。
北外战略管理 作业 Assignment 02 北外作业全覆盖
![北外战略管理 作业 Assignment 02 北外作业全覆盖](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7a3bb6725c52cc58bd6bee9.png)
学习中心:奥鹏南京直属专业: _____工商管理____________
题目1 [50 分]
题目2 [50 分] 1.从案例内容来看,危机管理会议是德国汉莎航空总裁、客户、管理
跨文化管理期末作业(2012-2013学年第二学期)一、简答(英语作答)1. Hofstede discovered four dimensions of cultural difference in his early study. They are:●Power Distance●Uncertainty Avoidance●Individualism vs. Collectivism,●Masculinity vs. Femininity.Try to explain how these cultural differences influence organizational structure and style. ANSWER:The greatest influences on the organizational structure factor is "acceptable degree of power distance" and "to prevent the degree of uncertainty." This is because the organization's main function is to distribute power and reduce or prevent the operation of uncertainty. France received a large degree of power disparity, and urgent operations required to prevent uncertainty and therefore tend to "pyramid" type of traditional hierarchies. Although there is a strong Federal Republic of Germany to prevent the psychological uncertainty, but the gap between the power to accept a lesser extent, so pay attention to the rules system. United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland and other countries, to accept the extent of the power gap in the intermediate state, so in such countries is a variety of organizational forms coexist.2. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's proposes that all human societies must face six key problems:●Basic Nature of Human Beings●Relation to the Nature●Relationships among people●Human activity●Orientation to Time●Use of SpaceDescribe any two Values Orientations of this theory and explain with examples.ANSWER:(1)What is human nature?Taking the Three character primer into consideration, we can easily get to know that men are born innocent in Chinese culture, at least in traditional culture. Back to ancient time, all of the aristocracy, as well as the sadhu, such as Confucius, Zhuxi and so on, place more importance on the morality, which is the dominant principle in our society. Thus, people in our country pay more attention on the morality but law in the past, which may better indicate the nature of human beings in our culture.(2)What is the relationship between humans and nature?Nowadays, our government advocates build a harmonious society, as the importance of environmental conservation has been realized with the development of society. However, in fact, Laozi has advocated a harmonious relationship with nature in three thousand years ago. Besides, our ancestors show respect for the nature, as well as the emperor regard he is the son of Heaven, which helps to uncover the relationship between men and nature. What’ more, there a re many typical concepts also suggest it, including geomancy, fengshui and others. Therefore, compared with the view that man’s subjugation to nature or the conquest of nature, our culture is more harmonious.(3)What is the relationship between humans?In addition to the above question, the relationship between humans seems more significant as it involves in everyone in the society.In contrast to the westners’ being individualism, people in our country tend to cooperate with each other, which may called collectivist. Thinking about ourselves, for many of us cannot help but seeking advice from the people around us, consciously or unconsciously. However, responsibility may not be taken when problems occur as we tend to think that the task is relative to the whole group.With the rise of globalization, the communication among different cultures becomes frequent. A growing number of Chinese companies attach more importance to individual competence and achievement. Thus, the relationship between humans is tending to group oriented.(4)What is the orientation to time?When it comes to China, foreigners cannot help but thinking about its’ long history, so it is. Therefore, people in our country enjoy the history and learn from the history, as there are many wisdom we can get from this and help us deal with the problem we encounter. Apart from this, with the development of society, many Chinese people are not limited to the past, but also consider the present and the future, which may be beneficial for us.After reading the above information, you may get a clear acknowledge about Chinese cultural value, which may help you understand China better. And you can also compare it with others cultural values, so you can find the characters about Chinese cultures.3. Trompenaars summarizes the cultures mainly in 7 dimensions:●Universalism Vs. Particularism●Neutral Vs. Affective●Specific Vs. Diffuse●Achievement vs. ascription●Monochronic vs. Polychronic●Internal control vs. External control●Individualism vs. CollectivismDescribe any two cultural dimensions of Trompenaars’ study and explain with examples. ANSWER:Universalism Vs. Particularism(1). Features of cultures with high universalism:Focusing on formal rules than on