



你是不是也会在开始写Dissertation之前,上网搜索一下如何写呢?其实网上具有参考性的写作指南少之又少,为此hansedu小编就来系统化讲讲Dissertation Research Proposal如何写!首先大家都知道在开始毕业论文写作前,要先提交一份Research Proposal(提案)给导师,只要Research Proposal通过了之后才能顺利开始之后的内容。

Research Proposal是对毕业论文整体的一个概括,简略的写作,要清晰明了,要架构完整。

写好一份Research proposal是开展研究和论文写作的第一步!Research proposal的目的是说服别人你有一个有价值的研究项目,你有能力和计划去完成它。

一般Research Proposal应该包含研究过程中所有的关键要素,包括足够的信息,为导师评估你的论文提供足够的信息.不管你写的是什么领域,选择什么样的研究方法,所有的Proposal都必须解决以下几个问题:1.你打算去实现什么2.你为什么要做到这一点3.你将如何做到这一点Dissertation Research Proposal写作架。

Research Proposal一般都有基本的写作结构,以下您可以参考以下,按照自己的主题稍作调整即可.1.Title page封面页标题和作者,做到简短易懂,从Title上就知道你要讲什么。

2.Abstract摘要这部分把研究主题,目标和研究方法简要概括一下.主要讲研究问题,研究理由等概述性的问题写出来,很重要!3.Table of Contents目录4.Introduction介绍陈述你的研究背景,研究问题,研究目的和意义(划重点),内容包括:✓研究目的✓提供上下文(引用)来彰显研究的重要性✓提供研究的理论基础,并说明这个研究为什么值得做✓简要介绍你所做研究要解决的主要问题和子问题✓说明你的假设(如果有需要)5.Background(Literature review)研究背景这部分也可以作为文献综述部分提出你的研究问题,回顾以往的研究来进行评论和分析.因此你需要阅读相关主题的文献,通过搜索,阅读,分析文献对以往的研究进行整理和分析.这需要你有一定的检索能力并阅读一定数量的论文和文献才能总结归纳写成文献综述,是耗时比较久的部分。










2.Proposal的框架不同学校专业对于proposal的架构会有一些不同,但一般都会包括下面这几个:2.1 TitleProposal里定的标题只是个初步的想法,正式写论文的时候可以稍加修改,但无论如何定的题目和文章内容要紧密相关的,不能有太大的偏差。





2.2 IntroductionIntroduction指的是给导师或者阅读这篇论文的读者一个简短但清晰的介绍,让他们能够很快了解这篇论文的研究方向是什么,你为什么想研究这个题目(研究它的意义),以及你预计的研究结果和结论是什么。




























手把手教你写高分英文Proposal/apac-free-trial在硕士,博士论文中,在完成 Project Report/ Research 之前,必须先准备Project/ Research Proposal。

很多人对于这个 Proposal 束手无策,Proposal 里面需要包含什么内容?长度怎样才合适?应该从哪里开始写?今天我们来手把手教你怎么写高分Project/ Research Proposal。

Project/ Research Proposal 是整个 Project Report/ Research 前的一个预备工作,是对整个 Project/ Research 的问题及流程的简单概述,提供对整个研究想法的逻辑概述,说明这个研究项目的重要性。

如果你把你的 Proposal 分成几个部分来写,你会发现整个过程变得信手拈来。

我们先把 Proposal 的框架列出来:Executive Summary/ AbstractExecutive Summary/ Abstract 是论文报告中最重要的部分。



商业类的论文一般使用 Executive Summary,而 Abstract 更倾向与学术论文。


“短”和“回顾”是关键,Executive Summary/ Abstract 应该占整个文章的5%-10%的比例。

•明确你要阐述你的研究问题•提供你的解决方案Table of Contents假如你写的是报告形式,那么 Table of Contents 是必要的。

假如是 Essay 形式,就不需要 Table of Contents。

IntroductionIntroduction 可以分为四个部分,从大到小的方向进行。

英国如何写一篇专业ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY---英国翰思教育

英国如何写一篇专业ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY---英国翰思教育





Preparing for the essay,这是现阶段要做的一些重要事情。







Writing the essay撰写有争议的文章将需要半心半意地坚持前两天的写作进度,并最终屈服于拖延的诱惑。




简洁是编写Argumentative Essay的关键,并且要确保坚持所选择的写作格式,请尝试使用短拼写法,以便在撰写论证时可以多加一些精力。



































优越论文网是一家英国留学申请与论文作业辅导的正规机构,在过去的10年时间里,帮助了英国高校学生顺利申请了一大批英国名校,以及辅导留学生们完成了coursework, assignment, essay, assignment, research proposal, presentation等各种文书的辅导,得到成千上万的留学生的真正认可. 到2015为止,优越论文网实现了客服24小时在线一对一的客户沟通;我们拥有最专业的评估团队, 我们的turn-it-in系统检测帮助留学生朋友保证他们的论文原创性;同时, 我们还有着庞大的英国院校师资力量支持等优势。



关于提议的作文英语初三Title: The Proposal A Persuasive Essay。

As we navigate through the complexities of society, the importance of proposals cannot be overstated. Whether in personal relationships, business ventures, or societal reforms, proposals serve as the cornerstone for progress and development. In this essay, I aim to explore the significance of proposals, their structure, and the art of persuasion embedded within them.First and foremost, proposals are vehicles of change. They encapsulate ideas, initiatives, and solutions to address existing challenges or to capitalize on emerging opportunities. A well-crafted proposal not only outlines the problem but also offers a viable path towards resolution. It serves as a roadmap, guiding stakeholders towards a common goal.The structure of a proposal is crucial in effectivelyconveying its message. Typically, a proposal comprises several key components: an introduction, background information, objectives, methodology, timeline, budget, and conclusion. Each section plays a distinct role in presenting a comprehensive case and garnering support for the proposed idea.The introduction sets the stage by capturing the attention of the audience and clearly stating the purpose of the proposal. It provides a brief overview of the issue at hand and highlights the significance of addressing it promptly.The background information section delves deeper into the problem, providing context and rationale for the proposed solution. It may include relevant statistics, historical data, or case studies to underscore the urgency and importance of the issue.Objectives outline the specific goals and outcomes that the proposal aims to achieve. These objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure clarity and feasibility.Methodology elucidates the approach or strategy proposed for addressing the problem. It outlines the steps to be taken, the resources required, and the anticipated outcomes. A well-defined methodology instills confidence in the feasibility of the proposal.The timeline delineates the proposed schedule for implementation, highlighting key milestones and deadlines.A realistic timeline ensures accountability and keeps the project on track.The budget section provides a breakdown of thefinancial resources required to execute the proposal. It includes costs for personnel, materials, equipment, and any other relevant expenses. A transparent and well-justified budget enhances the credibility of the proposal.In the conclusion, the key points of the proposal are summarized, emphasizing the benefits and value proposition. It reiterates the urgency of action and calls uponstakeholders to support the proposed initiative.Central to the success of any proposal is the art of persuasion. Persuasion entails effectively communicating the merits of the proposal and addressing any potential objections or concerns. This requires a thorough understanding of the target audience, their interests, priorities, and potential reservations.One effective strategy for persuasion is to appeal to logic and reason. Presenting data, facts, and logical arguments can help substantiate the proposal and sway skeptics. Additionally, employing rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos can enhance the persuasiveness of the proposal.Furthermore, establishing credibility and trust is paramount in gaining the confidence of stakeholders. This can be achieved by showcasing expertise, experience, and past successes relevant to the proposal. Testimonials, endorsements, and partnerships with reputable organizations can also bolster credibility.Moreover, addressing potential objections preemptively demonstrates foresight and preparedness. Anticipating concerns and offering viable solutions or mitigating strategies can assuage doubts and build consensus.In conclusion, proposals serve as catalysts for change and progress in various spheres of life. By understanding the structure and art of persuasion inherent in proposals, individuals can effectively advocate for their ideas and initiatives, driving positive transformation and impact.In crafting proposals, meticulous attention to detail, strategic planning, and persuasive communication are indispensable. Armed with these skills, individuals can navigate the complexities of decision-making and mobilize support for their visions of a better future.。

