



(sap实施)SAP操作手册代码明细SAP系統操作指示代碼一、目錄------分類代碼:1.目錄“3”:檢驗最終判定結果代碼(UDUsage):允收----A拒收----B特採----C廠商全檢----D廠內全檢----E免檢----F2.目錄“9”:檢驗標準之代碼群組變壓器------A001-1電感(含SMD元件)------A001-2PFC電感------A001-3鐵芯------A001-4電解電容------C001-1陶瓷電容(含SMD元件)------C001-2積層電容------C001-3麥拉電容------C001-4金屬皮膜電容------C001-5安規電容(X、Y)------C001-6二极體(含SMD元件)-----S001-1發光二极體------S001-2三极管(含SMD元件)------S001-3場效應管------S001-4可控硅------S001-5集成電路(含SMD元件)------S001-6色環電阻(含SMD元件)------R001-1水泥電阻------R001-2可調電阻------R001-3熱敏電阻------R001-4壓敏電阻------R001-5各規格PCB板------P001-1各規格AI板及SMT板------P001-2輸出線------L001-1電子線------L001-2AC電源線------L001-3DC電源線------L001-4插座------L001-5排針------L001-6端子排------L001-7I/O開關------B001-1PUSH開關------B001-2切換開關------B001-3公/母座------B001-4線扣/線環------B001-5直流FAN------B001-6繼電器------B001-7電壓指示表------B001-8波段開關------B001-9RESET開關------B001-10五金CASE------D001-1 鋁合金CASE------D001-2塑膠CASE------D001-3散熱片------D001-4螺絲------D001-5FAN網------D001-6FUSE------D001-7保險座------D001-8小焊片/小鐵片------D001-9銅腳------D001-10插頭------D001-11導光柱------D001-12螺母------D001-13貼紙/銘版/標籤類/說明書------F001-1紙箱/白盒/彩盒/黃盒------F001-2隔板/圍板/刀卡------F001-3PE袋/汽泡袋------F001-4間隔柱------E001-1絕緣粒------E001-2絕緣片------E001-3麥拉片------E001-4導熱膠片------E001-5束線帶------E001-6熱縮套管------E001-7腳墊------E001-8鐵弗龍套管------E001-9矽質套管------E001-103.目錄“1”:特性屬性之代碼群組變壓器之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------A001-1電感(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------A001-2PFC電感之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------A001-3鐵芯之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------A001-4電解電容之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-1陶瓷電容(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-2積層電容之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-3麥拉電容之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-4金屬皮膜電容之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-5安規電容(X、Y)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------C001-6二极體(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗-----S001-1發光二极體之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------S001-2三极管(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------S001-3場效應管之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------S001-4可控硅之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------S001-5集成電路(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------S001-6色環電阻(含SMD元件)之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------R001-1 水泥電阻之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------R001-2可調電阻之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------R001-3熱敏電阻之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------R001-4壓敏電阻之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------R001-5各規格PCB板之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------P001-1各規格AI板及SMT板之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------P001-2輸出線之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-1電子線之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-2AC電源線之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-3DC電源線之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-4插座之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-5排針之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-6端子排之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------L001-7I/O開關之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-1PUSH開關之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-2切換開關之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-3公/母座之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-4線扣/線環之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-5直流FAN之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-6繼電器之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-7電壓指示表之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-8波段開關之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-9RESET開關之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------B001-10五金CASE之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-1鋁合金CASE之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-2塑膠CASE之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-3散熱片之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-4螺絲之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-5FAN網之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-6FUSE之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-7保險座之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-8小焊片/小鐵片之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-9銅腳之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-10插頭之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-11導光柱之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-12螺母之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------D001-13貼紙/銘版/標籤類/說明書之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------F001-1紙箱/白盒/彩盒/黃盒之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------F001-2隔板/圍板/刀卡之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------F001-3PE袋/汽泡袋之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------F001-4間隔柱之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-1絕緣粒之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-2絕緣片之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-3麥拉片之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-4導熱膠片之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-5束線帶之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-6熱縮套管之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-7腳墊之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-8鐵弗龍套管之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-9矽質套管之外觀、破壞及其它屬性檢驗------E001-103.目錄“5”:檢驗異常之不良原因代碼電气不良----0001尺寸不良----0002外觀不良----0003其它----0004二、特性選集之目錄、特性選集、代碼群組:1.目錄------“1”特性選集------QS01代碼群組------同“目錄------1”之項,“代碼”以流水號方式編排2.目錄------“3”3.特性選集------DEER-02允收----A拒收----B特採----C廠內全檢----D廠商全檢----E免檢----F三、檢驗方法之代碼:1.外觀檢驗------IT01(用目視進行外觀品質檢驗)2.尺寸檢驗------IT02(用量具量測執行材料之尺寸檢驗)3.電氣檢驗------IT03(用儀器或治具測試材料之電性)4.破壞檢驗------IT04(用相應工具扶助執行須破壞檢驗之材料檢驗)5.其它檢驗------IT05(用相應檢驗方式確認材料之其它品質特性)四、檢驗計劃中群組及群組計數器代碼:1.磁性類(A001):變壓器------1電感(含SMD元件)------2PFC電感------3鐵芯------42.電容類(C001):電解電容------1陶瓷電容(含SMD元件)------2積層電容------3麥拉電容------4金屬皮膜電容------5安規電容(X、Y)------63.半導體類(S001):二极體(含SMD元件)-----1發光二极體------2三极管(含SMD元件)------3場效應管------4可控硅------5集成電路(含SMD元件)------64.電阻類(R001):色環電阻(含SMD元件)------1水泥電阻------2可調電阻------3熱敏電阻------4壓敏電阻------55.PCB板類(P001):各規格PCB板------1 AI及SMT板------26.線材類(L001):輸出線------1電子線------2AC電源線------3DC電源線------4插座------5排針------6端子排------77.塑膠類(B001):I/O開關------1 PUSH開關------2切換開關------3公/母座------4線扣/線環------5直流FAN------6繼電器------7電壓指示表------8波段開關------9RESET開關------108.五金類(D001):五金CASE------1鋁合金CASE------2塑膠CASE------3散熱片------4螺絲------5FAN網------6FUSE------7保險座------8小焊片/小鐵片------9銅腳------10插頭------11導光柱------12螺母------139.包材類(F001):貼紙/銘版/標籤類/說明書------1紙箱/白盒/彩盒/黃盒------2隔板/圍板/刀卡------3PE袋/汽泡袋------410.絕緣類(E001):間隔柱------1 絕緣粒------2絕緣片------3麥拉片------4導熱膠片------5束線帶------6熱縮套管------7腳墊------8鐵弗龍套管------9矽質套管------10三、QM基本資料各部分代碼:1.抽樣計劃------AQL2.抽樣程序------DEER-013.動態切換規則------IQC4.檢驗特性:定性------DR-01 定量------DR-02。



FIN_LOC_CI_11 FI,中国、沙特和阿联酋的本地化1.Account Balance Report (China)总账余额报表(中国)Account Balance Report (China)DescriptionThis form shall cover the Account Balance Report providing information on general ledger account balance for a specified fiscal period in a format stipulated by authorities in China. It provides information such as account number, debit/credit amounts in local currency and closing balance etc.This is to test the new program for the Account Balance Report whether it contains all information as required by the Chinese law including the form stipulated by the legal authorities.PreparationCarry out all the necessary configurations for FI postings. (e.g. set-up company code for China, currency, document type, number range etc...)In case you want to monthly carry forward P&L account balances according Zhang Jie Fa it needs to be activated for your company code. Call transaction SM30 and define the table/view 'IDCN_V_ZJFCOCD' and maintain your company code.ExecutionPost many different type of FI documents with several G/L accounts using the transaction FB01/FB60/FB70/F-22 etc.Call transaction IDCNACCTBLN or execute the program RFIDCN_ACCTBLN for your company code.CheckCheck if the account balance list displayed with the correct values based on what you post during testing on a form. (Beginning balance , Subtotal Current Month, Accumulated and Annual total in Debit/Credit/Balance).Check if the G/L account name is displayed correctly based on what you maintain the time dependent short/long texts in the G/L account master.Check if the PDF is displayed in a format stipulated by authorities in China. (See in below)(1) if the title of the report is displayed in the form header based on what you enter in the selection screen.(2) if the reporting year/period is displayed with the correct format 'yyyy Year, xx Period (Start) To yyyy Year, zz Period (end)' in the form header. (e.g. 2008.01-2008.01)(3) if the company name, organization unit name, accountant name and page number are displayed correctly or not.(4) if the printing date is displayed based on the report run date in the format 'YYYY.MM.DD'.账户余额报告(中国)描述这种形式应包括帐户余额报表,总帐帐户余额为指定的会计期间中国当局规定的格式提供信息。



AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide SAP TRAINING FOR NEW AASIS USERS(A Quick Reference Guide)Log On To AASIS Access the SAP Logon screen by double clicking on the SAP icon.4 Fields The SAP R/3 Main Screen is displayed. There are four (4) fields on this screen:•Client•User•Password•LanguageUser ID Your User ID is set up by Network Support personnel and serves 2 important functions:•Determines your SAP access rights (for instance, what tasks you canperform in the system). For example, if you are an Accounts PayableClerk, your User ID will allow you to access all the system tasks thatyou need to do your job. It will not allow you to access the system toprocess customer orders, if that is not a part of your job.•Identifies you to the system and is used to create an audit trail ofyour system activities – any entries or changes that are made underyour User ID/System logon that can be traced back to you via theactivity log.SAP Passwords The logon password protects the AASIS system against unauthorizedaccess. This ensures that company data remain confidential and cannotbe changed by anyone unless they are authorized to do so.The password you type is not displayed for security purposes. If youtype incorrectly, the system will display a warning message.Title Bar All SAP screens have a title bar, which indicates which part of thesystem you are in and what function you are currently doing (forexample, creating a sales order).AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide Menu Bar The menu bar is somewhat different. It lists headings for each of thedifferent areas of the system. The business areas are contained underthese menus:OfficeLogisticsAccountingHuman ResourcesThe administrative areas (like User profiles) are under these menus:Information systemsToolsSystemHelpStandard Toolbar(Button Bar The white area on the button bar is called the Command field and is usedto navigate through the system using task codes rather than the menubar. We’ll discuss how to do this later.The “buttons” or icons perform different functions in the system. As wecontinue, we’ll practice using all of them to navigate through the system.Enter checks your work after entering information on ascreen.Save any changesBack accesses the previous screenExit the current transactionCancel the current data, but stay in the transactionAccess a list of all values or matchcodes that may be used ina fieldAccess definitions for fields, menus, functions, and messagesMove to the first screen in a listMove to the previous screen in a listMove to the next screen in a listMove to the last screen in a listAASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference GuideStandard Toolbar(Continued)Command Field – Move to a screen using transaction codesIf a button is grayed out, it is unavailable for use and clicking it will haveno effect.Main Body This is where information is entered when a particular task or functionhas been selected.Message or Status Bar At the bottom of the screen SAP displays messages to the user(depending on your User Defaults, messages may also be displayed in apop-up box in the middle of the screen).•The SAP environment you are working in•The server used for that environment•Whether the insert key is active•The timeRight Mouse Many screens have so many options available that not all options fit onthe function bar.Button These options can be listed by clicking the right mouse button anywhereon the screen. One option can be selected by double clicking on theoption with the mouse or by using the function keys. Note that everyicon on the screen also has a corresponding function key that can beused in case you’re a keyboard person instead of a mouse person.System Tasks A system task is a business function performed in the system. Forexample, creating a purchase order to buy laminate from a vendor is abusiness task. There are three (3) types of system tasks:•Create•Change•DisplayTransaction Codes Every system task in SAP has a transaction code associated with it.There are two reasons why you need to know how to find out thetransaction code:1.If you have a problem with the system, the technical people will wantto know the transaction code.2.If you decide to start using the Command field to navigate, you’llneed to know the transaction code.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide Transaction Codes(White entry field on Standard Toolbar)And Menu Paths To access a transaction from here, the Command is always /n + thetransaction code (for example, I want to do this as in /nMM00). /n tellsthe system to end the current transaction before starting the other. Types of Fields Types of SAP fields:•Optional – Do not have to complete unless desired.•Default – Information is populated in these fields from other areasof the system, or from interfaces.•Conditional - A field that may be required based upon a previousentry.•Required – SAP required fields are usually identified by .(Note: A field containing a is a required field which will not allowyou to continue the transaction until data is entered. Not allrequired fields have , but all fields with a are required.) Multiple Sessions System → Create SessionNote that PRD (2) is displayed in the bottom right of the screen in themessage bar indicating the second session. You may toggle between thetwo sessions just as you would between windows.How do you close the session? Click on:System → End SessionYou can also open another session from the Command field if you knowthe transaction number.From the command line, type /oME51 (first “O” is like “Open Session”).The maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed is six.System Messages There are 3 other types of screen messages:Warning – Indicates a possible error has occurred. This is a built in“logic check”. For example, the date entered is in the past or future.You can continue without changing the entry by pressing ENTER.Information – Communicates about something you have done. Forinstance, when a purchase order is created, an information messageconfirms that the system has saved the information.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide System Messages(continued) System abend (abnormal end) – A serious system error has occurred andyou cannot continue until it is fixed. If you have an Abend message, contactNetwork Support Personnel. You can’t solve the error by yourself. Abendmessages are not encountered very often, and they are not the result ofanything you have done.Admin Messages Additionally, there is another type of message you can get. This is amessage from the system administrator, informing you about things like,“the system is coming down in 5 minutes”.Moving Around You can move the cursor around the SAP screen in one of three ways: the Screen•Mouse•Arrow Keys•Tab & Shift + TabDeleting Incorrect If you type the wrong entry in a field, place the cursor at the beginningof the field andEntries press the Delete key on the keyboard until the incorrect entrydisappears, or you can click and drag to highlight the field and pressDelete once.F1 – F4 Help What if I didn’t know what to put in a field? (Click or F1 forfield help; you can also press or F4 for possible field entries.)Master Data and SAP data is divided into Master data and Transactional data. Transactional DataMaster data is a collection of information about an object or person, forinstance, a customer, a material, or a general ledger account.SAP Master Data This collection of information is held in a special SAP file and isreferenced whenever we deal with the object or person. For example,whenever we take an order from a customer, SAP references hiscustomer master file to find out his address and payment terms.SAP Transactional Transactional data represents a specific business event, like creating asales order.Data When carrying out a business task, SAP references the appropriatemaster data files for information and when the task is complete, SAPcreates a document detailing what happened. This document is given areference, for instance, an order number.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide Define Matchcodes When the list of possible entries for a field is too large to display forselection, SAP matchcodes are used to find the correct entry. They arereally just a search method. When there is a matchcode selection for afield, a little yellow triangle displays in the upper right corner of thefield.Search Terms SAP displays the search terms for the matchcode. You can now enter asmany search terms as you know in order to limit the search. You caneven enter parts of search terms.If the is shown in the search box, the system will also allow you tospecify additional search choices.Printing Reports In addition to viewing SAP data online, you can also print and downloadpre-configured reports.Accessing Reports Now, let’s access a report using its transaction code: MC48.Here’s a hint for getting to the Command field easily: press Ctrl + Tab.Your cursor is positioned in the Command field.Running Reports This is the Key Figure: Stock Value selection criteria screen. Here,we’ll specify the range of material, sales organization, and plant numbersthat we want to view as 0 to 99.Click (Execute F8) to run the report.Printing Reports To print the report, select the following options from the main menu:List → Print or click (Print Shift + F7)This is the Print Screen List screen. The first field is the Outputdevice. If you know the code for your printer, enter it here or you canlook it up with matchcodes.Enter the Number of Copies you want to print and a Title for the report.To delete the report after it is printed, turn on the Delete after printcheck checkbox.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference GuidePrinting Reports(continued)The report will automatically be sent to your user ID. If you want tochange that, type over another user’s ID in the Recipient field. Finally,enter your department (like, “ACCT” or “Sales”).Press ENTER to validate the entries.Click (Print SHIFT + F7) or press F13 to print the report.Download Report In order to create an electronic copy of a report, you can download thedata to a PC.DataClick to return to the Key Figure: Stock Value screen.From this screen menu, select:System → List → Save → Local FileThe Save list in file dialog box displays. Select the type of data to besaved:•Unconverted – ASCII text•Spreadsheet – Can be put in an Excel file•Rich text format – Can be put in a Word documentPress . Enter the file name on pop-up screen.Click beside the File name field to browse for the file on yourcomputer.Press .Click OK.Open the downloaded report file in the desired application.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference GuidePrint Screen You can copy the entire SAP screen to the Windows clipboard bypressing the Print Screen button. If you have a smaller screen on top ofanother screen and you want to copy the top screen only, use ALT +Print Screen.Mark Text It is also possible to copy information from the SAP screen in text form.To mark a selection of text to copy, use the following menu path:→Quick Cut and PasteClick and drag over the area you want to copy to the windows clipboard.Copy Marked Once you have marked a selection, press Ctrl-C to copy the text to theWindowsInformation clipboard (or right-click the mouse and select Copy).Paste Information To paste the copied information into other applications, open the targetapplication and press:Ctrl-V (or Edit → Paste) (or right-click mouse and select Paste)System Menu In addition to manipulating sessions, you can also use the System Menuto:•Modify your user profile•View and cancel background jobs•View data graphicallyUser Profile Like other applications, SAP can be customized to meet your particularneeds. For instance, you can specify a printer, set up defaultparameters for fields you use often, and create your own menu.All of the information about your specific environment is stored in yourUser Profile.Let’s look at how to modify some aspects of your profile.Specify a Printer To specify a printer in SAP, use this menu path:System → User Profile → Use defaultsIn the Output device field, type the network name of the printer youwould like to use. If you do not know the name, press F4 and select theprinter from the list of possible entries.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide Set DefaultParameters After you’ve been working on the system for a while, you may notice thatyou are repetitively entering some information in certain fields. You canreduce redundancy by setting default parameters for these fields.First, find the name of the field for which you want to set defaultinformation.Enter in the Command Field the transaction, VA03 – Display SalesOrder: Initial Screen.Select the field Order and click on the button.Click Technical info and record the entry in the Parameter ID field.Once you’ve identified the field’s ID, you can get to the parametermaintenance screen by using the following menu path:System → User Profile → User ParametersEnter the Parameter ID that you recorded earlier in the PID field andthe default value in the Parameter value field.Background Jobs After you have initiated batch jobs, you may want to view the status ofthe job or cancel the job. You can do either of these things by accessingthe Background job status screen. Use the menu path:System → Job statusOn this screen, you can see a list of the most recent jobs. To cancel abatch job, click on the Cancel button next to that job.View DataGraphically Most of the data that we see in SAP is displayed in tabular format. SAPdoes, however, give you the capability to view data graphically. here aretwo ways to switch from a table view to a graphical view. On screenswhere the Graphics button is displayed, you can transform data intographs.Enter transaction MCBE in the Command field. Enter 1000 in thePlant field and10000660 (pinto beans) in the Material field.Click on (Execute F8).Notice the button. Click it to create a graphic representation of thedata.AASIS Basic Overview and NavigationQuick Reference Guide View DataGraphically(continued)Everywhere else, you can select data to graph by using the followingmenu path:→ Generate GraphicWhen the SAP Screen Capture window appears, highlight the data thatyou want to graph and click on the Draw button.SAP ICONSOkay; Continue; Checked; Move to the next screen; EnterExecuteBack; Access the previous screenExit the current transaction; LogoffCancel; Cancel the current data but stay in the transactionUser MenuSAP Standard MenuAdd to FavoritesDelete FavoritesCreate a new sessionGenerate a shortcut to the desktopSave any changesCommand Field – move to a screen using transaction codesPrintDisplayHelpUser Settings. The functions of this menu allows you to modify the behavior of system messages, tab settings, cursor options and whether to display keys in dropdown lists. Also used to generate Hardcopy screen prints.Access a list of all values or matchcodes that may be used in a fieldDropdown arrowChoose detailSort in ascending orderSort in descending orderSelect AllDeselect AllSet FilterDisplay Sum; TotalInformation; List StatusInformational MessageWarning MessageError MessageCritical MessageFindFind NextFirst Page; Move to the first screen in a listPrevious Page; Move to the previous screen in a listNext Page; Move to the next screen in a listLast Page; Move to the last page in a listCopyCreateChangeDisplay to Change; Go from Display mode to Change modeDeleteSelection Mode; SelectTable SettingsOverview; List screenVariantsWhere-used ListActivateDisplay Document FlowCustomer; Display Sold-To PartyOther……….MinimizeRestoreClose; LogoffSelection OptionsDynamic SelectionsUndo; Restore Default SettingsRefreshFirst Column; Column Extreme LeftColumn left; Previous….Column right; Previous….Last Column; Column Extreme Right。



