
暖通空调对可持续发展中的应用英语作文English: With the increasing awareness of sustainability, the application of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems in sustainable development has become increasingly important. HVAC systems directly impact energy consumption, indoor air quality, and overall comfort in buildings. Through the use of energy-efficient technologies, such as variable speed drives, heat recovery systems, and high-efficiency filters, HVAC systems can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality. Additionally, the integrated design of HVAC systems with other building systems, such as lighting and insulation, can further optimize energy use and promote sustainable development. Furthermore, the implementation of smart HVAC controls and remote monitoring systems can enable better management and control of energy consumption, enhancing the overall sustainability of buildings. Overall, the application of HVAC systems plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development by reducing energy consumption, enhancing indoor air quality, and improving overall comfort in buildings.中文翻译: 随着对可持续发展意识的增强,暖通空调系统在可持续发展中的应用变得日益重要。

关于暖通的英语作文英文回答:Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems play a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable, healthy, and productive indoor environment. They regulate temperature, humidity, and air quality, ensuring occupants' well-being and maximizing their efficiency.HVAC systems typically consist of three main components: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Heating systems provide warmth during cold weather, utilizing various fuel sources such as natural gas, electricity, or oil.Ventilation systems circulate fresh air throughout the building, removing stale air and ensuring adequate oxygen levels. Air conditioning systems cool and dehumidify the air, creating a more comfortable and productive environment during hot weather.The design and installation of HVAC systems requirecareful consideration of several factors, including thesize and layout of the building, the number of occupants, the intended use of the space, and local climate conditions. Proper maintenance and regular servicing are essential to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and ahealthy indoor environment.HVAC systems offer numerous benefits, including:Improved indoor air quality: HVAC systems remove pollutants, allergens, and other contaminants from the air, creating a healthier environment for occupants.Enhanced comfort: HVAC systems regulate temperatureand humidity levels, providing a comfortable and productive indoor environment.Reduced energy consumption: Modern HVAC systems are designed to be energy-efficient, reducing operating costs and minimizing environmental impact.Extended building life: Properly maintained HVACsystems help protect buildings from damage caused by excessive heat, humidity, or pollutants.Increased occupant productivity: A comfortable and healthy indoor environment promotes increased occupant productivity and well-being.中文回答:暖通空调(HVAC)系统在维持一个舒适、健康且高效的室内环境中发挥着至关重要的作用。
暖通空调专业 毕业设计外文翻译3

外文翻译(1)Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat ExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to e xchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative con denser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcoolingthe liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. The vapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizing the risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heat exchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heat during the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects of the pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased prior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate that occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the vapor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, both of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansiondevices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。
暖通工程 英语

暖通工程英语Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) EngineeringHVAC engineering is a specialized field that focuses on the design, installation, and maintenance of systems responsible for heating, cooling, and ventilating buildings. These systems play a crucial role in providing comfortable and healthy indoor environments for occupants, while also ensuring efficient energy usage and minimizingenvironmental impact.The primary objective of HVAC engineering is to create a balance between thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and energy efficiency. This is achieved through the selection and integration of various components, such as furnaces,air conditioners, heat pumps, ductwork, and control systems.One of the key aspects of HVAC engineering is the understanding of heat transfer principles, psychrometrics, and fluid dynamics. Engineers must possess a strong knowledge of these fundamental concepts to design andoptimize HVAC systems that can effectively regulate temperature, humidity, and air movement within a building.The design process of an HVAC system involves several steps, including load calculations, equipment selection, ductwork layout, and control system integration. Load calculations are crucial in determining the heating and cooling requirements of a building, taking into account factors such as building size, occupancy, insulation, and local climate conditions.The selection of HVAC equipment is based on factors such as energy efficiency, capacity, and compatibility with the building's infrastructure. Engineers must carefully evaluate the various options available, includingtraditional systems like furnaces and air conditioners, as well as more advanced technologies like heat pumps, geothermal systems, and renewable energy-powered solutions.Ductwork design is another important aspect of HVAC engineering, as it ensures the efficient distribution of conditioned air throughout the building. The size, shape, and layout of the ductwork must be carefully considered to minimize air resistance and optimize airflow.In addition to the design and installation of HVAC systems, HVAC engineers also play a crucial role in the maintenance and optimization of these systems. Regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting are essential to ensure the long-term reliability and efficiency of the HVAC equipment.HVAC engineering also involves the consideration of environmental regulations and energy-efficiency standards. Engineers must stay informed about the latest developments in sustainable HVAC technologies and design practices to minimize the environmental impact of their projects.Overall, HVAC engineering is a dynamic and multifaceted field that requires a deep understanding of technical principles, as well as the ability to integrate these principles into practical, energy-efficient, and user-friendly solutions.暖通工程暖通工程是一个专门的领域,主要集中于建筑物供暖、通风和空调系统的设计、安装和维护。

外文翻译ANALYSIS OF HVAC SYSTEM ENERGYCONSERVATIONIN BUILDINGSABSTRACTE conomic development and people's increasing demand for energy, but the nature of the energy is not inexhaustible. Environment and energy issues become increasingly acute, if no measures are taken, then the energy will limit the rapid economic development of the question.With the improvement of living standard, building energy consumption in the proportion of total energy consumption is increasing. In developed countries, building energy consumption accounts for 40% of total energy consumption of the community, while the country despite the low level of socio-economic development, but the building energy consumption has nearly 30% of total energy consumption, and still rising. Therefore, in western countries or in China, building energy consumption is affecting the socio-economic status of the overall development of the question. In building energy consumption, the energy consumption for HVAC systems has accounted for 30% of building energy consumption -50%, with the extensive application of HVAC, energy consumption for HVAC systems will further increase Great. HVAC systems are often coupled with high-quality electric energy, and our power and relatively tight in some areas, lack of energy supply and demand which is bound to lead to further intensification of contradictions. Therefore, energy-saving heating, higher professional requirements is inevitable across the board.KEYWORDS:energy-saving,HVAC1. Energy saving design measures should be takenRapid changes in science and technology today, area HVAC new technologies emerge, we can achieve a variety of ways of energy saving HVAC systems.1.1 Starting from the design, selecting, designing HVAC systems, so that the efficient state of the economy running.Design is a leading engineering, system design will directly affect its performance. The building load calculation is an important part of the design, a common problem is that the current design of short duration, many designers to save time, wrong use of the design manual for the design or preliminary design estimates of cold, heat load with the unit construction area of cold, heat load index, direct construction design stage as hot and cold load to determine the basis, often making the total load is too large, resulting in heating equipment, air conditioning is too large, higher initial investment, operating costs, increased energy consumption.1.2 using the new energy-saving air-conditioning and heating comfort and healthy mannerAffect human thermal comfort environment of many parameters, different environmental parameters can get the same effect of thermal comfort, but for different heat and moisture parameters of the environment of its energy consumption air conditioning system is not the same.1.3 Actual situation of a reasonable choice of cold and heat sources, seek to achieve diversification of cold and heat sourceWith the extensive application of HVAC systems on non-renewable energy consumption also rose sharply, while the broken part of the ecological environment are becoming increasingly intensified. How to choose a reasonable heating sources, has caused widespread concern of all parties.1.4 to enhance the use of hot and cold recycling of the work, to achieve maximum energyHVAC systems to improve energy efficiency is one of the ways to achieve energy-saving air-conditioning. Heat recovery system installed mainly through energy recovery, with the air from wind energy to deal with new, fresh air can reducethe energy required for processing, reducing the load, to save energy. In the choice of heat recovery, the should be integrated with the local climate Tiao Jian, Jing Ji situation, Gong Cheng actual situation of harmful exhaust gases of the situation in a variety of factors Deng integrated to determine the Xuanyong suitable heat recovery, so as to achieve Hua Jiao Shao's investment, recovery of more heat (cold) the amount of purpose.1.5 focus on development of renewable energy, and actively promoting new energyAs the air-conditioning systems used in high-grade, non-renewable energy resources and environmental problems caused by the increasingly prominent, have to develop some reasonable and effective renewable energy to ease the current tensions. To heat (cold) and solar and other renewable resources used in air conditioning and refrigeration, has certain advantages, but also clean and pollution-free. Ground Source Heat Pump is a use of shallow and deep earth energy, including soil, groundwater, surface water, seawater, sewage, etc. as a cold source in winter and summer heat is not only heating but also a new central air-conditioning system cooling.2. Saving design problemsAchieve energy-saving HVAC systems, now has a lot of mature conditions, but in practical applications there are some problems:2.1 The issue of public awareness of energy conservationThe past is not enough public understanding of energy, and on the air conditioning is also very one-sided view. For a comfort of air conditioning system or heating system, should the human body has a very good comfort. But the prevailing view now is: the colder the better air-conditioning, heating the more heat the better. This is obviously we seek the comfort of air conditioning is contrary to the view. In fact, this not only greatly increase the energy consumption of air conditioning heating, indoor and outdoor temperature and because of the increase, but also to the human body's adaptability to different environmental decline, lowering the body immunity. Therefore, we need to improve advocacy efforts to change public to the traditional understanding of air conditioning and heating, vigorous publicity andpromotion in accordance with building standards and the cold heat energy metering devices to collect tolls, raise public consciousness of energy.2.2 The design concept of the problemReasonable energy-saving design is a prerequisite. At present, some designers due to inadequate attention to design empirical value when applied blindly, resulting in the increase of the initial investment, energy consumption surprising, therefore recommended that the government functions and the energy-saving review body, to increase the monitoring of the HVAC air-conditioning energy saving efforts enhance staff awareness of energy conservation design, so that energy conservation is implemented.2.3 The promotion of new technologies issueNew technology in the HVAC system for energy conservation provides a new direction. Such as ground source heat pump systems, solar cooling and heating system, not only to achieve efficient use of renewable energy, and can bring significant economic benefits, is worth promoting. However, as with any new technology, these new technologies are often high in cost, and the geographical conditions of use have certain limitations, and technically there are still many areas for improvement to improve. Therefore, new energy-efficient technologies, we should be according to local conditions, sum up experience, and actively promote.3. ConclusionHVAC systems saving energy in the building occupies a very important position, should attract enough attention to the designer. Designers should be from a design point of view fully into account the high and strict compliance with energy standards energy saving ideas to run through all aspects of the construction sector. Energy-saving technologies and renewable energy recycling, the Government and other relevant departments should support and vigorously promoted. And the design, construction, supervision, quality supervision, municipal administration and other departments should cooperate closely and pay close attention to implementing a cold, heat metering devices to collect tolls, so people really get benefit from energy efficient building, energy-saving construction and non-heating energy efficientbuilding can not have the same charge standard. At the same time to raise public awareness of energy conservation, and vigorously promote the development of new energy-saving technologies to achieve sustainable development of society.References[1] "residential design standard" DBJ14-037-2006.[2] "Public Buildings Energy Efficiency Design Standards" DBJ14-036-2006.[3] "Technical Specification for radiant heating" JGJ142-2004.析暖通空调系统在建筑中的节能问题摘要经济的发展使人们对能源的需求不断增加,但是自然界的能源并不是取之不尽,用之不竭的。