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文摘要:一、研究背景与意义二、研究目标与问题三、研究方法与步骤四、预期成果与贡献正文:一、研究背景与意义随着全球化的发展,英语在国际交流中的地位日益重要,语言学作为一门研究语言本质和语言现象的学科,在我国也得到了广泛关注。
















Paper和 Article 在⽂章中⼀般可以通⽤,代表发送给刊物或杂志⽬的在于发表的⽂章;
Thesis 和 Dissertation 则指的是递交给某⼀委员会,⽬的是为了获得某⼀学位的论⽂,如硕⼠或博⼠学位论⽂;
提交给刊物的⽂章,我们应该⽤ paper 或 article。

注意:在⼀篇⽂章中,如果要⽤paper 都⽤ paper,不要 paper 跟 article 换来换去。

Manuscript: 中⽂的意思是⼿稿或原稿,在⽂章中很少⽤这个词来代表‘本⽂’的意思。


如”I have just submitted a manuscript to your journal"; "Attached is a manuscript prepared for your special issue"
Proposal: 代表提议,想法,计划,规划的意思,它包含的往往是初步的想法或准备如何做的想法。

如刊物准备出⼀期特辑 (special issue), 你感兴趣的话可以先提交⼀份proposal,如果编辑感觉相关可⾏的话,再让你准备完整的⽂章。



² Issues Concerning the current situation of traffic in Dublin, the issues are faced by local citizens on each day in Dublin as followed: · Serious traffic congestion in city centre. · Increased frequency of traffic accidents and injuries. · The motorist waste of time on parking. · Inefficient transport information system. Considering all the present problems above, it is urgent and necessary to take some measures for for improving improving improving the the the status. status. status. With With With the the the Irish Irish Irish constant constant constant economic economic economic growth growth growth and and and the the the increase increase increase in in in its its population, the fact that more people are able to afford a private car which raises the traffic volume and then leads the traffic congestion directly. People have to spend quite a long time in queuing in the daily, especially in the commuting time. Meanwhile, the motorist cannot get the the real-time real-time real-time information information information on on on the the the transport transport transport which which which makes makes makes the the the congestion congestion congestion even even even worse. worse. worse. It It It was was estimated estimated that that that Dublin Dublin Dublin lost lost lost millions millions millions of of of money money money every every every week week week in in in terms terms terms of of of lost lost lost time time time caused caused caused by by congestion. Furthermore, due to the inefficient transport information system, it takes drivers much time to park park their their their cars cars cars as as as well well well as as as buy buy buy a a a bus bus bus ticket ticket ticket which which which to to to some some some extent extent extent wastes wastes wastes of of of paper paper paper and and unbeneficial to the environment. For For better better better controlling controlling controlling the the the traffic traffic traffic and and and easing easing easing road road road congestion congestion congestion in in in Dublin, Dublin, Dublin, the the the project project project is is committed to to establish establish a a robust robust robust and and and comprehensive comprehensive central system system that that that will will will be be be more more intelligent. It consists of three sections in general.One is Transport Card System which allows people to take buses using one card instead of buying tickets in cash. In this way, it will save time for changes in order to promote the efficiency of the bus transportation and encourage people to take the public transport carriers. The other one is to provide correct information on the traffic situation in the right time and place and identify dangerous road situations like an accident for the motorist before he makes his decision on which route to take. As a result, the driver can avoid the busy roads so that relieve the density of congestion. Meanwhile the information on car parks such as the vacancies will be delivered to drivers as well. It is easily for motorists to locate the parking positions which are available. Another one is Congestion Charge System which demands the motorist to pay for entering the Congestion Charge Zone. The enforcement of the system will greatly reduce the road capacity in both zones. 。



每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。



How to write a research proposal?能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。


英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。


对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。

下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。

文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下:Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if yourwriting is coherent, clear and compelling.This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. Title:It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .”could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possib le, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal.Abstract:It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.Introduction:The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature rev iew, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident.Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas.However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify “key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements:1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)Literature Review:Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature.The literature review serves several important functions:1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant an d substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).Most students’ literature reviews suffer from the following problems:* Lacking organization and structure* Lacking focus, unity and coherence* Being repetitive and verbose* Failing to cite influential papers* Failing to keep up with recent developments* Failing to critically evaluate cited papers* Citing irrelevant or trivial references* Depending too much on secondary sourcesYour scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc.It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.) Methods:The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study.You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method.Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.)For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections: 1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?2. Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?3. Instruments - What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?4. Procedure - How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?Results:Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis. Discussion:It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.3. Failure to cite landmark studies.4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.8. Too much rambling — going “all over the map” without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.10. Too long or too short.11. Failing to follow the APA style.12. Slopping writing.Civilization选择建立首都的地点游戏一开始时,你有一个定居者和一个工人,如果是扩张型文明还多一个侦察兵。

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文一、研究背景及问题阐述随着全球化的发展,英语作为国际交流的主要语言,其重要性日益凸显。















优秀的working title包含topic的breadth and depth;接下来是选题的注意事项:一:选题要遵循范围小(细化到某个行业、某个群体或某个国家)话题小、相关文献多等原则例如:针对national culture、investment and cash holding topic定题目(1)思考ABC三个变量;topic包含三个变量,分别去查它们分别是什么;彼此有什么关系;相互有什么影响的相关文献!把握自己想去写哪个方向;(主标题title位置)(2)思考研究对象:把论文范围缩小到具体某个行业如制造业上市公司;(副标题位置)(3)思考研究样本:选自来自不同的30个国家对2005-2015年作为样本;(副标题位置)So文章的具体title可以写成:Study on the influence on national culture and cash holding—manufacturing listed companies in 30 countries from 2005-2015Tips:论文题目一定要细!抓住一个点,使劲剖析!注意你不是写博士论文,也不是发journal,你只是写1w字论文,论文topic不要泛泛而谈!量力而行,不要试图探索million dollar question!就简单抓住一个点,在标题上就锁定行业、国家、公司类型、年龄阶段等。

二:确定题目前一定要查有效文献不要选老掉牙的问题,不要选没有参考的问题,如果想高分的同学可以思考文章的学术价值;这部分的思考很关键,直接决定了你的introduction部分是不是distinction水平!三:确定题目前明确methodology/data思路查找文献,对其中的方法进行稍加改变,比如前人用panel data,你可以尝试用time series做回归;比如,前人用country level,你可以从provincial level甚至firm levelTips:强烈建议还是做国内数据分析研究,语言、数据、相关报道都是比较容易获取!(导师不会因为你选了中国数据而百般为难你) 一定要认真对待毕业论文定题,proposal的题目尽量和最终提交的毕业论文保持一致;因为如果论文写到一半再去更改,会非常麻烦且复杂!STEPS02论文研究背景确定具体title后,写一篇优秀的research proposal,需要包含研究背景、研究问题、研究目标、文献综述以及研究方法,接下来一一探讨各个part包含的详细内容:一:Overview of the topicBackground并不是列举一堆定义,而是要突出你的研究动机,大概包含三个点,说明为什么关注这个方向,为什么关注这个话题,以及为什么关注这家公司/地区/国家,按如下方式构架:(1)一句话概括你关注的事件;(2)引用数据或新闻进行支撑;(3)点明不清晰的地方值得探讨和研究;(特别注意:每一次的自然段最后一句话要点题!introduction部分也需要引入大量文献作为支撑!)二:Importance and Research gap总结关于topic在着重写什么,为什么你的课题值得被研究,有什么实际或者理论意义?但是往往会忽视research gap,这里就相当于一个浓缩文献综述,告诉大家研究意义后,可以说前人都做了什么类似研究,得出了什么结论,而你填补了研究空白,就是这篇文章所要研究的,接下去顺利接入下一段。



