1.化学品和化学反应Reagent (试剂)、catalyst (催化剂)、reactant (反应物)、product (产物)、chemical equation (化学方程式)、stoichiometry (化学计量法)等。
2.石油天然气加工Cracking (裂解)、distillation (蒸馏)、fraction (馏分)、petrochemicals (石油化学品)、fluid catalytic cracking (流化催化裂解)、vapor recovery unit (蒸汽回收装置)等。
3.工程和设备Piping (管道)、valve (阀门)、compressor (压缩机)、pump (泵)、heat exchanger (换热器)、pipe fitting (管件)、tank (储罐)等。
4.安全和环境Safety (安全)、environment (环境)、hazardous (危险)、emission (排放)、pollution (污染)、toxic (有毒/毒性)、flammable (易燃)等。
常见投融资英文简称标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]1、BP(Business Plan):商业计划书2、Road show:路演3、QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor):合格的境外机构投资者4、QDII(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor):合格的境内机构投资者5、PE(Private Equity):私募股权投资6、VC(venture capital):风险投资7、P/E ratio(Price earnings ratio):市价盈利比率,简称市盈率8、PB(Price/Book value):平均市盈率9、EPS(Earnings Per Share):每股盈余10、historical P/E:历史市盈率11、ROE(Rate of Return on Common Stockholders’Equity):净资产收益率12、DCF(Discounted Cash Flow):现金流折现法13、IPO(Initial Public Offerings):首次上市,指一家公司首次在股票市场的公开股票发行。
14、LP(Limited Partner):有限合伙人15、GP(General Partner):普通合伙人16、A股:人民币普通股票,由我国境内的股份有限公司发行,供境内机构、组织或个人(不含台、港、澳投资者)以人民币认购和交易的普通股股票。
21、NASDAQ:纳斯达克22、LOF基金:Listed Open-Ended Fund,上市型开放式基金23、ETF(Exchange traded Fund):交易性开放式指数基金24、Close-end fund:封闭式基金25、Hedge fund:对冲基金26、金融脱媒:社会融资逐渐由间接融资向直接融资转变的过程27、OTC(Over The Counter):场外交易市场28、LBO(Leveraged Buy-out):杠杆收购29、MBO(Management Buy-Outs):管理者收购30、EBO(Employee Buy-Outs):员工收购31、EMBO(Employee Management Buy-Outs):管理层与员工收购32、ESOP(Employee Stock Ownership Plan):员工持股计划33、AGM (annual general meeting):年度股东大会34、PPP(Public-Private-Partnership):公私合作模式35、BOT(build-operate-transfer):建设—经营—转让36、BOOT(build-operate-own-transfer):建设-经营-拥有-转让37、BOO(Building-Owning-Operation):建设、拥有、运营38、BT(Build-Transfer):建设-转让39、TOT(Transfer-Operate- Transfer):移交-经营-移交40、ABS(Asset-Backed-Securieization):资产证券化41、SPC(Special Purpose Corpration):特别用途公司42、PFI(Private Finance Initiative):民间主动融资43、URM(User Reimbursement Model):使用者付费模式44、shadow tolling:影子收费融资模式45、DBFO(Design-Build-Finance-Operate):设计-建设-融资-运营。
私募股权投资(Private Equity)简称PE, 是通过私募形式募集资金,对私有企业,即 非上市企业进行的权益性投资,从而推动非 上市企业价值增长,最终通过上市、并购、 管理层回购、股权置换等方式出售持股套现 退出的一种投资行为。 在结构设计上,PE一般涉及两层实体,一 层是作为管理人的基金管理公司,一层则是 基金本身。有限合伙制是国际最为常见的 PE组织形式。一般情况下,基金投资者作 为有限合伙人(Limited Partner,LP)不参 与管理、承担有限责任;基金管理公司作为 普通合伙人(General Partner,GP)投入 少量资金,掌握管理和投资等各项决策,承 担无限责任。
风险投资一般采取风险投资基金的方式运 作。风险投资基金的法律结构是采取有限 合伙的形式,而风险投资公司则作为普通 合伙人管理该基金的投资运作,并获得相 应的报酬。在美国采取有限合伙制的风险 投资基金,可以获得税收上的优惠,政府 也通过这种方式鼓励风险投资的发展。
风险投资(Venture Capital)简称是 VC,在我国是一个约定俗成的具有特 定内涵的概念,其实把它翻译成创业投 资更为妥当。广义的风险投资泛指一切 具有高风险、高潜在收益的投资;狭义 的风险投资是指以高新技术为基础,生 产与经营技术密集型产品的投资。根据 美国全美风险投资协会的定义,风险投 资是由职业金融家投入到新兴的、迅速 发展的、 具有巨大竞争潜力的企业中一种权益资 本。
VC/PE术语(work in process)一般性术语Private securities —securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and do not trade on any exchanges. The price per share i s negotiated between the buyer and the seller (the "issuer").Private equity—equity investments in nonpublic companies.Alternative asset class— a class of investments that includes private equity, real estate, and oil and gas, but excludes publicly traded securities. Pensio n plans, college endowments, and other relatively large institutional investors typ ically allocate a certain percentage of their investments to alternative assets w ith an objective to diversify their portfolios.Private placement memorandum (PPM)— a document explaining the details of an in vestment to potential investors. For example, a private equity fund will issue a PPM when it is raising capital from institutional investors. Also, a startu p may issue a PPM when it needs growth capital. Also known as "Offering Memora ndum."Venture capital— a segment of the private equity industry which focuses on in vesting in new companies with high growth rates.VC作价相关术语Post-money valuation—the valuation of a company including the capital provide d by the current round of financing. For example, a venture capitalist may inve st $5 million in a company valued at $2 million "pre-money" (before the investm ent was made). As a result, the startup will have a post-money valuation of $7 million.Pre-money valuation—the