关于暖通的英语作文英文回答:Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)。
HVAC is a crucial aspect of building design and operation, responsible for maintaining comfortable indoor environmental conditions. It involves controlling temperature, humidity, and air quality to ensure optimal occupant health and productivity.HVAC systems typically consist of three main components:Heating: Provides warmth to indoor spaces during cold temperatures, using sources such as furnaces, boilers, or heat pumps.Ventilation: Circulates and exchanges indoor air with outdoor air to provide fresh air and remove pollutants.Air Conditioning: Cools indoor spaces during warm temperatures, removing heat and humidity through refrigeration or evaporative cooling methods.A well-designed HVAC system is essential for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.It can reduce respiratory illnesses, improve sleep quality, and boost productivity. Additionally, it can help preserve building materials and equipment, extending their lifespan.Types of HVAC Systems.Various types of HVAC systems are available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:Centralized Systems: Serve multiple zones or rooms through a central unit, such as an air handler or rooftop unit.Split Systems: Consist of separate outdoor and indoor units connected by refrigerant lines.Packaged Systems: Combine all HVAC components into a single outdoor unit for compact installation.Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems: Adjust airflow to individual zones, optimizing energy efficiency.Radiant Systems: Transfer heat through warm surfaces, such as floors or walls, providing uniform and comfortable warmth.Components of an HVAC System.An HVAC system typically includes the following components:Air Handler: Blows conditioned air through ducts or pipes.Ductwork: Distributes conditioned air throughout the building.Thermostat: Controls the temperature and triggers thesystem to adjust.Evaporator Coil: Cools and dehumidifies air in the refrigerant cycle.Condenser Coil: Releases heat from the refrigerant cycle.Refrigerant: A circulating fluid that absorbs and releases heat.Energy Efficiency in HVAC.Energy efficiency is a key consideration in HVAC design and operation. Efficient systems reduce operating costs and minimize environmental impact:Variable-Speed Fans: Adjust airflow based on demand, reducing energy consumption.Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs): Transfer heat and moisture between indoor and outdoor airstreams, savingenergy.Zoning: Divides the building into zones with independent temperature control, reducing energy usage in unoccupied spaces.Smart HVAC Systems.Smart HVAC systems are becoming increasingly popular, offering advanced features and remote control capabilities:Programmable Thermostats: Allow users to create customized temperature schedules to save energy.Smart Sensors: Monitor indoor conditions and automatically adjust the system to optimize performance.Remote Access: Enable users to control the system from anywhere using a smartphone or tablet.Conclusion.HVAC plays a vital role in creating comfortable and healthy indoor environments, while also contributing to energy efficiency. By understanding the different types, components, and energy-saving strategies, building professionals can design and operate HVAC systems that meet the specific needs of their occupants.中文回答:暖通空调。

关于暖通的英语作文In the modern era of architecture and design, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems have become an integral part of our buildings. These systems are responsible for providing a comfortable indoor environment, regardless of the external conditions. They ensure that the indoor air quality is maintained, temperature is regulated, and humidity levels are controlled, all of which contribute to the overall well-being and productivity of occupants.HVAC systems are particularly crucial in commercial buildings, where large numbers of people gather for work or other activities. In such settings, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is paramount. High temperatures or humidity levels can lead to discomfort and even health issues, such as heat stroke or respiratory problems. Conversely, too low temperatures can result in cold-related illnesses. Therefore, it is essential to have an efficient HVAC system that can respond to changing weather conditions and occupant needs.Moreover, HVAC systems also play a crucial role in energy efficiency. With the increasing focus on sustainablebuilding practices, it is important to ensure that these systems are designed and operated efficiently. Modern HVAC systems are equipped with advanced controls and sensorsthat allow them to operate at optimal levels, reducing energy consumption and associated costs. This not only benefits the building occupants but also contributes to the overall sustainability of the building.In addition to providing a comfortable and energy-efficient environment, HVAC systems also play a role in enhancing the aesthetics of a building. With a well-designed and installed system, the indoor air quality is improved, leading to a more inviting and productive space. This is particularly important in spaces like offices or retail outlets, where a positive atmosphere cansignificantly impact customer satisfaction and employee performance.Overall, HVAC systems are an essential component of modern buildings. They provide a comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient environment, ensuring the well-being of occupants and contributing to the sustainability of the building. As we continue to design and construct newbuildings, it is important to consider the role of HVAC systems and ensure that they are integrated effectivelyinto the overall design and operation of the building.**暖通系统在现代建筑中的重要性**在现代建筑和设计领域,暖通(HVAC,即供暖、通风和空调)系统已成为建筑物不可或缺的组成部分。

The traditional models of buildings energy simulation, such as the monozones and multizones models, are used to estimate the exploitation systems costs for heating, ventilation and air conditioning [3]. However, these models can normally not predict the local air flow and heat transfer [4–6] within the buildings, which makes it difficult to study certain scenarios such as natural ventilation and the ventilation by displacement. Moreover, these models do not allow for thermal comfort analysis.
Three dimensional study for evaluating of air flow movements and thermal comfort in a model room: Experimental validatiphane Hallé
Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 2156–2166

暖通空调英语The warmth of a well-ventilated room is not just about temperature; it's about comfort and health.In the heart of winter, a heating system works tirelessly to combat the chill, ensuring that every corner of a home is filled with cozy air.Air conditioning, on the other hand, is the silent guardian of summer, keeping the heat at bay and providing a cool sanctuary from the sweltering outdoors.Both heating and cooling systems are marvels of modern engineering, designed to cater to our every comfort need, yet they operate quietly, almost invisibly, in the background.Understanding the language of HVAC systems is crucial for maintaining an optimal living environment. It's not just about the words but the actions they enable us to take to control our surroundings.From thermostat settings to filter changes, every detail in HVAC management contributes to a healthier and moreenergy-efficient home.Proper maintenance of these systems is key. Regularcheck-ups ensure that they run smoothly, just as a well-oiled machine would.In schools, the HVAC system plays a vital role in creating a conducive learning environment. It's not just about keeping the students warm or cool; it's about supporting their ability to focus and learn.For businesses, an efficient HVAC system is a sign of professionalism. It shows that the company values its employees' comfort and well-being, which in turn can boost productivity and morale.In essence, the language of HVAC is the language of care, ensuring that no matter the season, we can create a spacethat is as welcoming as it is functional.。
暖通空调 英语

暖通空调英语English:HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) is a system used to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. It includes technologies for heating, cooling, air purification, and controlling humidity. HVAC systems are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to regulate temperature, air quality, and airflow. This promotes comfort, health, and safety for building occupants. The design and installation of HVAC systems require careful consideration of factors such as building size, insulation, ventilation, and energy efficiency. Regular maintenance and servicing of HVAC systems are also essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity.中文翻译:暖通空调(供暖、通风和空调)是用于维持舒适健康的室内环境的系统。

HVAC Installation Process and Importance of Proper VentilationThe HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is a crucial component of any building, ensuring comfort, health, and productivity of its occupants. The installation process of an HVAC system involves several steps and requires expertise to ensure its efficiency and longevity. In this article, we will discuss the HVAC installation process and the importance of proper ventilation in maintaining a healthy indoor environment.1. Site Survey and Assessment:The first step in the HVAC installation process is a site survey and assessment. The installation team will evaluate the building's layout, size, and specific requirements to determine the type and size of the HVAC system needed. They will also consider factors like the climate, occupancy, and usage patterns to optimize the system's performance.2. System Design and Planning:Based on the site survey, the installation team will design the HVAC system, including the selection of appropriate equipment, such as furnaces, air conditioners, boilers, and ventilation fans. They will plan the layout of ductwork, pipes, and other components, ensuring efficient air distribution and minimal energy waste. Proper system design is crucial to achieve the desired indoor comfort and energy efficiency.3. Material Procurement:Once the system design is finalized, the installation team will procure the necessary materials, including HVAC equipment, ductwork, pipes, valves, and controls. They will ensure that all materials meet the required standards and specifications for quality and performance.4. System Installation:The installation team will carefully install the HVAC system, following the designed layout and specifications. This involves installing furnaces, air conditioners, boilers, and other equipment, as well asconstructing ductwork and piping systems. They will also install necessary controls and thermostats to regulate the system's operation. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the system's efficiency and prevent future issues.5. Testing and Balancing:After the installation is complete, the installation team will conduct testing and balancing of the HVAC system. This process involves adjusting the system components to ensure proper airflow, temperature, and humidity control throughout the building. Testing and balancing help optimize the system's performance and ensure a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.6. Inspection and Certification:Once the testing and balancing are satisfactory, a final inspection of the HVAC system will be conducted. The installation team will ensurethat all components are properly installed, connections are secure, and the system is ready for operation. They will provide necessary documentation, such as warranty cards and operation manuals, to the building owner or manager.Importance of Proper Ventilation:Proper ventilation is a crucial aspect of an HVAC system, often overlooked but essential for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Ventilation ensures the removal of indoor air pollutants, such as dust, allergens, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It also helpsin maintaining appropriate indoor air quality by controlling humidity levels and preventing the growth of mold and mildew.In addition, proper ventilation helps in the efficient operation of the HVAC system by removing excess heat and humidity generated by occupants and equipment. This, in turn, improves the system's energy efficiency and reduces utility costs. Furthermore, proper ventilation contributes to the overall comfort and well-being of building occupants by providing fresh air and maintaining a healthy indoor environment.Conclusion:The HVAC installation process involves several steps, from site survey and assessment to system design, material procurement, installation, testing, and final inspection. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the system's efficiency, longevity, and optimal performance. Additionally, proper ventilation is essential for maintaining a healthy indoor environment, controlling air pollutants, and ensuring the overall comfort of building occupants. Hiring experienced HVAC professionals and adhering to industry standards and best practices is key to a successful HVAC installation and ventilation system.。

关于暖通的英语作文Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential components of modern buildings, providing comfort and maintaining indoor air quality. However, they also present a range of challenges and issues that need to be addressed. In this essay, I will discuss the various aspects of HVAC systems, including their importance, common problems, and potential solutions.First and foremost, HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. Whether it's a residential, commercial, or industrial building, these systems are responsible for regulating temperature, humidity, and air quality. This is particularly important in extreme weather conditions, where the ability to heat or cool a space can significantly impact the well-being of its occupants. Additionally, proper ventilation is essential for removing indoor pollutants and ensuring a healthy living or working environment.Despite their importance, HVAC systems are not without their challenges. One common issue is poor maintenance, which can lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption. Dirty filters, clogged ducts, and malfunctioning components can all contribute to a decline in performance, resulting in higher utility bills and decreased comfort. In addition, inadequate insulation and air leakage can also compromise the effectiveness of HVAC systems, leading to temperature inconsistencies and discomfort.Another significant problem associated with HVAC systems is their environmental impact. The energy consumption of these systems, particularly in large commercial buildings, contributes to a significant carbon footprint. This has prompted a growing demand for more energy-efficient and sustainable HVAC solutions, as well as the implementation of green building standards and certifications.In response to these challenges, there are several potential solutions that can help improve the performance and sustainability of HVAC systems. Regularmaintenance and servicing are essential for ensuring optimal efficiency and longevity. This includes cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting ductwork, and checking for any signs of wear and tear. In addition, the use of programmable thermostats and smart HVAC controls can help minimize energy usage and reduce operational costs.Furthermore, advancements in HVAC technology have led to the development of more energy-efficient systems, such as variable refrigerant flow (VRF) and geothermal heat pumps. These solutions utilize innovative design and engineeringto deliver superior performance while minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar power,can further reduce the carbon footprint of HVAC systems.In conclusion, HVAC systems are indispensable for maintaining indoor comfort and air quality, but they also present various challenges that need to be addressed. From poor maintenance and energy inefficiency to environmental concerns, there are several issues that require attention. By implementing regular maintenance practices, adopting energy-efficient technologies, and embracing sustainable design principles, it is possible to mitigate these challenges and ensure the effective operation of HVAC systems. As we continue to prioritize environmental sustainability and occupant comfort, the future of HVAC systemsholds great promise for a more efficient and eco-friendly built environment.。

