
3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。

二、2014年对外经济贸易大学英语语言文学专业考研复试分 数线
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对于答题思路,还是按照课堂总结的“三段论”的答题模 式。 一般可以归类为“A 是…”“A 和 B…”“AB 和 C”的关系三种 类型,分别做答。
【名词辨析答题示范】: 例如“工资就是薪酬”。(专业课老师解析:这属于“A 和 B…” 类型的题目) 第一,工资的定义。 第二,薪酬的定义。 第三,总结:工资与薪酬的关系。 【名词辨析题答题注意事项】: 第一,不能一上来就辨析概念之间的关系。如果先把题目中的相 关概念进行阐释,会被扣除很多分数,甚至大部分分数,很多考生很 容易忽视这一点。 第二,控制时间。辨析题一般是专业课考试最前面的题目,一般 每道题 350-400 字就可以,时间控制在 10 分钟以内,篇幅占到 A4 纸的半页为佳。 (三) 简答题答题方法 【考研名师答题方法点拨】 简答题难度中等偏下,主要是考察考生对于参考书的重要知识点 的记忆和背诵程度。往往是“点对点”的考察。一般不需要跨章节组 织答案。因此,只要大家讲究记忆方法,善于记忆,记忆 5-7 遍,就 可以保证这道题目基本满分。
2015 年对外经济贸易大学英语语言文学考研专业目 录、招生人数、参考书目、历年真题、复试分数线、

•试看部分内容2001年对外经济贸易大学英语学院268俄语考研真题及详解一、选择填空(20分)1.Мойотецвступилвпартию_____2 годапослеосвобождениястраны.а. послеб. черезв. спустя【答案】б查看答案【解析】“через 2 года”意为“大后年”。
2.Всеученики, _____винституты, должныготовитьсякучастиювстроительственашейстраны.а. поступающиеб. вступающиев. входящие【答案】а查看答案【解析】本题考查主动形动词现在时用法,意为“正在做……的”。
3.Друзьярешиливзять_____обязанностьсообщитьматериогибелидочери.а. ксебеб. насебяв. ссобой【答案】б查看答案【解析】固定搭配:взятьнасебяобязанность承担责任。
4.ОтецВиктораумер_____послеегорождения.а. скороб. быстров. вскоре【答案】в查看答案【解析】句意为:维克托的父亲在他生日之后不久就死了。
2015对外经济贸易大学亚非语言文学(朝鲜〈韩〉语)考研 招生人数 参考书 报录比 复试分数线 考研真题


2010年对外经济贸易大学二外英语考研真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1.The police caught the thief on the street and______him into their van.A.probedB.hustledC.copedD.smoldered正确答案:B解析:句意:警察在街上抓住小偷,把他推进囚车里。
hustle into推进。
probe 探索,探究。
2.The crude craft which the Wright brothers made was the______of the modern airplane.A.feudB.IllusionC.PrototypeD.alloy正确答案:C解析:句意:莱特兄弟制作的简陋飞行器,是现代飞机的雏形。
prototype 原形。
3.I’ve just received an______note telling me that the goods have been dispatched.A.invoiceB.enquiryC.orderD.advisory正确答案:A解析:句意:我刚才收到一张发货费用清单,知道已经发货。
4.Does these cars______to the new standard of vehicle exhaust emission?A.confirmB.confideC.conformD.complement正确答案:C解析:句意:这些汽车符合汽车废气排放的新标准吗?conform to符合,遵从。

对外经济贸易大学2013年二外英语考研真题PartI Vocabulary and grammar(20%)Directi ons:Choose f rom A, B, C o r D the one t hat best comp letes each se ntence. Write your answers on the ANSWE R SHEET.1. U ndergraduatestudents have no ____to th e rare booksin the school library.A.entrance B. wa y C. accessD. path2. Pic king flowersin the park i s absolutely____.A. avoi ded B. prohibit ed C. rejected D. repe lled3. I fel t that I wasnot yet ____to travel abr oad.A. too s trong B.strong enoughC. so strongD. enou gh strong4.For the succe ss of the pro ject, the com pany should ______ the mos t of the oppo rtunities athand.A. obta in B. grasp C. catch D. make5. Follow th e _____ of th e vine as itwinds through some of themost pictures que towns inConnecticut.A. trailB. trial C. tra iler D. trait6. Since the ____ of atomic power, there have been gr eat changes i n industry.A. departure B.threshold C. adv entD. commen cement7. Onc e this pictur e was auction ed to be wort h of more tha n two million dollars, but after the co mmenting of a n expert, itbecomes quite ____.A. inv aluable B. price less C. worthles sD. unwo rthy8. The s tudy found th at emerging e conomies cont inued to grow in the three months to th e end of June, but at a sl ower pace. Th e index ______to 53.0, fro m 53.6 in the first quarte r.A. slumpedB. slipped C. cli mbed D. ascended9. The chemi st had made a n _____ repor t on the char acteristics o f this metal.A. exhaustiv e B. exhausted C. ex hausting D. exuber ating10. Noone disputesthat firms ha ve to make or ganizationalchanges whenthe businessenvironment d emands them.But the ideathat a firm m ight want cha nge for its o wn ____ often provokes ske pticism.A. c oncern B. priv ilege C. sake D. reason11.Musicians hav e been taking to Twitter t o ____ theirrespects to B ee Gees singe r Robin Gibb.A. pay B.receive C. giv e D. honor12. ProfessorJohnson is sa id ____ somesignificant a dvance in his research inthe past year.A. having m ade B. making C. tohave made D. to mak e13. This is an illness t hat can resul t in total bl indness ______ left untrea ted.A. afterB. if C. since D. unl ess14. Intel lect is to th e mind _____sight is to t he body.A. w hat B. as C. that D. l ike15. Fool______ Tom is, he could no t have done s uch a thing.A. who B. asC. that D. l ike16.______, I'll marryhim all the s ame.A. Was h e rich or poo r B. Whether be r ich or poorC. Were he ric h or poor D. Be h e rich or poo r17. The pri ncipal left t he command th at the vase ______ touched until the po licemen got h ere.A. shoul d not be B.ought not beC. must not b e D. would not be18. I t was unbelie vable for her to______ suc h a crazy ide a.A. enterta in B. come upC.stick to D. ta ke19. The re action of Fre nch people to the reformsof labor laws _____ theirlong-time res entmenttowar d the flexibi lity broughtby the overwh elming trendof globalizat ion.A. is in dicative B. is in dicative of C. indicat eD. ha s been indica ting20. When backpackersfirst hit the_____ in the1970s, they w ere seen as a n antidote to sterilepack age tours, areturn to tra vel independe ntly as explo ration and ad venture.A. r ock B. roa d C. store D. mountain Part II Cloz e (20%)Direc tions: Decide which of the choices give n below would best complet e the passage if insertedin the corres ponding blank s. Write your answers on t he ANSWER SHE ET.An author ity 1 bus iness and per sonal etiquet te 2 a 519-page book L etitia Baldri ge's Complete Guide to Exe cutive Manner s, 3 thes e words: “Thi s is a book a bout 4 bu t also aboutthe quality o f excellence. It is a book about the im portance of d etail and abo ut 5 deta ils 6 tog ether can cre ate the stron g, effectiveexecutive pre sence that pr opels an indi vidual 7 in his or her career. This is, 8 ,a book aboutsuccess. ”Th is book is ba sed on the th eory that goo d manners are9 becaus e they not on ly increase t he quality of life in theworkplace, 10 to optim um employee m oral, and emb ellish the co mpany image,11 they a lso play a ma jor role in g enerating pro fit. An atmos phere in whic h people trea t each otherwith consider ation is 12one in whi ch a customer enjoys doing business.Als o, most impor tantly, a com pany with a 13 , high-class reputat ion attracts—and keeps—goo d people. Man ners of an in dividual areoften 14 as highly asyour knowledg e of your 15 or your b rilliance atthe negotiati on table.Pro per protocolin today's bu siness worldgoes well 16 basic tab le manners (t hey are, afte r all, a 17in most cu ltures) and c ommon courtes ies (allowing an esteemedcolleague orsuperior to p recede you 18 a doorwa y, for exampl e). According to Carl A. N elson, thereare eight com mon protocolelements or c ategories 19 permit yo u to do busin ess successfu lly in any cu lture. 20 by importanc e, they are:names; rank a nd title; tim e; behavior;communication s; gift givin g; food and d rink.1. A. i n B. about C. on D. at2. A. opens B. annou nces C.writes D. reads3. A. in B. wrote C. said D. with4. A. manner B. manner s C. m annering D. the manne red5. A. how B. w hen C. after D. if6. A. are B. linkin g C.go D. linked7. A. forward B. upwar d C.through D. along8. A. so B. theref ore C.however D. nonethel ess9. A. cos t-effective B. benefit-e ffective C. cost-worthy D. cost-e fficient10.A. influence B. increa se C.contribute D. add11. A. but B. as C. s ince D. for12.A. consequent ly B. alterna tively C. obviously D. namely13. A. ill-m annered B. w ell-mannered C. good man ner D. goo d manners14.A. accounted B. account ing C. c ounting D. counted15. A. matter B. sub ject matter C. topic mat ter D. re ference16. A. beyond B. away C. more than D. above17. A. token B. given C. ic on D. grant18. A. to B. from C. a cross D. through19. A. that B. wha t C. when D. how20.A. Ranking B. Listed C. Rank ed D.ListingPart III Reading Comprehensio n (20%)Direc tions:Read t he followingpassages care fully and cho ose the bestanswer to eac h question. W rite your ans wers on the A NSWER SHEET.Passage 1Ban k of China ha s officiallybegun its bra nch in Cambod ia on Saturda y, and its Ph nom Penh Bran ch is the fir st lender fro m China in th e country and is the Kingd om’s 30th com mercial bank.“The bank wi ll provide ad vantages andpositive inpu ts to Cambodi a to boost it s banking ind ustry and eco nomic growth,”Deputy Prim e Minister an d Finance Min ister Keat Ch hon said duri ng the launch ing ceremony,which was at tended by abo ut 200 banker s, local andChinese busin esspeople inCambodia.“Iwould like to encourage th e bank to foc us its loanson agricultur al sector inorder to help Cambodian go vernment to d evelop this s ector, whichis one of the four pillars supporting t he country'seconomic grow th,” he said.Chea Chanto, the governor of NationalBank of Cambo dia, said the bank's prese nce reflected the confiden ce of Chinese investors in Cambodian ma rket.“With t he presence o f the bank, i t would bring new technolo gy and innova tive bankingproducts to d evelop Cambod ian banking i ndustry,” hesaid. He said that by theend of 2010,the customers' deposits in the bankingsector grew b y 26 percentto 4.16 billi on U.S. dolla rs, while the customer cre dits increase d by 26.7 per cent to 3.18billion U.S.dollars.Thecountry has t he population of 14.3 mill ion, of which, 1.35 millio n people have used banking system, he a dded. “We wou ld help suppo rt large Chin ese firms doi ng business i n Cambodia, e specially tho se in infrast ructure proje cts, hydropow er dams, agri culture, andspecial econo mic zones,”h e said. “It i s in line wit h the policyof China in h elping to dev elop Cambodia's economy.”He said that as the bank's loan target s are mainlyon huge proje cts, so he be lieves that t he bank's pre sence here wi ll not affect existing loc al banks andthe bank is l ooking forwar d to cooperat ing with allof them.Camb odia sets tolaunch its st ock market in July this ye ar. Yue Yi sa id the Bank o f China willactively part icipate in th e upcoming st ock market th rough providi ng clearanceand settlemen t services. "We will alsoprovide fundi ng to compani es in the sto ck market and other market players," he added. ChenChang Jiang,chief executi ve officer of Bank of Chin a Phnom PenhBranch, saidthat Cambodia's financialmarket is rel atively small at the momen t, but it has lots of room to grow. Ban k of China is among the fo ur largest ba nks in China. Its total as set is over 11 trillion Ch inese yuan (1.7 trillion U.S. dollars), with branche s in 31 count ries around t he world.1.What of the f ollowing info rmation is no t true aboutBank of China?A. It is on e of the four largest bank s in China.B. Its Phnom P enh Branch is Cambodia’s 30th commercia l bank.C. It s total asset is more than $11 trillion.D. It has b ranches in mo re than 30 co untries.2. T he newly open ed branch wil l benefit Cam bodia in ____.A. bringing new technolo gy and innova tive bankingproductsB. d eveloping Cam bodian bankin g industryC. bringing inn ovative banki ng productsD. all above3. In Cambodia, banking sys tem has beenused by ____of its popula tion.A. more than 10%B.approximately 10%C. lessthan 9%D. mo re than 11%4. Chea Chanto believes tha t the new bra nch’s presenc e here will n ot affect exi sting local b anks because____ .A. the new branch i s under the r egulation ofCambodia’s la wB. local ba nks have loya l customers w ho won’t turn to the new b ranchC. thenew branch'sloan targetsare mainly on huge project sD. there is a good coope ration betwee n the new bra nch and local banks5. Wh ich of the fo llowing is no t mentioned i n this passag e?A. The Ban k of China wi ll actively p articipate in Cambodia’s u pcoming stock market.B. C ambodia’s fin ancial market has a largespace to grow.C. Agricult ure plays a v ery important role in Camb odian economi c growth.D.The potential competitionbetween Banko f China’s Ph nom Penh Bran ch and localbanks. Passag e 2One in th ree women pre fers spending time with gi rlfriends tha n their husba nds. They can get glammedup, enjoy a g ood meal andgossip till t he cows comehome. No wond er one in thr ee married wo men have more fun with fri ends than the ir husbands.Researchers w ho interviewe d 3,000 women found that m any would rat her spend the day with a f riend than be with their o ther half. Si x out of tensaid they pre fer to go sho pping with th eir girlfrien ds rather tha n their partn er because th ey offer bett er, more trus tworthy advic e.The survey found that w hen meeting f emale friends the women ma de more of an effort withtheir outfitand spent lon ger doing the ir hair and m ake-up. And a day out with friends wasalso likely t o cost more m oney than wit h their husba nds, with wom en admittingthat their fr iends encoura ge them to tr eat themselve s more.The s urvey was car ried out at t he Lakeside S hopping Centr e in Essex. L akeside spoke sman Sophie S cott said: ‘T hese resultswill strike a chord with m illions of ma rried women a ll over the U K. After a bu sy week at wo rk, we all cr ave escapismand some “metime”, and it is