



尼科尔森《微观经济理论——基本原理与扩展》第11版课后习题详解第10章成本函数1.假设厂商生产两种不同的产品,数量分别为q 1和q 2。

一般地,厂商的总成本可以用C(q 1,q 2)表示。

如果对于任何一种商品的所有产出水平都有C(q 1,0)+C(0,q 2)>C(q 1,q 2)则此函数表现出范围经济性。

(1)用文字解释为什么这个数学式说明厂商混合生产的成本低于两个分别生产一种商品的厂商的成本?(2)如果两种产出实际上是同一种产品,我们可以将总产出定义为q=q 1+q 2。

假设此种情况下平均成本(C/q)随着q 的增加而降低,试说明此厂商在此条件下仍然享受范围经济性。

解:(1)根据范围经济的定义,由一家厂商同时生产q 1和q 2比由两家不同的企业分别生产q 1和q 2成本更低,因为C(q 1,0)意味着一家企业仅生产q 1,C(q 2,0)意味着另一家企业仅生产q 2,而C(q 1,q 2)则意味着一家企业同时生产q 1和q 2。

(2)令q=q 1+q 2(q 1>0,q 2>0)。

由假设可知:1211(,)(,0)C q q C q q q <从而有:1121(,)(,0)q C q q C q q<①类似的,有:2122(0,)q C q q C q q<②加总①②两式可得:C(q 1,q 2)<C(q 1,0)+C(0,q 2)即该厂商也享有范围经济。


作为真正的科学家,他们将书的生产函数设为:q=S 1/2J 1/2其中q=已完成书稿的页数,S=史密斯花费的工作时间,J=琼斯花费的工作时间。



(1)琼斯将花费多长时间校订一本l50页的书?300页的书、450页的书呢?(2)这本成书第l50页的边际成本是多少?第300页、第450页呢?解:(1)由于史密斯教授已经花费了900个小时准备初稿,所以生产函数就变为:q =9001/2J 1/2=30J 1/2这样本问题就变成了求解下面三个方程:1/2115030J =1/2230030J =1/2345030J =解得J 1=25(小时),J 2=100(小时),J 3=225(小时)。



firms can.
c. is one result of a patent.
d. necessarily involves inefficient pricing.
187. A profit-maximizing monopoly will produce that output for which
price is equal toMC.
c. the one point on the demand curve that corresponds to the quantity for whicMh R
d. the entire demand curve above the post.
d. Increasing returns to scale
186. A natural monopoly
a. is a monopoly in the production of raw materials.
b. occurs when one firm can supply the entire market more cheaply than a number of
in the long run as well.
c. monopoly profits represent a transfer out of consumer surplus whereas
competitive profits do not.
d. monopoly profits are usually larger than competitive profits.
b. the increase in price due to the monopolization of a market.

尼科尔森微经练习题 (9)

尼科尔森微经练习题 (9)

Chapter 11Applying the Competitive Model144. In a competitive market, an efficient allocation of resources is characterized bya. a price greater than the marginal cost of production.b. the possibility of further mutually beneficial transactions.* c. the largest possible sum of consumer and producer surplus.d. a value of consumer surplus equal to that of producer surplus.145. A deadweight loss of consumer and/or producer surplus occurs whena. producers fail to maximize profits.* b. mutually beneficial transactions cannot be completed.c. consumers do not maximize their utility.d. the price of inputs increases.146. One example of Ricardian rent isa. rent paid to landlords under price controls.* b. the difference between the price of a highly demanded unique piece of artwork and the opportunity cost of maintaining it.c. the amount paid to a seller above the equilibrium price of tourist class tickets inorder to receive higher quality seats in first class.d. the price rise of wool from a disease among sheep.147. Price controlsa. are always popular with consumers because they lower prices.* b. create shortages.c. increase producer surplus because firms can now sell a greater quantity of a goodat a lower price.d. are necessary to preserve equity.148. “Missing markets” result from* a. high costs of the establishment of such markets.b. strict price controls.c. the inability of producers to gain economies of scale.d. foreign countries dominating a domestic market for a product.149. In the short run, a sales tax isa. wholly absorbed by the producer.* b. shared between the consumer and the producer.c. deferred until the market is able to re-establish an equilibrium price.d. wholly absorbed by the consumer.Chapter 11/Applying the Competitive Model 151 150. In the long run, the greater burden of a specific tax will usually be absorbed bya. consumers.b. the party—consumers or producers—with the more elastic demand/supply curve. *c. the party with the least elastic demand/supply curve.d. shareholders and employees of the firm in the form of reduced dividends andwages.151. In the short run, specific taxes on a firm result in* a. price increases which may not persist in the long run.b. an increase in consumer surplus because the tax permits spending in additionalgovernment services.c. shortages of the good being taxed.d. an increase in producer surplus because of the rise in price.152. The excess burden of a tax isa. the amount by which the price of a good increases.* b. the loss of consumer and producer surplus that is not transferred elsewhere.c. The amount by which a person’s after-tax income decreases as a result of the newtax.d. the welfare costs to firms forced to leave the market due to an inward shift of thedemand curve.153. One way to minimize the excess burden resulting from a specific tax is toa. tax only wealthy firms and individuals.b. spread the tax over many goods and services.* c. tax goods for which either supply or demand is inelastic.d. tax luxury items such as yachts and sports cars.154. Per-unit transaction costs* a. may cause the demand and supply curves to shift either inward or outward depending on the value obtained from transaction agents.b. refer only to the commission paid to a third-party for each transaction made.c. are absorbed by the party seeking the transaction.d. have the same effect on behavior as do lump-sum transaction costs; the differencein terminology is purely definitional.155. When prices drop in response to a decline in demand for an increasing cost industrya. producer surplus will increase but rents may decrease.b. rent earned by elastically supplied inputs will decline by more than rent earned byinelastically supplied inputs.* c. rent earned by elastically supplied inputs will decline by less than rent earned by inelastically supplied inputs.d. both producer surplus and rents will increase.151156. If quantity supplied is either greater or less than the equilibrium quantity, then all of the following are true except:a. total loss of surplus will depend on the shape of the demand and supply curves.b. the resulting loss of consumer surplus will depend on the price of the good.* c. total loss of surplus will depend on the price of the good.d. there will be an inefficient allocation of resources.157. In the opening of free trade, if world prices of a good are less than domestic prices of that same good,a. domestic consumers will experience a loss of surplus.* b. domestic prices will drop to the world price level.c. all domestic producers of that good will try to find another market because theycan’t compete with foreign producers.d. domestic producers will increase the quantity supplied in order to crowd out theforeign-produced good.158. Quotas that limit the quantity of imports of a foreign good provide an incentive for foreign suppliers toI. provide higher quality goods.II. seek more open markets elsewhere.III. lower prices to be more competitive.IV. stop all trade with the country imposing the quotas.Which of the above statements are true?* a. I and IIb. I and IIIc. II and IVd. I, III, and IVe. III only159. When a quota/trade barrier is instituted, the loss of domestic consumer surplus may be transferred to all of the following except:a. foreign consumers.b. domestic producers.c. foreign producers.* d. consumers of other domestic products.152。