暖通空调对可持续发展中的应用英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Application of HVAC in Sustainable Development1. IntroductionWith the growing focus on sustainability and environmental protection, the use of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings has become increasingly important. HVAC systems play a crucial role in ensuring indoor comfort while minimizing energy consumption and environmental impact. In this essay, we will explore the application of HVAC systems in sustainable development.2. Energy EfficiencyOne of the key aspects of sustainable development is energy efficiency. HVAC systems account for a significant portion of energy consumption in buildings, so improving their efficiency can have a significant impact on overall energy usage. Modern HVAC systems are designed to be more energy-efficient, with features such as variable speed motors, smart controls, and improved insulation helping to reduce energy consumption.3. Renewable Energy IntegrationIn addition to energy efficiency, the integration of renewable energy sources is also crucial for sustainable development. HVAC systems can be designed to work in tandem with renewable energy sources such as solar panels or geothermal heat pumps. By using renewable energy to power HVAC systems, buildings can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their carbon footprint.4. Indoor Air QualityAnother important aspect of sustainable development is indoor air quality. HVAC systems play a key role in maintaining a healthy indoor environment by regulating temperature, humidity, and air circulation. High-quality HVAC systems incorporate air filters, ventilation systems, and humidity controls to ensure that indoor air is clean and comfortable for occupants.5. Maintenance and Lifecycle ManagementProper maintenance and lifecycle management of HVAC systems are also essential for sustainable development. Regular maintenance helps to ensure that HVAC systems operate at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and prolonging the lifespan of the equipment. Additionally, proper disposal andrecycling of HVAC components at the end of their lifecycle can help minimize environmental impact.6. Smart Building TechnologiesAdvances in smart building technologies are revolutionizing the way HVAC systems are controlled and monitored. Smart thermostats, building automation systems, and predictive maintenance tools are making HVAC systems more efficient and responsive to changing conditions. By leveraging these technologies, buildings can optimize energy usage, reduce costs, and improve occupant comfort.7. ConclusionIn conclusion, the application of HVAC systems in sustainable development is crucial for creating energy-efficient, comfortable, and healthy indoor environments. By integrating energy-saving features, renewable energy sources, indoor air quality controls, and smart building technologies, HVAC systems can play a significant role in reducing the environmental impact of buildings. As the demand for sustainable buildings continues to grow, the importance of sustainable HVAC design and operation will only increase.篇2With the rapid development of technology and increased awareness of sustainability in recent years, the application of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems in sustainable development has become a crucial focus in the construction industry. HVAC systems are essential for creating comfortable indoor environments, but they also consume a significant amount of energy and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, incorporating sustainable practices in the design, installation, and operation of HVAC systems is essential for reducing energy consumption and minimizing the environmental impact.One of the key ways in which HVAC systems can be applied to sustainable development is through the use ofenergy-efficient equipment and technologies. By investing in high-efficiency HVAC equipment, such as variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, heat pumps, and energy recovery ventilators, buildings can reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions. These systems are designed to optimize energy usage by adjusting the heating and cooling output based on the specific demands of the space, leading to significant energy savings over time.Another important aspect of sustainable HVAC design is the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, geothermal heat pumps, and wind turbines. By harnessing renewable energy to power HVAC systems, buildings can further reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and decrease their carbon footprint. In addition, incorporating sustainable building materials, such as energy-efficient windows, insulation, and roofing, can help improve the overall energy efficiency of the building and reduce the workload on HVAC systems.Furthermore, smart HVAC controls and building automation systems play a crucial role in sustainable development by allowing for precise monitoring and control of HVAC systems. These systems use sensors and advanced algorithms to optimize energy usage, maintain indoor air quality, and ensure occupant comfort. By implementing smart HVAC controls, building owners and operators can track energy consumption, identify areas of improvement, and make real-time adjustments to maximize energy efficiency.In addition to energy efficiency, indoor air quality is another important consideration in sustainable HVAC design. Poor indoor air quality can have negative impacts on occupant health and well-being, leading to allergies, respiratory issues, and otherhealth problems. To address this issue, HVAC systems should be designed to provide adequate ventilation, filtration, and humidity control to maintain a healthy indoor environment. Furthermore, regular maintenance and cleaning of HVAC equipment are essential to ensure optimal performance and prevent air quality issues.Overall, the application of HVAC systems in sustainable development requires a holistic approach that considers energy efficiency, renewable energy, indoor air quality, and smart controls. By incorporating sustainable practices in HVAC design, installation, and operation, buildings can reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and minimize their environmental impact. As the demand for sustainable buildings continues to grow, the importance of sustainable HVAC systems will only increase in the coming years. By embracing innovative technologies and best practices in HVAC design, the construction industry can contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.篇3Application of HVAC in Sustainable DevelopmentWith the increasing emphasis on sustainable development and environmental protection, the role of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings has drawn significant attention. HVAC systems play a crucial role in providing comfortable indoor environments while also contributing to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.One of the key aspects of sustainable development is energy efficiency. HVAC systems account for a large portion of a building's energy consumption, and as such, improving their efficiency can have a significant impact on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Modern HVAC systems are equipped with advanced technologies such as variable refrigerant flow systems, energy recovery ventilation, and smart controls, which help optimize energy use and reduce wastage. By implementing these technologies, building owners can reduce their energy bills and lessen their environmental footprint.Another important aspect of sustainable development is indoor air quality. HVAC systems are responsible for maintaining a healthy indoor environment by controlling temperature, humidity, and ventilation. Poor indoor air quality can havenegative impacts on occupants' health and productivity, so it is crucial to ensure that HVAC systems are properly maintained and operated. Regular maintenance, proper filtration, and the use of environmentally-friendly refrigerants can help improve indoor air quality and create a more comfortable and healthy indoor environment.Furthermore, HVAC systems can also play a role in promoting renewable energy sources. Solar thermal systems can be integrated with HVAC systems to provide heating and hot water, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. Geothermal heat pumps can also be used to harness the earth's natural heat for space heating and cooling, further reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.In addition to energy efficiency and indoor air quality, HVAC systems can also contribute to sustainable development through smart building technologies. Building automation systems can optimize building performance by adjusting HVAC settings based on occupancy, weather conditions, and energy prices. By integrating HVAC systems with other building systems such as lighting and security, building owners can create more efficient and comfortable spaces while reducing energy use.In conclusion, HVAC systems have a significant impact on the sustainable development of buildings. By focusing on energy efficiency, indoor air quality, renewable energy sources, and smart building technologies, HVAC systems can help create more sustainable and environmentally-friendly buildings. Building owners, designers, and HVAC professionals all have a role to play in implementing these solutions and promoting sustainable development in the built environment.。

暖通空调复试英语作文英文回答:The HVAC industry has been undergoing advancements to keep up with the ever-changing needs of consumers. These advancements have resulted in increased energy efficiency, improved comfort, and reduced environmental impact. In the future of HVAC, there will be a continued focus on these areas, as well as a growing emphasis on automation,artificial intelligence, and renewable energy sources.One of the most significant trends in the HVAC industry is the increasing adoption of energy-efficient technologies. This is being driven by both consumer demand for lower energy bills and government regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Energy-efficient HVAC systems can save consumers money on their energy bills while also reducing their environmental impact.Another important trend in the HVAC industry is thegrowing use of automation and artificial intelligence. Automation can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HVAC systems, while artificialintelligence can be used to optimize system performance and identify potential problems. As technology continues to develop, automation and artificial intelligence will playan increasingly important role in the HVAC industry.Finally, there is a growing trend towards the use of renewable energy sources in HVAC systems. This is being driven by both the increasing availability of renewable energy sources and the desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy sources such as solar and geothermal energy can be used to power HVAC systems, which can help to reduce operating costs and environmental impact.In the future of HVAC, there will be a continued focus on energy efficiency, comfort, and environmental impact. In addition, there will be a growing emphasis on automation, artificial intelligence, and renewable energy sources. These trends will help to shape the future of the HVAC industry and provide consumers with more efficient, morecomfortable, and more environmentally friendly HVAC systems.中文回答:暖通空调行业一直在不断发展,以满足不断变化的消费者需求。