T h e s i s p r o p o s a l写作指南及样本-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Thesis proposal 写作指南及样本proposal should make a convincing scholarly case that the project is rigorous and innovative in theory and conception, methodology and material content, an d that it can produce new, relevant and independently verifiable insights.The proposal outline format also provides the main structure for the final the sis essay.Introduction: Win the Reader’s AttentionEvery proposal should provide clear, explicit answers to three questions:What are we going to learn from the proposed project that we currently do not knowWhy is it worth knowingOn what basis can we evaluate the validity of the conclusionsSay what you have to say directly, firmly and concisely. Grab the reader’s at tention in the opening paragraphs. Here you should overstate, rather than unde rstate, your question or position. You can introduce qualifications later.One approach is to begin with a clearly posed question: "Has the discourse of development achieved its ends" "Is anthropology the agent of imperialism" "W hat contributions has anthropology made in the quest for world peace" Do not pose rhetorical questions, but concrete issues whose answers can be determined , while they are not immediately apparent.Alternately, state your central point, hypothesis, or interpretation directly: "Cultural differences do not kill people, only people kill people." "Development has done wonders for the remaining food-foraging peoples of the planet." " The study of popular music reveals the unspoken cultural precepts of the socie ty that produces and consumes it."Of course, not every project is reducible to such brief propositions. It may be necessary to lay out a logical, sequential argument to define the core quest ion. However, if yours is a more complex argument, be certain to project a cle ar and explicit message that will make yours stand out from other proposals.Writing Style: Strive for Clarity and GraceYour proposal should offer a clear expositio n of anthropology’s research fron tiers, not a tedious litany of its duller dimensions. Avoid pretentious jargon, and if technical language is called for, use only those new words and technical terms that have no equivalents in everyday language. Likewise, focus on th e ideas, not the details. Argue the concepts and tendencies in your area of co ncentration, not the descriptive fine points. Keep the main text as streamlined as possible.Poor writing kills the best of ideas. Use a style manual in all your writing.One excellent writing reference (available online) is Strunk and White's The E lements of Style. This and other resources are accessible from the jump page, Anthropology Resources on the Internet, reached from a link on the Hartwick An thropology Department Home Page.Theoretical Concerns: Establish the Proposal ContextYour proposal should not be a tired exercise in the obvious. It should state w hat new knowledge the project will produce. Summarize precisely and succinctly the current state of knowledge, and provide a current, comprehensive bibliogr aphy. You do not need to provide a review of "the literature," but offer a cle arly focused view of the specific body of knowledge to which you will add. The bibliography provides a measure of your seriousness, and its comprehensivenes s will reflect upon your proposal's evaluation. A good bibliography indicates thorough preparation to ensure that your project will enhance the work of othe rs, not duplicate it.Avoid excessive discussion, especially in the Abstract and Introduction, of the general theoretical problem. Concentrate more on discussing specifically how you will carry out the research and analysis (see methodology discussion belo w).In the early stages of proposal writing, the Hartwick library professionals can help you identify and access the many print and electronic resources relevant to your project. Begin with the Library of Congress Subject Headings to identify the keywords that will be essential to efficient, effective bibliographic research. Consult such resource guides as Dissertation Abstracts International, the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social Sciences Index, and the Social Science Periodical Index, and other online periodical search engines. The Annual Review of Anthropology is an important venue for state-of-the-art dis cussions and extensive bibliographies, as are such area-studies guides as the Handbook of Latin American Studies (available on line) and the International A frican Bibliography. Also consider online databases such as CARL and ERIC. In the early stages, I will ask that you identify the research resources you have utilized. You will avoid frustration and save valuable research time by consulting such resources at the outset.What Is the Core ObjectiveThe statement that "it has not been studied" may be a sufficient argument. Ind eed, generally, the less known about one’s chosen topic, the more compellingthe proposal. Whatever you choose, aim to convince the reader that your topic is not only timely, but also that its results will elucidate enduring human pr oblems.Explicit theoretical interest is always important. Your theoretical frame should situate the question in terms of its relevance to controversial theoretical arguments. How does your problem inform the main theoretical debates in anthr opology How does your approach test accepted ideas or offer new ones To be e ffective, your proposal should demonstrate awareness of competing viewpoints and argue your position by addressing anthropological theory broadly, while not ing alternative tendencies.Conceptual Issues: Develop an Innovative ApproachEnigmas and seeming contradictions can be powerfully persuasive. "Beginning in the 1950s, the Civil Rights Movement promised to remake racial relations in the Jim Crow south, but several decades later, identity politics is more contro versial issue than ever in popular cultural discourse throughout the nation." "After World War II, social scientists worried that widespread migration to urban centers would undermine rural life. Indeed, the effects can be seen in many parts of the country, but today, aided by modern computer and communications technology, a new urban-to-rural migration trend is simultaneously underway."Cautionary note: Unless you have something original to add, you may want to av oid topics "of central interest to anthropology." Usually these are subjects about which many are writing, in response to the definitive contribution of a true innovator. By the time you write your proposal, do the research, and sit d own to write, you might wish you were working on something else. So if your in terests lead you to a relatively unexplored problem, one "not of current and c entral interest to anthropology," consider pursuing it.Outline Your MethodologyRegarding methodological efficacy, the proposal must specify your research str ategy and how you will interpret the results vis-à-vis your central problem.Do not just state your goal; tell how you will go about it. A methodology goes beyond simply listing research tasks to asserting why these tasks constitutethe best approach to the problem. A simple listing of tasks does not necessarily mean that they comprise the best or most expedient approach.Some common expressions do not specify tangible research strategies. For examp le, "I will look at the relation between x and y" is uninformative. "Looking at" a relation between variables can only be done indirectly, by digging through archives, interviewing, observing and taking standardized notes, collecting data, analyzing patterns and the like. How will you highlight the relationshipof underlying forces intrinsic to the mass of data You should outline the pr ocess of gathering data and interpreting it as specifically as you can. What a ctivities will you pursue to collect data, what techniques will you use to analyze it, and how will you test the validity of your conclusions Do not leavethe reader wondering what you actually will do. Specify the sources, the respo ndents, and the proposed techniques of data collection and analysis.Proposals that engage a powerful current issue (identity, gender, ethnicity, r ace, nationalism, hegemony, cultural resistance, relations of states and indig enous people) often follow a predictably weak line of reasoning. They begin by discussing various theoretical formulations of the issue. Then they offer a v ague laundry list of research methods, hinting that the project will apply the "appropriate" methodology in the field. The proposal ends by asserting a rather slack and generalized connection between B and A. Try to avoid this dead en d.In contrast, a comparative research design has particular appeal. In some ways all research is comparative because it must employ some implicit or explicit point of reference. Make the comparison explicit to enhance its value as an av enue of scientific inquiry. In comparative proposals, the evaluator asks whether the similarities and differences between the chosen cases elucidate the cen tral question, and whether the author is capable of executing both sides of the comparison.Summary: Restate and Specify Your ObjectivesAn effective