SAP基础快速指南(DOC70页)SAP基礎 - 概述SAP Basis是指SAP系統的管理,包含安裝与配置,負載平衡与在Java堆疊与SAP ABAP上運行的SAP應用程式的性能等活動。


SAP Basis管理員的要紧職責包含-•系統安裝与配置•伺服器上的負載平衡•不一致元件的性能管理•管理介面与與伺服器集成•管理伺服器与不一致的服務在SAP Basis的説明下,不一致的SAP模組(如財務會計,生產計畫,銷售与分銷,SAP EWM与其他模組)能够相互集成与溝通。

SAP Basis支援在不一致作業系統(如Windows,Unix,AS / 400等)与不一致資料庫(如SQL Server,Oracle,後端資料庫的IBM DB2)上安裝与配置SAP應用程式。


SAP基本顧問的角色分為下列幾類:解決方案專家解決方案專家負責-•升級SAP版本的系統架構•SAP資料備份存檔•作業系統与資料庫的遷移•安裝AP / Add On介面分析介面分析師負責-•配置与設置不一致模組之間的介面系統管理員系統管理員負責-•監控SAP系統与模組的性能•維護SAP系統運行狀況並執行運行狀況檢查SAP資料庫管理員SAP資料庫管理員負責-•備份与恢復SAP系統的資料庫•管理資料庫物件傳輸与批次處理作業管理員運輸与批次處理作業管理員負責-•管理批次處理作業調度与複製•在系統環境中管理SAP Control Control訪問DDIC經理DDIC經理負責-•管理對資料字典的更换SAP架構師SAP架構師負責-•在SAP系統中設計工作与資料流程•管理SAP大小SAP ABAP專家SAP ABAP專家負責-•ABAP程式的疑難排解与調優•根據SAP對程式應用更正•ABAP程式的編碼与定制根據要求事務代碼有各種事務代碼(T代碼),SAP基礎管理員用於執行分配的任務。

SAP APO - 快速指南【范本模板】

SAP APO - 快速指南【范本模板】

SAP APO - 快速指南SAP APO —简介高级计划和优化(APO)模块是SAP供应链管理(SCM)的关键组件之一。

它提供与需求计划,供应网络规划(SNP),生产计划/详细计划(PP / DS),运输管理和全球可用承诺相关的不同业务流程.APO使用核心接口(CIF)与ECC系统紧密集成,并在数据集市和InfoCube上提供完整的报告功能。


0,增加了一套新的功能—服务部件计划- 在供应链下执行备件管理。

SAP APO提供完整的集成功能来管理供应链流程并支持各种功能.使用供应商网络协作(SNC)(也称为库存归类中心(ICH))来提供供应商和客户之间的协作。


它从接收订单,监控库存和产品运输开始. 您可以不断地执行供应链流程的优化和评估,并监控流程效率. APO还提供BI组件以支持报告功能和数据集市.高级规划和优化包括以下应用程序功能—•需求计划•供应网络规划•生产计划和详细计划(PP / DS)•供应链协作•全球可用性•运输管理•供应链协作/库存整理中心SAP APO作为SAP Supply Chain Management服务器安装的一部分安装,或者也可作为SAP ERP软件包的附加工具.SAP APO —部署选项SAP SCM Server安装提供了SAP APO功能模块的所有功能.在SAP APO的附加部署模型中,可以使用以下组件作为SAP APO工具的一部分:•SAP APO —需求规划,即SCM-APO—FCS•SAP APO供应网络规划,即SCM—APO—SNP•SAP APO生产计划和详细计划,即SCM-APO—PPS•SAP APO全球可用承诺,即SCM-APO—ATP注意—在附加模块部署模型中,以下应用程序组件不可用,即SAP SCM服务器安装—•服务部件规划,即SCM—APO—SPP•维护和服务规划,SCM—APO—MSP•SAP APO和供应网络协作(SNC)•与SAP CRM的全球可承诺(ATP)集成•面向服务体系结构(SOA)的SAP APO服务安装后步骤一旦执行附加安装,您需要激活/ SAPAPO / APO_ON_ERP. 这用于SAP APO系统设置。