第1篇Introduction:The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays a crucial role in modern buildings, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment. This article aims to provide an overview of theconstruction process for HVAC systems, highlighting key steps and considerations.1. Pre-construction PreparationBefore the actual construction begins, several preparations are essential:a. Project Planning: The construction team should review the project plan, including the scope of work, time schedule, and budget.b. Site Survey: A thorough site survey is necessary to assess the existing conditions and identify potential challenges.c. Material and Equipment Selection: Choose high-quality materialsand equipment that meet the project requirements.2. Installation of HVAC ComponentsThe installation process involves the following steps:a. Ductwork Installation: Install the ductwork according to thedesign plan, ensuring proper alignment and connections. Pay attention to insulation to prevent heat loss or gain.b. Air Handling Unit (AHU) Installation: Assemble and install the AHU, including fans, coils, and air filters. Ensure that all components are correctly connected and functioning.c. Terminal Units Installation: Install terminal units such as VAV boxes, diffusers, and registers according to the design plan.d. Control System Installation: Install the control system, including sensors, actuators, and software. Ensure that the system is configured correctly and functioning as intended.3. System Testing and CommissioningAfter the installation is complete, the following steps are necessary:a. Pressure Testing: Perform pressure testing on the ductwork to ensure there are no leaks.b. Airflow Testing: Measure the airflow in the ductwork to verifythat it meets the design requirements.c. Functional Testing: Test the entire HVAC system to ensure it operates correctly and meets the project specifications.4. Quality Assurance and SafetyThroughout the construction process, it is essential to maintain quality and safety standards:a. Quality Control: Implement a quality control plan to ensure that all work meets the required standards.b. Safety Measures: Adhere to safety regulations and provide appropriate training for the construction team.5. Post-construction ServicesAfter the HVAC system is commissioned, the following services are necessary:a. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the system operates efficiently and effectively.b. Repair and Replacement: Address any issues that arise promptly to minimize downtime.c. Training: Provide training for facility managers and staff on the operation and maintenance of the HVAC system.Conclusion:The construction of HVAC systems requires careful planning, skilled labor, and quality materials. By following these steps and adhering tosafety and quality standards, the construction team can ensure a successful HVAC installation that provides a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.第2篇Abstract:This document outlines the detailed plan for the construction of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The project aims to ensure efficient and effective heating, ventilation, and air conditioning solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and safety. The following sections provide an overview of the project, preparation, execution, quality and safety measures, and emergency response procedures.1. Project OverviewThe HVAC system is designed to provide optimal indoor air quality and thermal comfort for the building occupants. The system includes heating, ventilation, and air conditioning components, such as boilers, fans, air handlers, and ductwork. The project is expected to be completed within a specified timeframe, adhering to the approved budget and design specifications.2. Preparation2.1 Technical PreparationThe project team will thoroughly review the construction drawings and specifications to understand the design requirements and system components. They will also conduct a site survey to identify any potential challenges and develop a detailed construction plan.2.2 Site PreparationThe construction site will be cleared and prepared according to the project requirements. This includes establishing temporary facilities, ensuring proper access and egress, and coordinating with other trades to avoid conflicts.2.3 Personnel PreparationThe project team will consist of skilled workers, engineers, and supervisors who will be responsible for the construction and supervision of the HVAC system. They will receive adequate training to ensure they understand the project requirements and safety procedures.2.4 Material and Equipment PreparationAll materials and equipment required for the construction of the HVAC system will be procured and inspected to ensure they meet the specified quality standards. The project team will maintain an inventory of materials and equipment to ensure timely delivery and proper storage.3. Construction Execution3.1 Installation of Heating ComponentsThe heating components, such as boilers and radiators, will be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications and design requirements. The project team will ensure proper connections and insulation to prevent heat loss and ensure efficient operation.3.2 Ventilation System InstallationThe ventilation system, including fans, air handlers, and ductwork, will be installed in accordance with the design specifications. The project team will ensure proper alignment, sealing, and insulation of the ductwork to maintain air flow and prevent air leakage.3.3 Air Conditioning System InstallationThe air conditioning system, including air handlers, chillers, and refrigerant piping, will be installed as per the design requirements. The project team will ensure proper connections, insulation, and testing of the system to ensure efficient operation and optimal indoor air quality.4. Quality and Safety Measures4.1 Quality AssuranceThe project team will implement a quality assurance program to ensure that all work is performed according to the approved drawings, specifications, and industry standards. They will conduct regular inspections and testing to verify the quality of the work.4.2 Safety MeasuresThe project team will adhere to all safety regulations and guidelines to ensure a safe work environment. This includes providing personal protective equipment (PPE), implementing fall protection measures, and conducting regular safety training for all personnel.5. Emergency Response ProceduresIn the event of an emergency, such as a fire or equipment failure, the project team will follow established emergency response procedures. This includes activating alarms, coordinating with emergency services, and ensuring the safety of all personnel on the construction site.Conclusion:The construction of the HVAC system is a complex and critical process that requires careful planning, execution, and coordination. Byfollowing this detailed construction plan and adhering to the highest standards of quality and safety, the project team will ensure the successful completion of the HVAC system, providing optimal indoor air quality and thermal comfort for the building occupants.第3篇Abstract:This article aims to provide an overview of the construction process of a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. It includes the key steps, requirements, and considerations for the successful implementation of a HVAC project.1. IntroductionA HVAC system is an essential component of modern buildings, providing comfortable indoor air quality, temperature, and humidity. Theconstruction of a HVAC system involves several stages, including planning, design, installation, and commissioning. This article will focus on the construction process and the factors that contribute to its success.2. Planning and DesignBefore the construction of a HVAC system begins, thorough planning and design are necessary. This includes:- Conducting a site survey to determine the building's size, shape, and layout.- Assessing the building's energy requirements and selecting appropriate HVAC equipment.- Designing the HVAC system to ensure efficient operation and compliance with local regulations.3. Construction ProcessThe construction process of a HVAC system typically includes the following steps:- Excavation and foundation work: Excavating the necessary space for the HVAC equipment and installing the foundation.- Installation of HVAC equipment: Mounting the HVAC units, including air handlers, furnaces, and air conditioners, according to the design specifications.- Ductwork installation: Installing the ducts that distribute air throughout the building, ensuring proper connections and sealing.- Plumbing and electrical work: Running the necessary plumbing and electrical lines to connect the HVAC units and control systems.- Insulation and sealing: Insulating the ducts and sealing any gaps or cracks to improve energy efficiency.- Testing and balancing: Testing the HVAC system to ensure it operates correctly and balancing the airflow to ensure even distribution.4. Quality Control and SafetyTo ensure the successful implementation of a HVAC project, it is crucial to adhere to quality control and safety measures. This includes:- Regular inspections and quality checks during construction.- Training and certifying the construction team on safety procedures and best practices.- Implementing a comprehensive safety plan to minimize risks and prevent accidents.5. Commissioning and MaintenanceOnce the construction is complete, the HVAC system must be commissioned and maintained to ensure optimal performance. This involves:- Conducting a final inspection and testing the system to ensure it meets the design specifications.- Establishing a maintenance schedule to keep the HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently.- Addressing any issues or malfunctions promptly to prevent downtime and maintain comfort levels.6. ConclusionThe construction of a HVAC system is a complex process that requires careful planning, design, and execution. By following these steps and adhering to quality control and safety measures, a successful HVAC project can be achieved, providing a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment for the building occupants.。

自我介绍研究生复试英文暖通专业As I stand before you today, I am filled with a deep sense of excitement and determination to embark on the next chapter of my academic journey. My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to be considered for the esteemed postgraduate program in HVAC engineering at your prestigious institution.From a young age, I have been captivated by the intricate workings of the built environment and the critical role that HVAC systems play in ensuring the comfort, safety, and efficiency of our homes, workplaces, and public spaces. The ability to harness the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer to create innovative climate control solutions has always fascinated me, and it is this passion that has led me to pursue a career in this dynamic field.During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to delve deeply into the fundamentals of HVAC design and implementation. Through a rigorous curriculum that encompassed courses in thermodynamics, HVAC system design, and building energy analysis,I developed a strong foundation in the technical aspects of this discipline. I particularly enjoyed the hands-on laboratory sessions, where I could apply my theoretical knowledge to the practical challenges of HVAC system optimization and troubleshooting.One of the highlights of my undergraduate experience was the opportunity to participate in a research project that focused on improving the energy efficiency of a local community center. Working alongside a team of dedicated engineers, I was involved in the comprehensive energy audit of the facility, the identification of potential areas for improvement, and the design and implementation of an HVAC system upgrade. The successful completion of this project not only deepened my understanding of HVAC technology but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the positive impact that our work can have on the environment and the well-being of the communities we serve.Beyond the classroom, I have been actively involved in various professional organizations and extracurricular activities that have further honed my skills and broadened my perspective. As a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), I have had the privilege of attending regional and national conferences, where I have had the opportunity to network with industry leaders, attend technical seminars, and stay abreast of the latest advancements in HVACtechnology.Additionally, I have been a member of my university's student chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), where I have participated in design competitions, volunteered in community outreach programs, and developed my leadership and teamwork abilities. These experiences have not only enriched my technical knowledge but have also instilled in me a deep sense of social responsibility and a commitment to using my skills to make a positive difference in the world.As I look to the future, I am deeply committed to pursuing a postgraduate degree in HVAC engineering at your institution. I believe that the rigorous curriculum, cutting-edge research facilities, and distinguished faculty will provide me with the tools and resources necessary to further develop my expertise and contribute to the advancement of this vital field.My ultimate goal is to become a leading HVAC engineer, capable of designing and implementing innovative, energy-efficient climate control systems that optimize occupant comfort, minimize environmental impact, and promote sustainable building practices. I am particularly interested in exploring the integration of renewable energy technologies, such as geothermal and solar-powered HVAC systems, as well as the application of advanced data analytics andbuilding automation technologies to optimize system performance.Moreover, I am eager to engage in collaborative research projects that will allow me to work alongside renowned experts in the field and contribute to the development of new HVAC technologies and design methodologies. I am confident that the opportunities afforded by your postgraduate program will enable me to hone my research skills, deepen my technical knowledge, and develop the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities necessary to tackle the complex challenges facing the HVAC industry.In conclusion, I firmly believe that my passion for HVAC engineering, my strong academic record, and my diverse extracurricular experiences make me an ideal candidate for your postgraduate program. I am excited at the prospect of joining your esteemed institution and contributing to the advancement of this vital field. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I will acquire will not only serve me well in my future career but will also enable me to make a meaningful impact on the built environment and the communities we serve. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.。