proposal usually ends by re-invoking the original thesis. How will research and its results finally illuminate the central question How will you demonstrate the validity of your original idea You must convince the reader that there is something clearly at stake in the study, that does not have a preconceived conclusion, and that your exploration of the unknown will yield e ngaging, systematic propositions.Proposals should normally describe the project’s final product in terms of au dience. If you have specific plans, spell them out, because specifying the kind of audience you intend to address will specify for the reader features of the proposal that may otherwise seem peculiar or serendipitous.Keep the preceding guidelines in mind throughout the preparation of your propo sal, and be certain to specifically address the questions outlined in all of the preceding sections. To write a good proposal takes time. Start early. Begin exploring topic possibilities immediately. From the outset, collect references and enter them into a working bibliography as you work on other tasks. Write a first draft by the due date (see below), revise it, and show it to other an thropology faculty and your fellow students. Put it aside, collect others’ co mments and revise it again. You also will have a chance to share it in a class presentation at semester's end. The high level of classroom debate also should help to refine the proposal as you look ahead to the thesis itself. If possible, plan on writing the first draft of the thesis itself during January Term. Proposal Outline FormatAbstract:In one or two crisply written paragraphs, provide an engaging resumeof the proposal.Introduction:Set the context for your proposed project and capture the reader's interest.Theoretical Issues & Literature Review:A statement of the general theoreticalproblem, with supporting bibliographic references indicating a grasp of the subject, and the conceptual ability to carry out the proposal.Key Question(s): These should be capable of being answered, with answers thatare not obvious.Methodology:A specific, detailed indication of how you will go about assessing the key questions, and why the proposed methodology constitutes the best way to pursue the study objectives.[size=-2][size=-2][size=-2]Conclusions & Implications of Research:What new knowledge will the proposed project produce that we do not already know Why is it worth knowing How willyou evaluate and ensure the validity of the conclusionsProposal Summary:A restatement and specification of your objectives.Bibliography:Follow the format of American Anthropologist or American Ethnologist.样本一Background:When designing and choosing a CBE, sales organization and customers use a SWEP developed program (SSP) to choose the most efficient exchanger for their appl ication. The thermodynamic and transport properties in this program for . a refrigerant are calculated by mean of polynomial equation obtained by regress ion analysis as a function of the temperature. In the vapour region the equations are also corrected for some properties that depend strongly on the pressur e. Even though this method works satisfactory below the critical pressure, ithas shown divergence when calculating over the critical point.Description of thesis work The thermodynamic and transport properties of a two -phase fluid that are calculated are:• Viscosity• Heat capacity• Thermal conductivity• Den sity• Latent heat or enthalpyAlso the saturation curve is obtained by regression where the bubble- and dew- point temperatures are calculated as a function of the pressure (The pressureis calculated backwards in an iterative manner).The difficulties of calculating correct properties in the super- critical region is a general problem for most fluids in SSP but of immediate interest onlyfor some few fluids of Carbon dioxide (CO₂ is one of those.This thesis project can be divided into three parts:1. Understanding the existing algorithms and make a comparison of calculated p roperties from SSP with table values for some working media including CO&#8322 ;. This should primary be preformed for saturated and superheated vapour belowand above the critical pressure.2. Literature study of other equation of state (EOS) and investigate how theycan be used in calculation algorithms. (Some known EOS are Modified Benedict- Webb- Rubin (MBWR) and the Peng- Robinson- Stryjek- Vera (PRSV), see . NIST REFROP).3. Suggest new equations or algorithms for density, viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity (CP), Which represent the data with accuracyand consistency through- out the entire range of temperature, pressure and den sity in the saturated and superheated vapor- region.Goal:The goal of this project is to verify the existing polynomial equations against known data for the thermodynamic and transport properties of refrigerants in the critical region. Then, improve equations should be propose and verified for several refrigerants.Suitable student background:Good knowledge of thermodynamics and refrigerants engineering. Basic knowledge of numerical methods.样本二Title:Application of combustion catalysts in gas turbines: An experimental investiga tion.Background:The division of Heat and Power Technology is one of the leading research insti tutes to work on catalytic combustion research leading to gas turbine applicat ions. There are two catalytic combustion research projects currently in progress. Projects are in cooperation with the Division of Chemical Technology. Catalytic combustion has received a large attention in the past decades as an alternative to conventional flame combustion for gas turbine applications. Itis possible to combust lean air/fuel mixtures and there by reduce peak tempera ture to about 1400 0C while maintaining complete combustion. The result is that almost no thermal-NOx are formed, as well as low level of carbon monoxide an d hydrocarbon can be achieved. Investigations of this combustion phenomenon, u nder realistic turbine operating conditions are an interesting and important effort towards eliminating harmful emissions from power generation. Pilot-scale scale test facility with flexibility on fuel and wide range of pressure has c onstructed at HPT lab to carryout investigations of catalytic combustion under desired conditions.Division offers MSc thesis work within the project for a period of 6 – 8 months.Objective:Give an opportunity for a master student to work with catalytic combustion res earch, most probably tomorrow’s gas turbine combustion technology.Description:Work consists of a literature survey and experimental activity. Through a lite rature survey (open literature and current project reports of the project) student is expected to gather knowledge on the state of the art of the catalytic combustion research. During the experimental activity, student will get the po ssibility to work with researches working on catalytic combustion in order to generate experimental data on the emissions and catalytic behavior. Results sh ould be published on master thesis.Pre requests:Educational background should be in the field of energy technology/mechanical engineering or chemical engineering. Experience/knowledge on emission measuring instruments, data acquisition and monitoring systems would be an added advan tage.样本三Title: Experimental investigation of the tar composition and concentration on emissio ns of small-scale gas turbines by combustion of biomass derived low calorific value gas. Background: The division of Heat and Power Technology conducts and cooperates with several national and international level research projects on gas turbine combustion. One of current research projects, coordinated within several European partner s is to provide customized and cost competitive biomass based IGCCsystems. Gasification of biomass and combustion in a gas engine or turbine is the most efficient way of power production. However, for gas turbines tars in the lcv g as are a big problem and can result in fouling, increased emissions failures d uring operation. The focus of this project is on the effect of tars onfouling and emissions of turbines and micro turbines and especially on the interactio ns between gasifier, gas cleaning and micro turbine. Division offers MSc thesis work within the project for a period of 6 – 8 mont hs. Objective: Obtain a comprehensive knowledge on biomass gasification, quality of produced gas, post gas treatments and combustion in gas turbine. Description: Work consists of a literature survey and experimental activity. Through a lite rature survey (open literature and current project reports of the project) stu dent is expected to gather knowledge on several gasification processes and qua lity of the produced gas on gasification process and the feed of raw materials . During the experimental activity student is expected to work with the other researches working on lcv gas, gas turbine test facility in order to generate experimental data on the emissions of gas turbine when the fuel gas is consist s of tars at different compositions and concentrations. Results should be publ ished on master thesis. Pre requests: Educational background in the field of energy technology. Experience/knowledge on emission measuring instruments, data acquisition and monitoring systems wo uld be an added advantage. 