valuation of a company prior to the current round o f financing. For example, a venture capitalist may invest $5 million in a compa ny valued at $2 million pre-money. As a result, the startup will have a "post-money" valuation of $7 million.Comparable — a publicly traded company with similar characteristics to a privat e company that is being valued. For example, a telecommunications equipment manuf acturer whose market value is 2 times revenues can be used to estimate the value of a similar and relatively new company with a new product in the same ind ustry.Price earnings ratio (PE ratio)—the ratio of a public company's price per s hare and its net income after taxes on a per share basis.Liquidity discount — a decrease in the value of a private company compared to the value of a similar but publicly traded company. Since an investor in a private company cannot readily sell his or her investment, the shares in t he private company must be valued less than a comparable public company.Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) — a method of estimating the cost of equit y capital of a company. The cost of equity capital is equal to the return of a risk-free investment plus a premium that reflects the risk of the company'' ''''''s equity.Beta — a measure of volatility of a public stock relative to an index or a composite of all stocks in a market or geographical region. A beta of mor e than one indicates the stock has higher volatility than the index (or composi te) and a beta of one indicates volatility equivalent to the index (or composit e). For example, the price of a stock with a beta of 1.5 will change by 1. 5% if the index value changes by 1%. Typically, the S&P500 index is used in c alculating the beta of a stock.Internal rate of return (IRR)—the interest rate at which a certain amount o f capital today would have to be invested in order to grow to a specific valu e at a specific time in the future.Venture capital method— a valuation method whereby an estimate of the future value of a company is discounted by a certain interest rate and adjusted fo r future anticipated dilution in order to determine the current value. Usually, discount rates for the venture capital method are considerably higher than pu blic stock return rates, representing the fact that venture capitalists must achi eve significant returns on investment in order to compensate for the risks they take in funding unproven companies.投资结构及Term Sheet中涉及的相关术语Term sheet— a document confirming the intent of an investor to participate i n a round of financing for a company. By signing this document, the subject co mpany agrees to begin the legal and due diligence process prior to the closing of the transaction. Also known as "Letter of Intent".Common stock— a type of security representing ownership rights in a company. Usually, company founders, management and employees own common stock while inv estors own preferred stock. In the event of a liquidation of the company, the claims of secured and unsecured creditors, bondholders and preferred stockholder s take precedence over common stockholders.Stock option— a right to purchase or sell a share of stock at a specific p rice within a specific period of time. Stock purchase options are commonly used as long term incentive compensation for employees and management of fast growt h companies.Preferred Stocks— a type of stock that has certain rights that common stock does not have. These special rights may include dividends, participation, liqui dity preference, anti-dilution protection and veto provisions, among others. Privat e equity investors usually purchase preferred stock when they make investments i n companies.Convertible preferred stock— a type of stock that gives an owner the right t o convert to common shares of stock. Usually, preferred stock has certain right s that common stock doesn"t have, such as decision-making management control, a promised return on investment (dividend), or senior priority in receiving p roceeds from a sale or liquidation of the company. Typically, convertible preferr ed stock automatically converts to common stock if the company makes an