clear wom en prefer tospend theirswith girlfrie nds than part ners. Spendin g time with g irlfriends an d hitting the shops, or st opping for acoffee and achat, can lif t a woman’s m ood.’The stu dy revealed a third of wom en agreed tha t they prefer to spend a d ay off with a friend becau se they weremore fun andmore likely t o enjoy talki ng about rela tionships orgossiping.Sh opping, going to a spa orhaving a meal and a glassof wine toppe d the list of activities w omen enjoyeddoing in thei r spare time.The survey r evealed two t hirds of wome n felt guilty as they didnot catch upwith their fr iends often e nough. Worryi ngly, one inten said they were more ab le 'to be the mselves' arou nd their frie nds, while al most half sai d they enjoye d the fact th ey could talk to their pal s about 'anyt hing'.1. Wha t does the ex pression “til l the cows co me home” prob ably mean?A. when it time for dinner B. i ndefinitely,for a very lo ng periodC.until it is a lready midnig htD.until late af ternoon2. W hich is NOT t he reason why married wome n are willing to go out wi th their girl friends?A. T hey are moreable ‘to be t hemselves’ ar ound their fr iends.B. The y are more li kely to enjoy talking abou t relationshi ps or gossipi ng.C. They o ffer better,more trustwor thy advice wh en going shop ping.D. A da y out with fr iends is also likely to co st more money than with th eir husbands.3. Which isNOT among the activities w omen enjoy do ing most in t heir spare ti me?A. Having a meal and a glass of win eB. Going to a spaC. Cat ch up with th eir friendsD. Going shopp ing.4. In th e survey, how many women p refer spendin g time with g irlfriends th an their husb ands?A.3000B.1800 C.1200 D.10005. Whi ch of the fol lowing statem ents is trueabout the sur vey and its f indings?A. I t was carried out at the L akeside Shopp ing Centre in Surrey.B. W omen made les s effort with their outfit and hair whe n meeting fem ale friends.C. These resu lts will be a lso true with millions ofmarried women all over the UK.D. One t hird of women felt guiltyas they did n ot catch up w ith their fri ends often en ough.Part I V Error Iden tification an d Correction10%)Directio ns:Each sent ence below ha s four underl ined parts. I dentify the u nderlined par t that is wro ng and give t he correct an swer. Write y our answers o n the ANSWERSHEET.1. Her interest and passion forraising aware ness of the o ver consumpti on ofA Bcloth es led her to start the fa shion logbook which docume nt what she w ears each day.C D2. T he average pe rson, confron ted with theInternet's oc eans of dataand multipleoverlappingA BPh.D. dissertation s, often is a s perplexed w hen a pioneer chemist tryi ng to whipC Dup a little gunpo wder withouta formula.3. Having there been no out-migration fro m agriculture over the pas t 35 years, A Bo ur present fa rm population would be 65million rathe r than 10 mil lion.C D4. My care fully wordedstatement tha t consumerism is a movemen t of activist sAwho cham pion issues w hich appear t o be benefici al to consume rs are bluntandB C Dto the point.5. We can,if we desire, achieve a hi gh degree ofauto safety b y reducing sp eed;A but society reje cts the sacri fice and inst ead, with the safety belt, acceptsB Clower s afety level r equiring less sacrifice.DPart V Wri ting (30%)Di rections:Wri te an English compositionof about 200words in whic h you state y our opinion a bout the foll owing topic.Write it on y our ANSWER SH EET.Most col lege students in China are required tolearn a forei gn language.What do you t hink are thebenefits of l earning Engli sh?参考答案及解析Part I Vocab ulary and gra mmar (20%)1.C 句意:本科生无权查阅学校图书馆的珍藏书籍。
[考研类试卷]2012年对外经济贸易大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷一、阅读理解0 Even if the US's massive financial rescue operation succeeds, it should be followed by something even more far-reaching—the establishment of a Global Monetary Authority to oversee markets that have become borderless.Washington recognizes that the crisis has become global. Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, has said that foreign banks operating in the US will be eligible for federal assistance and he is urging other nations to fashion their own bail-out programs. Central banks have also been synchronizing injections of funds into markets. These should be steps to a more comprehensive international response designed not just to extinguish the current fires, but to rebuild and maintain the capital markets for the longer term.The current global institutional apparatus is woefully incapable of overseeing the financial system that is evolving. The International Monetary Fund is irrelevant to this crisis, the Group of Seven leading industrial countries lacks legitimacy in a world where China, Brazil and others are big players, and the Bank for International Settlement has no operational role. The US Federal Reserve is too besieged to act as a global central bank. That vacuum at the centre is dangerous for everyone. The US's dependence on massive inflows of foreign capital, roughly $3bn(2bn, £1.6bn)a day, will surely increase now as Uncle Sam acquires $1 , 000bn in new obligations from current bail-outs. For years to come, Wall Street and Washington will be unable to manage without strong co-operation from other markets.Beyond that, the international dimensions of finance are mind-boggling. Global assets have increased from $12, 000bn in 1980 to nearly $200, 000bn in 2007, far outstripping the growth of gross domestic product or the expansion of trade. An increasing amount of this capital now resides in Asia and the Gulf, not the US or Europe. A US company such as AIG sold more of its credit default swaps and insurance policies outside the US than within it. UBS employs 30, 000 Americans, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and owns Paine Webber. The capital markets will evolve in the context in which emerging market economies will be growing twice as fast as the rich nations and will, by mid-century, probably account for almost two-thirds of global GDP.Globalization will now also create a clash of philosophies. Most governments and investors outside the US never shared the American system of cowboy capitalism. Now they have good reason to demand that some fundamental changes be made in the way the US manages its financial institutions. This can happen with a conscious, negotiated modification in the US financial model, or it could result from foreign investors shifting their funds elsewhere.All of these considerations point to the eventual need for a new Global Monetary Authority. It would set the tone for capital markets in a way that would not be viscerally opposed to a strong public oversight function with rules for intervention, and would return to capital formation the goal of economic growth and development rather than trading for its own sake. In terms of US and international politics, a Global Monetary Authority is probably an idea whose time has not yet come. That may change as today's crisis evolves.1 The American government considers their bail-out programs in the US______. (A)an example to follow by other nations in order to save the capital market(B)the first steps to be taken to prevent an international crisis from breaking out (C)necessary measures available to all the banks in both the US and abroad(D)significant in dealing with both the current crisis and the future crisis2 Which of the following is the main idea for Paragraph 3?(A)No financial organization is responsible for this crisis except Wall Street.(B)The US Federal Reserve is too weak to play a role in fighting the crisis.(C)Only the cooperation of the global market can change the current situation. (D)The US needs more help from other countries, but help is not available.3 The world capital markets have been changing in terms of______.(A)speed(B)size(C)geographical focus(D)all the above4 Which of the following will NOT happen due to the clashes between philosophies? (A)No government will share the American financial system.(B)The American government is asked to change their financial system.(C)There will be discussions between the US and other nations.(D)Some nations may choose to invest in places outside the US.5 The future Global Monetary Authority is expected to______, according to the author. (A)oversee the monetary activities of all the countries(B)intervene in the capital formation and trade(C)help improve the international trade(D)promote economic growth and development5 We would all like to think that humankind is getting smarter and wiser and that our past blunders won't be repeated. Bookshelves are filled with such reassuring pronouncements. Encouraging forecasts rest in part on the belief that we can learn the right lessons from the past and cast discredited ideas onto the ash heap of history, where they belong.Those who think that humanity is making steady if fitful progress might point to the gradual spread of more representative forms of government, the largely successful campaign to eradicate slavery, the dramatic improvements in public health over the past two centuries, the broad consensus that market systems outperform centrally planned economies, or the growing recognition that action must be taken to address humanity's impact on the environment. An optimist might also point to the gradual decline in global violence since the Cold War. In each case, one can plausibly argue that human welfare improved as new knowledge challenged and eventually overthrew popular dogmas, including cherished but wrongheaded ideas, from aristocracy to mercantilism that had been around for centuries.Yet this sadly turns out to be no universal law; There is no inexorable evolutionary march that replaces our bad, old ideas with smart, new ones. If anything, the story of the last few decades of international relations can just as easily be read as the maddeningpersistence of dubious thinking. Misguided notions are frustratingly resilient, hard to stamp out, no matter how much trouble they have caused in the past and no matter how many scholarly studies have undermined their basic claims.Consider, for example, the infamous " domino theory, " kicking around in one form or another since President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 1954 "falling dominoes" speech. During the Vietnam War, plenty of serious people argued that a U. S. withdrawal from Vietnam would undermine America's credibility around the world and trigger a wave of pro-Soviet realignments. No significant dominoes fell after US troops withdrew in 1975, however, and it was the Berlin Wall that eventually toppled instead. Various scholars examined the domino theory in detail and found little historical or contemporary evidence to support it. Although the domino theory seemed to have been dealt a fatal blow in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has re-emerged, phoenix-like, in the current debate over Afghanistan. We are once again being told that if the United States withdraws from Afghanistan before achieving a clear victory, its credibility will be called into question, al Qaeda and Iran will be emboldened, Pakistan could be imperiled, and NATO's unity and resolve might be fatally compromised. Back in 2008, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called Afghanistan an " important test of the credibility of NATO, " and President Barack Obama made the same claim in late 2009 when he announced his decision to send 30, 000 more troops there. Obama also justified his decision by claiming that a Taliban victory in Afghanistan would spread instability to Pakistan. Despite a dearth of evidence to support these alarmist predictions, it's almost impossible to quash the fear that a single change in their strategy will unleash a cascade of falling dominoes.There are other cases in which the lessons of the past—sadly unlearned—should have been even more obvious because they came in the form of truly devastating catastrophes. Germany's defeat in World War I, for example, should seemingly have seared into Germans' collective consciousness the lesson that trying to establish hegemony in Europe was almost certain to lead to disaster. Yet a mere 20 years later, Adolf Hitler led Germany into another world war to achieve that goal, only to suffer an even more devastating defeat.Why is it so hard for states to learn from history and, especially, from their own mistakes? And when they do learn, why are some of those lessons so easily forgotten? Moreover, why do discredited ideas come back into fashion when there is no good reason to resurrect them? Clearly, learning the right lessons—and remembering them over time—is a lot harder than it seems. But why?6 The author would agree to the following statement EXCEPT______.