样本四Thesis Proposal Majors: English and Latin Minor: Gender Studies Faculty Advisor: Professor Andrew Levy English Department Type of Honors: University Honors Title of Thesis: Images of Motherhood in Beloved, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Inci dents in the Life of a Slave Girl Thesis: The purpose of my project is to first examine how three texts represent black American slaves, dealing specifically with the impact that slavery had on moth erhood, and to then analyze the differences in the ways that these images are presented in two distinctly different time periods. I will examine the images of motherhood in two texts, written in the midl8OO's: Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Harriet Ann Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Gi rl; I will then look at a contemporary approach to these same issues in Toni M orrison's Beloved. Background: As Elaine Showalter asserts in A Literature of Their Own, "In the 1960s the fe male novel entered a new and dynamic phase, which has been strongly influenced in the past ten years by the energy of the women's movement." Feminist litera ry criticism, a natural extension of the political Feminist movement, is itsel f political in that it is a criticism which searches for the hidden cultural a ssumptions about gender in a text. In the past twentyfive years especially, t hese critics have attempted to uncover the traditional ideals and values about gender to show them as socially constructed, rather thaninherent. Additionally, feminist criticism expanded its study to include previously undi scovered works bywomen authors. It found that many women novelists were still trapped by the masculine defined traditions and the masculine conceptions of women. As Virginia Woolf says of nineteenthcentury novelists in her essay "A Room of One's Own," . . .they had no tradition behind them, or one so short and partial that it was of little help. . . such a lack of tradition, such a scarcity and inadequacy of tools, must have told enormously upon the writing of women. Woolf's quote is especially appropriate to black woman's fiction, as the few m odels of motherhood that appeared in women's fiction of the 1800's were necess arily not applicable as models for black women. According to Patricia Hill Col lins, contributing editor of Double Stitch, "[The] themes implicit in White pe rspectives on motherhood are particularly problematic for Black women and othe rs outside this debate" (43). Black mothers in the 1800's had remarkably different lives than free, white wo men, for slavery undoubtedly had a large impact on their experiences withmoth erhood; nevertheless, slave mothers were still only represented as compared t o the white, middleclass model. Until recently, black; motherhood was not rec ognized as having a tradition of its own. In fact, though, writers in the mid 1800's realistically portrayed slaves' experiences with motherhood; in both Un cle Tom's Cabin and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, the authors show th e devastating effects of slavery on motherhood: it is the realism with which t he slaves' lives are portrayed which lends these novels their power. But inter estingly, the effect of these images is intensified by contrasting these reali stic images of the broken family with the Ideal, white models of motherhood. Thus, although these works are in the process of creating a tradition of mothe rhood, they are still limited by the dominant ideology. In the twentieth century novelists of different ethnicities have attempted to create their own tradition and their own models. As a result, there have been radical changes in the way motherhood has been presented over the past century . As Showalter continues, “In drawing upon two centuries of the female tradit ion, [contemporary novelists] have been able to incorporate many of the streng ths of the past with a new range of language and experience.” In Toni Morriso n’s Beloved, Morrison creates a new image of the mother as affected by slaver y. Instead of comparing black mothers to the white model, she uses the assumpt ions that readers still largely hold today about Motherhood, and then shatters these expectations. In creating a morally ambiguous text, Morrison does not p resent an Ideal motherhood, but shows instead the impossibility of such a view for the slave woman. Significance: Along with the development of feminist literary theory in the postwar period, women's literature has increasingly presented alternative views of "womanly d uties." Traditional Motherhood, the Ideal which was once never questioned in l iterature, is now being explored more thoroughly and represented more complexl y. Partly due to the liberation brought about through the feminist movement in literature, new visions of motherhood are being created through the voices of many contemporary authors. Despite these developments and the increasingatte ntion given to women’s texts. The issue of motherhood and slavery as represen ted in women’s fiction is still an area which needs to be investigated: Even though selected groups of White women are challenging the…definit ion of motherhood, the dominant ideology remains powerful. As long as these approaches remain prominent in scholarly…discourse, Eurocentric views of White motherhood willcontinue to affect Black women's lives. (Collins, 44) By choosing three texts written by women, representing both past and contempor ary literature dealing with slavery, and analyzing the corresponding represent ations of motherhood, not only do I hope to research an underexplored field in literature, but I also hope to continue the creation of a woman's tradition i n a field of special concern towomen. Methods: Because this project has a multifaceted purpose, I will concentrate my resear ch in three different areas: first, I will explore the history of slavery and the multiple impacts slavery had on women and motherhood; second, because my p aper concentrates on the formation of a tradition of black motherhood, I will critique both Stowe's and Jacob's novels to find their uses of (and divergence s from) the “traditional” ideology; thir d, using critical texts as backgroun d, I will critique Morrison's novel to explore the developing tradition by loo king at the new or alternative ideology formotherhood . Schedule: March 25 Thesis Proposals due April June 14 Library research and material gathering Junel4 Analyze and organize all materials September 22 Second Proposal due December8 First draft due December 15 First draft returned from advisor January 3 Second draft due January6 Second draft returned from advisor February I First final draft due to honors committee March10 Recommend revisions/advisor’s approval March 24 Final thesis due Bibliography: MaiorTexts: Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: First Plume Printing, 1988. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York: W. W. Norton & Company , Inc., 1994. Jacobs, Harriet Ann. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. The Heath Antholog v of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. . Heath and Company, 1994. 1753 1777. Background and Criticism Askela nd, Lori. “Remodeling the Model Home in Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Beloved. ” American Literature: a Journal of Literarv History, Criticism, and Bibliop raphy. 64:4 (Dec 1992): 785(20). Bellin, Joshua. “Up to Heaven’s Gate, Down in Earth’s Dust: The Politics o f Judgement in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” American Literature, a Journal of Li terary History, Criticism, and bibliography. 65:2 (June 1993): 275(20) Christian, Barbara. Black Feminist Criticism. New York: Pergamon Press Inc., 1985. Demetrakopoulous, Stephanie. “Maternal Bonds as Devourers of Women’s Indivi duation in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” African American Review. 26:1 (Sp ring 1992): 51(9) Evans, Mari, Ed. Black Women Writers (1950-1980) New York: Anchor Press, 1984. Flores, Toni. “Claiming and Making: Ethnicity, Gender, and the Common Sense i n Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony and Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Wer e Watching God.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies. 10:3 (1989) 5 2(6). Gilbert, Sandra, and Gubar, Susan. The Madwoman in the Attic. New Haven: Yal e University Press, 1979. Gross, Seymour and Hardy, John, Ed. Images of the Negro in American Literatur e. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966. Heilbrun, Carolyn. Writing a Woman’s Life. New York: Bal lantine Books, 1988. Joswick,Thomas. “’The Crown Without Conflict.’ Religious Values and Moral Reasoning in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Nineteenth Century Literature. 39:3 ( Dec 1984): 253(21). Krumholz, Linda. “The Ghosts ofSlavery: Historical Recovery in Toni Morris on’s Beloved.” African American Review. 26:3 (Fall 1992): 395(14). Mathieson, Barbara. “Memory and Mother Love in Morrison’s Beloved.” Ameri canImago. 47:1 (Spring 1990): 1(20). Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark. New York: Vintage Books:。