SAP安全快速指南SAP安全 - 概述在SAP分散式環境中,始終需要保護關鍵資訊与資料免受未經授權的訪問。






















SAP Learning Path and Skill Requirements
SAP Learning Path and Skill Requirements
内容中,可以进一步介绍SAP的发展历程。包括SAP公司的成立时间、初期产品及其发展、重要里程碑和全球影响 力等方面。这样有助于学习者了解SAP的起源和演变,从而更好地理解其核心理念和发展趋势。
2. SAP课程中的流程概念:介绍SAP课程中流程的含义和重要性,它是指在SAP系统中实现业务过程的一系列
3. SAP课程中的标准流程范例:以采购流程为例,介绍SAP课程中具体的标准流程范例,从需求的产生到采购
硬件要求 操作系统要求
网络要求 SAP软件
分享人-沉默之建 2023/7/15 星期六
另一个可以加入的内容是SAP的基本架构和组件。可对SAP系统架构进行简要介绍,包括SAP应用服务器、数据库、 实例、客户端等基本组成部分,并解释各个组件之间的相互作用和关系。这样有助于学习者理解SAP系统的整体框 架,为后续深入学习和应用提供基础认知。
核心模块是SAP系统中的关键模块,它承担着企业的核心业务功能。这些核心模块包括财务会计、管理会计、 人力资源管理以及供应链管理等。它们为企业提供了全面支持,使企业能够高效地运营和做出决策。
SAP 组件



SAP生产成本核算配置及操作手册目录SAP生产成本核算完整说明 (2)概述 (2)业务说明 (2)Table (2)遗留问题 (3)订单的计划成本没有产生 (3)成本核算计划配置 (3)定义成本组件结构OKTZ (3)创建分配结构-OKO6 (8)定义成本核算变式-OKKN (9)配置标准成本差异科目-OMWB/OBYC (10)系统准备 (12)物料 (12)BOM (14)计算公式 (15)成本要素-次级 (17)作业类型 (20)作业类型价格-KP26 (23)成本中心 (25)工作中心 (26)Routing (30)目标成本计算变式 (33)在制品结算 (33)差异结算 (47)订单成本结算 (51)成本计算变式 (53)订单有效性检查 (53)成本计划业务操作 (53)查看卷积前的物料标准成本 (53)价格更新:组织结构的计量CK22 (53)成本卷积(单个)-CK11N (54)单个物料价格发布CK24 (57)查看卷积后的物料标准成本-MM03 (62)单个物料发布标准成本-CK24 (63)查看物料价格修改凭证-CKMPCD (69)业务操作 (70)材料入库 (70)创建生产订单 (70)订单下达 (73)材料领用出库-MB1A (73)工序报工-CO11N (75)产品入库-MB31 (78)产品入库后的成本分析 (80)订单在制品结算 (81)结算差异 (93)订单相关成本金额查看 (104)作业价格重估 (109)结束 (114)SAP生产成本核算完整说明概述业务说明目前仅完成按照生产订单核算成本的模式。


成本核算计划配置定义成本组件结构OKTZ创建分配结构-OKO6如果设置了“by cost element”,那就表示结转成本时从原成本要素科目;否则结转成本时按照“settlement cost element”科目进行转出。


Make Big Data Real with SAP Solutions
Hari Menon Solutions Director, SAP Asia Pacific Japan
Evolving towards Big Data
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More people have mobile phones than
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Big Data Platform
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Real World
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You need a platform that can deliver across…
…all the dimensions of Big Data
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Imagine if you could…



SAP PS模块配置和操作手册SA P PS模块配置和操作手册Overview项目管理项目管理总的来说就是需要管理整个项目实施的过程,在这个过程中,需要将各级任务进行分解,也就是通常说的WBS。







项目定义(Project Definition)和WBS都是一个成本对象,可以进行成本的归集,月底进行成本的结转,具体如何结转通过结算规则来控制。



TableDescription MemoNo TablenamePRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master DataPROJ Project definitionPRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer) 可以通过UP字段查出上次的wbs。



2020年SAPFICO模块基本设置参照模板SAP FI/CO 模块设置(上篇)1. 一般设置—货币—定义货币换算的换算率增加换算率:M(标准兑换)-EUR(欧元)-RMB(人民币)-比率2. 一般设置—货币—输入汇率增加汇率:M(标准兑换)-从EUR-到RMB-直接报价-开始生效日期3. 企业结构—定义—财务会计—定义公司维护公司名称、详细信息(地址、语言、国家、货币)4. 企业结构—定义—财务会计—定义信贷控制范围建立维护信贷控制范围,5. 企业结构—定义—财务会计—定义、复制、删除,检查公司代码—复制,删除,检查公司代码拷贝建立一个公司代码,删除现有的公司代码,检查公司代码的一致性6. 企业结构—定义—财务会计—定义、复制、删除,检查公司代码—编辑公司代码数据维护公司代码的名称、城市、国家、货币、语言7. 企业结构—分配—财务会计—给信贷控制区分配公司代码为公司代码指定一个已经定义的信贷控制范围8. 财务会计—总帐会计—总帐科目—主记录—准备—编辑科目表清单新建或拷贝会计科目表,维护科目表说明、语言、成本控制集成9. 财务会计—总帐会计—总帐科目—主记录—准备—给科目表分配公司代码为公司代码指定一个已经定义的科目表10. 财务会计—总帐会计—总帐科目—主记录—准备—定义科目组科目表创建或拷贝不同的帐户组,指定帐户组名称、科目范围11. 财务会计—总帐会计—总帐科目—主记录—准备—定义留存收益科目设置自动结帐科目,业务:BIL结转余额,损益表科目类型:X 科目:31410100利润分配-未分配利润12. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—公司代码—输入全局参数设置公司代码的全局性数据:会计组织:会计科目表、公司、信贷管理范围、会计年度变式处理参数:字段状态变式、记帐期间变式地址:标题、名称、地址、邮箱、通讯、搜索等13. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—会计年度—维护会计年度变式维护财务期间设定,一般选用的是K4-12个记帐期间4个特别期间14. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—会计年度—向一个会计年度变式分配公司代码为公司代码指定一个会计年度变式,一般使用K415. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—凭证—过帐期间—定义未结清过帐期间变式定义一个过帐期间变式的代码16. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—凭证—过帐期间—未清和关帐过帐期间修改不同变式不同帐户类型的科目的可用期间17. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—凭证—过帐期间—将变式分配给公司代码为公司代码指定过帐期间变式18. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—凭证—凭证号范围—定义凭证号范围查看和指定不同公司代码下的凭证范围。