尼科尔森《微观经济理论-基本原理与扩展》〔第9版〕第4篇 竞争性市场第10章 竞争性价格决定的局部均衡模型课后习题详解跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是珍贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。



每个厂商的短期总成本曲线为:3210.2410300C q q q =+++ 〔1〕计算作为市场价格〔P 〕的函数的厂商的短期供应曲线。


〔3〕假定市场需求为:2008000Q P =-+,短期的均衡价格和均衡数量的组合是什么? 解:〔1〕因为成本为:3210.2410300C q q q =+++,所以边际成本为: ()20.010.44MC q q q =++在短期内,由P MC =,即20.010.44P q q =++,可得:20q +=从而可知厂商的短期供应曲线为:20 q =。

〔2〕假设行业中各厂商的成本之间不存在相互影响,则完全竞争行业的短期供应曲线为各厂商短期供应曲线的加总,故行业的短期供应曲线为:1002000Q q ==。

〔3〕由市场均衡,即市场需求等于市场供应可得:20080002000P -+=从而可以解得市场均衡价格为:25P =;因而市场均衡数量为:3000Q =。

此时,每个厂商的产量为:30q =,每个厂商的总成本为:400C =,所获利润为:350π=。

2.假定有1000个完全相同的厂商生产钻石,每个厂商的总成本曲线为:2C q wq =+。

其中,q 是厂商的产出水平,w 是钻石工人的工资率。

尼科尔森微经练习题 (15)

尼科尔森微经练习题 (15)

Chapter 17Capital Markets258. Rate of return refers to* a. the increase in future output made possible by investing one unit of current output in capital accumulation.b. the dividend payments made on corporate issued stock.c. the increase in current output made possible by investing in units of future outputin capital accumulation.d. the rate at which capital depreciates.259. In Fisher’s model of the determination of the rate of return, the price of a “future good” isa. less than the price of a current good if the interest rate is negative.b. equal to the price of a current good if the interest rate is positive.c. greater than the price of a current good if the interest rate is positive.* d. less than the price of a current good if the interest rate is positive.260. Suppose an individual has a fixed amount of wealth to allocate between consumption in two periods (c1 and c2). Any funds not spent in period 1 will earn interest (at the rate r) which will increase purchasing power in period 2. Consider four possible reactions to an increase in r:I. c1 increases.II. c1 decreases.III. c2 increases.IV. c2 decreases.Which of these is consistent with the hypothesis that both c1 and c2 are normal goods?a. I, II, III, and IVb. I, II, and IV, but not IIIc. I, III, and IV, but not IId. II and III, but not I and IV* e. I, II and III, but not IV261. An inner tube company that is maximizing its own profits will keep renting machines up to the point wherea. the marginal productivity of a capital is maximized.b. the marginal value product of machines is maximized.* c. the marginal value product of machines is equal to the market rental rate for machines.d. the machine’s market rental rate is minimized.262. The annual rental rate for a machine isa. the yearly depreciation and maintenance costs for the machine.b. the yearly interest costs associated with owning the machine.c. the initial purchase price of the machine divided by the number of years themachine is expected to last.* d. the sum of the yearly depreciation, maintenance, and interest costs associated with owning the machine.263. A fall in interest rates leads toa. an increase in the rental rate on a machine.* b. a decrease in the rental rate on a machine.c. no change in the rental rate on a machine.d. a fall in the marginal productivity of capital.264. A rise in interest rates leads toa. an increase in the PDV of profits from owning a machine.* b. a decrease in the PDV of profits from owning a machine.c. offsetting the effects on the costs and benefits of owning a machine.d. no effect on either the costs or benefits of owning a machine.265. An increase in the corporate profits tax will most likely lead toa. a decrease in the rental rate of capital in the corporate sector.b. no change in the rental rate of capital in the corporate sector.c. no change in the rental rate of capital in the non-corporate sector.* d. an increase in the rental rate of capital in the corporate sector.266. The present value of $1 payable in two years isa. $1.b. $1/(1 + 2r).c. $1/(1 – 2r).* d. $1/(1 + r)2.267. If the interest rate rises, the present discounted value of a stream of payments owed in the futurea. rises.b. stays constant.* c. falls.d. may rise or fall depending on the shape of the stream.268. The present value of $1 payable in the future decreasesa. the higher r is and the sooner it is to be paid.b. the lower r is and the sooner it is to be paid.* c. the higher r is and the longer time until it is paid.d. the lower r is and the longer time until it is paid.172Chapter 17/Capital Markets 173173269. In a perfectly competitive market a firm’s rental rate for a machine (v ) will be given by:v = p (r + d ) where r is the prevailing rate of interest and d is the depreciation rate. In this formula p represents* a. the present market price of the machine.b. the initial purchase price of the machine (assuming this differs from its presentmarket price).c. the price of the firm’s product.d. the depreciated value of the machine.270. Under competitive conditions the relative price of a finite resource would be expected toa. rise at an increasing rate.* b. rise at a rate equal to the real interest rate.c. rise at a rate equal to the nominal interest rate.d. rise at a rate determined by demand conditions.271. Accelerated depreciation laws may increase firms’ investment in equipment becausea. machines will wear out more rapidly.b. profits will be increased.* c. the rental rate on capital will be reduced.d. the price of machines will fall.272. If a tree’s value (v ) is growing according to the equation2.1.0025() t t v t e -= with an interest rate of 5 percent, the tree should be harvested when t =a. 5 years.* b. 10 years.c. 25 years.d. 100 years.。