Building and Environment 43(2008)1858–1870A comparison of occupant comfort and satisfaction between a greenbuilding and a conventional buildingWarren L.Paul Ã,Peter A.TaylorDepartment of Environmental Management and Ecology,La Trobe University (Albury-Wodonga campus),P.O.Box 821,Wodonga,Victoria 3689,AustraliaReceived 27July 2007;received in revised form 10October 2007;accepted 8November 2007AbstractIt has been argued that ‘‘green’’buildings have a better indoor environmental quality (as measured by the comfort perceptions of occupants)than conventional buildings and that this translates into a more satisfying workplace for the building’s occupants and,in turn,a more productive workforce.To test this we measured the comfort and satisfaction perceptions of the occupants of a green university building and two conventional university buildings with a questionnaire that asked occupants to rate their workplace environment in terms of aesthetics,serenity,lighting,acoustics,ventilation,temperature,humidity,and overall satisfaction.The university buildings at the centre of the study are located in Albury-Wodonga,in inland southeast Australia.The green building,which is naturally ventilated,is constructed from rammed earth and recycled materials.The conventional buildings have heating,ventilating,and air-conditioning (HVAC)systems and are of brick veneer construction.We found no evidence to believe that green buildings are more comfortable.Indeed,the only difference between the buildings was that occupants of the green building were more likely to perceive their work environment as warm,and occupants who felt warm were more likely to describe their work environment as poor.However,the hydronic cooling system of this building was malfunctioning at the time of the study and hence this result cannot be generalised as a difference between green buildings and conventional HVAC buildings.All other aspects of comfort,including aesthetics,serenity,lighting,ventilation,acoustics,and humidity,were not perceived differently by the occupants of the two types of building.r 2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Comfort;Satisfaction;Green building;Causal model1.IntroductionIn Australia there is a small but growing movement towards the design and construction of ‘‘green’’buildings [1].To ensure continued growth in the adoption of green building technologies it is important to ensure that customer needs are being addressed and that claims of performance are warranted;this means evaluating the performance and life-cycle costs of new green buildings as they come on line.Of particular import to corporate customers is the indoor environmental quality (usually measured in terms of occupant comfort)of a building because there is evidence that links comfort to satisfaction and productivity [2].Heerwagen and Zagreus [3],however,note that while it is widely believed that green buildings aremore comfortable than conventional buildings,thereby making them more satisfying and productive workplaces,there is little empirical evidence to support this belief.In order for the work environment of green buildings to be more comfortable and satisfying than conventional buildings there must be some features that are unique,or at least more common,to their design that could contribute to a better indoor environmental quality.Furthermore,there must be a link between comfort and satisfaction.Some of the features that relate to the indoor environ-mental quality of a building would include natural ventilation and the use of low-toxicity finishes and furnishings (resulting in better air quality),natural lighting for a better quality of illumination,operable windows and fans that enable personal control over ambient conditions and access to outdoor sounds,and recycled materials that could be considered to provide a more serene and aesthetically pleasing interior.All of these are standard/locate/buildenv0360-1323/$-see front matter r 2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.11.006ÃCorresponding author.Tel.:+61260249871;fax:+61260249888.E-mail address:w.paul@.au (W.L.Paul).design features(or options)for green buildings[4],and we believe it is reasonable to say that these features are more common to green buildings than conventional buildings.It is not clear,however,that such features lead to a better indoor environmental quality.Browning and Romm[5]report on various pre–post observational studies that examined the effect of energy-efficient designs on worker productivity.One study involved an energy-efficient retrofit to the Main Post Office in Reno,Nevada.A new ceiling wasfitted to the building to improve the lighting,temperature,and noise within the mail sorting room.Productivity is reported to have increased by6–8%after the retrofit.As with any single-group pre–post study of this kind,however,one needs to be careful to rule out other reasons for the observed increase.Browning and Romm argue that there was no coincidental plan to improve productivity at the time of the retrofit and that productivity had always been measured.Unfortunately,the graph they presented shows only the increase in productivity following the retrofit.If productivity was measured as part of normal operations it would have been informative to show the productivity data for the pre-retrofit period as well.They also imply that productivity gains at the Reno office were more than that experienced by other sorters in the western region of the United States.The data for these other offices,however,were not presented.Thus, the evidence for a link between energy-efficient design and productivity from this study is not particularly strong. Furthermore,the retrofit addressed lighting,temperature, and sound,so it is not possible to attribute the reported productivity increase to a particular change,only to the retrofit in general.Similarly,the second example cited by Browning and Romm,concerning the Nederlandshe Middenstandbank, involved many changes to the design of the new building—some of which could not be claimed as unique to green buildings,such as the S-curve ground plan with gardens, courtyards,restaurants,and meeting rooms.Accordingly, it is not possible to attribute the reported15%decrease in absenteeism to the green features of the new building, which included daylighting and natural ventilation through operable windows.The third example cited by Browning and Romm is a Wal-Mart store that installed skylights in only one-half of the store.It was reported that sales(per square foot)were much higher for those departments located in the day-lit half,but there could be many reasons why sales differed between the two groups of departments.Heerwagen[2]reviewed the literature on green buildings and occupant productivity.One of the studies cited was the aforementioned research by Browning and Romm[5]. Another was that by Leaman[6],which concluded that comfort and perceived productivity are greater in buildings where occupants have control over ambient conditions and where the buildings employ both natural ventilation and air conditioning.Other studies mentioned had drawn similar conclusions.Menzies et al.[7]concluded that productivity was11%higher(compared to a control group)for workers who were given control over the amount and direction of airflow at their workstations. Brager and de Dear[8]reported a link between personal control of environmental conditions,especially tempera-ture and ventilation,and work performance.However,Heerwagen[2]also notes a study by Preller et al.[9]that indicates absenteeism associated with Sick Building Syndrome(SBS)could be34%lower if employees are given control over temperature and ventilation.This suggests a link between green buildings and productivity that is mediated by air quality and SBS rather than comfort.Thus,with regard to the link between green buildings and indoor environmental quality(i.e.,comfort)it can only be said that the available evidence is weak and that,if there is a link,it can most likely be attributed to personal control of ambient conditions.It now needs to be established whether there is a reason to believe that comfort is linked to satisfaction.In their review of environmental psychology,Sundstrom et al.[10]outline some of the theories that have guided research on transactions between people and physical environments,including workplaces.Among these theories were the arousal,environmental load,stress and adapta-tion,privacy regulation,transactional approach,and ecological psychology and behaviour setting theories.The arousal hypothesis predicts optimum satisfaction and performance under conditions of moderate arousal.This suggests that temperature,sound,and lighting could influence satisfaction and performance via psychosocial arousal.The overload hypothesis assumes that humans have afinite capacity for processing stimuli and information and predicts that we cope with an overload,a noise overload for example,by selectively attending to incoming informa-tion and ignoring low-priority inputs.Research on environmental stress and adaptation has identified associa-tions between extremes of temperature and sound with physiological and psychological stress(e.g.,chronic illness and psychological impairment)and with coping and adaptive behaviours that reduce stress or its impact. Sundstrom et al.note that empiricalfindings are generally consistent with these hypotheses.Vilnai-Yavetz et al.[11]suggest that office designers should recognise three separate dimensions:instrumental-ity,aesthetics,and symbolism.Instrumentality concerns the degree with which physical attributes of the office support the desired activities.Aesthetics refers to the beauty of the office,and the authors note a study that found‘‘beautiful’’rooms(as opposed to‘‘ugly’’rooms) have significantly different effects on people’s short-and long-term perceptions and emotions.The third dimension, symbolism,refers to associations elicited by the space. These authors found a statistically significant association between two of these dimensions,instrumentality and aesthetics,and job satisfaction and performance.W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor/Building and Environment43(2008)1858–18701859To summarise,while the evidence is sparse,there are some characteristics that could be considered unique,or at least more common,to green buildings that have been linked to the quality of the indoor environment.In particular,there is evidence to link comfort to features that allow personal control over temperature and ventila-tion.Furthermore,there is evidence to link comfort to workplace satisfaction.The aim of the present study was to test the hypotheses that (1)green buildings make more comfortable work-places than conventional buildings and (2)greater comfort leads to higher overall satisfaction with the workspace environment.These hypotheses were tested by comparing a green building with two conventional buildings in terms of the comfort and satisfaction perceptions of the occupants.The green and conventional buildings in the study are on two separate university campuses in inland southeast Australia,a region of Australia considered to have a Mediterranean climate—cool wet winters and hot-dry summers.The proximity,and hence climate equivalence,of the campuses and the similarity of the occupants in terms of profession,gender,and age distribution provided a unique opportunity for a study of this kind.2.Methods 2.1.Local climateBoth campuses are located at Albury-Wodonga in a region of Australia considered to have a Mediterranean climate—cool wet winters and hot-dry summers.Although summer daytime temperatures may reach 401C,the average maximum temperature in January is 321C and the average minimum is 161C [13].Daily fluctuations in ambient air temperatures recorded over 4-weeks towards the end of the summer are shown in Fig.1.Until recently,the designers of new buildings in this region accepted refrigerative or evaporative air-conditioning as a necessity to cope with the hot-dry inland climate.2.2.Building descriptionsThe green building in this study is located on the campus of Charles Sturt University (CSU)and the conventionalbuildings on the campus of La Trobe University (LTU).CSU had taken a holistic approach to the development of a new campus on a greenfield site at Albury-Wodonga [12].The campus was constructed around a pedestrian precinct.It has composting toilets,on-site water recycling,and rammed earth offices and teaching buildings with hydronic heating and cooling,and natural ventilation.The build-ing’s architect,Marci Webster-Mannison,received an award from the Royal Australian Institute of Architects for the environmental soundness of the design of buildings at the CSU campus.At around the same time that the CSU campus was developed,La Trobe University (LTU)developed a more conventional campus 25km to the south,also on a greenfield site,and while the buildings at LTU are not unpleasant their designers certainly lacked a green focus.As the descriptions in this section highlight,the buildings on the two campuses are entirely different in nature with regard to their construction,operation,and finish.2.2.1.Charles Sturt University (CSU)The 2100m 2office building,which houses the School of Environmental and Information Sciences,has two storeys and was designed for low-energy use (Fig.2).It has external and internal walls made from 300mm thick rammed earth,and it has concrete slab floors and ceilings (even on the top floor),which give the building high thermal mass.Room surfaces are painted concrete ceiling,natural rammed earth walls and carpeted floors.Windows are carefully shaded from the direct sun and can be opened to give natural ventilation.The windows have wooden frames treated with low-toxicity oils and are fitted with horizontal Venetian blinds.Ceiling sweep fans are installed in all offices.Air-conditioning,however,is not used in the CSU offices,resulting in a low use of electricity during the summer season.At the time of the study,summer cooling was achieved through the uptake of air into the building at reduced ambient temperature during the night;the cooled thermal mass of the building was then able to attenuate any temperature rises occurring during the day.Hydronic cooling of ceiling slabs,although provided for,was not operational.Operative temperatures were measured at CSU over the period shown in Fig.2from 8am to 6pm in three offices (Table 1).One of the offices (Office A)is located on the ground floor while the other two are on the top fl Trobe University (LTU)One of the LTU office buildings