SAP标准教程名称AC010 mySAP Financials Overview to Financial Accounting and ReportingAC020 mySAP Financials Investment ManagementAC030 mySAP Financials Treasury OverviewAC040 mySAP Financials Cost Management and ControllingAC200 mySAP Financials Financial Accounting Customizing IAC201 mySAP Financials Payment and Dunning ProgramAC205 mySAP Financials Financial ClosingAC220 mySAP Financials Special Purpose LedgerAC240 mySAP Financials EC-CS: Consilidation FunctionsAC260 mySAP Financials Special Financial FunctionalityAC270 mySAP Financials Travel Management - Travel ExpensesAC275 mySAP Financials Travel Management - Travel PlanningAC280 mySAP Financials Reporting in FIAC290 mySAP Financials Real Estate ManagementAC295 mySAP Financials Real Estate ManagementAC305 mySAP Financials Asset AccountingAC350 mySAP Financials System Configuration for IMAC410 mySAP Financials Cost Center AccountingAC412 mySAP Financials Cost Center Accounting Ext. FunctionsAC415 mySAP Financials Internal OrdersAC420 mySAP Financials Activity-Based CostingAC505 mySAP Financials Product Cost PlanningAC510 mySAP Financials Cost Object Controlling for ProductsAC515 mySAP Financials Cost Object Contr. for Sales OrdersAC530 mySAP Financials Actual Costing/Material LedgerAC605 mySAP Financials Profitability AnalysisAC610 mySAP Financials Profit Center AccountingAC615 mySAP Financials EIS 1: ReportingAC620 mySAP Financials EIS 2: Setup SystemAC625 mySAP Financials EIS 3: Business PlanningAC650 mySAP Financials Transfer PricesAC660 mySAP Financials EC-CS: Consolidation FunctionsAC665 mySAP Financials EC-CS: Integrated ConsolidationAC690 mySAP Financials Schedule ManagerAC700 mySAP Financials Funds Management: processes,organization and configuration AC720 mySAP Financials Funds and Position ManagementAC805 mySAP Financials Cash ManagementAC810 mySAP Financials Treasury Management BasicsAC815 mySAP Financials LoansAC816 mySAP Financials Loans CFMAC820 mySAP Financials Securities ManagementAC825 mySAP Financials Money Market CFMAC830 mySAP Financials Market Risk ManagementAC900 mySAP Financials R/3 for auditorsADM100 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno mySAP Technology Administration ADM102 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Web AS Administration IIADM105 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Advanced SAP System Administration ADM106 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Advanced SAP System Monitoring ADM110 NetWeaver SAP R/3 Enterprise InstallationADM130 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno E-Commerce AdministrationADM325 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Software LogisticsADM326 NetWeaver Enterprise UpgradeADM355 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno APO System AdministrationADM505 NetWeaver Database Administration OracleADM515 NetWeaver Database Administration SAP DBADM520 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration MS SQL Server ADM535 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration DB2 UDB ADM555 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno LiveCacheAdministrationADM940 NetWeaver Authorization ConceptADM950 NetWeaver Secure SAP System ManagementADM960 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Security in SAP System Environments AP010 mySAP SCM SAP APO OverviewAP205 mySAP SCM Basic Data IntegrationAP210 mySAP SCM Demand PlanningAP215 mySAP SCM Supply Network PlanningAP220 mySAP SCM Production Planning/Detailed SchedulingAP230 mySAP SCM Global ATPASAP90 ASAP Project Management & LeadershipASAP91 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ImplementationASAP92 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Tools in DetailASAP93 Global SAP ImplementationASAP94 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Advanced Customizing ToolsBC095 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Business Integration TechnologyBC305 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Advanced R/3 System AdministrationBC310 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno TCC: Windows NT/OracleBC314 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno TCC: Windows NT/MS SQL ServerBC315 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Workload AnalysisBC317 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno 4.6C TCC (NT/UNIX/DB2)BC325 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Software LogisticsBC326 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno R/3 UpgradeBC330 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno E-Commerce Technical Admin.BC350 mySAP Enterprise Portal TCC (Workplace)BC355 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno APO System AdministrationBC360 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno TCC : Unix (Linux)/OracleBC361 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno 4.6C TCC (Unix/Informix)BC370 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno 4.6C TCC (IBM/400)BC390 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno 4.6C TCC (IBM/390)BC400 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Workbench: FoundationBC401 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP ObjectsBC402 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Programming TechniqueBC404 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Objects: introduction to OOPBC405 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Techniques of List ProcessingBC406 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Advanced Techniques of List ProcessingBC407 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Reporting with the InfoSet Query & QuickViewer BC410 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Programming User DialogsBC412 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno EnjoySAP ControlsBC414 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Programming Database UpdatesBC415 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Remote Function Calls in ABAPBC417 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno BAPI Dev f. Accessing SAPBC420 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Data TransferBC425 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Enhancements and ModificationBC430 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP DictionaryBC440 NetWeaver Developing Internet Application ComponentsBC460 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAPscriptBC470 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Form Printing with SAPSmart FormsBC490 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Performance TuningBC505 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration OracleBC511 NetWeaver Database Administration Informix Dynamic Server UNIX/NTBC515 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration SAPDBBC520 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration MS SQL ServerBC525 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration DB2/400BC535 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Database Administration DB2 UDBBC555 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Live CacheAdministrationBC600 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Workflow - IntroductionBC601 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Workflow - Build and UseBC610 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Workflow - ProgrammingBC615 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ArchiveLinkBC619 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ALE TechnologyBC620 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP IDoc Interface TechnologyBC621 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP IDoc Interface DevelopmentBC635 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Business ConnectorBC660 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Data ArchivingBC670 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ADK – Retrieval ProgrammingBC680 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Data Retention Tool (DART)BC940 R/3 Security GuideBIT100 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Business Integration TechnologyBIT300 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ALE TechnologyBIT320 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Integration Technology EDIBIT350 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ALE EnhancementBIT450 NetWeaver SAP Exchange Infrastructure DevelopmentBIT525 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Programming with BAPI in VBBIT526 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Programming with BAPI in JavaBIT528 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno .NET Connector ProgrammingBIT530 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Business Connector Introduction BIT531 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Business Connector Integration BIT600 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP WebFlowBIT601 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP WebFlow - Build and UseBIT603 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Definition&Web Szenarios Available BIT610 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP WebFlow - ProgrammingBIT614 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Document Management - Overview BIT615 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ArchiveLinkBIT660 NetWeaver Data ArchivingBIT670 NetWeaver Programing Display FunctionsBW200 mySAP BI SAP BW - OverviewBW205 mySAP BI SAP BW - ReportingBW207 mySAP BI SAP BW - Reporting ManagementBW209 mySAP BI SAP BW - Web ReportingBW210 mySAP BI SAP BW – Warehouse ManagementBW220 mySAP BI SAP BW – SAP R/3 ExtractionBW257 mySAP BI BW ConfigSplit into BW205/207BW305 mySAP BI SAP BW - Reporting & AnalysisBW310 mySAP BI SAP BW – Data WarehousingBW315 mySAP BI SAP BW – Reporting ManagementBW330 mySAP BI SAP BW – BW ModellingBW340 mySAP BI SAP BW – Data StagingBW350 mySAP BI SAP BW – Components ExtractionBW360 mySAP BI SAP BW – BW Performance & Admin.BW365 mySAP BI SAP BW – BW AuthorizationCA080 mySAP PLM Project ManagementCA210 mySAP EDI InterfaceCA410 Data Migration from R/2 to R/3CA500 mySAP HR Cross Application Time SheetCA550 mySAP Financials Inflation AccountingCA610 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno CATTCA705 mySAP Financials Report Painter/Report Writer BasicsCA710 mySAP Financials Advanced Functions of the Report WriterCA800 mySAP PLM Project Management - StructuresCA820 mySAP PLM Project Management - LogisticsCA830 mySAP PLM Project Management - AccountingCA840 mySAP PLM Project Management - ReportingCA925 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno BAPI-based development in VBCA926 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno BAPI-based development in javaCA940 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP R/3 Authorization ConceptCA960 Customizing and Transport ManagementCA990 mySAP Financials Euro conversionCFM030 mySAP Financials CFM - OverviewCFM810 mySAP Financials Basic Functions in CFMCFM820 mySAP Financials Securities ManagementCFM825 mySAP Financials Money Market CFMCFM835 mySAP Financials Credit Risk AnalyzerCFM840 mySAP Financials In-House CashCR010 mySAP CRM CRM OverviewCR100 mySAP CRM CRM BasicsCR200 mySAP CRM Mobile SalesCR205 mySAP CRM Mobile Sales & Mobile ServiceCR210 mySAP CRM Mobile ServicesCR215 mySAP CRM Mobile Sales BasicsCR220 mySAP CRM Internet Pricing & ConfiguratorCR225 mySAP CRM SAP IPC BasicsCR235 mySAP CRM CRM PricingCR245 mySAP CRM SAP IPC Product ConfigurationCR310 mySAP CRM Mobile Application Studio: BasicsCR320 mySAP CRM Mobile Appl. Studio: AdvancedCR400 mySAP CRM Interaction Center in CRMCR500 mySAP CRM CRM Middleware OverviewCR510 Mobile Sales / Mobile Service CRM MiddlewareCR540 mySAP CRM CRM MW for Mobile ScenariosCR550 mySAP CRM Enhancing the CRM MiddlewareCR590 mySAP CRM BDT - Business Data ToolsetCR600 mySAP CRM Marketing Planning&Campaign Mngmt.CR700 mySAP CRM CRM ServiceCR750 mySAP CRM Tele Sales & Tele MarketingCR800 mySAP CRM CRM Internet SalesCR850 mySAP CRM Internet Sales R/3 EditionCR900 mySAP CRM Analytical CRMCT205 mySAP SRM Requisite Catalog - InstallCT210 mySAP SRM Requisite Catalog- Config.