Chapter 13
184. All monopolies exist because of
a. firms ’ desire to maximize profits. b. failure of antitrust laws.
c. barriers to entry.
d. natural selection.
a. lower costs of handling large orders.
b. an inelastic demand for the good.
c. monopoly power in this market.
d. adoption of a sales maximization strategy.
a. the firm ’ s marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve.
b. the one point on the demand curve that corresponds to the quantity for which
d. price will always equal marginal revenue.
192. The “ deadweight loss ” from a monopoly refers to
a. the portion of a monopolist
’ s profits that are above the competitive profit level.
191. If a monopoly is maximizing profits,
a. price will always be greater than average cost. b. price will always equal marginal cost.

人大802考研 尼科尔森《微观经济理论》重点章节及重点课后习题(精细版修订版)

人大802考研 尼科尔森《微观经济理论》重点章节及重点课后习题(精细版修订版)




















Chapter 15Game Theory Models of Pricing217. A common assumption about the players in a game is thata. neither player knows the payoff matrix.b. the players have different information about the payoff matrix.c. only one of the players pursues a rational strategy.* d. the specific identity of the players is irrelevant to the play of the game.218. In a zero-sum game* a. what one player wins, the other loses.b. the sum of each player ' s winnings if the game is played many times must be zero.c. the game is fair—each person has an equal chance of winning.d. long-run profits must be zero.219. The Prisoners ' Dilemma is not a constant sum game because* a. some outcomes are better than others for both players.b. the prisoners ' sentences are necesosna-rzileyron.c. the game does not have a Nash equilibrium.d. the sum of the prisoners ' senten-czeesrois. non220. The twin non-confess strategy choice in the Prisoners ' dilemma can be described asa. non-Pareto optimal and unstable.* b. Pareto optimal and unstable.c. non-Pareto optimal and stable.d. Pareto optimal and stable.221. A “ credible ” threat is a threat of an action that a playera. makes in a believable way.b. is committed to carry out.c. cannot retract.* d. would be willing to undertake if in a position to do so.222. A subgame perfect equilibrium is a Nash equilibrium thata. cannot persist through several periods.* b. involves only credible threats.c. consists only of dominant strategies.d. is unique.223. The primary reason that trigger-type strategies yield subgame perfect Nash equilibria in infinitely repeated games, but not in games with finite replication, is thata. discount factors are higher in games with finite replications.b. discount factors are lower in games with finite replications.c. games with infinite replications have no non-credible threats.* d. games with infinite replications cannot be solved by backwards induction.164Chapter 15/Game Theory Models of Pricing 165224. With trigger strategies in the infinitely repeated games in Chapter 10, the threat to stop cooperati on once the opp onent cheats is credible because* a. this is the optimal move aga inst the opp onent ' s non cooperative strategy.b. the player has built up a reputati on for such behavior.c. the threat is believed by theother player because of the game ' s history.d. the cooperative strategy choice is not a Nash equilibrium in a single period game.225. An infin itely repeated game promis ing A per period with con ti nuing cooperati on, B for the one period gain from cheating, andC per period for the non-cooperative solution B > A > C) will have asubgame perfect Nash equilibrium in trigger strategies provid inga. S >3/(A + C).* b. S >B -A)/(B -C).c. S £/(A -C).d. S :A/(B + C).226. The gen eral message o f “Folk Theorems ” is thata. Nash equilibria may not be susta in able over many replicatio ns of a game.