(A)it is true that books can serve as testimony to many wrong ideas(B)people learn lessons from the past and abandon their mistaken notions for good(C)it is believed that people become wiser so that mistakes are not repeated(D)the optimistic forecast about humanity is grounded partly on its steady progress 7 Looking back on history there is enough evidence for the following EXCEPT ______. (A)there has been a revival of domino theory even after heavy blows(B)aristocracy and mercantilism are wrong notions in our tradition(C)an improved human welfare only seems to be true(D)the Germans did not stop trying to establish hegemony in Europe8 The US government claims the withdrawal from Afghanistan will not benefit America and______.(A)al Qaeda and Iran(B)NATO(C)Pakistan(D)both B and C9 The word "discredited" is used twice in the passage. It means______.(A)incorrect(B)shameful(C)reputable(D)rejected10 The author uses______to illustrate his opinion.(A)examples(B)comparison(C)quotations(D)statistics二、选词填空10 Choose the correct headings for each of the following paragraphs marked with B to F. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET(15 points).List of Headingsi. Can unhappy consumers vote "No"?ii. Affluence does not free us from worries.iii. One dropout, one vote—formula for disaster.iV. A large population does not fit in this hi-tech era.V. What are the long term consequences?Vi. The consumer activists intervene as the Third-Party.Vii. Where does the motivation come from?Viii. What is the price we pay?iX. A horde of economic parasites poses the big problem.Example AnswerParagraph A iiA In America today people work fewer hours, have more security and real wealth than ever before, and yet we are an unhappy people involved in much social dissent. We are frustrated over poverty, equal rights, changing social mores, campus revolt, pollution, and our environment. The things we worry about today were, of course, problems years ago, but we were too busy, too insecure, too poor to do much about them. Perhaps we should be thankful for the affluence that has made it possible for us to move these "old problems" upward on our scale of priorities. At the same time we should recognize that while affluence provides the means it does not necessarily provide the wisdom for instantly coping with the complex social problems now concerning us.B Until quite recently, we have been so busy growing in an industrial sense, and we have enjoyed the fruits of our labor so much, that we have had little time or resources to devote to those broad social problems created by our rapidly advancing technology. No small part of this technological advance has been in agriculture. Those persons left in agriculture today are the economic survivors of the greatest mass migration in the historyof man. Had there been no out-migration from agriculture over the past 35 years, our present farm population would be 65 million rather than 10 million. This sudden displacement includes many who have neither the capacity nor yen to learn and master a new profession—many who find it disagreeable to work by the clock and calendar. Many of these are the technological dropouts who are in trouble—who are both a burden and responsibility of our modern society—who are a source of discontent in this time of affluence.C Numbered among the dropouts and other technological misfits are many of our youth who, supported by affluent parents, have not had to worry much about becoming productive citizens. Suddenly we are aware of a large and growing group living on the leavings of a highly productive society. Earlier societies have had their leisure classes but never before in history has so large a proportion of a society been free of the worries of seeking the bare essentials of food, shelter, and clothing. The perplexing problem facing us is how to absorb these technological dropouts and make them productive.D This growing horde of economic parasites takes on a very serious meaning in a one-member, one-vote democratic society. Still in the minority, their presence is largely manifested in social meddling—in contemplation about the welfare of their fellow man. One such movement we vaguely call consumerism, in which activists champion issues which appear to be beneficial to consumers. The term implies protection of the consumer, but the flood of proposals for ways and means of protecting the consumer are not generally traceable to those seeking protection for themselves. To the contrary, the specific issues of consumerism are initiated by those who, for assorted reasons, seek to protect others from harm.E The consumer activists obviously range from selfish to unselfish, from dishonest to honest, from thoughtless to well informed. Whatever their motives, they contend that consumers should be protected from physical and economic harm, that consumers should be informed and educated in product knowledge, that consumers should have a choice in the market place, and finally that consumers should have proper legal redress for wrongs. Such virtuous aims seem undebatable until one realizes that under consumerism they are subject to third-party interpretation which may or may not be in the consumer interest. The third-party values can always be made to appear rational, and are often vigorously supported by the general public. As a result, innumerable laws and regulations are rapidly displacing the free decision of the individual in the market place, and the right of the consumer to choose increasingly becomes a mockery.F Risk is inherent in every consumer purchase. The efforts of man to eliminate risk in the market place are pointless because the reduction of one kind of risk must always be accompanied by a compensating increase in another kind of risk. The cost of protection is deprivation. We can, if we desire, achieve a high degree of auto safety by reducing speed; but society rejects the sacrifice and instead, with the safety belt, accepts a lower safety level requiring less sacrifice.11 Paragraph B______12 Paragraph C______13 Paragraph D______14 Paragraph E______15 Paragraph F______15 Ever since Milton Friedman's address to the American Economic Association in 1968 and the ensuing theoretical work by Robert Lucas and others in the 1970s, the rising long-term inflation expectations have inexorably led to higher inflation. 【K1】______This summer the European Central Bank followed through with a rate hike. In the US, the Federal Reserve is nervously eyeing the latest jumps in producer and consumer prices. Evidence of long-term inflation expectations can be gleaned from breakeven inflation rates on index-linked bonds.Surveys of consumers suggest their expectations for inflation have risen as well. For example, the University of Michigan asks Americans where they think inflation will be over the next 5-10 years. Two years ago they said it would be 2. 9 per cent. Earlier this summer the tally spiked to a more worrisome 3. 4 per cent. Soaring prices for energy and food are mostly to blame. However, as Friedman pointed out, inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. The central question is not about inflation expectations. Nor is it about commodity prices, however quickly they may be rising.【K2】______That is where the story gets more complicated. Are monetary conditions easy? Is there spare capacity?In the US, slack is appearing in the economy, as seen in rising unemployment, now up to 5. 7 per cent. Negative real interest rates suggest monetary conditions are easy. But the Fed's own surveys suggest that bankers are less willing to lend; consumers less willing to borrow. Low real interest rates are a manifestation of economic and financial malaise, not excessive monetary accommodation. 【K3】______.So, what are we to make of higher inflation expectations in the US and western Europe? Investors and households seem to believe energy and food prices will continue to rise.But will other prices and wages automatically follow suit? 【K4】______Perhaps that is why consumer confidence has plummeted on both sides of the Atlantic. In short, households may say they expect higher inflation, but there is little they can do about it. The reality is they are experiencing falling real incomes and pinched balance sheets. That is hardly the stuff of overheating.The Friedman-Lucas emphasis on inflation expectations was a model suited to different times. Central bankers no longer try to ramp growth by springing inflation surprises on unwitting workers. Unionization has declined, automatic cost-of-living adjustments are rare, globalization has reduced pricing power for most companies and bargaining power for most workers. Today, advanced economies are confronted with stagnating growth, collapsing housing markets, slowing world trade, stressed financial systems, and weak household balance sheets. This is not the 1970s. 【K5】______We should therefore be skeptical of the case for tighter monetary policies based on models developed in, and better suited for, a bygone era.Choose the following sentences marked A to E to complete the above article. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.A. Altogether, the case for accelerating US inflation looks weak in the face of below-trend growth and stuttering credit conditionsB. Broad-based price and wage inflation is unlikely todayC. And so, dutifully, central bankers in the US, UK, euro-zone and even in some emerging economies have spoken reproachfully in recent months about signs that inflation expectations are moving upD. Rather, inflation is determined by the interplay between monetary conditions and capacity in the economy to grow without pushing most prices higherE. Stagnating growth and tighter credit conditions suggest the opposite16 【K1】17 【K2】18 【K3】19 【K4】20 【K5】三、选择题21 There is a ______ difference in treatment of creditors in Europe—Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries are the friendliest, while Italy and Spain the worst.(A)crude(B)harsh(C)brisk(D)stark22 We've got all the different companies working together and we have proved it works and is commercially______.(A)viable(B)practical(C)potential(D)feasible23 A history curriculum is often a ______ sign of how a nation and its elites see themselves: as victims of colonialism or practitioners of imperial power.(A)marking(B)saying(C)telling(D)imposing24 The idea of traveling forward into the future or back into the past has always fascinated science fiction writers. The ' grandfather______' is the argument many people use to suggest that time travel is impossible.(A)paradox(B)paradigm(C)paranoia(D)paraphia25 The weather was now so severe, and the hardships of traveling so great, that he resolved to halt for the winter, at the first______place.(A)reasonable(B)approximate(C)mandatory(D)eligible26 In 18th century, sending kidnapped African people to certain death was not considered a crime because they were "goods" , to do with as the owner______.(A)felt free(B)saw fit(C)took pick(D)set forth27 Women on the whole will want to marry men who are either ______ themselves, or their superior, in socio-economic and intellectual attainment.(A)on a par with(B)up to par with(C)par for(D)par at28 Rather than______money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets.(A)having got(B)get(C)getting(D)to get29 We put a lot of hard work into local initiatives, and that's really starting to______now. (A)pay off(B)pay out(C)pay up(D)pay back30 Online copyrights come at the top because of the powerful lobbying of music companies, ______ faced with a rapidly eroding business model than as victims of crime. (A)having better described as firms(B)which are described to be firms(C)which are better described as firms(D)described as firms to be better31 The vet told me he was fine. Because I had given him what he needed: milk and a warm blanket.(A)fragment(B)run on(C)correct(D)choppy32 Who could remember back that far back anyway except maybe Einstein or some memory genius but not a poor teacher?(A)fragment(B)run on(C)comma splice(D)correct33 The second part of the book, and the best part in my opinion, takes up the period of Revolution.(A)fragment(B)run on(C)comma splice(D)correct34 The spring will continue to bounce. It will bounce at its natural frequency. It will do this until all of the energy is used up. This is energy that was originally put into it. (A)comma splice(B)run on(C)choppy(D)correct35 Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy source. Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are relatively new.(A)run on(B)choppy(C)correct(D)fragment36 She took dance classes, but she had no natural grace or sense of rhythm, so she eventually gave up the idea of becoming a dancer.(A)correct(B)run on(C)fragment(D)choppy37 Henry Ford wanted to use the profits to expand the company's factories this was an unusual idea at the time.(A)comma splice(B)fragment(C)run on(D)correct38 We can all name slang expressions that have gone out of date, for instance, "right on" and "groovy" were popular in our parents' generation.(A)comma splice(B)correct(C)choppy(D)run on39 Since I had difficulty understanding the doctor's language, but the nurse made my condition much clearer to understand.