relationships; adhering to contracts closely; a deal is a deal(2). Features of cultures with high particularism:Focusing on relationships and trust than on rules; circumstances dictating the modification of legal contracts; often changing the way deals are executedCase: Malpensa airportThe Protestant Dutch stuck to following the contract. The prepayment of some $100 million for the development of Malpensa airport was one of the central conditions. The Italians saw it as a sign of the seriousness of the alliance, rather than of the financial evaluation of the investment. When the investment failed to go according to schedule, the Dutch began discussing prepayments; a contract is a contract. The Italians had all kinds of reasons why it was not going as planned. They refused to discuss the signed contract: “What’s the problem? We’ll do it in another way.” As a result, Dutch side withdrew their money. And their alliance turned out to be a failure.Discussion: From a cultural perspective, explain why the alliance failed.Individualism vs. Collectivism(1). Features of cultures with high individualism:Individual decision-making on the spot; achieving things alone; assuming a great deal of personal responsibility(2).Features of cultures with high communitarianism:Group decision-making; achieving things in group; assuming responsibility jointlyCase: An alliance of the R&D activities of a large international oil company operating in the Netherlands with their Japanese counterparts led to an interesting discussion on how to implement a reward structure. The alliance involved predominantly Dutch, British, American, Germans, and Japanese who all needed to work in multicultural teams.An individual bonus scheme could be implemented which would stimulate the Americans and British to be even more competitive.The communitarian Japanese and Germans would be severelydemotivated by this type of reward system. Alternatively we could design and implement a team bonus.Great for the Japanese. But would it motivate the Anglo Saxons? No way.Discussion:What’s your solut ion to this dilemma? Take a compromise and have a mixed system of 50 percent variable pay based on team performance and 50 percent on individual bonus.4. What are High context and Low context cultures? Please discuss their influence oncross-cultural communication.ANSWER:High context cultures :Most of information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message. Low context cultures:The mass of theinformation is vested in the explicit code.High and low context culture communication guide restricts the language units of choice, the expression of meaning and understanding. The cultural differences often causes communication obstacles, because it affects information acquisition, hinder people's communication. In actual communication, on the one hand, we must respect others' culture, subscribe to other people's communication mode, on the other hand, we also can't forget their national cultural characteristics. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, reached a consensus, and promote the communication is our purpose.5. Try to analyze cross-cultural differences in negotiation.ANSWER:(1)Different regions of people have different ways with work。
Chapter 1 CulturePart I questionsCase 11.What have you learned about Indian culture from this caseThe Indian culture is diverse and composed by the traditional custom and the newly concepts.Text A the Nature of Culture1.In what way is culture like an icebergSome of the elements which make up culture are visible, whereas others are hard to discover. The idea behind this model is that culture can be pictured as an iceberg: only a very small portion of the iceberg can be seen above the water.What features of culture can you infer from this simileThe visible parts of culture are just expressions of its invisible parts. And it is difficult to understand people with different cultural backgrounds-we may observe the visible parts of “their iceberg”, but we cannot immediately see what are the foundations that these parts rest upon.2.What features of culture can you infer from the metaphor “culture isour software”Human around the world are physically pretty much the same. Culture provides the difference and transformation as software. As with any good software, we are vaguely aware of it as we use it.3.In what way is culture like the water a fish swims inOur culture is so much a part of who we are and what the word is like for us that we do not notice it. We take it for granted. For most people, for most of their lives, everything they see and do take place in the same culture.4.According to your understanding of all the similes and metaphors inthis text, what does culture include and what features does culture have Culture is the grammar of our behavior. It includes all the rules that make actions meaningful to the people around them. People learn their cultural grammar unconsciously and apply its rules automatically. It is difficult to describe the meaning