Example of a research proposal 英国硕士论文开题报告范文样本

Example of a research proposal 英国硕士论文开题报告范文样本

Research Proposal:A Study of the Relationship between Organisational Citizenship Behaviours,Psychology Contract and Organisational Justice: Focusing on the ChineseWorkers[Note: This proposal has been reproduced in anonymised from with full permission from the student. It is reproduced using single line spacing to save paper].Name: ????Student Number: ????Date of submission: dd mmm yyyyWord account: 2122 excluding referencesContents1 Research Background 12 Research aim and objectives 13 Literature review 23.1 Organisational citizenship behaviours 23.2 Psychological contract 33.3 Organisational justice 44 Methodology 54.1 Questionnaire survey 54.2 Sample selection and data collection 54.3 Research ethics 64.4 Data analysis 65 Timetable 66 Conclusions 77 References 71 Research BackgroundFuelled by increasing globalization and international competition, many enterprises have realised the importance of recruiting, retaining, and managing human resources, which contribute to increasing competitiveness of organisations and gaining sustainable competitive advantages (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010). Recently, many scholars and practitioners devote multiple efforts to organisational citizenship behaviours. The reason is that organisational citizenship behaviours contribute to improving organisational performance by maximizing their job efficiency and productivity (Organ, 1988; Wagner & Rush, 2000). Jahangir et al. (2004) assert that “successful organisations have employees who go beyond their formal job responsibilities and freely give their time and energy to succeed at the assigned job” (p.75). From these perspectives, organisational citizenship behaviours act as an essential role in strengthening organisational effectiveness. Given its importance, this study aims to examine organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers in order to improve research generalizability.Either in academic study or in practice, organisational citizenship behaviours have gained much attention. Hence, many scholars examine and explore the definition, structure, antecedents and consequences of organisational citizenship behaviours. Among all antecedents, organisational justice and psychological contract have received much attention in the field of organisational psychology and organisational behaviours. The existing studies have illustrated that organisational justice and psychological contract are positively related to organisational citizenship behaviours (Cohen-Charash & Spector, 2001; Turnley et al., 2003). Through surveying samples from United Kingdom, mainland China, France and the United States, Fok et al. (1996) also found that employees with different cultural background had different perception of fairness and organisational citizenship behaviours. Concerning for the difference of culture, it is necessary to examine organisational citizenship behaviours and its antecedents in the Chinese cultural background. At the same time, Hui et al. (2004) point out that employment relationship is different due to different psychological, social, and interpersonal mechanism. Furthermore, the existing studies associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours are rooted in western cultural background. Whether they work or not in the Chinese cultural background has not been known. Therefore, in order to improve research generalisability, this study attempts to identify the effect of organisational justice and psychological contract on organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers.This proposal is arranged as follows: section two provides research aim and objectives. As such, section three reviews literatures associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Section four presents data collection methods. Section five provides timetable. This proposal ends with conclusions.2 Research aim and objectivesThe aim of this research is to examine and understand the relationship between organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours.To address research aim, the specific research objectives are presented as follows:(1)To examine the relationship between organisational justice and psychological contract focusing on the Chinese workers;(2)To examine how organisational justice affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers;(3)To examine how psychological contract affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers.3 Literature review3.1 Organisational citizenship behavioursThe term organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) was introduced by Organ (1977). In 1988, Organ defined it as ‘‘discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organisation’’ (Organ, 1988). Subsequently, Organ (1995) redefined OCB as ‘‘performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes place” (p. 95). In terms of this definition, OCB is a part of job performance. The definition of Organ (1995) has gained considerable attention from scholars. According to Bolino et al. (2002), OCB is defined as “the willingness of employees to exceed their formal job requirements in order to help each other, to subordinate their individual interests for the good of the organisation, and to take a genuine interest in the organisation’s activities and overall mission”. This definition has gained the support of Appelbaum et al. (2004), who defined it as “a discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but - is that which promotes the effective functioning of the organisation”. Based on their definitions, it can be known that OCB is an extra-role bahviour of promoting performance. In this study, the definition of Appelbaum et al. (2004) is used to understand organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers.Concerning for the structure of OCB, there are different perspectives due to different research background and cultural background. In general, the structure of OCB is generalized into two dimensions, three dimensions, four dimensions, five dimensions, and seven dimensions, which I have summarised and presented in table 1.Table 1 structure of organisational citizenship behavioursReference ContentsTwo dimensionsSmith et al. (1983) altruism and generalised complianceThree dimensionsColeman and Borman (2000) interpersonal citizenship, organisational citizenship, and job/taskcitizenshipFour dimensionsGraham et al. (1989) organisational obedience, interpersonal helping, organisationalloyalty, and organisational participationFive dimensionsOrgan (1988) altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, andsportsmanshipFarh, Early and Lin (1997) identification with the company, altruism toward colleagues,conscientiousness, interpersonal harmony, protecting companyresourcesSeven dimensionsPodsakoff and Mackenzie (2000) Helping behaviour, sportsmanship, organisational loyalty, organisational compliance, individual initiative, civic virtue, and self developmentAccording to Table 1, different scholars present different perspectives. Among these dimensions, the perspective of Organ (1988) has gained considerable attention from scholars. Because of this, different scholars with different cultural background construct different structures of OCB. At the same time, the Chinese scholars Farh et al. (1997) also build five-dimensional structure of OCB. In order to reduce the effect of cultural difference, this study employs the structure of Farh et al. (1997) to measure organisational citizenship behaviours.3.2 Psychological contractThe study of psychological contract was originated from Argyris (1960). Psychological contract is used to understand employment relationship between employees and employers. Employment relationship is reciprocity in terms of social exchange theory (Rousseau, 1990). Given its importance, many scholars define and study what is meant by psychological contract. For example, psychological contract is defined by Rousseau (1989) as “individual’s belief in the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between the focal person and another group” (p.123). In 1995, Rousseau redefined it as “individual beliefs, shaped by the organisation, regarding terms of an exchange agreement between individuals and their organisation” (p. 9). This definition of psychological contract has been widely accepted by many scholars. In this study, the definition of Rousseau (1995) is used to understand Chinese workers’ psychological contract.As for the structure of psychological contract, there are different perspectives. The earliest structure of psychological contract includes transactional and relational dimension (Rousseau, 1990), which has gained wide application in academic study. In here, transaction contract refers to “a set of short-term economically focused attitudes involving limited involvement between the parties” (Raja et al., 2004). And relational contract refers to sustain relationship with organisations depending on emotional involvement or financial benefits (Robinson et al., 1994). Subsequently, in 1995, Rousseau (1995) reconstructed four dimensions of psychological contract, namely transactional, relationship, balanced, and transitional contract. Furthermore, the Chinese scholars Hui et al. (2004) develop dimensions of psychological contract of Chinese workers, namely balanced, relational, and transactional contracts. Therefore, in order to reduce cultural difference, this study employs the dimension of Hui et al. (2004) to measure psychological contract of Chinese workers.3.3 Organisational justiceJustice in organisations has gained considerable attention from scholars and practitioners. The reason is that organisational justice significantly affects attitudes and behaviours of employees (Cropanzano et al., 2001). Because of this, many scholars explore and study organisational justice in different contexts. The organisational justice is defined by Folger and Cropanzano (1998) as ‘‘the conditions of employment that lead individuals to believe they are being treated fairly or unfairly by their organisation’’. According to this definition, organisational justice refers to employees’ perception towards organisation, especially for pay and promotion. In this study, the above definition is used to understand organisational justice of Chinese workers.In terms of understanding organisational