* b. Payoffs that are un ambiguously preferred to Nash equilibria may be susta in ableover many replicati ons of a game.c. Credible threats may in hibit the achieveme nt of mutually ben eficial outcomes over manyreplicati ons of a game.d. Just pla in folk play the best games.227. A repeated game of tic-tac-toe can best be described as a game with* a. no Nash equilibrium soluti ons.b. multiple Nash equilibria.c. multiple subgame perfect equilibria.d. a unique subgame perfect equilibrium.228. The Nash equilibrium in a Bertrand game of price setting where all firms have the same margi nal cost is* a. efficie nt because all mutually ben eficial tran sacti ons will occur.b. efficie nt because of the free entry assumpti on.c. in efficie nt because some mutually ben eficial tran sact ions will be forego ne.d. in efficie nt because of the un certa in ties in here nt in the game.229. The Nash equilibrium is a Bertrand game of price setting where all firms have different margi nal cost isa. efficie nt because all mutually ben eficial tran sacti ons will occur.b. efficie nt because of the free entry assumpti on.* c. in efficie nt because some mutually ben eficial tran sact ions will be forego ne.d. in efficie nt because of the un certa in ties in here nt in the game.166 Test Bank230. The Nash equilibrium in a Bertrand price setting game in which firms first choose output capacities resembles the equilibrium ina. the competitive model.* b. the Cour not model.c. the cartel model.d. the price leadership model231. A price leader in the Stackelberg model is assumed to knowa. the market dema nd curve.b. its own cost fun cti on.c. its rival ' s react ion fun cti* d. all of the above.232. In stability arises in the Stackelberg model of duopoly whe n* a each firm acts as a leader.b. each firm acts as a follower.c. each firm seeks to maximize profits.d. each firm seeks to maximize reve nu es.233. Viewed from the perspective of the Stackelberg model, the Cour not soluti on is n ot a Nash equilibrium becausea. each firm is not maximizing profits given the other ' s output.* b. each firm has an incentive to take advantage of knowledge of its rival ' s r fun ctio n.c. qua ntity supplied is not equal to qua ntity dema nded at the prevaili ng price.d. it is not a perfectly competitive outcome.234. A cartel-like collusive solution can be a Nash equilibrium only in price-setting games with* a. infin ite replicati ons.b. fin ite replicati ons.c. dominant strategies.d. more tha n two players.235. Whereas en try deterre nee can be successful in games of perfect in formatio n on ly with economies of scale, in games of imperfect information it can succeed if a firm can convince its rival that it hasa. a dominant strategy.b. a tough, competitive spirit.* c. econo mies of scale.d. sig nifica nt finan cialassets.Chapter 15/Game Theory Models of Pricing 167236. A theoretical difficulty with the no ti on that Stan dard Oil practiced predatory pric ing in the 19th cen tury is that such a strategy was* a. not profit maximiz ing.b. illegal.c. difficult to impleme nt.d. not a Nash equilibrium.237. Games in which playerA' s payoff function is not known to playeB but in which all play of the game is com mon knowledge are termed games ofa. in complete and imperfect in formatio n.b. complete and perfect in formati on.c. complete and imperfect in formati on.* d. in complete and perfect in formatio n.238. If the strategy choices in a game of in complete in formatio n are to in stitute a Bayesia n Nash equilibrium, each player ' s choice must* a. maximize the expected value of each player ' s payoffs against the other player optimal strategy.b. reduce risks for both players.c. mini mize the expected value of each player sses fro m sriiscalculati ons.d. mi ni mize the expected value of losses from non-credible threats.239. The sealed-bid aucti on mecha nism illustrated in the text is an example of a mecha nism that isa. truth-reveali ng for two players.b. in capable of reach ing a truthful equilibrium.* c. truth-reveali ng for a large nu mbers of players.d. truth-reveali ng over multiple replicati ons with two players.168。



解:(1)在极短期内,行业供给为: QS 1001000 100000 。 当市场需求等于市场供给时,市场实现均衡,因而有:160000 10000P 100000 ,从而
可以解得极短期的均衡价格为: P* 6 。
(2)对于任何一个厂商,其他厂商所提供的数量固定为 99900,因而某一个厂商所面
1 / 61
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

(1)如果 w 10 ,厂商的(短期)供给曲线是什么?行业的供给曲线是什么?在价格 为 20 时,有多少钻石会被生产出来?在价格为 21 时,会多生产多少?
(2)假定钻石切割工人的工资取决于所产钻石的数量: w 0.002Q ,其中 Q 代表行业 的总产量,它是典型厂商产出的 1000 倍。
格为: P* 5.99 。
eQ , P
10000 6 性为: eq,P
q P
P q
10000 6 100
3 / 61
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

200P 8000 1000 P 2000 从而可以解得市场均衡价格为: P 25 ; 因而市场均衡数量为: Q 3000 。 此时,每个厂商的产量为:q 30 ,每个厂商的总成本为:C 400 ,所获利润为: 350 。
2.假定有 1000 个完全相同的厂商生产钻石,每个厂商的总成本曲线为:C q2 wq 。 其中, q 是厂商的产出水平, w 是钻石工人的工资率。
(3)如果有一个销售者决定不出售任何单位,或一个销售者决定出售 200 个单位,请

尼科尔森微经练习题 (8)

尼科尔森微经练习题 (8)