initial public offering (IPO). Convertible preferred is the most common tool for priva te equity funds to invest in companies.Participating preferred stock— a unit of ownership composed of preferred stoc k and common stock. The preferred stock entitles the owner to receive a predete rmined sum of cash (usually the original investment plus accrued dividends) if t he company is sold or has an IPO. The common stock represents additional contin ued ownership in the company. Participating preferred stock has been characterize d as "having your cake and eating it too."Redemption rights—the right of an investor to force the startup company to buy back the shares issued as a result of the investment. In effect, the in vestor has the right to take back his/her investment and may even negotiate a right to receive an additional sum in excess of the original investment.Registration rights—the rights of an investor in a startup regarding the reg istration of a portion of the startup"s shares for sale to the public. Piggybac k rights give the shareholders the right to have their shares included in a re gistration. Demand rights give the shareholders the option to force management t o register the company"s shares for a public offering. Often times registration rights are hotly negotiated among venture capitalists in multiple rounds of fi nancing.Pay to play— a clause in a financing agreement whereby any investor that doe s not participate in a future round agrees to suffer significant dilution compar ed to other investors. The most onerous version of "pay to play" is automatic conversion to common shares, which in essence ends any preferential rights of an investor, such as the right to influence key management decisions.Piggyback rights—rights of an investor to have his or her shares included i n a registration of a startup"s shares in preparation for an IPO.Demand rights— a type of registration right. Demand rights give an investor t he right to force a startup to register its shares with the SEC and prepare f or a public sale of stock (IPO).Right of first refusal— a contractual right to participate in a transaction. For example, a venture capitalist may participate in a first round of invest ment in a startup and request a right of first refusal in any following round s of investment.Preemptive rights—the rights of shareholders to maintain their percentage owne rship of a company by buying shares sold by the company in the future financin g rounds.Warrant— a security which gives the holder the right to purchase shares in a company at a pre-determined price. A warrant is a long term option, usuall y valid for several years or indefinitely. Typically, warrants are issued concurr ently with preferred stocks or bonds in order to increase the appeal of the st ocks or bonds to potential investors.Vesting— a schedule by which employees gain ownership over time of a previous ly agreed upon amount of retirement funding or stock options.Qualified IPO:— a public offering of securities valued at or above a total a mount specified in a financing agreement. This amount is usually specified to b e sufficiently large to guarantee that the IPO shares will trade in a major ex change (NASDAQ or New York Stock Exchange). Usually upon a qualified IPO preferr ed stock is forced to convert to common stock.基金及有限合伙制相关术语Accredited investor— a person or legal entity, such as a company or trust fu nd, that meets certain net worth and income qualifications and is considered to be sufficiently sophisticated to make investment decisions in complex situation s. Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933 exempts accredited investors from protection under the Securities Act. Typical qualifications for a person are: $1 million net worth and annual income exceeding $200,000 individually or $300,000 with a spouse. Directors and executive officers are considered to be accre dited investors.Institutional investor—professional entities that invest capital on behalf of companies or individuals. Examples are: pension plans, insurance companies and university endowments.Limited partnership — a legal entity composed of a general partner and various limited partners. The general partner manages the investments and is liable fo r the actions of the partnership while the limited partners are generally protec ted from legal actions and any losses beyond their original investment. The gene ral partner receives a management fee and a percentage of profits (see Carried interest), while the limited partners receive income, capital gains and tax be nefits.Limited partner (LP) —an investor in a limited partnership. The general partne r is liable for the actions of the partnership while the limited partners are generally protected from legal actions and any losses beyond their original in vestment. The limited partner receives income, capital gains and tax benefits.Commitment—an obligation, typically the maximum amount that a limited partner agrees to invest in a fund.Takedown — a schedule of the transfer of capital in phases in order to comple te a commitment of funds. Typically, a takedown is used by a general partner o f a private equity fund to plan the transfer of capital from the limited partn ers.Capital call—when a private equity fund manager (usually a "general partner " in a partnership) requests that an investor in the fund (a "limited partner ") provide additional capital. Usually a limited partner will agree to a maximu m investment amount and the general partner will make a series of capital call s over time to the limited partner as opportunities arise to finance startups a nd buyouts.Management fee — a fee charged to the limited partners in a fund by the gene ral partner. Management fees in a private equity fund typically range from 0.7 5% to 3% of capital under management, depending on the type and size of fund.Carried interest — a share in the profits of a private equity fund. Typicall y, a fund must return the capital given to it by limited partners plus any pr eferential rate of return before the general partner can share in the profits o f the fund. The general partner will then receive a 20% carried interest, altho ugh some successful firms receive 25%-30%. Also known as "carry" or "promote."Distribution —the transfer of cash or securities to a limited partner resulting from the sale, liquidation or IPO of one or more portfolio companies in which a general partner chose to invest.In-kind distribution — a distribution to limited partners of a private equity f und that is in the form of publicly traded shares rather than cash.Preferred return — a minimum return per annum that must be generated for limit ed partners of a private equity fund before the general partner can begin recei ving a percentage of profits from investments.Catch-up — a clause in the agreement between the general partner and the limit ed partners of a private equity fund. Once the limited partners have received a certain portion of their expected return, the general partner can then rece ive a majority of profits until the previously agreed upon profit split is reac hed.Clawback — a clause in the agreement between the general partner and the limit ed partners of a private equity fund. The clawback gives limited partners the r ight to reclaim a portion of disbursements to a general partner for profitable investments based on significant losses from later investments in a portfolio.Fund-of-funds— a fund created to invest in private equity funds. Typically, in dividual investors and relatively small institutional investors participate in a f und-of-funds to minimize their portfolio management efforts.Gatekeepers—intermediaries which endowments, pension funds and other institution al investors use as advisors regarding private equity investments.VC退出相关术语Initial public offering (IPO)—the first offering of stock by a company to t he public. New public offerings must be registered with the Securities and Excha nge Commission. An IPO is one of the methods that a startup that has achieved significant success can use to raise additional capital for further growth.Qualified IPO — a public offering of securities valued at or above a total am ount specified in a financing agreement. This amount is usually specified to be sufficiently large to guarantee that the IPO shares will trade in a major ex change (NASDAQ or New York Stock Exchange). Usually upon a qualified IPO preferr ed stock is forced to convert to common stock.Prospectus— a formal document that gives sufficient detail about a business op portunity for a prospective investor to make a decision. A prospectus must discl ose any material risks and be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.。