(A)run on(B)choppy(C)correct(D)fragment40 At the back of the classroom, Nina sat with her arms crossed, glaring at her teacher, Mr. Beane, her body language indicated that English was her least favorite subject. (A)fragment(B)run on(C)comma splice(D)correct41 Identify the Rhetorical Devices(20%)Each of the following sentences contains a rhetorical device. Identify this device and write the letter of your choice on your ANSWER SHEET.Example:My love is as a fever, longing stillFor that which longer nurseth the disease, (Shakespeare, Sonnet 147)A. simileB. metaphorC. assonanceD. oxymoronYou write; AHitting that telephone pole certainly didn't do your car any good.(A)personification(B)climax(C)litotes(D)simile42 They remained constantly attentive to their goal, as a sunflower always turns and stays focused on the sun.(A)metaphor(B)simile(C)alliteration(D)metonymy43 Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.(A)antithesis(B)euphony(C)paradox(D)metaphor44 A husband in hand is worth two in the bush.(A)parody(B)metonymy(C)hyperbole(D)apostrophe45 A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. (A)understatement(B)personification(C)cacophony(D)zeugma46 The most effective water power in the world—women's tears.(A)epithet(B)assonance(C)hyperbole(D)contrast47 I have always sought but seldom obtained a parking space near the door.(A)aporia(B)simile(C)oxymoron(D)parallelism48 At length I heard a ragged noise and mirth of thieves and murderers.(A)assonance(B)transferred epithet(C)metanoia(D)Scesis Onomaton49 Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.(A)litotes(B)apophasis(C)contrast(D)irony50 A notorious annual feast, the picnic was well attended.(A)epithet(B)analogy(C)paradox(D)appositive四、英译汉51 Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Most textiles and apparel, cheese, chocolate, and a few other products are subject to U.S. import quotas. They serve to protect domestic industry by limiting the supply and therefore raising the prices of foreign products to U.S. consumers, and by allocating production among supplying countries. For example, a quota on Swiss cheese and so permits other countries to take part of the market.Foreign governments need systems for deciding which of their companies will be able to use their quotas in the U. S. Market, and, of course, they want to get the highest possible value of exports from the allowable quantities. They use different systems to allocate quotas, including auctioning them in blocks. Holders of quotas are often allowed to sell them to other suppliers, who hope to get higher prices from their U. S. Buyers.Customs and Border Protection helps many countries entrance their quota arrangements by requiring that import shipments of quota goods be accompanied by visas issued by the designated authorities in the exporting countries. This means that if your shipment of canned tuna from Thailand reaches U. S. Customs and there is no visa among the documents, it probably cannot be entered. You can apply to the Thai consulate for a visa, but it will not be granted unless the responsible agency in Bangkok gives its approval. If you get tangled up in the Electronic Certification System(eCERT)and the Electronic Visa Information System(ELVIS), you will probably wish it were the Elvis from Graceland, not Customs.Classification specialists in district Customs offices should know the details of quotas on the items they handle, but even they cannot always tell you the annual quota on a specific item from a specific country or how much of the year's quota is still unfilled. They can, however, translate the HS number of your product into a " Quota Category Number" and tell you where to look to find the quota level and its current status of fulfillment.五、写作52 Write an English composition of about 250 - 300 words, illustrating how new media are changing our life with one or two examples. Your writing will be assessed for language, format, structure, content and length. Write it on your ANSWER SHEET.My Personal Views on New Media。

对外经济贸易大学2015年翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试初试试题考试科目:211翻译硕士英语Part I Vocabulary and Grammar(30%)Section One:Choose from A,B,C or D the one that best complete the sentence,and mark your choice on the ANSWER SHEET(20points,1 point each)1.()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July11th to August12th.A.Owing toB.According toC.In order toD.So as to2.The buyer made a bid()$600per ton for peanut meat.A.inB.atC.forD.With3.So far we()business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world.A.are establishedB.have establishedC.had establishedD.shall establish4.()the goods under Contract No.1986are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay.A.IfB.UnlessC.AlthoughD.As5.Under separate cover,we have already sent you samples of() sizes of shoes.A.varyingB.variousC.variableD.Variant6.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on().A.replyB.orderC.requestD.Call7.We wish to()that this is the best price we can quote,and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered.A.point atB.point toC.point ofD.point out8.We find your price is rather on the high side.We wonder()you can do better in the near future.A.ifB.whyC.whatD.As9.All the cases are strongly packed____compliance_____your request.()A.for...withB.in...withC.for...inD.In...for10.Please()that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay.A.see to themB.see themC.see itD.See11.Can you offer us machine tools with the following().rmationsB.messagesC.specificationsD.Arrangements12.The analysis of the first shipment is not()certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.A.satisfyB.satisfiedC.satisfactionD.Satisfactorily13.It is in pushing the sale of Chinese toys in your country()we assure you of our cooperation.A.thatB.whenC.whichD.Where14.It is necessary for you to()our shipment instructions.ply withB.consist ofC.insist onD.persist in15.Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port,we suggest that you accept()at Hong Kong.A.transportationB.transshipmentC.transformationD.Transmission16.Samples and quotations_____favourable prices will be immediately sent to you_____receipt of your specific enquiry.()A.at…atB.upon…uponC.at…uponD.upon…at17.We are glad that in the past few years,we,by joint efforts,() both business and friendship.A.have greatly promotedB.have greatly been promotedC.had greatly promotedD.had greatly been promoted18.We regret()that your price for iron nails is out of line with the market here.A.to sayB.sayingC.saidD.to be said19.()is hoped that you would do your utmost to effect punctual shipment.A.ThisB.ThatC.OneD.It20.The firm is well connected with the manufacturers of lathes and, (),is able to supply various kinds of lathes.A.howeverB.thoughC.thusD.therewithSection Two Identify Stylistic Problems(10points,1point each)Identify the stylistic problem with each of the following sentences by choosing A,B,C,D.Write your correct sentence on the ANSWER SHEET. Part II Reading Comprehension(40%,2points each)Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing A,B, C,D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage1Google:soul searchingSearch is losing market share in digital advertising There comes a time when all monopolies falter.Think of telecoms operators or utilities,for example.For Google,too,its near-monopoly on search ads will someday end.The company is nowhere near this point yet, of course.But recently there have been signs that Google is no longer quite as untouchable as it once was.Start with online ads.The market for digital advertising has weakened recently.According to IAB,US digital ad spend grew14per cent in the second quarter.Not bad.But that was the lowest rate of growth in two years.More concerning still for Google is that search ads’share of the digital advertising pie has been shrinking since2011.Google is still outgrowing the market–revenues from its own sites, including YouTube,grew20per cent in the most recent quarter.But the move away from search is starting to hurt:Bernstein estimates that Google search revenue growth slowed to17per cent.Google’s fastest-growing source of revenue has become its lower-margin“other”category,which includes sales from Google Play and is growing at50per cent a year.As ad dollars move away from search,Google has been losing share of the overall online advertising market to Facebook.In the US, eMarketer expects Google’s share of digital ads to fall from40per cent (2013),to38per cent(2014),to34per cent(2016).Facebook’s market share is expected to climb from8per cent to11per cent in the same period.Part of the problem is that search ads do not seem to be quite as successful on mobile(the fastest-growing part of digital ad spend)as on desktop.People do use search on phones–search is about half of mobile ad spending.But these ads appear to have less impact than targeted social media ads,and could fall off quickly as more effective forms of mobile advertising are found.Facebook,which has a higher ad market share on mobile than on desktop,has seen its click-through rate triple over the past year,according to Nanigans.Unfortunately for Google,mobile advertising is getting increasingly crowded.Snapchat,a popular photo-sharing app,is launching ads.And Yahoo is trying to boost its mobile ad offering with its acquisition of Flurry.The search business naturally tends towards monopoly.But the advertising business,ex-search,does not.1.What dose the word"shrink"mean?A.ThriveB.StableC.Expandpress2.Why dose the author mention IAB in the second paragraph?A.To explain why the digital advertising market has weakened recently.B.To support the viewpoint that digital advertising market has weakened.C.To argue the point that digital advertising market has weakened recently.3.According to this article,which company might NOT be the competitor of mobile advertising for Google?A.FacebookB.YahooC.SnapchatD.MicrosoftPassage2India/Brazil:A tale of two subsidies“The value of Petrobras . . . is a growing value.Everyone who has invested in Petrobras will make lots of money.”President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil was in rousing form when defending the country’s state-owned oil company in an election debate on Sunday.She once chaired its board.But the good news was slightly marred by Ms Rousseff’s admission that some may have made their Petrobras money by siphoning it off the company directly.And if this did not make Petrobras’minority shareholders feel glum about destruction of value,they could also have looked at India this weekend for a contrast.At the stroke of midnight Delhi time on Saturday, the market took over setting diesel prices after the government ended subsidies.These were a burden on the state and made profits less predictable at refiners(many themselves state-owned).Petrobras’R$225bn(or$102bn)market value dwarfs any of these companies–even India's state owned ONGC,which like Petrobras is both a producer and a refiner.But the Brazilian government requires Petrobras to apply its own fuel subsidies.Prices are kept under control to stop inflation rising further.Between2011–a year after a$70bn equity offering to foreign investors–and2013,Petrobras’net income was R$78bn overall.But its refining division,partly because of the subsidies, posted net losses of R$51bn.And this year the Brazilian real’s weakening against the US dollar may make importing fuel dearer.The Indian government has been canny.It picked the fall in oil prices to deregulate.The first breath of market forces was thus a Rs3.4 price cut per litre.The drop in crude prices is the equivalent of Rs5, HSBC thinks,so refiners could either pass more on to consumers or increase margins.Such opportunities do not often present themselves. The case for reforming Petrobras’pricing must get through an election first.It trades8times forecast2015earnings.To quote Ms Rousseff,thereis muito dinheiro(a lot of money)at stake.1.What is the Lex's stand on fuel subsidies?A.ForB.AgainstC.Not clear2.Indian government ended what exactly?A.All kinds of fiscal subsidies.B.State ownership of oil companies.C.Subsidies on diesel.3.Petrobras has a2013profit of Real78bn,a market value of225bn, which is8times forcast2015earnings.Is the company's profits going up or down?A.Going up.B.Going down.C.More or less the same.Passage3US loans:growing broodBanks are lending more–putting regulators on edge If the economy is a family,equity represents the grown ups,debt the children.Kids are great–new life and all that.They grow naughty, though,when too many are underfoot.The US has grown fecund.Are congratulations in order?Or is it off to the orphanage again,to dump the worst of the ankle-biters for restructuring?Rates remain very low,and net interest margins remain slim.Banks are responding by lending more.In October,loans to customers stood at $7tn,according to the St Louis Federal Reserve,about a10th higher than in2008,before Lehman Brothers went bust.With the US economy growing robustly(by global standards),more