Chapter 10The Partial Equilibrium Competitive Model129. The market demand curve for any good isa. independent of individuals’ demand curves for the good.b. the vertical summation of individuals’ demand curves.* c. the horizontal summation of individu als’ demand curves.d. derived from the firm’s marginal cost of production.130. An increase in the price of good x will be accompanied bya. a shift in the market demand curve for good x.b. a shift in the market demand curve for good y (a substitute for good x).c. a movement along the market demand curve for good x.* d. both b and c.131. A change in the distribution of income that leaves total income constant will not shift the market demand curve for a product providinga. everyone has an income elasticity of demand of zero for the product.b. everyone has the same income elasticity of demand for the product.c. individuals have differing income elasticities for the product, but the averageincome elasticity for income gainers is equal to the average income elasticity forincome losers.* d. any of the above conditions occur.132. In the very short runa. new firms may enter an industry.* b. existing firms may change the quantity they are supplying.c. price and quantity supplied are absolutely fixed.d. quantity supplied is absolutely fixed.133. The short-run market supply curve is* a. the horizontal summation of each firm’s short-run supply curve.b. the vertical summation of each firm’s short-run supply curve.c. the horizontal summation of e ach firm’s short-run average cost curve.d. the vertical summation of each firm’s short-run average cost curve.134. A demand curve will shift out for any of the following reasons excepta. preference for a good increases.* b. price of a substitute falls.c. income rises.d. price of a complement falls.147148 ❖Test Bank135. If a 1 percent increase in price leads to a .7 percent increase in quantity supplied, the short-run supply curve isa. elastic.* b. inelastic.c. unit elastic.d. perfectly inelastic.136. If the market for hula-hoops is characterized by a very inelastic supply curve and a very elastic demand curve, an inward shift in the supply curve would be reflected primarily in the form ofa. higher prices.b. higher output.c. lower prices.* d. lower output.137. If the market for bottled spring water is characterized by a very elastic supply curve and a very inelastic demand curve, an outward shift in the supply curve would be reflectedprimarily in the form ofa. higher prices.b. higher output.* c. lower prices.d. lower output.138. Suppose that the price elasticity of demand for a product is –1 and that the price elasticity of supply is +1. Assume also that the income elasticity of demand is +2. Then anincrease in income of 10% will raise equilibrium price by* a. 10%.b. 5%.c. 20%.d. an annual amount that cannot be determined.139. Under perfect competition, if an industry is characterized by positive economic profits in the short run,a. firms will leave the market in the long run and the short-run supply curve willshift outward.* b. firms will enter the market in the long run and the short-run supply curve will shift outward.c. firms will enter the market in the long run and the short-run supply curve willshift inward.d. firms will leave the market in the long run and the short-run supply curve willshift inward.Chapter 10/The Partial Equilibrium Competitive Model ❖ 149 140. Firms in long-run equilibrium in a perfectly competitive industry will produce at the low points of their average total cost curves becausea. free entry implies that long-run profits will be zero no matter how much each firmproduces.b. firms seek maximum profits and to do so they must choose to produce whereaverage costs are minimized.* c. firms maximize profits and free entry implies that maximum profits will be zero.d. firms in the industry desire to operate efficiently.141. For an increasing cost industry, the long-run supply curve has a(n) _____________ elasticity of supplya. infinite.b. negative.* c. positive.d. zero.142. Long-run elasticity of supply is defined asa. percentage change in quantity demanded in the long run divided by percentagechange in price.b. percentage change in price divided by percentage change in quantity demanded inthe long run.* c. percentage change in quantity supplied in the long run divided by percentage change in price.d. percentage change in price divided by percentage change in quantity demanded inthe long run.143. Long-run producer surplus in a perfectly competitive industry accrues mainly to* a. suppliers of inputs with inelastic supply curves.b. suppliers of inputs with elastic supply curves.c. firms’ owners.d. marginal consumers.150。

尼科尔森微经练习题 (14)

尼科尔森微经练习题 (14)