& Maint.D20BW mySAP BI BW Delta 2.0D20EPR mySAP SRM EBP 1.0 to 2.0 Delta WorkshopD30BW mySAP BI SAP BW Delta 3.0D30EPR mySAP SRM EBP Delta 1.0 to 3.0D346AA mySAP Financials Delta 3.x - 4.6C in Asset AccountingD346AW NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Workbench Delta Course 3.x to 4.6C D346BC NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Basis Changes in 4.6 from 3.xD346CS mySAP PLM CS 3.x to 4.6 DeltaD346FI mySAP Financials Delta 3.x - 4.6C Financial AccountingD346LE mySAP SCM 3.x to 4.6 Delta for Logistics ExecutionD346MM mySAP SCM 3.x to 4.6C Materials ManagementD346OM mySAP Financials Delta 3.x/4.6 Overhead Cost ControllingD346PA mySAP Financials Delta 3.x/4.6 Profitability ManagementD346PC mySAP Financials Delta 3.x/4.6 Product Cost ControllingD346PD mySAP PLM Delta 3.1 - 4.6 in PLMD346PI mySAP SCM Prozess Manufacturing Delta 3.x for 4.6D346PM mySAP PLM Delta 3.1 - 4.6 Plant MaintenanceD346PP mySAP SCM Delta Production Orders 3.x to 4.6BD346PS mySAP PLM Delta Project SystemD346SD mySAP SCM 3.x to 4.6 SD DeltaD346WF NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Delta SAP Business Workflow 3.x to 4.6 D446AW NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Delta ABAP Workbench 4.0 to 4.6BD446BC NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Delta R/3 Basis Administration 4.0-4.6B D446PM mySAP PLM Delta 4.0 - 4.6C Plant MaintenanceD45QM mySAP PLM Delta 4.5 in QMD46CHR mySAP HR Delta 4.6C in Human ResourcesD46EHR mySAP HR Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in HRD46HR mySAP HR Human Resources 4.6D46PS mySAP PLM Delta 4.6 PSD46QM mySAP PLM Delta 4.5 - 4.6C in QMD47PM mySAP PLM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PM/CSD47PS mySAP PLM Delta PS 4.6-EnterpriseD47QM mySAP PLM Delta SAP Enterprise QMD620AW NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Delta AW 4.6C-WebAS 6.20 DERPAA mySAP Financials Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise AADERPFA mySAP SCM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PODERPFI mySAP Financials Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in FIDERPHR mySAP HR Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in HRDERPLD mySAP PLM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise LDMDERPMM mySAP SCM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in MMDERPOM mySAP Financials Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise OMDERPPA mySAP Financials Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PADERPPC mySAP Financials Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PCDERPPL mySAP SCM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PPDERPPM mySAP PLM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PM/CSDERPPS mySAP PLM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in PSDERPQM mySAP PLM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in QMDERPRM mySAP SCM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in RMDERPSP mySAP SCM Delta SAP R/3 Enterprise in SPEP100 mySAP Enterprise Portal Managing Enterprise Portal ContentEP300 mySAP Enterprise Portal Knowledge ManagementEPR210 mySAP SRM Enterprise Buyer ProfessionalEPR240 mySAP SRM Catalog & Content ManagementFS100 mySAP Financials CFM - OverviewFS110 mySAP Financials Basic Functions CFMFS111 mySAP Financials SecuritiesFS112 mySAP Financials Money Market CFMFS120 mySAP Financials In-House Cash CFMFS200 mySAP Financial Services mySAP Banking Overview FS210 mySAP Financials LoansFS220 mySAP Financials Credit Risk AnalyzerFS230 mySAP Financial Services BCAFS240 mySAP Financial Services Profit AnalyzerFS250 mySAP Financial Services Market Risk AnalyzerFS251 mySAP Financial Services Asset Liability Management FS310 mySAP Financial FS-CD Collections and Disbursements HR050 mySAP HR Human Resources EssentialsHR051 mySAP HR Human Resources Essentials 1HR052 mySAP HR Human Resources Essentials 2HR053 mySAP HR Human Resources Essentials 3HR100 mySAP HR Essentials of Human ResourcesHR110 mySAP HR Essentials of PayrollHR120 mySAP HR Essentials of Personnel DevelopmentHR250 mySAP HR Employee Self-ServiceHR305 mySAP HR Configuration of Master DataHR306 mySAP HR Configuration of Time RecordingHR307 mySAP HR Configuration of HR SystemHR308 mySAP HR Time Managers WorkplaceHR310 mySAP HR Time Evaluation With Clock TimesHR311 mySAP HR Time Evaluation Without Clock TimesHR315 mySAP HR RecruitmentHR325 mySAP HR Benefits AdministrationHR350 mySAP HR Programming in HRHR390 mySAP HR Introduction to PayrollHR400 mySAP HR Payroll ConfigurationHR490 mySAP HR Incentive WagesHR505 mySAP HR Organizational ManagementHR506 mySAP HR Advanced Organizational Management HR510 mySAP HR Personnel DevelopmentHR515 mySAP HR Training and Event ManagementHR520 mySAP HR Shift PlanningHR530 mySAP HR Technical Topics in HRHR540 mySAP HR Compensation ManagementHR580 mySAP HR Reporting in Human ResourcesHR940 mySAP HR Authorizations in HRIAU210 mySAP Automotive SAP Automotive: SupplierIAU240 mySAP Automotive mySAP Automotive: JIT Processes IBA010 SAP Banking OverviewIBA315 Market Risk Analyzer for BanksIBA325 Default Risk LimitationIBA815 mySAP Financials LoansIRT100 mySAP Retail mySAP Retail Process OverviewIRT310 mySAP Retail Retail Master DataIRT320 mySAP Retail Pricing and PromotionsIRT330 mySAP Retail Requirements Planning/ PurchasingIRT340 mySAP Retail Supply Chain ExecutionIRT350 mySAP Retail Merchandise & Assortment PlanningIRT360 mySAP Retail Store ConnectionIRT370 mySAP Retail SAP Retail StoreITS050 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ITS: FoundationsITS070 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ITS: AdministrationITS100 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Developing EasyWebTransactions ITS110 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ITS: Flow LogicITS150 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ITS: Corporate Identity Design IUT110 mySAP Utilities Introduction to IS-U/CCSIUT210 mySAP Utilities Master Data and Basic FunctionsIUT220 mySAP Utilities Device ManagementIUT221 mySAP Utilities Work ManagementIUT225 mySAP Utilities Energy Data ManagementIUT230 mySAP Utilities Billing and InvoicingIUT235 mySAP Utilities Real-Time-PricingIUT240 mySAP Utilities Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable IUT250 mySAP Utilities Customer ServiceIUT280 mySAP Utilities Print-WorkbenchJA100 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Java Start-up KitJA200 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Java GUI KitLO020 mySAP SCM Processes in ProcurementLO050 mySAP SCM Discrete Manufacturing (Overview)LO060 mySAP SCM Process ManufacturingLO090 mySAP PLM Product Lifecycle ManagementLO100 mySAP PLM Plant MaintenanceLO110 mySAP PLM Customer ServiceLO140 mySAP SCM Processes in Logistics ExecutionLO150 mySAP SCM Processes in Sales & DistributionLO170 mySAP PLM Quality ManagementLO205 mySAP PLM Basic Data Part 1LO206 mySAP PLM Basic Data Part 2LO210 mySAP SCM Production PlanningLO215 mySAP SCM Production OrdersLO225 mySAP SCM Repetitive ManufacturingLO230 mySAP SCM Capacity PlanningLO235 mySAP SCM KANBANLO275 mySAP BI Tech. Aspects in LIS (PPIS)LO305 mySAP PLM Basic Data for Process ManufacturingLO310 mySAP SCM Detail Functions of Process ManufacturingLO315 mySAP SCM Process ManagementLO510 mySAP SCM Inventory ManagementLO511 mySAP SCM Physical InventoryLO515 mySAP SCM Invoice VerificationLO520 mySAP SCM Purchasing Details & OptimizationLO521 mySAP SCM Pricing in Purchasing SAP R/3LO525 mySAP SCM Cons.-Based PlanningLO530 mySAP SCM Basic Proc. in Warehouse MgtLO531 mySAP SCM Additional Topics in Warehouse MgtLO540 mySAP SCM Procurement of External ServicesLO550 mySAP SCM Cross-Functional Customizing in MMLO555 mySAP BI Tech. Aspects LIS (PURCHIS/INVCO)LO605 mySAP SCM SalesLO610 mySAP SCM Delivery ProcessesLO611 mySAP SCM TransportationLO615 mySAP SCM BillingLO620 mySAP SCM Pricing in SDLO630 mySAP BI Tech. Aspects in LIS (SIS)LO640 mySAP SCM Foreign TradeLO645 mySAP SCM Credit and Receivables Risk Mgmt.LO650 mySAP SCM Cross Functional Customizing in SDLO705 mySAP PLM Quality InspectionsLO710 mySAP PLM Quality NotificationsLO715 mySAP PLM QM in ProcurementLO720 mySAP PLM QM in Discrete ManufacturingLO721 mySAP PLM QM in the Process IndustryLO725 mySAP PLM QM in Sales / Quality CertificatesLO750 mySAP PLM QM Organization & ConfigurationLO805 mySAP PLM Structuring and Managing Technical ObjectsLO810 mySAP PLM Preventive Maintenance and ServiceLO815 mySAP PLM Maintenance Processing: Operational Functions LO816 mySAP PLM Maintenance Processing: ControllingLO820 mySAP PLM Work Clearance ManagementLO830 mySAP PLM Service ContractsLO835 mySAP PLM Service ProcessingLO836 mySAP PLM Service Processing: ControllingLO840 mySAP PLM Customer Interaction CenterLO925 mySAP SCM Cross Application Business Processes in SD & MM LO930 mySAP BI LIS ReportingLO935 mySAP BI Flexible PlaningLO940 mySAP BI Advanced LIS ConfigurationLO955 mySAP SCM Batch ManagementLO975 mySAP PLM Document Management SystemLO980 mySAP PLM Engineering Change ManagementLO985 mySAP PLM ClassificationLO990 mySAP PLM Variant Configuration Part 1LO991 mySAP PLM Variant Configuration Part 2NET050 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Developing Web Applications: Fundamentals NET100 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP ITS: Developing Screen-based IACs NET200 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno SAP Web AS: Developing Web Applications PLM100 mySAP PLM Life-Cycle Data ManagementPLM110 mySAP PLM Basic Data Part 1PLM111 mySAP PLM Basic Data Part 2PLM112 mySAP PLM Customizing Basic DataPLM115 mySAP PLM Basic Data for Process ManufacturingPLM120 mySAP PLM Document Management SystemPLM130 mySAP PLM ClassificationPLM140 mySAP PLM Variant Configuration Part 1PLM143 mySAP PLM Variant Configuration Part 2PLM146 mySAP PLM Variant Configuration Part 3PLM150 mySAP PLM Change & Configuration ManagementPLM200 mySAP PLM Project ManagementPLM210 mySAP PLM Project Management - StructuresPLM220 mySAP PLM Project Management - LogisticsPLM230 mySAP PLM Network Controlled Project AccountingPLM235 mySAP PLM WBS Controlled Project AccountingPLM240 mySAP PLM Project Management - ReportingPLM300 mySAP PLM Plant MaintenancePLM301 mySAP PLM Customer ServicePLM305 mySAP PLM Structuring and Managing Technical ObjectsPLM310 mySAP PLM Preventive Maintenance and ServicePLM315 mySAP PLM Maintenance Processing: Operational FunctionsPLM316 mySAP PLM Maintenance Processing: ControllingPLM320 mySAP PLM Work Clearance ManagementPLM330 Service ContractsPLM400 mySAP PLM Quality ManagementPLM405 mySAP PLM Quality InspectionsPLM410 mySAP PLM Quality NotificationsPLM415 mySAP PLM QM in ProcurementPLM420 mySAP PLM QM in Discrete ManufacturingPLM421 mySAP PLM QM in the Process IndustryPLM425 mySAP PLM QM in Sales / Quality CertificatesSAP01 mySAP Solution Overview OverviewSAP20 mySAP Solution Overview Application FundamentalsSAP50 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Technical FundamentalsSAPBI mySAP BI mySAP BI OverviewSAPCRM mySAP CRM mySAP CRM Solution OverviewSAPEP mySAP Enterprise Portal mySAP Enterprise Portal Fund. SAPEPR mySAP SRM mySAP E-Proc. Solution OverviewSAPFIN mySAP Financials mySAP Financials Solution Overview SAPHR mySAP HR mySAP Human Resources Solution Overview SAPPLM mySAP PLM mySAP PLM Solution OverviewSAPSCM mySAP SCM Supply Chain Management Overview SAPSRM mySAP SRM mySAP SRM OverviewSAPTEC NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Application Platform Fundamentals SCM200 mySAP SCM Supply Chain Planning OverviewSCM210 mySAP SCM Core Interface APOSCM220 mySAP SCM Demand PlanningSCM230 mySAP SCM Supply Network PlanningSCM240 mySAP SCM Production Planning Part 1SCM242 mySAP SCM Prod. Planning Part 2 (APO-PP/DS)SCM244 mySAP SCM Prod. Planning Part 2 (R/3-MRP)SCM300 mySAP SCM Supply Chain Manufacturing OverviewSCM310 mySAP SCM Production OrdersSCM320 mySAP SCM Repetitive ManufacturingSCM340 mySAP SCM Process ManufacturingSCM350 mySAP SCM KANBANSCM360 mySAP SCM Capacity PlanningSCM500 mySAP SCM Processes in ProcurementSCM510 mySAP SCM Inventory Management and Physical Inventory SCM515 mySAP SCM Invoice VerificationSCM520 mySAP SCM PurchasingSCM521 mySAP SCM Pricing in Purchasing SAP R/3SCM525 mySAP SCM Cons.-Based PlanningSCM540 mySAP SCM Procurement of ServicesSCM550 mySAP SCM Cross-functional Customizing in MMSCM560 mySAP SCM Direct Procurement with SAP APOSCM600 mySAP SCM Processes in Sales and DistributionSCM601 mySAP SCM Processes in Logistics ExecutionSCM605 mySAP SCM SalesSCM610 mySAP SCM Delivery ProcessesSCM612 mySAP SCM Transp.-pl./Vehicle SchedulingSCM615 mySAP SCM BillingSCM620 mySAP SCM Pricing in SDSCM630 mySAP SCM Warehouse ManagementSCM631 mySAP SCM Additional Topics in Warehouse MgtSCM645 mySAP SCM Credit and Receivables Risk Mgmt.SCM650 mySAP SCM Cross Functional Customizing in SDSCM660 mySAP SCM Handling Unit ManagementSCM670 Global Available-to-Promise(Global ATP)SCM680 Cross-application Processes in MM and SDSCM920 mySAP SCM Customizing Production OrdersSCM940 mySAP SCM Customizing Capacity PlanningSEM010 mySAP Financials Strategic Enterprise ManagementSEM200 mySAP Financials Business Warehouse for SEMSEM210 mySAP Financials Business Planning and SimulationSEM220 mySAP Financials Corporate Performance MonitorSEM230 mySAP Financials Business ConsolidationSEM240 mySAP Financials Management Consolidation (Cons. Engine)SRM200 mySAP SRM Enterprise Buyer OverviewSRM210 mySAP SRM Enterprise Buyer ConfigurationSRM220 mySAP SRM Analytical EBPSRM230 mySAP SRM Delta EBP 2.0 to 3.5SRM240 mySAP SRM Catalog & Content Management1、把优秀当成一种信仰。

