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• 欧文叙述事情的口吻就像是一位慈祥的老 者坐在篝火旁略带睡意地讲故事一样,有 一种非同一般的魔力-读者在看《睡谷的 传说》时仿佛也受到那个被施咒语的小镇 的影响,变得头脑昏沉,相信起灵魂和索 命的怪物来。但读者看这些故事的时候并 没有觉得害怕,只是感到十分好奇,想尽 快往下读好一探究竟。
Much later an old farmer returned from outside and said he saw Ichabod.
As for Katrina, her mother and father gave her a big wedding when she married Brom Bones.
• 偶尔一声鹌鹑的轻啼,或 者啄木鸟“得得”啄木的声 音,几乎就是打破这万籁 俱寂的气氛的惟一的声响 了。
欧文生动地描述了伊卡博德的外貌和他的 内心世界。尽管伊卡博德看起来有趣,封建 迷信,是贪婪的金钱,但不恶心。伊卡博德看 起来有趣的不用说,连骑马的位置也让我们 笑。欧文的作品充分体现了他的幽默的写 作风格。
作为美国早期浪漫主义作家之一,欧文是专 注于自然风景的描述,以及个人的主观世界 感觉。 欧文的写作是自然,清新优雅。 “优雅”是欧文风格最好的总结。
• Not far from this village perhaps about two miles, there is a little valley or rather lap of land among high hills, which is one of the quietest in the whole world. a small brook glides through it ,with just murmur enough to lull one to repose; and the occasional whistle of quail or tapping of a
There were many stories in the quiet valley---Sleepy Hollow. But the story that people believed most was about a man who was headless, rode a horse at night. He rode through the valley, looking for his lost head.
• Ichabod was a suitable figure for such a steed .He rode with short stirrups ,which brought his knees nearly up to the pommel of the saddle; his sharp elbows stuck out like grasshoppers; he carried his whip perpendicularly in his hand, like a scepter and his horse jogged on, the motion of his arms was not unlike the flapping of a pair of wings
◆人物角色 Katrina

Ichabod Crane
Brom Bones
Tarry Town (塔里镇) Connecticut(康涅狄格州)
◆பைடு நூலகம்节
传说在美国独立战争时期的一次战役中,一 个骑兵的头被炮弹打飞了,他的阴魂常骑马 在夜间飞驰,去寻找他的头颅。在睡谷有位 从康涅狄格州来的教师,名叫伊卡包德· 克兰, 他对那些离奇的传说笃信不疑。他看上了当 地一位殷实的荷兰农夫的独生女儿卡特琳 娜· 凡· 塔塞尔。但他有许多情敌,其中最可怕 的是一个名为布鲁姆· 凡· 布兰特的乡村小伙子。 一天晚上,伊卡包德去参加凡· 塔塞尔家的晚 会。

他用的是一副短马蹬, 因此,骑了上去,只 好把 膝盖抬得高高的,几乎碰 到了鞍头;削瘦的肘子像 蚱蜢腿似的伸出去;他把 马鞭子笔直地捧在手里, 像王 笏一样;等到这匹马 走起来,他两只胳膊的动 作简直和翅膀的拍打差不 了多少
• 欧文的祖先“欧文风格”——精确、简单和优 雅。 • 华盛顿· 欧文是美国建国后第一个获得国际 声誉的作家,有“美国文学之父”之称。 • 他也是第一个因为富有想象力的文学作品 而获得国际声誉的美国作家。
Appreciation of The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow 《睡谷的传说》赏析
背景 简要介绍 鉴赏
• 睡谷的传说发生在荷兰的文化革命战争时 期。它是基于德国的民间故事,由卡尔 Musaus原始记录。
• 道德的热情 • 相信个人主义和直觉的感知价值 • 假定自然世界是一个善良的,男人是社会腐败的 根源
So Ichabod made his plan silently and secretly--visited Katrina's farm and made her think he was helping her to learn better. One day Ichabod was invited to a big party at the Van Tassel’s home. Brom Bones also rode to the party on his fastest horse. When the music stopped, young people sat together to tell stories about the Sleepy Hollow. And the most feared story was about the rider looking for his lost head.
Near Sleepy Hollow was a village called Tarry Town. The village had a small school. And Ichabod Crane was the only teacher in it. Among the students Ichabod taught was Katrina Van Tassel. She was the only daughter of a rich Dutch farmer. Ichabod soon found himself interested in Katrina . But there was also another strong young man named Brom Bones loved Katrina.
The stories ended and Ichabod began to went home alone.
He thought there’s something white moving in the tree. And he heard a noise.
On the side of the river stood an ugly, big and black thing. It looked like a giant monster. Ichabod saw a headless rider on the horse. His head was resting on the horse.
The headless man picked up his head and threw it to Ichabod. It hit Ichabod in the face and knocked him off his horse.
Next day, people only found Ichabod’s hat. They believed the headless horseman had carried Ichabod away.
晚会后他独自骑马回家,在小河边同无头骑 士相遇,被那骑士用手中拿着的头打昏倒地。 从此伊卡包德再也没有露面。次日人们在桥 头发现了他的帽子和一个碎得稀烂的南瓜, 以为他已死去。几年后,一个到过纽约的老 农说,伊卡包德还活着。而布鲁姆在伊卡包 德失踪后不久就和卡塔琳娜结了婚。每当人 们提起那个南瓜的事,他就捧腹大笑,使人 不能不怀疑他同那件事有瓜葛。
1999年,好莱坞著名导演、 悬念大师蒂姆· 伯顿(Tim Burton)将《睡谷的传说》 改编后重拍(片名为 《Sleepy Hollow》), 在戏剧化与幽默感兼顾的 情况下将欧文的小说原著 提升到一个新高度。
伊卡波德・克莱恩: 一名教唱歌的老师来自康涅狄格。 高高瘦瘦,棱角分明。 是一个非常苛刻的、严格的老 师,但很喜欢他的学生和他们的家庭。 卡特琳娜・凡・塔塞尔: 18岁,凭借自己的财貌,赢得 众多人的亲睐和爱慕,生活在光环之中,她也来自 一个非常富裕的家庭。 无头骑士: 黑森士兵的鬼魂,他的脑袋因炮火在战斗中起 飞。 布鲁姆・凡・布兰特: 他和伊卡波德完全相反:强壮,英 俊,外向。他因骑马技巧而闻名。
• 离开这个村庄不远,大约 两英里路光景,在高山之 间,有一个小山谷,或者 不如说,一块凹地,它算 得上是全世界最安静的地 方。一条小溪穿谷而过, 汩汩的水声刚好催人入梦, 偶尔一声鹌鹑的轻啼,或 者啄木鸟“得得”啄木的声 音,几乎就是打破这万籁 俱寂的气氛的惟一的声响 了。
• woodpecker is almost the only sound that ever breaks in upon the uniform tranquility .