Chapter 16Labor Markets240. If a firm is a monopsonistic hirer of labor,* a. its marginal expense for labor is greater than the market wage.b. its marginal expense for labor is equal to the market wage.c. its marginal expense for labor is less than the market wage.d. it is a price taker in the labor market.241. For a monopsonistic hirer of labor, the gap between labor’s marginal revenue product andits wage rate will be greatera. the more elastic the supply curve for labor.* b. the more inelastic the supply curve for labor.c. the more elastic the firm’s demand for labor.d. the more inelastic the firm’s demand for labor.242. A price discriminating monopsonist could increase its profits bya. paying the minimum wages possible.b. hiring as little capital as possible.* c. paying lower wages to workers with inelastic supply of labor curves than toworkers with elastic curves.d. paying lower wages to workers with elastic supply of labor curves than to workerswith inelastic curves.243. Consider two situations: In situation A, the production of widgets is monopolized by asingle firm. In situation B, the production of widgets is perfectly competitive. In both situations the supply of labor to widget makers is infinitely elastic at a wage of w . In this case, the product l p M ⋅a. will be the same in the two cases.b. will be higher in case B than in case A.* c. will be higher in case A than in case B.d. From the information given it is not possible to make a definite statement aboutthe marginal value product of labor.244. A monopolist union that desired to maximize its total wage bill (w ⋅ l ) would offer thatquantity of labor for whicha. labor’s marginal productivity is zero.b. labor’s wage falls to zero.c. the quantity of labor hired is as great as possible given the firm’s demand curve. *d. the marginal revenue from providing one more worker to the market is zero.Chapter 16/Labor Markets 169 245. A monopsonist that faces a labor supply curve of the form l = 4w and has a constant marginal revenue product of 50 per unit of l, will opt for which following, w, lcombination?a. w = 10, l = 40.* b. w = 25, l = 100.c. w = 50, l = 200.d. w = 100, l = 400.246. The opportunity cost of leisure is approximated bya. the price of leisure activities (such as theater tickets).* b. an individual’s hourly real wage rate.c. commuting expense.d. an individual’s total income.247. The slope of an individual’s “consumption-leisure” budget constraint isa. 24 hours minus the number of leisure hours.b. total consumption divided by the wage rate.c. the real wage rate.* d. the negative of the real wage rate.248. For an individual maximizing utility, the marginal rate of substitution of leisure hours for consumption will bea. equal to one divided by his or her wage rate.b. greater than one divided by his or her wage rate.* c. equal to his or her wage rate.d. less than his or her wage rate.249. When an individual’s wage rises, the substitution effect tends to* a. increase hours worked.b. decrease hours worked.c. leave hours worked unchanged.d. It is impossible to predict what will happen to hours worked.250. When an individual’s wage rises, the income effect tends toa. increase hours worked.* b. decrease hours worked.c. leave hours worked unchanged.d. It is impossible to predict what will happen to hours worked.251. If an individual’s supply of labor curve is positively sloped throughout, then* a. the substitution effect always dominates the income effect.b. the income effect always dominates the substitution effect.c. the substitution effect dominates at low real wage levels and the income effectdominates at high real wage levels.d. the income effect dominates at low real wage levels and the substitution effectdominates at high real wage levels.169252. If an individual’s supply of labor curve is “backward bending,” thena. the substitution effect always dominates the income effect.b. the income effect always dominates the substitution effect.* c. the substitution effect dominates at low real wage levels and the income effect dominates at high real wage levels.d. the income effect dominates at low real wage levels and the substitution effectdominates at high real wage levels.253. The fact that more women have chosen to work as real wages rise is evidence that, for them,a. leisure is an inferior good.b. income and substitution effects of higher real wages work in the same direction.c. income and substitution effects of higher real wages may work in oppositedirections.* d. income and substitution effects may work in opposite directions but that the substitution effect is stronger.254. “Compensating wage differentials” arise becausea. workers possess different skills.* b. workers prefer some jobs to others.c. firms pay higher wages for workers with higher marginal productivities.d. firms discriminate in hiring.255. Which of the following strategies that a union might pursue would result in the lowest wage rate for its members?a. Maximizing the total wage bill* b. Maximizing employment of its membersc. Restricting union membership severelyd. Maximizing the total economic rent obtained by its members256. Which of the following best explains why the elasticity of supply of labor for an individual with a Cobb-Douglas utility function (for consumption and leisure) is zero? * a. Income and substitution effects are precisely offsetting.b. The elasticity of substitution of leisure for consumption is zero.c. Leisure is an inferior good.d. Consumption is subject to diminishing marginal utility.257. Adoption of a guaranteed annual income with benefits (B) given byB = 20,000 –.5 (earnings)would be expected to reduce work effort by low wage workers becausea. the income effect would outweigh the substitution effect of the plan.b. the substitution effect would outweigh the income effect of the plan.* c. both substitution and income effects would operate to reduce work effort.d. the plan would make working financially unattractive.170。


Chapter 12
General Equilibrium and Welfare
160. If, in a given economy, production is taking place at a point inside the production
possibility frontier,
unemployment of some factor providing
a. the firms use the inputs in different proportions.
b. the firms exhibit diminishing returns to scale.
c. the firms exhibit increasing returns to scale.
d. it is possible to increase the output onsider a two-good production economy in which both goods are produced with fixed
proportions production functions. Then, some efficient allocations will exhibit
165. The slope of the production possibility frontier shows
a. the marginal rate of substitution between the two goods.
b. the relative marginal costs of the two goods.
quantities of these inputs are fixed. An increase in the production oxf and a decrease in