2020年SAP模块介绍及功能模块关联图(ppt 63页)参照模板

2020年SAP模块介绍及功能模块关联图(ppt 63页)参照模板

R/3 ®
CO 成本控制
AM 资产管理
QM 质量管理
PM 工厂设备管理
HR 人事管理
PS 项目管理
WF 工作流程 IS 行业解决方案
生产管理系统 在库零部件 在库半成品 在库产成品
手动凭证 债权管理

债务管理 资产管理
数据合作 ★
和以前一样 部件和产品的金额/
***电机 集团
生产贩卖 在库系统
销售(采购) 系统
数 据 库



SAP 数 据 库
1.接口程序只从销售(采购)系统数据库中获取会计已确认的采购入库和销售出库的数据,并调用SAP RFC在 SAP中创建对应的应付和应收发票凭证








表物料主数据视图类型及描述图1 物料主数据主要视图及级别图1显示了常用的扩展视图的维护的组织级别,实际维护中要比图中复杂的多,例如:采购视图中既有无组织机构的数据,又有工厂级数据;存储视图包含无组织机构、工厂级、存储地点级等三级的数据。


1.1 基本视图基本视图包含物料的基本信息,如物料类别、物料编号、名称、计量单位等,这些信息不与任何组织机构(如工厂、销售组织等)有关,一个物料在一个客户端 (client)内只能有一个基本视图的数据。


1.2 扩展视图扩展视图包含销售、采购、MRP、会计、成本等各种专有视图,这些视图都与组织机构相关(如工厂、销售组织、库存地点等),维护这些视图需要指定相应的组织机构。