businesses feel confident about mercial and industrial loans issued by banks have grown nearly50per cent since the post-crisis lows of late2010. Commercial real estate(CRE)loans are growing at a particularly fast pace as banks back new development projects.In the last quarter JPMorgan’s CRE loan portfolio grew13per cent from a year earlier.The figures at Wells Fargo,Citigroup and Bank of America are also rising, albeit more modestly.Banks have eased credit conditions for large companies in19out of the past20quarters,according to Credit Suisse.A US Federal Reservesurvey shows that10.5per cent of US banks have lowered their standards (giving loans to companies with lower credit scores)for big and midsized groups.Meanwhile,risky leveraged lending has continued to grow despite a regulatory crackdown.All this activity has put regulators on edge.They fear a repeat of the crisis,when all the bawling and dirty diapers took the family to the edge of insolvency.Specifically,the Fed is worried that growing competition between banks to win over new customers will lead many to weaken their underwriting standards and risk management assessments.Yet,non performing loans have halved since the2010peaks.And bad debt charges have fallen to0.23per cent in the second half of this year,down from the2.5per cent high in the last quarter of2009,Credit Suisse analysis shows.Today’s banks are better capitalised than they were before the crisis. But high levels of risky debt could undermine those buffers.For the moment,the growing brood looks comfortable enough.But the more it grows,the riskier it becomes.1.In the second paragraph,the author mentions data from St Louis Federal Reserve to illustrate that______.A.rates remain lowB.banks lend more interest margins remain slim2.According to the author,the Fed is worrying about some problems, EXCEPT______.A.a repeat of the crisisB.the undermine of underwriting standardsC.the weaken of risk management assessmentsD.the robustly grow of the US economy3.The word"halved"in the last but one paragraph can be replaced by "_______".A.raisedB.modifiedC.reducedD.VanishedPassage4Alibaba:swinging singlesAmerican capitalism could not bear a holiday devoted only to gratitude–a notoriously hard concept to monetise.So after Thanksgiving comes Black Friday–and the country shops.China’s Singles’Day(named for all the ones in the date,11/11)was for romance.That did not set registers ringing,either.Alibaba charged into the breach a few years ago with a Singles’Day sale.The results make the Americans cramming into Walmart look like timid socialists.This Singles’Day,the total volume of merchandise bought through Alibaba was Rmb57.1bn($9.3bn),blowing past last year’s$5.9bn.Total US retail sales for the entire four-day Thanksgiving weekend of2013, online and in stores,were roughly$57bn.Alibaba,a marketplace operator rather than a retailer,takes up to5 per cent of each transaction–no discount on Alibaba’s merchant fees for Singles’Day,thank you.So the day’s discounts of at least50per cent compresses revenues,especially considering that before the big day some sales are put off(one merchant has said that in the two weeks before Singles’Day its online sales drop80per cent).Alibaba has not disclosed the revenues it makes from Singles’Day.The big winners,other than consumers,might be the delivery companies.Given all this,and that Alibaba’s$300bn market capitalisation is about50times net income,profitability matters.Alibaba’s shareholders will have to wait for the next earnings report for clues to whether Singles’Day2014was an economic success as well as a promotional one.Cash flow,in particular,bears watching.Capital expenditures tripled in Alibaba’s latest reported quarter,to$550m,as the company spent money on data centres,land rights and construction.Cash flow after capital spending therefore grew much more slowly than profit(even putting aside the$775m Alibaba lent to its merchants in the quarter).Chinese consumers are proving their buying power and Alibaba is proving its selling power.Earnings power will determine whether investors keep clicking buy,buy,buy.1.How do we define Alibaba?A.Alibaba is a retailer.B.Alibaba is a marketplace operator.2.According to the writer,who might be the big winner of the Singles’Day?A.RetailersB.ConsumersC.Delivery companiesD.Both consumers and delivery companies3.Why dose the cash flow of Alibaba grow much more slowly than theirprofit?A.Because they spent money on data centres.B.Because they spent money on land rights.C.Because they spent money on construction.D.All the above.Part III Writing(30%)The chart below shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between1930and1980.Write a report of350-400words in English for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.Your writing will be assessed for language,format,structure,content and length. Write your report on the ANSWER SHEET.1930-1980五十年间五个国家囚禁犯人的数据情况该图表对比的是1930-1980五十年间五个国家囚禁犯人的数据情况。

超详细!2021对外经济贸易大学MTI真题+答案211翻译硕士英语一、单选20题近义词辨析untacheduntachable unequal unequable固定搭配poverty alleviation(脱贫)depreciationvolatile “v”开头的很多词意辨析consultancy和 redundancy 区别很多题都是,一道题两个空,一般只清楚一个空,另一个空单词不认识,很难选二、文体改错10题comma price, run on, fragment 比较多,也有correct,choppy比较少,没有stringy三、阅读,2篇常规阅读,1篇5选5,1篇判断正误第一篇2017年12月六级真(第一套),判断正误Our world now moves so fast that we seldom stop tosee just how far we have come in just a few years. The latest iPhone 6s, forexample, has a dual-core processor and fits nicely into your pocket. comparison,you would expect to find a technological specification like this on yourstandard laptop in an office anywhere in the world.It's no wonder that new applications for theInternet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy hasa plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet. Soon, our currentsmartphone lifestyle will expand to create our own smart home lifestyle too.All researches agree that close to 25 billiondevices, things and sensors will be connected 2020 which incidentally isalso the moment that Millennials (千禧一代) are expected to make up 75 percent of our overallworkforce, and the fully connected home will become a reality for large numbersof people worldwide.However, this is just the tip of the proverbialiceberg as smart buildings and even cities increasingly become the norm asleaders and business owners begin to wake up to the massive savings thattechnology can deliver through connected sensors and new forms of automationcoupled with intelligent energy and facilities management.Online security cameras, intelligent lighting and awealth of sensors that control both temperature and air quality are offering anunprecedented level of control, efficiency, and improvements to what were onceclassed necessary costs when running a business or managing a large building.We can expect that the ever-growing list ofdevices, systems and environments remain connected, always online and talkingto each other. The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormousand rapidly growing amount of data, but will also be in the ability torun realtime data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge.The biggest and most exciting challenge of thistechnology is how to creatively leverage this ever-growing amount of data todeliver cost savings, improvements and tangible benefits to both businesses andcitizens of these smart cities.The good news is that most of this technology isalready invented. Let's face it, it wasn't too long ago that the idea ofworking from anywhere and at anytime was some form of a distant Utopian (乌托邦式的) dream, and yet now we can perform almost anyoffice-based task from any location in the world as long as we have access tothe internet.It's time to wake up to the fact that making smartbuildings, cities and homes will dramatically improve our quality of life inthe years ahead.第二篇,选自2019年5月一篇经济学人文章Sleepless in Silicon ValleyWhy the techie obsession with sleep technologymakes perfect senseFirst, close the blackout blinds in your bedroom.Eat dinner at 4pm, and do not eat or drink anything after 6pm. Put on yourblue-light blocking glasses at 8pm. Set your bedroom temperature to 67oF{19.4C) and your electric blanket to 69.8oF {21 C). At 8.45pm, meditate forfive to ten minutes. Switch on your deep- wave sound machine. Put on yourQurasleep tracking ring. You are now, finally, ready for slumber. This may allsound a bit over the top. But this is the "sleep hygiene" routinedescribed in a recent blog post Bryan Johnson, who sold his previous companyto eBay for $800m and is now chief executive of Kernel, a startup developingbrain-computer interfaces. He admits that his sleep routine has "decimatedmy social life”, and that his partner sleeps in a different room, but says allthis troubleis worth it, because it has boosted his level of "deepsleep" as much as 157%. He has bought Oura rings for all his employees.Mr Johnson does not expect other people to copy hisroutine, but made it public to encourage the sharing of sleep habits and tips.Like many other techies, he regards sleep hygiene as an effective way tomaintain mental health, boost cognition and enhance productivity. In its mostrecent funding round, backers of Oura, the Finnish maker of the high-tech ring,included the co- founders of YouTube and Twitch, along with alumni ofFacebook,Skype and . The ring's most famous user is Jack Dorsey, the boss ofTwitter, whose unusual wellness regime-which also incorporates near-infraredsaunas, radiation blocking Faraday tents, fasting and cryotherapy- prompted theNew York Times this month to dub him “Gwyneth Paltrow for Silicon Valley”. Fortech tycoons, it seems, sleep is the new fitness.Those who want to monitor and improve their sleephaveno shortage of gadgets to choose from. As well as electric blankets andmattress- chillers, sound machines and "decimated my social life” smartrings, there are also smart pillows, sleep-tracking watches and bracelets,intelligentsleep masks, brain-stimulating headbands, bedside sleep sensors andcountless sleep- monitoring apps. The market for sleep technology was worth$58bn in 2014 and is expected to grow to $81bn 2020, according toPersistence, a market-research firm. Big companies in the field includehousehold names such as Apple, Bose, Nokia and Philips. After Mr Dorsey'senthusiastic endorsement, the Oura rings are back- ordered four to sixweeks.The mania for sleep technology makes perfect sensefor the tech industry, combining as it does several existing trends. For astart, it fits with the industry's metrics -driven worldview. Techies obsessabout OKRs {objectives and key results), KPIs {key performance indicators) anddigital-analytics dashboards showing the performance of specific products andfeatures. Applying similar techniques to sleep and other aspects of theirpersonal lives, an approach known as the "quantified self" seems alogical step. As those in the startup world like to say, channeling Peter Drucker,a management guru, "what's measured improves."Sleep- tracking also aligns neatly with Silicon Valley'scult of productivity, and the constant search for "life hacks" thatwill make entrepreneurs more effective, efficient and successful. This ranges fromwearing the same clothes every day, Steve Jobs-style (thus avoiding wastingtime deciding what to put on), to fastidious fitness routines and complicateddiets. Elaborate sleep regimes slot right in, because they promise clarity ofthought and improved cognitive performance. They also let people extend theirquantified· self and life- -hacking efforts into the one part of the day that waspreviously untouched: shut-eye.Relentlessly pursuing productivity only whileyou are awake is for wimps. Sleep -tracking means you can do it round theclock. Oura describes its sensor packed ring as a "secret weapon forpersonal improvement"- -another way to get ahead.1.下列说法符合文章标题的是?A how to?B how to achieve self-improvementC how to monitor your sleepingD seeping hyhegnie and technology that can improveefciency2.What dose "Iife hacks "mean?A life tipsB?C?D privacy monitoring3. What does the sentence mean "decimated m ysocial life”4. What does the sentence mean "the Oura ringsare back- ordered four to six weeks."?5.搞科技的为啥喜欢这个?选项为D.以上全部第三篇: Cosco CiscoIntel 这些公司预见未来,制定未来发展计划的情况,哪些公司可以紧跟时代潮流。

对外经济贸易大学基础英语考研真题及详解(2013~2014)对外经济贸易大学2014年基础英语考研真题Part I Multiple Choice and Paraphrase(35points)Section One:Choose from A,B,C or D the one that best completes each blank. Mark the correct choice for each blank on the ANSWER SHEET(10points,1point each).1.In America,the constitution protects the press from pre-publication censorship, leaving those who reveal state secrets to the______of the courts and the judgment of public debate—hence the Putinesque treatment of Manning and Snowden.A.jurisdictionB.mercyC.verdictD.compassion【答案】B【解析】在美国,宪法保护媒体出版前免遭审查,而让法院和民众来决定如何处置泄露国家机密的那些人——从而有了对曼宁和斯诺登的强硬对待。
leave…to the mercy of为固定搭配,意为“听任某人摆布,给某人支配”。