has two storeys (2800m 2)and the other is single storey (1100m 2).The envelope of the LTU buildings is insulated external brick veneer but is punctuated with large areas of unshaded aluminium-framed windows along all facades including east facing and west facades (Fig.3).The room surfaces are painted plaster board (dry wall),carpeted floors,and acoustic tiled ceilings.Fig.1.Ambient temperatures.W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor /Building and Environment 43(2008)1858–18701860All offices in these buildings are fully air-conditioned,and few have operable windows.Shading is achieved by vertical blinds.As is normal practice,duct work is concealed in the roof space or above a false ceiling.The conditioning system set point is 22.5711C.2.2.parative building energy useEnergy consumption at LTU was assessed using utility bills,whilst energy consumption at CSU was available from sub-metering records.The only energy used at CSU over the summer period (December 2000–February 2001)was electricity,as the gas-fired boiler is locked out by the building management system at this time.Since no cooling plant was operating,the energy use recorded at CSU is simply the sum for tenancy occupation by staff (plug loads,fans,and lighting).At LTU energy consumption over the same period involved both gas and electricity employed in the operation of the air-conditioning system (note that gas is used to re-heat chilled air)as well as the plug loads and lighting.To compare energy use between the two campuses energy consumption densities have been calculated using gross floor areas (Table 2).Because of the absence of air-conditioning,the offices at CSU used only one-twelfth ofthe energy used by the LTU buildings during the same summer period.A benchmark for energy use in Australian offices has been set by the Property Council of Australia,which recommends a best practice existing-building benchmark of 225MJ/m 2for tenancy electricity use [14].Assuming equal spread over the year,this suggests usage of 56MJ/m 2over the 3-month summer period.On this basis the CSU offices are performing very well in terms of their energy usage,even allowing for reduced usage over the annual Christmas holiday period of the Australian summer.In contrast,the effect of keeping the LTU buildings at 22.51C shows up in their high-energy use over this 3-month period.It is interesting to note the high gas use required for reheating of chilled air;gas is otherwise consumed only for domestic hot water.2.3.Measuring indoor environmental qualityThe questionnaire used to measure indoor environmen-tal quality consisted of four sections.Section A requested information from occupants on potential covariates (i.e.,their age,sex,type of work,and amount of time spent on leave over the summer period)that might contribute to the effect of building type on comfort.Section B posed a number of multiple-choice questions (on a 7-point scale)that aimed to illicit an occupant’s perception of their room with regard to comfort.This part of the questionnaire was adopted from Levermore [15].Section B also asked occupants to rate their satisfaction with their office environment.Section C elicited information on the thermal adaptive strategies of respondents:their use of fans,lights,blinds,and windows.Section D asked a series of open questions specifically concerning thermal comfort.The data from Sections C and D have been analysed and reported previously [16].A copy of the entire questionnaire is provided here as Appendix A.Table 1Operative temperatures (1C)in three offices at CSU during working hoursOffice AOffice B Office C Mean 24.125.325.7Minimum16.415.920.125th Percentile 22.823.824.6Median24.425.526.175th Percentile 25.526.927.2Maximum27.431.030.3Fig.2.CSU office building.W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor /Building and Environment 43(2008)1858–187018612.4.Observational study designThe factor of interest is building type,with treatment categories ‘‘green’’and ‘‘conventional’’.It should be evident from the previous section that the LTU buildings fairly represent conventional buildings and that the building at CSU fairly represents a green building except insofar as the hydronic cooling system was not properly functioning at the time of the study.Conceptually,the target population is the population of university employees and a sample from this population was assigned to one of the two universities by choice and by virtue of the needs and policies of that university.Subjects were then assigned to a building type (treatment group)according to the university at which they worked.University (CSU,LTU)is then potentially a confounding variable which is associated (actually,aliased)with building type and possibly associated with comfort via differences in the distributions of gender,age,profession,and the annual leave entitlement taken.We make theassumptions that the respondents fairly represent the population of university employees and that,after adjust-ing for covariates,the only difference between the two groups regarding perceptions of comfort is in the type of building they occupy.The questionnaire was distributed to the people in each treatment group via pigeon holes in each building at the end of summer 2001.Responses to the questionnaire were voluntary,and the response rates were similar at about 47%for CSU and 41%for LTU.Reasons for nonresponse are unknown but may be related to the time of year,with people either on annual leave or busy preparing for the upcoming semester.We assume that respondents and nonrespondents are similar in the way they perceive comfort and satisfaction.The questionnaire was accompanied by a letter that explained the purpose of the survey and the need for independent responses (i.e.,people were asked not to discuss their responses with anyone else).Accordingly we assume that the observations are independent.2.5.Causal modelThe causal model we assume is explicated in the causal diagram (directed acyclic graph)presented in Fig.4(see Appendix B for further explanation).In the context of Fig.4,the direct effect of building type (X )oncomfort (Z )is expressed as p ðz j ^x;^w Þ¼p ðz j x ;w Þ;a proof,using the results of Pearl [17],is given in Appendix B,and the direct effect of comfort (Z )on satisfaction (Y )isFig.3.LTU office building.Table 2LTU and CSU energy consumption in MJ/m 2for the period December 2000–February 2001Energy source LTU CSU Electricity 32135Natural gas 1010Total42235W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor /Building and Environment 43(2008)1858–18701862given by pðy j^zÞ¼pðy j zÞ.Therefore,demonstrating the directed path X-Z-Y requires(a)that there is an association between X and Z,after adjusting for covariates W,(b)that there is an association between Z and Y,and (c)that Y is conditionally independent of X and W given Z (i.e.,that there are no paths connecting building type or any of the covariates to occupant satisfaction other than the ones intercepted by comfort).The total effect of building type on satisfaction is given by pðy j^xÞ¼Pz pðy j zÞPzpðz j x;wÞpðwÞ.2.6.Data analysis2.6.1.A comparison of occupant perceptions of comfort and satisfaction between building typesHotelling’s T2test was used to examine the association between building type and the perceptions of occupants with regard to comfort and satisfaction.SPLUS2000was used for this analysis.There were11items on the questionnaire designed to measure various aspects of both comfort and satisfaction,and each of these items was measured on a7-point scale.Despite the discrete nature of the measurement scale,the sample sizes in the study were sufficiently large to assume the estimator¯X is multivariate normal.2.6.2.The direct effect of building type on perceived temperatureTo determine whether there was an association between occupant perception of temperature(an ordinal response variable)and building type,after adjusting for important covariates,an ordinal regression analysis was performed using the logistic procedure in SAS9.Preliminary analyses included univariate summaries of all variables.Some qualitative variables had low or zero counts in some categories,so these variables were recoded as shown in Table3.Building type and all covariates were included as explanatory variables in a preliminary main effects model of perceived temperature.Covariates were then deleted from the model on the basis of p-Values from Type 3Wald tests and the AIC.Finally,interactions among the selected covariates(including building type)were examined.2.6.3.The direct effect of perceived temperature on satisfaction with the workplace environmentBoth perceived temperature and satisfaction are ordinal variables,so a w2-test of independence was used to test the null hypothesis of no association between them.An odds ratio plot was then used to clarify the nature of the association between perceived temperature and satisfaction [18];this analysis was performed with the Excel add-in EcStat that was developed by Professor Don McNeil of Macquarie University,Australia.To test whether satisfaction was conditionally indepen-dent of building type and all covariates given the perceptions of temperature(which would be consistent with the causal diagram in Fig.4),an ordinal regression analysis using the logistic procedure in SAS9was carried out.2.6.4.The total effect of building type on satisfaction with the workplace environmentA w2-test of homogeneity(together with an odds ratio plot)was used to test the null hypothesis of no association between building type and satisfaction.3.Results3.1.A comparison of occupant perceptions of comfort and satisfaction between building typesSection B of the survey posed11questions to occupants from CSU(Group1)and LTU(Group2)concerning their perceptions of their office space during summer.One respondent from each group failed to answer all questions, so their responses were omitted from the following analyses.The samples sizes were n1¼40and n2¼53.A profile plot of the sample mean vectors for CSU and LTU is shown as Fig.5.It is apparent from this plot that the two groups differed only in terms of perceived thermal comfort,with the mean response for CSU occupants suggesting their environment was considered warm.Fig. 4.Causal diagram representing the effect of building type on occupant comfort and satisfaction.Table3Recoded variablesTemperature Categories above and below neutral(score¼4)were combined to increase cellcounts.The new categories are1¼cool,2¼neutral,and3¼warmSatisfaction withworkplace environmentCategories above and below neutral(score¼4)were combined to increase cellcounts.The new categories are1¼poor,2¼average,and3¼goodOccupation The‘‘managerial’’category was combined withthe‘‘professional’’category.The newcategories are1¼clerical,2¼professional,and3¼otherAge The new categories are1¼less than or equalto40,2¼greater than40W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor/Building and Environment43(2008)1858–18701863All other aspects of comfort and satisfaction had mean scores close to neutral (i.e.,close to four).It was of interest to answer the following questions:1.Were the responses neutral for both CSU and LTU (a mean score of four is taken to be neutral)?2.Is there a difference in perceptions between CSU and LTU?With regard to the first question,the hypothesis being tested is H 0:l i ¼½44ÁÁÁ4 T 1Â11;i ¼1;2,where l is the population mean vector and i is an indexindicating the building type (or university).Given the large sample sizes,it is reasonable to use the Hotelling’s T 2statisticT 2¼n ð¯x Àl ÞT S À1ð¯x Àl Þ$approx :w 2ðp Þ,where n is the sample size,¯x is the sample mean vector,S is the sample variance–covariance matrix,and p is the number of variables (or questions in this case).For CSU,the test statistic was computed as 214.1,with p -Value ¼P ðw 2114214:1Þo 0:0001.For LTU,the test sta-tistic was 78.8,with p -Value ¼P ðw 211478:8Þo 0:0001.The 95%Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals for each group are given in Table 4.On average,both groups of occupants rated their workspace on the ‘‘relaxed’’side of neutral (the LTU result was marginally statistically significant),and both groups perceived their offices to be on the noisy side.The LTU occupants rated their workspaces as ‘‘too still’’,but they perceived their work environment to be better thanneutral.The CSU occupants put their thermal environment on the ‘‘too hot’’side of neutral,and they rated their satisfaction with their work environment as neutral.In the case of CSU’s occupants,the mean satisfaction rating is misleading because responses were largely split between ‘‘poor’’and ‘‘good’’;this is discussed further in the final section of the Results.With regard to the second question,the hypothesis being tested isH 0:l 1¼l 2)l 1Àl 2¼011Â1.With the reasonably large sample size for each group,an appropriate test statistic for testing this hypothesis isT 2¼ð¯x 1À¯x 2ÞT 1n 1S 1þ1n 2S 2 À1ð¯x 1À¯x 2Þ$approx :w 2ðp Þ.Fig.5.Profile plot of mean responses for CSU and LTU.Table 495%Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals for CSU and LTUCSULTU Beauty [3.92,5.08][3.76,4.70]Serenity [4.24,5.46]**[3.99,5.14]Colour [3.17,4.43][3.50,4.35]Brightness [3.59,4.51][3.84,4.69]Glare[3.03,4.72][3.27,4.66]Ventilation [2.67,4.13][2.27,3.46]**Temperature [4.68,5.92]**[3.11,4.25]Noise [4.04,4.96]**[4.05,4.74]**Humidity[3.57,4.48][3.82,4.37]Natural lighting [3.75,4.55][3.22,4.22]Satisfaction[3.77,5.38][4.15,5.06]**Asterisks indicate those questions with mean responses that differ significantly from neutral.W.L.Paul,P.A.Taylor /Building and Environment 43(2008)1858–18701864。