如图11-1所示,原先市场的均衡点为E ,即均衡价格为e P ,均衡数量为e Q 。

0P 为限制价格(0e P P <),当价格为0P 时,需求量为2Q ,供给量为1Q ,21Q Q -为实行最高限价后的产品短缺的数量。

图11-1最高限价(2)如图11-2所示,限价前,均衡价格为e P ,均衡数量为e Q 。

消费者剩余为(A B C ++)的面积,生产者剩余为(D E F ++)的面积。

实施最高限价后,消费者剩余增加D 的面积,减少C的面积,生产者剩余减少(D E+)的面积。

因此,实施最高限价后,整个社会的福利净损失为(C E+)的面积。













目录第一篇引言第1章经济模型1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解第2章微观经济学中的数学工具2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解第二篇选择与需求第3章偏好与效用3.1 复习笔记3.2 课后习题详解第4章效用最大化与选择4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解第5章收入效应与替代效应5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解第6章商品间的需求关系6.1 复习笔记6.2. 课后习题详解第三篇不确定性与策略第7章不确定性7.1 复习笔记7.2 课后习题详解第8章博弈论8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解第四篇生产与供给第9章生产函数9.1 复习笔记9.2 课后习题详解第10章成本函数10.1 复习笔记10.2 课后习题详解第11章利润最大化11.1 复习笔记11.2 课后习题详解第五篇竞争性市场第12章竞争性价格决定的局部均衡模型12.1 复习笔记12.2 课后习题详解第13章一般均衡和福利13.1 复习笔记13.2 课后习题详解第六篇市场势力第14章垄断14.1 复习笔记14.2 课后习题详解第15章不完全竞争15.1 复习笔记15.2 课后习题详解第七篇要素市场定价第16章劳动力市场16.1 复习笔记16.2 课后习题详解第17章资本和时间17.1 复习笔记17.2 课后习题详解第八篇市场失灵第18章不对称信息18.1 复习笔记18.2 课后习题详解第19章外部性与公共品19.1 复习笔记19.2 课后习题详解第二章微观经济学中的数学工具1.已知U(x,y)=4x2+3y2。

尼科尔森《微观经济理论——基本原理与扩展》(第9版)模拟试题及详解 【圣才出品】

尼科尔森《微观经济理论——基本原理与扩展》(第9版)模拟试题及详解 【圣才出品】
答:(1)科斯定理的内容 当不存在交易成本或交易成本很小的情况下,只要产权是明确界定的,那么市场交易能 够达成帕累托有效的配置,并且初始产权的分配不影响市场的均衡配置。 (2)科斯定理的结论成立有两个最重要的条件:一是不存在交易成本,二是产权被明 确界定。 (3)科斯定理对存在外部性的经济行为的意义 ①科斯以前,人们对市场交易的认识在外部性存在的情况下便不能发挥作用,庇古等传 统经济学家提出征税(或补贴)的办法,认为这时只能由政府干预来解决问题。但是这种办 法对信息的要求非常高,事实上政府很难得到关于企业私人成本的信息,更难针对各个不同 的企业征收不同的从量税,因此在实施上,可行性很低。根据科斯定理,政府并不需要去替 企业考虑他们自己的成本问题,而只需在一开始把产权划分清楚,并且只要不存在交易成本, 不论怎样划分都不会影响效率(当然如果考虑公平的因素则另当别论,初始产权的配置是会 影响到收入分配的)。
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台















在点(y =3,x =1)附近能确定⼀个隐函数y =f (x )吗?若你的答案是肯定的,⽤隐函数法则求dy/dx ,并在点(y =3,x =1)处计算其值。

解:(1)由点(y =3,x =1)满⾜⽅程x 3-2x 2y +3xy 2-22=0,且F x =3x 2-4xy +3y 2和F y =-2x 2+6xy 是连续的,在点(y =3,x =1)处F y =16≠0。

因此能确定⼀个隐函数y =f (x )。

则dy/dx 在点(y =3,x =1)处的值为:222d 343189d 16826x y F y x xy y x F x xy-+=-=-=-=--+ (2)同(1)可知,点(y =3,x =1)满⾜⽅程2x 2+4xy -y 4+67=0,且F x =4x +4y 和F y =4x -4y 3连续,F y =-104≠0。