2.Fertile and well wooded,intersected by noble rivers,and inclosing safe and______harbors and bays,it seemed a promising region for permanent settlements and agricultural industry.A.contiguousB.adjournedC.capaciousD.voluminous【答案】C【解析】contiguous邻近的。

2008年对外经济贸易大学英语学院272二外俄语考研真题及详解一、选择填空(20分)1. Кончилось лето, _____дождливые осенние дни.A. приступилиB. поступилиC. вступилиD. наступили【答案】C【解析】句意为:夏天结束了,多雨的秋天就要来了。
2. Нельзя смеяться_____, который плохо говорит на иностранном языке.A. человекаB. человекуC. с человекомD. над человеком【答案】D【解析】句意为:不要嘲笑那些外语说不好的人。
3. В то время больному становилось всё_____.A. плохимB. плохомуC. плохоD. хуже【答案】D【解析】句意为:那时候病人的情况更糟了。
固定搭配:становиться всё后面加比较级,表示变得更……。
4. Погода стоит солнечная и тёплая, а ваш товарищ уже_____ зимнее пальто.A. оделB. ходилC. носилD. надел【答案】D【解析】句意为:天气刚晴朗温暖,而你的同事已经穿上冬天的大衣了。
одетьво что 穿什么衣服;ходить в чём指(经常)穿什么衣服;носить表示戴什么;надеть что穿什么衣服,故答案为D。
5. На сцену вышел тот_____ артист, которого мы видели в прошлое воскресенье.A. самB. самыйC. самогоD. самим【答案】B【解析】句意为:走上台的正是我们上周日看到的那个演员。

2013年对外经济贸易大学英语学院272二外俄语考研真题及详解一、选择填空:(每题1分,共20分)Прочитайте предложения и выберите самое подходящее слово для подстановки.1. Правительство намерено _____ сроки подачи предложений по эксплуатации на середину мая 2013 г.A. принестиB. перенестиC. нанести【答案】B【解析】句意:政府有意把递交生产工作提案的日期改到2013年5月中旬。
2. Мы никогда не _____ права какой бы то ни было державы лишить наснашей земли.A. признаемB. познаемC. узнаем【答案】A【解析】句意:我们永远不会承认任何一个让我们失去土地的大国的权利。
3. По сообщению из Ашхабада, Туркменистан будет _____ политику открытости и широкого международного сотрудничества.A. выводитьB. приводитьC. проводить【答案】C【解析】句意:据阿什哈巴德消息称,土库曼斯坦将推行广泛的国际合作和开放政策。

2015年对外经济贸易大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题回忆版二十道词汇选择的答案1 precipitate选项还有precitate, presitate,precititate2 attributable to 选项还有contributing to,attributed with,attributed to3 payable atsight4 irrespective of5 disposable6 looking forwardto (receiving...)选项还有receive...7 at the expenseof 选项还有at expense of... 想要获取更多考研相关课件、历年真题、答案解析等相关资料请登陆贸大考研论坛8 (take out ) amortgage 选项还有take in,take on,take out9 scoff at theidea that 选项还有support for,standover...10 profiteering11 (enclosed)please find选项还有the enclosed,enclosing,the attached12 Theoretically,lending rates have already been liberalised, with no floor on them; in reality,bankers say they still price loans off the (benchmark).选项还有bottom line,interest rate惠园教育我们只专注于对外经贸大学考研辅导改错没有前两年的难,都比较简单。
阅读题五篇第一篇阅读题源1 What dose theword "shrink" mean?A ThriveB StableC ExpandD Compress选D2 Why dose theauthor mention IAB in the second paragraph?A to explain whythe digital advertising market has weakened recently.B to support theviewpoint that digital advertising market has weakened.C to argue thepoint that digital advertising market has weakened recently.D 忘了选B3 According tothis article, Facebook might NOT be the competitor of mobile advertising forGoogle?A TrueB False CNot given选B4 According tothis article, Microsoft might be the competitor of mobile advertising forGoogle?A TrueB False CNot given选C5 According tothis article, Snapchat might be the competitor of mobile advertising forGoogle?A TrueB False CNot given选A第二篇阅读题源6 According toparagraph 1, What is the main purpose of the Sino-British plan?A To participatein the APEC CEO Summit 2014.B To learn whyChina is so good at numbers.C To help controlChina's air pollution.D选B7 What dose theword "Accolade" mean?A NeutralB AnimadversionC DepreciateD Praise选D8 9 According tothis article, what is one hypothesis of the academic debate about why China isso good at numbers EXPECT—8—and —9—A It's all aboutgenetic.B It's all becauseof the pedagogical strategies.C Mandarin is abetter language to learn maths.D Chinese spendmost of their time learning maths.E 出题老师编的,大概是中国学生喜欢学数学惠园教育我们只专注于对外经贸大学考研辅导8 D 9 E10Which is thetheme of the article?A British faith inChinese education fails to add upB British faith inChinese education remains stable.C British faith inChinese education.D 忘了选A add up 有合乎情理的意思作文:作文题源 WTO公布的worldtrade report 2014PDF工具栏第二十页的图要求write a report,字数要求300-350字想要获取更多考研相关课件、历年真题、答案解析等相关资料请登陆贸大考研论坛describe,compareand analyze the world trade,GDP and trade between 1990 and 2013. 这个题干写的有点错误,不过应该可以看出来,应该是describe,compare and analyze the worldtrade,GDP and trade /GDP between 1990 and 2013.惠园教育我们只专注于对外经贸大学考研辅导还有GDP和 trade/GDP两条线一定要分清楚,很多人把这两条线弄混了,太吃亏了。
对外经济贸易大学2016年二外英语考研真题及详解 【圣才出品】

对外经济贸易大学2016年二外英语考研真题及详解Part I Vocabulary and grammar (20%, 1 point each)Directions: Choose from A, B, C or D the one that best completes each sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. George is one of the brightest students who _____ from Washington University.A. had graduatedB. is graduatedC. has graduatedD. have graduated【答案】D【解析】本句为限定性定语从句,who指代的是先行词students,根据主谓一致的就近原则,后面的谓语动词为复数形式。
2. I have two brothers, but _____ of them likes sweets.A. bothB. neitherC. eitherD. none【答案】B【解析】本句句意是:我有两个兄弟,但他们没人喜欢吃糖。
3. The committee suggested that new method _____ to cope with the new situation.A. were worked outB. would be worked outC. be worked outD. worked out【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。
suggest表示虚拟语气时需要用“should+动词原形”,而should 可以省略。
4. I felt li ke _____ to him, “Don’t be such a complainer all the time.”A. sayB. sayingC. to be saidD. to say【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。

对外经济贸易大学2013年二外英语考研真题PartI Vocabulary and grammar(20%)Directi ons:Choose f rom A, B, C o r D the one t hat best comp letes each se ntence. Write your answers on the ANSWE R SHEET.1. U ndergraduatestudents have no ____to th e rare booksin the school library.A.entrance B. wa y C. accessD. path2. Pic king flowersin the park i s absolutely____.A. avoi ded B. prohibit ed C. rejected D. repe lled3. I fel t that I wasnot yet ____to travel abr oad.A. too s trong B.strong enoughC. so strongD. enou gh strong4.For the succe ss of the pro ject, the com pany should ______ the mos t of the oppo rtunities athand.A. obta in B. grasp C. catch D. make5. Follow th e _____ of th e vine as itwinds through some of themost pictures que towns inConnecticut.A. trailB. trial C. tra iler D. trait6. Since the ____ of atomic power, there have been gr eat changes i n industry.A. departure B.threshold C. adv entD. commen cement7. Onc e this pictur e was auction ed to be wort h of more tha n two million dollars, but after the co mmenting of a n expert, itbecomes quite ____.A. inv aluable B. price less C. worthles sD. unwo rthy8. The s tudy found th at emerging e conomies cont inued to grow in the three months to th e end of June, but at a sl ower pace. Th e index ______to 53.0, fro m 53.6 in the first quarte r.A. slumpedB. slipped C. cli mbed D. ascended9. The chemi st had made a n _____ repor t on the char acteristics o f this metal.A. exhaustiv e B. exhausted C. ex hausting D. exuber ating10. Noone disputesthat firms ha ve to make or ganizationalchanges whenthe businessenvironment d emands them.But the ideathat a firm m ight want cha nge for its o wn ____ often provokes ske pticism.A. c oncern B. priv ilege C. sake D. reason11.Musicians hav e been taking to Twitter t o ____ theirrespects to B ee Gees singe r Robin Gibb.A. pay B.receive C. giv e D. honor12. ProfessorJohnson is sa id ____ somesignificant a dvance in his research inthe past year.A. having m ade B. making C. tohave made D. to mak e13. This is an illness t hat can resul t in total bl indness ______ left untrea ted.A. afterB. if C. since D. unl ess14. Intel lect is to th e mind _____sight is to t he body.A. w hat B. as C. that D. l ike15. Fool______ Tom is, he could no t have done s uch a thing.A. who B. asC. that D. l ike16.______, I'll marryhim all the s ame.A. Was h e rich or poo r B. Whether be r ich or poorC. Were he ric h or poor D. Be h e rich or poo r17. The pri ncipal left t he command th at the vase ______ touched until the po licemen got h ere.A. shoul d not be B.ought not beC. must not b e D. would not be18. I t was unbelie vable for her to______ suc h a crazy ide a.A. enterta in B. come upC.stick to D. ta ke19. The re action of Fre nch people to the reformsof labor laws _____ theirlong-time res entmenttowar d the flexibi lity broughtby the overwh elming trendof globalizat ion.A. is in dicative B. is in dicative of C. indicat eD. ha s been indica ting20. When backpackersfirst hit the_____ in the1970s, they w ere seen as a n antidote to sterilepack age tours, areturn to tra vel independe ntly as explo ration and ad venture.A. r ock B. roa d C. store D. mountain Part II Cloz e (20%)Direc tions: Decide which of the choices give n below would best complet e the passage if insertedin the corres ponding blank s. Write your answers on t he ANSWER SHE ET.An author ity 1 bus iness and per sonal etiquet te 2 a 519-page book L etitia Baldri ge's Complete Guide to Exe cutive Manner s, 3 thes e words: “Thi s is a book a bout 4 bu t also aboutthe quality o f excellence. It is a book about the im portance of d etail and abo ut 5 deta ils 6 tog ether can cre ate the stron g, effectiveexecutive pre sence that pr opels an indi vidual 7 in his or her career. This is, 8 ,a book aboutsuccess. ”Th is book is ba sed on the th eory that goo d manners are9 becaus e they not on ly increase t he quality of life in theworkplace, 10 to optim um employee m oral, and emb ellish the co mpany image,11 they a lso play a ma jor role in g enerating pro fit. An atmos phere in whic h people trea t each otherwith consider ation is 12one in whi ch a customer enjoys doing business.Als o, most impor tantly, a com pany with a 13 , high-class reputat ion attracts—and keeps—goo d people. Man ners of an in dividual areoften 14 as highly asyour knowledg e of your 15 or your b rilliance atthe negotiati on table.Pro per protocolin today's bu siness worldgoes well 16 basic tab le manners (t hey are, afte r all, a 17in most cu ltures) and c ommon courtes ies (allowing an esteemedcolleague orsuperior to p recede you 18 a doorwa y, for exampl e). According to Carl A. N elson, thereare eight com mon protocolelements or c ategories 19 permit yo u to do busin ess successfu lly in any cu lture. 20 by importanc e, they are:names; rank a nd title; tim e; behavior;communication s; gift givin g; food and d rink.1. A. i n B. about C. on D. at2. A. opens B. annou nces C.writes D. reads3. A. in B. wrote C. said D. with4. A. manner B. manner s C. m annering D. the manne red5. A. how B. w hen C. after D. if6. A. are B. linkin g C.go D. linked7. A. forward B. upwar d C.through D. along8. A. so B. theref ore C.however D. nonethel ess9. A. cos t-effective B. benefit-e ffective C. cost-worthy D. cost-e fficient10.A. influence B. increa se C.contribute D. add11. A. but B. as C. s ince D. for12.A. consequent ly B. alterna tively C. obviously D. namely13. A. ill-m annered B. w ell-mannered C. good man ner D. goo d manners14.A. accounted B. account ing C. c ounting D. counted15. A. matter B. sub ject matter C. topic mat ter D. re ference16. A. beyond B. away C. more than D. above17. A. token B. given C. ic on D. grant18. A. to B. from C. a cross D. through19. A. that B. wha t C. when D. how20.A. Ranking B. Listed C. Rank ed D.ListingPart III Reading Comprehensio n (20%)Direc tions:Read t he followingpassages care fully and cho ose the bestanswer to eac h question. W rite your ans wers on the A NSWER SHEET.Passage 1Ban k of China ha s officiallybegun its bra nch in Cambod ia on Saturda y, and its Ph nom Penh Bran ch is the fir st lender fro m China in th e country and is the Kingd om’s 30th com mercial bank.“The bank wi ll provide ad vantages andpositive inpu ts to Cambodi a to boost it s banking ind ustry and eco nomic growth,”Deputy Prim e Minister an d Finance Min ister Keat Ch hon said duri ng the launch ing ceremony,which was at tended by abo ut 200 banker s, local andChinese busin esspeople inCambodia.“Iwould like to encourage th e bank to foc us its loanson agricultur al sector inorder to help Cambodian go vernment to d evelop this s ector, whichis one of the four pillars supporting t he country'seconomic grow th,” he said.Chea Chanto, the governor of NationalBank of Cambo dia, said the bank's prese nce reflected the confiden ce of Chinese investors in Cambodian ma rket.