justice, different scholars provide different types. The earliest study on organisational justice shows that it has two primary dimensions, namely distributive and procedure justice (Greenberg, 1990). In here, distributive justice refers to “feelings of fairness surrounding the allocation of organisational resources, including pay, bonuses, terminations, or any other resources that an organisation can provide to employees” (Deutsch, 1975). Procedural justice refers to “feelings of fairness regarding the procedures associated with determining promotions, terminations, performance ratings, bonuses, or anything else of value that the organisation provides” (Thibaut & Walker, 1975, cited in Roch & Shanock, 2006). In addition, some scholars provide three-dimensional structure of organisational justice, namely distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice (e.g. Bies & Moag, 1986). They define interactional justice as “feelings of fairness concerning for how employees are treated within the organisation”. This three-dimensional structure has gained considerable application in the academic study. Furthermore, Colquitt (2001) provides four-dimensional structure, namely distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice. From these perspectives, there has not consistent findings about the structure of organisationaljustice. In order to better identify the structure of organisational justice, the scale of Colquitt (2001) is used in this study.4 MethodologyIn terms of research objectives, among research strategies presented by Yin (1994), survey is applied in this study, aiming to understand respondents’ actual attitudes, perspectives, and behaviours. In this study, primary data collection methods are employed in order to gain actual information of Chinese workers.4.1 Questionnaire surveyIn this study, questionnaire survey aims to identify Chinese workers’ actual perspectives and attitudes towards organisational justice, psychological contract and organisational citizenship behaviours. The process of conducting questionnaire survey is presented as follows:The first step is to design questionnaires of this study. The questionnaire includes four sections. More specifically, section one is used to establish the samples’ characteristics, which includes a series of indicators, such as gender, age, marriage, and tenure. Correspondingly, section two is used to measure organisational citizenship behaviours. In this section, the scale of Hui et al. (1999) is used, which includes 15 items. Section three is used to measure psychological contract which also employs the scale of Hui et al. (2004). Furthermore, section four is used to measure organisational justice which uses the scale of Colquitt (2001). A five point Likert type scale used to assess Chinese workers’ identification degree with each indicator (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree).The questionnaire will be pilot tested with 10 employees from the company and amendments made as necessary.4.2 Sample selection and data collectionThe second step is used to send collection questionnaires. In this study a systematic random sample of employees will be selected from the human resource records of the ????? Company in China which employs 750 people. These records are stored in salary order by department. In order to ensure 95% confidence and a margin of error of 5% I require 254 responses (Saunders et al., 2009). Assuming a response rate of 52.7% (Baruch and Holtom, 2008), this means I will have to administer my questionnaire to 482 employees using SurveyMonkey using work emails. The questionnaire will be administered in Chinese. I have gained the company’s agreement by contacting with human resource department manager. Assurances have been given that all respondents’ information is confidential and anonymous.4.3 Research EthicsPermission has been given in writing by the company to undertake this research. I have agreed that the data will be anonymised and it will not be possible to identify individuals. In addition, the company name will not appear anywhere within the dissertation, thereby preserving anonymity.Individual respondents will be told in the questionnaire covering letter that their participation is optional.4.4 Data analysisThe final step is to do data analysis. In terms of the received data, some statistic analysis techniques are used to analyse the received data, such as descriptive statistic analysis, confirmation factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. All of these operations will be achieved by using SPSS software.5 TimetableThe timetable of this dissertation is presented below:Table 2 Timetable of this DissertationTask MarchWeek3,4AprilWeek1,2AprilWeek3,4MayWeek1,2MayWeek3,4JuneWeek1,2JuneWeek3,4JulyWeek1.2JulyWeek3,4Aug.Week1,2Select topic Confirm research questions Research proposalQuestionnaire surveyData entry and analysis Introduction and literature review Methodology Findings and discussions Conclusions and Recommendations Final format and indexingPrint, bind submitKey dates within this are:Submission of dissertation: dd mmm yyyyI confirm I have the resources to pay for the SurveyMonkey software subscription. There are no associated travel costs.6 ConclusionsThis proposal provides a framework for the writing of this dissertation. In general, research background, literature review, research objectives, methodology and timetable have been provided in this proposal, aiming to better conduct the writing of this dissertation.7 ReferencesAppelbaum, S., Bartolomucci, N., Beaumier, E., Boulanger, J., Corrigan, R., Dore, I., Girard, C., Serroni, C. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior: A case study of culture, leadership and trust. Management Decision, 42(1), 13-40.Argyris, C. (1960). Understanding organisational behaviour. London: Tavistock Publications.Baruch , Y. and Holtom, B.C. (2008). Survey response rates and trends in organizational research. Human Relations. 61(8), 1139-60.Bolino, M. C., Turnley, W. H., Bloodgood, J. M. (2002). Citizenship behavior and the creation of social capital in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 27(4), 505-522.Bies, R. J., Moag, J. S. (1986). Interactional justice: Communication criteria for fairness. In B. Sheppard (Ed.), Research on negotiation in organizations, Vol. 1: 43-55. Greenwich, CT: JAI.Cohen-Charash, Y., Spector, P. E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 278-321.Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: A construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 356-400.Coleman VI, Borman WC. (2000).Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. Human Resource Management Review, 10, 25–44.Cropanzano, R., Byrne, Z. S., Bobocel, D. R., Rupp, D. E. (2001). Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 164–209.Deutsch, M. 1975. Equity, equality, and need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice? Journal of Social Issues, 31(1), 138-150.Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., Lin, S. C. (1997). Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 421–444.Folger, R., Cropanzano, R. (1998). Organisational justice and human resource management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Graham, J.W. (1989). Organizational citizenship behavior: Construct redefinition operationalization, and validation. Unpublished Working Paper, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.Greenberg, J. (1990). Organizational Justice: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. J ournal of Management, 16(1), 399-432.Hui C., Lee, C., Rousseau, D. M.(2004). Psychological Contract and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in China: Investigating Generalizability and Instrumentality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(2), 311–321.Jahangir, N., Mohammad, M. Akbar, M.H. (2004). Organisational citizenship behaviours: its nature and antecedents. BRAC University Journal, I (2), 75-85.Nadiri, H., Tanova, C. (2010).An investigation of the role of justice in turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29 (2), 33–41.Organ, D.W.1977). A reappraisal and reinterpretation of the satisfaction– causes– performance hypothesis. Academy of Management Review, 2, 46–53.Organ, D.W. (1988).Organizational citizenship behavior: the good soldier syndrome. Lexington (MA): Lexington Books.Organ, D. W., Ryan K. (1995). A meta-analytic review of attitudinal and dispositional predictors of organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology, 48, 775-802.Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26,513–563.Raja, U., Johns, G., Ntalianis, F. (2004). The impact of personality on psychological Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4(4), 249–270.Robinson, S.L., Kraatz, M.S., Rousseau, D.M. (1994).Changing obligations and the psychological contract: a longitudinal study. Academy of Management Journal, 37(1), 137-52.Rousseau, D.M. (1989). Psychological and implied contracts in organisations. Employee responsibilities and rights journal, 2, 121-139.Rousseau, D.M.(1990). New hire perspectives of their own and their employer’s obligations: a study of psychological contracts. Journal of organisational behaviour, 11, 389-400.Rousseau, D.M. (1995). Psychological contracts in organisations. CA :Thousand Oaks.Roch, Sylvia G., Shanock, Linda R. (2006).Organizational Justice in an Exchange Framework: Clarifying Organizational Justice Distinctions. Journal of Management, 32(2), 299-322.Saunders M, Lewis, P. and Thornhill A (2009) Research Methods for Business Students (5th edition) Harlow: FT-Prentice Hall.Smith C. A., Organ D. W., Near J. P. (1983). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature and antecedents. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, 653-663.Thibaut, J., Walker, L. (1975). Procedural justice: A psychological analysis. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Turnley, W. H, Bolino, M. C, Lester, S.W. (2003). The impact of psychological contract fulfillment on the performance of in-role and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Management, 29(2), 187-206.Wagner, S., Rush, M. (2000). Altruistic organisational citizenship behaviour: context, disposition and age. The journal of social psychologyl, 140(1), 379-391.Yin, R.K.(1994). Case study Research: Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.。