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Chapter 12General Equilibrium and Welfare160. If, in a given economy, production is taking place at a point inside the production possibility frontier,a. resource allocation is technically and allocatively efficient.b. resource allocation is technically efficient but allocatively inefficient.c. resource allocation is technically inefficient and allocatively efficient.* d. resource allocation is technically and allocatively inefficient.161. An allocation of resources is technically efficient ifa. it is impossible to increase the output of a particular good.b. it is possible to increase the output of all goods.* c. it is impossible to increase the output of one good without cutting back on the production of something else.d. it is possible to increase the output of one good.162. Consider a two-good production economy in which both goods are produced with fixed proportions production functions. Then, some efficient allocations will exhibitunemployment of some factor providing* a. the firms use the inputs in different proportions.b. the firms exhibit diminishing returns to scale.c. the firms exhibit increasing returns to scale.d. production can never be efficient if there are unemployed inputs.163. Suppose two goods x( and y) are being produced efficiently and that the production ofx is always more labor intensive than the production ofy. Production depends only on two factors (capital and labor); these may be smoothly substituted for each other. The total quantities of these inputs are fixed. An increase in the production oxf and a decrease in the production of y will* a. increase the capital-labor ratio in each firm.b. decrease the capital-labor ratio in each firm.c. leave the capital-labor ratio for each firm unchanged.d. increase the capital-labor ratio iny production and decrease the capital-labor ratioin x production.164. An efficient allocation of productive inputs requires that* a. each output has the same rate of technical substitution among inputs used.b. each output has the same marginal rate of substitution for consumers.c. each pair of outputs has the same rate of product transformation.d. each individual has the same marginal rate of substitution between outputs.154165.The slope of the production possibility frontier shows a. the marginal rate of substitution between the two goods. * b. the relative marginal costs of the two goods.c. the efficient combination of outputs possible using fixed amounts of input.d. the relative marginal productivities of the two goods.166. The rate of product transformation (RPT) measures the ability ofa. a consumer to trade one good for another while still maximizing his or her utility.b. a firm to substitute one input for another and still maintain the same productionlevel.* c. society to substitute the production of one good for another while still using afixed supply of inputs efficiently.d. a firm to produce a final good while starting with only natural resources.167. In an economy consisting of only two goods, corn and cloth, the amount of extra cloth that can be produced efficiently if corn output is reduced by one unit is equal toa. the rate of technical substitution for corn divided by the rate of technicalsubstitution for cloth.b. the rate of technical substitution for cloth divided by the rate of technicalsubstitution for corn.c. the marginal cost of producing cloth divided by the marginal cost of producingcorn.* d. the marginal cost of producing corn divided by the marginal cost of producingcloth.168. In order to assure allocative efficiency,* a. people ' s marginal rate of substitution must equal the economytransformation.b. people ' s marginal rate of substitution must equal the firmsubstitution among inputs.c. a firm ' s rate of technical substitution must equal the economytransformation.d. all of the above. 169. Each of the following factors might interfere with the efficiency of perfect competition except:a. increasing returns to scale.b. imperfect price information.c. externalities.* d. diminishing returns to scale.170. The reason externalities distort the allocation of resources is thata. too few goods are usually produced.b. firms often go out of business because of the externality.* c. a firm ' s private costs do not reflect the social cost of production.d. regulating externalities uses scarce resources.171. Un der a perfectly competitive price system,' s rate of prod s rate of technica ' s rate of proChapter 12/General Equilibrium and Welfare 155a. an equitable allocati on of the available resources will always result.b. there is no opport un ity for in dividuals to trade amon gst themselves.* c. there is no reas on to expect that volun tary trad ing will result in an equitableallocati on of the available resources.d. None of the above172. The “ Classical Dichotomy ” refers toa. a distinction between “value in use ” and “value in exchange. ”b. separate theories of dema nd and supply.c. the possibility of Giffen ' s Paradox* d. determ in ati on of relative prices in depe ndent of the nominal price level.173. In gen eral, non-equilibrium prices occur because* a. in formatio n is imperfect and adjustme nt is costly.b. supply curves shift along stati onary dema nd curves.c. dema nd curves shift along stati onary supply curves.d. mon opolists charge prices above marginal cost.174. If markets are perfect, a rati onal actor may reas on ably con clude from the high price of a good that the gooda. is produced by a mon opoly.* b. is of better quality.c. has a greater dema nd for it.d. is not known about by other con sumers.175. In volatile markets, “speculators ” would be expected to provide some stability becausea. they will be required to do so by the gover nment.b. they will use curre nt price moves to predict future moves.* c. they will buy whe n price is below equilibrium and sell whe n it is aboveequilibrium.d. they will buy when price is above equilibrium and sell when it is below equilibrium. 176. A market characterized by imperfect in formatio n will have an equilibrium price if at that pricea. qua ntity dema nded equals qua ntity supplied whe n all participa nts have the samein formati on.* b. qua ntity dema nded equals qua ntity supplied give n prevaili ng in formati on levels.c. qua ntity dema nded equals qua ntity supplied un der perfect in formati on.d. qua ntity dema nded exceeds qua ntity supplied if suppliers are better in formed (andvice-versa).1551. 156177.Con sider three ways of allocat ing two goods in a two-pers on excha nge economy. I. Both in dividuals take prices as give n and equilibrium prices are established by an impartial aucti on eer. II. One in dividual can act as a perfect price discrim in ator and force the other in dividual to pay a differe nt price for each unit of a good that is traded. III. One in dividual is a mon opolist and can charge the other in dividual a sin gle, utility-maximizing price. Which of these situati ons is efficie nt? a. None of them b. Only 1 c. I and II, but not III d. I and III, but not II e. All of them178.Every allocati on of goods in a one good world is efficie nt because a. MRSs are equalized. b. there is eno ugh to go around for every one. *c. no one can be made better off without making some one else worse off.d. it doesn ' t matter to whom an extra unit of the good is given. 179.In a two-good world, every allocatio n would be efficie nt only if a. both in dividuals were ide ntical. b. both in dividuals regard the two goods as perfect substitutes. c. both in dividuals were ide ntical and regard the two goods as perfect compleme nts. *d. both in dividuals were ide ntical and regard the two goods as perfect substitutes. 180.Suppose that the two pers ons in an excha nge economy (A and B) have utility functions give n by U A =x +2y U B = . xy . Alo ng the con tract curve, B ' ratio of Y to X will be a. 2:1. b. 1:1. *c. 1:2.d. betwee n 1:1 and 1:2. In a two-good excha nge economyA ' s utility is give n by U A = x 13 y 23 and B ' s utility by 2 3 13 U B = x y . Alo ng the con tract curve x/y for B will be __ times x/y for A. a. b. c. d. 182.Suppose two in dividuals in an excha nge economy have ide ntical utility fun cti ons give n by U181.4. 3. 2.Chapter 12/General Equilibrium and Welfare 155157(x, y)二xy . PersonA has an endowment of< = 9, y = 8, personB has one of x = 16, y = 2. The price ratio that will prevail in equilibrium isa.p x / p y = 2.5. b.P x / P y = 1.0. * c.p x / p y = 0.4.d. p x / p y = 0.125.183. In an excha nge economyA ' s utility is give n byU A = x + yand B ' s byU B = min [x, 2y].The in itial en dowme nt for A is x = 10, y = 8 and for B, x = 8, y = 4. To reach the con tact curve, these in dividuals musta. Trade 1x for 1y.b. Trade 2x for 1y.c. Trade 1x for 2y.* d. Do nothing, since they are already on the con tract curve.。