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Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 125, No. 2, pp. 349–355, April 2003©2003 ASME. All rights reserved.Up: Issue Table of ContentsGo to:Previous Article | Next ArticleOther formats:HTML (smaller files) | PDF (297 kB)The Effects of Air Infiltration on a Large Flat Heat Pipe at Horizontal and Vertical OrientationsM. CerzaB. BougheyUS Naval Academy, Mechanical Engineering Department,Annapolis, MD 21402 Received: July 12, 2001; revised: May 13, 2002In the satellite or energy conversion industries flat heat pipes may be utilized to transfer heat to the thermal sink. In this investigation, a large flat heat pipe, 1.22 m×0.305 m×0.0127 m, fabricated from 50 mil Monel 400metal sheets and Monel 400 screens was videographed at horizontal and vertical orientations with an infrared video camera. The heat pipe evaporator section consisted of a 0.305 m×0.305 m area (one heated side only) while the side opposite the heated section was insulated. The remaining area of the heat pipe served as the condenser. In the horizontal orientation the heated section was on the bottom. In the vertical orientation the evaporator was aligned below the condenser. The sequence of photographs depicts heat inputs ranging from 200 W to 800 W, and the effect of air infiltration on heat pipe operation for both orientations. For the horizontal orientation, the air is seen to recede towards the small fill pipe as the heat input is increased. For the vertical orientation, the air and water vapor exhibit a buoyant interaction with the result that the air presence inhibits heat transfer by rendering sections of the condenser surface ineffective. The effects depicted in this paper set the stage for future analytical and experimental work in flat heat pipe operation for both normal and variable conductance modes.Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division July 12, 2001; revision received May 13, 2002. Associate Editor:G. P. Peterson.Contents•Introduction•Flat Heat Pipe Fabrication•Experimental Investigation•Experimental Results and Discussion•Infrared (IR) Videographic Resultso A. Horizontal Orientationo B. Vertical Orientation•Conclusions•Acknowledgment•Nomenclature•REFERENCES•FIGURESIntroductionFigure 1depicts a conceptual thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion system utilizing flat heat bustion gases from a heat source such as a gas turbine combustor flow through channels on which heat pipes are mounted. These hot side heat pipes serve as emitter surfaces.Across from the hot side heat pipes, TPV cells can be mounted to cold side heat pipes which are heat pipes in contact with the thermal sink. An isothermal emitting surface is needed in TPV energy conversion systems because the voltage outputs of the TPV cells are very sensitive to the wavelength bandwidth of the emitting surface. The emitter's wavelength bandwidth is a function of temperature. On the cold side,the TPV cells could utilize a flat heat pipe, but this is less critical. Flat heat pipes are not new to the industry, several companies have designed them for space or computer applications [1][2][3][4].Figure 1.Flat heat pipes are similar to cylindrical heat pipes. The only real difference between the two is geometrical. While this may seem a minor difference, it presents many challenges from an engineering standpoint. Typically, heat pipes are used to transfer quantities of heat across a distance with only a slight temperature loss from end to end.The cylindrical design works well to serve this purpose. However,when designing an emitter for a TPV energy conversion system,it is advantageous to have a large surface area to volume ratio in order to maximize the power density of the system. A flat heat pipe was conceived for this purpose. Flat heat pipes also have different internal flow and structural design considerations than those of cylindrical heat pipes.Flow properties in cylinders are different from those in rectangular geometries such as flat plates and/or boxes. The flow of a thin film through a flat wick (such as in the liquid return path of a flat heat pipe) is not the same as the flow of a cylindrical circumferential film.Also, vapor flow through a cylindrical space differs from vapor flow through a rectangular cross section. The flow geometrical differences can alter the steady-state limitations in flat heat pipe design.The limit most affected in the design of a moderate temperature (100°C) flat heat pipe utilizing water as the working fluid is the capillary limit. The capillary limit involves the ability of the wick to develop the necessary pumping head to overcome the vapor and liquid pressure losses as the working fluid circulates through the heat pipe.In this investigation,it was desired to qualitatively examine the effects of what would happen if air infiltrated a hermetically sealed flat heat pipe containing only water. In order for a flat heat pipe to withstand pressure differences across its flat surfaces, the flat surface structure needs to be supported. Monel pins were used as support structures in this flat heat pipe design.These pins were welded to the sheet metal surfaces, and the welds, should they crack, would be a source for air infiltration for a heat pipe containing water as the working fluid and operating below 100°C in an atmospheric environment.It should be pointed out that this flat heat pipe was not designed as a variable conductance or gas loaded heat pipe. There was no noncondensable gas reservoir at the condenser end, however, there was a short 5 cm in length, 18 mm in diameter fill pipe attached to the condenser end. In a gas loaded variable conductance heat pipe(VCHP), Fig. 2, a reservoir which contains a amount of a non-condensable gas is added to the heat pipe condenser end. Marcus [5], and Marcus and Fleischman [6]give an excellent review of a simplified VCHP. A primary goal for a VCHP operating with a constant heat sink temperature is to achieve a steady internal operatingtemperature at varying heat input conditions. This is accomplished for increasing evaporator heat input by the working fluid vapor compressing the noncondensable gas towards the reservoir, thus, lengthening the active condenser length. The condenser length that contains the gas essentially prohibits heat rejection from that portion of the heat pipe condenser. With proper design,this increase in heat pipe condenser area with increasing heat input can achieve a nearly isothermal vapor operating condition. Generally,this calls for the gas reservoir volume to be much larger than the condenser volume. In this investigation, the ratio of the fill pipe volume to the condenser volume was0.002. So if air infiltrates the heat pipe, it will not behave as a traditional VCHP, i.e., for an increasing heat input, a rise in this heat pipe's operating temperature is expected.Figure 2.Several investigators have examined the effects of noncondensable gas levels on VCHP operation. These have been predominately for cylindrical VCHPs. Kobayashi et al. [7]have conducted an experimental and analytical study to examine the flow field behavior of the vapor/non-condensable gas mixture. They determined that gravity and noncondensable gas level had a strong effect on the location and profile of the gas/vapor interface layer. Peterson and Tien [8] examined the mixed double diffusive convection in gas loaded heat pipes and two-phase thermosyphons. They showed that temperature and concentration gradients can redistribute the gas within the condenser. This redistribution, however,did not greatly alter the overall condenser heat transfer. Peterson et al. [9]also showed that double diffusive convection changes the non-condensable gas flow structure as the Rayleigh number is increased.The heat pipe employed in this study was a very large flat heat pipe since in the energy conversion industry large surface areas are required to cool large power producing devices. Initially, a small amount of air was loaded into the heat pipe. An attempt was made to compare the performance for this air loaded heat pipe to one without air, but unfortunately, air was believed to have infiltrated the second case. This investigation also presents the use of infrared videography as a diagnostic measurement tool to record the external surface temperatures of the heat pipe's condenser region and to infer what was internally happening between the air and water vapor in the condenser end. The primary focus of this paper is on the qualitative effects of air infiltration in a large, flat heat pipe.Flat Heat Pipe FabricationA flat heat pipe,1.22 m×0.305 m×0.0127 m, was fabricated from 50 mil Monel R400 metal sheets and Monel R400 screens, [10][11]. The heat pipe was designed to utilize water as the working fluid in an operational temperature range of 25°C to 130°C. Tw o layers of Monel screens were used, 40 mesh and 120 mesh. The purpose of the two different screen sizes was to design a wick of varying permeability.Long copper bars with fine radius edges were utilized to facilitate bending the heat pipe to the required dimensions. The two layers of screen were then placed on top of the vessel. The 120 mesh screen was then placed on the top of the 40 mesh screen to aid in the development of the capillary pumping head of this screen wick. The screen was then tack-welded to the vessel wall in regular intervals between the pin spacer locations. The Monel sheets and screens were then punched,making holes in the locations where the support pins were to be TIG welded. The 6.35 mm diameter pins were then cut to the proper length, milled, and deburred to fit into the necessary space. Figure 3depicts a section of the Monel sheets, screens and pins (Boughey, 1999). The gap size between the Monel sheets was approximately of 0.019mm. There were 15 rows, three pins per row of Monel pins, TIG welded to the face sheets.Figure 3.The sides of the two separate halves were welded together, carefully sequencing the welds and using a heat trap to minimize deformation.After this, the ends were welded on and the fill fitting was welded snug to the end. The pins were then placed in their proper spots and TIG welded on both sides of the heat pipe.Leak-testing and charging consisted in the fabrication of a charging apparatus. A 6.35 mm nipple was fitted to the fill end of the heat pipe (condenser) and mated to an air compressor. The heat pipe was then pressurized for leak testing. To leak test,soapy water was applied to the pressurized heat pipe in order to detect the leaks. Leaks would form bubbles in the soapy water. The heat pipe was allowed to sit pressurized over night and it was discovered that some very small leaks did exist. These were found by injecting a small amount of R134a into the heat pipe and "sniffing"it with a Yokogawa refrigerant leak detector. The leaks were then fixed. A bourdon tube pressure gage was mounted on the fill neck.Charging the heat pipe with working fluid was performed fairly simply. First, the heat pipe and charging assembly were mated to an oil diffusionvacuum pump and evacuated. In the fluid charging column was placed the correct amount of water to charge the heat pipe. These amounts were measured and marked, taking into account the volume that would occupy the fittings as well as the heat pipe.Once evacuation was complete, the valve attached to the vacuum pump and the valve attached to the heat pipe were closed and the vacuum pump was shut off. The valve attached to the fluid column was then opened, and the vacuum inside the fittings drew the water in to fully fill the pipe volume between the fittings. The heat pipe valve was then opened slightly to bleed in the necessary charge (as marked on the column). All valves were then closed and the charging apparatus removed. The heat pipe was charged to 125 percent of the porous volume that the screen wick contained.Thirty-eight (38), 20 AWG type K thermocouples were mounted on the heat pipe as shown in Fig.4. The thermocouples were soldered in place. The entire heat pipe was then painted flat black using Krylon paint. The emissivity of the black surface was measured as 0.94 at25°C by using thermocouple data on the heat pipe and calibrating the infrared camera with these data. Later, during operational tests, the surface emissivity was measured at 0.95 at 100°C.Figure 4.A heated plate, 0.304 m×0.304 m, was fabricated from 0.025 m thick aluminum stock. Eight equally spaced holes 15.8 mm in diameter were centered and drilled through the aluminum cross section. Eight1 KW Watlow firerod cartridge heaters, coated with heat sink compound, were inserted into the holes. The aluminum heater block was coated on one side with the heat sink compound on the side to be in contact with the heat pipe. A 0.304 m×0.304 m block of wood was then placed on the back side of the aluminum heater block and the wood/aluminum heater assembly was clamped to one side of the evaporator section. The entire heated evaporator section was then covered with thermal insulation. The thermocouples and cartridge heaters were then connected to a data acquisition system. Measurement uncertainty was +/–0.2°C per thermocouple channel and the heater input could be recorded+/–5W. A stand was fabricated so that the heat pipe could be operated at various angles of inclination.Experimental InvestigationData was taken for two types of heat pipe orientation and two different non-condensable gas loadings.Two gas loadings were selected in order to discern the effects caused by minor and major air leaks into the heat pipe. The first heat pipe orientation was horizontal. In this orientation the flat side of the heat pipe was parallel to the ground. In addition, the evaporator heater was on the side facing the ground, thus, the evaporator section was heated from below while the top portion of the evaporator section was adiabatic (thermal insulation was wrapped around the entire evaporator section). The second heat pipe orientation was vertical with the evaporator section placed below the condenser section. At25°C room temperature, the internal pressure of the heat pipe without gas loading would be the saturation pressure of the working fluid at 25°C, or approximately 3.14 kPa for water.Since this pressure represents a partial vacuum, it was very easy to bleed a little air into the heat pipe for the initial gas loading. For the first case, air was bled in until the pressure gage read 33 kPa.Assuming that the air would initially occupy the entire inside volume (0.00472 m3, approximately) at a partial pressure of 29.86 kPa and temperature of 25°C would mean that the air mass was approximately 0.00165 kg. The water fill was approximately400 cc.In addition to the thermocouple measurements for the evaporator and condenser sections, the condenser temperature was also monitored on the side adjacent to the heater by infrared videography.Thus, the entire condenser surface temperature could be monitored and the results would be indicative of what was happening internally with respect to the vapor and gas (air) interfaces. In other words, in a typical heat pipe with no air infiltration, the inside temperature difference between the evaporator and condenser can be very close to an isothermal condition. When a non-condensable gas is introduced, there can be significant temperature differences between where the gas is located in the condenser, and where the vapor is located. These temperature differences would affect the condenser surface