“With t he presence o f the bank, i t would bring new technolo gy and innova tive bankingproducts to d evelop Cambod ian banking i ndustry,” hesaid. He said that by theend of 2010,the customers' deposits in the bankingsector grew b y 26 percentto 4.16 billi on U.S. dolla rs, while the customer cre dits increase d by 26.7 per cent to 3.18billion U.S.dollars.Thecountry has t he population of 14.3 mill ion, of which, 1.35 millio n people have used banking system, he a dded. “We wou ld help suppo rt large Chin ese firms doi ng business i n Cambodia, e specially tho se in infrast ructure proje cts, hydropow er dams, agri culture, andspecial econo mic zones,”h e said. “It i s in line wit h the policyof China in h elping to dev elop Cambodia's economy.”He said that as the bank's loan target s are mainlyon huge proje cts, so he be lieves that t he bank's pre sence here wi ll not affect existing loc al banks andthe bank is l ooking forwar d to cooperat ing with allof them.Camb odia sets tolaunch its st ock market in July this ye ar. Yue Yi sa id the Bank o f China willactively part icipate in th e upcoming st ock market th rough providi ng clearanceand settlemen t services. "We will alsoprovide fundi ng to compani es in the sto ck market and other market players," he added. ChenChang Jiang,chief executi ve officer of Bank of Chin a Phnom PenhBranch, saidthat Cambodia's financialmarket is rel atively small at the momen t, but it has lots of room to grow. Ban k of China is among the fo ur largest ba nks in China. Its total as set is over 11 trillion Ch inese yuan (1.7 trillion U.S. dollars), with branche s in 31 count ries around t he world.1.What of the f ollowing info rmation is no t true aboutBank of China?A. It is on e of the four largest bank s in China.B. Its Phnom P enh Branch is Cambodia’s 30th commercia l bank.C. It s total asset is more than $11 trillion.D. It has b ranches in mo re than 30 co untries.2. T he newly open ed branch wil l benefit Cam bodia in ____.A. bringing new technolo gy and innova tive bankingproductsB. d eveloping Cam bodian bankin g industryC. bringing inn ovative banki ng productsD. all above3. In Cambodia, banking sys tem has beenused by ____of its popula tion.A. more than 10%B.approximately 10%C. lessthan 9%D. mo re than 11%4. Chea Chanto believes tha t the new bra nch’s presenc e here will n ot affect exi sting local b anks because____ .A. the new branch i s under the r egulation ofCambodia’s la wB. local ba nks have loya l customers w ho won’t turn to the new b ranchC. thenew branch'sloan targetsare mainly on huge project sD. there is a good coope ration betwee n the new bra nch and local banks5. Wh ich of the fo llowing is no t mentioned i n this passag e?A. The Ban k of China wi ll actively p articipate in Cambodia’s u pcoming stock market.B. C ambodia’s fin ancial market has a largespace to grow.C. Agricult ure plays a v ery important role in Camb odian economi c growth.D.The potential competitionbetween Banko f China’s Ph nom Penh Bran ch and localbanks. Passag e 2One in th ree women pre fers spending time with gi rlfriends tha n their husba nds. They can get glammedup, enjoy a g ood meal andgossip till t he cows comehome. No wond er one in thr ee married wo men have more fun with fri ends than the ir husbands.Researchers w ho interviewe d 3,000 women found that m any would rat her spend the day with a f riend than be with their o ther half. Si x out of tensaid they pre fer to go sho pping with th eir girlfrien ds rather tha n their partn er because th ey offer bett er, more trus tworthy advic e.The survey found that w hen meeting f emale friends the women ma de more of an effort withtheir outfitand spent lon ger doing the ir hair and m ake-up. And a day out with friends wasalso likely t o cost more m oney than wit h their husba nds, with wom en admittingthat their fr iends encoura ge them to tr eat themselve s more.The s urvey was car ried out at t he Lakeside S hopping Centr e in Essex. L akeside spoke sman Sophie S cott said: ‘T hese resultswill strike a chord with m illions of ma rried women a ll over the U K. After a bu sy week at wo rk, we all cr ave escapismand some “metime”, and it is clear wom en prefer tospend theirswith girlfrie nds than part ners. Spendin g time with g irlfriends an d hitting the shops, or st opping for acoffee and achat, can lif t a woman’s m ood.’The stu dy revealed a third of wom en agreed tha t they prefer to spend a d ay off with a friend becau se they weremore fun andmore likely t o enjoy talki ng about rela tionships orgossiping.Sh opping, going to a spa orhaving a meal and a glassof wine toppe d the list of activities w omen enjoyeddoing in thei r spare time.The survey r evealed two t hirds of wome n felt guilty as they didnot catch upwith their fr iends often e nough. Worryi ngly, one inten said they were more ab le 'to be the mselves' arou nd their frie nds, while al most half sai d they enjoye d the fact th ey could talk to their pal s about 'anyt hing'.1. Wha t does the ex pression “til l the cows co me home” prob ably mean?A. when it time for dinner B. i ndefinitely,for a very lo ng periodC.until it is a lready midnig htD.until late af ternoon2. W hich is NOT t he reason why married wome n are willing to go out wi th their girl friends?A. T hey are moreable ‘to be t hemselves’ ar ound their fr iends.B. The y are more li kely to enjoy talking abou t relationshi ps or gossipi ng.C. They o ffer better,more trustwor thy advice wh en going shop ping.D. A da y out with fr iends is also likely to co st more money than with th eir husbands.3. Which isNOT among the activities w omen enjoy do ing most in t heir spare ti me?A. Having a meal and a glass of win eB. Going to a spaC. Cat ch up with th eir friendsD. Going shopp ing.4. In th e survey, how many women p refer spendin g time with g irlfriends th an their husb ands?A.3000B.1800 C.1200 D.10005. Whi ch of the fol lowing statem ents is trueabout the sur vey and its f indings?A. I t was carried out at the L akeside Shopp ing Centre in Surrey.B. W omen made les s effort with their outfit and hair whe n meeting fem ale friends.C. These resu lts will be a lso true with millions ofmarried women all over the UK.D. One t hird of women felt guiltyas they did n ot catch up w ith their fri ends often en ough.Part I V Error Iden tification an d Correction10%)Directio ns:Each sent ence below ha s four underl ined parts. I dentify the u nderlined par t that is wro ng and give t he correct an swer. Write y our answers o n the ANSWERSHEET.1. Her interest and passion forraising aware ness of the o ver consumpti on ofA Bcloth es led her to start the fa shion logbook which docume nt what she w ears each day.C D2. T he average pe rson, confron ted with theInternet's oc eans of dataand multipleoverlappingA BPh.D. dissertation s, often is a s perplexed w hen a pioneer chemist tryi ng to whipC Dup a little gunpo wder withouta formula.3. Having there been no out-migration fro m agriculture over the pas t 35 years, A Bo ur present fa rm population would be 65million rathe r than 10 mil lion.C D4. My care fully wordedstatement tha t consumerism is a movemen t of activist sAwho cham pion issues w hich appear t o be benefici al to consume rs are bluntandB C Dto the point.5. We can,if we desire, achieve a hi gh degree ofauto safety b y reducing sp eed;A but society reje cts the sacri fice and inst ead, with the safety belt, acceptsB Clower s afety level r equiring less sacrifice.DPart V Wri ting (30%)Di rections:Wri te an English compositionof about 200words in whic h you state y our opinion a bout the foll owing topic.Write it on y our ANSWER SH EET.Most col lege students in China are required tolearn a forei gn language.What do you t hink are thebenefits of l earning Engli sh?参考答案及解析Part I Vocab ulary and gra mmar (20%)1.C 句意:本科生无权查阅学校图书馆的珍藏书籍。

对外经济贸易大学2012年二外英语考研真题Part I Vocabulary and grammar (20%)Directions: Choose from A, B, C or D the one that best completes each sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. As a young boy, I was coming to a different world. However, the people of Indonesia quickly made me feel _______.A. at mostB. at homeC. at houseD. at heart2. And in the _______ of the tragedy in Tucson, business was postponed for one week in the U.S. Congress.A. aftermathB. consequenceC. resultsD. effect3. Jason dashed down the corridor and outside. The others were close on his _______, full oftriumph and the laughter of relief.A. backsB. necksC. toesD. heels4. More than a week would pass without finding any more clues, and police were about to_______ the search.A. call outB. call offC. call toD. call on5. If people are going to come here, then we need to _______ the needs of those people andprovide assistance for them to travel safer and easier.A. cater toB. care toC. catch toD. cast to6. He instructs the magician to strip off his army uniform and put on the _______ clothescontained in the bag.A. urbanB. citizenC. ruralD. civilian7. But instead of finding it overgrown with weeds, a pretty posy of _______ flowers stood on thewell-groomed plot.A. artificialC. falseD. unreal8. We were _______ by the ticket collector to catch an ordinary train, but the train didn’t turn up.A. suggestedB. advisedC. proposedD. informed9. They have tried to lead normal lives since the girls disappeared, but they’ve been under great_______ and anxiety.A. stressB. excitementC. crisisD. sadness10. _______, did you know who gave her that nickname originally?A. AccidentallyB. IncidentallyC. EventuallyD. Naturally11. Don’t forg et to get me a receipt, _______?A. do youB. don’t youC. will youD. Won’t you12. This report, together with the minutes and memoranda of evidence, _______ a considerablevolume of information about the workings of the financial system in the UK.A. provideB. providesC. providingD. to provide13. It’s not _______ much what people are that matters as what they think they are.A. thatB. asC. soD. very14. If _______ well, they will protect the household from evil spirits and undertake chores in thekitchen.A. treatedB. treatingC. be treatedD. are treated15. His speech was excellent _______ it gave a good idea of the magnitude of the great man’smind.A. in whichC. whichD. that16. It is important that we _______ fights or disagree with anyone.A. not pickB. do not pickC. will not pickD. picked17. Under no circumstances _______ alone with any dog, since there is inevitably a risk ofconflict.A. a young child should be leftB. should be left a young childC. should a young child be leftD. should left a young child be18. Their mother conveyed to them her feeling that their father _______ himself in a state of panicbrought on by some fear that she did not know.A. must killB. must have killedC. should have killedD. can have killed19. Arthur picked a smooth disc from this box _______ all and only the green discs are smooth.A. thatB. whichC. in whichD. in that20. It is the first time that the facts _______ with such sincerity.A. have toldB. are toldC. were toldD. have been toldPart II Cloze (20%)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEETBeing middle class is the very heart of the American Dream. In practical terms, it’s having a job (or two) that pays enough so you can own a home and a car (or two), save for college and retirement, take a vacation once a year, and enjoy a few luxuries without worrying too much. Statistically, for a two-parent, two-child family, it's having a household income in the 1 of about$50,000 to $122,000 a year. But perhaps most important of all, it means believing, 2 all odds and in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, 3 our children can have an even better life than our own.In 2011, our faith in a brighter future, and in the power of hard work to get us there, is being tested daily. 4 in the worst economy since the Great Depression, plagued by unemployment and a busted housing market, millions of us have turned from the great, enduringgoal of getting ahead to the wearying task of merely surviving. We are saving less and borrowing 5 because our incomes have stagnated 6 our expenses have soared. Housing, health care, and transportation are all much more expensive than a generation ago. Child care is an 7 burden for two-income couples, and the 8 of college, public and private, has skyrocketed. All the while, talking heads discuss our plight as if we 9 an endangered species—and sometimes it can feel that way.Ultimately, this crisis is about jobs—good-paying jobs that enable not just our optimism but 10 the growth of our economy. The looming threat is 11 MIT economist David Autor describes as a “hollowing out” of the job market: a growing demand 12 highly paid trained professionals and low-skilled, low-wage workers but declining opportunities for 13 in the middle, the white-or blue-collar workers in clerical, administrative, sales, and manufacturing jobs. No 14 we’re living with such high anxiety.The issues that took years to create aren’t15 to be solved overnight. But we aren’t powerless to rebuild. Job growth in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics industries over the past decade 16 three times faster than growth in other fields, and people in these professions earn 26 percent more than 17 In a 2010 report, the National Science Board made these recommendations: increase ties between schools and research centers so, 18 other benefits, students can see scientists at work; train teachers to get younger students interested in science and technology at an early age; and do a better job of 19 students with science and math skills, especially those from lower-income backgrounds. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology urges recruiting and training 100, 000 math and science teachers over the next decade and creating a national network of 1,000 schools that emphasize science and math. “20 we don’t do it”. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has said, “the next generation will not be ready to be world-class inventors, doctors, engineers.”1. A. width B. range C. middle D. throes2. A. on B. in C. against D. with3. A. that B. which C. where D. /4. A. Trapping B. Trapped C. To trap D. Trap5. A. more B. little C. few D. less6. A. when B. as C. which D. while7. A. effective B. abhorrent C. ease D. additional8. A. cost B. income C. funding D. pension9. A. are B. were C. had been D. have been10. A. simply B. either C. also D. merely11. A. what B. that C. which D. /12. A. in B. for C. on D. over13. A. that B. them C. those D. us14. A. use B. doubt C. surprise D. wonder15. A. likely B. possibly C. probably D. potentially16. A. is B. was C. has been D. had been17. A. other B. another C. others D. those18. A. among B. between C. for D. with19. A. enabling B. identifying C. obtaining D. making20. A. Though B. However C. If D. AsPart ⅢReading Comprehension (20%)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1If you’ve watched any professional motor sport, you’ve likely witnessed the fol lowing scenario. The early leader loses ground to other racers as his car’s tires begin wearing out or the engine starts smoking. A pit stop will initially cause the driver to fall even further behind. But ultimately the time taken under the care of mechanics helps the driver pull back into the lead. If the Web’s search engine industry is the rac e track, Yahoo has just taken a timely pit stop to try and win back ground lost against the new leader, Google.On Feb.5, Yahoo! (YHOO) started moving all of its paid search advertisers over to a new ranking model, informally known as “Panama.” The aim: Gain some much-needed momentum on Google’s more widely used Ad Words platform.It took Yahoo many months to create the new model, effectively rebuilding the system it acquired with the $1.6 billion purchase of Overture Services. Although Panama is just getting off the ground, there’s reason to believe this time in the pit has done Yahoo good.It might be a distant memory now, but when Yahoo acquired Overture in 2003, it picked up the leader in paid search advertising—those sponsored links often seen alongside Web search results.Overture had built a successful advertising platform that was as simple as it was popular. Advertisers could select certain search phrases and “bid” to have their text advertisement shown alongside the regular search results. It was a huge success, and Yahoo was smart to acquire the company and the technology.Unfortunately for Yahoo, Google (GOOG) decided to enter the race and built a better model along the way. Instead of a simple, whoever-pays-the-most-wins approach, Google’s Ad Words platform takes into account the effectiveness of the ads themselves, as well as the advertis er’s bid.A combination of the highest bid and most clicks earns advertisers the No.1 spot. This model proved an even bigger success than Overture’s, now named Yahoo Search Marketing, and it gave Google a solid lead in search advertising. The business garnered Google $10.61 billion in sales last year, compared with Yahoo’s $5.53 billion.1. From the passage, we can infer the meaning of the underlined word “scenario” as_______.A. situationB. scriptC. sceneryD. screenplay2. The underlined expression “A pit stop” in Paragraph 1 refers to_______.A. a breakdown stopB. an inevitable stopC. a refueling and maintenance stopD. an emergent stop3. According to the passage, “Panama” refers to_______.A. Google’s widely-used AdWords PlatformB. the system owned by Overture ServicesC. new model created by Yahoo to rank search advertisersD. the system rebuilt on AdWords Platform4. Faced with the actions taken by Yahoo, Google_______.A. joined in the competition and employed whoever-pays-the-most-wins approachB. planned to join in the race and use a more sophisti cated model to evaluate the ads’effectivenessC. was not interested in competing with Yahoo because of its unassailable modelD. gave Yahoo a lead in search advertising through updating the model5. According to the passage, the solution offered by Yahoo was _______ to the author.A. effectiveB. promisingC. unpracticalD. unacceptablePassage 2Domestic waste is one thing; industrial waste is another. Industrial waste may contain such nasty things as compounds of heavy metals and dioxins and PCBS. Nobody, but nobody, wants that cancerous stuff in their own backyard. So what do you do? According to one man in the business: “It’s simple—you go to Senegal, Djibouti or somewhere like Mauritania, all poor and semi-desert countries. You contact the local authorities and they take you somewhere really crazy, out in the middle of nowhere, just scorpions and snakes. You pay well, and then you start to dig your pit, some 30 meters down, all water-proof and according to the US, Swiss and EC, regulations. Finally, you can start your shipments.”In Europe it costs about $500 a ton to dispose of hazardous waste; in Africa, it can cost as little as $2.50 a ton. Like the drugs rackets or the armaments business, the trade in toxic waste frequently involves a man, a telephone and a small office, registered in a country where owners do not have to be named. Payments made to African companies and individuals are sometimes bigger than the entire GNP of those countries. But those payments are not revealed. The business goes on in a sort of twilight zone between the legal and the illegal. The director of the United Nations Register of Toxic Chemicals explains: “What we have seen is the formation of middlemen, a telephone and a company registered in Liechtenstein or the Isle of Man. They know nothing of who is generating the waste, or possibly even what the waste is, but they get import permits in African countries and then go to companies in Europe who have waste to dispose of.” The sums of money involved in the business are astronomical: according to a report in The Independent, an African diplomat in London said he was offered £3 million by a company dealing in toxic waste for an introduction to his country’s president. A proverb from northern England says: “Where there is muck, there is money.” How true!A typical case is that of Benin. Benin signed a ten-year deal with a Gibraltar-based company to store up to one million tons of industrial waste a year from several European countries. The price was $2.50 a ton, plus local investment. When one considers that the customer will be charged one hundred times as much—$250 a ton—it is quite clear a lot of money is being made by someone, especially over ten years. In this case the company concerned was given a monopoly on waste shipments. It is perhaps worth noting that the average income per capita in Benin is $300 a year and that the country’s annual trading deficit is $125 million. A properly organized waste disposal trade could easily wipe out the country’s national debt. One must suppose, possibly, thatthe failure of Benin to take a “proper” commercial attitude to the toxic waste business lies in the country's Marxist-Leninist political system or then, perhaps not. Also from Benin comes the story of the shipment of two shiploads of radioactive waste from France. Reports that it has been buried in an area known for its opposition to the government have been denied by Benin’s president, Matthieu Kerekou.An interesting case is that of Guinea-Bissau, a place with a population of about a million, a literacy rate of nine per cent, a GNP of $150 million, and a per capita annual income of $170. Guinea-Bissau dropped plans to double its GNP by taking 15 million tons of toxic waste form western countries. The deal was worth $600 million to the country over five years. The price was $40 a ton. However, it has gone ahead with a deal with a Swiss company to take 50,000 tons of toxic waste annually for 10 years.One of the more publicized scandals occurred in Nigeria. It was deal arranged between government departments and an import-export company. The company was registered to “import residues of several industrial processes”. Taking advantage of this broad and imprecise definition, several Italian companies started importing the waste quite legally. As a result, several Italians were arrested in Lagos. The waste was disposed of at Koko, a small port, well away from Lagos and inspection. However, the waste stank. Drums of it became so hot that dockers could not handle them. The smell of the waste affected the whole area. It turned out that the drums contained PCB (polychlorobiphenyl).The waste which worries people most of all is nuclear both low-level and high-level waste. You do not have to go to Africa to find it. England has large amounts, and has been dumping low level waste into open pits for more than thirty years, on the coast beside one o f the country’s beauty spots, the Lake District. The stuff was tipped loose into trenches dug in the clay soil. When the trench was full, the eight-meter deep trenches were then covered with soil. The water accumulating in them was allowed to run into the local stream, and then into the Irish Sea, a great place to swim, and a great place for shellfish. Now things have been tightened up: all the waste has to be in metal containers, and the pits are lined with concrete.The comments of the local Member of Parliament apply as much to Africa as they do to the British nuclear industry. He said: “The scandalous length of time it has taken to put this low-level waste site in order does not bode well for progress to the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes. No wonder the not-in-my-backyard attitude persists...”Well run or not, would you want a toxic waste dump anywhere near your backyard?6. The business of disposing of toxic waste requires _______.A. a large organizationB. contacts in third world countriesC. licensingD. a remote site7. The organizers of the business prefer _______.A. limited investmentB. to work on their ownC. to deal with individuals rather than companiesD. anonymity8. For some countries, the amount of money involved would _______.A. create a positive balance of tradeB. provide development capitalC. allow them to limit opposition to the governmentD. encourage communism9. The Nigerian company was able to import PCB toxic waste because _______.A. it had bribed senior politiciansB. the registration agreement was too vagueC. an import license had been issuedD. the waste was low-level10. The problem in England was that _______.A. a beauty spot was pollutedB. the waste dump was not lined with concreteC. the waste had been left exposed for too longD. the low-level waste escaped into the seaPart IV Error Identification and Correction(10%)Directions: Each sentence below has four underlined parts. Identify the underlined part that is wrong and give the correct answer. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. The ratings tell us only that some people have their television sets turned on,A Band, of that number, so many are turned to one channel and so many to another.C D2. Because the universal ideals of liberty and democracy are core AmericanAprinciples, it is hard for U.S. leaders to acknowledge that other societiesB Ccan be readily remade in America's image.D3. The expansion of university education has been accompanied by a decline inA Bsocial mobility, and is because these massive enrolments have beenCoverwhelmingly middle-class.D4. In addition to advocate bad ideas even after they have been found wanting,A Bmany of these institutions also make it harder to hold public officials accountable for majorC Dpolicy blunders.5. In public deals, lawyers often assume a large and continuing role once theA Binvestment banker and buyer and seller have struck economic deal.C D6. While prompted by numerous trade restrictions, the non-importationA Bmovement was ultimately about political rights, with the colonies use theirC Deconomic leverage to defend their rights.7. Paine, drawing upon the lessons learned from the non-importation movement,Aconcluding that the denial of American goods to Britain was sufficientB C Deconomic leverage to achieve independence.8. Nearly all the buildings in the Forbidden City face south, the directionAof holiness, giving protection to icy winds and also permitting subtleB C Ddecoration based on catching infinite variations of sunlight.9. Los Angeles gets about twice as much rain as Phoenix does and SeattleA Bgets about four times as much as rain. Still, Phoenix gets more rain than LasCVegas, which averages only about 4.5 inches per year.D10. As far back as in 1985 Japan was aware of its vulnerability in relyingA B Cprimarily on research generated in other countries and technology borrowedDfrom Europe and America.Part V Writing (30%)Directions:Write an English composition of about 200 words in which you state your opinion about the following topic. Write it on your ANSWER SHEET.Many people believe that traveling broadens one’s mind. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?参考答案及解析Part I Vocabulary and grammar (20%)1.B 句意:作为一个年轻男孩,我正来到一个不同的世界。