风险投资词汇AAcceleration Clause 加速条款一个允许债权人在特定情况下,如债务人无力偿债、破产或违约时,要求偿还全部余额的条款。
Accredited Investor 可信投资者根据美国证管会Regulation D规定,私募购买者之人数不可超过35人,但满足以下条件的购买者不计入人数限制内。
当有限私有合伙公司(private limited partnership)在做私募(privatc placement)时,因无力通过只有较少资的35名投资者筹足资金而利用这种方式让投资大户参与投资,这项规定并没有对外国投资者加以设限。
Adjusted Present Value, APV 经调整的现值净现值法中的一个变量,适合于公司债务发生变化或公司过去有损失而可以冲减应税收入的情况。
Adjvisory Board 顾问委员会由有限合作伙伴或外部人士组成的、向私人权益投资机构提供建议的委员会。
Agcncy Problcm 代理问题代理人和投资者之间的冲突,或更一般的说,是指代理人不愿意服从雇佣他的委托人的意愿的情况。
Angcl/Angel Investor 天使投资者投资于创业企业的富有个人。
Angels Financing 天使融资从富有的个人投资者取得的融资,一般用于种子期融资。
Anti-dilution Provision 反稀释条款用于优先股协议中一个条款,如果公司在后期融资中的价值评估低于优先股投资者的股份购买价格,这一条款将向上调整优先股股东的股份数量(或在公司中的股份比例)。
VC即venture capital,就风险投资PE即Private Equity,私募股权。
Limited Partnership(LP)通译为有限合伙。
有限合伙企业中又分LP指的是有限合伙人limited partner,就是出钱的,仅仅投资资本,但不参与公司管理GP指得是普通合伙人,general partner,就是负责投资管理的,两方面合起来就采用有限合伙的方式.Limited Partnership这种制度安排是由资金的所有者向贸易操作者提供资金,投资者按约定获取利润的一部分,但不承担超过出资之外的亏损;如果经营者不存在个人过错,投资者亦不得要求经营者对其投资损失承担赔偿责任。
PEC环境工程英语证书考试-常用生态学词汇absolute reproductive value绝对生殖值abundance 多度abyssal zone 深海带acclimation 驯化absolute reproductive value绝对生殖值abundance 多度abyssal zone 深海带acclimation 驯化accumulation horizon 淀积层aestivation 夏眠age structure 年龄结构age-specific life table 特定年龄生命表agroecosystem 农业生态系统alleles 等位基因allelochemic 异种信息素/种间外激素Allen's rule 阿伦法则allogenic succession 异发演替allopatric speciation 异域性物种altruism 利他行为asexual reproduction 无性生殖association group 群丛组association table 群丛表association unit theory 群丛单位理论association 群丛associations 群丛Autecology 个体生态学autogenic succession 自发演替autotrophs 自养生物balancing selection hypothesize 平衡说basal area 底面积Bergman's rule 贝格曼规律bethal zone 半深海带biocoenosis 生物群落bioconcentration 生物浓缩biological enrichment 生物富集biomagnification 生物放大biomass 生物量biome 生物带bionomic strategy 生态对策biosphere生物圈bottle neck 瓶颈cannibalism 同种相食carnivores 食肉动物carring capacity 负荷量catastrophic 灾难性因素chamaephytes(Ch 地上芽植物character displacement 特征替代cheliophytes 阴性植物climate climax 气候顶级climate school 气候学派climax community 顶级群落climax 顶级群落cline 渐变群closed community 封闭群落clumped 集群分布coadapted system 协同适应系统coarse grained 粗粒性分布co-dynamics 相互动态co-evolution 协同进化cohort 同生群cold desert 冷荒漠colonization 定居, 建群coloration 色泽communities in littoral zone 沿岸生物群落communities in the limnetic zone 湖沼带生物群落communities in the profundal zone 深水带生物群落Community ecology 群落生态学community matrix 群落矩阵community organization 群落组织community 群落companion species 伴生种compen-satory predation 补偿性捕食competition coefficient 竞争系数competition hypothesis 竞争假说competitive exclusion 竞争排除competive lottery 抽彩式竞争conservation 保守主义者conspicuousness 显著度constancy 恒有度contest competition 干扰竞争contest type of competition 争夺型竞争continental rise 大陆隆continental shelf 大陆架continental slope 大陆坡convergent adaptation 趋同适应convergent oscillation 趋同波动cost of gene recombination 基因重组价cost of mating 交配价cost of meiosis 减数分裂价courtship behavior 求偶行为coverage 盖度crude density 原始密度cryptophytes(Cr 隐芽植物decomposition 分解作用delayed density dependence 延后密度制约density effect 密度效应density ratio 密度比density-dependent 密度制约density-independent 非密度制约deterministic model 决定模型detrial food chain 碎食物链detritus feeder 食碎生物development 发育diagrammatic life table 图解式生命表diapause 滞育differential species 区别种diffuse competition 分散竞争。
Private Equity(简称“PE”)在中国通常称为私募股权投资,从投资方式角度看,依国外相关研究机构定义,是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。
广义的私募股权投资为涵盖企业首次公开发行前各阶段的权益投资,即对处于种子期、初创期、发展期、扩展期、成熟期和Pre-IPO各个时期企业所进行的投资,相关资本按照投资阶段可划分为创业投资(Venture Capital)、发展资本(development capital)、并购基金(buyout/buyin fund)、夹层资本(Mezzanine Capital)、重振资本(turnaround),Pre-IPO资本(如bridge finance),以及其他如上市后私募投资(private investment in public equity,即PIPE)、不良债权distressed debt和不动产投资(real estate)等等(以上所述的概念也有重合的部分)。
VC(风险投资)和PE(私募股权投资)、天使投资各是什么意思?1. VC风险投资1) VC概念及运作机制风险投资VC(Venture Capital)又称“创业投资”是指由职业金融家投入到新兴的、迅速发展的、有巨大竞争力的企业中的一种权益资本,是以高科技与知识为基础,生产与经营技术密集的创新产品或服务的投资。
