











Lunan stone Forest

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After a long time driving ,now we are arriving the Spring city---Kun ming. Kun ming is the capital of Yunnan. In this place it is neither too cold in winter , nor too hot in summer .

The place we are to visit today is LuNan Sone Forest known as "Hometown of Ashima".

Ok!My friends ,we are in Lunan stone Forest now . There is a moving love story about it, just as beautiful as Ro meo and Juliet's romance .The girl in the story called "Ashima".She is a kind,Smart and pretty girl of Sani Nationality.The story of her faithfulness has been going around for thousands of years .A peak in Stone Forest, which stands elegantly with the outline of a girl, is named as "Ashima". This peak is the embodiment of Ashima. Now if you cry out with loud voice "Ashima" to it , an echo will be heard from the opposite cliff and stone forest. You can have a try if you doubt it.

Lunan Stone Forest lies in Lunan county which is 100 kilometers to the east of Kunming city. With a total stone forest area of 400 square kilometers, this county is featured by karst topography in China. Lunan Stone Forest is a district which has hard karst bedrock. This scenic area can be devided into Big Stone Forest, Small Stone Forest and Outer Stone Forest according to the distribution of the scenic spots.

Now we are at the entrance of Lunan Stone Forest.This lake is the stone forest lake, we can see few stone peaks rise from the lake .They look like girls coming from bath .So they are called "Guanyin out of water"

The south of stone forest lake is Big Stone Forest. In this

area ,the "forest" is dense ,peaks are high and scenes are peculiar, including stone screen, lotus flower peak,sword peak pond.

This is Sword Peak Pond .It holds a pool of clear and green water, hiding between the peaks which are connected by a bridge. Look! A peak is stricking out of the water like a sharp sword ,which is the reason why it is called Sword Peak Pool.Climbing the narrow path by the

pool ,one can go across the bridge and reach the top of Lotus Flower Peak, where giant rocks are lying there like petals of a blooming lotus flower.Supported by the walls to climb down the winding path of Lotus Flower Peak, one will be welcomed by rocks "Mandarin duck playing with the water" and other oddly shaped rocks.Peculiar scenes will present them one after another.Strolling among the rocks,one can enjoy the peculiarily to his heart' content.

Lunan Stone Forest will not only widen your view and present you with the most peculiar peaks and rocks in the world ,but also satisfy your stomach with snacks of stone forest with special tastes ,with a history of over 200 years,bittern bean curd is pickled with the stone forest bean curd as the material.Since stone forest bean curd is made with the water from Bajiang River ,it tastes particularly delicious ,which makes the bittern bean curd amazing.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, so much for my narration. After a while we are to have a taste of bittern bean curd, and thus the journey has not been made in vain.