2020年SAP实施过程第 一 阶段 项目准备ppt2参照模板

2020年SAP实施过程第 一 阶段 项目准备ppt2参照模板

•确定项目使命宣言及目的 •确定业务测量 法 •确定项目测量法 •确定项目实施范围 •确定实施方法 •集合项目纲领文件 •批准项目纲领
•企业的业务概况 •企业当前状况的评估 •SAP 项 目 的 业 务 案 例 •项目方法 •项目组织及角色 •项目实施范围 •实施方法
•完善项目评定阶段所做的企业层次 的实施范围 • 确 认 实 施 范 围 以 内 的 内 容, 特 别 要 确认实施范围以外的内容 •建立实施范围管理过程 •获取 项目实施范围的正式批准
•完善企业实施范围 •确认 业务流程实施范围 •确认其余实施范围 • 建 立 实 施 范 围 管 理 程序 •实施范围文档需管理部门签字
•企业层次实施范围文档 •风险以及风险消除战略 • IT 战 略 结 构
•制定实施范围战 略
•技术要求计划问 答
•技术基础实施范 围
•项目管理 •变革管理 •业务流程 •企业风险管理 •技术基础 •系统开发
目 标
•确定企业业务概况 •评定企业当前状况 •确定项目方法 •确定项目组织 和角色 •确定项目实施范围 •确定实施 方法
方法反馈 质量检查
技术加强 数据转换
接口 SAP 功 能 业务流程 技术基础
风险评定 项目计划
风险管理 计划
质量计划 问题管理计划
项目管理标准 及步骤

SAP APO - 快速指南(完整资料).doc

SAP APO - 快速指南(完整资料).doc
• 能力匹配(CTM) • 产品计划表 • 详细计划计划板→附加→计划监视器 • 模型和版本管理→更多功能→计划监视器 关键图模式 关键值模式用于定义哪些“计划监视”标准用于评估规划。 它 们不是特定于用户的,您可以复制或删除它们。 表列的布局和 图形显示可以更改为用户特定的设置。
SAP APO - 供应链监控 供应链监控 (SCM)是一个有效的工具,为供应商和买方做出 明智的决策。 供应链过程中的关键持有者基于供应链监测做出 决策。 供应链包括两个工具 -
• 库存需求清单 MD04 • 物流信息系统(LIS) 事务 MD04 /库需求列表 在供应链监控中,系统中出现的所有警报都应以对称的方式执 行。 当供应链中没有待处理的警报时,它会产生一个健康的系 统。
这将打开管理工作台。 转到编辑→对象→InfoObject。
要创建键图,请选择类型为关键值。 输入 InfoObject 并单击创 建按钮。
在 创 建 值 的 关 键值 时 , 必 须 选择 Amount 并 选 择 数 据 类 型 “CURR”。 输入单位/货币“0STAT_CURR”或“0Currency”。 对于数量,选择“数量”,选择数据类型“QUAN”,然后输入 单位“0BASE_UOM 或 0Unit。
成,SAP 提供了一个插件。 插件包含核心接口(CIF)以及到 SAP BI 结构的接口。 SAP BI 系统从 SAP ERP 中的物流信息系统(LIS)获取数据, SAP ERP 存储所有事务数据。 数据存储在 InfoCube 中,使用根 据数据加载要求计划的周期性作业。 CIF 提供了基于事件的触发方法,其中在需要时加载数据。 对 于每个触发的事件,在 SAP APO 系统的实时缓存中创建条目。
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SAP APO - 快速指南SAP APO - 简介高级计划和优化(APO)模块是SAP供应链管理(SCM)的关键组件之一。

它提供与需求计划,供应网络规划(SNP),生产计划/详细计划(PP / DS),运输管理和全球可用承诺相关的不同业务流程。


随着最近发布的供应链管理(SCM)5.0,增加了一套新的功能- 服务部件计划- 在供应链下执行备件管理。

SAP APO提供完整的集成功能来管理供应链流程并支持各种功能。






高级规划和优化包括以下应用程序功能-•需求计划•供应网络规划•生产计划和详细计划(PP / DS)•供应链协作•全球可用性•运输管理•供应链协作/库存整理中心SAP APO作为SAP Supply Chain Management服务器安装的一部分安装,或者也可作为SAP ERP软件包的附加工具。

SAP APO - 部署选项SAP SCM Server安装提供了SAP APO功能模块的所有功能。

在SAP APO的附加部署模型中,可以使用以下组件作为SAP APO工具的一部分:•SAP APO - 需求规划,即SCM-APO-FCS•SAP APO供应网络规划,即SCM-APO-SNP•SAP APO生产计划和详细计划,即SCM-APO-PPS•SAP APO全球可用承诺,即SCM-APO-ATP注意 - 在附加模块部署模型中,以下应用程序组件不可用,即SAP SCM服务器安装- •服务部件规划,即SCM-APO-SPP•维护和服务规划,SCM-APO-MSP•SAP APO和供应网络协作(SNC)•与SAP CRM的全球可承诺(ATP)集成•面向服务体系结构(SOA)的SAP APO服务安装后步骤一旦执行附加安装,您需要激活/ SAPAPO / APO_ON_ERP。

这用于SAP APO系统设置。

您需要在SAP ERP系统上安装SAP APO的同一客户端中激活此选项。

在SAP ERP系统中,您可以检查SAP APO的部署选项,如以下屏幕截图所示。

导航到SAP ERP中的系统→状态选项卡在SAP系统数据组中的组件信息下。

您可以如下识别部署选项:•当您看到SCMPLUS组件时,意味着您在SCM服务器系统中,即SCM服务器部署SAP APO。

•当组件- SCMPLUS未列出时,意味着您处于ERP系统中,即SAP APO的附加部署模型。



SAP APO - 架构SAP APO架构由多个组件组成- 数据库,BI环境包含InfoCube和Live Cache。





•时间序列- 适合需求规划和供应网络规划•作为订单与类别- 适用于SNP,生产计划/详细计划,运输计划和车辆计划•ATP时间序列- 可承诺SAP BI功能主要由需求计划(DP)使用,并且依赖于包含历史数据的InfoCube。


PP / DS使用命令实时缓存,SNP 使用时间序列实时缓存的数据。


在SAP APO和ERP集成中,大多数事务数据(计划订单,采购需求)都是在APO中创建的,而与执行相关的数据- 销售订单和采购订单则在SAP ERP中维护。


插件包含核心接口(CIF)以及到SAP BI结构的接口。

SAP BI系统从SAP ERP中的物流信息系统(LIS)获取数据,SAP ERP存储所有事务数据。



对于每个触发的事件,在SAP APO系统的实时缓存中创建条目。

SAP APO - 供应链监控供应链监控(SCM)是一个有效的工具,为供应商和买方做出明智的决策。


供应链包括两个工具-•库存需求清单MD04•物流信息系统(LIS)事务MD04 /库需求列表在供应链监控中,系统中出现的所有警报都应以对称的方式执行。





以下活动可以使用事务MD04 -•查看主数据警报•订单可以在交货时间内•短缺•超量物流信息系统(LIS)SAP供应链提供各种标准报告,可用于监控整个供应链流程的效率。





警报监视器用于监视供应链中的对象- 材料,运输和存储限制,容量以及交付性能,成本流量和吞吐量等指标。

警报监视器的事务代码为SAPAPO / AMON_SETTINGS,或者也可以使用以下路径打开:轻松访问→高级计划和优化→供应链监视→当前设置→设置警报监视器。

可以在事务代码- SAPAPO / AMOCFG中管理警报类型要创建警报应用程序配置文件,请单击创建按钮。
















如果您希望系统定期自动发送通知,请定义报告/ SAPAPO / AMON_MAIL_BROADCAST的变体计划监视器计划监视器用于评估不同对象,期间和版本的计划的关键值。







在常规设置下,您可以定义模式的类型- 简单显示或比较或显示类型- 表,图形或表和图形的组合在关键数字下,定义关键值变体-•时间- 用于定义要计算计划的期间•版本- 您可以在其中输入要评估的计划和模拟版本供应链驾驶舱供应链驾驶舱是一个管理和控制供应链的图形工具。






o您还可以使用它从SAP APO使用查询检索信息。



SAP APO - 需求计划需求规划允许对市场中的产品进行预测。





















在管理工作台中,如果系统中已存在APO标准特征- 产品为“AMATNR”,位置为“9ALOCNO”。