2) 风险投资的作用风险投资是企业成长与科技成果转化的孵化器。
主要表现在:a) 融资功能:风险资本为创新企业提供急需的资金,保证创业对资金的连续性。
b) 资源配置功能:风险资本市场存在着强大的评价、选择和监督机制,产业发展的经济价值通过市场得以公正的评价和确认,以实现优胜劣汰,提高资源配置效率。
c) 产权流动功能:风险资本市场为创新企业的产权流动和重组提供了高效率、低成本的转换机制和灵活多样的并购方法,促进创新企业资产优化组合,并使资产具有了较充分的流动性和投资价值。
d) 风险定价功能。
基金术语-中英文1.股权投资Equity Investment2.私募股权投资Private equity investment (PE)3.产业投资Industrial investment4.风险投资/创业投资Venture Capital (VC)5.首次公开募股Initial Public Offering (IPO)6.上市失败rejected IPO7.有限合伙人limited partner (LP)8.普通合伙人general partner (GP)9.货币形式出资monetary form investment10.注册资本registered capital11.注册资本验证validation of registered capital12.出资额amount of contribution13.股票基金equity fund14.货币基金Monetary fund15.黄金基金gold fund16.债券基金bond fund17.投资组合portfolio18.成长型基金growth fund19.收入型基金income fund20.平衡型基金balanced fund21.对冲基金hedge fund22.雨伞基金umbrella fund23.负债liability24.总值gross asset25.净值net asset26.基金发起人fund promoter ,fund initiator,27.基金份额fund share28.基金发行fund distribution,fund issuance29.基金交易fund transaction30.托管人custodian trustee31.发行价格issue price32.市场价格market price,market value33.认购subscription34.赎回redemption35.基金持有人fund holder36.基金管理人fund manager37.基金清算fund liquidation,fund clearing,fund settlement。
其实,用人单位及对方教授在招收的时候,往往并不是想单单从这一项里看出你的出色,而多数时候,他们只想了解“我们是什么样的人”,“我们适不适合这里”------从以下特征中找出一两个“最近接自己的样子”,才是正确的CV personalities写法:Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。
Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。
Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。
Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。
Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。
Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。
Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。
总之,私募股权(PE)是Equity(股权或权益)之一种,既能发挥融资功能,又能代表投资权益。 ຫໍສະໝຸດ (2)PE Fund,私募股权基金。
私募股权(PE)究竟是什么?它是一种金融工具(FINANCE INSTRUMENT),也是一种投融资后的权益表现形式。
私募股权(PE)与公司债券(corporate bond)、贷款(loan)、股票(stock)等具有同质性。但其本质特征(区别)主要在于:第一,私募股权(PE)不是一种负债式的金融工具,这与股票(stock)等相似,并与公司债券(corporate bond)、贷款(loan)等有本质区别;第二,私募股权(PE)在融资模式(financing mode)方面属于私下募集(private placement),这与贷款(loan)等相似,并与公司债券(corporate bond)、股票(stock)等有本质区别;第三,私募股权(PE)主要是投资于尚未IPO(首次公开募股)的企业而产生的权益;第四,私募股权(PE)不能在股票市场上自由地交易;第五,其他从略。从法律的角度讲,私募股权(PE)体现的不是债权债务关系。它与债(debt)有本质的区别。
1. Capital: 资本,通常用于指创业公司的融资。
2. Customer: 客户,创业公司必须了解和满足客户的需求。
3. Cash flow: 现金流,指企业现金的流入和流出情况,对创业公司非常重要。
4. Competition: 竞争,创业公司必须了解竞争对手的情况。
5. Collaboration: 合作,创业公司可以通过合作获得更多资源和机会。
6. Creativity: 创造力,创业公司需要不断创新和开拓市场。
7. Culture: 文化,创业公司的文化是其价值观和行为方式的体现。
8. Confidence: 自信,创业公司需要充满自信地面对各种挑战。
9. Commitment: 承诺,创业公司必须对自己的目标和价值观有坚定的承诺。
10. Cost: 成本,创业公司需要控制成本以提高利润和竞争力。
- 1 -。
塑料行业英语单词塑料行业英语单词大全引导语:每个行业都有自己的.专业英语单词,以下是店铺整理的苏教版塑料行业英语单词大全,欢迎参考!常见塑料中英对照及简写ABS |Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene |丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物)AES |Acrylonitrile-ethylene-styrene |丙烯腈/乙烯/苯乙烯共聚物AS |Acrylonitrile-styrene resin|丙烯腈/苯乙烯共聚物ASA |Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate |丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物CA |Cellulose acetate |醋酸纤维塑料CE |Cellulose plastics, general| 通用纤维素塑料CF |Cresol-formaldehyde |甲酚-甲醛树脂CMC |Carboxymethyl cellulose |羧甲基纤维素CN |Cellulose nitrate |硝酸纤维素CPE |Chlorinated polyethylene|氯化聚乙烯CPVC |Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) |氯化聚氯乙烯EP |Epoxy, epoxide|环氧树脂EPM |Ethylene-propylene polymer |乙烯/丙烯共聚物EPS |Expanded polystyrene |可发性聚苯乙烯EVA |Ethylene/vinyl acetate |乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物HDPE |High-density polyethyleneplastics |高密度聚乙烯HIPS |High impact polystyrene |高抗冲聚苯乙烯K胶| Styrene- butadiene |苯乙烯/丁二烯共聚物LCP |Liquid crystal polymer |液晶聚合物LDPE |Low-density polyethyleneplastics |低密度聚乙烯)LLDPE |Linear low-density polyethylene |线型低密聚乙烯LMDPE |Linear medium-density polyethylene |线型中密聚乙烯MBS |Methacrylate-butadiene-styrene |甲基丙烯酸/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物MC |Methyl cellulose |甲基纤维素MDPE |Medium-density polyethylene |中密聚乙烯MF |Melamine-formaldehyde resin|密胺-甲醛树脂MPF |Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde |密胺/酚醛树脂PA |Polyamide (nylon) |聚酰胺(尼龙)PAE |Polyarylether |聚芳醚PAEK |Polyaryletherketone |聚芳醚酮PAI |Polyamide-imide |聚酰胺-酰亚胺PAK |Polyester alkyd |聚酯树脂PAN |Polyacrylonitrile |聚丙烯腈PASU |Polyarylsulfone |聚芳砜PAT |Polyarylate |聚芳酯PAUR |Poly(ester urethane) |聚酯型聚氨酯PB |Polybutene-1 |聚丁烯-[1]PBT |Poly(butylene terephthalate) |聚对苯二酸丁二酯PC |Polycarbonate |聚碳酸酯PE |Polyethylene |聚乙烯PEEK |Polyetheretherketone |聚醚醚酮PEI |Poly(etherimide) |聚醚酰亚胺PEK |Polyether ketone |聚醚酮PES |Poly(ether sulfone) |聚醚砜PET |Poly(ethylene terephthalate) |聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯PEUR |Poly(ether urethane) |聚醚型聚氨酯PF |Phenol-formaldehyde resin|酚醛树脂PI |Polyimide |聚酰亚胺PMMA |Poly(methyl methacrylate) |聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMS |Poly(alpha-methylstyrene) |聚α-甲基苯乙烯POM |Polyoxymethylene,polyacetal| 聚甲醛PP |Polypropylene |聚丙烯PPO |Poly(phenylene oxide) deprecated |聚苯醚PP-R |Polypropylene randon coplymer |无规共聚聚丙烯PPS |Poly(phenylene sulfide) |聚苯硫醚PPSU |Poly(phenylene sulfone) |聚苯砜PS |Polystyrene |聚苯乙烯PSU |Polysulfone |聚砜PTFE |Polytetrafluoroethylene |聚四氟乙烯PU(或PUR)|Polyurethane|聚氨酯PVAL |Poly(vinyl alcohol) |聚乙烯醇PVC |Poly(vinyl chloride) |聚氯乙烯PVCC |chlorinated poly(vinylchloride)(*CPVC) |氯化聚氯乙烯RP |reinforced plastics |增强塑料RTP |reinforced thermoplastics |增强热塑性塑料SAN |styrene-acryonitrile copolymer |苯乙烯/丙烯腈共聚物SBS |styrene-butadiene block copolymer |苯乙烯/丁二烯嵌段共聚物SMC |sheet molding compound |片状模塑料SMS |styrene-α-methylstyrenecopolymer |苯乙烯/α-甲基苯乙烯共聚物TMC |thick molding compound |厚片模塑料TPE |thermoplastic elastomer |热塑性弹性体TPU |thermoplastic urethanes |热塑性聚氨酯PVDC |Poly(vinylidene chloride) |聚(偏二氯乙烯)PVDF |Poly(vinylidene fluoride) |聚(偏二氟乙烯)SAN |Styrene-acrylonitrile plastic |苯乙烯/丙烯腈共聚物SB |Styrene-butadiene plastic |苯乙烯/丁二烯共聚物Si |Silicone plastics |有机硅塑料SMS |Styrene/alpha-methylstyrene plastic |苯乙烯/α-甲基苯乙烯共聚物UF |Urea-formaldehyde resin |脲甲醛树脂UHMWPE |Ultra-high molecular weight PE |超高分子量聚乙烯UP |Unsaturated polyester|不饱和聚酯【塑料行业英语单词大全】。
VC风险投资(venture capital)在我国是一个约定俗成的具有特定内涵的概念,顾名思义风险投资必定是伴随着高风险高收益的投资。
PE私募股权投资(Private Equity)的缩写,俗称私人股权投资基金。
天使投资人天使投资一词源于纽约百老汇,特指富人出资资助一些具有社会意义演出的公益行为.对于那些充满理想的演员来说,这些赞助者就像天使一样从天而降,使他们的美好理想变为现实.后来,天使投资被引申为一种对高风险,高收益的新兴企业的早期投资.相应地,这些进行投资的富人就被称为投资天使,商业天使,天使投资者或天使投资家.那些用于投资的资本就叫天使资本.VC和PE价值激辩:价值发现者还是资本猎手2010年12月10日23:4121世纪经济报道郝凤苓我要评论(0)字号:T|T论坛嘉宾主持包凡:华兴资本创始人兼CEO论坛嘉宾周鸿祎:360安全卫士董事长,天使投资人薛蛮子:天使投资人王佳芬:纪源资本合伙人,光明乳业前董事长、总经理林和平:赛富基金合伙人向宏:光华战略俱乐部董事长,前德隆董事局执行主席曹世如:红旗连锁董事长夏雨峰:瑞思英语CEO根据清科的最新报告,截至2010 年11 月末,中国创投市场上共有132 家由VC、PE 投资的企业IPO,共涉及退出交易285 笔,超过2009 年全年的两倍。
[vc pe是什么意思]vc和pe是什么意思 vc和pe的区
![[vc pe是什么意思]vc和pe是什么意思 vc和pe的区](
[vc pe是什么意思]vc和pe是什么意思vc和pe的区vcpe是什么意思vc和pe是什么意思vc和pe的区风险投资(VentureCapital)简称是VC,在中国是一个约定俗成的具有特定内涵的概念,其实把它翻译成创业投资更为妥当。
xxxx 范文网小编整理的vc和pe是什么意思vc和pe的区,供大家参考vc和pe是什么意思vc和pe的区PE是PrivateEquity的缩写,即私募股权投资。
二者区别,可以从以下几方面进行考虑:1)投资阶段,一般认为PE的投资对象主要为拟上市公司,而VC 的投资阶段相对较早,但是并不排除中后期的投资。
4)投资特点,而在现在的中国资本市场上,很多传统上的VC机构现在也介入PE 业务,而许多传统上被认为专做PE业务的机构也参与VC项目,也就是说,PE与VC只是概念上的一个区分,在实际业务中两者界限越来越模糊。
比如著名的PE 机构如凯雷(Carlyle)也涉及VC业务,其投资的携程网聚众传媒等便是VC形式的投资。
1、BP(Business Plan):商业计划书2、Road show:路演3、QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor):合格的境外机构投资者4、QDII(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor):合格的境内机构投资者5、PE(Private Equity):私募股权投资6、VC(venture capital):风险投资7、P/E ratio(Price earnings ratio):市价盈利比率,简称市盈率8、PB(Price/Book value):平均市盈率9、EPS(Earnings Per Share):每股盈余10、historical P/E:历史市盈率11、ROE(Rate of Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity):净资产收益率12、DCF(Discounted Cash Flow):现金流折现法13、IPO(Initial Public Offerings):首次上市,指一家公司首次在股票市场的公开股票发行.14、LP(Limited Partner):有限合伙人15、GP(General Partner):普通合伙人16、A股:人民币普通股票,由我国境内的股份有限公司发行,供境内机构、组织或个人(不含台、港、澳投资者)以人民币认购和交易的普通股股票。
19、N股:在纽约上市的股票.20、S股:在新加坡上市的股票.21、NASDAQ:纳斯达克22、LOF基金:Listed Open—Ended Fund,上市型开放式基金23、ETF(Exchange traded Fund):交易性开放式指数基金24、Close—end fund:封闭式基金25、Hedge fund:对冲基金26、金融脱媒:社会融资逐渐由间接融资向直接融资转变的过程27、OTC(Over The Counter):场外交易市场28、LBO(Leveraged Buy-out):杠杆收购29、MBO(Management Buy-Outs):管理者收购30、EBO(Employee Buy—Outs):员工收购31、EMBO(Employee Management Buy-Outs):管理层与员工收购32、ESOP(Employee Stock Ownership Plan):员工持股计划33、AGM (annual general meeting):年度股东大会34、PPP(Public—Private-Partnership):公私合作模式35、BOT(build—operate-transfer):建设—经营-转让36、BOOT(build—operate—own—transfer):建设—经营—拥有—转让37、BOO(Building-Owning-Operation):建设、拥有、运营38、BT(Build-Transfer):建设-转让39、TOT(Transfer—Operate- Transfer):移交-经营-移交40、ABS(Asset-Backed—Securieization):资产证券化41、SPC(Special Purpose Corpration):特别用途公司42、PFI(Private Finance Initiative):民间主动融资43、URM(User Reimbursement Model):使用者付费模式44、shadow tolling:影子收费融资模式45、DBFO(Design-Build-Finance—Operate):设计-建设-融资—运营。