temperature distribution and would easily show up on the infrared camera video tape. Hence, one could get a real time thermal image of what was physically happening inside the condenser end of the flat plate heat pipe should air infiltrate the system.The infrared camera video system was calibrated by using the thermocouple data. The heaters were turned on, and the internal temperature of the heat pipe,before air was added, was set at 100°C (internal pressure conditions equal to atmospheric conditions with water as the working fluid). The emissivity of the infrared camera was then dialed in until the IR camera was depicting a near isothermal condenser region at a temperature of 100°C. This emissivity was0.95. The IR camera system was now calibrated. Periodically, the emissivity would be checked by comparing thermocoupledata to IR data. There was a fluctuation in surface emissivity between 0.93and 0.95. Care was taken so as not to operate the flat heat pipe above 101 kPa internal conditions in order to prevent any puffing out along the heat pipe flat surfaces which might result in an emissivity calibration error,i.e., partial hemispherical surfaces. It was decided to only report the temperatures in this particular study using the IR camera since the IR camera data was within +/–1°C of the thermocouple data.With the heat pipe charged with water and air, the apparatus was set in the horizontal orientation and the heat input was set at 200 W. After stabilization of the heat pipe, which took approximately three hours due to the large thermal mass of the heat pipe, temperatures stabilized and IR video data was taken. The heat input was then changed to 400 W and IR data was taken again when the heat pipe temperatures appeared to stabilize. This procedure was followed up to a heat input value of 800 W. The heaters were then shut down and the heat pipe allowed to cool overnight. The next day,it was noticed that the heat pipe temperature was at24°C, but its internal pressure was at 65 kPa instead of the original 33 kPa, so apparently some leaks had developed. Whether these leaks developed overnight or during the data runs is not clear. The heat pipe was placed in the vertical orientation, and with approximately the same amount of initial air inserted the process was repeated. An effort was made to seal the heat pipe from leaks and attempt a run with no air, but this turned out to be very difficult to achieve with the welded pin fabrication scheme presently employed. However, many of the leaks were sealed and the horizontal and vertical heat pipe results for very little added air show a marked contrast to the "larger"added air results. It should also be pointed out that as the internal temperature of the working fluid approached 100°C with increasing heat input, the driving pressure difference from the room (atmospheric) and heat pipe internal pressure became negligible, hence,any air infiltration from the room under these conditions would be very slight. Finally, the materials used in welding the heat pipe might release non-condensable gases when the heat pipe is heated during experimentation.Experimental Results and DiscussionThe flat vapor-air interface profile, VCHP theory without a reservoir of Marcus and Fleischman [6] was used to compare with the horizontal flat heat pipe data.That theory expresses the evaporator heat input asIn the above equation, the heat input, Q, is equal to the product of the heat transfer coefficient, h, the condenser perimeter,C, the driving temperature difference, and the condenser length, L c.The last term on the right hand side represents the estimated inactive condenser length due to the presence of the non-condensable gas. This term is a rearrangement of the perfect gas law. Therefore, L c minus this length represents the active condenser length.Figures 5 and 6 show a comparison of the flat vapor-air profile theory by Marcus and Fleischman with the present data for the horizontal cases. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the theory shows that for no gas reservoir, the operating vapor temperature (and corresponding vapor pressure)goes up with increasing heat input. Thus, theory predicts that this heat pipe would not make a good VCHP without a gas reservoir. Moreover, the theory shows that for a moderate quantity of air in the range of 0 to0.01 kg, there seems to be very little effect on the vapor operating temperature due to the quantity of air.The upper air mass limit of 0.01 kg is actually greater than the mass of air the heat pipe could contain at 100 kPa and 25C (0.0055 kg). The actual data is also presented on Fig. 5. The case of0.0016 kg of air and the case with very little air, 0.0001 kg, appear to follow the Marcus and Fleischman trend only at a lower operating vapor temperature. This effect could be due to vapor mass diffusion into the air volume and heat pipe axial wall conduction which does not allow the non-active condenser end to completely prohibit heat transfer out of the heat pipe. This would lengthen the active condenser length at a given heat input and result in a lower operating vapor temperature. It is also suspected that the "insulated" evaporator section was losing heat to the atmosphere for the larger 0.0016 kg air mass case, hence, the entire prescribed heat input was not going entirely into the heat pipe. This conclusion is supported by observing the m= 0.0016 kg of air data on Figure 6. The active condenser length of that presented data appears at low heat inputs to fall very short of the length predicted by the Marcus and Fleischman theory. For the case of little included air,0.0001 kg, the present data appears to be a much better fit with the Marcus and Fleischman theory.Figure 5. Figure 6.Infrared (IR) Videographic ResultsThe following infrared videographic results are shown for the horizontal and vertical orientations. They are also shown in a side by side comparison at a specified heat input for the large (0.0016kg) and small (0.0001 kg) non-condensable gas loadings.A. Horizontal Orientation.Figures7and 8depict the large and small flat heat pipe gas loadings at a low heat input of 200W for the horizontal orientation. It is believed that the presence of air in the heat pipe system would locally inhibit condensation of the water vapor, thus, allowing the local condenser surface temperature (as seen by the IR camera) to drop. As can be seen, the amount of non-condensable gas present in the heat pipe shows remarkable differences in the condenser surface temperature distribution. For the large gas loading, the condenser area is essentially blocked by the air, thus prohibiting effective heat transfer. This region in Fig. 7 shows a temperature very close to the ambient room temperature because the heat pipe is hard to see (an approximate outline has been drawn in). In contrast, Fig. 8 depicts a larger active condenser region that is above the ambient temperature. Itis further believed that the heat pipe in Figure 7has not primed very well. This may be due to the presence of the non-condensable (air), or the heater on the evaporator was not in good thermal conduct. In any event, for a heat input of 200 W, a higher operating temperature in the active condensing region was expected.Figure 7. Figure 8.Figures9and 10show the large and small gas loading cases at heat inputs of approximately 500 W. These pictures are more typical of the expected results for a water heat pipe with an air loading. In Fig. 9, the gas is compressed towards the end of the condenser region where the fill pipe is located. This is because as the heat input increases, the working fluid operating temperature and pressure for the heat pipe increases and the vapor pushes the air slug back and compresses it. This lengthens the activecondenser surface so that the heat input is now rejected through a larger condenser surface area. This increase in active condenser length, however, is not enough to maintain an isothermal vapor temperature as in a well designed VCHP. Thus,the heat pipe's internal temperature and pressure increase. Figure 10for the small air loading case shows that for approximately the same heat input value, 450 W, the air is compressed almost entirely to the back of the condenser region.Figure 9. Figure 10.Figures 11and 12depict the large and small gas loadings at a heat input of 800 W. In Fig.11, the surface temperature profile indicates that the air is compressed almost to the end of the condenser section on the right side, but not quite pushed all the way back on the left side, in fact, there is still a small cooler air pocket present in the condenser end. To corroborate the IR data depiction, one could feel, by placing a hand on that area of the condenser surface,that the far left region was indeed cooler than the bulk of the condenser surface. Figure 12 shows the condenser surface temperature to be almost at a uniform 95–100°C. In Fig. 11, the active condenser surface temperature is in the100–105°C range which is reasonable considering a portion of its condenser surface is cooler due to the presence of air.The horizontal figures show typical behavior for a large flat heat pipe with a large and small amount of air loading. This would be the case if air infiltrated a hermetically sealed heat pipe through cracks in the welds and leaks in the system valves. It should also be pointed out that after the tests of both cases, it was determined that more air appeared to have infiltrated the systems.This was confirmed by taking final pressure readings when the heat pipe cooled down. For the large air case, the initial pressure reading was 33 kPa at 25°C, and the final pressure reading was near 60 kPa at 25°C. For the small air case the initial pressure reading was 3.4kPa at 25°C (almost free of air), and 10 kPa at 25°C as the final reading, thus some air did infiltrate the small gas case. The reasons for the air infiltration were the Monel pins and welds. There were 45pins that served as the internal support structure for this heat pipe, hence 90 welds. It was very hard to keep all welds intact, especially during the thermal cycling of the tests, i.e., on/off, etc.Figure 11. Figure 12.B. Vertical Orientation.The next series of infrared images, Figures 13,14,15,16,17,18, show the operation of the air infiltrated flat heat pipe in a vertical orientation. For this orientation, the evaporator section was located below the condenser section.The heat input range was again 200–800 W. Figure 13depicts the large gas loaded case at a heat input of 200 W. As can be seen, the only active portion of the condenser region is in the lower left corner adjacent to the evaporator section (not seen because it was covered with thermal insulation hence the evaporator appears cooler than the condenser on the IR videotape). The heat pipe condenser was operating asymmetrically and the air appears to cover most of the condenser heat transfer area. Figure 14shows the condenser surface to be more active at 200 W for the small gas loading case. In fact, two thirds of the condenser surface is believed to be actively condensing as indicated by the fairly uniform surface temperature on the order of 33°C. Also seen are some thermocouple wires which are the yellow lines in the picture. The cool spots on both sides of the heat pipe are the PVC clamps.Figure 13. Figure 14.Figure 15. Figure 16.Figure 17. Figure 18.At a heat input of 400 W for the large gas loading, Fig. 15, the heat pipe condenser is operating in a highly asymmetric fashion. The active condenser region is believed to be the growing "finger" on the left.The air which is believed to be depicted by the lower temperature blue `color' is in the middle and along the right edge. The air inside the condenser section is almost 18°C cooler than the water vapor (white/red). Anestimation of the effect of the thermal resistance due to the condensate falling film thickness on outside surface temperature showed that for a range of condensate film thickness between 0.5 to2.0 mm, the surface temperature variation should only be about5°C. What apparently is happening is that as the water vapor gets hotter due to the increase in heat input,it becomes less dense that the cooler air, and since the air has no place to go, a buoyancy driven flow field is believed to be established. The cooler air is more dense than the water vapor and sinks. The asymmetrical flow could have been established by non-uniformities in the evaporator heat flux, which was established by eight cartridge heaters inside an aluminum block, and the entire block coated with heat sink compound on the side in contact with the evaporator. Any gaps in the heater block to the evaporator surface caused by surface warpage could create a non-uniform heating environment. The Monel surface of the heat pipe did exhibit some warpage after the welding processes. The green regions are indicative of a more diffused water-air mixture if one assumes the internal pressure of the heat pipe at any given operating heat input is fairly constant. Due to the relatively large cross sectional area of the vapor core, 0.00387 m2,the vapor velocities for the present heat input range are very low. Thus, the observed condenser surface temperature distributions are not believed to be caused by differences in pressure due to the vapor velocity from one part of the condenser to another.The 400 W input small air infiltration case is shown in Fig. 16. The condenser surface temperatures appear to be more symmetrical, but buoyancy effects are still present.As can be seen, the water vapor appears to rise up along both edges of the condenser section. The non-condensable air appears to sink slightly in the central portion. It is interesting to note that in the horizontal orientation, the air was more readily compressed towards the fill pipe. Buoyancy effects for the horizontal orientation were minimal. In the vertical orientation, air-water vapor buoyancy effects are more pronounced due to the influence of gravity. It would be interesting to conduct a future study of varying aspect ratios involving the width and depth of the vapor flow channel, with the heat pipe length. Also of interest would be to compare these results to cylindrical gas loaded/air infiltrated heat pipes with varying aspect ratios involving internal vapor flow diameter and heat pipe length.Figures 17and 18depict the 800 W heat input cases for the large and small air infiltrations, respectively.The large air case, Fig. 17 shows the same general trend as Fig. 15. Figure 18depicts a buoyant effect much like a "lava" lamp.Conclusions。