system of people’s own culture.Text B Definitions of culture1. According to your understanding of all the definitions in this text, what does culture include and what features does culture haveCulture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religious, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.Text C Characteristics of Culturepare features of culture you have concluded from text A and B withthe characteristics of culture in text CI n text C culture is learned, dynamic, pervasive, integrated and adaptive.2.Do you know any others channels through which culture is learned Listthem down.Legend, tales, folk songs, drawing, or daily life.3.In what sense is culture dynamic Explain with examples.Cultures are constantly changing over time. . the American civil war and china’s opium war brought great social and cultural changes to both societies.4.In what sense is culture pervasive Explain with examples.Culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influence the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we believe. Culture pervades all these areas: arts and artifacts, beliefs, behaviors, ceremonies, etc.5.In what sense is culture integrated Explain with examples.Culture functions as an integrated whole and it is systemic. . in the civil rights movement in the united states, there brought about changes in housing patterns, discrimination practices, educational opportunities, the legal system, and even communication. Hence, this one aspect of culture has altered American attitudes, values, and behaviors.6.In what sense is culture adaptive Explain with examples.History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, natural disasters, wars, or other calamities. . in china in the past, women were expected to remain in the home and raise the children. However, forces in the culture, as well as economic considerations, have dramatically altered the role of women in our country.Case 41. What does coconut-skating mean here in the case Are you surprised at the maid’s skatingIt means the difference between two different cultures, and one newly object to another culture.2. Which characteristic of culture does this case point to or resembleCulture is dynamic.Text D1.What is cultural identity Is it a conscious or unconscious processCulture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It is formed in a process that results from membership in a particular culture, and involves learning about and accepting the traditions, heritage, language, religion, aesthetics, thinking pattern, and social structures of a culture. It is a conscious process.2.How is cultural identity formedCultural identities often develop through a process involving three stages: unexamined cultural identity, cultural identity search, and cultural identity achievement.3.What are the characteristics of cultural identityCultural identities are central, dynamic, and multifaceted components of one’s self-concept.4.How many cultural identities do you have Which one is put at the topfor you How is your cultural identity influence you life experienceThere are four. A Chinese is the top of them. My cultural identity multifaceted components of my self-concept.Case 51.Which stage of formation of cultural identity do you think “I” (theblack girl) amThe second stage: cultural identity search.2.What did the other two Black girls mean by “chocolate milk”They mean “I’ am” composed with not only the black appearance but also the white culture.3.How do you think the other two Black girls recognize their culturalidentityThey think they are the black, and they just accept the black culture.Text E1.What is a subculture What are subcultures often based on Name just afew subcultures that you know.Complex societies are made up of a large number of groups with which people identify and from which distinctive values and norms and rues for behavior are derived. These groups have been labeled subcultures. They often based on economic or social class, ethnicity race, or geographic region. . Beat Generation, Youth Subculture.2.Why do scholars prefer to use “co-culture”instead of “subculture”Subculture has been defined as “a part of the whole”, the word co-culture is suggested to convey the idea that no one culture is inherently superior to other coexisting cultures.3.What is a subgroup Name just a few subgroups that you know. Why do youthink they belong to the same groupSubgroups provide members with relatively complete sets of values and patterns of behavior and in many ways pose similar communication problems as cultures. . Sony, IBM. Because the most important element of a subgroup is that it provides its members with a set of values and norms for behaviors.4.What are the characteristics of subgroupsThey are “deviant” label and temporality.。
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跨文化管理 01次作业(第1-4单元)答题纸
题目1 [50 分] 1. 请运用文化的冰山理论,基于以上材料,分析TESCO的企业文化。
a、崇信以人为本–––- 我们的成功离不开顾客的支持和员工的努力
2. TESCO的企业文化对该公司的跨国发展起到了怎样积极的影响。
题目2 [50 分] 1.请应用你学过的跨文化沟通理论来分析以上案例中的对话。