GP、LP、VC、PE、IB、FOF、TOT、MOM介绍大全一、首先是GP,LP普通合伙人(General Partner,GP):大多数时候,GP,LP是同时存在的。
而且他们主要存在在一些需要大额度资金投资的公司里,比如私募基金(PE,Private Equity),对冲基金(Hedge Fund),风险投资(Venture Capital)这些公司。
有限合伙人(Limited Partner,LP):我们可以简单的理解为出资人。
LP会在经过一连串手续以后,把自己的钱交由GP去打理,而GP们则会将LP 的钱拿去投资项目,从中获取利润,双方再对这个利润进行分成。
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风险投资词汇AAcceleration Clause 加速条款一个允许债权人在特定情况下,如债务人无力偿债、破产或违约时,要求偿还全部余额的条款。
Accredited Investor 可信投资者根据美国证管会Regulation D规定,私募购买者之人数不可超过35人,但满足以下条件的购买者不计入人数限制。
当有限私有合伙公司(private limited partnership)在做私募(privatc placement)时,因无力通过只有较少资的35名投资者筹足资金而利用这种方式让投资大户参与投资,这项规定并没有对外国投资者加以设限。
Adjusted Present Value, APV 经调整的现值净现值法中的一个变量,适合于公司债务发生变化或公司过去有损失而可以冲减应税收入的情况。
Adjvisory Board 顾问委员会由有限合作伙伴或外部人士组成的、向私人权益投资机构提供建议的委员会。
Agcncy Problcm 代理问题代理人和投资者之间的冲突,或更一般的说,是指代理人不愿意服从雇佣他的委托人的意愿的情况。
Angcl/Angel Investor 天使投资者投资于创业企业的富有个人。
Angels Financing 天使融资从富有的个人投资者取得的融资,一般用于种子期融资。
Anti-dilution Provision 反稀释条款用于优先股协议中一个条款,如果公司在后期融资中的价值评估低于优先股投资者的股份购买价格,这一条款将向上调整优先股股东的股份数量(或在公司中的股份比例)。
Asset Allocation 资产分配机构或个人投资者将其投资组合在不同种类的投资类型之间进行分配的过程。
Asset Class 资产类型机构或个人投资者在进行资产分配过程中所考虑的许多投资类型中的一种。
Associate 助理私人权益资本中的非合作人的专业雇员。
Asymmetric Information Problem 信息不对称问题由于创业者负责企业的日常经营活动,所以,他对企业前景的了解要多于投资者、供应商或者战略伙伴。
BBalanced Pnrtfolio 均衡投资组合在风险投资中特指包含各阶段投资项目的投资组合。
Best Effort 尽力而为投资银行为公司空排发行证券集资时,答应尽全力经销的承诺形式,但销售的风险由发行机构自行承担,与包销(Underwriting)形式不同。
Beta 贝塔用以衡量某个公司的市场价值与总体市场指数价值的偏离程度变量。
Bogey 标准杠用以衡最投资组合或基金回报水平的参照指标,如S&P500。
Book-to-market ratio 帐面价值——市场价值比率公司股票的会计(账面)价位与市场价值(即流通权股数乘以每股的价格)之比。
Bridge Financing 过渡融资在下一轮融资之前,为创业者提供的短期债务融资。
CCall Option 买入期权在一个给定的期限以某给定价格(或在某价格围)购买某种证券的权利(但无此义务)。
Callable 可回购一种证券的特征,该证券的发行者拥有从证券持有人购购回该证券的选择权。
Capital Structure 资本结构某一企业股本和债务资本的比例结构。
Carried Interest 附带收益一只风险投资合伙基金中普通合伙人所分得的利润份额,通常在20%左右。
Catch Up 跟上私人权益合作协议中的条款,通常与优先回报起使用。
Certification 认证某著名私人权益投资者或者其他金融中介机构向公司和个人提供的“批准图章”。
Claw back 弥补性收入有限合伙协议中的条款之一。
Closed-end rund 封闭式基金具有固定投资额度的公开交易的基金,其股份只能出售给其他投资者(而不是由发行公司购回,与开放式基金不同)。
Coinvestment 共同投资一次私人权益资本融资过程中的辛迪加,或在一次融资过程中将普通合伙人或有限合伙人与私人权益基金共同进行的投资。
Collar 上下限两个金额相同、执行价格稍有差别的买入与卖出期权的组合。
Committed Capitai 承诺资本承诺向一只风险投资华金提供的资本。
Common Stock 普通股一般由管理者和创立人所持有的权利。
Community development venture capital 社区发展风险投资由非盈利机构发起的风险投资基金,通常具有鼓励经济发展和追求财务回报的双重目标。
Companion Fund 伴随基金该基金通常与某个传统的私人权益基金同时发起,但只面向特定的投资者。
Consolidation 合并一种私人权益资本投资策略,把几个小企业合并,以实现规模经济或围经济。
Conversion Ratio 转换比率一单位可转换的债券或可交换的股票数。
Conversible Equity or Debt 可转换股票或债券一种在某种条件下可被转换成另一种证券(通常为普通股)的证券。
Cooperative Rescarch and Developmcnt Agreement,CRADA 合作研发协会一种在联邦研究机构与私人公司之间的合作安排,最先在20世纪80年代初由国会授权。
Corporate Venture Capital 公司风险投资有明确主营业务的非金融企业在其部或外部进行的风险投资。
Credit Crunch 信用紧缩由于监管行动和经济条件的变化而导致的银行贷款或者其他债务融资规模的急剧缩减。
Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stack 可积累可赎回优先股参见可赎回优先股。
DDcposit-oriented Lease 存款抵押租赁在风险租货中,有一种租赁形式要求承租方以现金存款抵押。
Dilution 稀释由于新一轮融资而号致企业创始人和以前投资者股份比例的缩减。
Direet Investment 直接投资由有限合作人或基金之基金向创业企业或重组企业的投资。
Disbursement 支付风险投资家对公司的一笔投资。
Distressed Debt 廉价债务一种购买陷入财务困难的公司的折价债券的私人权益资本投资策略。
Distribution 分配风险投资家把持有的(一般公开交易的)所投资公司的股票或现金转移给每位有限合伙人以及(经常)他们自己。
Down Round 贬值轮次指企业价值比上次低的融资轮次。
Draw Down 入资参见注资(Take down)。
Due Diligence 尽职调查由潜在投资者(个人或机构)对投资项目所做的调查。
EEarly Stage 初创期在风险投资业中指新办企业发展的第二阶段,即种子期之后、成长期之前。
Earning Before Interest and Taxes,EBIT 息税前收益一种衡量企业盈利能力的指标,计算企业在利息支出和税负调整前的利润。
Elasticity 弹性一个变量发生了1%的变化而引起另一个变量变化的百分比。
Elevator Pitch 电梯推介指创业投资者用最精炼的语言对创业构思、商业模型、公司组织方案、市场战略和对投资方的要求进行的概括说明。
Employee Retirement Income Security Act,ERISA 《雇员退休收入安全法案》于1974年通过,修改了对公司养老基金计划的监督。
参见谨慎人规则(Prudent Man Rule)。
Endowment 捐赠由许多大学、医院、基金会和其他非盈利组织拥有的长期金融资产。
Equipmet Takedown Schedule 设备到位进度指风险租赁合同中规定的承租人提取资金购买预先批准的设备的时间安排。
Equity Kicker 股权附带指在以债务为主的融资中加上少量股份或认股权证。
Exercise Price 执行价格指期权或认股权执行所用的价格。
Exit 退出在风险投资业中指风险投资方将其所持有的公司股份转让或交换的过程,是风险投资家获利变现的重要步骤。
Exit Strategy 退出策略指基金退出所投资企业以变现并取得最大收益的具体方式。
External Corporate Venture Capital 外部公司风险投资投资于本公司之外的创业企业的公司风险投资计划。
FFinancing Raund 融资轮次私人权益资本投资机构向企业提供资本时所用的术语。