1. Research question: Is the new IFRS treatment of goodwill simply brought the subjectivity and ambiguity into financial reporting, and increases the possibility of creative accounting?2. Motivation: To investigate whether the new treatment simply brought the subjectivity and ambiguity into financial reporting, and increases the possibility of creative accounting in depth.3. Indication of literature sources Academic journal articles (see next three pages)4. Methodology Phenomenology research, see reality as a concrete structure.5.Research methods The desk-based literature research will be used to collect the academic journal articles which relevant to the areas like goodwill or impairment review, etc. All the articles selected should be published after 1990 to ensure reflecting business reality. After studying the selected articles, I will induce their opinions and group in them. The most common used sources are the database from University of Glasgow library, , EBSCO Host research database, etc.6. Ethical considerations I will make very careful reference on every opinion that I have taken from someone else. I will clearly record the details of the reference sources, and pre-numbered on each notes to ensure I would not miss any one.7. Potential results and contribution The new IFRS treatment of goodwill has brought some subjectivity and ambiguity into financial reporting and increases the possibility of creative accounting. However, some of the priority to its precedents cannot be ignored.8. Possible limitations Due to the amount of reading, time pressure, and language ability it is possible that I may misunderstand some of the writers’ ideas.9. Expected conclusions We cannot simply say that new IFRS treatment of goodwill has brought the subjectivity and ambiguity, and increases the possibility of creative accounting. It’s likely to be adopted by more countries in the near future.Research question: Is the new IFRS treatment of goodwill simply brought the subjectivity and ambiguity into the financial reporting, and increases the possibility of creative accounting? The broader question is whether this new treatment prior to the former method, and its likely future development.Motivation: Since the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in many countries, the accounting treatment of goodwill has changed significantly. There are many debates arising on this amendment in recent years. Under the new IFRS, instead of systematic amortisation over a certain period, an impairment review for goodwill will be carried out at least annually. Some people think it could increase the uncertainty and lessen of transparency as the increasing of relying on the professional judgement. (Wines et al., 2007) However, if the new treatment is inferior to its precedents, why did IASB make this change. On these bases, the motivation for this literature review is to investigate these discussions in depth in the academic area.Indication of literature sourcesThis literature review will have both negative and positive views. One of the disagreement arising from the points that by replacing the amortisation of goodwill with impairment testing which heavily rely on fair value estimate, could increase the opportunity for creative accounting. (Gowthorpe and Amat, 2005) Second disagree point is that it allows too many judgements because managers and profession accountants will have to use their valuation and measurement expertise and skills to estimate fair values rather than refer to verifiable transaction amounts. This could result in the increase of uncertainty. (Wines et al., 2007)Alternatively, Schipper (2003) agreed that goodwill should be subject to periodic impairment testing rather than automatic amortisation. One reason is that the goodwill impairment test will be operational and will adequately capture any decline in the value in a more meaningful manner than the amortisation. (Donnelly and Keys, 2002) From the analysts and other users of financial statements point of view, they can obtain better information about intangible assets, as the new treatment does not require goodwill to be automatically written down irrespective of the various situations. (Colquitt and Wilson, 2002) Another reason is thatcompany which apply the amortisation of the goodwill many lose their competitive advantage than the company using the impairment testing. (Lamond, 1995; Nobes and Parker, 2000) Some people argued that capitalisation of goodwill and subsequent amortisation is arbitrary and will understate the net profit comparing with the company that not to do so. (Johnson and Teamey, 1993) In addition, as the increase of international harmonisation, new standard will be adopted by more countries. (Wiese, 2005)Methodology The nature of literature review is to identify and summary what researches have been already done and what models and theories have been developed. (Hussey and Hussey, 1997) As described by Hussey and Hussey (1997), phenomenology is a paradigm used frequ ently to identify some one’s view to our society and human activities.Therefore, I will use phenomenology paradigm for research. Research will see reality as a concrete structure, which people are the adapter, responder and information processor to achieve efficiency and the goal of an organisation. (Morgan and Smircich, 1980) In this case, managers and professional accountants are the people who conduct the financial reporting under the new IFRS treatment.Research methods The initial research will focus on the areas related to the goodwill, which identified at first place. Then the desk-based literature research will be used to collect a considerable amount of academic journal articles which relevant to these areas by searching electronically for goodwill or impairment review, etc. The quality of the article is highly depending on the quality of the research I have done. Therefore, a selection of the most relevant one is crucial. By considering the research findings should reflect to the business reality, all the articles selected should be published after 1990. After studying the selected articles, I will induce their opinions with no bias and objective. Then divide these opinions as positive and negative two different categories followed by different reasons as sub-categories, and group in the same or similar reasons under them. On the other hand, the articles gathered will mainly from the computer-aided Internet information and database. The database and the website chosen should include the academic journals. The most common used sources are the database from University of Glasgow library, , EBSCO Host research database, etc.Ethical considerations In order to avoid the plagiarism, I will make very careful reference on every opinion that I have taken from someone else. I will clearly record the details of the reference sources, and pre-numbered on each notes to ensure I would not miss any one.Potential results and contribution The new IFRS treatment of goodwill has brought some subjectivity and ambiguity into financial reporting and increases the possibility of creative accounting. However, some of the priority to its precedents cannot be ignored.Possible limitations During the literature review, I have to read a large amount of journal articles in this area, and majority of them are quite long. It will be very time consuming to understand all the articles and find the most relevant one. Therefore, it is possible that I may misunderstand some of the writers’ ideas due to the time pressure and my language ability.Expected conclusions We cannot simply say that new IFRS treatment of goodwill has brought the subjectivity and ambiguity into financial reporting and increases the possibility of creative accounting. Although these pitfalls exist at some point, there are still many advantages to the company. It can be seen as prior to its precedents in certain level, and likely to be adopted by more countries in the near future.Timetable Article selection (2 weeks); Opinion analysis (3 weeks); First draft (2 weeks); Revised draft (2 weeks); Final checking, printing and binding (1 week).ReferencesColquitt, L., Wilson, A. (2002), "The elimination of pooling-of-interests and goodwill amortisation and its effect on the insurance industry", Journal of Insurance Regulation, Vol.20 No.3, pp.338-51.Donnelly, T., Keys, R. (2002), "Business combinations and intangible assets", Australian CPA, Vol. 72 No.4, pp.68-9.Gowthorpe, C., Amat, O. (2005), "Creative accounting: some ethical issues of macro- and micro-manipulation", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 57 pp.55-64.Johnson, J., Tearney, M. (1993), "Goodwill: an eternal controversy", The CPA Journal, Vol.63 No.4, pp.58-69.Lamond, B. (1995), "Goodwill: the final solution", Charter, Vol. 66 No.2, pp.8-74. Morgan, G., Smircich, L. (1980), “The case for qualitative research”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 32-48.Nobes, C., Parker, R.H. (2000), Comparative International Accounting, 6th ed., Financial Times/Prentice-Hall, London/England.Schipper, K. (2003), "Principles-based accounting standards", Accounting Horizons, Vol. 17 No.1, pp.61-72.Wiese, A. (2005), "Accounting for goodwill: the transition from amortisation to impairment –an impact assessment", Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 13 No.1, pp.105-20. Wines, G., Dagwell, R., Windsor, C. (2007), “Implication of the IFRS go odwill accounting treatment”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 862-880.。



PROPOSAL:What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.TITLE:It should be concise and descriptive. 简明的,叙述的ABSTRACT:It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words.Including:1. research question2. rationale for the study3. hypothesis (if any)4. method: the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that willbe used5. main findingsINTRODUCTION:1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)LITERATURE REVIEW:Functions:1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).METHODS:it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.1. Design – Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?2. Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?RESULTS:Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.DISCUSSION:It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.。



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